China and the future


While official Beijing assures the world that the Chinese foreign policy concept of “common destiny” promises harmony, prosperity and “good for all” to humanity, Samantha Hoffman, a leading analyst at the Australian Institute for Strategic Policy’s International Center for Cyber ​​Policy, argues that China’s true desire is to transform the whole world in Chinese patterns of high-tech management based on traditional Confucian values. (See: Aurora News Agency, E. Larina, “Chairman Xi: data is preferable to words,” November 23, 2019). Exposing “Chinese insidiousness” is, of course, one of the main tasks of Western analysts, as, incidentally, the desire to “blow up strategic fog” is China’s usual way of communicating with the outside world. Therefore, in order not to be bogged down in Western bias towards China on the one hand, but not to “buy into” the natural disagreements and deliberate distortions that are natural for China, based on the global audience, on the other hand, let’s try to think about what they write about for the sake of greater objectivity The Chinese themselves are communicating with each other and apparently not really wondering how their reasoning is perceived by a foreign audience.

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The blogosphere of China’s revelations is Zhi Hu’s website (translated: “Know!”). Anonymous Material "Will China Overtake the US?" Will it be the first power in the world? ” (August 24, 2018):

“One can dream of becoming the first power in the world, but there is no need to set a specific goal to achieve world leadership, for it is easy to make mistakes on this path, especially when you strive for a goal without choosing ways to achieve it.

What is considered the rise of China? Politically, the rise of China means its transformation into a significant force that balances the United States, the European Union, Russia, the Middle East, into a force that influences the formation and maintenance of world order. Economically, the rise of China means its transformation into one of the three largest economies along with the United States and the European Union. In quantitative terms, the Chinese economy has almost caught up with the US and EU economies, but so far inferior to them qualitatively, and overcoming precisely this kind of lag is the direction of China's further efforts. Discussions about the hegemony of China are unnecessary, there is no reason to talk about where China will strike, where its boot will set foot. The policy of hegemony is fraught with problems that you first take upon yourself, and then strive to shift them to someone else, as in the parable of a man who first puts his own horse on his saddle and then looks for someone to replace him with for this activity. ”

(In the modern “strategic triangle” of the United States - China - Russia, China, unlike the United States and Russia, does not have historical experience of military-political world domination, so the prospects are in the real role of the global military-political hegemon (“where to strike, where to step with a boot ") look risky and frightening for him. At the same time, China wants, is ready and constantly demonstrates this, to proclaim the concept of a“ common destiny of mankind "and involving other countries in being equal to world" centers of power ", influencing the formation of world order his initiative “The Belt and the Way.” As Sharikov used to say: “I will take military records, and fight - shish!” - A. Sh.).

“In the world of the future, balancing centers of power will be presented. First, the US-led American Union. The United States will focus on the consolidation of both Americas. But this will be a minimum task: being the undisputed leader of the American continent, relying on its rich natural resources and huge population, the USA will eventually become the first power of the future and create a new Western civilization, different from the European one. Secondly, the European Union, the old western civilization. The contours of the European Union have already been formed; in the next century it will be increasingly consolidated, but this process will not be linear and smooth. Thirdly, the East Asian Union. It seems that consolidation processes will take place in Northeast and Southeast Asia, as in the era of the power of ancient China. The core of this consolidation process in East Asia will be China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, North Korea, Vietnam - the countries where the largest human and material resources are concentrated, the East Asian Union will become the center of East Asian civilization. Fourth, Middle Eastern civilization as a kind of Arab civilization, which, due to the possession of rich natural resources and in the process of scientific and technological development, will acquire a secular character, will become an independent center of power, a pole. Fifth, the African Union. Outlines of this union are indicated. Africa is a continent where ultimately the modernization of mankind will begin, African countries will develop rapidly with the help of other states and unions, the population of Africa exceeding a billion people, its rich natural resources, the activation of the productive forces of African countries will renew the face of the continent, which was formerly called hopeless, will make it one of the most developing. One can only imagine how developed capital construction will be in Africa, what roads and railways will be built connecting African states, ports on the western and eastern coasts of the continent, included in the first hundred ports of the world, as the level of education of Africans will be higher and higher. Of course, this whole process will be slow, it will take many years, but as a result, a new type of force will appear on the African continent, taking part in peacebuilding. And there are still many other states and regions, for example, Russia and Central Asia, South Asia, where India is the main one, etc., and for each of them a specific analysis is needed.

When all of the above alliances are finally consolidated and formed, humanity will enter a new era of its comprehensive prosperity and development. Of course, on this difficult, winding long-term path, much will not happen as described above, but the main tendency of world development will be just that. ”

(The Chinese futurologist, like official Beijing, sees the distant future, the world of universal development and prosperity, through the traditional Confucian prism of “great unity.” But the path to “great unity” for this futurologist does not lie through global concepts and initiatives of the Chinese state with a smack “ “Chinese hegemony”, and through relatively independent processes of forming the five main world power centers balancing each other, where China is assigned the role of just one of the key states of the “East Asian Union.” The Chinese author speaks of China’s global leadership as a philosophical dream, but not as a practical goal to which one must strive at all costs. He does not see Russia at all in the top five world centers of power of the future. - A. Sh.).

China’s entry into the world of global civilization gave him access to the advanced achievements of mankind, made him one of the creators of these achievements, but at the same time “awarded” the inevitable “diseases” of globalism capitalistically. An expert in the field of industry, Liu Pinjie, discusses this topic on the Zhi Hu website on April 7, 2017 in the article “How will Chinese society change in five years?”

"Population. Within five years, the working-age population of China will decline from 5 million to 10 million people a year. In 2023, the working-age population of China will decline by 11 million. In the future, the working-age population of China will be reduced by more than 10 million people a year. According to forecasts, by 2025, a reduction in the number of able-bodied people in China will cause a decrease in economic growth in China by 1%. Between 2013 and 2016, the number of deaths in China consistently amounted to 9 million 700 thousand people per year, but over the next 5 years the number of deaths in China will exceed 10 million people per year. In 2035, when the decline in the total population of China begins, it will not exceed 1 billion 450 million people.

In the future, due to rising prices, the real estate market will become unprofitable, the most growing and prosperous in China will be 1) medicine; 2) social sphere; 3) the funeral industry. Gradually, there will be a shortage of financing of social and medical insurance in China, so the reform of the pension system, social security system, and medical care system in China will be carried out in the same way as the reform of the medical care system in the USA. Without reforming the pension system, the social and medical welfare systems in China today, the problems associated with them will be postponed for the future and will inevitably worsen.

Education. In five years, out of every 100 thousand people in China, there will be more than 15 thousand people with a university level of culture.

Economy. In parallel with the reduction in the number of able-bodied people, the scope of application of robotics and automated equipment is expanding in China, the level of qualification of the population is increasing, and overall labor productivity and labor productivity per capita continue to grow. In turn, the continued economic development of China contributes both to raising the level of science and technology in the country, and to increasing competition in the industry.

When the current round of growth in housing prices ends in China, they will roll back and stabilize for 2-3 years. Over the past few years, housing prices have also jumped briefly in countries such as New Zealand, Canada, and the United States. Foreign media and foreign think tanks have been talking year after year about the debt and economic crisis in China, about Chinese ghost towns, about the water crisis in China, but in the next 10 years the likelihood of economic crises in China will be lower than in Europe and Japan. However, if there is no large-scale economic crisis in the leading economies of the world (Chinese, American, European, Japanese), further growth in property prices in China in the long run will be inevitable. Due to high housing prices in the four economically largest cities in China (Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen), these cities will become the most expensive in the world, bypassing Monaco, Xiangang, London and New York. The main and inevitable cause of rising housing prices in China is the huge population of the country.

Sino-US relations. If China’s economic growth, due to its technical development, compensates for the economic damage from declining working-age population, China will continue the race for the United States. If technical development does not provide China with a technical advantage over Europe and the United States, and China will remain in the middle and bottom of the international division of labor, then taking into account the gradual decline in the well-being of the population, taking into account environmental problems and problems associated with the lack of natural resources, the Chinese economy it will be difficult to beat the American.

The United States and Russia only through the sale of oil, forests, minerals, agricultural products can be richer than China. The United States has much more oil reserves than China, the United States is the first in the world in terms of explored oil fields. The United States is among the top ten countries in the world with the highest water resources per capita, while China is one of the 13 countries in the world with the most limited water resources. In terms of mineral reserves, the United States is not inferior to Australia and Brazil, while the US population is four times less than in China. In order to negate the natural advantages of the United States, China will need to surpass its opponent in the scientific and technological field.

However, even if a relative decline in US economic potential occurs over the next few years, it will still be difficult for China to surpass the United States.

With the continuous technological development of China, the nature of Sino-US economic relations is changing, they cease to be complementary and gradually become competing. However, this does not mean that Sino-US economic competition will ultimately end in war. weapons. So, a few years ago, China purchased computer and service equipment from the American company IBM, and, possibly, in a few years, Chinese Tensent, one of the largest investment and venture capital companies, will have a controlling stake in the American electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla; the Chinese company Alibaba will become a shareholder of the largest company in the market of e-commerce platforms - the American Amazon, and the Chinese company Hua Wei will become a shareholder of one of the world leaders in the production of PCs and software - the American Apple. In turn, perhaps even more US companies will become shareholders in Chinese enterprises, even giants such as China National Petroleum and Gas Corporation (CNPC) and China Integrated Energy and Chemical Company (Sinopec). ”

(Regarding Tensent, the owner of the largest Chinese social network WeChat, whose services are used by 889 million people every month, the optimism of the Chinese author was explained by the fact that in March 2017 this company acquired a 5% stake in Tesla for 1,8 billion In the spring of 2019, Amazon admitted defeat to Alibaba in China, and now the competition between the two largest e-commerce platforms has unfolded on the European, in particular, Russian markets. According to Strategy Analitics, in the second quarter of 2019, Samsung took the first place in the global smartphone market (76,3 million devices, an increase in supply by 1,9%), the second place is Hua Wei (58,7 million devices, an increase in supply by 1,7%), Apple is in third place (38 million devices, 0,7% reduction in shipments. - A. Sh.).

“Without the economic community of China and the US, China’s free trade zones (FTAs) would not make any sense.”

(The first Chinese FTZ was established on September 29, 2013 in Shanghai, since then 12 FTZs have been created, the construction of the twelfth one began in April 2018 on Hainan Island. - A. Sh.).

“The US has spent $ 6 trillion on the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. If a war starts between China and the United States, the cost of such a war will amount to tens of trillions of dollars. In addition to enriching Europe, there will be no benefit from such a war. ”

(In principle, earning more than the United States is, of course, the cherished dream of modern China, but he understands that in the foreseeable future it is unlikely that he can objectively pass the United States in direct economic competition. Therefore, some kind of “economic community "with the United States as a close economic partnership with the USSR in the 50s of the 20th century, when China's growth was ensured by drawing closer to an economically more powerful partner in the socialism camp. At the initial stage of the policy of" reform and openness "in the early 80s In the 20s of the 50th century, China was able to significantly become closer to the “camp of capitalism”, which was economically stronger then himself, and, like in the 20s of the 70th century, it benefited from rapprochement with the USSR, win again in its development, this time from economic rapprochement with the West. Today, China is no less interested in economic rapprochement with the West, primarily with the United States, and even more from this rapprochement. However, the “trade frictions", the "trade wars" unleashed by the Americans, who "saw the light" and perceive China no longer as a counterweight to the USSR / Russia, as in the 20s of the XNUMXth century, but as their most direct, economic in the first place a rival’s turn destroys China’s plans to move closer to a stronger economy in order to achieve its own benefits. Thinking of what to do next, China is still responding to American economic pressure with counter-sanctions, according to its ancient principle of "answer the one who attacked you first so as to curb it so that it does not attack you again." - A. Sh.).

“The problem of Taiwan. I do not think that China will unite before 2025. It is not yet possible to solve the Taiwan problem because the masses are not sufficiently active in resolving it. On both sides of the Taiwan Strait, people simply do not want to hear each other.

Change of social contradictions. Previously, the key contradiction of Chinese society was the contradiction between the growing material and cultural needs of the people and backward production, but now this contradiction has been eliminated. Now, backward production is left in the past, and a huge amount of goods has appeared. Now you can buy, and buy very quickly, any thing that is in the world. Thus, the problem of the growing material and cultural needs of the people somehow gradually lost its significance. At the same time, social stratification becomes flashy, which entails nihilism, worship of the "golden calf", populism, extremism. All this will be the reality of China in the coming years. ”

Zhi Hu website, January 30, 2019, a user of Fekda (Fekda is a star in the Big Bucket asterism of the constellation Ursa Major. - A.Sh.), article “Will China become a developed state?”, Chapter 5 “Future”.

“After the great turmoil, widespread restoration of order is necessary, and then peace comes to the empire for a hundred years. The old generation is leaving, the next generation is prospering, prospering and the next generation ... there is an upsurge, and material resources are concentrated in the hands of clan representatives, social strata are consolidating, the society is doomed to the “curse of thingism”, new “social elevators” are opening, and a new “ golden age". In the next 50 years, the era of the "clan aristocracy" begins and the decline in the birth rate accompanying this era, and the more developed the economy, the lower the birth rate in society. Thus, according to statistics from 2016, China ranked 160th in the world in terms of fertility, Japan - 180th, Xiangang - 195th, and South Korea was “the first from the end”. That is, the "golden age" creates enormous material wealth in society, but the population is decreasing. And if China loses in global competition, it will have to achieve an advantage by increasing the birth rate. ”

(The Chinese author, in principle, described the period of the newest stories China and its foreseeable future. "The End of the Great Troubles" is the formation of the PRC in 1949. “Broad rule of law" is the period of China’s basic economic development and domestic political turmoil before Deng Xiaoping came to power and the beginning of the “reform and openness” policy, which was launched by the decisions of the 3rd Plenum of the CPC Central Committee of the 11th convocation in December 1978. The “centennial pacification” in China that ensued after the “widening of order”, therefore, should last until the 80s of the 21st century. The Chinese author divides the period of this “centennial pacification” into two 50-year stages. In accordance with his logic, the first 50th anniversary should end at the turn of the 20s and 30s, which corresponds to the officially proclaimed “complete building of a society of prosperity” by the centenary of the founding of the CCP in 21, and then the implementation of the state program "Made in China 2021", which implies the transformation of China by 2025 into a "powerful industrial power", surpassing Germany and Japan in terms of industrial production. During the second fiftieth anniversary of the Golden Age, predicted by the Chinese author as the "era of the" clan aristocracy ", the officially planned task of building a" prosperous, democratic and cultural country of socialism "by the centenary of the founding of the PRC in 2035 should be solved in China. . However, according to the Chinese author, the second fifty years of “centennial pacification” in China, which should begin in the 2049s of the 30st century, will be characterized by a noticeable decrease in the number of able-bodied people, which may complicate the solution of the historical problems facing the country, creating problems and for its economy and to ensure the mobilization resource it needs. - A. Sh.).

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If we talk about whether China has openly aggressive plans for the future, then, probably, in this connection it is worth recalling its modern concept of "strategic defense" in combination with the possibility of an "operational-tactical attack" on the enemy who attacked first. (See: “White Paper. National Defense of China in a New Era,” Ministry of Defense of the People's Republic of China, July 24, 2019. - A. Sh.)

The basic concept of an "active defense strategy" has officially existed in China since March 1956. In the 60s - the first half of the 80s of the 20th century, this concept was mainly oriented towards the strategic defense of the northern borders of China from the USSR, the military threat from which the Chinese took all these years absolutely seriously. Then the leadership of the country and the masses sincerely believed that Soviet troops concentrated on the western and especially on the eastern sections of the Sino-Soviet border could attack China at any moment, and the deployment of the Soviet military contingent, the 39th Soviet army in the MPR , literally a few hundred kilometers from Beijing and from the strategic internal regions of the PRC, these fears were brought to a state of hysterical counter-aggression, which at times flashed into armed clashes on the Soviet-Chinese border. In the second half of the 80s of the 20th century, having managed to normalize interstate relations with the land northern neighbor for the long term and on very favorable military-political conditions, the Central Military Council of the CPC, aka the Central Military Council of the People's Republic of China, and the PLA General Staff concentrated its focus on the development of the basic concept of an “active defense strategy” as applied not primarily to the PLA Ground Forces (SV), but to the PLA Navy, as well as to the PLA Air Force to counter military threats from ocean directions to China’s mainland coast of more than 18 thousand kilometers. Today, the focus of attention of the Chinese military planning a “strategic defense” combined with an “tactical offensive” is focused on the so-called “near sea”, by which they mean not only a 200-mile sea zone off the coast of mainland China, but and the entire water area of ​​the Yellow Sea, East China Sea, South China Sea, the water area adjacent to the Nansha (Spratly) archipelago, the island of Taiwan, a group of Okinawa islands, as well as the water area of ​​the North Pacific Ocean. The main model of the use of military forces and means fleet and military aviation China in these areas are "asymmetric measures" that prevent the invasion of enemy forces. Western experts call this model A2 / AD (anti-access / area denial), "restricting access, maneuvering and preventing them", that is, deterring the enemy (for China today it is the Navy and the US Air Force and their allies in the "near sea") using a complex of various weapons, primarily missile ones, by creating an increased threat to the deployment of enemy forces in areas protected by China, especially in the South China Sea.

Such a military strategy of China is completely dependent on the current military-political situation in the Asia-Pacific region, since taking into account the Indo-Pacific strategy of the United States, aimed at military-political deterrence of China, the Chinese military is increasingly focusing on the southern and southeastern strategic directions.

But if the long land border with Russia and, in addition, the border with the MPR for China are no longer a source of military threat; if the status quo with a greater or lesser degree of tension is maintained on the high western borders with powerful India - a strategic partner of the United States; if in the southeast, in the Asia-Pacific region, China and a large American military contingent with the closest US military allies in the region (Japan, Kazakhstan, Australia) walk in front of each other “along the edge of the red line”, “trunk to trunk”; if China really wants, but cannot "pull the Taiwan splinter" out of its own "soft underbelly"; if in the east the DPRK was, is and will be for China “lips protecting teeth”, then in the south there is a state in which, like 40 years ago, one can, if appropriate and relatively unpunished, try to demonstrate his undisguised rhetoric of the “common good” and “Harmony” is a growing force. And, most importantly, the “resolution of the issue” with Vietnam allows China to gain a foothold on the strategic frontier along the logistics routes of the Chinese initiative “21st Century Maritime Silk Road,” which means, first of all, the spread of China’s economic influence in such important regions of the world, as the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea and further access to the Mediterranean Sea, Africa.

An anonymous user discusses this topic on the Zhi Hu website in the article “What does the South China Sea mean for Vietnam?” (January 17, 2016):

“For Vietnam, the South China Sea is an outlet to the Pacific Ocean. Therefore, the Chinese borders in the Chinese interpretation of the sea borders in the South China Sea practically allow China to lock Vietnam off its own coast, just like US control over the “first island line” (Japan Islands, Taiwan, Philippine Islands, Sunda Islands. - A. Sh.) Creates a blockade of China.

For China, the South China Sea is an outlet to the Indian Ocean, so to speak, "the whole world is Celestial in the sight of the Chinese ruler." For China, losing the South China Sea is like losing your legs. ”

(A feature of Chinese foreign policy is to wait for the right moment, the right conditions to achieve the desired result. That’s why the calm reasoning of Chinese users about whether, and, if possible, how, to inflict another (after 1979) attack on Vietnam Reading these arguments, it is believed that if there really is a “favorable situation” in the region, in other words, if the US first of all closes its eyes for some reason, China will really hit Vietnam, discarding its tinsel about the “common destiny” of mankind. ”- A. Sh.).

Zhi Hu website, an anonymous user, article “Can China strike Vietnam with a landing force from the South China Sea?” (July 1, 2017):

“You can first deliver a fire attack directly on the territory of Vietnam, or you can first land troops there, but it’s best not to disclose plans for this at all. Let's talk about the possibility of a Sino-Vietnamese war with the non-intervention of other states.

In naval battles in the waters of the South China Sea and in air battles over it (if this happens), modern PLA and air forces, possessing an overwhelming superiority over the naval and air forces of Vietnam, will quickly destroy them in a month. Thus, a month after the outbreak of hostilities, the PLA will have the opportunity to land troops in Vietnam under the guise of the Chinese navy and aircraft. Fighting with Vietnam can also begin in the reverse order, directly from the landing of PLA troops on its territory, which is probably not as effective as the first option. Of course, all these are not calculated conclusions, but general, vague reasoning. However, in any case, it is indisputable that, given a favorable set of circumstances, a direct fire strike deep into Vietnamese territory is completely justified.

The possibilities of the SV PLA are not in doubt; in the event of a war with Vietnam, the question will not be whether the SV PLA will be able to win, but what will such a war cost China. If the PLA encounters difficulties in battles in the mountainous regions of North Vietnam, then thanks to the PLAA gaining dominance in the air and the PLA’s Navy gaining dominance at sea, the PLA aircraft will be able to completely disrupt the supply of Vietnamese troops in North Vietnam with bombing attacks. But even without the occupation of Vietnamese territory, a rapid fire attack from the waters of the South China Sea against the deep rear and at significant sites will cause an internal crisis in Vietnam, and thus China’s political goals will be achieved. ”

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So, is it true, according to an Australian analyst, that China “seeks to transform the whole world into Chinese patterns of high-tech governance based on traditional Confucian values”? Maybe. How is it also possible that in the vaults of the Chinese centers for strategic military decision-making there are plans to defeat Vietnam and complete control of China over the South China Sea, plans to deter and defeat American and allied forces on the "first island line" and on the "second island line" (Japanese islands, Guam island, Northern Mariana Islands, Pacific island groups to the coast of Northern Australia. - A. Sh.), Plans to conquer Taiwan and defeat India, even plans to deploy naval infrastructure of the PLA along the routes of the Silk Road Maritime 21 century ”. And, perhaps, in some very deep and secret Chinese safes in a tiny little inconspicuous daddy there is a plan for the very distant future, when “under favorable circumstances” China will be able to try to oust the Russians in Siberia and the Russian Far East, as it is in recent history, By the way, he already did it twice: in 1929 on the CER and at the end of 1942 in Xinjiang.

In short, China may have the most incredible plans, perhaps even those that we do not know about. If we resort to allegory, China is a Dragon, a powerful creature and therefore dangerous by definition, but, most importantly, it is a mysterious, obscure creature. Run and shout: "China seeks to transform the world based on traditional Confucian values!", "China will conquer Siberia someday!" and so on, it is completely pointless and completely unproductive. The only thing that can be done in order to try to understand the deep intentions of China and, if necessary, counteract them: continue to study the Dragon in a real way in their own national interests.
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  1. -6
    25 June 2020 06: 10
    In a word, China may have the most incredible plans, perhaps even those that we are not aware of.

    smile Ina of this shaky foundation, China is seen as a threat to peace ...
    personally, I do not see a threat from China to our country, despite the needs of China in our resources ... our country is able to protect itself from China’s expulsion.
    Much more dangerous for us is the threat from Brussels and the United States seeking to destroy our country from the inside and through economic sanctions.
    Everything is known in comparison ... how China behaves in relation to us and how the Anglo-Saxons behave in relation to us ... in completely different ways.
    Recently, from China they want to make a bugbear of fear ... do not give in to such provocations.
    1. +5
      25 June 2020 08: 47
      Are you by any chance an employee of Rin Ribao?
    2. +15
      25 June 2020 09: 03
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      I personally do not see a threat from China to our country, despite China's needs for our resources ..

      In the World, when the resources are finite and the availability of resources determines the survival of a civilization or people, it is naive to suppose ... It is about the same as if a tiger were sitting hungry and a rabbit was attached and the rabbit would think that the tiger would not eat it. .
      Recently, from China they want to make a bugbear of fear ... do not give in to such provocations

      We don’t have friends, but we don’t need to be afraid, we can only cope by becoming an economically strong state and technically advanced .. in this case, friends will appear .. well, otherwise they will pull Russia away in 50 years .. given the annual population decline, such territory does not hold ..
      Hence the conclusion that you need to be a developed state in all spheres, with a powerful army and science and with your own ideology, and then no enemy is terrible, and friends will be "drawn" right away.
    3. -5
      25 June 2020 13: 11
      Dear Lech, unfortunately, anti-Chinese hysteria, categorically unacceptable to both real facts and elementary common sense, is gaining momentum. So your comment immediately caused rejection among the adherents to write down the eastern neighbor as "external enemies." Well, China does not need Drang nah Russen, absolutely not needed. China views Russia as, if not a friend and ally (China is trying not to have such), then as a partner. In the Chinese press, the thought constantly slips that Russia is, albeit not an equivalent, but at least some kind of counterbalance to the United States. See for yourself: in the international arena, the PRC often acts in tandem with Russia. China has not joined the anti-Russian sanctions. Although he did not officially recognize the return of Crimea to the Russian Federation, he unequivocally made it clear that he does not consider the Crimean problem significant, and indeed some kind of problem. The West did not even wait for the formal condemnation of Russia by Beijing. China does not take part in anti-Russian campaigns regularly organized in the West (not only Crimea, but also for many other reasons). The main goal of the PRC today is to build up its economic power. Any military adventure (especially against a country with nuclear weapons) is a blow to the economy. Therefore, the Chinese are not even going to return their Taiwan by military means. Yes, China is not going to sacrifice its own interests for the sake of any other country, including Russia. But it is precisely these interests that require maintaining normal relations between the PRC and its northern neighbor. And not only now, but also in the foreseeable future.
      1. +9
        25 June 2020 14: 24
        History teaches you nothing. Have you forgotten how in the 1950s we were friends with China and helped him in everything? And this did not prevent a conflict from occurring on the Damansky Peninsula literally 10 years later, where Soviet border guards were killed, whom yesterday's "friends" literally cut to pieces. This was accompanied by a sharp rise in anti-Soviet sentiments in the cities of the PRC, fueled by the authorities. What did this lead to? The long-term cooling of relations between our countries (up to the 90s) and the strengthening of cooperation between the PRC and the United States (by the way, the rapid growth of the economy and industry of the PRC is largely due to the Americans). Now China is striving for leadership in the world economy and military power. And the fact that the Chinese authorities and the media are demonstrating an apparent friendliness towards Russia (while actively exporting raw materials from Russia) does not mean that they will do the same in 10 years.
        I do not call for making enemy No. 1 from China, but they are not and will not be our friends. Interaction with Russia is beneficial to China at this historical stage to solve its problems and achieve ambitious goals.
        1. +1
          25 June 2020 14: 26
          Quote: Greenwood
          Have you forgotten how in the 1950s we were friends with China and helped him in everything? And this did not stop literally 10 years later from the conflict on the Damansky Peninsula, where Soviet border guards were killed, whom yesterday's "friends" literally cut to pieces.

          So it is Khrushchev with his de-Stalinization to blame.
          1. +6
            25 June 2020 14: 28
            Is Khrushchev to blame for cutting people? Oh well.
            1. -1
              25 June 2020 14: 32
              Quote: Greenwood
              Is Khrushchev to blame for cutting people? Oh well.

              When Khrushchev began to vilify Stalin, the Chinese were very offended.
              1. AAK
                25 June 2020 23: 06
                Khrushch began to "vilify" Stalin in 1955, lost his posts and became a pensioner in 1964, the events on Damanskoye took place in 1968, it turns out that the Chinese have been saving up resentment for 13 years and only then found a way out for them?
                1. +1
                  25 June 2020 23: 36
                  the Chinese have accumulated 13 years of resentment

                  Let's just say Mao is not doing very well - the failure of the "Great Leap Forward" and the "Cultural Revolution" are in full swing, so they turned the arrows to the external enemy - the USSR, at the same time the conflict (as well as the financial crisis and defeat in Vietnam) demonstrated the rupture of relations between China and the Union. as a consequence of the "miracle" of ping - pong diplomacy and foreign investment in the Chinese economy.
                2. 0
                  28 June 2020 19: 51
                  "After 1953, nationalists and careerists-bribe-takers came to power on the ground in the USSR. Covered from the Kremlin. When the time comes, they will throw off their masks, throw away their membership cards and openly rule their counties like feudal lords and serf-owners ..." Mao .. ...

                  So he would be wrong ??
        2. +1
          25 June 2020 16: 15
          It is precisely this story that teaches that bulling in politics turns out to be more expensive. Why friendship with China in the 60s gave way to hostility? Because both countries began to prove to each other who is the main in the socialist world, and who correctly interpret Marx and Lenin. Now the Russian Federation and China do not prove anything to each other, and border disputes are resolved at the state level. That China is not a faithful friend and ally - and so it is obvious, but not an enemy.
          1. -2
            25 June 2020 18: 53
            And to this we must add the inexperienced and radical Mao standing in the management of China in those years.
        3. +1
          25 June 2020 16: 18
          By the way, about "active export of raw materials from Russia." In fact, they pay for this raw material. Why does the same export to Finland, as well as other European countries, not bother us, but trade with China causes righteous anger? Why do we export raw materials? Because we have nothing more to offer China.
      2. +1
        25 June 2020 19: 33
        I suggest you visit Vladivostok, chat with local people. Well, or to Blagoveshchensk nakraynyak. Your views will become much wider.
        1. +1
          26 June 2020 05: 24
          I suggest you not to consider every foreigner who came to Russia as an invader and an occupier. In Vladivostok and Blagoveshchensk (as well as other border cities of the Far East), the Chinese are full for the reason that traveling there from China is no more difficult than from Lipetsk to Voronezh. Basically, there are shuttle traders, traders and small businessmen making gesheft at the cross-border exchange. I also suggest going to a border Chinese city and see how many Russians are there. But for some reason, the Chinese are not shouting that Russian dominance is around and that soon the Russians will capture Manchuria and the province of Heilongjiang.
          1. +1
            26 June 2020 19: 55
            The mentality is different. Here are the Chinese - very arrogant, well, i.e. on their part, this is not arrogance - just if they are allowed to do this - then why not. And we have modesty very many vaccinated.
            Do not play here to dislike foreigners. What kind of manipulation with words ??
    4. +1
      26 June 2020 09: 10
      China is primarily the CCP, which has been able to build a super modern, advanced country in 75 years. Without kings, presidents and general secretaries. And comrade Mao died in high esteem in old age and in PENSION.
      1. 0
        26 June 2020 19: 57
        China - raised. He was raised for something. That truth did not happen. And now, as it were, they are shoving him back into his place, but he does not want to.
    5. +1
      26 June 2020 11: 45
      - You just need to remember what an excellent cooperation there was between Germany and the USSR from September 1939 to June 1941. It was impossible to dream of the best!
  2. +7
    25 June 2020 06: 24
    Beijing assures the world that the Chinese foreign policy concept of “common destiny” promises humanity harmony, prosperity and “good for all”

    "Significant will be robbing !!!"
    And then, it’s beautiful to say, they will paint straight on the jelly banks and milk rivers ... we'll see.
    1. 0
      25 June 2020 12: 00
      China does not need to be afraid, they need to be studied and known, then there will be no fear and danger from them. Greetings! hi
      1. 0
        25 June 2020 12: 13
        Hi soldier
        The question is not fear; one must be prudent. So you have to be STRONG, it never hurts at all, you have to study, study the characteristics of your partners, companions, and even more so enemies.
        It will not become much easier from this, in our crazy, now, world, but it will be moved away from most major troubles by a reasonable distance!
        1. 0
          25 June 2020 12: 58
          There is no doubt that you need to be strong, China is very reasonable and not rushing when he sees that you are not asleep, always in development and improvement, he will not be your enemy, but he cannot be considered a friend either.
          1. +2
            25 June 2020 13: 05
            This is practically normal. You can work, collaborate. Moreover, it is quite adequate, huge neighbor. We have around every g d g enough.
            1. +1
              25 June 2020 13: 11
              That's for sure with yyyy suffices in abundance, but you can’t doze off with China.
              1. +1
                25 June 2020 13: 15
                And to doze is generally dangerous when you are a crucian and cannot be raised.
                Around pikes and sharks missing. Here, either grow or floor eyes ....
      2. +1
        25 June 2020 19: 35
        I recommend - "Shchutsky Yu. I-Ching. Ancient Chinese Book of Changes"
  3. 0
    25 June 2020 06: 25
    Chinese foreign policy concept of "common destiny"
    The main thing is a beautiful candy wrapper, but the essence .... a boredom. recourse Banderlog, go ahead! And whose "fate" will become common for the whole world? Pure Nazism.
    Whoever does not become Chinese, and shares his values, has nothing to do on Earth? angry
  4. -4
    25 June 2020 07: 33
    everything is gone, the plaster is removed, and Stirlitz no longer walks along the corridors.
    normal incoherent set of personal opinions
  5. +2
    25 June 2020 07: 36
    "Make money, make money, and the rest is all rubbish" (c) ... China makes them and tries to do so that it would not be disturbed ...
  6. +2
    25 June 2020 07: 44
    The only thing that can be done in order to try to understand the deep-seated plans of China and, if necessary, counteract them: continue to study the Dragon in this way in its own national interests.
    A very correct conclusion, though the article was written in isolation from it.
    It is impossible to consider and predict the Chinese strategy in the world is in isolation from Chinese traditional strategic settings.
    In accordance with the ancient military canons, China throughout its history has given priority to circumventive maneuvers and hone the ability to win without entering into an open confrontation with an opponent.
    "Rivalry in non-rivalry is the most skillful rivalry. He who is skilled in the affairs of war and keeps the world in submission does not capture cities ... He creates for himself a space in which there is no confrontation, and nothing more."
    Jie Xuan. The military canon in one hundred chapters.
    China, trying to prevent open confrontation with the US and Europe, is building its own
    a world parallel to the existing one, a world based not so much on geopolitics as on geoeconomics, which today determines the development of the world. From this position, we must try to predict the main parameters and steps of Beijing on the world stage.
    1. +1
      25 June 2020 11: 58
      In accordance with the ancient military canons, China throughout its history has given priority to circumventive maneuvers and hone the ability to win without entering into an open confrontation with an opponent.

      This is their main strength.
  7. +6
    25 June 2020 07: 57
    They will not conquer the world, they will buy it.
    1. +2
      25 June 2020 11: 56
      Quote: knn54
      They will not conquer the world, they will buy it.

      They want to buy it, but it will turn out or not ...
  8. +2
    25 June 2020 08: 28
    Quote ..... "And, perhaps, in some very deep and secret Chinese safes in a tiny inconspicuous daddy there is a plan for a very distant future, when" under favorable circumstances "China will be able to try to squeeze the Russians in Siberia and the Russian Far East , "" ..... Unfortunately, this is the near future, we can say the primary task and it is already being implemented under the soft power program - creeping migration of manpower, active expansion of capital, bribery of the upper stratum of power, rigid linking of the Russian economy to China! first to vassal dependence for the next 20 years, then he will simply swallow and legalize new territories !!! Or, as they draw on their maps, they will return the temporarily lost territories! Well, at least in the eyes of s.y, do not see such an obvious !!!!
    1. +5
      25 June 2020 11: 15
      China will be able to try to oust the Russians in Siberia and the Russian Far East, "" ..

      China just needs to wait. The Russians themselves have been massively leaving for 20 years.
      1. +3
        25 June 2020 11: 55
        China just needs to wait. The Russians themselves have been massively leaving for 20 years.

        This is really alarming.
    2. -1
      25 June 2020 13: 25
      A sample of another delusional myth. I'm talking about creeping labor migration. Just look at how much of this "creeping" there is in the Russian Federation. But not hysterical screams, but real facts: according to the statistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in 2019 75 Chinese received Russian citizenship. For comparison, during the same year, 154 people of the Federal Republic of Germany transferred to Russian citizenship. 1756 Chinese received a residence permit and a temporary residence permit. Together with those who arrived earlier, there were 8575 people in Russia. Here is what a "huge" shaft filled Mother Russia! For comparison, again, the citizens of Azerbaijan in the same 2019 turned into citizens of Russia 13 people. This is not counting those with a residence permit and temporary residence permits. In total, more than 521 thousand Chinese visited the territory of the Russian Federation in 2019, but their stay was short-lived (these are tourists, businessmen, shuttle traders, students and others who arrived for a short time without plans to stay here). So the tales that the Chinese have populated all of Siberia and the Far East, come on, the whole of Russia are fables that have nothing to do with reality.
  9. +1
    25 June 2020 08: 54
    Quote ..... "And, perhaps, in some very deep and secret Chinese safes in a tiny inconspicuous daddy there is a plan for a very distant future, when" under favorable circumstances "China will be able to try to squeeze the Russians in Siberia and the Russian Far East "............ ___________.______________________ Unfortunately, this is the near future, we can say the primary task and it is already being implemented under the soft power program - creeping migration of manpower, active capital expansion, bribery of the upper stratum of power, tough linking the Russian economy to China! Which will first lead to vassal dependence for the next 20 years, then simply swallow and formalize new territories legally !!! Or, as they draw on their maps, they will return temporarily lost territories! Well, at least in the eyes of s.y, do not see such an obvious !!!!
  10. -1
    25 June 2020 09: 53
    As long as the PRC is a socialist state, it will not be the instigator of conflicts. A socialist state is like an elephant among imperialist predators. It does not attack the predator itself, but it is similar to attack death.
    The capitalist state has never in history won the war against the socialist. (USSR, DPRK, Vietnam).
    1. +3
      25 June 2020 11: 54
      An interesting look and not without reality.
  11. -2
    25 June 2020 09: 55
    Will China be a superpower? Not. This requires almost complete energy independence, with this, China is bad, and in the future it will only get worse, because the Chinese economy is largely built on coal, which was cheap. Coal was left for centuries. And on thermonuclear fusion ... well, in the 2030th year they hope to get some meaningful results on new plants. In fact, this is a challenge to the whole of humanity.

    Is China an economic leader? Not. The entire Chinese economy is built on sewing sneakers and manufacturing televisions with smart phones for the Western market, initially China nurtured this way, but now they are starting to beat it together. It will not be possible to completely rebuild this system on the domestic market, just as the USSR could not be integrated into the world production system, which was hoped at the time, that we would end the conflict and they would do it to us like in Korea (southern) with Japan.

    Will China climb into Siberia, or in general somewhere with tanks? The war, as a way to achieve goals, has 2 drawbacks:
    1) It is very expensive. The fact that in the Middle Ages was a good way to utilize the extra male population now requires some extraordinary investments in rearing soldiers and weapons with no birth rate in countries capable of producing modern weapons.
    2) This unpredictably and regularly led the sides, both to years of exhausting showdowns without any result, and to catastrophic defeats of the side, which considered itself ready for war. Maybe not immediately, as in the case of Germany in WWII, but the result is the same, to get rid of the conditional "Kemsky volost", or abandoning the fleet for 20 years, will not work.

    So a major war is unlikely anywhere. In addition, the fact that Siberia is under our control may anger the same Americans, but in fact the situation is somewhat similar to the situation with the Black Sea straits, when there is a very serious agreement under which Turkey may have extra money, but must not interfere with the rest to use. That is, Russia is in control of something, but it itself can’t die, the population in Siberia is negligible, and therefore it is ready to trade resources at a reasonable price. If someone else gets there, then most likely they will get their hands on it. More interesting is the situation with Australia, which in a spherical vacuum is a military zero. But climbed there, most likely, the whole world also spank.
    1. 0
      25 June 2020 11: 53
      Will China be a superpower? Not.

      I have the impression that they do not strive to become her.
      1. -2
        25 June 2020 12: 29
        Well, if Yegorov is right and the goal of China is to be just a factory and a store, let it be.
        1. 0
          25 June 2020 13: 08
          This suits them well, but with a large, let's say, their purchasing power, they will not be allowed to live in peace.
  12. +3
    25 June 2020 10: 57
    I’m trying to imagine a certain world order scenario in which China is the world leader. :
    1. Who leads the world trade? Who knows ??? - a mystery country !!!
    2. Where is the world going? - But the goblin knows him - somewhere China leads us !!!
    3. What do the Chinese want? But the ruff knows him - they always want a lot and always smile ...)))
    Speaking more seriously, China so far, even in Asia, is not a sovereign lord - but on the world stage and even more so ...
    1. +2
      25 June 2020 11: 51
      Quote: Selevc

      Speaking more seriously, China so far, even in Asia, is not a sovereign lord - but on the world stage and even more so ...

      They are not in a hurry, because they do not know where to rush.
  13. +4
    25 June 2020 10: 59
    Gradually, there will be a deficit in financing social and health insurance in China, so the reform of the pension system, social security system, health care system in China will ...

    The deficit is already there, it is growing from year to year. The retirement plan is blown away without ever becoming global, covering the entire population of China.
    And a socially significant program of school education is developing successfully. But professional education flies a pretty penny. For a villager, a university is not available.
    predicted by the Chinese author as the "era of the" clan aristocracy ", China should have solved the officially planned task of building a" prosperous, democratic and cultural country of socialism "by the centenary of the founding of the PRC in 2049.

    A breathtaking combination of "clan aristocracy" and "socialism".
    1. +2
      25 June 2020 11: 50
      The retirement plan is blown away without ever becoming global, covering the entire population of China.

      I can’t say, but I read that in China, the vast majority of people’s retirement age do not receive a pension.
      1. +3
        25 June 2020 13: 01
        In cities, a large stratum of the population receives a pension. But in the village to this day they don’t know anything about pensions. And they don’t know. In general, there are two worlds in China: a city and a village. The separation is simply monstrous. We never dreamed.
        The government, of course, solves the problems of the village, but there are so many that it will take more than a dozen years to solve.
        1. +3
          25 June 2020 13: 09
          If not hundreds of years, there are many ...
  14. +2
    25 June 2020 11: 48
    The only thing that can be done in order to try to understand the deep-seated plans of China and, if necessary, counteract them: continue to study the Dragon in this way in its own national interests.

    This should be the program of action for Russia in relation to China.
  15. +1
    25 June 2020 15: 52
    I visited last year - I got into a future that we won’t have. With such a population, everyone is provided with work, I haven’t seen the hungry people (the truth is that they eat terribly is a matter of taste). everywhere dvizhuha, a lot of manual labor, the people are quite friendly, very collective (they like to relax in groups). the fight against corruption is indicative (when the former measure of Guangzhou was arrested, they found a lot - a bunch of apartments, 13 tons of gold, etc. ...). the Chinese are sitting and laughing, they asked them they say he’s stolen now, he’ll smear them off, and they say they’ll surely shoot him and the property to the state’s fund (he wanted us to do this, but he didn’t see the Wishlist). billionaires are trying to do something for the country, and not just your loved ones. China is looking to the future, and Russia is struggling with the legacy of the USSR.
    the most important thing is that we can only respond to Chinese expansion by increasing the birth rate, and our "elite" - by caring for the people and our country (we will win the "hot" war thanks to nuclear weapons, and we will lose a long-term expansion - learn Chinese (suitcase, big bag - pisyan) ...
    1. -3
      25 June 2020 19: 04
      We will lose the expansion - which in the direction of Russia is not and will not be, China directs its expansion to Central and South Asia, as well as to where the sea and warmth all year round, our territory with "the best climatic conditions" didn’t nafig fall, just like the Americans did Alaska , a huge territory, but 400 part of the US population lives there - because the conditions are harsh. And as China bought food from Russia, natural resources, engines and everything else, it will continue to buy it.
      1. 0
        26 June 2020 08: 08
        we have a lot of Chinese students and I don’t think because of the quality of our higher education. The purchase of resources does not hinder expansion (two hours before the start, the Germans passed a train with bread from Russia across the border and then attacked ...).
        1. 0
          26 June 2020 08: 37
          I would like to know where in China, where 30 years ago sneakers were sewn all over the country so as not to die of hunger, is there a good education? Where is Chinese science? Where are the discoveries? Somehow there are not very many of them for the declared 1.3 billion people. It does not seem that they are 8-9 times more than they invent in Russia.
    2. +2
      26 June 2020 08: 35
      When the mayor has 13 tons of gold, it’s easy to go nuts, as an indication. What is there Vasilyeva. You would have gone to a Chinese village, there still 40-50% of the country live, and how to judge Russia in Moscow, they immediately begin to prove that Moscow is a separate world.

      By the way, where in our country are starving? And how do you personally increase the birth rate? Should officials give birth for you?
      1. 0
        26 June 2020 09: 11
        Quote: EvilLion
        Should officials give birth for you?

        if you’re an official, then set an example - give birth (officials in Russia can do anything). I’m not an official and I can’t give birth by sex, but the Chinese villages that I drove through, then we would have such a lot of high-speed railways? they have a lot.
        When the mayor has 13 tons of gold, it’s easy to go nuts, as an indication. What is there Vasilyeva.
        the measure will be shot (guanzhou the size of Moscow), and Vasilyeva, under house arrest, painted and released a CD with songs, and after the amnesty, confiscated jewelry was returned to her (the measure was shot with confiscation)
        Where is Chinese science? Where are the discoveries?
        the Chinese "jade hare" jumps on the moon (how long have we sent something there?) plans for a manned flight to the moon and a lunar base (here they are already competing with the Americans) ... even if you have an "apple" smartphone, then it is assembled in china, even the keyboard on which you scribble is from china. (where is Russian science? where are the discoveries?)
        By the way, where in our country are starving?
        where did you see me talking about us (read the text, and then resent)
        1. +1
          26 June 2020 09: 39
          Well, if you drove along the high-speed railway, then only from the window did you see something. Then Moscow = Russia.

          measure will be shot

          I absolutely do not care how the state is going to stop corruption. The fact itself is important that despite the executions of several hundred people a year, the level of corruption in China does not decrease, otherwise the number of executions would decrease by several times. The scale of theft here is simply not comparable, it is unlikely that everything that Vasilyeva allegedly stole (I am not familiar with the case) costs at least half the cost of 13 tons of gold. I suspect that they will steal no less there, even if they publicly burn corrupt officials in squares, forcing people to look at it by force.

          "Communist" China has long been the world's leader in the number of billionaires.

          The smartphone is not very interesting to me, where are the Chinese nuclear reactors, for example? Oh yes, they only have what the Americans built for them, and it broke, and what we sold them, because for us it is already outdated. Where is the Chinese aviation? Not a stuffed J-20 straight from the 80s, a degraded functional copy of the F-22, but something like the Su-57. You can still talk about space, about the quality of Chinese rockets.

          At the same time, for example, I do not see Chinese software. The American is understandable, the money is spinning there, the Russian is full, from Europe too. From China? Only mobile games designed for the Chinese with a Selyuk mentality.
          1. 0
            26 June 2020 10: 06
            Quote: EvilLion
            Well, if you were driving on a high-speed railway, then only from the window did you see something
            on the bus and right through the villages, was not in Beijing.
            You can still talk about space, about the quality of Chinese rockets.
            In more detail, how long has a Chinese rocket flew? and how long has Putin ordered the rocket to take off from the Vostochny cosmodrome? analyze.
            Not a stuffed J-20 straight from the 80s, a degraded functional copy of the F-22, but something like the Su-57
            you do not know the characteristics of any of the above (classified information), but are comparing.
            I do not see Chinese software
            I understand that China is in China (a huge market), but we see ours in (except for Linux-based siblings)? I do not say that China is perfect, I say that it goes forward (copies, steals, but forward ), and we trample on the spot. medical equipment (a similar topic) Chinese is more reliable and modern than ours (and cheaper). we will not shower China with caps.
            1. 0
              26 June 2020 15: 25
              In Russia, the ShVABE medical equipment is produced by the Tula KBP and others, recently the domestic MRI was introduced and already launched in a series. Copying and stealing, there will not be any movement forward, but there will just be a stomp on the spot - in the absence of their own developments and the expectation when something new will be created in Russia and around the world, which would then be copied or hybridized. In China, jet engines for fighter jets with a resource of more than 500 hours are still not purchased from Russia, and gas turbines of high power are purchased from Germany.
              1. 0
                29 June 2020 08: 38
                Quote: Vadim237
                as well as high-power gas turbines purchase them from Germany

                why do we buy turbines from siemens?
  16. 0
    26 June 2020 11: 48
    Quote: Civil
    China is primarily the CCP, which has been able to build a super modern, advanced country in 75 years. Without kings, presidents and general secretaries. And comrade Mao died in high esteem in old age and in PENSION.

    “Why talk such nonsense?” China began to turn into a modern superpower only thanks to the fundamental reforms of Deng Xiaoping, which began in the fall of 1979 and has been going on for 40 years! Before that, under Mao, he developed disgusting!
  17. 0
    26 June 2020 14: 28
    Where are Chinese nuclear reactors, for example?

    For example "Hualong 1" - it is offered for export and has already been purchased by Pakistan.
    1. 0
      26 June 2020 15: 28
      Not a competitor to Rosatom - in nothing. And Pakistan buys them at their own peril and risk.
  18. 0
    26 June 2020 14: 42
    Quote: Outsider
    Quote: Civil
    China is primarily the CCP, which has been able to build a super modern, advanced country in 75 years. Without kings, presidents and general secretaries. And comrade Mao died in high esteem in old age and in PENSION.

    “Why talk such nonsense?” China began to turn into a modern superpower only thanks to the fundamental reforms of Deng Xiaoping, which began in the fall of 1979 and has been going on for 40 years! Before that, under Mao, he developed disgusting!

    China turned into a superpower precisely during Mao in the 60th - early 70th years. The first backwaters for cars, tractors, tanks and aircraft, and much more at 50 years old. The first nuclear test of 1964, thermonuclear 1967, the first satellite of 1970.
    Under Mao, the industry and economy grew at a record pace, and then they developed their own oil well (Daqing).
    Den's reforms could never have created a superpower with nuclear missile weapons. In addition, how could China develop without these reforms can only be a bastard.