Russia changes approach to nuclear deterrence

Russia changes approach to nuclear deterrence

It happened. The continuous systematic preparation of the United States for an offensive nuclear war with the first strike finally provoked a visible response from the top political leadership of Russia.

On June 2, 2020, the President signed Decree # 355 “On the fundamentals of the Russian Federation’s nuclear deterrence policy”. As usual, the non-specialized press noticed only a part of important nuances, and the main one, “ideological”, missed completely.

The Western media, however, very lightly and superficially covered this event, and on a very small scale.

Meanwhile, there is something to notice there.

New approach

Previously, there were no open, public documents relating to nuclear deterrence. Meanwhile, the availability of such a guidance document is very important. Being signed by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, he sets the framework for the High Command and, in fact, determines the strategy for the whole country. He shows the masses and politicians of the lower levels those boundary conditions that we determine for ourselves. It also contains a message for “partners” regarding what lines they should not run if they do not want to see the end of their world with their own eyes. Actually, the obligatoriness of publicity is from this. And do not think that this decree is an element of some kind of propaganda. This is not true. This is truly a framework document of the domestic nuclear strategy. What is especially important is the indication in the text of the document that it is the basis for "nuclear planning".

Previously, there was only one document, where something was explicitly said about Russia's use of nuclear weapons. It was a military doctrine. We quote her points regarding this issue.

"The use of the armed forces, other troops and bodies, their main tasks in peacetime, during the period of direct threat of aggression and in wartime."
27. The Russian Federation reserves the right to use nuclear weapons in response to the use of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction against it and (or) its allies, as well as in the case of aggression against the Russian Federation with the use of conventional weapons, when the very existence of the state is threatened.
The decision to use nuclear weapons is made by the President of the Russian Federation.

Now we have a much more detailed description of the process.

It makes no sense to bring the entire text of the application to the decree here. Let's analyze the basic things.

First and foremost: signs of the very “aggression, when the very existence of the state are jeopardized, are announced.”

Section III. Conditions for the transition of the Russian Federation to the use of nuclear weapons.
19. The conditions determining the possibility of the use of nuclear weapons by the Russian Federation are:
a) the receipt of reliable information about the launch of ballistic missiles attacking the territory of the Russian Federation and (or) its allies;
b) the use by the adversary of nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction across the territories of the Russian Federation and (or) its allies;
c) the enemy’s impact on critical state or military facilities of the Russian Federation, the failure of which will lead to the disruption of the response of nuclear forces;
d) aggression against the Russian Federation with the use of conventional weapons, when the very existence of the state is jeopardized.

What is interesting and important? Point "c".

Firstly, the threat of incapacitating the enemy of systems that allow Russia to use strategic nuclear forces before the exchange of nuclear strikes was aloud recognized. For example, with the help of sabotage (including nuclear) means, with the help of which command posts, communications centers, locations of persons authorized to decide on the use of nuclear weapons, elements of a missile attack warning system can be attacked, critical for the country.

Secondly, the right of Russia to use nuclear weapons in response to such actions has been voiced.

To apply it first, before the start of a nuclear war as such, at a time when the enemy is only trying to secure for himself the opportunity to strike with impunity.

In fact, with this paragraph, Russia announces its right to a PREVENTIVE NUCLEAR KICK.
And this is the first time. And this is only the beginning.

It has long been obvious to specialists that this should have happened sooner or later. And the reason for this is the active preparations for an offensive nuclear war by the United States, ongoing regardless of who is currently occupying the White House.

Those interested in the issue can refer to the article “We are building a fleet. Special Operations: Nuclear Deterrence ", which lists what preparatory actions the United States is conducting, which gives them reason to consider themselves entitled to start an offensive nuclear war, what ideological attitudes of American society make it ethically acceptable, and what benefits America will receive as a result of such a war, if it were successful.

It is also obvious that no demonstration of the possible consequences leads to the fact that the Americans thought better of it. And there were such demonstrations.

On March 1, 2018, President Putin demonstrated a number of military systems under development during his message to the Federal Assembly. Among them were three weapon systems, the very logic of the combat use of which (joint combat use) leaves no double interpretations as to what they are really intended for.

The first weapon is a hypersonic glider, known today as the Vanguard. This maneuvering hypersonic unit is well known to the Americans: it was shown to them many years ago, when the system did not yet have a name and it was still undergoing tests. Then the Americans already destroyed the ABM Treaty, but all other instruments of international security were still in effect. The demonstration, however, did not stop their preparations, and on March 1, 2018, what was attached to the "Vanguard" was shown.

The “Dagger” missile system with a quasiballistic air-based missile and the laser complex, known today as the “Relight”. What makes all these systems related? The fact that together they do not make sense in any other case than in the case of the FIRST nuclear strike against the United States.

And next year during the next message to the Federal Assembly it was announced that, if necessary, Russia would launch missile strikes at decision centers - and this did not mean ICBM strikes.

Here is what Putin said:

I’ll say it directly and openly today, so that no one later reproaches us with anything, so that it is clear to everyone what this is about. Russia will be forced to create and deploy types of weapons that can be used not only in relation to the territories from which the corresponding direct threat will come for us, but also in relation to those territories where there are decision centers on the use of missile systems that threaten us.
What is important in this regard, and there is a lot of novelty. According to their tactical and technical data, including the flight time to these control centers, these weapons will fully correspond to the threats directed against Russia.

Put the fragments of the mosaic together.

Offensive forces

The following necessary steps are required for delivering a sudden nuclear strike against an adversary. Firstly, preparation for it should be carried out secretly. Secondly, the fact of striking him must be realized at a point in time when it is too late to react. Thirdly, the fact of the launch of missiles must be hidden from the enemy. Fourth, before striking, the adversary’s decision-making system should be at least temporarily paralyzed: roughly speaking, it should be beheaded.

How does all this help achieve new systems?

The secretive training of a force intended for striking can be done in stages in peacetime. At the same time, the ICBMs on which the Vanguards are standing do not need any special preparations: they are always ready, including in peacetime.

American provocations with bombers, their missile attacks on Russia’s friendly countries and other hostile actions allow Russia to increase the degree of combat readiness of individual formations ... and never then reduce it. Thus, it will be possible to get away from actions that unmask preparations for the strike, such as, for example, changing the operating mode of radio networks and the like. Everything will be done in stages and in advance.

Peresvet lasers make it possible to blind American SPRN satellites, preventing them from detecting radiation from torches launching toward the US missiles. “Daggers” are located at airfields very far from potential theater of operations, but if necessary, their carriers reach the launch line in dozens of minutes. And these flights alone do not pull on a strategic threat. Moreover, the “Dagger” carrier, the MiG-31K, is not indistinguishable from satellite interceptors from which it was created. And this makes it possible to literally "hide the needle in a haystack" - to "replace" the interceptors with ready-to-use shock machines in advance. What will be their goals? American nuclear bombs in Europe, separate military bases in the same place in Japan.

That’s why this complex is really needed, and that’s what kind of operation it will be (God forbid) be used. This is not against aircraft carriers; such a small ARLGSN, which this missile is equipped with, against mobile naval targets especially does not give anything. And physics, frankly, interferes.

But it is possible to verify the map of the surroundings of the Büchel air base (for example) with the missile map embedded in the GOS missile using this RLGSN after decelerating the missile over the target.

But the Americans also have an SPRN radar, right? And they are capable of detecting a missile strike on American territory itself, right? So.

And here the Vanguard comes to the rescue. According to the official version, his ability to fly in the atmosphere is needed to overcome missile defense. But such a missile defense system, which could repulse a volley of our heavy missiles, the United States not only does not have, it will never be. Their missile defense is a missile defense to prevent a retaliatory strike, and it needs to be able to deliver the first strike on their own, and if it was successful (and they count on it), then the missile defense will be able to repel part of that frail retaliatory salvo with surviving missiles, on which we We will remain capable.

Then, the question is, why do we need “Vanguard”? And then, that it goes much lower than conventional warheads, and the SPRN radar will detect it almost above the target, when there is simply no time to repulse the strike. That’s what the “twenty-fly” flight in the atmosphere is designed for. That is why instead of several warheads they put on a heavy missile one planning one, sacrificing the number of warheads. This is not against missile defense. This is against radar SPRN.

Someone will object that in this case the enemy also manages to react. After all, like us, Americans can regard the blinding of their companions as the beginning of a war.

Or, even if they didn’t regard it like that, then they will have even two or three minutes to organize a counterattack with the Vanguards.

And here the need arises to gain time - just remove the decision makers. Not necessarily nuclear weapons. But be sure to remove. It will take time to find the person in charge from the list of leaders who succeed the president in the event of his death among the Americans. But it is necessary to destroy the necessary goals with something: managers, some communication centers, and the parking of some aircraft. Suddenly, before Peresvet went into action.

And here we need to recall Putin’s words about the attacks on decision centers. How can such a blow be dealt?

We look news.

The newest Russian Zircon hypersonic missile was first tested from a ship - project 22350 frigate Admiral Gorshkov shot Zircon from the Barents Sea on a ground at a military training ground in January.

On the ground target. Hypersonic rocket. Which even corvettes will be able to launch. The Russian fleet cannot fight on an equal footing with the American, and indeed can not do it at all, not even on equal terms. But deploying a troika of ships against both coasts of the United States in peacetime may well. And to ensure the launch of missiles from their side - too.

At the same time, Americans can stably hold their planes over our ship and track its actions in real time. But they will not be able to stop the launch, as well as warn about it otherwise than by disappearing from the screens of their radar. The speed of information flow along headquarters chains from a commander, for example, an aircraft carrier group to the president, is very high for such an extraordinary situation. They just do not have time to react. Everything will happen too fast.

And then everything is as simple as how scary: the Vanguards partially eliminate the ground potential of a retaliatory strike and communication systems with submarines, the rest of the ICBMs - the rest ...

Mosaic has developed.

What is missing in this scenario? There is not enough solution to the problem of American submarines with ballistic missiles (SSBNs). On the one hand, even if we miss them, a successful strike on the United States, firstly, will give us many hours to find them (for example, with anti-submarine planes previously raised aviation), and secondly, the Americans, who received a powerful nuclear strike on their territory, will have nothing to oppose such a search. No one will lift fighters into the air to drive out the arrogant Russians.

But, on the other hand, the problem still remains and it is huge: the destructive impact force of these submarines is too great. But so far nothing special has been done in this direction.

Perhaps soon we will see some kind of solution. The described scenario, if it happens, is not tomorrow, but after a few years or decades. The power of the American volley today is lower than it was before: the Americans sacrificed the power of part of their warheads on Trident missiles deployed on submarines, planning to use them specifically as a tool for high-precision offensive nuclear attacks. A fall from 100 kilotons to 5 is very significant, although not all rockets have been affected.

Now their return volley is significantly weaker, although it is still deadly. One way or another, but something is about to happen soon on this front.

This is what the world really showed.

This is what Putin’s words meant: “You haven’t heard us, so at least now listen.”

But Americans don’t hear anyone.

US Congressional Research Service Latest Report “Hypersonic weapons. Background and issues for Congress » dated March 17, 2020, this was explicitly stated: Russian gliders with a nuclear warhead are difficult to detect using existing equipment, the command structure of the US Armed Forces is too slow and will not be able to respond to such an attack. But it is immediately said that this weapon does not add anything to the existing strategic potential. That is, Putin’s message didn’t reach them.

This image from The Economist was used as an illustration in a report by the Congressional Research Service. The ability to slip "under" the detection zone of the SPRN radar is obvious. But no conclusions have been made

Today we know for sure how this affected American offensive nuclear preparations: in any way, they continue according to old plans.

We told them that if they did not stop, then we ourselves would begin preparations for an offensive nuclear war. They do not understand.

There is essentially no choice left.

Near future

Faced with the inability of the United States, even on issues such as preventing a nuclear war, Russia seems to have begun to slide into escalation. The experimental “Daggers”, apparently, from a technology demonstrator will turn into serial missiles, in any case, the future formation of the first combatant combat units with these missiles has already been announced. As expected, they will be created in the deepest rear of all possible, not far from the Chinese border. However, this does not change anything.

"Vanguards" are already embarking on ballistic missiles, lasers are already on alert. And so began the creation of a regulatory framework that regulates preparations for a nuclear war. So far there is only one situation where a nuclear strike can be delivered preemptively, but all the threats have already been listed, it is indicated that non-nuclear countries will be attacked if necessary, the need to achieve surprise in the use of nuclear weapons is doctrinally fixed.

Much will depend on whether the United States ultimately goes to the START-3 gap. If yes, then that's it. Just delayed for a while. If at the last moment it is possible to agree, then the possibility of a nuclear war will again become purely theoretical, at least for a while. Until the US medium-range missiles are in Europe.

It is to be expected that Russia's nuclear preparations will improve over time.

Currently, the very essence of deterrence is the possibility of guaranteed retaliation. Although there is one situation where a nuclear strike is delivered preemptively, the Fundamentals already exist, but the basis is precisely the understanding of deterrence through retaliation.

So let's call our current approach - containment by the threat of retaliation.

From the Basics:

Nuclear deterrence is aimed at ensuring that the potential adversary understands the inevitability of retaliation in the event of aggression against the Russian Federation and (or) its allies.

The adversary clearly demonstrates complete unwillingness to understand this inevitability. The only rational explanation for this misunderstanding is, alas, the adversary’s belief that retaliation can be avoided. The enemy, apparently, has already sentenced everyone.

This means that once a timid sprout in the form of paragraph 19 “c” of section III will one day grow into a new understanding of deterrence as such: not containment with the threat of retaliation, but containment by prevention, through the threat of striking first under certain circumstances.

Very soon we will find out where all this will lead. The brave new world turns out to be just an incredibly dangerous place, but we cannot do anything about it.

It remains only to observe the development of events.
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  1. -16
    13 June 2020 04: 42
    It also contains a message for “partners” regarding what lines they are must runif you don’t want to see the end of their world with your own eyes.
    aggression against the Russian Federation with the use of conventional weapons, when the very existence of the state is threatened.
    The Germans near Moscow? fool aggression against the Russian Federation using conventional weapons, feel what We have the right to apply, but whether we consider it necessary, according to the situation.
    1. +16
      13 June 2020 05: 06
      are there any options? you understand any movement in our direction from their side then can not stop. this is a snowball descending the slope. he will roll and become bigger. the world is sliding down to the times of the Caribbean crisis and is so busy with itself that it does not understand and does not see where everything is going. this feeling that many will have after reading this analytics will not be deceiving at all.
      1. +33
        13 June 2020 06: 57
        Quote: carstorm 11
        the world is sliding down to the times of the Caribbean crisis and is so busy with itself that it does not understand and does not see where everything is going. this feeling that many will have after reading this analytics will not be deceiving at all.

        Don't you think that those "from the 60s" times of the "Caribbean crisis" were more "pious" and predictable, and were in charge of more adequate and responsible politicians than now?
        1. +14
          13 June 2020 08: 26
          Brave New World

          In general, I do not observe this. But in the course of my life I see how the old world is heading into the abyss, over the past 22 years with enviable acceleration.
        2. +6
          13 June 2020 08: 59
          more than. this is exactly what scares. there are no people who can tell the rest of the stop.
        3. +17
          13 June 2020 09: 09
          Quote: Insurgent
          Don't you think that those "from the 60s" times of the "Caribbean crisis" were more "pious" and predictable

          I remember the time of the Caribbean crisis, but there was no such massive pressure in the media. And the borders from the enemy bloc were at a considerable distance, well, the social block was of no small importance. Governments and the military were more advective, since they all went through the crucible of WWII, and the former allies did not really want to fight among themselves. Everything could be resolved without the use of force (on the periphery of the war went, not without it). That generation was gone, and new ambitious top-managers arrived, having neither experience nor relevant knowledge, but with claims of arbiters of fate.
          1. DVR
            13 June 2020 18: 25
            new ambitious top-managers arrived, having neither experience nor relevant knowledge, but with claims of arbiters of fate

            It was in the 90s that managers came, and after the defeat Russia left from everywhere. Now Russia is already playing an active game in South America, Africa and the Middle East, although it is harder to do than for the Union, the resources are not the same. And the USA used to adhere to at least some rules in the big game, because they knew that the enemy was equal in strength, so it was possible to agree. Now they are completely "blown away" by hegemony - no rules, no agreements, a policy of fakes. Only our direct presence (Venezuela, Syria) partially limits their maneuvers.
            1. 0
              14 June 2020 08: 25
              In the United States, they have lost fear, and most importantly, they have NATO allies who are crazy for the war and instigators. Again, in the United States they are not particularly afraid of a nuclear strike, but their heads can be well cooled if they realize that their brainchild ( mighty fleet) in cases of conflict, the whole can drown, or there is a serious threat to it.
        4. -4
          13 June 2020 21: 49
          Quote: Insurgent
          Do not you think that those "from the 60s" times of the "Caribbean crisis" were more "pious" and predictable, and were run by more adequate and responsible politicians than now ?

          Is this a corncob? laughing
          1. +4
            14 June 2020 07: 58
            Quote: Narak-zempo
            Is this a corncob?

            Maybe it’s worth remembering that not everything, as in the USSR and the USA was decided individually by the Secretary General and the President?
            "Behind the backs" of one or the other leaders were the Politburo, Senate, Congress.
    2. +9
      13 June 2020 06: 48
      Changes to the "Fundamentals of the Russian Federation's Nuclear Deterrence Policy" are not the fruit of the fantasies of the highest authorities. First of all, they are based, no doubt, on intelligence data and the political situation in countries that have nuclear weapons:
      1. There is a bargain for the extension of strategic offensive arms 3. (
      There are no questions.
      -China sent everyone far and long
      -US "demand" to include new weapons of the Russian Federation in the new treaty or to eliminate it
      (one hour!)
      - In Europe, the replacement of nuclear bombs B-61-12
      - systematic planned flights of US planes from nuclear weapons near the borders of the Russian Federation with imitation of their use from launch areas and continuous flights of reconnaissance and patrol aircraft of the USA and NATO countries along the entire perimeter of the Russian border
      - on a planned and regular annual basis, the US nuclear triad exercises are carried out. With the development of various options for plans for the development of a usually war in the theater into a limited one with the use of yao and the massive use of yao ("Global Thunder"
      ".Global lightning" and a number of staff games ..
      2. The instability of the situation within the United States and Britain. Which poses a threat of unauthorized use of nuclear weapons
      1. +6
        13 June 2020 11: 41
        Quote: To be or not to be
        Changes to the "Fundamentals of the Policy of the Russian Federation in the field of nuclear deterrence" not a figment of the fantasies of higher authority First of all, they are based without a doubt on the data of intelligence and the political situation in countries. having nuclear weapons:

        This is an adequate response of Russia to the ongoing bacchanalia
        Let them know that launching ANY ICBM 9 and non-nuclear) towards Russia means their death.

        But how else, if nothing comes, not a word, nor a new weapon?
    3. -1
      15 June 2020 05: 54
      Of course, for clarity, it was possible to compare the depth of advancement of their brigade with the number of kilotons in Manhattan in an equation with a direct proportion. But here is the situation. Hit 500 cr - the answer. Lost border battle and the capture of Pskov is the answer. The landing in the Kuril Islands ?? But the landing on the Kuril Islands and attacks on bases on the Far East response. Batman wets Superman-response. Something like that, probably, but already in secret packages.
  2. +2
    13 June 2020 05: 13
    The continuous systematic preparation of the United States for an offensive nuclear war with a first strike finally provoked a visible response from the top political leadership of Russia.
    ... which can be used not only in relation to the territories from which the corresponding direct threat will come for us,
    What does the USA have to do with it? fool This is a dinosaur. And his world bankers will joyfully throw in the furnace of war. For the sake of victory over us, they will burn Europe. The hedgehog was scared by naked opera.
    but also in relation to the territories where decision centers on the use of missile systems threatening us are located.
    "Fire on headquarters" is good and correct, but .... It has not been proven that we know where these headquarters are. Let's put it the Vatican, England, Switzerland, Sweden, and then ... The enemy is tempted to sit out in the mountains of Argentina, etc.
    1. +18
      13 June 2020 06: 54
      Quote: Mavrikiy
      "Fire on headquarters" is good and correct, but .... It has not been proven that we know where these headquarters are.

      Do you think this will get US politicians to sit down at the negotiating table? Yes, they do not care about the "big bell tower" not only on headquarters in other countries, but also on their own people!
      Therefore, the new, or rather well-forgotten old approach to nuclear deterrence will not completely change anything.
      The fundamental documents of Russia should clearly spell out the personal responsibility of foreign financiers and politicians for the growth of the military threat against Russia and its allies. In the meantime, the main culprits of inciting world wars, as in the period 1939 - 1945, will be worth the illusion about the possibility of sitting out in their bunkers in "neutral" countries. Only a personal, obvious threat of the annihilation of the heads of financial corporations can put puppet governments at the negotiating table.
      1. +5
        13 June 2020 07: 21
        Quote: Vita VKO
        Do you really think that will make US politicians sit down at the negotiating table?

        Have you read my post? feel request Or ...... I repeat:
        What does the USA have to do with it? fool This is a dinosaur. And his world bankers will joyfully throw in the furnace of war. For the sake of victory over us, they will burn Europe.
        Putin’s message is not to the USA, but to world bankers, backstage.
    2. 0
      13 June 2020 14: 40
      And then who will these financiers manage? Cockroaches in the radioactive desert?
      1. Alf
        13 June 2020 19: 38
        Quote: Jager
        And then who will these financiers manage? Cockroaches in the radioactive desert?

        You can draw an analogy. Chernomyrdin once said-I need 2 million people to service my system in Russia, I do not need the rest. That's it, short and clear. 2 million are needed, and let the rest die. And among the financial elite of the world, there are no fools by definition.
    3. -1
      19 June 2020 20: 37
      Quote: Mavrikiy
      It is not proven that we know where these headquarters are.

      Why should the President have to prove something to you, or someone else? Is there a warning? So "digest"!
  3. -14
    13 June 2020 05: 23
    I recall a film about the peculiarities of the hunt ... You are arrested! Do you have a pistol? then detained ....
    I have little idea of ​​the conditions for the invasion of Russia by NATO and the Central Asian Union. What else have the Russians not destroyed. What would be required to apply? Large industrial centers? Large scientific centers? Yes, almost everything has foreign jurisdiction and foreign partners ...
    1. +5
      13 June 2020 07: 31
      I have little idea of ​​the conditions for the invasion of Russia by NATO and the SGA
      ... I can imagine how American missiles, with nuclear warheads, are flying towards the enterprises of Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Ford and other foreign investors located in Russia ... smile
      1. +3
        13 June 2020 07: 33
        Quote: parusnik
        I have little idea of ​​the conditions for the invasion of Russia by NATO and the SGA
        ... I can imagine how American missiles, with nuclear warheads, are flying towards the enterprises of Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Ford and other foreign investors located in Russia ... smile

        Sailboat. You are a cynic ...
    2. +2
      13 June 2020 10: 02
      Are you from some other reality writing or what?
      1. -4
        13 June 2020 12: 10
        Quote: timokhin-aa
        Are you from some other reality writing or what?

        Is it real that the state of Russia is getting wet in the paper of the SGA?
        1. +1
          13 June 2020 18: 42
          And not only in them. And not only Russia.
        2. 0
          13 June 2020 18: 49
          These investments are now only $ 3,5 billion.
    3. -1
      19 June 2020 20: 43
      Quote: apro
      I have little idea of ​​the conditions for the invasion of Russia by NATO and the SGA.

      There is only one condition for THEM - a preventive, disarming, "absolutely democratic" strike. And only then - the invasion itself. Yes, and one must understand that the Yankees will never climb forward, but will let "cannon fodder" ahead of them - all kinds of Poles, Germans, Balts, Belgians - "fools from NATO" ...
  4. +12
    13 June 2020 05: 42
    Here, really good analytics, and not a selection of phrases and absurd conclusions, which so often appear in the media.
    And normal people understand that this is not only the result of political and diplomatic efforts of Russia aimed at reducing tension and rejected by the West, due to inertial thinking, about its absolute superiority, but also a huge merit of Russian science, military-industrial complex and the entire Russian people.
    Not everything "disappeared", did not die out like mammoths, science and design school, and "polymers", everything is in place.
  5. +6
    13 June 2020 06: 02
    When the glow reaches its climax
    A terrible disaster can happen.
    But this Third World saga
    It will put an end to us. Forever.

    No help, no shelters with concrete,
    Not even these generals from the General Staff.
    There will be none of them, Moscow and Washington! ..
    Kabzdets ... Global.

    Just one thing to keep in mind
    Shot does not return already back.
    There are many deadly bombs in the world
    We can be destroyed many times.

    We look like a macaque with a gun
    Suddenly, lead can fly.
    A flash will split people into an atom.
    Instant and tragic end.

    And these residents, are they mentally prepared?
    Of course not. No, I don’t think, but I know.
    Any war is abnormal.
    I appeal only to the minds of politicians.

    War is like a shot at a temple
    As such to all humanity.
    There will remain melted sand,
    And two dumb questions: for what? And why?

    I hope that reason will prevail
    Nevertheless, I hope that without war.
    Everyone will be alive, not perish at once,
    And without knowing all his guilt.
    2018 Kingisepp
  6. -5
    13 June 2020 06: 20
    It is not clear how often the author used "we". This must be understood "we" sat down with Putin over a glass of tea ... And the interpretation of some provisions is more than free. But ... the author quite reasonably repeats what I have long tried to explain to him, an elementary truth: "To win a war today means to prevent a war." The author understood this. Well done! Therefore, all of his previous articles on what and how to build, from good aircraft carriers to cheap ones, are actually crushed by a new article. The very leadership, which the author denounced earlier, turns out to be not so criminal and stupid, but did everything right, focusing not on hardware, which probable opponents have more, but on something that no one has and soon will not will be! This is statesmanship! ... The author should not disparage all possible potential adversaries and regard them as caricatured warmongers. The comments correctly say - no one is going to bomb their investments and enterprises in Russia, they understand perfectly well that Russia does not pose any threat to the West, no one will seriously fit into Ukraine even ... But there is a threat to the West ... this is China , but if it bears, it is only a trade and economic threat to wallets. All the rest are words, something like the daily double ballet of Pakistani and Indian border guards. Oh, what menacing, ferocious faces, how high legs are thrown, fists of pood are clenched ... Curtain. Barking dogs do not bite.
    1. +4
      13 June 2020 07: 35
      Quote: LeonidL
      Therefore, all of his previous articles on what and how to build from good aircraft carriers to cheap under-destroyers are actually dashed by a new article. The very manual that the author had reproached earlier is not so criminal and stupid, but did everything right, focusing not on the hardware, which likely opponents have more, but on what no one has and will soon will be! This is the state wisdom!

      laughing laughing laughing
      1994 year.
      Russia retains the possibility of a retaliatory / retaliatory counter strike against the United States. That is, "mutual assured destruction"
      But at the same time, the restoration of constitutional order in Chechnya proceeded with a wild creak and ended, frankly, with failure.

      Question: did the Russian authorities under the wise leadership of Yeltsin have "statesmanship" (s)?
      1. 0
        13 June 2020 07: 58
        Question: did the Russian authorities under the wise leadership of Yeltsin have "statesmanship" (s)?
        .... Nuclear weapons, did not use the same ... smile
        1. +4
          13 June 2020 09: 32
          That's not the point.
          The ability and willingness to use nuclear weapons in the case of "mutual assured destruction" is one thing.
          To have an army capable of acting effectively in conflicts of any kind, from establishing constitutional order in one's own territory to a regional conflict of high intensity, is quite another.
          So it is here. Solved problems of nuclear deterrence do not testify to the general readiness of the country's law enforcement agencies to any conflicts
        2. +4
          13 June 2020 12: 09
          On their own territory, or what?
          There is not wisdom, but adequacy, even the most meager is enough to have.
          Look, even the jumping neighbors from the explosions of their own power lines are evolving to nuclear bookmarks in the Russian Federation and Hungary and to the purchase of domestic airline components through American intermediaries - progress is evident fool
      2. +4
        13 June 2020 16: 51
        Who EBNa will remember that night out! EBN Times This dark time is vague and absurd. Do not distort.
        1. +3
          13 June 2020 17: 58
          Quote: LeonidL
          Who EBNa will remember that night out! EBN Times This dark time is vague and absurd. Do not distort.

          Vague, absurd ...
          However, the nuclear triad was preserved. No matter what.
          1. +3
            13 June 2020 22: 03
            I can advise you to read on this score "General Staff without Secrets" Barantz t 1. He did not save the EBN, but kept it in spite of him and with great difficulty. And how much did you lose everyone and everything? Who destroyed the Union? It would not have been destroyed, and yet it would not have been necessary to keep it to the limit. And they would have retained not only the strategic nuclear forces, but everything else brought to the point, including the personnel of the officer corps.
            1. +3
              13 June 2020 22: 07
              Quote: LeonidL
              I didn’t save EBN, but saved it in spite of him and with great difficulty.

              Still saved.
              And this is a reinforced concrete fact.
              1. 0
                13 June 2020 22: 11
                So let's say our friendly "Hurray" EBNu and his henchmen!
                1. +4
                  13 June 2020 22: 12
                  Quote: LeonidL
                  So let's say our friendly "Hurray" EBNu and his henchmen!

                  No. You better not shout "hurray", but learn to read carefully.
                  1. 0
                    13 June 2020 22: 14
                    Do you have the word "sarcasm" in your arsenal? Would give free rein to this public ... But I understand you and the dispute is about nothing, pointless.
                    1. +1
                      13 June 2020 22: 20
                      Quote: LeonidL
                      the argument is about nothing, pointless.

                      The dispute here is still some "substantive".
                      The author in the article endorses the actions of the current authorities in the field of nuclear deterrence forces. And in your opinion, this will disavow all his criticism of the construction of the fleet.
                      But it is not.
                      1. +2
                        14 June 2020 06: 35
                        Well, for God's sake! The author for the first time during his presence at "VO" does not vilify the authorities and, in my opinion, is trying to join this power with which side, "well, at least a carcass, at least a scarecrow." At the same time, he ascribes to this "power" a terrible, unconfirmed aggressiveness. I do not see it with Putin and the "power". In all his articles, the author zealously demanded that the "authorities" build iron floating toys, not thinking for a minute about all the accompanying expenses. This is understandable, the author, as he himself noted, is a person without a naval education, without service experience, therefore he does not understand that the fleet itself does not live and does not go to sea. The fleet needs a coast with all the infrastructure elements, it needs a base, it needs personnel and training schools. The author, on the other hand, needs only toys of the last century, naval battles for "domination of the sea" are needed, he offers in general something prohibitively delusional and unacceptably aggressive "mining the Baltic, seizing Northern Norway, Spitsbergen, etc." It all reminds me of a provocation. Rivet floating boats and be left not even without the last shirt, but without the underwear? For what? To "win naval battles" which cannot be in modern warfare, what is the author now preaching in the article, what I tried to explain to him earlier?
                        "Power" of Russia has taken a different path, the path wise and reasonable, asymmetrical and less costly, along the path of overtaking technologies, creating a weapon that completely discourages any potential aggressor from the desire to bite Russia. Weapons that provide breakthrough technologies for peaceful industries, jobs for skilled workers, engineers, scientists! Political changes are also aimed at this, no more.
                        Yes, I believe that the new weapon fundamentally changes the structure of the fleet, and requires a new tactics and strategy, a new generation of marine professionals. And in the person of the author, we are dealing with an incompatible amateur who imagines himself to be a great and wise strategist in everything. Well, the author’s nerves are naughty, it’s painfully frisky he offends all those who disagree with the style and spirit of the public toilets epistolary. What a Alexander the Great with a certificate from a psychiatrist. I’m not joking, the author himself boasted of having this document, apparently it was not easy for him.
                      2. +2
                        14 June 2020 13: 21
                        Quote: LeonidL
                        And in the person of the author, we are dealing with an incompatible amateur who imagines himself to be a great and wise strategist in everything.

                        I agree with all your findings about this article and the author. Apparently this is the future "Shpakovsky", which will replace him, as he retires.
              2. +1
                14 June 2020 13: 17
                Quote: Spade
                Still saved.
                And this is a reinforced concrete fact.

                You forgot to indicate that he was neutered and so that the problem with the staff there is still felt. I hope you know that the events of 08.08.08 began to be led by the operational duty of the North Caucasian Military District almost on a personal initiative, and not by the General Staff - for some reason they still do not want to recall this fact. I think that all this is in the past, although the operation in Syria has shown that someone has miscalculated the estimates of the time of our presence, and this can no longer be hidden. So there is something to think about.
            2. -1
              19 June 2020 20: 49
              Quote: LeonidL
              and saved despite him and with great difficulty

              That's for sure! Even "Iskander" was created by Sergei Pavlovich Invincible secretly, "in revenge" for the surrender of "Oka"
      3. +5
        13 June 2020 17: 45
        But at the same time, the restoration of constitutional order in Chechnya proceeded with a wild creak and ended, frankly, with failure.
        I hope you can guess why. And the army has nothing to do with this failure. But the unleashing of this conflict is on the conscience of the new "elite" who has just climbed to the top and began to plunder the country wildly.
        1. +4
          13 June 2020 18: 07
          Quote: Tagil
          And the army has nothing to do with this failure

          Yeah ... Not at all.
          Not trained personnel, killed equipment, bad connection and generally handling, venality of individual uncles with epaulettes ... it all came out of it, from dampness. And no, this is the traitor Yeltsin ordered.

          By the second war it was still worse. Chronic lack of money, fuel-zero, the technique is dead. But for some reason we came to her much more prepared.
          1. +1
            13 June 2020 18: 27
            Not trained personnel, equipment killed, bad connection and generally handling, venality of individual uncles with epaulettes ... it all came out of damp.
            You probably heard that the parts collected from the pine forest (consolidated) entered there, even the battalion, the company of one regiment were consolidated, assembled several weeks or days before departure. Parts were not knocked together, combat coordination was not carried out, l / s lasted a year or less. The equipment was given killed, is about to exhaust its resource or from storage depots. Do you think a normal brigade or division commander would do this to his unit? No, there was an order from the Minister of Defense. And all further failures were also prepared and planned in advance. More hornbeams were needed at the beginning, and then the enemy was already appointed.
            By the second war it was still worse. Chronic lack of money, fuel-zero, the technique is dead.
            And this followed from the first war. But still there was no more betrayal of the "marshals". The second Lebed and Berezovsky were not found, they would have just shot him.
            1. 0
              13 June 2020 18: 52
              Quote: Tagil
              Parts were not knocked together, combat coordination was not carried out, l / s lasted a year or less. The equipment was given dead, is about to exhaust its life or from storage depots

              And who prevented doing normal?
              1. Alf
                13 June 2020 19: 41
                Quote: Spade
                Quote: Tagil
                Parts were not knocked together, combat coordination was not carried out, l / s lasted a year or less. The equipment was given dead, is about to exhaust its life or from storage depots

                And who prevented doing normal?

                But commanders had to buy diesel fuel and spare parts at their own expense?
                1. +2
                  13 June 2020 19: 42
                  Quote: Alf
                  But commanders had to buy diesel fuel and spare parts at their own expense?

                  Do you think that in preparation for the second war they were spare parts and a solarium?

                  Throughout the second half of 1998, there was not even enough money for dendolation.
                  1. Alf
                    13 June 2020 19: 44
                    Quote: Spade
                    Quote: Alf
                    But commanders had to buy diesel fuel and spare parts at their own expense?

                    Do you think that in preparation for the second war they were spare parts and a solarium?

                    I mean, it was not the army itself that reached this state, but it was brought by our government, clearly and with an understanding of all this.
                    1. 0
                      13 June 2020 19: 46
                      Quote: Alf
                      I mean, it’s not the army itself that has reached such a state

                      And herself too.
                      1. 0
                        14 June 2020 13: 24
                        Unfortunately, everything is much more complicated. Army section of society heard for sure?
              2. 0
                13 June 2020 20: 10
                Pasha Grachev December 12 ordered the troops to cross the border. The New Year was drawing near, then he had conceived and carried out a slaughter operation! Pasha did not waste time on trifles and threw three thousand eighteen to twenty summer boys into a blood bath. Chechen fighters armed from the heart to the teeth. They gave time to prepare to repulse the assault and how to strengthen Grozny. And so that the Russian army does not accidentally win, the troops gathered from all over Russia and so that the soldiers did not know their commanders and generally had no idea how they would operate in Grozny. Their task was as follows: without reconnaissance and with minimal landing on the sides from four sides, flew into the city with a cavalry attack and tear to the center in full steam race! Who refuses - to the tribunal, who manages to get there - the title of Hero of Russia is posthumous (everyone had a one-way ticket).
                1. +3
                  13 June 2020 20: 24
                  Quote: Tagil
                  The New Year was drawing near, then he had conceived and carried out a slaughter operation! Pasha did not waste time on trifles and threw three thousand eighteen to twenty summer boys into a blood bath.

                  Someone misled you very much.
                  For it was not so at all.

                  By the way, they were not going to fight in Grozny at all.
                  And who wanted (the same Rokhlin) he did everything right
                  1. -1
                    13 June 2020 20: 59
                    Yes, the army was not going to fight, but Grachev and who stood behind it were going to. The Chechens were also not going to fight, but Dudaev was going to. And when the blood poured, then everything else became unimportant.
                    And who wanted (the same Rokhlin) he did everything right
                    This is the second assault.
                    1. 0
                      13 June 2020 22: 06
                      Quote: Tagil
                      This is the second assault.

                      The first assault involved only Chechens and mercenaries.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  7. +5
    13 June 2020 06: 45
    The problem of the US nuclear potential (the need to take it under control or destruction) is facing the whole world. No one except Russia can solve this problem.
    The days when “the presidents in the white house were changing, and politics remained the same” passed. Some groups are at war with others so that they are ready to hold Maidan in their own country. The presence of such an impressive nuclear potential in such a country is a great threat to the whole world.
    1. +4
      13 June 2020 16: 38
      Quote: codetalker
      Some groups are at war with others so that they are ready to hold Maidan in their own country. The presence of such an impressive nuclear potential in such a country is a great threat to the whole world.

      This is what no one understands yet.
      1. +2
        13 June 2020 17: 08
        Well, as an option (the most extreme) preventive nuclear strike. I will not talk about the whole article, but the author was able to identify the most important in the new strategy. Indeed, the possibility of a preemptive strike publicly appeared for the first time, albeit “between the lines”. There will be further degradation of American degradation, an article will appear with a specific wording on the preventive strike.
        Do not forget that relatively peaceful ways to solve the problem are also being implemented. Americans have almost completely lost their competence in obtaining nuclear materials.
        Russia is not alone in this matter. It is worth remembering who waved a deal on uranium ...
        1. +2
          13 June 2020 17: 56
          Do you mean Hillary? I won’t write a surname ...
          1. +2
            13 June 2020 17: 58
            Yes. But many American experts then “sounded the alarm” that it is impossible to approve a deal in this form, that at least some elements should be removed from it. Nothing, the old woman signed. The USA is the world gendarme, and the world gendarmes do not belong to themselves completely.
            1. +3
              13 June 2020 18: 06
              It turns out that the club will only grow old and without us they will not update it.
              1. +2
                13 June 2020 18: 08
                At the level of "long-playing" processes, everything is so.
                1. +2
                  13 June 2020 18: 14
                  Well, Trump is far from stupid, he understands this and will now dig a ground with his hoof, looking for a way out.
                  1. +4
                    13 June 2020 18: 22
                    Perhaps Trump is so smart that he was able to see the fate of all the states and peoples that were the “gendarmes” (they were used until the resource was exhausted and banged). And if he is truly patriotic, he understands that the only way for the USA to get off the role of a superpower and become a strong but ordinary state (such as France, Canada, Japan ...). Troops from other countries have already begun to withdraw.
                    1. +4
                      13 June 2020 18: 26
                      Unfortunately, they will not allow him to do this, the political elite of the United States and the West and Trump will not accept their circle, politicians have crushed them, let’s say, underdeveloped and not far from their minds ...
                      1. +2
                        13 June 2020 18: 32
                        Well there they are, how they resist. But it’s too late to take it back too - they will devour it. Let's see what all this will lead to. To us, the more they bite, the better.
                      2. +3
                        13 June 2020 18: 43
                        That's right, but they may not be controlled by Ya.O. , as a result of their squabbles, then there will be a big problem.
                      3. +3
                        13 June 2020 18: 47
                        Well, for such a terrible option, Russia will also be needed with the ability to deliver a preventive nuclear strike. Which, of course, would not be desirable.
                      4. +3
                        13 June 2020 19: 49
                        I would not want to live up to such a scenario, I really hope that the mind wins earlier.
  8. -10
    13 June 2020 07: 09
    Is the VO editorial office going to open a new section "Keep me seven" on the site? The article is just for him.
    1. -9
      13 June 2020 08: 04
      Quote: A. Privalov
      Is the VO editorial office going to open a new section "Keep me seven" on the site? The article is just for him.

      The author just has a crisis of the genre.
    2. -4
      13 June 2020 09: 31
      The article is just for him.

      The feeling that Samsonov bit Timokhin ... laughing

      But the film can be seen by the noble. They will pull on Oscar if they find the Negro commander of the Russian SSBN, the Chukchi crew under civilizational stress from meeting with an infrared oven and the American major from US STRATCOM, who fell in love with a Russian girl and does not want to shoot a rocket in her garden.
  9. +5
    13 June 2020 07: 25
    Thanks to the author for the article !!! good
  10. +6
    13 June 2020 07: 27
    The United States understands that if it was possible to find traitors and ruin Russia at the peak of power, then now it will not be difficult, but they have enough resources to put pressure in all areas and over a whole list of countries, which is successfully happening
    1. +7
      13 June 2020 08: 30
      Quote: Incompetent
      The United States understands that if it was possible to find traitors and ruin Russia at the peak of power, then now it will not be difficult, but they have enough resources to put pressure in all areas and over a whole list of countries, which is successfully happening

      They did not look for traitors; they brought them up for 40 years. Who did we ride around Europe? Children of ministers and other persons close to them. These kids wanted to be rude in the same way, and when these offspring took the seats of their fathers, they put their place into practice. Remember where the young reformers (Chubais, Gaidpr) came to us from? Right, from Switzerland. This time there were no sealed cars, but the result is the same. And who sent them there - Andropov ...

      The US is already blown away. They are no longer able to control the World. They are no longer able to do anything with North Korea. They have already lost in Syria. They overlooked Crimea, etc. The internal conflict is tearing the United States apart. So we stock up on popcorn and watch a series called "The End of the Old Hegemon, Long Live the New."
      In this century, China will rule the world.
      1. DVR
        13 June 2020 10: 03
        They did not look for traitors; they brought them up for 40 years.

        It all started much earlier. Back in the late 50s, when N.A. Yakovlev, known as the ideologist of perestroika, traveled with a number of comrades for an internship in the United States. Subsequently, Gorbachev was reported on the possible recruitment of Yakovlev, he hushed up the case.
      2. +2
        13 June 2020 16: 35
        Quote: Boris55

        In this century, China will rule the world.

        He has it all, but whether he will do so many questions.
      3. +1
        13 June 2020 17: 34
        Borya do not drive the United States is very able to control the world. Yes, now it’s more difficult than a bipolar world with the USSR, but so far they have such trump cards that no one dares to speak against them. Even China, no matter how powerful it is, cannot fight the United States yet, they quickly thought better of it and now, after the Crimea from the Russian side and the history of the islands being washed up in the South China Sea from the Chinese side, the Americans are making a counterattack and now it will be difficult for everyone to resist .. But if China is monolithic and economically stable, then the oligarchs, and, accordingly, the Russian deputies can be bought in a certain crisis situation (Putin is not eternal, and there is no strong personality among this serpentarium, they will wrangle nafig, by the way, that's why they asked him to cheat with zeroing spend ..) and ruin or weaken Russia. We need a new young leader with a young team ready to change the system, calculating steps in advance, guided by the help of the RAS and all sorts of supercomputers
        1. +2
          13 June 2020 17: 50
          We need a new young leader with a young team ready to change the system, calculating steps in advance, guided by the help of the RAS and all sorts of supercomputers
          Is this already in mind?
  11. -7
    13 June 2020 07: 27
    Well, Timokhin suffered everything. He had already convinced himself long ago that the United States was preparing an atomic strike against Russia in the coming years. And therefore what? And the fact that we have bitten these cunning Americans and strike first. Under this, all these vanguards with overexposures and daggers are imprisoned. Even Migg 31 brought this theory under, they say how thoughtfully our people thought it out, but I poorly thought that there was simply no other suitable carrier for the dagger.
    . In general, the author write about the fleet do not go into other topics.
    1. +15
      13 June 2020 07: 36
      Quote: illi
      He had already convinced himself long ago that the United States was preparing an atomic strike against Russia in the coming years.

      Hello, we arrived ...
      They prepared such a blow from the moment nuclear weapons appeared in their hands.
      1. +1
        13 June 2020 07: 42
        Well, maybe a little wrong, Timokhin is sure that the United States will certainly deliver an atomic strike in the near future. And our existing atomic potential is not enough to convince them
        1. +5
          13 June 2020 10: 04
          And you don’t see that they are really preparing for such a blow? Are your eyes flooded?
          1. 0
            14 June 2020 00: 17
            Quote: timokhin-aa
            to inflicting such a blow? Are your eyes flooded?
            A complaint

            I think it’s hysterical because of the understanding of the loss of technology ... although the decrease in the power of the NSC on tridents pleases me .. so it's better to wait a bit - the fruit is ripening ... feel
            1. +1
              15 June 2020 20: 30
              I think it's hysterical because of the understanding of technology loss ...

              If you have to choose between relegation from the major league and "the whole world to dust", what do you think they will choose?
              1. -1
                15 June 2020 21: 28
                Quote: timokhin-aa
                If you have to choose between relegation from the major league and "the whole world to dust", what do you think they will choose?

                I understand that you refer to the phrase GDP, but the US elites are different - their grandmothers will flow to other countries and that’s all ... so for them the US slogan is a mess, not a world with their grandmothers ... recourse Remember - Ford factories did not bomb ...
          2. +1
            14 June 2020 06: 50
            I see that they’re even afraid of Kim’s rockets. So for them an atomic strike in Hawaii and Japan is already unacceptable. And everything else is your imagination.
            1. -1
              15 June 2020 20: 31
              What makes you think that they are afraid of them?
              1. +1
                16 June 2020 08: 16
                In the light of Trump's arrival at the beginning of his term. When he ran into Kim and making sure that he did not bend, he backtracked. If the issue cannot be resolved with North Korea. That ...
                However, you will now write that Korea does not rest against them anywhere, and it really hurt.
                I think if it’s necessary to click China’s nose, it’s better not to come up with North Korea.
                1. 0
                  16 June 2020 12: 06
                  So Trump did not plan a war. I tried to take a pont, it did not work out, well, okay. No one is afraid of Kim; he has nothing to fear.
                  1. +1
                    16 June 2020 15: 31
                    Well, you seem to know what Trump wanted. You in your previous posts concluded that the United States will attack Russia to show China who is the boss in the world. Isn’t it easier to attack Kim for this purpose and the risks are less and the result is similar.
                    1. 0
                      18 June 2020 14: 50
                      If Trump was planning a war, then there would be some kind of troop movement.
                      They were not.
                      Striking Russia is not about "showing China", but "destroying the only force that can help China stand against America." This is not the same thing, never.
                      1. 0
                        19 June 2020 05: 56
                        Well, as you rightly noted, in the confrontation with America we are now not the main ones. The United States unleashed an economic war with China. But then your logic suffers.
                        First, the determination of the US elites to start an atomic war is generally in doubt. Even if almost one-sided in your opinion. Here and not studied the environmental consequences for the whole earth. And unknown socio-economic. In general, there are strong doubts that the United States will be able to play dry. Well, then, the remnants of humanity in the bunkers will have to survive, and the elite need it?
                        Secondly, the goal of atomic warfare in your logic raises even greater doubts.
                        destroy the only force that can help China withstand America

                        IMHO, I’m not at all sure that in this confrontation, we will be on the side of China. Honestly, we have a wary relationship with China after Stalin. Moreover, they specifically betrayed us in the confrontation with the United States. Again, China that is not talking is capable of expansion in our Far East (actually it is already underway). We even have no answer to this economic expansion.
                        In general IMHO, I believe that if the US authorities tomorrow offer our authorities to confront China together and offer Russia and its authorities entry into the Western world on equal terms. Our authorities will agree without hesitation.
                      2. 0
                        19 June 2020 09: 44
                        Do you confuse the intentions of Americans with their capabilities and at the same time blame others for problems with logic?
                      3. +1
                        19 June 2020 19: 16
                        I am not confusing anything. I don’t know anything about the intentions of the Americans, as you believe. I suggested some logical assumptions based on my assessment of their capabilities. And I got a different picture.
                        And here we have a difference. You exaggerate their capabilities (purely in my estimation, I don’t know the assessment of our MO), and significantly reduce ours. And also exaggerate the desire of their establishment to start an atomic war. However, this is your right. We are not yet forbidden to think.
                      4. 0
                        19 June 2020 23: 49
                        I don’t know anything about the intentions of the Americans

                        And also exaggerate the desire of their establishment to start an atomic war.

                        You yourself do not see a contradiction in this? Put your thoughts in order already.
                        As for their intentions, I have no idea what they want. But I can see what they are doing. Judging by Putin's "we are in heaven, and all of you will just die," and according to Decree 355, they also see something at the top.
                      5. -1
                        23 June 2020 07: 54
                        Ha and this man catches me on contradictions.
                        Although he himself is seeking the intentions of the Americans in Putin's speeches. At the same time, our strategic nuclear forces refuse to stand up for themselves. Well, even lowering the power of ammunition as a cunning plan to attack Russia, it's generally five.
                        Putin is simply blackmailing the Americans with all these speeches. As I wrote below, America has a weapon that Putin does not have. And which for our elites is worse than an atomic bomb. Americans can simply nullify our elites for everything that is honest and not honest. And from time to time they hint at such a possibility. So Putin has to blackmail, "then we are the whole world to dust." For he has no adequate answer.
                        But what is the image of Russia after such speeches and actions? The question is rhetorical. Personally, Putin is already no longer a handshake, except for China.
                        But what can our elites do to the US elites so that they clutch at atomic weapons? The answer is that we were chosen as an edifying sacrifice, not to offer. For he is very stupid. That is, you can’t even think of a decent reason.

                        PS. must be tied up with military hysteria in Russia. And then the people are already becoming inadequate. Already worse than during the Cold War. Then even then in the USSR the population was more adequate.
        2. +4
          13 June 2020 16: 31
          Quote: illi
          Well, maybe a little wrong, Timokhin is sure that the United States will certainly deliver an atomic strike in the near future. And our existing atomic potential is not enough to convince them

          As soon as their computer gives out that we have nothing to oppose or anticipate, they will immediately apply it, they have this plan in action and is constantly being updated.
          1. 0
            14 June 2020 06: 45
            What would such a computer produce, we must really try in terms of disarmament and degradation. Well, as experience has shown (and not Timokhin’s ideas), the United States considers unacceptable even the risks of attacking the DPRK.
            1. 0
              19 June 2020 23: 50
              The United States even considers unacceptable the risks of attacking the DPRK.

              Stupid not tired of repeating?
              1. 0
                23 June 2020 07: 24
                You don’t get bored, write big stupid articles. It’s easier for me with comments. You refuse the elites prudence. Although even the VM was so bloody and with some bitterness, they didn’t use chemical weapons.
  12. +6
    13 June 2020 07: 34
    In my opinion, Putin clearly said already: we will die like martyrs, and you will die like dogs. What else can I add? ..
  13. +2
    13 June 2020 07: 35
    I will not evaluate the whole article, it has both interesting and controversial points,
    but the topic of enemy SSBNs is practically not disclosed, PLA planes are here
    will do nothing. Not only is the submarine in our "prehistoric"
    level, its remnants are constantly dying, and the tasks of the submarine are somewhat different.
    1. +3
      13 June 2020 10: 06
      The topic of SSBNs is not disclosed, because nothing is being done to the topic. There is no rebus solution.
      As for the submarine, I simply assumed that the authorities had hopes for it, but this is only an assumption, and only because there is nothing more at all - the boats cannot solve the problem, they will not be able to covertly establish tracking for SSBNs, especially the surface fleet.
      1. -1
        13 June 2020 10: 18
        Yes, this is a very difficult question, but it seems to be "not noticed" ...
        1. +3
          13 June 2020 10: 59
          Perhaps the fact is that we are not yet preparing for an offensive war - we are just hinting to the Americans that everything can begin to develop in this direction if they do not quit.

          Therefore, there are no active steps to preparing the search for the destruction of SSBNs - in any case, they will respond to such preparations.
          1. -2
            13 June 2020 11: 01
            In my opinion, everything is more complicated here - we do not have the technical and financial capabilities.
            1. +4
              13 June 2020 11: 27
              The question here is that it is not clear at all what financial and technical capabilities are needed. First you need to decide on this.
              1. -1
                13 June 2020 13: 51
                Yes, I do not see any new developments in
                areas of detection and destruction of submarines.
                1. +1
                  13 June 2020 16: 39
                  There is something. Just write about it is impossible, and the topic is nailed down, once again already.
                  1. 0
                    13 June 2020 17: 18
                    The author, of course, is pleased to be aware of his involvement in great deeds, to the host of creators and strategists ... Only here the caliber "VO" is not a place where these inhabitants of heaven whisper in Sasha Timokhin's ear everything intimate, everything secret ... There is such a fish sticking, she also thinks that she hunts with the shark ...
                    1. The comment was deleted.
                  2. -1
                    13 June 2020 19: 45
                    I do not know...
          2. +1
            14 June 2020 00: 18
            Quote: timokhin-aa
            no - they will in any case react to such preparations.

            the main thing is not to bother them ... but it is better to help provocations in the media feel
      2. +1
        13 June 2020 13: 29
        Alexander, thanks for the interesting article. I’ll insert my 5 cents:
        It can also be assumed that
        Quote: timokhin-aa
        the enemy’s influence on critical state or military facilities of the Russian Federation, the failure of which will lead to the disruption of the response of nuclear forces

        it will also include PLA-based locations or critical communications to carry out its functions, as well as the GLONASS and Liana satellite constellations, which, in my opinion, will lead to the development of non-satellite navigation systems (geo-navigation) and target designation, as well as alternative ones with respect to PLA search and defeat SSBNs.
        And, since the search for SSBNs of a potential enemy by means of submarines is indeed a long process, and in conditions of a critical lack of time due to the possibility of launching SLBMs from them in a very short time (and the United States was actively working, I think, not fruitlessly, on the domestic analogue of our Perimeter ), it becomes simply ineffective. Coupled with the fact that a potential enemy has not so many SSBNs, it is logical to eliminate them also secretly with special means.
        I can assume that the answer to this challenge is being prepared in several areas parallel to the PLA and supplementing it in terms of functionality.
        A modern mobile reincarnation of SOSUS, i.e. an autonomous SSBN detection system (for example, "Amga") - as one of its components - at a new technological level and, accordingly, with new capabilities. It seems to me that in peacetime such systems are very suitable for detecting the approximate location of SSBNs on the route.
        Also, since Poseidon is a multipurpose AUV, it can probably be equipped with a payload to track changes in SSBN routes with appropriate adjustments to the location of SSBN detection systems, and in a shock version for direct tracking of them in a threatened period ...
        I remember that the "sleeping in the ground" BRs were discussed a lot as a dead-end idea. But as a component of an autonomous submarine detection system, relocatable containers with AUV fighters could probably make sense.
  14. -3
    13 June 2020 07: 37
    Very weak article!

    It seems that I understood why Timokhin is such an irrational moroman, because his conclusions are irrational, to say the least.

    That's how it was possible in your right mind to forget about 14 Ohio-class submarines, 7 of which couldn’t be obtained at all, even if you riveted your beloved Timokhin nuclear carriers with blackjack and catapults.

    It is necessary to have a bite.
    1. +7
      13 June 2020 10: 08
      I wrote about the SSBN problem, but you did not understand what the article was about.

      It is necessary to have a bite.

      When something revolted you on the Internet, you breathe calmly for five minutes, think about whether you understood everything correctly and only then with your fingers on the buttons
      1. -2
        13 June 2020 10: 27
        Quote: timokhin-aa
        I wrote about the SSBN problem, but you did not understand what the article was about.

        Yes, just knowing about the SSBN problem, the article was not even worth starting, because if:

        "The problem will be resolved in a few, or several decades"

        In a few decades, we will have much more problems and all current concepts and constructions will become obsolete. For example, Musk will stomp Starship and the secrecy of our Yars, as well as the survivability of all strategic nuclear forces, will be called into question, since they will be able to remove not only clouds of spy satellites but also some stray from the first disarming strike.
        1. +4
          13 June 2020 11: 02
          Starship Ilona Mask will find all Yars? And you call me an irrational person? Well you give!
          1. -1
            13 June 2020 11: 06
            No need to mow under the fool, I meant that Starship would radically increase the ability of the United States to bring payloads into orbit, including and spy satellites and possibly some strike blocks that are just planned now.
            1. +2
              13 June 2020 11: 28
              Yes, they do not need him for this at all.
              1. 0
                13 June 2020 11: 54
                It can greatly reduce the cost of launch, but for the detection of PGRK the question is precisely in the mass of satellites, and therefore in the price.
                1. +1
                  13 June 2020 18: 53
                  Yes, they already have everything for this, including satellite constellation.
  15. 0
    13 June 2020 07: 55
    Very interesting look! Bravo author!
  16. +5
    13 June 2020 08: 11
    I’ll write my own version of why our sun-faced man recently likes to rattle with all sorts of avant-gardes, daggers and posidon. And why suddenly all sorts of doctrines are declassified, where it is written we can smack!
    . And the whole reason is that the Americans have a much more effective weapon than all their tribes and tomahawks. Moreover, they regularly use it. This is their financial fiscal apparatus, which finds billions in any part of the world, in any offshore and, if necessary, withdraws without regret. Actually the story of Panama and the cellist is remembered by everyone, as well as about Gaddafi and Sadam. Evil tongues say that for the same reason the Russian spring was merged.
    And Putin has practically no analogue of this weapon. Therefore, he has to constantly hint, do not touch the honestly cooked, I have Poseidon. I’ll hit you.
    1. DVR
      13 June 2020 10: 24
      I’ll write my own version of why our sun-faced man recently likes to rattle with all sorts of avant-gardes, daggers and posidon.

      Well, then it's easier for him if he is as greedy as you say, to negotiate with "partners". Why all this circus with unique weapons? Tomorrow, they will put (print) on the account how much they ask for and make him an honorary citizen of the world for life with all the privileges. And there is no need to "honestly steal", as you put it, to fear anyone, to write all kinds of doctrines, to compose decrees. There has already been one such, illustrative example.
      1. +1
        13 June 2020 23: 30
        Quote: DVR
        Well, then it's easier for him if he is as greedy as you say, to negotiate with "partners". Why all this circus with unique weapons? Tomorrow, they will put (print) on the account how much they ask for and make him an honorary citizen of the world for life with all the privileges.

        There is such a thing that is difficult to buy, the power is called.
        1. DVR
          13 June 2020 23: 49
          Well, you can agree on this, in any colony you need a manager. I would have sat like the EBN at one time, well, the processes in the country would have been a little different. About the same as with the same EBN. But, in a sense, there is even more power, you can throw hundreds of people in the center of Moscow, dance drunk at the electorate, or throw someone off the pier, conduct an orchestra and much more. At the same time, all domestic and world media, as well as top officials of the states and the entire political elite, will sing as soon as possible and stand in line to communicate.
          1. +1
            13 June 2020 23: 52
            Quote: DVR
            Well, you can agree on this, in any colony you need a manager.

            Compared, power over the world's largest country and a certain colony on the sidelines.
            1. DVR
              14 June 2020 00: 07
              Compared, power over the world's largest country and a certain colony on the sidelines.

              Well, in this largest colony country, his power would not be limited to anything. And all over the world, opportunities would be added. One could diversify their assets, invest well abroad. Buy hotels in resorts, enterprises, islands in the tropics and build personal palaces there. Then just let the fantasies roam. Power would be even greater, because now there would be great power behind him. Do what you want and nothing will happen to you, but everyone praises around you. No attempts at isolation, no complicated geopolitical game, no responsibility. The only thing he could not in such a situation to do anything for the development of Russia, armed forces, etc. But is it really necessary to feel the power, if the rest is all possible?
              1. +1
                14 June 2020 00: 10
                Quote: DVR
                No attempts at isolation, no complicated geopolitical game

                Bored, my friend. No adrenaline.
      2. 0
        14 June 2020 07: 06
        Tomorrow, they will put (print) on the account how much they ask for and make him an honorary citizen of the world for life with all the privileges. And there is no need to "honestly steal", as you put it, to fear anyone, to write any doctrines, to compose decrees

        What naivety is in your speeches. All these billions of Putin's entourage, without power and imperious support, are no more than zeros in the computer.
        Americans can promise anything, even if they want to give you the moon. And then they will throw you and wrap you to the skin, which also happened more than once, when they even threw their bitch sons.
        That is, all of these Sechins, Rotenbergs, Timchenks, etc., do not lose their property in the west only thanks to our army and navy.
        Only Putin will be released, the Americans will immediately write them to the Russian mafia, with all the consequences.
        1. DVR
          14 June 2020 12: 07
          What naivety is in your speeches.

          What are you talking about, it was not so long ago. Selling the Motherland for pieces of paper and loyalty, the status of immunity for some, about which our liberals and pseudo-patriots like to shout here, a guarantee for the inviolability of capital, no matter how they are made. This deal is super profitable for the USA, the whole world is at stake, because it is clear that China is in one this confrontation. And they will agree to all the conditions, giving our elite the best seats in the "departing train of the golden billion", which our liberals dream about so much. Yes, the States just dream about it, because this is a complete victory in the "big game", the costs of which are already difficult for even them to afford, despite the presence of a printing press.
          no more than zeros in the computer

          All zeros in computers are controlled by him, and so, only the search for hundreds of billions of the Darkest by the forces of the largest and most equipped special services in the world will not succeed, just talk.
          An example, this alignment is still alive. He certainly cheapened heavily at one time, circumstances were different. The imprint of Soviet life was reflected in the scale of the deal - a person could not even imagine what kind of cashbox could be had. Received the Nobel Prize, recently celebrated the anniversary in the London Albert Hall, about four thousand invited guests, respected persons. So in the case under discussion, everything would be absolutely the same as it already was. There is no point in arguing, everything has already been shown in the best possible way:

          Maybe the number of zeros would be greater, the modern elite is no longer Gorbachev’s simpletons, but that certainly would not be decisive. Zeros are not a problem for the States, because the last super prize is at stake, then it’s a matter of technology. Moreover, they don’t need to pay, they will simply once again allow to plunder the Russian Federation, as was done in the 90s. Not like they are stealing now, but really, like in the 90s, when people from ordinary citizens of the USSR turned into billionaires. There will be a couple more dozens of such multibillionaires that let them touch them, let them live, they don’t interfere. The main task of the United States and those who use them as a management tool is to destroy Russia as a subject, as an independent player, for this they will do anything! Only a blind or pretending can argue with this.
          1. 0
            14 June 2020 16: 27
            What are you talking about, yet it was not so long ago. Selling the Motherland for pieces of paper and loyalty, immunity status for some of which our liberals and pseudo-patriots like to vote about

            Who got immunity status there? All those fleeing the regime in the west were plucked to the skin. Yes, the modern Russian elite is smarter than the liberals of the 90s who still believed in this rubbish that if they did everything as the West wanted, they would not be touched.
            Well, the billions of the darkest sometimes get out for themselves, as in the same Panama by a modest cellist, a friend of his own. Obviously whose will you be.
            1. DVR
              14 June 2020 19: 44
              Who got immunity status there?

              Well, I even attached the video, open your eyes. Why is it incomprehensible? Well, other useful idiots for the West like Khodorkovsky. And then, they will have this status so far useful to the West against Russia. So they are trying their best to stir up here. So Berezovsky began to look back, write letters to Putin, the issue was quickly resolved. And these that escaped from the regime and which were plucked were small fry, sixes. What could they offer to the West? The darkest country can be turned over to them with colossal resources, which is their main geopolitical adversary.
              Who was smarter than the cones, by the way, he realized that you should not meddle there, it is better to be friends with Putin. Because there the wolves are more serious, they will devour with all the contents, they will not disdain.
    2. +2
      13 June 2020 11: 53
      Quote: illi
      This is their financial fiscal apparatus, which finds billions in any part of the world, in any offshore and, if necessary, withdraws without regret .... And now, in fact, Putin has no analogue to this weapon.
      Nationalization of enterprises owned by foreign capital in Russia.
      1. +2
        13 June 2020 16: 25
        And this is not the only option, we live in a century of global information system, with mutual penetration there too ...
      2. 0
        14 June 2020 07: 13
        I'm afraid the numbers here are not nearly comparable. And not only money matters. Our elite does not just want to be an outcast in self-isolation. And bite a place under the sun on a global scale.
    3. +2
      13 June 2020 13: 42
      Quote: illi
      This is their financial fiscal apparatus

      We do not need such weapons on a global scale, otherwise we ourselves will become the same. But opposition, protection of one’s own interests and training of the slow-witted ... Yes
      And in this regard, things are being done. Ust-Luga, the Northern Sea Route and the Armed Forces in the Arctic, oil refining development, entry into the LNG, MIR, SPFS market, import substitution, attempts to separate business from politics. As you can see, the list is wide and multifactorial, and affects many areas.
      1. +1
        13 June 2020 16: 22
        Yes, and this weapon is not so formidable, but it may soon be completely blown away ...
      2. 0
        14 June 2020 07: 16
        We do not need such weapons on a global scale, otherwise we ourselves will become the same.

        Well, it may not be necessary for you, but our elite would not refuse to become one and is taking all steps in this direction.
    4. +3
      13 June 2020 23: 00
      Everything is simple here .. First, you save up money for an ax, and then you go to a conversation with an old percent-interest woman .. Or, too, from a classic with a gun and a kind word, much more effective than just a word .. GDP has everything according to the schedule, awareness, analysis of the situation in the country, taking control of it, at the same time training personnel to control their policies, then pumping up military muscles, and only then questions to those who started it all .. Just a little borzoi is not enough, weighty arguments are needed ..
  17. +1
    13 June 2020 08: 18
    Prospects, prospects .... We will be alive, we will not die! soldier
    1. +3
      13 June 2020 16: 18
      You must always believe that we will survive ...
      1. +2
        13 June 2020 17: 08
        We believe that anyone at the feet of the worker! They, those who are supposed to, know this!
        And we live in consensus!
        1. +3
          13 June 2020 17: 22
          Yes, work raises us and makes us live, while we work and live.
          1. +2
            13 June 2020 17: 27
            Ha, I wanted to write that we’ll give anyone horns !!! It turned out that!
            1. +3
              13 June 2020 17: 59
              It happens, especially when still busy with something ...
              1. +1
                13 June 2020 18: 05
                Et yes, at the same time, and concrete ... but although the main contribution is made by the mowing Internet! Today, and finally, a couple of days already, not at all in an arc!
                Last night I wanted to download the file, so I had to climb the stairs to the roof level !!! And then he threatened to download for 5 hours !!! In 15 minutes managed.
                1. +2
                  13 June 2020 18: 11
                  How we used to live without him lol , now everything is only with him and through him, even the topic that we are discussing, without an Internet in any way.
                  1. +1
                    13 June 2020 18: 16
                    Yes. I'll go on vacation, let's go fishing with friends, Schaub nothing and nothing !!! As in the old days, there is a lot, a lot of tasty, pleasant things, and the receiver "VEF 202" .... what a lafa was drinks
                    1. +2
                      13 June 2020 18: 19
                      Here I am about the same, answering my question, they lived wonderful and happy. drinks
                      1. 0
                        13 June 2020 18: 58
                        Ha, happiness, this is when nothing hurts in the morning ..... but after concrete work, I’ll have to heal tomorrow! Because of this pandemic, I just can’t get to my chiropractor ... they put him into the fight, at the very same time! God forbid, Schaub everything was fine in him!
                        Well, nothing, I’ll draw him fishing, I hope by that time he will be free ..... he will make magic passes with his hands and I will have a better back ... better.
                      2. +2
                        13 June 2020 19: 55
                        I don’t know, I don’t know, I think we are about the same age, if you woke up and nothing hurts you - you died .... and here are all our doctrines according to Ya.O. are moving to a new generation.
                      3. 0
                        13 June 2020 20: 16
                        Our sins, in youth ... a joke.
                        He was engaged in a barbell, turned / broke everything that could and could not be rolled / broken.
                        Just caught up, now.
                        I’m not complaining, so I grumble a little .... I have strength, I can still carry my quivering soul mate in my arms, but in bad weather, like many others, my "barometer" warns in advance.
                      4. +2
                        13 June 2020 21: 08
                        That yes the barometer works like a clock ...
          2. DVR
            14 June 2020 19: 52
            Quote: cniza
            Yes, work raises us and makes us live, while we work and live.

            Golden words!
  18. 0
    13 June 2020 08: 21
    "Being signed by the Supreme Commander, he sets the framework for the Supreme Command itself and in fact determines the strategy for the entire country."
    It said "seriously" and with menacingly frowning eyebrows! lol
    So to speak, the thousand last formidable Chinese warning ... lol

    I have only one question - is it possible to believe this ... "commander-in-chief"?
    He now promises us that as soon as the adversary ... so we ... uh !!!

    I remember his promise about the retirement age in 2005, given to all of RUSSIA!
    His promise to us all! To all our Russian people !.
    And it was a promise all, and not some sort of another insignificant piece of paper to at least somehow intimidate intimidate Americans!

    And How? Did he keep his word? That's it ... No.
    And here is a simple piece of paper, which they somehow signed and proudly looked around, like - "Here we are!" lol

    But after all, the Americans are also not completely fools, as they are sometimes shown to us ...
    They also understand that if this "commander-in-chief" did not keep your word this ALL RUSSIA, then they do not need to strain too much. there is no guarantee that this decree No. 355 will be fulfilled when the time "Ch" comes.

    P.S. And a cherry on a cake ...
    Around this "commander-in-chief" there are many of those who have considerable accounts, at home, in families in the countries of our probable enemy, against whom this "decree" has been signed.
    Do you need to explain something further?
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. The comment was deleted.
    2. Alf
      13 June 2020 19: 51
      Quote: Brigadier
      P.S. And a cherry on a cake ...
      Around this "commander-in-chief" there are many of those who have considerable accounts, at home, in families in the countries of our probable enemy, against whom this "decree" has been signed.
      Do you need to explain something further?

      In January 17th, near Nikolashka, there were also all the shitty devotees, and in February, these same "their" revolvers were instructed, forcing them to quit their jobs.
      1. Alf
        13 June 2020 20: 10
        Quote: Alf
        Quote: Brigadier
        P.S. And a cherry on a cake ...
        Around this "commander-in-chief" there are many of those who have considerable accounts, at home, in families in the countries of our probable enemy, against whom this "decree" has been signed.
        Do you need to explain something further?

        In January 17th, near Nikolashka, there were also all the shitty devotees, and in February, these same "their" revolvers were instructed, forcing them to quit their jobs.

        Minusator, but in fact there is something to argue? Or did they take the abdication from Nikolas and flew from Mars?
        1. Alf
          13 June 2020 20: 38
          Quote: Alf
          Quote: Alf
          Quote: Brigadier
          P.S. And a cherry on a cake ...
          Around this "commander-in-chief" there are many of those who have considerable accounts, at home, in families in the countries of our probable enemy, against whom this "decree" has been signed.
          Do you need to explain something further?

          In January 17th, near Nikolashka, there were also all the shitty devotees, and in February, these same "their" revolvers were instructed, forcing them to quit their jobs.

          Minusator, but in fact there is something to argue? Or did they take the abdication from Nikolas and flew from Mars?

          Nothing ... Shit and ran away, looking around ...
  19. +1
    13 June 2020 08: 24
    Maybe first we need to come up with something to ban NATO exercises along the borders of Russia? Especially with the use of technology capable of carrying a special charge? If the Americans need to launch a nuclear strike, they will not do it from overseas, for this there are "Ukraine" and similar states near the borders of Russia. And another question about biological laboratories in the same Ukraine, Georgia and further on the list ... If there are no fast missiles, then they can start with fast microbes ... Moreover, the infected Ukrainians themselves will be carriers, for example. ..... America has no faith. How to deal with this?
    1. Alf
      13 June 2020 19: 53
      Quote: Tatiana Sementsova
      Maybe first you need to come up with something to ban NATO exercises along Russia's borders?

      On what basis? Is there a violation of borders? No. All according to the spirit and letter of the arrangements.
  20. +3
    13 June 2020 08: 48
    The author, as always, casts in granite - the launch of any ballistic missile, including the carrier of the gliding cruise block "Avangard", is detected by the torch of the rocket engine using the optical reconnaissance satellites of the space echelon SPRN (like the Russian "Tundra"). Detection is carried out at OUT within the first ten to twenty seconds of the flight after the launch vehicle has lifted over the clouds at the launch site.

    GKR "Zircon" is also tracked at the start by the torch of the rocket accelerator, and then it is conducted at the echelon along the plasma cloud surrounding the GKR in flight.

    The meaning of Avangard and Zircon is absolutely different - flight out of reach of transatmospheric interceptors installed on American ground and sea-based missile defense missiles.

    The rest of the author's "analytics" is of the same kind - a compilation from foreign media.
    1. 0
      13 June 2020 10: 11
      It is necessary to have a bite.

      Which will be neutralized by lasers. And this is written in the article.

      Andryusho, you already have the ability to concentrate while reading, disappeared, read through the lines, skip important fragments. Think about it, you can still be saved.
      1. +4
        13 June 2020 10: 53
        Laser systems "Peresvet" are intended only for dazzling low-orbit (200-300 km) optical reconnaissance satellites, which monitor Russian PGRK using high-resolution cameras in a strip ~ 50 km wide along the satellite flight path, of course.

        The early warning satellites for optical reconnaissance of the launch of ballistic missiles of the "Tundra" type rotate in highly elliptical orbits with an apogee of 30-35 thousand km above the enemy's territory, at this height the size of the Peresvet laser beam spot reaches several hundred square meters with no destructive power for the camera matrix ...

        PS It’s high time for you to stop disgracing VO and go to the glamorous bloggers advertising fashionable clothes for a small bribe laughing
        1. 0
          13 June 2020 11: 18
          Optical reconnaissance satellites for launching ballistic missiles of the "Tundra" type rotate in highly elliptical orbits with an apogee of 30-35 thousand km over enemy territory,

          Right here they just rotate above it, yeah. They don’t fly over the rest of the earth, they don’t have a perigee.
          And Peresvet is walled up in concrete and cannot be thrown anywhere if necessary.
        2. 0
          13 June 2020 11: 57
          Quote: Operator
          SPRN satellites for optical reconnaissance of the launch of ballistic missiles of the "Tundra" type rotate in highly elliptical orbits with an apogee of 30-35 thousand km above the enemy's territory, at this height the size of the Peresvet laser beam spot reaches several hundred square meters with no destructive power for the camera matrix
          And it is not necessary to hit, it is enough to disrupt the functioning (by illuminating the matrix at least) for 15 minutes, and then let it work.
          1. -1
            13 June 2020 12: 00
            Quote: bk0010
            it is enough to disrupt the functioning (by illuminating the matrix at least) for 15 minutes

            This is a defeat for a space reconnaissance vehicle.

            Another thing is that at a distance of 30 thousand km it is impossible from the word to completely disrupt the functioning of the matrix using a laser.
            1. 0
              13 June 2020 18: 54
              Andryusha, what satellite do you think of a satellite with the apogee of 35000 km perigee?
              1. 0
                18 June 2020 09: 57
                Whatever he is. But he is somewhere above Australia or Latin America. But the apogee is just above our territory.
                1. 0
                  18 June 2020 14: 59
                  There is not one satellite and perigee somewhere above Latin America but satellites with a different inclination over Africa. Not higher than 2000 km, but rather much lower.

                  That is, the question is in the delivery of essentially a pair of road trains "there". And different Wagners just in equatorial Africa and to the south shine, as well as military supplies from the Russian Federation.
                  In Lat. America only Venezuela so far.

                  On the other hand, such a laser on a stabilized platform on a ship can stand.
                  1. 0
                    19 June 2020 09: 42
                    Something you are trying to prove some of your innocence climbed somewhere in the wrong direction. Do not find that the whole ship will have to stabilize, how about laying the SP-2? And as for Wagner, it’s clear, after all, that no one will trust them with this. Better correct the original background of the article.
                    1. 0
                      19 June 2020 09: 50
                      Do not find that the whole ship will have to stabilize

                      You can immediately see the specialist on the stabilization of weapons. This is actually no innovation.

                      And as for Wagner, it’s clear, after all, that no one will trust them

                      It should be clear to any rational person that where Wagner works, completely different people may appear there.
  21. +3
    13 June 2020 08: 57
    The first nuclear strike against the United States is impossible (not rational) without the ability to quickly destroy SSBNs on duty. And such an opportunity is not only not there, but there is even no desire to get such an opportunity: the submarines are not being built by hunters (the SSBNs are being heavily built instead), the aviation of the PLO chickens to laugh, there are no surface squadrons to search for SSBNs.

    The published strategy is not about that at all.
    The Americans are preparing the first nuclear strike against us. But they are stopped by only one thing - they do not have time to hit our ICBMs before they are launched. Therefore, the Americans are waging a psychological war with us in order to force us to abandon the strategy of retaliatory strike. On the one hand, through "independent" experts, they are trying to create the opinion that the concept of a retaliatory strike is very dangerous by the start of a global nuclear war by mistake. On the other hand, they intensify provocations that can lead to such an error: a global swift strike, the deployment of cruise missile launchers in Poland and Romania, the deployment of tactical nuclear warheads on SLBMs, an imitation of a B-1B attack. All this is done so that our leadership is afraid to start a war by mistake and abandon the strategy of a counter-strike.
    The published strategy that we would rather start a war by mistake than give up a retaliatory strike.
    1. +1
      13 June 2020 10: 14
      The first nuclear strike against the United States is impossible (not rational) without the ability to quickly destroy SSBNs on duty.

      The declaration is that we have shown the Americans not the very possibility of delivering a nuclear strike against them, but the possibility that we will switch to such a strategy. Therefore, "white spots" such as the unsolved problem of SSBNs.

      The published strategy that we are better start a war by mistake, than we refuse a retaliatory strike.

      Well, it's the same side view. I even highlighted the key word in your quote. And this is a tectonic shift in consciousness, in comparison with the Soviet "if only there was no war."
      1. 0
        13 June 2020 13: 41
        in fact, there may be another unfortunate point here - that the two largest nuclear potentials are zeroed out, and the "deep state" remains
        1. 0
          13 June 2020 18: 43
          It cannot exist without a carrier.
          1. 0
            14 June 2020 08: 03
            the thesis of the imminent death of all mankind from a nuclear conflict between us is far from obvious
  22. 0
    13 June 2020 08: 58
    Excellent article.
    In Hollywood, the script with his hands torn off. smile
    But there are nuances, such as
    1. The author wrote well about Russia's right to a preemptive strike in the face of a threat to nuclear forces, but somehow missed the fact that the Americans never refused such a right to a preemptive strike.
    And the author was going to compose SPRN satellites (and it is not at all obvious what will come out, by the way).
    2. Vanguard is a maneuvering ICBM combat unit, therefore, in the middle section of the flight, the detection will be the same as that of other ICBMs.
    In the final section of the Vanguard, maneuvering against missile defense. But this does not affect the detection.
    Why did the author take, by the way, that the Vanguard flies like in an American picture?
    3. The author somehow missed the fact that the basis of the American strategic nuclear forces was a submarine with SLBMs.
    In a threatened period, up to a dozen Ohio can be at sea, this is 240 SLBMs, each up to 8-12 charges.
    In reality, of course, much less, but still enough to attribute an interesting story to a Clancy-style movie script, rather than a real combat scenario. smile
    But in general it was interesting to read.
    1. 0
      13 June 2020 10: 20
      1. The author wrote well about Russia's right to a preemptive strike in the face of a threat to nuclear forces, but somehow missed the fact that the Americans never refused such a right to a preemptive strike.

      And where is it? They did not refuse, now we also did not refuse, the article was not about them, but about us.

      And the author was going to compose SPRN satellites (and it is not at all obvious what will come out, by the way).

      You inattentively read, there are some events before "dazzle" sounded.

      Vanguard is a maneuvering ICBM combat unit, therefore, in the middle section of the flight, the detection will be the same as that of other ICBMs.

      Congressional Research Services has a different opinion on this matter.

      In the final section of the Vanguard, maneuvering against missile defense. But this does not affect the detection.

      This affects the detection time.

      Why did the author take, by the way, that the Vanguard flies like in an American picture?

      This is just a schematic diagram. The trajectory may be higher, it does not change much.

      3. The author somehow missed the fact that the basis of the American strategic nuclear forces was a submarine with SLBMs.
      In a threatened period, up to a dozen Ohio can be at sea, this is 240 SLBMs, each up to 8-12 charges.

      The article writes about the SSBN problem.

      and not to the real scenario of military operations.

      And this is not a scenario of hostilities, it is a hint that Russia may once again change its approach to deterrence and once rely on a preemptive strike and prepare for it. You have to be more careful.
      1. -2
        13 June 2020 16: 41
        There is such an old joke, when a candidate comes to the director of the circus and describes an amazing focus, the circus director immediately takes him into the program and asks, how do you do it?
        Candidate - I haven’t come up with it yet.
        It’s me about your ingenious idea to imperceptibly and for a few minutes decapitate all possible US leadership so that they don’t suspect anything, then from the ground to blaze SPRN satellites with laser in geostationary and highly elliptical orbits.
        Just business.
        As for the glider, did you read that it was the vanguard?
        Well, you believe Congress, but do you believe yourself?
        You yourself wrote the well-known - the avant-garde stands on the ICBM, that is, its launch and flight will be visible just like any other ICBM. Do you know the ICBM trajectories?
        According to the submarine, it is also naive, they just have one communication channel.
        . can change the approach to deterrence and one day rely on a preemptive strike, and prepare for it.

        What you call deterrence is a provocation of the start of a nuclear war by the Americans, good deterrence.
        1. 0
          13 June 2020 18: 52
          It's me about your ingenious idea to imperceptibly and within a few minutes decapitate all possible US leadership, so that they do not suspect anything

          You twist, google in English decapitation strike, in Russian "decapitation strike" I didn’t come up with it even once, if that.

          SPRN satellites in geostationary and highly elliptical orbits.
          Just business.

          Their perigee is not so high, and the optics are very sensitive

          As for the glider, did you read that it was the vanguard?

          Are there any other options? In addition, Vanguard is quite mentioned there.

          According to the submarine, it is also naive, they just have one communication channel.

          Between the planned communications via a connected buoy, they have only TACAMO and several ground-based long-wave stations. Both are vulnerable.

          What you call deterrence is a provocation of the start of a nuclear war by the Americans, good deterrence.

          There will be no choice at a certain point. You do not really see what is happening or what?
          1. The comment was deleted.
          2. -1
            13 June 2020 19: 58
            Of course there is a decapitation blow, only the Americans also know about such a problem.
            Not to mention the actual impossibility of committing it as you described.
            By the way, during the threatened period, the vice president can be on duty in a protected bunker to exclude this same decapitation blow, this was in 2001.
            By satellites. There are satellites in geostationary orbit.
            It is constantly 36 km.
            . As of the beginning of 2018, only 4 upper echelon satellites in elliptical orbits (HEO) and 4 geostationary satellites (GEO) were put into orbit.

            Now they are building a more advanced version.
            . Between planned communications via a communications buoy, they only have TACAMO and several ground-based long-wave stations. Both are vulnerable.

            It’s better for us to never find out what kind of backup they really have and what instructions for various difficult cases.
            What will change if they strike in a day?
            1. 0
              15 June 2020 20: 28
              In any case, some of the satellites pass preigey low, for 30-35 it is not higher than 2 thousand km, and most likely lower, somewhere above Africa, just where Wagner teaches locals to throw grenades at the door.

              What will change if they strike in a day?

              Just in case, the article is not about tomorrow, we will rush to attack the United States with the available forces. It is about the fact that the situation in the world is slowly forcing Russia to slip into the adoption of a preventive strike for itself as the main factor in preventing a blow to itself.
              And that even such exhortations as the demonstration of technologies of the first strike do not force the Americans to besiege with their preparation.
              1. -3
                15 June 2020 20: 39
                Do not make Americans besiege with their preparation.

                in my opinion this is also your exaggerated conclusion about the preparation.
                Rather, they will take advantage of financial, economic and political pressure.
                1. +1
                  16 June 2020 09: 04
                  They enjoy and prepare too. As Herman Kahn wrote, "No one should doubt America's ability to wage thermonuclear war."
                  Well, or paraphrasing one Jewess - if what they do looks like preparation for your murder, just believe it.
                  1. -3
                    16 June 2020 09: 20
                    "No one should question America's ability to wage thermonuclear war."

                    So what? nuclear deterrence for 70 years has worked.
                    1. 0
                      16 June 2020 12: 57
                      Combining the fact of offensive preparations and "must not doubt" we get both an unpleasant picture and the specifics of Decree 355.
              2. +1
                16 June 2020 13: 30
                Quote: timokhin-aa
                It is about the fact that the situation in the world is slowly forcing Russia to slip into the adoption of a preventive strike for itself as the main factor in preventing a blow to itself.

                This has been provided for us since Soviet times, so that Russia is not slipping anywhere, but continues to operate in the spirit of Khrushchev’s installations for the armed forces. It’s just that our heads of state didn’t publicly say this before, because there was a focus on class solidarity and the struggle for world peace. Now all this has been discarded, so they no longer hide what they always knew and would use in a critical situation.
  23. +4
    13 June 2020 09: 35
    The fifth column is those who teach their children abroad. They have real estate and financial assets abroad. Naturally, they will not restrain anyone.
    1. +2
      13 June 2020 10: 07
      Quote: Gardamir
      The fifth column is those who teach their children abroad. They have real estate and financial assets abroad. Naturally, they will not restrain anyone.

      Isolationists without a roof over their heads and penniless in their pockets will also not hold back anyone. Alas... hi
      1. -4
        13 June 2020 14: 48
        Come on, but in the 41st? These are Jewish cosmopolitan-type gref to defend Russia. Guarding something, absolutely booby boob.
        1. +4
          13 June 2020 14: 55
          Quote: Wasilii
          Come on, but in the 41st? These are Jewish cosmopolitan-type gref to defend Russia. Guarding something, absolutely booby boob.

          I don’t know who’s the bo-bo head here. Do you expect American tanks near Moscow, as in the 41st? Also they found a comparison! Would be ashamed to sculpt such a thing here! belay
    2. 0
      14 June 2020 04: 13
      but what makes you so sad that I don’t understand from studying abroad ... like technology and knowledge should be different. including foreign ones. a lot of Russians study there and return and work at home. at the same time, they bring here all this knowledge and apply it. I want my children to study there for at least a couple of years. looked at the world. broadened their horizons. plunged into their linguistic and cultural environment. why are they the fifth column ?!
  24. 0
    13 June 2020 11: 30
    "Nuclear deterrence" is a fundamentally incorrect term. "Deterrence" also implies blocking the enemy's possibilities for developing nuclear weapons. The capabilities of the Russian Federation are extremely limited and are aimed solely at maintaining and demonstrating the ability to inflict unacceptable damage on the enemy, i.e. "nuclear containment".
  25. +1
    13 June 2020 12: 09
    A good analytical article no more. The author stopped halfway through his analysis. And the question is this. Almost all "our elites", their families, their capital, money, real estate, all this is there with our enemy! And these same "elites" are in power! Will they shoot by themselves? None of this will happen, I assure you! And also considering their hypertrophied cowardice in decision-making? Even the president was a coward in 1914, when Donbass and southern Ukraine rebelled! Let us remember how he was "taking" permission from the Federation Council to enter troops and giving this permission back? And now we have what we have - a hostile state at our side ... And the United States would not have done that! They are not afraid to make fateful decisions, to our great regret!
    1. +1
      13 June 2020 23: 14
      Calm down, the question of using nuclear weapons is accepted by THREE people; they have no special interests beyond the hillock, and the rest of the rest will not be able to influence the question of deciding on a nuclear strike, not the same time frame as the issue of actual access to this information .. This it’s not a question of unleashing a classic war, yes everything is possible, then a decision will be made within 5-10 minutes .. So think about who is there and who will not give what ..
      1. -3
        14 June 2020 08: 54
        The decision to retaliate quickly.
        But the article speaks of a preventive strike, and there the circle is wider, and there is more time.
      2. -1
        14 June 2020 14: 45
        Quote: max702
        Calm down, the question of using nuclear weapons is accepted by THREE people

        How did you count them? And I still remember how Gorbi capitulated to Malta. What interests did he have? By the way, look at the list of gentlemen of the highest order of St. John the Hospitallers who manage the finances of the Vatican.
  26. +7
    13 June 2020 12: 14
    c) the enemy’s influence on critical state or military facilities of the Russian Federation, the failure of which will lead to the disruption of the response of nuclear forces

    This point c) has long been obvious. I would add it: critical state or military facilities by any means... But even so already.
    1. +1
      13 June 2020 16: 09
      It seems to me that it is obvious that by any means available.
  27. +3
    13 June 2020 12: 17
    this is nothing more than a strategy for counteracting the gopniks, set to a high level, when persuasion is no longer valid - figure out the leader and beat him first! well, and who’s the gopnik here is clear to everyone wassat
    1. +2
      13 June 2020 16: 07
      The trouble is that the United States no longer hears anyone, and the fear is that they don’t hear its own mind.
  28. +3
    13 June 2020 12: 55
    I think that it is precisely in the case of blinding of the orbital SPRN that the United States (and probably ours) has technical protocols - using satellite constellation, detect the activity of a likely enemy at a number of key points. Perhaps this is even done automatically - in the event that key changes occur at that moment (or have already taken place), strong changes (for example, the covers of ICBM mines are open, losses from the nuclear submarine bases, smoke screens are placed at some key facilities, etc., there are a lot of options) - anyway, there is a large set of obvious actions that the enemy will be forced to perform during the attack or waiting for the OVU). If such changes / activities are detected, the signal is sent directly to the head of state, which is called by the shortest route. If not - I assume that the signal goes to the headquarters of the Armed Forces, responsible for such topics.
    1. +3
      13 June 2020 16: 07
      Quote: Knell Wardenheart
      I think that it is precisely in the case of blinding of the orbital SPRN in the USA (and, probably, in our country)

      My guess is that there are "sleeping" satellites, which we and they carefully hide and disguise.
      1. +1
        13 June 2020 16: 27
        The specificity of such satellites is that they will have strictly defined orbits - otherwise, you can “pump” the moment. There are also requirements for filling and reliability, these are rather large products. By these two parameters, it seems to me that it would be difficult to hide.
        But surely there are some kind of fallback, in general, all the answers they have in history. The United States has traditionally relied more on technical intelligence and analytics; we have traditionally relied more on operational tracking of activities associated with key points, figures and decision centers. So far, despite all this aggressive noise, the West does not believe in our preemptive strike, in view of the very dense adhesion of authorities with our bourgeoisie, and our bourgeoisie with the West, and we do not particularly believe in the preemptive strike of the West - because the real impact of us on the West is important things are insignificant, and where it is required they have long trodden paths bypassing us and our interests.
        Although the treaties are breaking down and the United States is going to lift the self-obligation of the moratorium on nuclear weapons tests, I would rather link this to the end of the protracted dismantling of the Cold War alignment than to some harsh preparation for a war with us. By dem. to the potential and size of the economy, we have not been as terrible for a long time as we would like to be.
        1. +1
          13 June 2020 23: 22
          Quote: Knell Wardenheart
          By dem. to the potential and size of the economy, we have not been so terrible for a long time as (we would like) to represent us.

          The question of growth and prospects is terrible .. Steam locomotives are crushing while they are teapots .. It didn’t work out well with China, it’s not Japan that you just can’t crush a competitor that is overwhelmed. America has overtaken it needs time to regroup, but during this period it is possible to lose leadership and finally all nishtyaks are with him for that ... Yes, and they judge exclusively by themselves, not knowing that you can live together .. That's why they are afraid of losing leadership with a subsequent answer for what they have done, they do not believe that they will be forgiven ..
          1. -1
            14 June 2020 00: 05
            I am a supporter of the sad idea that it is possible to live "together" only in a fairy tale. Countries are too different, everyone has different initial data, access to fresh water and the number of sunny days per year, someone is higher up the river, someone is lower, someone has oil, someone does not, and so on ..
            It seems to me that we should abandon these games with geopolitics and just-learn-well-do-and-trade. Because the Chinese have already caught up with us in terms of living standards, Europe has long surpassed us, they live better in South Korea, the USA, Canada, Australia, Turkey, damn it ..
            What should we care about this struggle for global leadership, if we have long been living in a moment when many of our own people vote with their “feet” for this very leadership, and not in our favor. At least two generations, we need to deal with our internal affairs, construction, science, real culture and prosperity, otherwise the remnants of our CIS, already well thinned out, will be dismantled by our neighbors, along with millions of our active and talented compatriots, who will simply evaporate to their ears. in insanity and prohibitions at every corner.
            What I mean is that what is brewing is NOT our struggle and it is not worth adjusting somewhere on the side and choosing the side. We only have our own side and only our interests - and they are all here, and not somewhere in other parts of the world.
            1. +2
              14 June 2020 17: 51
              Are you pretending to be? "Eat it but eat it, but only who will give it .." (S.)
              We are too significant a country to let us live in peace on our own.
              We are a COMPETITOR! And as if the most terrible for the world bourgeoisie .. we have everything so that we do not depend on anyone and develop independently, that is, POTENTIAL! Moreover, in all areas and directions. Material resources ? Yes, any and in any quantity .. Earth? As much as you like! But the worst thing for THEM is people .. Precisely people! we do not have problems with fundamental education, scientific schools and many other things, which makes a competitive country in the field of high technologies, we do not have the problem of Asians with creative thinking and the search for new solutions, we can do this better than anyone else in the world! Yes, this alone makes us the most dangerous rival and THERE understands it very well .. You yourself do not believe in "let's live together" in and they do not believe .. therefore they do not give pressure to develop because they will not be able to compete letting us develop! Here you cited the South Caucasus as an example and China, well, what is the South Caucasus in the world, but nobody! Do not give raw materials, technologies, a sales market and there is still no prosperous country, respectively, it cannot carry any competition and threat, because it is good only for its biorobots and that's all, take an interest in life itself in the South Caucasus, oh not sugar at all, China is generally a hotel song, in principle, everything is the same as with the SC, adjusted for the scale
              , the standard of living is in some places higher than in Russia, but not all of them, for example, receive pensions there, right? ... A hellish sweatshop of 6/7/12, the same as in Russia? Is Turkey a Better Life? Are you pinned? have you been in the outback? As for the rest, there are also questions .. And here the point is not that we need to learn to live calmly and competently to work to trade again, who will give us that ?! We would be happy not to give! The last example of SP-2 .. Has the market settled or is watered? And so in everything .. About telegrams, remember, do not forget Kaspersky, and many other projects, their darkness .. We have prepared the fate of a supplier of raw materials and no more .. But in such quantities that 20-30 million people can live decently .. and the rest? And they did not fit into the market .. Also a quote by the way. It's not about us, but about the fear of US .. How did they lick them in the 90s and what's the point? The country miraculously crawled away from the abyss where the "partners" led it with smiles ..
              1. -2
                14 June 2020 19: 08
                This whole picture of yours is in sharp contrast with the level of emigration, 3% of world GDP and the amount of imported products on our shelves - from banal consumer goods to high-tech.
                Too many emotions, young man, they hit you over the edge, and this prevents you from seeing the picture more mundane.
                Ask how much your colleague abroad receives for the same amount of work, at what% he takes a mortgage, what kind of pension he will have (and in this parameter look not only at the state pension, but also at voluntary contributions to funds that are we burst with enviable regularity).
                You mention the Turkish outback - I recommend that you compare the Turkish outback with the Russian. And then the scale of this very "Russian hinterland" in the country, with the scale of the Turkish hinterland in Turkey. If you're not too lazy, you should be impressed.
                So you mention the gas pipe and lament that we are not allowed to trade normally - we had a choice to invest in LNG production and this would load our shipyards with orders and northern ports with jobs - and most importantly, our business would become mobile - but no, we would prefer this pipe , and now we are raking for it. For you, this is the image of Western cunning, for me it is an image of our short-sighted stupidity.
                How nice that you remembered the telegram)) Indeed, very successfully pressed its creators and "pressed" at the state level - this is definitely the proper level of support for our startups from the state. I wonder if you've heard the story about NGINX? This is the story of a dude who is less fortunate than Kaspersky, and another example of how our state "cares" about those who make money with their brains and ideas. Perhaps this is why so many such entrepreneurs and startups fled abroad - after all, it is more profitable for them to develop their ideas there, they will not be jailed for a linden tree and a ready-made business will not be taken away - well, those same Western villains who sleep and see how to take something from us that they have not yet taken their Shaposhnikovs / Tkachevs / Volodins / Arashukovs and others like them.
                1. +1
                  15 June 2020 10: 18
                  Are you either funny on a salary .. 3% of world GDP .. But nothing if you look at how this GDP is formed? All the giants of this character have 70% of the services that are frankly inflated! For example, if you are a landlord in the United States and live in it without naturally giving up BUT to the US GDP, it goes like renting a house with an appropriate amount and so on throughout the country that gives tens if not hundreds of invented billions of US GDP, and so on points .. This is an extremely incorrect character to refer to which means to declare your incompetence ..
                  LNG ... Wake up! We have long and seriously invested in this project and are among the leaders, Yamal LNG (Sabbeta), LNG Sakhalin, a huge terminal is being built in Ust Luga, we are firmly moving out to 3-4 places in the world in terms of LNG volumes, and plus our technology due to the northern climate they make it 30% cheaper than their competitors, now we are transitioning to our equipment and technologies that will still increase our competitive ability. And you know, pipeline deliveries are the most profitable because of them, the wars begin and you consider to be idiotic! For example, ESPO to China caused a gnash of teeth in CA, the USA with comrades like the Power of Siberia (do not write deliberate nonsense about the loss-making of the project) And about the SP-1 \ 2, in general, dissonance is obtained by no one but it must be forbidden!
                  You see about Telegram categorically not in the know about the brilliant operation of the special services to collect hamsters of idiots in one place with their subsequent fixation and taking them in pencil, in the USA they perfectly understood this and sent the cart away from their market especially after a shot with virtual currency .. About those who fled for We all know the boundary of geniuses as it doesn’t seem to show any large-scale success at best, taken by serious uncles and no more ..
                  I repeat we are COMPETITOR! And that’s enough .. Do not understand this your problems ..
                  pc: 30 silver coins Judas brought to the loop .. Think about it ..
                  1. 0
                    15 June 2020 11: 52
                    A charge without evidence does not color the prosecutor. I really like your arguments about GDP like this, the RenTV channel washed your brains :-) We take the average American brow and find that he earns how many times more than the average Russian? We take the American space budget, and we find that it is many times larger than the Russian one? Defense industry. Medicine. Science. Education. In general, we take the American budget - and see how many times it is larger than the Russian one? There are exchangers for dollars in Russia on every corner - in the USA, do you think they change a lot of dollars for rubles?) Can you juggle with numbers as much as you like - the share of our economy in comparison with the European Union or the USA is insignificant, globally and even more so. This may not be a problem if this parameter moved in the direction of improvement - but no, we do not observe this.
                    I was directly delivered as you first mentioned Telegram and successful Russian entrepreneurs, and then abruptly twisted :-) This is a skill!
                    We have LNG technologies, we are drowning in words behind the SevMorPut - so why are we still hammering our heads against the wall that prevents us from laying the fourth pipe in the EU? Is it because our bourgeois do not want to invest in the country's infrastructure, but want to make a pipe and continue to drive raw materials to the west online? And you are now on the side of these people, with their cave-like perception of capitalism.
                    Excuse me, what are we a COMPETITOR? In electronics? Maybe in biotechnology? Are we still a competitor in space? Perhaps we are a competitor in terms of living standards or some kind of exorbitant indicators of education? Half of the CIS has already crawled away from us, we are such a competitor with our "idea". All bad and stupid - we are good and we go gogol, and although the numbers are against us, to the devil the numbers are a couple more terms of GDP and everything will be the way right? So are you looking at things?
                    1. 0
                      15 June 2020 12: 10
                      But let's get your candidacy instead of GDP? Real name and surname ..
                      And the rest of the nonsense you wrote is very distant about reality. Too lazy to explain something to you anyway, you don’t understand anything if you do not see the industries and achievements in which Russia is an unequivocal leader because you don’t read anything about our country besides manuals. Beads are expensive now ...
                      1. 0
                        15 June 2020 12: 23
                        Yes, everything is expensive now))) We do not do the beads you mentioned either - we buy in Europe (expensive) and in China (cheap). It would seem, to some, glass beads - but production has long gone bankrupt and a new gut is launched.
                        Candidate for the place of GDP - Glazyev, Shoigu. At the moment, it is not so important who will be after the GDP - it is important that this person stays in the place no more than 1 term (4-6 years) and during the time in power would launch adequate reforms of management and the economy (Glazyev), or at least organize a professional and a more or less competent government (Shoigu), while not playing the governor of higher powers on earth.
                        During this period, it is also necessary to update our political system and cut government spending on "maintaining" it.
                        Z. If it's not difficult, give me a link to the "manual for Russia" I would read.
                      2. 0
                        15 June 2020 12: 34
                        We are not beads, but we do glasses for iPhones, like many other things that the rest do worse than us but they don’t write you in the training manual .. Shoigu, Glazyev .. yeah .. but how do they differ from GDP and most importantly how are they better? stupidly for what something to change? Type of beds in a brothel? There’s not enough near there, the presidents are regularly changing in every way, but you don’t see success and the bottom is already sieve .. On earth, three forces are the Anglo-Saxons we and China .. All the rest have no meaning, so we are forced to play higher forces , the country we have is not Congo and not Liechtenstein .. The tasks are appropriate .. Regarding the launch of reforms, the administration of the rest has already written to you that no one will give it! Then they don’t give money to doctors what to say about some kind of development of the country ..
  29. 0
    13 June 2020 13: 33
    Interestingly, at Deutsche Welle this doctrine was already discussed a week ago. And in similar wording. The "efficiency" of the VO is off scale.
    1. +1
      13 June 2020 16: 04
      And whose doctrine was there?
    2. -1
      13 June 2020 17: 06
      So from one bowl slurp!
    3. 0
      13 June 2020 18: 57
      And of course you have a link
  30. +1
    13 June 2020 14: 45
    I read and cry wassat wassat wassat This is a miracle, the leaders here, nowhere else in the world. Atomic bombs will be fired at their own children, at their palaces and villas, at their yachts. No, they won’t. They’re writing about us, they’re scaring us, they’ll play atomic bombs on us. Wow, they are easy.
  31. +3
    13 June 2020 14: 54
    The troubles of the 17th century, the revolution of 1917, the collapse of the USSR 1991. Why can't they count on the betrayal of the Russian elites today? How do we know what happens upstairs? ..
  32. +2
    13 June 2020 16: 00
    If at the last moment it is possible to agree, then the possibility of a nuclear war will again become purely theoretical, at least for a while.

    The United States has become non-negotiable, they have no understanding and responsible politicians, their invented exclusivity, unfortunately, excluded their brains from their actions.
  33. +6
    13 June 2020 16: 04
    Timokhin, of course, is a great theoretician and interpreter of dreams, but sometimes he gets so carried away that it is impossible not to stop and respond to some of his "universal values" from the point of view of a military professional. So he writes:
    Previously, there were no open, public documents relating to nuclear deterrence. Meanwhile, the availability of such a guidance document is very important. Being signed by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, he sets the framework for the Supreme High Command and, in fact, determines the strategy for the entire country.

    It is tempting to ask the author how this document can affect the job descriptions of our operational duty officers or the protocols of the American military, which have constant combat duty on both sides, and which directly decide whether or not to strike, because only they determine the authenticity of events in such situation. Yes, it doesn’t affect me at all, and I can say this because I survived the Brezhenovsky Helsinki detente and how our drunk retargeted the drunken rockets, telling the whole world about it. Therefore, the author’s claim that:
    And one should not think that this decree is an element of some kind of propaganda. This is not true. This is indeed a framework document for the national nuclear strategy. What is particularly important is the indication in the text of the document that it is the basis for "nuclear planning".

    I consider it a common profanity, because in essence it is a pure element of propaganda, which will not affect the combat readiness of our strategic nuclear forces. Apparently, the author of the article did not stand by the mechanism of the armed forces, where they determine the reality of what is happening and make a decision, which is why his faith in this propaganda document makes me grin.

    Previously, there was only one document, where something was explicitly said about the use of nuclear weapons by Russia. It was a military doctrine.

    The military doctrine and similar statements are specifically made for the media and housewives, and this does not affect how the actions of those who decide to launch a nuclear strike are worked out. Without even delving into history, I remind you that the former Head of the Western Group of Forces, Burlakov, himself admitted that he would have delivered a preemptive nuclear strike against NATO without waiting for an order from Moscow, if he knew that the war would begin - that was how the issue was resolved even at the operational level. I think that even now nothing has changed since then, otherwise the Americans would have long ago squeezed out not only Crimea, but also a number of disputed territories from us.
    Firstly, the threat of incapacitating the enemy of systems that allow Russia to use strategic nuclear forces before the exchange of nuclear strikes was aloud recognized.
    Secondly, the right of Russia to use nuclear weapons in response to such actions has been voiced.

    This is all babble, because if it was not published in the media, this does not mean that American analysts did not know about it. They all knew, that’s why they never climbed on the rampage, even when we introduced our MTR, or troops to Afghanistan, into the Crimea.
    It is also obvious that no demonstration of the possible consequences leads to the fact that the Americans thought better of it. And there were such demonstrations.
    And here we need to recall Putin’s words about the attacks on decision centers.

    It is ridiculous to read this, because the Americans never intended to bother with this, because they themselves are well aware of which centers will be hit by our strategic nuclear forces - they don’t slurp their cabbage soup, and everyone predicts quite accurately.

    Mosaic has developed.
    This is what Putin’s words meant: “You haven’t heard us, so at least now listen.”
    But Americans don’t hear anyone.

    I don’t know what to repeat these mantras for, but they don’t give a damn what Putin says there - the nuclear confrontation was long before he appeared in politics, and the main criterion was not declarations of war, but the number of warheads on constant duty. And that’s it. Timokhin can throw the rest of the dregs into the basket.
    Much will depend on whether the United States ultimately goes to the START-3 gap. If yes, then that's it.
    Nonsense is complete - until 1972 we existed without contracts, and now we will survive, once they have come back after the nineties. Why the hell should we be afraid of the lack of a treaty if Hitler in 1941 showed that the West would never abide by our commitments.
    Putin correctly stated that without Russia, the world would not exist. And smart people immediately understood the whole essence of our doctrine.
    It is to be expected that Russia's nuclear preparations will improve over time.
    Currently, the very essence of deterrence is the possibility of guaranteed retaliation.

    This idea Timokhin needs to be carved in stone, as well as the fact that "the Volga flows into the Caspian Sea." True, this thought indirectly refutes many of his promises in this article, because it turns out that it is not Putin's statements that decide something there, but simply a sober analysis of the Americans that they will end in any case if they try to rock the boat against us.
  34. +5
    13 June 2020 16: 25
    When I started reading this .... how to put it mildly, the article could not understand for a long time who the author is, I apologize for the set of "urya-delirium". And I was unpleasantly amazed when I read at the end of the article - Alexander Timokhin. I always read his articles with interest, though I did not always agree with them, but here Alexander "surpassed" himself. To be honest, there is not even a special desire to disassemble what has been written.
    Sincerely ...
  35. +2
    13 June 2020 17: 03
    Timokhin is again rude and distorts, however, what else to expect from the shape-shifters. Now he is for the construction of a Big, well, a very large fleet, then for the construction of a large number of underships, then for aircraft carriers ... now, in order to get into the stream, "we" must assume with Putin, have created the latest weapons, and the iron of the last century is no longer so important. I understand Sasha, the military medical commission blocked access to the naval institution, and Sasha did not want to be there, there are rude people there who do not understand the subtleties of nature and the nervous system. Much easier to write, write, write and always "we" always cling to the majority. This kind of fish stuck, like Rezun - that one, too, "we" won ... Well, okay, Sasha is a small size, as always, in fact, she does not answer, but professes the principle "Himself and the back are white." His article, when studied in detail, is not so harmless - it is again like Russia must mine the Baltic, capture Northern Norway, Spitsbergen ... The article pedals precisely Russia's desire to strike a preemptive strike in any case! That is, the aggressiveness of Russia is pedaling under the smokescreen of words. These articles, like those of Skomorokhov, urging not to go and vote, not to believe, are aimed at one thing - to weaken Russia, to smear it in the eyes of the foreign countries and their own citizens. This is an ideological weapon, which, as history shows, can be more powerful in the collapse of the country than a nuclear one.
  36. +1
    13 June 2020 17: 21
    Quote: illi
    Timokhin is sure that the United States will certainly deliver an atomic strike in the near future.

    Do not be alarmed, Timokhin had a dream, so he issued an article. Excerpts from it will be reprinted by the "respected and respectable" media of Russian "benefactors and well-wishers" and a new tale about aggressive Russians, about the terrible Putin ... with whom Mr. Timokhin discussed all this over a glass of tea will go for a walk.
  37. -1
    13 June 2020 17: 29
    Quote: Boris55
    In this century, China will rule the world.

    Yes, it’s possible, but Russia won’t get any easier, but the appearance of the Finnish-Chinese border (pah-pah-pah) is very likely.
    1. 0
      13 June 2020 18: 54
      I believe more in Chinese polynesia than in the Finnish-Chinese border - the Chinese are directing their expansion to where it is warm and good all year round.
      1. -1
        13 June 2020 21: 19
        From the end of the 20s, the population of the PRC will begin to decline, and no measures to support the birth rate will help here. Too few babies are born in recent decades. So why do they need new territories in such conditions?
      2. +2
        13 June 2020 21: 21
        Why not Sino-Swedish or Sino-Irish? Does Greater Finland Stop Chinese Expansion?
        1. -1
          13 June 2020 21: 54
          You probably don't remember when you were young - there was such a Soviet joke where the "Finnish-Chinese border" appeared. But seriously, considering themselves the heirs of the empire of Genghis Khan, they may not go further.
      3. -2
        13 June 2020 22: 07
        Yes, it is difficult to predict where the CCP will turn its sword, an association with Japan from WWII suggests itself. But in Polynesia, everything is less than in Russia. However, the goal of Polynesia is soft ... suitable for training.
  38. +2
    13 June 2020 19: 27
    "It remains only to observe the development of events."
    I'm afraid yes ...
  39. -1
    13 June 2020 21: 58
    The author, in his primitive style, continues to insult all who dare to disagree with his laughing stock. I appreciate his close acquaintance with psychiatry and his very strong desire everywhere and always to show his imaginary complicity in great things. However, as always, he makes himself a laughing stock. Well, okay with the author, this is a small figure, but his articles can be a big dirty trick.
  40. -1
    13 June 2020 23: 27
    Previously, there were no open, public documents relating to nuclear deterrence. Meanwhile, the availability of such a guidance document is very important. Being signed by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, he sets the framework for the High Command and, in fact, determines the strategy for the whole country. He shows the masses and politicians of the lower levels those boundary conditions that we determine for ourselves. It also contains a message for “partners” regarding what lines they should run if they do not want to see the end of their world with their own eyes. Actually, the obligatoriness of publicity is from this.

    It is precisely that, due to its publicity, this document has a purely declarative-propaganda-frightening character! Someone seriously believes that in countries where banks are located, in which the Russian political class keeps "earned by galley labor" their tugriks will be "fired" with nuclear missiles? And their "partners" (although the quotes here may be superfluous) on the other hand, they are far from stupid, and they understand that while they have several trillion green rubles belonging to those issuing such documents, you can sleep peacefully. What I wish for the author of the article. lol
    1. -1
      13 June 2020 23: 32
      Quote: Radikal

      Chukchi, of course, is not a reader. But suddenly?

      Quote: max702
      Calm down, the question of using nuclear weapons is accepted by THREE people; they have no special interests beyond the hillock, and the rest of the rest will not be able to influence the question of deciding on a nuclear strike, not the same time frame as the issue of actual access to this information .. This it’s not a question of unleashing a classic war, yes everything is possible, then a decision will be made within 5-10 minutes .. So think about who is there and who will not give what ..

      Camrad max702 right, you are not. Humble yourself Yes
  41. -3
    13 June 2020 23: 53
    Quote: Golovan Jack
    Quote: Radikal

    Chukchi, of course, is not a reader. But suddenly?

    Quote: max702
    Calm down, the question of using nuclear weapons is accepted by THREE people; they have no special interests beyond the hillock, and the rest of the rest will not be able to influence the question of deciding on a nuclear strike, not the same time frame as the issue of actual access to this information .. This it’s not a question of unleashing a classic war, yes everything is possible, then a decision will be made within 5-10 minutes .. So think about who is there and who will not give what ..

    Camrad max702 right, you are not. Humble yourself Yes

    You two - tell the marines from ... the US Embassy, ​​but start digging the bunker yourself! lol wassat
  42. +1
    14 June 2020 00: 04
    Regular sanctions packages and other attempts to strangle the Russian economy, those remnants and the legacy of the USSR, then little new, will lead to the solution of the problem through the destruction of the source of the problem, that is, the United States.
    To ensure guaranteed retaliation, the farther the more difficult and constantly requires more resources, we do not sustain such a race, to delay and to falter means to lose the ability to retaliate. The states raise rates every turn, and apparently analysts somewhere (I hope that they exist and are respected by the current gopniks in power) have calculated a temporary fork, after the extreme point of which we will practically lose the possibility of a retaliatory strike. If the US continues to reap on us, there will be nothing left as a preemptive strike and the destruction of the States and their nuclear potential, all the more it is cheaper than playing a game imposed by the States.
    As we have been taught, we will act - "business and nothing personal." It comes to the States - they stop, but no, well, their problems. So far, everything has not been completely squandered and not lost, and many Soviet developments are relevant and, plus a minuscule new, make it possible to provide a solution to the Shatov problem both for us and for humanity in general ...

    Indians are just sorry ...
    1. +1
      14 June 2020 17: 59
      In principle, we don’t even need to strike bluntly in our territory to blow up half of what there is and all the ambitions of the globe .. But it will be completely cynical. A preventive strike will not do anything useful .. It’s not beautiful to destroy the USA because the situation is similar to ours, in the event of such a blow, the fox will also come to the ball .. it's just statements and e more .. As practice has shown, we can withstand this race if we don't allow excesses and alarmists like you .. Yes, and such a race itself keeps the country in good shape not allowing it to go dull and swim fat ..
  43. +1
    14 June 2020 00: 12
    It looks reasonable, but sad ... request as a physical engineer and dosimetrist, I have no illusions about the consequences of a nuclear war .. hi however - it’s better to hit first .. feel
  44. +1
    14 June 2020 00: 22
    but in general thanks to the author for the courage in raising the topic! love
    as for me, I never understood the toothlessness of the Soviet, and then the Russian approach to this topic (like we only need the world) - let them be afraid, it cleans the brains ... what
    1. +1
      14 June 2020 13: 39
      Quote: ser56
      then I never understood the toothlessness of the Soviet, and then the Russian approach to this topic

      It was in words that appeals for peace were carried out, but in fact, none of the peacekeeping initiatives had any effect on our armed forces. Adequate people serve there, and everyone in my time was focused on the fact that the world would die in a nuclear war, so we wait for the command and execute, and who will survive, we did not think much about it. This frightened our enemy most of all, which is why they agreed to sign treaties with us while they had more or less adequate leaders in power. Trump is just crazy, and therefore Americans should be more afraid of him than we are. And the main thing for us is to keep our "finger on the trigger", and this is the guarantee of our security. So it was, is and will be.
      1. 0
        14 June 2020 19: 40
        Quote: ccsr
        It was a verbal call for peace,

        words matter ... request for example - the United States withdrew from the DSMD type because of our rocket for Iskander ... although before that they had deployed universal cells in Romania ... and as a result of the Russian Federation in fools ...
        Quote: ccsr
        none of the peacekeeping initiatives had any impact on our armed forces

        so, for example - Pioneer, Oka ... request
        Quote: ccsr
        the ramp is just crazy, and therefore Americans should be more afraid of it than us.

        some nonsense ... he is not very stupid ..
        Quote: ccsr
        And the main thing for us is to keep our "finger on the trigger", and this is the guarantee of our security. So it was, is and will be.

        kept, do not remind where the USSR? request
        1. 0
          15 June 2020 11: 55
          Quote: ser56
          for example - the United States withdrew from the DSMD type because of our rocket for Iskander ... although before that they had deployed universal cells in Romania ... and as a result of the Russian Federation in fools ...

          Are you serious? Yes, this treaty did not play any role whatsoever for the strategic balance, as did the missiles in Romania, against which the propaganda company is going. Any military professional understands that the American missile defense system will not stand against the massive launch of our strategic nuclear forces, and they will destroy the US territory anyway. And the Americans know this better than us.
          Quote: ser56
          so, for example - Pioneer, Oka ...

          I have not heard that these complexes scared the Americans, given the range of missiles.
          Quote: ser56
          . he is not very stupid ..

          He began to fight with the whole world - he has a big mind, especially since China has already overtaken the United States in terms of GDP. Hitler was just as "smart", believing that by capturing Europe he would defeat the USSR, but it turned out to be a bummer - he did not take into account the experience of Napoleon. The same will happen for Trump, it's just a matter of time.
          Quote: ser56
          kept, do not remind where the USSR?

          What does the history of the country and the military doctrine of today's Russia have to do with it? Do you think that since the USSR collapsed, then the military doctrine has changed? Do not tell me, on the contrary, Putin stopped flirting with the West and began to tell them directly that we would destroy you if you tried to do something against us. However, you apparently live in a different reality, where the elves build fabulous castles.
          1. +1
            15 June 2020 12: 10
            Quote: ccsr
            Are you serious?

            absolutely - the question is also serious ..
            Quote: ccsr
            Yes, this treaty did not play any role whatsoever for the strategic balance, as did the missiles in Romania, against which the propaganda company is going.

            are mistaken - the flight time of the INF from Moscow to Moscow was 3 times less than that of the strategists - hence the problem of a counter strike for us ... request and from here the perimeter ...
            Quote: ccsr
            And the Americans know this better than us.

            why spend money in vain? bully
            Quote: ccsr
            Did not hear
            your problems....
            Quote: ccsr
            He began to fight with the whole world - this is from his great mind,

            I will say this - remind pique vests with their Churchill is the head ... wink
            Quote: ccsr
            Akim of the same "smart" was Hitler, believing that by capturing Europe he would defeat the USSR, but it turned out to be a bummer - he did not take into account the experience of Napoleon.

            can we talk about the "genius" of the IVS, who allowed it? But Churchill said that the peacekeepers remind him of those who feed crocodiles with people, believing that they will be extreme ... hi
            By the way, Hitler was not very stupid, but as always - the person was weak in power ... request
            Quote: ccsr
            What does the history of the country and the military doctrine of today's Russia have to do with it?

            it’s a pity that you don’t see the connection between economics, politics and internal stability ... request
            Quote: ccsr
            Do you think that since the USSR collapsed, then the military doctrine has changed?

            I know, the USSR promised not to use nuclear weapons first bully
            Quote: ccsr
            and he began to directly tell them that we will destroy you if you try to do something against us.

            Have you forgotten what you said in the USSR?
            Quote: ccsr
            However, you apparently live in a different reality, where the elves build fabulous castles.

            see above, which of us is an elf ... fool
            1. 0
              15 June 2020 13: 02
              Quote: ser56
              are mistaken - the flight time of the INF from Moscow to Moscow was 3 times less than that of the strategists - hence the problem of a counter strike for us ...

              Are you aware that Pershing-2 could only fly to the borders of the Moscow region? By the way, their condition was monitored by our intelligence, so it’s not a fact that they would have had time to turn around in positions, taking into account the fact that they would have had to rise with the entire American army in Europe, and this could no longer be hidden. By the way, the launch of the Tridents from nearby waters was not much inferior to the RIAC in Europe in terms of arrival time, but it blocked our entire territory.
              Quote: ser56
              can we talk about the "genius" of the IVS, who allowed it?

              And he was a genius - what is there to talk about?
              Quote: ser56
              it’s a pity that you don’t see the connection between economics, politics and internal stability ...

              This is a demagogic device, when it is impossible to refute the facts, they answer with common words. So how did our military doctrine change after the collapse of the USSR - can you specifically explain by the example of our strategic nuclear forces?
              Quote: ser56
              I know, the USSR promised not to use nuclear weapons first

              This is populism that was intended for the ignorant. In fact, our retaliatory strike would have begun even before the first enemy warheads reached our territory.
              Quote: ser56
              Have you forgotten what you said in the USSR?

              In the days of the USSR, what they said, it's a pity that you believed everything. But not everyone was so naive - believe me, many knew how to read between the lines and did not believe the editorials of Pravda, where they signed what kind of world we were. And Afghanistan showed it, although it was a wrong decision.
              1. 0
                15 June 2020 13: 47
                Quote: ccsr
                Do you know that Pershing-2 could fly only to the borders of the Moscow region?

                range 1700 km ...
                Quote: ccsr
                so it’s not a fact that they would have time to turn around in positions

                Do not consider the enemy a fool ... request
                Quote: ccsr
                And he was a genius - what is there to talk about?

                about a lot ... he was a genius in the seizure of power, otherwise it happened differently - before quackery ...

                Quote: ccsr
                This is a demagogic device when it is impossible to refute the facts, they answer with common words

                if you do not see the facts, then they do not mean that they do not exist ... request in short, nuclear weapons and their delivery vehicles cost a lot of money ... request
                Quote: ccsr
                How has our military doctrine changed since the collapse of the USSR - can you specifically explain how our strategic nuclear forces are?

                no problem:
                "Since 1968, the USSR has annually deployed up to 200 new missiles. The number of missiles that the US possessed (1054 ICBMs, 656 SLBMs) ​​has remained unchanged since 1967."
                "According to the agreement, the USSR and the USA had to reduce their nuclear arsenals within 7 years in such a way that each side had no more than 6 000 units. In reality, according to the "rules for crediting" warheads on heavy bombers, the USSR could have about 6 warheads, and the USA - 500. "
                "The agreement provides for the reduction of nuclear warheads to 1550 units, intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarine ballistic missiles and heavy bombers - up to 700 units. "
                Quote: ccsr
                This is populism that was intended for the ignorant.

                this is politics
                Quote: ccsr
                our retaliation

                reciprocal ... request

                Quote: ccsr
                We dofig what they said in Soviet times, it’s a pity that you believed everything.

                and I trusted the decisions of the Party and the Soviet government ... and you, then from the dissidents? Have you heard the voices? It is noticeable that you can’t stop ... probably they voted for EBN ... request
                Quote: ccsr
                did not believe the editorials of Pravda, where it was written what kind of world we are

                exactly, you sing with enemy voices ... crying
                Quote: ccsr
                And Afghanistan showed it

                what nonsense - we brought in troops at the invitation of their Government hi

                Quote: ccsr
                otya it was a wrong decision.

                Americans are now there - they could have been earlier and shot through Siberia with pershing ...
                1. +1
                  15 June 2020 15: 11
                  Quote: ser56
                  range 1700 km ...

                  Take a compass and calculate where they could fly from their place of deployment in Europe.
                  Quote: ser56

                  no problem:

                  You have a problem with understanding the quantity of weapons and how they are used - you have probably studied military affairs more under newspaper articles.
                  Quote: ser56
                  this is politics

                  Too primitive approach, because the policy of a state with nuclear weapons is very different from the policy of a state that does not have it - an example of Israel or two Koreas to help you.
                  Quote: ser56
                  and you, then from dissidents? Have you heard the voices?

                  No, not one of the dissidents - I had to watch and listen to Western voices and TV from time to time on official duties, which is why I do not share your naive ideas about the media.
                  Quote: ser56
                  what nonsense - we brought in troops at the invitation of their Government

                  And they might not have entered, given the fact that the highest military were against it. By the way, under the Constitution of the USSR, the army could not fight on foreign territory in peacetime, which is why not a single soldier who refused to go to Afghanistan could be prosecuted - however, you are clearly not one of those who know what is behind all this stood.
                  Quote: ser56
                  Americans are now there - they could have been earlier and shot through Siberia with pershing ...

                  But what for do they need it - didn’t they think about it? Well, at least from the point of view of transportation and maintenance costs, as you can see if the Taliban attacked the storage sites of such missiles. Your fantasies have nothing to do with reality - I was once again convinced of this.
                  1. 0
                    15 June 2020 16: 41
                    Quote: ccsr
                    Take a compass and calculate where they could fly from a place

                    I will say this - compasses are a means of measurement, not calculation ... bully From Germany to Moscow flew ... request
                    Quote: ccsr
                    you have a problem with an understanding of the quantity of weapons and the method of its use - you have probably studied military affairs more under newspaper articles.

                    senior lieutenant engineer, VUS 799500, if you understand, you will understand hi
                    Quote: ccsr
                    Too primitive approach, because the policy of the state with nuclear weapons is very different from the policy of the state,

                    and oil is oil, water is wet ... bully
                    Quote: ccsr
                    from time to time I had to watch and listen to Western voices and TV,

                    political officer? crying
                    Quote: ccsr
                    however, you are clearly not one of those who know what was behind all this.

                    I do not boast of my knowledge, but you have a classic of political education from political studies ... request
                    Quote: ccsr
                    But what for do they need it - didn’t they think about it?

                    I will answer in your coordinates - and to them the troops and other missiles in Germany bully I won’t ask about your thoughts feel

                    Quote: ccsr
                    if the Taliban attacked the storage sites of such missiles.

                    Taliban in 1979? bully you are funny ... fool

                    Quote: ccsr
                    Your fantasies have nothing to do with reality - I was once again convinced of this.

                    voiced by me these are not my fantasies, the realities of the geopolitics of the late 70s request
                    1. +1
                      15 June 2020 18: 56
                      Quote: ser56
                      From Germany to Moscow flew ...

                      They didn’t reach - only to the borders of the Moscow region. By the way, some air borders, radio wave propagation zones and nuclear weapons damage zones are mapped by a compass.
                      Quote: ser56
                      senior lieutenant engineer

                      Just? I thought it was at least a colonel. By the way, the prefix "engineer" was removed in the eighties, and I was already serving when this prefix was in front of the rank. So your idea of ​​the army has not gone far since then - it is noticeable.
                      Quote: ser56
                      political officer?

                      No, not a political officer - it was the duty of the duty officer. However, you are clearly not in the subject, if you think that the political officers were engaged in this - there were special propaganda units for this, so here you have complete ignorance of the issue.
                      Quote: ser56
                      Taliban in 1979? you are funny ...

                      You are funny, and you already forgot what you yourself said about the American troops. When they entered Afghanistan, they just had the Taliban and had to face.
                      1. 0
                        15 June 2020 21: 34
                        Quote: ccsr
                        Did not reach - only to the borders of the Moscow region

                        I don’t see the point of the discussion - no one lived before Moscow?
                        Quote: ccsr
                        I thought at least a colonel

                        looking at what rank tables to recount, maybe higher bully
                        Quote: ccsr
                        By the way, the prefix "engineer" was removed in the eighties, and I was already serving when this prefix was in front of the rank.

                        I have it written on the ticket, you are not careful ... request
                        Quote: ccsr
                        and nuclear weapons destruction zones.

                        you were poorly taught ... given the wind it is an ellipse ... fool

                        Quote: ccsr
                        and already forgot what they themselves said about the American troops.

                        I talked about 1979 - see above ... request
                        Quote: ser56
                        Americans are now there - they could have been earlier and shot through Siberia with pershing ...

                        so you are not careful ....

                        Quote: ccsr
                        there were special propaganda units for this, so here you have complete ignorance of the issue.

                        I voiced my VUS, it suits me ...
                      2. +1
                        16 June 2020 13: 23
                        Quote: ser56
                        I have it written on the ticket, you are not careful ...

                        If you were really of interest to the army, then you would have already been promoted to at least a reserve captain, but without the prefix "engineer". This was the practice at the time.

                        Quote: ser56
                        you were poorly taught ... given the wind it is an ellipse ...

                        Normally taught - the ellipse shows the spread of radioactive fallout, and the circle defines the affected area with a direct shock wave and radiation.
                        Quote: ser56
                        I voiced my VUS, it suits me

                        I have no doubt. But you undertake to judge what you have no idea about, and your VUS is unlikely to help you in this - you simply have no idea that it was not included in the list of knowledge for this VUS, and this is immediately noticeable in your reasoning.
                      3. 0
                        16 June 2020 20: 54
                        Quote: ccsr
                        If you really were of interest to the army,

                        I will say this, I have so represented and are of interest to the USSR / RF Defense Ministry that even in peacetime I cannot be called up for training camps ... request commander’s training was in the evenings, firing at Sat ... hi you take the flag and sewed standing tracers from AKM ... crap, of course, but at 25 years old funny ... fool

                        Quote: ccsr
                        Normally taught -

                        Quote: ccsr
                        areas of radio wave propagation and nuclear damage zones.

                        then they didn’t teach to explain ... request By the way, about radio waves you are also not sure ... hi
                        Quote: ccsr
                        ellipse showing

                        Can draw a compass ellipse? feel I can...

                        Quote: ccsr
                        I have no doubt.

                        usual story for majors .. hi
                      4. +2
                        17 June 2020 11: 52
                        Quote: ser56
                        I will say this, I have so represented and are of interest to the USSR / RF Defense Ministry that even in peacetime I cannot be called up for training camps ...

                        We have not held fees for a long time, and pensioners like you are not called there. If you have the rank of "senior lieutenant engineer", then in 1983 you were at least 25 years old, that is, now 62 years old. Who needs you in the army?
                        Quote: ser56
                        then they didn’t teach to explain ...

                        Everything is clear, they blurted out without thinking, and now they began to wriggle. Burn on ...
      2. 0
        19 June 2020 23: 57
        And the main thing for us is to constantly keep "the trigger finger"

        Right on the trigger? Have you ever seen a weapon in the pictures, Mr. Storyteller? You also talk about your military service here.
        The joke is simple.
        I will remember that, by the way.
        1. +2
          20 June 2020 10: 48
          Quote: timokhin-aa
          Right on the trigger?

          Right on the "nuclear trigger" - this is a metaphor, you are clearly at odds with the intricacies of the Russian language. Educate yourself:
          He hid behind the ledge of the wall, like a lion, waiting for prey, and prepared to shoot, holding your finger on the trigger.
          Emilio Salgari, Captain of Tempest (compilation), 1905,1908

          Quote: timokhin-aa
          I will remember that, by the way.

          Remember "writer" if you like this comparison. Themselves then at least served in the army, before determining who and what did it?
  45. 0
    14 June 2020 11: 02
    The article suggests one of the possible scenarios. I think that our General Staff will consider it and take it into account in its plans.
    I will note the following points:
    1. The proposed scenario (algorithm) reminded me of a well-known formula: if a fight is inevitable, then you must beat first. However, there is a significant difference: in a brawl (in contrast to the nuclear conflict of superpowers) it is extremely rare to inflict unacceptable damage to the enemy. And here a simple question arises about the inevitability of a fight (in the event of a military conflict - the main thing is not to make a mistake). This is a question for intelligence and analysts.
    2. Regarding US SSBN:
    2.1. At present, we simply have nothing to track and neutralize them (from the word at all). They tried to solve this problem in the USSR in the 80s (search operations of the 33rd Aport and Atrina). , now, in my opinion, such a problem is not even posed by 9 even in cartoons).
    2.2. Given the above, we will inevitably retaliate against us - causing unacceptable damage (except for going to heaven).
    1. +2
      14 June 2020 13: 41
      Quote: K298rtm
      The article suggests one of the possible scenarios. I think that our General Staff will consider it and take it into account in its plans.

      I do not understand this sarcasm or such subtle humor that it is difficult to catch.
      1. 0
        14 June 2020 22: 49
        No sarcasm. This is just my opinion.
    2. -2
      14 June 2020 14: 34
      Quote: K298rtm
      They tried to solve this problem in the USSR in the 80s (search operations of the 33rd Aport and Atrina)

      Unfortunately, Operation Atrina turned out to be only
      another "window dressing" of the Commander-in-Chief, ineptly planned, and
      also mediocrely carried out, with an amazing result - "all
      boats returned to base. "
      1. +1
        15 June 2020 20: 46
        But Shevchenko, who flunked it, now we have both a hero and a "polar admiral", and even before the heap rules all the development of torpedo weapons in the submarine, and with such results that you will not believe anyone.
        You have it.
        1. 0
          15 June 2020 22: 45
          1. And why do you think. What did Anatoly Ivanovich fail?
          2. Everything that we had at the moment (Bruhl, then Ritsa) was used. And I don’t remember any pathos at that time - an ordinary BS (an attempt to find a black cat in a black room). When planning, it’s true that not all areas were chosen successfully (I mean the northernmost region during the Aport - there are 100 miles of iceberg distribution, the nearest was 30 miles. So SSBNs do not belong there - we did not see them).
          1. 0
            16 June 2020 12: 56
            Judging by the nickname, were you there? The only contact you had, right?

            So it turns out the cat was found, albeit not SSBN.

            Shevchenko is guilty of blindly following impossible orders. Much more could depend on the divisor.
            1. 0
              16 June 2020 19: 42
              I was on the first search engine (but on the other, and a nickname is a tribute to the first team with whom I had a great circle), on the second it is already without me. We got in touch on Ritsa, by the way (as eyewitnesses lie).
              1. 0
                18 June 2020 14: 55
                Ritsa, in theory, was a step in the right direction, it is just necessary to bring such things to a working state, and then already aim at different "Atrins".
        2. -1
          16 June 2020 07: 59
          Shevchenko, as far as I know, did what was ordered,
          no more.
          The whole idea was very "captivating" that
          and practice has shown.
          1. +1
            16 June 2020 12: 51
            Alikov, the commander of K-244 wrote about this. As a souvenir - overspeed at transitions, unworked interaction, the boats in the group did not have portraits of each other. As a result, the loss of stealth almost immediately after the start of the operation.
            Shevchenko, of course, does not bear responsibility for the initial plan of the operation, but he never objected to anyone as far as I know, and at his level the divisional commander did not at least try to correct anything in terms of the operation, obeying stupid orders BLIND.

            Having seen a lot, I believe that the nature of the attitude of the division’s command to the commander and political officer K-244 was predetermined by the personality characteristics of the division commander A.I. Shevchenko, an experienced submariner, who often acted contrary to that experience, and in subordinates who preferred their personal devotion to him. Persistent in achieving the set goal, but relying only on personal loyalty to him. To know the degree of personal loyalty of a subordinate, A.I.Shevchenko used any means and sources of information, and even “pushed” the interests of subordinates.

            It is known that this is what political dealers do. But to establish the relationship of the naval commander with the commanders of the ships subordinate to him, such a basis is unacceptable. And yet it happened. Since the "politicized naval commander" appreciates negative information, there are those who "provide" him with information of this nature, and in the absence of it makes up for it with gossip and slander, and the naval commander ceases to know what is really happening on his ships.

            In such an environment, some ship commanders, in favor of the “politicized” commander, make erroneous decisions (for example, K-298 commander N. Popkov agreed to transfer an officer from K-244 who was incapable of fulfilling the duties of K-244 starpom after as an officer, I certified him to be removed from the naval service. The division commander did not like my actions, he was looking for someone to "speak out" against me, and NA Popkov agreed to support that opinion of the division commander. Some time after the transfer of the officer to K -298 due to the fault of that officer, a fire broke out on the K-298, the ship was permanently disabled, and my former head officer was removed from the post and transferred to the shore, because it turned out that even after the transfer to K-298, that officer worked poorly. the K-298 crew was not ready to fight for the survivability of their ship, and the K-298 fire in my presence was extinguished by the emergency party K-244, led by A.V. Cherednichenko).

            Having something to encourage "informants" (coupons for "shortages", etc.), despite the fact that the PL commander does not have that opportunity (and it cannot be, because the commander’s "house" is the sea), the divisional commander and nachpo created the crew K -244 "fifth column" of "informants", "feeding" on denunciations of the state of affairs on K-244. “In the price” was the information required by AI Shevchenko, and only “negative” was acceptable to him. With a lack of real - bad, "informants" often composed fables, or distorted the past.

            Despite the fact that personal devotion to the “extra-ship” head has nothing to do with the values ​​of underwater affairs, AI Shevchenko, as a leader, proceeded from it when assessing the situation on each of the ships and crews of the 33 division, and when evaluating the officers of the Division’s Division .

            When the higher command showed attention to what was happening “on the farm” by A. Shevchenko, he immediately “became” objective, but only while the attention of the authorities was in effect.
            1. -1
              16 June 2020 15: 54
              In principle, I’m not at all interested in Shevchenko’s personality,
              the matter is the planning and execution of the operation. As I understand,
              relied on the new (non-standard) equipment "Ritsa", which
              and refused on most boats. This is the whole plan of the Commander
              ended and the usual "sailing together" began.
              1. 0
                18 June 2020 14: 54
                Well, not without it.
                But there were two cruel schools of planning - the boats were cut speed higher than the low-noise passage at the transitions, and after the transfer of Shevchenko’s command, he had to constantly report on the situation at the Central Command and Control Center, indicating his real location as a surface ship.
                Shevchenko himself added to this the lack of joint training trips of the boats, and the complete lack of attempts to at least somehow smooth out the stupid decisions of the command. At least argue once.
                As a result, he received rear admiral, and the boats led him from the very beginning.
              2. 0
                18 June 2020 15: 00
                There were events at the Pacific Fleet more interesting than "Atrina", but for some reason they do not trumpet fanfare about them.
                1. 0
                  18 June 2020 15: 49
                  So there are reasons ...
                  1. 0
                    18 June 2020 18: 25
                    Rather, there are reasons to trumpet Atrin.
    3. +2
      16 June 2020 15: 13
      now, in my opinion, such a problem is not even posed by 9 even in cartoons).
      2.2. Given the above, we will inevitably retaliate against us - causing unacceptable damage (except for going to heaven).

      The article is not about Russia planning a strike on the United States, but about the fact that it shows that in the future, if everything goes to where it is now, such plans may appear.
      1. +1
        16 June 2020 19: 46
        Plans should be different (this is normal, abnormal when there are no plans), including such.
  46. +3
    14 June 2020 11: 42
    This decision will not be redundant. In fact, in politics there is an increase in rates.
  47. -1
    14 June 2020 18: 28
    People who write about unacceptable damage and Kim do not understand one simple thing. For each conflict, the level of unacceptable damage is different. For a war with the DPRK, one missed warhead is unacceptable, and a dozen are acceptable for a war with the Russian Federation.
  48. 0
    14 June 2020 22: 17
    Strange, did not expect from Timokhin such a weak (to put it mildly) staty. Where contradictions are literally in neighboring sayings, and from the aforesaid incorrect conclusions are drawn ...
    And here the Vanguard comes to the rescue. According to the official version, his ability to fly in the atmosphere is needed to overcome missile defense. But such a missile defense system, which could repulse a volley of our heavy missiles, the United States not only does not have, it will never be.

    Such a volley is possible precisely as a first strike, and not as a response. In this case, Vanguards are not required. But the author continues
    Their missile defense is a missile defense to prevent a retaliatory strike, and it needs to be able to deliver the first strike themselves, and if it was successful (and they count on it), then the missile defense will be able to repel part of that frail return volley surviving missiles, which we will be capable of.
    Then, the question is, why do we need "Vanguard"

    The normal answer is that such a missile defense system could not repel a "feeble response salvo". But no, the author imagines the "first strike" with the help of two duzin blocks))) "because of the radio horizon" ( winked )) Nothing that the Vanguard can fly so long / far in the atmosphere. Why it is impossible to use missiles from submarines (of which there are more) with a really possible short flight time is a mystery.
    The “Dagger” missile system with a quasiballistic air-based missile and the laser complex, known today as the “Relight”. What makes all these systems related? The fact that together they do not make sense in no other case than in case of the FIRST nuclear strike on the USA.

    Really? And by separation? laughing
    "Vanguards" are already embarking on ballistic missiles, lasers are already on alert. And so began the creation of a regulatory framework that regulates preparations for a nuclear war.

    And here the author is unfortunately right. And the war will not be due to the mythical (yet) American nuclear first strike. In fact, the first blow has long been struck by economic means, sanctions and isolation of Russia. The Russian Federation is not the USSR, the economy is open, and no one in the modern world can produce everything necessary, not even China)) And perhaps the day will come "when the very existence of the state will be threatened." This would mean that the bluff with "hitting decision-making centers" ("personal" counter-sanctions))) did not work. Then the Russian Federation will need all its capabilities.
  49. +1
    14 June 2020 22: 57
    After the "admiral's hour", another thought came to mind - the question of the use of nuclear weapons first can be addressed not only (and not so much) to the United States, but to other countries (for example, Japan, Turkey) that have sufficiently serious armed forces (including the Navy ), but do not have nuclear weapons.
    1. 0
      16 June 2020 15: 11
      The decree is crooked but said about this too.
  50. -1
    15 June 2020 02: 06
    Quote: max702
    In principle, we don’t even have to strike, stupidly blowing up on our territory half of what is and all the amba of the globe .. But it will turn out quite cynically.
    What cynical suicidal tendencies? smile

    Quote: max702
    A preemptive strike will not do anything useful .. Purely it’s impossible to destroy the United States because the situation is similar to ours, in the case of such an attack, the Arctic fox will also come to the ball .. these are just statements and more.
    A preemptive strike reduces by an order of magnitude the damage to our country as a result of a possible retaliatory strike and precisely solves the problem of the "Arctic fox" for the planet as a whole. Destruction of the infrastructure of the States will prevent such a scenario from happening.
    As for "just a statement" - well, Vovan is syklovat, but he is not forever, even coupled with his nationwide votes, in the end he is just a mortal person like all of us.

    Quote: max702
    Practice has shown that this race is quite self-sustaining if you do not allow excesses and alarmists like you .. Yes, and such a race itself keeps the country in good shape not allowing it to go dull and swim in fat ..
    The race, as history shows, it’s practice, we can’t stand it ... If you are seduced by the collapse of the race and Russia, then I don’t feel pleasure from such prospects.
    Our even human losses as a result of a crisis in the economy that has come and is developing gaining momentum, but so far remains in the shadow of the theme of the coronavirus, will be significantly greater than as a result of a possible retaliation by the surviving means of the Americans. And much smaller than the Americans expected losses for themselves in the event of a global strike against us and our retaliatory strike against the United States.
    It is useless to play with the sharpie with his speckled deck and according to his rules - we will remain the losers, only a shot to the sharpie in the forehead will solve the problem. Judge for yourself, what difference does it make for us to bury slowly and painfully dying loved ones as a result of poverty and deplorable state of health caused by the crisis or as a result of our retaliatory strike limited to our own? caused by the collapse of the USSR, from the crisis in the economy to local wars, it is easier to strike and solve the problem radically once and for all, both for us and for humanity in general.
  51. 0
    15 June 2020 02: 11
    Quote: ser56
    It looks reasonable, but sad ... request as a physical engineer and dosimetrist, I have no illusions about the consequences of a nuclear war .. hi however - it’s better to hit first .. feel
    How will the borders be opened after this coronavirus story? If possible, go on a tour to Japan, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, share with us your impressions and conclusions as a dosimetrist, physicist, etc.
  52. 0
    15 June 2020 12: 04
    the destructive force of these submarines is too great. But so far nothing special has been done in this direction.
    Judging by some signs - it is being done)
    1. 0
      16 June 2020 15: 12
      There are some signs that can be interpreted in different ways, but I wouldn’t call it “done.”
  53. +2
    15 June 2020 13: 31
    Quote: max702
    In principle, we don’t even need to strike, stupidly blow up half of what is on our territory and everything is amassed for the globe..

    I don’t know about the “shariku”, but we’ll definitely have amba
  54. 0
    15 June 2020 13: 38
    The Germans near Moscow?
    An article about the Germans? Or should we wait until we get back to Moscow? Like a fish needs a bicycle? Hit them so hard that they stutter when they hear the word Moscow.
  55. +1
    15 June 2020 18: 33
    The West needs a liberal Russian president in order NOT to order the retaliatory use of nuclear weapons.
  56. -1
    16 June 2020 16: 18
    From the very beginning I had suspicions that Poseidon and Burevestnik were not intended for the tasks for which they were officially declared. Even here, at VO, they are harshly (and quite deservedly) criticized, arguing that they are easily intercepted and that they are generally ineffective compared to ICBMs, and therefore are not needed in principle. But this is only if we consider their purpose from an official point of view. What kind of the real purpose?

    The following is just hypothesis and does not pretend to anything.

    "Poseidon" is anti-submarine torpedo. Purpose - destruction of enemy SSBNs on combat duty in protected waters. Thanks to its long range (nuclear propulsion), it can be in advance launched from its shores, cross the ocean, and circle around the enemy “bastion” in anticipation of the hour “H” (dealing first nuclear strike). At the right moment, he gives full speed and bursts into the “bastion”, carrying out PLO breakthrough (Until now, the term "evasion" has been used primarily for ASW and the term "breakthrough" has been used for air defense, but it looks like Poseidon will be a game changer for ASW as well). Due to the high speed at this stage, not a single SSBN will run away from it and not a single anti-submarine torpedo fired from escort ships, MAPLs and anti-submarine aircraft will catch up with it. Thanks to the nuclear warhead, Poseidon does not need hit straight into an enemy missile carrier. An explosion a few hundred meters away from him is enough to prevent his SLBMs from taking off. The disposability of the Poseidon (unlike PLA hunters) allows you to safely use it in this role without fear of losing it (especially since several Poseidons will attack at once). So Poseidon is a weapon first nuclear blow. Tales that it is needed against coastal cities and against AUG are misinformation. In this role (as a weapon of a second, retaliatory strike) it is truly terribly ineffective.

    "Petrel" is anti-aircraft unlimited range missile. Purpose - destruction air command posts (E-4 Nightwatch, Air Force One, etc., from which an order for a nuclear strike can be given), directly over enemy territory, in the conditions of a nuclear war that has just begun. Unlimited flight range (nuclear power plant) gives them the ability to make intercontinental flights and pursue their target, no matter where it goes and no matter how long it takes to refuel in the air. Ionospheric interference from high-altitude nuclear explosions will paralyze the enemy's airspace control system and make it difficult to detect the Burevestnik. Nuclear warhead guarantees destruction of air targets no direct hit, so neither a fighter escort, nor heat traps, nor electronic warfare, not even a laser anti-missile system will save the enemy VKP. He should not have time to contact the SSBN, comply with the necessary protocols in such cases and give the order for a retaliatory strike (if the Poseidons for some reason failed, and there is still someone to strike this blow).

    Methods of targeting. Theoretically, the Poseidon could have a seeker loaded with a noise library to identify the SSBN and target it. And "Burevestnik" can identify the VKP by characteristic emissions at certain communication frequencies. In both cases, external target designation is also possible. But all the same, targeting is obviously the most problematic place of the Poseidon and the Petrel in such roles.

    Now the mosaic of “weapons on March 1” is really coming together. This is a first strike weapon.
    "Peresvet" - against the space echelon of early warning systems.
    "Vanguard" - against the ground echelon of early warning systems.
    "Poseidon" - against SSBNs.
    "Burevestnik" - against the CPSU.
    "Zircon" - against ground control points ("decision centers").
    "Dagger" is a tactical nuclear weapon against advanced military bases (where there may be enemy tactical nuclear weapons).
    "Sarmat" is the main carrier against silos, as well as for destroying the general military-economic potential of the enemy (in short, "against cities").
  57. +3
    16 June 2020 21: 58
    To be honest, I didn’t intend to write on this topic, discuss blunders and so on (see my post dated June 13, 2020 16:25), but during these three days I read so many different things here that I couldn’t resist - “the poet’s soul couldn’t bear it... "

    So, dear Alexander. You, as an author, of course have the right to write whatever comes to your mind, but let's look at the problem deeper, logically. You present the new presidential decree as something that was supposed to sow fear and horror in our opponents and make it clear to our electorate that we can now do something great. I will try not to quote your words too much, but sometimes it will be necessary.
    We are all adults, wise with life experience, and we understand perfectly well that what we are told is not something supernova. So it is here. Several years ago, for the first time, we wrote openly in our doctrine that:

    ... 27. The Russian Federation reserves the right to use nuclear weapons in response to the use of nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction against it and (or) its allies, as well as in the event of aggression against the Russian Federation using conventional weapons, when under threat The very existence of the state is at stake.
    The decision to use nuclear weapons is made by the President of the Russian Federation.

    For a certain part of the electorate, this may have been a revelation, but the majority understood perfectly well that the 60 years of the existence of the Strategic Missile Forces was a time that was also regulated by certain documents labeled with a couple of zeros. Most of us, of course, did not read these documents, but we understood perfectly well that they exist...
    And finally, the Presidential decree, which is being so diligently “sucked up”, passing it off as something, as the truth to which we were allowed. But in essence? After all, absolutely nothing has changed in the regulatory documents used by our strategic nuclear forces? The effect of such a publication? Well, somewhat similar to a presentation "Weapons March 1st", which was discussed by everyone and everything, even if they were very far from it (including women). So it is here. Propaganda effect versus presentation "Weapons March 1st" practically zero. And our “sworn friends” understand this very well and this publication did not cause them any diarrhea, shock or horror

    So, about a more detailed description
    Section III. Conditions for the transition of the Russian Federation to the use of nuclear weapons.
    19. The conditions determining the possibility of the use of nuclear weapons by the Russian Federation are:
    a) the receipt of reliable information about the launch of ballistic missiles attacking the territory of the Russian Federation and (or) its allies;

    This main task of the same early warning system is to detect the launch of enemy missiles and transmit information to the control center. That is, after this information was brought to the attention of the first decision makers, the algorithm always operated - a mass start was recorded - a blow was struck. This is what HZ got its name from when "retaliatory strike"
    It was often seen as central to the development of plans to strike our enemy. If the launches are not massive, but single, then the so-called a “red” or “hot” line between the Kremlin and the White House, so that leaders could take action in the event of an unauthorized or accidental launch, rather than start an all-out nuclear war.

    b) the use by the adversary of nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction across the territories of the Russian Federation and (or) its allies;
    And this option has been known for several decades. It’s not the best option when nuclear mushrooms appear on your territory and you haven’t shot back yet - but nevertheless, there is such an option. And this option was always called “retaliatory strike”

    c) the enemy’s impact on critical state or military facilities of the Russian Federation, the failure of which will lead to the disruption of the response of nuclear forces;

    …. I don’t even know what to say about this? This has always existed. For the task of strategic nuclear forces has always been to strike targets in order to prevent the enemy from retaliating. What's new in this? The list of targets on the territory of our country has always included naval and air bases, command centers at various levels, and deployment areas of the Strategic Missile Forces

    Russia's right to be the first to use nuclear weapons has been announced.
    In fact, with this paragraph, Russia announces its right to PREVENTIVE NUCLEAR KICK. And this is the first time. And this is only the beginning.

    There has always been a provision in the governing documents about applying "strike at the appointed time". That is, when we need it. Not OU, not OVU, but UNV... This is a preemptive strike. Nothing new, except that it was stated out loud for the first time...

    The first weapon is a hypersonic glider, known today as the Vanguard. This maneuvering hypersonic unit is well known to the Americans: it was shown to them many years ago, when the system did not yet have a name and it was still undergoing tests. Then the Americans already destroyed the ABM Treaty, but all other instruments of international security were still in effect. The demonstration, however, did not stop their preparations, and on March 1, 2018, what was attached to the "Vanguard" was shown.

    Alexander! What is now called “Vanguard” began to be tested in 2013. The first two tests were unsuccessful and only the last three - April 19, 2016, October 25, 2016 and December 26, 2018 were successful. That is, at the very least, it is difficult to say that the Americans were shown Avangard many years ago. In addition, according to the provisions of the agreement, a demonstration of a new product is provided before the product is put into service. In particular, "Frontier" was shown to the Americans after the completion of the LCT, just like "Vanguard". And your passage about the fact that the ABM treaty was destroyed is not entirely clear. It ceased to operate at the beginning of the century (and the Americans withdrew from it in accordance with the provisions of this treaty). Around the same time, there were tests of American products... We went neck and neck
    1. 0
      22 June 2020 19: 15
      You present the new presidential decree as something that was supposed to sow fear and horror in our opponents and make it clear to our electorate that we can now do something great.

      This is your reading comprehension. In fact, I am simply focusing on the fact that the provision on the possibility of a preventive strike was included in a public document and making a number of assumptions about what may lie behind this.
      Is it just that nothing gets done?

      There was always a provision in the governing documents about delivering a “strike at the appointed time.” That is, when we need it. Not OU, not OVU, but UNV... This is a preemptive strike.

      Wait. UNV, this is UNV. For example, it could be inflicted during an ongoing and currently non-nuclear war.
      This is not at all the same thing as a preventive strike, or so to speak, any preventive strike is a UNV, but not any UNV is a preventive strike.

      That is, at the very least, it is difficult to say that the Americans were shown Avangard many years ago.

      I don’t know the details, but I remember that they were told something on the topic when it was still “product 4202”. And you are wrong about 2012.

      And your passage about the fact that the ABM treaty was destroyed is not entirely clear. It ceased to operate at the beginning of the century (and the Americans withdrew from it in accordance with the provisions of this treaty).

      They came out, hiding behind the non-existent Iranian threat and began placing their missile defense facilities around our territory. For me, what is important is the result, and not the formalities, but the result of this withdrawal from the ABM Treaty - the beginning of the end of the nuclear deterrence system and the quite possible transformation of nuclear deterrence into a game of “who gets up first, gets the slippers.”
      But I won’t argue, maybe this is an unfortunate word in this case.
  58. +3
    16 June 2020 22: 00
    The “Dagger” missile system with a quasiballistic air-based missile and the laser complex, known today as the “Relight”. What makes all these systems related? The fact that together they do not make sense in any other case than in the case of the FIRST nuclear strike against the United States.

    Actually, “Dagger” is quite difficult to call "quasi-ballistic missile". Typically, such missiles are called surface-to-surface missiles with a “pressed trajectory.” The same "Iskander" is a "quasi-ballistic" missile, but the "Dagger" can hardly be called a "quasi-ballistic" missile. It's more aeroballistic. Which flies to a distance of approximately 1500 km precisely because it does not have a quasi-ballistic trajectory, but a regular, classical ballistic trajectory.
    Say that
    The Kinzhal missile system and the laser system known today as Peresvet do not make sense in any other case than in the event of a FIRST nuclear strike on the USA.

    very arrogant. The combat radius of the MIG-31 is about 750 km. If we add to this value approximately 1500 km of the flight range of the rocket itself, then the range turns out to be 2000 km. And these are not the ranges with which you can launch a first strike on the United States. From the west coast, the launch point across the US is approximately 2000 km from the Hawaiian Islands (between them and the mainland states). How, how will he strike the first blow??? The same goes for Peresvet. It is unlikely that the complex is capable of anything more than blinding low-flying satellites of the species (optoelectronic reconnaissance)

    And the next year, during the next message to the Federal Assembly, it was announced that, if necessary, Russia would launch missile strikes on decision-making centers - and this did not mean ICBM strikes at all.

    This was said. The whole question is that this was said in the context of the use of Zircon submarine-launched missiles. In order to strike at the decision-making centers, with the announced flight range of the Zircon at 1000 km, the boats need not only to get close to the coast, but also to crawl onto land. Does anyone really think that the US President will lead strategic forces from his ranch? At a minimum, this will be the NORAD Center. And to it from the coast at least 1500 km from the coast. So it’s quite possible that “Zircons” won’t get into the decision-making centers... But people are pleased to hear this....

    Peresvet lasers make it possible to blind American early warning satellites, preventing them from detecting radiation from the torches of missiles launching towards the United States.

    Satellites in circular geostationary orbit? Not only does “Peresvet” have to penetrate the atmosphere, making sure that the beam does not dissipate, but after the atmosphere it also has to travel a distance of 35000 km??? Do we have such powers on lasers??? Oh well.

    “Daggers” are located at airfields very far from potential theaters of operations, but if necessary, their carriers reach the launch line in a matter of tens of minutes. And these flights in themselves do not pose a strategic threat. Moreover, the carrier of the Kinzhal, the MiG-31K, in satellite photos is indistinguishable from the interceptor on the basis of which it was created. And this makes it possible to literally “hide a needle in a haystack” - to “replace” interceptors in advance with combat-ready attack vehicles. What will be their goals? American nuclear bombs in Europe, separate military bases there and in Japan.

    Of course they will reach the launch line. In 20-30 minutes, that’s just how long it will take from the launch line to the targets. Yes, the MIG-31K cannot be distinguished from other modifications in satellite photos. But their locations are known quite accurately. But we don’t have thousands of MIG-31 interceptors so that we can “hide a needle in a haystack”
    What will be the goals? Hardly any nuclear bombs in Europe. In the event of a conflict, they will already be suspended...

    Then, the question is, why do we need “Vanguard”? And then, that it goes much lower than conventional warheads, and the SPRN radar will detect it almost above the target, when there is simply no time to repulse the strike. That’s what the “twenty-fly” flight in the atmosphere is designed for. That is why instead of several warheads they put on a heavy missile one planning one, sacrificing the number of warheads. This is not against missile defense. This is against radar SPRN.

    Your scheme (which was provided to Congress) is an outright fake. In the diagram, the Avangard warheads do not extend beyond the Karman line, and the flight altitude of the Avangards, judging by the diagram, is generally 40-50 kilometers, no more.
    What can I say about this scheme? If you look at the rocket flight cyclogram, it is not difficult to find out that the second stage of the rocket stops operating at an altitude of at least 250 km. This is followed by disengagement and suddenly the block appears at an altitude of 50 km and flies at a speed of almost 27M???
    "Vanguards" will be detected even before the carrier's OUT is completed. So there will be a reaction time. Especially if you consider that the maximum “Vanguards” will be based in 2 position areas...

    The power of the American salvo today is lower than it was before: the Americans sacrificed the power of some of their warheads on Trident missiles deployed on submarines, planning to use them specifically as an instrument for high-precision offensive nuclear strikes. The drop from 100 kilotons to 5 is quite significant, although it did not affect all missiles.

    It is planned to use 1-2 missiles with 1-2 blocks on the boats. That is, a maximum of 50-60 blocks will be redone

    Quote: ser56
    Since 1968, the USSR has deployed up to 200 new missiles annually. The number of missiles that the United States had (1054 ICBMs, 656 SLBMs) ​​has remained unchanged since 1967. "

    Yes, for about 7-10 years. since 1979, the number of missiles has stabilized according to the ceilings of the SALT II treaty

    Quote: ser56

    “According to the agreement, the USSR and the USA were supposed to reduce their nuclear arsenals within 7 years so that each side would have no more than 6 units left. In reality, according to the “rules for counting” warheads carried on heavy bombers, the USSR could have about 000 warheads, and the United States - 6."

    Actually, this is according to the parameters of the START-1 treaty, not SALT-1.

    Quote: ser56

    “The treaty provides for a reduction in nuclear warheads to 1550 units, intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarine-launched ballistic missiles and heavy bombers to 700 units.”

    Also according to the START-3 treaty, not SALT-3. The SALT III treaty never existed.
    By the way, the agreement includes another limiting figure - the number of deployed and non-deployed carriers. There should not be more than 800
    1. 0
      22 June 2020 19: 38
      It's more aeroballistic. Which flies to a distance of approximately 1500 km precisely because it does not have a quasi-ballistic trajectory, but a regular, classical ballistic trajectory.

      The dagger flies so far because its accelerator is very fast and is launched from a great height. This saves a lot of fuel, provides a more energy-efficient trajectory, and, as a result, range.
      I have no information that this missile, which, by the way, was created with extensive use of ground-based missiles, has a different trajectory in the final phase compared to its “progenitors.”
      Refusal of a quasi-ballistic trajectory makes the missile significantly more vulnerable and looks illogical.

      The combat radius of the MIG-31 is about 750 km. If we add to this value approximately 1500 km of the flight range of the rocket itself, then the range turns out to be 2000 km. And these are not the ranges with which you can launch a first strike on the United States.

      And I didn’t write about the “Daggers” attack on the Sha, this is not in the article. American nuclear weapons in Europe are the target of these missiles.

      But their locations are known quite accurately. But we don’t have thousands of MIG-31 interceptors so that we can “hide a needle in a haystack”

      This is exactly a needle in a haystack. Even five air bases, and even if these planes do not land at other airfields as part of any exercises (and they land and fly), it is no longer possible to filter out the attack MiG and interceptor.

      What will be the goals? Hardly any nuclear bombs in Europe. In the event of a conflict, they will already be suspended...

      What if we strike first? Is not a fact.

      Your scheme (which was provided to Congress) is an outright fake. In the diagram, the Avangard warheads do not extend beyond the Karman line, and the flight altitude of the Avangards, judging by the diagram, is generally 40-50 kilometers, no more.

      The diagram here only serves to illustrate the principle - gliders fly much lower than the trajectory of throwing ballistic warheads, and they leave much less time to prepare for a counterattack. And that's true.
      The fact that the diagram shows curved scales does not change this fact.

      Next you write about 250 km. What rocket is this for? Let me remind you once again - the article is not about the fact that tomorrow we will run Vanguards around the USA. An article that Russia is being forced to move away from a defensive doctrine of the use of strategic nuclear forces to an offensive one, built around establishing the fact that the enemy is preparing to strike and launching a preventive strike against him. And in the future, after Trump withdraws from START, the same Vanguards may sign up for completely different missiles with a very interesting trajectory. Can you tell me which ones?

      Satellites in circular geostationary orbit? Not only does “Peresvet” have to penetrate the atmosphere, making sure that the beam does not dissipate, but after the atmosphere it also has to travel a distance of 35000 km??? Do we have such powers on lasers???

      There, the bulk of satellites are in elongated orbits with an apogee
      35000 km and perigee less than 2000. Perigee over those countries where Russia is now intensively climbing - in Africa, south of the equator. Is it a problem to deliver the installation there?
      The power there, judging by the dimensions of the car, is wow.
      It weighs about 60 tons, if not more

      Well, such a moment. There is also Sokol-Echelon. I didn’t touch on this issue when I wrote, but then it turned out that the Westerners themselves sent a wave through the specialized press. Now it's possible.
      Have you heard of such a system? What do you think it is for? What about stationary lasers?
  59. +3
    16 June 2020 22: 00
    Quote: Pushkowed
    From the very beginning I had suspicions that Poseidon and Burevestnik were not intended for the tasks for which they were officially declared.

    "Poseidon" is anti-submarine torpedo. Purpose - destruction of enemy SSBNs on combat duty in protected waters.

    The Poseidon diagram, which can be found on the Internet, tells a different story. In the bow there is a charge with a power of X-mt, then there is a compartment with command instruments, then the reactor. There is absolutely no place for GAS.... How will they search for and detect enemy SSBNs??? Holy spirit??

    Quote: Pushkowed
    From the very beginning I had suspicions that Poseidon and Burevestnik were not intended for the tasks for which they were officially declared. Even here, at VO, they are harshly (and quite deservedly) criticized, arguing that they are easily intercepted and that they are generally ineffective compared to ICBMs, and therefore are not needed in principle. But this is only if we consider their purpose from an official point of view. What kind of the real purpose?

    The following is just hypothesis and does not pretend to anything.

    "Petrel" is anti-aircraft unlimited range missile. Purpose - destruction air command posts (E-4 Nightwatch, Air Force One, etc., from which an order for a nuclear strike can be given), directly over enemy territory, in the conditions of a nuclear war that has just begun. Unlimited flight range (nuclear power plant) gives them the ability to make intercontinental flights and pursue their target, no matter where it goes and no matter how long it takes to refuel in the air. Ionospheric interference from high-altitude nuclear explosions will paralyze the enemy's airspace control system and make it difficult to detect the Burevestnik. Nuclear warhead guarantees destruction of air targets no direct hit, so neither a fighter escort, nor heat traps, nor electronic warfare, not even a laser anti-missile system will save the enemy VKP. He should not have time to contact the SSBN, comply with the necessary protocols in such cases and give the order for a retaliatory strike (if the Poseidons for some reason failed, and there is still someone to strike this blow).

    Same question. How will it be aimed and how will it catch up if it has a subsonic flight speed?

    Quote: Pushkowed

    Now the mosaic of “weapons on March 1” is really coming together. This is a first strike weapon.
    "Peresvet" - against the space echelon of early warning systems.
    "Vanguard" - against the ground echelon of early warning systems.
    "Poseidon" - against SSBNs.
    "Burevestnik" - against the CPSU.
    "Zircon" - against ground control points ("decision centers").
    "Dagger" is a tactical nuclear weapon against advanced military bases (where there may be enemy tactical nuclear weapons).
    "Sarmat" is the main carrier against silos, as well as for destroying the general military-economic potential of the enemy (in short, "against cities").

    1. “Peresvet” against the space echelon of early warning systems is utter stupidity. Try to hit a target at an altitude of 36000 km through the atmosphere. I'm not even talking about the tiny beam power that will "remain" from this laser
    2. "Vanguard". And you try to hit the target, to which the distance will be 3 or 4 thousand kilometers. Despite the fact that it can actually be shot down by the same GBI-type interceptor missiles
    3. "Poseidon" against SSBNs. A masterpiece proposal. Will the enemy watch you shoot his SSBN? I'm not even talking about guidance systems
    4. Subsonic missile against the CPSU? Yeah..."Burevestnik" is against the CPSU.
    5. "Zircon" - against ground control points ("decision centers"). The boat approaches the US coast, crawls onto the shore at night on caterpillars and moves in the direction of ground control points....
    6. "Dagger" is a tactical nuclear weapon against advanced military bases (where there may be enemy tactical nuclear weapons). especially considering that there will no longer be thermonuclear weapons there at that time.
    7. “Sarmat” is the main carrier against silos, as well as for destroying the general military-economic potential of the enemy (in short, “against cities”). So for silos or against cities? True, “Sarmat” does not exist yet and no one knows when it will appear
    1. 0
      17 June 2020 06: 04
      There is absolutely no place for GAS.... How will they search for and detect enemy SSBNs??? Holy spirit??
      I wrote that the problem of target designation is the weakest point of this application (and of the Poseidon project itself in general). But if we try to speculate further, the same diagram shows that in the head part of the Poseidon there is another instrument compartment. The proportions roughly correspond to the guidance systems of conventional torpedoes (both ours and Western ones). At the same time, no one doubts the ability of conventional torpedoes to home in on a submarine and sink it. And considering that the Poseidon is clearly larger in size and has an almost unlimited energy source, its head sonar can have decent power. In addition, GUS is not the only method of detecting SSBNs. There may be a set of hydrodynamic sensors (for detection by the wake), and magnetic, and some others.
      Besides, Poseidon is not alone. There are several of them. Possible tactical scheme: The first one enters the area at medium or low speed (so that the speed does not interfere with the operation of the sonar) and begins to comb it in a zigzag or spiral. The second one is quietly guarding the SSBN along the expected escape route. The third and fourth ones rush like crazy around the outskirts of the area and distract the guards. The fifth and sixth are in reserve, patrolling outside the area in readiness to replace any of the previous ones.
      Another possible scheme is that one of the Poseidons carries not a nuclear warhead, but a swarm of drones. Before the attack, he releases them, and they quietly drift on the surface (or even in the water column). At the appointed hour, the empty Poseidon begins to distract attention, and the drones surface, take off and begin to search for SSBNs by various means (for example, radar - by waves on the surface that arise due to the displacement of water by a moving submarine). Having detected an SSBN, the drone dives into the water and turns into an acoustic beacon: it emits sounds of a certain frequency, “summoning” the now nuclear Poseidons.

      How will it be aimed and how will it catch up if it has a subsonic flight speed?
      It's even simpler here. The VKP has a very characteristic radio signature - they are forced to use special communication channels (ultra-low frequency for communication with SSBNs, satellite, maybe something else). This way they can be calculated, incl. and means of space electronic reconnaissance. When the areas and patrol routes become known, the Burevestniks can be controlled from a satellite constellation. You can aim them from different directions at the same target. They don’t need to catch up with the CPSU - just cross the course. And the VCPs themselves are not supersonic. In the final section, a conventional seeker will suffice.

      Hardly any nuclear bombs in Europe. In the event of a conflict, they will already be suspended...
      We're actually talking about first strike at the appointed time. The one who strikes first has the initiative. And it can allocate sufficient forces to destroy selected targets. In addition, when striking assigned time is the time assigned so that the enemy would not expect this and would not have time to react adequately.
      So the Poseidons and the Petrels will not operate in a vacuum. The full power of all types of reconnaissance will work for them in order to make their task of targeting targets as easy as possible.

      Will the enemy watch you shoot his SSBN?

      What can he do? If a nuclear war has already begun, the first strike has been struck and the whole country is in ruins, then only the immediate security forces will be able to stand up for the SSBNs. Not too numerous. They intervened - they were chasing "two high-speed unknown submarines that were snooping around and avoiding all the torpedoes." The SSBN crew cannot independently decide on a nuclear strike: for safety reasons the necessary codes are not stored on board. They must be received from the command through the ultra-low frequency communication system. Its stationary objects have been destroyed, and the ring of “Burevestniks” is shrinking around its mobile transmitters (air command posts).

      A system of SSBNs and VKP cannot participate in a retaliatory strike - it is too much for this slow. Either in the first or in the return. Transferring data to SSBNs and preparing for the launch of SLBMs takes a lot of time. Ultra-low frequency radio communications have low bandwidth. When the system was just being created, it was believed that the uncertainty of the location of SSBNs and VKP (+ the distance of patrol routes from enemy territory) excluded the possibility of their destruction by a sudden first strike, so that they would have enough time for all procedures, and they would take part in a retaliatory strike. But "Poseidon" and "Petrel" can break this balance.

      And here's another thing. They must be equipped with systems emergency detonation their nuclear warheads if it is impossible to continue the mission. If the SSBN guards managed to get hold of one of the Poseidons (or the enemy air force/air defense shot down the Burevestnik), then for this success they should get a megaton problem on their heads. Ideally, such that they have neither the desire nor the opportunity to repeat this success. But “Poseidons” and “Petrels” do not act alone...
  60. 0
    17 June 2020 00: 05
    "deterrence by prevention, through the threat to strike first under certain circumstances."

    We are talking, I assume, about the deployment of RSDs in Europe? Impact when such circumstances occur?
    1. 0
      22 June 2020 19: 40
      No, that's too harsh.
  61. 0
    18 June 2020 09: 34
    I immediately thought so after Putin’s Address. The article does not reflect the possible use of Burevestnik. Deployment cannot be tracked. It can even start from a merchant ship. An inconspicuous approach from the southern borders, which the Americans do not control (NORAD is deployed mainly to the north). Hit the decision points. 5 minutes later Vanguard and then everything else. Why so bloodthirsty? But it’s impossible to come to an agreement with them, and apparently it won’t be possible. But living in such a situation has long been no longer possible.
  62. 0
    18 June 2020 09: 43
    Quote: Alf
    Chernomyrdin once said

    Your statement is very serious. So please provide a link to this statement by Chernomyrdin. Otherwise, you can agree to God knows what.
  63. +2
    23 June 2020 17: 38
    [quote=timokhin-a-a][quote]You present the new presidential decree as something that was supposed to sow fear and horror in our opponents and make it clear to our electorate that we can now do something amazing.[/quote]

    This is your reading comprehension. In fact, I am simply focusing on the fact that the provision on the possibility of a preventive strike was included in a public document and making a number of assumptions about what may lie behind this.
    Nothing is just being done?[/quote]
    Perhaps this is my understanding of what I read, but life experience suggests that such publications are intended precisely to instill fear and horror in our opponents (the electorate) and create a state of euphoria in ours. An example would be a presentation "weapons March 1". Because of my work, I often have to be in the same place in the city and most often in the pre-lunch time. Therefore, in order to have a snack, I go to a cafe-bar. A couple of sandwiches, a cup of coffee and, if possible, a hundred cognac. So I heard a lot about this weapon there... Everyone suddenly became specialists. starting from a musician and a waiter and ending with health workers and builders. Men and women. Therefore, the publication of this decree is an event of the same order. The main thing is to create a state of euphoria in your own people and fear in your opponent. But again, this is my IMHO and I don’t impose my opinion on anyone...

    [quote=timokhin-a-a][quote][quote]There has always been a provision in the governing documents about delivering a “strike at the appointed time.” That is, when we need it. Not OU, not OVU, but UNV... This is a preemptive strike. [/quote]

    Wait. UNV, this is UNV. For example, it could be inflicted during an ongoing and currently non-nuclear war.
    This is not at all the same thing as a preventive strike, or so to speak, any preventive strike is a UNV, but not any UNV is a preventive strike.[/quote]
    All this terminology - OU, OVU, UNV - refers exclusively to a nuclear missile conflict. That is, a preventive strike is a strike from a nuclear missile war. Yes, it (CNV) can be applied already during a non-nuclear conflict. And UNV - no matter in what context it sounds - is always a preemptive strike...

    [quote=timokhin-a-a] [quote]That is, at least it’s difficult to say that the Americans were shown Avangard many years ago. [/quote]

    I don’t know the details, but I remember that they were told something on the topic when it was still “product 4202”. And you are wrong about 2012.[/quote]
    It still remains “product 4202” or 15Yu71, if you like. And as for 2012. More precisely, 2013, then I can give specific data on when (date and time) these test launches were carried out. And products 15Yu71 and its predecessors - products 15Yu70. So everything is exactly right here... "Avangard" was shown after the completion of the tests (3 launches), although IMHO these tests hardly made it possible to test "Avangard" in all possible parameters...

    [quote=timokhin-a-a][quote] And your passage about the fact that the ABM treaty was destroyed is not entirely clear. It ceased to operate at the beginning of the century (and the Americans withdrew from it in accordance with the provisions of this treaty).[/quote]

    They came out, hiding behind the non-existent Iranian threat and began placing their missile defense facilities around our territory. For me, what is important is the result, and not the formalities, but the result of this withdrawal from the ABM Treaty - the beginning of the end of the nuclear deterrence system and the quite possible transformation of nuclear deterrence into a game of “who gets up first, gets the slippers.”
    But I won’t argue, maybe this is an unfortunate word in this case.[/quote]
    Actually, it's not that much of a non-existent threat. At least NATO's southern flank is under attack from Iranian missiles. Placing objects around us - in principle, these bases make sense specifically for intercepting Iranian missiles, but do not at all pose a danger to Russian strategic forces. And the base in Poland will be able to cover Germany and England from attacks by missiles like VM-25 or Hommanshahr...

    [quote=timokhin-a-a][quote]It’s more like an aeroballistic one. Which flies to a distance of approximately 1500 km precisely because it does not have a quasi-ballistic, but a regular, classical ballistic trajectory.[/quote]

    The dagger flies so far because its accelerator is very fast and is launched from a great height. This saves a lot of fuel, provides a more energy-efficient trajectory, and, as a result, range.
    I have no information that this missile, which, by the way, was created with extensive use of ground-based missiles, has a different trajectory in the final phase compared to its “progenitors.”
    Refusal to have a quasi-ballistic trajectory makes the missile significantly more vulnerable and looks illogical.[/quote]
    I believe that the missile’s flight range depends, among other things, on the speed of the booster and the launch altitude. But if the flight altitude of the quasi-ballistic Iskander is about 40-50 km, then the apogee of the Kinzhal is somewhere in the range of 200-250 km. It is the classical, ballistic trajectory that is energetically the most favorable in this case.
    Refusal of the quasi-ballistic trajectory in this case is justified. Do you really think that our Iskander, which fell several months ago in Kazakhstan, flew a distance of almost 700 km along a “quasi-ballistic” trajectory? Each trajectory has its pros and cons. The advantage of the “quasi-ballistic” trajectory is that it has a low apogee and is more difficult to detect by radar early warning systems. But there are also disadvantages. The "quasi-ballistic" trajectory reduces the missile's flight range by approximately 2,5-3 times. The same trajectory also reduces the thrown weight. Well, the accuracy of such missiles is somewhat lower. By the way, ICBMs that will fly to the target through the South Pole have the same disadvantage. Less throwing weight.

    [quote=timokhin-a-a][quote]The combat radius of the MIG-31 is about 750 km. If we add to this value approximately 1500 km of the flight range of the rocket itself, then the range turns out to be 2000 km. And these are not the ranges with which you can launch a first strike on the United States.[/quote]

    And I didn’t write about the “Daggers” attack on the Sha, this is not in the article. American nuclear weapons in Europe are the target of these missiles.[/quote]
    I'm sorry. About the USA means I misunderstood. But it is unlikely that the target of these missiles will be US nuclear weapons in Europe.
    In addition, in fact, only the base in Germany and the base in Turkey (if the Americans have not yet redeployed their weapons from there) will be targeted by these missiles. Neither Belgian nor Italian bases are under attack.

    [quote=timokhin-a-a] [quote] But their locations are also known quite accurately. But we don’t have thousands of MIG-31 interceptors so that we can “hide a needle in a haystack”[/quote]

    This is exactly a needle in a haystack. Even five air bases, and even if these planes do not land at other airfields as part of any exercises (and they land and fly), it is no longer possible to filter out the attack MiG and interceptor.[/quote]
    It is precisely that there are not so many such interceptors, they are not “needles in a haystack.” Enemy intelligence monitors the presence of such vehicles. Yes, it is impossible to filter an interceptor from a strike in a photo. But reconnaissance is carried out around the clock and not only optical. And the redeployment of several aircraft closer to the border will raise questions on the other side....

    [quote=timokhin-a-a][quote]What will be the goals? Hardly any nuclear bombs in Europe. In the event of a conflict, they will already be suspended...[/quote]
    What if we strike first? Is not a fact. [/quote]
    Any conflict, especially a nuclear missile or global one, cannot start just like that. There will be a certain amount of time that the parties will spend mobilizing units and formations, deploying new ones, supplying fuel, ammunition, and food. And all this will not just be recorded by the other side. Any of the parties to the conflict will carry out the same activities. And the first thing that will be done is that nuclear weapons will either be redeployed from these stationary storage facilities to field bases or generally already attached to aircraft. After all, the “first strike” is a game of roulette. Who came first? Moreover, the time will be calculated perhaps in hours, and possibly in minutes... Therefore, hoping that the enemy’s nuclear weapons will be in storage facilities in such a situation is not the best option. You can "lose"
  64. 0
    23 June 2020 17: 57
    Quote: timokhin-aa
    This is your reading comprehension. In fact, I am simply focusing on the fact that the provision on the possibility of a preventive strike was included in a public document and making a number of assumptions about what may lie behind this.
    Is it just that nothing gets done?

    Perhaps this is my understanding of what I read, but life experience suggests that such publications are intended precisely to instill fear and horror in our opponents (the electorate) and create a state of euphoria in ours. An example would be a presentation "weapons March 1". Because of my work, I often have to be in the same place in the city and most often in the pre-lunch time. Therefore, in order to have a snack, I go to a cafe-bar. A couple of sandwiches, a cup of coffee and, if possible, a hundred cognac. So I heard a lot about this weapon there... Everyone suddenly became specialists. starting from a musician and a waiter and ending with health workers and builders. Both men and women. Therefore, the publication of this decree is an event of the same order. The main thing is to create a state of euphoria in your own people and fear in your opponent. But again, this is my IMHO and I don’t impose my opinion on anyone...

    Quote: timokhin-aa
    There was always a provision in the governing documents about delivering a “strike at the appointed time.” That is, when we need it. Not OU, not OVU, but UNV... This is a preemptive strike.

    Wait. UNV, this is UNV. For example, it could be inflicted during an ongoing and currently non-nuclear war.
    This is not at all the same thing as a preventive strike, or so to speak, any preventive strike is a UNV, but not any UNV is a preventive strike.

    All this terminology - OU, OVU, UNV - refers exclusively to a nuclear missile conflict. That is, a preventive strike is a strike from a nuclear missile war. Yes, it (CNV) can be applied already during a non-nuclear conflict. And UNV - no matter in what context it sounds - is always a preemptive strike...

    Quote: timokhin-aa
    That is, at the very least, it is difficult to say that the Americans were shown Avangard many years ago.

    I don’t know the details, but I remember that they were told something on the topic when it was still “product 4202”. And you are wrong about 2012.

    It still remains “product 4202” or 15Yu71, if you like. And as for 2012. More precisely, 2013, then I can give specific data on when (date and time) these test launches were carried out. And products 15Yu71 and its predecessors - products 15Yu70. So everything is exactly right here... "Avangard" was shown after the completion of the tests (3 launches), although IMHO these tests hardly made it possible to test "Avangard" in all possible parameters...

    Quote: timokhin-aa
    And your passage about the fact that the ABM treaty was destroyed is not entirely clear. It ceased to operate at the beginning of the century (and the Americans withdrew from it in accordance with the provisions of this treaty).

    They came out, hiding behind the non-existent Iranian threat and began placing their missile defense facilities around our territory. For me, what is important is the result, and not the formalities, but the result of this withdrawal from the ABM Treaty - the beginning of the end of the nuclear deterrence system and the quite possible transformation of nuclear deterrence into a game of “who gets up first, gets the slippers.”
    But I won’t argue, maybe this is an unfortunate word in this case.

    Actually, it's not that much of a non-existent threat. At least NATO's southern flank is under attack from Iranian missiles. Placing objects around us - in principle, these bases make sense specifically for intercepting Iranian missiles, but do not at all pose a danger to Russian strategic forces. And the base in Poland will be able to cover Germany and England from attacks by missiles like VM-25 or Hommanshahr...

    Quote: timokhin-aa
    It's more aeroballistic. Which flies to a distance of approximately 1500 km precisely because it does not have a quasi-ballistic trajectory, but a regular, classical ballistic trajectory.

    The dagger flies so far because its accelerator is very fast and is launched from a great height. This saves a lot of fuel, provides a more energy-efficient trajectory, and, as a result, range.
    I have no information that this missile, which, by the way, was created with extensive use of ground-based missiles, has a different trajectory in the final phase compared to its “progenitors.”
    Refusal of a quasi-ballistic trajectory makes the missile significantly more vulnerable and looks illogical.

    I believe that the missile’s flight range depends, among other things, on the speed of the booster and the launch altitude. But if the flight altitude of the quasi-ballistic Iskander is about 40-50 km, then the apogee of the Kinzhal is somewhere in the range of 200-250 km. It is the classical, ballistic trajectory that is energetically the most favorable in this case.
    Refusal of the quasi-ballistic trajectory in this case is justified. Do you really think that our Iskander, which fell several months ago in Kazakhstan, flew a distance of almost 700 km along a “quasi-ballistic” trajectory? Each trajectory has its pros and cons. The advantage of the “quasi-ballistic” trajectory is that it has a low apogee and is more difficult to detect by radar early warning systems. But there are also disadvantages. The "quasi-ballistic" trajectory reduces the missile's flight range by approximately 2,5-3 times. The same trajectory also reduces the thrown weight. Well, the accuracy of such missiles is somewhat lower. By the way, ICBMs that will fly to the target through the South Pole have the same disadvantage. Less throwing weight.

    Quote: timokhin-aa
    The combat radius of the MIG-31 is about 750 km. If we add to this value approximately 1500 km of the flight range of the rocket itself, then the range turns out to be 2000 km. And these are not the ranges with which you can launch a first strike on the United States.

    And I didn’t write about the “Daggers” attack on the Sha, this is not in the article. American nuclear weapons in Europe are the target of these missiles.

    I'm sorry. About the USA means I misunderstood. But it is unlikely that the target of these missiles will be US nuclear weapons in Europe.
    In addition, in fact, only the base in Germany and the base in Turkey (if the Americans have not yet redeployed their weapons from there) will be targeted by these missiles. Neither Belgian nor Italian bases are under attack.

    Quote: timokhin-aa
    But their locations are known quite accurately. But we don’t have thousands of MIG-31 interceptors so that we can “hide a needle in a haystack”

    This is exactly a needle in a haystack. Even five air bases, and even if these planes do not land at other airfields as part of any exercises (and they land and fly), it is no longer possible to filter out the attack MiG and interceptor.

    It is precisely that there are not so many such interceptors, they are not “needles in a haystack.” Enemy intelligence monitors the presence of such vehicles. Yes, it is impossible to filter an interceptor from a strike in a photo. But reconnaissance is carried out around the clock and not only optical. And the redeployment of several aircraft closer to the border will raise questions on the other side....

    Quote: timokhin-aa
    What will be the goals? Hardly any nuclear bombs in Europe. In the event of a conflict, they will already be suspended...

    What if we strike first? Is not a fact.

    Any conflict, especially a nuclear missile or global one, cannot start just like that. There will be a certain amount of time that the parties will spend mobilizing units and formations, deploying new ones, supplying fuel, ammunition, and food. And all this will not just be recorded by the other side. Any of the parties to the conflict will carry out the same activities. And the first thing that will be done is that nuclear weapons will either be redeployed from these stationary storage facilities to field bases or generally already attached to aircraft. After all, the “first strike” is a game of roulette. Who came first? Moreover, the time will be calculated perhaps in hours, and possibly in minutes... Therefore, hoping that the enemy’s nuclear weapons will be in storage facilities in such a situation is not the best option. You can "lose"
  65. +1
    23 June 2020 17: 59
    Quote: timokhin-aa
    Your scheme (which was provided to Congress) is an outright fake. In the diagram, the Avangard warheads do not extend beyond the Karman line, and the flight altitude of the Avangards, judging by the diagram, is generally 40-50 kilometers, no more.

    The diagram here only serves to illustrate the principle - gliders fly much lower than the trajectory of throwing ballistic warheads, and they leave much less time to prepare for a counterattack. And that's true.
    The fact that the diagram shows curved scales does not change this fact.

    Next you write about 250 km. What rocket is this for? Let me remind you once again - the article is not about the fact that tomorrow we will run Vanguards around the USA. An article that Russia is being forced to move away from a defensive doctrine of the use of strategic nuclear forces to an offensive one, built around establishing the fact that the enemy is preparing to strike and launching a preventive strike against him. And in the future, after Trump withdraws from START, the same Vanguards may sign up for completely different missiles with a very interesting trajectory. Can you tell me which ones?

    The diagram doesn't illustrate anything here. A scheme for those "suckers" in Congress who don't care about reality. Gliders fly wherever the rocket throws them. Flight along a “quasi-ballistic trajectory” at an altitude of 50 km at a range of 10-12 thousand kilometers is “fantastic”. It’s one thing when products fly at such a height at speeds of 10M, and quite another thing when at a speed of 27M...
    And what we have now:
    • Carrier 15A71 (15A35-71). In version 15A 35, the completion time of the second stage engines is about 400 km. In the Rokota version, if there is also a certain upper stage, the completion time of the 2nd stage engines is about 250 km. Next, the accelerating unit is turned on.
    And how does an impact unit like the Avangard “fit in” here if it ends up undocked from the stage at altitudes of 250-400 km?
    Even if Trump withdraws from the START-3 treaty, they will not sign up for any other missile with an “interesting trajectory.” Neither Topol-M nor Yars of all modifications are suitable for deploying Avangard on them. In the long term - to the currently non-existent "Sarmat".

    Quote: timokhin-aa
    Satellites in circular geostationary orbit? Not only does “Peresvet” have to penetrate the atmosphere, making sure that the beam does not dissipate, but after the atmosphere it also has to travel a distance of 35000 km??? Do we have such powers on lasers???

    There, the bulk of satellites are in elongated orbits with an apogee
    35000 km and perigee less than 2000. Perigee over those countries where Russia is now intensively climbing - in Africa, south of the equator. Is it a problem to deliver the installation there?
    The power there, judging by the dimensions of the car, is wow.
    It weighs about 60 tons, if not more

    The bulk of the mass is in elongated orbits?? Of the 6 early warning satellites, as far as I remember, only 2 are in highly elliptical orbits

    Do you determine power by the dimensions of the car? New in intelligence. Have you tried to determine by the emitter? Or optics? And could you tell me where exactly in Africa we are going? Where to put the laser? If this “Peresvet” system is capable of blinding low-flying reconnaissance (optical) satellites, then “shooting” (“blinding”) a satellite in Molniya orbit is extremely unlikely. It’s one thing at an altitude of 200 km, another at an altitude of 2000.

    Quote: timokhin-aa
    Well, such a moment. There is also Sokol-Echelon. I didn’t touch on this issue when I wrote, but then it turned out that the Westerners themselves sent a wave through the specialized press. Now it's possible.
    Have you heard of such a system? What do you think it is for? What about stationary lasers?

    Heard. And it has not yet been implemented and it is not known when it will be. They can’t even come to a common opinion on what media is needed for this system
  66. 0
    22 February 2021 23: 59
    The Pentagon knows that there will be no “nuclear winter” - and is building its strategy on this.
    Carl Sagan, having smoked marijuana, entered such data to get the desired result - “nuclear winter”. Namely, he created the concept of “nuclear winter” by order of the State Department.
    However, the "tests" of the concept of "nuclear winter" took place during the forest fires of 2007-2012, especially in 2010, when about 12 million hectares or 120 thousand square meters were burned out. km, that is, 12% of the scale adopted for the concept of "nuclear winter". You cannot dismiss this, because if the effect had taken place, it would have manifested itself. The most interesting thing is that calculations of the formation of soot in these fires were carried out, published in the journal "Meteorology and Hydrology", No. 7 for 2015. The result was overturning. Soot actually formed 2,5 grams per square meter. meters of forest fire. Over the entire area of ​​the fires, about 300 thousand tons of soot were formed, which is easy to translate into an estimated million square meters. km - 2,5 million tons, which is 1600 times less than in the concept of "nuclear winter". And this - in the best conditions of a dry and hot summer, when the rain did not extinguish the fires, and extinguishing could not cope with the fire.
    Such a difference of 1600 times directly proves the blatant falsification of data carried out by Carl Sagan's group.
    So the Pentagon knows what it is doing. He expects that after the exchange of strikes with nuclear weapons, the war will turn into a battle between the Russian economy and the economy of the entire "surviving" Western world.