OAS and Delta: against de Gaulle and TNF


Frame from the movie “Target: 500 Million”

We continue our story about the tragic events that followed de Gaulle's decision to leave Algeria.

Organization de l'Armee Secrete

On December 3, 1960, in the capital of Spain, General Raul Salan, Colonel Charles Lacheroy and the leaders of the “black-footed” students Pierre Lagayard and Jean-Jacques Susini concluded the Madrid (anti-Gaullist) treaty, which proclaimed the course for the armed struggle for the preservation of Algeria as part of France. This was the origin of the famous Organization de l'Armee Secrete (Secret Armed Organization, OAS, the name was first sounded on February 21, 1961), and later the famous Delta squad, which began the hunt for de Gaulle and other “traitors” and continued the war against Algerian extremists. The OAS motto was the words L'Algérie est française et le restera: "Algeria belongs to France - this will continue to be the case."

In OAS there were many veterans of the Resistance of the times of World War II, who now actively used their experience in conspiratorial work, intelligence and sabotage activities. The posters of this organization claimed: “OAS will not leave” and called: “Neither a suitcase nor a coffin! Rifle and Homeland! "

Organizationally, OAS consisted of three departments.

The tasks of ODM (Organization Des Masses) were the recruitment and training of new members, fundraising, arrangement of conspiracy centers, and the preparation of documents. The head of this department was Colonel Jean Gard.

ORO (Organization Renseignement Operation) was led by Colonel Yves Godard (he ordered to block in April 1961 tanks Admiralty building, not allowing Admiral Cerville to lead the troops loyal to de Gaulle and forcing him to sail to Oran) and writer Jean-Claude Perot. It included the subdivisions of BCR (Intelligence Central Bureau) and BAO (Operational Action Bureau). This department was responsible for sabotage work, the Delta group was subordinate to it.

Jean-Jacques Suzini, which we spoke about recently (in the article "The Time of Skydivers" and "Je ne regrette rien"), headed APP (Action Psychologique Propagande) - a department engaged in agitation and propaganda: two monthly magazines were published, brochures, posters, leaflets were printed and even radio programs were broadcast.

In addition to Algeria and France, OAS branches were in Belgium (there were warehouses weapons and explosives), in Italy (training centers and printing houses, where fake documents were also produced), Spain and Germany (conspiratorial centers were located in these countries).

Many active servicemen and law enforcement officers sympathized with the OAS, while the head of the French General Staff, General Charles Allerett, said in one of his reports that only 10% of the soldiers were ready to shoot at the "fighters". Indeed, the local police did not intervene in the Delta operation, which destroyed 25 barbuzes in one of the Algerian hotels (Les Barbouzes - a secret organization of non-French-born Gaullists created by the French authorities whose purpose was extrajudicial reprisals against identified members of the OAS).

OAS had no problems with weapons, but with money it was much worse, and therefore several banks were robbed, including Rothschild in Paris.

Among the very famous people who became members of the OAS are the former Secretary General of the Gaullist Reunion of the French People party Jacques Sustel, who previously served as Governor General of Algeria and Minister of State for Overseas Territories.

OAS was also a member of parliament, Jean-Marie Le Pen (founder of the National Front Party), who served in the Legion since 1954 and knew well many of the leaders of this organization.

OAS and Delta: against de Gaulle and TNF

Jean-Marie Le Pen, late 1950s

Le Pen began his service in the legion in Indochina, then, in 1956, during the Suez crisis, he was subordinate to Pierre Chateau-Jobert, which was already mentioned in previous articles, and will be discussed later. In 1957, Le Pen took part in hostilities in Algeria.

The number of the OAS military branch reached 4 thousand people, the direct perpetrators of the attacks - 500 (the Delta detachment under the command of Lieutenant Roger Degeldr), there were an order of magnitude more sympathizers. Historians are surprised to note that the movement of this "new Resistance" turned out to be much more massive than during the years of World War II.

Pierre Chateau-Jaubert

One of the heroes of the French Resistance during World War II was Pierre Chateau-Jobert, who, under the name of Conan, joined him on June 1, 1940. In 1944, he led the Third CAC Parachute Regiment (SAS, Special Air Service, Special Airborne Assault) created in Algeria, the French unit that was part of the British Army. In the summer and autumn of 1944, in France, this regiment, abandoned in the rear of the German army, destroyed 5476 enemy soldiers and officers, captured 1390. In addition, 11 trains were derailed and 382 cars were burned. During this time, the regiment lost only 41 people. Colonel Chateau-Jobert personally commanded the French paratroopers of the Second Parachute Regiment of the Legion, who landed during the Suez Crisis in Port Fuad on November 5, 1956.

Pierre Chateau-Jobert was an active member of the OAS, during an attempted military coup General Salan appointed him commander of the troops in Constantine (where there were three regiments). Leaving Algeria on June 30, Château-Jaubert continued the struggle, and in 1965 the de Gaulle government sentenced him to death in absentia, but was granted amnesty in June 1968. In France he was called the "last irreconcilable." On May 16, 2001, his name was assigned to the Second Parachute Regiment.

Monument to Chateau-Jaubert, installed in October 2010 in the territory of the Paratrooper School in Pau

Pierre Serjan

The last head of the French branch of OAS was captain Pierre Serjan, who in 1943-1944. in Paris, he was a member of the Freedom armed group, and then a partisan in the province. Since 1950, he served in the legion: first in the First Infantry Regiment, then in the first parachute, in which he took part in Operation Marion - a landing (2350) in the rear of the Vietnamese troops.

Pierre Serjan

He continued his service in Algeria. After an unsuccessful attempt at a military coup, he became a member of the OAS, was twice sentenced to death (in 1962 and 1964), but was able to avoid arrest. After an amnesty in July 1968, he joined the National Front (1972) and became a member of parliament from this party (1986-1988). In addition to political activity, he was engaged in history Foreign Legion, became the author of the book “The Legion Landed in Colwezi: Operation Leopard”, in which a film of the same name was shot in France in 1980.

Shot from the film "The Legion Landed at Kolgesi"

This film is about a military operation to liberate a Zaire city captured by rebels of the Congo National Liberation Front, who were held hostage by about three thousand Europeans (this will be described in detail in one of the following articles).

In addition to the Chateau-Jobert and Pierre Serjan, the Delta squad included many other veterans of the Foreign Legion.

Delta Group ("Delta")

Against de Gaulle and the state machine completely subordinate to him, against a million soldiers, gendarmes and police, only 500 people of the Delta group spoke out. Is funny Not very, because, without any exaggeration, they were the best soldiers of France, the last real and great warriors of this country. United by a common goal, passionate young veterans of numerous wars were very serious opponents and were ready to die if they could not win.

The head of the Delta combat group, Roger Degeldre, fled from the northern part of France occupied by the Germans in the south of France in 1940 at the age of 15 years. Already in 1942, the 17-year-old anti-fascist returned to join the ranks of one of the resistance units, and with the arrival of the allies in January 1945, he fought as part of the 10th mechanized rifle division. Since French citizens were forbidden to enter the Foreign Legion as an ordinary, he served in the first armored cavalry and first parachute regiments of the legion under the name Roger Legeldra, becoming, according to "legend", a Swiss from the city of Gruyere (French-speaking canton of Friborg), fought in Indochina, rose to the rank of lieutenant became a knight of the Legion of Honor. On December 11, 1960, he moved to an illegal position, in 1961 he became the leader of the Delta detachment.

Lieutenant Roger Degeldr, head of the Delta squad

On April 7, 1962, he was arrested and executed on July 6 of the same year.

Another well-known Legionnaire of the Delta is the Croatian Alber Dovécar, who served in the first parachute regiment under the name Paul Dodewart since 1957 (he chose Vienna as the “birthplace” when he entered the Legion, probably because he knew German well, but “a native of Germany” "Did not want to become). Dovécar led the group that killed Algeria's chief police commissioner Roger Gavouri. To avoid accidental casualties among the population, he and Claude Piegts (direct executors) were armed only with knives. Both were executed on June 7, 1962.

Albert Dovécar

Claude Piegts

At different times, the Delta squad included up to 33 groups. The commander of Delta 1 was the aforementioned Albert Dovécar, Delta 2 was led by Wilfried Zilberman, Delta 3 was Jean-Pierre Ramos, Delta 4 was the former lieutenant Jean-Paul Blanche, Delta 9 was Joe Rizza, Delta 11 was Paul Mansilla, Delta 24 was Marcel Lizhier. .

Judging by the names, the commanders of these groups, in addition to the Croatian legionnaire, were the “black-footed” Algeria. Two of them are clearly French, who with equal probability could be natives of France or Algeria. Two are Spaniards, probably from Oran, where many people from this country lived. One Italian (or Corsican) and one Jew.

After the arrest of Roger Degeldre, the fight against de Gaulle was led by Colonel Antoine Argo, formerly the head of the Spanish branch of OAS, a World War II veteran who served as a lieutenant in the Free France forces, who had served as military adviser on Algerian affairs since 1954, and since late 1958 - was the chief of staff of General Massiu.

He began preparations for a new attempt on de Gaulle, which was to be held on February 15, 1963 at the military academy, where the president’s speech was planned. The conspirators were issued by a frightened guard who agreed to let the three OAS members inside. Ten days later, agents of the Fifth Division of French Intelligence abducted Antoine Argo in Munich. He was illegally transported to France and associated, with traces of torture left in a minivan near the police headquarters in Paris. Such methods of the French shocked even their American and Western European allies.

In 1966, one of the Delta’s former commanders, the captain of the first parachute regiment of the Foreign Legion, Jean Reischo (a fictional character), became the protagonist of the film “Target: 500 Million”, which was shot by the famous film director Pierre Schönderffer. According to the plot, he agreed to become an accomplice in the robbery of a mail plane to help his colleagues start a new life in Brazil.

Images from the film “Target: 500 Million”:

The song "Tell your captain", sounded in this film, was at one time very popular in France:

You have a plain jacket
Your pants are badly cut
And your terrible shoes
It hinders me from dancing.
It makes me sad
Because I love you.

The first well-known politician who fell victim to OAS was the liberal Pierre Popier, who declared in a television interview on January 24, 1961:

“French Algeria is dead! I tell you this, Pierre Popier. ”

On January 25, he was killed, a note was found next to his body:

“Pierre Popier is dead! I tell you this, French Algeria! ”

Attempts were attempted on 38 deputies of the National Assembly and 9 senators who advocated independence for Algeria. At de Gaulle, the OAS organized from 13 to 15 (according to various sources) assassination attempts - all unsuccessful. The attempt on the prime minister, Georges Pompidou, was also unsuccessful.

Over the years, OAS organized 12 assassination attempts (290 Europeans and 239 Arabs were killed, 1383 Europeans and 1062 Arabs were injured).

Authorities responded with terror to terror; de Gaulle ordered torture of arrested OAS members. The OAS was engaged in the fight against OAS (the Fifth Division - it was his employees who abducted Colonel Argo in Germany) of the French DGSE (Directorate General for External Security). The training of his employees took place in a camp, which, in the area, was often called the "Satori nursery." Bad rumors circulated about his "graduates" in France: they were suspected of illegal methods of conducting investigations and even extrajudicial killings of opponents of Charles de Gaulle.

Perhaps you remember the films “The Tall Blonde in the Black Boot” and “The Return of the Tall Blonde” starring Pierre Richard. Oddly enough, in France in these comedies, shot in 1972 and 1974, many then saw not only the amusing adventures of an unlucky musician, but also a clear and very transparent hint of dirty work methods and the arbitrariness of special services under Charles de Gaulle.

As you know, de Gaulle resigned as president on April 28, 1969 after the failure of the referendum he initiated on the creation of economic regions and Senate reform. By this time, his relationship with Georges Pompidou, the former prime minister, had been finally dismissed because he had become more popular than the president amid the events of the spring of 1968. Taking the post of head of state, Pompidou did not particularly stand on ceremony, raking de Gaulle's "Augean stables". Cleaning was also carried out in the special services, which under de Gaulle began to turn into a “state in the state” and had fun as they wanted, without denying anything to themselves: they listened to everyone in a row, collected tribute from criminal syndicates, and “roofed” the drug trade. The main investigations, of course, were carried out behind closed doors, but something also got on the pages of newspapers, and the first film begins with exposing the fraud on heroin smuggling (“confused counterintelligence with smuggling” is an everyday matter). The main anti-hero is Colonel Louis Toulouse, who quietly sacrifices his subordinates to save his place, arranges for the murder of his deputy and tries to get rid of the hero Richard (Monsieur Perrin - from this film all the heroes of Richard began to bear this name traditionally), who accidentally found himself in the center of this intrigue.

Frame from the movie "Tall Blonde in a Black Boot":

And in the second film, captain Cambrai, to expose Toulouse, no less calmly puts Perren under attack - and receives a slap in the finale as a "thank you" from the "little man", whose life the special services "manage at their own discretion."

Shot from the movie “The Return of the Tall Blonde”:

But we were a little distracted, let's go back - at a time when, trying to save French Algeria, both OAS and the “Old Army Headquarters” fought on two fronts (this article was described a little in the article "The Time of Skydivers" and "Je ne regrette rien").

Not only the police, the national gendarmerie and special services of France, but also the terrorist units of the TNF, who killed the alleged members of this organization, and also attacked the homes and businesses of those who sympathized with the ideas of “French Algeria”, waged a war against OAS at both sides. The degree of madness every year only increased.

Map of terrorist attacks in Algeria: Muslim neighborhoods - green, European - orange

In June 1961, OAS agents blew up a railway while passing a fast train from Strasbourg to Paris - 28 people were killed and more than a hundred were injured.

Algerian militants in September of that year killed 11 policemen in Paris and injured 17. Prefect of the Paris police Maurice Papon, trying to take control of the situation, announced a curfew on October 5 of that year for “Algerian workers, French Muslims and French Muslims from Algeria”.

The leaders of the TNF in response called on all Parisians from Algeria, "starting from Saturday, October 14, 1961 ... to leave the masses, with their wives and children ... to walk along the main streets of Paris." And on October 17, they even ordered a demonstration, without even making the slightest effort to get permission from the authorities.

The “ministers” of the Algerian Provisional Government, who were sitting in cozy Cairo’s offices, were well aware that such “walks” could be deadly, especially for women and children, who, during clashes with the police and possible panic, could simply be trampled or thrown from bridges into the river. Moreover, they hoped that this is exactly what would happen. The killed militants and terrorists did not cause any particular pity, and even the democratic and communist "sponsors" frowned, giving money. And the sponsors of Algerian militants and terrorists were not only Beijing and Moscow, but also the United States and the Western European allies of France. American newspapers wrote:

"The war in Algeria sets the whole of North Africa against the West ... The continuation of the war will leave the West in North Africa without friends and the United States without bases."

The mass death of absolutely innocent people and obviously not dangerous for the French authorities was needed, and not in faraway Algeria, but in Paris - in front of the "world public". These “sacred” victims were to be the wives and children of Algerian migrants.

This was not the first attempt by the TNF to destabilize the situation in Paris. In 1958, numerous attacks on police officers of the French capital were organized, four were killed and many were injured. The authorities reacted adequately and harshly, defeating 60 underground groups, which provoked a hysterical reaction of liberals led by Sartre, who were tearing out, calling the police the Gestapo and demanding to improve and make “worthy” the content of the arrested militants. However, the times were still not "tolerant", making sure that few people paid attention to their cries, liberal intellectuals took up the affairs of more familiar, pressing and interesting things - prostitutes of both sexes, drugs and alcohol. Sartre’s biographer Annie Cohen-Solal claimed that every day he took “two packs of cigarettes, a few tobacco pipes, more than a quart (946 ml!) Of alcohol, two hundred milligrams of amphetamines, fifteen grams of aspirin, a bunch of barbiturates, some coffee, tea and a few 'heavy meals "".

This lady did not want to go to jail for drug propaganda, and therefore did not indicate the recipe for these “dishes”.

In 1971, in an interview with political science professor John Gerassi, Sartre complained that he was constantly pursued by giant crabs:

“I'm used to them. I woke up in the morning and said: "Good morning, my little ones, how did you sleep?" I could chat with them all the time or say, “Okay guys, now we are going to the audience, so you should be quiet and calm.” They surrounded my table and did not move at all until the bell rang. ”

Zhan Pol Sartr, Gallyutsinatsii. Illustration from Robert Schnakenberg's book “The Secret Life of Great Writers”

But back in October 17, 1961. The French security forces were between Scylla and Charybdis: they had to literally go along the razor's edge, not allowing the defeat of the capital of the country, but at the same time avoiding massive casualties among aggressively-minded demonstrators. And I must admit that they succeeded then. Maurice Papon turned out to be a very courageous man who was not afraid to take responsibility. To his subordinates, he turned:

“Do your duty and do not pay attention to what the newspapers write. I am responsible for all your actions, and only I. ”

It was his principled position that actually saved Paris then.

Maurice Papon

In 1998, France thanked him, condemning the 88-year-old man for 10 years for serving in the Vichy administration of Bordeaux during World War II, from which 1690 Jews were deported by order of Pétain, and the documents naturally showed Papon's signatures (as the chief secretary of the prefecture. And how could they not be there?).

“Beautiful France, when will you die?”

The slogans carried by the TNF-appointed provocateurs that day were as follows:

"France is Algeria."
“Beat the Franks.”
"The Eiffel Tower will become a minaret."
"Paris whores, where is your hijab?"
“Beautiful France, when will you die?”


By the way, back in 1956, a song was written in Algeria in which there are such words:

France! The ranting time is over
We turned this page like the last page
read book
France! So the day of reckoning has come!
Get ready! Here is our answer!
Our revolution will pass judgment.

It would seem nothing special? Of course, if you do not know that in 1963 this song became the anthem of Algeria, whose citizens to this day, when performed at official ceremonies, threaten France.

But back in October 17, 1961.

From 30 to 40 thousand Algerians, breaking shop windows on their way and burning cars (well, robbing shops along the way, of course) tried to break into the center of Paris. They were opposed by 7 thousand police officers and about one and a half thousand soldiers of the republican security detachments. The danger was really great: about 2 thousand units of firearms thrown by "peaceful demonstrators" were later found on the streets of Paris, but Papon’s employees acted so decisively and professionally that the militants simply did not manage to put them into action. According to the latest official figures, 48 ​​people were killed in mass fights. Ten thousand Arabs were arrested, many of them deported, and this served as a serious lesson for the rest, who some time after that walked literally “on the wall”, politely smiling to all the French they met.

Algerian demonstrators in a police bus. October 17, 1961

In 2001, the Paris authorities apologized to the Arabs, and mayor Bertrand Delaunay opened a plaque on the Saint-Michel bridge. But the "siloviki" are still convinced that the protesters were going to burn Notre Dame and the Palace of Justice out of thin air.

In March 1962, when they realized that they had unexpectedly won, the TNF militants "perked up": in order to put pressure on the French government, the TNF terrorists launched a hundred explosions a day. When the desperate "black-footed" and evolves of Algeria on March 26, 1962 came to an authorized peaceful demonstration (in support of the OAS and against Islamic terror), they were shot by units of Algerian tyrants - 85 were killed and 200 wounded.

In the next article, we will complete the story of the Algerian war, talk about the tragic escape from this country of the “black-footed”, evolves and harki, and about some of the sad events that followed the country's independence.

In preparing the article, information was used about Pierre Chateau-Jaubert from the blog of Catherine Urzova and two photos from the same blog:
The Story of Pierre Chateau-Jaubert.
Monument Chateau-Jaubert.
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  1. +12
    7 June 2020 06: 01
    because, without exaggeration, they were the best soldiers of France, the last real and great warriors of this country. United by a common goal, passionate young veterans of numerous wars were very serious opponents and were ready to die if they could not win.

    It was just that impression that they are excellent warriors and, most importantly, patriots of France.

    Terror, of course, is not good. And the terror of the Islamists against millions of French and loyal Arabs of Algeria, to which de Gaulle's treacherous policies led — what better?

    Time has shown who is right. And this is not de Gaulle. His policy of concessions and retreats led to the fact that the south of France is already Ajir, and it is no longer possible to be white in all parts of Paris.

    Where to retreat further?

    Thanks to the author for the most interesting material.
    1. -4
      7 June 2020 12: 12
      Burns on the right and the monarchists from de Gaulle well
      1. +6
        7 June 2020 12: 46
        Quote: Kronos
        Burns on the right and the monarchists from de Gaulle well

        left lovers of sadistic Islamists TNF they no longer hide behind sympathetic rhetoric their sympathies for them, and this is good.
        Let everyone see whom they supported for decades Yes
        Oran massacre. 7 katib (armed units) TNF entered the port city of Oran and within a few hoursin killed the Europeans (many were tortured). Quantity victims estimated at 3500 men, women and children. Soon, the majority of Europeans and Jews living in Oran fled to France. Some Jews left for Israel.


        we are waiting for their declarations of love to other "freedom fighters" from among the Wahhabis and ISIS Yes
        1. -5
          7 June 2020 12: 57
          TNF fought for the freedom of Algeria from France leftists always supported national liberation movements
          1. +7
            7 June 2020 13: 07
            Quote: Kronos
            TNF fought for freedom of Algeria from France

            They fought for terry Islamism, nationalism, dictatorship, ethnic cleansing and massacres of infidels and dissenters.

            What happened
            Quote: Kronos
            the left has always supported

            And yes, the left has always supported such animals.
            For some reason, they just don’t want to live with them. Probably because those of them ... cutlike white, not understanding shades .... request
          2. +17
            7 June 2020 13: 13
            That's right. In Israel, among pro-Palestinian Jews, there are LGBT activists, literals of all stripes and militant atheists - i.e. those whom Arabs, even pro-socialist Fatah-type, will slaughter first of all, together with far-right settlers
      2. +2
        8 June 2020 01: 30
        Quote: Kronos
        Burns on the right and the monarchists from de Gaulle well

        Then be consistent to the end. Let the crowds of Muslims, under slogans like "Russia tormented us for a long time," wreak havoc on the streets of Russian cities. Will it be okay?
    2. 0
      23 July 2020 15: 10
      Quote: Olgovich
      because, without exaggeration, they were the best soldiers of France, the last real and great warriors of this country. United by a common goal, passionate young veterans of numerous wars were very serious opponents and were ready to die if they could not win.

      It was just that impression that they are excellent warriors and, most importantly, patriots of France.

      Terror, of course, is not good. And the terror of the Islamists against millions of French and loyal Arabs of Algeria, to which de Gaulle's treacherous policies led — what better?

      Time has shown who is right. And this is not de Gaulle. His policy of concessions and retreats led to the fact that the south of France is already Ajir, and it is no longer possible to be white in all parts of Paris.

      Where to retreat further?

      Thanks to the author for the most interesting material.

      You have a mess in your head. Algeria has long been independent, de Gaulle has been dead for a long time, and migration to France has been going on for the last 50 years. By the way, we also have. Only we are not Arabs.
  2. 0
    7 June 2020 06: 08
    Not much time passed and Notre Dame burned out (or burned).
  3. +7
    7 June 2020 08: 06
    To the author plus. After the article, I began to look differently at the events of those times.
    F.Forsythe "Day of the Jackal" I recommend. The rental of a film based on this novel was banned (they say by Suslov) in the USSR. As a "manual" to eliminate the leader of the state. Only a miracle saved De Gaulle from the most dangerous assassination attempt.
  4. +6
    7 June 2020 09: 04
    And where were these brave French when Hitler took Paris?
    Apparently sharpened scissors preparing to shave their women, who had to sleep with the Nazis ...
    1. VLR
      7 June 2020 09: 58
      There were few “brave Frenchmen” in World War II, and many of them later ended up in the SLA and the Delta: almost every one of de Gaulle's opponents, whom you start making inquiries about, turns out to be a member of the Resistance or who fought in the Free French troops. And these last heroes were destroyed by those French who chose to surrender to the Germans and did not particularly suffer during the occupation. Former collaborationists simply crushed them with their mass.
      1. +8
        7 June 2020 11: 34
        Quote: VlR
        There were few brave Frenchmen "in World War II, and very many of them later ended up in the SLA and the Delta: practically every one of de Gaulle's opponents, whom you begin to inquire about, turns out to be a member of the Resistance or who fought in the Free French troops. And these last heroes were destroyed by those French, who chose to surrender to the Germans and did not suffer much during the occupation. Former collaborationists simply crushed them with their mass.

        there were few real fighters and patriots of the French in the Resistance, but real members of the FRS and patriots were all members of the SLA.

        People worthy of respect
        Quote: VlR
        And these last heroes were destroyed by those Frenchmen who preferred to surrender to the Germans and did not particularly suffer during the occupation. Former collaborators simply crushed them with their mass.

        And the consequences are catastrophic ...
      2. 0
        23 July 2020 15: 12
        Quote: VlR
        There were few “brave Frenchmen” in World War II, and many of them later ended up in the SLA and the Delta: almost every one of de Gaulle's opponents, whom you start making inquiries about, turns out to be a member of the Resistance or who fought in the Free French troops. And these last heroes were destroyed by those French who chose to surrender to the Germans and did not particularly suffer during the occupation. Former collaborationists simply crushed them with their mass.

        No state will tolerate terror against its institutions
    2. -7
      7 June 2020 17: 35
      ..measure on the map the distance from Ardennes to Paris .. and then measure from Brest to Moscow .. alas, France did not have Stalingrad and the Caucasus (.. and of course Siberia ..) and they had no where to retreat .. to regroup .. (.. and France didn’t have Comrade Stalin, by the way ..) .. so there’s no need to compare .. and what would be the outcome of the Great Patriotic War if the USSR coexisted within the Moscow Ring Road ..
      1. ANB
        7 June 2020 20: 52
        . alas, France did not have Stalingrad and the Caucasus

        There were southern France, Algeria, Vietnam. France did not have Stalin.
  5. +2
    7 June 2020 10: 10
    One of the most bloody and terrible pages in the history of France. In order to at least somehow resist terror, garbage bins in parks and boulevards were tightly sealed in many places in Paris so that terrorists would not leave bombs there
  6. +8
    7 June 2020 10: 42

    It is much safer than buttging with the Nazis.

    Of course the comment is not the topic, but still ...
    1. +14
      7 June 2020 13: 08
      Quite right - the punishment of women who became soldiers and opirins was carried out by the hands of citizens who did not want to resist the Nazis with weapons in their hands
  7. +9
    7 June 2020 10: 43
    Valery, thanks for your story about little-known and therefore interesting events.
    "On May 16, 2001, his name was given to the 2nd parachute regiment" what a paradox: in 1961 he was considered a villain and only a miracle saved him from the execution, and 40 years later he is a role model
  8. +8
    7 June 2020 12: 05
    "in 1998, France thanked him," and until 1998 they could not read his name on WWII documents?
    Valery, I am completely at a loss: not long ago I respected Charles de Gaulle, but now it turns out that de Gaulle is not the most decent one to say.
    Jean Marie Le Pen considered him almost like a fascist, and he is also a pretty decent person
    1. -5
      7 June 2020 13: 05
      A fascist is.
      1. +11
        7 June 2020 14: 15
        Well, FIG knows ... From this point of view, Golda Meir is also a fascist ... Anyway, no worse than Marine le Pen.
        1. +8
          7 June 2020 14: 27
          Hello Anton hi
          Golda Meir is a militant socialist - anti-market, state monopoly, social equality (she was indignant at the inequality in Moscow in the late 40s, where she worked as an ambassador, such as aunts in headscarves work with crowbars in their hands on the street, and nearby women dressed in European fashion sit down in fur coats expensive cars), wrote in her memoirs that a cleaning lady in Sohnut (a Jewish agency) receives a higher salary than she, being a deputy, because paid for the length of service, was friends with the later repressed wife of Molotov, and about the Arabs, before the independence of the country, she tried to dissuade them from attacking the Israelis, refused Egypt peace talks in the 70s, on the other hand refused to deliver a preemptive strike on the Arab armies and mobilize troops resulting in heavy losses (by Israeli standards) in the Doomsday War. In short - a half-totalitarian Socialist with Zionism in the head and Marxism in the heart)).
      2. +2
        7 June 2020 19: 18
        Albert, it turns out that fascists are obligatory, is there a decent person?
        And personally, how do you feel about OSA?
        Do not tell me that you will consult Sartar's crabs. You do not use such "dishes"
        1. +8
          7 June 2020 20: 18
          Hello Vera hi
          To SLA - positive, better than to De Gaulle))
    2. +1
      7 June 2020 16: 03
      Quote: Astra wild
      Valery, I'm completely at a loss

      Unfortunately, one cannot relate to Valery’s work with unconditional trust - the author is often held captive by his own concepts. It seems that the main task that Valery sets himself is not education as such, but the overthrow of established points of view at all costs, not excluding a departure from historical truth, otherwise how could the OAS killer terrorists become unambiguous heroes?
      I still recommend that you, indeed, all readers relate to Valery’s works as you relate to the work of, for example, Alexandre Dumas - there is a historical basis, and everything else - the author’s point of view, is often erroneous.
      1. +3
        7 June 2020 19: 11
        Mikhail "Trilobite", you +: "are held captive by their own concepts" he demonstrated this in his aspiration to make an icon out of Peter 3, and 2 demons out of Catherine.
        But in this case, I'm on the side of the author’s concept
      2. +9
        7 June 2020 20: 32
        Valery's conclusions are correct - De Gaulle wanted to avoid the Arabization of France by abandoning the territories.
        The result - the Arabization of France + the loss of territories. SLA - killers, not killers - tried to prevent hundreds of thousands of broken lives of black-footed and taken away lives of Algerians loyal to France.
  9. +1
    7 June 2020 12: 17
    "map of terrorist attacks", and who was behind these attacks?
    1. VLR
      7 June 2020 12: 29
      The FLN attacked the European neighborhoods, often just at random: "to whom God will send" - just to kill more "Blackfeet". SLA - tried to respond more selectively, but there were also innocent victims of their attacks, there is no getting away from this.
  10. +7
    7 June 2020 12: 33
    "Do your duty and do not pay attention to what the newspapers write. I and only I am responsible for all your actions." These are the words of a true patriot.
    Unfortunately, in 2014, his Popen was not in Kiev.
    If someone had shown such such decisiveness, then all life in Ukraine would be different.
    1. +1
      10 June 2020 22: 59
      Unfortunately, in 2014, his Popen was not in Kiev.

      Only in Kiev? And only in 2014?
  11. +6
    7 June 2020 12: 44
    The author’s anti-TNF position has become even more emphasized. Such things inevitably affect objectivity.
    I am far from whitewashing fundamentalists, but there is no work with sources in this article.
    In French Wikipedia there is a balanced article not clouded by multiculturalism about October 16-17, 1961.
    One of the main sources is Brune
    Jean-Paul Brunet, Police contre FLN, le drame d'octobre 1961, Flammarion, 1999, 345 p.
    1. It is very interesting to see the mobilization of TNF supporters for a demonstration.
    Demonstration required

    Those who remain in their rooms will be shot ”or face“ very serious ”sanctions

    At the same time, the leaders of the TNF (the same Omar Budo) assure that any weapons for the demonstrators were strictly prohibited
    2. Clashes became violent when the "festline" of the demonstrators used wooden sticks to resist the police trying to push back the protesters
    3. Who shot ?. There is a fact - not one of the policemen was injured (apparently from the context - gunshot wounds). Brunet believes that TNF provocateurs could shoot into the air to provoke retaliatory fire.
    House and McMaster believe that the police initiated the shooting. At the same time, law enforcement officers were electrified by false rumors about the numerous deaths of police at the hands of Algerian fanatics.
    "France is Algeria."
    “Beat the Franks.”
    "The Eiffel Tower will become a minaret."
    "Paris whores, where is your hijab?"
    “Beautiful France, when will you die?”

    Too similar to a remake. What kind of source?
    From what is fixed:
    They wave flags and scarves in green and white colors of the FNL and chant the slogans "Algerian Algeria", "Free Ben Bell"

    PS By the way, I don’t remember the author's mention of "cafe wars" between activists of the opposing Algerian organizations in France. Very interesting
  12. +9
    7 June 2020 12: 58
    Sartre was resting not childishly))
    For amphetamine, alcohol to fall asleep is barbiturates, and heavy meals, judging by the crabs, are LSD and other hallucinogenic drugs
    Aspirin - so as not to quack from a blood clot at such doses
    But in general, a “cocktail” consists of ingredients like “one levels the other” laughing
    The saddest thing is that the political ideas of such people set the tone in intellectual circles and among students
  13. +4
    7 June 2020 13: 08
    Quote: knn54
    To the author plus. After the article, I began to look differently at the events of those times.
    F.Forsythe "Day of the Jackal" I recommend. The rental of a film based on this novel was banned (they say by Suslov) in the USSR. As a "manual" to eliminate the leader of the state. Only a miracle saved De Gaulle from the most dangerous assassination attempt.

    I read "The Day of the Jackal" and then I had doubts about the decent de Gaulle, and now, after Valery's materials, I look at the situation completely differently.
    Valery, I was biased at the beginning of the cycle: we were taught that colonialism is bad, and if so, the TNF of Algeria is revolutionaries and that means decent people. And suddenly Valery tries to justify the colonialists.
    Now I have a completely different look at TNF and OAS
    1. -4
      7 June 2020 14: 33
      This provocative propaganda no more
    2. +4
      7 June 2020 16: 12
      Quote: Astra wild
      Now I have a completely different look at TNF and OAS

      Dear Faith, you are being inspired. wink
      1. +7
        7 June 2020 17: 40
        Vera was not interested in the question of how 99% of the citizens of the absolute majority of the countries of the world, therefore, she accepted the traditional Soviet version of the nyashe anti-colonialists in Algeria, oriented towards the construction of socialism. And here a different view of things - well-founded and with excellent presentation.
      2. +6
        7 June 2020 19: 00
        Quote: Phil77
        Quote: Astra wild
        Now I have a completely different look at TNF and OAS

        Dear Faith, you are being inspired. wink

        I am a woman, and women are forgivable for emotionality, much worse when some colleagues are ready to repeat all sorts of nonsense after the author. The last example: "The October Revolution was carried out by tsarist generals"
        1. +2
          7 June 2020 19: 08
          And I walked past this article. The title is too sonorous, but now we have to read! laughing
          1. +4
            8 June 2020 13: 10
            No, not worth it.
    3. +2
      8 June 2020 13: 15
      Belief, according to "Day of the Jackal", that the French counterintelligence, that the SLA used exactly the same methods in obtaining information. But I disagree with the author only on one thing - he focuses on the "gestapisation" of the French counterintelligence and de Gaulle's Security Service. However, the SLA used an absolutely identical ... set of tools and methods. These structures began to act "bash for bash", this was an absolutely losing option for the OAS, taking into account the human resources, administrative and financial.
  14. +3
    7 June 2020 13: 41
    The leaders of the TNF in response called on all Parisians from Algeria, "starting from Saturday, October 14, 1961 ... to leave the masses, with their wives and children ... to walk along the main streets of Paris." And on October 17, they even ordered a demonstration, without even making the slightest effort to get permission from the authorities.

    It sounds very familiar ... Somewhere recently, this already happened ...
  15. +2
    7 June 2020 14: 56
    Great loop, thank you so much !!! hi For the sake of such studies, I still go to the yellowing Topwar.
  16. +5
    7 June 2020 15: 00
    Comrades! I will indicate my position.
    We were not there. In connection with the place of geography and time of birth.
    However, "when and if" would have happened, he would have no doubt joined the ranks of the OAS. Moreover, this does not change my opinion about de Gaulle as a great politician of the XNUMXth century.
    1. +3
      7 June 2020 15: 57
      I was not there either, but when and if it happened, I would have grazed crab with Sartre)).
      1. +2
        7 June 2020 16: 08
        And I am for humanism and the cause of peace! laughing Hello Alberta! hi
        1. +3
          7 June 2020 16: 09
          Greetings! hi
          Here I am also about Peace, Love and seafood))
          1. +3
            7 June 2020 16: 16
            * Crabs are an excellent snack! Demand! *
            From Soviet advertising in 1939.
            Here it was! drinks
            1. +5
              7 June 2020 16: 26
              That's right - for vodka drinks
              About which it was said by the leader of the Soviet People:

              “Two words about one of the sources of the reserve - about vodka. There are people who think that it is possible to build socialism with white gloves. This is a grave mistake, comrades. If we do not have loans, if we are poor in capital and if, in addition, we cannot go into bondage to the Western European capitalists, we cannot accept the enslaving conditions that they offer us and which we rejected, then one thing remains: to look for sources in other areas. This is still better than enslavement. Here you have to choose between bondage and vodka, and people who think that it is possible to build socialism with white gloves are cruelly mistaken. ”
      2. +3
        8 June 2020 13: 17
        I do not advise, especially "graze" in Krasnodar)) Bodies are not asleep))
        1. +1
          8 June 2020 13: 51
          Greetings! ))) hi
          I’ve been old and have long tied up with all kinds of walks and experiments, and after a heart attack I don’t even drink more than a glass of wine, but as far as I understand, subjectively, something qualitative, in my opinion, can only be obtained through organs laughing
    2. +2
      7 June 2020 18: 50
      My poet, you formulated your vision in an original way: unconditional support for the SLA, but Ch. De Gaulle is "the great politician of the 20th century."
      You unconditional +, I think so myself. "
      But purely out of harm, how do you assess: Stalin, Roosevelt Churchell, after all, did they also relate to WWII?
      1. 0
        7 June 2020 20: 10
        So we estimate - its own OAS did not appear in the USSR and did not help "in its opinion" to fight the collapse of the "Evil Empire"!
        Churchill and Roosevelt would have quietly rolled out, and Indochina and Algeria for the "peace of their own citizens." But Britain was already losing strength, and the United States itself got stuck in the "fight against world communism"!
        Under these policies, the USSR could not support the national liberation fronts as it did after the war!
    3. +2
      8 June 2020 09: 43
      De Gaulle is a great politician, but I would not want to work under such a boss.
      Ever since the time when he studied his military career in the 4th tank, he came to the conclusion that for him all subordinates are tools.
      1. +2
        8 June 2020 19: 39
        Any great politician considers subordinates and associates as tools. Otherwise, he will not become a great politician.
        1. +1
          8 June 2020 20: 07
          “Kings very simply look at the world: for them all people are subjects” (c).
          1. +1
            8 June 2020 20: 17
            "The state is me!" (C)
            1. +1
              8 June 2020 20: 32
              "What aversion to the throne
              At the kings ”(c).
              1. +1
                8 June 2020 20: 40
                We'll have to retrain as a house manager "(C)
                1. +1
                  8 June 2020 20: 52
                  “And we have a house manager - a friend of man!” (with).
                  1. +1
                    8 June 2020 20: 57
                    "Man is a friend of a dog,
                    Everyone knows that! " (FROM)
                    1. +1
                      8 June 2020 21: 32
                      “Where does the Crimean king’s dog go?” (with).
                      1. +2
                        8 June 2020 22: 00
                        "Carrier, stop across the house,
                        Pokemar on exposure, I'm fast,
                        Just rise, tell her about love
                        So as not to come up to the shot "(C)
                      2. +2
                        8 June 2020 22: 29
                        “Grape seed in the warm earth with the dawn” (c).
  17. -3
    7 June 2020 15: 23
    The author can not divide in his mind the national liberation war in Algeria and the civil war in France.

    However, the author is not able to understand that if the French minority - the supporters of the unification of France and Algeria - won, Paris would now be the capital of Algeria.
  18. +1
    8 June 2020 06: 12
    the author somehow admires the foreign legion, and especially the parachute units. well, let's start with the fact that the French until 1935 had no idea about the airborne forces ......... "The forerunners of the creation of the French national special forces were the parachute units, which were formed from the mid-30s. The prologue to this was a visit to the Soviet Union by three French officers headed by Captain Fred Geille in 1935. The mission thoroughly studied the Soviet experience, and its members made several parachute jumps .......... they saw, then before them .............. French paratroopers were subordinate to the command of the Air Force. Each group consisted of a company of parachutists (Compagnie d'lnfanterie de 1'Air) and one or two squadrons of military transport aviation. The French made their first group landing in May 1937. In total, 150 soldiers and officers of the newly minted Airborne Forces made about 2000 jumps before the start of the war.The 601st group in the spring of 1940 was preparing to land in the Netherlands in order to support the Dutch army, but it was outstripped by the German my colleagues. In July of the same year, both groups (the 602nd by that time had been transferred to Europe) were used as sabotage "........... as you can see the people who made the jumps, not a lot, in comparison with the USSR and Germany The French airborne forces cannot boast of success in the WWII, they simply do not exist.The author gives the example of Pierre Chateau-Jaubert, who served in the British Special Airborne Service (SAS), as whom, it is not known, they gain in the colonial wars of France. if they cope with the local, somehow, armed aborigines, then the battles with the regular army of the Viet Cong end in complete defeat and surrender.That's how the heroes.well, I won't talk about Egypt, how they came and left.then the Algerian French airborne troops Sneaking around the city in search of terrorists, performing police functions.What kind of nonsense.I don't remember that our landing troop from 350 airborne regiment, climbed Kabul in search of spirits.This is not the matter of the Airborne Forces.In general, mercenaries, they are mercenaries. while they pay they fight against the native in, as it comes to serious, goodbye. therefore, they did not go against de Gaulle, the spirit did not suffice. it is not in Africa to change regimes, this is a serious matter.
    1. +2
      8 June 2020 14: 38
      The author gives an example of Pierre Chateau-Jobert, who served in the British Special Airborne Service (CAC), as whom, is not known.

      Lieutenant Pierre Château - Jober of the 13 semi-brigade I.L. (13DBLE) participated in hostilities in Eritrea, Syria and Libya. Wounded in February 1942.
      On November 7, 1942, he took command of the 3rd SAS Regiment (3 SAS Regiment) in the rank of captain, on June 6, 1943 he was reorganized into the 3rd Air Force Infantry Battalion (3 bataillon d'infanterie de l'air (3BIA)), and on April 1, 1944 the battalion becomes the 3rd Regiment paratroopers (3 RCP), in the summer of 1945 the regiment was disbanded, l / s transferred to 2 regiment of paratroopers (2 RCP).
      In December 1944, Chef de bataillon Pierre Château-Jober transferred command of 3 RCP to lieutenant-colonel de Bollardière.
      1. 0
        8 June 2020 19: 58
        Pierre Chateau-Joubert, who began with the rank of lieutenant of the 13th half-brigade of a foreign legion, and fought against his own men, both in Syria and Lebanon, who obeyed Marshal Peten. then the British paid attention to him, because you must admit, sas is a British organization. then you will do what the Anglicos say. they will not tolerate any gag. it follows that the chateau-joubert worked for Britain, for the rest of his life. that's what I meant.
        1. +2
          8 June 2020 21: 41
          and he fought against his own, both in Syria and Lebanon, who obeyed Marshal Peten.

          In Lebanon - against Italians, in Syria - I agree with you, in Libya - against Germans and Italians (Bir-Hakeim and El Alamein)
          agree, sas is a british organization. then you will do what the Anglicos say. they will not tolerate any gag. it follows that the chateau-joubert worked for Britain, for the rest of his life.

          I agree with you, but not with everything. Indeed, during World War II, parts of “Free France” did not have independence, which was absolutely correct and logical. The fact that Pierre Jobert worked for the British for the rest of his life is unlikely), at least taking into account the historical antagonism between the French and the British))).
          And how then, following your logic, to relate to Ludwik Svoboda, Brigadier General, commander of the 1st Czechoslovak Army Corps? Or to Wilhelm Adam, head of the GDR Barracks Police Police Officer School? They, too, let's say, were not always independent in everything. hi
          1. +1
            9 June 2020 17: 39
            to begin with, that freedom and Adam did not begin their service, in a separate motorized rifle brigade of the NKVD special purpose, an analogue of the British sas. as far as I know ludwig freedom began its military activities in the army of austro-hungary, then, either surrendered, or got captured in the Russian army, participated in the civil war in our Czech case. during the WWII was again captured by us, but as part of the Polish army. tried to create a Czechoslovak military unit, but comrade Stalin reacted to this idea coolly, especially after the departure of the Anders army, but nevertheless created one battalion, and then off he went, the brigade, division, etc. comrade. freedom must always look, and do with an eye on the leadership of the USSR. by the way, we had the best relations with the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, we had it precisely when we were free. About Adam, then in the Suzdal camp, our organs worked well with him and brainwashed him. it is clear that ,, free germany ,, worked closely with the NKVD, otherwise it could not be.
            1. 0
              9 June 2020 18: 49
              Let's start with the fact that freedom and Adam did not begin their service in a separate motorized rifle brigade of the NKVD special purpose, an analogue of the British sas

              You're right. Neither Freedom nor Adam began their service there. However, Pierre Jobert did not start his service at SAS. Having received a good education at a college (collège Stanislas) in Paris and at a college (collège Saint-Charles) he entered the naval school. I could not do it due to lung disease. After serving in the army in 1934-1935, he received the rank of junior lieutenant (sous-lieutenant), studied at the engineering artillery school (Ecole d'application de l'artillerie et du génie), after which he began serving in the 154 artillery regiment. He was wounded, evacuated to England, where he joined the forces of "Free France" in July 1940.
              1. 0
                9 June 2020 19: 45
                you are also right, I had to put it more precisely, freedom and adam, not when, did not serve in the OMSBON).
  19. 0
    9 June 2020 19: 56
    Quote: 3x3zsave
    "The state is me!" (C)

    This was said by "modest" Louis 14. He also compared himself to the sun