Egyptian army suffers losses on the Sinai Peninsula


The Egyptian armed forces and police special forces launched the largest operation in recent times on the Sinai Peninsula. At the same time, for the first time in recent months, ground forces, as well as combat aviation. The purpose of the operation was as follows: to destroy strongholds of terrorists, inflict defeat on militants in manpower and equipment so that the terrorist threat in Sinai was minimized.

According to the latest information, the operation was carried out in several directions. In particular, we are talking about an attack on the positions of militants in Sheikh Zuweid, Rafah and Bir al-Abed.

It all started with bombing missiles of military aircraft. Some time later, infantry units and special forces tried to take several objects into the environment, as a result of which a battle ensued.

It is noted that during the battle at least 19 terrorists were destroyed. At the same time, the Egyptian security forces themselves suffered losses. Moreover, these are the largest losses in recent months: 5 soldiers killed and at least 11 wounded. Among the dead there is a senior officer - with the rank of colonel.

According to some reports, the militants fired at the armored car in which he was. According to other sources, a car with several officers of the Egyptian army ran into a land mine.

The Egyptian command claims that during the anti-terrorist operation it was possible to destroy several odious field commanders of ISIS (a terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation).

Sinai continues to be the most troubled territory of Egypt. The fighting on the peninsula has been ongoing with varying intensity since 2013. The so-called nationwide operation of the Egyptian troops in the Sinai has been ongoing since February 2018, either moving to the “hot” phase or becoming “paused”.
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  1. +2
    31 May 2020 17: 05
    Terrorists must be destroyed despite the losses.
  2. +4
    31 May 2020 17: 12
    An interesting territory in Egypt, although there is an agreement with Israel on security, but essentially walk the field!
  3. PN
    31 May 2020 17: 16
    It seems to me or the fighter in the photo doesn’t hold the machine correctly?
    1. 0
      31 May 2020 17: 41
      He clearly hopes that the helmet will extinguish the return on such a close shot. fool !
      1. +1
        31 May 2020 17: 49
        But in gloves from Petselya ..... not so badly ......
    2. +2
      31 May 2020 18: 18
      Quote: PN
      It seems to me or the fighter in the photo doesn’t hold the machine correctly?

      Yes, but the fact that the fighter holds this machine gun only says that the author liked the photo. He chose this photo. And she is probably not with the operation under discussion.
      And here on the couch))) Of course there is time to consider how the machine is holding. Remotely determine the skill of a fighter over a beer. )
      1. 0
        31 May 2020 18: 41
        Quote: Alexey Sommer
        Yes, but the fact that the fighter holds this machine gun only says that the author liked the photo.

        Exactly! Where is it written that this is an Egyptian, and not some kind of cyborg? wassat
        1. +2
          31 May 2020 18: 49
          Quote: Vasyan1971
          Exactly! Where is it written that this is exactly the Egyptian?

          The fact that the Egyptian is understandable. You can see the chevron there. But about the grip, not everything is so simple.

          1. +2
            31 May 2020 19: 24
            Quote: Alexey Sommer
            The fact that the Egyptian is understandable. You can see the chevron there.

            And, well, yes, you can see such a corner ... I confess, not strong. hi
            Quote: Alexey Sommer
            But about the grip, not everything is so simple.

            As taught, and keeps, trying. Could generally "in Somali"
            1. +1
              31 May 2020 19: 28
              Quote: Vasyan1971
              Could generally "in Somali"

              This is due to Vasily!)
              And after all, sometimes they fall!
            2. +1
              31 May 2020 21: 14
              Sorry for butting in, I don't know how old you are. You shouldn't laugh at the Somali guys. You've probably heard about the first Chechen war, and our guys shot in the trenches in the same way. And that was 25 years ago. Please, don't watch Hollywood.
              1. -1
                31 May 2020 22: 35
                Quote: Shurik_2
                I don’t know how old you are.

                I remember the times when the boys returning from Afghanistan called it Hollywood shooting. We listened with gaping mouths and hanging ears.
                I remind you:
                Quote: Vasyan1971
                As taught, and keeps trying.
                Who is laughing?
                Quote: Shurik_2
                Please do not watch Hollywood.

                Why not, if without fanaticism? The relevant domestic industry cannot cope with import substitution. request
    3. 0
      31 May 2020 18: 19
      It’s very inconvenient to aim with these glasses.
      In general, the SiG 550 seems to be an expensive rifle and a collimator sight laughing
      1. +1
        31 May 2020 18: 47
        I haven’t opened yet. Apparently, while frags only on gloves were enough.
  4. 0
    31 May 2020 17: 41
    It all started with bombing missiles of military aircraft. Some time later, infantry units and special forces tried to take several objects into the environment, as a result of which a battle ensued.

    It is noted that during the battle at least 19 terrorists were destroyed. At the same time, the Egyptian security forces themselves suffered losses. Moreover, these are the largest losses in recent months: 5 soldiers killed and at least 11 wounded. Among the dead there is a senior officer - with the rank of colonel.

    So what?
    19 enemy people were destroyed and 16 were disabled.
    Serious guys.
    They do not stop at any loss.
    1. 0
      31 May 2020 17: 51
      Demo hi -Gilovites learn to fight, and the Egyptians, on the contrary, seem to have forgotten how to! !!
      1. 0
        31 May 2020 18: 36
        IS most likely "teamed up" with the Muslim Brotherhood, which still cannot come to terms with the removal of one of its prominent functionaries, Mohammed Morsi, from the presidency in 2013.
        And the latter have a strong influence not only in the Sinai.
      2. 0
        31 May 2020 20: 52
        At first glance, it is.
        But only if you do not take into account the fact that serious weapons were used.
        Requires prior reconnaissance, training and coordination with other participants in the operation.
        So in theory.
        And what do we have in practice?
        No matter how well ISIS fighters fight, they are infants against aviation, in the absence of air defense systems.
        And then the Egyptians completely went wild.
        Or maybe someone barmaley warned in advance?
        There are at least two candidates.
        This is what makes me think. what hi
    2. +5
      31 May 2020 17: 53
      I wonder where ISIS comes from ??? There the Sinai cat wept, and there are only a few roads ... A state that spends billions of dollars on the army and buys Mistral can not control several roads in the Sinai and the borders of the peninsula !!!

      I think that neighboring Jordan probably knows where the ISIS-sheep come from, but now apparently for Egypt this is so to speak "a friend with a barrel in his pocket" ...
      1. 0
        31 May 2020 18: 00
        The locals seem to swear oaths and mischief.
      2. +2
        31 May 2020 18: 03
        Quote: Selevc
        I wonder where ISIS comes from ??? There, the Sinai cat wept, but there are only a few roads ...

        you were clearly not in the Sinai Peninsula.
        there are not many asphalt roads but you can also ride well without them. besides sympathetic local Bedouins etc.
        look at the photo. there are many such landscapes.
        I don’t see a gopher either, but there are full paths on which you can ride on Toyota.
      3. -3
        31 May 2020 18: 18
        Quote: Selevc
        I wonder where ISIS comes from ??? There the Sinai cat wept, and there are only a few roads ... A state that spends billions of dollars on the army and buys Mistral can not control several roads in the Sinai and the borders of the peninsula !!!

        I think that neighboring Jordan probably knows where the ISIS-sheep come from, but now apparently for Egypt this is so to speak "a friend with a barrel in his pocket" ...

        And from where in Dagestan and Ingushetia. ISIS "FORBIDDEN IN RUSSIA" ??? IT IS NOT WORTH DEEPENING THIS TOPIC
  5. +6
    31 May 2020 18: 09
    Quote: Maki Avellievich
    there are many such landscapes.
    I don’t see a gopher either, but there are full paths on which you can ride on Toyota.

    Listen, we do not live in the 19th century, but in the 21st - there are drones and space and infrared sensors and other modern tracking systems ...
    Sinai is not the Sahara, it is a territory the size of a small region of the Russian Federation...
    I can give you photos where there are endless jungles or taiga to the horizon - but compared to such a landscape, the landscape of Sinai is just nonsense!!!

    I think the reason for the regular appearance of ISIS in the Sinai is simply a mess in the state of Egypt and especially in its armed forces !!!
    1. +2
      31 May 2020 18: 20
      Quote: Selevc
      Listen, we do not live in the 19th century, but in the 21st - there are drones and space and infrared sensors and other modern tracking systems ...

      if you share it with Egypt it will certainly be easier.
      I also advise how to see the average Egyptian soldier.
    2. 0
      31 May 2020 18: 30
      60 000 sq km / km, oil deposits .. This is completely enough for the Egyptian army to crap there. ISIS may not be a regular army, but they are supplied with intelligence by those who are okay with the army.
    3. +4
      31 May 2020 18: 38
      Quote: Selevc
      Sinai is not Sahara, it is a territory the size of a small region of the Russian Federation ...

      Well, not so much Sinai and small. This is a large area in the Russian Federation. laughing
      Its area is about 60 thousand sq. Km. It’s like, say, three Crimea. So, there is a war where. hi
  6. +1
    31 May 2020 19: 20
    Quote: Incvizitor
    It’s very inconvenient to aim with these glasses.
    In general, the SiG 550 seems to be an expensive rifle and a collimator sight laughing

    Sig 552! Not more expensive than the rest. And he keeps it quite normal, the return on .223 is so-so. Just a pillar on it is diopter, how can I aim differently through it?
  7. 0
    1 June 2020 03: 50
    That’s the whole point of combat experience.
    Everything is known through pain.
  8. 0
    1 June 2020 05: 33
    more often it is necessary for the Egyptians to clean these Augean stables, then it will become calmer
  9. 0
    2 June 2020 11: 00
    In any war, there is no loss!