Symbols of the SS division "Galicia" fell under the ban on Ukraine


Back in 2017, the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory (UINP), headed by Vladimir Vyatrovich, issued a conclusion stating that the symbols of the SS division “Galicia” are not Nazi, which means they do not fall under the law “On the prohibition of communist and Nazi symbols”. Today a court decision was made, according to which this opinion of the institute was found to be unlawful.

This was reported on the official website of the District Administrative Court of Kiev.

This is a military formation created by the Germans with the personal approval of Adolf Hitler from the inhabitants of Western Ukraine and led by German officers. This unit was part of the structure of the SS troops and performed various functions, including punitive. The full name of the division is the 14th Grenadier Division of the SS Galicia.

The lawsuit on the recognition of the Ukrainian SS men as Nazis (which in itself already looks strange (to admit the obvious), but not for today's Ukraine), lasted from 2017, when a lawsuit was filed on behalf of the Kiev resident Natalya Myasnikova. Three years after approximately 20 hearings, the court recognized that the symbols of Galicia belong to the National Socialist and are prohibited.

At the moment, in Western Ukraine there is a real cult of the division. There are memorials dedicated to the Ukrainian SS men, celebrations are held in honor of this armed formation.

It is interesting what will happen to this cult now - after a court decision.
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  1. +21
    27 May 2020 19: 35
    And what, they do not care about the bans ... because the state itself is fascist.
    1. +7
      27 May 2020 19: 49
      There are so many "sick in the head" psychopathic Bandera supporters walking around Ukraine!
      And after all, all of them, for sure, as one, except for leaders, unemployed beggars. For a little bit of a demonstration extras went.
      1. +3
        28 May 2020 07: 21
        Symbols of the SS division "Galicia" fell under the ban on Ukraine

        Nothing like this!
        It's just that the District Court of the city of Kiev admitted that the UINP had no right to assess the symbols of "Galicia".
        No more than that ...
        The court also refused to the plaintiff in the requirement to post this information on the website of the Institute of National Memory.
    2. +7
      27 May 2020 19: 49
      The state itself is not fascist and not Nazi. The ruling elite supports and uses the Nazis in their own interests. Most of the people of the Nazis do not support.
      1. +11
        27 May 2020 19: 53
        This is precisely the policy of the ruling elite that determines the ideology of the state, and it doesn’t matter how many people are opposed, but how many for ... Once the authorities do not replace them, it suits them.
        1. -11
          27 May 2020 22: 59
          So they changed the government and went and voted against the policy of Gunpowder. 75% of the population is against. But the clown, like gunpowder, "threw" everyone. The Nazis are in your head.
      2. +5
        27 May 2020 22: 32
        Quote: Steffan
        The state itself is not fascist and not Nazi. The ruling elite supports and uses the Nazis in their interests. Most of the Nazi people do not support

        Yeah # they are children laughing laughing
        1. -14
          27 May 2020 23: 00
          In your head # they’re children.
          1. 0
            28 May 2020 15: 20
            ... Here recently Soloviev, answering Gordon, recalled that at the Nuremberg trials, journalist and Nazi ideologist Julius Streicher was sentenced to hanging.
            He personally did not kill anyone, but he was the editor-in-chief of the anti-Semitic magazine "Sturmer", pushing towards the Holocaust ... Vyatrovich is also reminded of this.
    3. +12
      27 May 2020 20: 29
      Quote: Sochi
      And what, they do not care about the bans ... because the state itself is fascist.

      No one will carry out the decision will not be, then they will protest and cancel under the threat of garbage lustration.

      Here for the St. George ribbon, yes, they will punish ...
    4. +8
      27 May 2020 20: 48
      The decision of the Ukrainian court is not so simple No. these ghouls are still allowed to ride
      The claim of Natalia Myasnikova is only partially satisfied. The court ruled that V. Vyatrovich’s statement was unlawful and ordered the institute to “refrain from disseminating the findings” that the symbols of the Galicia division are neither Nazi nor prohibited. Nevertheless, the board of the court did not oblige the Institute of National Memory to refute the statement of its ex-head and prohibit the propaganda of such symbolism, although the claim also included such requirements ...
      1. 0
        27 May 2020 22: 06
        and if something happens, they will make a revolution, they will drop a bomb !!!
        experience is
  2. +6
    27 May 2020 19: 39
    What will happen, but there will be nothing to individual geeks in dill, as long as there is such power in this unfinished country.
    1. +2
      27 May 2020 20: 19
      Let's see what will happen. In general, I am surprised by the decision of this court. In a good way.
      1. +4
        27 May 2020 22: 11
        But there will be nothing, believe me. As these ghouls with Nazi symbols walked, they will walk like that. The court decision is situational, not entailing a total ban on ALL Nazi paraphernalia.
        The police and, to an even greater extent, society, must react to the symbolism of nonhumans. But both of them, unfortunately, are extremely impotent in their actions.
  3. +7
    27 May 2020 19: 47
    Ie the rest of the fascist, which there are a dime a dozen-does not fall under the ban?
    1. 0
      27 May 2020 20: 29
      Quote: AllBiBek
      Ie the rest of the fascist, which there are a dime a dozen-does not fall under the ban?

      Nazi and not fascist
  4. +5
    27 May 2020 19: 49
    If it were not for the support and "Quiet Revanchism" of the West, Ukraine would never have dared to revive its local and home-grown Nazism on its own ...
  5. +3
    27 May 2020 19: 54
    the same thing ... at first they don't support it, and then they scream LOUDLY "and we are for SHO!"
  6. +8
    27 May 2020 20: 02
    the court recognized that the symbolism of “Galicia” refers to the National Socialist and falls under the ban.

    I am afraid that the author of the article was a little hurried with this conclusion.
    [Quote] [/ quote]
    It is only a matter of the fact that this institution should not give such official explanations.
    Regarding the fact that he admitted that he was related to Nazi symbols, there is nothing about this in the court’s decision.
    This requires a separate lawsuit.
  7. -5
    27 May 2020 20: 04
    And what, now the coat of arms of Ukraine will be banned, which depicts the Soviet lion ?!
    1. GMM
      27 May 2020 20: 11
      The coat of arms of Ukraine is generally a trident. Although I think it’s especially not interesting for you to know. You have your own opinion on this matter)
      1. +3
        28 May 2020 08: 45
        Trident, this is a small coat of arms of Ukraine! There is another, large coat of arms, on it is a Bandera lion, a Cossack, and in the center is a trident ...
        1. GMM
          28 May 2020 08: 46
          A picture in the studio!
          1. +3
            28 May 2020 09: 12
            Google to help ... Just type - BIG COAT OF ARMS OF UKRAINE ... and you will see a picture with my description.
            1. GMM
              28 May 2020 09: 22
              The large coat of arms of Ukraine remained in the form of a project, which only garbage was not offered from 1918 to the present.
              So the trident is today the official emblem of Ukraine, both small and large.
    2. 0
      27 May 2020 20: 30
      Leo is a symbol of Lviv and Lviv region.
      On behalf of the son of the founder of Lviv, Prince Danila Galitsky-Lev Danilovich.
      He was the first head of Lviv.
      The symbols of some national divisions of the Waffen der SS used some existing historical national elements - flags, coats of arms, etc.
      1. -1
        28 May 2020 08: 12
        Quote: Avior
        He was the first head of Lviv.

        He also sent his brother Vasilko Romanovich with the troops to the horde under the leadership of Burundai. Horde, which brought devastation to the lands of Black Russia
        So the emblem is chosen correctly.
        1. -1
          28 May 2020 13: 52
          ) you might think the troops of other princes did not go near the Horde))))
          1. 0
            28 May 2020 14: 04
            Quote: Tonya
            you might think the troops of other princes under the Horde did not go))))

            Together with the horde?
            I don’t remember something.

            I used the word "horde" in the sense of the Mongol-Tatar troops.
            1. -1
              28 May 2020 23: 29
              The Mongolian troops included representatives of detachments from all uluses, including Russian detachments, since in addition to the tribute, the Mongols were required to participate in campaigns
              1. 0
                29 May 2020 09: 10
                Quote: Tonya
                as part of the Mongolian troops, representatives of units of all uluses participated, including Russian units, since in addition to tribute, it was supposed to participate in campaigns at the request of the Mongols

                That is theorizing.
                And Vasilko with the troops in a raid on Black Russia together with the Mongol-Tatars is a real historical fact
                1. -1
                  29 May 2020 11: 17
                  Moscow, from Alexander Nevsky to almost Grozny, felt great in the fraternal embrace of the Golden Horde, and took a lot from them, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania chose a different path of development, but lost. Fortunately or unfortunately, everyone here chooses for himself.
        2. +1
          29 May 2020 00: 16
          So freely pulling out individual facts from history, anything can be proved.
          Vasilko Romanovich was the brother of Danila Galitsky, and not his son.
          And he had a campaign in Lithuania, with which the Russians had, to put it mildly, bad relations.
          Alexander Nevsky did the same thing, by the way, and on a much larger scale.
          And against the background of Nevyruyev’s rati, who cleared the space for Alexander, so the campaign of Vasilko Romanovich is simply an innocent prank.
          Not to mention the fact that Danila Galitsky fought with the Mongol Tatars from the first day, from Kalki, he fought after that, and quite successfully.
          You can not say anything about Alexander.
          When the Novgorodians refused to pay tribute to the Mongol Tatars, Alexander arrived and explained clearly to them that
          Alexander Nevsky himself came to Novgorod with Tatar ambassadors, exiled his son to Suzdal, seized his counselors and punished him (“the nose is cut off, and the eyes are different”) and the prince planted his second son, seven-year-old Dmitry. In 1258, Alexander traveled to the Horde to "honor" the khan's governor Ulavchiy, and in 1259, threatening the Tatar pogrom, he obtained consent from the Novgorodians for the census and tribute ("tamgas and tithes").

          So whose coat of arms is there and how is the big question chosen.
          1. 0
            29 May 2020 09: 18
            Quote: Avior
            And he had a campaign in Lithuania, with which the Russians had, to put it mildly, bad relations.

            Thresh ... But is it okay that Lithuania is also Russian?

            Quote: Avior
            Alexander Nevsky did the same, by the way, and on a noticeably large scale.

            Nevsky was not seen in campaigns with the Mongol-Tatars

            Quote: Avior
            Not to mention the fact that Danila Galitsky fought with the Mongol Tatars from the first day

            Well yes. Together with the Mongol Tatars.

            Quote: Avior
            When the Novgorodians refused to pay tribute to the Mongol Tatars, Alexander arrived and explained clearly to them that

            They killed the Khan Baskaks. And if it were not for Nevsky's actions to "punish with his power", the city would have been destroyed by the Mongol-Tatars. Who very, very harshly reacted to the cases of the murder of their representatives.
            1. 0
              29 May 2020 10: 05
              Novgorodians killed the protege Alexander Mikhalko, who demanded to submit to the Tatars and pay tribute to them. And at this time approximately
              . Having accepted the royal crown in 1253, Daniel of Galicia was able to defeat the Horde with his own forces (without allies from North-Eastern Rus', without the Catholicization of the subject lands and without the forces of the crusaders), but soon, under the threat of the Horde's invasion in 1259, he submitted and was forced to demolish all the new fortresses he had built.

              No one had ever heard of Alexander’s struggle with the Tatars, but the fact that they cleared Russian lands for him, including from Alexander’s brother, is a well-known fact.

              . Thresh ... But is it okay that Lithuania is also Russian?

              Russians, but what about.
              In 1245, the army of Lithuanian princes attacked Torzhok and Bezhetsk. Alexander, who came with the Novgorod army, took Toropets and killed more than eight Lithuanian princes, after which he sent the Novgorodians home. Then, with the forces of his court, he caught up with and completely destroyed the remnants of the Lithuanian army, including the princes, at Lake Zhizhitskoye, then on the way back he defeated another Lithuanian detachment near Usvyat.

              Sorry, but I'm not interested in discussing well-known things.
              1. 0
                29 May 2020 10: 33
                Quote: Avior
                Novgorodians killed the protege Alexander Mikhalko, who demanded to submit to the Tatars and pay tribute to them. And at this time approximately

                In fact, the reasons for this are extremely accessible to Gumilyov. Baskakis killed trying to census for tribute
                So it’s not worth lying.

                Quote: Avior
                Nobody heard about Alexander’s struggle with the Tatars

                To put it mildly, they turned out to be rather weak.
                But Alexander did not go on joint campaigns with the Mongol-Tatars against the Slavs.
                Unlike Galitsky.

                Quote: Avior
                Russians, but what about.

                It is the Russians.
                Here, for example, do you think the Ryazans are Russian, or not?

                Quote: Avior
                Sorry, but I'm not interested in discussing well-known things.

                They just don’t give you a lie, and it’s not interesting?
    3. +1
      27 May 2020 20: 38
      And where does the coat of arms of Ukraine?
      The emblem of the SS division consists of the Lion from the coat of arms of the Galicia-Volyn Principality, three crowns (without a jackdaw) from the coat of arms of the Kingdom of Galicia and Vladimir, which was part of Austria-Hungary.
      Today it is the logo (lion cub and three crowns) of the famous company "Galicia", which produces fairly high-quality dairy / fermented milk products.
  8. -1
    27 May 2020 20: 22
    It is interesting what will happen to this cult now - after a court decision.

    aggravation of the political situation ... the expansion of the civil war ...
  9. +9
    27 May 2020 20: 24
    It is interesting what will happen to this cult now - after a court decision.

    Nothing will happen! There is a demand from the West to form a nationalist state in Europe. Remember history, after all, Hitler built his nationalist Germany precisely with Western funds. Ukraine is an instrument of American influence on Russia, on the EU as a whole. At the same time, the US is not interested in what is happening at all, they are interested in the final product. And such tragedies as Odessa, Donbass, Mariupol, the shooting on the Maidan, for them are just trifles
  10. -3
    27 May 2020 20: 28
    is the bear dead in the forest?
  11. +1
    27 May 2020 20: 30
    looked at it and there was only one desire, a grenade in a passenger car, and in the crowd of Natsiks from a machine gun
    1. GMM
      27 May 2020 20: 35
      So what's the deal?
      Suitcase, train station, Lviv ...
      1. +2
        27 May 2020 20: 37
        for starters, they won't let me go to VukrAina
        1. GMM
          27 May 2020 20: 38
          And I had no doubt that there would be such an answer. Wanted at Peacemaker ...
          1. 0
            27 May 2020 20: 48
            miracle, as I understand it, the censor and dialogue are hanging up, are you here?
            and yes, believe me, this is a herd here that will fall under the arm of that and I’ll smack
        2. GMM
          27 May 2020 20: 53
          You can go to LDNR and drive the Natsik.
          1. -1
            27 May 2020 20: 54
            but you can not take revenge with a broomstick, therefore, behind your back, therefore, no one
            and yes, unlike you, what is a real interethnic conflict, I know not from words and from journalism reports
            1. GMM
              27 May 2020 20: 59
              Here it is such a thing that you can say anything and you don’t double-check.
              Interethnic conflict is good, especially if you are on the right side, but what side is the ban on (on) Ukraine?
              1. +1
                27 May 2020 21: 02
                Quote: mmg
                but what side is the ban in (on) Ukraine?

                don't make a fool of yourself
                1. GMM
                  27 May 2020 21: 12
                  Stop, stop, stop, you want to say that you are a participant in the events in LDN?
                  But above you said that you participated in an ethnic conflict?
                  Now the main question: In your opinion, the armed conflict in the South-East of Ukraine is an interethnic conflict?
                  1. +1
                    27 May 2020 21: 15
                    Quote: mmg
                    Stop, stop, stop, you want to say that you are a participant in the events in LDN?

                    where did you read taoke in my posts ?!
                    Quote: mmg
                    Now the main question: In your opinion, the armed conflict in the South-East of Ukraine is an interethnic conflict?

                    including yes if you proceed from the doctrine of snot-Bandera
                    1. GMM
                      27 May 2020 21: 22
                      Okay, you are not allowed to (to) Ukraine in Lviv, they are not allowed ...
                      You won’t go to LDN, someone is behind you ...
                      It remains for you to shoot the crowd of Natsiks from the machine gun and let the fascist cars downhill with grenades. Well, also a noble cause ...
                      1. 0
                        28 May 2020 18: 52
                        Quote: mmg
                        Well, also a noble cause ...

                        you yourself do not judge others
                  2. +4
                    28 May 2020 08: 42
                    But is the conflict in the Donbass arose not on a national basis ?! Didn’t your Tymoshenko call for killing Russians with an atomic bomb ?!
                    1. GMM
                      28 May 2020 08: 54
                      Mrs. Tymoshenko, although she has been a business partner of Gazprom for a long time, but she is not ours, she is rather closer to you personally, to the sixth house ...
                      1. +2
                        28 May 2020 09: 11
                        Come on drive that! Since when did Tymoshenko become close to Russia, there is not a drop of Russian blood in it, but there are more than enough Russophobia!?
                      2. GMM
                        28 May 2020 09: 16
                        I repeat for those who are in the tank.
                        Tymoshenko was for some time a business partner of Gazprom ...
                        But whether she was Russian or not, it was not important for Gazprom.
                      3. +2
                        28 May 2020 09: 39
                        First of all, she was the minister of your Banderostan and now is the head of your big party, and Putin’s partners are those who don’t have partners for him and the cannibals from the Adamans, so he calls everyone ...
                      4. The comment was deleted.
                      5. The comment was deleted.
                      6. The comment was deleted.
                      7. +2
                        28 May 2020 16: 32
                        A victim of the Unified State Exam writes me this nonsense... There is fascism there, that is why relations are tense not only with the Russian Federation, but with all neighbors, including Hungary...
                      8. The comment was deleted.
                      9. -1
                        28 May 2020 18: 53
                        Quote: mmg
                        Because fascism is when a dictator unites around

                        truth for the sake of it is not fascism
  12. 0
    27 May 2020 20: 43
    It is interesting what will happen to this cult now - after a court decision.

    It is known that. The Forbidden fruit is sweet. Even so rotten. Therefore, the popularity will only grow. The court will be declared "bought by the Kremlin" and betrayed the ideals of the Maidan. And so on ... request
  13. 0
    27 May 2020 21: 07
    Well. Flies against manure. Looks like Svidomo completely alles kaput. winked
  14. 0
    27 May 2020 21: 24
    Yes, there will be nothing. Communism and Nazism are diametrically opposed ideologies. Therefore, whoever is against communism is for Nazism. Whoever is against the USSR is for the Third Reich. Whoever is against Stalin is for Hitler. And while Ukraine is undergoing decommunization, there will be Nazification. And all this will end with a big war.
  15. +2
    27 May 2020 21: 28
    So they so? But what about the holy Bandera and other pedlyur?
  16. 0
    27 May 2020 21: 52
    I wonder if this decision can be considered as a kind of first swallow, spring, as you know, not yet doing?
  17. +3
    27 May 2020 23: 31
    I watched the video. Uncle veteran hohlyatski with wild straining says. He taught, taught, but not learned. And by age somehow does not fit into this category. The girls are nice. Boys - like a game parade. Covers for embroidered shirts were replaced. But the faces do not change.
    1. 0
      28 May 2020 10: 59
      Nice girls

      That's why they are Ukrainian

      Such a number of beauties, as in Lviv and Ternopol, are not anywhere else
    2. +2
      28 May 2020 11: 52
      The funniest thing is that what is the Ukrainian literary language is not a native language in any region of the BUSSR, the Westerners behind Zbruch have another MOV .... half of the BUSSR citizens speak Russian, and the second speaks Russian, those Russian, contaminated with hokhlizma ... and if you poke the most generous Urkin in the back with a barrel and yell Hands to the mountain !, then he will screech in pure Russian, all these independent deputies and ministers, at the time of emotional unrest, switch to Russian, and how the word will be correct in Urinsky "bear" will be answered by 5-10 percent
    3. +1
      28 May 2020 13: 36
      Quote: sergo1914
      I watched the video. Uncle veteran hohlyatski with wild straining says. He taught, taught, but not learned. And by age somehow does not fit into this category. The girls are nice. Boys - like a game parade. Covers for embroidered shirts were replaced. But the faces do not change.

      hi So the uncles "wiped out by the SS" are those fugitives in the Hitler's wagon train, from the American bandero "diaspora" (they can be immediately identified not only by their appearance, but also by the specific Diaspora "reprimand") - before their death they flew to the "providential" to Lviv, finally, "ridnokrai" and show off at the Sabbath of the Zapadenskaya Banderva!
      These "Ukrainians" American citizens "Ridnu Movu" have already forgotten a bit, they don’t need it in the US. For the poor zapadenskiye selyuk, participation in Hitler's "Drang nach Osten" became a real "ticket to a big life" - overseas!
      Now they again, also in the occupying wagon train, in the next, now Fashington, "Drange nach Osten" arrived in the forcibly "banded" Ukraine, turned by the Banderonazi invaders into the American colony "Ukraine"!
      Something, incoherently parting, a decrepit senile SS man also varnyakal "anizhedetyu" about "even if we make a moat near the road for Ukraine" ...

      Virgins in the Western region, too, for the most part, are unpleasant-looking - some kind of dork (the manner of speaking and the voice is often unpleasant at all - the effect that arises is exactly like in the Soviet cartoon about Baron Munzausen, the almighty gin and his wonderful peacock: "Sing, bird , I ask you to sing! "....), although Zapadenskie Jews and Hungarians (and sometimes Polkas) there are nothing like that, they are beautiful in their youth! IMHO smile
      As on all ukroTVkanals, even during the reign of Kuchman, they put "authentic" Galicia "beauties" into the announcer, with their barking "guards", which even "ukromovnym" are hardly understandable without a special translator, so they stopped turning on the zombie viewer so that "ears would not wither" from their "meaningless sounds" and so as not to "gasp" once again from such a "wonderful sight"! But this, as it turned out, is for the best that he stopped watching ukroTV! Yes
  18. +1
    27 May 2020 23: 48
    Eh comrade Stalin, why did you abolish the capital measure in 1947? After all, it would have hanged thousands of Bandera. As you yourself once put it, "no man, no problem." And then you put them in prison, and Khrushch granted amnesty.
  19. +2
    28 May 2020 05: 32
    To say that I'm surprised is to say nothing ... For so many years, no one noticed this and now ... "the eyes turned up" ... Well, it's better later than not when, but ... But, why Vyatrovich not punished? The law is violated. And they didn't even write a fine, although they do it regularly for red stars, flags, inscriptions of the USSR.
    And let's see if this decision "resists" in the higher courts
    1. 0
      29 May 2020 12: 00
      Exaggerate a little. Red stars, on the monuments and symbols of the USSR, are quietly located throughout Kiev.
  20. -1
    28 May 2020 05: 58
    It is interesting what will happen to this cult now - after a court decision.

    nothing. will gossip in the kitchen like:
    hitler come order restore
  21. -5
    28 May 2020 06: 50
    When in Russia will the courts make similar decisions on the symbols of the Russian SS divisions?
    The same 29th Grenadier Division of the SS "RONA" (1st Russian)? Or the 30th Grenadier Division of the SS (2nd Russian)? Or the 36th Grenadier Division of the SS Dirlewanger?
    1. +4
      28 May 2020 07: 11
      And what do we walk in the streets in the open, with the symbols of these divisions? Or show on official channels?
  22. +1
    28 May 2020 12: 26
    Their murderers roam free, they don't hide anywhere and put their freedom on display. What symbols? This state has already lost more than half of its attributes. They don't give a damn about court decisions. And not only about the court, they don't give a damn about their country.
  23. 0
    28 May 2020 12: 45
    It is a pity that at one time these ghouls and their brood were not finished.
  24. 0
    28 May 2020 13: 26
    Absolutely nothing until it comes to power adequately (((
  25. 0
    29 May 2020 11: 58
    Galicia ... in Ukraine ... is prohibited. But what about the fascists there, punishers ?! How is that?(