How the plague caused a riot in Moscow

How the plague caused a riot in Moscow

Plague riot. E. Lissner

Surprisingly, people in different historical eras behave the same, despite the different levels of education and culture of society. The Plague in Russia in 1770-1771 at first caused panic and fear, and then an outbreak of violence and the Plague riot in Moscow.

"Black Death"

Plague is one of the oldest diseases. Traces of the plague stick were found in the remains of people who lived in the Bronze Age (five thousand years ago). This disease caused two of the deadliest pandemics in human history, killing hundreds of millions of people. The disease spread rapidly, destroying the population of entire cities, devastating countries and regions. Some of its forms caused almost 100% mortality. No wonder one of the four biblical horsemen of the apocalypse is pestilence. It was possible to overcome the plague only with the invention of antibiotics and vaccines, although infectious outbreaks still occur in various countries.

The plague is known in the Bible, which describes the epidemic among the Philistines and Assyrians, which destroys entire cities and armies. The first major pandemic is the Justinian Plague (551–580), which began in North Africa and encompassed the entire “civilized world,” that is, Byzantium and Western Europe. In Constantinople, from 5 to 10 thousand people died every day, in the capital of the empire, two-thirds of the population died. In total, up to 100 million people died. In the 100th century, Europe experienced a terrible epidemic of "black death" brought from Asia. She also caused great damage to the Muslim countries of the Middle East and Africa. According to various estimates, she killed from 200 to 30 million people. Only in Europe died from 60 to XNUMX% of the population. Plague from the Baltic region penetrated into Russia, through the trading cities of Pskov and Novgorod, and spread further. Some settlements and towns have died out completely. Among the dead was the Grand Duke of Vladimir and Moscow Simeon the Proud.

Then, several more major epidemics swept the world, which claimed many lives. The third pandemic originated in 1855 in China. For several decades, it spread across all continents, its echoes were noted until 1959. Only in China and India killed millions of people.

People in the Ancient World and in the Middle Ages did not know the cause of the disease. They connected it with the “divine punishment”, the unfavorable arrangement of celestial bodies or natural disaster (earthquake). Some doctors believed that the plague was associated with “miasms,” “bad fumes” from swamps, the sea coast, etc. Medieval methods of fighting plague (using aromatherapy, perfumes, precious stones and metals, bloodletting, cutting or cauterizing bubo ulcers etc.) were ineffective, often contributed to the spread of the disease. The most effective method was quarantine (from the Italian quaranta giorni - “forty days”). So, in the largest shopping center in Europe, Venice, merchant ships had to wait 40 days before entering the port. The same measure was used for people who came from infected areas. City councils hired special doctors - plague doctors who fought the disease, and then also went to isolation.

The true cause of black death was discovered only due to the discovery of the father of microbiology, Louis Pasteur in the XNUMXth century, who proved that infections are caused by microorganisms and not by miasma and impaired body balance, as people continued to think until that time. Pasteur developed treatments for anthrax, cholera and rabies, and founded an institute to combat dangerous infections. The creator of the first vaccines against plague and cholera at the beginning of the XNUMXth century was the Russian scientist Vladimir Khavkin. The final turning point in the fight against plague occurred by the middle of the XNUMXth century, when Soviet scientists began to use antibiotics in the fight against the disease.

Plague doctor

Plague in Russia

The first message about the sea in Russia can be found in chronicles for 1092. A source reports that in the summer of 6600 (1092) “there was a miracle in Polotsk: they heard a clatter at night; with a groan, as if people, demons roamed the streets. If someone comes out of the choromina, wanting to see them, that demons invisibly hurt, and therefore he died. And people did not dare to leave the choir. ... People said that the souls of the deceased kill the townspeople. This disaster came from Drutsk. " The disease was an unprecedented phenomenon, the suddenness of the infection and the quick fatal outcome so impressed contemporaries that they searched for the cause in the miraculous phenomenon of “God's punishment”.

In the XII century, two more epidemics were noted in Russia. One disease struck Novgorod. "Pestilence is many," says the chronicler, "in Novgorod, in people and in horse, and it was impossible to go through the city, to enter the field, because of the stench of the dead," and the cattle were dying. " In the 1230s, an epidemic struck Smolensk, Pskov and Izborsk. Mortality was very high, thousands of people died, mass graves were digging under the churches. Outbreaks of pestilence were noted in 1265 and 1278. It can be noted that almost all infectious outbreaks were in Kiev, Smolensk, Polotsk, Pskov and Novgorod, which were then large shopping centers. Obviously, mass diseases that are in the XIII century. marked throughout Europe, brought to Russia by traffickers from the West. Diseases at that time were attributed to the “divine punishment” for the sins of people. Later, superstitions appeared that the pestilence was caused by witchcraft or evil people, for example, the Tatars poisoned the water. The situation was similar in Europe, where during the epidemics “witches”, “sorcerers” and “Jewish poisoners” were persecuted.

In the XIV century, several more epidemics were noted in Russia. The worst is the "black death", which struck all of Europe. She was distinguished by enormous proportions and the highest mortality. At first the plague appeared in Crimea, defeated the possessions of the Horde, then it appeared in Poland and in Russia. At the same time, pestilence came to Russian lands not from the Horde, but from Western Europe. In the summer of 1352, the "black death" came to Pskov. Mortality was terrible, the living did not have time to bury the dead. The city was seized with fear. In search of salvation, the townspeople sent ambassadors to Novgorod to Archbishop Vasily, asking him to come to Pskov to bless his inhabitants and pray with them about ending the illness. The archbishop fulfilled their request and went around Pskov with a procession. But on the way back he fell ill and soon died. As a result, the disease got to Novgorod - the Novgorodians themselves brought the body to the city and buried it in St. Sophia Cathedral. In Novgorod, an epidemic began, which spread from here to all major cities and all of Russia.

In the 1360s, a terrible disease appeared in the lower Volga, began to climb the river and swept the Volga-Oka interfluve. A large number of people died. In the 1370s, another wave of the epidemic swept across Russia and the Horde. In 1387, pestilence wiped out almost the entire population of Smolensk, then hit Pskov and Novgorod. In the XV century, several more epidemics swept through Russian soil. Sources mark the "plague of iron" - apparently the bubonic form of the plague, and the "plague of" orcotism ", obviously, it was a pulmonary form of the plague, with hemoptysis. The northwestern regions of Russia suffered the most. A similar situation was in the XVI century. At this time in Russia for the first time quarantine measures were noted. So, in 1521-1522. Pskov again suffered from a pestilence of unknown origin, which killed many citizens. The prince ordered to close the street on which the pestilence began, with outposts from both ends. Obviously, it helped, a terrible disease raged only in Pskov.

In 1552, a plague came from the Baltic states and struck Pskov, and then Novgorod. Novgorod when the news about the sea in Pskov appeared, they set up outposts on the roads connecting Novgorod and Pskov, forbade Pskov from entering the city. They also kicked out of the city the Pskov merchants who were already there, along with the goods. Those guest traders who tried to resist were taken out by force and burned their goods. The Novgorodians, who hid the Pskovites, were beaten with a whip. This is the first news in Russia about large-scale quarantine and interruption of communication between regions due to illness. However, these measures were apparently belated. A terrible disease has hit the area. Only Pskov killed 25 thousand people in a year, and about 280 thousand people died in Novgorod land. According to the Pskov annals, people were dying with "iron."

Since that time, quarantine measures have become common in Russia. In particular, Ivan the Terrible interrupted communications from Moscow and places that were exposed to infection. People who died from the infection were forbidden to be buried near churches, they were taken away from settlements. They set up posts on the streets and roads. The courtyards where a person died from the pestilence was blocked, sentinels were posted, who passed the food from the street. The priests were forbidden to visit the sick. The most severe measures were taken against quarantine violators. It happened that violators were burned together with the sick.

The great pestilence struck Russia at the beginning of the 1654th century. In Moscow alone, hundreds of thousands of people died (including refugees from rural areas where hunger raged). This epidemic has become one of the prerequisites of the Troubles. Another terrible disease struck Moscow and the country in 1656-150. People were dying in the thousands, whole streets. The royal family, the patriarch, all the nobility and officials simply fled from the capital. Even the streltsy garrison fled. As a result, the entire management system in Moscow collapsed. Mortality was terrifying. According to various estimates, half of the capital's population (XNUMX thousand people) died.

Page of the Radziwill Chronicle with a description of the plague epidemic that erupted in Polotsk in 1092. According to the chronicler, the disease was brought by demons who scoured the city night and day

Plague riot

Under Peter the Great, the fight against the plague finally became a function of state bodies: the Senate, the medical board and the quarantine service. True, the main method remained quarantine. Compulsory quarantine has been introduced in seaports. In places of an infectious outbreak, quarantine outposts were placed. All people traveling from the contaminated area were quarantined for up to 1,5 months. They tried to disinfect clothes, clothes and products with the help of smoke (wormwood, juniper), and washed metal objects in acetic solution.

Under Catherine II, quarantine posts operated not only on the border, but also on roads leading to cities. As necessary, these posts were strengthened by doctors and soldiers. As a result, pestilence became a rare guest in the Russian Empire. The foci of infection were usually able to be quickly blocked, preventing the country from dispersing and killing more people.

A major infectious outbreak occurred at the end of 1770 in Moscow. The epidemic reached its peak in 1771. Killed about 60 thousand people. The epidemic entered Russia from the Turkish front during the war with Porta. Obviously, the soldiers brought back from the war brought the plague, and goods brought from Turkey also became the sources of infection. In the Moscow General Hospital, people began to die. Senior physician Shafonsky established the cause and tried to take action. However, the Moscow authorities did not listen to him, they considered him an alarmist. Local authorities tried to hide the scale of the disease, assured the population that the disease was not dangerous. As a result, the disease has become widespread. Already infected people fled the city, spreading the disease around. First of all, the rich fled from Moscow. They went to other cities or to their estates. The mayor, Count Saltykov, escaped, followed by other officials.

The big city froze. There were practically no medicines for the poor. The townspeople burned bonfires and beat the bells (their ringing was considered healing). There was a shortage of food. Looting flourished. During the peak of the epidemic, up to a thousand people died every day, many remained in their homes or on the streets for a long time. The funeral service began to use prisoners. They collected corpses, took them out of town and burned them. Horror gripped the townspeople.

Johann Jacob Lerche, one of the doctors who fought the plague in the city, noted:

“It is impossible to describe the terrible state in which Moscow was. Every day on the streets you could see the sick and the dead, who were taken out. Many corpses lay on the streets: people either fell dead or were thrown from the houses. The police didn’t have enough people or vehicles to transport the sick and dead, so often the corpses lay in their homes for 3-4 days. ”

Soon, fear and complete despair gave way to aggression. There was also a reason for rebellion. There was a rumor in Moscow that the Barbarian Gate has a miraculous icon of the Mother of God of God, which will save people from infection. Crowds of people kissed the icon. Archbishop Ambrose ordered to hide the icon and aroused the wrath of superstitious people who were deprived of hope for salvation. September 15, 1771 the townspeople struck the alarm, armed themselves and called to save the icon from the "thief-archbishop." Rebels defeated the Miracles Monastery in the Kremlin. On September 16, even more people took to the streets. They raided the Don Monastery, discovered and killed the archbishop. Other crowds raided quarantine houses and hospitals. General Eropkin quickly suppressed the riot.

After these tragic events, the government took emergency measures. Empress Catherine the Second sent a guard to Moscow under the command of G. Orlov. A general commission was established, headed by the prosecutor general Vsevolozhsky, which identified the most active rebels. Count Orlov, using strict quarantine measures and improving the sanitary-epidemiological situation in Moscow, brought down a wave of the epidemic. In honor of the Empress’s favorite, a medal was inscribed with the inscriptions: “Russia has such sons in itself” and “For the deliverance of Moscow from an ulcer in 1771”.

The assassination of Archbishop Ambrose, engraving by Charles Michel Geoffrey, 1845
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  1. -2
    21 May 2020 05: 09
    From the whole story about the plague, I highlight only this moment:
    A source reports that in the summer of 6600 (1092) “there was a miracle in Polotsk: they heard a clatter at night; with a groan, as if people, demons roamed the streets. If someone comes out of the choromina, wanting to see them, that demons invisibly hurt, and therefore he died. And people did not dare to leave the choir. ... People said that the souls of the deceased kill the townspeople. This disaster came from Drutsk. "

    Indirectly confirming that the plague could be distributed intentionally. This is understandable when the prosperous neighbors are "wished to live" ...
    1. +10
      21 May 2020 07: 45
      By order of Catherine II, he arrived in Moscow from St. Petersburg to restore order in the throne. endowed with dictatorial powers Count Grigory Orlov. Having stopped the riots and punished those responsible, Grigory Grigoryevich took up the fight against the epidemic.
      The measures taken by him were distinguished by prudence and expediency, and most importantly by the calmness and confidence that so beneficially affects minds. In particular, the number of quarantines and hospitals was increased.
      And Orlov gave his family home on Voznesenskaya Street to the hospital.

      Grigory Grigorievich did not spare funds for organizing the fight against infection.

      In addition to double salaries, doctors were promised, in the event of their death in execution, the appointment of significant pensions to their families. Knowing that the Russian people are more afraid of the disease than hospitals themselves, Orlov allowed treatment at home.

      The property of those killed by the plague was burned, the dead were buried in special cemeteries designated for this purpose, special servants and prisoners. In addition to clothing and maintenance, they received the promise of amnesty.

      At last Count Orlov organized public works for those in need, on his orders, they washed and cleaned Moscow, poured earth in cemeteries, dug the Kamer-Kollezhsky ditch, corrected roads, etc. Moscow was cleaned of dirt and all junk, fraught with infection and stray dogs.

      As a result of measures taken in early November, the plague subsided. On November 21, 1771, Grigory Grigoryevich went to Petersburg, and he had to withstand almost two-month quarantine before entering the capital.
      Catherine, however, in her own handwritten letter, allowed him and the persons accompanying him to go directly to Petersburg. Here a solemn meeting awaited him, in Tsarskoe Selo a wooden gate was erected with the inscription: "Moscow was saved from trouble by the Orlovs!"

      In honor of the count, a medal was struck with an inscription in a circle: "Russia has such sons in itself."

      В сокращении. Полностью :

      1. +3
        21 May 2020 15: 52
        It can be seen that Grigory Orlov not only the "unit" worked, but also the head.
      2. +1
        23 May 2020 17: 20
        A wonderful appendage to the article. After all, the most interesting is what measures defeated the ailment. I will add that Orlov was greatly helped by the early winter that came - the eternal enemy of all viral accidents.
  2. +4
    21 May 2020 05: 49
    In 1897, on the basis of the Imperial Institute of Experimental Medicine, a “Special Commission was established to prevent the plague infection and fight it if it appears in Russia” (COMOM).

    On the base of the fort in Kronshtadt the PLAGON LABORATORY was formed, the fort began to be called PLAGON

    The Laboratory developed and produced vaccines against plague and cholerothia using horses as a working material

    Several doctors, real cowgirls and heroes, constantly lived in the fort, including famous Russian scientists D.K. Zabolotny, N.M. Berestnev, M.G. Tartakovsky.

    Their work and vaccines have spilled many human lives.

    Ilya Mechnikov and Novorossiysk University brought up the creator of the vaccines of the world scientist Vladimir Khavkin.
    1. +6
      21 May 2020 07: 55
      There was also a reason for rebellion. There was a rumor in Moscow that the Barbarian Gate has a miraculous icon of the Mother of God of God, which will save people from infection. Crowds of people kissed the icon. Archbishop Ambrose ordered to hide the icon

      The Bogolyubsky icon of the Mother of God was located on the outer wall of the Barbarian gate of Kitai Gorod. A rumor circulated around Moscow that the Bogolyubsky icon was miraculous, that it was she who saved the plague from Vladimir, where the disease was raging, as well as Bogolyubovo.

      It was also rumored that the Mother of God was angry with all of Moscow for the fact that "for the whole 30 years no one served her image on the Barbarian Gate, not only did not serve a prayer service, but even lit a candle. That her son Jesus Christ, being angry at this, wanted to send Moscow had a stone rain, but that only she begged the Son to punish Moscow, instead of a stone rain, with a three-month pestilence plague. The people reached out to the image, served prayers, left donations and applied. In an epidemic, it was crazy.
      So that the crowds at the Barbarian gates would not become an additional source of the spread of the infection, the Moscow archbishop Ambrose on September 15, 1771 ordered to ban prayers, remove the icon and transfer it to the church of Cyrus and John, and seal the sacrificial box.
      The donated money was sealed, but the believers decided that the archbishop had appropriated the donations. On September 15, 1771, after the ringing of the bell alarm, several thousand people armed with clubs, axes, stones and stakes gathered shouting: "They are robbing the Mother of God! They are not allowed to pray!" People are in despair because they have taken away their last hope, in horror before death, which mowed thousands of people down. On September 6, even more people took to the streets. Some of the people moved to the Donskoy monastery, in which the archbishop was hiding. Taking the monastery by storm and finding Ambrose, they gave him a public interrogation .. One of the rebels hit Ambrose with a stake, after which the archbishop was beaten and tortured for a long time until he was beaten to death.

      After the suppression of rebellion, on the orders of the empress, the language of the Spassky alarm bell was removed, preventing the gathering of the people.
      1. +2
        21 May 2020 19: 47
        "it was she who saved Vladimir from the plague, where the disease was raging" people always wanted to believe in miracles. Hence the many False Dmitry Petrov Fedorovich. Remember Ryzhov told?
        "I wanted to send a stone rain to Moscow, but that only she begged the Son to punish Moscow, instead of a stone rain, with a three-month world plague" people are characterized by superstition, and during an epidemic, rumors and superstitions are especially dangerous.
        I read about the "plague riot" and involuntarily compare it with the current quarantine. Then the people were tired and wanted what was the simplest way to get rid of. And now the people are TIRED, add to this disappointment with the authorities, there are so many fakes on the Internet now that they are simply amazed at stupidity. And there are people who believe in it
        Here are some examples of stupidity: 1) the virus appeared in China and affects ALL who have slept with a Chinese woman at least once. So boys, so as not to get sick, do not look at the Chinese women.
        2) the virus planned and spread a crazy genius
        3) there is no virus in Russia and there hasn’t been, and quarantine has been introduced by the authorities in order to ruin private business for the sake of budget enterprises.
        4) the virus infects men who have on their pants: "number of the beast": a certain combination of numbers in the barcode. Probably to be safe we ​​ALL need to wear dresses?
        5) in no case does the test for covid pass, the test will give a positive result, you will be told you need to be vaccinated and after 3 months you will die.
        This despite the fact that the vaccine will only be tested. And there are people who believe in it.
        Is this not an analogy with the "plague riot"?
    2. +1
      21 May 2020 15: 53
      Mechnikov dumped in Switzerland, Khavkin left for him, whose career advancement was due to baptism, the transition to Orthodoxy. After working with his teacher, he went to India, where he developed a plague vaccine with British money.
      1. +1
        21 May 2020 21: 18
        Not "dumped", but "left to work"
        1. 0
          21 May 2020 21: 21
          Yes of course.
          1. +1
            22 May 2020 12: 39
            Sure. And he brought benefits to the Motherland through his students. But if I would not leave, the "bonza" would
            1. +1
              22 May 2020 13: 05
              That's exactly what I want to say))
    3. 0
      22 May 2020 20: 03
      Ilya Mechnikov and Novorossiysk University brought up the creator of the vaccines of the world scientist Vladimir Khavkin.
      Then, with the support of Pasteur, the Odessa Anti-Plague Laboratory (now an institute) was organized, which all local conspiracy theorists consider to be an Amer evil am What is not a modern analogue of the superstitions described in the article? MI give free rein - they will tear the Institute to pieces.
      PS. By the way, the Ukrainian authorities themselves cope with this, they are now "optimizing" this institution.
  3. +3
    21 May 2020 06: 21
    Somehow I didn't even know about such large-scale defeats. Of course, I read about the plague riot, I was simply amazed at how "religious" people were. It seems as early as the 17th century that insects were the direct carriers. Fleas, lice. But how to get rid of them? If a cat catching mice brings a bunch of fleas on itself, then the baleen-tailed ones themselves do not get sick. About snarling flea carriers, that they do not write that their fleas infect people, maybe he was looking badly .. The plague is actually transmitted from blood to blood. A flea grabbing blood from an infected one, jumps over to another and infects him, etc. until he dies of hunger. In principle, you can communicate with the bubonic plague, you just need to watch out so that fleas do not jump over to you. Well, there is no need to fraternize, "your blood, my blood." They transported with them heaps of lice and fleas, somewhere mice and rats lived in goods, well, and more. This is disgusting, the nomads were not particularly concerned with the plague. Flea camels rarely reached us; they did not take "dexterous dogs" with them. Fleas do not have much love for horses. Struck by the pestilence of the quick-eyed, in places of settlement.
    1. +2
      21 May 2020 07: 40
      But interestingly it turns out. A person must be accompanied by some kind of pestilence. They got rid - well, or almost got rid of) of one kind, as it is being replaced by an even more sophisticated one.
      Cholera is a bacterium called Vibrio cholerae, a diarrheal infection.
      From 1,3 million to 4 million cases annually.
      Mortality from 21 thousand to 143 thousand people annually.
      If untreated, leads to death within a few hours.
      In the XNUMXth century, cholera was brought by colonizers from India (the area is the Ganges River).
      Cholera pandemics were considered.
      Seventh Pandemic - 1961, South Asia.
      Eighth - 1971, Africa.
      1981 --- did God have mercy?
      Ninth - 1991, America.
      Interesting ... And 2001 - where?
      If cholera really likes the beginning of the decade and the unfavorable political situation, is it worth the wait next year?
      1. +3
        21 May 2020 08: 45
        Madam. drink wine to quench your thirst, in extreme cases, boiled water. Products should at least be scalded with boiling water, wash your hands with soap, preferably with an antiseptic, before eating. Icholera will not crawl close to you. It is better not to kiss with dogs and with "dexterous dogs". The Mongols never saw the koshakov, and they did not have a word to define the baleen. so they came up with a "dexterous dog". In the Yakut language until now. Although I'm not a language expert.
        1. +2
          21 May 2020 09: 17
          Colleague, always did all of the above you. In addition to alcohol - I do not drink. Natural disgust. They say that in few people like me, alcohol itself is contained in excess in the body. That soul does not accept))))
          1. +1
            21 May 2020 16: 01
            Lyudmila Grigorievna, you feel good: "contained in the body in excess, and some have a chronic shortage. Joke
            1. +1
              21 May 2020 16: 20
              Actually, I am Yakovlevna))) Thanks for the joke)) You know, I was on the street today. This has to be talked about as an adventure. Also a bit of a joke. And what struck me. Everything has changed! There were continuous masks and gloves, no one was visible, social distance, hasty steps, silence, general depression and, I would say, loss. People are really oppressed, cashiers in stores are drooping. And then I realized that the epidemic finally reached my village. Not the plague, not the cholera, but by the power of killing life's hopes - not a bit weaker.
              1. +2
                21 May 2020 17: 18
                Lyudmila Yakovlena, you and I live on different poles: I went to Magnit, there are a lot of people, 2/3 without masks. The cashier in Magnit humor: changed the cashier so that the prince on a white horse is more likely to see.
                Most likely, I don’t have to do it once .. The other day I went to Magnet, and there were almost zero people and all were wearing masks.
        2. +3
          21 May 2020 14: 58
          Vibrio cholerae kills beer. During the London cholera, not a single person was infected in the quarter where the brewers lived, because they practically didn’t drink water.
      2. BAI
        21 May 2020 10: 47
        wait next year?

        Already made a prediction. And he is famous.
        Kovid 19 will be replaced by Do not care 20, and then Nafig 21.
        1. +1
          21 May 2020 11: 46
          Quote: BAI
          Kovid 19 will be replaced by Do not care 20, and then Nafig 21.

          Rather Profit 20, Profit 21 and so on. smile
        2. +1
          21 May 2020 12: 29
          BAI, well, at least you had some fun, thanks! )))
    2. +1
      21 May 2020 15: 10
      But what about the pulmonary plague?
      1. 0
        21 May 2020 16: 22
        Hyperborean, no need to be with her! )))
  4. 0
    21 May 2020 07: 21
    Thanks for the interesting article. It caused a bitter grin:
    True, the main method remained quarantine.
    Several centuries have gone, but the methodology has not changed ...
    1. +2
      21 May 2020 13: 42
      Quote: Leader of the Redskins
      Thanks for the interesting article. It caused a bitter grin:
      True, the main method remained quarantine.
      Several centuries have gone, but the methodology has not changed ...

      Duc .. everything is as always:
      If treated, it will take place in a week.
      If left untreated, it will take seven days.
  5. +2
    21 May 2020 07: 27
    A person, always a person ... even general education does not save from the manifestation of the primary instincts "SAVE WHO CAN!". Moreover, fear pushes people to the most extreme actions!
    1. +3
      21 May 2020 18: 10
      Quote: rocket757
      Moreover, fear pushes people to the most extreme acts!

      Unfortunately, very often on stupidity ...
      1. +1
        21 May 2020 19: 40
        Primary instincts, they will not get rid of them at all. At best, learn to control them.
        1. +3
          21 May 2020 20: 01
          To learn it is necessary to make efforts, they want "by the dictates of a pike ..."
  6. +1
    21 May 2020 07: 37
    Archbishop Ambrose (Zertis-Kamensky) was an outstanding figure in the Russian Church.
    The crowd made an icon of an idol, and under the slogan Rob the Bogolyubsky icon!, began to smash, and icons, and the altar in the Miracle Monastery.
    Further, this crazy riot continued with pogroms of wine cellars.
    1. +4
      21 May 2020 08: 06
      Further, this crazy riot continued with pogroms of wine cellars.

      Well, this is always "like edraste", to eat, drink, beat the face without blame is in no way impossible. Mentality, sir. request
      1. +1
        21 May 2020 08: 14
        If only - eat, drink and beat the muzzle.
        It was a brutal and uncontrollable crowd.
        Thanks to General Eropkin, after some confusion, he acted decisively, buckshot in the crowd.
        1. +6
          21 May 2020 08: 29
          I agree, buckshot in the crowd is a rather instructive means. A little later, no less efficiently worked with machine guns. Now they cost only with batons.
          1. -2
            21 May 2020 08: 50
            Quote: Sea Cat
            buckshot in the crowd is a sufficiently instructive means

            It doesn’t work out differently.
            When the Archbishop Ambrose was killed, then after the first blow on him, and with the first blood - the crowd went mad, the sight of blood intoxicated, it was already not people.
            1. 0
              21 May 2020 09: 22
              Yes, they are animals, from permissiveness and the smell of blood, animals, what else can you say ...
              Only buckshot. soldier
              Napoleon: “I would order to load two or three guns and dare all this scum. People are afraid of guns! ”

              1. +1
                21 May 2020 09: 33
                A great many examples, for example, the Tiananmen Square of 1989, were dispersed by tank shooting.
                1. +3
                  21 May 2020 09: 40
                  So we also fired from tanks, from the bridge, and a bunch of people from the embankment watched it like from a theater gallery ... until some people rushed through the house from it, some of them r to about in the same got.
                  1. +2
                    21 May 2020 09: 44
                    Quote: Sea Cat
                    So we also fired from tanks

                    The crowd, and there is the crowd, what difference does it make of what affiliation, according to some laws, is infuriating.
          2. +1
            21 May 2020 12: 40
            Sea Cat, amazing! Laughing for a long time, could not stop! )))
            Although there is some outlet on the story of cholera and the plague))
            I mean the caricature.
            1. +1
              21 May 2020 17: 32
              Lyudmila love , thanks for the appreciation of my attempt to cheer people up a bit! smile
  7. +2
    21 May 2020 11: 46
    Church hierarchs were not an example today, yes. Ambrose accepted martyrdom ...
    1. 0
      21 May 2020 12: 31
      Quote: Bersaglieri
      Ambrose accepted martyrdom ...

      The burial of Ambrose was only 17 days after death, according to legend - his decay did not touch him, he lay in a tomb as if alive.
      1. 0
        21 May 2020 14: 08
        But it is not canonized, unfortunately.
        1. -1
          21 May 2020 14: 17
          The issue of canonization is very complex, and of course, it is not for us to decide.
          1. 0
            21 May 2020 18: 13
            But worthy. Unlike Matronushka
            1. -1
              21 May 2020 18: 21
              Quote: Bersaglieri

              Angrily as Blessed, she has many miracles and the love of the church people for her, to which she helped and is now helping.
      2. +2
        21 May 2020 15: 46
        Is it like that, like alive? After the crowd raged over him. After that, the face will be like that of Gaddafi. So there were already make-up artists. And they knew how to mummify bodies, at least not for long, which formalins
        maybe alcohols.
        1. -2
          21 May 2020 16: 31
          Quote: Free Wind
          Is it like that, like alive?

          There were no signs of decay.
  8. 0
    21 May 2020 16: 27
    Quote: depressant
    Actually, I am Yakovlevna))) Thanks for the joke)) You know, I was on the street today. This has to be talked about as an adventure. Also a bit of a joke. And what struck me. Everything has changed! There were continuous masks and gloves, no one was visible, social distance, hasty steps, silence, general depression and, I would say, loss. People are really oppressed, cashiers in stores are drooping. And then I realized that the epidemic finally reached my village. Not the plague, not the cholera, but by the power of killing life's hopes - not a bit weaker.

    Here. Fear for your life .. That's what got to you ...
    But not yet time. The plague claimed the floor of Moscow. The death toll was an order of magnitude greater than those now infected.
    Fear of the plague ... That's what we got here through the centuries.
    Bibi in this regard, well done. Use the situation is aerobatics.
  9. +1
    21 May 2020 17: 21
    Quote: Leader of the Redskins
    Thanks for the interesting article. It caused a bitter grin:
    True, the main method remained quarantine.
    Several centuries have gone, but the methodology has not changed ...

    Alas over the centuries, man has not come up with anything more substantial than quarantine.
    1. +1
      21 May 2020 23: 30
      Why did not come up with a vaccine for example
      1. 0
        22 May 2020 18: 38
        Apparently, vaccines have not been quarantined enough
  10. 0
    24 May 2020 10: 15
    The only strain was 100mil victims in the 6th century, this is probably half the world's population at that time, not too much