The revolution of bumps and rifts

The main internal causes of the epidemic of the Arab revolutions were a surplus of educated urban youth and conflicts within the elites.

The wave of social and political upheavals that swept over the countries of North Africa and the Middle East in 2011 was unexpected only at first glance. In fact, it has become a reflection of the discontent that has accumulated in the Arab world due to a number of unresolved socio-economic and political-demographic problems. Beginning in Tunisia after the self-immolation of the small merchant Mohammed Bouazizi from the provincial city of Sidi Bouzid, the “Arab spring” spread according to the principle of a domino effect, acquiring an increasing mass character. And in the end it affected almost all countries of the Arab East.

In general, such revolutionary waves are a very rare phenomenon, which occurred only a few times in the world. stories. Hence the increased interest in the premises that led to this development. Since the majority of Arab states belong to developing countries with a moderate or underdeveloped economy, the view has taken root that the main causes of the socio-political destabilization wave are poverty, poverty, corruption, inequality, economic stagnation, etc. But this is not quite true .

Revolution fed

On the eve of the "Arab Spring" in the Arab world there was no economic stagnation. Arab economies developed very dynamically (especially in comparison with Western countries). The economy of Egypt over the thirty years of the rule of Hosni Mubarak has grown 4,5 times. Even in Yemen, GDP grew at a fairly rapid pace (although it was largely “eaten up” by extremely high population growth rates no longer characteristic of the rest of the Arab countries).

It is impossible to consider the main cause of the social explosion and the poverty factor. The proportion of the population living in extreme poverty (less than 1,25 dollars per person per day) is extremely small in most Arab countries and is quite comparable with the corresponding share in such frankly prosperous countries as Estonia or Slovenia. Even in the poorest state in the region — Yemen — the level of extreme poverty on the eve of the Arab Spring was comparable to that in the PRC and was almost three times lower than in India; besides, he had a steady downward trend. Real poverty, which is still characteristic of most third world countries, was not typical of these states. The situation with more moderate poverty (the share of the population living on less than 2 dollars per day) in the countries of the Arab Spring was more complicated, but here, against the background of the rest of the third world, these countries looked quite well.

There was no hunger there. According to food consumption standards, almost all Arab countries (again, with the exception of Yemen) have long since reached the level of overeating. The situation is similar with the level of social and economic inequality - by the standards of the third world is very moderate.

The high level of corruption cannot be blamed on the Arab Spring. The first victims of the "spring" were Tunisia and Egypt - countries where the level of corruption is not the highest (according to Transparency International, Tunisia was even slightly less corrupt than Italy on the eve of the revolution).

Youth mounds

At the same time, some economic factors played a role in generating a socio-political explosion in the Arab world. First of all, we are talking about the second wave of agflation. The first wave of global food price increases, in 2007 – 2008, led to a marked increase in socio-political tensions in some countries of the Middle East, and in some of them even provoked the appearance of cracks in the socio-political system. These spalling cracks contributed to the collapse of systems during a new wave of shocks at the start of 2011.

An important role in the destabilization was played by unemployment. However, it was due not so much to economic as structural, demographic and cultural factors. The unemployment rate in the Arab countries was not so high, moreover, it tended to decrease. For example, such a trend was in Egypt after the cabinet led by Ahmed Nazif arrived in 2004, and as a result, on the eve of the revolution, the unemployment rate in Egypt was slightly lower than, say, in the United States or the European Union. However, the rapid decline in mortality, including infant mortality (for example, in Egypt, from 1970 to 1990, total mortality fell by half, infant mortality by three, and infant mortality by four times), together with a belated decline in fertility. a sharp increase in the proportion of young people in the total population, including adults, that is, the so-called youth mounds (an unusually high proportion of young people in the general adult population) destabilizing political systems.

Well-known American sociologist Jack Goldstone notes: “Large cohorts of youth often attract new ideas or heterodox religions that challenge old forms of power. Moreover, since most young people have fewer obligations in terms of family and career, they are relatively easy to mobilize to participate in social or political conflicts. Youth played a crucial role in political violence throughout written history, and the presence of a “youth knoll” historically correlated with times of political crises. Most major revolutions ... including most twentieth-century revolutions in developing countries — occurred where particularly significant “youth bumps” were observed. ”

One of the most striking manifestations of these “youth bumps” was the fact that a fairly moderate overall unemployment rate in Arab countries on the eve of the “Arab spring” was combined with a catastrophically high level of youth unemployment. In Egypt, as we recall, the overall unemployment rate was lower than in the USA or in the EU countries, however, almost half of the unemployed were people aged 20 – 24 years. Moreover, shortly before this, there was an explosive growth in the enrollment of young people in higher education, so more than half of Egyptian unemployed graduated from universities, and hundreds of thousands of other graduates were forced to work as taxi drivers, waiters, vendors, etc. And at the same time they were concentrated in close proximity to the central government - in Cairo - and got the opportunity for self-organization through the Internet.

The initial coordination of the protests was carried out precisely through social networks. In Egypt, the call to take to the streets of 25 on January 2011 of the year originally came from the numerous Facebook group “We are all Khaled Said” and was directed against police brutality and for the abolition of the state of emergency. It should be noted that the parliamentary elections that took place in November-December of 2010 played an extremely important role in generating a social explosion in Egypt, during which the scale of falsification reached transcendental heights even for pre-revolutionary Egypt. The leading Egyptian opposition force, the Muslim Brotherhood, was practically unable to bring its representatives to the parliament of the new convocation (unlike the previous parliament, where several dozens of its members could go), which turned the Muslim Brotherhood from a half-system opposition into a frankly non-systemic and practically pushed them to Tahrir (is it worth mentioning that the wide scale of electoral fraud also contributed to the warming up of revolutionary sentiment among liberal youth).

Not shared

The success of anti-government demonstrations in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya, as well as the resignation of Ali Abdullah Saleh in Yemen, would hardly have been possible without a clear conflict within the ruling elites. Moreover, in each of the countries this conflict had its own specifics.

Thus, in Tunisia, there was an opposition between the army and the special services, on which the now former President Ben Ali relied. The number of local special services during his reign was almost four times as large as the army, which violated the balance of power traditional for the Arab world and alienated the army from ruling the country. After the coup and the flight of Ben Ali, the army set about restoring the balance, as evidenced by the mass arrests of the employees of the Tunisian special services.

In the case of Egypt, the conflict was between the army elite and the grouping of the son of President Gamal Mubarak (which included many prominent Egyptian businessmen). The military elite who held power in the country since the days of the July 1952 revolution of the year, jealously treated the potential possibility of Gamal Mubarak not connected with the army to take the post of president, who until that time was the prerogative of the military only. In addition, the top was not pleased with the prospect of a possible transfer of the property at the disposal of the generals under the control of businessmen from the Gamal group.

The revolution of bumps and rifts

The revolution made the poor even poorer

In Libya, the conflict between the tribes of Tripolitania and Cyrenaica made itself felt. Moammar Gaddafi, who came from Tripolitania, has been in power for more than forty years, and this caused discontent of the Cyrenaica tribes, deprived of the possibility of political participation, especially considering the fact of the location of the main oil fields of Libya in its eastern part.

Meanwhile, Syria and Bahrain managed to avoid intra-elite conflict, so that their political regimes have not yet fallen under the onslaught of "spring." Throughout 2011, the ruling Syrian regime showed a high degree of consolidation, and had the support of the internal Syrian system opposition, the army, and the diplomatic corps. The presence of the Alawites in power was not questioned, there were no cases of large-scale desertion of the military. Moreover, the armed forces and law enforcement agencies throughout the entire 2011 year remained the guarantor of the stability of the Bashar al-Assad regime. In addition, representatives of the Syrian diplomatic missions abroad demonstrated their commitment to the official mainstream. With reference to Bahrain, where all power is concentrated in the hands of the ruling house of Al-Khalifa, there is no need to talk about any conflict within the highest echelon of the political elite.

Pessimistic results

The “Arab Spring” to one degree or another led to the transformation of the societies affected by it. And above all, we are talking about the Islamization of social and political life. The Islamists have already become part of the political elite of Tunisia and Egypt and, no doubt, will take their toll in Libya. The only question is which of the ways these countries will go.

The most preferable is a scenario implying a balance of power between Islamists and the army. However, this requires the achievement of a political consensus between Islamists, starving for power, and generals, who traditionally hold power in their hands. Attempts to usurp the full power with relative parity of forces can lead to new socio-political upheavals and only make it difficult for the modernization processes in Arab countries, which have already slowed down in many ways with the advent of the “Arab spring”. The Egyptian and Tunisian economies have still not reached the pre-revolutionary growth rates and, most likely, are unlikely to come out in the coming years.

According to a very risky scenario, the situation in Libya is now developing. If during the forty-year reign of Muammar Gaddafi there was observed the de-traditionalization of Libyan society, which consisted in an attempt to overcome the tribal structure existing in the country, now there is an inverse dynamic. Traditional tribal structures are at risk to take over the modernization trends, and at the moment the main task of the Libyan National Transitional Council is to preserve the territorial integrity of the country.

On the other hand, in the course of the “Arab spring” in a number of countries real progress was achieved in restricting police brutality. In many of them, for the first time in the last decades (if not in all of their history), fairly fair elections were held (however, as a rule, their results were not very happy for revolutionaries). There is also reason to believe that the Islamists coming to power in Tunisia and Egypt will help to solve the problem of corruption in these states.

First, during the “Arab spring” in both countries, the most corrupt elements — the Trabelsi clan in Tunisia and the Gamal Mubarak grouping in Egypt — were removed from power. Secondly, the Muslim Brotherhood, like the An-Nahda in Tunisia, was able to prevent any serious corruption within their own movements, which means there is reason to believe that at the state level during their reign the corruption component decrease slightly. The Gaza Strip can be seen as a precedent, where the rise to power of Hamas led to a marked decrease in the level of corruption.

However, despite some positive features, it is still necessary to note that the “Arab spring” rather aggravated the socio-economic situation in the region, rather than solved the problems on the agenda of the Arab states. If on the eve of the socio-political upheavals, the Arab economies demonstrated steady economic growth rates, then with the onset of the “spring” the economic boom came to an end. Economic stagnation after a year and a half of unrest from the category of the fictional turned into real. Foreign investment has declined significantly, the tourism industry — one of the drivers of many Arab economies — continues to suffer huge losses.

Not solved the "Arab Spring" and the problem of unemployment. On the contrary, the situation in this area has only worsened and will become the main headache for the new leaders of the Arab states in the coming years. It is they who will have to solve the problems of the same educated, unemployed youth, who, as practice has shown, are not going to put up with the current state of affairs.

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  1. patriot2
    1 August 2012 06: 13
    And the most important thing is that there is always a country that actively uses the existing contradictions and conflicts in other states. We clearly know who is the main "democratizer" in the world, helping the "rebels" with weapons, money and his intervention.
    But the results of such "help" are always deplorable for any country from Yugoslavia to Egypt and Syria. The peoples did not live better in them.
    1. +8
      1 August 2012 08: 02
      It’s just that the United States is slowly coming to Krants, so they decided to take the people with them to hell more. In America itself, either the Yankee spring or the dank autumn with rioting amers from non-translucent paralysis is brewing.
      1. Atia
        1 August 2012 08: 44
        We did not observe any youth mounds during perestroika, but nevertheless, it jerked so that we still can’t recover. One Gorby was enough!
    2. Gemar
      1 August 2012 08: 32
      "On the eve of the Arab Spring, there was no economic stagnation in the Arab world. The economies of the Arab countries developed very dynamically (especially in comparison with the Western countries). The economy of Egypt has grown 4,5 times over the thirty years of Hosni Mubarak's rule. Even in Yemen, the GDP increased fast enough "
      The USA was not at all embarrassed by the fact of the financial well-being of these countries. It seems that if they didn’t get it right away and secretly, they would use the favorite measures of establishing a democratic order (no-fly zone, armament of the opposition). The idea of ​​world domination of the United States covers all the rules of international law and all universal values.
      1. Winter
        1 August 2012 09: 08
        In any country, you can find all the dissatisfied, who want to pope, which the United States has been using technically for many years! They do not hide this fact, they study at universities, share their experience ... But when such a "spring" comes to another country, it becomes a revelation for the people.
        1. Atia
          1 August 2012 09: 34
          Quote: Winter
          But when such a "spring" comes to another country, it becomes a revelation for the people.

          And they say that only in Russia they rely on "maybe"!
          1. Sardanapalus
            1 August 2012 11: 24
            Does anyone know - and "maybe" is translated into foreign languages? So that one to one.
            1. +8
              1 August 2012 12: 32
              Quote: Sardanapalus

              Does anyone know - and "maybe" is translated into foreign languages? So that one to one.

              In German maybe at random auf gut glück (for luck) Somewhere so probably.
              1. Crocus
                1 August 2012 15: 49
                I can’t imagine a German who would hope for a chance! For good luck, it hasn’t gone yet, but to chance! stop
                1. Bismarck
                  1 August 2012 22: 27
                  After Stalingrad, except for luck, they have nothing to hope for.
        2. Gemar
          1 August 2012 13: 32
          Quote: Winter
          for the people it becomes a revelation

          Exactly!!! When a roasted rooster pecks at ... They begin to understand who is fighting against them.
          Quote: Winter
          at universities study, share experiences

          And they do not consider this as some kind of evil or deceit ...
          I think this should be learned from the Amer. Indeed, in order to survive, one must learn not only the good, but also the bad.
          1. Crocus
            1 August 2012 15: 52
            Quote: Gamar
            Indeed, in order to survive, one must learn not only the good, but also the bad

            Yes, it’s always worth learning! How did the founder say - study, study and study! And not having studied the rotten experience of the Americans, you can’t go around them on a crooked goat. hi
  2. Goga
    1 August 2012 06: 22
    Now all this "rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrh" youth will have a good opportunity to feel "what they fought for", especially in Libya, where the standard of living was the highest of all the "revolutionary" countries.
    Again, what can we say about the Arabs, what did we do to our country in 1991? Did we have hunger, unemployment, poverty in the USSR? All these "delights" came after the revolutionary reforms. Human foolishness is boundless and no one wants to learn from the mistakes of others, but what is there on strangers - we do not learn from our own: in less than a hundred years, twice (not without the help of "puppeteers" of course) we destroyed our country - in 1917 and 1991. - apparently crazy ... fool
    1. Atia
      1 August 2012 08: 48
      Quote: Gogh
      country - in 1917 and 1991 - apparently with a big mind

      And they did without youth mounds! The main reason for all revolutions is the stupidity of power! The same Gaddafi, he could not even imagine that people in love with him are capable of such a thing! But it was worth introducing. You look and would beat the puppeteers.
      1. Winter
        1 August 2012 09: 11
        Classic - the tops cannot, the lower classes do not want! .. It is difficult to be adequate to the challenges of the time when your brains swam with fat. The further the power from the people, the faster it will come - kirdyk!
        1. Atia
          1 August 2012 09: 42
          Power is first of all responsibility and self-sacrifice for the interests of your country! Of course it sounds pathetic, truly. If there is nothing of the sort, this is a feeding trough, a trough, nobility. And Mubarok with his son is a vivid example of this.
          1. +11
            1 August 2012 11: 09
            Quote: Atia
            Power is first of all responsibility and self-sacrifice for the interests of your country


            "And the phrase I guided you and will answer for everything is right in the throat" (Zhvanetsky)
    2. alexg
      1 August 2012 10: 12
      History teaches that it does not teach anything !!! It does not sound sad.
  3. GG2012
    1 August 2012 07: 07
    In the picture with the underwear, underwear size XXXXX. Wow, starving Arabs!
  4. Vasily79
    1 August 2012 07: 10
    The article is gorgeous. An analysis of the socio-economic status of these countries before and after is presented without a politically biased opinion +++++++. Informativeness +++++++, there is something to ponder what
  5. +5
    1 August 2012 07: 24
    Damn, come on stupid already! Before the 1917th year, too, everything grew and developed, but what's the point? Introduced agents, traitors climbed everywhere. And they banged Russia, because were afraid of such a strong competitor. Dissatisfied can always be found and a revolution can be provoked anywhere. There would be competent developments and the skillful organization of all kinds of secret societies. And this does not occupy the West. In this they are docks since the time of Rome. Ignatius Loyola alone was worth it! People just need to be smarter, and the authorities honestly talk about all, even the most complex things.
    1. Opertak
      1 August 2012 08: 09
      Quote: Magadan
      Introduced agents, traitors climbed everywhere.

      Magadan, if possible, then who were the agents? In whose interests did they act?

      "The main internal causes of the epidemic of Arab revolutions were the overabundance of educated urban youth". - this is the reason for the current reform of higher education in Russia, which the authorities have started. By the way, I wrote earlier that young and overly educated guys also played a powerful role in the collapse of the USSR.
      1. Kaa
        1 August 2012 10: 56
        Quote: OperTak
        in the collapse of the USSR, young and overly educated children played a powerful role.

        As for "unnecessarily", one can argue, but, as they say, "you are looking in the right direction." In 2005, EMNIP, our then-president Yushchenko proudly said that during the years of "independence" the number of students has more than doubled in comparison with Soviet times, and this with a decrease in the population by 7 million. Due to what is the reason for such a leap - "contract soldiers", and for them admission with reduced knowledge requirements, or even with formal ones, and they are expelled for some fantastic "flight" - who in the university will reduce the number of "chickens, laying the golden eggs ". As a result, we have a pseudo-educated graduate with a diploma, but without knowledge and skills (in the overwhelming majority of cases). Further, what specialties are most "in demand" by such applicants - managers, marketers, economists, journalists - "wherever they work, just not to work." As a result, we have an army of young people with excessively high self-esteem and wage requirements that are at odds with the realities of life. So a "protest erectorate" is born - "Get up, gifted with a diploma, the whole world is dissatisfied!" It is enough to give the command "face" - and point in which direction, and we have the driving force of "orange", "velvet", "tulip", "pink" and soon, probably, "blue" revolutions.
        1. Sardanapalus
          1 August 2012 11: 18
          Higher education diploma turned into a flickina letter!
          Do you have a diploma? There is. What can you do? Tyk-pyk, but nothing concrete.
          A bunch of educators - pimple education!
      2. prispek
        1 August 2012 11: 47
        Quote: OperTak
        By the way, I wrote earlier that young and overly educated guys also played a powerful role in the collapse of the USSR.

        Hello Vladimir.
        If I’m not mistaken, you have 2 higher, or 3. Do not you think that you are overly educated? Or is it good for you, but not for others?
        I think that the point is not in the "quantity" of education, but in its quality. The education that modern youth receives has such a disadvantage as the lack of education. That is, knowledge is taught without moral and ethical attitudes. It's like learning karate, but without the restraining rules and restrictions.
        Higher educational institutions in the Arab countries are built either according to the Western type and give the society protesting youth, or on the religious principle and graduate the Islamists. Hence the revolutionary-minded mass. And this is no coincidence. When universities were built in the Arab countries or immigrants from these countries studied in Europe then the foundations of the Arab spring were laid.
        In the USSR, the situation was somewhat different. The elite of the society was infected by consumerism, lost the idea and lost touch with the people. And when the gap between propaganda and reality reached a critical level, then the collapse began.
        With hope for understanding.
        1. +7
          1 August 2012 12: 54
          Quote: prispek
          I think that the point is not in the "quantity" of education, but in its quality. The education that modern youth receives has such a disadvantage as the lack of education. That is, knowledge is taught without moral and ethical attitudes. It's like learning karate, but without the restraining rules and restrictions.

          In my opinion, the following comment will answer many questions about the quantity and quality of Western education

          28.02.2012/12/04 XNUMX:XNUMX from America
          That's what we are looking at here and we can’t see enough of American lack of culture, greed, hypocrisy and, most importantly, envy! In all my life I have not seen so much hatred in people like here! Every day I curse both this country and Gorbachev for the collapse of the Union! We don’t want to leave the house here so that we don’t see these faces! Lord, and in the midst of this filth and hypocrisy, among these cretins, my children will live! Even in the grave I will hate this stinky country! There are no opportunities here - everything needs money. This is not for you the Union where you studied for free, here for every stinky book in college you have to pay through the nose. People can not afford higher education, and therefore their level of animals. Here it’s a privilege to go to the doctor! And if you get to the doctor, he will let you through all the circles of hell to tear off the insurance more! Women in the United States give birth to children at home so as not to jeopardize scum doctors! And this stinking cesspool is not my homeland, it never was and never will be! My Motherland is ruined and ruined by the same America! Just when they realized it was too late ...

          1. Crocus
            1 August 2012 15: 55
            Quote: Ascetic
            And this stinking cesspool is not my homeland, it never was and never will be

            This is how a person must be got! Howling souls!
        2. Opertak
          1 August 2012 17: 00
          Quote: prispek
          I think that the point is not in the "quantity" of education, but in its quality.

          Good afternoon, namesake! :))
          Let me tell you a little secret: It's not about the number of higher educations (I really have 3), and not even about its quality. For "education does not give the mind. Education develops the mind" - JV Stalin. So it definitely did good to me :))

          And I disagree about the "excess of education". Here Kaa is right:
          Quote: Kaa
          As a result, we have an army of youth with exorbitantly high self-esteem, salary requirements that diverge from the realities of life.
          - That’s exactly what I meant when I wrote about excessive education.
      3. +1
        1 August 2012 21: 57
        powerful, but not basic. Everyone knows in this bedlam Gorbachev played and eternal approval. There was no personality and determination in the Emergency Committee, wimps. The real Bolsheviks would defend the USSR and the people would follow him, and not the dog dogs, priests, Chubais, etc.
        1. Opertak
          1 August 2012 22: 32
          There is no main reason - they coincided somewhat at the same time, one humpback would not have done anything.
        2. Kaa
          2 August 2012 00: 54
          Quote: valokordin
          There was no personality and determination in the Emergency Committee, wimps.

          Let me disagree with you. Imagine, the commander sets you a combat mission - "to demolish this wall of the park on ... n. You are doing it, and this states that there was no ... but there was no such thing, you should be tried for damaging state property ... In the first hours at you do not understand, all plans were violated (there were none of our own), and then they come for you ... Here are the motives of the GKChP members.
  6. +10
    1 August 2012 07: 50
    Hello to all.
    Yes, never have the revolutions from below begun. And do not start.
    From below there can only be a riot - ".. senseless and merciless ..".
    "The mutiny cannot end in luck, otherwise its name is different .."
    And, exceptions, I still can’t remember something.
    So are all these .. African-Arab affairs.
    A new generation of democrats came to the State Department, with new techniques. Methods should be checked in real conditions.
    It is necessary to develop options for methods.
    Well, a hedgehog is clear that not in Europe and not in the States.
    What options? Yes, no. Not among the penguins to run.
    And ... it started ... a star ... over the bumps.
    So I see.
    1. Opertak
      1 August 2012 08: 40
      Quote: Igarr
      Well, a hedgehog is clear that not in Europe and not in the States.
      - not sure. I won't say about the states, but the "Arab Spring" will sooner or later take place in Europe. Most likely earlier.
      1. Winter
        1 August 2012 09: 15
        Quote: OperTak
        o "Arab Spring" sooner or later will pass through Europe

        Rather "anti-Arab"! The soil is already ready. As soon as the "violent" ones appear, the "leaders" will appear. Then for sure - a star over the bumps ...
        1. Opertak
          1 August 2012 09: 29
          Quote: Winter
          Rather "anti-Arab"
          - It is unlikely that the European has become frail now, he is sick with tolerance.
          1. +9
            1 August 2012 09: 52
            I agree with both.
            The Europeans will not be touched, but there are quite enough of the same "educated" from Libya, Syria, Maghreb, etc.
            South of France - consider the whole "blackened".
            Italy is silent, but they are transit.
            Spain - I know little. Except tourists.
            Germany ... well, a quarter of ours, the other third are Turks. Wandered to the site - - German site, our say. There are more relatives-friends there than at home.
            And beneath all this, magnificence, sits - purulent appendix - Albania from Kosovo.
            "Cool" terrorists, crazy.
            Who will master whom - the Criminal Code of Germany (which was discussed recently)? Or ... young, but very persistent democrats?
            I, after all - for the Criminal Code of Germany.
            1. Sardanapalus
              1 August 2012 11: 21
              Everything can unfold instantly, in an equal place. As they say - in a quiet pool ... And if you take into account the degree of suggestibility of a Western person, then some cheeky Fuhrer is able to change the mentality overnight!
              1. Crocus
                1 August 2012 15: 58
                One of them has already appeared, they call the breakworm. Now they don’t know what to do with it! If a couple more appears, this will already be a trend.
    2. +7
      1 August 2012 11: 10
      Quote: Igarr
      So I see.

      Igor Vladimirovich, you are not alone
    3. +9
      1 August 2012 13: 21
      Quote: Igarr
      A new generation of democrats came to the State Department, with new techniques. Methods should be checked in real conditions.
      It is necessary to develop options for methods.

      This is just the beginning. We are waiting for the presidency of Romney and getting ready for a big war. Gulf War
      Romney's approach is fundamentally different. He represents that part of American voters who share the classic American Protestant approach, from the point of view of which Israel is a kind of absolute value. And even if there is disagreement between the Israelis and the Americans, for this part of American society, Israel personifies the set of values ​​that underlie American civilization. This is democracy, and the American understanding of human rights, and the values ​​of the Protestant Christian culture, which relate to the historical mission of the Jewish people and the divine essence of the revival of the Jewish state on Jewish land. So, of course, Romney’s approach is more ideologically motivated than Obama’s pragmatically motivated approach.

      Professor political scientist Bar-Ilan University in Jerusalem Zeev Hanin

      "Israel deserves better treatment than the one it received from the White House administration during the Obama administration. You are our true friends and allies who share common values ​​with us. You did not deserve the public flogging from the UN rostrum to the thunderous applause of the hostile states, which you received President Obama, as if Israel is the source of all evil in the region. This will not happen in my presidency!

      M. Romney
      The Maariv newspaper writes that on Monday, July 30, a breakfast was held at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, in which about 50 famous Jewish patrons from the USA. Each of the guests will pay 50 thousand dollars for the opportunity to share a meal with the presidential candidate.
      According to the Maariv newspaper, several dozen American businessmen who will take part in the breakfast arrived in Israel the day before. They were flown to Israel by the personal plane of billionaire Sheldon Edelson, who supports Romney in the upcoming elections.
      So financial masters of the world Apparently, they are preparing the next scumbag for the presidency of their state - the gendarme to unleash a big mess.
      Quote: Igarr
      So I see.
  7. +3
    1 August 2012 08: 02
    And of course, all rebels are helped from the outside.
  8. +3
    1 August 2012 08: 46
    Briefly, the article is commendable.
  9. +5
    1 August 2012 09: 10
    No matter how many educated young people there are, the "external factor" plays the main role. A revolution cannot be arranged without external support. This is not the Middle Ages, where the stakes were picked up and lifted onto the pitchfork. And even then it is rather a riot or uprising.
    Now the revolution is a lot of money, "literate specialists", and weapons.
    The revolutionaries have nowhere to take all this. Therefore, without the participation of a "sponsor", any revolution will be trampled in the bud. in any state.
    An exception may be the case when the army rebels, but this is not a revolution, but a coup d'etat.
    Well, where are the "main sponsors and protectors of the revolution," we know
  10. Barrel
    1 August 2012 09: 16
    The author, what kind of "discontent that has accumulated in the Arab world" are we talking about, if you yourself wrote that everyone was full, dressed, GDP was growing, prices were low, etc.
  11. vladimir64ss
    1 August 2012 10: 09
    Quickly now history began to happen. Rome for a thousand years tried to bend the world under itself, but amers and a hundred did not last.
  12. +6
    1 August 2012 10: 20
    Quote: OperTak
    Magadan, if possible, then who were the agents? In whose interests did they act?

    England... According to Kuprin's memoirs (story - Domes of St. Isaac's Cathedral), the British, in the midst of Yudenich's offensive against St. Petersburg, put cannons without bolts and shells without fuses. The same thing is remembered from Kolchak's entourage, when he almost connected with Denikin. And the British did it, because, according to Margaret Thatcher, said 70 years after 1917, "15 million people should live on the territory of the USSR"

    USA. Since Russia has almost reached the same level of industrial production, but the GDP growth rate was incomparably higher.
    Germany. Since after the Brusilovsky breakthrough, the war abruptly changed its course and the Germans knew how the showdown with the Russians ended.
    Turkey since Russia was going to take Constantinople and return it to the Greeks.
    In short, the very same who also tried to destroy the USSR. What they succeeded in 1991 through their agents.
  13. DNA
    1 August 2012 11: 41
    The people never realize what the consequences of these revolutions may be, because they are promised a great bright future and, as a result, also remain with nothing. In such cases, the effect of the crowd is triggered, the speaker beautifully expresses his thoughts and people listen to him and interest in his exclamations arises and slowly some mass of people begin to believe, and if he believes others are already amenable to this mass according to the principle they believe I’m worse. And in all this, the fault of Western heralds is that they are cutting people down to action.
  14. +2
    1 August 2012 14: 14
    So, in Tunisia, there was a confrontation between the army and special services ...
    In the case of Egypt, the conflict was between the military elite and the grouping of the son of President Gamal Mubarak ...
    In Libya, the conflict between the tribes of Tripolitania and Cyrenaica made itself felt ...
    Meanwhile, Syria and Bahrain managed to avoid an intra-elite conflict, due to which their political regimes have not yet fallen under the onslaught of the “spring” ...

    Arguments are great far-fetched. Excluding external influences.
    What is the "Arab Spring" in Libya? The author is not aware of the months-long foreign invasion?
    What is stability in Bahrain? The author is not aware that the Shiite majority was shot by the Saudi army?
    Expert, damn it am
  15. +1
    1 August 2012 19: 51
    Barrel no offense, the whole article could not be mastered? The author very well laid out everything on the shelves. Yes, not everything is perfect, something is far-fetched, but work and analysis are visible. A dozen articles in this style and it will become very interesting to read that now is a rarity ...
    Basal he is not an expert, but an analyst - if you understand the difference of course. And unlike your simple phrases - he can see a job well done. Re-read the second time, maybe the reaction will change ...
  16. +3
    1 August 2012 19: 55
    And the USSR fell apart! Under Brezhnev, unscrupulous theft began. It was impossible to legalize the stolen - they gave the tower. Especially under Andropov. THEREFORE, a coup was brought about! And immediately, with thieves' money, they began to buy up (privatize) state property!
    1. 0
      1 August 2012 22: 06
      Yes, the KGB unnecessarily turned a blind eye to the actions of the commanders-in-chief, it was necessary to act decisively