What is fascism for a victorious nation?

What is fascism for a victorious nation?

"In the name of life." People's Artist of the RSFSR N. Ya. But

My country,
True on the scarlet banner!
Washed that banner
There are many tears.
By the lights of that truth
Thunders of the Executioners
For baby blood
And for the blood of mothers!

M. Jalil. Barbarism

Instead of joining

This year, the victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War marks 75 years.

The vast majority of countries and peoples of the world was drawn into the whirlpool of that terrible war, the allies of the anti-Hitler coalition were doing a common thing, but each had its own war.

No wonder there is such a stable expression that has often been used very recently: the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people.

What was this war for the peoples of the USSR? Or put the question more precisely: what was fascism for us and what is fascism for us?

Over these seventy five years story and the views on this war were overgrown with myths and legends. Public opinion fluctuates after the social and economic situation in the country.

Even the assessment of victory, the sacrifice in the name of it, is directly proportional to the internal situation in the country. Incredible and scientifically unconfirmed data on the number of deaths in the Second World War are connected with this, and they are growing every decade.

And modern cinema circulates the images and types of our contemporaries, dressed in the uniform and clothing of those years, and not the people of those harsh days.

Victory in World War II was the cornerstone on which the entire policy of our country was built in the postwar years. And it was not an empty slogan or PR campaign.

For the first time in the history of Russia, a security system has developed, de jure after Yalta, de facto after the capture of Berlin by the Red Army, which pushed our borders far to the west of Europe from our main lands. The victory seriously protected the territory of the country from invasion, which was more than once or twice in the history of Russia, when the war began directly from under the border Smolensk.

The Soviet people, at the cost of incredible efforts, restored cities and villages, and indeed the entire national economy, under the conditions of new military pressure from the former ally and the new leader of Western civilization - the United States.

All this was achieved under the leadership of the Bolshevik party - the party of the working people, which was real at that historical moment, which was the real leading force of the society of this period and was not afraid to acknowledge managerial mistakes that are natural for the development of mankind along an unknown path. This is not an agitation (“well, when I got to this paragraph, I stopped reading”), it is a scientific and historical fact.

Lyon Feuchtwanger wrote:

“The Soviet Union is fraught with many unresolved problems. But what Goethe said about the human being can be quite applicable to the state body: “A significant phenomenon always captivates us; knowing its merits, we ignore what seems to us doubtful in him. "

Soviet diplomacy, its head A.A. Gromyko, consistently and systematically built their position on the foundation laid during the victory of the Soviet Union, repeatedly pointing to the former allies the sacrifices made by our country, and achieving permanent diplomatic successes, rather than tweeting on Twitter.

These were the results of this victory.

But what was fascism that was defeated by the Soviet Union, and what does it remain for the descendants of the victors?

What was it for my grandmother, a Cossack, when she fell under the bombing during the evacuation from the Kuban and could not run from the cart to the forest, because her daughter’s legs were taken away and they hugged and prayed under the diving planes of the German fascists? For my grandfather, a communist underground worker, who was shot in the Simferopol Gestapo, for another grandfather, a reconnaissance tanker and a communist who was missing near Kharkov? For my housemates, participants in that war, who, alas, are no longer with us?

What was fascism for and for all of us, living and dead?

Russian civilization: why?

In order to go forward, let us return a little back to the history of our Motherland.

Russia evolved as a typical European state, which it remains to this day, but ...

But, firstly, the Eastern Slavs, like other Slavic peoples, entered the historical path of development much later than, for example, the Germanic tribes. It happens, someone older, someone younger.

Secondly, this path began in more difficult climatic and geographical conditions than other European nations.

Germanic peoples, for example, occupied territories significantly more climatically favorable, in addition mastered by Roman civilization (many modern autobahns in Germany are laid along Roman paved roads). Western countries were formed as a symbiosis of the Latinized population and alien barbarians at a time when the Eastern Slavs created their state in dense forests.

The most important factor in the formation of another European civilization of the Russian people was the borrowing of religion from the Orthodox Roman Empire - Byzantium. Byzantium, the direct heiress of Rome, and the first European civilization of the Early Middle Ages.

The Tatar-Mongol yoke inflicted enormous economic damage on Russian lands for several centuries, but, being external to Russian states on the territory of Eastern Europe, it did not change the European way of development of the country.

Russia was able to get rid of the external control of the Horde, but in a clash with the border countries of Western civilization, the military-technical “backwardness” became apparent, primarily due to the staged backwardness: when Western countries embarked on the path of bourgeois development, feudal relations formed in Russia.

The ingenious Russian Tsar Peter I partially offset the military-technical lag, having carried out the first modernization in Russia. She gave the country an acceleration of a hundred years, ending with a brilliant victory of Russia and the Russian army over the genius-villain Napoleon, and part-time the first "European integrator" of the new capitalist era.

But at the same time the XVIII century, the century of Russian modernization, in the management of the army and industry was a period of development of classical feudalism in Russia. Having such a social structure, the country faced an industrial revolution.

The industrial revolution radically changed the economic status of countries. Germany, consisting of weak, conflicting principalities, turned into a single and powerful economic power.

The same thing happened with the agricultural country, living until then due to the rampant exploitation of the rich resources of North America - the United States. It has become a powerful industrial country.

The last Romanovs, beginning with Nicholas I, unlike their great ancestors, overslept, or rather, "fought" with the revolutions, not noticing industrial revolutions behind them. Like many inept managers, they drove all the problems inward, postponing their solution until later, and in favorable conditions did not carry out the necessary social and economic modernization. As a result, there was a paradoxical situation: in Russia there were many industries (as they say today, “point growth”), many of which occupied a leading position in the world, but the country bypassed the first and second industrial revolution.

And these problems had to be solved by the new modernizers - the Bolsheviks, in extremely tight and constrained historical conditions, and in the face of a much more serious external threat, which, perhaps, has not existed since the time of Charles XII, who sought to turn Russia into a colony.

Tomorrow Was the War

As a result of these historical miscalculations of the last Romanovs on the eve of World War I, Russia was socially a feudal bureaucratic country, and economically a semi-colony of France and Germany.

In a number of articles on VO, we highlighted this situation with scientific argumentation. Let us dwell on the main points.

The First World War was the result of a crisis in the development of Western capitalism, the struggle for markets and raw materials between the capitalist countries of the first and second echelons.

Despite the fact that its armed forces made a significant contribution to the victory of the countries of the first echelon, Russia was the subject and prize of this war. According to the results of the war, the dependence of economically weakened Russia with unresolved social problems would only increase from the victorious countries, be it Germany or France.

Russia did not have independent goals in this war. Being formally autocratic (sovereign), the country was subordinate to external capital, and the goal of capturing the straits reanimated during the war was difficult to achieve even under the conditions of Russia's victory in the Entente. By the way, this idea was especially fostered and defended by Western supporters in Russia, such as P. N. Milyukov (Milyukov-Bosphorus).

It is important that the “whites” quickly perceived the same tendency of Russia's dependence on various external forces, having already begun to “openly trade” the country.

And subsequently a number of leaders of the “white” movement came to Russia in a Nazi wagon train. Thus, once again confirming that the “white” movement was, in fact, a comprador movement that fought for personal privileges and at the expense of the majority of the people, no matter what “Russian folk” and angelic togas they wore.

Another thing is the Second World War (or the Great Patriotic War for our people).

In fact, her reasons were the same. The First World War did not resolve the key contradictions between the capitalist countries, but only postponed their new battle. For the ruling classes, the only way out of the Great Depression was war.

The problem was aggravated by the fact that the working class of these countries, the population of the colonies, no longer wanted to put up with rampant exploitation, which exacerbated the crisis. Moreover, against this background, there was a country with scarce financial and material resources, where the idea of ​​building wealth, not for individual groups, but for the whole people, began to be realized.

World War II and Fascism

The existence of a country that openly challenged Western civilization and its foundations, the inability to solve economic and social problems within the framework of the current model, created a movement that looks similar to social (socialist), but sharply opposed to it - socialism for the elite, or Nazism, or fascism .

Those who, behind the outer shell of parades, rallies, sporting events, special aesthetics, etc., draw direct parallels between the USSR and the fascist countries, consciously or unconsciously pour water on the fascist mill. This is my opinion, but our grandfathers who defeated fascism would say the same.

Not only is this position offensive to the memory of our ancestors, but it is pseudoscientific by definition: socialism (communism) is a social system where the popular ownership of the means of production is the key. Fascism is not a system, but a system of managing society under capitalism, like democracy - one of the forms of management under capitalism. It is not for nothing that even the most presamous democracies constantly have fascist elements of government, let alone the countries of peripheral capitalism.

Historically, fascism in several European countries was temporarily able to smooth out flashy social contradictions at the expense of ethnic groups, brutal suppression of dissent, and then through war and exploitation of the occupied territories.

Therefore, the Italian fascists quickly switched to the path of aggression against countries that were indirectly related to them. And in the program book of the National Socialist Workers Party of Germany it was clearly indicated that the future of the German nation is connected with the colonization and development of spaces in the direction of Eastern Europe. Where exactly was our Motherland.

Thus, for the western camp, the problems of development and exit and the crisis could be solved only at the expense of civilization, which defied the domination of the West.

Therefore, the war in the West, which is a general historical fact, was "strange" and even at first almost knightly, therefore Ford's factories in France, Skoda in Czechoslovakia forged the Nazi victory sword, participating in competitions to overfulfill the plan. From here grow the so-called legs. Swedish socialism: the country worked for the fascist camp and survived in a seriously ruined European economy. This is honestly written by Ingvar Kamprad, the founder of IKEA, whose grandmother was a German:

"And my childish reaction was very predictable: how great it is that Uncle Hitler did so much for his grandmother's relatives, as well as for children and young people."

This is by no means a reproach, it is a statement of fact. The fact that he perspicuously discerned in the nineteenth century. N. Ya. Danilevsky. Europe is a Western civilization, and the struggle between its countries was, is and will be, but there will never be such an intensity in this struggle as with an alien civilization, whether it be the Indians of America or the Slavs of Eastern Europe:

"Therefore, Europe sees in Russia and Slavs not only an alien, but also a hostile beginning ... Proud and justly proud of its merits, Europe is difficult - not to say impossible - to bear this."

I repeat, it is necessary to clearly understand and distinguish between the slogan that has gotten its teeth on edge, “the West is to blame for everything”, which our politicians deftly use to justify their incompetence and historical realities.

Hitler believed in the early 30s, and this was confirmed by the facts (the return of the Ruhr and the seizure of Czechoslovakia, the Anschluss of Austria) that the division of spheres of influence occurred: Germany has the right to independently control Europe, and England controls its colonial empire.

The British ruling elite assumed that the German campaign to the East would secure the colonies of England and satisfy the appetites of German capital at the expense of the USSR, while destroying the civilizational and class opponents, but was by no means ready to give the whole of Europe to the Germans.

The Soviet Union represented itself as a colossus with feet of clay, directly in the style of fascist propaganda, with camps mixed with collective farms, a slaughtered illiterate population, with the Red Army commanders completely destroyed. “To a person of the German spirit who will never become an intellectual”, dealing with this did not present any difficulties.

But the USSR, by the start of the Great Patriotic War, by incredible efforts came out on the second place in the world in economic power. A semi-colonial country has become a powerful independent industrial power. Although the birthmarks of inept management of the previous period left a significant imprint on the structure of society.

The USSR was a state where the creation of a new system was not the work of individual fanatics, but the creative work of the masses, those who defended their labor during the most difficult war in the history of Russian civilization. Factory happy people called TsPKO them. Gorky Herbert Wells, the same can be said about much in the USSR.

What the fascists and their supporters could not understand in their savagery and narrowness, neither then nor now.

The invasion of Germany with satellites and allies on the territory of our country made this war not just a war for the Fatherland, but also the main test for a new system, a war between two civilizations.

For most European countries, except, possibly, the Serbs captured by Germany, this was not the issue, as we wrote above: the occupation regime intensified as the Germans and their allies failed on the eastern front, but were not as hard-bloody as on the territory of the USSR. That bitterness, the unthinkable number of victims of this war among the civilian population is explained only by its civilizational character.

The soldiers of "Uncle Hitler" enthusiastically destroyed the Soviet civilian population.

Therefore, any attempt to somehow justify, albeit indirectly, all those who worked for the occupation regime, and even more so fought alongside them, be it the local administration, the police, the White Guards or the Vlasovites, is an excuse for fascism.

So what is fascism for us today?

Any attempt to interpret history not from the point of view of the victorious Soviet people, but from a different point of view, is most often fascism.

Any attempt to whitewash fascism or Nazism, to find a spoonful of honey in their barrel of shit is fascism.

The desire, with the help of diplomatic maneuvers to not tease the geese and our partners, to hush up and not point out the key role in this war of the Communists, Komsomol members, and the Generalissimo of the Victory IV Stalin, cannot be justified by any current political expediency.

This is what leads to the destruction of the memory of our ancestors, the destruction of their monuments, monuments to the great commander-liberators throughout liberated Europe. Our diplomats are not capable of ideologically opposing anything, they also admit that "leaders who destroyed their people burn in hell twice as bright as those who destroyed a stranger."

There are no options, just as there were no options for the soldiers of the Brest Fortress or Adzhimushkaysky quarries, as well as for Prince Svyatoslav, Evpatiy Kolovrat, Ivan Susanin, Agafon Nikitin, for

“The shame is not known to the dead. If we run, shame will be on us. ”

It is precisely because of this that the descendants of Western "civilizers" allow themselves to write today about the "raping" Red Army. The army, which was probably the first in the history of mankind, waged this war most nobly against the civilian population, especially those countries whose men sowed fear and destruction on the territory of the USSR.

That is why more and more often the USSR, along with Nazi Germany, is accused at the beginning of World War II in Europe, pointing to the notorious Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, or, more precisely, the Non-aggression Treaty between Germany and the Soviet Union of August 23, 1939.

And these statements sound to the victim state, which has been the only consistent opponent of fascism since its inception in Europe. The state, which was defined in the program book of the Nazis as an enemy and the object for the destruction of number one.

The country, aggression against which the “mistress of the seas” and the leader of the capitalist world constantly pushed the Nazis, while defending themselves, signed a non-aggression pact, and, in fact, a postponement pact, became the country guilty of unleashing the Second World War. External compliance with this treaty is issued almost as the transition of the Soviet Union to the fascist camp, although, for example, the USSR was ready to sign a similar treaty with the Kingdom of Yugoslavia on the eve of the German invasion, which, obviously, would stop the German aggression against this country.

This, of course, is the version of those who wanted to direct German aggression immediately to the East, and as a result received the capture of Paris, and today it gives a fascist soul.

It should be clearly remembered that the Soviet Union did not need a war in Europe at all, the country went to a new pace in building the material base for the development of society and people, in contrast to Western countries, especially the fascist bloc, for which war was a matter of survival.

The USSR objectively and consistently fought for peace in Europe, trying to save Czechoslovakia in the face of German aggression and prevent the German army and economy from strengthening due to its resources. The Union understood that England and France, which had given Czechoslovakia to the mercy of Germany, simply contributed to the strengthening of the German army, which, in their opinion, should move to the East.

And today, the Soviet Union in the style of fascist agitation is accused of starting the world massacre.

Yes, the USSR did not pretend to be a dove of peace and did not intend to drag chestnuts out of the fire for England and France, but clearly defended real national interests, therefore, on the eve of the war, it returned illegally torn historical territories and significantly protected Leningrad, which played an important role during the blockade, and destroyed the army of a small but unreasonably aggressive neighbor who would in any case become Hitler's ally. But one does not cancel the other: the USSR was a country that did not need war. And today's accusations of the Soviet Union in starting a world war are, in fact, fascist.

Contrasting the objective reality of that time with the ideology of the kingdom of crooked mirrors, replacing scientific analysis with semi-scientific unartistic conjectures, out of malice or stupidity, this is fascism today.

What would a soldier of the Great Patriotic War say?

Today, seventy-five years after our Victory, one gets the impression that one hundred thousand intellectuals, who were mentioned by SS SS group leader Mueller from “Seventeen Moments of Spring”, came out of hibernation and began to whitewash fascism by discrediting the history of our country, especially its heroic period. And sometimes gracefully correct in the right direction.

Skillfully trying to share the victory in the bloodiest war of Russian history and the Soviet system.

And this is not only about the communist past of our country. Again, as in the 30s of the twentieth century, the question is again raised about the inferiority of our people and their state as a mistake of history - and even in our country itself.

And now even the ruling party in the State Duma is trying to remove the hammer and sickle from the Banner of Victory.

The meaning of the symbols of Victory is being emasculated, the holiday of November 7 has been canceled, without which this victory could not have happened, just as we had no victory in World War I. It was the Revolution that gave our grandfathers what they, for the most part, peasants and workers, fought and died.

When the enemy was near Moscow, on November 7, 1941, no matter what, a parade was held in honor of this Revolution and it was to the Mausoleum of the founder of the state of workers, without which there would not be this victory, Soviet soldiers and officers threw Nazi banners and standards.

The historical continuity in the development of the Russian state, and subsequently in alliance with other fraternal peoples of our country, which, as it seemed then, was forever united by Great Russia, is obvious and undeniable.

Understanding of problems, managerial deadlocks, ways out of them and, most importantly, victories is the most important factor for understanding our history, the key to avoiding mistakes of the past in the present and future.

A. A. Zinoviev, one of the few intellectuals who realized their wild anti-Soviet fallacy, said: they aimed at communism, but ended up in Russia.

Today, fascism (as I have heard from Victory soldiers more than once) is the denigrating of their ideals, of what they fought for.

Not a “debriefing”, not a historical and managerial analysis of problems and victories, but an unfounded lie about millions of dispossessed, total and violent collectivization as a factor in the defeat of agriculture, about the execution of all the best commanders of the Red Army, about treacherous enkavedeshniki, about the dictatorship of the Bolshevik fanatics. All this has already been said and written, and the main propagandist of the Nazis J. Goebbels did it.

He believed this unbridled lie himself, made him believe the soldiers sent to conquer farms with farm laborers on the fat lands of Ukraine and paid for it.

This Goebbels propaganda is repeated today from all crossroads, and is portrayed in films and series.

Then the invaders, warmed up by a wild propaganda lie, faced a staunch, competent, trained by the Soviet authorities soldier who had something to lose.

Everyone was a soldier: Volodya Dubinin, a schoolboy, Oleg Kosheva, a Komsomol member, Musa Jalil, a poet, Alexander Matrosov, a soldier, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, and Vera Voloshina.

And the German soldiers, and not only from the SS, “simply obeyed the order”, a criminal order. The soldier should not think, but follow orders, such as those given by the "great" commander, and part-time bloody executioner, field marshal Erich von Manstein to destroy communists, prisoners and civilians. How fascist it sounds!

The words uttered annually on May 9 in a minute of silence about a soldier who lost relatives in the Stalinist camps turn a Soviet soldier into a slave from modern Hollywood films about Rome and gladiators, or into an abnormal one who fought for insane power and transplanted with for no reason his family and friends.

This phrase from the text about the minute of silence “successfully” continues the conventional expression of the times of perestroika that if the Germans had won, today everyone would have been drinking Bavarian beer and eating Nuremberg sausages. For this, German beer and sausages February 23, 1992 in Moscow, riot police pounded veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

Today’s followers of Goebbels’s propaganda went much further than him: what is the difference between the call to remove the “mummy” from the Mausoleum and the destroyed Lenin’s monuments throughout Ukraine? Nothing. What are the similarities? And there, and here it is just fascism.

And the “Maidan” generation is not genetic Russophobia, it’s the same Russians and Ukrainians who just watched our TV, wherever the movie is, the “Moscow Saga”, the “movie” about the evil enkavedeshniks, the “fines”, the defensive squads, about the zoo and the bastards. They listened to stories about the bloodthirsty Bolsheviks, who completely destroyed the entire gene pool, the terrible collectivization reinforced by the "famine", and the USSR as a branch of hell on planet Earth.

Against this background, Stepan Bandera became a knight in white armor. And why is he worse than Krasnov, Shkuro, Sultan-Girey or Ter-Harutyunyan?

This is fascism today.

For the victorious people, the heirs of the Great Victory, there was no and cannot be compromise on this issue, just as our grandfathers did not have compromises with the fascists.
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  1. +19
    4 May 2020 12: 13
    Correct article, thanks to the author. And then many eyes are already blurred.
    1. +13
      4 May 2020 12: 40
      For me, in whom all my father’s relatives fought, fascism in any incarnation is hated!
      1. +22
        4 May 2020 12: 46
        For me who has all relatives fought, fascism in any manifestation is hated and unacceptable.
        1. +19
          4 May 2020 13: 00
          I support the author!
          Everything he said in that analytical article about fascism - he was told absolutely RIGHT and HONEST!
        2. +12
          4 May 2020 16: 11
          Quote: Crowe
          For me who has all relatives fought, fascism in any manifestation is hated and unacceptable.

          We DO NOT HAVE ANY FAMILY so that no one is affected by the war.
          Another thing is that not everyone wants to remember this.
          Remember, in the "Field of Miracles" invited to the game table: the grandchildren of Maresyev, Vasilievsky and the granddaughter of Pokryshkin. Only she knew who her grandfather was and what was famous for.
          Hence the "Urengoy boys"
      2. 0
        5 May 2020 10: 12
        And if not all the relatives were at war or not at all, would it be different?
    2. +12
      4 May 2020 13: 41
      The article is a big plus for ACTUALITY.
      No counter propaganda taking place today is the result of a lack of ideology.
      The question arises, is there any state-owned media in general?
      That is why the substitution of values ​​is so easy. For "Nature abhors emptiness."
      And an important fact. No matter how people relate to Lenin and the Bolsheviks, he MUST know that since 1945. The Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin is also the Mausoleum of VICTORY.
      1. +4
        4 May 2020 16: 49
        Quote: knn54
        No matter how people relate to Lenin and the Bolsheviks, he MUST know that since 1945. The Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin is also the Mausoleum of VICTORY.
        only our current leadership drapes him in parades on May 9th
    3. +11
      4 May 2020 13: 57
      The author is right - the Soviet people were the winner. And not those who in 1991 ode betrayed this victory.
      1. +4
        4 May 2020 16: 21
        Comrade Civil, let’s clarify: Betrayal Begins Before. At least in 1956, or even earlier. 1991 is just the tip
      2. +5
        4 May 2020 16: 23
        What is fascism for us is the mouse fuss of liberals on the eve of May 9th. And their attempts to tuck, belittle acts of memory on the eve of the Great Holiday.
  2. +4
    4 May 2020 12: 14
    An interesting beginning. What kind of people the winner says the author? Soviet people or some other?
    1. +13
      4 May 2020 12: 20
      Quote: apro
      An interesting beginning. What kind of people the winner says the author? Soviet people or some other?

      So it seems at the beginning of the article ...
      The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people.
  3. +4
    4 May 2020 12: 17
    For me, fascism is the highest fraction of European civilization, like stoactane gasoline, there is nowhere to improve further. Eurocivilization has been going on since the days of the "great geographical discoveries", the destruction of the indigenous population of America, the colonization of Africa, the opium wars in China, these are stages of a long journey. Now the actane number dropped to 76, and then there will be just a shmurdyak.
  4. +4
    4 May 2020 12: 24
    it’s great that Uncle Hitler did so much for his grandmother’s relatives, as well as for children and young people. ”

    And not one he thought so. But the Swedes were just lucky, but not so much to others.
  5. +4
    4 May 2020 12: 40
    Correctly written. All is true.
    For the victorious people, the heirs of the Great Victory, there was no and cannot be compromise on this issue, just as our grandfathers did not have compromises with the fascists.

    1. +1
      5 May 2020 17: 24
      But this is not all true. How long will fascism be confused with National Socialism ?? they fought not against fascism but against Nazism.
  6. +4
    4 May 2020 12: 55
    Unfortunately, civilization begets monsters. And the extermination wars are not over.
    1. 0
      4 May 2020 19: 03
      It remains to hope that a monster will not be born that will unleash a nuclear war. Humanity must have enough brains.
  7. +5
    4 May 2020 13: 00
    The author raised a very relevant and still a sore point, for what and with what our ancestors fought. That's just again, considering all this one-sidedly. To my great regret.
    It is important that the “whites” quickly perceived the same tendency of Russia's dependence on various external forces, having already begun to “openly trade” the country.
    Not all leaders of the "whites" were involved in this, not all
    And subsequently a number of leaders of the “white” movement came to Russia in a Nazi wagon train. Thus, once again confirming that the “white” movement was, in fact, a comprador movement that fought for personal privileges and at the expense of the majority of the people, no matter what “Russian folk” and angelic togas they wore.
    I do not agree, I strongly disagree. The question is, whose name became "the banner of the Russians' struggle against communism" in that war? Which of the former leaders of the "whites"? No, it was a man who was completely from the camp of "red" and next to him, unfortunately, there were enough of the same ...
    It is impossible to equate our Civil War and the Great Patriotic War. From the camp of "whites" there were many people who bravely fought against the Third Reich, with its Nazi ideology, and laid their heads for Russia. And Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin perfectly understood all this. It is enough to see in what form our soldiers began the war, and in what form they ended it, what orders and medals were on their chests ...
    But on account of the fact that we are trying in every possible way to "blur" the symbols of that war, here I agree that this is clearly a purposeful policy, and a state one. Be that as it may, the RED BANNER was developing over the Reichstag, and this should not be forgotten.
    And the bright Victory Day should be unifying for all, without exception, residents of Russia, since only thanks to it we exist ..
    1. +2
      4 May 2020 17: 04
      Sergey, you are absolutely right: the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War are two different things.
      In my opinion, it would be nice if the author or someone else spoke about Vlasov’s inner circle and anti-fascists among the emigrants.
      I remember: Kuzmina-Karavaeva, Vika Obolenskaya, but I don’t know others
      1. +1
        4 May 2020 17: 44
        Hello, Vlad! I do not open your personal request Got a message in the mail [email protected]
      2. +1
        5 May 2020 18: 26
        I remember: Kuzmina-Karavaeva, Vika Obolenskaya ...

        Svyatoslav hi
        That's right - Vera Obolenskaya. "Vicki" is her underground pseudonym in the Resistance
        At the Paris cemetery of Sainte-Genevieve there is a stove - a conditional tombstone of Princess Vera Apollonovna Obolenskaya, over which a cenotaph is installed, but its dust is not there. This is the place of her commemoration, in which there are always fresh flowers.

        That's how she was in life

        Several years ago on VO was not a bad article by Yu. Vinogin "Russian heroes of the French resistance"
        link: https://topwar.ru/90674-russkie-geroi-francuzskogo-soprotivleniya.html
        PS... According to the will of General Zinovy ​​Peshkov, about whom there was an article recently, he was buried at the foot of the cenotaph of VA Obolenskaya as a sign of "immense respect for her and her feat."
    2. +3
      4 May 2020 17: 04
      Quote: svp67
      From the camp of "whites" there were many people who bravely fought against the Third Reich, with its Nazi ideology, and laid their heads for Russia.
      You can somehow reveal the topic. I have not heard about the white formations in the Red Army, but yes, in the German army, the Cossacks fielded a whole SS corps (from 2 divisions and brigades, 30 thousand). And there was also the Russian Security Corps of Baron Steifon (12 thousand), the Volunteer Regiment of the SS "Varyag" Semenov (2.5 thousand), etc.
      Quote: svp67
      what orders and medals were on their chest ...
      What kind? St. George's Crosses ?!
      By the way, Denikin, beloved by many here, left France after the victory of the USSR, leaving for the USA, fearing that he would be extradited with other white emigrants, although Stalin did not raise this question.
      1. +1
        4 May 2020 17: 47
        Quote: Stirbjorn
        here in the German wow, yes, the Cossacks put up a whole SS corps (from 2 divisions and brigades, 30 thousand

        And they were all "white"?
        You carefully read the history of these formations
        One of the first in the Wehrmacht appeared Cossack unit under the command of Ivan Kononov. On August 22, 1941, the commander of the 436th regiment of the 155th Infantry Division, Major of the Red Army, Kononov I.N. built personnel, announced his decision to move to the enemy, and invited everyone to join him. So Kononov, officers of his headquarters and several dozen Red Army regiments were captured.
        In the fall of 1941, the counterintelligence officer of the 18th Reich Army, Baron von Kleist, made a proposal to form Cossack units that would fight the red partisans. On October 6, the Quartermaster General of the General Staff, Lieutenant General E. Wagner, having studied his proposal, allowed the commander of the rear areas of Army Groups North, Center and South to form Cossack units from prisoners of war to use them in the fight against the partisans.
        In total, according to experts, about 70 Cossacks served in the Wehrmacht, parts of the Waffen-SS and in the auxiliary police during the years of World War II, most of which are former Soviet citizens who sided with Germany during the occupation.

        Something like this
        Quote: Stirbjorn
        What kind? St. George's Crosses ?!

        Including them, they were also allowed to wear them. Didn’t you know?

        And so the orders of Suvorov, Nevsky, the Ushakov and Nakhimov medals appeared ...
        1. +2
          4 May 2020 19: 04
          Quote: svp67
          And they were all "white"?
          You carefully read the history of these formations
          So I read. Is it not enough? I’ll also tell you the white emigres who fought on the side of Hitler — Turkul, the former Drozodvets, Smyslovsky — who escaped extradition. And here is where the white ones are, as you put it above.
          Quote: svp67
          boldly fought against the Third Reich, with its Nazi ideology and laid their heads for Russia.
          Who are the rest white except Denikin
          Including them, they were also allowed to wear them. Didn’t you know?
          I talked about awarding, do not distort.
          1. 0
            4 May 2020 19: 23
            Quote: Stirbjorn
            Who are the rest white except Denikin

            In May, after the German attack on France, the 250th Russian community of the country put up to 20 soldiers. Moreover, many could sit quietly at home and not endanger their lives. As N. Vyrubov wrote, “they were guided by a sense of duty towards France, a common fate with those people among whom we found ourselves.”

            June 22, 1941 the son of the famous emigrant writer Vadim Andreev, "from now on, fascism is my hated and absolute enemy." Many of the emigrants, going into a dangerous struggle, were guided by the motto: “Not red, not white, but Russian!”. In turn, the white emigrants of Nice turned to the representatives of the USSR with such a petition: “We deeply mourned that at the time of the treacherous attack of Germany on our homeland we were physically deprived of the opportunity to be in the ranks of the valiant Red Army. But we helped our homeland work underground. And we, patriots, were not broken not by the dungeons of the Vichy government, nor by the murder of our people by the Gestapo. With heart, soul and sacrifice we will always be with our people. With delight, with amazement and pride, we watched his struggle, in which the heroic Red Army and its leader Stalin covered themselves with immortal glory - they were the first to inflict a crushing blow to the enemy ... It became clear that there was only one way: to unite and merge with the Motherland. And that means that there is one duty to her: to give all her strength to rebuild the Motherland and to do her proper service. And these words reflected the motives of those who fought against the common enemy away from their native land. "

            There are many examples of German resistance and Russian support by white emigration.
            Among the “defenders” there were many other white emigrants. Among them are the former ministers of the tsarist and White Guard governments, V.A. Maklakov and I.I. Sukin, as well as Admiral M.A. Kedrov, who commanded the Wrangel fleet in 1920.
            According to the latter, “the Germans failed to entrain our emigration - only a few went after them, naively dreaming that, having conquered Russia for themselves and preparing the Russian people for the role of fertilizer for the“ great German people, ”they would return the lost estates to them. anti-Hitler propaganda Denikin actively helped a number of associates. Among them is Colonel Peter Koltyshev (1894-1988), a former senior assistant to the chief of the operational department of the headquarters of the Volunteer Army. His former commander, Lieutenant General Pyotr Makhrov (1876-1964), the former Quartermaster General of the All-Union Socialist League Headquarters, was also on defensive positions. He wrote: “The day the Germans declared war on Russia, June 22, 1941, had such an effect on my whole being that I sent a letter to [the Soviet ambassador in France] Bogomolov asking him to send me to Russia to be enlisted, at least as an ordinary "

            Here you can write an entire article about this, but this is prohibited by the rules.
            Yes and more. At the time of the German attack on Yugoslavia in 1941, the Russian pilots also defended the sky, one of them - Alexei Murzin, died that day, the first to shoot down several German planes
            1. +2
              4 May 2020 21: 25
              Quote: svp67
              In May, after the German attack on France, the 250th Russian community of the country put up to 20 soldiers. Moreover, many could sit quietly at home and not endanger their lives. As N. Vyrubov wrote, “they were guided by a sense of duty towards France, a common fate with those people among whom we found ourselves.”

              Well, they defended France, not the USSR. There, by the way, there was a mobilization, so I don't know how they could "sit comfortably at home." The same is about Yugoslavia. You still remember the White emigres who supported the Franco regime, against the republic. I do not argue that a certain number of emigrants transferred funds to the Russian Red Cross, but this is all humanitarian aid. The combat units were put up by those who fought on the side of the Germans, and Franco. But there were Polish, Czechoslovakian, French units that fought in the ranks of the anti-Hitler coalition, as separate units, both in the ranks of the Allies and in the Red Army. Normal emigrants returned to their homeland in general, the same Vertinsky, who toured at the front after his return. And your generals only wrote letters.
              1. 0
                5 May 2020 04: 06
                Quote: Stirbjorn
                Well, they defended France, not the USSR
                Under the slogan: ““ Not red, not white, but Russian! ”Some of them offered their services to our intelligence and, working in the administration of the Vichy regime, supplied information about both the Germans and the French
        2. -1
          5 May 2020 12: 17
          Quote: svp67
          And so the orders of Suvorov, Nevsky, the Ushakov and Nakhimov medals appeared ...
          At the same time, I do not remember a single order of the Second World War, the name of a civilian hero. The policy of Stalin, which many populists here praise in words and act in exactly the opposite direction.
  8. lot
    4 May 2020 13: 08
    National Socialism is probably meant. or implied that these are synonyms.
  9. 9PA
    4 May 2020 13: 11
    How much can one overflow this victory, the USSR, the holy revolution, the hanged priests. Everything is clear and without Mikhalkov, without M. Kalashnikov, Prokhanov, Svanidze. We were shod like pygmies, for trinkets (vouchers) they took gold (Soviet property). All this is understandable. It is clear that they will not let us stand. To do what?? To brand guards ?. Here you are, we don’t forget anything. And then the point. Better to be built in the West
    1. 0
      4 May 2020 14: 05
      Here, too, I am inclined to this opinion. There will be no socialist revolution in Russia in the foreseeable future. Everything burned out over the 19-20 century. If a society ripens, then no sooner than in a few generations, and the end to capitalism is coming now. So you need to keep your nose upwind and not slap the new International.
      How not to remain in the future the only bourgeois country with feudal systems, surrounded by a hostile socialist "camp". )) It would be funny, insulting and, as Nikita Segreevich likes to say, "ironic ..."
      1. +1
        5 May 2020 12: 40
        Quote from vvnab
        you need to keep your nose in the wind and not slap
        Your status in VK! Guessed?
    2. +4
      4 May 2020 16: 45
      On on on on figs embed in the West! Better let the West integrate into Russia! I do not want to integrate into the West! There is one shit! Even the coronavirus was delivered from there!
  10. +10
    4 May 2020 13: 23
    The author said everything well, but ... But in Russia, people in power hate everything Soviet. However, these same people privatized the victory of the Soviet people over fascism.
    And now the ambiguity of the situation. Officially, the state is allegedly proud of the victory of their ancestors, but who erects a monument to Krasnov, hangs a board to Mannerheim, removes the bastards? Why not seriously ask those who spit in the memory of our ancestors? What about the monument to Konev? Yes, do not care, it’s better to build a superparad or build a temple.
  11. -11
    4 May 2020 13: 27
    In general, yes, but there are nuances. I won’t talk about them. But Ulyanov (Lenin), according to his request, should be buried next to his mother.
    1. +1
      4 May 2020 15: 18
      But the Mausoleum as a monument in any case should be preserved.
    2. +5
      4 May 2020 16: 48
      To bury Lenin? What about Mao in China? Why does Mao not interfere with China? Does Lenin mean 30 years for us not to rise?
  12. +1
    4 May 2020 14: 03
    Zillions - you. We - the darkness and darkness and darkness.
    Try, fight with us!
    Yes, we are Scythians! Yes, Asians - we,
    With slanted and greedy eyes!

    Asia, there are very few from Europe, I don’t remember who said Russia is European words and Asian actions. Well, minus this)
  13. +6
    4 May 2020 14: 11
    And that's right, from beginning to end ... Do not kill, do not add ... The only thing they reproach us for, you did not come out with your ideals to defend the state, neither the party, nor the army, then at 90 m, it’s true, specifically of those who say neither the date nor the event stipulates. Either when the EBN became president of the RSFSR, or when the RSFSR, sovereignty proclaimed, or when most citizens of the USSR voted in a referendum to preserve the USSR ...
    1. +3
      4 May 2020 16: 57
      There is another question: what will happen tomorrow? Many will defend Putin tomorrow? So of course Putin has done well! Russia lifted from its knees! But still! All as one to defend Putin or everyone will go into self-defense? Everything is self-sufficient. Self-employed, self-healing, self-sufficient pensioner. If we have everything by ourselves, then why do we need Putin? Is funny No? And who raised such a question? They did not come to the defense of the USSR !? Let's apply this to modern realities! Who will defend Putin? Do you need to protect him? Does the situation not seem similar to Foros Gorbachev? Putin on self-isolation? But what if?
      1. +2
        4 May 2020 17: 23
        Rosguard)) will be released)
      2. +3
        4 May 2020 19: 30
        Putin is great! Russia lifted from its knees!
        ... You know, when I read or hear such a phrase, I always ask myself the question from whose knees I raised ...? smile
      3. 0
        4 May 2020 19: 32
        "who will come out to defend Putin," and who or what is threatening him? Sometimes you need protection from V.V.
        I do not see Faros. So let him think whether or not Faros is
    2. +2
      4 May 2020 19: 51
      Sailboat, you will not deny that the CPSU of the Gorbachev period, perhaps long before him, only conditionally relates to the RCP (b) Lenin?
      If the Cheka, led by Dzerzhinsky, really fought the external and internal enemies of the revolution, the KGB Kryuchkov, knowingly or not, but did not see CHANGE
  14. +4
    4 May 2020 14: 36
    Attitude to fascism is hatred, to all the enemies of my country, internal and external - only hatred, forgiveness will never be. The current capital-oligarchic system in Russia is the same liberal fascism of the ruling elite in relation to the peoples of our country, aimed at destroying the population and plundering the bowels of the earth for the sake of international capital.
  15. +2
    4 May 2020 14: 44
    But what, the author does not know that the Germans were Nazis and the Italians were fascists? Although they have some common features, nevertheless they are different concepts. How can these concepts be combined? The author is incompetent.
    1. kpd
      4 May 2020 15: 01
      Moreover, it was the British and Americans who defeated the fascists, the Soviet troops did not enter Italy.
    2. Fat
      4 May 2020 15: 43
      Quote: Guardian Angel
      But what, the author does not know that the Germans were Nazis and the Italians were fascists? Although they have some common features, nevertheless they are different concepts. How can these concepts be combined? The author is incompetent.

      Many parties in the heat of discussion call each other "fascist". It can be seen even from the comments. Try it, give a clear definition of fascism ...
      National Socialism (German: Nationalsozialismus), better known as Nazism, is the official political ideology in Nazi Germany [, which is a form of fascism with elements of racism and anti-Semitism. This is the version of the definition of Nazism that has not been refuted by anyone.
      And it complies with the UN General Assembly Resolution No. 67/154 "Heroization of Nazism: the inadmissibility of certain types of practices that contribute to the escalation of modern forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance" (only representatives of the United States, Ukraine and Canada voted "against" at 115 "for" the resolution, 55 "abstained" from 193 countries, members of the UN)
      It seems you have something that went wrong with competence.
      1. 0
        4 May 2020 18: 55
        Well, I don’t argue, even Hitler himself admitted that he took some of the ideas from fascism inspired by him, but also from other extreme movements, but Mussolini, the author of fascism, reacted negatively to National Socialism. Therefore, I consider the main and main difference between Nazism and fascism - their main idea! In Nazism, this is the nation above all (where racial theory is at the forefront), and fascism is the state above all and this is what separates them, because some destroyed entire nations, considering them to be the downward race, while others were more loyal to nationalities. And they equated them in the resolution in order to form an equally negative attitude to these ideologies, since they are equally totalitarian and contradict the principles of democracy. But still, whatever one may say, the Germans were Nazis, and the Italians fascists.
        1. 0
          5 May 2020 03: 04
          Quote: Guardian Angel
          the state is above all, and this is what separates them, because some destroyed entire nations, considering them to be a downward race, while others were more loyal to nationalities

          You are not quite right.

          Hitler’s regime was And fascist And Nazi, how can one be, for example, And, I don’t know, a driver, And a killer. That is, you can combine this, but in general these are different activities.

          Quote: Guardian Angel
          to form an equally negative attitude towards these ideologies, since they are equally totalitarian and contradict the principles of democracy

          Fascism is absolutely not a totalitarian ideology, and its attitude towards democracy is quite flexible. The fascists did not always seek to eliminate, for example, municipal authority. How it is actually eliminated in guess which country.
          Quote: Guardian Angel
          equated them in a resolution to

          Without a goal.

          In the resolution, fascism (more precisely, neo-fascism and fascism) is mentioned twice, in points 1 and 16 (there are 37 of them):
          reaffirms the relevant provisions of Durban
          declaration and outcome document of the Durban Review Conference
          process in which states condemned conservation and rebirth
          neo-Nazism, neo-fascism and aggressive nationalist ideologies,
          based on racial and national prejudice, and stated that these
          phenomena can never be justified - in no case and
          under what circumstances;

          emphasizes the presentation by the Special Rapporteur
          The General Assembly at its sixty-fourth session recommends that
          which he noted the importance of dramatic history lessons
          events and human suffering resulting from becoming
          ideologies of Nazism and fascism

          At the same time, the resolution itself is devoted entirely to racism, which the majority of GA members understand exclusively in the anti-colonialist vein.

          Accordingly, the only thing that we can state on this document is that the UN secretariat has enchanted trash that shoves into the UNGA documents terms that have nothing to do with the essence of the issue, taking advantage of the unconditional fact that the majority of GA members are cannibals who can’t read, and those who can only fight the colonial past, and the rest are European professional bastards, in whom Israel was and remains the main example of a fascist state.

          Considering who’s mother is the main fighter against fascism in the world, it’s quite easy to make an assumption whose mercenary or disinterested sympathizers have tried to do such a favor to Russian propaganda. After the 14th year, they would most likely have been caught, but in the 12th they managed not to attract attention.
      2. +2
        5 May 2020 03: 24
        Quote: Thick
        National Socialism (German: Nationalsozialismus), better known as Nazism, is the official political ideology in Nazi Germany [, which is a form of fascism with elements of racism and anti-Semitism. This is the version of the definition of Nazism that has not been refuted by anyone.

        Oh, that Russian Wikipedia. But, it should be noted, the same in English Wikipedia, which is extremely regrettable.

        But in German - no.
        Der Nationalsozialismus ist eine radikal antisemitische, rassistische, nationalistische (chauvinistische), völkische, sozialdarwinistische, antikommunistische, antiliberale und antidemokratische Ideologie

        And separately
        In marxistischen Faschismustheorien wird der Nationalsozialismus als Form des Faschismus eingestuft.

        Nach 1945 wurde der Nationalsozialismus besonders in den USA und der früheren Bundesrepublik Deutschland als Totalitarismus bezeichnet und unter diesem Oberbegriff mit der Ideologie und dem Herrschaftssystem des Stalinism parallelism

        Sorry for the Google translation.
        The Nazi is radically anti-Semitic, racial, nationalist (chauvinistic), ethnic, social, anti-communist, anti-liberal and anti-democratic ideology.

        Marxist interpretation represents Nazism as a form of fascism. The non-Marxist interpretation, which is close to the official in the FRG and in the generalized countries of the West, represents Nazism as a form totalitarianismsimilarly Stalinism. Hello from Hannah Arendt, receive, sign.
        1. Fat
          5 May 2020 07: 24
          Quote: Octopus
          The non-Marxist interpretation, which is close to the official in the FRG and in the generalized countries of the West, presents Nazism as a form of totalitarianism, similar to Stalinism. Hello from Hannah Arendt, receive, sign.

          Fascism is the dictatorship of the nationalists. Accordingly, a fascist is a person who professes (and preaches) the superiority of one nation over others and at the same time is an active champion of the “iron hand”, “discipline-order”, “hedgehog gloves” and other delights of totalitarianism.
          And that’s it. There is nothing more at the basis of fascism. Dictatorship plus nationalism. Totalitarian rule of one nation. And everything else - secret police, camps, bonfires from books, war - sprouts from this poisonous grain, like death from a cancer cell.
          An iron dictatorship with all its grave charms is possible, say the Stroessner dictatorship in Paraguay or the Stalin dictatorship in the USSR, but since the total idea of ​​this dictatorship is not a national (racial) idea, it is no longer fascism. Perhaps a state based on a national idea, say Israel, but if there is no dictatorship (“iron hand”, suppression of democratic freedoms, sovereignty of the secret police), this is no longer fascism.

          This is "hello" from Boris Strugatsky
          1. +1
            5 May 2020 10: 26
            Quote: Thick
            This is "hello" from Boris Strugatsky

            Firstly, it is easy to see that I wrote about Nazism, and not about fascism. Nazism differs from fascism in that Nazism is concrete, and fascism is any right or pseudo-right garbage that we don’t like, from Pinochet to AfD with Zhirinovsky.
            Boris Natanovich, co-author of works in the genre of science fiction tales? I read it, fun.

            Unfortunately, he liked to talk publicly on topics in which he did not understand anything, especially towards old age.
            Quote: Thick
            a man who professes (and preaches) the superiority of one nation over others

            Already this definition alone gives out in Boris Natanovich a deeply Soviet man, whom he has been all his life. This is neither good nor bad (well, not fatally bad), but Sovietism suggests a certain conceptual matrix. In which, for example, any nationalism is acceptable except Russian.
            1. Fat
              5 May 2020 16: 41
              Quote: Octopus
              Nazism differs from fascism in that Nazism is concrete, and fascism is any right or pseudo-right garbage that we don’t like, from Pinochet to AfD with Zhirinovsky.

              Fascism was defined by the Russian Academy of Sciences. This definition is the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation
              Fascism is an ideology and practice that affirms the superiority and exclusivity of a particular nation or race and aims to incite ethnic intolerance, justify discrimination against members of other peoples, deny democracy, establish a cult of the leader, use violence and terror to suppress political opponents and any form of dissent, justification of war as a means of solving interstate problems.

              Fascism cannot be defined as an "extreme right" or "extreme left" trend of ideology. Its roots are there and there. An example is just National Socialism NSDAP. And the Pol Pot regime.
              Trotsky's attempt to designate fascism as "right-wing":
              The historical function of fascism consists in smashing the working class, destroying its organizations and suppressing political freedoms when the capitalists are unable to govern and dominate through the democratic mechanism.

              Echoes your interpretation.
              Interestingly, the surviving fascist regimes dissociated themselves from Nazism only in 1945. When the Nazi reptile was already crushed.
              1. +1
                5 May 2020 17: 11
                Quote: Thick
                Fascism was defined by the Russian Academy of Sciences. This definition is the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation

                Old n Elderly homosexuals fit into the Yeltsin’s showdown with Makashov-Barkashov for chekuska or some small price list.
                Quote: Thick
                Echoes your interpretation.

                My interpretation is that the term "fascism" is conventionally used by the left for absolutely any reason. This is partly why I do not consider Frau Merkel to be either right-wing, not even a central woman. She has such a manner
                Which, by the way, does not exclude the accusations of Merkel herself of fascism on the part of already complete adherents like the "green" Trotskyists with Kon-Bendit, or socialist internationalists, friends of aggressively progressive Arab youth, the charming Katie Kipping.
                Quote: Thick
                Pol Pot mode.

                Oh, the fascist Pol Pot from the Sorbonne arrived. Fascist Stalin is much closer than you think.
                Quote: Thick
                Fascism cannot be defined as "extreme right" or "extreme left"

                Fascism cannot be defined, because it is an extremely complex movement ... That's why some define it in one way, others in the exact opposite. Some stick a label of the left movement to it, others - of the right.

    3. +7
      4 May 2020 15: 52
      Have you heard the song "Get up, huge country", its author is also not competent:
      With fascist power dark, with the damned Horde!
      And the Horde is only the Mongol Tatars, and not the Nazis)
      Do not write banalities.
      1. +4
        4 May 2020 18: 26
        Hm. Until the end of the article, it seemed that I was in the wonderful world of Mr. Samsonov.
        Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
        Have you heard the song "Get up, huge country", its author is also not competent:
        With fascist power dark, with the damned Horde!

        You are certainly right. Comrade Lebedev-Kumach (like Comrade Erenburg, and many others) struggled in general anyway with anything, if only in rhyme.
        In the magazine "Everyday Morzist's Activities", Lyapis was welcomed hospitably.

        - It's good that you came, Trubetskoy. We just need poetry. Only life, life, life. No lyrics. Do you hear Trubetskoy? Anything from the life of the laborers and, at the same time, do you understand? ..

        - Yesterday, I was just thinking about the life of potlawers. And I have spilled such a poem. It is called the "Last Letter." Here ...

        Served Gabriel postman
        Gavril carried letters ...

        The story of Gavril was concluded in seventy-two lines. At the end of the poem, the letter-bearer Gabriel, struck by a bullet fasciststill delivers a letter to.

        “Where did the thing happen?” - asked Lyapis.

        The question was legal. There are no fascists in the USSR, and Gavril and members of the communications workers union are not abroad.

        - What's the matter? - said Lyapis. - The matter is happening, of course, with us, and the fascist is dressed up.

        - You know, Trubetskoy, write better to us about the radio station.

        “Why don't you want a postman?”

        - Let it lie down. We take it conditionally.

        However, I find it very sad that the events of the 40s, tragic for many, are still used for cheap speculation on any topic.

        It should be remembered.

        1. After the cooling of Soviet-German relations in June of the 41st year, the Party and the Government began to fight hitlerism. This term was already rocked by Great Britain and allowed it not to spoil relations with Italy in vain (in the first year of the war, when Italy was neutral), and even more so with Spain.

        2. After the war, at a trial in Nuremberg, it was decided to criminalize the ideology of German National Socialism (nazism). It is the term "Nazism" that is used in official documents when it comes to something bad.

        Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Article 354.1. Rehabilitation nazism

        3. For internal use, both in print and in official documents, appeared fascist invaders... The second part of this expression already then lost all meaning, and over time it became an ordinary abuse, not talking about anything except the bad upbringing of the one who pronounced this word. It is in this sense that the author inserts the word "fascist" either to the countryside or to the city all the time, and absolutely anything can be called "fascist" in this sense. Fascist Zelensky and fascist Nitanyahu, fascists in Russia1 and fascists in "Echo", a fascist neighbor and a fascist chief, a fascist pension and a fascist polyclinic.
    4. +3
      4 May 2020 16: 32
      In such party subtleties, the distinction between fascism and national socialism has never been bothered by anyone. During the war, the Nazi forces were called fascist, although this did not correspond to their party affiliation. It was also believed that the Gestapo acted against the underground and partisans in the occupied territory of the USSR, although the punitive structure of the Gestapo (geheim stat polizei - secret state police) acted only in Germany. Other structures of the Reich worked against partisans and underground workers.
    5. 0
      4 May 2020 18: 53
      Quote: Guardian Angel
      But what, the author does not know that the Germans were Nazis and the Italians were fascists? Although they have some common features, nevertheless they are different concepts. How can these concepts be combined? The author is incompetent.

      That the fascists of Mussolini, that Hitler is ALL EVIL
  16. 0
    4 May 2020 15: 14
    Quote: Guardian Angel
    But what, the author does not know that the Germans were Nazis and the Italians were fascists? Although they have some common features, nevertheless they are different concepts. How can these concepts be combined? The author is incompetent.

    So Yes. Hitler was not a fascist. Yes, and Ernst Rem too. In Germany itself, the activities of parties other than the NSDAP were banned. Here the author apparently means Italy together with Mussolini
  17. +1
    4 May 2020 15: 44
    I subscribe to every word of the article !!!!!!!!! THANKS, COMRADE VASCHENKO!
  18. +4
    4 May 2020 15: 52
    The article is correct, although I did not understand this line
    I repeat, it is necessary to clearly understand and distinguish between the slogan that has gotten its teeth on edge, “the West is to blame for everything”, which our politicians deftly use to justify their incompetence and historical realities.
    And I am not surprised at the rise of "fascist foam" today. It was the "West", its political, financial and industrial elite, who nurtured fascism in the 30s of the last century. Almost all of Europe fought on the side of the Nazis, throughout the entire 2nd WW and after its end. It was the "West" that sponsored the accomplices of the fascists in the Baltics, in the Ukraine, supported the Franco regime, black colonels in Greece, fascist regimes in South America, and gave birth to ISIS. It is the "West" that today encourages its new heirs in the post-Soviet space, both in Ukraine and the Baltic states.
    1. 0
      6 May 2020 15: 28
      now the term "west" is used in any scenario, it becomes bad form, and even if you are right, as you wrote above, then this is already in doubt, since, as I wrote, politicians deliberately bring all their inability to manage to the "west" and everything gets in the way of people: that's why I emphasize or try to emphasize the difference between the real actions of Western civilization (and its dulling) and an attempt under the "west" to hide the inability and unprofessionalism of management: like a skew-handed governor or a swindler, he immediately shouts: the west is to blame
      1. 0
        6 May 2020 16: 36
        Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
        now the term "west" is used in any scenario, it becomes bad form
        Edward, I don’t argue, the feedback just works. Why? Yes, because it was the "West" that taught us to this. Today the word "Russia", in the Western media, is broadcast exclusively as a worldwide evil. For us, "West" is not a side of the world. We remember, as there and earlier, we were called only as a country - uncouth, half-savage, barbaric, illiterate and without culture. Although, many labels glued to us then, especially in the 12-14 century, were just inherent in Europe itself.
  19. +2
    4 May 2020 17: 07
    Wonderful article. Simple and clear declared the inadmissibility of a comparison of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.
    1. +2
      4 May 2020 18: 30
      Quote: Irina M
      Simple and clear declared the inadmissibility of a comparison of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.

      You see. People who compare (or rather, put on a par) the Hitler and Stalin regimes (as the European Parliament, in particular, does) are indifferent to this and similar statements.
  20. +1
    4 May 2020 18: 47
    Edward, you surprised me: I thought at once, Samsonov. This is not about that.
    In general, I agree with you, but for me fascism is the power of darkness, and darkness fights against light. The battle of Light and Good against darkness. On the side of Light and Good, the Lenin Party and all those who are not indifferent to the concept of Good and Justice, but on the side of darkness Hitler and NSDAP, and all who are in pain from the Light.
    This is the eternal struggle of GOOD and EVIL, and the struggle was universal in scope. Before the end of WWII, and Soviet soldiers still had to fight with Japan. Not everyone knew about the Soviet Union and the Leninist party. The capitalists were not interested in educating the population, and after WWII about the Soviet Union, UZ HAS ALL THE WORLD. So I perceive fascism and the victory over fascism.
  21. +2
    4 May 2020 19: 22
    "But what was fascism, which was defeated by the Soviet Union, and what does it remain for the descendants of the victors?"
    Auto RU. Find on "VO" the comments "Sniper-Amateur (My nickname is Ship))", a young girl, a man without childhood and with a broken psyche. She is also a descendant.
    I’m vaccinated against fascism, and I constantly vaccinate children and granddaughters. Articles-slogans will not help here.
    If only the state would help.
  22. +2
    4 May 2020 19: 54
    Quote: Sergej1972
    But the Mausoleum as a monument in any case should be preserved.

    Agree with you. In any case, the mausoleum must be preserved.
  23. +1
    5 May 2020 04: 06
    When a nation is placed above the law and human rights, this is Nazism
  24. +2
    5 May 2020 08: 12
    For me, fascism is any anti-Sovietism. Not criticism of the mistakes of the USSR and the communists - namely, anti-Sovietism. The Russians and other peoples of the USSR knocked Nazism out of Germany with a red-hot club. But today - fascism in the world and Russia is raising its head - I generally keep quiet about Ukraine, in the Russian Federation - all sorts of "Zuleikhs", "Kalashnikovs" and other opuses, which I cannot describe the animal hatred of the USSR with censorship words.
    In Irkutsk - a monument to war criminal Kolchak. The deportation of Russian militias and anti-fascists - Elena Boyko, Eugene Shcherbak. Systematic Putin pouring mud on the USSR — all this for me is modern fascism.
  25. +1
    5 May 2020 10: 23
    Quote: Guardian Angel
    But what, the author does not know that the Germans were Nazis and the Italians were fascists?

    Who and who was and when he appeared, the author is really "not in the know." "The existence of a country that openly challenged Western civilization and its foundations, the impossibility of solving economic and social problems within the framework of the current model, created a movement that outwardly resembles social (socialist), but sharply opposes it - socialism for the elite, or Nazism, or fascism."
    Dear author, Nazism appeared at least thirty years before the USSR appeared in Germany and Austria-Hungary.
    I don’t know, consciously or not, dear author, but in the article, history as a story has faded into the background and in the background, and history has come to the fore as a propaganda tool.
    Any attempt to interpret history not from the point of view of the victorious Soviet people, but from a different point of view, is most often fascism.
    An exclusively propaganda message, an appeal to the feelings of people. "Fascists", "Nazis", "SS men", "Inhumans", "Fascism", "Nazism" - the use of these discourses in propaganda has become so widespread that the audience, especially the post-Soviet, has already lost the original meaning of these concepts, not to mention understanding the subtleties in the differences between National Socialism and Fascism. "The eye is covered with dust", as written above in the comments. Now the "fascists" are all dissenters. It doesn't matter with what and with whom. I disagree - "fascist", an excellent point of view - "fascist".
    Dear author. The use of such a large-scale tragedy as the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people against Nazi Germany and its European allies for propaganda purposes, turning it into an arena of political battles, causes irreparable harm to historical memory. So history cannot be protected from falsifications by declaring all those who have a "different point of view" fascists. This is just water for the mill for those who would like to rewrite this history, and put Nazi Germany and the USSR, the victorious Soviet people, on the same historical step.
    1. +1
      5 May 2020 13: 04
      Dear V.N.,
      If the author would like to write the historiography of fascism and Nazism, I assure you, and you should be aware of this, he would easily deal with this issue.

      The key question is what is “fascism”, as the current from the point of view of the USSR, I have outlined.
      Of course, I was sure that the Wikipedia tellers would start to write to me, but did the author know that in Germany there was National Socialism, not fascism, etc., I understood, but I did it consciously, I'm not a doctor who works with cognitive deviations of the head, here, perhaps, without a dropper and injections can not do.
      The attack is not against you, not in any case, but against the comments above.
      As for your comments: I didn’t do anything, I didn’t write anywhere that revisionist historians should be banned (for example), of course, their arguments should be studied, of course, during the war everything was tense to the utmost, and today much needs to be more calmly considered .
      To hold scientific conferences, with a fool forbidden in our country, for example, by the fundamental documents of German Nazism - to detail the processes. But again but, scientific discussion should not and cannot be an excuse for fascism and its crimes against humanity and the USSR. This is what I categorically oppose in the article.
      "Now the 'fascists' are all dissent."

      I did not talk about this, and I can never lead it. You can, for example, consider the Soviet Union as a terrible state, etc. whoever argues is an occasion for discussion, but each person who holds such views is close to the Nazis, something like this, and nothing else happens: this is not propaganda, this is ideology.
      I will emphasize, if a Frenchman thinks so, this is one thing, a citizen of our country is another, a Nazi skating rink did not pass the Frenchman like that. And he drove over us, because we are Slavs (not that nation) and "communists" (not that system).
      Simply put, have individual Soviet military personnel committed war crimes, yes, was this the purposeful work of the Soviet government or the CPSU (B.)? Were these isolated cases or a system?
      This is the difference in approach.
      To argue the opposite is scientific dishonesty, and for my grandmother, who was under the bombs of German planes - fascism.
      Best regards,
      1. 0
        5 May 2020 13: 20
        To argue the opposite is scientific dishonesty, and for my grandmother, who was under the bombs of German planes - fascism.
        Sorry, scientific dishonesty and fascism are completely different categories. From the word at all.
        And an appeal to our relatives who survived the horrors of war is, by and large, out of place in this matter. And not fair.
        Remember the movie "Officers"? There, the song is directly monumental, with the words: "There is no such family in Russia where its hero would not be remembered." This means, of course, not only Russia.
        Both my grandmothers and I survived the occupation, and my uncle, artilleryman, disappeared without a trace in the Belarusian forests, like the search engines found traces, but so, approximately, the grandfather from bell to bell spent the whole war with three wounds and a heavy shell-shock, and my father left with the German shrapnel, and mother disabled war and ...........
        Articles are not enough.
        However, I am firmly convinced that fascism and historical discussion are two different things. And to declare the French fascists because the Germans did not fight them as they fought with the Slavs - pure propaganda.
        In a word - everything is mixed up with you. Directly in the classics about the good intentions that pave the way.
        1. +2
          5 May 2020 13: 46
          “I am convinced that fascism and historical discussion are two different things.”

          You have a perfect right, like those who say
          "capitalism and scientific discussion are different things"

          , or
          “Fashion and semantics are different things”
          “Parliament is not a place for discussion”
          the list goes on and on, all the way to
          "no money, but you hold on"

          I didn’t call a Frenchman a fascist, I wrote about his perception of that situation, and this, you see, agree different things: fascism and perception.
          As for “there is no such family in Russia” as in Belarus and Ukraine, this is absolutely true, but someone betrayed their memory, and whoever is not, we are talking about this.
          And the memory is betrayed because the picture of perception is blurred, because smart people like you think the way you think.
          It's a pity.
          Best regards
          1. +2
            5 May 2020 13: 58
            And the memory is betrayed because the picture of perception is blurred, because smart people like you think the way you think.
            If people do not think that there are only fascists around, because they do not think the way you do, this is by no means a betrayal of memory. But the use of the memory of tens of millions of those who died for momentary, selfish purposes is immoral. This is overkill, but today this is the problem of practically the entire post-Soviet space. True, with "national characteristics", but in all. And this is especially sad, because once one big country is divided more and more. It's a pity.
            1. +2
              5 May 2020 14: 04
              This is overkill, but today this is the problem of practically the entire post-Soviet space. True, with "national characteristics", but in all. And this is especially sad, because once one big country is divided more and more. It's a pity.

              I agree with you 150%, but. all of this stems from what I have said, and I also talk about this: in the former republics that defeated fascism, the brown plague is growing in all, without exception.
              With respect.
  26. 0
    6 May 2020 20: 33
    Quote: There was a mammoth
    Slogan articles will not help here.

    Here is perhaps the only sensible comment !!
  27. -2
    7 May 2020 23: 25
    From the beginning, the author should understand what Fascism is and what Nazism is. And do not mix these completely different concepts.
    And yes, one can quite calmly explain the victory over the Germans without any Ism-in the theory of global confrontation between Western Europe and Eastern.
    And yes. If the Bolsheviks had not won, their sponsors would not have to be raised as opposed to Hitler. After all, it is necessary - a former Red Army man and such embarrassment.
    The Bolsheviks threw their sponsors did not tear Russia at all. We wanted to steer ourselves, to conduct an Experiment, so to speak. But power to them in the Pacific was conveyed by liberal-minded people of that time. The liberals in History did not want to be exported completely.
  28. DDT
    9 May 2020 17: 56
    Author, you are smart. It is a pity that you forgot about our worst shame, chauvinism, nationalism and racism. Which blossoms and smells in the open spaces of once our country. And these Great Russians, Ukrainians, Turans, Armenians, Albanians, Zhirinovsky, etc. are free and the most sincere allies of fascism. It offends me that they are with us. not in europe or states. They are basically nobody to us.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"