The Eleventh Commandment of Economic Killers

The Eleventh Commandment of Economic Killers

1. The economic bloc of the government is more likely to forgive attacks on nine out of ten demands of the Washington consensus than on one tenth of its revenues.

In the days a small scandal broke out in the ruling elite. The Central Bank asked the government to shut up academician Glazyev S. Yu. Nothing surprising happened: the minister violated the unwritten laws of the bureaucracy. Even as an assistant to the president, he could write in a scientific report that our money and finances were tossed about by people who went crazy at the Washington Consensus. Such scientific reports in bulk were issued back in Soviet times for various authorities. As a rule, they were not read by the authorities, but it was, as in one joke: “Having read a lecture, the professor understood what was being discussed.” The minister is forbidden to open the ins and outs of power to an unwritten code of conduct for bureaucracy. Although it is necessary to somehow speak out to the scientist. Moreover, the last economic discussion in our country was already in 1952, under the "totalitarian regime".

Glazyev was accused of proposing a tax on foreign exchange transactions. It immediately guarded me. Proposals for the introduction of new taxes and raising the old ones are now in the mainstream of the current government, and Glazyev has no legislative initiative. Then what is it about?

Therefore, I took the trouble to read the report on world chaos, and then his special opinion on the main directions of monetary policy as a member of the National Financial Council. Of course, he has his own concept of economic development, which still needs to be proved. But about the assertion that the Central Bank violates the requirements of the Constitution, it is impossible to object. Moreover, many economists are talking about this.

This scandal made me look again at the Washington Consensus, to which everyone refers. But I did not find a clear analysis of its implementation in our country. In world practice, perhaps only Strauss-Kahn, as director of the IMF, expressed doubt about its advisability for developing countries. But this was seen as sexual harassment, which buried him as a politician. Our leaders of credit and financial activities cannot have such harassment, and therefore they swear that they are doing it ... But back in the ⅩVI century it was said: “You want to catch the crests of the waves, and the seeds in the fields, and the wind of howling, in your heart women build trust. "

The Washington Consensus includes 10 points called the Ten Commandments of Economic Killers. But after comparing them with our practice, in fact, the eleventh commandment appears: Russia's economic policy is covered by false references to consensus and is in fact an outright robbery in the interests of a small group of individuals with the patronage of (temporary) foreign governments and corporations. Temporary patronage - consent to the appropriation by the intermediaries of the riches of Russia until it becomes profitable enough for their withdrawal in favor of the real owners. In the Glazyev report, this is shown quite convincingly and intelligibly. One example with Rusal would be to pause those who today consider themselves rich and expect to spend their lives in their beloved West.

When analyzing this consensus, it is primarily striking that these are mainly requirements for the country's authorities aimed at their practical elimination from economic management. One of them directly states: "Deregulation of the economy." But all the rest are aimed at very open regulation of the most important elements of the economy through financial-credit and foreign trade activities besides the state. This causes the country damage even more than the IMF and the World Bank require. So much so that the assumptions about high treason of high officials are justified.

There is a consensus provision: “Liberalization of financial markets to maintain the real interest rate on loans at a low, but still positive level.” This requirement is quite reasonable: companies should receive credit funds not only at the bank, but also by placing their securities in the financial market. In short, banks and financial markets are competitors. Thanks to their competition, a normal interest rate is formed. But in 2011, President Medvedev handed over the management of all financial markets and financial organizations to the Central Bank bureaucrats. As a result, an uncontrolled monopoly of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on setting interest rates in the country arose. The results of this illiterate lack of control:

1. The country's enterprises, which are characterized by seasonality of production and long distances, have lost the ability to at least partially lend to cost gaps and receive revenue from sales of products. This either inevitably leads to higher prices for raw materials and finished products, or simply makes production impossible.

2. Capital investments are always associated with a long cycle of sales and cost recovery. Therefore, the unavailability of loans has led to a sharp reduction in the real accumulation of the production apparatus, social facilities and housing, or to their unbearable rise in price. The rejection of the progressive taxation of income received in the form of dividends strengthens the tendency to reduce the accumulation of fixed capital.

3. The overestimated interest rate has led to the artificial permanent depreciation of the ruble. The fact is that the forward exchange rate (there are appropriate formulas for calculating) is determined by the ratio of interest rates in the countries of the respective currencies. Everything is very simple: 5,5 percent for the ruble and 0,25 percent for the Fed. Consequently, the depreciation of the ruble against the dollar will be at least (1 + 0,55) / (1 + 0,025) = 5,2%. Given the 10 percent share of imports, this will lead to an increase in prices for imported goods by at least 15,7%. So much for inflation targeting.

4. Given that the consensus stipulates the requirement of “eliminating restrictions on foreign direct investment”, we obtained the following result. Foreign direct investment is not the construction and supply of equipment and technologies. In the financial world, it is simply the purchase of enterprises or the establishment of control over them. According to the balance of payments, foreign direct investment in our country for 1995-2018 amounted to 645 billion dollars. This money brought the owners of the purchased Russian enterprises $ 620 billion. In order to receive such income in the West at a percentage of 0,25, you would need to invest 30-40 times more. Privatization is a cheap sale of expensive national property. But in the end, under the rule of foreign capital were the strategically important and most profitable resources of the country. From this we can draw conclusions about the income of foreign capital from the further implementation of the Washington Consensus requirement: “Privatization of state-owned enterprises and state property”.

The next three consensus requirements relate to the financial system, the activities of the Ministry of Finance. Of these three, only one is implemented - a deficit-free budget. But how and at what cost, the big question. The balance of the Central Bank constantly grows the remains of budget money: from 5.854 trillion rubles at the beginning of 2018 to 12 trillion at the beginning of this year. This money is enough to finance budget expenditures for about six months. Only then, where is the “airbag” and why is it not used in the context of the country's biological and economic crisis?

In consensus, there are additional requirements for spending policies: “Priority health education and infrastructure among public spending.” On this point, the complaints in society are great. Discontent is connected with two points.

First: the ubiquitous presence of intermediaries working more on their own pockets than on the business entrusted to them. Second: the actual refusal of the state to organize those spheres of social life where business and “paid services” cannot be allowed even for a cannon shot. This has been well demonstrated by the experience of combating the pandemic in relation to public health. But this also applies to education. Of course, robbery as a method of managing requires the education of illiterate slaves. But Bismarck also said that victory in the Franco-Prussian war was the merit of the Prussian teachers. And if they want to “align” students with the help of the USE, then it would be worth first to “level” the levels of teachers, at least in terms of pay.

You cannot buy knowledge and health - you can only buy a diploma, a place in a prestigious hospital and cemetery. One cannot be opposed to the participation of capital in healthcare, education, infrastructure, and culture. But this should not be a business aimed at profitability, but charity aimed at moral satisfaction from a contribution to the welfare of the country. By the way, I would like to know from the competent authorities: where did the founder of this collapse Mikhail Zurabov go? Already washed off?

The next consensus item: “Lower marginal tax rates.” This point is definitely not respected. Such a careless and illiterate tax system, as in Russia, is difficult to find. Moreover, it is based on the complete arbitrariness of the tax authorities in determining the tax base, up to the application of estimated indicators that allow numerous "near-tax" companies to profit.

The FTS in the country now controls almost all cash flows. The opportunity arose and the need arose to reform the tax system. The first thing to consider is the difference between direct and indirect taxes. Direct taxes are a deduction from the final incomes of the population and enterprises. They are understandable, transparent and allow us to predict their results and impact on the economy and society. Indirect taxes are those taxes that are passed on to the consumer of goods and services. Their impact on the economy and society is unpredictable. They lead to higher prices for final products and are therefore taxes on the poor.

When determining taxes, one must understand their impact on society, which has repeatedly led to revolutions. So Karl lost their lives in England, Louis and his wife in France, so the United States separated from England. On the eve of the French Revolution, in 1748, Montesquieu warned the authorities that you should not play with taxes:

“State revenues are that part of the property that every citizen gives to the state so that it provides the rest of it or enables it to pleasantly use it. In order to correctly determine the size of these incomes, one should keep in mind both the needs of the state and the needs of citizens. One should not deprive the people of what is really necessary in order to satisfy the imaginary needs of the state. The imaginary needs of the state are all that is required by the passions and weaknesses of those who manage: the charm of an unusual project, the painful thirst for vain glory and some impotence of reason before imagination. Often, the restless minds put by the sovereign at the head of the board believed that the needs of the state were the needs of their petty souls. No state issue requires such a wise and prudent consideration as the question of which part should be taken from citizens and which part should be left to them. State revenues should be measured not by what the people can give, but by what they should give. If they are measured by what he can give, then it is necessary at least so that he can always give it. ”

First, taxes can only be set in relation to income, and not to various calculated nonsense such as cadastral value. Secondly, there are two types of income: 1) from labor activity; 2) from ownership of property. Income from labor activity cannot be taxed at a rate of more than tithing, which even God claims to do, which for people does more than effective managers. But the income from ownership of property should be taxed not by justice, but by the laws of the economy. Profit should be divided in the capitalist world into three parts: 1) the need for the development of production; 2) the state for the implementation of infrastructure projects necessary, but disadvantageous for business; 3) for the consumption of the owners, but not for their strolling-depraved life.

To be continued ...
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  1. +20
    4 May 2020 14: 11
    Russia's economic policy is covered by false references to consensus and, in fact, is an outright robbery in the interests of a small group of individuals with the patronage of (temporary) foreign governments and corporations.

    Exactly! However, it would be nice for representatives of this organized criminal group to remember that
    "Traitors are not loved anywhere. They are only used." (C) Dominique Strauss-Kahn, 10th Managing Director of the IMF
    1. -16
      4 May 2020 14: 19
      Quote: lexus
      Exactly! Only representatives of this organized criminal group would be nice to remember that

      Somewhere I already heard it ... let me remember ...
      And ... exactly ... the organized crime group was demolished, then the loss of territories, separatism on the outskirts and internal lawlessness ..
      No, thanks..
      1. +22
        4 May 2020 14: 47
        Quote: dvina71
        And ... exactly ... the organized crime group was demolished, then the loss of territories, separatism on the outskirts and internal lawlessness ..
        No, thanks.

        Ooh ... What do you want? "Stability"? Well, we are crawling down extremely steadily. If in 1991 the share of Russia in world GDP was 5.7%, in 2008 it was about 4 .... Now, if at par, 3 if at par. Do you understand the price of this stability? In 2 years of Putinism, Russia has lost exactly half of its share in world GDP. In stifling terms, we have already moved down to the level of grenada. Nigeria and others like it are growing faster than us. Another 20-30 years and we will reach the level of the Congo. Or do you live by the principle - after me even a flood?
        And yes. The Russian economy is in the hands of organized crime groups. 1% of the Russian population owns 75% of its assets. Do you understand that it is possible to carry out such a redistribution in 10-15 years only through outright crimes? And the most important thing. These people are basically incapable of working. Only steal. Outside the country, they lose, economically, to everyone and everything. The success of Russian enterprises, even in America, even in Africa, can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Well, a thief cannot be engaged in production. In principle, it cannot. His brain works differently. So I, wanting to indulge in a cherry, planted it on the site. And all sorts of lisybergs, from the guarantor's entourage, will not plant, but will look for a hole in my fence. And with such an "elite" Russia is doomed. Maybe at least to die in time and diminish, but ... But just look at the statistics. Russia is slowly but surely sliding down the per capita GDP. Not in absolute terms, but in place in the table of ranks. If 5 years ago they somehow floundered in the first half of the list, then last year they slipped into the second ... And so far we keep afloat only due to the relatively large population, inherited from the USSR. But it is dying out too. Minus half a million this year will be. and minus one million by 29. And this is according to the extremely optimistic forecast of Rosstat. Do you understand what is the matter? There are no prospects with this power. Absolutely not. None. Although I'm lying. There is one. Do not collapse abruptly to the level of the outskirts, but slide slowly. The authorities clearly promise you this perspective. Although the official numbers, study the pancake. It is very clearly marked there. Here is the price of your mlyn - no thanks.
        1. -2
          4 May 2020 15: 23
          Dear or respected, even references and multiple mathematical calculations do not give the impression of the veracity of your reasoning. And here is "Putinism". If you forgot, let me remind you that the existing robbery system Fatherland и of our people laid down and formed by your friends liberal..ty in the early 90s. The godfathers of this system are your blessed friends: Gaidar, Chubais and company. For nearly 30 years now, we have been unable to get out of this trap, into which we fell at the whim of people you know well in the early 90s. The impoverishment and extinction of the people, the robbery of the Fatherland - this is all a consequence of the rule of the liberal ... comrade, which continues to this day. These "friends of the people" do not want to give up power and allow the country, state and people to develop. The development of the country, which still exists now, is proceeding in spite of your "friends of the people". I hope that the crisis that crept in will finally cut this "Gordian knot" and sweep the "friends of the people" out of power, and cleanse the Augean stables of the state of its enemies.

          "People-State-Fatherland" - this is the slogan of every Russian patriot. A strong state, a united people, a prosperous country for centuries, which cannot be broken by internal and external enemies.
          1. +7
            4 May 2020 15: 39
            I hope that the crisis that crept in will finally cut this "Gordian knot" and sweep the "friends of the people" out of power, and cleanse the Augean stables of the state of its enemies.

            And here is "Putinism".

            Are you counting on zeroing? Do you think that the Pechenegs and the Polovtsy have been preventing the patriotic president from putting the country on the right track for twenty years?
          2. +15
            4 May 2020 15: 49
            Quote: The Truth
            your blessed friends: Gaidar, Chubais and company

            Chubais head of Rusnano. Rusnano submits to the Federal Property Management Agency. The Federal Property Management Agency is subordinate to the Ministry of Finance. The Ministry of Finance is the government. Who commands the government? I can tell you. The last syllable is tin, the first pu. Sorry, my dear, but tracking the fiery love of a guarantor and a redhead is not a problem at all. The Moor has done his work; the Moor must leave. And with the departure, give the Moor a patrimony for feeding. The only virtue that I see in our guarantor is that he remembers and takes care of friends. Do not take away. And do not compose fairy tales. Gaidar, Putin, Chubais, this is all one team. And she doesn’t surrender hers. Even if someone gets soaked up to their ears and cannot play politics, they will receive a crust of bread and a carriage of caviar from the common fund.
            1. -19
              4 May 2020 17: 08
              Quote: Lannan Shi

              Chubais head of Rusnano. Rusnano submits to the Federal Property Management Agency. The Federal Property Management Agency is subordinate to the Ministry of Finance. The Ministry of Finance is the government. Who commands the government? I can tell you. The last syllable of the surname tin, the first pu

              Essss !!! good laughing good

              Deushka, there are only a couple of steps lower (the governor of Moscow Oblast, and your superiors are direct) - you are settled down. Are you also in the team of scary Pu? belay
              And if you suddenly messed up, is Putin also to blame?

              L is the logic. M - thinking. Try, what if it works out? wink
            2. +1
              5 May 2020 15: 35
              Quote: Lannan Shi
              Who commands the government? I can tell you. The last syllable of the surname tin, the first pu.
              The first two syllables are Mi-shus. With such tips, we quickly reach the porch. USE is not passed.
          3. 0
            11 May 2020 14: 11
            Quote: The Truth
            I hope that the crisis that crept in will finally cut this "Gordian knot" and sweep the "friends of the people" out of power

            Will the crisis sweep ?? laughing yes, perhaps on the contrary, laws do not work, governors take on unusual functions to combat the epidemic, the media lower people to the level of medieval knowledge about viruses (carefully immunoglobulins are hushed up), people are divided, each for itself, the law of the jungle, against the background of this noise will be new laws have been adopted that worsen the living conditions of people, worsen the already bad demographics ... Power does absolutely everything for our enemies.
          4. 0
            11 May 2020 14: 14
            Quote: The Truth
            "People-State-Fatherland" is the slogan of every Russian patriot. A strong state, a united people, a prosperous country for centuries, which cannot be broken by internal and external enemies.

            and what is ideology ???
        2. -9
          4 May 2020 16: 38
          Quote: Lannan Shi
          What do you need? "Stability"?

          In principle, yes .. I do not want revolutions. Moreover, there is a living example nearby .. how this happens.
          Quote: Lannan Shi
          If in 1991 the share of Russia in world GDP was 5.7%, in 2008 it was about 4 .... Now, 3 if at parity, 2 if at par.

          I don’t know where you got these numbers and how they were interpreted, but I’m busy with how the GDP is formed .. in the states, for example. Not only speculation on exchanges, 40% of the US gross national product is included .. by the way .., but also almost criminal articles such as prostitution and lungs drugs.
          Quote: Lannan Shi
          And all sorts of foxies, from the guarantor's entourage, will not plant, but will look for a hole in my fence. And with such an "elite" Russia is doomed.

          The same lisberg ... built the Crimean Bridge .. and what’s the most interesting .. on time .. So .. better plant sweet cherries, increase the country's GDP.
          Quote: Lannan Shi
          If 5 years ago it was somehow floundering in the first half of the list, then last year we slipped into the second.

          Yes, do not care about all kinds of lists nominated in bucks .. this is a divorce, so that people like you would not oppose the demolition of the organized crime group .. True, then another organized crime group takes their place .. and that criminal group has obligations .. to the sponsors .. And with whom they take funds to pay off these obligations?
          The answer is right there .. Where there is a collapse of industry and millions of labor emigrants .. But the organized crime group was demolished ..
        3. +1
          4 May 2020 19: 48
          And what kind of perspective do you offer? Hopefully not a digital one? (It's just that everyone seems to be everywhere) By and large, "thieves" of the current "shear" and some may also be on "meat" Let's just say what is your position?
        4. +4
          4 May 2020 19: 54
          If the frog is cooked over low heat, she will never know why she died. I don’t want to be this frog. So they put on a strong fire.
          1. +2
            5 May 2020 16: 46
            Quote: Valter1364
            If the frog is cooked over low heat, she will never know why she died.

            Ukrainians cooked over high heat ... and cho? - current welded faster ....)))))))))
        5. -3
          5 May 2020 04: 01
          Man, you and your anti-Putin nonsense have already wiped your word of honor. Compare real economies, not paper-and-paper ones, where we will always be in the tail because we do not write the rules. Compare metal, coal, bread, kilowatts. Numbers are everywhere. True, they hide it slightly, it is not profitable.
          1. 0
            5 May 2020 16: 47
            Quote: sleeve
            Real economies compare, not paper

            then his theory will collapse ....
          2. 0
            11 May 2020 14: 17
            Quote: sleeve
            Metal, coal, bread, kilowatts compare

            Metal do you mean aluminum? from Rusal? kilowatts also from it? So he is already American! laughing Bread? so it is more a merit of land owners and their low-paid workers working on import combines laughing
      2. -2
        4 May 2020 15: 08
        And you didn’t delete your account, as you said yesterday?
        1. -7
          4 May 2020 16: 29
          Quote: Revival
          And you didn’t delete your account, as you said yesterday?

          IN the first place ... I did not promise .. I wrote only what I need ..
          Secondly .. tips that are not asked .. usually cause a reaction, send an adviser to the Chilean city ..
          1. 0
            4 May 2020 19: 47
            Everything is clear with you)))
            1. -5
              4 May 2020 19: 50
              Quote: Revival
              Everything is clear with you

              But not with you. What does the Reichstag under the Red Flag do on your avatar?
              1. +2
                4 May 2020 19: 51
                Take a closer look
                1. -4
                  4 May 2020 19: 53
                  Quote: Revival
                  Take a closer look

                  What then? Star I look closely ..
                  1. 0
                    11 May 2020 14: 19
                    Quote: dvina71
                    What then? Star I look closely ..

                    House of Soviets
      3. +1
        5 May 2020 15: 09
        Somewhere I already heard it ... let me remember ...
        And ... exactly ... the organized crime groups were demolished, then the loss of territories, separatism on the outskirts and internal lawlessness.
        They did not demolish the organized crime group (unfortunately), but the organized crime group demolished and took root in power already in the open.
      4. 0
        5 May 2020 16: 44
        Quote: dvina71
        Somewhere I already heard it ... let me remember ...

        all right !!!! it is from there !!!!
        and cons instructed you from there !!!
        you all reason rightly! In this matter I support you !!!
    2. +8
      4 May 2020 15: 35
      Russia's economic policy is covered by false references to consensus and, in fact, is an outright robbery in the interests of a small group of individuals with the patronage of (temporary) foreign governments and corporations.

      Not to decrease, not to add .. it is enough to see about whom the state cares first and to whom it allocates money for crises ..
      And Strauss-Kahn is a normal man.
      1. +1
        11 May 2020 14: 20
        Quote: Svarog
        Do not decrease, do not add ..

        I will add - this is from an interview with Katasonov, 2/3 of the article.
    3. +12
      4 May 2020 15: 37
      For six months Gaidar and Co. have done such a thing that they still "beat". It is scary that NOBODY wants to clean up the "rubble". The Supreme Soviet tried to stop the reformers, but tanks went into action.
      Judging by the article of the Russian Federation, the country of the victorious Washington consensus.
      Personally, "I don't know any other country like that."
      I look forward to continuing. Maybe not ALL is lost.
      This is the case when I would like to make mistakes
    4. +2
      4 May 2020 16: 25
      And is someone dissatisfied? I look out the window - everyone plows in the gardens. Everyone has a hut with an edge.
      1. +1
        4 May 2020 20: 16
        divide and conquer - pitted the people with each other, and if this is not enough then there are always nearby republics or states that all strive to take the last shirt from us. And if this is not enough - that is, the Americans (as mattresses call them) - we are not afraid of them, but for some reason we always scream that they will shock us right now.
      2. +1
        5 May 2020 15: 11
        Vadim, and you don’t even plow, are you looking at everything? And how is your position more constructive?
  2. +18
    4 May 2020 14: 17
    Matlin Anatoly Mikhailovich
    Professor of the Department of Finance, Money Circulation and Credit, Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation; in 1953 graduated with honors from the Moscow State Economic Institute; after graduating from the institute until 1961 in state, party and economic work in the Sakhalin region: chairman of the Gorplan, lecturer of the city party committee, deputy head of the regional department. Combines practical work with teaching in local secondary and higher educational institutions; in 1965 he successfully defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of economic sciences; in 1972 he defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Economics; from 1972 to 1984 in scientific and practical work in the system of planning pricing bodies, at the same time conducts pedagogical work in Moscow universities; in 1978 the Higher Attestation Commission of the USSR awarded the academic title of professor; from 1984 to 1992 head of the Department of Finance at the Correspondence Institute of Soviet Trade; from 1993 to the present time he has been working at the State Educational Institution of the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation; author of 135 works, including 23 books and brochures, 52 articles in scientific journals and collections.

    A serious man and a serious and interesting article! good
    1. -18
      4 May 2020 14: 41
      Quote: Amateur
      Serious man

      If only he is who he claims to be. Here is this passage, for example - well, in no way attracts the "professor":

      Labor income cannot be taxed at a rate of more than tithing, which even God claims to do, which for people does more than effective managers

      Pop lysim clean water, no? wink

      Quote: Amateur
      serious and interesting article

      Well ... what No.
      1. +1
        5 May 2020 08: 23
        I have never seen a single article, at least some, by your authorship. But moralizing and criticizing is not always constructive, you have enough of this good good
    2. 0
      5 May 2020 17: 35
      :)) Well, yes, the topic is interesting. Something in the nose :) ... And the author mb. and "inspired", if not for ... Doubts in the presence of "Mr. d.e.n." a coherent practical plan.
      There is a recent publication on this subject, containing, in its last third, a convincing view of one columnist on the immediate world prospects, and, traditionally, not containing treatment recipes:
      Interesno, but what would Comrade Dilettante tell us about the reasoning of his "namesake";)
  3. Eug
    4 May 2020 14: 29
    The level of attacks on Mikhalkov and Glazyev makes us seriously think ... I have no illusions about both, but the thoughts they expressed are certainly justified, and attempts not to give them a word are very similar to "crap in action."
    1. +11
      4 May 2020 16: 03
      Evgeni. Glazyev and Mikhalkov are very different people. Mikhalkov is a contemplator, Glazyev is an economist-practitioner. We can argue with the first. It is difficult to argue with Glazyev, because we have nothing. He has numbers.
      1. 0
        5 May 2020 17: 56
        In Soviet schools, there were special classes for children "ZPR" (retarded mental development, in common parlance "fools").
        Unfortunately, about a third of comments on VO lately resemble the work of ZPR. You tell them about the figures of Glazyev, and they answer you: "He himself is a fool." At the same time, they are aggressive to the point of impossibility. drinks
  4. +14
    4 May 2020 14: 29
    Interesting things are told by professors, and in life, three-way managers rule ... Let's look at the continuation.
  5. +9
    4 May 2020 14: 34
    The article is necessary and should be continued.
  6. +5
    4 May 2020 14: 38
    And where is Comrade Comrade’s speech itself? Glazyev?
    1. +2
      4 May 2020 16: 04
      Quote: Zaurbek
      And where is Comrade Comrade’s speech itself? Glazyev?

      This material is enough. I tried it, it’s too tough for me.
    2. +1
      5 May 2020 17: 37
      There is a recent publication on this subject, containing, in its last third, a convincing view of one columnist on the immediate world prospects, and, traditionally, not containing treatment recipes:
  7. +2
    4 May 2020 14: 53
    One cannot be opposed to the participation of capital in healthcare, education, infrastructure, and culture.

    I disagree with the author ... under any, even with specious business and pretexts, capital will certainly seek profit, and having found it will begin to subordinate the entire economic process (in this particular case) of education and health care to increase this benefit. This is the nature of capital.
  8. +5
    4 May 2020 14: 56
    In world practice, perhaps only Strauss-Kahn, as director of the IMF, expressed doubt about its advisability for developing countries. But this was seen as sexual harassment, which buried him as a politician.

    The Jewish method of reprisal against objectionable politicians or public people ...
  9. +2
    4 May 2020 15: 00
    In America, crises in lending finance are enriching political elites. This is a commonplace scheme when politicians distance themselves from financial crimes. But in the USA this is done neatly and beautifully. In Russia, the process is frankly brutal and wild. Therefore, do not be surprised!
  10. +7
    4 May 2020 15: 09
    Great article. A great addition to the Glazyev memorandum. Only the main question: when will we end comprador, treacherous capitalism and will it end?
    1. 0
      11 May 2020 14: 26
      Quote: The Truth
      when will we end comprador, treacherous capitalism and will we end it?

      only through sacred sacrifices ... only if people are brought in, they must be massively ready, and everywhere. And so that a person who loves Russia also accidentally ends up at the top ... Only with such a combination can it end. Or maybe we will end
  11. 0
    4 May 2020 15: 12
    Those who watched the Insiders film and understood the scheme of the largest financial frauds will pay attention to the fact that the developers of these schemes are economic schools in the form of universities that come up with mathematical mechanisms in the form of derivatives, and banks are only executors of the funded process and start up large-scale credit flows.
  12. +1
    4 May 2020 15: 51
    The authorities of our country are doing absolutely everything to bury any economic growth. A fact beyond doubt. Yearning...
  13. +1
    4 May 2020 16: 54
    Everything is correct in the article, pulled the country apart.
    Only rages from impotence, - how to change?
    1. +2
      4 May 2020 17: 16
      To understand that this cannot be changed from the bottom, just imagine yourself in the place of these parasites and parasites. The schemes of slavery have changed. Now the people are so intoxicated that they do not see themselves as slaves. Therefore, it is worth giving credit that they continue to do this successfully.
      1. -9
        4 May 2020 20: 05
        Quote: gridasov
        just imagine yourself in the place of these parasites and parasites

        ABOUT HOW. The bot suddenly remembered that he was from Ukraine? Fractals, "Gridasov", fractals ... fractals are yours Yes
  14. 0
    5 May 2020 15: 05
    In the Glazyev report, this is shown quite convincingly and intelligibly. One example with Rusal would be to ponder those who today consider themselves rich and expect to spend their lives in their beloved West.

    To come to this conclusion, it is not necessary to be an academician in economics.
  15. 0
    7 May 2020 13: 05
    FTS in the country now controls almost all cash flows

    We’ll clarify right away that they control only those cash flows that they are allowed to control.
    The mass of local officials from the governors and their entourage from their controlled enterprises pays the lowest possible taxes - tax-not stupid people sit with a sense of self-preservation, they know who can be checked, and where they will not praise what good they will give on the head.
    Well, since the local "mandarins" allow themselves, the central authorities, based on this principle, are simply "untouchable".
  16. +2
    21 May 2020 13: 03
    The Washington Consensus includes 10 points called the Ten Commandments of Economic Killers.

    Just magical numbers, like in the Bible ...