Actual conclusions from the lessons of World War II


В stories of humanity, the bulk of which, as you know, are wars, the 46th century was marked by their greatest number and unprecedented human losses, huge destruction and loss of material and cultural values. The 11st century, not having passed even a quarter of its duration, promises to be no less bloody. Moreover, a century that has barely begun could well become the last in the history of mankind if effective mechanisms for taming the aggressive nature of modern human society are not found. In the meantime, we can state that there are 2 military conflicts in the 10st century, including those inherited by the XNUMXst century from the XNUMXst century, which began in the XNUMXth century. and ongoing at present - XNUMX, which began in the XXI century. and continuing in our time - XNUMX. All military conflicts occurred and continue to be in various regions of the Eastern Hemisphere.

The greatest threat to the existence of mankind is, of course, world wars.

In World War I, more than 10 million soldiers and officers, more than 11 million civilians were killed. Losses in World War II are still being specified. According to data from various sources, they make up from 55 to 70 million people. Numerous predictions of the consequences of a possible third world war agree on one thing: we are talking about catastrophic population losses and irreparable material losses, after which humanity will inevitably expect degradation, degeneration and disappearance from the face of the planet in a short historical time.

This year we celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, which brought untold suffering and great glory to the Soviet people to our Motherland. It is significant in our own way that we are celebrating this glorious date in a dramatic pandemic of the previously unknown COVID-19 virus and the steadily approaching global economic crisis. The consequences of the pandemic, already visible today, are associated not only with large casualties and the threat of their further growth. The pandemic challenged the political structure of mankind, all its international and domestic institutions. She revealed the true nature of their moral, moral basis and goals of existence.

A pandemic strikes immediately at all levels of the organization of humanity as a whole and each state individually. The fight against the coronavirus pandemic can only be successful if the efforts of the entire global community are combined. Otherwise, the achievements of each of the individual countries can be leveled due to the breakthrough of the virus from the territory of others who were defeated in the fight against it. Unfortunately, mankind cannot boast of high organization in conducting anti-epidemic measures. What, for example, are practically pirate seizures of anti-epidemic protection means by dealers from the USA, Poland, and the Czech Republic. The borders between European states were restored again, the Schengen agreement has sunk into oblivion. Germany, France and other EU countries refuse more assistance to other affected countries, such as Italy, Spain. Appeals to the EU for help from Serbia remained unanswered. In this situation, the conclusion of Dmitry Rodionov seems to be fair:. “And apparently, it will be worse further. However, the coronavirus will go away. But the former Europe will no longer be. A crack can be covered up, but it cannot be done as it was before. Closed borders and stolen masks marked the beginning of the end of a united Europe. ”

The obvious consequences of the pandemic await the world community in the economy. The International Monetary Fund announced a global economic crisis due to a pandemic that has not been a hundred years old. “We are still dealing with extraordinary uncertainty about the depth and duration of the crisis. However, it is already clear that the global economy will show sharply negative growth rates in 2020, which will be reflected in our World Economic Outlook next week, ”said the head of the fund, Kristalina Georgieva. “In fact, we expect severe economic shocks since the Great Depression (it began with the collapse of the US stock market in 1929. - Auth.),” Said the head of the IMF (April 9.04, 2020).

The coronavirus epidemic has become one of the main threats to the global economy and financial markets. Thus, the forecast for global economic growth by OECD experts (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development — the international economic organization of developed countries that recognize the principles of representative democracy and a free market economy) for 2020 was 2,4% compared to the previous forecast for growth of 2,9%. The main reasons for the slowdown in the economy include a decline in production activity, a decline in the services sector, a decrease in oil prices, the chaos in the stock markets, a decrease in bond yields, and a decrease in world tourism. There was a problem not only with business tourism, but also with leisure. Tourists cancel travel bookings, which affects restaurants, hotels, airlines and other transport companies.

Judging by the numerous publications in print and electronic media, at present, the opinion that after the pandemic and as a result of the developing economic crisis, the world will never be the same again has become almost unanimous.

In the process of forming a new face of the world, several factors can be identified that were brought to life by the consequences of the pandemic and the recession of the world economy. This is primarily the degradation of globalization processes in economics and politics, changes in the composition of world centers of power, the destruction of intra-bloc ties, and changes in their content.

This is especially clearly seen in the obvious devaluation of the value and meaning of the existence of the European Union, the allied relations of the EU and the USA. European solidarity is pushed aside by the interests of national survival, and, quite possibly, in the near future at the head of world politics the national interests of the countries of the world will be established. The voices of those doubting the necessity and expediency of NATO’s existence are already heard. The UN’s ability to renew and adapt to the conditions of the future parade of sovereignty is a condition for its preservation. The fate of the UN will largely depend on the results of the confrontation between the leading countries of the world in the crisis and post-crisis period of development of society.

More recently, in 2017, B.V. Kuroedov with the participation of S.R. Tsyrendorzhiev was offered five alternative scenarios for the development of the international and military-political situation. These include the following.

Strong globalization. The US as a whole manages to impose its own agenda on the rest of the world, projecting influence through a system of controlled economic and military-political organizations and unions (NATO, TTIP / TTP reincarnation, etc.), other major powers are forced to integrate into the system due to their unwillingness to challenge openly relations imposed by Washington. The confrontational nature of the system of international relations is growing sharply.

Moderate globalization. Washington as a whole maintains a leading position within the Western world and a system of alliances during the Cold War. However, the crisis affects Europe. The dynamics of the US is not high. Non-Western centers of power are fragmented, trying to independently build an acceptable balance of interests with the collective West.

Bipolarity 2.0. Fierce opposition to the hegemonic aspirations of the United States forces a number of major powers of the "non-Western world" to form a collective pole of power, based not on one center (as in the days of the USSR), but on several key states - regional leaders with complementary capabilities (in economic, political, technological, informational and military areas).

The rise of China. The crisis within the Western community leads to a weakening of transatlantic ties; in the USA, an increase in isolationist sentiments is noted. China continues its dynamic economic development, the pace of modernization of the PLA is accelerating. Gradually, the initiative in globalization projects is shifting to Beijing.

Regionalization The situation is developing in the same way as in the “Moderate globalization” scenario, but trade contradictions are even more acute, several regional markets are emerging with limited trade and economic interaction among themselves.

Then it was assumed that the most likely scenarios for the near and medium term should be considered the scenario of "Harsh globalization" with the hegemony of the United States and other Western countries, as well as

“Bipolarity 2.0”, when a group of countries of the “non-Western” world, the core of which will be the BRICS countries, will be the rival pole of the West. And this scenario is a start in the formation of a multipolar world. According to our estimates, the world was faced with the choice of its development paths, when the struggle between the conflicting trends of economic and political development created great uncertainty. The growing threat of an economic crisis entailed an escalation of political confrontation between Western countries led by the United States and its geopolitical rivals - primarily China and Russia. Trade wars, economic and other sanctions are examples of the wide range of hostile actions that have been taken against Russia and China. Following proven “divide and rule” political principles, the main efforts of the hostile hybrid campaigns from the West were directed mainly against Russia, so that, weakening it could transfer its attacks against China. The media of the last three years comprehensively examined various aspects of this confrontation. The content of subsequent hybrid campaigns was supposed to violate the stability of the political organization of Russia, establish a ruling regime acceptable to the West in our country and provide the United States and its allies with access to Russian natural and other resources.

However, the expected course of events was changed by the outbreak and unfolding COVID-19 pandemic. In the new international environment, the changing trends in world development are forcing to put forward, as the most likely scenarios, such as "Regionalization" and "The Rise of China." These scenarios as a key condition for their implementation provide for a comprehensive crisis of the Western system, the lack of will and resources to oppose the formation of non-Western centers of power.

The scenario “Regionalization” (“The increasing role of regions”) is based on the hypothesis that the dominant in the transformation of the system of international relations will be the formation of competing trade and economic zones. The rivalry between them will increase as their economic power levels out, they will fight for markets, disputed territories and resources.

The “Regionalization” scenario, as well as the “Moderate globalization” scenario, assigns the main role in the formation of the system of international relations to integration associations, whose role will be even higher due to the actual disintegration of the general globalization project into several regional ones. The regionalization scenario assumes a downward trend in the network power of the United States and a reduction in separation from other global centers of power.

In the medium term, China will be ahead of the EU in assessing the network power, for which during this period the trend will change from moderate growth to a gradual decrease in network power. The process of the formation of the EAEU will be completed, which will ensure for Russia and other participants in this integration project a growth trend in network power

In support of the hypothesis about the development of the international situation according to the “Regionalization” scenario, on April 14, 2020, Academician S. Yu. Glazyev wrote in the Military-Industrial Courier weekly: “It can be assumed that in the current situation, the destruction of the current world order of liberal globalization is in the interests of The United States will be accompanied by the formation of a new world economy, the development of which will take place in the competition of regional integration structures with centers in China and India, while maintaining significant influence of the EU, the USA and hopefully the EAEU. ”

The world economy is in the process of changing technological and world economic structures. Russia so far lags behind the developed countries in the transition to the sixth technological order. ,. This transition, as historical experience shows, is accompanied by various kinds of crises and wars.

The current situation is very similar to that of the Great Depression before the Second World War. Then the way out of the state of critical recession of the economy occurred due to a significant increase in the role of the state in the economy and its militarization. This is clearly seen in the example of the United States and, especially, Germany, not only after Hitler came to power there, but, very importantly, in the period after the end of World War I until 1933, when the participation of American capital led to complete control over the German economy and prepared Hitler's rise to power. So today, the United States is preparing and cultivating Russophobic regimes wherever possible. The most striking examples of this are Ukraine, Georgia, Poland, the Baltic countries. Among less flashy examples of Russophobic countries can be attributed most of the NATO countries.

However, getting out of today's economic crisis, including due to the COVID-19 pandemic, will prove to be much more difficult for the United States if we take into account the US-led trade war with China, from which, apparently, the latter will emerge victorious. But the United States will not agree with the position of the loser in the struggle for lost leadership, in the struggle for markets and resources and in a desperate attempt to regain the status quo, they can take all possible actions, including the transition to the use of military force.

Most likely, the main form of interstate confrontation on the part of the United States in modern conditions will be a hybrid war, as a combination of information-psychological, trade-economic and diplomatic hostile actions with the possible use of cybernetic weapons. Given extreme pragmatism, more precisely, cynicism in choosing means to achieve the goals set by the US military and political leadership (for example, the use of nuclear weapons against Japan, the most severe bombing of Japanese cities), it is quite possible for the Americans to use biological and even nuclear weapons against their opponents.

Analyzing the course and content of the hostile actions of the USA and other NATO countries against Russia, it is quite logical to conclude that the hybrid war against our country has been going on for several years.

The ongoing ongoing fight against the COVID-19 virus pandemic has for some time somewhat reduced the intensity of information and psychological campaigns against Russia. But this does not mean the pacification of our opponents after the end of the pandemic. The national interests of the leading countries of the world will remain unchanged. Moreover, in view of the reduction of opportunities for their implementation in the conditions of an economic downturn, there will be a temptation to switch from competition to confrontation with the use of violence, including armed means.

The Second World War began with Germany seizing the countries of Europe and subordinating their economy to the needs of military operations against the USSR under the banner of a campaign against communism. The period from 1939 to 1941 can be considered the period of preparation for the Drang nach Osten (onslaught on the East).

The new Drang nach Osten will not require the capture of European countries. They are already vassals of the United States, a member of the NATO bloc. Only the flag of anti-communism is replaced by the anti-Russian flag. It seems that anti-Russian propaganda is not ideological: the Russian Federation is currently the same capitalist country as the United States and its allies. In fact, it is the ideology of the hegemony of Atlantism that permeates all the actions of our historical opponents: Great Britain, which has been shaping European politics for more than 200 years, contrasting its interests with the interests of Russia, and for the last 100 years, the United States and Great Britain at the head of the Anglo-Saxon world have been trying to dictate their will to the whole world, disregarding the national interests of the USSR, and now the Russian Federation, China and other countries of the "non-Western world."

British Foreign and Prime Minister Viscount Henry John Temple Palmerston said on March 1, 1858, in the English House of Commons: “We have no eternal allies and we have no permanent enemies; our interests are eternal and permanent. Our duty is to protect these interests. ” The United States, as the current leader of the Anglo-Saxon civilization, is clearly following this course. And, arguing from the point of view of expediency and pragmatism of foreign policy, it is difficult to object to this thesis. Another thing is that in the tradition of Russian foreign policy it is customary to look broader than their national interests, bearing in mind the historical fate of mankind, with which Russia connects its future.

The main content of the Great Patriotic War was armed struggle, the success of which was ensured by the state and capabilities of the military economy and the effectiveness of the socio-political system of the warring states, the morale and unity of the warring peoples. An important role in this confrontation was played by various kinds of sabotage at enterprises, transport, communications in the defense zone or the offensive of associations, formations and units. However, if these actions against the Nazi invaders were widespread and even had operational significance, especially after the initial period of the war, then these actions against the USSR did not have significant success. The efforts of the German special services to create the fifth column in the USSR were in vain.

A certain stake by Nazi ideologists was made on collaborators, the ranks of which were supposed to be formed from enemies of the Soviet regime and various traitors.

According to some historians, the total number of collaborators in the USSR during the war was about 1-1,5 million people. Their activity is evidenced by the activities of various nationalist organizations, including Muslim organizations: the Turkestan Committee, the Volga-Tatar Committee, the Crimean Center, the North Caucasian Headquarters, etc. All of them were under the scrutiny of the Nazi intelligence services. , one of the activities of which was to promote the split of the Soviet Union and the introduction of national hatred and intolerance.

The main reasons for collaboration were the dissatisfaction of some Soviet citizens with the Soviet regime (including collectivization), as well as the ongoing anti-Soviet activity of the White Guard emigration - especially that part of it that took an "implacable position" and, with the outbreak of World War II, took the position of "defeatism" .

Prisoners made up the bulk of the military collaborators. Remaining true to the oath was extremely difficult.

The first reason: the Red Army was not covered by the Geneva Convention on the Treatment of Prisoners of War, their conditions of detention were unbearable. As a result of exhaustion, epidemics and torture, many died.

The second reason is that the Soviet leadership equated surrender to crime. The order of August 16, 41, No. 270, "On the responsibility of servicemen for surrendering and leaving weapons to the enemy," was in force.

Another stratum of the population, in which many collaborators were noted, is citizens with an anti-Soviet position. These are mainly those who lost property during collectivization, relatives of repressed citizens. It should be noted that the motive for the struggle against Bolshevism is very exaggerated in Western historiography. In reality, few contributed to the Third Reich under these slogans.

The Nazis successfully recruited representatives of national minorities of the Soviet Union, using the idea of ​​creating independent states. The strategy was effective where the national question was especially acute - Ukraine, the Baltic states, the Caucasus.

Historians do not give exact numbers, since the topic of collaboration has been hushed up for a long time and has not been studied properly. But most scientists agree that the lion's share of those who collaborated with the Nazis had the main task to survive. There were few who fought against Bolshevism.

A possible war against the Russian Federation is likely to become a hybrid war. Its main content will be information and psychological campaigns, the factual basis of which will be trade and economic, financial sanctions, various restrictions on technological and scientific and technical cooperation, value-added operations aimed at distorting national history, eroding national traditions and moral principles, shaping and preparing from the Russian fifth column of anti-government organizations and terrorist organizations. The military-political goal of these hostile campaigns and actions will be a violation of the stability of the socio-political organization of society, the system of state and military administration. To achieve this goal, one should expect provocative as well as sabotage actions to disorganize state and military administration, the country's energy and transport infrastructure, and finally, change the state power and “re-establish” Russia according to the rules of the sponsors and ideologists of the Russian fifth column - the United States and its allies. In the case of organized resistance from the remaining patriotic part of the population, it is possible to introduce army formations and units into the territory of Russia under the guise of “peacekeeping troops”.

A key condition for the success of the described scenario is the achievement of the most important military-political goal - violation of the stability of the socio-political organization of society, the system of state and military administration. Judging by the current state of our society this goal, our opponents do not achieve. Delaying the ongoing confrontation is playing against them. Despite the hostile actions taken, the Russian economy could not be “torn to shreds"; attempts to strangle it in international isolation led to the opposite result. The authority of Russia is growing. But at the same time, unprovoked anti-Russian rhetoric in NATO countries and especially prominent newcomers to this military bloc such as Poland, the Baltic countries, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Ukraine, which is tearing into NATO, are growing. The exercises of the NATO countries near our borders, provocations against Russia in Syria, the unceasing tension of the military-political situation in other countries of the Near and Middle East, as well as in the Arctic region - all this creates the preconditions for the formation of military threats to the Russian Federation.

In this situation, a scenario becomes possible when (the text above) the United States “disagrees with the position of the loser in the struggle for lost leadership, in the struggle for sales markets and resources and in a desperate attempt to regain the status quo, they can take all possible actions, including number and move on to the use of military force. "

The most likely strategic areas where military action can be unleashed should be considered Western, South-Western, as well as the Arctic. In scale, these military operations can reach the level of a local war if, during border battles, it is not possible to localize armed conflicts in a timely manner, inflicting defeat on the invading groups and repelling enemy attacks from aerospace. The strategic nature of the military operations in these military conflicts will differ significantly from the military conflicts of the beginning of the XNUMXst century, primarily in that these military operations will be carried out by approximately equal forces by adversaries using high-tech weapons on both sides. The theater of military operations in all areas, including the Arctic SN, has an urban character with a vulnerable infrastructure. The Arctic SN, despite some geographical remoteness of cities and communications from possible areas of military operations, in fact, does not differ from other continental SNs, where the territory of the warring countries is within the reach of most operational and operational-strategic weapons, and even more so, aviation.

The use of high-tech weapons of warfare presupposes a wide spatial scope and depth of hostilities, inflicting heavy losses of personnel and military equipment on the aggressor, and significant destruction of infrastructure facilities of the territory of the warring states. A feature of possible military conflicts against the Russian Federation is their fierce nature and the relatively short duration of their main phase, followed by a period of completion of hostilities and the establishment of peace agreements on a victorious basis. The duration of future military conflicts will be determined by the timing of the use of stocks of materiel and weapons created for warfare. The replenishment of the combat strength of troops (forces) with new weapons to replace those lost in modern conditions, as was the case in the Great Patriotic War, is practically impossible due to the high technological complexity of the WWE. Losses of the armed forces, the scale of the destruction of the infrastructure of the warring countries and the resulting suffering of the civilian population determine the price of peace or war that opponents can afford to pay. It seems that the duration of the military conflict against the Russian Federation, even if it escalates to a local war, will not exceed 1-2 months.

Nevertheless, it cannot be ruled out that the unfulfilled political and strategic goals of the war, when using conventional, albeit high-precision weapons, can provoke the aggressor to switch to using nuclear weapons. Nuclear strikes against Russia will entail inevitable retaliation, which no one in the world should have any doubts about. President of the Russian Federation V.V. When answering the question of whether Russia will respond to a nuclear attack, since this means a global catastrophe, Putin has now uttered the famous phrase: "Why do we need such a world if Russia will not be there?"

The military threat of the Russian Federation certainly exists. Its source is the insurmountable contradictions in which the interests of the United States, Great Britain, the leaders of the Anglo-Saxon world and Russia, the last bastion of multinational and multiconfessional Russian civilization, clashed geopolitically and ideologically. It has long been well known that the carriers of the military threat are the United States, Britain and other NATO countries. It is much more difficult to establish what is the level and potential of the military threat of the Russian Federation.

As you know, the NATO Allied Forces include nuclear forces (YaS) at the theater of war and general forces (SED), which in the event of an aggravation of the military-political situation, are envisaged to be deployed according to coalition plans.

A nuclear war theater plays the role of a deterrent to a potential aggressor. These include tactical aircraft carrier OVVS and OVMS (more than 600 aircraft), as well as artillery capable of using nuclear weapons.

NATO NAP is represented by the SALT, SIS, and the OVMS. Depending on the operational mission, they are divided into forces of universal use (SOF) and forces of territorial use (STP). SOUs are designed for large-scale military operations and crisis management operations. They are based on multinational operational-tactical formations capable of conducting active military operations for a long time, including on the theater of operations deployed far from Europe - Army Rapid Deployment Corps (AK BR): Combined AK BR of NATO (headquarters - Reindalen, Germany) ; German-Dutch AK BR (Muenster, Germany); Italian AK BR (Milan, Italy); Spanish AK BR (Valencia, Spain); Turkish AK BR (Istanbul, Turkey); The Eurocorps of the BR (Strasbourg, France) and other STPs are supposed to be used mainly for conducting large-scale military operations within the territories of NATO member states. They consist mainly of national formations.

According to the degree of readiness for use, NATO Allied Forces are divided into 3 categories: 1) high-readiness forces (readiness for use up to 90 days; in total, there can be up to 12 army corps, about 28 divisions, more than 70 separate brigades as part of the NMS and STS of NATO NPS) 2,3 thousand combat aircraft, about 250 warships); 2) low readiness forces (91-180 days); 3) long-term deployment forces (over 365 days).

To date, the number of NATO troops in the world is, according to 2015, 1,5 million soldiers, of which 990 thousand are American troops. Joint quick reaction units comprise 30 thousand people, they are supplemented by airborne and other special units. These armed forces can arrive on purpose in a short time - within 3-10 days.

Such a combat structure of NATO forces (forces) certainly provides a high level of military threat to the Russian Federation. However, the real state of NATO troops is currently a different picture. The number and combat readiness of NATO troops, including the grouping of US troops (forces) in Europe, have gradually decreased over the past 20-25 years. As a result, according to American military experts, including analysts at the Rand Corporation research center, the combat capabilities of NATO troops (forces) have become much lower than the combat capabilities of the Russian Armed Forces in Europe.

American military experts are sounding the alarm: in the event of a conflict at the European theater of operations, the Russian armed forces will have a number of significant advantages over NATO armies. Recently, even the chief of staff of the US Army, General Mark Milli, speaking to the Senate Commission on Armed Forces, admitted that recently Russia has significant fire superiority in Europe. Military analysts at the Rand Corporation research center have modeled the possible course of a clash between Russia and NATO in the Baltic states. They agreed that the Russian troops would need only three days to defeat the forces of the North Atlantic Alliance. The situation in 10 days. In accordance with their findings, Moscow in about 10 days is able to deploy an army of 50 thousand soldiers on the designated bridgehead, fully equipped with armored vehicles, artillery and covered by powerful air support. NATO in the same 10 days can mobilize only a few scattered lightly armed units. As a result, after a ten-day deployment of forces, Russia, according to experts from the Rand Corporation, will have a huge advantage over the United States and its allies in almost all types of weapons. Advantage in various types of military equipment. By tanks this advantage will be in the ratio of 7 to 1. For infantry fighting vehicles - 5 to 1. For attack helicopters - 5 to 1. For barreled artillery - 4 to 1. For rocket artillery - 16 to 1. For short-range air defense systems - 24 to 1. And long-range air defense - 17 to 1! NATO superiority in airplanes The only area in which NATO troops so far surpass Russia is combat aircraft. But they will not be able to fully use this trump card either, Western analysts lament, since Russia has the best air defense system in the world.

Indeed, in the last 20–25 years, it was possible to observe the processes of reduction in the combat strength of NATO troops (forces). This was facilitated by the euphoria of the West over the victory in the Cold War against the USSR, the impact of the Agreement on Adaptation of the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces (CFE) in Europe, signed in 1999. Although it did not enter into force, it determined for many years the nature of the development of the armed forces of the CFE member countries. The agreement established for each of them the territorial limit levels (TPU) of weapons and their sublevels, as well as the national limit levels (NPU) of arms, their limit sublevels for regular units and subcategories. It took into account the national characteristics of each country and its armed forces, and fixed the limit levels of the categories of weapons and their sublevels (according to the BBM) that countries could and planned to have after the implementation of the Agreement on the Adaptation of the CFE Treaty.

Estimates of American military analysts and experts undoubtedly compel us to reassess the combat capabilities of NATO troops and forces and the likelihood of a military conflict against Russia. However, the reliability and impartiality of these estimates are in doubt. As the analysis of the content of many analytical reports by American lobbyists shows, all of them are aimed at increasing funding for defense spending. And there are no arguments that these analysts would not have brought to achieve such a goal. Among these arguments, the main and unmistakable one is the Russian military threat, which has now replaced the communist Soviet military threat.

There is no doubt only one thing. A decision on the use of military force against Russia and its allies by the military-political leadership of the United States and NATO will be possible only if the price of victory is acceptable and their own security is guaranteed. Consequently, in the short and medium term, one should expect an increase in the combat capabilities of NATO troops (forces), active efforts to rally the North Atlantic bloc on the basis of further sublimation of myths about an aggressive, inhuman Russia that stands in the way of human progress. The economic crisis, the impact of which on all aspects of the life and activities of the countries of the world is exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, will lead to a violation of social stability even in leading countries, a decrease in their standard of living, and an increase in fears about the future fate of every citizen and peoples of these countries. In this situation, as it was in Germany, which humbledly existed in the conditions of the Versailles peace, it is worthwhile to be ready for the emergence of new leaders who can be used again to awaken cave nationalism and adventurous plans of world domination in their peoples. From the slogan “Let's make America great again!” to the slogan "Ukraine above all!" the distance is small.

The international situation is changing rapidly. These changes are multifaceted and not all of them are positive. The search for the culprit at the beginning and spread of the coronavirus begins. It is characteristic that among the applicants for this dubious honor in the West, China and Russia are named, although there is evidence of an American trace in the development of new biological weapons, the leak of which served as the beginning of a pandemic. The fact that China and Russia were named the main culprits of the unfolding tragedy is not even surprising, but only confirms that the USA and Western countries are waging an ongoing informational and psychological campaign, a new surge of activity of which should be expected in the near future.

Recipes of success in Russia repelling the hybrid offensive of the West and the threat to its independence and territorial integrity have been spelled out since the Great Patriotic War. In that reality, the sources of the Great Victory were as follows.

Firstly, these are the advantages of the state and social system of the USSR, its moral, political and spiritual unity, patriotism, friendship of peoples, effective organizational work of the political and military leadership of the country, and the firm foreign policy of the Soviet state.

Secondly, this is a powerful military-economic potential of the country, achieved on the basis of the effective and purposeful use of its material and human resources.

Thirdly, an important factor in the victory in the war was the high level of military art and strategic leadership of the military organization as a whole, and the combat skills of our military personnel.

Fourth, one of the most important factors of our Victory was truly massive heroism, which was shown by Soviet people in a long and difficult struggle with the enemy. The heroism of all Soviet people at the front and behind was a characteristic feature of the Great Patriotic War.

Each of these great achievements is the result of selfless work, heroism and talent of our fathers and grandfathers. Whether we are now able to defend our independence and ensure the progressive development of our Fatherland, time will tell.

In the new international situation, the struggle for world leadership will most likely escalate, and at the same time, an information-psychological struggle will inevitably flare up, the purpose of which is to reanimate new old myths about hostile barbaric Russia, the growing threat from China and Iran. This will reunite the West to revive its hegemony. It seems that the unleashing (escalation) of the information-psychological struggle, supported by trade, economic and other sanctions, is the best form of interstate confrontation for the United States and its supporting countries, as well as for the largest financial corporations and the military-industrial complex, in conditions of unconditionally ensuring Russia's security at the expense of strategic containment forces. In the confrontation with Russia, the transition to the open use of military force is most likely after the achievement of the objectives of the hybrid war, when it will be possible to disorganize state and military command, in particular the control of strategic nuclear forces, general forces, destroy the socio-political unity of society.

The reviving desire of many countries of the world, primarily European ones, to pursue a policy expressing their own national interests, as well as the struggle of large international financial and industrial corporations for the redistribution of financial flows, will significantly complicate the situation. According to some experts, a new player is interfering in this struggle - large funds for various purposes, previously not seen in banking. They will seek to transfer both industrial and banking capital. The stimulus for newly arising (and not yet divided) financial flows will be funds from speculative resale of bankrupt thousands of enterprises in the sphere of transport, hotel services and others. In the course of these speculative operations, entire countries may be ravaged. But the most valuable is the extraction, which all the actors of world politics can get through the sharing of Russian resources.

In the new international political environment, it is impossible to exclude a situation where the financial and economic leadership of the United States, which is losing its previously undeniable all-round superiority, can switch to the open use of military force in order to remove its opponents, primarily Russia, China and Iran from the world historical scene. This adventurous step will lead to a disaster on a planetary scale.

The broader, political significance of the consequences of the epidemic was given by prognostic writer Sergei Pereslegin. The internal content of the economic processes taking place today, he writes, is the redistribution of capital. This is due to the fact that numerous ruined enterprises and those that have to survive this, such as airlines, travel agencies, hotels, theaters, cinema networks, the service sector, expert communities will be bought up for nothing and then sold much more expensive. This is a purely financial special operation. Thus, entire countries will be ruined. One gets the impression that the basic task of the pandemic is to reformat the world in order to change the structure of financial flows. The impending economic crisis, says Sergey Pereslegin, is the best way to redistribute industrial assets. There has long been a struggle between two forms of capital - industrial and banking. In simple terms, the first from a political point of view represents the Trump group, the second - Clinton. Now a third force has intervened in this struggle. These are large funds that previously did not conduct banking activities. Now their task is to transfer money to themselves, both industrial and banking.

Typically, global redistribution of finances is done through war. And what we are seeing now is an imitation of global war. Through an epidemic. But the result will be the same.
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  1. +8
    April 17 2020 15: 09
    Then I re-read this article thoughtfully, and now my health was not enough to overpower, but it seems to me that I caught the essence of respected authors - Actual conclusions from the lessons of World War II one did! laughing
    1. +2
      April 17 2020 15: 46
      I take off my hat, I didn’t even start reading - I looked at the volume and immediately began to leaf, the author looked ...
      And I was not mistaken? In the photo OH? ...
      1. +1
        April 17 2020 17: 08
        I didn’t read the article, having already stumbled upon this, the author can explain:
        In the meantime, we can state that there are 46 military conflicts in the 11st century, including those inherited by the 2st century from the 10st century, which began in the XNUMXth century. and ongoing at present - XNUMX, which began in the XXI century. and continuing in our time - XNUMX.

        11 + 2 + 10 = 22 where is another 24 conflicts? Started in the 19th century?
        Is it:
        inherited by the 11st century from the XNUMXth century - XNUMX

        And this:
        started in the XX century. and ongoing at present - 2

        Not the same thing?
        Went to read further.
        1. 0
          April 17 2020 17: 13
          Quote: Mitroha


          Judging by what was written, the "lost" conflicts began and ended in the XXI. L - logic wink

          Although it is written, IMHO, really a few, ahem, intricately ... what
    2. +5
      April 17 2020 15: 50
      Quote: Finches
      but the essence, dear authors, it seems to me, I caught - Actual conclusions from the lessons of the Second World War ... no one did!

      No one, you are right about this .. The main question is, who unties them and for what?
      Right now, a pandemic, this is actually a world war, and someone will profit from it fantastically .. Bad guys came up with bastards!
      And now we have noticed in the "world media" there are already disputes and hints about who created this virus .. I think soon the United States will have a vaccine for the first, and the culprit will be China, the US creditor .. hi In Russia, the "money box" will be empty to fight the virus and the fall of the ruble .. And who will have ALL debts zeroed out?
      1. +3
        April 17 2020 15: 53
        Voooot! And now the Israelis were convincing me to another branch that the Anglo-Saxons were white and fluffy! laughing
        1. +3
          April 17 2020 16: 22
          Quote: Finches
          Voooot! And now the Israelis were convincing me to another branch that the Anglo-Saxons were white and fluffy! laughing

          This is one gang Eugene .. hi We are for them a source of stable income and their well-being .. As it is not regrettable to admit.
          While we resist as much as we can, but how long will we last? That is the question ..
    3. +2
      April 17 2020 15: 58
      Eugene hi , the essence of the article is generally summarized in the last paragraph
      Typically, global redistribution of finances is done through war. And what we are seeing now is an imitation of global war. Through an epidemic. But the result will be the same.
      So nothing is new under the moon, all this has already happened before, but with a different sauce.
      Capitalism as such cannot exist without crises, but when crises reach a certain boiling point, a megacrisis like a world war should happen. Since a world war is practically impossible under the conditions of using nuclear weapons, something else is replacing it. A kind of undercover war with the use of economic, political and bacteriological weapons, together with what we observe sitting at the monitors.
      The only question is whether we will kill ourselves or the Earth will get tired of enduring us and she will do it for us, and how soon will all this happen ?!
      1. +2
        April 17 2020 16: 01
        "If people have started on your planet - do not despair! These creatures are certainly unpleasant, like any parasites, but you can cope with them." laughing hi
        1. Cat
          April 17 2020 16: 40
          Another quote:
          "The lack of contact of humanity with other civilizations confirms the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence" smile hi
      2. +1
        April 17 2020 16: 25
        Quote: Varyag_0711
        So nothing is new under the moon, all this has already happened before, but with a different sauce.

        I also often think about it and compare it .. It’s good there is something and is still alive ..
      3. 0
        April 20 2020 18: 36
        Quote: Varyag_0711
        the essence of the article is generally summarized in the last paragraph

        That is why it becomes a little scary after reading such articles. After all, it was not written by students of the journalism faculty, but associate professors and entire professors. Moreover, the entire article is simply an enumeration of known facts and statements, i.e. soap, and the essence boils down to a couple of sentences.
    4. +8
      April 17 2020 16: 00
      there is only one conclusion. want peace .. always be ready for war.
    5. +3
      April 17 2020 18: 10
      Quote: Finches
      Actual conclusions from the lessons of World War II ... no one did!

      Well, why didn’t we? For example, we understood a lot for ourselves. The main conclusion is that only a strong leader should manage our state, and Stalin in this respect proved that this is so. The second no less important conclusion is that we must always have the most advanced weapons, either higher or at the level of the best world standards, in order to exclude the desire of the whole world to fight with us.
      All other results of the Second World War are already secondary at the present stage - they can be neglected, and not try to attract them to modern realities.
      As for the opinion of the authors about the impact of the current pandemic on the whole world, I believe that they are exaggerating, and believe me, in a few years they will remember this as another trouble. The redistribution of world finances will occur, but not because of a pandemic, but because new centers of financial and industrial capital are emerging - China, India and the states of Southeast Asia. How fast this will happen, we do not know yet, but I don’t believe that the world will change much. At least, if a global economic crisis occurs, we will not be in the worst situation compared to other developed countries.
    6. -4
      April 17 2020 18: 55
      You can not re-read. The author drowns for the USSR and how wonderful it would be to live under socialism. In the meantime, the rotten United States simply transfers $ 1000 to citizens, and $ 500 to illegal immigrants (in our case, migrant workers).
    7. 0
      April 17 2020 23: 54
      The country of unlearned lessons draws conclusions.
  2. Cat
    April 17 2020 15: 24
    prognostic writer Sergei Pereslegin. The internal content of the economic processes taking place today, he writes, is the redistribution of capital

    And when was it different? A typical example: the British Empire and the United States before the war - and after the war.
    1. +1
      April 17 2020 16: 27
      Quote: Gato
      And when was it different? A typical example: the British Empire and the United States before the war - and after the war.

      Correct observation ... They want to repeat again, but already by cunning hi
      1. Cat
        April 17 2020 16: 49
        .Want to repeat again, but already by cunning

        Well, yes ... The only question is who will be the main course at the banquet
        1. -1
          April 17 2020 18: 48
          Quote: Gato
          .Want to repeat again, but already by cunning

          Well, yes ... The only question is who will be the main course at the banquet

          First of all, Russia (this cake has been shared for some time, but))))) .. We interfere with them, although they have already taxed them from the inside now and are waiting for a match to be thrown .. hi
    2. -1
      April 17 2020 23: 58
      You did not understand. Pereslegin pointed out that as a result of the transition to a new technological structure, some will lose their capital (due to the irrelevance of the business), some will rise, and the rest will be robbed. Tell you in which category we all fall together? Although ... Knowledge is a lot of sadness. The less you know the better you sleep.
      1. Cat
        April 18 2020 01: 34
        The less you know the better you sleep

        Thank you, I already sleep soundly due to the lack of significant capital request
  3. +1
    April 17 2020 15: 35
    The world is changing, and the principles dominate are all the same, invented many years ago.
    For Hehemon, the defining Divide and Conquer!
    For those who risked not to give way to him "If you want peace, prepare for war"!
    For those who believe that his hut is on the edge .... so the edge may not remain, everything fell over the edge, if something extreme happens!
    1. +1
      April 17 2020 15: 43
      Quote: rocket757
      The world is changing, and the principles dominate are all the same, invented many years ago.

      So yes, but in the days of the USSR, these principles did not work in our country .. Now, yes, flourished in all its glory .. !!!
      Here is this principle, while in Russia, thank God, while
      For those who risked not to give way to him "If you want peace, prepare for war"!

      But the principle of Democracy, it’s time to restore! Otherwise, these crises, etc. finally finish Russia, while this all goes ..
      1. +2
        April 17 2020 15: 58
        Principles are not unshakable! It’s just that they don’t always talk about them publicly. The Soviet government acted in different places in different ways, depending on the situation. This is not good, not bad, it is effective.
        For politicians, ANYONE, there is a main criterion, effectiveness! As soon as they begin to forget about him, disaster strikes!
        For us, the Soviet people, it turned out to be a tragedy when the top leadership considered that they themselves with a mustache and close interaction with the people was not an urgent need for them. Those. erroneous criteria were adopted for their activities, and this turned out to be ineffective, communication with the people was completely lost, and the people no longer believed in empty slogans.
        That is why the people did not stand up as a wall to defend "their power" ... he did not consider it his own.
        Mistakes were on both sides, it is obvious, but the beginning to rot from the very top ...
        1. +3
          April 17 2020 16: 14
          Quote: rocket757
          For us, the Soviet people, it turned out to be a tragedy when the top leadership considered that they themselves with a mustache and close interaction with the people was not an urgent need for them. Those. erroneous criteria were adopted for their activities, and this turned out to be ineffective, communication with the people was completely lost, and the people no longer believed in empty slogans.
          That is why the people did not stand up as a wall to defend "their power" ... he did not consider it his own.

          Already gritted his teeth when the memories surged ..
          They hung slogans all over the country "The party is the mind, honor and conscience of our era .."
          And they calmed down, and the insiders ruined them from the inside! And now they all laugh at us .. And we sincerely believed !!!
          Quote: rocket757
          Mistakes were on both sides, it is obvious, but the beginning to rot from the very top ...

          And we sold sausages, jeans and gum to Western propoganda
          My fault is there, and my conscience is tormenting me ... but now, with full democracy, I live and chew gum, while all sorts of milking me and exploiting the capitalists, damn them all ..
          1. +3
            April 17 2020 16: 24
            "Iron Curtain", do not let anyone in and anywhere, it was the height of go / E / tism. Those who visited, saw, looked, told the truth! But she could save our society.
            For example, it was useless to convince me, sho there is honey on smears, because I saw that "medok" and did not want him to come here, bhe!
            But here is the slogan that the party there is someone’s mind and conscience, for me the same be-e.
            A series of mistakes merged into one big crime, which continues to this day.
            This is our reality.
            1. +1
              April 17 2020 18: 55
              Quote: rocket757
              A series of mistakes merged into one big crime, which continues to this day.
              This is our reality.

              You can argue over the little things forever ... But here you are right and the truth is a series of mistakes, disasters, etc. everything fell in one fell swoop and dances on the bones and the blackening of everything began .. Shabash in short ..
              Now the same thing again .. Oh, they will finish us, sooner or later, there are too many of them soldier
              1. +1
                April 17 2020 19: 23
                It’s unlikely that this will be finished, then what, after us, is the question. Who did we leave behind ???
                There is a struggle for the minds of those who follow, and here they use their advantage !!! First of all, education, which is in their hands, then the media, and then a lot of different things, which we can’t do, because we remain each on our own and this is our biggest mistake!
                1. 0
                  April 17 2020 21: 08
                  Quote: rocket757
                  It’s unlikely that this will be finished, then what, after us, is the question. Who did we leave behind ???

                  It’s scary too, judging by the generation of the 80-90s
                  Quote: rocket757
                  There is a struggle for the minds of those who follow, and here they use their advantage !!! First of all, education, which is in their hands, then the media, and then a lot of different things, which we can’t do, because we remain each on our own and this is our biggest mistake!

                  So yes .. But I still believe that the genes will work for our children, grandchildren, and there is already such a tendency, and under the howl and shake of the neolibers, our offspring still find the strength to resist them all .. This is the call of blood we call the Russians! Well, here is a very significant example ..Not still lost in Russia !!!

                  Well, for Russia, men soldier
                  1. +1
                    April 17 2020 21: 22
                    You can’t alter nature, FIG them. It is not only the call of blood, it is also absorbed in mother's milk. And the rest should be given, taught by old peppers, who have seen life and sniffed gunpowder!
                    You don’t apply it, it’s what we have. It is only necessary to pass it on to the young, to teach! As in truth and honor live.
                    1. 0
                      April 17 2020 22: 08
                      Quote: rocket757
                      You don’t apply it, it’s what we have. It is only necessary to pass it on to the young, to teach! As in truth and honor live.

                      Living honestly is not fashionable with them now .... But you need to set an example and just talk to our future generation (although now they can fill your face .. a bunch of videos)
                      Well, as long as we reason like this, then everything is still not lost Victor! Let them read, their right to judge us old farthers ... But maybe they will think it all the same, that’s the whole thing !!!! soldier
                      1. 0
                        April 17 2020 23: 28
                        I’m not arguing, I’m teaching .... the crew of the armored train has already accumulated, and the commander after the cadet school must go along the military line!
                        Each in its place, that which can.
  4. +8
    April 17 2020 15: 38
    The impending economic crisis, says Sergey Pereslegin, is the best way to redistribute industrial assets.

    Robbed a loot. Financial movers and shakers will be taking off the last shirts from the people, when it was different ...
  5. +5
    April 17 2020 15: 52
    It is not known who the author of these words is, but in Japan they often repeat them: "Japan's most precious and main resource is its people." A state in which the main task is the all-round development of a person cannot be defeated. A country where there is a gradual degradation of man will sooner or later be conquered.
    1. Cat
      April 17 2020 16: 01
      The state in which the main task is the comprehensive development of man

      Name at least one such state (well, or for which it is prescribed in the constitution). De facto, the main task of the state is at least maintaining its current state, and at the very least - expanding to the entire globe.
      1. +4
        April 17 2020 16: 13
        Yes, there are a lot of correct words in the constitution. Here in our article 7 1. "The Russian Federation is a social state, the policy of which is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a dignified life and free human development." And to the point ... In the USSR, all paths were open for human development: education, sports, science, labor activity, additional all-round development, there would be a desire. In the PRC, they also devote a lot to the development of education, but the system has been greatly perverted by the commercial approach.
        1. Cat
          April 17 2020 16: 33
          In the USSR, all paths were open for human development: education, sports, science, work, additional comprehensive development, there would be a desire

          Yes, and it’s real, even the concept of a social elevator did not make sense. And now one desire is not enough, we need money. And they can either be stolen or inherited: well, whose interests does such a state express? (rhetorical question)
    2. +5
      April 17 2020 18: 07
      Quote: Doccor18
      A state in which the main task is the comprehensive development of man is impossible to defeat.

      They invested "in a person", invested ... But what's the point?

      Free do not appreciate.
      Because no one stood up for the USSR
      1. +4
        April 17 2020 18: 31
        Quote: Spade
        They invested "in a person", invested ... But what's the point?

        Well, it’s hard to argue. You’re right! What did they have and what became .. angry They blew it up from the inside and then bombed it with air (Sarkozy borrowed a lot of money from Gaddafi and then the first delivered an air strike)

        Quote: Spade
        Free do not appreciate.
        Because no one stood up for the USSR

        Well, there were attempts, of course, but the information resources of the USSR captured certain individuals. The same Gaidar-Guboshlep was the editor-in-chief of the Kommunist magazine, Yakovlev was also from the same structures .. And there was also an artificially created deficit, who were in the Ministry of Trade mainly in the regions ..?
        And most importantly, the Soviet Union finally finished off, this is the loss of a smoke, then it was already too much and the USSR collapsed !!!!! Handsomely ? Beautiful and then suddenly ..

        Men are very symbolic .. And we’ll definitely figure it out
        1. +1
          April 18 2020 09: 47
          Quote: Guard
          Well, there were attempts, of course, but the information resources of the USSR captured certain individuals. The same Gaidar-Guboshlep was the editor-in-chief of the Kommunist magazine, Yakovlev was also from the same structures ..

          And other famous personalities in the form of Chubais and others, and all of them were supervised by a certain KGB Bobkov. Either supervised, or intentionally raised.
  6. +6
    April 17 2020 16: 22
    One gets the impression that the authors planned 5 or 6 articles, but the editors agreed on one, and here the authors combined them.
    Reading is very difficult, so many things have been put together in a heap.
  7. +4
    April 17 2020 16: 27
    Duty bucket of slop on our allies in the anti-Hitler coalition: USA and England.
    Oh, looked at the number of letters. This is not a bucket. This draws to a normal communal slop bath.
    This "thinker" did not say a word about the real threat from our Chinese "brothers" of China. What for? There is no order and attendance - you can not write about China. The fact that the Far East and Siberia merge - just think, what a garbage.
    1. -3
      April 17 2020 16: 50
      Quote: Old Fuck
      This "thinker" did not say a word about the real threat from our Chinese "brothers" of China.

      Do not distribute American propaganda.
      The Chinese are not so inadequate to fight on two fronts.

      Quote: Old Horseradish
      Duty bucket of slop on our allies in the anti-Hitler coalition: USA and England.

      The Fulton speech was delivered on March 5, 1946.
      And not Stalin.
      1. +3
        April 17 2020 22: 19
        Quote: Spade
        The Chinese are not so inadequate to fight on two fronts.

        Those. with respect to pragmatic Germans, do you allow this possibility, but do not have Chinese with their Asian unpredictability? belay You really need to dig the history of China. wink
        1. -1
          April 17 2020 23: 07
          Quote: Ingvar 72
          Those. with respect to pragmatic Germans, do you allow this possibility, but do not have Chinese with their Asian unpredictability?

          Exactly! The Chinese "with their Asian unpredictability" are much smarter than the Germans.
          Moreover, the Americans do not particularly hide their desire to push China with its neighbors.
          1. +5
            April 18 2020 07: 25
            Quote: Spade
            The Chinese "with their Asian unpredictability" are much smarter than the Germans.

            I would not give a hand to the cutoff, arguing this. request
            1. -1
              April 18 2020 07: 59
              Quote: Ingvar 72
              I would not give a hand to the cutoff, arguing this.

              Naturally. Keeping an American agitprop works great by brainwashing you.

              But the Chinese ... They remember very well how, together with the Americans, they destroyed the USSR. Not even starting a war. And they perfectly understand what is fraught with the transition of Russia to the camp of opponents
              1. +1
                April 18 2020 12: 04
                Quote: Spade
                But the Chinese ... They remember very well how, together with the Americans, they destroyed the USSR. Not even starting a war. And they perfectly understand what is fraught with the transition of Russia to the camp of opponents

                You logically probably had a count. You write that the Chinaites together with the Americans destroyed the USSR, and now they supposedly understand what threatens the transition of Russia to the camp of the opponents ?!
                Those. having destroyed the USSR, which was ten times more powerful than Russia, are they now afraid of Russia?
                Listen, start reading articles of such "thinkers".
                1. 0
                  April 18 2020 12: 09
                  Quote: Old Fuck
                  Those. having destroyed the USSR, which was ten times more powerful than Russia, are they now afraid of Russia?

                  That's it!
                  They are well aware that butting with the USA is not at all the same as butting with the USA and Russia.

                  Just because two is more than one. For this, you do not need specially developed thinking laughing
                  And maybe you should "read the articles of" thinkers "to understand this?
  8. Cat
    April 17 2020 16: 47
    And apparently, things will get worse

    Well, yes, no one has repealed Murphy’s laws request
  9. +6
    April 17 2020 17: 02
    Lord, what nonsense!
    The West as a whole and, first of all, the United States, are absolute technological leaders, and the gap "following them" is enormous. The "era of the virus" will pass and development will continue. Someone will complain to someone, and then everyone will go back to business. Some kind of BRICS (which no longer exists) will show something somewhere ... some kind of dead EAEU ... and again a comparison of how many tanks and guns will be in a mythical conflict ...
    The Second World War was long ago! If Europe and Asia from morning till night remembered who destroyed how much of whom and killed the people, then instead of the current economic level of development they would sit at the level of the 50s - 60s! We must go forward, wiggle our brains, and not shout from morning to evening "we can repeat!" Why do we need a world without Russia and so on.
    If we continue to chat, instead of moving our brains and looking for opportunities for real economic modernization and trying to integrate ourselves into international industrial and intellectual integration, the world will really be left without Russia ...
    And it’s time for Mr. Pereslegin to show the doctors that they don’t understand what is happening (and will happen) in Western economies as a result of the pandemic, this is something
    1. +1
      April 17 2020 17: 42
      Quote: A.TOR
      ... The West as a whole and, first of all, the United States, are absolute technological leaders, and the gap "following them" is enormous. The "era of the virus" will pass and development will continue. Someone will complain to someone, and then everyone will go back to business. Some kind of BRICS (which no longer exists) will show something somewhere ... some kind of dead EAEU ... and again a comparison of how many tanks and cannons will be in a mythical conflict ...

      The technological leadership of the United States is unconditional, and in the next 10-15 years no one will squeeze them, but for the United States, not everything is so rosy in reality. China's economy is growing, and according to forecasts in 2050:

      It will be almost 1,8 times larger than the US economy, it is clear that coronavirus will make serious changes to this schedule, but the trend itself can be traced to the loss of US leadership in the economy, not to mention other competitors in Asia (India above all .d.). And with the growth of the economy, China is trying to catch up with the West technologically, and in part it is getting it, for example, from the Top 500 supercomputers in the world 228 from China, from the USA 117, while the truth is, according to the power of the USA, China takes leaders by 3 and 4th place Chinese computing machines. Also in other technological sectors, the development of 5G in China, the release of its electronics, etc. By the way, sanctions were not just against Huawei, Americans see that the competitor is developing and the technological gap is narrowing. So it’s only a matter of time before China equals the USA technologically.

      Regarding the BRICS as a whole, as an organization, of course, it weakly manifests itself in the international arena, but as a group of countries that advocates an alternative to Western domination and adheres to the idea of ​​multipolarity, then its role can be traced. But in the EAEU, I agree that we (Russia) do not have enough economic power to give impetus to this project, but the world is changeable, and if Russia draws the right conclusions and makes the right decisions to rebuild the economy, then maybe it will come out in the end, there will be such an EU 2.0.
      1. +3
        April 17 2020 18: 43
        Let's wait 10-15 years and see. History knows examples of fast and rather long-term growth of the economies of some countries, but we also know that growth is limited by the capacity of the markets in which one or another state operates (its economy).
        The second key parameter is the cost of the slave. strength. With rising living standards in China, goods will become less competitive.
        The third - and very important property of America - it is she who creates the so-called. "meanings" of development. Without this, China will be forever catching up precisely in a semantic context.
        In general, the concept of "western domination" is multifaceted: it was the western part of civilization that introduced and maintains high standards of life, from medicine to transport. The point is that "new meanings (ideas)" cannot appear where the achieved standard of living (as a whole) is below the threshold that allows the existing resources to be used to form new needs.

        As far as Russia is concerned, it will not become a "new EU 2.0" by definition: the EU is a union, first of all, of different cultures, both in life itself and in the culture (cultures) of production.
        And the EAEU is, excuse me, the Russian Federation + a set of unsuccessful lack of culture.
        But it seems to me that Russia should not wait for "correct conclusions and correct decisions" yet: the current paradigm of the existence of the state (Russia) is built on the denial of you-know-what.
        By virtue of this, decisions and conclusions will be made in this context.
        1. +1
          April 17 2020 20: 12
          Yes, I agree that time will tell. Although China has good chances to squeeze the US leadership in all spheres, and the main advantage of China is its population, whose huge domestic market has very good prospects, China of the sample 2000 - 2010 - 2020 is very different, if before China relied on export and production, now it’s switched to the services sector, and given that the salary is growing, the well-being of the population has increased significantly, so that in the future neither the USA nor the EU will be able to provide such a market as the PRC can provide, but regarding the increase in the cost of slaves. This is the place to be, and there are already companies that rely on a cheap slave. the production was transferred to other countries by force, but from this China did not cease to be a factory in the world, it has its own peculiarities .... and as for the meanings, America cannot offer anything new, everything it could have done: democracy, freedom, dollar , capitalism and now there is a crisis in the world ... I would even call it a capitalist crisis, when the West lives in debt and produces more and more financial bubbles, and there is no way out of this system, one day the whole system will burst (not endlessly fill the system with money) and then the standard of living West prosyadet significantly. And China, what can the world offer? authoritarianism, socialism with a capitalist face, the yuan as an alternative to the dollar in the future, etc. maybe some other ideas .... will there be a demand for them? the world is changing fast, so who knows. For example, the health crisis in the EU (and the US, by the way) showed the inefficiency of their system, and the effectiveness of the Asian approach. So let's see, here I agree with you that only history will show how everything will develop. The only thing I’m sure for sure is that there are no eternal empires, history shows that each empire has its own cycle of existence, and the United States will not pass, the only question is whether their time is right or not.

          And about Russia and the EAEU, you are right. But as one of the poles of this world (EAEU, EU, USA, China), this union is quite viable, with the rest of Russia. But on the formation of something larger (EU 2.0., Etc.) then yes, there are a lot of obstacles. But in any case, hopes for the best ...
          1. 0
            April 17 2020 20: 47
            You want to see the world like this - approx. Let it be so. Also an option
    2. +1
      April 17 2020 17: 44
      Quote: A.TOR
      The West as a whole and, above all, the USA, absolute technological leaders

      And why, then, the aforementioned "West as a whole and, above all, the United States" is so hysterically opposed to Chinese technologies?
      So hysterical that they switched to completely non-market methods long ago

      Something doesn't fit ... laughing
      1. +3
        April 17 2020 18: 46
        And I like everything so much in Mr. Trump's actions! China often does not act in a market, and the president answers the same!
        This is m. Obama mumbled something about divergence and so on. Don harshly means "what is who" - well done!
        Yes, superiority must be defended by all available means.
        The rest is empty
        1. 0
          April 17 2020 18: 53
          Quote: A.TOR
          And I like everything so much in Mr. Trump's actions! China often does not act in a market, and the president answers the same!

          We are not discussing Trump.
          We are discussing "absolute technology leaders" who turned out to be not leaders at all, when this leadership had to be proven by action, and not by self-praise.
          1. 0
            April 17 2020 18: 53
            Sorry, I did not understand
  10. +3
    April 17 2020 17: 38
    A wish to the authors: we must carefully select examples from history - the provisions of the Geneva Conventions fully applied to the soldiers of the Red Army in full, as it is written down in the conventions themselves (signatory countries are obliged to comply with the conventions with respect to servicemen of non-signatory countries).

    Therefore, numerous cases of gross violation by the Germans of the Geneva Conventions against the Red Army are war crimes, however, the issue of the guilt of the Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe, Kriegsmarine and WafenSS was bracketed by the Nuremberg trial at the request of Britain and the United States.
    1. +2
      April 17 2020 20: 30
      the provisions of the Geneva Conventions were fully extended to the soldiers of the Red Army in full, as it is written in the conventions themselves

      Moreover, this is recorded in the universally recognized decisions of the Nuremberg Tribunal - the Geneva and Hague Conventions are binding on all parties to hostilities, regardless of signature.
  11. +2
    April 17 2020 17: 58
    About China's "victory" in the trade war, about the total superiority of the Russian army in Europe, about "something" BRICS, about "opposition" to the Russian state is simply not serious .... The rest is propaganda.
    The only possibly serious topic is the promotion of regional projects. But the author did not explain anything and confused "bipolarity" with "regionalism".

    I respect any opinion, views ... But this "akyn" of political science himself got confused in his "threats" and "forecasts."
  12. 0
    April 17 2020 19: 11
    Quote: Finches
    Actual conclusions from the lessons of World War II ... no one did! laughing

    He lies on the surface! Do not get into conflict until all the warring parties are on their last legs. And then HE appears, collecting tribute from both sides, - Lord of the world!
  13. +1
    April 18 2020 04: 42
    Everything is great, everything is thesis, but I’m interested in the answer to the question. How does the author talk about the collapse of Europe due to border crossings, if borders in territorial entities and republics overlap in Russia? The same collapse? If not, then please give arguments - why Moscow, Krasnodar Territory, Chechnya is possible, but not Hungary or Poland, for example.
    1. 0
      April 18 2020 23: 56
      Dear Andrey! It is all about the role of supranational bodies in Europe. The EU does not actually affect the situation in the fight against the epidemic. In Russia, the role of the federal government is very significant. And you can observe it almost daily. And this is not only about instructions from Moscow. We are talking about financial assistance to both people and businesses, the centralized construction of hospitals, the technical equipment of new and reconstruction of old medical facilities, etc. Financial assistance will never be enough, but nothing can be done here. It's about survival. For greater stability of the country, the public administration system took into account the characteristics of each object of government by providing each subject of the federation with greater independence. This is the right decision to organize the functioning of the state as a complex socio-technical system.
      In a situation where the EU’s highest governing body does not have the resources to influence the process of counteracting the epidemic by individual states, they can only rely on themselves. Because of this, it becomes possible to talk about the collapse of the EU.
  14. -1
    April 18 2020 08: 53
    Dear Author!
    The article is good for its relevance. But it is too big, unites many questions, aspects of one phenomenon, is academic and therefore cannot be the subject of discussion. All the material had to be divided into separate blocks and filed in the form of several articles united by a single thought. Then it would be possible to talk. And in the form in which it is, this is a useful textbook, which, for example, I have taken into account and will use it on occasion. And thank you very much for that!
    1. +1
      April 18 2020 23: 40
      Dear Lyudmila Yakovlevna! Thank you for your kind words. You are right, the article should have been divided into about 3 parts. She is really poorly perceived in the presented form. I, realizing the cumbersomeness of the material, did not write about the development of the situation in the South and Far East of Russia. And in the format you proposed, you could place these materials. Once again, thanks.
      1. -1
        April 19 2020 01: 05
        And thank you again! love
        Visit us more often. I will wait for your next article))
  15. 0
    April 20 2020 13: 51
    Review (in an atmosphere of world self-isolation).
    "BV Kuroyedov with the participation of SR Tsyrendorzhiev proposed five alternative scenarios for the development of the international and military-political situation." (I confess I don’t know who they are ...)
    On the text: in the first third I almost completely agree. Further - science stain in a nap. I looked through the rest, sorry, diagonally.
    The offer is:
    Implement the Sixth Scenario: the Russian scientific community is looking for a very talented, charismatic Preacher (preferably astronomers, paleontologists or ecologists) in its (or foreign) ranks, who will begin to intelligently, with inspiration, intensively, substantively and publicly exhort and Conscience personally every world politician or oligarch on the long-known theme "our desires give rise to our own / other people's suffering."
    It should help, because the eternal sacred moral concept of Conscience (Shame) has not yet been canceled;)
    1. 0
      April 27 2020 00: 06
      Unfortunately, links to various publications in the Military Review are not shown. Surnames were shown per link. There were links to an article in the journal Military Thought.
  16. 0
    April 21 2020 20: 46
    Another thing is that in the tradition of Russian foreign policy it is customary to look broader than their national interests, bearing in mind the historical fate of mankind, with which Russia connects its future.

    Hooked on this, read on time. Then I read, the article has a large volume.

    According to the quote - I thought, maybe now is the time to look at myself, think and make the right conclusion, act not so widely revealing the soul to the whole world, but to our own people and our own future country?
    1. +1
      April 27 2020 10: 09
      You are my +. And I am of the same opinion. Total "your balance has become = 0"> Supposedly your opinion is parallel to everyone;), according to this flawed account system.
      The above quotation lacks a detailed historical reference to the consequences of this "tradition" of ours, which we inherited as a "heavy legacy of the tsarist regime" (at least to recall the beginning of WWI). I personally understood this quote of the authors "correctly" - I perceived it in an ironic and allegorical subtext.
      For the source of "tradition" is essentially the personal interests, delusions or ambitions of the supreme rulers.
      People do not ask in advance: "boom to help / fight?"

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"