Step Into the Unknown, or Future of American Marines


Infantrymen from the 22MEU (company A) land on a tiltrotor aboard the Kirsarge UDC. After the reform, the role of airmobile units in Marines will grow even stronger.

The United States Marine Corps (USMC), an organization that is called the United States Marine Corps in Russia and which is actually called the United States Marine Corps, is currently experiencing one of the most dramatic moments in its last thirty (at least) years stories. Having gone unnoticed by domestic observers, the Corpus launched a phenomenally deep reform, which, if successful, will turn it into a fundamentally new instrument of war for the Americans, and, most importantly, naval warfare, rather than land war.

Well, in the event of a failure, the United States may lose its legendary military structure almost completely. The ongoing Marines reform is worth talking about.

First, the backstory.

Second Army

Started after September 11, 2001, the American world war (supposedly against terrorism) demanded extreme tension from the US Armed Forces. This even affected the Navy: sailors on rotation served as soldiers on land bases in Iraq and Afghanistan, patrol Orions were involved in reconnaissance tasks over land, carrier-based Navy aircraft inflicted countless strikes on ground targets. This cup has not passed, of course, and Marines. As a naval expeditionary force designed to fight on the ground, the Marines (let's call them that) were among the first to set foot on the soil of Afghanistan and Iraq. During the Iraq War, during the advance on Baghdad, the entire American right flank consisted of them.

Iraq, 2003, Marines in the battle for the bridge

Later, as the insurgency flared up on the occupied lands, these troops, along with the US Army, became increasingly involved in the occupation service. They received wheeled MRAP armored cars so as not to move on tracked AAV7 armored personnel carriers optimized for over-the-horizon landings, or on the LAV-25 armored personnel carrier, which the Corps directives expressly forbid to use on the battlefield as an armored personnel carrier due to thin armor (it is only slightly stronger than our armored personnel carriers, which would not have been used in the American Armed Forces due to low survivability). They sat at bases and roadblocks, went on night raids in Baghdad or Tikrit, and, as former US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates aptly put it, they turned into a second army. It cannot be said that America needed a second ground force, and questions were slowly but surely brewing among the American public about the status that the Corps had achieved as a result of the wars organized by the Republicans.

Marines in Afghanistan: Zero Differences with the Army

Why does America need another ground force? Why do these ground forces have their own Air Force (deck aviation Corps are stronger than many national air forces in the world. Stronger than most, at least in terms of numbers). Where and against whom will the Corps demonstrate its landing capabilities? Against mainland China? Not funny. Against Russia? In general, it is also not funny, and why? Why do we need endless "deployments" (deployment) of amphibious combat-ready groups (ARG) at sea? Is it possible to defeat at least Syria with such a group? No. Conduct a special operation on its territory? Yes, you can, but the landing forces of the group are redundant for this, and the air forces are insufficient, at least if the Syrians try to interfere.

Questions ripened and in what condition the Corps was.

Overstrain caused by an endless war, in general, in principle, harmed the US Armed Forces. But Marines - especially. So, the flight of the Hornet pilot, assigned to the Corps, fell to a miserable 4-5 hours a month.

F / A-18 of one of the Corps squadrons

There are other issues that would take too long to list. One way or another, the Corps was slowly turning into a thing in itself. The situation was not changed by the actual seizure of military power in the United States by officers from the Marines - at some point, Marine Mattis was the Secretary of Defense, Marine Dunford was the chairman of the OKNS, and Marine General Kelly was the head of the White House staff. The Trinity even arranged photo shoots in uniform at the White House, but they were of no use to the USMC: in fact, the only breakthrough was the entry into service of the F-35B aircraft, which were a serious step forward compared to the AV-8B, which the Corps pilots flew previously. And that's it.

The rapidly changing world, however, required changes in the American military machine. Trump's attempts to break out of the Middle East swamp and focus on strangling China required appropriate tools, and the opponents of the Corps demanded that its existence (and expenses) be given meaning or that its army be subordinated to the rights of army landing units (an attempt of which, by the way, in the history of the United States has already been under Truman in late forties).

Everything was complicated by the delicacy of the topic. Marines in the USA is just a legendary structure, surrounded by a lot more myths than the Airborne Forces in our country. The entire Second World War in the United States is largely associated precisely with the assaults by the Marines of the Japanese fortified islands in the Pacific Ocean. Corps in America is simply adored, just remember the famous "Raising the Flag over Iwo Jima" - one of the symbols of America as such. As one journalist put it, "The United States doesn't need a Marine Corps, but the United States wants one." They even have Marines fighting in space in computer games about the distant future. The corps is part of the American identity, not the most important, but integral, it's not just troops. And it was not so easy to approach the issue of their reform.

Marines are not just troops, they are a symbol of America, as some Americans think, and it is a symbol that will survive America itself.

But in the end, the reform began, and began from within. On July 11, 2019, the post of commandant (commander) of the Corps was taken by General David Hilberry Berger, a combat general who is the author of the reform currently under way, her father. Good or not, but now the result of the transformations in the Corps will be connected with it.

General David Berger

Berger received military training at the university, at the local analogue of the military department, and from there he went to the army for the rest of his life. He went through almost all command levels: platoon, company, battalion, regimental battle group, division, expeditionary force with a division in its composition (Marine Expeditionary Force), all the forces of the Corps in the Pacific. He participated in the Gulf War in 1991, in operations in Haiti, in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. He served in Kosovo and the Pacific. He, in general, fought wherever he could. At the same time, he spent about half of his service in headquarters at various levels and in instructor positions. He is trained as a scuba diver, scout, parachutist, and studied at the army ranger school. The battalion he commanded was a reconnaissance battalion, Berger knows what it's like to be behind the front lines. Already an officer, he was trained at the command and staff college of the Corps and advanced training courses in the so-called. School of Advanced Combat Training, also Marine. Against this background, his master's degree in political science at a civilian university no longer looks good, but he also has it.

Apparently, such versatile preparation gave Berger the opportunity to generate his extremely radical plan for reforming such an important institution for America. The plan that the American public initially met with hostility.

Because Berger announced his plan with the need for radical reductions, and what!

Rejection of all tanks: quite numerous tank forces of the Corps are completely disbanded, there will be no tanks. Field artillery is being reduced from 21 batteries of towed guns to five. The number of each F-35B squadron is reduced from 16 vehicles to 10. Convertiplane squadrons, Cobra helicopter attack squadrons, transport squadrons, and battalion controls are being cut. Many parts are reduced completely, others partially. In total, the corps will lose 12000 people by 2030, or 7% of its current strength. It is by the named year that he must take on a new look completely.

There were people who called Berger grave digger Corps. Veterans say they will not recommend young people to join his ranks - it is better to join the Army, Navy or Air Force. And this is an unprecedented level of criticism.

Behind the collapse, however, is something interesting.

Berger's plan

The reform planned by Berger is inextricably linked with how American strategists see the future non-nuclear (or limited nuclear) war against China.

And the first thing is where they see this war. And they see it on the so-called "First chain of islands" - a set of archipelagos that cut off mainland China from the Pacific Ocean. At the same time, the specifics of the theater of operations is that the chain is already under the allies of the Americans, and the task will not be so much to take these islands by storm, but to prevent the Chinese from doing this when they try to break the naval blockade, for example. A separate issue is the islands in the South China Sea. Often these are just shoals, nothing more, but control over them allows you to control navigation in a vast area, and the capture of islands that have airfields makes it possible to quickly transfer troops within the archipelagos. This is a very specific environment.

Two island chains - two containment lines of China. The Americans want to block it on the first line and then go to the South China Sea. It is also planned to hold Taiwan and the waters around. Departure to the second chain of islands is extremely undesirable and in fact is regarded as a defeat

Berger does not hide, and he has repeatedly said this, that the task of the Corps will be to effectively fight in this specific environment, and not somewhere else. And, I must say, now the organizational and staffing structure of the Corps does not correspond to such tasks.

The main postulates of the Berger plan are:

1. The corps is an instrument of naval warfare; it ensures its success by operations on land. This is an openly revolutionary position. Before that, everything was the other way around: the victory achieved by the Navy at sea opened the possibility of using the marines on earth to achieve victory on earth. Berger simply flips this generally accepted logic.

This is not to say that before him no one had come up with this. In a series of articles "Building a Fleet", in the article “We are building a fleet. Attacks of the weak, loss of the strong the author formulated one of the principles of naval warfare by the weakest side, which had previously been used more than once in history:

Thus, we formulate the third rule of the weak: it is necessary to destroy the enemy's naval forces by ground forces and aviation (not sea) in all cases when this is possible from the point of view of the predicted effect and risks. This will release the forces of the Navy for other operations and reduce the superiority of the enemy in forces.

The Americans, being the strongest side, plan to do the same to further widen the gap in power between themselves and China. How Berger is going to use troops against the enemy fleet, this is a separate conversation, and it is ahead, for now, we note the revolutionary nature of the new reform. By the way, one of the innovations voiced by Berger will be a much closer interaction of the Navy in the course of the fulfillment by the latter of their tasks to establish dominance at sea.

It is interesting, but in the same article it was predicted that the Americans would develop in this direction:

It is especially worth mentioning that such operations are the “hobby” of the Americans. We can believe in such opportunities or not, but they will do it in droves, and we should be prepared for this, on the one hand, and not be “embarrassed” by doing it ourselves, on the other.

And so it turns out in the end.

One of the important aspects of the first point is that Berger takes the Corps away from the position of the "second Army" - now the Army will do what it did before, but the Marines will do completely different things that are necessary in principle, but inaccessible to the Army. Thus, the question of the usefulness of the Corps for the country is closed, not only in the ideological field, but also in practice.

2. The corps must carry out its tasks in conditions of dominated by the adversary at sea and in the air (contested environment). This is also a revolutionary moment - both earlier and now, the conditions for conducting an amphibious landing operation are to achieve supremacy at sea and in the air in the area of ​​\uXNUMXb\uXNUMXbits implementation and on the communications necessary for its implementation. Of course, history knows many examples when relatively successful landings took place without all this, at least the German landing in Narvik, but these were always marginal examples - examples of how, generally speaking, it was not necessary to do, but lucky. The Americans are going to create forces that will fight like this on a regular basis. This is something new in military affairs.

These two requirements lead to the fact that the Corps must change beyond recognition - and this is what is happening.

We ask the question: do you need a lot of tanks in conditions when the task of the Americans is to disrupt the enemy’s landing on "their" islands? Most likely, a complete rejection of them is a mistake, but in general they do not need a lot.

And the barrel artillery? Again, there may be a situation where it is really needed, here the Americans are taking risks with landslide reductions, but let's admit that it will not be needed as much as in a regular ground war. Yes, and do not completely eliminate it, just cut it.

Or we will consider the same questions in relation to the capture of the Chinese bulk islands: where are the tanks to disperse there? And isn’t it too difficult to deliver them there? And the numerous barrel artillery? Ammo to her? And can this artillery, based on one island, support fire troops on another, say, 30 kilometers? No.

Or such a question as the reduction of the staff of the battalion as a whole. This is currently being studied in the United States, but the question that the battalions are "losing weight" is a settled one, the question is only how much. It seems stupid, but the small and dispersed parts are much more stable when using nuclear on the battlefield weapons, and this cannot be ruled out in the war with China. And it seems that the Americans want to be prepared for this as well.

In general, the new states of the Corps promise to be very well adapted to nuclear war. Few people comment on the reform from this side, but it has this side, and it is impossible not to notice it.

In fact, if we consider Berger's undertakings precisely through the prism of the US war with China, and precisely on the first chain of islands and in the South China Sea, it turns out that he is not so wrong. One can argue whether five artillery batteries will suffice, or whether at least a certain number of tanks should have been left behind. But the fact that hundreds of tanks and 21 cannon artillery batteries are not needed for such a war is undeniable.

And what you need? We need equipment and weapons, completely different than the Corps is using now. And this is also taken into account in Berger's plan.

New weapons policy

To conduct battles in such an environment and with declared goals, the Corps will need a new approach to weapons systems and military equipment. This is due to the following specifics.

Firstly, we need the ability to suppress the actions of enemy (Chinese) Navy from the ground. This requires anti-ship missiles. Secondly, it is necessary that the troops can support each other with fire at a great distance, when a supported unit on one island, supporting on another, for example, 50 kilometers. This requires long-range weapons, naturally missile.

For firing at such ranges, it is necessary to have powerful intelligence in order to have accurate information about the enemy, both at sea and on the islands.

And you also need to have a lot of ships that provide landing operations, while taking into account the need to act until sea supremacy is achieved, these should be cheaper, “consumed” ships, with a smaller landing party, smaller, but in larger numbers. At least in order not to lose thousands of people on every ship sunk by the enemy.

Actually, all this is laid down in a new vision of the future Corps and has already been voiced. To combat the enemy Navy, marines must receive ground-based anti-ship missile installations.

American anti-ship missiles NSM. Future Marines

In order to support each other’s fire on neighboring islands - missile launchers, so far as a first approximation they will be the HIMARS MLRS, capable of using not only unguided, but also small-sized cruise missiles, over a distance of hundreds of kilometers. Berger has already announced a threefold increase in the number of such systems in the Corps.

Step Into the Unknown, or Future of American Marines
Exercises on the use of MLRS HIMARS during the raid (!) Marines ashore

The next important program announced the creation of a powerful line of long-range precision-guided munitions, including loitering missiles, capable of staying in the air for some time before receiving target designation and a command to strike. It is assumed that during the assault operations such ammunition will be literally “over the head” of the attacking troops and, at the first request, will fall on the enemy, which will give a few minutes between the request for a strike and the strike itself, and without any aircraft, which is also a new trend for the US Armed Forces .

It is also planned an abrupt increase in the number of various UAVs and a simultaneous increase in their performance characteristics, this also applies to strike drones, and to reconnaissance, which should get data for the Marines about the enemy, which will then be destroyed by missiles.

And, of course, Berger has already announced aloud the need to have smaller amphibious ships than the current San Antonio, though it hasn’t come to specifics yet.

And of course, so specific troops need specific staffing and doctrine of combat use.

New troops for a new war

The reductions in Corps that Berger planned were not just reductions, but a reduction to new states — fundamentally new.

According to his plan, the so-called Marine Littoral Regiment, MLR, should become the main combat unit of the Corps. This part of the three-battalion composition will become the basis of the future MEF, Marine expeditionary force - an expeditionary force, usually consisting of a marine division and various reinforcement units (our home translators usually translate MEF as a “division” without further ado, although this is not so , MEF is more than a division).

Now, several MEFs will act as a “wave” of regiments, which promptly, anticipating the enemy and not waiting for the complete defeat of his Navy, will have to occupy the key for the need to provide maneuver with the troops of the island.

The regiments would then be required to establish what the Berger Doctrine calls an Expeditionary advanced base. This is a stronghold on which refueling points for helicopters and tiltrotor planes, missile weapon firing positions for attacks on other islands and surface ships, and air guidance posts will be based using rapidly deployable devices and systems. The key content of such a base will be FARP equipment - Forward arming and refueling position - an offensive position (point) of ammunition supply and refueling, on which helicopters and airmobile units and subunits will rely when attacking other islands.

When the enemy tries to drive out the American landing force, the regiment's anti-ship missiles will have to come into play, which will prevent the enemy from approaching the shore. If some parts of the enemy still manage to gain a foothold on the shore, then a massive missile attack by all types of missiles should fall on them - from guided cruise missiles to the good old MLRS missiles, “package” after “Package”, after which mechanized infantry at an extremely fast pace The corps must destroy these enemy troops in a swift attack.

Relying on such an advanced base, other units, using primarily tiltrotors and helicopters, should capture the following islands during the American offensive, where a new littoral regiment or units of the already fighting regiment will then be pulled.

The result should be a sort of "frog jump" scheme - an assault on the island or its occupation without a fight - the landing of the main forces of the "littoral regiment" - the creation by the forces of the regiment (including ground-based anti-ship missiles) and carrier-based aviation of a zone of prohibition of access around the island, the creation of a base for assault units, which should attack the next island - attacking the next island, for example, by airborne forces from the air and everything from the beginning.

Something like this: small-sized landings with long-range weapons, an airborne assault operation against an island with an aerodrome (a landing on convertible planes, special forces from Marine Raiders on parachutes, but you shouldn’t understand it too literally), the F-35B attacks an enemy ship - dominating the sea not yet. Many small American ships around. So they see it

What will act as an assault element of the new forces? What forces will conduct the assault on the islands occupied by the enemy, relying on long-range missiles and the rear infrastructure of the “littoral regiment”? Firstly, the regiment can technically do it itself - out of three battalions, one may well go on an assault. It must be understood that the “base” that the regiment must establish is just trenches, soft tanks with jet fuel (if not a tanker at all at an automobile base) and boxes of ammunition dumped in holes in the ground, at best a mobile command and control tower for assistance in takeoffs and landings of their helicopters, nothing that would require a lot of people for maintenance or a lot of time for deployment is planned there. This means that the regiment can allocate part of its forces for the offensive.


But. in addition to the littoral regiments, Berger considers it necessary to leave in the ranks the expeditionary units - Marine expeditionary units. The MEU is a battalion battle group consisting of a Marine battalion, a rear battalion, many different reinforcement and control units, and an air group that is often volatile (for example, it may or may not have VTOL aircraft, but usually There is).

Berger has already announced that the expeditionary forces remain, but their staff can also change. That MEU and MLR will interact with each other has also been announced. So to storm the islands, relying on the support bases created by the "littoral regiments", there will also be someone.

It should be noted that this is likely to be a working scheme. And it is focused precisely on an extremely fast offensive operation in the archipelagos, so fast that the enemy simply does not have time to dig in and transfer sufficient forces to the defended islands, and does not have time to occupy those islands that were not controlled by him at the beginning of hostilities. Everything that can slow down such an operation, "extra" armored vehicles, for example, Berger is going to quit. Tanks cannot conduct air assault operations from helicopters and convertiplanes.

It should also be noted that on the islands of the South China Sea, the Corps most likely will not meet either numerous defending troops (there is nowhere to place them and nowhere to get the right amount of drinking water), nor armored vehicles (the islands are small and often lack vegetation in which to disguise themselves, especially bulk islands), but the continuous raids of the light forces of the enemy fleet will be a problem, and this is where the ground-based anti-ship missiles of the Corps, and the deck F-35Bs will have to have their say.

Oddly enough, the much-criticized "littoral warships", LCS, can also have their say in such a war. The presence on board each of them of a helicopter capable of both providing anti-aircraft defense and carrying guided missiles (Penguin anti-ship missiles and Hellfire anti-tank missiles), the ability to place an attack or multi-purpose helicopter on them and up to a platoon of infantrymen will also be very useful. Naturally, after all these ships are equipped with NSM anti-ship missiles, which are currently being installed on them.

And even a reduction in the number of F-35B squadrons in practice will not reduce their combat effectiveness, but rather increase them. Berger very vaguely comments on issues related to changes in the states of the carrier-based deck aviation, but here his comments are not particularly needed.

In 2017, as part of its usual pressure on China in the South China Sea, the United States sent not the aircraft carrier, but the Uosp UDC, which was supposed to act as a light aircraft carrier, for planned exercises with the Philippines.

In the South China Sea, 2017. The whole air group on deck

In preparation for the campaign, it turned out that it was impossible to operate with large aviation forces with UDC - it was unsuccessful precisely as an aircraft carrier, it has a small hangar, there are no resources for aircraft repairs at the proper level, a cramped deck, despite 40000 tons of displacement. It turned out that the largest air group that can use all its forces and perform combat missions is a group of ten F-35Bs, four Osprey convertoplanes with a rescue squad, which can be used to evacuate downed pilots from enemy territory (however, for delivery to the rear of the enemy groups of special forces too), and a pair of search and rescue helicopters for lifting pilots who ejected over the sea from the water.

And Berger's plan to reduce the squadron to 10 vehicles just hints that the Corps is going to use the UDC not so much as landing ships, but as light aircraft carriers with short takeoff and vertical landing fighters. This will dramatically reduce the dependence of the Marines on the Navy, which may have some other tasks of their own. Of course, UDCs are very dubious aircraft carriers, their effectiveness in this capacity is extremely low, but what are they. On the plus side, they will carry some landing forces in this case, which means that they will be useful for the purposes of the Corps.

Reform progress and weaknesses in the Berger plan

At present, the Americans are solving practical issues. What should be the staff of the battalion? How should expeditionary units (MEU) change? Should they all be the same, or should squad states be different in each area of ​​responsibility? Now these and many other issues are being worked out in the course of various military games. The tradition of war games in the US is very strong. It must be admitted that games really allow you to simulate some things that have not yet been in the real world. Now they are modeling the battles of parts of the Corps with different states and determine the optimal organizational and staff structures for the form of military operations that they plan to resort to in the future.

With the exception of these questions, which have not yet been clarified, Berger clearly has a clear vision of the future Corps, he does not hesitate to speak live on SIM and confidently answers sharp questions about what he is doing, and we must admit that the sharp critical attitude of American society his reforms are changing very quickly, literally not by the day, but by the hour.

There is also support for the Berger plan from the military-political leadership.

Some things, however, raise questions.

So, practice shows that sometimes it is impossible to do without tanks. If not without tanks, then at least without another vehicle armed with a powerful cannon capable of direct fire. The absence of such a vehicle in the plans for the rearmament of the Corps looks like a weak point - at least one or two vehicles in an infantry company are simply required even during such island operations. And if the enemy can land, then more.

The second question is whether the American industry can provide the right line of missile weapons for reasonable money. There is no doubt that she is capable of this, but she needs to still want to, otherwise it could turn out to be truly golden missiles that replenish corporate accounts with money, but which are not massive enough to fight with them - simply because of the price.

The critical dependence of the troops on the means of communication - and this is obvious. If the enemy "lays down" communication, then the use of all those long-range missile systems that can get one island from another will simply be impossible: there will be no communication between those who request fire on targets and those who should conduct it. The same will happen in the event of a nuclear war. Without communication, the Americans will constantly be faced with the need to solve the problem only with the help of rifles and grenades, with all the ensuing consequences. They obviously need to worry about it.

And the main problem: the new Corps will be suitable for the war on the islands. On the first chain of islands in the Pacific Ocean, in the Kuriles, in the Aleuts, in the South China Sea, in Oceania. He will be able to fight in sparsely populated areas with poor communications, for example, in Chukotka, or in some areas of Alaska. But it is of little use for anything else. History shows that the troops have to act in a variety of conditions. And if someday the Marines will be required to occupy a coastal fortified city, and they will say that they cannot (and this will be true, for example), then Berger will be reminded of this. Of course, the US also has an army, and there is a historical experience of landing operations that were carried out only by the army without Marines (at least Normandy), but, nevertheless, Berger is at risk here. A demonstration of the uselessness of the Corps will be very painfully received by American society, and a narrow specialization in one theater of operations and one enemy is fraught with precisely this. Although it might work out.

There are arguments "for", and not only those listed above. In Russia, such things as the transfer by sea to a threatened direction of coastal missile systems with anti-ship cruise missiles are widely practiced. They are also used for coastal defense, including on the islands (the Kuriles, Kotelny - in the latter case, obviously not where it is needed, but it will not be fixed for long - a matter of days). And since we succeed, why can't the Americans succeed?

One way or another, the Rubicon has been crossed. Either the United States will lose its expeditionary forces, or they will move to a new quality and give them opportunities that the Americans do not have now. And it must be admitted that the chances for the second outcome with a competent and balanced approach will be much higher than for the first. This means that we need to closely monitor what the Americans are doing and prepare to counteract their new methods.

Indeed, important for the country archipelagos are not only in China.

Presentation from CSBA. During the offensive on Kamchatka, the Kuril Islands are shown as US-friendly territory in which American air defense systems (or allied air defense systems) are deployed. And these are islands too
  • Alexander Timokhin
  • USNI, The National Interest, US Marine Corps, Lance Cpl. Joshua Sechser / USMC, Tawanya Norwood / USMC, Daniel Barker / US Navy, CSBA, Consorthium of Defense Analysts, AP / Kuni Takahashi, Assosiated Press, Simon Mortimer /, TheDrive
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  1. +3
    April 9 2020 05: 49
    will turn it into a fundamentally new instrument of war for Americans, and, most importantly, naval warfare, and not land war.
    In short, in the course of the reform, from a large military force that was previously represented by the ILC, one that the President of the United States could use without the permission of Parliament for three days, waging "his" war, "for the benefit of the people of the United States", he turns into one of the kind troops of the fleet ... And great.
  2. +4
    April 9 2020 06: 04
    and if you think so, then our criticized des. ships crawling ashore are no longer so bad in this scenario. in principle, we even have some elements of such a scheme: octopus, x-35 missiles, floating carnations.
    can we copy their concept for our marines? anyway, there are few of them, it’s easier for us to experiment :-)))
    1. +5
      April 9 2020 07: 02
      Yeah, there is, on the site, but in reality nothing, just zero.
      1. +3
        April 9 2020 07: 10
        Well, here I agree. the amount is insufficient. but not directly zero)) x-35 is already in the "ball", the carnations have not yet been written off, it is difficult with octopuses. I have no idea, at least 10 pieces will be typed? )) even the CDC is still there, albeit a little, old and it is not known when the replacement. experimenting can be enough.
        1. +3
          April 9 2020 08: 20
          Quote: ruslan
          with octopus is difficult. I can not imagine at least 10 pieces typed? )))

          36 pieces.
    2. -4
      April 9 2020 09: 51
      that's who "forbade" Shoigu to build a Leader - we are building a "trifle"
      How will Nato live in Europe? without the support of amers, only the Turks and Poles have a lot of land for the first time?
      we threw off the burden of opposition, to whom did we shift?
    3. +2
      April 9 2020 14: 17
      Well, our tasks are still different, and the risks from the approach of the BDK to the shore will only grow over time.
  3. -5
    April 9 2020 06: 14
    "We drew on paper, but forgot about the ravines!" The old truth, only real fighting for the mentioned islands will show what's what, with not obvious results.
    The Russian marines, on the contrary, are saturated with heavy equipment. For example, coastal defense is intensifying in the Kuril Islands. For the rest, let China have a headache and Marines reforms will also not go unnoticed.
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. +6
        April 9 2020 08: 24
        Quote: fk7777777

        And rating +4 566
        Apparently, earned on the usual Sabbath of "departure witnesses"
      2. +2
        April 9 2020 14: 17
        one hemorrhagic with homosexuality in the army is worth what.

        Are you talking to yourself, apparently, yes?
  4. -4
    April 9 2020 06: 48
    The reduction is primarily due to the impossibility of recruiting up to the required number of staff according to the staffing table. Whites are now in the minority in the US. Than go to the army. for blacks, latinos easier to sit on benefits. In order to get various nishtyaks after the army, at least higher education is free, you first need to finish school before the army, and here blacks have big problems. About 10-25 million Chinese live in America, and America knows very well how they will behave in the event of a conflict with China. During the Japanese raid on American bases, the Yapi knew the location of airfields and ships, everything was known from the Japanese working on the islands .. China is also investing heavily in the American economy. There will be no conflict with the United States-China. Chukotka, Kamchatka to capture, in my opinion they are not fools, they have long known that it is more profitable to trade than to fight. According to the tactics of the Marines, in principle, it is correct, in practice, where they will be sent. there they will fight. Moreover, additional training has not prevented anyone.
    1. -6
      April 9 2020 06: 57
      Well, China, and so we sell all the resources, so why does he need hemorrhoids? With such a population, any resources in case of war are very difficult to maintain at the proper level.
    2. +7
      April 9 2020 08: 37
      White is currently a minority in the United States.

      Have you gone crazy))

      US White Population Continuously Increases Due to High White Fertility

      There have always been relatively few blacks, around 12%. Their places of residence are known, and outside of those places (Washington, for example) in the United States, they are rare. African Americans are predicted to disappear as a species in 500 years (inevitable to merge with the white population). If 50 years ago such marriages were considered impossible, then in the era of tolerance, the process went on and very quickly.
      1. +8
        April 9 2020 11: 20
        wow! You have opened America to me. I read at the beginning of 2000 that the proportion of the black population is approaching 50%. No longer particularly interested in the issue.
        and here it turns out only 12%, my world will never be the same again)))
        1. 0
          April 9 2020 16: 56
          12 percent, and the noise by 70 .. however .. blacks, sir ...
      2. -3
        April 10 2020 02: 33
        In 2017, there were 197,8 million white people in the US. The number of Hispanics was 58,9 million, up 2,1 percent year on year. African Americans also increased by 1,2 percent (47,4 million) and Asians by 3,1 percent (22,2 million) compared to 2016. Why does everyone only think about blacks? Asians and Latinos don't belong to whites either.
        1. 0
          April 11 2020 12: 54
          In the proportion of white people in the United States there are a lot of Hispanics, these are mestizos. See how many of them. And look at the composition by age groups. Obviously, White is decreasing.
    3. 0
      April 12 2020 20: 23
      They received a Green Card, a residence permit, i.e., a contract for 3 years, and now you have citizenship. Under Obama, they accepted, it was 5. They replenish at the expense of migrants, this is not a problem. And they are reducing it, because a lot of tasks abroad are now being solved by PMCs, under contracts with the government. Getting almost any weapon, as in the same Iraq, where their marines are sitting behind 12 (!) security perimeters.
  5. -11
    April 9 2020 06: 54
    And why do their "space marines" always open their mouths as if ... they want to suck in enemies to the point of indecency? ...
  6. -11
    April 9 2020 07: 26
    M, yes the aggressor, in its beauty. What can I say, to work proactively, to use drones, all types of airplanes, ships, underwater, and anti-aircraft as much as possible and simultaneously. And of course, the ideal option is to catch all this wunderwaffle at the penultimate point, that is, it will not let you land and leave, and actually it will not last long near the shore.
  7. +10
    April 9 2020 08: 33
    And if ever the Marines will be required to occupy the coastal fortified city

    Then they can do it
    For the city, first of all, trained infantry is needed.
    Fire support can be carried out by ROK from drones and HIMARS, operating controlled by GMLRS. This scheme was tested in Iraq during the "fight against ISIS"
    Plus limited airmobile M777
    Plus a fully airmobile Expeditionary Fire Support System (EFSS), a very adequate scheme "finished off" the French rifled mortar
    1. +2
      April 9 2020 14: 19
      Without heavy weapons it will be very difficult, remember the 3rd Infantry Division in Baghdad, if you know how it was there.
      1. 0
        April 9 2020 17: 18
        Quote: timokhin-aa
        Without heavy weapons it will be very difficult

        I agree.
        But not impossible
        Quote: timokhin-aa
        remember the 3rd Infantry Division in Baghdad, if you know how it was there.

        They did a "bug fix". The same ROC I mentioned radically increases the combat capabilities of assault groups.
        1. +1
          April 9 2020 17: 22
          So the trick is that the 3rd front just fine and it was thanks to the tanks - in Baghdad.
          Tanks were the basis of their fire system at occupied strongholds. Particularly worked BC machine guns, 10000+ rounds of ammunition with which they fought off the Iraqis.
          But the attempt to rush into the attack without armor, after the capture of the presidential palace failed - the attack choked under fire.
          They have all the tactical schemes of urban combat revolve around tanks, as we have in Berlin.
          Therefore, I doubt it.
          1. +1
            April 9 2020 19: 31
            Quote: timokhin-aa
            They have all the tactical schemes of urban combat revolve around tanks

            Not really. Discover their field manuals.
            The tank is used there exclusively as a means of support, and most of the time it is located "at the corner", and leaves for firing on command

            Quote: timokhin-aa
            And here’s an attempt to rush to the attack without armor

            I'm afraid it was impossible. In 2003, the 3rd PD was actually mechanized, three mechanized brigades, infantry fighting vehicles and tanks
            1. +1
              April 9 2020 19: 47
              The tank is used there exclusively as a means of support, and most of the time it is located "at the corner", and leaves for firing on command

              Look at this, for example
              Below in the comments, the quote from the old manual is just, but the post itself is much more interesting.
              1. +1
                April 9 2020 21: 08
                Quote: timokhin-aa
                Look at this, for example

                Horror. In the style of "storming Grozny". They were very lucky ...

                The coolest thing is to read after watching American field manuals. Where literally for the most stupid people chews how to do it right. We don’t even write such tactics in textbooks ...

                Quote: timokhin-aa
                In the comments below, the quote from the old manual is just

                In the "old manual" it is written about a completely different situation in a small or poorly protected settlement
                Moreover, even his provisions were not fulfilled.

                And by and large all these tanks and infantry fighting vehicles were saved by ordinary Humvees with 12.7 machine guns, which broke through in the style of Mogadishu at the cost of losing five trucks.
                Otherwise, everything would be like with the combined battalion of the Maykop brigade

                In short, a striking example of "not necessary". And "what happens when politics rules tactics"

                The actions of the Americans and their subordinates in Iraq during the "fight against ISIS" were much more adequate.
                1. 0
                  April 10 2020 13: 00
                  Well, the fact is that there was no one to defend Baghdad; Iraqi troops were killed in the desert before that.
                  Nevertheless, the dependence on armored vehicles is obvious.
                  Therefore, I have doubts that a complete rejection of tanks is justified. Tanks do not want to, even if they make an analogue of the Stryker with a 105-mm cannon, it can even be on a tracked chassis, but without heavy weapons for direct fire, in some cases they can get very bad.
  8. -8
    April 9 2020 08: 48
    were among the first to set foot
    They know how to screw laughing
    The Americans, being the strongest side, plan to do the same to further widen the gap in power between themselves and China.
    Hmmm? and not vice versa? China's continental aviation is obviously stronger than any aircraft carrier, the fleet of the near sea zone is stronger even simply in terms of numbers in China, and it is China that has built coastal defenses in that zone of the "chain of islands". Mattresses are now in that area for China - just whipping boys, that's why they make KAMIKAZE detachments out of marines - one missile launch, after which China buries them together with the launcher in the sand as it wants - even with aircraft, even with shelling.
    1. +7
      April 9 2020 11: 04
      Quote: Cowbra
      Continental Aviation China

      So far, very modest, if you look at the merits. The amount gives obvious scrap, and the main strength is not such numerous analogues of the F-16 and Su-27.
  9. -10
    April 9 2020 09: 01
    Oddly enough, the repeatedly criticized "littoral warships", LCS, can say their word in such a war.

    And here is the mistake. They are according to the plan of the same Berger for writing off - already approved laughing Yes, yes, the same ones that 6 years from the date of the descent have not yet been scrubbed on the waves. all these super-sophisticated, modular, and, as usual, "pyrid" - go to the landfill ALREADY
    1. +4
      April 9 2020 14: 20
      You from some alternative reality write, it seems.
      1. -2
        April 10 2020 00: 45
        The US Navy announced plans within the budget for the 21st year to start decommissioning its "littoral" (coastal) ships - for starters, four pieces equally of the Freedom and Independence types. Ships aged from 12 to ... 6 years old will be placed against the wall! The fleet seems to have had its fill of the dubious concept. The story of the repair of one of them, the Fort Worth in Singapore, with a sharp hull, was especially delivered at one time. And the idea of ​​\uXNUMXb\uXNUMXbusing ships for "testing and training personnel" does not shine at all due to the high cost of their operation (yeah, what do you want from ships with such a powerful and uneconomical power plant, gee, gee, who would have thought!). As a small consolation, the Navy claims "invaluable experience" in the development of "anti-submarine, anti-mine, anti-ship capabilities." Yeah. And most importantly, what the fleet hopes for is to get them to stop eating its money!
        1. +3
          April 10 2020 13: 01
          They continue to build if you are not in the know. The Navy ate some of these ships, but the fact is that they are there and they need to be used somewhere. For the combat services that the US Navy carries in the world, they are unsuitable, but it’s quite what kind of archipelago to fight for.
          1. -4
            April 10 2020 13: 25
            Quote: timokhin-aa
            They continue to build if you are not in the know.

            Do not know. But in the know that they have a resource - sa-avsem not 6 years old, so that either finish building what has already been laid, or ... But there is no second option, since 6-year-old boats began to write off
  10. -1
    April 9 2020 09: 15
    Only 5% of the coastline of the world's oceans is suitable for landing equipment ashore, even less such as Abrams in 70 tons of live weight. Our tanks in the MP are used exclusively in the native theater of operations, and not around the world, as was the case with the USMC. "Courland Berger" gets rid of them correctly. Although I would ask, maybe I would not refuse the likeness of our T-72s, but in smaller numbers.
  11. AAK
    April 9 2020 09: 18
    Unfortunately, for some reason, the situation seems more realistic to me when not China and Russia "will divide the USA", but when the USA (+ Japan) together with China can "divide Russia" ... Now the Russian Federation is much more economically dependent on China ( and for consumer goods and for engineering products) than China from the Russian Federation. It is quite likely that China will no longer be a "sanctions outlet" for the Russian Federation ... The United States, in order to attract China to its side, for starters, may well "exchange" the same Taiwan, but in relation to the Russian Federation, the creation of a situation "a la 90 -e "... by excluding China from the "economic donorship" for the Russian Federation, Russia is quite capable of crushing it with sanctions, the rich Pinocchio will strangle the "power" patriots ", Russia is in an economic and financial collapse, and in such a situation there will be no money for the army, armed forces will begin to fall apart and reduce, there will be no normal military presence either in the Far East, or in Siberia, or in the North ... This is where the "light, mobile and well-armed USMC" will come in handy, at first under control very the Kuriles, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Primorye are easily taken ... well, and then along the Trans-Siberian Railway and BAM - to the west ... Moreover, the Russian population will not even be squeezed out of there, so that our army does not start shooting at its own people with vigorous loaves, although this is not a XNUMX% guarantee, but still ... China as a bonus - all of Central Asia with Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Indochina and part of southern Siberia ... In general, thoughts are rather disturbing ...
    1. -2
      April 9 2020 09: 23
      Quote: AAK
      US to attract China to its side to start

      Dear, China is not Ukraine; raking is not accustomed to.
      Once they already believed the United States, helped in the Cold War and in the collapse of the USSR. To become the next goal, in just a few years.

      How did you decide that the Chinese would believe the Americans for the second time?
      1. AAK
        April 9 2020 09: 26
        It's just that the United States will not want to give China the opportunity to "dine with Russia" alone, so it will have to share ...
        1. 0
          April 9 2020 09: 40
          Quote: AAK
          Just USA

          ... chose China as their next opponent. The term "Air-Sea Battle" was coined in 1992 by Commander James Stavridis. And China noticed it. Look at the pace of its rearmament, especially the fleet, which was previously given little attention

          In order to share, you must believe. But there is no traitor to faith
          1. +1
            April 9 2020 11: 05
            Quote: Spade
            chose China as the next opponent.

            Who else? What are they, at home now?
        2. -3
          April 9 2020 10: 00
          Not to mention that having "dined" with Russia, the United States will simply have to eat China, which Russia will at least be drained of blood, just for that. to become the sole hegemon again. To even look askance at Russia, China must be even worse than non-brothers. Simply the existence of Russia is a condition for the existence of China as long as there is NATO in the world. And vice versa.
          So this scenario is a joke
          1. AAK
            April 9 2020 11: 55
            EMNIP someone from the classics of Marxism said that politics is a concentrated expression of the economy. According to diagrams in various media, the GDPs of the USA and China are approximately close, but China produces more goods than the USA. China's trade with the United States is about 10 times more than with Russia, plus China's quite decent trade with the EU and Japan (which is again many times greater than with Russia), i.e. China, as its main trading partners, has mainly geopolitical opponents of Russia ... But China will definitely use Russia's very significant economic dependence on China. So far, Russia for China is a nuclear umbrella and an argument in negotiations with the states, but China's final choice is Russia as a source of various natural resources, territories and, until a certain time, military space technologies. Yes, China has its own graters with the states and the Japanese, but in the military sphere, even in the face of a significant increase in the surface component of its fleet, China is not an enemy to the United States (especially in terms of strategic nuclear forces and the submarine fleet). In principle, the Japanese and South Koreans are capable of holding back the Chinese fleet, even with little or no help from the United States. China can only successfully defend its coast, but it will simply not be allowed into the open ocean. The land army of China is the largest in the world, but so far they cannot even carry out a landing operation on Taiwan, not to mention Japan, and even more so about the states, therefore China can expand (in the case of a hypothetical expansion) only to Central Asia, Mongolia and the south of Russia Siberia. All sorts of Kazakh-Uzbek-Kyrgyz are economically and so mostly under China, and even somewhere they are proud that they are not under Russia ... In the Russian Far East, legal-illegal Chinese will soon be comparable to the local population, because of the crown, some left, but it's not for long. And it makes no sense for the states to physically destroy China, everyone needs cheap labor and places for dirty industries, just in the absence of Russia as a force, it will be easier to put China in a stall ... they will work as they did, only for less money ...
            1. +3
              April 9 2020 21: 12
              Quote: AAK
              EMNIP, one of the classics of Marxism said, politics is a concentrated expression of the economy.

              And the main problem of the USA is not Russia but China.
              The main problem of China is the United States.

              Russia is not on the list.

              Quote: AAK
              In the Russian Far East, legal-illegal Chinese will soon be comparable to the local population

              In the United States, the Chinese are still orders of magnitude larger.
              These are already stamps gone.

              You know what the ficus picus is ... You are trying with all your might to convince us that China is our enemy. That is, to fulfill what the late Brzezinski offered the American authorities.
            2. 0
              April 10 2020 00: 57
              Quote: AAK
              Japanese with South Koreans are able to restrain the Chinese fleet, even with virtually no US assistance

              FAQ? !! South Koreans can’t even control the northerners alone, and you are talking about China.
              The Japanese are not warriors at all now, although they have a completely modern army and navy, their morale is unprecedentedly low. Remember what panic they had when Kim shocked his Hwasonons. They could not even bring down a rocket flying over Japan! A shame!
              Without America (if it gets bogged down with China), the Northerners will sweep away the Southerners, and throw the Japam loafs-batons, from which they either capitulate or slide into the Bronze Age.
              North Koreans are firmly convinced that Japan "should no longer exist" in the neighborhood of the DPRK. “The four islands of the [Japanese] archipelago need to be drowned in the sea with the Juche nuclear bomb,” Pyongyang announced, and “the US should be erased into ashes and darkness.”. And this is not an empty phrase, but a statement by the leader of a country that has an army of 1,2 million military personnel, and in case of war a mobilization reserve reaches ten million.
              1. 0
                April 10 2020 13: 03
                And this is not an empty phrase, but a statement by the leader of a country that has an army of 1,2 million military personnel, and in case of war a mobilization reserve reaches ten million.

                And what will these millions do? Inflate the gymnastics with "bubbles"? swim to Japan and shovel it below sea level?
                Oh yes, before that a couple of nuclear strikes will be delivered against it. Or the top three.
                This is where Japan ends, yeah.
                1. -1
                  April 10 2020 21: 57
                  Quote: timokhin-aa
                  And what will these millions do?

                  Seize South. Korea...
                  And there are ships and shipyards. Do you remember that more than 50% of the orders of the global shipbuilding market are currently being built at Southerners shipyards?
                  Oh yes, before that a couple of nuclear strikes will be delivered against it. Or the top three.
                  This is where Japan ends, yeah

                  IMHO, Japam and one is enough - they capitulate corny.
                  Have you seen the social. research in Japan? This country is now inhabited by old people and weak-willed office hicks who, not only will not be able to defend their country, they do not have enough fortitude to say a banal "no" to the interlocutor in a conversation.
                  1. +1
                    April 10 2020 23: 45
                    South Korea is stronger than North. And Severnaya has a defensive doctrine in fact, aimed at first restraining the aggression of the United States and South Korea, and if it does not work out, then make the war as expensive for them as possible.

                    And with Japan, everything is far from being as simple as you think.
                    1. 0
                      April 11 2020 00: 42
                      Quote: timokhin-aa
                      Northern has a defensive doctrine in fact, aimed at first restraining the aggression of the United States and South Korea, and if it does not work out, then make war as expensive as possible for them.

                      Well, and where is the contradiction with my phrase
                      Without America (if it gets bogged down with China), the Northerners will sweep away the Southerners, and throw Japam
                      I clearly expressed myself - without America.
                      At Yuzh. Koreans also have the "Wait for Uncle Sam's Help" doctrine. And without America, the northerners will crush them.
                      Understand that it is impossible to conduct effective military operations when the capital is 24 km from the border, and several thousands North Korean guns and MLRS aimed at Seoul.
                      In any case, there can be no talk of any effective work of the General Staff or institutions of power. Seoul will be erased even without nuclear weapons.
                      1. +1
                        April 11 2020 00: 49
                        1. The North is not going to attack under any circumstances - there is simply nothing.
                        2. Southerners are stronger than northerners without America.
                        3. Spit on Seoul. One city does not mean anything, military command and control bodies can be withdrawn from a dangerous area in advance, and artillery can be silenced in a week or thrown away with a powerful attack 20-30 kilometers to the north.
                        Nonsense is everything, no one is afraid of Kim, he is afraid of everyone.
    2. 0
      April 9 2020 23: 09
      There is some truth.
      I do not like this fuss with kmp reforms. And Japan its
      e-type Hyuuga under F35 redo. Stirred up.
      The Kuril Islands need to be strengthened.
      To Kamchatka coastal anti-ship missiles, yes
      ZRS S-400 maybe more.
      1. +3
        April 10 2020 13: 04
        Japan generally leads a lot of preparations, and it is to the landing operations
  12. exo
    April 9 2020 12: 05
    The corps takes the form of "Anti-Chinese Forces". That is, exclusively the war on the islands. Well, and "frog jumping" was practiced during WWII. Nothing new.
    1. +4
      April 9 2020 14: 22
      New participation in the struggle for supremacy at sea, i.e. work against the enemy fleet from the ground, moreover, systemic and conscious. This is very new, to be honest.
  13. 0
    April 9 2020 13: 03
    Something the Chinese, preparing for a war for the same territories, do not hesitate to saturate parts of their marines with armored vehicles. But the rich do not understand. It is interesting what resource in terms of the time of the combat operation is included in the calculations of Mr. Berger. Because they will make missiles is not a problem, the problem is logistics. What will be left with when the ammunition is spent. In addition to the UDC, a powerful transport fleet will be required. Question: it is not easier to replace transport for missiles with a ship capable of using these same missiles.
    1. +1
      April 9 2020 13: 33
      Quote: dokusib
      Something the Chinese are preparing for war for the same territory are not shy about saturating parts of their marines with armored vehicles.

      There is a focus on a large island. On which this armored vehicle can and should be used.
      In addition, the Chinese Marines are just two amphibious mechanized regiments and four battalions of the marine corps
  14. +3
    April 9 2020 13: 55
    1) The Marines will need a new "medium" tank: with a 105mm cannon and a KAZ for
    landing support and bridgehead extensions.
    2) tactical ballistic missiles will not replace 155 mm artillery and 120 mm mortars.
    1. +1
      April 9 2020 14: 23
      Well, yes, yes, but the plans are slightly different. However, until 2030 there is time to change your mind.
    2. +2
      April 9 2020 19: 16
      Quote: voyaka uh
      1) The Marines will need a new "medium" tank: with a 105mm cannon and a KAZ for
      landing support and bridgehead extensions.

      Which, as a result of OCD, will grow into an Abrams. If not in size, then in price for sure - EFV will not let you lie. smile
    3. 0
      April 9 2020 22: 11
      Maybe they think that "difficult" tasks will be solved in cooperation with the army, which will provide all this.
      In general, the tank often great limits the capabilities of the mobile parts, although it adds power. Where to go with a 70-ton fool. You won’t slip there, you won’t get around here. Plus a whole fleet of support- BREM, tankers, bridge spacers.
      I did not read very carefully and did not catch the aspect of interaction with the army. Will the ILC be responsible for maintaining bridgeheads and ensuring army deployment to give greater sustainability?
      The idea of ​​shedding "excess weight" is tempting, but won't the Americans fall into the trap of our airborne forces when elite and expensive units do not pull off a combined-arms battle and need means of reinforcement. And if they are given these means of strengthening, they will cease to perform their main function.
      1. +3
        April 9 2020 23: 13
        "In general, a tank often greatly limits the capabilities of mobile units" ///
        Limits. But without tanks, these mobile units turn into helpless
        infantry, a little detached from the landing site. Heroism begins, feats ...
        and destroy the paratroopers, although writing them in gold letters in history.
        And you need to win operations.
        1. 0
          April 9 2020 23: 30
          So I write that the two-edged sword and the extremes are either light and mobile but relatively weak, or tightly packed but slow. Apparently the Americans were desperate to find a middle ground and decided we would be light and take the burden on their own.
      2. 0
        April 11 2020 00: 51
        Maybe they think that "difficult" tasks will be solved in cooperation with the army, which will provide all this.

        Partly it is.
  15. 0
    April 9 2020 14: 13
    Quote: Santa Fe
    White is currently a minority in the United States.

    Have you gone crazy))
    US White Population Continuously Increases Due to High White Fertility

    No, did not go. We can just read.
    White. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. It includes people who indicate their race as "White" or report entries such as Irish, German, Italian, Lebanese, Arab, Moroccan, or Caucasian.

    And yes, according to this methodology - already 76,5%
    1. 0
      April 9 2020 18: 49
      It is strange why the Irish and Germans are considered separate from the caucasian

      Caucasian is not related to the Caucasus. In theirs, this is the official designation of the white race.
      1. +1
        April 9 2020 22: 18
        because they have in various forms to fill the Caucasian, this is a collective name for the rest of the white ethnic groups not related to the Irish, Germans and Anglo-Saxons.
  16. +3
    April 9 2020 15: 09
    Thanks to the author for the work done. Really interesting and informative article. I hope our MO analysts do not miss similar news from the USA either. and draw the appropriate conclusions.
  17. exo
    April 9 2020 17: 16
    Quote: timokhin-aa
    New participation in the struggle for supremacy at sea, i.e. work against the enemy fleet from the ground, moreover, systemic and conscious. This is very new, to be honest.

    "Nothing new" is, I'm talking about jumping from island to island. And the concept of marines from the shore against the navy is really new.
    1. +3
      April 9 2020 19: 15
      Quote: exo
      And the concept: the marines from the coast, against the fleet, is really new.

      Not really. Before the US entered the previous world war, Marine Defense Battalions appeared in the Marine Corps. These units were intended to work on enemy ships and aircraft - coastal defense and air defense of forward fleet bases and territories captured by marines. At first, they were armed with 127/51 coastal guns, 76-mm anti-aircraft guns and a large number of John Mosesovich products. During the war, they were re-equipped with 155-mm mobile coastal guns (based on an army gun), 90-mm anti-aircraft guns, 40-mm and 20-mm MZA. There were no infantry in the battalions - only batteries and machine-gun companies, a sort of coastal version of OPAB. But all MDB fighters took a Marine training course, and in critical situations, infantry units were formed from the calculations. They also wanted to make purely infantry covering battalions of the Marine Infantry Battalions in pair with the MDB, but did not have time.
      PMSM, the reason for creating the MDB was that the fleet wanted to acquire its own coastal defense, the units of which would not have to be begged from the army. After all, the entire US Coast Defense was subordinate to the Army. smile
      1. 0
        April 10 2020 23: 48
        The nuance is that these were defensive forces, and their task did not include the struggle for supremacy at sea.
        And now everything will be the other way around.
  18. exo
    April 9 2020 20: 04
    Quote: Alexey RA
    Quote: exo
    And the concept: the marines from the coast, against the fleet, is really new.

    Not really. Before the US entered the previous world war, Marine Defense Battalions appeared in the Marine Corps. These units were intended to work on enemy ships and aircraft - coastal defense and air defense of forward fleet bases and territories captured by marines. At first, they were armed with 127/51 coastal guns, 76-mm anti-aircraft guns and a large number of John Mosesovich products. During the war, they were re-equipped with 155-mm mobile coastal guns (based on an army gun), 90-mm anti-aircraft guns, 40-mm and 20-mm MZA. There were no infantry in the battalions - only batteries and machine-gun companies, a sort of coastal version of OPAB. But all MDB fighters took a Marine training course, and in critical situations, infantry units were formed from the calculations. They also wanted to make purely infantry covering battalions of the Marine Infantry Battalions in pair with the MDB, but did not have time.
    PMSM, the reason for creating the MDB was that the fleet wanted to acquire its own coastal defense, the units of which would not have to be begged from the army. After all, the entire US Coast Defense was subordinate to the Army. smile

    Thanks, Alexey! Live and learn :)
  19. +1
    April 10 2020 07: 04
    Berger's strategy is simple. Using superiority in communications, management and logistics, create local superiority in forces and quickly capture the "first line" of the islands. Then, using these islands as an unsinkable base of anti-ship weapons, establish a naval blockade of China.

    The reason for this strategy is that China became the first industrial power and the United States does not see the opportunity to decisively bypass the Chinese in the construction of the fleet.

    Disadvantages of such a strategy.
    Actually this is a kind of improved copy of Japan’s strategy in WWII. And their disadvantages are similar. First, it is assumed that the naval blockade will force the Chinese to surrender. What will the Americans do if the Chinese do not want to give up, but fight to the victory?
    Second, such a strategy gives the Chinese time to realize their industrial superiority.
  20. 0
    April 10 2020 11: 10
    Indeed, important for the country archipelagos are not only in China.

    That's right, in the Arctic, for example, tanks are not needed at all, just like tracked self-propelled guns.

    The Arctic archipelago of Russia is captured by a sudden blow. The first echelon of attack is Navy SEALs from nuclear submarines or by helicopters from Canada, they are fixed on the islands before the main forces arrive, the garrison is neutralized, coastal missile systems and MLRS systems are deployed to repel a retaliatory strike from the Northern Fleet. After the supply bases are created in the shortest possible time, a throw to the mainland of the Russian Federation follows. The main target is hydrocarbon reserves in Western Siberia.

    It is possible in the Far East in the same way:

    1. Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands, Kamchatka

    2. Primorye, Khabarovsk Territory

    3. oil and gas of Eastern Siberia

    In any case, they will come from the Arctic and the Far East, we must think how to defend these territories first of all, and not Crimea and Kaliningrad ...

    1. +1
      April 11 2020 12: 53
      The circuit is gorgeous. From a political point of view, it allows free use of nuclear weapons. On this DrangNahZyuiden immediately ends.
  21. -1
    April 10 2020 11: 33
    The article is interesting, but outrageously stretched. As a conclusion, I can say that if, as a result of such reforms, this instrument of mattress aggression "breaks down", I will be very happy.
    1. +1
      April 10 2020 13: 07
      Stretched? Yes, she is small. How old are you?
      1. -1
        April 10 2020 13: 31
        Thank God, it’s already 50. If the author decided to seriously study the ILC, then this requires a book of a decent format.
        1. +2
          April 10 2020 17: 11
          So you can hardly master a short article, why do you need a book?
          1. 0
            April 11 2020 14: 12
            I mastered the article, and therefore I say that if this is a serious study on the subject of ILC, then it should be considered wider and deeper, starting in 1946 and, accordingly, the format should be different. If this is a general overview, then it could be made more compact.
  22. -1
    April 10 2020 15: 17
    An American dreamer, but a vigorous loaf levels everything. You can capture the island and then strike with tactical nuclear weapons, the ILC on this piece of land into dust. Are the Yankees ready to go to the next level?! Then only strategic nuclear forces. And the whole world is in ruins. Most likely you want to live, that's a chess stalemate. Tactically, you can get pissed off and be clever, strategically, Khan to everyone! Who is in Heaven, who is in Hell, well, it has already been announced
    1. +2
      April 10 2020 17: 11
      In China's military doctrine, the non-use of nuclear weapons is the first.
      Such a structure of troops ensures their survival.
      NW is not a child prodigy at all, the infantry inside the armored personnel carrier will remain operational several kilometers from the epicenter, even if it is hit by a shock wave and flash.
  23. 0
    April 10 2020 21: 06
    Quote: timokhin-aa
    NW is not a child prodigy at all, the infantry inside the armored personnel carrier will remain operational several kilometers from the epicenter, even if it is hit by a shock wave and flash

    This fighting capacity is now difficult to assess. Perhaps it will be quickly tired, hard-moving people, unable to understand and execute most of the commands
    1. +1
      April 10 2020 23: 47
      The Americans forced their soldiers to parachute into the epicenter of a nuclear explosion half an hour after detonation - without gas masks or any other protective equipment. They exposed 56000 people to nuclear explosions just to understand how it affects living people.

      They are well aware of the limits of capabilities of nuclear weapons, do not even hesitate.
  24. 0
    April 11 2020 10: 32
    Cool. The Americans finally decided to invent BRAV, by eliminating the possibility of maintaining a DB against normal mechanized parts from the tasks of the ILC.
    1. +1
      April 11 2020 12: 27
      Offensive BRAV with an airborne assault echelon.
      And this is quite logical for a war on the archipelagos.
      And, as I had in the previous article, it was when fighting a strongest enemy at sea.
      True, the Chinese are not the strongest, but the Americans are working ahead of the curve, squeezing the maximum.
      1. 0
        April 11 2020 12: 45
        Offensive BRAVs do not exist. GRAV is a defense.
        1. 0
          April 11 2020 12: 57
          Perhaps I’ll add, they didn’t bother like that before. "Stationary legions?"
        2. +1
          April 11 2020 13: 25
          Well, why ... They captured the island, immediately rushed in the anti-ship missiles, inflated the notorious A2 / AD bubble, deployed short-range missile launchers for fire support and a throw to the next island. And if the enemy tries to land his assault, then they will feed RCC on the water.

          In fact, the littoral regiment is a BRAV with an infantry battalion or two, and the expeditionary force is an air assault battalion with rear and reinforcements.

          So it’s a completely offensive tool. For the offensive and created.
          1. 0
            April 11 2020 13: 30
            This is not close. Of course, maybe this is what the authorities and society represent. But that won't work like that. I have shown you the closest analogy. That is, in some ways, the role of the Navy in the United States is falling, in favor of the increased capabilities of the ILC in coastal defense issues. However!!!!
            1. 0
              April 11 2020 14: 05
              Yes, it will work, adjusted for those weaknesses. which I have listed.
              What might not work there?
              1. 0
                April 11 2020 15: 31
                Yes, everything can go wrong. Previously, these tasks were more than successfully solved by the fleet. What happened I understand that the volume of the article for this is small. Here, if this is not seriously done here, more than one brick will be released in A4 format. However, the main question is, what about the political status?
                Or maybe it’s all easier than a little pig, and is it better to divide it into three?
                1. 0
                  April 11 2020 19: 29
                  Previously, these tasks were more than successfully solved by the fleet. What happened

                  The fleet will be represented here as well, but not by the main forces - China promises to be no less a problem than Japan in WWII, and there will be enough navies without islands. And then there are such helpers.
  25. 0
    April 11 2020 21: 10
    The article is interesting, but the conclusions made by the author on the use of the resulting forces are, in my opinion, controversial.
    Well, or the author did not mention the extremely important changes.
    1) How will the defense of the assaulted ILC islands be suppressed? Barrage ammunition is good of course, but who will launch them from which platforms?
    2) How is it supposed to organize the a2 / d2 zone by kmp forces without gaining dominance in the air, if their air defense is represented today by manual stinger missiles and on a humvee?
    3) How will the ILC solve the task of defending the occupied skeletons in the event that the enemy seizes air supremacy?
    There is no air defense, there is no attack on ships over the horizon (due to the lack of F-35), if the island is less than 10 km, then from artillery to destroy the enemy who landed, a 81 mm mortar
    4) Cross-country HIMARS. If you follow the author’s concept, then you don’t need to travel very far and quickly HIMARS, but there are no roads on the islands.
  26. 0
    April 26 2021 03: 12
    And they, by chance, are not going to protect their coast with the help of the naval corps? In the case of the creation of a nuclear special forces in Russia, it will not be difficult for us to take Alaska (more precisely, to take control over it from the amers).

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