US threatens Saudi Arabia with withdrawal of American army and air defense systems

US threatens Saudi Arabia with withdrawal of American army and air defense systems

The United States may withdraw American military units and assets from Saudi Arabia Defense, if Riyadh does not reach an agreement with Moscow on stabilizing oil prices. A corresponding bill has been prepared in the US Senate, American media report, citing informed sources.

The bill, which provides for the withdrawal of the US army and air defense systems from Saudi Arabia, was prepared by Republican Senators Kevin Cramer and Dan Sullivan. According to the new law, if Riyadh and Moscow do not agree on reducing oil production to stabilize world oil prices, the US will withdraw US army personnel, anti-aircraftmissile Patriot systems and THAAD missile defense systems. It is emphasized that the withdrawn equipment and army units can be deployed on the territory of another country in the region.

Senators intend to conduct a telephone conversation with officials from Saudi Arabia two days after the planned meeting of OPEC +, at which Riyadh and Moscow will agree to reduce production. According to media reports, during the negotiations it is planned to discuss the stabilization of world oil markets, other details are not given.

By the way, earlier it was reported that US representatives were not invited to the OPEC + meeting, which is due to take place on April 9.
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  1. +15
    April 8 2020 09: 07
    Probably all of this because, as some wrote here, Putin did not hesitate !?
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. -32
      April 8 2020 09: 21
      Labrador .... "Probably all this is because, as some wrote here, Putin has sent it !?"
      Leaked. And the woodpecker should understand that the US won't just sign up for Russia. They've given away Venezuela for now. They'll give it away again, and we'll see.
      1. Ham
        April 8 2020 10: 04
        "gave to Venezuela" is this a new training manual? just wondering what this statement is based on?
        1. 0
          April 8 2020 12: 20
          And for them (snarks, etc.), the leader ... uh-eh-leg, you don’t need to read and it’s not possible - the head / w ... pa merged in one fit.
          All thoughts are occupied by one thing: to understand what you are doing at a given moment - you are shitting or eating.
      2. -2
        April 8 2020 10: 51
        [quote = Snark1876] Labrador .... "Probably all of this is because, as some have written here, Putin has sent it !?"
        Leaked. And it should be clear to the woodpecker that the United States will not simply be discharged for Russia. Gave so far to Venezuela. Will give more, and what we see.
        Putin leaked, Putin didn't leak.... We've been chewing this gum for years. And, it would seem, what could be simpler. We've gathered here from all over Russia. So let's, without touching on defense enterprises, write where, how many new enterprises have been built and how many old ones have remained undestroyed. We mean those that form the basis of the industrial might of the state - metalworking, mechanical engineering and equipment manufacturing, chemical industry, etc. There's no need to be afraid of working for the CIA - I think everyone already knows that.
        1. +16
          April 8 2020 11: 03
          Quote: Fluk54
          And it should be clear to the woodpecker that the United States will not simply be discharged for Russia

          After all, they fit in for themselves.

          Kevin Kramer is Sev. Dakota. The state, which due to the oil industry rose from 38th place in GRP per capita to third. And this they are likely to lose.
          Dan Sullivan is Alaska. The state where every voter gets an annual subsidy of up to $3269 in fat years from the oil industry. And this year the subsidy will most likely be zero.
        2. +3
          April 8 2020 12: 05
          Go to "made by us" and choose any tag you are interested in. You can simply look through the reviews of open productions by month - they are posted after each month. Food and agricultural products - a separate review every month. You will find everything you are interested in yourself. request
    3. +6
      April 8 2020 09: 22
      Cool. It would be earlier if they hit us, and only Arabs will fly. feel
      1. +2
        April 8 2020 09: 38
        US threatens Saudi Arabia with withdrawal of American army and air defense systems

        Wow... recourse At a time when some are intimidated that "the Russians will introduce something to you there lol ", others are frightened by the fact that"will bring"...

        As in the joke: "I will tell you! Well, sleep !!!"
      2. +2
        April 8 2020 09: 51
        Quote: Dmitry Donskoy
        It would be earlier if they had run over us, and only Arabs would fly.

        Do not hope, the Saudis were simply intimidated, and new sanctions will be introduced against us ...
        1. 0
          April 9 2020 04: 13
          I think that there will be no more sanctions against Russia from the United States.
          The economic well-being of the United States is now tied to the economic well-being of Russia. Interconnected. Russia will be bad, and the United States will be bad. Russia will be fine and the United States will be fine. In the near future you will see everything and many will be surprised.
      3. +12
        April 8 2020 10: 13
        Quote: Dmitry Donskoy
        Cool. It would be earlier if they hit us, and only Arabs will fly. feel

        All this blah, blah, blah ... purely Amer’s rhetoric, to threaten, you can’t drive them out of there, there is oil!
      4. +8
        April 8 2020 10: 21
        Quote: Dmitry Donskoy
        Cool. It would be earlier if they hit us, and only Arabs will fly. feel

        It’s just that there are no more sanctions that can be imposed against Russia without posing as full go ... mi.
      5. 0
        April 8 2020 12: 05
        Quote: Dmitry Donskoy
        Cool. It would be earlier if they hit us, and only Arabs will fly.

        Could have run over, would have already run over. And so, there is less sanction, more sanction, they are already so many that they no longer pay attention to them.
    4. +12
      April 8 2020 10: 06
      Quote: Labrador
      Probably all of this because, as some wrote here, Putin did not hesitate !?

      nobody will go anywhere. It’s just that the United States raised the bar for financial compensation for a falling oil price. Now the Saudis will buy technology and again love will inflame.
    5. +1
      April 8 2020 12: 34
      You can merge in different ways wassat
      You can go by yourself. And you can cast aside and in front of the hegemon.
      Something the situation is more like the second option
      lol hi
      1. mmk
        April 9 2020 01: 02
        Judging by the facial expression in the photo, the drain has already occurred, probably in the diaper.
  2. +2
    April 8 2020 09: 08
    Will they leave for the Jews? smile
    1. +4
      April 8 2020 09: 11
      Will they leave for the Jews?

      You can cover Israel with your little finger on the map ... where to place all this breakthrough of American soldiers and equipment there?
      1. 0
        April 8 2020 09: 13
        It depends on what scale)))
      2. 0
        April 8 2020 11: 02
        In addition to Israel, there is Jordan, which will not refuse, but most likely it will be Syria, which they will not ask, it is necessary to protect someone else's oil from ISIS. But most likely the Saudis will bend.
    2. +28
      April 8 2020 09: 22
      The USA will not go anywhere. Not for that, the United States created its base in the region to leave, but in order to control oil. All this is American PR, no more. It is impossible to believe everything that Americans say.
      1. -7
        April 8 2020 09: 37
        Quote: Gene84
        The USA will not go anywhere. Not for that, the United States created its base in the region to leave, but in order to control oil. All this is American PR, no more. It is impossible to believe everything that Americans say.

        Naturally .. Putin called Trump, asked to contribute .. Trump said ok. I can help as I can .. but in return for something I demanded .. That's what, we will soon find out what it is .. soon someone will merge, to the applause of the putriots ..
        And the United States in this situation, for any benefit .. and of course they will not go anywhere ..
        At such a price for oil, the Russian economy will bend very quickly and now Putin will do anything to raise the price .. This is the result of a twenty-year rule.
        1. +2
          April 8 2020 10: 01
          Quote: Svarog
          And the United States in this situation, for any benefit ..

          How interesting.
          And what is the benefit of a massive job cut?

          Quote: Svarog
          Naturally .. Putin called Trump, asked to contribute .. Trump said ok. I can help than I can ..

          You have gracefully "forgotten" those who finance Trump's campaign and are suffering heavy losses.
          1. +1
            April 8 2020 10: 09
            Quote: Spade
            How interesting.
            And what is the benefit of a massive job cut?

            The benefit of the USA lies in the fact that they control the situation with oil and have all the political and material benefits from it .. And it’s enough to compare the US economy with the Russian Federation and dependence on the sale of raw materials .. to understand who will suffer the most from this.
            1. +4
              April 8 2020 10: 27
              Quote: Svarog
              The US benefits in controlling the oil situation

              Tell this to the senators that the article is about. One from North. Dakota, another from Alaska. They will laugh like horses for a long time about "control"
              And then they will say "this is all, of course, good, but we will not be stupidly re-elected for a new term." And they will be right.

              Likewise Trump. He already has huge problems with jobs, and in your opinion he must be immensely happy about their additional layoffs. And all for the sake of the mythical "control" of what cannot be controlled. For this system has been created by the Americans themselves for decades.

              Simply put it. "I cannot do without mentioning Putin." But hers. this bardzo looks stupid 8)))))))))
            2. 0
              April 8 2020 11: 04
              for sure. probably for this reason Texas runs ahead of Trump and offers a 10 percent reduction in production. it's so profitable
            3. -1
              April 8 2020 15: 37
              Quote: Svarog
              The US benefit lies in the fact that they control the oil situation and have all the political and material benefits from it .. And it’s enough to compare the US economy with the Russian Federation and dependence on the sale of raw materials .. to understand who will suffer the most from this

              That's all you know! And the virus started with you long before the pandemic, and what Putin and Trump talked about ... And only Sylvester knows something more! I opened your eyes with the help of an American doctor that you need to wash your hands! I admire you! fellow
              1. +4
                April 8 2020 15: 39
                Quote: Tank Hard
                That's all you know! And the virus started with you long before the pandemic, and what Putin and Trump talked about ... And only Sylvester knows something more!

                You see ... that means not everything I know and do not hide tongue
                I admire you! fellow

                It happens laughing
                1. 0
                  April 8 2020 15: 41
                  Quote: Svarog
                  You see ... that means not everything I know and do not hide

                  In the presidency of you! fellow
        2. +2
          April 8 2020 10: 14
          Quote: Svarog
          .but in exchange for something I demanded .. Here's what, we’ll soon find out what it is .. soon someone will merge, to the applause of the putriots ..

          They say that trump asked to return them to Venezuela. The other day, the Russian government bought out a stake in Rosneft in Venezuela.
          1. -3
            April 8 2020 10: 17
            Quote: kjhg
            Quote: Svarog
            .but in exchange for something I demanded .. Here's what, we’ll soon find out what it is .. soon someone will merge, to the applause of the putriots ..

            They say that trump asked to return them to Venezuela. The other day, the Russian government bought out a stake in Rosneft in Venezuela.

            I’m saying that they’ll merge .. Just so Trump will not harness
            1. +6
              April 8 2020 10: 31
              Quote: Svarog
              I’m saying something will merge ..

              You know ...
              This is either a clinic or financial interest.

              Manage to discern the "merge" in the attempt of the Russian authorities to lift sanctions from the Russian company ... laughing laughing laughing
              1. +3
                April 8 2020 11: 29
                Quote: Spade
                already or a clinic, or financial interest.

                good Clinical financial interest. fellow wassat
        3. +3
          April 8 2020 12: 08
          Yeah, we hear this from the age of 15. Especially memorable are the cries that it costs oil to drop below $ 80 and Russia will fall apart. Now it’s already below 20 and something is not observed collapse. But you wait and hope. laughing
        4. +2
          April 8 2020 13: 53
          Quote: Svarog
          Naturally ... Putin called Trump ...

          Do not tell me when this fact was? bully
        5. 0
          April 9 2020 00: 51
          What i read now lol
    3. -1
      April 8 2020 09: 25
      Quote: Pessimist22
      Will they leave for the Jews?

      Most likely Iraq will be "blessed"!
    4. 0
      April 8 2020 12: 36
      Will they leave for the Jews?
      Or to Qatar. They have a large base there. There is enough sand for everyone. Again, closer to Iran.
  3. +8
    April 8 2020 09: 08
    So their ....
    The Americans, apparently, have set themselves the task of dotting the "Y" in relations with their allies and clients ... Confusion and vacillation in the ranks are no longer acceptable.
    1. +2
      April 8 2020 09: 13
      One should expect trouble with the Crown Prince of the Saudi clan ... when it comes to billions of dollars whose head should be chopped off to balance the scales.
      1. +2
        April 8 2020 12: 12
        In general, the best outcome for both us and the US would be to jointly bring down the Saudis. And immediately the oil market would become much freer and the prices would become trumps and the shale producers would remain safe. We need to offer Putin Trump a joint operation against the KSA under the pretext of "avenging Khashoggi and the children of Yemen." Ivanka can cry on camera if necessary. Again, we can remember September 11. Well, and we still have not fully paid them off for Nord-Ost and Beslan.
        1. +2
          April 8 2020 12: 27
          Quote: g1v2
          In general, both for us and for the USA, the best outcome would be to jointly overwhelm the Saudis.

          By and large, the struggle of the United States with the Saudis is the struggle of the right hand and left
          1. 0
            April 8 2020 12: 39
            By and large, the struggle of the United States with the Saudis is the struggle of the right hand and left
            Rather, the struggle of the right hand with ... uh ... own manhood. And the last threat, respectively: "Little rascal, I won't caress you anymore."
            Ugh you, what a fellow.
        2. 0
          April 8 2020 13: 36
          Quote: g1v2
          In general, both for us and for the USA, the best outcome would be to jointly overwhelm the Saudis.

          It will not be enough. ©
          To save the non-Arab oil industry, at a minimum, we need a new tanker war in the Persian Gulf. Well, or ordinary war in those parts.
          1. +1
            April 8 2020 22: 21
            So the conclusion of the Patriots is a war! Yemeni fighters in flip flops will be able to launch rockets at the Saudi oil industry without hindrance!
  4. +1
    April 8 2020 09: 09
    Che said something done. One blah blah is not a man, but a woman.
    1. +3
      April 8 2020 09: 16
      So this is not a kiddy showdown, this is diplomacy. And diplomacy has its own ethics - it is customary to hiss for a long time, arching the tail)))
    2. +6
      April 8 2020 09: 27
      Sergey, I answer your comment, but, in fact, I turn to a significant number of commentators on the VO portal.
      Please, don't ignore punctuation! If you want to get your point across to your audience, please make at least a small effort to turn a set of words into meaningful phrases, it's not difficult. No one is obliged to decipher your scribblings and think "what did you want to say?" Intentional illiterate comments indicate (at least) disrespect for readers.
      ZY: I share the usual mistakes and mistakes, and deliberate disrespect for the readers.
      ZZY: Sergey, minus is not mine. And yes, all good!
      1. 0
        April 8 2020 11: 01
        Quote: andranick
        "did you want to say something?"

        That they are just talkers. Do not you understand what is written by me.
      2. +2
        April 8 2020 15: 45
        Quote: andranick
        Please don't ignore punctuation marks! If you want to convey your message to the audience, please, make even a small effort to turn a certain set of words into meaningful phrases, it's not difficult. Nobody is obliged to decipher your writings and think "did you want to say something?" Deliberate illiterate comments indicate (at least) disrespect for readers.

        In the heat of the ideological struggle, this is not thought of ... And if anything, then T9 is to blame. laughing
        1. +1
          April 8 2020 16: 39
          T9 is sabotage! )))
    3. +1
      April 8 2020 09: 41
      Quote: Irokez
      Che said something done. One blah blah is not a man, but a woman.

      Well this is - Man: Said - Did it! But this is not a man, but "honorable":

      And they, the "honorable" only blah-blah-blah and it happens! wassat
  5. +4
    April 8 2020 09: 14
    Is this the same air defense that didn't shoot down a single Yemeni missile when they hit the Saudi oil refinery?)))))))))))
  6. +15
    April 8 2020 09: 15
    US threatens Saudi Arabia with withdrawal of American army and air defense systems

    They won’t bring anything anywhere.
    They are one.
    No wonder petrodollars are called petrodollars.
    Some print green paper, others saturate it with oil content and control the price.
    Symbiosis of parasites.
    But much can happen ... Recent events show.
    I know one thing for sure - we must do its the economy. The fact that we have oil and gas is wonderful, but they should become the locomotive of our industry and agriculture, and not a lot on the London Stock Exchange ... am
  7. +1
    April 8 2020 09: 20
    Drive the Saudis like an elephant into a birdhouse)
    It was previously reported that US representatives were not invited to the OPEC + meeting, which is due to take place on April 9.

    Most likely there will be no agreement ...
  8. +2
    April 8 2020 09: 21
    Along the way, the mattresses do not want to participate in the OPEC + deal, again they want to heat up the heat with the wrong hands. Tomorrow we’ll see how all this clowning will end. We are betting, gentlemen! Agree tomorrow or not?
    1. 0
      April 8 2020 09: 37
      Quote: Yrec
      Agree tomorrow or not?

      I guess not. There is no point in negotiating without shale ... So, we can continue to "pull the cat by the tail" ... The process of ruin of shale companies in the United States may accelerate. China is emerging from the epidemic, Germany seems to be coming out soon too. The wheels are spinning, consumption will grow ... We must use the current moment, IMHO. This "distribution" will not happen again soon ... And in November, Trump will have elections ...
  9. +6
    April 8 2020 09: 22
    To threaten does not mean to withdraw ... How can the United States leave the Saudis unattended laughing
  10. +9
    April 8 2020 09: 25
    Bluffing pure water ....
  11. 0
    April 8 2020 09: 27
    Quote: Snark1876
    Labrador .... "Probably all this is because, as some wrote here, Putin has sent it !?"
    Leaked. And the woodpecker should understand that the US won't just sign up for Russia. They've given away Venezuela for now. They'll give it away again, and we'll see.

    And to whom did they give poor Venezuela?
    1. 0
      April 8 2020 09: 34
      Here's the old joke. If this is the case, imagine what is happening in Moscow.
      If they are spinning bells like that, then what will they come up with for us? Or did their fantasy run out?
  12. 0
    April 8 2020 09: 27
    This is what the slate does.
    KSA could weaken confrontation with Iran, acquire S-400 and more.
    And what about "strengthening security" in the region?
  13. +1
    April 8 2020 09: 28
    Quote: Yrec
    Along the way, the mattresses do not want to participate in the OPEC + deal, again they want to heat up the heat with the wrong hands. Tomorrow we’ll see how all this clowning will end. We are betting, gentlemen! Agree tomorrow or not?

    I bet no. It's too early to come to an agreement.
  14. 0
    April 8 2020 09: 30
    “If they don’t take it, we’ll turn off the gas ...” the immortal “Diamond Hand” ... Blackmail, violence, threats - hysteria from the senators? If they withdraw their troops, the Houthis will enter the KSA (read Iran!) ... What are they smoking there, in the Senate?
  15. +1
    April 8 2020 09: 30
    The Saudis were not very lucky - they did not initiate a price war on the oil market at the right time, which already collapsed due to the global economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

    Russia, in agreement with the United States, made a compromise proposal - the reduction by all players of oil production by 10 million barrels per day is proportional to production as of March 1, 2020. The Arabs are still wandering in terms of the accounting date and offer on April 1, when their market share was greater than that of other players.

    The US in response threatened the frostbitten Arabs to impose barriers on the supply of cheap native oil to America to the level of the cost of shale oil - essentially shutting down the domestic market from imports. Protectionism of the 19th century and autocracy of the 20th century in one package, of course.

    But, as Okraintsy say: "Putin will come, order is in sight." bully
  16. +4
    April 8 2020 09: 32
    So I want to look at the actions of the states, if ...
    if Riyadh does not agree with Moscow on stabilizing oil prices

    What new trick will come up?
  17. +4
    April 8 2020 09: 35
    Where is the world going, gentleman? fool Some countries dream of having "foreign troops and weapons" withdrawn from their territory... sometimes they organize guerrilla warfare or threaten to...! angry And others perceive the conclusion as a threat! belay
  18. 0
    April 8 2020 10: 08
    This is called blackmail, but the Arabs swallow and bend.
  19. 0
    April 8 2020 10: 09
    It is not the first time that the Saudis have been "scared", either by duties or refusals to supply modern equipment, and each time it all ended in words. It is obvious that this will happen this time too, but the Saudis will certainly listen to the Americans. Without such an ally, those dissatisfied with the Saudi policy in this region will definitely try to settle scores with them. So far, only the Houthis are slowly preventing them from completely losing their sense of smell.
  20. 0
    April 8 2020 10: 16
    But they themselves (the USA) do not want to reduce production? Is this out of the question?
  21. +1
    April 8 2020 10: 21
    Soon, the entire Saudi desert will be filled with purchased and unclaimed Amer’s equipment.

    We are waiting for new purchases after the ultimatum.
  22. +2
    April 8 2020 10: 40
    US threatens Saudi Arabia with withdrawal of American army and air defense systems

    Handsome, Trumpula is great !!! Knows how to do "business"! Consider, the Colt has already been brought to his temple (not his own, of course) and the trigger is cocking ... it remains to PRESS!
  23. 0
    April 8 2020 11: 00
    The United States may withdraw from the territory of Saudi Arabia units of the American army and air defense systems if Riyadh does not agree with Moscow on stabilizing oil prices

    I wrote about this 2 weeks ago, and then and now I think ... that in this case the KSA will have an S-400 and another military base, moreover, very quickly;
    Egypt, Pakistan, China and India with the greatest pleasure will lift their weight in the Region and, if necessary, will send help to the Saudis, and some will sell weapons to anyone, even on credit.
  24. +1
    April 8 2020 11: 11
    How to deduce, and democratize?
  25. 0
    April 8 2020 11: 30
    US threatens Saudi Arabia with withdrawal of American army and air defense systems

    A holy place is never empty.
  26. 0
    April 8 2020 12: 03
    Do not care, non-working anyway
  27. 0
    April 8 2020 12: 07
    I do not believe ! Saudi Arabia can also lower the Americans, below the plinth. All US power is on the global dollar, as soon as the SA refuse to sell resources for dollars ........................ it is not yet known who will suffer more
    1. 0
      April 8 2020 12: 33
      Quote: APASUS
      as soon as CA refuse to sell resources for dollars

      ... in Saudi Arabia, the monarchy will become constitutional. With an American-controlled parliament and a "wedding general" king.
      More than sure, Americans hold Saudis for Coca very reliably and efficiently. And if the level of control is insufficient, the problem will be quickly resolved.

      Just for now, all these statements are primarily for domestic American use. Senators show voters "We are working". Trump shows his voters the financiers "I work"
      1. 0
        April 8 2020 14: 47
        Yeah. And with gamepads. Moreover, led by the royal couple.
      2. 0
        April 8 2020 19: 48
        Quote: Spade
        Just for now, all these statements are primarily for domestic American use.

        That's when Trump is pecking that mythical Russians helped him to get out - this is understandable, the internal theme!
        And when the US SENATE proposes to withdraw air defense systems from its ally SA, where is the internal issue here? First pass the law, and then roll it back?
  28. 0
    April 8 2020 12: 38
    Being a "friend of the United States" is much more dangerous. Especially if you bet on the Clintons (conditional).
  29. 0
    April 8 2020 13: 41
    The market will adjust itself, They talked. Government interference in business is unacceptable, They talked. laughing
    And as fast as it may seem, the state immediately fit in with its corporations and began to nip their competitors.
  30. 0
    April 8 2020 13: 56
    It's unlikely that they scared you so much
  31. 0
    April 8 2020 19: 33
    To go nuts: the withdrawal of its occupying forces - can this be threatened now?
  32. 0
    April 9 2020 01: 38
    The United States may withdraw from the territory of Saudi Arabia units of the american army and air defense equipmentif Riyadh does not agree with Moscow on stabilizing oil prices.

    ..... glorious will be the hunt for the Hussites in the oil fields of the SA and its strategic objects ...
  33. 0
    April 9 2020 20: 26
    As always, ordinary citizens will be the losers; prices in Russia will rise and there will be growth.