Red Cloud: leader, warrior, diplomat

Red Cloud: leader, warrior, diplomat
Fort Laramie today is National historical a tipi park near the Laramie River itself, where the 1868 contract was concluded. The original contract was to be signed at the fort itself, but there was not enough grass for the Indian horses. In the end, it was decided to move downstream, so it was signed 30 miles downstream from Fort Laramie at the mouth of the Horse Creek, in one of the Indian tipis. The treaty is therefore sometimes also called the Horse Creek Treaty.

I'm tired of your strife
I'm tired of your arguments
From a bloody fight
From prayers for blood feud.
Your strength is only in agreement
And powerlessness is in discord.
Reconcile yourself, O children!
Be brothers to each other!
G. Longfellow. Song of Hiawatha

Native American War. “And I want to read about the Indians!” - wrote one of our readers. Why should he not want this? It’s another matter that here it is necessary that his desire develops with the desire and capabilities of one of the authors of VO. Moreover, even if it happens that the author has a text in order to turn it into an article with a high level of novelty and “readable” in the sense of presentation, it is not always possible to provide it with the proper quality of illustrations. There are, for example, museums that are unknown for what reasons do not even respond to letters sent to them. They are silent, like partisans before the Gestapo, although they have interesting artifacts, photographs of which can decorate any article. In order to get such an article, three circumstances must converge: the availability of an appropriate accessible information field, the desire and mood of a journalist, the ability to get the appropriate photos from the corresponding museum. Of course, ideally, I could take a plane myself, fly where I need to take everything for a day, and then write: “Photo of the author”, only the site administration and the customer of the article are unlikely to pay the final bill, well, if he, of course, is not Deripaska ... But in this case, the one who “wants to read about the Indians”, fate smiled, because the factors have recently come together! As a result, all this will result in the continuation of the Indian War series, in which we will talk a little about the Indian warriors of North America and their battles for their land with the “white people” - “white people”. One of these warriors was precisely the leader of the Dakota Red Cloud tribe.

Today we will continue our acquaintance not only with the history of the Indians of North America, but also with their material culture. These, moccasins, for example, the Dakota Indians presented to US President Ulysses Grant. National Museum of the American Indian, Washington

The moccasins of the Sioux Brulee (Dakota) Indians were very beautiful. National Museum of the American Indian, Washington

To begin with, the Red Cloud (1822-1909) was one of the most influential leaders of the Oglal Lakota Indians Union from 1868 to 1909. Suffice it to say that he called the whole war of the Indians with the US army in 1866-1868 in the area of ​​the Powder River in the northeastern regions of Wyoming and in southern Montana. It was then that the Battle of Fetterman took place, which cost the lives of 81 American soldiers, and this was the largest military defeat inflicted by the Indians of the U.S. Army on the Great Plains, until the Battle of Little Bighorn, which happened only ten years later.

Absaroks: men's leggings. National Museum of the American Indian, Washington

Arapaho: women's leggings with moccasins. National Museum of the American Indian, Washington

The Red Cloud was born near the modern city of North Platte in Nebraska. His mother’s name was “The Path She Picks,” and she belonged to the Oglala Lakota tribe. But his father was also a Dakota, but belonged to the Brule Union. In total, the Dakota (Lakota, as they called themselves) had “seven bonfires of tribal councils”, so it is not surprising that even within themselves it was often quite difficult to agree.

Shirt of Assiniboins. National Museum of the American Indian, Washington

Crow Shirt, 1885 National Museum of the American Indian, Washington

Since the children of the Dakota belonged to the clan and the people of their mother, the Red Cloud in childhood was raised by his maternal uncle, who was the leader and was called short and clear - Smoke (1774–1864). He was also the leader of the bad tribal warrior society. When in 1825 the boy's parents died, he took him to him. Growing up, the Red Cloud participated in raids on the no less warlike Pawnee and Crow, during which he gained great combat experience.

Headdress Sioux. National Museum of the American Indian, Washington

Pikuni headdress. National Museum of the American Indian, Washington

Siu Chief Iron Tail in a traditional headdress. National Museum of the American Indian, Washington

When whites poured into the states of Wyoming and Montana, the Northern Cheyenne, in alliance with the Dakota and Arapaho, opposed the United States Army, which defended the settlers. The most acute confrontation between 1866 and 1868 then turned into a real war, which led to heavy losses among the Americans, who were not at all ready, as it turned out, to fight the Indians of the Great Plains. However, many of the defeats suffered by the Americans were the result of the common problems of a civilized society, which were best and most amusingly reflected in the verdict of one of the Lloyd Insurance Society trials:

“During tragic circumstances, the ship's captain retired to his cabin and drank alcohol. His first assistant was already dead drunk, and the second assistant gave the command to the helmsman in English, who did not know English and also suffered from hearing defects! ”

Grizzly claw necklace. Sioux. Sioux believed that killing grizzlies means accomplishing a feat greater than killing a pale-faced, or crow. Therefore, those of them who had such an ornament were universally respected. National Museum of the American Indian, Washington

It is believed that the Indians did not wear protective armor, but this is not so. Before us is a chest shell made of bison bones, the so-called hair tubes. They were made from large bones, drilled and connected on horsehair cords. They gave good protection against arrows and cold blows. weapons. National Museum of the American Indian, Washington

Something similar happened during the Battle for the Hundreds of the Murdered (another name for the Battle of Vetterman), when Captain William J. Vetterman of Fort Phil Kearney was sent along with two civilians and 79 cavalrymen and foot soldiers in order to drive out a small group of Indians, attacked a group of lumberjacks near this fort. Not only one, but two officers were sent to the “case”: Captain Frederick Brown and Captain William Vetterman, and both of them were confident in their soldiers and were eager to “teach these Redskins a lesson.” Vetterman had the experience of wars with the Indians and fought with them in the Seminole Wars, but apparently neglected the experience gained. In any case, they did not obey the order to stay behind the Lodge Trail ridge and began to pursue a small group of enemy soldiers, at the head of which the Indian clearly rode on a wounded horse. And it was Croesie Horse himself, Mad Horse, the leader cunning and treacherous, and his pursuit ended with the fact that Vetterman and his soldiers were ambushed, where they were surrounded by about 2000 Sioux, Cheyenne and Arapaho. The soldiers began to fight back, but were able to kill only 14 Indians, while they killed the entire detachment of 81 people. And if they had obeyed the orders exactly, nothing of the kind could have happened ...

Hunkpapa Dakota: Tire for saddle. National Museum of the American Indian, Washington

After this battle in 1867, a U.S. Peace Commission set out on a trip to the Plains to gather information that would help establish peace between the Indian tribes and the U.S. government. The commission found out everything and recommended that the Indians allocate territories for living where White should not be allowed. After this, Lakota, the Northern Cheyenne, Arapaho and several other tribes made peace with the United States and signed the so-called Treaty of Fort Laramie. According to it, the United States agreed to abandon all forts in the territory of these tribes, and completely leave the Dakota Indians!

General Sherman with Native American leaders in the form of Laramis, 1868 Photo from the archive of the US Congress

The traditional weapon of the Indians was the tomahawk. But ... they were mainly made by whites and sold to the Indians. To reduce the cost of their production, white began to cast tomahawks from bronze! Before us is the bronze tomahawk of Sioux Dakota. National Museum of the American Indian, Washington

The treaty established the Great Sioux Reservation, covering the area west of the Missouri River in the modern state of Nebraska (which received state status in 1867), and in South Dakota. That is, everything seemed to end as the Indians wanted, but the difficult relationship between them and the continuously expanding United States, nevertheless, continued. In 1870, Chief Red Cloud traveled to Washington and met with Indian Commissioner Eli S. Parker (US Army General) and President Ulysses S. Grant.

Tomahawk Dakota 1880-1890 National Museum of the American Indian, Washington

In 1871, the government established the Red Cloud Agency on the Platte River, downstream of Fort Laramie. As indicated in the 1868 Treaty, agency employees were required to give food rations to Indians Oglal weekly, as well as to ensure annual cash distribution between them. Of course, rations were delivered irregularly, and sometimes money was not paid at all. Nevertheless, it was at least something that enabled the Indians to exist. And the Red Cloud in these difficult conditions did a lot to help its people in the transition to another lifestyle.

Apaches and Comanches preferred tomahawks, reminiscent of an ax. They were delivered to them by the Spaniards. National Museum of the American Indian, Washington

According to Charles A. Eastman, the Red Cloud was the last to sign the famous treaty, “refusing to do so until all forts on their territory are released. All his demands were accepted, the new road was abandoned, the garrisons were withdrawn, and the new treaty clearly stated that the Black Hills and Big Horn were an Indian country allocated to the Indians for permanent residence, so that not a single white person could enter this area without the consent of the Sioux ... "However, as soon as this agreement was signed, they found gold in the Black Hills, and everyone who went to look for it immediately screamed:" Take away the Indians! " The US government tried to protest in order to save its face, but as a result of any serious attempts to prevent a massive violation of the treaty, it never made. It’s clear why. Well, who can resist the brilliance of gold nuggets ?!

"Applied club" of the Indians. By its popularity, the tomahawk was not inferior and was a terrible weapon in hand-to-hand combat. National Museum of the American Indian, Washington

In 1874, Lt. Col. George Custer reported gold mining in Black Hills, which local Indians considered their sacred place. Previously, the army tried unsuccessfully to deter gold diggers from entering the area, but now their flow has become simply unstoppable. In May 1875, a Dakota delegation led by the leaders of the Red Cloud, Spotted Tail and Lonely Baran went to Washington and tried to convince President Grant to fulfill the existing treaties, and most importantly, not to let gold miners into their lands. Delegates met repeatedly with Grant, Home Secretary Delano and Commissioner for Indian Affairs Smith. On May 27, he told them that Congress was prepared to pay the tribes $ 25 for their land and relocate them to another territory. The delegates refused to sign such an agreement, and Spotted Tail said this proposal like this:

“When I was here before, the president gave me my country, and I put my parking in a good place, and I want to stay there. ... you are talking about another country, but this is not my country; it does not concern me, and I do not want to have anything to do with her. I was not born there. “If this is such a good country, you must send white people to this country of ours and leave us alone.”

Native American leaders in Washington. Sitting, from left to right: Yellow Bear, Red Cloud, Big Road, Little Wound, Black Raven; Standing, from left to right: Red Bear, Young Man Afraid of His Horse, Good Voice, Running Thunder, Iron Raven, White Tail, Young Spotted Tail, approx. 1860-1880 Library of Congress

Although the Red Cloud was never able to find a peaceful solution to the problem, he and his clan did not take part in the Lakota War of 1876–1877. The warriors who then entered the warpath were led by the leaders of Tashunko Vitko (Raging Horse) and Tatanka Yotanka (Sitting Bull). The war, as you know, ended in defeat, even though the Indians managed to destroy the detachment of Lieutenant Colonel Custer at Little Bighorn.

In the fall of 1877, the Red Cloud Agency was moved to the headwaters of the Missouri River, and the next year it was renamed the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.

The scabbard of the picnic National Museum of the American Indian, Washington

All this time, the Red Cloud played an important role in the social life of his tribe, but the Indians never had such a level of leaderism that the leader in the tribe played an excessively large role. One could listen to it, or one could not listen. All his power rested on authority. And he received it, repeatedly visiting Washington and seeking from the whites at least some concessions. On the other hand, these same trips convinced him of the indisputable power of the Americans and the assertion that Oglala should seek peace with the pale-faced, and not fight with them.

In 1874, he met and met the American paleontologist and geologist Otniel Marsh of New Haven, and then visited him in 1880. Moreover, returning from his trip to the Indians, Marsh repeatedly wrote that they suffer because the products they emit do not reach them, that they are given inedible pork, low-quality flour, bad sugar and coffee, rotten tobacco.

In battle, it is not so important to kill the enemy and not remove the scalp from him, how to touch him with a special wand or hand and at the same time shout: “Ku!” Whoever did more “ku” was the hero. Before us is a stick for "ku." National Museum of the American Indian, Washington

Interestingly, communicating with whites, the Red Cloud was imbued with the idea of ​​Christianity and in 1884, together with his family and five other leaders, was baptized in a Catholic rite.

In 1887, he opposed the Dawes Act, according to which the communal lands of the Indians were to be divided between separate families and transferred to them in ownership. Then, in 1889, the Red Cloud opposed the agreement to sell more Dakota land.

As a result, the Red Cloud outlived all other leaders, participants in Indian wars, and died on its Pine Ridge reservation in 1909 at the age of 87. He was buried in the cemetery, which began to bear his name. Shortly before his death, he once said about the whites:

“They gave us many promises, more than I can remember. But they did one thing: they promised to take our land ... and they took it. "

Announcements of the death of the Red Cloud, as well as a description of all his merits, were published by all major newspapers throughout the country. It's funny that the New York Times even wrote that he was the leader of all the Sioux tribal groups, which, of course, simply could not be, and never had. However, the fact that he was a good leader and a born diplomat, noted all American newspapers.

Red Cloud. Photograph by John C. Hiller, 1880 Yale University Library, New Haven, Connecticut

"The Red Cloud and the American Horse, two of the most famous of the living leaders of the Indians." Photo from the collection of 1887-1892. Library of Congress

The Red Cloud was also the most frequently photographed Indian of the XIX century. The first time he was photographed back in 1872 during his first trip to Washington, shortly before meeting with President Grant. Then he was photographed many times, so today 128 of his photographs are known. And in 2000, he was posthumously selected to the Nebraska Hall of Fame. Well, the US Postal Department issued a series of postage stamps “10 Great Americans,” among which was a stamp depicting the leader of the Red Cloud. There is a city named in his honor, and it is also located in Nebraska.

Red Cloud. Bronze sculpture of the Penza artist German Feoktistov

It got to the point that President John F. Kennedy even thought of calling his name one of the 41 American submarine missile carriers, but apparently agreed with the Pentagon’s fears that this name, even if historical, would be accepted by many Americans as pro-communist.

To be continued ...
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  1. +8
    31 March 2020 05: 04
    return your lands, Redskins! let the scalps of your enemies adorn your wigwam! America is yours!
    1. +15
      31 March 2020 05: 25
      Vyacheslav Olegovich, KhAU for the continuation of the scream!
      Touch the wand and say “Ku”! Hard!
      1. +7
        31 March 2020 08: 08
        Quote: Kote Pan Kokhanka
        Vyacheslav Olegovich, KhAU for the continuation of the scream!
        Touch the wand and say “Ku”! Hard!

        Native American patsaks with Chetlans straight ... Interestingly, did they have different color differentiation of their pants?
        1. +15
          31 March 2020 08: 20
          Was, but how! For example, red leggings and a dress were worn by a warrior girl (virgin!), The mascot of a military squad. With a solar spear, she rode in front of the detachment and shouted: "Whoever does more ku will take me as his wife!" Enemies shot at her, but she showed everyone her courage. "You pikuni, cowards, dogs, your women were lying under the whitechuins!" - that's what she screamed. And their own admired this and their courage arrived. Faces were painted red, black, white, green, painted on a horse and on their body a "keyhole" - a sign of a wound.
    2. +12
      31 March 2020 07: 46
      Quote: Dead Day
      Bring back your lands, Redskins !! America is yours!

      Deport illegal migrants to their historic homeland! To the island!
      Thanks to the author, we look forward to continuing, a very interesting topic!
      1. +12
        31 March 2020 07: 52
        Quote: DMB 75
        Thanks to the author, we look forward to continuing, a very interesting topic!

        There will certainly be continuation, but ... such articles are written with great difficulty. The material must be found, read, evaluated, and then translated. Then find illustrations, which is also ... a problem. There are thousands of them on the museum website. Can you imagine how long it takes to look through them and choose the ones you need? Therefore, articles "about Indians" are so rare. Look at the archive of OFOPO GAPO ... went, took the file, copied it, gave it to the typist to type in the Word. Then - "Hello, children! Goodbye, children!" and ... the material is ready + one picture with an archive view on the splash screen. And here...
        1. +5
          31 March 2020 13: 28
          To be continued, without fail, but ... such articles are written with great difficulty.
          I propose a small competition of forecasts on the subject of who will be the main character of the next article.
          My option is Black Elk.
          1. +7
            31 March 2020 15: 50
            You are mistaken! I will not name ... but you were mistaken!
            1. +5
              31 March 2020 16: 02
              I just did not really try to guess.
              1. +6
                31 March 2020 17: 18
                Yes, this is impossible, because it depends on so many factors related not to me personally and not even to this topic!
        2. +5
          31 March 2020 17: 46
          ". such articles are written with great difficulty", but you are doing well.
          You once said that time is short. I readily believe: it’s time that water is leaking through our fingers, and therefore my advice: leave the "cathedrals" to other authors. That will add time
          1. +7
            31 March 2020 19: 52
            Quote: Astra wild
            so my advice is to leave the "cathedrals" to other authors.

            Who is this? Just such articles as the article about the cathedral are written in one breath - 40 minutes and it's done, and more than 500 comments are collected. And then ... mood, Astra. I am a person of mood, sometimes I want one, to another. You offer topics to your inner voice, and he wanders - "I don't want to, I won't ...". The creative process is like that! Right now, 6 articles are being moderated on the site, and 11 more (!) Are in my archive. And among them there is no continuation article "about the Indians". So, while I write it, while these 17 articles pass ... Then!
            1. +3
              April 1 2020 01: 01
              I hope that before my retirement you will reach the life story of the "Polish Indian" Sat-Ok. hi
              Such articles are better than various political squabbles!
            2. +1
              April 1 2020 16: 54
              "I am a man of mood" actually - more women tend to
    3. +10
      31 March 2020 10: 52
      let the scalps of your enemies adorn your wigwam!

      1. +8
        31 March 2020 11: 11
        Ha! Funny and very!
        1. 0
          April 4 2020 02: 27
          Tell me, are there tomahawks made by the Indians themselves?
          Original, so to speak. What did they make them from? From bronze, iron, stone?
          1. +1
            5 May 2020 03: 58
            The Indians did not know how to process metal, therefore, before the arrival of Europeans, "tomahawks" (a European term, each tribe had its own name), as a rule, were clubs-clubs, sometimes in stone Celtic hatchets without an eye. Later, the Indians themselves sometimes made similar Celts from scrap metal at hand. The Indians of the northeast used native copper, processing it with cold forging, but it was not enough, they did not know how to melt it, and I had not heard of copper tomahawks made of native copper.
            1. +1
              5 May 2020 09: 36
              Thanks for the info! good
      2. +7
        31 March 2020 12: 08
        let the scalps of your enemies adorn your wigwam!

        Dmitri, I from Korsun (the artist) still like this one on the subject of the Indians drinks

        According to the article - good material, illustrations are very high quality selected. In arms, especially. hi Vyacheslav Olegovich three times "ku" (my regards!) good
        1. +3
          31 March 2020 12: 26
          Nikolay, in this case your "KU" has a very ambiguous meaning. At the same time, the Indians do not squat like boys, but have a special tool with them to perform this "KU". So you can be very misunderstood. wink drinks
          1. +5
            31 March 2020 12: 29
            At the same time, the Indians do not squat like patsaks, but have with them a special tool for performing this "KU". So you can be very misunderstood.

            no, I'm a patsak, I don’t have raspberry pants. laughing And yellow too. Therefore, translate from patsak! drinks
            1. +3
              31 March 2020 13: 18
              Scha, they’ll transfer you. smile Translators are already on their way. laughing
              1. +4
                31 March 2020 13: 54
                Scha, they’ll transfer you. smile Translators are already on their way. laughing

                This hto ??? and what are they going to do? belay
                1. +5
                  31 March 2020 14: 11
                  ... and what are they going to do?

                  I can’t comment properly and there are already six warnings for liberties in the text. request drinks
                  1. +6
                    31 March 2020 14: 16
                    I can’t comment properly and there are already six warnings for liberties in the text.

                    Yes, you are a direct "victim of beliefs", my friend! laughing drinks joke. We follow the rules! wink
                    1. +5
                      31 March 2020 14: 19
                      We are not injured, we are well-deserved. laughing
                      1. +4
                        31 March 2020 15: 18
                        We are not injured, we are well-deserved.

                        yeah, sure, experienced-grated laughing
                        I also like this about Korsun - just about the Indians too. drinks two villains with oars want to make a "ku" on the head of Vasily Ivanovich Bobrishchev. laughing
                      2. +4
                        31 March 2020 16: 15
                        These "heroes" with their "ku" have not yet met real Indians from the "Wild Cats" tribe. Then all of them will not even be "ku", but simply kirdyk. laughing
                      3. +4
                        31 March 2020 19: 34
                        These are not Indians, this is Russian punk rock!
                      4. +4
                        31 March 2020 19: 47
                        After taking "Three Tomahawks" any punk will immediately become an Indian! Most likely dead. request wassat
                      5. +5
                        31 March 2020 19: 21
                        "Pie floats across the Mississippi,
                        There are a lot of hippies in the pie. "(C)
                      6. +5
                        April 1 2020 00: 51
                        Lyrics of the song "Cairo group - Comrade Chingachgook"
                        White wolves burned their own hut
                        And all the Indians went out onto a military path.
                        White feathers, red soldiers -
                        Thirty-three heroes and Old Man Vinita.

                        Old Man Vinit can be seen a mile away!
                        Near Commissioner - a former Delaware!

                        Chorus (2 times):
                        Comrade Chingachguk, Comrade Chingachguk,
                        You are our red friend!

                        A white hundred walks across the lake,
                        And the Indian soul wants to roam.
                        Let's catch them and take off the scalps,
                        And let these reptiles freeze their heads!

                        2 times:
                        - How! I said everything! How!
                        - He said everything!

                        Chorus (2 times).

                        - Kra-a-asy friend!
                        - Comrade Chingachgook!
                        - Kra-a-asy friend!
                        - Hey, Chingachgook is a sneaky coward, come out!
                        - Kra-a-asy friend!
                        - Hey hey!
                        - Kra-a-asy friend!

                        Well, before the fight, Old Man Vinita
                        There are a couple of buckets of fiery water.
                        And then the order sounds: "Tomahawks are bald!"
                        And with a victorious cry we burst into the village!

                        - How! I said everything! How!
                        - He said everything!
                        - How! I said everything! How!
                        - And he gave the oak ...
                      7. +1
                        April 1 2020 11: 27
                        So "White Wolves" x / f, "Enemies burned their own hut", "Chingachgook the big snake * and" About Leopold the cat "- strongly
            2. +5
              31 March 2020 19: 14
              I'll give it to you! With the inscription "LenSpetsSMU". laughing
    4. 0
      5 May 2020 03: 47
      Modern Indians are great patriots of America.
  2. +11
    31 March 2020 05: 36
    As my friend Dakota Sunny Thunder used to say: "Thank you, pale-faced friend of the Indians, for your kind word about us!" hi
    Howe I said! drinks
  3. +10
    31 March 2020 06: 13
    Thank. And the pictures are good.
    And a story showing how contracts fade to the color of gold.

    But one of the best is the names of the Indians - both "The path she chooses" and "The young man who is afraid of his horse."
  4. +8
    31 March 2020 07: 22
    Usually, after such an article, someone will definitely remember Goiko Mitich. We will not violate traditions - Goiko Mitich is our everything))
    Thank you so much for the article, as always very interesting!
    1. +7
      31 March 2020 07: 37
      Well, this is what. To whom - Goiko Mitich, and to me - Clint Eastwood.
      1. +9
        31 March 2020 07: 44
        Quote: 3x3zsave
        Clint Eastwood

        This is our everything! By the way, taking this opportunity, I remind the whole honest company of Indian lovers that I recently published a book on this topic on And anyone can read it. It is full of all kinds of adventures, as it should be in Indian books, but it is also very informative. For about ten years I had been collecting material for her, and some of it even went to VO in separate articles. So there is fiction there, as it should be in the novel, but compared to many other books there is very little of it.
        1. +9
          31 March 2020 07: 48
          Just for the sake of one line: "God is against us, because he does not like idiots!", It is worth watching "The Good, the Bad, the Ugly".
          1. +7
            31 March 2020 07: 55
            And what are the mitrales in action ?! Oh!
            1. +7
              31 March 2020 08: 04
              Mitraleses in action impressed me more in the film "The Last Samurai".
              1. +6
                31 March 2020 08: 05
                Also "yes", but in it the production seemed to me a little more theatrical.
                1. +6
                  31 March 2020 08: 11
                  Sure, but this is not Kurosawa, not the British, or even HBO. Kitsch Hollywood is indestructible.
              2. +5
                31 March 2020 12: 15
                Mitraleses in action impressed me more in the film "The Last Samurai".

                it seems that Gatling's grapeshot is featured in Eastwood's movie Two Mules for Sister Sarah .. what
                1. +4
                  31 March 2020 15: 48
                  And there she is, at the end!
                  1. +4
                    31 March 2020 15: 51
                    And there she is, at the end!

                    behold, Vyacheslav Olegovich, and I remember something that the French tried to unsuccessfully shoot from the dashing main character from it. what
              3. +6
                31 March 2020 21: 51
                Mitraleza in action

                ,,, here is a valid translucator laughing
                1. +2
                  April 1 2020 11: 07
                  here is a valid translucator

                  "And if you think that this is not a tranclucator, that will be the last thought in your stupid head ..." angry (patsak uncle Vova, phrase from the movie). drinks
          2. +6
            31 March 2020 10: 11
            "Going to shoot - shoot, don't talk" is no worse.
            1. +6
              31 March 2020 10: 28
              Correctly! The one who shoots the second is first killed!
              1. +2
                31 March 2020 19: 39
                Not always. The hero of Eastwood, in one of the films of the legendary trilogy, proved this.
      2. +9
        31 March 2020 07: 52
        Quote: 3x3zsave
        Well, this is what. To whom - Goiko Mitich, and to me - Clint Eastwood.

        these are all "mummers". Here Wes Studi is YES!

        1. +8
          31 March 2020 07: 58
          Ivan! hi
          Why on earth is the mummer? I don’t remember something that he played the Indians.
        2. +3
          31 March 2020 11: 48
          Yes Yes! The last of the 1991 Mohicans. I’ve never seen a better movie.
  5. +7
    31 March 2020 07: 41
    Thanks for the article, Vyacheslav Olegovich!
    1. +8
      31 March 2020 07: 47
      Glad you liked it, Anton! You are my most impartial critic!
      1. +6
        31 March 2020 07: 50
        Thank you, I try, but I’m far from Viktor Nikolaevich.
        1. +8
          31 March 2020 07: 54
          You have a different approach, that's all!
      2. +8
        31 March 2020 11: 15
        Quote: kalibr
        Glad you liked it, Anton! You are my most impartial critic!

        "The Sultan appointed me as his beloved wife" !!!
        Guys, for God's sake do not be offended, just kidding !!!! wink
        1. +8
          31 March 2020 11: 16
          Quote: Kote pane Kohanka
          "The Sultan appointed me as his beloved wife" !!!
          Guys, for God's sake do not be offended, just kidding !!!!

          A bearded "wife", besides! These are miracles!
          1. +5
            31 March 2020 12: 21
            Yes, you will look at the photographs of the "beloved wives" of the Sultan of the early 20th century. There are no beards, but the mustache of these "moon-faced gazelles" is quite a hussar look. And I would rather not say anything about their figures. All peoples and at different times have very different concepts of female beauty. request
            1. +8
              31 March 2020 12: 32
              And I’d better keep silent about their figures. All peoples and at different times, the concept of female beauty is very different.

              Konstantin, you will be disappointed ... sad Somewhere in some LJ I read the opinion .. that these are just male artists who played wives in a theatrical production! request EEEE, just do not hit with your feet! drinks
              1. +5
                31 March 2020 13: 06
                Who knows, who and what they played like ...

                And why immediately kick ...? wink
            2. +4
              31 March 2020 12: 37
              "Wah! So why spoil such a figure!" (from).
              1. +6
                31 March 2020 12: 55
                "Wah! So why spoil such a figure!" (from).

                My friends, here is the link to this article. I can not vouch for truthfulness - read. In principle .. it seems! drinks
              2. +4
                31 March 2020 13: 16
                Everything is already corrupted here, from the point of view of the Sultans. request
                1. +3
                  31 March 2020 20: 13
                  Good evening Konstantin, what kind of libertines are you offering the Sultan?
                  1. +4
                    31 March 2020 20: 23
                    Hi Svyatoslav. hi I do not suggest, this is so, thoughts "out loud", but they will run to the Sultan's purse without my suggestions.
                    1. +6
                      31 March 2020 20: 40
                      "Ivan Tsarevich kissed the frog for the fifteenth time ... And the guests all sneered:" Bitter! Bitterly!!!"
                      1. +6
                        31 March 2020 20: 51
                        Now, only Mayakovsky’s shameful poems are missing here ...
                      2. +6
                        31 March 2020 21: 05
                        "Once I dreamed about Afanasy Fet,
                        Batter Ivan Semenycha Barkova,
                        He beat him with brass knuckles,
                        He said in this case:
                        "I came to you with greetings,
                        Tell that the elephant stood up,
                        What glorified poets
                        Expressing is not proper. "" (C)
                      3. +5
                        31 March 2020 21: 02
                        "It’s good to be stupid." - Said the Gray Wolf. - "Let's go figure it out better for three."

                        The proposal was accepted unanimously. drinks
            3. +7
              31 March 2020 13: 22
              Yes, you will look at the photos of the "beloved wives" of the Sultan of the early 20th century.
              Why were you attracted to this photo? You are not looking at those photos. This is not the sultan and not the beginning of the twentieth century. We must strive for the beautiful.
              If we talk about the beloved wives of the sultans, then, for example, I remember the beloved wife of the Sultan Abdul Hamid the Second.

              And you have a photo of some kind of disguised homosexuals.
              1. +7
                31 March 2020 13: 33
                The photo is good. But this sultan is not remembered for wives. And not very kind words.
              2. +8
                31 March 2020 13: 38
                So this is clearly a European woman. love Wasn’t that way to the Sultan?
                1. +7
                  31 March 2020 13: 55
                  Gvashashasha Kadin Effendi, of Circassian origin, studied in Paris.
                  1. +9
                    31 March 2020 14: 14
                    Gvashashasha Kadin Effendi, Circassian origin

                    EMNIP, Circassians were considered very beautiful for purchase in a harem.
                    And our "John The Terrible" married a Kabardian woman, Maria Temryukovna! A monument to her was erected in Nalchik.

                    but such a mountain beauty was portrayed by actress Ramil Iskander! good
                    1. +9
                      31 March 2020 14: 22
                      What a long way to go. Can Bel at Lermontov's recall.
                      1. +8
                        31 March 2020 14: 23
                        What a long way to go. Can Bel at Lermontov's recall.

                        Yes, you are right, Sergey! drinks
                2. +7
                  31 March 2020 18: 04
                  Directly illustration for the book: "Angelica and the Sultan"
              3. +5
                31 March 2020 18: 02
                Viktor Nikolaevich, but I do not know this woman. Judging by the photographs, a typical European, dressed not in the eastern. Probably 90s but 19th
                1. +6
                  31 March 2020 20: 17
                  Daughter of Circassian woman and Sultan Abdul-Aziz. Born in 1877.
              4. +5
                31 March 2020 20: 11
                Your photograph reminded me of Alexandra Fedorovna of the "Gesen fly" to V. N. The mutual "sympathy" of the daughter-in-law and mother-in-law cost Russia dearly.
                Alexander 3 would not have had such "toys". He was a Muzhik, and Nikolai the henpecked rag
            4. +6
              31 March 2020 20: 16
              Chur me so I'm scared and in bed?
              1. +7
                31 March 2020 20: 43
                By force drag and FIG overcome. wassat
                1. +8
                  31 March 2020 21: 31
                  "Greta Thunberg. 30 Years Later"
                  1. +8
                    31 March 2020 22: 15
                    And what, quite. laughing
                    1. +3
                      April 1 2020 07: 10
                      To wash, comb, teach to smile, change clothes and there will be absolutely nothing.
                      1. +3
                        April 1 2020 07: 52
                        Unpromising! European "Generation Z" fluctuation.
                      2. +2
                        April 1 2020 14: 57
                        You are a kind person, Vyacheslav Olegovich, but in this case - too much. request
                      3. +3
                        April 2 2020 12: 21
                        You are a kind person, Vyacheslav Olegovich

                        Yes, he is a kind person. drinks And you are a kind person.drinks And the giant Mark Krysoboy is also a kind person. Yes laughing and the procurator must be addressed - "hegemon". soldier
                2. +5
                  April 1 2020 01: 07
                  Ode to a woman
                  Ruslana Shalina
                  "There are women in Russian villages -
                  Their women are gently called.
                  Elephant on the go stop
                  And they will tear off his trunk! "
                  Only at night, watching through the window,
                  To the snoring of his man
                  She sobbing slowly
                  Admitted for sure:

                  "She would like to live differently,
                  Wear a precious outfit ...
                  But the horses are all jumping and jumping!
                  And the huts are burning and burning! ... "
                  1. +2
                    April 1 2020 15: 02
                    Hi Aleksey! hi Women, of course, feel sorry for, especially in our outback. But which of us has no problems? request
                    1. +2
                      April 1 2020 18: 38
                      Everyone has problems! But all of them are so different ...
                      And they’re alone from the Papua New Guinea, the famous blogger from the USA is completely different!
                3. +3
                  April 1 2020 10: 04
                  Yes, if you shandarahnet you will feel
                  1. +2
                    April 1 2020 15: 16
                    Everything in life happens, but it’s better not to ... wassat
            5. +5
              31 March 2020 22: 58
              1) The shah who removed this obscenity was from the Qajar dynasty, and the descendants of the castrato in the evaluation of women discount.
              2) There is an opinion that these were men - actors, but ...
              There is a photo of the main eunuch harem and he is more beautiful than all wives!
        2. +6
          31 March 2020 12: 22
          Correctly. The retinue plays the king, and the authors criticize.
          That's what PR life-giving does.
          1. +8
            31 March 2020 18: 20
            No matter what they say, they’ll still bring on women!

            1. +7
              31 March 2020 19: 07
              "A man who every day will sit a bondage ... He must be indispensable for family life" (c).

              Photos squaw on the topic is not enough. So there is an expansion in space and in time.

              The appeared Circassian is worth it.
            2. +6
              31 March 2020 19: 24
              Michael, hello and best wishes. hi As it was sung in one musical genre, which I hate: "There is no life in the world without women, no ..." (c) wink

              1. +2
                April 1 2020 11: 01
                How it was sung in one musical genre that I hate

                Well, I don’t know, Martinson gorgeously performed this song! good

                I can see that I’m born that way
                That is always in love ...

                Straight about you, Konstantin! wink And you say - "I can not stand". stop No, admit it! drinks
                1. +4
                  April 1 2020 14: 40
                  Good afternoon, buddy Vlad! smile
                  So I’m solely about the genre, because Julian Tuvim has expressed his common sense for another hundred years that It's high time to shoot our old fool operetta. " As for women, I always loved them, I will and will love. good drinks

                  PS And Martinson in any role is always incomparable and good! love
                  1. +3
                    April 1 2020 19: 09
                    It's a fake copy! The ermine does not have 7 antennae on one side and 6 on the other!
                    1. +2
                      April 1 2020 19: 34
                      Finally, I didn’t mean an ermine, with his antennae. laughing
          2. +7
            31 March 2020 19: 45
            Quote from Korsar4
            Correctly. The retinue plays the king, and the authors criticize.

            Yes, but the critic criticized the strife. Others should not only not be listened to, but rather sent to hell.
            1. +7
              31 March 2020 19: 52
              So the plot is tied up - where is the hero, and where is Sir Falstaff.

              Or in our interpretation:

              "They distributed masks of rabbits,
              Elephants and alcoholics "(c).
              1. +2
                April 1 2020 11: 03
                "They distributed masks of rabbits,
                Elephants and alcoholics "

                Yeah, and your Kolka crowd gave all the masks of alcoholics .... laughing drinks (I deliberately misinterpreted the text!).
        3. +7
          31 March 2020 19: 44
          I’ll be damn offended! So offended that even Gitchie Manitou will become sick! laughing
          1. +6
            31 March 2020 22: 38
            Quote: 3x3zsave
            I’ll be damn offended! So offended that even Gitchie Manitou will become sick! laughing

            Buddy Anton - will you shave off your beard?
            Again I could not resist, I’m all silent! drinks
            1. +5
              31 March 2020 23: 24
              Hello, hello! Not a word about the holy! Although ... a beard beard - discord. drinks
  6. +7
    31 March 2020 08: 12
    The article is good, thanks. But .... not enough. I want more. And about the battles.
    1. +6
      31 March 2020 08: 14
      It will be about the battle!
      1. +2
        31 March 2020 17: 11
        Quote: kalibr
        It will be about the battle!

        I am writing here, Vyacheslav Olegovich. Why bad? I have so --- after 300 comments it sometimes starts to hang. And the apartment building is working remotely, this also affects ...
        1. +5
          31 March 2020 19: 43
          That is, you can’t read my answer in the article about the temple? Sorry ...
          1. +2
            31 March 2020 20: 04
            Quote: kalibr
            That is, you can’t read my answer in the article about the temple? Sorry ...

            I can read laughing , just for sure, get from the profile request , but getting into those comments doesn’t always work after 300, but writing --- even less often, wasn’t possible anymore, .....
            1. +5
              31 March 2020 20: 20
              Quote: Reptiloid
              and write --- even less often, it was no longer possible .....

              Well, this is not a tragedy! The main thing that succeeds ... me!
  7. +4
    31 March 2020 17: 49
    Quote: Pan Kohanku
    Scha, they’ll transfer you. smile Translators are already on their way. laughing

    This hto ??? and what are they going to do? belay

    Guess what they can do if they are angry
  8. +5
    31 March 2020 18: 13
    [quote = kalibr] [quote = Kote pane Kohanka] "The Sultan appointed me his beloved wife" !!!
    Guys, for God's sake do not be offended, just kidding !!!! [/ quote]
    A bearded "wife", besides! These are miracles! [/ Quote
    He will shave for the occasion.
    1. +5
      31 March 2020 19: 08
      Schazzz !!! The previous time I shaved 5 years ago, regarding a divorce, and then, in connection with a lost bet. Before that, the year of commercials in the 96th.
    2. +5
      31 March 2020 20: 00
      Bearded "women" in the trend. Remember Eurovision?
    3. +6
      31 March 2020 20: 19
      By the way, dear Astra, about material about the temple. There are already 542 comments! And I argued with one of my friends that there would be 500. And so it happened! Which proves that humans are ... very controlled beings. Like Chinese little cars on the buttons. You just need to know which ones to press!
      1. +7
        31 March 2020 20: 34
        "Uri, where is his button ?!" (FROM)
        1. +4
          31 March 2020 22: 22
          Oh, Anton! "Where is the button". I find it so funny sometimes. In my youth I read the novel "Gadfly" by Lilian Voynich and there I was amazed how the Gadfly arranged a polemic in the newspaper with himself and signed "Son of the Church". Well, then he gouged himself and he admitted his defeat. I liked it very much. Then I got involved in management technologies and online journalism and realized that I didn't need to do this. There will always be those who themselves will do everything that is needed for you. Here on the branch about the temple ... 550 comments. And a very funny comment from Green at the very end, that in some school of working youth, using the example of my comments, he teaches young people from what the decomposition of the party took place. And that being poor is better than being rich. He gives them an inoculation ... That’s a big nonsense is hard to come up with. And a seemingly well-read person. But does not understand the elementary. He believes in his irresistibility as a teacher for young people and in the triumph of the ideas of Marx and Lenin in their minds. So I would be afraid of this form of advertising and PR. I wouldn't risk it myself. And here you just have to set a trend, wave a little red rag, and people come running screaming: they themselves set me and me ... Despise them ... is the same as despising five-year-olds in the sandbox. After all, people seem to be. Not children. But they do not understand the elementary, most simple things. And they are also surprised that they ... in the tail and in the mane, all and sundry.
          1. +6
            31 March 2020 22: 48
            Watching whom and how!
            For example, I did not comment on your article Vyacheslav Olegovich - this is how to look for the right and guilty in the Civil War, where the brother is against the brother, and the son goes to the father.
            My opinion is to destroy not build! At the same time, I was against the construction of a church in the square at the drama theater in Yekaterinburg.
            Regards, Vlad!
            1. +5
              31 March 2020 23: 45
              The first part is simply undeniable.

              And another well-known phrase, but not losing relevance. Where do people in the church come from? From our own society.
          2. +2
            April 1 2020 07: 08
            I, Vyacheslav Olegovich, under that article, in several comments, expressed my opinion about such persons. He was extremely diplomatic, and only because he talked with a woman. I am not impressed by your radically negative attitude towards the Soviet past, but I have no doubt that Marxism-Leninism is currently a religion.
            1. +2
              April 1 2020 09: 28
              Quote: 3x3zsave
              He was extremely diplomatic

              Wow! You had the mind to do this, and also not to advertise to others, as well as to vilify them with the last words, which, in fact, is also advertising, because we love + fools and offended people. And many who consider themselves smart people do not have enough!
            2. +3
              April 1 2020 10: 57
              Anton, join: the author is too radical in assessing our past
              1. +1
                April 1 2020 11: 25
                Quote: vladcub
                Anton, join: the author is too radical in assessing our past

                Each of us has his own experience and his own vision.
            3. -1
              April 1 2020 12: 42
              Quote: 3x3zsave
              that Marxism-Leninism is currently a religion, I have no doubt.

              No, dear, you are mistaken. Marxism-Leninism is not a religion. Unlike religion, Marxism-Leninism is a science. Religion exists only in the consciousness of man, and Marxism-Leninism was already realized in being, thanks to him the first phase of communism was built in the USSR ..
              1. +3
                April 1 2020 16: 02
                Quote: Alexander Green
                the first phase of communism was built.

                Yes, I swam. Like a spring ice floe ... Here it was and no! Such a sad song, heard far somewhere ...
                1. +1
                  April 1 2020 21: 11
                  Quote: kalibr
                  Yes, I swam. Like a spring ice floe ... Here it was and no! Such a sad song, heard far somewhere ...

                  You taught history, you should have known that capitalism in the world did not immediately win, and that there were restorations of the monarchy, and that the period of transition to capitalism took almost 400 years.
                  But socialism, too, is hard forcing its way, but not yet evening, as they say; the first wave is not a wave yet - the storm will come, wait a minute.
                  1. +3
                    April 1 2020 21: 16
                    "Mom will come! No, my mom will come! No-no, my mine!"
          3. +4
            April 1 2020 10: 52
            V.O. about management and suggestibility: there is such a thing. I also noticed on the site when the authors provoke comments like: 404 Sumeria "cavalry" rushed. All the Yapas will seize Sakhalin tomorrow, there are only three rusty tanks "cavalry forward". Russia is the birthplace of elephants and prc
          4. +1
            April 1 2020 12: 49
            Quote: kalibr
            very funny comment from Green

            It turns out where you gossip. There is nothing funny in my words and actions, and you understand this very well, but you’re even afraid to admit to yourself, because fear lives in you for your apostasy and slander ...
            The fact is that today's life makes young people think about injustice, why some live, and others live in poverty. And they find the answer precisely in Marxism-Leninism. .
            1. +1
              April 1 2020 12: 54
              I see what is happening in your country and what answer they find and what. But the most interesting will begin when "yours" clash with "Nazis" for real. I hope that our leadership will have enough wisdom to intervene not at once, but to wait a little longer ... And by the way, what attracted you here? Here they talk about Indians and "about women" - topics from Marxism are very distant. Here comes my article about free medical care in the USSR in 1963 - then frolic. Only there my only "hello, children" and "goodbye, children", and everything else is a copy of the OK KPSS certificate and a link to a document, fund, folder, page OFOPO GAPO.
              1. +1
                April 1 2020 13: 41
                Quote: kalibr
                And by the way, what attracted you here?

                And my computer has a class sense, as soon as your gossip about socialism learns, it immediately gives a signal.
                1. +2
                  April 1 2020 15: 44
                  All the better. I wrote to you many times, but you do not understand. It doesn't matter what you write in the comments about Marxism or the poems "about women". Only the clicks matter, the more the better. Plus a bet ... sometimes you can earn so much on them that ... you can immediately take and rest in Bulgaria. So go ahead and write. The Indians did not know Marxism, and as a result, at first they felt bad, and now, on the contrary, good. And again, without Marxism! Write about it, otherwise there is no courage in the comments, and there is no shit, but what kind of discussion without shit?
                  1. +1
                    April 1 2020 18: 01
                    Quote: kalibr
                    . Only clicks matter, the more, the better. Plus a bet ... sometimes you can earn so much on them that ... you can immediately take and relax in Bulgaria.

                    For me, "clicks" do not matter, well, you will earn on them, well, you will eat extra snickers .... So what? Snickers after consumption will turn into the same thing as a piece of bread I ate, but you will have a bad conscience. And remember, we eat to live, not live to eat.
                    1. +3
                      April 1 2020 18: 27
                      Quote: Alexander Green
                      Snickers after consumption will turn into the same thing as a piece of bread eaten by me, but you will have an unclean conscience. And remember: we eat to live, but do not live to eat.

                      Sneakers are harmful. And besides, I spend money on something completely different. Having been in various interesting places, I tell other people about this, whom it makes spiritually richer. For many, this is the only chance to go there and see it all. You can’t give this to anyone. And with my conscience everything is in perfect order. I honestly worked in the field of strengthening the ideological foundations of the USSR, and the fact that all the works of mine and my colleagues were in vain is not our fault. The system was originally vicious and simply had to fall apart. But we did not know that. They fooled our heads, and we fooled others. But life is arranged in such a way that in order to live one must work. You can make money on creation, you can make money on destruction, you can make money on both. Marxism-Leninism teaches that success is an integrated approach. I confirm!
                      1. 0
                        April 1 2020 21: 16
                        Quote: kalibr
                        And with my conscience everything is in perfect order.

                        If you were just disappointed in socialism and quietly occupied with your knights and models, then it would be a different matter, but you turned into a terry anti-Soviet, and this is a betrayal. Traitors do not have good conscience.
                      2. +1
                        April 2 2020 06: 56
                        Don't you think that the betrayal was committed towards me? He did everything that was ordered, did well, it can be perfectly said, did, otherwise they would not have been allowed to defend themselves in this topic and rummage through party archives. And then ... bang, I don’t need it anymore, because it was a shitty theory, and we only now understood it. Ditched the best years of life on this g ... and what in the end? So now let me pay your scoop and your socialism in full! With a lousy dog, even a shred of wool.
                      3. +2
                        April 2 2020 09: 35
                        This is very interesting and unexpected, Vyacheslav Olegovich! After all, then you were about 35 years old? It would seem that this is an age when there is still much to come. About how mine is now ... somewhere you wrote that you knew in advance, such as 5-7 years? In my opinion ... Why are such emotions? Having an education --- it is easier to reformat that I have watched many times around myself .... And having decent respectable relatives in my city is more possible. Unclear.... request
                      4. +1
                        April 2 2020 11: 14
                        Quote: Reptiloid
                        Having an education --- it is easier to reformat, which I have observed many times around me.

                        Lighter, not easy, Dmitry, that’s the thing. I once wrote that all my life I suffer from fools. So: I could go to graduate school after college. Did not go. Could after the village ... did not go, went 8 years after graduation. And all this is not their fault! And then the defense in the 88th and then the 91st. And I had all my relatives (the word is forbidden in VO). Typical homo sovieticus at worst. And around ... And you, it’s easier for me ... I was able to more or less reformat only by 1998, although I received an assistant professor in the 95th. Therefore, I very soberly evaluate my past. And since I cannot change it, at least I have to ... compensate for it now!
                      5. +2
                        April 2 2020 11: 29
                        In my opinion, everyone should assume that ---- is wrong. Also assume that
                        ...... I have to compensate ....
                        And I like your older relatives and they did a lot for you. Although it is not known, maybe if you were a designer in any field, your mood and attitude would be better. Or by someone else
                        The specialty defined by the relatives is still that burden. I just recently reconciled with my bully when she becomes less needed wassat
                      6. +1
                        April 2 2020 12: 22
                        Quote: Reptiloid
                        And I like your older relatives and they have done a lot for you

                        Dmitriy! To begin with, YES, but they could have done a lot more WITHOUT WORK ... if they weren't "scoops." Without putting your finger on your finger! This is the first thing. Second, I believe that people should do good to others anyway, if it does not involve hard work and expense. That is, roughly - if you can do good in passing - do it! And I consider it a crime against humanity if you could have done something useful, but did not. The people who help you along the way are good. Those that get in the way are bad. Such is the primitive scheme. But to write in more detail to describe your life in the smallest detail, and this 80% of readers simply will not understand. Remember, the reaction of so many to the "village cycle". But there was no fiction and I never wrote about the worst. There, Dmitry, everything is like in the Bible: in many knowledge there is a lot of sorrow.
                      7. +1
                        April 2 2020 15: 37
                        I don’t even know what to say recourse ...........
                      8. +1
                        April 2 2020 15: 51
                        Quote: Reptiloid
                        I don’t even know what to say

                        Just think over my words. I have several books based on my memories. What if, as soon as they come out, you read?
                      9. +1
                        April 2 2020 16: 23
                        I do not know, Vyacheslav Olegovich ..... I tried to read different memories .... Very often I somehow do not "" go "". I start with interest at that time, and then, like a stupor, I don’t understand that reality .. I don’t understand my position ... how much I found out about the deficit from Mammoth. ...
                        At the same time, much earlier, pre-war publications somehow impressed, construction sites, 3 shift work, hunger, food standards, posters, meetings, portraits of leaders, people hung in their homes. .... Here's an example --- about Trotsky is very interesting ..... His portraits, too, people hung out ... especially the anniversaries of the Red Army, until they exposed it. .. But I have not read many books that were previously in the socialist school program until now.
                      10. +1
                        April 2 2020 16: 40
                        I have them "romanized" -ha-ha, that is, it is always interesting to read!
                      11. +2
                        April 2 2020 20: 32
                        Quote: kalibr
                        I have them "romanized" -ha-ha, that is, it is always interesting to read!
                        Maybe one, but it is not known. When he was younger, he read a lot of art. And now it turns out somehow very rarely.
                        Now true memories of specific travels and explorations like. This is thanks to VO
                      12. +2
                        April 3 2020 18: 54
                        Hello Dmitry! In my opinion, your problem is that you are guided by the memories of people whose youth fell on the 60-70s. Humans tend to idealize their youth. "The sun was brighter, the grass was greener, and the girls were prettier." I am also a person and, somewhere, I admire the "dashing nineties", for this is the time of my youth !.
                        About life in the USSR on the periphery, about shortages, about lines for essential products (I froze my feet while standing in line for milk), about coupons for laundry soap, it’s better to ask me.
                      13. 0
                        April 4 2020 08: 27
                        Hello Anton! What is the problem? What are you talking about? I know the biography of relatives and acquaintances. So are your relatives of the same time. It was just different in the Far East with a deficit. On the one hand, in those places where the parents worked, there was a dependence on navigation and this was understandable, on the other hand there were some nishtyaks who they sent to their relatives here, and there were also products and objects that they did not know about at all and lived well without them. Well, I was shallow and other accents
                      14. 0
                        April 4 2020 08: 31
                        Dmitry! hi
                        Your will ...
                      15. 0
                        April 2 2020 20: 56
                        Quote: kalibr
                        Quote: Reptiloid
                        And I like your older relatives and they have done a lot for you

                        ....... YES, but they could do a lot more WITHOUT LABOR ... if they weren't "scoops". Without putting your finger on your finger! This is the first thing. Second, I believe that people should do good to others anyway, as long as it does not involve hard work and expense. That is, roughly - if you can do good in passing - do it! ........
                        When I asked my mother a long time ago to buy me a big globe ---- my mother gave me money. Then I asked for a large political globe - my mother again agreed. Then I wanted another 4 globus. In response ---- "" no way! You don't need them !! "" And she had money for these rare globes! Here she thought that there was no need and everything! And how can reasoning about good help? And so it happened quite often .... I imagined that if I spoke about the need to do good, then a listing of the good already done would follow!
                      16. 0
                        April 2 2020 21: 05
                        Dmitry! Why are you reading so inattentively?
                        Quote: Reptiloid
                        if I spoke of the need to do good, then there would be a listing of the good already done!
                        I wrote to you, "if it does not involve hard work and expense." In your case ... it was expenses!
                      17. 0
                        April 2 2020 21: 21
                        These were not some global expenses. Here she believed that it was not necessary and that was all. And even though I can give you as many reasons as possible, all the same ---- "" You don't need to!
                      18. +1
                        April 2 2020 21: 25
                        It was you who thought it was not global ... And she earned money, not you. But the globe is still not crucial. Nevertheless, you feel offended. Believe me, my examples are much more serious.
                      19. +1
                        April 2 2020 21: 48
                        Quote: kalibr
                        It was you who thought it was not global ... And she earned money, not you. But the globe is still not crucial. Nevertheless, you feel offended. Believe me, my examples are much more serious.

                        Seriously or not, this is a perception of one side. And the opposite side both believed, and considers. It is not necessary.
                        I do not feel offended, as soon as I began to work, I bought 2, and in the remaining 2 I was disappointed. So they turned out to be really unnecessary ...
                      20. +1
                        April 2 2020 12: 28
                        Quote: Reptiloid
                        In my opinion, everyone should assume that ---- is wrong. Also assume that
                        ...... I have to compensate ....

                        Dmitry! You have to pay for everything in life. You pay, but they must pay you too! Like in the Bible: I give you, so that you give me!
                      21. +1
                        April 3 2020 19: 23
                        This is true. We do not pay only for the act of conception.
                      22. +1
                        April 3 2020 19: 38
                        Quote: 3x3zsave
                        This is true. We do not pay only for the act of conception.

                        And often we are born not out of love, but because of the carelessness of our parents!
                      23. 0
                        April 3 2020 19: 46
                        I was born for love and survived "thanks" and "in spite of".
                      24. 0
                        April 3 2020 19: 47
                        Your happiness, Anton!
                      25. 0
                        April 3 2020 19: 50
                        This is the happiness of my parents. For me personally, life turned out to be a daily struggle for existence.
                      26. +1
                        April 3 2020 19: 53
                        This is your happiness, Anton! We cannot penetrate the thoughts and feelings of others. We can believe their words or not, but we cannot penetrate their consciousness. Therefore, we understand our happiness, but we can only have our own idea of ​​someone else's, and nothing more.
                      27. 0
                        April 3 2020 19: 56
                        This is the trouble, tragedy and ending of mankind.
                      28. +1
                        April 3 2020 20: 09
                        Quote: 3x3zsave
                        This is the trouble, tragedy and ending of mankind.

                        In the novel "City" by Clifford Simak, mutants plant Juainism to humanity - the teachings of the Martian scientist Juaine, which allows us to stand on the point of view of another person, appreciating his sincerity. It didn't end well either ...
                      29. 0
                        April 3 2020 20: 35
                        Well, this is from the point of view of the individual who assessed the sincerity (which is also doubtful) of the point of view of another individual. And Simak was that provocateur! Others would not be able to enter the American Fontastic Hall of Fame.
                      30. 0
                        April 3 2020 18: 33
                        And all of my relatives were (the word forbidden in VO)
                        I terribly apologize for invading personal space, Vyacheslav Olegovich, but the question arose: what, Colonel Shpakovsky was also like that?
                      31. +1
                        April 3 2020 18: 52
                        Anton! In general, no ... but in some significant details, alas, yes. And it was not his fault, but his misfortune, but I didn’t feel better from it. By the way, on Yandex you can now find data on participants in the war on it. The main thing is to indicate the year of birth - 1915. There are award sheets and much more ...
                      32. 0
                        April 3 2020 19: 41
                        Vyacheslav Olegovich, I would not want to wake up your personal demons "in public". Despite your openness in such matters, I would transfer such a discussion to the "PM".
                      33. +1
                        April 3 2020 20: 14
                        Quote: 3x3zsave
                        Vyacheslav Olegovich, I would not want to wake up your personal demons "in public". Despite your openness in such matters, I would transfer such discussion to a "personal".

                        You see, I’m not writing anything special ... Just in my opinion human imperfection has a different nature, both social and biological. When the social dominates, it’s bad, biological problems can still be ... understood. It is much more difficult to overcome the social imperfection of the individual. And this is sometimes worth talking about ...
                      34. 0
                        April 3 2020 20: 40

                        You see, I’m not writing anything special ...

                        Write and substitute. And indirectly substitute your loved ones.
                      35. 0
                        April 3 2020 20: 45
                        Quote: 3x3zsave
                        Write and substitute. And indirectly substitute your loved ones.

                        Nonsense. All these people have long been dead. And the dead do not care.
                      36. 0
                        April 3 2020 20: 56
                        Your will, Vyacheslav Olegovich ...
                        But back ... What do you mean by "social imperfection of personality"?
                      37. 0
                        April 3 2020 21: 07
                        When his personal shortcomings are the result of the system that brought him up, and he lacks the intellect, which, remaining within its framework, understands and overcome these shortcomings. When he’s just stupid, mother dropped it in her childhood, or until she was 18 years old she’s kneading cow cakes in the village - this is one thing. And another, when you have a higher education, and you do not understand basic things. This, again, may be natural stupidity, or it may be a consequence of the environment. All around like that!
                      38. 0
                        April 3 2020 21: 22
                        When his personal shortcomings are the result of the system that brought him up, and he lacks the intellect, which, remaining within its framework, understands and overcome these shortcomings.
                        Vyacheslav Olegovich, you are just quoting the speech of a lawyer, late eighties, defending a birdie who raped and killed a peer, trying to knock off the "top ten" required by the prosecutor to a socially acceptable "five".
                      39. 0
                        April 4 2020 07: 56
                        So the way it is.
                      40. 0
                        April 4 2020 19: 04
                        Quote: 3x3zsave
                        When his personal shortcomings are the result of the system that brought him up, and he lacks the intellect, which, remaining within its framework, understands and overcome these shortcomings.
                        Vyacheslav Olegovich, you are just quoting the speech of a lawyer, late eighties, defending a birdie who raped and killed a peer, trying to knock off the "top ten" required by the prosecutor to a socially acceptable "five".

                        And what is interesting, because it may happen that the spoken words return. About the scoop and all that. Indeed, for the current young, Vyacheslav Olegovich will be considered a scoop. Young will not delve into. Well, pritenzy can also be
                      41. -3
                        April 5 2020 21: 00
                        Quote: Reptiloid
                        Indeed, for the current young, Vyacheslav Olegovich will be considered a scoop.

                        For today's young people like me - old-timers. But it should be so. If youth knew, if old age could!
                      42. 0
                        April 4 2020 07: 50
                        Quote: kalibr
                        ....... But the dead do not care.
                        No it doesn't care am
                      43. -1
                        April 4 2020 07: 59
                        Quote: Reptiloid
                        No it doesn't care

                        Your opinion, Dmitry, does not count!
                      44. 0
                        April 4 2020 09: 31
                        Well, yes, I get it! You want to say that it’s normal ------- to laugh and hint at forbidden words, talking about your revolutionary and communist relatives. And I, therefore, can not express my respect to them.
                        Quote: kalibr
                        Quote: Reptiloid
                        No it doesn't care

                        Your opinion, Dmitry, does not count!
                      45. +1
                        April 4 2020 07: 47
                        Quote: 3x3zsave

                        You see, I’m not writing anything special ...

                        Write and substitute. And indirectly substitute your loved ones.

                        Everyone has the right to write what he sees fit! good If this is not against the rules.
                      46. 0
                        April 6 2020 13: 07
                        Quote: 3x3zsave

                        You see, I’m not writing anything special ...

                        Write and substitute. And indirectly substitute your loved ones.

                        This is the author’s choice and desire, perhaps this is a literary device
                      47. 0
                        April 4 2020 07: 42
                        Wake up, wake up! Why be shy! Here are all mine! fellow
                      48. +1
                        April 4 2020 07: 40
                        It was a revolutionary generation, they did what they thought was right !!! And they did not reproach that some people for them
                        ..... could do much more .....
                        Quote: kalibr
                        Anton! In general, no ... but in some significant details, alas, yes. And it was not his fault, but his misfortune, but I didn’t feel better from it. By the way, on Yandex you can now find data on participants in the war on it. The main thing is to indicate the year of birth - 1915. There are award sheets and much more ...
                      49. -1
                        April 4 2020 07: 58
                        Quote: Reptiloid
                        It was a revolutionary generation, they did what they thought was right !!!

                        Spilled rivers of blood. And then everything returned to normal again ...
                      50. 0
                        April 4 2020 08: 33
                        How did you talk about what to judge or not to judge? Vyacheslav Olegovich? Break-break your own quoting.
                        Quote: kalibr
                        Quote: Reptiloid
                        It was a revolutionary generation, they did what they thought was right !!!

                        Spilled rivers of blood. And then everything returned to normal again ...
                      51. -1
                        April 4 2020 08: 46
                        The statement of fact is not a "court"! "To judge", Dmitry, is to express a personal attitude to what is happening or the past. In this case, it is a historical fact.
                      52. +1
                        April 4 2020 08: 50
                        Quote: kalibr
                        The statement of fact is not a "court"! "To judge", Dmitry, is to express a personal attitude to what is happening or the past. In this case, it is a historical fact.

                        Well yes! And the emotional coloring and your opinion to the statement, ???? I'm not only about this comment.
                        Running away hi
                      53. +1
                        April 5 2020 11: 11
                        Quote: kalibr
                        ...... Spilled rivers of blood. And then everything returned to normal again ...
                        And what rivers, if we talk about the generation of my grandmother, your parents, then?
                      54. +1
                        April 2 2020 14: 51
                        Quote: kalibr
                        Don't you think that the betrayal was committed towards me? Did everything they ordered

                        There was no betrayal; you yourself, as a conformist, served what was convenient for you. How could it be that you, boasting of a read of all of Lenin, did not recognize Khrushchev's opportunism (stumbling from the dictatorship of the proletariat)? My parents, workers, with primary education immediately realized this, Father then went on strike with his boom plant in support of Novocherkassky workers, and my mother refused to go to the polls in protest.
                        And now you have repainted like a chameleon, but it’s even harmless - it is repainted so that it is not noticed, and you, unlike him, also spit on the past.
                      55. 0
                        April 2 2020 17: 40
                        I don’t spit. I quote from it documents. Under Khrushchev I was 10 years old. It's too early to read all of Lenin and recognize opportunism, isn't it? Under Brezhnev I was a student. I was just studying. And what does conformism have to do with it. What choice did we have? And we were our native Soviet state, our native Communist Party, which promised the beginning of communism in the 80th year. We all worked for the country. And in the 80s I went to work where ... where it is better. This is normal. Go where it is best. What jeans did not you bring from your trips overseas? I will never believe that they did not bring it. All the sailors back then were faring, and even the older ranks carried "counter" on an industrial scale. At home I had so many goods bought from Soviet sailors on the aftershocks in Odessa, Rostov, Anapa ... still something intact. So don't juggle. Those who come up with non-existent facts and cannot document them spit. Those who confirm, render a service to society, provide information so that people decide everything for themselves and do not step on the old rake. On our site there is NO ONE who would have access to the archive of the OK KPSS, so thanks to me you have a unique opportunity to find out the history from real documents.
                      56. 0
                        April 2 2020 17: 50
                        By the way, you came up with an interesting idea. But in Odessa you have the archive of the OK CPSU, and there should be the personal files of the Torgflot sailors - drunkards, homosexuals, black marketers, smugglers, violation of labor discipline ... I need to contact them and order their affairs online. And the fact that I'm all about Penza, but I write about Penza. We must also write about your city, but what about ...
                      57. +1
                        April 2 2020 20: 27
                        Quote: kalibr
                        drunkards, homosexuals, smugglers, smugglers, violation of labor discipline ...

                        These were units, and they did not stay long with us. In my submission for 25 years there were only one such violators ..
                      58. 0
                        April 2 2020 21: 08
                        Quote: Alexander Green
                        These were units, and they did not stay long with us. In my submission for 25 years there were only one such violators ..
                        Everyone says like that.
                        So let's see what was in your memory, and what happens according to the documents. Here - one, there - one ... then a lot ... and then not a barrel of honey, but a barrel of honey in half with tar
                      59. +1
                        April 2 2020 21: 24
                        I wanted a comment in another place, but it turned out lower negative negative
                      60. +1
                        April 2 2020 23: 00
                        Quote: kalibr
                        Everyone says like that.

                        I say what is ..
                      61. +2
                        April 5 2020 12: 35
                        Quote: Alexander Green
                        Quote: kalibr
                        Everyone says like that.

                        I say what is ..

                        Alexander, I can’t write there! But here it’s hard, a lot of comments already .....
                        What did I want? For someone, 10ka is a super-large business and a source of pride. And for someone, these many stormy delights will simply cause surprise, and perhaps disgust.
                      62. 0
                        April 6 2020 13: 16
                        What am I thinking? It’s somehow impossible to recall an author who would talk about his invisible secret and mercenary actions, calculations, calculations ..... somehow it looks like something bad .. .... laughing lol wassat .... I don’t want to clarify, but I think you will understand
                      63. +2
                        April 2 2020 21: 09
                        If we recall that the places of sailors and command personnel were manned, then at the slightest suspicion of the above defects, such people were quickly removed without waiting for a scandal. As well as now. There is no CPSU, but there is unemployment, so there is no step to the side. Bringing things is normal. A violation ---- no, no. Very strictly, especially where better, where my friends work. Private sphere ---- as the owner wants. Any his whim, full of unemployment.
                      64. -1
                        April 2 2020 21: 29
                        Quote: Reptiloid
                        If we recall that the places of sailors and command personnel were manned, then at the slightest suspicion of the above-mentioned defects, such people were quickly removed without waiting for a scandal

                        How nice, Dmitry, that you wrote it. But what then are the teachers of the history of the CPSU? These were supposed to be holier than all saints, right? And how then could they ruin the country, as some here wrote and write, if they were followed very strictly, and they performed their duty as the party ordered? Did everything she ordered? And then, fuh, and the soap bubble burst!
                      65. +2
                        April 2 2020 21: 40
                        But I don’t know about this departed specialty bully
                        How could they? Something like this: whoever is taller --- will say: "" I don't need this pathos "" Or: "" It should be simpler, simpler "" Such simple words with connotations could be. And ---- I have it impromptu.
                        Quote: kalibr
                        Quote: Reptiloid
                        If we recall that the places of sailors and command personnel were manned, then at the slightest suspicion of the above-mentioned defects, such people were quickly removed without waiting for a scandal

                        How nice, Dmitry, that you wrote it. But what then are the teachers of the history of the CPSU? These were supposed to be holier than all saints, right? And how then could they ruin the country, as some here wrote and write, if they were followed very strictly, and they performed their duty as the party ordered? Did everything she ordered? And then, fuh, and the soap bubble burst!

                        While the quote was being printed --- I thought that we could either materially reward the necessary ones or deprive them of too communistic
                      66. -1
                        April 2 2020 23: 03
                        Quote: Reptiloid
                        How could they? Something like this: whoever is taller --- will say: "" I don't need this pathos "" Or: "" It should be simpler, simpler "" These are such simple words with subtext.

                        And then for these simple words you kick in the ass ... And from work and from the party!
                      67. +2
                        April 2 2020 23: 28
                        Uh, no, I imagined that the superior pushed the lower ones to betray. It starts to freeze ... Pushed, gathered associates, and then .... this was a long-term program ..... In the 70s, in the beginning, there were anti-Soviet actions in one new school, in a new district, Not suddenly this happened?
                        And for the 50th anniversary of the Socialist Revolution, one author wrote a poem ------ "" Rebuke to the term "". He was not subjected to it, for some reason. Betrayal was already at the top
                      68. -1
                        April 3 2020 06: 25
                        I see you are a conspiracy theorist? Well, you can't do anything here. I pass!
                      69. +2
                        April 3 2020 06: 47
                        Quote: kalibr
                        I see you are a conspiracy theorist? Well, you can't do anything here. I pass!

                        You asked, I answered laughing Otherwise, how to explain that at that time the censorship, the author was not only not subjected, but silenced the poem, which was already published at 93m? And before that they printed a lot of his books on different topics, is it really strange? After all, as they say ---- shut up, crossed out, did not allow to create? There are similar examples and others, as long as this one is remembered.
                      70. +1
                        April 2 2020 20: 20
                        Quote: kalibr
                        Go where it is best. What jeans did not you bring from your trips overseas? I will never believe that they did not bring it. All the sailors back then did a lot, and even older ranks carried "counter" on an industrial scale.

                        Don't measure by yourself. Firstly, not everyone was engaged in this, and secondly, I was a command staff, I received a solid salary, plus 25% of the salary of "grave", plus VTB checks for unusual work, plus personally from the minister a personal bonus for mastering new technology, plus payments for rationalization work .. So there was no need for fartsovka.
                        And regarding the story, I lived it myself, so I won’t surprise you with your pieces of paper ..
                      71. -1
                        April 2 2020 21: 16
                        Quote: Alexander Green
                        I was a commanding officer, received a solid salary, plus 25% of the salary of "grave", plus VTB checks for unusual work, plus personally from the minister a personal bonus for mastering new technology, plus payments for rationalization work

                        Ohhh, that is, you also sought to where it is better, like me? The fish is looking for where it’s deeper, but the person where it’s better, everything is true! True, they did not give me VTB checks for lectures in the smelly barn, but there was a special clinic, paid lectures, round tables, business trips to Moscow ... That is, we both brought light day closer as we could? Congratulations! But about the fact that the pants did not carry, do not! Everyone drove! To a friend, the daughter of a friend, a comrade on land, a neighbor in the country ... Not for the sake of money, so at least feel your significance. Here, they say, brought ...
                        And again ... what does not mean everything? How many% of all and "not all"? It is necessary to look at the documents, human memory is imperfect!
                      72. +1
                        April 2 2020 22: 58
                        Quote: kalibr
                        Ohhh, that is, you also sought to where it is better, like me?

                        Not at all. It was just that good specialists were appreciated at that time and they sent me to where it was necessary to master new complex equipment. Then computer and microprocessor control systems for technological processes began to be introduced.
                        As for the pants, you are also mistaken. I am from the age of 17 and still wear uniforms. And I gained my significance by working, studying, writing articles. And technical and political
                      73. -1
                        April 2 2020 23: 06
                        Quote: Alexander Green
                        It was just that good specialists were appreciated at that time and they sent me to where it was necessary to master new complex equipment. Then computer and microprocessor control systems for technological processes began to be introduced.

                        And those who knew how to write and write articles, teach Marxism-Leninism to young people, skillfully conducted counterpropaganda and were "in the face of morality" in all respects. So I say: "We brought this day closer as we could!" But upstairs everything was decided for us!
                        And then both of us were sent, thrown, on worn-out shoes. But you, as is often the case with people of servile origin, wiped off and went on to tryndet for something that collapsed and stinks, and I - since I was a different level of upbringing and education, chose a different path: "I will repay my revenge!" It is pleasant for the soul, and for everything else ...
                      74. +1
                        April 3 2020 07: 02
                        Vyacheslav Olegovich! Well, you're not the Count of Monte Cristo, what to speak of revenge? After all, someone would need revenge on money and (or) an organized community. And how can you take revenge on those who rose in the 90s? A ruined country, too, can not take revenge. To your relatives about whom you are disrespectful? For not wanting to promote you? Can't you too? Well, are you mocking the USSR and what? Is this revenge? After all, you do not have an attractive picture of the future, judging by the articles and comments? A future, possible for everyone. For the majority.
                        Alexander Green has a theory in which the future is possible for most
                      75. -1
                        April 3 2020 11: 29
                        What are you, Dmitry, still funny! Here is the organized community in front of you. Information is sent to it that affects it. At no extra cost on my part. Don't you understand that life is a set of positive and negative emotions. What pleases you is good. What is unpleasant is bad. Accordingly, bad emotions can be buried in the soul, or they can be replaced with positive ones, and even make money on the negative. Change minus to plus - here's the thrill. And theories for the majority ... "Perhaps" ... and perhaps not. And rivers of blood - that's for sure. Not possible, but for sure! And the majority, 80% of the majority of them are stupid, driven and unadapted, led by 20%. "Revolution of the mediocre" - remember, I had such an article. Reread ... And read what one smart man wrote to Green at the very end of the comments about the temple ...
                      76. +2
                        April 3 2020 12: 00
                        Vyacheslav Olegovich, it’s funny for you and it’s funny for your contradictions. Do you notice them or not? laughing bully I don’t see an organized community ready to join your personal revenge recourse request
                      77. +1
                        April 3 2020 16: 35
                        Quote: Reptiloid
                        Vyacheslav Olegovich, In the mix laughing bully I don’t see an organized community ready to join your personal revenge recourse request
                        Most likely, Olgovich could have joined your revenge ..... I don’t know who else .... That's what is not clear, there were opponents of the Soviet government here, but did not join you. I still don’t understand what your disagreements are, because with theory I feel bad ...
                      78. 0
                        April 3 2020 19: 02
                        Quote: Reptiloid
                        I still don’t understand what your disagreements are, because with theory I feel bad ...

                      79. +1
                        April 4 2020 08: 00
                        As the same Olgovich says, who could very much revive this conversation,
                        ....... Answer directly, in order ...
                        ----Who is taking revenge . Desirable on the list. Options --- regional committee, city committee, executive committee, grandfather, Komsomol, party organizer, .....
                        Quote: kalibr
                        Quote: Reptiloid
                        I still don’t understand what your disagreements are, because with theory I feel bad ...


                        And then somehow comments are not enough
                      80. -4
                        April 5 2020 21: 02
                        And you are even dumber than I thought. Alas!
                      81. +1
                        April 5 2020 21: 58
                        Is a stupid person smart, everything in the world is relative, and not everyone can appreciate someone else’s mind ((not to jump) the main thing is that a person would be confident in himself and often a successful life does not depend on the mind.
                        But such a quality as the psychology of poverty makes life very difficult. Praise by something insignificant, insignificant often and out of place, fear that others will notice shortcomings or injuries, slander and petty vengeance, begging for something. ..... that’s what makes life difficult. Moreover, this psychology of poverty does not depend on the real financial situation
                      82. 0
                        April 3 2020 15: 55
                        That's what, Vyacheslav Olegovich, I don’t understand. Still, they decided to take revenge on someone? After all, it can’t be that everyone would immediately? It’s really very impossible. Of course, it was easiest to present to relatives for the fact that they did not want to help you. But they could probably answer, like my mother. Another question --- why did this happen with the fateful importance and their enormous potential ..... I can’t get into that article already. Like another, where there are a lot of comments ..... What can be smart there ..... recourse request
                      83. -1
                        April 3 2020 16: 31
                        Dmitry, I cannot explain all this to you, you simply will not understand me. And I don't want to offend you. You understand very vulgarly the word "revenge", I can only say one thing.
                      84. 0
                        April 3 2020 16: 46
                        I think that this is completely invisible revenge to anyone, it is only in your intentions.
                        Quote: kalibr
                        Dmitry, I cannot explain all this to you, ..... You understand the word "revenge" in a very vulgar way, I can only say one thing.
                      85. 0
                        April 4 2020 07: 06
                        Dmitry, once again, the last one. What would come of it, if it doesn’t reach it, is it really bad? You write comments to me, do you click? So you are on my side!
                      86. +1
                        April 4 2020 08: 14
                        Quote: kalibr
                        Dmitry, once again, the last one. What would come of it, if it doesn’t reach it, is it really bad? You write comments to me, do you click? So you are on my side!

                        I???? I am on the side of "Military Review" and self-isolation wassat wassat
                      87. -1
                        April 4 2020 08: 16
                        Quote: Reptiloid
                        I am on the side of "Military Review"

                        It is the same...
                      88. 0
                        April 4 2020 08: 11
                        revenge may be addressable. AND
                      89. -1
                        April 4 2020 08: 16
                        Quote: Reptiloid
                        revenge may be targeted.

                        Of course! She is against idiots!
                      90. +1
                        April 4 2020 09: 19
                        Evade? Or you can still say ----
                        ...... these words are taken out of context !!!!!!!!!!!
                        Quote: kalibr
                        Quote: Reptiloid
                        revenge may be targeted.

                        Of course! She is against idiots!
                      91. +1
                        April 3 2020 11: 29
                        Quote: kalibr
                        And then we were both sent, thrown, onto worn shoes.

                        Firstly, I’m not a servile family, but proletarian, and these are two big differences. Kholopsky is you because you serve everyone who is "taller than you", and you spit on those who are "lower".

                        Secondly, no one threw me out, I spoke out against Gorbachev's perestroika back in 1988, when the Law "On Cooperation in the USSR" was adopted long before the publication of N.A. Andreeva "I cannot compromise my principles."

                        Then I got a Textbook of Political Economy of 1954 and I understood the whole counterrevolutionary essence of Gorbachev's reforms and began to oppose, warning everyone how it would all end. But then they just laughed at me, as you are now, but I was right, and now those who laughed ask me what to do now.

                        And today, true on my side, because I look at social events from the perspective of Marxism.
                      92. -2
                        April 3 2020 15: 39
                        Quote: Alexander Green
                        And today the truth is on my side, because I look at social events from the perspective of Marxism.

                        I’m glad for you, but it’s surprising that with all this, you don’t know the most elementary, simplest thing!
                      93. 0
                        April 4 2020 13: 41
                        Quote: kalibr
                        You do not know the most elementary simplest thing!

                        Well this is what?
      2. +6
        April 1 2020 18: 18
        Vyacheslav Olegovich, you are a conscious provocateur. Or maybe you get paid for swearing? In this case, some colleagues will only praise you, to do so already. Just kidding
        1. +2
          April 1 2020 18: 30
          Quote: Astra wild
          Vyacheslav Olegovich, you are a conscious provocateur. Or maybe you get paid for swearing?

          I get paid for the material. And the more people read it, the better. So, it is necessary to write interesting, interesting for everyone, so that it takes heart. This is how I write, isn't it? You read all the comments, I hope ... And then, all so to speak "dubious" materials I have links to the source, and usually these are archival documents. Do you know many authors who would accompany their articles with such links, Astra?
  9. +7
    31 March 2020 19: 55
    "seven bonfires of tribal councils" '- like Cooper's "The Last of the Mohicans" they were also an offshoot of the Dalevar.
    Immediately I remembered "Chingachgook the big snake", and "Sons of the Big Dipper" "," Faithful hand * what films. While quarantine, you need to look at YouTube
    1. +4
      31 March 2020 20: 16
      Watch "St. John's Wort" 1957 with Lex Barker ...
  10. +5
    April 1 2020 00: 09
    Thank you very much, Vyacheslav!
    I asked, I remember)). As always, read in one breath, an interesting article
  11. +2
    April 1 2020 07: 07
    Quote from Korsar4
    The first part is simply undeniable.

    And another well-known phrase, but not losing relevance. Where do people in the church come from? From our own society.

    And one more phrase as a keepsake: the best advertisement is a scandal!
  12. +3
    April 1 2020 16: 28
    Quote: Alexander Green
    Quote: kalibr
    And by the way, what attracted you here?

    And my computer has a class sense, as soon as your gossip about socialism learns, it immediately gives a signal.

    Alexander, thanks: smiled
  13. +5
    April 1 2020 18: 11
    Quote: Pan Kohanku
    Mitraleses in action impressed me more in the film "The Last Samurai".

    it seems that Gatling's grapeshot is featured in Eastwood's movie Two Mules for Sister Sarah .. what

    I used to watch it. It struck me as Eastwood removed his arrow. We then all the girls threw Sarah: everyone wanted to be with such a man
    1. +5
      April 1 2020 18: 41
      And did the men envy the Eastwood character and dream of Sarah beside themselves?
  14. -2
    April 2 2020 23: 09
    Quote: Alexander Green
    As for the pants, you are also mistaken. I am from the age of 17 and still wear uniforms. And I gained my significance by working, studying, writing articles. And technical and political

    Such people, right? Nevertheless, it collapsed even with them ... And the form from the age of 17 did not help!
    1. +1
      April 3 2020 11: 33
      Quote: kalibr
      Such people, right? Nevertheless, it collapsed even with them ... And the form from the age of 17 did not help!

      You better take care of the "budennovka", it may still come in handy
      1. -1
        April 3 2020 18: 15
        Quote: Alexander Green
        You better take care of the "budennovka", it may still come in handy

        That is unlikely...
        1. +1
          April 4 2020 13: 43
          Quote: kalibr
          That is unlikely...

          I reminded you what you want.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"