Ainu in Russia

Ainu in Russia
A 1890 photo of the Ainu from the National Museum of the American Indian in Washington.

“Ainu people are meek, humble, good-natured, trusting, sociable, polite, respecting property; on the hunt, bold and ... even intelligent. ”
A. P. Chekhov

At the crossroads of civilizations. В past Ainu material, the mysterious people who are considered the indigenous people of the Japanese islands, we talked about him stories based on materials from the Japanese Ainu Museum in Hokkaido. But not only the Japanese are engaged in Ainu, not at all. Materials related to their history and culture ended up, for example, at the Museum of the American Indian in Washington, although the Ainu themselves did not seem to appear in America. How did this happen? And here's how: when the Americans “discovered” Japan in the XNUMXth century, they also visited Hokkaido. They took pictures of local residents, bought samples of clothing and weapons of labor. And then all this fell into the famous Smithsonian Institution, on the basis of which the Museum of the Indians was created. But our historians are also on the alert. So, Sakhalin archaeologists recently found two monuments at once, which say that the Ainu were in Russia, or rather, on the Kuril Islands. This is a burial on the island of Shikotan and traces of the ancient Ainu settlement on the island of Tanfilyev, which is part of the Lesser Kuril ridge. Yes, actually, why don't they swim here? After all, if they settled the Japanese islands back in the Neolithic era, then the ocean level was lower than now, there is more land, islands are closer. That is why it was easier for them to master them.

Ainu, watercolor by an American artist in 1853 (National Museum of the American Indian, Washington)

Ainu woman spins on a horizontal spinning machine. Fig. 1890 (National Museum of the American Indian, Washington)

Today, the Ainu mainly live in Japan. The census showed that there are about 25 of them, but there are also unofficial data that say that they really are more - about 000. Moreover, they are very different from the native Japanese, they have either Australoid or Caucasoid features. Well, such a feature as a thick beard is not atypical for the Mongoloids. That is, when we see in the photographs the faces of the Japanese, who are actually not similar to the Japanese, the reason here can be many factors, including the presence of Ainu among their ancestors. What is not so incredible. Famous Japanese families with Ainu roots that were related to other families, so the presence of Ainu genes in many Japanese people is not excluded.

The layout of the Ainu boat. National Museum of the American Indian, Washington

For a long time, the Ainu were believed to be aliens from Micronesia, since in the summer they tried to walk in only one loincloth. And their language was not like either Japanese or other eastern languages. Now it seems to have been established that the ancestors of the Ainu, before reaching the Japanese islands, visited Tibet, and, obviously, went through China, and only after that settled here.

Wand with zastrugi. The subject of the Ainu cult. National Museum of the American Indian, Washington

It is possible that in the territory of Russia the Ainu habitat was wide enough. This could be the lower reaches of the Amur, and the south of the Kamchatka Peninsula, the entire island of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. And yes, indeed, they also managed to find them in Russia, only it turned out to be very few, about a hundred people, mainly from Kamchatka. Interestingly, they believe that their distant ancestors lived on the islands of Iturup, Kunashir, Shikotan and Habomai.

Also a very interesting cult item. A mustache was held with such sticks, and they were also dipped in sake and sprayed with them as a sacrifice to spirits. National Museum of the American Indians, Washington)

So on Shikotan they found several dozen burials of Ainu. It is possible that they came here in the XNUMXth century from the Northern Kuril Islands, from where the Japanese brought them during the division of island lands with Russia. It is known that resettled Ainu usually had a very hard time. But about life under the rule of the Russian Empire, they have preserved quite good memories. Judging by their stories, they were satisfied primarily by the fact that the Russians did not interfere in their affairs and turned out to be much more merciful to them than the Japanese ...

Typical Ain from Hokkaido. National Museum of the American Indian, Washington

Apparently, this is why many Ainu were baptized and began to profess Orthodoxy. They eagerly made contact with Russian travelers exploring the Kuril Islands. And those, in turn, noted in their diary entries the characteristic features of this people. For example, the Russian navigator and researcher Ivan Kruzenshtern, who sailed in these waters, wrote the following about Ainu:

“Such truly rare qualities, to which they owe not to an exalted education, but to nature alone, aroused in me the feeling that I regard this people as the best of all the others that until now have been known to me.”

That's even how - and all this is due to nature!

Ainu clothes are truly decorative and exotic! National Museum of the American Indian, Washington

For example, on the island of Tanfiliev, almost the smallest of the Kuril Islands (its area is only 15 square kilometers), the remains of ceramic vessels characteristic of the Ainu and several other artifacts were found. Ceramics clearly belonged to the Jemon culture (as evidenced by the spiral patterns applied to it), it is very ancient, it is about eight thousand years old. And what is surprising is that the Ainu were able to somehow preserve their primitive culture for millennia!

It should be noted that in our country the Ainu culture was reflected in museums, and (and this should be emphasized especially) in the modern and beautifully decorated Sakhalin Regional Museum of Local Lore. It is clear that it is not easy for us, residents of central Russia, to get there, but the museum’s website has an excellent interactive tour and a very interesting (and I would say, unique in some way) gallery of artifacts stored in it. Here, for example, is how their national clothes are represented there.

And these are “vehicles” (Sakhalin Regional Museum of Local Lore)

Other nations succeeded, but many of them lived in isolation, while the Ainu of ancient Yamato kept in contact with the ancestors of today's Japanese. Yes, they learned to drink sake, but ... well, that's all. Well, our archaeologists have work here, on the edge of the earth, to find out how long people lived here and who they were.

An interactive tour will show you a close-up and a completely unique exhibit, which this museum can rightfully be proud of: Ainu armor made of hard leather plates, connected again by leather straps. It looks like a showcase in which Ainu weapons and this armor are displayed. The plates on the chest have the characteristic shape of ancient Chinese shells. And here's what is interesting, who borrowed what from whom in this case? Ainu among the Chinese or Chinese at the Ainu? (Sakhalin Regional Museum of Local Lore)

It is interesting that the Ainu today are most actively seeking to participate in the dialogue on the Kuril Islands and to reconsider the question of their affiliation, given their Ainu interests. After all, Japan, they say, has appropriated our lands where we once lived. So, while excavating, we may well encounter an interesting paradox: are Japan and Russia entitled to share all these lands among themselves? Indeed, back in the XNUMXth century, old-timers of Sakhalin Island said this: "Sakhalin is the land of the Ainu, there is no Japanese land on Sakhalin."

And this armor looks like this from the back. A very rare photograph provided by the museum administration to the author

There is also a unique diorama in the museum’s exposition - a model made by exiled convicts of the early twentieth century, which depicts the famous Ainu bear festival. Moreover, its uniqueness lies primarily in the material from which it is made. This is our ordinary brown bread, which, by the way, is an excellent material for modeling. This is a historical monument, and good information for thought to the organizers of small businesses. “Figures made of bread according to the technology of Russian convicts from Sakhalin at the beginning of the twentieth century” - advertising at least where, right? And here you can make whole sets of figures "Russian Fair," Russian Bath "and" Religious procession ", and all the same Ainu -" An exact copy of the diorama of the beginning of the twentieth century ... from the museum on Sakhalin "and many, much more in the best traditions Russian culture!

Kurilets (most likely, Ain). State Russian Museum. Sculptures from the series "Peoples of Russia". Porcelain, overglaze polychrome painting, gilding, silvering. 1780-1790s Model author Jacques-Dominic Raschett. Photo by Anastasia Timofeeva

And now, not only oral traditions, but also material evidence confirm that the Ainu in the past, and in the historically not so long ago, lived on Sakhalin and on many Kuril Islands.

PS The site administration and the author of the material personally thank the directorate of the Sakhalin Museum of Local Lore for permission to use their photo materials.
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  1. +9
    22 March 2020 06: 01
    Thanks, very interesting.
    1. -12
      22 March 2020 10: 16
      Of course, a special question is of interest to the Ainu past, their history and their race. Who are they?
      These are not typical Asians, like Japanese or Chinese, not former and not Jews. Most likely, the Ainu people are the mixed people of the white race and, some of them are not white. That is. it’s mestizos and a lot of things are probably implicated there.
      The history of the Ainu could probably be revealed by their language, but they write that the Ainu have lost their language and it is dead, although they are a people and they have switched to Japanese. How can this be?
      I think that the indigenous people of the Ainu Islands or who they were subjected to genocide i.e. the destruction and genes of the people were forcibly changed, so the people have such a different look from the others. The same picture is observed with the American Indians, there, too, the Indian people were subjected to genocide.
      Most likely it was in the 19th century that the Yap people, or Yups, were Japanese. The Yapes lived on the continent next to the Koreans. It is known that Korean and Japanese are relatives.

      as for the Japanese, such images are present in various sources.
      We see the emperor of Japan, and this is not at all Japanese. He recalls more of the Zaporozhye Cossack.

      There is one explanation. In the Far East and on the islands there lived a white people called Tartars or in the Russian Dardar-Dariys, this state lasted until the 20th century, when there was a war of the type with China, when all Europe, the United States and Japan fought with Tartaria. Therefore, the Ainu is a miserable and distorted fragment of a former empire.
      1. -13
        22 March 2020 10: 31
        The name itself
        -Ayns are Khans i.e. Khan people. Even in the 19th century, Bogdykhan ruled in China.
      2. +8
        22 March 2020 11: 37
        Quote: Bar1
        We see the emperor of Japan, and this is not at all Japanese. He recalls more of the Zaporozhye Cossack.

        Rather, a Turk. Such a vision is quite natural for a German artist.
      3. +7
        22 March 2020 11: 39
        In no case can you judge the appearance of the drawings. If the drawing is Europeans, then he draws Asians on the basis of a European face. Conversely, Asians, for example, draw a European, you will not recognize. Look at least at the monuments to Lenin in different countries. A professional artist, of course, can do everything right. But when painting a person, a person draws, as it were, on the basis of himself. The drawings of ancient travelers should be treated precisely with this knowledge, often the drawings were from retelling. Clothes, weapons can be accurate, no faces.
        PS: Ask a group of students to draw, for example, one nude female figure and you will see that the female students have interesting places of different shapes in the picture - this is a self-portrait)).
        1. 0
          22 March 2020 16: 00
          Quote: is-22
          If the drawing is for Europeans, then it draws Asians based on a European face

          what is it, what language do you speak?

          Yes, this point of view that medieval artists were either illiterate or always allowed themselves too much was widespread, but this is not so.
          For example, Napoleon’s contemporary artist Bergeret, who painted the picture Alexander represents the Kalmyks and Cossacks to Napoleon in this forum, was also denied a sense of reality, only because the Kalmyks were not Kalmyk. But is this true? Probably no.
          And students who cannot realistically convey the image must be driven out of school.
          1. +2
            22 March 2020 16: 10
            Well, that's why students study, so that there are no mistakes. In any educational institution. Sometimes they get kicked out, of course.
      4. +4
        22 March 2020 12: 13
        The symbol of Japan Mount Fuji came from the Ainu word "Fuji", which means "the deity of the hearth."
        The samurai code of honor, the ability to wield two swords, and the hara-kiri ritual were borrowed from the Ainu.
        Genetic examination showed their kinship with people of the Jomon era, who may have been the ancestors of the Ainu. This means that the Ainu are much older than the Egyptians and Sumerians.
        Personally, I agree with the opinion of those who consider the Ainu not a people, but an ancient, SPECIAL Ainu race.
        In the Russian Federation, Ainu are not recognized and are considered either ethnic Russian or Kamchadals. Therefore, in 2016, both the Kuril Ainu and the Kuril Kamchadals were deprived of the rights to hunt and fishing, which the small peoples of the Far North have.
        I think this is unfair. What is the difference (in this matter) from the Japanese?
        1. -1
          22 March 2020 13: 08
          Quote: knn54

          In the Russian Federation, Ainu are not recognized and are considered either ethnic Russian or Kamchadals. Therefore, in 2016, both the Kuril Ainu and the Kuril Kamchadals were deprived of the rights to hunt and fishing, which the small peoples of the Far North have.
          I think this is unfair. What is the difference (in this matter) from the Japanese?

          The fact that, unfortunately, we cannot forbid the Japanese themselves to hunt for the Red Data Book animals, for example, under the guise of "scientific research".
      5. 0
        22 March 2020 13: 12
        why guess what race the Ainu belong to?
        why guess and invent?
        on the basis of languages, drawings, ornament - all this is nonsense.
        21 century, there is a simple and 100% reliable way - the study of the genome.
        1. +2
          23 March 2020 20: 27
          why guess what race the Ainu belong to?
          why guess and invent?
          on the basis of languages, drawings, ornament - all this is nonsense.
          21 century, there is a simple and 100% reliable way - the study of the genome.
          Classification in genetics, various variations, or even mutations are all the work of hands, or rather human heads. And who will guarantee that people systematized everything correctly and accurately determined racial standards, etc.? So all these are very difficult criteria for determining ethnicity.
      6. kig
        31 March 2020 04: 10
        They are the remnants of lost and feral aliens. This is clear to everyone.
  2. +11
    22 March 2020 06: 16
    Vyacheslav Olegovich many thanks for continuing the long-awaited cycle !!!
    Regards, Vlad!
    1. +8
      22 March 2020 07: 33
      The material perfectly illustrates that the claims of Japan on the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin are not substantiated. They were not Japanese in terms of population, and northern Hokkaido should be correctly positioned as Ainu territories. If the Japanese do not need Ainu, then, probably, you can take them to us - at their request. But to reconsider the ownership of the islands from a historical point of view is wrong. hi
  3. +8
    22 March 2020 06: 16
    Special thanks for the photograph of the armor!
    1. +4
      22 March 2020 10: 12
      Really very interesting photos! Thanks for the beautifully illustrated article!
  4. +6
    22 March 2020 06: 23
    Joker makeup :)) Most likely tattoo.
    in the diaries of Kruzenshtern, Lisyansky, Litke there are many good illustrations of aborigines
  5. +8
    22 March 2020 06: 32
    Good morning to the venerable public! I learned a lot about this people, thanks Vyacheslav Olegovich! Yes, I looked in the morning at the porcelain figurine * The Kuril’s * and was a little taken aback! Does he not remind anyone of you, dear? Especially if you look at the photo of HIS in his youth? what
    1. +7
      22 March 2020 06: 51
      Taki, a monument to Lenin from the Ainu, what is there to guess.
      1. +5
        22 March 2020 09: 05
        It’s a pity that in those days there was no such tradition of sculpting, depicting Ilyich in national clothes of the peoples living in the country. What collection could be collected! laughing
        1. 0
          22 March 2020 19: 14
          In the USSR, a doll called "Little Lenin" was produced for children. And anyone could dress it in the national clothes of the peoples inhabiting the country.
          Today, this doll, which is common for Soviet children, has a very high collection value.

  6. +6
    22 March 2020 06: 42
    Good morning Vyacheslav Olegovich, thanks for the Sunday article! Plus - great stuff from the museum!
  7. +14
    22 March 2020 06: 50
    PS The site administration and the author of the material personally thank the directorate of the Sakhalin Museum of Local Lore for permission to use their photo materials.

    On behalf of the forum users, I want to join the gratitude to the staff and managers of the Sakhalin Museum of Local Lore !!! To be honest, it’s possible you are the first Russian museum that, not for the sake of scum, but for the purpose of education, assisted in the preparation of the material! Earlier, only museums in Europe and America were awarded such lines, thank you at their level !!!
    Sincerely, Vladislav Zhalobin (Sverdlovsk Region, Urals).
    R.s. Guys, join, maybe someone who asked 6000 rubles for a photo would be ashamed!
    1. +5
      22 March 2020 06: 59
      Good morning Vlad! Let me be there! hi
      1. +5
        22 March 2020 07: 37
        Yes, yes. Sokolov Sergey. Moscow. hi
    2. +5
      22 March 2020 07: 15
      I will join.
      Anton Bazhin (St. Petersburg)
      Although, Vlad, it’s more logical to do this on the museum’s website. hi
    3. +5
      22 March 2020 08: 51
      Hello to all my friends! hi
      I completely agree and join.
      Anton is right, it’s better to do this on the museum’s website.
      1. +6
        22 March 2020 09: 44
        By the way, I wanted to do this, but the "Guestbook" section of the museum site, alas, is not available, only e-mail.
        1. +3
          22 March 2020 10: 11
          Well, maybe Vyacheslav himself will figure it out.
          As you have in St. Petersburg with the weather, it has frostbite well. smile
          1. +4
            22 March 2020 10: 12
            Like on Mars, it's cold and dusty.
            1. +5
              22 March 2020 10: 15
              That’s disgusting, and I already decided that summer had come. request
              1. +3
                22 March 2020 10: 21
                "On the river, on the river, on that bank,
                Soap Marusenka red horse "
                Poor Petrov-Vodkin!
                1. +4
                  22 March 2020 10: 32
                  Marusenka is already immortalized, but I don’t know where. smile
                2. +3
                  22 March 2020 10: 45
                  Obviously, the horse that already managed to wash in the water.
            2. +3
              22 March 2020 10: 49
              In Moscow: sunny, but cold. I had to run to the store / Filipka's food was running out /, looked out the window, the sun was shining, well, I ran without gloves. My hands froze slightly, the breeze is so awkward.
              1. +2
                22 March 2020 10: 51
                That's right, the same bullshit. "A cloudless sky over all of Spain."
                1. +5
                  22 March 2020 10: 54
                  Yeah! It's good that Franco is not homegrown. Or? Question. recourse
                  1. +2
                    22 March 2020 10: 57
                    The question is different: is it good that Franco is not?
                    1. +4
                      22 March 2020 11: 04
                      Well, then. Well then, it would be nice to outline the range of tasks that the conditional Franco should solve. Yes, and can he in the current conditions?
                      1. +1
                        22 March 2020 11: 12
                        No, Sergey, with this question, please go to the "Analytics" section, the Hyde Park of this resource is located there.
                        And in general: Ain is not a writer, Ain is a reader. laughing
                2. +1
                  22 March 2020 11: 20
                  Well, the weather is different. For example: "It's raining in Santiago," but "It's sunny in Moscow." We also have sun near Ryazan, but for some reason there's no shooting. Is it the wrong report, or did you misunderstand? soldier

                  Anton: "Attention - tanks!" (G. Guderian) drinks
                  1. +2
                    22 March 2020 11: 24
                    If they start shooting near Ryazan, even "Franco" will not save Moscow and St. Petersburg.
                    1. +3
                      22 March 2020 11: 26
                      If they start shooting near Ryazan, Moscow and St. Petersburg won't even save "Franco"

                      Russian Vendée?
                      1. 0
                        22 March 2020 11: 33
                        "Russian revolt - senseless and merciless"
                      2. +6
                        22 March 2020 11: 43
                        "... and suddenly I notice: at the very Arbat gate
                        the cabman is standing, Alexander Sergeich is walking ...
                        Oh, tomorrow, probably something will happen! "

                        Narkarkali ...
                      3. +3
                        22 March 2020 11: 46
                        The fools had climbed in with their MINISTRY and, as always, quietly. laughing
                      4. +3
                        22 March 2020 11: 49
                        Violet! As in that joke about the congress of nonsense.
                      5. +2
                        22 March 2020 11: 55
                        Yes "theirs" itching amuses me. You need to wash yourself regularly, and not scratch your ass in decent society. laughing
                  2. +5
                    22 March 2020 11: 48
                    We have winter in the Urals - request
                    1. +6
                      22 March 2020 11: 53
                      You are happy people, Vlad, but we don't understand that there is ice on puddles, mud under the ice. This is how the old "Georgian" joke comes to mind:
                      - In Georgia, the air temperature is minus seven, minus ten degrees.
                      - They do whatever they want !!! drinks
                    2. +1
                      24 March 2020 19: 57
                      Quote: Kote pane Kohanka

                      In Akdemgorodok (Krasnolesye) it is above zero and very dirty. There has been no winter for a couple of weeks. I do not remember the winter of 80 and 84, but I remember that snow fell on June 15 and May 1 respectively. So winter in the Urals is not a season, but something completely different, inaccessible to Roshydromet laughing
          2. +4
            22 March 2020 11: 36
            Quote: Sea Cat
            Well, maybe Vyacheslav himself will figure it out.

    4. +4
      22 March 2020 11: 48
      Quote: Kote pane Kohanka
      To be honest, it’s possible you are the first Russian museum that, not for the sake of scum, but for the purpose of education, assisted in the preparation of the material!

      They did not ask for help, therefore they did not.
      Most of the "small" museums will gladly assist, checked many times.
  8. +8
    22 March 2020 06: 51
    In no case as a dispute.
    About the opinion of the Ainu:
    So, while excavating, we may well encounter an interesting paradox: are Japan and Russia entitled to share all these lands among themselves?

    Excavations are scientific research, not confirmation of legal rights. "On excavations" - Ukraine is 100% Russian laughing
    1. +1
      22 March 2020 07: 36
      Ainu did not have statehood. And regarding the lands on which they lived, recourse they have roughly the same rights as the American Indians.
      1. +4
        22 March 2020 08: 48
        Quote: bessmertniy
        Ainu did not have statehood. And regarding the lands on which they lived, recourse they have roughly the same rights as the American Indians.

        Controversial statement? In principle, it is very convenient for those who want to either squeeze something out !!!
        In Russia, out of 180 (approximate figures) nationalities, nine out of ten did not have “statehood,” but this is not a reason to equate, for example, our Mansi, Khanty or Evenki with Indians.
        1. +5
          22 March 2020 09: 17
          Why not equate - they were all at the level of the tribal system when their territories were annexed by the states adjoining them. Having risen several steps in social evolution, these peoples can claim autonomy or statehood. But there is also such a question - how emerging statehood today is adaptive to the world community, and how economically sound it is. Plus - the culture of these peoples is no longer purely Ainu, Native American, Mansi, etc. - it has already absorbed other cultures, and the artificial break through delimitation is the same as the destruction of the Soviet Union - it is a return to the past. It must be understood that humanity is integrating, and in this respect the same dispute over the Kuril Islands is an anachronism. There should be a clear decision - the border issue from the agenda of Russian-Japanese relations should disappear. hi
          1. +5
            22 March 2020 12: 02
            I do not dispute the institution of statehood, but the right of a nation to live on the land of its ancestors.
            About the tribal-standing Ainu, here you can argue! Frequent ownership of the latter was already.
  9. +6
    22 March 2020 07: 00
    The Ainu are a mysterious people with a tragic fate. It would seem that for more than one century the Ainu lived and live within a completely civilized world, and there are no less mysteries in the origin and way of life than some Indian Caribbean tribe from the jungles of the Amazon. Even the "all-knowing" Wikipedia writes the following about the Ainu:
    There are many hypotheses about the origin of Ainu, which in general can be divided into three groups:
    -Ayns are related to the Caucasians (Caucasian race) - this theory was adhered to by J. Bachelor, S. Murayama.
    -Ayns are related to the Austronesians and came to the Japanese islands from the south - L. Ya. Sternberg put forward this theory and it dominated Soviet ethnography.
    -Ayns are related to the Paleo-Asian peoples and came to the Japanese islands from the north / from Siberia - this is mainly the opinion of Japanese anthropologists.

    None of these theories of the origin of the Ainu have been found to date, the secret of the origin of the Ainu people remains a mystery. Only one thing is known for certain - that it is an original people, with an original culture and their own language, which is radically different from the languages ​​of all Ainu neighbors, is considered isolated and is now almost dead.
    As for the settlement of the Ainu in the Kuril Islands, it is known that the Japanese for a long time treated the Ainu as second-class people, throughout the history of the relations of these peoples destroying or trying to assimilate them. After the Kuril Islands were recognized Japanese in 1875 by the Treaty of St. Petersburg, all Ainu, previously living in the Kuril Islands and leading an isolated lifestyle, were forcibly relocated to the reservation on Fr. Shikotan, where they almost died out. And the Ainu living on about. Hokkaido, by now, is fully assimilated by the Japanese.
    1. -7
      22 March 2020 11: 43
      Do not smack nonsense, especially from Pedovikia.
      1. +3
        24 March 2020 20: 02
        Quote: Operator
        Do not smack nonsense, especially from Pedovikia.

        Is it possible only for you? laughing
  10. +6
    22 March 2020 07: 49
    Everyone has long known that the Ainu are a hybrid of earthlings and aliens. feel

    1. +6
      22 March 2020 08: 51
      In Kazantsev's novel "Faeti" it is well described ...
      1. +2
        22 March 2020 08: 54
        it's well-painted ...

        Process? wassat drinks
        1. +4
          22 March 2020 09: 25
          This is a must read novel ...
          1. +4
            22 March 2020 09: 31
            By the way, one of the best from the author, as the least politically engaged.
            1. Fat
              22 March 2020 10: 15
              Quote: 3x3zsave
              By the way, one of the best from the author, as the least politically engaged.

              Hardly. The dystopia of Faen is quite in the spirit of Soviet science fiction. And the rest of the cycle novels too.
              1. +4
                22 March 2020 10: 44
                Well, felt-tip pens, they are different ... I, in due time, liked it. Although, the "Seething Void" is more.
              2. 0
                24 March 2020 20: 04
                Quote: Thick
                Quote: 3x3zsave
                By the way, one of the best from the author, as the least politically engaged.

                Hardly. The dystopia of Faen is quite in the spirit of Soviet science fiction. And the rest of the cycle novels too.

                Faen? Isn't the Faet? what
                1. Fat
                  24 March 2020 20: 37
                  Faena is the name of a lost planet.
                  The Faet cycle includes 3 parts:
                  The death of the Faen
                  Sons of the sun
                  1. 0
                    25 March 2020 18: 29
                    Quote: Thick
                    Faena is the name of a lost planet.
                    The Faet cycle includes 3 parts:
                    The death of the Faen
                    Sons of the sun

                    I meant the title of the novel - Faetians, not Faena. You said so - "Faena's dystopia".
                    1. Fat
                      25 March 2020 19: 39
                      Quote: Doliva63
                      You said so - "Faena's dystopia".

                      Because the second and third parts describe the problems of the planet "Mar" (Mars) ...
                      1. 0
                        25 March 2020 19: 41
                        Quote: Thick
                        Quote: Doliva63
                        You said so - "Faena's dystopia".

                        Because the second and third parts describe the problems of the planet "Mar" (Mars) ...

                        I just clarified the name. Faet, not Faen. Finish on this, perhaps hi
  11. +6
    22 March 2020 08: 08
    So, while excavating, we may well encounter an interesting paradox: are Japan and Russia entitled to share all these lands among themselves?

    If you dig a little deeper, then we will leave on, um, Adam and Eve ....
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +8
      22 March 2020 08: 50
      Definitely Cain will pop up earlier !!!
  12. -6
    22 March 2020 08: 19
    Quote: V. Shpakovsky
    So, while excavating, we may well encounter an interesting paradox: are Japan and Russia entitled to share all these lands among themselves?

    This is a call not to delve into the past of Russia, because God forbid it turns out that the Russian civilization is ancient Chinese, or do you intend to raise the question of whether we have the right to Siberia and other territories?

    Your yesterday's assumption that the summer calculation in Russia was taken from the bulldozer is not convincing! "Creation of the world" is, according to the modern day, the conclusion of a peace treaty between someone, and not the creation of the World in the Biblical concept. In the summer "Star Temple" is the name of summer.
    1. +8
      22 March 2020 08: 50
      I was advised by one smart person not to encroach on your faith. So I won’t ...
      1. -2
        22 March 2020 08: 56
        Quote: kalibr
        So I won’t ...

        And I wouldn’t react to you if you didn’t humiliate my country with each of your publications. So where did 5508 years of our history come across?
        1. +5
          22 March 2020 09: 21
          Quote: Boris55
          did not humiliate my country.

          This country is not yours. It belongs to smart people. Although 80% of it is frankly stupid. But you have to put up with it, because all over the world it is. Only in England the proportion is 70 and 30, and in different Nigeria there are 90 and 10 at all.
          1. +6
            22 March 2020 09: 27
            Only in England the proportion is 70 and 30,
            Yeah? And judging by the situation with "Brexit", you can't tell! laughing
            1. 0
              22 March 2020 11: 12
              Anton! So what is the trick - I am constantly writing about it, by the way. We are not talking about ABSOLUTE UO. On the contrary, among these 80% there is a mass of people who are in 20% in different areas, and these 20 ... often in 80. For example, I think in my mind perfectly at the market level ... But this is where my knowledge of mathematics ends. The main thing is in the property, which belongs to 20% and who can manage it ... Maybe they are generally "cleavers" in art, or ... but they can. I constantly catch myself on the fact that some of the names and names that you mention here are not familiar to me. So here everything also depends on the law of large numbers.
              1. +4
                22 March 2020 11: 31
                In my opinion, the presence of property and even the ability to manage it does not make a person neither smart nor talented.
                1. 0
                  22 March 2020 11: 32
                  Quote: 3x3zsave
                  In my opinion, the presence of property and even the ability to manage it does not make a person neither smart nor talented.

                  The law of large numbers, Anton! Someone is not, but many are YES and now they make a decision. And what is important to us? Who steers!
                  1. +4
                    22 March 2020 11: 58
                    Again, in my opinion, “who” is not important, “how” is important. I don't remember who said that the best government is when citizens do not know the members of the government.
                    1. +2
                      22 March 2020 15: 52
                      Quote: 3x3zsave
                      I don’t remember who said that the best government is when citizens do not know the members of the government.

          2. -1
            22 March 2020 09: 55
            Quote: kalibr
            This country is not yours.

            She is mine. Many of my ancestors shed their blood for what it would be.

            Quote: kalibr
            But you have to put up with it ... Only in England, the proportion of 70 and 30,

            Do not torment yourself, you go to England, calm your soul and do not disturb ours.

            The education of the people depends on the elite. If she is a stranger, then she has no interest in raising the intellectual level of Aboriginal people.
            1. +2
              22 March 2020 11: 15
              Quote: Boris55
              Do not torment yourself, you go to England, calm your soul and do not disturb ours.

              What for? It’s harder to live there than ours. ours ... I know and know how to handle them. And in England, I only know professors ... but they don’t do weather in life. In life, plumbers, sellers, black merchants, Indians, taxi drivers rule ... Why, in old age, strain once again?
            2. +1
              22 March 2020 16: 05
              Quote: Boris55
              The education of the people depends on the elite. If she is a stranger, then she has no interest in raising the intellectual level of Aboriginal people.

              Well, I can't help it when a person writes ... wrong. Read the novel "Kim" by R. Kipling to see how much attention the British colonial administration paid to Aboriginal education in India. And although this is a novel, the facts are not fictional. You can check it on the Education in India website. Finally, you can ask any Indian and he will tell you that they owe everything to England - roads, bridges, universities, a cup of tea at 5 o'clock in the afternoon - everything, everything from the British. And ask about the sepoy uprising ... And in response, downcast eyes and the words "Bad people are everywhere."

              High School in Calcutta, 1850-70

              Maharani College for Women, opened in 1917
          3. +5
            22 March 2020 10: 12
            And in England, the Greenwich Meridian affects the rejection of the Pareto Law?
            1. +2
              22 March 2020 11: 16
              I don’t know, Sergey. Nobody seemed to be doing this. Here, apparently, something else is affecting - 900-year respect for the law.
              1. +3
                22 March 2020 11: 31
                It’s very difficult to define a criterion in general - smart / not very smart.

                "- I was told: an intelligent person!
                - Well, you never know what they are talking about a person "! (C).

                And one thing is the mind in a stable situation, and the mind in an unstable one.
                1. +2
                  22 March 2020 16: 10
                  Sergei! the criteria are quite obvious. When a person does not know, but writes. And he is too lazy to check whether this is so. That is, the smart one first checks, writes later, but not so much - writes immediately. If you read the comments (not too lazy) to the articles "By the paths of the gods", then to the "Chronicles", you will immediately notice how the content of the comments has changed for many. But why? After all, everything described, in principle, is on the Web. So it was too lazy to read ... too lazy to think. That's all! So the situation has nothing to do with it.
                  1. +5
                    22 March 2020 16: 43
                    Yet there is no monopoly on knowledge.
                    There are some unshakable facts. There are hypotheses.
                    There is a narrow specialization. There is general erudition.
                    There is a friendly chatter. There are aggressive attacks.
                    The question here is how important is the topic to the person who speaks out.

                    If a curious thought occurs in the discussion, and then is postponed, then this is not in vain.

                    Still, to Chuang Tzu: "The master of the tile bet will freak out with the silver clasp."
                    1. +2
                      22 March 2020 17: 01
                      This is what I personally always enjoy reading!
                2. +3
                  22 March 2020 16: 45
                  not very smart.
                  Sergey, bravo!
                  One of the features inherent in you, which invariably pleases me - accuracy in definitions and hanging "labels"!
                  1. +2
                    22 March 2020 16: 51
                    Perhaps the school was more harsh.

                    In general, the classic universal rule: on the Web to speak the same way as in person.

                    And at the same time, Remarque well noted how remembered when people swear, in contrast to when they praise each other.
                    1. +2
                      22 March 2020 16: 55
                      the school was more harsh.
                      "Our common childhood was spent on the same ABC books" (C)
                      1. +3
                        22 March 2020 17: 00
                        Yeah. I wonder how many topics of discussion can be interesting enough until it ceases to be interesting.

                        The historical theme of the wave is suitable for this.

                        "One said:" Our life is a train. "
                        Another said: "Perron" (c).
                      2. +3
                        22 March 2020 17: 08
                        I wonder how many topics of discussion can be interesting enough until it ceases to be interesting.
                        ad intinitum.
                        "One said:" Our life is a train. "
                        Another said: "Perron" (c).

                        "This train is on fire, and we need not rush anymore" (C)
                        Are we playing
                      3. +2
                        22 March 2020 17: 12
                        And then.

                        "Coachman, don't drive the horses" (c).
                      4. +3
                        22 March 2020 17: 15
                        "Carrier, stop across the house,
                        Pokemar on irradiation, I'm fast "(C)
                      5. +2
                        22 March 2020 17: 18
                        "If this is Kolka, or even Slavka
                        The adversary of a comrade will not object "(c).
                      6. +3
                        22 March 2020 17: 22
                        "Seryoga, hold on, we" don't shine "with you,
                        But the trump cards must be equal "(C)
                      7. +4
                        22 March 2020 17: 24
                        "Who should I go with next time?
                        Where is Borisov? Where is Leonov? " (from).
                      8. +3
                        22 March 2020 17: 28
                        "We are walking along Petrovka with Seryoga Sanin" (C)
                      9. +3
                        22 March 2020 17: 33
                        "Yes. And this is our generation.
                        A vestige in today's worlds "(c).
                      10. +3
                        22 March 2020 17: 43
                        Well. Once again. Once again I will take advantage of Huberman
                        "I love idle conversations,
                        Of which we are rich from slavery
                        About our age - we are all prosecutors,
                        About ours - we are all lawyers!"
                      11. +3
                        22 March 2020 17: 47
                        "I did nothing ... I just entered" (c).

                        And Huberman most of all I like:

                        "Praise the women of the men.
                        Man for praise
                        It will take a month from the clouds.
                        And the dust will sweep away in the corner. "
                      12. +3
                        22 March 2020 17: 59
                        Fate spoils me with this tribe. I often come across smart men and "beautiful Revveks" than:
                        "Oh my daughter,
                        My ducats;
                        My Christian ducats! "(C)
                      13. +2
                        22 March 2020 20: 20
                        "My father told me from childhood,
                        Sparing no odds:
                        "Money is everything, and the end and the means" (c).
                      14. +2
                        22 March 2020 20: 28
                        "Here is a penny, there is a shilling,
                        And somewhere - a pound!
                        Bobby became a scammer
                        A swindler and a cheat! "(C)
                      15. +2
                        22 March 2020 20: 32
                        "You don't need a knife for a fool -
                        You will lie to him with three boxes "(c).
                      16. +2
                        22 March 2020 20: 39
                        "What does the knife have to do with the robbery?"
                        Change the wording! "(C)
                      17. +2
                        22 March 2020 20: 44
                        - "But you are still a repeat offender?
                        - "No, comrade, I am Sergeev." (from).
                      18. +2
                        22 March 2020 20: 52
                        "Plus, the prosecutor made me five" (c)
                      19. +2
                        22 March 2020 20: 56
                        "The authorities shook our hand,
                        The prosecutor shook hands "(c).
                      20. +2
                        22 March 2020 21: 03
                        "And other prisoners,
                        Let them read at the gate
                        Our memory is glazed
                        Caption: "All went to the front" "(C)
                      21. +2
                        22 March 2020 21: 06
                        "After all, we are not just
                        We are penalties "(c).
                      22. +2
                        22 March 2020 21: 21
                        "They stood. Shields are closed
                        And spears up, sinewy hands
                        Leggings teasing, eyes below
                        Looking for goals and danger
                        Oh, the third day. And death is no longer waiting
                        Nerves are tired. "(C)
                        Sinned a little against unwritten rules, remembered only the author and the first line. But the poem hurts too much!
                      23. +2
                        22 March 2020 21: 27
                        There are no hard and fast rules. This is not a sporting event.
                        And tonality can not be spoiled even by typos.
                        Polyphony can also be.

                        "Anger, goddess, sing of Achilles, Peleev's son" (c).
                      24. +3
                        22 March 2020 17: 17
                        * Big cities ... empty trains ...
                        no shore, no bottom ...
                        start all over again ... *
                      25. +3
                        22 March 2020 17: 21
                        "Just into the abyss, off the cliff.
                        And no bottom, no tire "(c).
                      26. +4
                        22 March 2020 17: 26
                        "And ..... I drank it immediately." (FROM)
                      27. +3
                        22 March 2020 17: 35
                        "And what about us?
                        And we are no worse than many.
                        We can also drink a lot "(c).
                      28. +3
                        22 March 2020 17: 46
                        "And if vodka is not driven from sawdust,
                        What would we have, with five bottles? "
                      29. +3
                        22 March 2020 18: 14
                        “Your proposal,” I say, “is wretched.
                        We will beat our muzzles afterwards - I want wine! "(C).
                      30. +2
                        23 March 2020 11: 22
                        * Big cities ... empty trains ...
                        no shore, no bottom ...
                        start all over again ... *

                      31. +3
                        22 March 2020 17: 13
                        Well, cut it!
                        * Our steam locomotive, fly forward
                        in the commune stop.
                        We have no other way-
                        we have a rifle in our hands! * soldier
                      32. +3
                        22 March 2020 17: 19
                        "The long way is spreading" (c).
                      33. +4
                        22 March 2020 17: 21
                        * Wait, the engine
                        don't knock the wheels
                        conductor, press the brakes ... *
                      34. +3
                        22 March 2020 17: 23
                        "The sleepers are over,
                        There are no rails "(c).
                      35. +3
                        22 March 2020 17: 26
                        * How do ships escorted?
                        not at all like trains .. *
                      36. +3
                        22 March 2020 17: 31
                        "The steamer is white and white,
                        Black smoke over the chimney "(c).
                      37. +2
                        22 March 2020 17: 33
                        * when a tired submarine
                        goes home from the depths ... *
                      38. +3
                        22 March 2020 17: 25
                        "And somewhere, on the far platform, a bench will replace my bed."
                      39. +1
                        22 March 2020 17: 29
                        * Reptile I will not forget
                        this steam train!
                        From Moscow to Magadan
                        crawling on crusts ... *
                      40. +2
                        22 March 2020 17: 34
                        "Taganka, all nights are full of fire" (C)
                      41. +1
                        22 March 2020 17: 36
                        * Vladimir Central-North wind.
                        Stage from Tver. Evil is not measured ... *
                      42. +1
                        22 March 2020 19: 15
                        "Worms, bubi, blame ... And for me" Crosses "(C)
                      43. +3
                        22 March 2020 17: 32
                        "Lay me a steppe,
                        Cover my windows with fog "(c).
                      44. +2
                        22 March 2020 17: 41
                        * Oh my fogs are fogged. Oh my native fields and forests.
                        The partisans went camping.
                        went camping, to the enemy. *
                      45. +2
                        22 March 2020 17: 43
                        "A soldier walked, not knowing the obstacles" (c).
                      46. +2
                        22 March 2020 17: 47
                        * Oh, the roads
                        dust and fog.
                        Cold, anxiety and the steppe weeds ... *.
                        I ask for a break, half cries out for a meal! laughing
                      47. +2
                        22 March 2020 17: 50
                        So it's free. Without any timing.

                        "Foggy morning. Gray morning" (c).
                      48. +2
                        22 March 2020 19: 21
                        "Long way to Tiperrery" (C)
                      49. +2
                        22 March 2020 19: 18
                        "Do you hear footsteps in the night? It's the 'barbudos' coming!" (FROM)
                      50. +2
                        22 March 2020 17: 48
                        "I will return to my beloved singer" (C)
                      51. +2
                        22 March 2020 17: 53
                        "And the Motherland generously watered me
                        Birch sap, birch sap "(c).
                      52. +5
                        22 March 2020 18: 03
                        Korsar4 (Sergey) 3x3zsave (Anton) Fil77 (Sergey)
                        ,,, now you muddied a branch fellow Hello hi
                        The reeds rustled, the trees bent
                        But the night was dark.
                        (C) drinks
                      53. +2
                        22 March 2020 18: 07
                        That's what the heroic heroic power is spent on.

                        "Dark night.
                        Only bullets whistle across the steppe "(c).
                      54. +3
                        22 March 2020 18: 12
                        And, like, you didn’t know?!?!
                        "And the gypsy daughter,
                        For a loved one in the night
                        By the kinship of a vagrant soul! "
                      55. +2
                        22 March 2020 18: 04
                        "Homeland. I'm going home,
                        Let them shout: "Ugly!"
                        I like her
                        Although not a beauty "(C)
                      56. +2
                        22 March 2020 18: 09
                        "And a leaf from a birch tree fell on my shoulder.
                        He, like me, broke away from the branches "(c).
                      57. +2
                        22 March 2020 18: 18
                        Basically, good poetry, but not in this performance. "I do not believe!!!"
                        "Now a birch, now a mountain ash,
                        Rakita bush over the river "(C)
                        More inspired.
                      58. +2
                        22 March 2020 18: 23
                        Not a very big fan of Lube. But the song is quite lively.

                        "Near the river, at the cliff,
                        The willow is crying, the willow is crying "(c).
                      59. +2
                        22 March 2020 18: 32
                        Generally a fan! But I give my due: Rastorguev knows how to keep the nostril in the air!
                        "Sasha cried as the forest was cut down" (C)
                      60. +2
                        22 March 2020 18: 35
                        "Cap-cap-cap from the clear eyes of Marusya
                        Tears are dripping on the spear "(c).
                      61. +2
                        22 March 2020 18: 41
                        "Don't cry, Masha, I'm here,
                        Don't cry - the sun will rise
                        Do not hide your eyes from God
                        How will he find us? "(C)
                      62. +2
                        22 March 2020 18: 47
                        "I didn't tell her: don't wait, Maria!
                        Didn't I ask Her: forget it! "(C).
                      63. +2
                        22 March 2020 18: 53
                        "I will spawn her buns,
                        Money just flowed like a river!
                        Well, I ordered such songs to her!
                        And then I ordered "Cranes"! "(C)
                      64. +2
                        22 March 2020 18: 57
                        "Well, she needs rings as a gift,
                        Cognacs, first-hand perfume "(c).
                      65. +2
                        22 March 2020 18: 59
                        "I told her everything. Finish it, Semen!" (FROM)
                      66. +1
                        22 March 2020 19: 01
                        "It is known to children without fathers,
                        So there are not enough candies "(c).
                      67. +2
                        22 March 2020 19: 11
                        "At the Kursk railway station,
                        I'm standing young "(C)
                      68. +2
                        22 March 2020 19: 13
                        "Give me a copper penny,
                        Mr. good "(c).
                      69. +2
                        22 March 2020 19: 26
                        "Grandfather lies on the platform,
                        With rickets and flat feet "(C)
                      70. +1
                        22 March 2020 20: 06
                        "I will put a silver cross on my chest,
                        I will cross myself and quietly set off on my way "(c).
                      71. +1
                        22 March 2020 20: 19
                        "You and I will go through the taverns,
                        We’ll find the old team,
                        And here??? And here we are, simply, superfluous,
                        Give the command, captain! "(C)
                      72. +1
                        22 March 2020 20: 21
                        "Three Greeks to Odessa
                        They are carrying contraband "(c).
                      73. +1
                        22 March 2020 20: 32
                        "Drown everyone!" (FROM)
                      74. +1
                        22 March 2020 20: 34
                        "But they don't go to the river -
                        The sick shore is steep "(c).
                      75. +2
                        22 March 2020 20: 43
                        "And if he doesn't obey, then I - with a broom!" (FROM)
                      76. +1
                        22 March 2020 20: 46
                        "Stand, Marusya, aside" (c).
                      77. +1
                        22 March 2020 20: 49
                        Quote from Korsar4
                        "Stand, Marusya, aside" (c).

                        Maruska (s) Utesov.

                        Stop flipping verses, disgusting. Flooders.
                      78. +3
                        22 March 2020 21: 30
                        To blame. I will be corrected.
                      79. 0
                        23 March 2020 17: 09
                        "And I hit him in the face with a teapot!"
                      80. +2
                        22 March 2020 20: 36
                        I’m the same ass as you, sir!(C)
                      81. +3
                        22 March 2020 20: 47
                        "But only horses fly with inspiration" (c).
                      82. +2
                        22 March 2020 21: 18
                        * friends, buy cigarettes.
                        Come infantry and sailors .... *
                        And I used to * Lube * liked, liked their hooliganism, streetness, anarchy, in some ways even dashing. Now it’s gone, everything is in the past. But sweetness has appeared.
                      83. +3
                        22 March 2020 19: 17
                        "And I am driving, and I am driving behind the fog,
                        Behind the fog and the smell of taiga "(C)
                      84. +2
                        22 March 2020 19: 26
                        "To live in kilometers,
                        And not by square meters "(c).
                      85. +2
                        22 March 2020 19: 33
                        "Happiness - by handfuls and trucks,
                        It's a pity that not forever! "(C)
                      86. +1
                        22 March 2020 20: 03
                        "Whistle boyish pain,
                        And clamp your heart in handfuls "(c).
                      87. +1
                        22 March 2020 20: 15
                        "And that I did not die,
                        Knew the old sail
                        Yes, quail
                        With quails "(C)
                      88. +1
                        22 March 2020 20: 17
                        "And then come back soon,
                        The willows are crying for you "(c).
                      89. +1
                        22 March 2020 20: 22
                        "I will surely return,
                        All in friends and deeds,
                        Of course I’ll sing
                        Not even six months will pass "(C)
                      90. +1
                        22 March 2020 20: 25
                        "Bad weather for half a year,
                        Six months sovs m nowhere "(s).
                      91. +1
                        22 March 2020 20: 37
                        "Autumn of life, like autumn of the year,
                        We must gratefully accept "(C)
                      92. +1
                        22 March 2020 20: 39
                        "So the summer has passed,
                        As if it never happened "(c).
                      93. +1
                        22 March 2020 20: 49
                        "And you and I are like in" Asse ",
                        We stand on the Yalta highway
                        The "pasik" has broken in the tape recorder ...
                        Was this change I was expecting? "(C)
                      94. +1
                        22 March 2020 20: 54
                        "Under the blue sky
                        There is a golden city "(c).
                      95. +1
                        22 March 2020 20: 59
                        "Your symbol is a wind rose,
                        My is a rusty nail "(C)
                      96. +1
                        22 March 2020 21: 04
                        "You arranged that a guest inadvertently
                        Sat on a nail? "(C).
                      97. +1
                        22 March 2020 21: 08
                        "The enemy is entering the city,
                        Captive not sparing
                        Because in the forge,
                        There was no nail "(C)
                      98. +2
                        22 March 2020 21: 16
                        "Here is a nail,
                        Here is a horseshoe "(c).
                      99. +2
                        22 March 2020 21: 26
                        Sergei! Thank you for the next tournament! Sorry, take off, start to fall asleep.
                      100. +1
                        22 March 2020 21: 31
                        Goodnight! At least someone has shown reason.
                      101. +1
                        22 March 2020 21: 33
                        Mutually! This is not the mind, but physiology laughing
              2. +4
                22 March 2020 16: 33
                Well, after “you're counted, weighed, and found very light” it's hard to rock the boat. It's a pity that history did not preserve the name of the person who suggested to Bastard the idea of ​​creating the "Book of the Day of Judgment", the old militarist hardly came to this with his mind.
          4. Fat
            22 March 2020 10: 23
            Quote: kalibr
            Quote: Boris55
            did not humiliate my country.

            This country is not yours. It belongs to smart people. Although 80% of it is frankly stupid. But you have to put up with it, because all over the world it is. Only in England the proportion is 70 and 30, and in different Nigeria there are 90 and 10 at all.

            )) )) Some 90%... ruin the reputation of everyone else (C) ..)))
    2. +5
      22 March 2020 08: 54
      And my cat murmured in my ear that the first was - CAT. It was he who created man to serve him !!! He stroked, molded, poured milk into Kalgushka. Therefore, you need to calculate the summer from breakfast to dinner, with a break for lunch, lunch and afternoon snack !!! laughing
      R.S. A night snack is required - and for the whole apartment! Haha owners relax, let them know their place !!!
      1. -1
        22 March 2020 09: 05
        Quote: Kote pane Kohanka
        And the cat murmured in my ear that it was the first - CAT

        About 70 years ago, new people of the modern species Homo sapiens populated the Chinese Plain, crowding out the synanthropes and their descendants ...

        People on earth live for many millions of years. When icing, people went to the equator. When the glaciers retreated, they went north. Migration was ongoing. If there is an ancient history of China, then there must be an ancient history of those residents living in the territory of modern Russia.
        1. +5
          22 March 2020 09: 22
          Quote: Boris55
          If there is an ancient history of China, then there must be an ancient history of those residents living in the territory of modern Russia.

          And she is, and there will be a series of articles about her ...
          1. -5
            22 March 2020 09: 58
            Quote: kalibr
            And she is, and there will be a series of articles about her ...

            About China or about the ancient inhabitants living in the territory of modern Russia? Let me guess - about China? laughing

            Do you even know what the thread is about my country?
            1. +7
              22 March 2020 11: 19
              Quote: Boris55
              Let me guess - about China?
              Do you even know what the thread is about my country?

              Do not guess. Firstly, about China has already been. And secondly, there was a lot about Russia. For example, about the Bronze Age in its territory and in Siberia. Is this not Russia? You can strain the memory, but you can look at the profile and look there. You will see that Russia is present in my materials very often. Only one cycle of articles about the Battle of the Ice includes more than 10 materials. And articles about the paintings of our Russian painters? And thirdly, they are not so easy to write. I have to read a lot of things, sometimes to answer very stupid questions. But a few articles will be about the East European Plain.
              1. +4
                22 March 2020 15: 03
                I have to read a lot of things, sometimes to answer very stupid questions

      2. +4
        22 March 2020 10: 13
        Was there a murmur first?
        1. +4
          22 March 2020 17: 03
          Sergey, I had an interesting article here - The first word was a lie.
          1. +4
            22 March 2020 17: 10
            I'll try to find.
            Golding has an interesting book, The Heirs.

            For some reason, it seems to me that the song could be the first. But this is purely intuitive. I don’t know anything about this.

            Although this reasoning is already close to Faustian.
        2. +4
          22 March 2020 17: 36
          Quote from Korsar4
          Was there a murmur first?

          That onomatopoeia was the first speech undoubtedly!
          1. +3
            22 March 2020 17: 41
            How long has it been. Before the Flood.
            1. +5
              22 March 2020 20: 56
              Quote from Korsar4
              Was there a murmur first?

              Quote from Korsar4
              For some reason, it seems to me that the song could be the first. But this is purely intuitive. I don’t know anything about this.
              Although this reasoning is already close to Faustian.

              Quote: kalibr

              That onomatopoeia was the first speech undoubtedly!

              All right! 70 thousand years ago when the first man of a new kind of “homosapiens” appeared. A cat looked into his hut. He glanced at his unclean, chewing roots and damp tops and said - naturally with a murmur!
              - Yes, brother, it's cold, hungry with you! Lenin’s wretched hut is much more comfortable in the Gulf of Finland, even there is no window!
              - homosapiens is silent, only squints his eyes and with his right hand is looking for a club to slap this insolent beast between his eyes!
              A cat. Purrs on!
              - Do not hurry up the dirty image will pass 700 centuries and your distant descendant will write that the cat is not a commercial beast! Go better do the stockade already in March on the nose we will establish a window and arrange life!
              the man scratched his turnip with a club and heeded the advice of the cat - he went to make a picket fence.
              The cat climbed onto the picket fence and began to hail his song, mocking God.
              God was angry, as he slammed with lightning. So a man appeared fire!
              The cat climbed the fence a second time and started singing! God in a cat threw a stone. So a window appeared in a man’s hut.
              The third time the cat climbed onto the fence. God sent to his wolf. And the man got a dog.
              Fourth time. God sent a woman to the cat. Now there was someone to feed the cat and the man.
              Everything is fine, only since then people in honor of the cat imitate his singing and do not make fences all but a rare picket fence !!!
              Regards, Vlad!
              1. +3
                22 March 2020 21: 02
                Reincarnation of Kipling.
                Only "Lenin's Shalash" is some kind of anachronism.

                And so - great. This is where the "History of Cats" can begin.

                But I will not tell my daughter Marquise de Pelmen.
                1. +4
                  23 March 2020 14: 55
                  Quote from Korsar4
                  And so - great. This is where the "History of Cats" can begin.

                  I have a book called The Adventures of Barsi the Cat and you can read it at This is for kids and cat lovers!
              2. +3
                23 March 2020 14: 59
                Kote pane Kohanka (Vladislav) "God was angry, as he slammed with lightning. So a man appeared fire!"
                Wonderful! I appreciated, and other "mine" too!
      3. +7
        22 March 2020 19: 43
        Vladislav hi
        Haha owners relax, let them know their place !!!

        This is if they have no reason to go. And it is closer to us
    3. +8
      22 March 2020 11: 31
      Quote: Boris55
      Your yesterday’s assumption that the summer calculus in Russia was taken from the bulldozer is not convincing!

      No, after all, I once wrote a good text. I understand that he will never lose his relevance. Okay, for the eleventh time on this site I’ll explain.
      People from ancient times were interested in the age of the world in which they live. Since for some time the Bible served as the only criterion of the truth of this or that knowledge, the age of the world was calculated based on the information contained in it. They considered it in different ways, got different results: 5969 years at the time of Christ’s birth, 5872, 5508, 5500, 5493, 5472, etc. In the Byzantine Empire it was decided (for what reasons it does not matter) that the most correct date is 5508, that is, Jesus, in their opinion, was born in 5508 from the creation of the world. It was this date that came to Russia together with Orthodox Christianity and all the chronicles that were written by Orthodox monks, and the events were dated in this way - from the creation of the world according to the Byzantine calendar. And so it was until Peter introduced dating directly from the birth of Christ. 5508 has no real historical background, it is simple, if you will, an invention of church scholastics, the fruit of their reasoning, accepted as canonical, but not the only one.
      Learn, be enlightened, it is useful at any age.

      Yesterday it was not possible to copy it and publish it again, but since they returned to this issue today ...
      1. +5
        22 March 2020 17: 03
        Truth from repetition does not tarnish!
        1. +3
          22 March 2020 22: 07
          Correctly. I say: your articles by source - you need to publish regularly, once a year or more often. laughing
      2. +3
        22 March 2020 21: 02
        Michael do not strain, here even in the forehead, even in the forehead!
        1. +3
          22 March 2020 22: 04
          Quote: Kote pane Kohanka
          don't strain

          Vlad, I’m not annoying. smile The text is written, Control C, Control B - the answer is ready, convenient. laughing
          Who will raise this issue - once and done. We need to write a couple of such posts (edit and supplement the old ones) on the topic of cartography and miniatures of the Middle Ages and the New Age.
          It’s high time to start working with templates with our newly recruited cadres - tired of writing the same thing in different words. smile
  13. +6
    22 March 2020 08: 20
    Hello, Vyacheslav Olegovich! Thank you for the article! Question: did Nikolay send a photo of the porcelain miniature?
    1. +5
      22 March 2020 08: 49
      Good morning Anton! Answer: Yeah!
      1. +3
        22 March 2020 08: 51
        In this case, a special thanks to Asa!
        1. +6
          22 March 2020 08: 56
          And if in more detail? Asya, a porcelain figurine similar to Ilyich in his youth, Nikolai. What is the connection between the above? recourse
          1. +6
            22 March 2020 08: 58
            I will answer in PM.
            1. +7
              22 March 2020 09: 14
              Oh! Now I understand, thanks. Everything miraculously connected into a logical chain. But how does this Ain look like Ilyich !!!! bully
              1. +7
                22 March 2020 09: 19
                He also looks like Nikolai. laughing
                1. +4
                  23 March 2020 09: 31
                  He also looks like Nikolai.

                  "Let him not lie!" (Berthier) tongue drinks
                  in this form I only go around the house! stop laughing and my beard is less! stop wink and I don’t have a bow! stop request bald head ... and .. well, yes! recourse drinks come on, look, look like. Anton is right. Yes
                  1. +3
                    23 March 2020 10: 57
                    and I don’t have a bow!
                    "And the katana and the horse, between us,
                    You are in the Yesiwara quarter, you wasted the second day " laughing
                    1. +5
                      23 March 2020 11: 03
                      "And the katana and the horse, between us,
                      You are in the Yesiwara quarter, you wasted the second day "

                      Whatever you do under sake?
                      Having squandered the katana,
                      There was a samurai without hakama!
          2. +4
            23 March 2020 09: 23
            And if in more detail? Asya, a porcelain figurine similar to Ilyich in his youth, Nikolai. What is the relationship between the above?

            Sergey, good morning! hi We went to the Hermitage for an exhibition of porcelain, and there was partially presented this collection of peoples of Russia, sculptured at the end of the 18th century, under Catherine II. We took a picture. hi
            1. +1
              23 March 2020 19: 29
              Well now it's already evening! laughing
              Nikolai, the question is, who was the initiator of the shooting of this Ainu Ilyich?
              1. +2
                24 March 2020 08: 52
                Nikolai, the question is, who was the initiator of the shooting of this Ainu Ilyich?

                I am. We shot a lot there.
                Here is an Armenian and a Kabardian from the same set.
  14. +6
    22 March 2020 09: 03
    Thanks, thanks! hi I finally learned more about these people than what they simply were.
  15. +6
    22 March 2020 09: 40
    Busse in his diaries describes in a rather detailed and interesting way the life of Ainov.
  16. -1
    22 March 2020 09: 52
    Ainu are the indigenous inhabitants of the Japanese islands since the beginning of the Neolithic. Their descendants make up half of the modern Japanese (the second half are the descendants of the Chinese who migrated to the islands 2500 years ago).

    The Ainu were deported to the Kuril Islands by the Japanese in order to free the territory for their own resettlement. Therefore, a few purebred Ainu have the very place in their historical homeland - Japan.
  17. +5
    22 March 2020 10: 07
    Thank. I saw the back of the Ainu armor. Not every hut is turned on request.
    1. +5
      22 March 2020 10: 14
      Not every hut is turned on request.
      That's for sure. The moon is a prime example.
      1. +5
        22 March 2020 10: 19
        Correctly. In the big world, the moon. In the small - Porthos lane.
  18. +2
    22 March 2020 10: 32
    Thank you, but I didn’t know. I didn’t know at all.
  19. +8
    22 March 2020 10: 50
    And now, not only oral traditions, but also material evidence confirm that the Ainu in the past, and in the historically not so long ago, lived on Sakhalin and on many Kuril Islands.
    Frankly speaking, the meaning of this phrase has remained a mystery to me, Vyacheslav Olegovich. The fact that the Ainu "in the past, and not so long ago, inhabited both Sakhalin and many Kuril Islands" has long been well known and is not disputed by anyone.
    "Maomin" (hairy people) and "maozhen" (hairy people) appear in the ancient Chinese works "Shan Hai Jing" ("Book of Mountains and Seas", late 420rd - early 479nd century BC) and "Song Shu" ("History of the Song Dynasty", southern Song kingdom, XNUMX-XNUMX AD), although the question of whether they were the Ainu or other Ainoid tribes remains open.
    If we take the "not so distant past", then the Ainu of Sakhalin appear in the chronicles of the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368) ("History of the Yuan Dynasty"). According to "Yuan-shi", the Nivkhs (Jilimi) asked the Yuan administration to help in the war with the Ainu, who often attacked them, and in 1264 the Yuan troops organized a military campaign against the Ainu.
    The appearance of the Ainu on Sakhalin was not the result of a simple migration from Hokkaido, since the ancestors of the Ainu lived on the island in ancient times and for a long time developed mainly on their own basis.
    In 1948, in the caldera of the Bohdan Khmelnitsky volcano on Iturup Island, G.M. Vlasov’s expedition discovered Ainu rock paintings.

    In the future, pictographic records on ritual objects (in particular, on the holders), as well as on stone slabs discovered and studied on the Kuril Islands by the Pacific detachment of the Northern Expedition and the Kuril expedition of the Institute of Ethnography of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1979, 1982, 1983, 1984.
    There are detailed articles by Yu.V. Knorozov on this topic in the book "YV Knorozov. Selected Works".
    So we may not be talking about confirmation, but about further study of the specifics of the culture of the Ainu who lived on Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands.
    As for the fate of the Ainu in Russia, it can be divided into two periods.
    Until the mid-1752th century, the Russian administration did not interfere much in the life of the Ainu, there was no radical change in the traditional way of life, conflicts arose only because of the abuse of yasak collectors. Fleeing from yasak taxation, many moved to the south of the Kuril ridge. In particular, in 1779, the Ainu left Paramushir for the distant Kuril Islands under the leadership of Yakrupa. Repeated attempts to return them were unsuccessful. In XNUMX, yasak duties were removed from the Ainu altogether and the state lost interest in them altogether.
    And with the beginning of Russian-Japanese and then Soviet-Japanese territorial demarcations, the Ainu became hostages of the situation. As a result, this people disappeared on the territory of the USSR and in 1979 the USSR deleted the ethnonym "Ainu" from the list of "living" ethnic groups of Russia.
    1. +5
      22 March 2020 11: 22
      Quote: Undecim
      about the middle of the 1752th century, the Russian administration did not particularly intervene in the life of the Ainu, there was no radical breakdown of the traditional way of life, conflicts arose only due to the abuse of yasak collectors. Fleeing the yasak taxation, many moved to the south of the Kuril ridge. In particular, in 1779 the Ainu led by Yakrup went to the distant Kuril Islands from Paramushir. Repeated attempts to return them were unsuccessful. In XNUMX, linguistic duties from the Ainu were generally removed and the state generally lost interest in them.
      And with the beginning of Russian-Japanese and then Soviet-Japanese territorial demarcations, the Ainu became hostages of the situation. As a result, these people on the territory of the USSR already disappeared and in 1979 the USSR deleted the ethnonym “Ainu” from the list of “living” ethnic groups of Russia.

      I read it ... And that which is not in dispute is good.
    2. +2
      22 March 2020 12: 15
      Quote: Undecim
      In 1779, linguistic duties from the Ainu were generally removed and the state generally lost interest in them.

      Probably, it was precisely the abolition of the yasak duty and the "loss of interest" that led to the replacement of the Russian civilizational influence with the colonial Japanese one.
      I recommend that opponents of this interpretation compare the number of living national languages ​​in Russia and Japan.
      An interesting selection of materials on the Kuril Islands
      1. +5
        22 March 2020 12: 45
        Probably, it was precisely the abolition of the yasak duty and the "loss of interest" that led to the replacement of the Russian civilizational influence with the colonial Japanese one.
        How did Japan exercise colonial influence in the territory of the Russian Empire?
        I recommend comparing the number of living national languages ​​in Russia and Japan.
        Well, what does this comparison mean? And what territories of Russia do you consider for comparison?
        1. +2
          22 March 2020 16: 03
          Quote: Undecim
          How did Japan exercise colonial influence in the territory of the Russian Empire?

          There is no yasak - there is no need for local government representatives to visit. The "abandoned" mixed Russian-Ainu families and settlers could not resist the Japanese supported at the state level.
          Follow the link in the previous message.
          Quote: Undecim
          ... what territories of Russia do you consider for comparison?

          A clear answer is in the previous comment.
          Quote: Caretaker
          ... I recommend comparing the number of living national languages ​​in Russia and Japan.
          An interesting selection of materials on the Kuril Islands
          1. +3
            22 March 2020 18: 16
            The "abandoned" mixed Russian-Ainu families and settlers could not withstand the Japanese supported at the state level.
            What is Russian civilizational influence? What are the Russian-Ainu families in 1779? And which settlers?
            All Russian civilizational influence consisted in the collection of yasak, carried out by collectors. Still those civilizers. Have you ever read the proposed selection?
            The civilizational influence of Russia on Sakhalin, as well as its development, began in 1859, when an experimental group of convicts was sent from the Nerchinsk Mining District to Sakhalin for the first time to perform work on coal mining.
            And with the approval of the decree of Emperor Alexander II on April 18, 1869, of the Committee's regulation on the organization of penal labor, the creation of an all-Russian penal servitude on Sakhalin was formalized by law. This is how civilization was spread.
            1. +1
              22 March 2020 19: 43
              Quote: Undecim
              ... What are the Russian-Ainu families

              Mixed families are a common thing in the developing territories, not only in Russia. Photos and tombstones prove this fact.
              Quote: Undecim
              ... Still those civilizers .... What Russian civilizational influence?

              There are more than 180 nationalities and peoples in Russia, most of them have their own alphabet and support for the national language at the state level.
              How many nationalities in Japan have their own alphabet and support for the national language? The question is rhetorical.
              If the Ains remained in the "zone of influence" of Russia, they would have an alphabet and a living language.
              1. +4
                22 March 2020 20: 38
                Mixed families are a common thing in the developed territories, not only for Russia.
                This is on the developed ones. Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands until 1852, when the Sakhalin outpost, known as Due, was founded on Sakhalin, there were no Russians there at all.
                Until the beginning of the 19th century, this was generally China’s sphere of interest. In the 18th – early 19th century, furs (sable, otter, fox) were mainly exported from the island to China. Various fabrics (primarily brocade, as well as wool and cotton fabrics), silk threads, tobacco and smoking pipes, vodka, millet, barley, millet, beans, various dishes, beads, beads, needles, etc. were imported from China to Sakhalin. Some of the goods imported from China were resold on Sakhalin.
                It was exported to Japanese merchants and then exported to Japan.
                It was only in 1859 that the Manchu control over Sakhalin was liquidated.
                There are more than 180 nationalities and peoples in Russia, most of them have their own alphabet and support for the national language at the state level.
                How many nationalities in Japan have their own alphabet and support for the national language? The question is rhetorical.

                The question is really rhetorical, for it demonstrates your complete ignorance in this matter.
                Firstly, Japan and Russia have a completely different ethnic composition of the population, formed in completely different conditions.
                Secondly, the situation with the languages ​​of "nationalities and peoples" in Russia is not at all as good as you described. The alphabets of national languages ​​are generally the legacy of the USSR.
                According to the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as of 2018, there are 151 languages ​​in Russia (with dialects and adverbs - about 300). Of these, 18 are on the verge of extinction, and the vast majority are considered under threat. Over the past 150 years, 14 languages ​​have disappeared in Russia, seven of which - before 1992 and seven - since 1992.
                As for "support", since 2009, taking the Unified State Exam in languages ​​other than Russian has been prohibited, and the mandatory study of national languages ​​in the republics has been abolished. That's it in brief.
                Now about Japan and its indigenous peoples that have survived to our time. To save time, I will mainly give the names in English transliteration
                The Ainu have their own alphabet and language, different from modern Japanese.
                Ainu Times is published in Aino language.
                Bonin Islanders is an ethnic group living on the islands of Bonin or Ogasawara. Descendants of Europeans, Polynesians and Kanaks who settled on the islands in the XNUMXth century. Despite such an international basis, They have their own language, Bonin English, as well as the alphabet.
                Ryukyuans are the indigenous people of the Ryukyu Islands. They include the Okinawan, Amami, Miyako, Yaeyama and Yonaguni peoples. All have their own languages ​​- Ryukyuan, related to proto-Japanese. And the alphabet.
                There is still a very insignificant number of Oroks and Nivkhs who have preserved the language, but whether they have an alphabet - it is necessary to clarify.
                There are no more indigenous peoples in Japan.
                1. -2
                  23 March 2020 20: 14
                  Quote: Undecim
                  demonstrates your complete ignorance in this matter.

                  Your desire to learn how to look for information on Wikipedia is commendable, but unfortunately, there is a lack of desire and ability to critically evaluate what was found on this issue for an objective assessment.
                  Quote: Undecim
                  Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands until 1852, when they founded the Sakhalin post, known as the Douai, on Sakhalin, there were no Russians at all.

                  If there were no Russians, then who collected the yasak? Why free from what did not exist in the Kuril Islands?
                  The Japanese historian Matsunaga suggests that the Russians arrived on Sakhalin in 1650 ...
                  Quote: Undecim
                  Ainu Times is published in Aino language

                  Murzilka magazine was published in Russian, but this does not prove that the character has its own language and alphabet.
                  1. +1
                    23 March 2020 20: 28
                    As I understand it, in fact you have nothing to answer and you begin to build something out of yourself and to be rude to a stranger. The phenomenon is familiar and widespread. All the best.
                  2. +1
                    23 March 2020 21: 03
                    Quote: Caretaker
                    Murzilka magazine was published in Russian, but this does not prove that the character has its own language and alphabet.

                    What a ridiculous argument ... Why write that? Murzilka is Russian, but "Murzilka" is not a nationality. Ainu Times is the Ainu language and alphabet, and the Ainu nationality. Is it really incomprehensible to you, Leonid?
                    1. +1
                      23 March 2020 21: 31
                      Well, this is a classic case, Vyacheslav Olegovich. An ignoramus will never admit that he is ignoramus.
                      1. +1
                        23 March 2020 21: 33
                        And there were also magazines Young technician and Young naturalist. One only for ... and the other for. It was impossible to read your own magazine!
                      2. -1
                        24 March 2020 21: 15
                        Quote: kalibr
                        And there were also magazines Young technician and Young naturalist. One only for ... and the other for. It was impossible to read your own magazine!

                        I read both magazines with pleasure, in childhood, they did not forbid me.
                    2. -1
                      24 March 2020 21: 07
                      Quote: kalibr
                      ...Ainu times - Ainu language and alphabet, ...

                      I looked in the Ainsko-Russian dictionary and could not find a translation of the word "Times" Perhaps the texts in the magazine are the same?
                      Ainu came from England or vice versa? Nobody ever imagined such a thing, you will be the first :)
                      By the way, the Ainu language is taught in "circles" mainly in English, with karaoke after school (in English).
                      What are not fictional characters? Those who can be recognized as native speakers of about 600-900 who know the language well are half as much (the study was conducted by an employee of a Western organization).
                      Quote: Undecim
                      On the Aino language Ainu Times magazine is published.

                      Perhaps your client is a foreigner? In Russia, "Ainu" is usually used.
                      Quote: Undecim
                      Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands until 1852, when they founded the Sakhalin post, known as the Douai, on Sakhalin, there were no Russians at all.

                      Interesting! Yasak collected, Imperial Academy of Sciences dictionary in 1787. published (Ainu called the Kuril people), but the Russians were not there?
                      Matsunaga has "modestly" divided Sakhalin in half since 1650. between the Japanese and the Russians, and again your protege does not know about it.
                      Vyacheslav, even if you are familiar with him, do not turn a blind eye to the apparent unwillingness to work with information on the topic under discussion. He even has no idea about Katakana.
                    3. -1
                      24 March 2020 22: 45
                      Kurilets (most likely, Ain). State Russian Museum. Sculptures from the series "Peoples of Russia". Porcelain, overglaze polychrome painting, gilding, silvering. 1780-1790s Model author Jacques-Dominic Raschett. Photo by Anastasia Timofeeva

                      Kurilets - that is exactly what the Ainu are named in the dictionaries published by the Imperial Academy of Sciences in 1787-1791.
                      And now, not only oral traditions, but also material evidence confirm that the Ainu in the past, and in the historically not so long ago, lived on Sakhalin and on many Kuril Islands
                      If it were not for the defeat in the war of 1904-1905, the Ainu in Russia would probably have had autonomy and language development like other peoples of our country.
                      Japan is a practically mono-ethnic state in most of its territory and the Ainu coloring there is more for attracting tourists than for real cultural development. Moreover, many Ainu in Japan are embarrassed about their origin.
  20. 0
    22 March 2020 11: 50
    Quote: kalibr
    in England the proportion is 70 and 30

    Now in the British media, the newspaper cliché has become "the human herd" (a term from anthropology) in the sense: the British from the coronavirus will die out not only everything laughing
  21. +1
    22 March 2020 13: 07
    Informative, thank you!
  22. +1
    22 March 2020 14: 51
    Then hokkaido does not belong to yupps either.
  23. ANB
    22 March 2020 17: 22
    . Ainu woman spinning on a horizontal spinning loom. Fig. 1890. (National Museum of the American Indian, Washington)

    The photo is very like a loom.
    The spinning wheel doesn't look like that.
    Is there a mistake?
    And the article is very interesting. Waited after the first sequel.
    1. +4
      22 March 2020 20: 47
      Quote: ANB
      The photo is very like a loom.
      The spinning wheel doesn't look like that.
      Is there a mistake?

      Of course, a loom. Apparently, age. I began to notice, I think one thing, I see one thing, and the hand displays the other ... Well, they noticed!
    2. +4
      22 March 2020 22: 11
      Quote: ANB
      Waited after the first sequel.

      That's all. The topic is closed.
      1. ANB
        23 March 2020 00: 58
        Here and in 2 articles the material is presented decently. Thanks for the work.
  24. 0
    26 May 2020 16: 41
    I knew that Lissov from "Little Big" is from the Ainu, and he paints his lips purely according to folk tradition.