The Union of Perdition December 14, 1825


Go to the square at the appointed time

On November 10, 1825, Prince Sergei Petrovich Trubetskoy came to St. Petersburg on vacation from Kiev, where he served for almost a year. In the capital, he received the news of the death of Alexander I and the resulting excitement among liberal oppositionists.

The presence at the height of the political crisis in St. Petersburg of a long-standing and authoritative participant in the Decembrist associations, which was Trubetskoy, who was also an experienced and well-known military officer, could be considered a real gift for the opponents of the autocracy. It is logical that Trubetskoy immediately becomes one of the key figures among the conspirators and is responsible for planning a military coup.

The Union of Perdition December 14, 1825
Sergey Trubetskoy, failed dictator

Obviously, the head of the Northern Society, Kondraty Ryleev, at first in every way welcomed and supported the prince. But then his tactical schemes began to constrain the ardent poetic imagination of the leader of the "northerners." And the closer to the beginning of the performance, the more obvious Ryleyev acts to bypass Trubetskoy and his proposals, put forward his proteges Yakubovich and Bulatov in the first roles and give them direct instructions.

On the afternoon of the 13th, Ryleyev suggested that Bulatov be in the grenadier barracks at seven o’clock. He later informed the colonel that the gathering was set for eight in the morning on December 14th. It is characteristic that during the aforementioned conversation on the morning of December 14 at Ryleyev’s apartment, Ivan Pushchin asked the colonel: “How many [troops] do you need?” And he received the answer: "As much as Ryleyev promised."

The head of the Northern Society and the Colonel clearly have an individual agreement, the content of which remains unclear to others. The whole role of Bulatov, so brilliantly failed by him, was written from beginning to end by Kondraty Ivanovich and remained unknown to both Trubetskoy and even Obolensky. And Trubetskoy is silent about the tasks of Yakubovich and Bulatov not out of caution, but for the simple reason that he almost did not intersect with these personalities and did not know what instructions they received.

Meanwhile, Ryleyev gives orders not only to his confidants, but also to the "company commanders." So, on December 12, Ryleyev at a meeting near Obolensky — in the absence of Trubetskoy — “decisively announced” to the fellow practitioners that “they have gathered now in order to honestly promise to be in the square on the day of the oath with the number of troops that anyone can bring otherwise, be in the square yourself. ” That is, the whole tactical scheme comes down to gathering at the Senate - when it will work out and with whom it will work out.

Kondraty Ryleyev - also a dictator?

Lieutenant of the Finland Regiment Andrei Rosen reported in his memoirs:

“On December 12, in the evening, I was invited to a meeting with Ryleyev ... there I found the main participants on December 14. It was decided on the day appointed for the new oath to gather on Senate Square, to lead troops there as much as possible under the pretext of maintaining the rights of Constantine, to entrust the command of the army to Prince Trubetskoy ... "

Obolensky, obviously, took all these instructions as a kind of preliminary version and in the afternoon of the 13th directly asked Ryleyev “what plan”, to which he replied that the plan would inform Trubetskoy (when, in the square?), But it was necessary to collect from the Senate with that company which will come first. So, there were several hours left before the coup, and the chief of staff did not know the procedure, and Ryleyev, referring to Trubetskoy for the sake of reason, nevertheless reiterates that the point of their speech is to gather in the square.

But then evening comes. Nikolai Bestuzhev says in his memoirs:
“At 10 o’clock Ryleyev arrived with Pushchin and announced to us what was supposed to be at the meeting that tomorrow, when taking the oath, he should raise the troops for which there is hope, and no matter how small the forces with which they will enter the square, go with them immediately to the palace. "

How to understand this: it doesn’t matter how much strength is gathered, but “immediately” to the palace ...

And here is what Peter Kakhovsky reports on the evening of December 13:

“Ryleyev said when I asked him about the order, what should be seen before our forces and that Trubetskoy would control everything on Petrovskaya Square. It was supposed to occupy the Senate, the fortress, but to whom exactly, it was not appointed. ”

Before the start of the coup, nothing remains, but from the specifics, again, only the gathering from the Senate, everything else is in the fog. And nothing about going to the palace.

Midnight is approaching, but there is no plan ...

The situation is more than strange, isn't it? And it arose largely due to the isolation, or rather, the self-isolation of Trubetskoy. According to the testimony of the prince, upon arrival from Kiev, he began to collect information about the state of minds in the regiments and the number of members of society itself.

The results did not inspire optimism: "... the arrangement of minds does not give hope for the success of execution, and society consists of the most insignificant persons." It is not surprising that, for example, Kakhovsky never heard Trubetskoy saying: "He, Prince Obolensky, Prince Odoevsky, Nikolai Bestuzhev, Pushchin always locked themselves with Ryleyev."

The cautious prince considered it unnecessary to discuss the details of a future speech with a bunch of “insignificant persons”, limiting his communication to a narrow circle of leaders. Adherence to conspiracy played a cruel joke with Trubetskoy. For most of the coup’s participants, the “dictator” remained an authoritative but unfamiliar figure, whose intentions, as well as their disagreements with other leaders, were unknown to them.

Ryleyev took advantage of this, who, on the contrary, had close contact with all the characters of the future drama and could freely pass off his ideas as “Trubetskoy’s plan”. To summarize, let’s try to identify the main differences in the approaches of the two leaders of the coup.

- The capture of the Senate at the time of the oath of senators. The security of the building was only 35 people, so a small strike group was enough to solve the problem.
- The approach of the Life Guards and the Finnish Regiment to Petrovskaya Square for protection, which went over to the side of the Senate rebellion.
- Nomination towards the Winter Palace of the Guards crew, Izmailovsky and Moscow regiments. The capture of the building and the capture of Nicholas for further trial.

- Refusal to intervene in the oath of senators.
- Operation in the Winter Palace by the forces of the Guards crew and / or life guards to kill Nikolai. With the same task, a solitary killer Kakhovsky was detached in Palace Square.
- Collection of all the rebel units on Petrovskaya Square.

Kondratyev’s nestlings

In the latter version, the troops in the square were needed more for a beautiful picture - a ceremonial parade to commemorate the victory of freedom, equality and brotherhood over tyranny. And the Senate Square was chosen, first of all, not from practical, but from symbolic considerations: it was here that the Senate, under the exulting cries of those gathered, was to proclaim the abolition of the previous rule and the advent of a new era in the life of Russia.

Ryleyev was far from being a stupid man, but his rich imagination clearly overtook logic, and what he desired easily replaced reality. Perhaps at some point he decided: the more complex the plan, the more difficult it is to implement. However, Kondraty Ivanovich simplified the coup plan to such an extent that in the end its outcome began to depend on one shot, which was supposed to be made by Peter Kakhovsky.

Ryleev, perhaps, was right in his own way in the sense that the murder of the Grand Duke at once solved all the problems. Therefore, the Guards crew with Yakubovich and the Life Guards with Bulatov were detached to capture the palace and "neutralize" Nicholas. Obviously, the two units had to act independently, insuring each other, since their coordination was virtually impossible. And in case of their failure, the new emperor was waiting for Kakhovsky.

And here we come to such an important aspect of the preparation of the coup as the selection and placement of personnel. Here, the organizational abilities of Kondraty Ivanovich revealed most clearly. All his creations (Kakhovsky, Yakubovich, Bulatov), ​​despite the obvious differences, were similar in one: all these people, as it were determined by psychiatrists, were in a state of extreme emotional instability. Along with the instability of mood, it is characterized by a pronounced tendency to act impulsively, without taking into account the consequences, as well as a minimal ability to plan.

Kakhovsky - an embittered loser, without connections and relatives, driven out of the army for laziness and immoral behavior, then he was restored, served as lieutenant, but resigned due to illness, although, apparently, it was a sin to complain about his physical health.

As a result, the comrades-in-arms of the Northern Society themselves gave Kakhovsky the following characteristic: “The Smolensk landowner, having lost and gone broke in the game, he came to Petersburg in the hope of marrying a rich bride; the matter was not given to him. Aligning with Ryleyev, he surrendered to him and society unconditionally. Ryleyev and other comrades kept him in St. Petersburg at his own expense. ” “A man, somewhat distressed, lonely, gloomy, ready for doom; in a word, Kakhovsky ”(as described by his Decembrist Vladimir Shteyngel).

Bulatov is a man broken by the death of his beloved wife, on whose grave he built a temple, spending almost all his money on it. And if the colonel’s condition can be described as a break, then the leitmotif of Yakubovich’s behavior is a break. His personal courage did not prevent him from remaining in the memory of his contemporaries as a shame and a fanfare.

Such natures, obviously, corresponded to Ryleyev’s romantic mindset, however, they were completely unused for a responsible business. Nevertheless, it was this trio in Ryleev’s view that was to play a decisive role in the putsch.

The scene turned out to be very remarkable, witnessed by several conspirators on December 13. Ryleyev, embracing Kakhovsky, said: "My dear friend, you are a sire on this earth, I know your selflessness, you can be more useful than in the square - destroy the tsar."

"Engineer of human souls" found the right words. After them, the future regicide felt not a paladin of freedom and a tyrant, but a technical performer, an orphan, to whom rich friends unequivocally reminded of the need to work out the bread fed to him. It is not surprising that after such an instruction, the “killer” was not eager to fulfill the task.

Around six o'clock in the morning on December 14, Kakhovsky came to Alexander Bestuzhev, who described this scene as follows: "Is Ryleyev sending you to Palace Square?" - I said. He replied: "Yes, but I do not want something." “And do not go,” I objected, “this is not at all necessary.” - "But what will Ryleyev say?" - "I take it upon myself; be with everyone on Petrovskaya Square."

Kakhovsky was still with Bestuzhev when Yakubovich came and said that he refused to take the palace, “anticipating that he could not do without blood ...” At that time, senators were already gathering for the oath, and Colonel Bulatov, instead of going to the guards, prayed for the repose of the soul of his wife and the future of young daughters.

Dictator or zits-chairman?

Actually, at 6 o’clock in the morning the coup, as Ryleyev intended it, was already impossible. Now the coup could be helped either by a fluke or the fatal mistake of their opponents. But fortune to the Decembrists did not smile, and Nikolai acted decisively and promptly.

The general assembly appointed by Ryleev at the Senate, turning into an end in itself, deprived the rebels of the initiative, it inexorably passed to the pro-government forces. At first, no one opposed the Moscow regiment, which was the first to enter the square. But this rather formidable force (800 bayonets) froze in anticipation. As a result, in the evening against 3000 rebels, there were 12000 government troops, and even with artillery.

The actions of the Life Guards under the command of Lieutenant Nikolai Panov, who were the last to join the rebels, are very indicative. Rota Panova spoke after a gunfire was heard in the city center. Obviously, the lieutenant decided that a decisive battle had begun, and, unlike the fellow soldier Alexander Sutgof, who spoke earlier, he went not directly to the Senate, but to Zimny, believing that the main forces of the putschists began the battle for the palace.

Panov’s soldiers even entered the Zimny’s courtyard, but, faced with loyal sappers, turned to the Senate. Panov cannot be denied decisiveness, his company entered the battle twice, but the installation to join the rest of the forces dominated him. Not having caught them at the Winter Palace, the lieutenant acted, like all the others, finding himself trapped on Senate Square.

But back at the start of the day, December 14th. At 7 o'clock in the morning Trubetskoy came to Ryleyev, however, as the prince told the investigation, “I was not in that spirit to question, Ryleyev also didn’t want to talk.” At 10 a.m. Ryleyev and Pushchin had already arrived at Trubetskoy on Promenade des Anglais, but the conversation failed again, the landlord only let the guests read the Manifesto on the accession of Nicholas to the throne.

An amazing picture: the speech began, and its leaders have nothing to say to each other! Of course, the prince is dark: the conversations were and probably had a stormy character. But Trubetskoy understood that if he hinted at a disagreement between him and Ryleyev, let alone at the conflict, he would give the investigators a thread, pulling which they would pull out the ins and outs.

On the morning of the 14th, Trubetskoy had something to infuriate: he was put on a fool, as they say, in full. His plan was replaced by Senate collection instructions. The colonel clearly recognized not only that the coup was already doomed to failure, but that he, as a “dictator,” might be the main culprit for the defeat for his supporters and (which is absolutely certain) would be the main accused for the opponents.

The investigation materials confirm these guesses of the prince. During interrogations, Ryleyev, with a blue eye, claimed that everything depended on Trubetskoy, and he himself could not give any instructions.

Here are his testimonies:

"Trubetskoy was already our sovereign boss; he either through me or through Obolensky made orders. Colonel Bulatov and captain Yakubovich should have appeared in his allowance on the square. The latter - at his own request, Trubetskoy, who had heard about his courage before and therefore, a few days before the 14th, he asked me to introduce Yakubovich personally to him, which was done. "

Colonel Bulatov, according to Ryleyev, also wanted to get acquainted with the dictator, before making final decisions, “with whom,” says Ryleyev, “I brought him together.” He also assured that on the evening of December 12, Trubetskoy, Bulatov, Yakubovich "talked about a plan of action."

Ryleyev, who personally gave the most important orders, not only hides behind Trubetskoy’s back, but also tries in every possible way to “tighten” Yakubovich and Bulatov to him. Just as meanly, the head of the Northern Society tried to hide his participation in the plans for regicide, shifting the initiative to the "sire" of Kakhovsky.

It is clear that if Trubetskoy appeared in the square, he would hang out on him on the gallows along with other most dangerous villains. Fully aware of such a prospect, if not the first, then the second meeting in the morning of the 14th, Trubetskoy firmly decided not to enter any square.

The farewell remark addressed to the colonel by Ivan Pushchin (“... however, if anything happens, you will come to us”) even in Trubetskoy’s dry retelling sounds ingratiating. The embarrassed Pushchin clearly understood what was going on in the soul of the prince. However, as Trubetskoy admitted during the investigation, he didn’t have the spirit "just to say no." He also did not have the courage to move away from the epicenter of events, from which he refused to participate.

The role of the prince, although outwardly looked contradictory and inconsistent, did not cause condemnation of associates. The son of the Decembrist Ivan Yakushkin wrote the following about Trubetskoy:

“His behavior on December 14, which is not entirely clear to us, did not raise any charges against Trubetskoy among his comrades. Among the Decembrists and after December 14, Trubetskoy retained a common love and respect; "the failure of the uprising depended not on the fallacy of Trubetskoy’s actions on that day."

Decembrists. Civil execution

Nevertheless, most pre-revolutionary, Soviet, and modern historians judge the “dictator” much more strictly. And there are obvious reasons for this. A rare bastard, the short-sighted, but ambitious leader of the "northerners" Kondraty Ivanovich Ryleyev, falling into the category of sacred victims of autocracy and martyrs in the name of freedom, found himself outside the zone of criticism or at least an unbiased assessment of his activities in organizing the uprising.

Trubetskoy, on the other hand, turned out to be a very convenient candidate for the role of the culprit in the defeat of the putschists, anti-hero and antagonist of the fiery revolutionary Ryleev.

We hope that our notes will help to more objectively assess the relationship between the main leaders of the insurrection on December 14, 1825 and their influence on the course of the uprising.
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  1. +17
    13 March 2020 06: 46
    Whatever they are guided by and whatever they want to change, whether their goals were good or not, it’s better not to say Lenin
    "The circle of these revolutionaries is narrow. They are terribly far from the people."
    1. +19
      13 March 2020 07: 16
      In this rebellion the whole essence of the nobility.
      A lot of things said "BEFORE" even more "AFTER" and all in their own defense.
      I always felt sorry for the soldiers, who, on orders, were taken to the square and put to die.
      1. +8
        13 March 2020 10: 19
        Quote: Vasily50
        I always felt sorry for the soldiers, who, on orders, were taken to the square and put to die.

        The soldier is sorry, they did not even understand what the officers were doing to them. I do not mind the organizers, I am opposed to the violent overthrow of power.
        1. -1
          14 March 2020 11: 53
          Quote: tihonmarine
          I am opposed to the violent overthrow of power.

          Even when she is not a spokesman for your interests?
          1. +1
            14 March 2020 13: 00
            Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
            Even when she is not a spokesman for your interests?

            Yes. I am an opponent in this case.
            1. -3
              16 March 2020 08: 08
              Quote: tihonmarine
              Yes. I am an opponent in this case.

              Would you like to endure and suffer? Well, the flag is in your hands. Just do not interfere under your feet if that.
              1. 0
                16 March 2020 09: 13
                Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                Would you like to endure and suffer? Well, the flag is in your hands. Just do not interfere under your feet if that.

                Well, you, that "Kalash" in hand and on the barricades. I will not get in the way under your feet.
              2. 0
                16 March 2020 17: 22
                Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                Would you like to endure and suffer? Well, the flag is in your hands. Just do not interfere under your feet if that.

                And what - there are no other options. Either endure and suffer, or to the bottom and then?
                As you, in a Bolshevik way, reduce everything to two options. And then what will happen? Who is not with us is against us?
                Yes, and do not forget also - who benefits from the revolution, and who becomes its first victims "from inside".
                1. -1
                  16 March 2020 18: 17
                  Quote: Alexey RA
                  And what - there are no other options. Either endure and suffer, or to the ground, and then?

                  There is another option to endure and suffer rush all the way. laughing
                  Quote: Alexey RA
                  Yes, and do not forget also - who benefits from the revolution, and who becomes its first victims "from inside".

                  The petty bourgeoisie, so petty. smile
      2. +4
        13 March 2020 11: 59
        Quote: Vasily50
        I always felt sorry for the soldiers, who, on orders, were taken to the square and put to die.

        And what about the "ordinary people" - "onlookers", who died most of all on the square then?
        The definition that "the revolution is invented by geniuses, made by fanatics, and its results are used by crooks", this is not about this uprising, I am more and more inclined to think that there was a majority of "crooks" in it at all stages
        1. -1
          13 March 2020 17: 33
          These are enemies of the revolution and supporters of tyranny come up with such proverbs
        2. +4
          13 March 2020 17: 36
          It is difficult to argue with you, but I will try to formulate it in a slightly different way: there are gathered: crooks, psychopaths, talkers and dreamers. Naturally, such a "hodgepodge" will not lead to any good.
        3. +3
          14 March 2020 13: 01
          Quote: svp67
          The definition that "the revolution is invented by geniuses, made by fanatics, and its results are used by crooks", this is not about this uprising, I am more and more inclined to think that there was a majority of "crooks" in it at all stages

          And at the same time the people suffer for the ambitions of these crooks.
      3. +1
        13 March 2020 17: 14
        I know: death awaits
        The one who first rises
        On the keepers of the people, -
        Fate doomed me.
        But where, tell me, when was
        Freedom is redeemed without sacrifice?

        K. Ryleyev, "Nalyvayko"
        Remained a revolutionary / rebel until the last.
    2. +1
      13 March 2020 08: 00
      Quote: DMB 75
      "The circle of these revolutionaries is narrow. They are terribly far from the people."

      Lenin considered all these brave revolutionaries - ........ drunken officers, gamblers, bullies, kennel and seralniks (literally), see the article by V.I. Lenin In memory of Herzenbut at the same time arguing in the article that it was the Decembrists who gave impetus to the revolutionary movement in Russia.
      The whole trouble is that Lenin was right, I mean this very revolutionary impulse, since these seraglists woke up the new young generation in their quest for a new life.
      The bombing young women, in the future, began to throw bombs at all in a row.
      1. +2
        13 March 2020 08: 16
        Quote: bober1982
        and seralnikami

        Yes, judging by their relationship, described in the article, here ilich is right .....
        1. +2
          13 March 2020 08: 18
          Quote: Olgovich
          here ilich is right .....

          He was sharp on the tongue, you won’t take it away, he was able to hang witty labels.
        2. +6
          13 March 2020 10: 38
          Vladimir Ilyich. Andrei, write correctly ..
          1. -18
            13 March 2020 11: 07
            Quote: 210ox
            Vladimir Ilyich. Andrew, write correctly

            The great Russian writer wrote correctly Russian Comfrey Victor Astafyev:

            “A geek from geeks, hatched from a family of alien haters and regicide, who came to the second crucifixion of God and infanticide, being punished by the Lord for grave sins with infertility, avenging the whole world for this, brought sterility to the most lively Russian land, repaid humility in the minds of the most good-natured people, "leaving behind the clouds of chatty quitters who do not understand what labor is, what value each human life is worth, what a priceless creation of a bread field."

            And I have nothing to add. hi
            1. +7
              13 March 2020 12: 10
              Quote: Olgovich
              And I have nothing to add.

              Lying again ....
            2. 0
              13 March 2020 17: 34
              Your mental illness relative
              1. -4
                14 March 2020 09: 49
                Quote: Kronos
                Your relative mental disease

                specialized specialists believe that patients, as a rule, do not recognize their illness, consider themselves the healthiest people and others healthy people sick.

                Did it get there? No.
            3. +5
              13 March 2020 19: 00
              Well, well, a company telephone operator, who shot an unarmed German from idleness and very proudly announced this only in the late 80s, when there were not too many front-line soldiers. V. S. Bushin wrote very well about this perestroika writer.
              1. -7
                14 March 2020 07: 56
                Quote: Aviator_
                Well, well, a company telephone operator, who shot an unarmed German from idleness and very proudly announced this only in the late 80s, when there were not too many front-line soldiers.

                When you dig through the trenches, crawl through the fields as much as he does, lose your eye and blood in the war for the Fatherland, then open yours.

                In the meantime, you have no right to condemn front-line soldier of the Russian Soldierwho deserves this RIGHT to tell a deadly truth:
                “A geek from geeks, hatched from a family of alien haters and regicide, who came to the second crucifixion of God and infanticide, being punished by the Lord for grave sins with infertility, avenging the whole world for this, brought sterility to the most lively Russian land, repaid humility in the minds of the most good-natured people, "leaving behind the clouds of chatty quitters who do not understand what labor is, what value each human life is worth, what a priceless creation of a bread field."
                1. +2
                  14 March 2020 10: 48
                  This "front-line soldier-perestroika", who began to speak his "murderous truth" only when it became profitable (in the late 80s), had already been expressed by real front-line soldiers, including my father.
                  1. -5
                    14 March 2020 15: 37
                    Quote: Aviator_
                    This "front-line soldier-perestroika", who began to speak his "murderous truth" only when it became profitable (in the late 80s)

                    He told her ALWAYS.
                    Quote: Aviator_
                    already voiced everything the real war veterans, including my father.

                    It is not for you to judge the "authenticity": who are you? belay

                    Do you judge from trench 41g? fool No?

                    So don’t go where you have no rights
                    1. -2
                      14 March 2020 17: 15
                      I understood everything. In 1941, only Astafyev sat in the trench (who actually came to the front later), he kept the entire front. Actually, I grew up among the real front-line soldiers, and I’m talking about them, and not about the members of the Writers' Union, who did business on charming the army. And you, the Romanian monarchist, from what side did you start talking about the trench truth?
                      1. -4
                        15 March 2020 07: 46
                        Quote: Aviator_
                        Actually, I grew up among the real war veterans

                        Are you RussianDo not understand? fool

                        You - NO relation to the front Do not have and you DO NOT judge the "real" - "not real" front-line soldier, got it, didn't? No.
                        Quote: Aviator_
                        I’m talking about them

                        SAY FROM YOURSELF, NOBODY authorized you to speak from others
                        Quote: Aviator_
                        And you, the Romanian monarchist here, from what side did he start talking about trench truth?

                        ! Poke, you’ll be your wife, lol
                        Quote: Aviator_
                        romanian monarchist

                        belay fool lol
                        RUSSIA, remember, the ignoramus is not the stub that your traitors left from Russia from 1917 to 1991, it is BESSARABIA and ODESSA and NIKOLAEV and VERNY with URAL, etc.

                        Got it, no? No.
                      2. -1
                        15 March 2020 08: 45
                        And he himself also lived in RI? Don't talk about "French rolls". Or the candle factory in Samara was taken away by the bloody Bolsheviks?
                      3. -6
                        15 March 2020 10: 11
                        Quote: Aviator_
                        And he himself also lived in RI? Don't talk about "French rolls"

                        I live in RUSSIA, which you, Russophobia, torn to pieces and brought to extinction.

                        dawned not? No.

                        PS again: poke your wife
                      4. 0
                        15 March 2020 11: 00
                        Listen, a patriot of the Republic of Ingushetia, did you fight for Transnistria in 1992, or was it on the side of the Romanians? I remember that the flag you had was Romanian by IP address.
                      5. -4
                        15 March 2020 14: 58
                        Quote: Aviator_
                        Listen, a patriot of the Republic of Ingushetia, did you fight for Transnistria in 1992, or was it on the side of the Romanians? I remember that the flag you had was Romanian by IP address.

                        The flag was Moldovan, "expert".

                        And that’s only because you Russophobes made Russian Bessarabia is unknown to anyone here ... national moldavia " belay (against the will of the people of the region) fool

                        Nationalists You brought up here ("tillegentia" national and licked by yours), even with the Romanians until 1940, they were practically not here

                        Got it, no?

                        PS poke your wife, if any lol
                      6. 0
                        15 March 2020 15: 03
                        I understood, it means that I was on the Romanian side. And stayed. Success in combat and political training. Siguranza does not interfere?
                      7. -5
                        15 March 2020 15: 32
                        Quote: Aviator_
                        I understood, it means that I was on the Romanian side. And stayed.

                        Romanians are YOUR friends and social allies. camp which You forgave ALL the horrors and crimes committed by them on the territory of our country.

                        What did they pay you? Spitting? Well, get them further - and not only from Romanians, but also from the rest of Hungary, who were forgiven for their dullness, fed and dressed at the expense of Russia.
        3. +1
          14 March 2020 11: 57
          Ilyich is generally right. But for some this comes only through their own experience of jumping on a rake. And that is not always the case. laughing
      2. +5
        13 March 2020 09: 03
        Quote: bober1982
        Lenin considered all these brave revolutionaries - ........ drunken officers, gamblers, bullies, kennel and seralniks (literally), see the article by V.I. Lenin in Memory of Herzen
        Come on, can you specifically quote ?!
        1. +5
          13 March 2020 09: 32
          By the way, I indicated the link - this is a rather interesting article by Lenin In memory of Herzen
          In order not to tire, very briefly.
          Lenin pointed to three generations that acted in the Russian revolution, these were the nobles and landowners, the Decembrists and Herzen.
          The circle of these revolutionaries is narrow. They are terribly far from the people.
          But, further Lenin pointed out that their case was not lost, declaring that the Decembrists had awakened Herzen, Herzen himself launched revolutionary agitation, which was picked up and expanded by the raznochintsy revolutionaries and Narodnaya Volya - "young navigators of the future storm!", According to Herzen's apt definition.
        2. +10
          13 March 2020 09: 57
          Quote: Stirbjorn
          Come on, can you specifically quote ?!

          Herzen belonged to a generation of noble, landlord revolutionaries of the first half of the last century. The nobles gave Russia the Bironov and the Arakcheevs, countless “drunken officers, bullies, gamblers, heroes of fairs, hounds, brawlers, secunks, seralniks”, and the magnanimous Manilovs. “And between them,” Herzen wrote, “people developed on December 14, the phalanx of heroes who were fed, like Romulus and Remus, by the milk of a wild beast ...

          That is, "seralniks" is he about the nobles in general, and not about the Decembrists in particular.
          As I understand it, this word is from "seraglio". That is, a harem.
          1. +2
            13 March 2020 10: 01
            Quote: Senior Sailor
            That is, "seralniks" is he about the nobles in general, and not about the Decembrists in particular.
            As I understand it, this word is from "seraglio". That is, a harem.

            well, so the meaning is completely different, after exactly you specifically gave a quote by Ilyich, and not an entire article hi By the way, I thought so - it was not for nothing that in Leningrad the Sentanskaya Square was renamed the Decembrists Square. Explicitly not in honor of the seralniks
            1. +3
              13 March 2020 10: 11
              Quote: Stirbjorn
              well, so the meaning is completely different

              But, after all, Lenin considered all officers and nobles, even those revolutionary like the Decembrists ........ see the quote from Lenin, it turns out - the area in honor of these characters ........ see the quote from Lenin, and named.
          2. +6
            13 March 2020 10: 05
            Quote: Senior Sailor
            As I understand it, this word is from "seraglio". That is, a harem.

            Seralnik - Russian landowner, who got himself a harem of serf girls.
            1. +2
              13 March 2020 12: 09
              Quote: bober1982
              Seralnik is a Russian landowner who has gotten himself a harem of serf girls.

              Is this a good or a bad landowner? And how did they feel about him then?
              1. +3
                13 March 2020 12: 11
                Quote: apro
                Is this a good or a bad landowner? And how did they feel about him then?

                This is a depraved landowner.
                1. +2
                  13 March 2020 12: 17
                  But what? A decent society of landowners took measures to this? Or it was considered in the order of things. Like dog hunting. Fortress theaters?
                  1. 0
                    13 March 2020 12: 31
                    Quote: apro
                    But what? A decent society of landowners took measures to this? Or it was considered in the order of things. Like dog hunting. Fortress theaters?

                    I gave just a definition of the term itself, not invented by me, I do not claim authorship.
                    Regarding your specific questions.
                    Yes, - of course, any obscene and depraved attitude among the landlords was condemned (in contrast to the officer milieu, the aristocracy), and I strongly doubt that there were any harems or isolated cases. Not to consider Saltychikhu as a classic example of landlord life, like the mentioned canine hunts.
                    1. +2
                      13 March 2020 12: 40
                      Yes Beaver ... what country is it about .... with jelly banks. Is this property and property and a means of production. And how can you relate to it humanly?
                      1. +1
                        13 March 2020 12: 45
                        Quote: apro
                        Yes Beaver ... what country is it about .... with jelly banks. Is this property and property and a means of production. And how can you relate to it humanly?

                        Yes, and then what about ..... whether? Unheard of Soviet civilization, at the end of the stars. Everything repeated. There were landowners, then Kalinin. And, the problem, as it turned out, was one (below the belt)
                      2. 0
                        13 March 2020 12: 47
                        Don’t breed the beaver. You are Soviet opponents.
                        The problem is not below the waist but behind the cranial dig.
                      3. +2
                        13 March 2020 12: 56
                        Quote: apro
                        Soviet opponents to you

                        I may be more than your Soviet.
                      4. -1
                        13 March 2020 12: 57
                        I wonder what it is?
                      5. +2
                        13 March 2020 13: 04
                        I have nothing to do with capitalism, socialism, scientific progress, landowners, nobles, Decembrists, Lenin and Kalinin himself.
                        And, one thing killed them all - it was necessary to sit quietly and keep the commandments, or at least make an effort.
                      6. 0
                        13 March 2020 13: 10
                        Yes ... and what Soviet you are after that .... sitting on the priest exactly. This is not our method.
                  2. -3
                    13 March 2020 12: 38
                    The All-Union elder, grandfather Kalinin, had a harem of young Soviet ballerinas.
                    And how did a decent Soviet higher party society relate to this, take measures? or, it was considered in the order of things?
                    The answer, as well as a decent society of landowners, was also related to their depraved brothers.
                    1. +4
                      13 March 2020 12: 43
                      Did you personally attend this? Or is there information from one grandmother?
                      1. -1
                        13 March 2020 12: 47
                        Have you been to a landowner in a harem? or, on a dog hunt?
                      2. +1
                        13 March 2020 12: 48
                        Loved you understand writing diaries ...
                    2. +5
                      13 March 2020 22: 36
                      I had never heard of such a thing, but, say, the director Ivan Pyryev for the young actresses laughed where Harvey Vanstein was ... but the difference is that the serf girls could not refuse theory.
              2. +4
                13 March 2020 22: 09
                Differently. On the one hand, it was a sin (atheists weren’t there at all, but still a rarity), on the other hand, it was a common sin. That is, to sleep with a yard girl is a matter of everyday life, but to arrange a whole harem, moreover, disguised as a theater, like Count Kamensky, is a little too much. Indiscreetly.
          3. +7
            13 March 2020 14: 33
            The nobles gave Russia Biron and Arakcheev

            In conscience - Biron gave us one Courland maiden of Russian roots. The negative image of Biron was created by the very same nobility, sincerely hating a foreign temporary worker.
            And this same nobility fiercely hated Arakcheev, but for other reasons. He was accused of military villagers, with whom the rumor firmly linked the name of Arakcheev (although the idea and implementation of the concept of military settlements is on the conscience of Alexander 1).
            But they were not worried about the poor fellow-military settlers. Mother envy and fear. Fear of a person with influence on the king, who was also incomprehensible to most of the ruling estates for his "strange" principles: he did not take bribes, avoided "patronage", refused the title of prince and the rank of field marshal. Good temporary worker !!
            And further. An amusing fact. Andrey Alekseevich Arakcheev is the author of one of the first projects for the abolition of serfdom. While these "romantics" secretly whispered over bottles of champagne about how they would change Russia by organizing a civil war, Arakcheev suggested that the tsar ransom the peasants from the landlords at the expense of the budget (with land!). The project received the "highest" approval and it was not Arakcheev's fault that Alexander I did not have the political will to implement it. Let me remind you that in the reform of 1861 (one of the main ideologists - the Decembrist (!!!) Rostovtsy), the peasants were freed without land and they bought themselves out, continuing to serve the landlord's duty.
            But in historical science, often black is white.
            A faithful oath, the impeccable serviceman Arakcheev is still not really rehabilitated. Traitors to the debt and oath are hearty romantics.
            1. +3
              13 March 2020 18: 07
              When Pushkin found out that Arakcheev had died, he said: "Perhaps I am the only person who regrets the death of Arakcheev."
              Unfortunately, I read Pushkin’s diary for a long time and I don’t remember how he wrote about Arakcheev there.
            2. +5
              13 March 2020 19: 07
              Somehow, waiting for the authorities and hanging around in the corridor of the GRAU, I began to read a stand on the wall from nothing to do, whence I learned that Arakcheev was a very competent reformer of Russian artillery. It is clear that Pushkin might not have known this.
              1. +4
                14 March 2020 02: 26
                Arakcheev was a very competent reformer of Russian artillery.

                That's right. He advanced under Paul, surprising the latter with his knowledge of the cannon business. And under Alexander, returning after the disgrace, in 1803 he was appointed inspector of all artillery. The essence of his reforms is unification, the creation of new states, and the lighter weight of the trunks (while maintaining the caliber). As a result, our artillery in 1812 and overseas campaigns was no worse, and somewhere better than the French.
                I note that in historiography there is a tendency to merit the preparation of the army for the Barclay de Tolly war. Without begging Barclay's merits, it must be admitted that Barclay only became Minister of War in 1810. Prior to this, from 1808 the ministry was headed by Arakcheev. Under him, systems were created for the initial training of recruits (the army was preparing for mass recruits in case of war), as well as officers (the creation of a training noble regiment). Even after leaving the post of minister, Arakcheev, in fact, continued to reform the army in a higher status - the head of the department of military affairs in the State Council, created in 1810.
                In general, a person underestimated by descendants and slandered by historians.
            3. +1
              13 March 2020 22: 37
              It was a quote from Lenin.
              1. +2
                14 March 2020 02: 04
                Yes. I understood. It’s just that I didn’t discuss with Ilyich for a long time. lol
        3. 0
          16 March 2020 17: 24
          Quote: Stirbjorn
          Come on, can you specifically quote ?!

          The nobles gave Russia the Bironov and the Arakcheevs, countless “drunken officers, bullies, gamblers, heroes of fairs, hounds, brawlers, secunks, seralniks”, and the magnanimous Manilovs.

          © VIL. In memory of Herzen (May 8, 1912).
          But it was not VIL himself who wrote it - he only quotes Herzen:
          Out of service, the nobleman turned from a battered batman to a beating Peter I; in the village he was in complete expanse, here he himself became corporal, emperor, nobleman and father of the estate. All colossal deformities came out of this life of a wolf and an enlightener - from the Bironovy shoulder masters and the large Potemkins to the Biron executioners and the Potemkins in micrometric reduction; from Izmailov, who cuts the guards, to Nozdrev with a ragged whisker; from Arakcheev of all Russia to the battalion and company Arakcheevs who are boarding a soldier in the coffin; from bribe-takers of the first three classes to a hungry flock of birds recording poor peasants in the grave, with all inexhaustible variations of drunken officers, bullies, gamblers, heroes of fairs, hounds, brawlers, secunas, and seralniks. Among them, here and there occasionally came across a landowner who became a foreigner in order to remain a man, or the “beautiful soul” Manilov, a nobility-nobleman cooing in the manor house near the correctional stable.

          © Herzen. Ends and beginnings. The fifth letter.
      3. +3
        13 March 2020 17: 59
        "The young women bombers, in the future, began to throw bombs at all in a row" in fairness: there were no bombers among the "First March". There, I was among the leaders, but there were no young ladies among the "infantry".
        Young ladies with revolvers and bombs appeared later. In the "army": Gershuni, Azefa and Savinkov. There were many of them. And among the Bolsheviks there were enough of them in the "infantry"
      4. +1
        15 March 2020 10: 57
        It seems that Lenin meant that they were seralniks - visitors to the seraglio, who made themselves "lovely and charming" Russian landowners from serf girls
    3. +1
      13 March 2020 09: 20
      Whatever they are guided by and whatever they want to change

      A failed attempt at a Masonic coup ....
    4. +2
      13 March 2020 10: 15
      Quote: DMB 75
      "The circle of these revolutionaries is narrow. They are terribly far from the people."

      This is the lot of all revolutionaries.
      1. +2
        13 March 2020 17: 36
        Not all unsuccessful
    5. +3
      14 March 2020 00: 38
      Quote: DMB 75
      better not to say Lenin
      "The circle of these revolutionaries is narrow. They are terribly far from the people."

      In fact, the smart and strong are always to blame for any troubles.
      Smart - looked,
      Strong - did not stop, or did not disperse ...

      This is me about Alexander I, who knew about the preparations of the noble avant-garde, but did nothing. to prevent violent confrontation.
      In addition, he is also to blame for the fact that during the Napoleonic Wars, his authority fell, as they say now, below the plinth.
      Nobody remembers about Austerlitz in the subject, and in this battle Russia’s losses were much greater than from the Decembrist uprising.
      In addition, Alexander went to the conclusion of a separate peace with Napoleon, recognized him as brother-emperor ... and this was regarded by contemporaries as a betrayal of the monarchy world order.
      By the way, it was then that the European emperor depicted the Russian emperor as a wild bear ...

      At least the English throne declared war on Russia ... The war is somewhat strange, but very offensive for us, as a result of which we lost all of Ushakov’s conquests in the Mediterranean Sea in many ways, and almost the entire most combat-ready fleet - about 20 ships and frigates.

      Thanks to the political restraint and wisdom of Admiral D. Senyavin, there was no shameful surrender, but the squadron in England died.
      And, which is typical, when Senyavin returned to his homeland, he fell into disgrace because he refused to obey the order to quickly obey Napoleon and help him in the conquest of Spain.
      And the sinking of the ship "Vsevolod", in front of the squadron of Khanykoy captured by two British ships practically on the outer roadstead of the Baltic port ...
      And the loss of the boat "Experience", captured by an English frigate off the island of Nargen ... The British, realizing that ordinary Russian officers were in a strange situation of war with a good ally, let the prisoners go home ... thereby making it clear that they were at war with the Russian emperor.

      Then there will be World War II.
      This war is not a shame today. We used to be proud of the heroes of World War II.
      But if we trace the fate of the Heroes, it will become clear how deeply the spiritual wounds were received due to the endless retreat from the border to Moscow, because of the surrender of Moscow ...
      Suvorov’s student, General Bagration, ended his life after learning about the surrender of Moscow ... - According to legend, he tore off the bandages.

      No less serious test. which had serious consequences not only for Russian society, but for the whole of European civilization, was the invincibility of the Napoleon Guard, the so-called Old Guard.
      The Old Guard retreated in an organized manner, cartoons were not applicable to it. which we like so much.
      Even through the Berezina, the Old Guard crossed in an organized manner, and according to well-known legends, soldiers in places held the bridge on themselves, standing in icy water.
      Those who saw these French soldiers wanted in their Fatherland to see free, educated soldiers. And he wished the people an appropriate life ...

      I will not give an assessment to the rebels. But they had good reason to despise the reigning dynasty. I only note that if the Decembrists won, we would now have a different public attitude towards the leaders of the social process.

      The history summed up the Nikolaev kingdom. The defeat in the Crimean War, the lag in industrial development and education, .... And then everything is clear to everyone ... But, unfortunately, due to political motives, not everyone is openly ready to admit it.
    6. 0
      14 March 2020 18: 20
      Quote: DMB 75
      "The circle of these revolutionaries is narrow. They are terribly far from the people."

      In the 18th century, such revolutions were successful, and the results of these revolutions were recognized as good for Russia even before 1917. Perhaps the failure of the Decembrists is the main reason for the defeat of Russia in the Crimean War.
      1. +1
        16 March 2020 17: 31
        Quote: gsev
        In the 18th century, such revolutions were successful, and the results of these revolutions were recognized as good for Russia even before 1917.

        Because the professionals were engaged in this business "from above", who knew exactly where to lead the troops and how many barrels to roll out. And the Guard had experience of almost regular coups. smile
  2. +1
    13 March 2020 07: 21
    Most people are interested in the very fact of the uprising. After all, it all arose not from scratch. The figure of Nicholas is very ambiguous. As they made fun of the monument to him, it is only comparable to the statue "Girl with an oar".
    1. +3
      13 March 2020 09: 44
      How they made fun of the monument to him is only comparable to the statue "Girl with an oar".

      And who made fun of it? And over which monument? Montferan-Klodt?
    2. +3
      13 March 2020 10: 07
      They made fun of the monument to Alexander III.
      1. +1
        16 March 2020 19: 00
        Quote: 3x3zsave
        They made fun of the monument to Alexander III.

        And over the monument to Nicholas I, too.
        Samznaetekto smart catches up, but Isaac interferes with him!
        1. 0
          16 March 2020 19: 18
          Thin! Thank you, Alex !!! Who is the author of the stanza?
    3. +1
      13 March 2020 17: 55
      Quote: nikvic46
      The figure of Nicholas is very ambiguous.

      It can be considered for everyone, but the order in the country was put in place quickly and competently, if his great-grandson, and also Nikolai, did the same, then the Empire would not fall apart.
  3. +15
    13 March 2020 07: 30
    The article analyzes in sufficient detail the confusion among the participants in the rebellion before and during the December uprising.
    Yes, the rebels had several points of view on the future structure of the country and many plans for its achievement.
    There was no unity. A clear algorithm of action. Joint manifest. Will to action. Complete devotion to the common cause.
    Nikolai had only one plan - to survive. He successfully implemented it, because he did not hesitate.
    Many of us still remember Lenin's words from school: "The circle of these revolutionaries is narrow. They are terribly far from the people ..."
    This killed the magnanimous.
    The people did not understand the essence of what was happening. The Russians killed the Russians from the cannons in the square under strange cries for freedom and the Constitution.
    The people scratched their heads, clinging to buildings on the Senate, dying of cores and grapeshots in ranks, carried out the orders of officers from both sides with the usual Russian deadly determination.
    Almost two centuries later, history repeats itself, although the essence of the conflict is changing. Now the authorities themselves are shouting about the Constitution. Freedom. The rights of the people. For the question arose about the survival of the Oligarch after the "problem of 2024", its property, savings acquired by "back-breaking labor." And the deputy Tereshkova went to the rostrum of the State Duma, like to Senate Square, to read the prepared text ...
    People are scratching their heads and going to a referendum in April. Well, at least it hasn’t come to the buckshot yet ... wink
    1. +4
      13 March 2020 09: 45
      The article analyzes in sufficient detail the confusion among the participants in the rebellion before and during the December uprising.

      An analysis is objective if it is based on an analysis of sources, unfortunately the author did not indicate why he got all this and where? And so - while I think so, no more
  4. +5
    13 March 2020 07: 37
    "" The Union of Welfare? They think that my Tishka needs a Turkish or English constitution! He needs vodka, that’s right, a woman needs it too, - as I do, however, - and then who knows? It is not for nothing that Kapnist claims that liberal Russian noblemen are preparing for their misfortune liberal, clean revolutions, for any clean revolution will inevitably be followed by a popular revolt and a new Time of Troubles. Maybe Kapnist is right ... "

    Mark Aleksandrovich Aldanov “HOLY ELENA, LITTLE ISLAND”
  5. -1
    13 March 2020 12: 49
    The soldiers died, and these freaks in exile. Liberals are always happy with their language, but they are not able to do business.
    They had no purpose, they are like Leshenka: against.
  6. 0
    13 March 2020 14: 28
    Quote: bober1982
    drunken officers, gamblers, bullies, kennel and seraglists

    Learn the materiel - Ulyanov praised the nobles so, excluding the Decembrists from them.
  7. -2
    13 March 2020 14: 47
    Regardless of the personal qualities of the Decembrists, the military rebellion did not turn into a rebellion for an objective reason - an outstripping oath of senators and senior generals Nicholas I. What knocked out the very basis of the participation of most officers and soldiers was the previous oath to Konstantin.

    During the one-month interregnum period, the rebellion was led by the aristocratic elite of Russian society, led by a part of the senators and Governor-General of St. Petersburg Miloradovich, who planned to enthrone Konstantin, establish a constitutional monarchy, form a legislative assembly and abolish serfdom. The coup preparation center was located in the office of the Russian-American company, whose shareholders were many senators. But in connection with the refusal of Konstantin to inherit the throne (without the rights to autocracy), the aristocratic elite backed up and threw their performers - the Decembrists.

    As a result of the suppression of the rebellion, the commission of inquiry under the emperor led two criminal cases at once - open against the Decembrists and closed against the aristocratic elite. Those responsible for the second case were not held accountable; the materials of the case, Nicholas I personally burned in the fireplace.
    1. 0
      13 March 2020 19: 52
      Quote: Operator
      Regardless of the personal qualities of the Decembrists, the military rebellion did not turn into a rebellion for an objective reason - an outstripping oath of senators and senior generals Nicholas I. What knocked out the very basis of the participation of most officers and soldiers was the previous oath to Konstantin.

      What is surprising is that military people who did not have a specific plan decided to rebel.
      Regardless of the "personal qualities of the Decembrists", their noble or, in the opinion of the author of vile intentions (some kind of social order), this was an attempt at another palace coup in Russia. Even in the event of a successful coup in the life of Russia, nothing would change. There would be, perhaps, another king. An uprising needs a people who know its goals.
      As understood by V.I. Lenin.
  8. +3
    13 March 2020 17: 17
    The Decembrists loved to sleep, therefore the coup did not succeed .. And so all the successful coups took place at night, judge for yourself Minich overthrew Biron at night, Anna Leopoldovna, the future Empress Elizabeth woke up at night with the words: "Get up, my sister slept through the kingdom", at night Catherine led the guards to overthrow Peter III , Paul I was also killed at night .. "Coincidence? I don't think so (s)?" laughing
    1. +2
      13 March 2020 18: 22
      "the Decembrists loved to sleep" so they overslept, probably forgot to buy an alarm clock
      And besides jokes: at that time already knew the alarm clock? Of course not the same as now, but something like that was. I hope V.N.can clarify the issue
      1. 0
        13 March 2020 18: 35
        1847 Antoine Radier, was such a Frenchman. So the Decembrists did not have an alarm clock! laughingI mean the device / approximately / that we are using now.
        1. 0
          13 March 2020 18: 39
          I add that in general the first alarm clock was made in 1787, but .... he could only ring at 4 in the morning. Why? I don’t know, a miracle of mechanics. laughing
          1. 0
            14 March 2020 13: 29
            Quote: Phil77
            I add that in general the first alarm clock was made in 1787, but .... he could only ring at 4 in the morning. Why? I don’t know, a miracle of mechanics.

            Wait a minute, what about Kulibin’s hours?
            Kulibin showed Ekaterina other mechanisms when she arrived in Nizhny Novgorod in 1767. Only two hours later the clock was ready and Kolybin and Kostramin went to Petersburg to give their empress. Unique watch was made in the shape of a bovine egg. They beat every hour, hour and quarter of the hour. Each hour, a small hinged door was opened and, inside, a small church, a small musical figurine showed a scene from a religious life.

            Read more:

            The year 1769 is somehow earlier than the 1787th.
            1. +1
              14 March 2020 13: 35
              Hi Volod! With the exit from * places not so distant *! laughing laughing laughing A watch, even a pocket one and an alarm clock itself, things are a little different. For purposes, no? The task of an alarm clock is to wake up. The task of a clock is to show time, even with a sound signal, or with the flight of the notorious cuckoo! So, it was in 1787 that a device was created capable of giving a signal at a set time, but as I wrote only at 4 o’clock. Why so? I have no answer.
              1. 0
                14 March 2020 13: 41
                Anyway, Kulibin’s watch is better. By the way, these can be given to someone on the head. laughing
                1. 0
                  14 March 2020 13: 49
                  Well, they also did a lot of beautiful watches there, it’s just that Vlad Genos asked the Decembrists the alarm clocks, so I tried to answer with all possible zeal. Helped? No? I don’t know. By the way, I still can’t upload photos. It's a pity.
                  1. 0
                    14 March 2020 14: 05
                    Quote: Phil77
                    .By the way, I still can’t upload photos. It's a pity.


                    [/ centerI have here such a stray, a program for screenshots, Lightshot is called, very convenient, although I was a burdock in computer literacy, I figured it out quickly. Do not forget to put a tick.
      2. +1
        13 March 2020 19: 11
        How is it with Pushkin in Eugene Onegin - .. "until (some there) Breguet / lunch rings him ..." So there were alarm clocks, Pushkin testifies.
        1. 0
          13 March 2020 19: 32
          * while awake breget
          He won’t ring his lunch ... *. But! He had a pocket watch of this company, and it was an alarm clock, after all? * Or, sorry, was I mistaken? * laughing hi
          1. +1
            13 March 2020 21: 02
            I understand that Breguet did not just call periodically, but set it for a certain time, like an alarm clock. The level of mechanics of that time completely allowed this, but what really is there - whether Breget rattled every hour, like the Kremlin chimes, or wound up for a specific time - is unknown.
            1. 0
              14 March 2020 06: 44
              Very good. The answer below. hi Regards, I.
          2. 0
            13 March 2020 21: 10
            One fig: a device that could signal at the right time
            1. 0
              14 March 2020 06: 42
              Good morning! * One fig *? I doubt. The device that Onegin had / and probably the Decembrists / can be compared by the principle of action more likely to a tower, floor, wall / cuckoo clock, and not only / clock. They signaled hourly. And the device analog to a modern alarm clock was patented, I repeat, in 1847!
              1. 0
                14 March 2020 12: 47
                So it wasn’t an option for the Decembrists to wake up on time?
                1. 0
                  14 March 2020 13: 09
                  They had no plan, no sensible plan! There was crap, but there was no plan. angry
  9. +1
    13 March 2020 18: 13
    Quote: lucul
    Whatever they are guided by and whatever they want to change

    A failed attempt at a Masonic coup ....

    Quite right: almost the entire elite was associated with the Freemasons. And the Freemasons are still "friends"
  10. 0
    13 March 2020 19: 55
    Quote: There was a mammoth
    Even in the event of a successful coup, nothing would have changed in the life of Russia

    In addition to the abolition of serfdom, legislative elections and the transition to a constitutional monarchy.
    1. +2
      13 March 2020 22: 52
      Quote: Operator
      In addition to the abolition of serfdom, legislative elections and the transition to a constitutional monarchy.

      But not a fact.
  11. 0
    13 March 2020 21: 07
    The author, everything is fine with you, but you need to be more careful: Kondraty Fedorovich Ryleyev, and his father Fedor Ivanovich.
    And yet, I'm not sure here, but it seems Lieutenant Anenkov jumped into the Winter Palace. But in order to shield the soldiers he changed his mind about the bike: Konstantin and his wife are Constitution, she is Polish and her name is
    1. 0
      14 March 2020 13: 06
      Annenkov? And on December 14, he commanded a platoon of cavalry guards, who did what? They guarded the artillery of government troops. And only later was he arrested as a participant in the conspiracy.
  12. 0
    15 March 2020 17: 25
    At school, we were told stories about the interrogation of ordinary soldiers: "They married Konstantin and the Constitution (they considered it the name of his wife) .."
  13. 0
    22 May 2020 13: 52
    Cunning Masons and aristocratic puppets tamed by them. "The seizure of the building and the capture of Nicholas for further trial over him." - what a most interesting quote, however! And what, Nikolai Palych, has already managed to do something? I am by no means a monarchist, but astonishing arrogance in this phrase. In 1917-1918. this abomination was logically embodied in the arrest of Nicholas II and the subsequent murder of the royal family, an unambiguously ritual murder. All these "societies" initially have horns, hooves and a tail sticking out. The devil is a great confusion, and does not spare his followers.
  14. 0
    9 June 2020 16: 00
    We will not know the whole truth about the Decembrists, never. Each has its own truth.