Country of the Soviets. My career as a political informant

Country of the Soviets. My career as a political informant
Anyone who is interested in plunging at that time, I would advise you to watch the movie "Different Fates", filmed in 1956. How many years have passed, and he has not lost his relevance, like the beautiful melody and words from the composer’s romance Roshchin: “As my gray hair is afraid of your lock, you seem even younger when I’m around, but we don’t celebrate meetings, we have different fates ... "

“First of all, he didn’t know whether the year was 1984. There is no doubt about this: he was almost sure that he was 39 years old, and he was born in 1944 or 45; but now it’s impossible to set any date more accurately than with an error of a year or two. ... But it is curious that while he drove with a pen, a completely different incident remained in his memory, so much so that even now write it down. It became clear to him that because of this incident, he suddenly decided to go home and start the diary today. ”
J. Orwell. Xnumx

History and documents. Our past material on the topic "Back to USSR" caused, one might say, a flurry of requests to continue the topic. Well, you can continue, especially since the topic is really interesting and, in my opinion, needs some sorting of the gray matter of the brain, at least of my own.

However, before writing further about how the children of the Land of Soviets received information, I would like to start by giving a fresh example of the magical qualities of this strange “substance” called information.

And it happened so that with our granddaughter for a long time we did not talk about the past, except perhaps about individual everyday moments. No one told her about the events of 1991, nor about the collapse of the CPSU and its consequences. News we didn’t watch on TV at all, so she received no information about that time. At school, we also chose her a teacher who taught precisely how to count and write, and did not talk about her rheumatism and how good (how bad) it was to live before. And so, when she was already in the second class, we somehow got into a conversation about the Communists, and I take it and say that it was also (a communist). My granddaughter looked at me so apprehensively, lowered her voice and asked: “Does grandmother know?” I almost fell out of my chair from laughter. My grandmother came here, and together we read to the granddaughter something like a lecture on political literacy. “Even so ...” she said thoughtfully, and we did not return to this topic for a long time. But I’m terribly interested so far: where did she get the thoughts that being a communist is fear and horror? They don’t read Solzhenitsyn in the second grade, the teacher couldn’t tell them that, I know for sure. And the question is: where does the information come from?

In the previous article, we were talking more and more about magazines, from which I then had occasion to draw information. But, perhaps, most of all we received it with the help of wired radio and cinema in all forms. For example, the scenes of Bloody Sunday and the barricade battles in Moscow in December 1905 in the movie "Prologue" in 1956 were impressively shot, although the film itself is as flat as a board. For the first time there, Tsar Nicholas II saw

Moreover, this question is directly related to my childhood memories. In the previous article I already wrote that it was not customary for us, children of that time, to ask adults about something. Rather, they were asked, but in the most, so to speak, critical cases, and so we ourselves all found out from somewhere. "Do not go in, do not interfere, go away, you are still small ..." - a typical set of excuses for our questions. It’s from excerpts of conversations, cues and grins of adults, from radio programs and television shows, posters on fences that we knew the world, plus school and textbooks, and also books. That is, there was a certain information space around us, and it formed us. Everything, by the way, is exactly the same as now, only the methods of obtaining information have changed, and its availability and volume have also increased.

But the movie "Chapaev", I remember, caused some strange feeling. I didn’t like the way Chapaivets said: “Intelligentsia” (I already knew what the intelligentsia was, but he, “ours,” an adult uncle, comes out, doesn’t know this ...) And in the end I liked it most of all in this film exactly “ psychic attack "Kornilovsky regiment

Negative, by the way, came from it. Somehow, about five or six years old, I picked up somewhere on the street a funny rhyme about a reddish gorilla who was doing some strange things with an unfortunate parrot who shot himself. The rhyme there was beautiful. But a lot of unfamiliar words. But my memory was beautiful. He learned, repeated, and then came to his mother with his grandmother and gave them ... "poetry." It must be said that from the pedagogical point of view they did absolutely right. That is, they did not begin to gasp and gasp, and scolded me, but explained, and it was very delicate that the words in this rhyme are bad, and good children do not say them. What are these swear words. And that was enough, because among us, street boys of Proletarskaya Street, it was the very last thing to say such words. It was impossible to complain to adults about a broken nose as a comrade, but it was possible to immediately snoop on them loudly: “But he said in a damn (or“ on mats ”)!” - and it was not considered shameful, and the culprit was immediately torn like a goat.

"The mental bourgeoisie." By the way, this attack left a memory that the “psychic attack” in the movie “The Tale of the Cybalsch Boy” didn’t cause laughter for me or for most of my acquaintances. On the contrary. "They shoot at them, and they go!" - We discussed what we saw, sitting astride a fence in the garden. And then somehow on TV they showed “Chapaev”, “Alexander Parkhomenko” and “Malchish” for three consecutive days, and it blew our brains. We immediately made rifles with bolts from the latches, and arranged a fight in the meadow, and I, as the youngest, had to command other kids. There was one more reason - I had the flag of South Korea, stitched to participate in the May Day demonstration on the instructions of our teacher (decent fool!). Well, we walked and fell, and the adults stopped and looked, and then we got up again and walked again, blowing a march: “Tara-ra, there-ta-ta-ra, tara-tam-tam-tara, tara, tara there, there! ” They captured the “Reds,” and everything, like in the movie “We Are From Kronstadt,” was to tie bricks to their necks and throw them off a cliff. And we even stored the ropes in our hands to tie them. But our hopes of finding stones, alas, did not materialize. Well, I ordered them stabbed with bayonets and still proud of my resourcefulness! In response, there were shouts: “They don’t play like that! Not so in the cinema !!! ” That's how modern cinema acted on us then.

Due to the disordered reception of information, we learned about many events from the adult world by chance. For example, I learned exactly what happened in Novocherkassk in June 1962. He sat on a bench in front of the house and dangled his legs. Waited for the comrades to go play. And then a staggering, obviously drunk citizen walks by, sits down next to him and says: “Remember the kid! They shot people in Novocherkassk. Got it? " I answer - “I understand”, they generally warned me, to be afraid of the drunk and not to argue with them. Well, he got up and went on, and I went the other way. And he thought: “If an adult said, even if drunk, it means that it is so. And who could shoot at whom? ” By that time, I already knew for sure about 1905, from the feature film about the revolution, shown on television. There they sang a song: “Your eldest son on Palace Square / He went to ask for the tsar’s mercy, / He covered him like a severe canvas / Bloody snow in early January ...” I remember that I liked the film very much, although its name was forgotten. From it I learned about the “Macedon bomb”, after which I unscrewed the ball from my grandfather’s bed, filled it with “gray from matches”, adjusted the wick from the clothesline and threw it into the garden. It exploded cool, just like in a movie! But here it was clearly different ... And suddenly it dawned on me: like this uncle, they were going somewhere, apparently hooligans (“all drunkards are hooligans!”), And they were shot at for it. And rightly so, you cannot roam the streets like this.

The next day I asked my mother: "Is it true that they shot people in Novocherkassk?" But she put a finger to her lips and said that you can’t talk about it. Well, it’s impossible and impossible.

Then there was some bad bread. Sticky, and the loaf inside is empty. They said that corn. But I liked him. Why? And with pellets of such bread it was very cool to shoot girls in the head from a glass tube, and he also made great sculptures and then withered tightly. In this way I made a “real” Mauser out of him, and it was something!

And the film “Treasure Island” (1938) seemed to me quite surprising. They took it off in such a loose interpretation of Stevenson’s story that young Jim there turned into a Jenny girl, ordinary adventurers into Irish rebels fighting against the British, and even the commander they say at the beginning of the film: “Do you have teeth, and claws have you have a? If not weapons"We must take it from the enemy!" The latter, in general, is true. But do not bite them with their teeth ... But the fate of the three songs from this film is interesting. “Beat the drum!” - no matter how they tried to launch the song into the masses of vivacity for the sake of popularity, it could not be found. “Jenny's Song” during the war became the favorite song of the wounded in hospitals, and it was often broadcast on the radio. But the song of the pirates "Friends, unfold the sail together ..." in the USSR after the war for some reason became a song of drunkards. How to sing: "Yo-ho-ho! Have fun like hell! ”, So you could immediately drag the“ singers ”into the detox!

Well, erysipelas! Truly pirate !!! And who would have thought that Alexander Nevsky and the pirate Billy Bones are one and the same person!

Or here is another case. One evening, when my mother came from work from the institute and my grandmother fed her dinner, and I tried to sleep under their conversation, which was not easy, since the walls in the house were very thin, I hear that she is telling something interesting. It turns out that at the department of Marxism-Leninism they found a teacher who wrote a letter to the Central Committee of the CPSU complaining about Khrushchev, accusing him ... of many bad deeds. And that a letter came from the Central Committee to arrange a meeting of the party committee and expel him from the ranks of the CPSU. But here in Moscow the Plenum of the Central Committee took place, and on it Khrushchev “was finally removed and sent to retire,” and now the party committee is discussing what to do with this teacher. It seems necessary to praise for an active citizenship, but somehow inconvenient. But at least they left in the party.

Then I was very surprised at the movie "Welcome, or No Trespassing." After all, there they speak of corn as the queen of the fields. But Khrushchev’s “voluntarism” has already been debunked, so it’s impossible to show it ?! And there it says: “Children are the owners of the camp,” but the “bad” comrade Dynin rules everything. It reminded me of something, but the child didn’t understand ...

“Give the Pitiful Book” is another wonderful 1965 Soviet movie. Everyone who is interested in the Soviet service should definitely see it. And as soon as he was missed on the screens? Personally, I would then strictly forbade him from showing

In general, it’s completely incomprehensible how, but by 1968 I had become a true Orthodox “homo sovieticus” and everything that happened around me was good!

In the class, they chose me as a political informant, and I regularly listened to the radio, and watched the news on TV, and, of course, approved the entry of our troops and tanks to Czechoslovakia, I watched in the newspapers how many American planes were shot down in Vietnam, and regularly donated money to the struggling Vietnam fund.

In the same year I visited Bulgaria in the summer (this was my first 13-day trip abroad), I really liked it there, and now I could also tell as an eyewitness what is good and what is not good there.

In a word, a young man I was tested and savvy, because the class teacher and the school organizer wrote a testimonial on me with permission to travel abroad.

And then I suddenly hear on the radio that the International Conference of Communist and Workers Parties (June 5-17, 1969) is taking place in Moscow, the Communist Parties of different countries are participating in it (75 communist and workers parties in total.), And, it turns out, many of they don’t support us! They say that the entry of troops into Czechoslovakia was a mistake! And well, one or two people said so, but no. And the Australian CPA, and New Zealand, and the French, and who just did not express their dissatisfaction there about this! But everyone knew, including me, that we all “help-help” ... And here you are so grateful! I confess that I was then at a great loss. "How so?! How dare they ?! ”

And this character also constantly raised perplexing questions from me: well, where do such people come from, and most importantly, how do they get into the bosses? Where are the party and government looking?

While watching “Carnival Night”, I kept thinking, why did Comrade Telegin, a deputy of the City Council and a member of the Central Committee of Trade Unions, not intervene and put Ogurtsov in his place?

Many of our films caused me sincere bewilderment. For example, Volga-Volga. Well, what a funny film, but where did this fool and bureaucrat come from, because of which it all started? Why wasn’t he removed from work? Or Carnival Night is a great movie. But even there, the bosses showed a round fool, and comrade Telegin, a deputy of the City Council and a member of the Central Committee of the trade unions, know yourself laughing at Ogurtsov, and pull away and replace ... for some reason he’s not in a hurry. Why?

“Main Afternoon” and the continuation of “House of Wanderers” are very interesting and unusual works for Soviet science fiction. In particular, the second book - a terribly gloomy technocratic utopia

But at that time I was particularly impressed by the novel by Alexander Mirer, “High Noon,” which I read in 1969. Not only are there aliens landing there not somewhere in America, but landing in our Soviet city, it also talked about “graters” between the Secretary General of the CPSU Central Committee and the Minister of Defense, which resulted in various “absurdities” ". I remember, then I felt even more perplexed than a year ago: “Well, can you write like that? This is clearly ... anti-Soviet. " However, I was not the only one who thought so, which is why Mirera was not printed after this novel until 1992. But the question arises: why, then, was the book printed at all? Who missed it? If they hadn’t let us through, then we wouldn’t have to ban ... The main thing is that before that I read his book “The Blue Whale Submarine”, completely innocent children's fiction, but here it’s suddenly ... But could it be like this in the CPSU Central Committee even in a science fiction novel?

A very original work, this “Submarine ...” Mirer invented talking fish there. At least I’ve never seen anything like this anywhere else.

So, gradually, the informational boundaries of knowledge about society gradually expanded us. And it was all, in general, the way I read at the same time in one very good cognitive book entitled “Expedition to the Ancestors”: “The Doctrine is Light. And information is an illumination! ”

And also in the USSR, as part of what could be written, wonderful children's books of knowledge were published. For example, a series of informative books written by Alexander Svirin in collaboration with Mikhail Lyashenko, published from 1962 to 1970 by the publishing house Malysh (until 1963 the publishing house was called Detsky Mir). The main feature of the books in this series was the flow of popular science information to children in a playful way: as a process of studying our world by alien children. It was a great idea, and I was really looking forward to the release of a book on the history of the Middle Ages, but for some reason this series ended in the ancient world. I learned more from the series of these books than from all school textbooks!

To be continued ...
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  1. +5
    12 March 2020 18: 14
    True, this is such a "dish", which either say what it was / is, or not torture .... anyone.
    1. +42
      12 March 2020 18: 28
      With sadness and longing, I remember the USSR, and those who ruined it, you will be forever damned !!!
      1. +25
        12 March 2020 18: 41
        Quote: Malyuta
        With sadness and longing, I remember the USSR, and those who ruined it, you will be forever damned !!!

        I am proud that I was a Citizen of a Great Country !!! At school, I almost got into fights for the right to stand at the Eternal Flame or the monument to Lenin ....
    2. +22
      12 March 2020 18: 29
      Quote: rocket757

      the truth is always alone. there was a people, there was a country for a people, and there was a people for a country, and they were ready to give their lives for the country. Now, I don’t even want to know who will marry Miller and Rottenberg.
      1. +3
        12 March 2020 18: 38
        Quote: Aerodrome
        the truth is always alone. there was a people, there was a country for a people, and there was a people for a country, and they were ready to give their lives for the country. Now, I don’t even want to know who will marry Miller and Rottenberg.

        Do you want to say that in the USSR there were a lot of people who were ready to breastfeed for Yagoda and Yezhov?
        1. +15
          12 March 2020 18: 41
          Quote: kalibr
          Quote: Aerodrome
          the truth is always alone. there was a people, there was a country for a people, and there was a people for a country, and they were ready to give their lives for the country. Now, I don’t even want to know who will marry Miller and Rottenberg.

          Do you want to say that in the USSR there were a lot of people who were ready to breastfeed for Yagoda and Yezhov?

          is it also oligarchs, people are robbing? Or is it not?
          1. +3
            12 March 2020 18: 43
            It is impolite to answer a question with a question. I asked my first, and I hope to be the first to get an answer. Then your turn will come. It seems to me fair.
            1. +4
              13 March 2020 09: 14
              Quote: kalibr
              Do you want to say that in the USSR there were a lot of people who were ready to breastfeed for Yagoda and Yezhov?

              Well, actually ...

              Good or bad is another matter.
        2. -2
          12 March 2020 20: 39
          Quote: kalibr
          Do you want to say that in the USSR there were a lot of people who were ready to breastfeed for Yagoda and Yezhov?

          and you lived at this time? I want to ask ... or so, throw on a fan?
          1. +4
            12 March 2020 21: 11
            I had two articles here, one about Yagoda, the other about Yezhov. There were inventories of junk found in them, simply inaccessible to ordinary Soviet citizens. That is, they can be considered oligarchs. Poor compared to modern ones, but for that time just right. And then at that time well-known people lived to me ...
        3. 0
          13 March 2020 00: 38
          I bet that many of the triplets were ready ... they were really sent where they should, but why not? ... and the term "a lot" is a relative concept ... for whom even 1 person is "a lot" ...
        4. +2
          13 March 2020 13: 34
          Quote: kalibr
          Do you want to say that in the USSR there were a lot of people who were ready to breastfeed for Yagoda and Yezhov?

          The fact of the matter is that at that time people were fighting for their people, and now they will have to pay for the capital of the bill of exchange as in the First World War.
          1. -4
            13 March 2020 14: 20
            Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
            at that time, people fought for their people, and now they will have to capital ...

            And then, and in 1812, people fought primarily for his. For his family, for his homeland, large and small. And now the same thing will happen, do not bring fate to check, of course ...
            1. +4
              13 March 2020 18: 41
              Quote: Golovan Jack
              And then, and in 1812, people fought primarily for their own.

              Yeah, especially soldier from serf slaves.
              Quote: Golovan Jack
              And now the same will be

              No, Golovan is not the same.
              1. -5
                13 March 2020 18: 48
                Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                Yeah, especially soldier from serf slaves

                Objections? To the studio ...

                Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                No, Golovan is not the same

                The comma is not enough. The fact that I am not the same is understandable laughing
                1. +2
                  13 March 2020 20: 04
                  Quote: Golovan Jack
                  Objections? To the studio ...

                  And what I said is not enough? The soldier mainly defended the interests of the ruling class, the very one who could sell it like cattle, send it to Siberia, flog it, and at the same time he could think anything.
                  Quote: Golovan Jack
                  The comma is not enough. The fact that I am not the same is understandable

                  To hell with a comma, you already understood the point. laughing
                  1. -3
                    13 March 2020 21: 09
                    Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                    The soldier mainly defended the interests of the ruling class, the very one who could sell it like cattle, exile to Siberia, flog, and at the same time he could think anything

                    Man, I never liked the political leaders laughing
                    1. +4
                      13 March 2020 22: 11
                      They were different too. Someone fought valiantly, and someone, as the author of the article hmmm .. was in favor of politics. laughing
                      1. -2
                        13 March 2020 22: 27
                        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                        Fuck it with a comma, the meaning you already understood

                        Yours and yours on the brow wink laughing

                        I'm talking about the interpretation of the term "political officer", namely Yes
                    2. +2
                      13 March 2020 22: 26
                      It is difficult for ephepeshniks to understand what a serf peasant of the beginning of the 19th century is, they have too specialized intelligence. laughing
                      1. -1
                        13 March 2020 23: 05
                        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                        Erpeshnikam difficult to understand what a serf of the early 19th century

                        They are so different, these heroes ... buddy ...

                        So is there anything on the topic, or will I discuss my lifestyle? wink

                        I'm now more interested in what you intend to present as an objection to my "it was, and it will be so." "Erpeshnikov" - do not offer laughing
                      2. +2
                        13 March 2020 23: 07
                        Yes, actually what we wanted, we already said to each other. smile
                      3. -2
                        13 March 2020 23: 09
                        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                        what they wanted we are to each other already said

                        Speak about meI - not worth it, I can do it myself.

                        You had (sort of, you indicated) objections to:

                        Quote: Golovan Jack
                        And then, and in 1812, people fought primarily for their own. For his family, for his homeland, large and small. And now the same will be

                        Closer to the body, man Yes
                      4. +2
                        13 March 2020 23: 14
                        And what else do you have to say on the issue? smile I said that I wanted, if something is not clear to you, please contact. smile
                      5. -4
                        13 March 2020 23: 17
                        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                        I said what I wanted ...

                        ... and I couldn’t think of it better.

                        For which they were ranked as political commanders, in the generally accepted sense of the word. The epithet is extremely negative, excuse me.

                        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                        if something is not clear to you, contact

                        Yes, I can (s) laughing
                      6. +3
                        13 March 2020 23: 26
                        Quote: Golovan Jack
                        For which they were ranked as political commanders, in the generally accepted sense of the word. The epithet is extremely negative, excuse me.

                        I was not going to agitate you for the Soviet power. This one feeds you well too. laughing Well, so far so good. Therefore, your petty-bourgeois patriotism is for the time being. laughing
                      7. -4
                        13 March 2020 23: 37
                        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                        I was not going to agitate you for the Soviet power. This one feeds you well

                        By. I feed myself exclusively by myself. That under the Soviet regime it was so that now the basis does not change: you work with you, you pay.

                        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                        your petty-bourgeois patriotism

                        In, the deputy politician came ... and he classified everything the same ... laughing

                        Makar, hang tags on a gas mask, don’t stand on me ... the return torment wink

                        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                        he for the time being

                        All die Yes
                      8. +3
                        13 March 2020 23: 48
                        Quote: Golovan Jack
                        Makar, hang tags on a gas mask, don’t stand on me ... the return torment

                        You yourself have painted yourself in those colors .. laughing
                        Quote: Golovan Jack
                        By. I feed myself exclusively by myself. That under the Soviet regime it was so that now the basis does not change: you work with you, you pay.

                        You actually said the same thing as me. The basis does not change at all. But the distribution of labor results is changing. While it suits you. smile
                      9. -4
                        13 March 2020 23: 53
                        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                        You yourself have painted yourself in those colors.

                        Color blindness ... wow, still worse than I expected laughing

                        Okay. Tired of walking in a circle. Over buddy hi
                      10. +3
                        14 March 2020 00: 01
                        It was nice to talk with someone who managed to fit into the market. hi
                      11. The comment was deleted.
                      12. +3
                        14 March 2020 00: 13
                        Quote: Golovan Jack
                        There are people sharpened to "live". There are people sharpened to "whine". You - from the second, to the love.

                        Here again, say exactly what I am talking about. What for? laughing
                        Quote: Golovan Jack
                        I lived normally with the union, and not always standardly. Something comes in handy even now, although the age is not the same already, not at all the same

                        I have long understood that you are a smart, talented and effective person. hi
                      13. -4
                        14 March 2020 00: 21
                        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                        I have long understood that you are a smart, talented and effective person.

                        Do not suck, they don’t pay for it. ZCHR laughing

                        And, yes, with whom are you talking there? I didn’t tell you that. wink laughing
                      14. +2
                        14 March 2020 00: 24
                        A good word and a dog is pleased. Ugh, could not resist. Well, I can’t do without sarcasm. laughing
                      15. -4
                        14 March 2020 00: 27
                        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                        Kind word and the dog is pleased

                        Be sure to give the dog. He is not her, but he laughing

                        Okay, Makar ... the week is over, But can you take a nap of 300-500 minutes? I guess yes hi
                      16. 0
                        14 March 2020 00: 30
                        I agree. All the best to you and your dog. hi
            2. 0
              17 March 2020 23: 04
              set +, although the second part is controversial. There is always a choice. Vlasovites according to Denikin were for the victory of the USSR. To the civil Zemlyachka brought a regiment which made its choice and decided to win in Moscow by the Bolsheviks. It raises the 70th regiment to the whites, and the deserters to the regiment both recruits and these, too, make a choice. But White doesn’t remember anything like that. It’s still unlikely that people will consciously make a choice for the oligarchs.
        5. +2
          17 March 2020 22: 53
          Quote: kalibr
          Do you want to say that in the USSR there were a lot of people who were ready to breastfeed for Yagoda and Yezhov?

          Do not confuse the individual (and ambiguous) and the country. The country was built and developed. And we live in such modern cities:
      2. +4
        12 March 2020 18: 45
        At one time, they fought for Faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland. And they fought well. The same Budyonny is the complete St. George Knight.
      3. +11
        12 March 2020 18: 50
        Everything was clear ... the truth is not always.
        Many regret that the world ended like this .... they cheated in short, but we ourselves were deceived.
        But, now we need to go further and preferably forward.
        1. +5
          12 March 2020 20: 01
          Yes, we ourselves were deceived.
          Exactly!!!! Gold words!!! No one is to blame for anything but ourselves!
          1. +8
            12 March 2020 20: 16
            We are to blame, no doubt, but there were influences that pushed to the very mistakes!
            One and significant, I think, was a lot of silence and lies on the part of the country's leadership and the fact that the people were excluded from making any decisions that influenced the functioning and life of the state.
            I have such a slogan, for example - the Party (Komsomol) said / is necessary, ....... - infuriated then. I wasn’t the only one because I didn’t understand WHY / WHY DO I NEED IT ???
            1. -5
              13 March 2020 10: 17
              Quote: rocket757
              One and significant, I think, was a lot of silence and lies on the part of the country's leadership and the fact that the people were excluded from making any decisions that influenced the functioning and life of the state.

              to the point!

              Therefore, even in those rare cases when they spoke, however, the truth, they already did not believe it anyway!

              Like the author, at the same time I was both the chairman of the detachment council, the Komsomol and the ardent political informant, and firmly believed in the correctness of the Communist Party ...

              Doubts sowed Pikul-in novel "Moonzund": Well, brilliant, beautiful, highly educated commanders, scientists, patriots, professionals, researchers (Kolchak, Essen in the novel) cannot wish evil to their country and people! It doesn’t happen, something is being told and hidden to us.

              It is necessary to recognize and think ....
              1. +3
                13 March 2020 10: 41
                I was "lucky" to go through the "millstones" of the party ... Moreover, I was not even in their party, it was just that the work was ... responsible and it was the party unemployed (party organizers and secretaries) who squealed most of all !!!
                So that work / responsibility, one might say, saved, because "responsibility" was prescribed for each year, personally, there was no one to replace! Here I am LUCKY! Since then, in their direction only pf-e, to myself, of course, because everything was very serious.
                I didn’t like the ideas of their party, but how those burials interpreted everything and everything according to their ... Wishlist! About the present, it’s not at all ... yes, I don’t care about them, they even perverted the old ideas, as I need them.
                PS ... the film "Communist" and some others, remember and normally treat the heroes of these films. They were shown worthy people ... I respect.
                1. -7
                  13 March 2020 11: 28
                  Quote: rocket757
                  I didn’t like the ideas of their party, but how the rebels interpreted everything and everything according to their ... Wishlist!

                  I had to watch the top of VLKSM (a friend there was seconded in the summer during the MTR) wild booze, dance, litigation, intrigue, money-grubbing ....

                  But the rivers pushed, you’ll sway! Yes
                  Quote: rocket757
                  It was shown worthy people
                  worthy people are always respected, no matter where they are or who.
                  1. 0
                    13 March 2020 11: 50
                    Once lived in the hotel of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, just at the time of their shabo sh sh shsezdy. Seen enough of everything .... be e.
              2. +4
                13 March 2020 13: 29
                Quote: Olgovich
                Like the author, at the same time I was both the chairman of the detachment council, the Komsomol and the ardent political informant, and firmly believed in the correctness of the Communist Party ...

                laughing Turns, turns the weather vane.
                Quote: Olgovich
                It is necessary to recognize and think ....

                laughing good
    3. +3
      12 March 2020 19: 25
      Quote: rocket757
      True, this is such a "dish", which either say what it was / is, or not torture .... anyone.

      I do not agree. A polygraph (lie detector) measures not how much the subject answers truthfully, but how much he is confident in the veracity of his answers.
      Accordingly, everyone has their own truth. The Americans are sure that they are right, the Russians - that they are right.
      1. +8
        12 March 2020 19: 33
        And you need to start with yourself ... then it will go easier.
        So I love and remain faithful to MY SOVIET MOTHERLAND, but I never say that then everything was smeared with honey, and now everything is tar.
        For which I regularly receive from all sides ... sometimes collectively, because no one likes the middle peasants!
        1. +7
          12 March 2020 20: 07
          because no one likes the middle peasants!
          Speak the truth, comrade !!!
          1. +3
            12 March 2020 20: 21
            In the middle, it means there’s no one to adapt to ... it’s difficult, you have to think a lot, and common sense will not help here, because everything depends on principles that can no longer be violated.
            1. +5
              12 March 2020 20: 33
              I agree !!! And so we rush between conscience and profit. But there is only one way out: to destroy those on top. Subordinate those below. However, it was already. Repeatedly. It didn’t lead to anything good.
              1. +1
                12 March 2020 20: 41
                We are peaceful people, though they didn’t teach us to betray the second cheek ...
                1. +5
                  12 March 2020 20: 50
                  We were taught to "call upon mercy to the fallen," it is ineradicable. And my left cheek, yes, I will probably turn it up. Leaving with a sweep to the ground laughing
    4. +2
      12 March 2020 20: 44
      it’s hard to live with pluralism in one separate head.
      how difficult was it to form a worldview, to get into the people of Potanin and Deripaska, and Abramovich with Surkov and Kiriyenko? And Sattarov and Voloshin?
      what "Mexican passions" !!!
      my "street Proletarskaya" -Zavodskaya (and notch from the railway) was kinder to my brains.
      brains did not melt and crystallization into a magic crystal diamond did not pass, which refracts all the information in the world for personal evaluation.
      1. 0
        12 March 2020 21: 26
        All philosophical .... isms, these are options for how to make brains, such as amlets. No, not an option.
        More often we look at mother nature and understand that there is white, there is black ... but there is twilight and this is not the worst option.
        1. +2
          12 March 2020 21: 27
          today it was raining and .. a rainbow with the sun.
          like spring
          1. -1
            12 March 2020 21: 37
            Beautiful, nothing more .... there is no practical sense.
            1. +1
              13 March 2020 09: 01
              and in the exchange of views on the "meaning of life" and in the article itself by Oshpakovsky - there is also an empty space for 116 comments. there is no point in discussing amendments to the Constitution and the position of the Okrug.
              And the debate about the Okyan fleet of the Russian Federation? Why swim in the kingdom of the glorious Saltan and the island of Buyan? -Better give everyone a jacket at the expense of the federal budget.
  2. +13
    12 March 2020 18: 22
    the character also constantly caused me puzzled questions: well, where
    ,, and I have this one.

    Vitaliy Grigorievich Nehoda, construction manager. Yes

    A car hoot is heard outside the window, voices are heard ...

    The secretary jumps up hastily, cleaves some paper clips.

    The door opens and the construction manager Vitaly Grigorievich Nekhoda appears on the doorstep - an elderly square man, completely bald, with sharp folds in the corners of his mouth and an indefinite color with a stunted, precisely plucked mustache.

    A man in rubber boots rushes to him:

    - Comrade Nehoda, I’m waiting for you ... And yesterday I came to you, and the day before yesterday ... And now I’m sitting at six in the morning. I really need you!

    “And everyone needs me,” Nehoda grins, “everyone!” But I can’t ... What? To tear? From six in the morning, say, are you waiting for me? And I’m going around five objects. If I am not interested in how the working class lives, no one will be interested in this! Everything is on me ... I went to the hostel, to the bathhouse ...

    He laughs condescendingly, but, noticing a group of Komsomol members, suddenly grim, he says something quietly to his secretary and goes to his office,

    “Comrades,” the secretary says in an iron voice, “comrade Nekhoda will have no reception today — comrade Nekhoda has an important meeting.”
    1. +14
      12 March 2020 18: 54
      Good evening! And I will not discuss the characters of those films! But! Important! How many years have passed since their creation, and we remember them almost by heart! Question. And which films were made at this very time, yesterday, today, we recall about twenty or thirty years from now / we need to survive, we must !!! / ????
      1. +5
        12 March 2020 19: 00
        which films were made at this very time, yesterday, today

        ,,, I was only hooked by one film "Territory" 2015.
        1. +6
          12 March 2020 19: 03
          Honestly, I didn’t watch! It somehow doesn’t work out my romance with modern Russian cinema. I’m afraid it’s mutual, it’s about me as a spectator too! wink
          1. +8
            12 March 2020 19: 36
            hi You are not setting the question correctly. And now there are comedies that make fun of modern jo ... EEEEE of dishonoises, bureaucrats, corrupt officials ... Apparently under the new government laughing Today I read an interesting answer. 6 people bought apartments in a new house, about 6 months ago. Apart from them, no one has bought apartments yet. People have signed a contract for maintenance of gas equipment and for heating and water heating. They can’t enter. They called the governor's hotline. A month later, the answer came: according to the gas service company, work is underway to conclude contracts among the residents. This is despite the fact that the contracts were concluded 4 months ago.
            1. +3
              13 March 2020 09: 43
              Quote: parusnik
              You’re not asking the right question. And now there are comedies that make fun of modern jo .. EEEEE disholysis,

              These films were shot under the most severe communist censorship, lack of freedom of speech, hated art councils, fettering the work of directors. Where are the films that criticize the government, gobbled up bureaucrats, corrupt officials? When was the last time you saw a joke about Putin at KVN? So where was censorship in the USSR or in the Russian Federation? I’m generally silent about modern cinema, than such a cinema is better than none. Create a feature board from the remaining directors of the old school!
        2. +2
          12 March 2020 19: 52
          But I wasn’t hooked at all ...
          1. +2
            12 March 2020 20: 05
            hi ,,, yeah, watercolor tastes better laughing
            How many people on the planet have so many opinions. And this is life, and there is no getting away from it.
            1. +1
              12 March 2020 21: 01
              Right, Sergey! hi
              Only my watercolor tastes better! laughing I was born and raised in the Far North and can distinguish between picture and reality in the artistic representation of the realities of this region of the planet.
        3. +7
          12 March 2020 19: 54
          I was only hooked by one film "Territory" 2015.

          Very good and handsome, like a film showing the beauty of the Russian North. But there is no plot. And even good actors do not save. Purely beautiful view film.
          1. +3
            12 March 2020 20: 16
            Purely beautiful view film.
            Exactly! We wanted to shoot "Love to Life", but it turned out to be a video for the TV channel "Living Planet" (God forgive me).
        4. +2
          14 March 2020 18: 32
          Quote: bubalik
          which films were made at this very time, yesterday, today

          ,,, I was only hooked by one film "Territory" 2015.

          No, the book can not be compared, it is so powerful that I immediately decided - I will be a geologist! I even entered the corresponding university. And after the movie there’s no such thing. Well, maybe the views are beautiful. But the effect is not the same. IMHO, of course.
    2. -2
      12 March 2020 19: 13
      “Comrades,” the secretary says in an iron voice, “comrade Nekhoda will have no reception today — comrade Nekhoda has an important meeting.”
      I also wanted to insert this, but the volume of the material does not allow. Very large materials are poorly perceived.
      1. +12
        12 March 2020 20: 07
        Well, there was a criticism of those who held power, both in the cinema and in the press. What is wrong here? All examples speak of this. The Soviet system somehow perceived it. Try now against the employer to arise. Well, let's say against the editorial board to arise. What will be the consequences? There will never be peace, because people have different opinions on the same question. Especially with the current freedom of speech.
  3. +13
    12 March 2020 18: 35
    A small note.
    The Kornilov regiment did not take part in the famous psychic attack in the cinema, as the caption under the photo to the article says. The very form of the attackers resembles "Markovites", but this is a collective image of a volunteer officer, a figment of the filmmakers' imagination.
    1. +15
      12 March 2020 19: 14
      You see, there have always been mistakes in movies. To one degree or another, but ... The whole question is: how is it shot! The most striking examples, the film * Only old people go into battle *, planes of course not from the Great Patriotic War, but we enjoy, we empathize with the beautiful heroes of a beautiful film !!!!! * Liberation *, what kind of T-34-85 tanks on the Kursk Bulge? The answer is above! But Nikolai Olyalin, Larisa Golubkina, Mikhail Ulyanov are simply GREAT !!!! Well, is that true?
      1. +5
        12 March 2020 19: 36
        Quote: Phil77
        And Nikolai Olyalin, Larisa Golubkina, Mikhail Ulyanov are simply GREAT !!!! Well, is it true?

        Magnificent, it’s definitely true. I have not seen such a very long time, all some kind of kinokovboi with "Kalash" running around.
        1. +2
          12 March 2020 19: 45
          That's exactly what I mean !!! Those heroes who were played by these outstanding actors we BELIEVED, their death was a tragedy for us, their joys, their laughter on the screen were OUR FEELINGS! Modern actors? ... Well, maybe they consider themselves as such, actors, I mean. But People? I certainly would not call them. As always, purely my point of view.
          1. +3
            12 March 2020 21: 26
            My respect, Sergey! Question: What actors do you mean? And what actors did you see on stage? Well, to appreciate the creativity ...
            1. +2
              13 March 2020 06: 51
              Morning good Anton to you! Here, I saw your question! I answer. First of all, the big three * M * -Makovetsky, Mironov, Mashkov. Still Viktor Sukhorukov. Worthy actors? Yes! They play great, there were no questions about professionalism. But love It’s more difficult for them. Of the younger ones — Yaglych, Derevenko, Vdovichenkov. The same thing. But let's take for example such names as Zharov, Tikhonov, Yumatov, Kamorny, Nikonenko and many, many others. love and respect! And the theater? Well, I'm sorry, this is not mine. Sincerely, I.
              1. +1
                13 March 2020 08: 55
                But love for them? This is harder.
                We just live in the "era of great dislike"
      2. +2
        12 March 2020 19: 38
        Quote: Phil77
        Well, really?

        True, but I haven't watched anything for a long time, or almost nothing, but the form of the "psychic" ones interested me.
      3. +5
        12 March 2020 19: 57
        aircraft of course not during World War II

        We do not notice this, because in those films the picture is not the main thing. Those films are works of art. Cinema Arts. And now they are trying to take a picture, the quality of the film and equipment and special effects.
        1. +5
          12 March 2020 20: 07
          Well, it’s not so. In the movie, everything is very good, the picture, the film, and special effects. But the main thing is the main character! And the one who plays it. But this is straining. Again, an example. * Maxim’s youth * remember ? Well, there are no questions with Chirkov, the main positive hero. But who did Mikhail Zharov play? A clerk, a drunkard, a scoundrel. But how did he play him ???? how did he PLAY him ???? The answer is great! He could not be disbelieved ! You understand what I mean. About actors, about real actors !!!!
          1. +4
            13 March 2020 10: 37
            A clerk, a drunkard, a scoundrel. But how did he play it ???? how did he PLAY him ???? The answer is great!

            Sergei, and I remembered Zharov from the film "Peter I".
            - Katya ... Katerina .... pickle!
            Great! good

            Menshikov’s image was generally lucky in the cinema. He was played by the best artists. drinks "Faithful flatterer-scoundrel" was elegantly created by Eremenko!
      4. +3
        12 March 2020 20: 36
        Quote: Phil77
        You see, there have always been mistakes in movies.

        Is it bloopers? It depends on the possibilities. That's when modern professionals get down to business! Without consultants, I suppose, "yourself with a mustache." They did not serve, sir. For curiosity, take a look at the TV movie "The Divisional Commander's Bride" and count such solid bloopers. Today it will be too. wink Just one of them. The Soviet (for some reason, plot) Black Sea Fleet, and the ranks for some reason are land. belay Except the sailor. wink
      5. +4
        12 March 2020 20: 45
        Hello Seryozha! In the film "Liberation", in the battle of Kursk, T-62 (!!!) attacked from both sides against each other, the men in the cinema hall were laughing as if they had been blown up. So the T-34-85 on the screen is the "little things in life". )))
        1. +5
          12 March 2020 21: 00
          Hi Konstantin! This I am as an example, no more. This film is very good. I love and always watch (when shown). hi
        2. +2
          12 March 2020 21: 06
          And where did you look? * Uranus *, * Forum *. I don’t remember when * I * banged away * World *.
          1. +6
            12 March 2020 21: 37
            I watched, of course, in "Mir", such an epoch-making tape should be watched only in a wide format. Therefore, they easily discerned and identified the "sixty-two". I remember that in some newspaper there was a critical article about the super modern tanks in this film, like, the creators of the picture need to be more responsible about what they show on the screens. But in general, yes, the film is good, now they are not shooting anything like that, they cannot.
            1. +3
              12 March 2020 21: 40
              Damn! And I forgot to mention Yuri Kamorny !!! The tank commander, and Sergey Nikonenko.
              1. +5
                12 March 2020 21: 50
                There are many more good actors from the GDR who played the German commanders, Manstein, Model, Kluge. And of ours, I liked the most Davydov in the role of Rokossovsky - the exact hit in the image.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +8
      12 March 2020 20: 40
      Vladimir, hello! General Markov's "colored" division is in uniform there. One of the Vasilievs (by the way, they are not brothers), who removed "Chapaev", himself served as a lieutenant in the Markovsky regiment. So the form is real there, one of the directors filmed himself in the form he wore during the civil war.
      1. +7
        13 March 2020 10: 27
        General Markov's "colored" division is in uniform there.

        Konstantin, good morning!
        They took caps from the Markovites. The rest, as I understand it, is surrealism, "collective image of the enemy", which must be dressed in black, and give the pirate flag in hand. soldier perhaps the elements of the Kornilov form are also present. In any case, it’s collective cine image, and you can call it whatever you want - even though the Markovites, even the Kornilovites, even the officers, even the "Kappelevites" - as the directors called it. hi
        Here is a parsing of the form from the movie:
        in general, I think, in the form of Civil times, you can break the brain what because they were dressing up, who was so much in what.
        And this is not counting the various "batik"! The assistant Makhno - Schus - so he generally wore a visor to the hussar's doloman! Yes

        Here is a ribbon from the Black Sea armadillo “John Chrysostom”, and a dagger, Friedrich II would have been envious of the letters with tears, and the general view, according to Vsevolod Vishnevsky and his “Spartak armored train”, was also reinforced by the Austrian pistol “Stayr”! fellow surrealism? still what! drinks
        1. +5
          13 March 2020 14: 49
          So he served on this battleship, in fact, he was seriously fond of jiu-jitsu, French boxing. Yes, and he accepted a decent death, in the village of Besedovka in battle. The dashing word was a guy! And the name is sonorous, Theodosius!
          1. +5
            13 March 2020 15: 05
            So he served on this battleship, in fact, he was seriously fond of jiu-jitsu, French boxing. Yes, and he accepted a decent death, in the village of Besedovka in battle. The dashing word was a guy! And the name is sonorous, Theodosius!

            Sergey, if you add Theodosius and jujitsu, then in general the original from the originals is obtained! laughing By the way, I just saw it - he really has a handle from the "steyr" sticking out on the right-bottom photo!
            1. +3
              13 March 2020 16: 12
              Oh, I forgot to say hello. Hello Nikolai! Sorry! I agree, of course the vidok is still there. wink Well, that's how he saw himself! Cooper from anarchy. laughing
              1. +4
                13 March 2020 17: 01
                Oh, forgot to say hello.

                Sergey, I have a very terrible sin - I generally greet little! recourse
                Well, that's how he saw himself! Cooper from anarchy.

                and how many there were!
                Here are two more originals. Maybe not in terms of clothing, but in terms of behavior - for sure. One gave us the word "Makhnovshchina", and the other became the subject of the saying "hesitated and abandoned." drinks
              2. +4
                13 March 2020 17: 20
                "Yes, Pronya Prokopovna has a taste!" (C) "x / f" Chasing Two Hares ". laughing
                1. +3
                  13 March 2020 18: 28
                  * That's right. As he put on a jupan, it’s already pan! *. From there, Konstantin! My respect! hi
    4. -1
      12 March 2020 22: 28
  4. +3
    12 March 2020 18: 43
    Today books "die".
    1. 0
      12 March 2020 18: 46
      Books simply switched to other media. Why it became only better and more convenient.
    2. +4
      12 March 2020 18: 55
      Why would they? They both read and read. The question is price / very expensive! /. It is more convenient in electronic form and you can not spend money.
      1. +3
        12 March 2020 20: 41
        This is if the pirates, on the same Flibust, and if officially, on Liters, so too, frankly speaking, it's not cheap ..
        By the way, very interesting things sometimes come across on samizdat, for example Nadezhda Popova with a cycle Congregation (sometimes called the Inquisitor) really liked, although it is practically not published. Clearly, this is a personal opinion and a matter of taste. hi
        1. +3
          12 March 2020 20: 58
          Hello Ivan! I don’t have anything to do with LitRes. I have a website, or rather I have it, download it there. Pirate? God bless him, we live once. laughing
          1. +2
            12 March 2020 21: 11
            Yes, I have the same thing))
            But there is a nuance, art albums, that is, albums with paintings by artists, do not go digitally at all, there is only a paper version, and in good performance. And they, damn it, in general the price goes off scale ..
            1. 0
              12 March 2020 21: 12
              What download format do you use?
              1. +1
                12 March 2020 21: 14
                fb2, the most convenient, well, in my opinion ..
                1. +1
                  12 March 2020 21: 16
                  Me too, and my illustrations pass. The quality is certainly not so hot, but ...
                  1. +2
                    12 March 2020 21: 24
                    That's right, quality .. Pictures in general live, of course, you have to look, this is heaven and earth, I do not like the vulgar word "energy", but there is something like that ..
                    And returning to the earth, where now without electronic books))
                    1. +1
                      12 March 2020 21: 28
                      In my opinion, * electronic * has a few drawbacks. Of course, this is the reading process itself, turning pages, the smell of paint, the anticipation of opening a book, it’s all absent of course. Pluses? Convenience, low weight, volume of material, well, material!
        2. +2
          12 March 2020 21: 22
          I’ve looked at my site now, there’s this cycle there! There! As many as ten or eleven books. I’ll take a note.
          1. +1
            12 March 2020 21: 29
            Eight)) the rest is stories and other additions, but, again - this is a personal opinion and a matter of taste, any objections are accepted!
        3. Fat
          12 March 2020 21: 30
          Quote: Van 16
          This is if the pirates, on the same Flibust, and if officially, on Liters, so too, frankly speaking, it's not cheap ..

          Until 16, Liters was also a pirate. Then it was covered for a couple of months, and since then only annotations and biographies of the authors are free
          Yes, it’s not a cheap pleasure to read fresh.
          1. +3
            12 March 2020 21: 35
            The word must be treasured to know, and ... the site! laughing hi
    3. +5
      12 March 2020 19: 19
      FIG knows. I recently began to pay attention that at home I find books open. I looked closely that the wife that the eldest read. and what particularly killed her was the choice of his wife ... Chronicles of Clockwork Bird ... Murakami is not a writer for everyone and I certainly didn’t expect such a choice. I mean, it's worth looking around and people will surprise you that they read and pretty serious literature)
      1. +1
        12 March 2020 19: 57
        I agree with you! Yes, and what a choice! The richest! And what to choose is an individual issue.
  5. +1
    12 March 2020 19: 19
    Alexander Mirer's story "The Main Noon": an excellent, dashingly twisted science fiction work (not anti-Soviet, but on the contrary) with a carefully verified plot, recognizable characters and the right intrigue, but, unfortunately, with a logical flaw - if you can write functioning consciousness on an inorganic carrier, then why does a goat need a button accordion - an organic body?

    The continuation of the story, entitled "The House of the Wanderers," has slipped to the level of chewing on a worked-out plot - politically, it is nothing at all.
    1. +4
      12 March 2020 20: 17
      Quote: Operator
      Alexander Mirer's story "The Main Noon": an excellent, dashingly twisted science fiction work (not anti-Soviet, but on the contrary) with a carefully verified plot, recognizable characters and the right intrigue, but, unfortunately, with a logical flaw - if you can write functioning consciousness on an inorganic carrier, then why does a goat need a button accordion - an organic body?

      The continuation of the story, entitled "The House of the Wanderers," has slipped to the level of chewing on a worked-out plot - politically, it is nothing at all.

      I remember this film. In the distant 90s I made a rather gloomy impression. But I still remember the scene as a kid fired a pistol at the wires of the power line.
      1. +2
        12 March 2020 21: 17
        Quote: Lexeich
        I remember this film. In the distant 90s made a rather gloomy impression.

        The film was called "The Mediator"
    2. 0
      12 March 2020 21: 35
      Quote: Operator
      then why goat bayan - an organic body?

      What do you mean why? Enjoy life ... Everything is written there ...
      1. -2
        13 March 2020 00: 00
        If you possess the technologies for the functioning of the mind on an inorganic medium, then you can obviously create technologies of "enjoying life".

        Science fiction differs from fantasy in its presentation logic.
  6. +5
    12 March 2020 19: 23
    I remember how in 85 I suddenly found out about the presence of relatives abroad (the descendants of my great-grandfather's brother, who had been exiled in a warm campaign on the "Professorship"), and about the first attempts to restore family ties, I asked my father why I had earlier about this branch our family was not told. And my father answered me, - You see, son. If you do not know about relatives abroad and write in the questionnaire "I have no relatives abroad", then you write it honestly. But if you know and write this, then you are deceiving the competent authorities. We didn't want to set you up.
  7. +4
    12 March 2020 19: 26
    Bravo, Vyacheslav Olegovich !!! He himself was a political informant in the middle classes. Perhaps it was at that time that he received the vaccine from political agitation. It is still working !!!
  8. +13
    12 March 2020 19: 30
    Moreover, this question is directly related to my childhood memories. In the previous article, I already wrote that it was not customary for us, children of that time, to ask adults about anything. Rather, they were asked, but in the most, so to speak, critical cases, and so we ourselves all found out from somewhere. "Do not go in, do not interfere, go away, you are still small ..." - a typical set of excuses for our questions.
    I do not want to offend anyone in any way, but parents and adults are the main source of information for children. And even then - and even more so.
    Perhaps I was very lucky, but I, a child of that time, had a father as one of the main sources of information and "Don't bother, don't bother, go away, you're still little ..." I never heard from him at all.
    1. +3
      12 March 2020 21: 35
      Viktor Nikolaevich, you really were lucky with your father! Me too, but yours and your son were much luckier than mine!
      1. +4
        12 March 2020 21: 38
        You know, Anton, fathers and children are a complex and individual issue. Everything here is very relative.
        1. +3
          12 March 2020 21: 56
          Oh sure. Until I was eight, my father was present in my puppy life every minute, even if he was not there. And then, everything became different (no, everything is fine, no "hard female destinies"), but my mother began to play a decisive role in the formation of my character and laughing moral character.
    2. +1
      13 March 2020 08: 36
      Quote: Undecim
      I do not want to offend anyone in any way, but parents and adults are the main source of information for children. And even then - and even more so.
      Perhaps I was very lucky, but I, a child of that time, had a father as one of the main sources of information and "Don't bother, don't bother, go away, you're still little ..." I never heard from him at all.

      Dear Victor Nikolaevich! Present this phrase as an epigraph. I have wonderful material here - your words are simply asking ...
      1. +3
        13 March 2020 08: 46
        I do not mind, Vyacheslav Olegovich!
        1. +3
          13 March 2020 08: 53
          Thanks! It is always interesting to have "people's opinion" in the text.
  9. +8
    12 March 2020 20: 05
    The articles seem to be not bad, but the author is true to his thesis - no, no, and will pour mud on the past and the country. Disgusting aftertaste! (I was born at 65 and I remember the union well. I remember both the "browbearer" and anecdotes about him, but also a lot of good things. And factories where thousands of people worked. I started working on this (AEMZ, for those who know)
  10. -2
    12 March 2020 20: 09
    And in the end, what I liked most about this film was “mental attack” Kornilovsky a shelf

    In general, according to the film, these were officers - "Kappelevites", but in life it was the uniform worn by the "Markovites" (the units that were the first in the Volunteer Army to receive the patronage of the General Staff of Lieutenant General S.L. Markov).
    So, as Gruppenfuehrer Müller used to say: "A little lie raises great suspicion," especially in the reliability of the information described.
    1. 0
      12 March 2020 21: 25
      You know, Victor, the main thing is that not the Kappelites, but everything else ... will do for the article. If you want details on KOMUCH, Kappel and the peculiarities of the uniforms of the Civil War regiment - I have a historical novel "Pareto's Law". But it was published in Germany (in Russian) and due to its high cost I cannot recommend it to you. Just name it ... just in case.
      1. +4
        13 March 2020 06: 20
        Due to the disordered reception of information, we learned about many events from the adult world by chance. For example, I learned exactly what happened in Novocherkassk in June 1962.

        You have strange memories. They did not remember that Y.A. Gagarin flew into space in 1961, but you still remember about Novocherkassk. Well, the granddaughter, frightened by the word "communist", is generally a masterpiece. I have four grandchildren from 5 to 17 years old, but for some reason they have a history of the struggle of tsarism with the "revolutionaries", and the "democrats" with the "legacy of a totalitarian regime", as they say now, "do not care."
        1. 0
          13 March 2020 08: 31
          Quote: Amateur
          The fact that in 1961 Yu.A. Gagarin flew into space did not remember,

          This was written in the previous article. Perhaps you have not read it or have forgotten what was written there. As for the granddaughter, she, too, did not care about the "struggle"; she was apparently influenced by some specific information.
          1. +4
            13 March 2020 11: 58
            He sat on a bench in front of the house and dangled his feet. Waited for the comrades to go play. And then a staggering, obviously drunk citizen walks by, sits down next to him and says: “Remember the kid! They shot people in Novocherkassk. Got it? " I answer - “I understand,” they generally warned me, to be wary of the drunk and not to argue with them. Well, he got up and went on, and I went the other way. And he thought: “Once an adult said, even if drunk, it means that it is so. And who and who could shoot? ”........... that's how fantastic fairy tales are written, but you need to learn! and most importantly, a drunk man, and a kid, so carelessly, they shot people. and why not a drunken engineer, or even a scientist? Less faith? I’m over 50 years old, and also have something to remember, from the age of 79 I started working as a student in the garage, and I don’t remember something, as men, I talked about Novocherkassk. I have a good memory, they talked about work, they talked about women, veterans remembered about STALIN, and they talked so that the bosses were pressed as in the old days, otherwise they began to become impudent in such a way. I learned about Novocherkassk during perestroika, and I have my own, completely different opinion about those events. Since 1991, experiments with people have been carried out, even in 1993 they were shot from tanks, and the author has no questions about the current government .
            1. -1
              13 March 2020 12: 09
              Quote: Unknown
              and the author does not have any questions to the current government does not arise.

              Do you want me to stick questions to the current government in this material? And did people read and twist their fingers at the temple? No need to mix articles of different genres.
              1. +2
                13 March 2020 13: 16
                in your material, a solid negative to the USSR. To be honest, I don't like him. Yes, not everything was in order in the USSR, but on the whole we did not live badly. but to pull out the controversial facts of history about our country and expose them in unsightly colors, why? here is another excerpt from you .......... here I suddenly hear on the radio that the International Conference of Communist and Workers Parties (June 5-17, 1969) is being held in Moscow, the Communist Parties of various countries are participating in it (in total 75 Communist and Workers Parties.), And, it turns out, many of them do not support us! They say that the entry of troops into Czechoslovakia was a mistake! And well, one or two people said so, but no. And the Australian CPA, and New Zealand, and the French, and who just did not express their dissatisfaction there about this! But everyone knew, including me, that we all “help-help” ... And here you are so grateful! I admit, I was then in a big bewilderment. "How so?! But how dare they?! ”............. why is this a mistake? what did you do wrong? so, they would add, but now that we have withdrawn, we got our best friends, they joined NATO, put on the American pro, they always do everything in spite, but with them it's all about kay! but you immediately, articles of different genres.
                1. 0
                  13 March 2020 13: 30
                  Quote: Unknown
                  what did you do wrong? so, they would add, but now that we have withdrawn, we got our best friends, they joined NATO, put on the American pro, they always do everything in spite, but with them it's all about kay! but you immediately, articles of different genres.

                  It seems to me that I am not for ... (the word is forbidden in VO) I am writing, with whom I must hammer everything. And I am writing about what I remember. This is interesting, but the fact that Ukraine is bad, the USA is bad and the coronovirus is coming is hardly worth repeating here ...
                  1. +1
                    13 March 2020 19: 59
                    and you remember, only the negative that gives away anti-Soviet. about space has already been said here, I won’t repeat myself, but the development of the northern sea route, with the help of nuclear powered ships, Lenin, Siberia, wrote about this, and the whole country said, you do not remember at all. even the films you have chosen here, so that you can interpret in two ways. why don’t you remember the movie of Mr. Chukhrai, a ballad about a soldier, who was widely known, in your beloved west. but I remember a lot of good movies about the war that we went to with a brother-in-law who was your year. Offhand, was the month of May, there was still cool music, marricone, in my opinion, no one wanted to die, ,, seven from heaven ,, etc. there were foreign ones, of course, phantomas, etc., films with Marais, in the title role. there is something good to remember. and I remember from the mid-60s, they stigmatized the American military for what she was doing in Vietnam, and as I remember now, in Cabodia, even the song was ,, Cambodia ,,. then he heard about the songmi village, what was going on there. that's what I remember from those times. but you have a selective memory, I remember here, but not there.
                    1. 0
                      13 March 2020 22: 05
                      Would you like to see an article similar to your comment? A lot of words and names cobbled together somehow in quotation marks ... It is so permissible for you to write. I don't! Besides, why are you inattentively reading my answers? I wrote to you - read the previous material! It was a warning that the next one will be told about receiving negative information. As for the nuclear-powered icebreaker Lenin, about it ... will be in due course. Not all at once. But if you are in a hurry, why not write "In the wake of your memory" yourself? Everyone will be only glad that a new interesting author has appeared on VO.
                      1. +1
                        14 March 2020 10: 18
                        I do not compete with you, in the field of literature. I have grandmothers, they were not taught at the department of Marxism-Leninism. one worked on a collective farm all his life, the other with his grandfather went to the place of his service yes ... and I went to school at secondary school, then at vocational school, and you probably had a special school, you see, there were even parthogs, probably young teachers, and maybe the old ones, on the true path directed. and I only, after the vocational school, saw the party organizer, at the motor depot, and freed from all work except the party course. judging by your literary style, you also went through all the stages of career growth, and the Komsomol, and the party. so that you know how to use language and a pen, the school was good. but, I just have to work with a wrench, and turn the steering wheel, and write notes in the wall newspaper, sometimes even how you write, there’s sure to be either a Komsomol or a party organizer who will cut down the article, as if nothing had happened, case, were vigilant, for this then, and the union collapsed, for vigilance then. and now, interestingly, all of these Komsomol and party members, who, of course, with rare exceptions, love the USSR to interfere with dirt, why would it be?
  11. +16
    12 March 2020 20: 40
    Comrades, let me take the liberty of saying aloud the main difference between our Motherland - the USSR - from the country we are forced to call "Motherland" (to patriots: keep silent for one time, quietly for two; I'll tear the throat of any invader for Russia):
    In Russia - the vast majority SURVIVES and thinks only about how to survive tomorrow.
    1. -4
      12 March 2020 22: 59
      And what, someone makes you live here? Or call this country "Motherland"? What did you do directly so that you would not be ashamed of being a citizen of the Russian Federation?
      1. +1
        13 March 2020 07: 57
        Ek, how are you Anton. As many as four minuses! And for what?
        1. 0
          13 March 2020 08: 22
          Because I do not like "all-propalts".
        2. +3
          13 March 2020 08: 27
          * Hot, hot sometimes a Cossack happens .... *. Morning, good to you Vyacheslav Olegovich! But what about the article as a whole you have turned out in my opinion! Yes, and comments are good! Using sports slang * and * yellow * no one to show! *. laughing hi
          1. +2
            13 March 2020 08: 41
            Good morning to you, Sergey! Each of us many times recalls his childhood and youth. It has always been a great time. Not all, here, can put these memories into words.
    2. +17
      13 March 2020 00: 24
      Quote: Sibguest
      In Russia - the vast majority SURVIVES and thinks only about how to survive tomorrow.

      In my opinion, we are now striving to realize the desired goals without taking into account objective circumstances and possible consequences, that is, in our country there is complete voluntarism.
  12. +14
    12 March 2020 21: 02
    “In my class I was chosen as a political informer, and I regularly listened to the radio and watched the news on TV, and, of course, approved the entry of our troops and tanks into Czechoslovakia, followed the newspapers how many American planes were shot down in Vietnam, and regularly donated money to the fund struggling Vietnam.

    In the same year I visited Bulgaria in the summer (this was my first 13-day trip abroad), I really liked it there, and now I could also tell as an eyewitness what is good and what is not good there.
    Well, you see how good it is.
    Unfortunately, I cannot boast of such successes, although I also had to conduct political information on Saturdays before the first lesson.
    Nevertheless, my attitude towards the Soviet Union is generally positive. And rather, even wonderful. In the light of the current state of affairs.
    As some commentators write, famines, severe deprivations and other outrages, I personally do not remember. Although we lived and we live by no means in the capitals and not even in the regional centers.
    The mother single-handedly raised three children, on this occasion she received regular medical assistance from the same factory, for every occasion all kinds of discounts and preferences were made. I stupidly have nothing to complain about. And I understand that I will never live like that again.
    From this, apart from the "Martian Depression", nothing visits me.
    I speak only personally for myself. hi
  13. +3
    12 March 2020 21: 19
    There is no need to continue, the author, in my opinion, lays a time bomb under my opinion about the USSR.
    1. +2
      12 March 2020 21: 32
      Quote: Sergey Averchenkov

      How fearful you are, Sergey! Do not be afraid of words. You need to be afraid when you are forced to pay for something you don't like. And here you get information for free !!!
      1. +3
        12 March 2020 21: 40
        I am not fearful, I just state a fact. Come on, write a sequel. I received information about the USSR absolutely free - from personal experience, I am 64 years old. You know, with all the shortcomings of the union, I remember its exceptional virtues, but this is a topic for another discussion.
        1. -2
          12 March 2020 21: 49
          Quote: Sergey Averchenkov
          You know, with all the shortcomings of the union, I remember its exceptional virtues, but this is a topic for another discussion.

          Sergei! If you remember its exceptional advantages, then how do you know "about all the disadvantages"? You are 10 years younger than me. But I did not know about the shortcomings ... and did not think ... almost ... not until the age of 82, when there was literally nothing to eat. At this point, a blind person would have seen that something was not right, but it was clear that the reason was bad Americans and their "Star Wars" program.
          1. +2
            12 March 2020 22: 00
            I know about the shortcomings - I was kicked out of the pioneers, I never joined the Komsomol - there was a tightness in the style of party and government politics, a step to the right, a step to the left - execution. But on the other hand, free medicine and much more (my parents received a four-room apartment), free education (I used this myself). And the most important thing for an ordinary person is stability. Let it be even a little worse, but this "worse" will be stable - people will adjust. What's the point in the fact that I earned a lot of money yesterday, they will depreciate - and this is the essence of capitalism, under capitalism it is always like that. Oh, I'm getting into a conversation.
            1. +1
              13 March 2020 07: 51
              Sergey, there’s nothing wrong with talking to you. For that and comments to speak out. And moreover, with everything that you wrote personally, I agree. The only problem is that ... this stability society no longer exists. And those societies where it does not exist exist. Paradox, huh? But it is so!
              1. 0
                13 March 2020 18: 49
                There is society, it’s me and people like me. But the fact is that some Yeltsin and Gorbachev decided for me. And it will explode sometime, if you write analytical articles you should understand that the discontent of the people is very serious. Not one ruler can sit in an armchair ... And I don’t have to poke on Western countries, we are different ... Although we belong to Western civilization - we are different. Well, and what about those who are somehow poor? What? Can they resist us? I say this because we are on military review. Weapons are discussed here. You know, if my country is wrong in something, I will still be for it. Sorry to answer late - work.
          2. 0
            21 March 2020 21: 37
            At 82 there was nothing to eat? Where?
      2. +1
        12 March 2020 23: 04
        You need to be afraid when you are forced to pay for something you don't like.
        Monetization of Channel One, like a secret erotic dream of K. Ernst! laughing
        1. +3
          13 March 2020 11: 41
          Monetization of Channel One, like a secret erotic dream of K. Ernst!

          you know, but I do not watch the first, Russia and TNT. And there’s nothing special to watch. what From the central - only "Culture". drinks
  14. +1
    12 March 2020 22: 15
    oh and .ty. SHPAKOVSKY !!!!
    1. +2
      13 March 2020 07: 52
      You again"? Didn't we seem to have been introduced to each other?
  15. +2
    12 March 2020 22: 48
    Very interesting, we look forward to continuing. I was always interested in how children become communists.
    Hereditary trait? Self-interest? Thirst for power? Fear? Cunning? Bravery and stupidity? Something else?
    1. +15
      13 March 2020 00: 31
      Quote: Nikolai Aleksandrovich
      Very interesting, we look forward to continuing. I was always interested in how children become communists.
      Hereditary trait? Self-interest? Thirst for power? Fear? Cunning? Bravery and stupidity? Something else?

      Did you ask exactly how children become communists? Maybe you mean something else? Everything that you listed has become a mandatory attribute of modern people who go to power.
      1. +1
        13 March 2020 17: 15
        Different people go to power. Everyone can go to power. There would be courage.
    2. +3
      13 March 2020 07: 54
      Quote: Nikolai Alexandrovich
      Very interesting, we look forward to continuing. I was always interested in how children become communists.

      This is really interesting, although I know "how" only about 2 people. But sooner or later I'll tell you about this, I promise.
      1. 0
        13 March 2020 20: 18
        You have told enough about yourself. Who are these two?
        1. 0
          13 March 2020 21: 54
          One is just me, the second is the head of the student group
  16. 0
    12 March 2020 23: 21
    Political informers, party organizers, secretaries are talkers, still clutching at the trough. It was only necessary to change shoes in time in the air, doing a somersault over his head.
    1. +2
      13 March 2020 08: 44
      Quote: 7,62x54
      Political informants, party organizers, secretaries - talkers

      Where would you go in the USSR without them? Where? Nowhere! Just someone "chatted" well, with soul, and someone ... badly, bureaucraticly, working off a salary, "envelope" and free entrance to the back of the special supply store. The first strengthened the system, the second destroyed it.
      1. +4
        13 March 2020 10: 16
        Good morning, Vyacheslav Olegovich.
        Yesterday, for some reason, I missed an article about which I regret. However, I could not actively participate in the discussion anyway.
        Thank you for another interesting material. I read it with pleasure, like everyone drew parallels with my own childhood, the era of late stagnation - the beginning of perestroika ...
        In general, thanks. smile hi
  17. +1
    13 March 2020 00: 02
    Once, about five or six years old, I picked up somewhere on the street a funny rhyme about a reddish gorilla who was doing some strange things with an unfortunate parrot who shot himself.

    With all due respect, but ... who of those reading here can reliably remember what happened to him at the age of five or six? Not some confused images-pictures, but "a funny poem about a reddish gorilla"?
  18. +2
    13 March 2020 07: 06
    The "Invisibles" emerged from the "Red Devils". We grew out of short pants, and began to look at cinema and at life differently. Now there is a struggle who will occupy Solzhenitsyn's niche. After our troops entered Czechoslovakia, there was a lot of conversations. Among my friends there were those who received gunshot wounds. So the input was not against civilians. A lot of films are shown about the war. And it was not at all about the post-war period. But it deserves attention. Yes, and they did not indulge in it before. Among the popular films, "The City Lights the Lights", "Clear Sky" stood out. Watch Ostrovsky's performances. All the vices did not disappear. They were before Ostrovsky, and are present now.
  19. +4
    13 March 2020 09: 24
    Hm. I knew a lot of obscene rhymes (what do you want, a working village in Kolyma), but about the red gorilla ... request
    In general, it was an interesting time. And people are interesting. Something better than us today.
    1. +4
      13 March 2020 10: 10
      Quote: Senior Sailor
      here about the red gorilla ...

      This is a whole mini-poem about animals that escaped from the zoo and ended up in a tavern. It starts with the words "The animals got up early in the morning ..." The next line is two warnings. smile In the version I knew of, the gorilla, by the way, was not red, but shameless. smile
      1. +3
        13 March 2020 11: 43
        It starts with the words "The animals got up early in the morning ..." The next line is two warnings.

        and I remember Mikhalkov's version of "Hare in Hop", for which they will be banned immediately. drinks Uncle - an old pirate - told, sir! laughing
        1. +3
          13 March 2020 11: 59
          I decided to nostalgia, found this poem. Read and enjoyed. More recently, when discussing an article by Eduard about the Slavs and their squads, almost the same thing happened with us ... Several direct analogies were requested. laughing
  20. +2
    13 March 2020 10: 16
    If a careerist has no knowledge and convictions, he can be used as a "political informer".
  21. +7
    13 March 2020 10: 41
    I also had a nostalgic experience. He studied at secondary school # 2 in Elektrostal. The year is 1982. Of course he was a Komsomol member. Either the position, then the title I had was deputy. secretary of the Komsomol school for ideological work. Of course they chose, then there was democracy, not like now. The duty was to provide political information to the pioneers and publish a wall newspaper. The first five-minute (political information), already on September 90, spent on "Peace Day" for students (pioneers) of the sixth grade. Over the summer I read the newspaper "Abroad", my father subscribed to it. And under the impression, instead of "peace," he spoke about the operation "Peace in Galilee" and about Zionism. I really went too far with Zionism. The pioneers, of course, listened with open mouths. I was not broadcasting about the class struggle, but about tanks, airplanes and air defense in the Bekaa valley. But I was not lucky with Zionism ... The next day I was invited to the head teacher without the participation of the Komsomol secretary and clearly explained that Zionism is certainly evil, but in this sixth grade "A" children of respected citizens of our city study: Inna Tsimerman and Volodya Tsiunel. I then discussed the first one, she was a smart "pioneer". And Tsiunel in the dashing XNUMXs became a city authority through stages ... My wall newspaper was closed a year later. In it, I once painted a Palestinian poster with the Star of David and the inscription DANGER.
    1. +1
      13 March 2020 12: 13
      Bravo! Novel! Bravo!!!
    2. +1
      14 March 2020 14: 08
      Quote: rruvim
      I also had a nostalgic experience.

      I am wildly sorry, but the experience cannot be "nostalgic". And the word "Zionism" is written with a capital (small) letter (unless, of course, you are an ardent Zionist).
      Appendix 1
      Quote: "Nostalgia is homesickness, homesickness or the past." End of quote.
  22. 0
    13 March 2020 13: 07
    The usual nonsense, like: "The USSR is a fantastic country where people with dog heads lived and did everything differently from normal ones ...... Is it true? - True, granddaughter, really!"

    WHY DID THEY DO IT? (They shot at the people, put them in the Gulag, and so on ...) But they just wanted so much ........ EVERYTHING !!! There are no more arguments. Starting from the "Khrushchev thaw" for more than half a century, nothing more convincing has been invented. There are two killer universal answers:
    1.- they wanted power (as if the laws of the USSR to someone "from power", in addition to a summer residence and a car, also gave the right to become a billionaire and a citizen of the world, as it is now.)
    2.- they were maniacs and hated those and those and those of those (for brains completely dislocated by American films about maniacs seizing power, very convincingly)

    SO: In fact, we are living in a fantastic "virtual reality", where to explain the motives of any historical events - DO NOT THINK. And we have already got dog heads and dog brains from Sharikov ...
  23. +1
    13 March 2020 13: 27
    "In my class I was chosen as a political informer" (CE) Vyacheslav Shpakovsky
    Why am I not surprised. laughing And then and now, propagandists are a weather vane that changes direction under the influence of the wind. laughing
    1. +2
      13 March 2020 13: 33
      Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
      And then and now, propagandists are a weather vane that changes direction under the influence of the wind.

      At that time in the Soviet school, this spoke of trust ...
      1. +1
        13 March 2020 13: 50
        Quote: kalibr
        At that time in the Soviet school, this spoke of trust ...

        humanum errare est
  24. +1
    13 March 2020 16: 59
    There they sang a song: “Your eldest son on Palace Square / He went to ask for the tsar’s mercy, / He covered him like a harsh canvas / Bloody snow in early January ...”
    Vyacheslav! The film was called "Comrade Arseny". About Mikhail Frunze
    Fragments from the song (unfortunately I don’t remember the beginning and the end, something about the weaver’s mother, but these words remained in my memory for some reason)

    Her eldest threw in the year of Tsushima,
    He was on the team of the Varyag cruiser,
    The flap of canvas was not useful to the son,
    The sailor went to the bottom without a shroud.

    There was a second son on Palace Square,
    He went to ask for freedom from the king.
    He was covered by a stiff canvas
    Bloody snow in early January.

    Quote: Phil77
    Why would they? They both read and read. The question is price / very expensive! /. It is more convenient in electronic form and you can not spend money.

    Quite right. especially this "killed" in the second half of the 90s. A lot of books have appeared, incl. and on the history of technology, but the prices were such that it would be necessary to give a quarter of the salary to buy. If it weren't for a family and living with your parents, you could afford it. But when the family was already ... It remained only to "lick your lips". But there is a lot of literature on the web. Therefore, you can collect any "collected works" of any author ...

    Quote: Petrol cutter
    “In my class I was chosen as a political informer, and I regularly listened to the radio and watched the news on TV, and, of course, approved the entry of our troops and tanks into Czechoslovakia, followed the newspapers how many American planes were shot down in Vietnam, and regularly donated money to the fund struggling Vietnam.

    In the same year I visited Bulgaria in the summer (this was my first 13-day trip abroad), I really liked it there, and now I could also tell as an eyewitness what is good and what is not good there.
    Well, you see how good it is.
    Unfortunately, I cannot boast of such successes, although I also had to conduct political information on Saturdays before the first lesson.
    Nevertheless, my attitude towards the Soviet Union is generally positive. And rather, even wonderful. In the light of the current state of affairs.
    As some commentators write, famines, severe deprivations and other outrages, I personally do not remember. Although we lived and we live by no means in the capitals and not even in the regional centers.
    The mother single-handedly raised three children, on this occasion she received regular medical assistance from the same factory, for every occasion all kinds of discounts and preferences were made. I stupidly have nothing to complain about. And I understand that I will never live like that again.
    From this, apart from the "Martian Depression", nothing visits me.
    I speak only personally for myself. hi

    What to say about yourself. In the classroom, they did not choose a political informant. Every week we carried out political information at our next desk. Although he studied excellently, this event did not cause interest. Czechoslovakia, or rather, the input went somehow for us, the boys, quite calmly. We lived in a military town, mostly in the class were the children of officers and to give a political assessment - no one gave. If it was discussed among the boys, then the technical side of the problem.
    Something newer and more accurate happened a year later, when a new teacher on CWP appeared in our school, who was discharged due to an injury received in Czechoslovakia. At that time, we were more worried about China, its provocations in Damanskoye. And even then in the context of whether our fathers will "thunder" there, on the border with China or not. For a division was transferred there from a neighboring town ... And probably only after graduation, when I started reading, incl. and the weekly Za Rubezhom (hopefully remember such a newspaper) appeared, one might say, "taste" for political information. About the Novocherkassk execution. Even living (and studying) in Novocherkass for a long time I heard about it very "dully". The people tried not to remember this and only at the level of about the beginning of the 80s did they start talking more freely in Novocherkassk.

    About hunger, fierce privations and other outrages ....
    I don’t remember that. Yes, during certain periods there were some problems with food, it was to say that this was not - it’s stupid. Literally, before the dismissal of the NSH, I had to stand in line for bread, when they gave 1 loaf in hand. But it was removed and immediately everything appeared. It later became clear that all this is an artificially created deficit.
    The fact that sometimes there were problems with certain food products is most likely an attempt by local authorities to curry favor with Moscow, and not an inability to establish production. But I repeat - hunger, fierce deprivation and other ugliness, as comrade Benzorez wrote, I also do not remember. There were problems, but when they were gone

    Alas, I managed to go abroad only in 2010. The family rested in Turkey for a couple of weeks. Before that I was "restricted to travel abroad" (which I do not regret at all)
    1. +1
      13 March 2020 19: 14
      Thanks for song. I will try to review this film ...
  25. +3
    13 March 2020 20: 24
    Quote: kalibr
    Thanks for song. I will try to review this film ...

    This is no problem. At least on Rutrekker this movie is
  26. +1
    13 March 2020 21: 17
    Quote: Sibguest
    Comrades, let me take the liberty of saying aloud the main difference between our Motherland - the USSR - from the country we are forced to call "Motherland" (to patriots: keep silent for one time, quietly for two; I'll tear the throat of any invader for Russia):
    In Russia - the vast majority SURVIVES and thinks only about how to survive tomorrow.

    I will subscribe to every word! Yes it was. And for milk at seven in the morning I had to stand in line in class 2. And as a baton they passed me in line for sausage. And the saleswoman asked, what kind of ,, son of a regiment ,,? But days off, when my dad and I went to the park for a while and in winter skiing. It was summer, when I woke up in the morning and I just had a great feeling of Happiness from the fact that there are three months of vacation ahead of us. That we will soon fly to relatives. When you stand on the concrete road next to the handsome Il-18. And you’re just messing with the smell of kerosene! And the forest in Lipetsk oh region. This is not the Kazakh steppes for hundreds of kilometers. Something I lost, damn it. I'll go pump up. drinks
    1. -1
      13 March 2020 21: 35
      Quote: Lexeich
      And for milk at seven in the morning I had to stand in line in the 2nd grade.

      But I’ve never stood behind milk. Unless in a dairy factory, that milk was given to kids. Closed about 15 years ago. And my grandmother was selling goat milk at 28 kopecks per liter.
  27. +1
    13 March 2020 21: 23
    I am from the "happiest" generation of the 70s .... They began to educate us in the late Soviet Union, and matured already in the new Russia. We are all residents of the "zoo" (with a schedule and feeding regime), who were released into the "wild" nature. Whoever could, and got a job in the food chain. Hence the longing for the former "carefree times". I treat it simply - it was and passed ...
  28. 0
    13 March 2020 22: 16
    Quote: seagull
    I am from the "happiest" generation of the 70s .... They began to educate us in the late Soviet Union, and matured already in the new Russia. We are all residents of the "zoo" (with a schedule and feeding regime), who were released into the "wild" nature. Whoever could, and got a job in the food chain. Hence the longing for the former "carefree times". I treat it simply - it was and passed ...

    I am glad for you that you settled in the food chain. And the longing for the old days due to the fact that now almost all moral principles have been destroyed. And each individual is evaluated primarily not for his moral qualities but for the thickness of his wallet and how he settled in this life.
  29. 0
    23 March 2020 04: 21
    In the film "Chapaev" the Kappelevites are attacking psychologically, but not the Kornilovites ...
  30. 0
    April 13 2020 12: 58
    Do not be surprised. All publications of the author are written in the same vein. Hitting the history of my homeland, as far as I looked and had the patience. And delving into the past of other players in world history is apparently not enough desire. He gives his point of view rather softly and at first glance it seems a harmless sheep. It seems that he was paid for this by donates in an appropriate place.
    I am also not thrilled with much in the history of the country. But why shit there ?.
  31. 0
    24 May 2020 00: 37
    No need to curse anyone. One must think how all this happened in such an unpleasant way, and not to forget about one's own dope. Weigh all pro and contra.
    "The subordinate in the face of the superiors must have a dashing and silly appearance, so as not to embarrass the authorities with his understanding." (Decree of Peter I from I don't remember what date in 1708 - I'm almost sure of the year).

    Personally, I cursed for a long time - until I got out of the poverty that struck me, like many others, on the night of January 1, 1992. He got out of complete poverty and then realized that cursing was a fruitless occupation. We must abstract ourselves. Do not forget about the theory of classes, in which there is a lot of fairness, but which cannot be taken as a dogma for all occasions. As well as the laws of spiral development and denial of negation. I don’t think we should personally curse Gorbachev or Yeltsin. Therefore, the era needed such leaders. The leader always expresses ideas that can be perceived by the active part of the population, that is, he is the exponent of the collective unconscious. There is no other way. "Ideas then become the locomotives of history when they take over the masses." Gorbachev was first received with a bang, if anyone remembers. Even the marasmus with the cutting down of vineyards did not bother anyone, so everyone was tired of speeches on a piece of paper, absolutely identical at all levels for many years. What years - decades! And here the person seems to be talking on his own, however, everything is very vague, but without a cheat sheet. The intelligentsia immediately began with enthusiasm to make homemade wine in three-liter cans from anything. Medical gloves became a shortage. The glove is inflated - the product is ready. They drank and praised. And the proletariat - to drive moonshine.

    It seems to me that the period of total denial of communism is running out, and the corresponding forces are weakening. Following China, the essential elements of communism in Russia are being introduced. And some of them remained all these years, although in a very deformed form. But this does not mean that it is possible to return to the Soviet Union, which was, and in which we all, say, from 1960 to 1985, was very good. True, it is also somewhat relative. The magnitude of the spiral of development and the degree of yet another denial, now capitalism, are not clear to me personally. But it is clear that it is undesirable for the pendulum of history to swing again with an excessively large amplitude. Then everyone will be the loser. The oscillation of the pendulum in 1991-93 was, whatever you say, substantially less than in 1917-1920 and subsequent years. So, according to the general theory of regulation, the magnitude of the next half-wave of changes in 2020-202? years should theoretically be less. And who is sitting there and regulating it? Huh? I can’t hear the crunch of the rolls of rural millionaires of the XNUMXth century!

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"