“The USSR is an illegally created state”: judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation spoke about Russia and the Soviet past


The words of a judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation about the illegality of the establishment of Soviet power and that Russia should not be considered the successor of the "repressive-terrorist" actions of the USSR may be ambiguously perceived in Russian society.

The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation ruled to reimburse housing taken from Soviet citizens as a result of repression. The reason for this step was the appeal to the court of three residents of the Russian capital, who claimed housing, taken from their repressed relatives. The court sided with the women, and the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation adopted an appropriate decision.

One of the judges, Konstantin Aranovsky, expressed his opinion in addition to the decision. He said that the interpretation of the Russian Federation as a state - the successor of the USSR needs to be clarified.

According to Aranovsky, the rehabilitation of victims of repression should not be equated with compensation for harm, since the Russian Federation is not related to the political repressions carried out in the Soviet Union and, accordingly, to the damage suffered by citizens of the USSR as a result of this policy. Therefore, if Russia helps the victims of repression, this does not mean that it should accept responsibility for the repressive actions themselves that took place during the existence of the Soviet state.

In the supplement of Konstantin Aranovsky, the thesis that the Soviet Union was a state illegally created several times is clearly repeated. The appearance of Soviet power, from the point of view of the judge, became possible as a result of the illegal overthrow of the Constituent Assembly. Calling not to take examples from anyone, at the same time, the judge cites Germany among the countries that can be guided in this matter. Like, modern Germany does not consider itself as the successor of the Hitler regime, but at the same time compensates for the harm suffered by people and states as a result of crimes committed by the Nazis.

The Russian Federation does not continue with its right, but replaces on its territory a state that was illegally created once, which obliges it to reckon with the consequences of its activities, including political repression,

- stressed judge Aranovsky.

Thus, the words about the illegality of the creation of the Soviet Union were heard from the lips of a judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. And this is a very serious statement, given that it was made by a professional lawyer, a judge of one of the highest instances of the Russian judiciary.

Meanwhile, lawyers distinguish two types of continuity - partial and universal. The Russian Federation became the universal successor of the USSR, which does not allow us to divide the “Soviet legacy” into positive and negative: they say that we inherit international relations or industry, the infrastructure and education system of the Soviet Union, but we don’t heir to the Union on the question of any other actions are.

You can’t inherit a relative, but don’t inherit his debt obligations, for example. But of course, this position is very convenient for the Russian state - Soviet property was a priori transferred to sovereign Russia (as it ordered it, this is the second question) and there are no questions about the legality or illegality of owning Soviet property, but if we talk about compensation for harm to repressed people, here you can refuse succession.

A very ambiguous situation is created. Victory in the Great Patriotic War, industrial giants, weaponsflying to space Russia is proud. But after all, all this was achieved and done under the leadership of the "initially illegal party-state authorities", as the judge calls the Soviet government.

At the events of May 9, we see portraits of Stalin, we hear songs of the war years in which his name is mentioned, but is this, from the point of view of the judge, the leader of the repressive-totalitarian regime? In Germany, which the judge cites as a guideline, there is still no such ambiguity at least at the symbol level - the Bundeswehr does not march under swastika banners, portraits of Hitler are not worn under Nazi marches at national holidays.

By the way, the attitude to the Soviet Union as a “repressive-totalitarian” state, if to be completely consistent, would also entail a ban for former party leaders and employees of the repressive apparatus of the USSR (KGB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs) to hold public service posts in democratic Russia . But where would then be the majority of modern Russian leaders aged 55 and older, including the head of state, and many high-ranking security officials? So the doubtfulness of this approach is obvious.

You can’t sit on two chairs. It is this dual policy that has led today to the fact that in the West they are trying to revise the entire course of World War II, blaming it for not only Germany, but also the Soviet Union. This became possible also because the Russian leadership more than once did curtsies in the direction of the West, in the direction of the Russophobic governments of Poland or the Baltic countries “offended by Russia”, repented of imaginary crimes.
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  1. +97
    17 February 2020 12: 52
    And you say Russophobes in Europe and the USA)))) here he is, among the bearers, they make films first, they say on television, and then the judge of the Constitutional Court issues this))))
    1. +77
      17 February 2020 13: 06
      Thanks to such Aranov’s, the USSR fell apart.
      1. +82
        17 February 2020 13: 07
        In the supplement of Konstantin Aranovsky, the thesis that the Soviet Union was a state illegally created.

        Another fighter with the "hated" soviet past!

        It should be noted that Vladimir Vladimirovich also does not lag behind this character, periodically stating either on mines or galoshes ...
        1. +67
          17 February 2020 13: 15
          Quote: Stas157
          It should be noted that Vladimir Vladimirovich also does not lag behind this character, periodically stating either on mines or galoshes ...

          Rather, the characters copy the behavior of Vladimir Vladimirovich and are in a hurry to distill the glorious Soviet past .. despite the fact that you absolutely can’t come close to more than one indicator .. despite the fact that the country's population has been declining for the second year in a row .. mdy .. shame people completely lost ..
          1. +27
            17 February 2020 13: 28
            Quote: Svarog
            Rather, the characters copy the behavior of Vladimir Vladimirovich and rush to distill the glorious Soviet past ..

            It is clear that this is their common line of behavior. People with excellent (other) views do not get there. But in spite of all their political correctness, it breaks from time to time - they show the true gut.
            1. +27
              17 February 2020 13: 36
              Quote: Stas157
              People with excellent (other) views do not get there.

              Reformat them laughing They give them "blessings" in the form of endless opportunities for enrichment .. and that's all .. there was a man and there is no man .. Rogozin can be remembered the same .. he was a socialist .. quickly blown away ..
              1. +22
                17 February 2020 17: 50
                Here is a bastard provocateur! This is the complete rewriting of the history of Russia and the propaganda of Western ideology as a guide to action at the state level!
                He wanted a civil war in the country!
                And how did he only appear in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation ?! Who pushed him there and whose feed did he climb there ?!
                In China, he would be shot quickly!

                It must be removed immediately from the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation as an enemy of the people and an agent of foreign influence!
                1. +14
                  17 February 2020 18: 43
                  Quote: Barmaleyka
                  Quote: lexus
                  Such judges - for the "trunk" and the museum!
                  not to the museum, but to the wall

                  That's right, Vladimir, to the wall! This is the forerunner to the civil war in the Russian Federation, the collapse of the country and its capture by external forces!

                  But what’s the most interesting! After all, he essentially expressed the opinion of all members of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federationbecause he explained the decision of all judges on housing restitution in Moscow to three plaintiffs - the heirs of the repressed.

                  It is on this path and thus, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation will reach the recognition of RESTITUTION in claims of foreigners against the Russian Federation - for example, from Poles in Poland and from citizens of other countries.
                  And thus VICTORY of Russia / USSR in the Great Patriotic War, our Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation as a whole will put a pig under the tail with its crooked legal speculation!

                  Restitution (from lat. restitutio - restoration).
                  - In international law - a form of material compensation for damage resulting from an unlawful international act by restoring the state that existed before it was committed. It can be carried out in various ways.
                  - In civil law - the consequence of the invalidity of the transaction, which consists in the return by the parties of everything received under the transaction. If it is impossible to return commodity values ​​in kind, their value in monetary terms is returned.
                  1. +10
                    17 February 2020 19: 39
                    this dual policy (of the leadership of our country) has led today to the fact that in the West they are trying to revise the entire course of the Second World War, blaming it for not only Germany, but also the Soviet Union. This became possible also because the Russian leadership more than once did curtsies towards the West, towards the Russophobic governments of Poland or the Baltic countries “offended by Russia”, repented of imaginary crimes.

                    I agree with the author! Traitors liberals completely lost shame!
                    And in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, judges also think of as heirs to anti-Soviet propaganda and the acts of M.S. Gorbachev and A. Yakovlev, agents of the CIA.
                    I will never believe that members of the Constitutional Court do not understand politics at all and just grind so that not a bit later - any of the possible!

                    Victor Ilyukhin The truth about Katyn! • 3 Feb. 2014 year

                    Gorbachev is an ordinary American agent. Posted Jul 13 2013 year
                    1. +2
                      19 February 2020 08: 33
                      Yes Yes! We are waiting for the next step of this logical chain: "And since Russia is the heir to the illegally created state of the USSR, Russia itself is an illegal (illegitimate) state."
                2. +6
                  17 February 2020 22: 48
                  Quote: Tatiana
                  And how did he only appear in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation ?! Who pushed him there and whose feed did he climb there ?!

                  Federal Constitutional Law of July 21.07.1994, 1 N 29.07.2018-FKZ (as amended on July XNUMX, XNUMX) "On the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation"
                  Article 9. Procedure for the appointment of a judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation
                  Proposals for candidates for judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation may be submitted to the President of the Russian Federation by members (deputies) of the Council of the Federation and deputies of the State Duma, as well as legislative (representative) bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, supreme judicial bodies and federal legal departments, all-Russian legal communities, legal scientific and educational institutions.
                  The Federation Council is considering the appointment of a judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation no later than fourteen days from the receipt of the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation.
                  1. +3
                    18 February 2020 11: 58
                    Quote: Overlock
                    Quote: Tatiana And how did he end up in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation ?! Who nominated him there and whose submission did he get there?! Federal Constitutional Law of July 21.07.1994, 1 N 29.07.2018-FKZ (as amended on July 9, XNUMX) "On the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation" Article XNUMX. The procedure for appointment of a judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation

                    I mean specific personalities - specific people who offered him to this position, who essentially vouched for him and why. Oh, too, are responsible for this! What kind of people are these? What parties and factions are they from? Who are they specifically and how exactly did this actually happen? The whole background of the event of his nomination to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation!
                    That is what is fundamentally interesting and has political significance!
                    1. +5
                      18 February 2020 13: 04
                      Very noteworthy are the opinions of site participants on this issue in anticipation of the adoption of amendments this spring to the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Namely.
                      Quote: kit88
                      I read his opinion in the original.
                      This judge, with permission, diligently circumvents all the achievements of the USSR. A few pages of text is a denunciation of repression, the KGB. CPSU, totalitarian regime,
                      Such articles were published in the construction newspaper in the late 80s, if anyone remembers what I mean.

                      Quote: Roman070280
                      How could such a person get to the Constitutional Court

                      Such people have been leading everything in our country for a long time .. Just enlightenment for many comes late ..

                      Quote: Den717
                      Judge KS is a specialist in this industry of the highest class.

                      Quote: 2 level advisor
                      Yes, you look at his biography, he’s from the electoral commission of Primorsky Krai and immediately to the judge of the Constitutional Court, this is the highest level of judge, but he didn’t even work as an assistant to the justice of the peace and probably wasn’t really in the courts .. But Dimon ... is better than professional

                      Quote: Oleg Skvortsov
                      "In 1987 he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Law of the Far Eastern State University (FENU) and entered the graduate school of the Leningrad State University at the Department of State Law. In 1990 he defended his Ph.D. thesis."

                      Quote: bober1982
                      this citizen, studied at graduate school together with Dmitry Anatolyevich, he appointed him at that time to such a high position.

                      Quote: SanSanych Gusev
                      And who appointed Dmitry?

                      And to be honest, against this background, Russians quite rightly have serious questions about the entire composition of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and concerns about future amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation being dragged "from above" and approved by this composition of judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation - the amendments are accepted in one package, in one lot separately for each change!
                3. +1
                  18 February 2020 05: 13
                  Quote: Tatiana
                  And how did he only appear in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation?

                  Recognize his diploma as unlawful and throw him out of the courtroom as unsuitable.
              2. -4
                17 February 2020 18: 50
                The simple question is, how many children do you have ???
              3. 0
                19 February 2020 17: 00
                A juicy Pie that comes out through the anus quickly changes a person. Old anecdote: "Doctor why do I go to the toilet with black caviar? And you eat like everyone else. Exactly!"
            2. +19
              17 February 2020 14: 25
              Quote: Stas157
              But in spite of all their political correctness, it breaks from time to time - they show the true gut.

              The most important thing in the investigation is not to "go out" on yourself. This is what happened with Aranovsky. Almost every state has its origins in illegal activities. Any revolution is nothing but a violation of the laws existing at the time of its beginning. The collapse of the USSR is also illegal and contradicts the will of the population of the country. Each new government, coming in the wake of a coup or revolution, begins its activity with self-embezzling. In our case, we have digging to the depths when the very meaning of this digging ceases to exist. In short, sheer grief from the mind. Once a literate person said that it was not laziness that would ruin us, but stupid activity, while lawyers would be the gravediggers.
              1. +27
                17 February 2020 15: 31
                Quote: Den717
                The origins of almost every state lie in illegal actions.

                But, you see, it would be unlikely that the judge of the Constitutional Court of Russia, Aranovsky, would say the same with respect to today's Russia, they say, Russia is illegally created!
                Nevertheless, a similar statement allows in the direction of the USSR. This statement by a high-level official is clearly derogatory and offensive subtext.

                This lawyer should know that the USSR created the people. And the people are the highest legal force in the state.
                1. -3
                  17 February 2020 15: 37
                  Quote: Stas157
                  it is unlikely that the judge of the Constitutional Court of Russia, Aranovsky, would have said the same thing with regard to today's Russia, they say, Russia was illegally created

                  "unlikely" is a category of guessing what has not happened. Legal thoughts are sometimes so florid that sometimes you have to "cut" these nodes. On the other hand, his statement, I think, is purely theoretical and does not carry any practical legal consequences.
                  1. +7
                    17 February 2020 15: 39
                    Quote: Den717
                    "unlikely" is a category of guessing what has not happened.

                    Do you admit that this could happen?
                    1. -8
                      17 February 2020 17: 14
                      Quote: Stas157
                      Do you admit that this could happen?

                      The judge of the Constitutional Court is a top-class specialist in this industry. But there is such an incident - the thoughts of great specialists may not "fit" in the minds of a non-specialist. Therefore, I doubt the possibilities and the need to comment on it on this resource.
                2. +11
                  17 February 2020 15: 49
                  Quote: Stas157
                  But, you see, it would be unlikely that the judge of the Constitutional Court of Russia, Aranovsky, would have said the same with respect to today's Russia, they say, Russia was illegally created!

                  If you follow the logic of Aranovsky, now all the countries on the globe are illegal, well, if only with a stretch the United Kingdom can be recognized as legal.
                  1. +21
                    17 February 2020 15: 54
                    However, he will never say that about all states! But he said about the USSR. And he did this clearly not with good intentions. Solely for the purpose of belittling the role of the USSR and expressing its rejection.
                3. -2
                  17 February 2020 22: 59
                  in a textbook of ordinary political science it is written that people are a source of power only in a democracy. In authoritarianism, as written in the same textbook, people are alienated from political power. And he can claim his rights exclusively in the form of rebellion.
          2. +37
            17 February 2020 13: 36
            Such judges - for the "trunk" and the museum! The case when serving is not sickening, but rather the opposite, "honorable" ... to bloody calluses on the tongue. The age-old question: "Who are the judges?" - received an unexpected answer. And, the "unforgivable" omission that he did not mention the "galoshes" ...
            1. +1
              17 February 2020 14: 08
              in general, the judges are not to blame,
              who has the power of that and slippers in our country has always been like this
              1. +29
                17 February 2020 14: 14
                “Of course, it is not the business of the publicist to challenge the opinion of a judge of the Constitutional Court, but in this case they have raised a question of fundamental importance for Russia. The question to which we are all XX, and, it turns out, now and the whole XXI century are forced to look for answers: Can domestic history be discrete or is it continuous? The Russia of Nicholas II, Lenin-Stalin-Brezhnev and the present is the same country or do we always live in Mayakovsky’s metaphor “My country is a teenager”? Former Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, I recall, spoke out in such a way that Russia is only 20 years old. Now we hear the same opinion: we are not the heirs of the USSR, we are another state in the same territory.

                But if we are a different state, then what are we? If we are not the heirs of the USSR, the Red Empire, then on what basis do we celebrate Victory Day?

                What are we all about if we are not a country that won the great war, created the UN, sent people to space, survived terrible troubles and won great victories? In my opinion, even if the point of view about a rootless country can be justified legally, it is unacceptable historically and politically.

                Russia today is the same country that coped with the turmoil in 1612, went to the Baltic in 1703, occupied Paris in 1814 and Berlin in 1945.

                Yes, this means that in our history there is not only glory, but also terrible events, and defeats, and troubled times, and terror. But this is our story and it is continuous. And to separate ourselves from our own past because we don’t like it and we don’t want to recognize our tyrants and criminals as ours ...

                It’s ridiculous and ultimately dangerous for the present and the future. ”
                Political strategist Andrei Perla
                1. +2
                  17 February 2020 15: 56
                  Alas, many do not remember their origin, their ancestors. Are shy? But it wasn’t from a test tube that they appeared. Since we are, we must remember the grandfathers-great-grandfathers who served the kings, boyars and others, good and bad. And they lived without cars and warm toilets, but they continued their kind and bequeathed to us.
                2. +12
                  17 February 2020 16: 48
                  Quote: Alena Frolovna
                  Now we hear the same opinion: we are not the heirs of the USSR, we are another state in the same territory.

                  Well, they started work, adherents of Goebbels. Further pressure will increase. In the days of Gorbachev passed.
                  1. +11
                    17 February 2020 16: 58
                    Quote: tihonmarine
                    Well, they started work, adherents of Goebbels. Further pressure will increase

                    Do you realize at what level of power the followers of Dr. Goebbels are located?
            2. +8
              17 February 2020 14: 11
              It is said that the winners write the story. Those who got to the very top and there are winners, they defeated other applicants who were also eager to go there, but they made a mistake somewhere and now they are down or they are already gone. That’s the whole truth of life.
            3. +12
              17 February 2020 15: 33
              Quote: lexus
              Such judges - for the "trunk" and the museum!

              not to the museum, but to the wall
              1. +7
                17 February 2020 18: 49
                Quote: Barmaleyka
                Quote: lexus
                Such judges - for the "trunk" and the museum!
                not to the museum, but to the wall

                That's right, Vladimir, to the wall! This is the forerunner to the civil war in the Russian Federation, the collapse of the country and its capture by external forces!

                It is on this path and thus, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation will reach the recognition of RESTITUTION in claims of foreigners against the Russian Federation - for example, from Poles in Poland and from citizens of other countries.
                And thus VICTORY of Russia / USSR in the Great Patriotic War, our Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation as a whole will put a pig under the tail with its crooked legal speculation!

                Restitution (from lat. restitutio - restoration).
                In international law - a form of material compensation for damage resulting from an unlawful international act by restoring the state that existed before it was committed. It can be carried out in various ways.
                1. +3
                  17 February 2020 20: 52
                  Quote: Tatiana
                  It is on this path and in this way that the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation will reach the recognition of the RESTITUTION in claims

                  and recognition of the USSR as illegally created is the path to restitution because if the USSR is illegal then all property rights are illegal
          3. +37
            17 February 2020 13: 41
            I read his opinion in the original.
            This judge, with permission, diligently circumvents all the achievements of the USSR. A few pages of text is a denunciation of repression, the KGB. CPSU, totalitarian regime,
            Such articles were published in the construction newspaper in the late 80s, if anyone remembers what I mean.
            1. +25
              17 February 2020 13: 44
              Quote: kit88
              A few pages of text is a denunciation of repression, the KGB. CPSU, totalitarian regime,

              And how to qualify the fact .. that the population is dying? And since that time, as these figures who are now convicting the USSR came to power .. Isn't this an indicator ... and the most important one ...
              1. +8
                17 February 2020 17: 06
                Quote: Svarog
                And how to qualify the fact .. that the population is dying? And since that time, as these figures who are now convicting the USSR came to power .. Isn't this an indicator ... and the most important one ...

                It is dying from the fact that mass indigenous genocide of Russia is being carried out. If scientifically, that is, there is a natural population decline, but there is an unnatural one, about which the arbidols are silent.
                PS. And where is your answer to Chamberlain, Colleague?
                1. +1
                  18 February 2020 05: 17
                  Quote: Malyuta
                  mass genocide of indigenous peoples of Russia is carried out

                  Not nations, but nations.
            2. +4
              17 February 2020 15: 59
              It is necessary to remember ALL that was. Not by choice.
            3. +12
              17 February 2020 17: 02
              Quote: kit88
              Such articles were published in the construction newspaper in the late 80s, if anyone remembers what I mean.

              Not only in the construction newspaper, Ogonyok and other "jaundices" were in bulk, but on TV the "glance" was broadcasting and Vova Posner, who was still an anti-Soviet.
          4. +26
            17 February 2020 13: 42
            Damn soap, such a judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation ......
          5. +9
            17 February 2020 15: 17
            Quote: Svarog
            despite the fact that the country's population is declining for the second year in a row.

            Fifth actually. 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020. And the growth for all the time of developed capitalism is 3 years. 2013 2014 and 2015.
            1. -4
              17 February 2020 16: 03
              Underdeveloped! Power, in this matter, will not replace you
            2. +9
              17 February 2020 17: 08
              Quote: Lannan Shi
              . And the growth for all the time of developed capitalism is 3 years. 2013 2014 and 2015.

              It was an increase due to migrants; it has nothing to do with the birth rate and mortality in the Russian Federation hi
          6. BAI
            17 February 2020 16: 56
            It should be noted that Vladimir Vladimirovich also does not lag behind this character

            Everything is clear with GDP - he is offended that they are poking his face into the fact that nothing has been done for 20 (and more) years of his reign and the inheritance of the USSR is being eaten up. Therefore, it is necessary to belittle the USSR and raise its "successes". And why did this one come out? He was already appointed for life. Something I am tormented by vague doubts about the future Constitution.
          7. The comment was deleted.
            1. +5
              17 February 2020 18: 19
              only surgery

        2. -24
          17 February 2020 13: 47
          What does it have to do with it: Another fighter with the "hated" Soviet past!
          If we admit that Russia is responsible for the USSR in all troubles, then very soon Russia will have to pay compensation to the Ukrainians affected by the famine EXCLUSIVELY, further in line the Baltic, Poles, etc. He said everything correctly.
          1. +22
            17 February 2020 14: 06
            You need to know a lot of legal nuances to seriously talk about succession.
            But in order to manipulate public opinion in the modern world, this is not required.
            And very soon, some CNN will come out with an editorial:
            "If the Russian Federation is not the legal successor of the USSR, then what are you doing in the UN Security Council? Get out!"
            Should the consequences be explained?
          2. +11
            17 February 2020 15: 36
            Quote: jekasimf
            If we admit that Russia is responsible for the USSR in all troubles, then very soon Russia will have to pay compensation to the Ukrainians affected by the famine EXCLUSIVELY, further in line the Baltic, Poles, etc. He said everything correctly.

            firstly, to begin with, it is genocide that needs to be proved, and secondly, if the USSR is recognized as an illegally created state, tomorrow the whole question of the Kaliningrad region of part of Sakhalin and the entire Kuril ridge will be raised, not to mention the place in the Security Council
            1. -5
              17 February 2020 18: 16
              Quote: Barmaleyka
              If we admit that Russia is responsible for the USSR in all troubles, then very soon Russia will have to pay compensation to the Ukrainians affected by the famine EXCLUSIVELY, further in line the Baltic, Poles, etc. He said everything correctly.

              firstly, to begin with, it’s necessary to prove genocide,

              so in the case of the repressed the USSR itself admitted its guilt- 1950 people rehabilitated in 60-700. Moreover, at the same time, the USSR itself documented the fact that it was a bit of a s .... the decisions on rehabilitation of 000-50 were made by the authorized body in the prescribed manner ...
              there’s no need to prove anything
              1. +3
                17 February 2020 18: 30
                Quote: your1970
                there’s no need to prove anything
                eeeeeeee belay when in the USSR the famine of the 30s was recognized as genocide? !!!
                1. -4
                  17 February 2020 18: 33
                  Quote: Barmaleyka
                  Quote: your1970
                  there’s no need to prove anything
                  eeeeeeee belay when in the USSR the famine of the 30s was recognized as genocide? !!!

                  you don’t distort me - I don’t talk about hunger and genocide. You write about the need to prove genocide - I write what rehabilitated Already do not need to prove anything-the USSR itself has proved
                  Quote: your1970
                  So in the case of the repressed, the USSR itself admitted its guilt - 1950 people rehabilitated in 60-700.
                  1. +3
                    17 February 2020 20: 54
                    Quote: your1970
                    you don’t distort me - I have nothing to say about hunger and genocide.

                    then please when wedge into someone else's dispute CAREFULLY study the TOPIC of the dispute
                    Quote: jekasimf
                    If we admit that Russia is responsible for the USSR in all troubles, then very soon Russia will have to pay compensation to the victims of the famine EXCLUSIVELY

                    the conversation was EXACTLY about this statement
        3. +12
          17 February 2020 14: 09
          From a legal point of view, any revolution is illegal. And how legitimate is the power that the people hate? In the history of mankind, few have voluntarily given up power. And those who took power by force legitimized over time and became completely legal. A judge of this level should be interested in the story before throwing such statements. otherwise there will be a lawyer who will declare the collapse of the USSR illegal (by the way, also illegal) and at the same time, the Constitutional Court of the illegal state will become illegal.
          The power chosen by the people of the country is legitimate regardless of the opinion of any "lawyers".
          1. +12
            17 February 2020 15: 26
            In Africa, one ruler loved to eat subjects. He was overthrown and it does not work out legally?
        4. +15
          17 February 2020 14: 27
          Just Mr. Aranovsky showed that he knows the events that happened in 1917 by two. The Bolsheviks picked up the power that was lying under their feet. Throughout Russia, in the summer of 1917, peasant councils organized the eviction of former landowners from their estates, where fathers and grandfathers raped young peasants and flogged everyone dissatisfied with this legal order. If Mr. Aranovsky does not accept the changes made by the Bolsheviks in the life of his relatives and if he is so principled, then he should revive such legitimate traditions of the Russian Empire as the law on cook children and the Pale of Settlement, of course only for himself. The rest live very well, perceiving the past as a continuous history, sometimes tragic, sometimes exaltedly proud. With regard to repression, he should be less involved in the affairs of affairs that have long changed, and more, for example, with the traditions of recent days. Let him listen to his colleague Zorkin, what the flayers of Yeltsin and Korzhakov did with their beloved cat Zorkin when they dispersed the Supreme Council and shot its defenders. Will Zorkin and Aranovsky have the courage to talk about the unlawful actions of those who removed the Communists from power? Or do they know that the repressive apparatus is now tougher than under the communists in the 1980s and therefore speak only about affairs of days gone by ...
          1. 0
            18 February 2020 05: 21
            Quote: gsev
            and the Pale of Settlement, of course, only for himself.

            Here I am with both hands!
        5. +8
          17 February 2020 17: 00
          This is about the quality of our Constitutional Court.
          In general, what are these characters doing there?
          Sentencing the Soviet past?
          Maybe it's time to pronounce the verdict on the COP
          A bunch of talkers and loafers! angry
        6. +1
          17 February 2020 17: 47
          Quote: Stas157
          Another fighter with the "hated" Soviet past!

          Quote: Sawing Boxwood
          Thanks to such Aranov’s, the USSR fell apart.

          Quote: Stas157
          Nevertheless, a similar statement allows in the direction of the USSR. Such a statement by a high-level official is clearly derogatory and insulting.

          people - AUUUUUUU!! fool fool fool
          do you at least understand - what happened before throwing a tantrum about "anti-Soviet" ????? or all - "on the tank" © anecdote ??????
          Has anyone read an article WHOLE - not diagonally ???

          For those who have never encountered lawyers - I explain ....
          "The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation issued a ruling on reimbursement of housing taken from Soviet citizens as a result of repression. The reason for this step was going to court. three residents of the Russian capital who pretended to housing taken from their repressed relatives. The court sided with the women, and The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation adopted an appropriate resolution.
          One of the judges, Konstantin Aranovsky, expressed his opinion in addition to the decision. He stated that the interpretation of the Russian Federation as a successor state of the USSR needs to be clarified. ".

          Still not got it ??? !!!!!!
          This means that tomorrow they will come to the courts Heirsall these faces:
          "In 1954-1961, in the absence of corpus delicti were rehabilitated 737 182 of a person, 208 convicts were refused rehabilitation; in 448-1962 were rehabilitated 157 055 people, 22 people got rejections. "
          and these
          "In 1988-1989, the cases of 856 people were reviewed, and 844 740 man."
          Total - heirs (1) 750 819 people will come to the courts tomorrow for compensation for housing taken from repressed relatives.

          Still not getting it ??

          It is naturally impossible to return the original object - therefore, they will reimburse financially
          Let a million heirs turn
          If you evaluate the housing at 100 rubles - at a cost in some village Ushatayke - then the direct costs from the budget of the Russian Federation for compensation will be ...100 billion.... like a trifle belay ... or not really ... or not at all a trifle ..

          but here is the trouble - a large number of the repressed were from large cities, and then the cities were small .... can you imagine the cost of an apartment within the Garden Ring? or in St. Petersburg on Nevsky?
          and then these 100 billion can grow and up to a trillion (!!!!)...from the budget of the Russian Federation ....
          Court decisions - binding, there will be appeals and decisions - the money will go to the heirs

          that’s why he tried to remove this load - from our neck, by the way (your budget knows where it’s coming from) -
          "According to Aranovsky, rehabilitation of victims of repression should not be equated with redress, since The Russian Federation is not related to political repressions carried out in the Soviet Union and, accordingly, to the damage suffered by citizens of the USSR as a result of this policy. Therefore, if Russia helps the victims of repression, this does not mean that it should take responsibility for the repressive actions themselves, carried out during the existence of the Soviet state. "
          Yes, perhaps a little crookedly formulated - but he had in mind precisely the financial side ...

          Z.Y. if anyone has doubts that people will sue SUCH Compensation - believe me ...
          In France, the heirs of royal loans are still circling
          1. +2
            17 February 2020 17: 57
            He said what he said and no one cares what he means. They do not selectively inherit, either all or nothing.
            1. -4
              17 February 2020 18: 05
              Quote: SanSanych Gusev
              He said what he said and no one cares what he means. They do not selectively inherit, either all or nothing.
              -means WE (RF !!) owed a trillion to the heirs of the people whom the USSR first repressed - and then the same USSR rehabilitated ...

              read the comments below ... people nifig did not understand - what happened and what it means .....
              1. -4
                17 February 2020 19: 04
                A normal state must pay its debts. Or not?
                1. +1
                  17 February 2020 19: 39
                  Quote: SanSanych Gusev
                  A normal state must pay its debts. Or not?
                  -USA paid OWN Citizens of Japanese nationality ?! or was it limited to small sums - and on property and generally sent nafig "Japs"?
        7. +2
          17 February 2020 18: 31
          Is "Mr." Aranovsky himself created legally? You understand such a squiggle ...
        8. 0
          18 February 2020 13: 11
          By the way, none other than Medvedev Dmitry Anatolievich got Aranovsky from the seaside nonexistence. So everything turns into a puzzle.
      2. +21
        17 February 2020 14: 24
        Quote: Sawing Boxwood
        Thanks to such Aranov’s USSR, it fell apart

        The same gazpadia sit in the thoughts, governments, federations, presidents, ministries, governors. Just after more than 20 years, many do not hold their mouth and they reveal their true face.
        So they got to the type of illegitimacy of the USSR, although there are just more questions in the Russian Federation, if you look in detail at the USRNs of USRYuly. But it all started with the "boozeters" who came out to hold a meeting for their burned-out children and "no one asked you to give birth."
        SchA Constitution for a quick patch and False Dmitry to the kingdom ....
      3. -2
        17 February 2020 14: 55
        there may be questions to him, but thanks to which RI fell apart?
    2. +59
      17 February 2020 13: 08
      the worst crime of the USSR .. this is what it allowed to grow and educate. scum. who are now pouring mud on her!
      1. +12
        17 February 2020 13: 18
        Nothing, nothing .. now they will explain to you that you are a creak, a Ukrainian and, in general, a State Department official who has forgotten the gentle sound of crunch crust buns ..
      2. +37
        17 February 2020 13: 22
        how many current politicians do not praise M.S. Gorachev. people spit on him! How many do not spit on I.V. Stalin, the people respect him. feel the difference. who for whom!
      3. +25
        17 February 2020 13: 36
        Quote: Atlant-1164
        the worst crime of the USSR .. this is what it allowed to grow and educate. scum. who are now pouring mud on her!

        And those educated in the USSR are not at all shy about displaying their hatred of the Soviet system. And they don’t understand that they are also denigrating modern Russia by denigrating the USSR. And unfortunately the same is available on the VO website.
      4. +17
        17 February 2020 13: 47
        Is the USSR an illegally created state? If you delve into, then, firstly, the United States is an illegally created state. In fact, who gave the right in Boston to throw into the sea tea brought by ship from Britain, from which the American Revolution began. After all, this tea was brought by some kind of agreement. Someone paid for this tea. Therefore, when the tea was thrown out - there was banditry. And in the future there are a huge number of crimes committed in the USA - and the blacks were lynched, and the Indians were exterminated, and the atomic bomb was dropped on peaceful cities. Similarly, this applies to the rest - now tolerant - with regard to the Inquisition - in general, blood runs cold. My conclusion is though a judge, but ...
      5. The comment was deleted.
        1. +15
          17 February 2020 14: 19
          jekasimf! But if you take the judge’s point of view and, as I understand your point of view, from the legal point of view of the Russian Federation is not the successor of the USSR. Then what is she doing in the UN Security Council?
    3. +29
      17 February 2020 13: 11
      Until now, they can’t sleep peacefully because of the memories of the world's first popular superpower. Yes, she was repressive. How else? But she was repressive towards thieves and enemies. The common man only benefited from this. Even today, our country in a short period of time can become a superpower if the people can again take power into their own hands, throwing into the sewer pit the history of the current enemies of the people who rule the country
      But I agree that today's Russia cannot be considered the successor of the USSR. Because both the political and economic course of Russia are directly opposite to the course pursued by the Soviet Union. First of all, this concerns domestic politics. Present-day Russia is, rather, the successor of anti-people Russia, which existed before 1917.
      1. +20
        17 February 2020 13: 29
        Quote: kjhg
        But I agree that today's Russia cannot be considered the successor of the USSR. Because both the political and economic course of Russia are directly opposite to the course pursued by the Soviet Union. First of all, this concerns domestic politics. Present-day Russia is, rather, the successor of anti-people Russia, which existed before 1917.

        At the same time, he had already appropriated the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, not forgetting to periodically pour mud openly or stealthily mud some leaders of the winners, and the state itself, which had won this Victory.
        1. +19
          17 February 2020 13: 37
          Victory, yes, assigned. But at the same time, they shoot such films about the Second World War that the hair stands on end for a state account.
          1. +16
            17 February 2020 14: 28
            Quote: kjhg
            Victory, yes, assigned. But at the same time, they shoot such films about the Second World War that the hair stands on end for a state account.

            All this is done by silent glancing, methodically in order to eradicate the memory of the people of the USSR and present it as a horror story for young people. That’s not the reason why?
      2. +12
        17 February 2020 13: 52
        Quote: kjhg
        But I agree that today's Russia cannot be considered the successor of the USSR. Because both the political and economic course of Russia are directly opposite to the course pursued by the Soviet Union. First of all, this concerns domestic politics. Present-day Russia is, rather, the successor of anti-people Russia, which existed before 1917.

        Absolutely agree! good
        1. -1
          17 February 2020 17: 14
          So, from 862 to 1917. did we have an anti-people state? Is this too much?
          1. +2
            17 February 2020 17: 52
            What sort of bust is it? If you do not know, then I will tell you, by the time the Patriotic War of 1812 began in Europe, serfdom was already abolished everywhere. In Russia, the complete abolition of serfdom occurred, in fact, only in 1917, when the Communists took power. In 1861, after the publication of the manifesto of serfdom, the peasants did not receive freedom. Moreover, it was in Russia that serfdom had such a cruel, savage appearance. If you do not believe it, then open the textbooks, compare with other European countries.
            1. 0
              17 February 2020 18: 51
              With the abolition of slavery in the United States did not try to compare?
    4. +19
      17 February 2020 13: 13
      Quote: Konatantin 1992
      “The USSR is an illegally created state”: judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation spoke about Russia and the Soviet past

      These are the characters that destroy the last thing to be proud of ..
      1. +21
        17 February 2020 13: 25
        Colleagues, excuse me. In addition to profanity, nothing comes to mind. As if they spat in the face.
        1. +22
          17 February 2020 13: 40
          Quote: depressant
          Colleagues, excuse me. In addition to profanity, nothing comes to mind. As if they spat in the face.

          Worse. You can wipe your face, but you can’t wipe your soul and cure ... Just like the spat on the history of our state and people, it will be difficult to clear it when not the last people in the state declare it.
        2. +15
          17 February 2020 13: 47
          Dear Depressant!
          Good afternoon!
          This is the beginning, it will be "more interesting" further, we learn a lot from such subchiks.
          1. +23
            17 February 2020 14: 20
            You know, a person needs several supports in life. Without them, life is under the skirting board. I am not in the Constitution. They stole the country from me, they impudently look in my eyes, laugh and say that it never existed, they say, you just fancy. And if so, then there was no corpus delicti - go, they say, be treated! And feverishly behind my back they finish off the stolen - laws, factories, memory - everything! So that there are no signs left. So that I, a Soviet one, having finally lost my supports, would feel like a ghost, not a human being. So as not to reckon with me - who will seriously take the otherworldly essence. But an amazing thing! When I have to vote for amendments that have stolen so much from me, I do not mind at all that I appear in real incarnation with a ballot in my hands, on which my "I Agree!"
            1. +12
              17 February 2020 14: 56
              Gold words. I subscribe to each.
        3. +14
          17 February 2020 14: 41
          Quote: depressant
          Colleagues, excuse me. In addition to profanity, nothing comes to mind. As if they spat in the face.

          But you go to the neighboring branches, there are many who support this power and this scumbag in her face!
    5. +8
      17 February 2020 13: 20
      What nonsense, and who gave them this housing? The military, the intelligentsia and others received housing thanks to the leadership of the country.
    6. +22
      17 February 2020 13: 22
      Quote: Konatantin 1992
      And you say Russophobes in Europe and the USA)))) here he is, among the bearers, they make films first, they say on television, and then the judge of the Constitutional Court issues this))))

      Sailed. If the USSR is not a legally created state, then the Russian Federation is also not legitimate so what? Russia was one of the republics of the USSR. The USSR is not a legitimate state. Rave.
      1. +17
        17 February 2020 14: 39
        Quote: Arlen
        Sailed. If the USSR is not a legally created state, then the Russian Federation is also not legitimate so what? Russia was one of the republics of the USSR. The USSR is not a legitimate state. Rave

        This is not nonsense for them, they just want to completely tear the country apart.
        1. +12
          17 February 2020 15: 15
          Quote: Malyuta
          Quote: Arlen
          Sailed. If the USSR is not a legally created state, then the Russian Federation is also not legitimate so what? Russia was one of the republics of the USSR. The USSR is not a legitimate state. Rave

          This is not nonsense for them, they just want to completely tear the country apart.

          They do not just want. They do it. Diligently and methodically, day by day. The collapse of the country did not stop in 2000, with the arrival of Themselves Know Who, as some like to repeat. The collapse has continued steadily to this day. And guiding this process, they are not going to stop at all.
    7. +13
      17 February 2020 13: 23
      In the supplement of Konstantin Aranovsky, the thesis that the Soviet Union was a state illegally created is clearly repeated several times. The appearance of Soviet power, from the point of view of the judge, became possible as a result of the illegal overthrow of the Constituent Assembly.

      And what happens is a legal overthrow of power? Like in Ukraine in 2014 ?! Is the US a legally created entity ?!
      Since the state is illegally created, then the education of this "lawyer" also cannot be considered legally obtained!
      And in general, you yourself are illegally born! He was born by chance for sure as a result of the use of defective rubber products No. 2!
      1. +17
        17 February 2020 13: 45
        The Constituent Assembly was dispersed in January 1918 by the All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies. Council of People's Commissars supported this decision. Thus there was no coup. The Sovnark and the Council of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies possessed real and legal power at that time.
        1. +8
          17 February 2020 14: 39
          Colleagues, just now!
          Peskov, who never sees or hears anything, voiced the Kremlin’s instantly received official opinion: Russia is the legal successor of the USSR de jure and de facto.
          And then ... I would try to keep silent!
          1. +12
            17 February 2020 15: 58
            Quote: depressant
            Peskov, who never sees or hears anything, voiced the Kremlin’s instantly received official opinion: Russia is the legal successor of the USSR de jure and de facto. And then ... I would try to keep silent!

            And what about the sands, he is a citizen of France, he crowed, and there at least don't dawn. In addition, his khazyain, as a mongrel in place, puts "he sweeps such a blizzard." So listening to the blizzard is not respecting yourself.
          2. -4
            17 February 2020 18: 07
            Quote: depressant
            Colleagues, just now!
            Peskov, who never sees or hears anything, voiced the Kremlin’s instantly received official opinion: Russia is the legal successor of the USSR de jure and de facto.
            And then ... I would try to keep silent!
            -means will pay to the heirs of the repressed / rehabilitated .....
    8. -16
      17 February 2020 16: 27
      And what exactly is the manifestation of Russophobia in this case?
      In our thousand-year history, there was no worse enemy for the RUSSIAN people than Soviet Bolshevism.
      The red plague brought nothing to our country but grief.
      Now the State Duma is working on a law condemning totalitarian regimes and punishing them for propaganda; I hope decent officials will be able to push it through and contribute to adoption.
      1. +9
        17 February 2020 17: 02
        Feofan, are you really Russian? or the same as the anti-adviser Aranovsky? Do you like tsars? lash slaves? Well, well, do not forget - you do not outweigh everyone and there is a red Cheka on you
        1. +5
          17 February 2020 18: 52
          Fofan from Israel.
    9. +1
      21 February 2020 12: 19
      Any anti-Soviet is Russophobe. Just another confirmation. Aranovsky was born in Korsakov, until 1945 - Japanese territory. It turns out he is Japanese. Now let him go there to live and shout about unlawfulness. It is interesting that at least one of the power-holders condemns and corrects Aranovsky. If not, it turns out that they agree with his position.
  2. +12
    17 February 2020 12: 53
    Dibil, but where do they come from?
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. +14
        17 February 2020 13: 44
        Yes, they are not stupid people, but rather smart, cunning ENEMIES. This also applies to ministers, governors, and the president.
        1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +18
      17 February 2020 13: 06
      Judging by his last name, he is not a stupid person. And as for the repressions, the "chosen ones" were all in the NKVD and the GULAG until Beria put things in order.
      SUCH agree and Stalin and Hitler "equalize".
      And the last Constituent Assembly was dispersed (and correctly done) by Russia. And the USSR appeared five years later
      1. +19
        17 February 2020 13: 26
        Apparently, the rewriting of history for the sake of the liberal-European idea is taking leaps and bounds. And liberal lies are not going to stop.
      2. +1
        17 February 2020 17: 20
        However, if the coalition of the Bolsheviks and the Left Socialist Revolutionaries had more than 50% of the seats in the UE, they would hardly have started to disperse it.
    3. +12
      17 February 2020 13: 13
      Quote: SanSanych Gusev
      Dibil, but where do they come from?

      Enemies are not very much disguised, the famous video about a "patriot" with a foreign name:
  3. +12
    17 February 2020 12: 53
    One of the judges, Konstantin Aranovsky, expressed his opinion in addition to the decision. He said that the interpretation of the Russian Federation as a state - the successor of the USSR needs to be clarified.
    I hope the wording "due to the loss of confidence" will be applied here ...
    1. +16
      17 February 2020 13: 01
      He could not, of his own free will, say such a thing. Wrong level. He expressed the thoughts of the first person. Which he brought to mind the people from APeshechki.
      1. +20
        17 February 2020 14: 02
        Quote: Antique
        He could not, of his own free will, say such a thing. Wrong level. He expressed the thoughts of the first person. Which he brought to mind the people from APeshechki.

        How can I not recall Joseph Vissarionovich:
        "The capitalists are not idle talkers. They are people of action. They know that the fundamental question of revolution and counter-revolution is the question of power."
    2. +4
      17 February 2020 15: 50
      Quote: Less
      I hope the wording "due to the loss of confidence" will be applied here ...

      and I hope to read about it in the obituary soon ...
  4. +32
    17 February 2020 12: 53
    You can’t sit on two chairs.

    How could such a person get to the Constitutional Court ... after all, the fate of the whole country will depend on his decision ... I'm just outraged by what he said ...
    he should be immediately removed from the Constitutional Court of Russia ... I believe that his actions and words can lead to conflict in the civil society of Russia.
    1. +25
      17 February 2020 13: 06
      How could such a person get to the Constitutional Court

      Such people have been leading everything in our country for a long time .. Just enlightenment for many comes late ..

      Quote: bober1982
      this citizen, studied at graduate school together with Dmitry Anatolyevich, he appointed him at that time to such a high position.

      Quote: SanSanych Gusev
      And who appointed Dmitry?
    2. +28
      17 February 2020 13: 10
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      ... the fate of the whole country will depend on his decision ... I'm just outraged by what he said ...

      And the creation of the Russian Federation in 93 was legal? Was the shooting of the Armed Forces of the RSFSR legal?
      I read here, I don’t read here, here I wrapped a herring ...
      1. +12
        17 February 2020 13: 28
        Quote: Krasnoyarsk
        And the creation of the Russian Federation in 93 was legal? Was the shooting of the Armed Forces of the RSFSR legal?
        I read here, I don’t read here, here I wrapped a herring ...

        It all depends on the political priorities of today. Apparently the time has come for another anti-Soviet rhetoric.
      2. +2
        17 February 2020 13: 31
        Quote: Krasnoyarsk
        And the creation of the Russian Federation in 93 was legal?

        in the 91st. Yes, legality, perhaps, is present there, but .. crafty.
        1. +6
          17 February 2020 14: 47
          Quote: victor50

          in the 91st. Yes, legality, perhaps, is present there, but .. crafty.

          Sly legality? This is something new. It looks like a woman is pregnant, but ... a little wrong.
          Legality is either there or not.
      3. 0
        17 February 2020 17: 21
        RF since the end of December 1991
    3. +16
      17 February 2020 13: 27
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      How could such a person get to the Constitutional Court ..

      How, how, this man somehow got there. request
      1. +12
        17 February 2020 17: 10
        "In 1987 he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Law of the Far Eastern State University (FENU) and entered the postgraduate course of the Leningrad State University at the Department of State Law.
        In 1990 he defended his Ph.D. thesis "
        To deprive Aranovsky of all these ranks and regalia on the basis of his own assertion that the USSR was an illegal state formation.
        Apparently, the procedure for his dismissal from an eternal post should be announced.
        I don’t understand what kind of public gathered in the Constitutional Court?
        Their leader, a certain Zorkin, was at the same table with the Western elite last year. There, with obsequiousness, he PUBLICALLY declared that I was a descendant of those flocked at the stable, now I am sitting at the same table with the descendants of those who flogged my ancestors.
        But no one spoiled my ancestors, as they could lift them on forks.
        1. 0
          18 February 2020 10: 56
          Quote: Oleg Skvortsov

          To deprive Aranovsky of all these ranks and regalia on the basis of his own assertion that the USSR was an illegal state formation.
          Apparently, the procedure for his dismissal from an eternal post should be announced.

          I support, but ... how to do it? If the guarantor thinks the same as this "lawyer"
  5. +10
    17 February 2020 12: 54
    In the supplement of Konstantin Aranovsky, the thesis that the Soviet Union was a state illegally created is clearly repeated several times.

    And immediately remembered the famous anniversary of US history:
    60 years ago, on May 22, 1949, the first US Secretary of Defense and Secretary of the Navy, James Vincent Forrestal, jumped out of the 16th floor window of a naval hospital shouting "The Russians are coming!"

    Our judge seems to be going in the right historical direction, we’ll rejoice for him, maybe he will still soak something ...
    1. +11
      17 February 2020 15: 00
      Yes, you look at his biography, he’s from the electoral commission of Primorsky Krai and immediately to the judge of the Constitutional Court, this is the highest level of judge, but he didn’t even work as an assistant to the justice of the peace and probably wasn’t really in the courts .. But Dimon Kent .. this is better than professionalism
      1. +6
        17 February 2020 18: 42
        Quote: Level 2 Advisor
        Yes, you look at his biography, he’s from the election commission of the Primorsky Territory and immediately to the judges of the Constitutional Court,

        The whole trouble of modern Russia is that our current ruler, like the previous one, could not find at least a thousand honest and decent people from his circle who could help rebuild the new state. That’s why different shit crawls out, ready to lick f ... for Putin, but we won’t get any honor or decency from them, which means we won’t have high achievements.
        Whatever they say about Stalin, but he knew how to find the necessary managers who created the second world economy after a terrible war in a couple of decades. And for thirty years we have not been able to catch up with the USSR in many respects in many respects, and now we have found a new fun - to change the Constitution. But with such idiots in the Constitutional Court it is unlikely that good will come out.
        1. +1
          21 February 2020 14: 19
          Quote: ccsr
          our current ruler, like the previous one, could not find at least a thousand honest and decent people from his environment
          And he did not look. The president’s circle is largely composed of the same people with whom he worked in the administration of Sobchak in St. Petersburg in the 90s. He simply dragged them after him and planted them in managerial positions for convenience.
          1. 0
            21 February 2020 17: 27
            Quote: Greenwood
            And he did not look. The president’s circle is largely composed of the same people with whom he worked in the administration of Sobchak in St. Petersburg in the 90s.

            This is not entirely true - now some of his guards are already registered in the power structures, and they had no relation to Peter. The same applies to many governors, chairmen of legislative assemblies and ministers. So, if you wish, you can find leaders in the country, that's just how honest they will be, this is another matter.
  6. +30
    17 February 2020 12: 55
    Then, a diploma of higher education, stopudovo received by this figure in Soviet times, not a valid, to enter the national economy.
    1. +19
      17 February 2020 12: 57
      on an exit, in a national economy.

      There is no Stalin for him ... in Magadan it is necessary to send his land reclamation for the benefit of the Motherland
      1. +10
        17 February 2020 12: 58
        what I’m talking about. According to him, so, all who received a tower in education, no one.
        1. +12
          17 February 2020 13: 05
          Yes, where is the tower, we are all illegitimate
          1. +8
            17 February 2020 13: 06
            No, my son was born in Russia.)))) It reassures.
            1. +8
              17 February 2020 13: 14
              So is he from an illegitimate?
              1. +3
                17 February 2020 13: 29
                The main thing on the territory of the Russian Federation was born
          2. +18
            17 February 2020 13: 32
            Quote: SanSanych Gusev
            Yes, where is the tower, we are all illegitimate

            But really, to put it mildly, we are not legitimate ... But then, are everyone at the top the same?
      2. +19
        17 February 2020 13: 30
        Quote: The same LYOKHA
        There is no Stalin on him ..

        Stalin really is really lacking now ... both in politics and in the economy and in putting things in order in our country.
    2. +17
      17 February 2020 13: 04
      In 1987 he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Law of the Far Eastern State University (FENU) and entered the graduate school of Leningrad State University at the Department of State Law.
      In 1990 he defended his thesis on "Ensuring the constitutionality of normative acts of local councils"
      Yes, and the candidate is not real! And how is he doing with dual citizenship? For he broadcasts interesting things:
      There are no acceptable grounds for banning foreigners from owning Russian media. The authorities did not prove the reality of the threat to constitutional values, for protection against which a restriction was introduced in the Media Law [1]. The foreign origin of information or capital alone cannot be a threat, and emotional fears alone cannot justify restrictions, even if "they are experiencing a phobia or panic sincerely." Such thoughts were expressed by the judge of the Constitutional Court (CC) Konstantin Aranovsky
      1. +12
        17 February 2020 13: 07
        And the King is NOT PRESENT (C)
        1. +8
          17 February 2020 13: 11
          You have now dug it very deeply!
          1. +7
            17 February 2020 13: 30
            Yes, I did not become liberal.
  7. +7
    17 February 2020 12: 57
    All states were created illegally; someone pressed something; someone lost something or, in general, remained only in history.
  8. +21
    17 February 2020 12: 58
    The glorious road of traitors according to the type of the Baltic and Ukrainian regimes is the state machine of Russia. We are waiting for the change of the Anthem, the arrival of the Monarch, and the kneeling people. In a single impulse, the light face of the Supreme Ruler, kissing with happiness.
  9. +10
    17 February 2020 12: 59
    Such a statement cannot be taken seriously, it is provocative.
    By the way, this citizen himself, studied at graduate school together with Dmitry Anatolyevich, who appointed him at that time to such a high position.
    1. +11
      17 February 2020 13: 02
      And who appointed Dmitry?
      1. -7
        17 February 2020 13: 03
        Quote: SanSanych Gusev
        And who appointed Dmitry?

        People, by free vote.
      2. 0
        17 February 2020 15: 44
        MDA is also not legal
    2. +12
      17 February 2020 13: 12
      Nestling of a bear’s nest, cast from granite!
      1. +2
        17 February 2020 13: 14
        Quote: Vladimir_2U
        Nestling of a bear’s nest, cast from granite!

        Nails would be made of such, as Stalin said.
        1. +7
          17 February 2020 15: 30
          Quote: bober1982
          Quote: Vladimir_2U
          Nestling of a bear’s nest, cast from granite!

          Nails would be made of such, as Stalin said.

          Uh ... It seems like Mayakovsky ...
          And from people like gr. Aranovsky, not like nails, I'm afraid that even good fertilizer will not work.
          1. 0
            17 February 2020 17: 37
            Quote: Dude
            Uh ... It seems like Mayakovsky ...

            Now I know.
            Make nails out of it, as Mayakovsky said.
  10. +12
    17 February 2020 13: 00
    I will give an example from civil law. If a person accepts an inheritance, he accepts both assets and liabilities, i.e. obligations of the testator.
  11. +19
    17 February 2020 13: 01
    These are the judges of the Constitutional Court that deprive veterans of federal significance of disabled persons the right to free dental prosthetics.
  12. -1
    17 February 2020 13: 01
    Not well, but cho. In Ukraine, overthrown the government-it is illegal. In Russia, they overthrew power - it is illegal. Brought into compliance, you can even praise for the fact that there are no double standards in this matter
  13. +12
    17 February 2020 13: 02
    And the liberalist made his way to the constitutional court. He also admits that the USSR occupied Belarus and Ukraine during the Second World War.
  14. +11
    17 February 2020 13: 02
    Well .. waited ..
  15. +12
    17 February 2020 13: 02
    “The illegally created state" canceled those laws a long time ago and they do not work. It is stupid to appeal to a law that has not been in effect for a long time. Who is recruited as a judge of the constitutional court?
    1. +3
      17 February 2020 13: 31
      According to the contents of the suitcase !!!
  16. +19
    17 February 2020 13: 03
    Thus, the words about the illegality of the creation of the Soviet Union were heard from the lips of a judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.
    Oooo, the judge is really bad. Then the booze in the Bialowieza Forest of three crooks, this is the pinnacle of law and justice, as well as the shooting of the Supreme Council from tanks. Can he (the judge) accidentally wander into the Court?
    1. +9
      17 February 2020 15: 34
      Can he (the judge) accidentally wander into the Court?
      On the contrary, I think he was specially appointed there. And those who appointed do not differ from him.
  17. +18
    17 February 2020 13: 03
    In the supplement of Konstantin Aranovsky, the thesis that the Soviet Union was a state illegally created is clearly repeated several times.

    I love these "crooks" that they just can't think of it just not to give money away ...
    The "illegal" USSR was still RECOGNIZED by all states of the world, and this is already an indicator of "LEGALITY"
  18. +15
    17 February 2020 13: 09
    It is necessary and necessary to argue, but not to act idioticly. Moreover, it is necessary to cure Russophobia in Russia from its own bastards such as the Benedictine, Ponomarev, Gozman and the like little dogs. And for this, a law is needed prohibiting questioning the USSR’s victory over fascism and even certain facts such as that Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was somehow ill and that made her feat. This must be put to an end. And if Agranovsky expressed his opinion on the decision of the Constitutional Court, this does not mean anything for law enforcement. .
    1. +7
      17 February 2020 13: 32
      Yes, indeed, we will celebrate on May 9, so it’s not a legal holiday !!!! and March 8, too
  19. +16
    17 February 2020 13: 09
    How does it say something? Judge on the soap? No hints, just a saying. wink
  20. +15
    17 February 2020 13: 14
    Quote: Atlant-1164
    the worst crime of the USSR .. this is what it allowed to grow and educate. scum. who are now pouring mud on her!

    precisely noticed. that they arrange these shaashis.
  21. +11
    17 February 2020 13: 14
    From hard drinking or from birth cuckoo?
    1. +8
      17 February 2020 13: 33
      Diarrhea in his front and back.
  22. +10
    17 February 2020 13: 15
    In the supplement of Konstantin Aranovsky, the thesis that the Soviet Union was a state illegally created is clearly repeated several times.

    Fine??? Yes, on our planet, every first state has been created, re-created, in a similar way ... this history is given to the "lawyer" to read the REAL! and then he fences God knows what.
    This became possible also because the Russian leadership more than once did curtsies towards the West, towards Russophobic governments "offended by Russia"

    but this is obvious, it’s bad that not all those who are directly responsible for our state.
  23. +9
    17 February 2020 13: 16
    Yes, he and his relatives, only thanks to the USSR and the Soviet People live! And not in the furnace of a steam locomotive, the forest is transporting.
    1. +3
      17 February 2020 15: 46
      Yes, he forgot everything for the sake of cookies.
  24. +9
    17 February 2020 13: 18
    The whole world was recognized, and here it is on you. World has gone mad!
  25. +20
    17 February 2020 13: 21
    Good afternoon, dear forum users!
    Well, little by little, the ruling elite is making de-Sovietization. Congratulations, we are going slowly and surely "like a neighboring misunderstanding" is left to ride. So I'm wondering if this woodpecker, that is, an activist, would give up his merits, which he received during the times of the SOVIET UNION, which he hated? AND? Or is it just a talking ... g ... expresses the opinion of the chairman of the court and the entire top? Yes, and here recently one priest said that women living in a civil marriage are sorry .... ki. fine? Maybe this priest was forgotten and forgot the commandments. He does not live according to the rank, insulting our women, can he start with himself?
    My indignation boils down to the fact that me, and you dear forum users, these woodpeckers vilify and humiliate me. And do not say anything to them in response. Earlier in my comments I wrote that in the future there will be such situations, but they did not believe me.
    1. -7
      17 February 2020 13: 28
      Quote: Olegater
      Yes, and here recently, one pop said

      This was just a private opinion of Father Dmitry, not entirely successful, I must say what the Church pointed out to him; you cannot judge the whole Church by the statements of its individual priests, speaking your language.
      1. +15
        17 February 2020 13: 39
        Dear bober1982 !!
        The difficulty is that the opinion of such a priest does not appear without reason. So he is either stupid, which is unlikely. Once I was able to reach such a position. Or he voiced the unspoken opinion of the majority, such as the priests. It's .... rare ... you can't even call it a priest. And soon we will see and hear a lot of interesting things, just give it time. The USSR attacked weak Germany, and our women are simple ..... tki and men de .... ly. and the people are beast. We already hear it from these "Haspods"
        1. +2
          17 February 2020 13: 45
          Quote: Olegater
          The whole difficulty is that the opinion of such a priest appears not without reason

          We can agree on something, because we must understand what resonance such statements cause, that is, discord and squabble are intensifying, and it turns out that someone is artificially escalating the situation.
          1. +3
            17 February 2020 13: 48
            Exactly !!!! I agree.
        2. -7
          17 February 2020 13: 53
          Quote: Olegater
          So he or stupid, that hardly

          Father Dmitry is a smart person, but I will take the liberty of saying that he is not restrained and says what he thinks.
          The Church’s attitude towards women has always been very respectful, but at the same time, the Holy Fathers noted that women prevail (unbridled) and that all passions act with particular force, and the main ones are vanity, voluptuousness and deceit. passion behind the first two.
          Father Dmitry, of course, spoke in a clumsy manner.
          1. +9
            17 February 2020 14: 15
            The Church’s attitude towards women has always been very respectful, but at the same time, the Holy Fathers noted that women prevail (unbridled) and that all passions act with particular force, and the main ones are vanity, voluptuousness and deceit. passion behind the first two.

            What is the right of such misery to criticize ordinary normal women in general .. If a woman lives with a man - this is her business .. If they have passion - this is their business ..
            There are no REAL laws prohibiting just people to live for their pleasure .. If someone somewhere somewhere once thought that people are obliged to marry in order to be together - this is exclusively his problem .. The church can stick its position to this Dmitry ..
            1. -5
              17 February 2020 14: 20
              Quote: Roman070280
              The church can stick its position to this Dmitry ..

              So, this is not the position of the Church.
              Everything blossomed, no discipline.
      2. +2
        17 February 2020 21: 16
        Or maybe a priest for "eggs" to take for insulting citizens ?!
        In our country, it seems like a secular state and clergymen are also supposed to answer according to the Civil Code and the Criminal Code for their words and deeds ..
        1. 0
          18 February 2020 19: 57
          Yes, so soon the question of creating a church court will begin to pedal.
  26. +19
    17 February 2020 13: 24
    And who rewrites the story? There is nothing to blame for Europe, since ...
    I wonder what Mr. Judge thinks about the shelling of the Supreme Council in 1993.?
    Is voting on the rewriting of the Constitution legal?
    1. +18
      17 February 2020 14: 14
      Quote: Gardamir
      I wonder what Mr. Judge thinks about the shelling of the Supreme Council in 1993.?
      Is voting on the rewriting of the Constitution legal?

      I will answer a little with sarcasm, although it is not appropriate and the wrong topic:
      It has other goals, the illegality of the USSR. You need to understand, and you with questions about the present ...
  27. +10
    17 February 2020 13: 25
    In the second series, it should be said that the United States of America is also an illegally created state. The logic is visible, the precedent is obvious.
  28. +12
    17 February 2020 13: 26
    And all over the world, how did you come to power? Did Europe do the same with garlic? They didn’t chop heads for kings? Was the occupation of the Americas and Australia legal? In pre-revolutionary Russia, how did they ascend the throne and whom did they nominate? Tsarist generals abdicated the king legally? In modern Russia, the transfer of power by Gorbachev and the distribution of the Kemsky volosts were carried out legally? What legality is this character talking about? Soviet power means it was proclaimed illegally !? But Hitler came to power quite democratically! The system was capitalist. But we do not scold capitalism of those years. Trump also became president, it seems democratic. The only question is, where did the Indians of America go and why did not the indigenous Indian become president of the United States? You can recall how England hired the pirates. But no one says that the Navy of England is gangster! The author of today's article can write another article or a series of articles about how power has changed in the world in the last 500-1000 years. An interesting article will turn out!
  29. +10
    17 February 2020 13: 30
    A man must have been grown in the greenhouse conditions of the USSR and nevertheless lies. Probably sooooo good he lives on folk grub.
  30. +3
    17 February 2020 13: 33
    The USSR was created by the communist party "On December 29, 1922, at the conference of delegations from the congresses of the Soviets of the RSFSR, the Ukrainian SSR, the BSSR and the ZSFSR, the Treaty on the formation of the USSR was signed. This document was approved on December 30, 1922 by the XNUMXst All-Union Congress of Soviets and signed by the heads of delegations." All members of the union are the successors; during the collapse of the USSR, these members shared everything. If someone else has complaints, let him collect all these participants in court, there maybe the plaintiff will be remembered for something. Asking from Moscow, for the fact that the Central Committee of the CPSU met there, is like asking Washington for the UN, because the headquarters is in Washington.
  31. +10
    17 February 2020 13: 36
    Does the UN know about this judge and his initiative? When they find out, they will throw Vasya (RF) into the cold from the Security Council and other members.
  32. +5
    17 February 2020 13: 40
    And my diploma obtained in a new democratic Russia, but of a Soviet standard, for 1994, is it legal? Or not?
  33. +11
    17 February 2020 13: 41
    It seems that the people sat up in the office, overworked. It would be necessary for him to fresh air, somewhere in Kibbutzi, physical work plus vitamins (carrots) would benefit both Konstantin himself and the Russian Themis.
  34. +10
    17 February 2020 13: 44
    The appearance of Soviet power, from the point of view of the judge, became possible as a result of the illegal overthrow of the Constituent Assembly.

    Exactly the same illegal Constituent Assembly ... Which pretended to be power until it bothered ... the sailor !!! One sailor!
    Well, the responsibility for the repression and confiscated property must be laid ... on Georgia ??? After all, Dzhugashvili and Beria from where? Means what? That's right, Georgia is to blame!
    The logic of the grave diggers is such that you can find anything there: the victim himself is to blame, and the neighbor whose wife was not at fault, or the wife of that neighbor - why is she so ... tempting, And the gretatuborg, which already emitted carbon monoxide at a young age more than the Papaus tribe in their entire lives, and those who prevented her from going to school and stole her childhood from her.
    In short, everyone is to blame for everyone and for everything!
    And only judge Konstantin Aranovsky will and can judge everything! Or is he not a judge, but a judge? And we just do not recognize him in makeup?
  35. +15
    17 February 2020 13: 53
    I will quote the unloved by many here El Murida, but with whose opinion I completely agree on this issue
    Judge of the Constitutional Court Aranovsky may well begin with himself. A diploma in legal education received in Soviet times is clearly of a totalitarian character, and therefore it must be annulled. As well as the no less totalitarian candidate dissertation of 1990, as it is devoted to ensuring the constitutionality of normative acts of local councils. Local councils are also part of a repressive totalitarian machine. Therefore, the dissertation directly contradicts the judge’s current convictions.

    Fighters with the accursed past all the time modestly forget that they were part of it, and therefore they will have to give up the mass of things that form the basis of their life today. It is especially ridiculous to hear such nonsense from former members of the CPSU, who, sticking out their tongues, diligently in their time in their applications for admission to the party different phrases like "Please accept me in the CPSU, because I want to be in the forefront of the builders of communism" without blinking an eye, they say that the damned scoop did not produce anything except galoshes, and the leadership of the USSR did nothing else, only pledged tens of megatons of special products for everything that was possible.
  36. +7
    17 February 2020 13: 56
    It is strange that the judge generally touched on this topic. Here you can open such a Pandora’s box. In fact, speaking the legal language, all the states of the world are illegally created. But in fact, the state creates a people with its decision to live together, together defend borders and be in the same cultural space.
  37. +8
    17 February 2020 13: 58
    “The USSR is an illegally created state”: judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation spoke about Russia and the Soviet past

    Judge, this one, on the soap !!! am
    This abomination was raised, nourished and trained in the USSR and considers it illegal !!! belay
    Kill apsten, id and from !!! am
  38. +6
    17 February 2020 14: 03
    What, one civil war was not enough, they want to arrange another one? This Aranovsky drive a filthy broom.
  39. +3
    17 February 2020 14: 13
    Is modern Russia a legal (legal?) State? What Constitution is such and the Constitutional Court (or vice versa) ...
    This is no longer a bell, it is already alarmed that a truly national Russian state will NOT !!!
    1. +6
      17 February 2020 15: 27
      Here, colleague, let me agree with you. We need a thorough discussion about the State Council.
  40. +13
    17 February 2020 14: 19
    If a judge of the Constitutional Court considers the USSR illegal, then higher education diplomas are also not legal (since the country is illegal). Then why is this one who does not have legal education certificates located in the Constitutional Court? Who attached him to this place?
    Kick a knee under his tail !!! am
    1. +6
      17 February 2020 14: 24
      What are these judges ??? They really do not understand what nonsense they carry.
  41. +4
    17 February 2020 14: 23
    It seems like a judge. He must understand what the Law is. According to the laws of the USSR, everything is more than legal. What kind of judges are these ??? He really does not give an account of his words.
  42. -2
    17 February 2020 14: 34
    "The USSR is an illegally created state"

    You guys do not despair. After all, the story, as you know, is written by the winners. But, apparently, there are no communists among them. tongue
  43. +8
    17 February 2020 14: 35
    The secret thoughts of the Kremlin regime gush through the revelations of the next ghoul. Let him say, do not shut his mouth, we will hear many more interesting things. Aranovsky’s next step is Camingout.
  44. +8
    17 February 2020 14: 35
    An anti-spook is always ultimately a Russophobe. © D.Yu. Puchkov "Goblin"
  45. +5
    17 February 2020 14: 35
    In Germany, which the judge cites as a guideline, there is still no such ambiguity at least at the symbol level - the Bundeswehr does not march under swastika banners, Hitler's portraits are not worn under Nazi marches at national holidays.

    Well, this is how to look ... Luftwaffe with their black cross with a white border suspiciously reminiscent of something. smile
    1. +4
      17 February 2020 15: 55
      Aranovsky got the coast primarily as the holder of a law degree - Nazism was prohibited by the decision of the Nuremberg Tribunal, and communism at the level of international law has never been forbidden: at first the USSR would have opposed this, now - the PRC. Both of these states are permanent members of the UN Security Council, which according to the Charter of this organization could, but did not make such a decision.

      Therefore, the Russian Federation can and should be not only the successor of the USSR (the official status of Russia in the UN since 1992), but also the assignee of both the previous state formation (USSR) and the assignee of all state entities preceding it until 1922 (RSFSR, Russian Republic, Russian Empire, Russian Kingdom, Grand Duchy of Moscow, Russian Land).

      What emblems and anthems of its predecessors to use the Russian Federation somehow will figure it out without any Aranov and Khodorkovsky.
  46. +12
    17 February 2020 14: 37
    But the drunk Yeltsin and Judah Gorbachev on the basis of a referendum of the USSR ruined? And where did Aranovsky get his primary education? Let all their property be annulled, because the beginning is taken from the USSR.
  47. +6
    17 February 2020 14: 38
    In my opinion, this is called "wed ... be in the head." How much can you? They don't even know what they are doing there?
    1. +6
      17 February 2020 14: 55
      Unfortunately, they understand that we just need to clean out the entire composition of the judges of the Constitutional Court, some liberals are seated there, and amendments to the Constitution should help, the number of judges of the Constitutional Court will be reduced from 19 to 11 and patriots of their homeland should sit there, and not individuals like Aranovsky who are ready to spit in yourself and your ancestors, if only the West would like it!
  48. +6
    17 February 2020 14: 57
    How many freaks in our courts are sitting ... an obvious parasite is grinning at the full + endowed with power.
  49. +7
    17 February 2020 15: 01
    Aranovsky - this is the member of the Constitutional Court who insisted on payment of compensation to the Yukos shareholders under the completely left decision of the ECHR (going beyond the scope of this court’s competence) - Khodorkovsky was clearly charging him then (as now).

    Aranovsky forgot that the Soviet government replaced the Provisional Government, an absolutely illegal body under the laws of the Russian Empire, which the Provisional Government had overthrown before.

    In addition, the Constitutional Court of the RSFSR in 1993 condemned the dissolution of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR by a decree of the President of the RSFSR, so the existence of the Russian Federation (including its Constitutional Court) can also be declared illegal by the perverse logic of Aranovsky.

    According to this logic, the French Republic, the Italian Republic and other European states that have overthrown their monarchies in a revolutionary way, and up to the heap of the United States, which have forcibly separated from the British Empire, must also be declared illegal.

    PS In order to prevent sinecure for such nonsense as Aranovsky, I propose to exclude from the new version of the Constitution of the Russian Federation the mention of the Constitutional Court with the transfer of its functions to the Supreme Court.
    At the same time, we’ll save a lot of money on stopping the maintenance of duplicate authorities.
    1. +1
      17 February 2020 17: 28
      Since December 1991, there were the President of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation. And not the RSFSR. At one time, the abbreviation of the Russian Federation (P) was still used.
      1. +2
        17 February 2020 18: 45
        The RSFSR was renamed the Russian Federation in 1991 by a decision of the Supreme Council, but the Constitutional Court forced to re-submit the issue to the Congress of People's Deputies in 1992, therefore, the legal renaming began to operate only from that moment.

        But I had in mind something else - the President, the Supreme Council and the Constitutional Court at the time of their election / formation wore the title of the RSFSR.
  50. +1
    17 February 2020 15: 01
    A strange comrade. There is not a single 'legally' created state in the world. RF is no exception. Nevertheless, this did not bother anyone except him. With the formation of the state, the laws of its life appear, and not vice versa. Chicken - the egg does not work in this case. From a false premise, a false statement arises.
  51. +6
    17 February 2020 15: 10
    Logically, such statements are incompatible with holding public office. With such views, the right place is in the liberal opposition to US grants
  52. +3
    17 February 2020 15: 12
    there are worms in the very heart
  53. +8
    17 February 2020 15: 31
    The words of the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation may be perceived ambiguously in Russian society
    I don’t see any ambiguity, as a lawyer, judging by his statement, he is a complete zero and a citizen is the same
  54. +2
    17 February 2020 15: 32
    Where was this judge if there was no USSR? Lenin and the Bolsheviks overthrew the Constituent Assembly. He said, we just PICKED UP THE AUTHORITY THAT WAS LYING ON THE STREET.
  55. -2
    17 February 2020 15: 44
    I watched with interest how the trolls are attacking here) Meanwhile, Peskov called the judge’s statement a “personal opinion” and emphasized “that Russia is both de jure and de facto the legal successor of the Soviet Union”)
    1. +5
      17 February 2020 16: 32
      Sorry, a person in such a position has the right to open his mouth, voicing his opinion, only at home and “at a party of best friends,” and even then after making sure that there are no media representatives there. In all other cases, he is a representative, and of considerable rank, of the authorities. And no matter what the “head with a mustache” says, this is definitely not a personal opinion.
      1. -1
        17 February 2020 16: 58
        Come on, what does the article say? What he
        expressed his opinion in addition to the resolution.
        And also
        The court sided with the women, and the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation adopted a corresponding resolution.
        And whose then is it not a personal opinion, the court’s or an individual judge’s?)
        1. +3
          17 February 2020 17: 04
          “He expressed his opinion in addition to the resolution” - as if the answer to you is that yes, this is not a personal opinion.
          Moreover, he expressed this not as a private person, but as an official.
          1. -2
            17 February 2020 17: 14
            Don’t our officials have their own opinions? belay All around. The whole point of the article is as simple as 2 kopecks: the court had one opinion, and the judge had another - his personal official opinion. If he wasn’t entitled to his opinion, he wouldn’t have expressed it)
            1. +4
              17 February 2020 17: 20
              Personal opinion of a government official while on duty? Are you seriously?!
              1. +1
                17 February 2020 17: 21
                As you can see, he is not the only judge there, and they have different opinions, the court is obliged to take into account all opinions and make a verdict.
              2. +2
                18 February 2020 13: 04
                The judge of the Constitutional Court has the right by law to express and publish his opinion, which does not correspond to the opinion of the majority of the members of the Constitutional Court.
        2. -1
          17 February 2020 17: 08
          In fact, this is an explanation of the court ruling, given orally.
          1. 0
            17 February 2020 17: 20
            I don’t understand, what kind of explanation is this that is directly opposite to the resolution?)
            1. 0
              17 February 2020 17: 53
              “The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation issued a ruling on compensation for housing taken from Soviet citizens as a result of repression. The reason for this step was the appeal to the court by three residents of the Russian capital, who laid claim to living quarters taken from their repressed relatives. The court sided with the women, and the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation adopted a corresponding resolution."
              As you can see, the explanation is not exactly the opposite: the Constitutional Court agreed with the decision of the lower court to satisfy the claims of the relatives of the “repressed”. That is, the court ruled that the confiscation of property from those convicted at that time was illegal. The concept of “repressed” will be left to Khrushchev’s conscience.
              And then Agronovsky develops the theme that, supposedly, the court was “illegal” because the state was “illegal,” thereby arguing for the decision of the Constitutional Court.
              And where is the opposite here?
              1. -5
                17 February 2020 17: 58
                There are no questions about the court's decision. What I’m saying is that the dissenting opinion of Judge Aranovsky in his addition to the court’s decision is directly opposite to the decision of this court. This has absolutely no meaning or legal force, but the trolls made a mountain out of a mountain, well, that’s their job.
                1. +3
                  17 February 2020 18: 15
                  So I wrote above that his comment is completely in the spirit of the decision made - am I really explaining my thoughts in such a tongue-tied manner that it is incomprehensible?!
                  1. 0
                    17 February 2020 19: 45
                    Here I am glad that we came to a consensus)
                    1. 0
                      17 February 2020 21: 30
                      It's nice to chat with an adequate opponent!
                      good drinks
                2. +3
                  17 February 2020 18: 28
                  The most important thing, I repeat once again, he made his statement and explanation publicly, which automatically makes his words a statement by an official.
                  You have to think with your head, what and where are you saying?!
                  Or is it a conscious “reset”!
                  1. +1
                    17 February 2020 19: 36
                    Well, since a Constitutional judge has the right to have an opinion different from the opinion of other judges, then whether to publish it or not is also his personal business. The press service of the Constitutional Court confirms this.
                3. +3
                  17 February 2020 18: 35
                  Although, of course, his casuistry is interesting: “According to Aranovsky, the rehabilitation of victims of repression should not be equated with compensation for harm, since the Russian Federation has no relation to the political repressions carried out in the Soviet Union and, accordingly, to the damage suffered by citizens of the USSR as a result of this policy Therefore, if Russia helps victims of repression, this does not mean that it should accept responsibility for the repressive actions themselves carried out during the existence of the Soviet state."
                  But here it’s worth recalling the phrase from the joke: “You either put on your panties or take off your cross!”
                  Although this can be recommended to our entire state machine...
                  1. +2
                    17 February 2020 18: 45
                    That is, he personally recognizes the “illegality” of the Soviet court, but at the same time he seems to disagree with the fact that Russia, as the legal successor of the USSR, having agreed with the “illegality” of the courts in the USSR, restored “legality”, because it does not agree with “ legality" of the USSR.. Scribe, everything seems to be in order with my logic, but I don’t understand such twists!
                    1. 0
                      17 February 2020 18: 46
                      And he doesn’t question the issue of legal succession?! So?
                      1. +1
                        17 February 2020 19: 42
                        Lawyers are masters at such tricks. But be that as it may, Russia, in fact, is the only full legal successor to the USSR, that is, it has assumed all the full rights and responsibilities. And no matter what Aranovsky comes up with, he will have to agree with this.
                      2. +2
                        17 February 2020 20: 28
                        This is exactly what I'm talking about! If you named yourself an heir and you were recognized as such, be kind enough to recognize both property rights and the rights to inherit debts.
                        And this is where that interesting right arises - the inheritance of “moral and ethical” rights and responsibilities. Both in relation to external obligations and internal ones.
                      3. +4
                        17 February 2020 20: 41
                        And even more than that, we also took on the debts of Tsarist Russia, which were ignored by the USSR, and paid every penny of all external obligations; Bosnia and Herzegovina was the last in 2017.
                      4. 0
                        17 February 2020 20: 53
                        And how does Aranovsky’s statement look against this background?!
                      5. +2
                        17 February 2020 21: 07
                        Aranovsky acted like a stupid person, who, if not a lawyer, understands the meaning of the words “full fullness of rights and obligations,” like he agrees with the general opinion, but I’m still getting smarter. There will always be someone who needs to stand out, for me this whole story is not worth discussing, but here some people throw in something against the background of this that, stand or fall, you are simply amazed.
                      6. +1
                        17 February 2020 20: 38
                        It is possible to agree to the point that since “the USSR is illegal”, then the most distant heirs of Nicholas II can quite reasonably present to the Russian Federation - “give us back our Russian Empire”! With Helsingfors, not Helsinki, with Georgia and the entire Caucasus, all of Central Asia and part of Poland. I’m generally silent about Ukraine and Belarus.
                        But - without the south of Sakhalin and Kaliningrad.
                      7. +2
                        17 February 2020 20: 49
                        Thank God at least there were no victims or repressed by the “regimes” of Ivan the Terrible or Catherine 2)))
                      8. +3
                        17 February 2020 21: 01
                        Well, the “Sumerians” tried to make a claim against Mongolia for the “Mongol-Tatar yoke.” They reasonably answered that they were ready to provide targeted compensation - subject to the provision of complete passport data of victims of their yoke.
                        I don’t know if this is a story or true - but if it’s true, then an excellent lesson in “trolling” from the Mongols!
                        It seems like that's where it all ended...
                      9. 0
                        17 February 2020 21: 16
                        I heard that too, that’s how it’s needed, a competent approach! Although, by and large, this whole Sumerian claim initially looked frivolous. I’m curious how the Poles are going to demand some kind of compensation and retribution from us for World War II)
              2. 0
                17 February 2020 18: 13
                Aranovsky was mistaken, of course.
              3. +1
                18 February 2020 13: 07
                Not “repressed”, but “illegally repressed”. Anyone convicted by a court is repressed.
  56. +6
    17 February 2020 15: 45
    That is, we accepted the money and territories with resources, but we don’t want to bear responsibility
  57. The comment was deleted.
  58. +5
    17 February 2020 16: 05
    The man is used to spinning and interpreting, what kind of comment did you expect from him?) It’s like asking Tolstoy or Solovyov about his political position -)
    1. +2
      17 February 2020 16: 50
      But Tolstoy and Solovyov are not judges in the Constitutional Court. And so - yes!
  59. +2
    17 February 2020 16: 14
    But I thought that the task of the Constitutional Court is to make decisions on cases on the topic of their compliance with the current Constitution, and not to provide a legal assessment of historical facts from the point of view of modern laws.
    I'm probably misunderstanding something, right?!
  60. +7
    17 February 2020 16: 16
    brain rotted from impunity and gluttony, sheep
  61. +5
    17 February 2020 16: 31
    An interesting point emerges. If the USSR is illegal, then what was legal under the Russian Empire at the time of 1918 is legal. This means that half of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands must be given to Japan. Kaliningrad Germany. Recognize Kolchak’s debts and obligations to transfer the rights to use all railway transport to the French for a period of 20 years and pay so much compensation for lost opportunities. Is this judge allowing himself too much?
  62. +2
    17 February 2020 16: 36
    Aranovsky? So we've played the game of democracy... Who let him there? , and what will he do with me? For me, the USSR is my life.
  63. -13
    17 February 2020 16: 37
    It would seem that the court simply returned to the people their rightful property that had been stolen by the bandit authorities of the red plague. Justice has triumphed in the most literal sense of the word, and what person would be dissatisfied here? - only a thief, a scumbag and a communist, who for 70 years appropriated other people’s property and drank himself to death.
    1. +9
      17 February 2020 16: 57
      Yeah, he appropriated and drank so much that he was the first in the world to go into space, created the most advanced nuclear energy in the world, created a unified energy system for the largest country in the world, created the best education, health and social protection systems in the world... And this despite the Great Patriotic War.
      In general, such an interesting thief and drunkard emerges.
  64. BAI
    17 February 2020 16: 47
    In the supplement of Konstantin Aranovsky, the thesis that the Soviet Union was a state illegally created is clearly repeated several times. The appearance of Soviet power, from the point of view of the judge, became possible as a result of the illegal overthrow of the Constituent Assembly.

    Lord, where are we going? And this is a judge of the Constitutional Court! Any revolution is by definition illegal, because... implies a violent change of the existing political system. Therefore, it cannot be considered legal or illegal. Revolution is the right to self-defense of the masses when the behavior of the state is intolerable. One can just as well say that the acquisition of independence by colonies is illegal, because violated the current legislation of the metropolitan countries of which they were a part. For example, the collapse of the USSR is also illegal - a complete violation of the Constitution and laws of the USSR.
    We can say that any republic (Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, etc.) that appears in place of a monarchical state is illegal.
  65. +5
    17 February 2020 16: 52
    It was illegal to force Nicholas II to abdicate the throne and the failed activities of the Provisional Government, which led to the collapse of the Empire and its economy within six months. All this is on the conscience of pro-Western liberals (like this subject Aranovsky). The country was destroyed to such an extent that a small group of Bolsheviks, albeit well organized and with iron discipline, saved the Empire from collapse, raised the economy from ruins and defeated the aggression of world capitalism in 41-45. For which we give them our deepest bow and heartfelt thanks, although not without complaints. And it is not for Aranovsky to judge what was legal or legitimate here. Snot and chalk to stutter on this topic. His job is to compare the “letter” of the country’s Basic Law with the “crooked letters” of the decisions of his smaller colleagues who allowed deviations from the Constitution. And nothing more. And let him keep his political emotions to himself, so as not to bring trouble to his own head. The Russian peasant is really fed up with this liberalism. And not Russian either!
    1. +4
      17 February 2020 18: 57
      I agree in some ways, but it’s also not worth making an icon out of Nicholas II. As a monarch, an autocrat, he is primarily the culprit of his own abdication. And there is nothing to look for others here. If you had been smarter, you wouldn’t have brought the situation in the country to a revolution. Even in 1905, there was no longer a call, but an alarm bell.
    2. +4
      17 February 2020 19: 02
      He himself brought the situation to a revolution, received abdication and a civil war. By and large, it is he, Emperor Rasseisk, who should be charged for the victims of the revolution and the Civil War!
      1. +4
        17 February 2020 20: 33
        Instead he became a saint!!! An operator who ruined the empire and ruined his family. It seems like General Dragomirov said about Nicholas 2 - his level is regiment commander, with a good division commander.
  66. +10
    17 February 2020 17: 30
    Why are we surprised? If Putin personally talks nonsense about Lenin and Stalin and the USSR? The guarantor, Pence the reformer, forgot that in modern Russia, the son of a worker from Leningrad will never become what Putin became and will never rise, there are no more Soviet social elevators. This gentleman Aranovsky must be judged for the gravest insult to all Soviet people, the entire Soviet generation who built the USSR and defended their homeland during the Second World War.
  67. AB
    17 February 2020 17: 31
    I’m probably not the only one who has a question: do the judges of the Constitutional Court undergo an adequacy test from a psychiatrist? Some Konstantin Aranovsky, who has expressed “dissenting opinions” more than once, does he have such a certificate? Or did you bring the certificate once before the appointment and that’s it? Look at him, I have doubts about his sanity.
    1. +5
      17 February 2020 20: 35
      Take off your glasses, put on a mustache, you'll look a bit like Hitler.
  68. +9
    17 February 2020 17: 38
    I thought that our officials had reached the bottom of throwing mud at the USSR, but then Konstantin Aranovsky came knocking from below.
    How did such an individual get into the CC?
    1. +3
      17 February 2020 20: 36
      Well paraphrased by Jerzy Lec)))))
    2. 0
      18 February 2020 12: 31
      They write that I studied with DAM
  69. +4
    17 February 2020 17: 41
    Quote: Oleg Skvortsov
    There are no more Soviet social elevators.

    There are actually elevators, but for the people of Russia they all only work downwards. The floor is controlled by two well-known “elevators”.
  70. +6
    17 February 2020 17: 41
    In the supplement of Konstantin Aranovsky, the thesis that the Soviet Union was a state illegally created is clearly repeated several times.
    ....Yes!!!..Now, from here we will threaten the Swede... laughing The government in the UK is also not legal... just like in the USA... laughing
  71. +3
    17 February 2020 17: 45
    Did this scipialist teach history? On December 30, 1922, at the First Congress of Soviets, representatives of the RSFSR, the Ukrainian and Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republics, as well as the Transcaucasian Federation signed the Declaration on the Formation of the USSR and the Union Treaty. The Declaration indicated the reasons and principles of unification. The Treaty defined the relationship between the republics and the center. Because of such experts, the Union collapsed.
  72. +2
    17 February 2020 17: 58
    Is it possible to fire a dude (this is exactly the epithet he deserves) with the wording “lack of a brain”?
    1. -1
      17 February 2020 22: 56
      Not right away, first you need to do an autopsy to look for what’s lying around in the bone...
  73. +4
    17 February 2020 18: 29
    Pasta, etc., hatched again. I wonder if such passages will be assessed by the authorities?
  74. +3
    17 February 2020 21: 52
    He expressed this special opinion back in December.
    I wonder why they are promoting this all now?
  75. +4
    17 February 2020 22: 54
    This judge Aranovsky is a provocateur, a false witness and an illiterate primitive all rolled into one: perjury should also be perjured... qualified...
    The convening of the Constituent Assembly (CA), which the Provisional Government (VP) was supposed to convene within two months, was delayed for eight to nine months - first by Lvov, and then by Kerensky. Thus, the VP (which itself was illegal, according to its own... hmm... concepts(?)) tried to stupidly usurp power away from its own bourgeois democracy.
    The CC was convened only in January 1918, in an attempt to level out the gains of Soviet power - the power of workers' deputies, who were DEMOCRATICALLY elected to the Congress of Soviets.
    The Soviets had every right to prevent the convening of the Council, but decided to test this... organism for legal capacity.
    The Constitutional Court turned out to be incompetent according to its own regulations.
    Aranovsky not only does not know the subject himself, he also appeals to the least educated contingents who are inclined to take their word for it - and any word at that...
    This is not the behavior of a JUDGE, this is the behavior of an unscrupulous artistic lawyer before a stupid jury!
  76. +6
    17 February 2020 23: 44
    This is the elite, they can say such things....
    Huge salaries, cosmic incomes, large profits of families and clans (What about Lenin: there is no such crime....300%???)....
    They must be defended in every possible way by the elite from the ghost of the Soviet past, socialist ideas, and they must also be used to defend themselves from the terrible West, where their children study and their property lies offshore.
    1. +2
      18 February 2020 00: 56
      This is not Lenin, this is Marx...
      1. +1
        18 February 2020 06: 06
        This is Thomas Joseph Dunning, whom Marx quoted in Capital)
        1. 0
          19 February 2020 23: 10
          Thanks I'll know
  77. +3
    18 February 2020 07: 54
    Aranovsky...I wonder if there are many Russians among the main officials of the state?
  78. 0
    18 February 2020 08: 22
    Why doesn't the Constitutional Court judge go further? Recognize the CPSU and its KGB vanguard as a criminal organization with all the ensuing consequences? Lustration there and so on. I remember a snake eating its own tail.
    1. 0
      18 February 2020 19: 59
      Then the Guarantor will have to go straight to prison and to jail.
  79. 0
    18 February 2020 09: 20
    This is no accident - We are “imperceptibly” led to justify colonial rule - the “royal heirs” or the Hohenzollerns or Elizabeth 2 in general, especially since there is formally no state of the Russian Federation, there is a company “RF” led by Medvedev
  80. -2
    18 February 2020 09: 24
    Quote: nikolaj1703
    Did this scipialist teach history? On December 30, 1922, at the First Congress of Soviets, representatives of the RSFSR, the Ukrainian and Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republics, as well as the Transcaucasian Federation signed the Declaration on the Formation of the USSR and the Union Treaty. The Declaration indicated the reasons and principles of unification. The Treaty defined the relationship between the republics and the center. Because of such experts, the Union collapsed.

    So the USSR ended and there was no NEW constituent assembly, the modern constitution and power are fake, and after 99 years the territory of Russia passes into the possession of the English heirs, and this will be... 2021 (if not earlier)
  81. -1
    18 February 2020 10: 55
    A statement by a person of this level, even if this private statement has political significance. Such a statement, to me, as a person born in the USSR who gave part of his life and service to the Soviet Union, is insulting, and if this is a private statement, then in the old tsarist times, those beloved by you, for insulting your POWERS, COUNTRIES, were challenged to a duel, in extreme cases, they beat you. muzzles. It is clear that they will not beat you, but let me tell you that you are cynical, mediocre, disgusting, without honor and conscience. Anyone who spits at US will receive the same spit in return.
  82. +1
    18 February 2020 12: 18
    Firstly, the USSR 1922, 1937, 1945, 1985, 1990 are different USSRs. Secondly, the USSR is buried. Thirdly, communist ideology is not condemned, Nazi ideology is condemned. The repressive practices that took place during a certain period of the existence of the USSR are not directly related to communism and communist ideology. It is impossible to change the past, but the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and his comrades can bury the Russian Federation. I would like to know in advance in detail what the consequences will be.
  83. -2
    18 February 2020 12: 56
    How could this profoundly stupid man become a constitutional judge?
    What can a constitution be like if it is observed by such specialists? Although, if in December Putin rated Medvedev’s government a high 4, and in January of the new year it went down with potatyr, then there is nothing to be surprised at. The leader’s hand is like Akinfeev’s foot and acts mechanically, on a subconscious level choosing from all possible ones on the principle of a brother-in-law, not a specialist.
    1. -1
      18 February 2020 13: 36
      Quote: Campanella
      How could this profoundly stupid man become a constitutional judge?

      Didn’t you know that the institution of judges in our country occupies a leading position in personnel degradation? There are almost no decent people left there anymore.
      1. 0
        18 February 2020 14: 55
        But they shouldn’t be there, they are appointed by the authorities)))
  84. -2
    18 February 2020 13: 34
    After this, does anyone have doubts that Russia is not an occupied country?
  85. 0
    18 February 2020 17: 52
    And what is this judge smoking?? What do they stuff them with?? And the heads too, apparently..... Or complexes about one’s own strayness led to such extensive conclusions of the brain. Isn't it time to see a doctor who interprets the codes?
  86. 0
    18 February 2020 18: 26
    Woe to the state that has such judges in the Constitutional Court. After all, no, it means an enemy and a provocateur.
    1. 0
      19 February 2020 18: 00
      Quote: Lekz
      Woe to that state...

      Was it created “legally”?
      1. 0
        20 February 2020 16: 59
        This is exactly the case when the question may be stupider than the answer. You probably know legally created states? For example, USA, Ukraine...
  87. +2
    19 February 2020 12: 59
    Quote: Konatantin 1992
    And you say in Europe and the USA there are Russophobes)))) here he is, among them, they shoot films first, they say on TV, and then the judge of the Constitutional Court issues this)))

    On the NTV program "Meeting Place" there was information that this judge, along with two other judges, were classmates Medvedev and when he was president were co-opted as members of the Constitutional Court, it turns out, it’s just without any ceremony! So there is nothing to be surprised here! It was necessary to ask to leave not only .....!
  88. +1
    19 February 2020 23: 37
    What does this figure not say about the illegality of the formation of the Russian Federation? After all, the USSR collapsed despite the results of the referendum on preserving the USSR. And according to the Constitution of the USSR, a referendum is the highest form of expression of the will of citizens, higher than presidents, Supreme Councils, Congresses and all other power structures. So no to Yeltsin, centers are opened and monuments are erected, streets and educational institutions are named.
    This is how much confidence in the judicial system can be after this.
    1. 0
      20 February 2020 20: 49
      Here we can say that the judge is singing along with someone, this someone is Putin and he is trying to denigrate the Soviet Union
  89. 0
    20 February 2020 20: 46
    I wonder if the collapse of the Soviet Union by drunkard Yeltsin and the creation of the state of Russia were also legal?
  90. 0
    21 February 2020 18: 26
    Rauf Arashukov in the Federation Council, Konstantin Aranovsky in the Constitutional Court... Am I the only one who thinks that positions are bought and sold and we are ruled by unworthy people?