How to solder the Russian people

How to solder the Russian people
K. Vasiliev. Ilya Muromets and Goal Kabatskaya

The fight against alcoholism in Russia has centuries history. The first sermon in Russian history on this subject, “The Word of Drunkenness,” was compiled by Theodosius of the Caves in the eleventh century. It said that through alcohol consumption, a person drives away a guardian angel and attracts a demon. Alcohol is one of the weapons of genocide directed against the Russian people.

From the history of alcohol

Alcohol has been known to mankind since ancient times. This is an Arabic word. Sometimes this word is translated as "most elegant, volatile and delicious." But the correct translation is "alcohol." The beginning of targeted production of fermented products containing alcohol (alcohol), many historians attribute to the time of the Neolithic revolution, the transition to manufacturing (agriculture), that is, about 10 thousand years BC. e. In ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Palestine, Greece, Rome and China, alcohol was produced and consumed.

Already in ancient times, the negative effect of alcohol on the physical, intellectual and spiritual health of a person was noted. In Ancient Sparta, the stronghold of the cult of warriors, there were lessons of sobriety. The young men were seated at a table lavishly laden with food and wine; on the contrary, they planted slaves; they overeat and got drunk. So they worked out an attitude of disgust for gluttony and drunkenness among young Spartans. In the rest of Ancient Greece and Rome, they preferred to drink diluted wine (with an alcohol content of 2-3%) and only after 30 years, when healthy offspring were already born. Violators of the ban were expelled from the clan. And on his grave they could write: “He lived like a slave - he drank undiluted wine!”

That is, strong, undiluted wine could be drunk only by slaves, because drunk, addicted people are easier to manage. “You don’t need a knife for a drunkard, / You’ll pour a little for him, / And do what you like with him!” The corresponding conclusions suggest themselves. Already since ancient times, alcohol is a method of management and weapon genocide aimed at the dependent population, slaves (consumers). It is clear that during the decay of the ancient states of Greece and the Roman Empire, these prohibitions were forgotten, and the gentlemen in their behavior were equal to the corrupted slaves.

In ancient times, the extremely negative effect of alcohol on society and the state was noted. In ancient India, women who drank alcohol were severely punished. Alcohol was banned by a whole civilization - the Muslim world. In ancient China before BC e. there was a decree of the emperor, which was called the "Notice of drunkenness." He said: “Our people are extremely licentious and have lost their virtue, which must be attributed to intemperance in the use of intoxicants. Meanwhile, the destruction of states, large and small, occurred for the same reason - due to the use of these products. " The drunkards were threatened with the death penalty.

The drink of the gods

At the same time, alcohol from ancient times was part of the spiritual culture of people. In Latin, the word "spiritus" has two meanings - spirit and alcohol. Alcohol allowed a person to go into another state of consciousness, in a trance, to cross the boundaries of the ordinary. All over the planet, grape and palm wine, berry juices and milk were used to create the “drink of the gods." The priests were engaged in this, who were introduced to the world of the gods.

As a result, these drinks were of cult significance. They were used only during the most important holidays (summer and winter solstices, spring and autumn equinoxes), in the most solemn and significant moments of human life. For example, during a feast - a feast in memory of the deceased.

For many thousands of years in Russia, this tradition has been preserved. Russia did not know any other drink except pure water, marmot (an infusion of various herbs in honey water that fermented in the sunlight), birch bark (from birch sap), kvass, beer and mash. These drinks then had a strength of not more than 1,5-3%. There was also a special honey product. Fruit juice was made from berry juice, then mixed with honey, poured into containers and kept for 5 to 25 years (sometimes up to 40). It turned out the so-called set honey. The strength of this product was already from 5 to 6%. This is a fairly strong and stupefying product. A very small amount was enough for the human consciousness to visit the "world of the gods." But more often than not, the usual mead was not subjected to fermentation and it was a soft drink.

That is, in the most ancient period, the Russian people maintained sobriety. During the Scythian empire, wine was brought from Greece. But it was used by an extremely insignificant layer of Scythian-Russian nobility, associated with coastal cities of the Black Sea. Most Russians consumed soft drinks and low alcohol during the great holidays (in insignificant quantities - 1 cup, that is, 0,12 liters) and significant moments of life. The gene pool of the Russian people was healthy.

Transition to Greek wine and the appearance of alcohol

After the process of baptism of Russia, a radical change in the cult drink took place, there was a transition to Greek wine - malvasia, and then Cahors. Communion of wine. The strength of the wine was already significantly higher than 11-16%. True, it was still far from soldering the people. Firstly, Christianity has been affirmed in Russia for centuries. Wine was an expensive treat. And he, like the intoxicating honey, was taxed heavily. That is, they were practically inaccessible to ordinary people. For centuries, wine was available only to a narrow layer of nobility and rich merchants (as in ancient Scythia). Thus, the sobriety of the people was preserved.

It is interesting that for the first time grape alcohol called “aquavita”, which means “water of life” (“living water”), was brought to Russia in the 1380s. During the reign of Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy. Genoese merchants who had trading and military bases on the lands of Byzantium and in Crimea brought "Water of Life". Grape spirit at the princely court did not make much impression. Russian people are used to consuming honey.

Italian merchants (Genoese, Florentines), Greek and Russian clergy began to import alcohol into Russia en masse in the reign of Ivan II of the Dark (reigned intermittently from 1425 to 1462), when Russia was engulfed in civil war.

Thus, a kind of revolution is taking place in the drinking culture of Russia. Earlier, drunken drinks were part of the cult communion, a person’s involvement in the “world of the gods. Its use was a rare, exceptional moment of the rite. The priests gave honey for free during the holidays. Then, hoppy honey became an export product and a monopoly of the state, ordinary people almost did not see it (like wine, because of its rarity and high cost). Now, the former sacred drink was becoming formally public and non-sacred. Moreover, before the cult drink was in the hands of the priestly class, the Magi. Now it was owned not only by the Christian clergy, but also by an imperious and wealthy stratum. And now alcohol could be consumed at least every day, if there was an opportunity and means.

Tsar's taverns

Alcoholic products with a high alcohol content, such as vodka (up to 40 degrees or more), appeared in Western Europe in the 1552th century, and in the XNUMXth century, vodka penetrated the Russian state as well. Since the middle of the XVI century, the production of vodka in Russia has been established at special distilleries. Sovereign Ivan Vasilievich in XNUMX founded the first Russian tavern. It was opened in Moscow only for the guardsmen. But when he began to bring noticeable income to the treasury, such taverns opened up people for other things.

At the same time, a farmer appeared, in which the state transferred the right to create taverns to private individuals (farmers) for a fee. The farmers, having bought this right, set the prices and sales volumes themselves. This right was granted to representatives of the clergy and nobility. They created a system of mercantile taverns that existed along with the royal ones. It was a very profitable venture. The raw materials were very cheap, there was usually plenty of bread in Russia, the finished goods tens and hundreds of times blocked the cost of raw materials. Vodka was convenient in transportation, it was well and long stored. The product is compact and well divided into parts. Thus, an extremely profitable business appeared, and a small social layer was enriched by soldering part of the people.

The supreme supervision of the sale of wine and vodka in taverns was first entrusted to the tsar's governors, then he was under the jurisdiction of orders that controlled the regions. For this, in 1597, a special institution was created in Moscow and the cities assigned to it - a new couple (a quarter). By decree of 1678, a new quarter was transformed into the Order. This was the first state monopoly. Under Alexei Mikhailovich, the taverns were run by the Order of the Grand Palace and the Order of the Big Treasury. Faithful kissers and heads, mainly selected from trading people and people of the “first articles,” or vendors, sold alcohol. Under Peter the Great, they were replaced by tavern bourmisters, who were subordinate to the bourmister chamber.

Strong wine and vodka began to have a devastating effect on society and the state. Vodka destroyed the moral, cultural and social foundations of society. For example, at this time, a special layer of kabatsk drunks appears (kabatskiy gol, kabatsk yarzhki), whose whole life was reduced to raising funds for a drink. Classic: "Stole, drank, to prison!" Of these, detachments of thieves-robbers, the Posad "bottom", were formed, ready for any crime for the sake of a bucket of vodka.

From this moment begins the confrontation between Russian society and the authorities, who believed that alcohol is primarily a profit. For example, in Russian folklore there is a strong image of Ilya Muromets (all the epics of the XV – XVII centuries, where Ilya Muromets is mentioned), which smashes the tsar’s taverns and treats the loosestrife. The church at that time also actively opposed the drinking of the people. However, the state believed that alcohol was a high income. Therefore, the kissers received instructions: “Do not drive the drunk from the tsar’s taverns and donate the circle collection to the tsar’s treasury against the past with a profit.”

Financial abuses of cabal heads, a sharp decline in the quality of vodka, devastating consequences of drinking for the people (usury and even crop failure) led to “cabal riots” in a number of Russian cities. As a result, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in 1649-1650. convened Zemsky Cathedral (Cathedral of taverns). An attempt was made to reform the drinking business in Russia. So, it was forbidden to sell bread wine (vodka) on credit, which led to the enslavement of people; private and secret taverns were liquidated; agitation of the church against drunkenness intensified. At the suggestion of Patriarch Nikon, it was decided to sell only one glass of alcohol per person 4 days a week, and stop selling altogether one hour before the start of the mass. True, such half measures did not last long. Only a few years passed, and everything returned to normal. A resolution was issued by which the widespread sale of alcohol was allowed, "so that the great sovereign could make a profit for the treasury." So in Russia was born a "drunk" budget.

To be continued ...
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  1. +13
    17 February 2020 06: 04
    good Remarkably noticed. Alcohol is the cause of all troubles and troubles (verified by the practice of life). I don’t even know how some competition has taken root in Russia, who will drink the most. Remember, and you will agree that the causes of many of your life troubles began with the first drink of a glass.
    1. +14
      17 February 2020 06: 20
      One evening, the patricians gathered at the Capitol,
      Share the news and drink a little alcohol, -
      Do not conduct conversations teresozy. Marc-patrician did not bother:
      He drank nectar in large doses and terribly nectarized.

      And under the ancient one under the column he plucked from the mouth of the curse:
      “Eh, with the venerable Matryona I will disperse soon, brethren.”
      She got confused with poets, was obsessed with theaters, -
      So he walks around with tickets for visiting gladiators.

      “I,” screams, “from beskulturiya I will soon become hysterical.”
      In general, spiteful, like a fury, encouraged by a sister.
      They just poke and boo - oh, pour me double again.
      Well, slaves giggle in my face .. I would have to go to war, but there is no war.

      I will break all traditions, I can not cope with both.
      I go down, patricians. Blowing bitter with plebs.
      I’ll leave her a house in Persia, let her take a megaby little sister,
      And on my father’s sisters I’ll get myself a heterochka.

      In heterosexuals, although more immoral, they were not mad.
      Letters get even more clear, but relatives died.
      I will be able to heal there, and soon I will leave the binge ...
      And the patricians went home, envying the drunken man.

      V. Vysotsky .....
      1. +2
        17 February 2020 08: 41
        в XNUMXth century vodka penetrates already into the Russian state

        There is other data:
        ...bread wine was created in the Moscow statemost likely in Moscow itself, in one of its monasteries (Chudovo?), that is, in the Kremlin, and that distillery was developed between 1448 and 1478, and 1478 should be considered as the deadline when distillery already existed some time.

        Bread wine, that is, vodka, is a native Russian product. And it was proved by a Russian scientist, historian and leading connoisseur of Russian culinary, William Vasilyevich Pokhlebkin in his monograph History of Vodka.

        The article is certainly interesting. We look forward to continuing.
        1. +12
          17 February 2020 09: 07
          To whom it is interesting, Pokhlebkin gave a chronological table: The first mention in written sources of alcoholic beverages or their terms in Ancient Russia of the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries.

          Created wine, it is bread wine, vodka.
        2. 0
          18 February 2020 09: 08
          Anyone who wants real data should read The History of a National Hangover. Bad luck with the title, too cool and people don't take it seriously. But in vain. An order of magnitude superior to this rather pathetic article.
          1. +7
            18 February 2020 21: 19
            Drink less, that's the whole secret.
            1. -2
              19 February 2020 09: 39
              They say so. However, everyone agrees that drinking is NECESSARY. And you too, huh?)
    2. +7
      17 February 2020 06: 50
      Quote: ROSS 42
      Alcohol is the cause of all troubles and troubles (verified by the practice of life).

      If you do this all the time, yes! He doesn’t do much harm on Friday, but on a good snack, and after a hard week he doesn’t. And they drank always and everywhere, and not only in Russia.
      1. +8
        17 February 2020 07: 08
        From the point of view of medicine, alcohol can be attributed to moderate drugs, and tobacco, with protoplasmic poisons, with regular use, destroy genes, penetrating the protoplasm of the cell where the chromosomes are located.
        1. +5
          17 February 2020 07: 11
          From the point of view of medicine ... Question! Can you name the percentage of smokers and drinkers?
          1. +11
            17 February 2020 07: 23
            If they smoke and drink, this does not mean that it is useful.
            1. +2
              17 February 2020 07: 40
              But it doesn’t mean that this is archival! Probably everything is individual, as well as much in this world.
          2. -3
            17 February 2020 07: 57
            Quote: Pessimist22
            From a medical point of view, alcohol can be attributed to drugs.

            And not only from the point of view of medicine, but also from the point of view of GOST 18300-72: Approved and introduced by the Decree of the State Committee for Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated 26.12.1972, No. 2329.

            Item 5. SAFETY REQUIREMENTS
            5.1. Ethyl alcohol is a flammable, colorless liquid with a characteristic odor, refers to potent drugs, causing first excitement, and then paralysis of the nervous system.

            The effects of alcohol are especially dangerous on the female body. God has endowed each woman with a certain number of eggs and in the process of life new ones are not added. When drinking alcohol, eggs (not all) are affected, as a result, children with physiological and mental disabilities are born, and then the whole world throws them off for treatment, usually abroad.

            And further. Since alcohol does not affect all female cells, a non-drinker who sipped only at the wedding of champagne can give birth to a sick child, and the last alcoholic can give birth to a healthy one.

            Men also should not relax. Alcohol negatively affects sperm cells. They become weak and unable to fertilize the egg, and those who manage to do this also negatively affect the health of the unborn child.

            Output. Alcohol is a weapon of genocide, affects the health of the future generation. I hope everyone knows about the Indians, fire water and what took off.

            In connection with this topic, I cannot ignore the influence of the church on the moronization of the population. How did Vladimir choose faith and choose Christianity? ~ "fun in Russia is drinking" ie the church takes an active part in the introduction of the weapon of genocide. The church teaches people to alcohol from infancy:

            Whose interests is the ROC pursuing?
            1. -1
              17 February 2020 10: 14
              Boris. Your opinion is interesting. But I don’t share the comparison of drugs with alcohol. It takes only two days to put an alcoholic on his feet. Drugs are much more difficult. And hallucinations in alcoholics and drug addicts are different. And this is what affects the return or non-return to drugs.
              1. +3
                17 February 2020 10: 37
                Quote: nikvic46
                But I do not share the comparison of drugs with alcohol.

                Do you not believe the state standard specifications of the USSR? laughing

                Quote: nikvic46
                It takes only two days to put an alcoholic on his feet.

                Beginner - yes, but not inveterate.

                Quote: nikvic46
                And hallucinations in alcoholics and drug addicts are different.

                I can’t say anything about this because I have no life experience with other drugs, except for tobacco (which is the same drug).

                Alcohol is a drug stretched over time - getting used to it takes longer, but the end result is the same - it is difficult to refuse them.
            2. +5
              17 February 2020 10: 22
              Quote: Boris55
              Teaches church people to alcohol from infancy

              You are not a stupid person, but you say such a thing that you are amazed.
              What does alcohol have to do with Saint Miró, who is anointed with the baby?
              1. -1
                17 February 2020 10: 33
                Quote: bober1982
                What does alcohol have to do with Saint Miró, who is anointed with the baby?

                The photo shows a slightly different action.

                There are seven sacraments in the church, the meaning of which is hidden from the laity:
                - the sacrament of baptism;
                - the sacrament of anointing;
                - the sacrament of repentance;
                - the sacrament of communion;
                - the sacrament of unction;
                - the sacrament of the priesthood.

                I am talking about the sacrament of communion, you are talking about the sacrament of anointing.

                This is the sacrament:

                And this is anointing:

                1. +7
                  17 February 2020 10: 39
                  You are fond of pictures, with sleeping babies, of course you can hear everything about the church people, but so that (forehead) - they solder from infancy, something new, unbroken.
                  1. -2
                    17 February 2020 10: 41
                    Quote: bober1982
                    soldered from infancy, something new, unbroken.

                    Taste buds are formed from childhood. That's why some people like bats, others like frogs. Taking the baby from the breast, we slowly begin to accustom him to our usual food. The church also contributes to this.
                    1. +3
                      17 February 2020 18: 48
                      Boris, I was baptized, lived in the village, they themselves made wine. But for some reason I didn’t drink too much, and my classmate is a convinced atheist and parents are like that, he did not drink a sip before the army, and after the army he swelled in black. So getting into church and alcohol is stupid
                2. 0
                  18 February 2020 17: 34
                  Borya, do not write about the Church, do not make people laugh!
            3. +6
              17 February 2020 19: 08
              Quote: Boris55
              Whose interests is the ROC pursuing?

              Of course their own. I remember the boriska-drunk allowed the ROC to import duty-free alcohol and tobacco products. Here on alcohol Royal, just everyone got rich, including some Russian oligarchs then and now very close to the Leningrad, and then Moscow OPG. Alcohol piano, like burnt absolute, was bottled in the countries of Eastern Europe in Hungary, including, and then duty-free, excise-free imported into the territory of the Russian Federation, where the inhabitants ate it simply by buckets. the advertisement was from the same opera. So again, everyone but the people and the ROC turned out to be in the advantages, they just had a hand in this, and this happened after the merger of the ROC with the ROC in the west, which was always a refuge for all controversy and the Vlasovites, including ...
            4. +2
              18 February 2020 16: 10
              Quote: Boris55
              Whose interests is the ROC pursuing?

              Their. Is always!
            5. +1
              20 February 2020 19: 58
              The drunkards ran in a minute.
            6. 0
              April 23 2020 22: 26
              intelligence services of the West are doing a great job of soldering the Russian people. throw drugs in various ways.
          3. -2
            17 February 2020 14: 10
            To the doctor: heal yourself (Luke 4.23)
      2. +7
        17 February 2020 07: 22
        Quote: Phil77
        No special harm he, alcohol, on Friday, but with a good snack
        Although I myself stopped drinking, but in general I agree.
        Alcohol was banned by a whole civilization - the Muslim world.
        And here, although there is no direct connection, something "the whole civilization" does not shine with special success.
        1. +12
          17 February 2020 07: 39
          just do not need here about the sobriety of Muslims, okay ??? ...
          I have been living next to them for half a century and personally observe their "sobriety" ...
          drink no less than our brother, BUT ... there are practically no drunks among them ...
          in the morning our hurry on sober, and they on arbayten ...
          for them, maintaining a family and making money is a matter of honor ... otherwise you are an outcast for relatives, which is like death for them ...

          1. +1
            17 February 2020 18: 51
            I agree: Muslims have been drinking for a long time. Shamil also tried to fight alcohol, but ... He did not completely eradicate
        2. +2
          17 February 2020 07: 53
          Well, as a counterargument: at least, the numbers we use with all success! But we could have done it in Roman. laughing
      3. 0
        17 February 2020 07: 31
        NOTICE TO READ THE HISTORY about the frigate of the United States Constitution, as they went on a campaign against the impudents and drank lope. Pshek noblemen, too, those were still teetotalers.
        1. +3
          17 February 2020 07: 43
          So none of this makes a special secret. Stamp, you know, from the series * drunken Russians evening *.
          1. +4
            17 February 2020 15: 12
            So none of this makes a special secret. Stamp, you know, from the series * drunken Russians evening *.

            Colleagues, for the sake of interest - two articles about the "drunkenness of gentlemen." hi
            read, funny! drinks
      4. +5
        17 February 2020 15: 03
        Weekly alcohol consumption is already a psychological addiction. Friday, Saturday or Sunday - it doesn't matter. It is important that the hypothetical "Friday" is already associated with libations. This is alcoholism, and the sooner the diagnosis is made, the sooner a cure will be found. I myself consume 3-4 times a year. Learned to get by. Somehow it came when I realized that alcohol would not give anything new. And many friends and acquaintances after 40 began to very limit themselves. There are many other, more interesting ways to "relax" in life. I've returned to sports, and there alcohol is generally unnecessary and harmful. After "using" for 3 days you fall out of rhythm, but why?
        1. 0
          19 February 2020 00: 59
          This is how to thump it is necessary that for three days to fall out of rhythm? Liter in one helmet? So certainly not worth it. On Friday at dinner, a pair of glasses will do nothing but good. The vessels will expand, cleanse from cholesterol, help to relax. And in the morning, no consequences.
      5. +3
        17 February 2020 16: 38
        Quote: Phil77
        And they drank always and everywhere, and not only in Russia.

        my ancestors, the peasants did not drink at all. Penza, then, in 1830 moved to the Simbirsk province ... for 3 villages there was one family of drunkards, so they were "Russian", according to you.
      6. +2
        18 February 2020 02: 24
        Quote: Phil77
        Quote: ROSS 42
        Alcohol is the cause of all troubles and troubles (verified by the practice of life).

        If you do this all the time, yes!He, alcohol, doesn’t do much harm on Friday, but with a good snack, and after a hard week he’s not.And they drank always and everywhere, and not only in Russia.

        Nenene ... cross out. laughing
    3. -5
      17 February 2020 07: 54
      Quote: ROSS 42
      I don’t even know how some competition has taken root in Russia, who will drink the most.

      You just need to remember that
      alcohol consumption not a tradition in our society, and direct distortion of sober foundations, the creation of “drunk” pseudo-traditions is not the mentality of the peoples inhabiting our Fatherland, not culture, but more often a violation of sober traditions and
      sober culture.
      from the monograph by R. Mayurov

      Before the revolution, Russia is the most NON-DRINKING country in Europe after Norway and in second place among the developed countries of the world.

      . In the 1970s, already-perfect reverse picture.

      According to Valentin Rasputin through the mouths of two old women:
      “... Now few dry lives of Teperich ... In the early days, was that really so? Remember Danila the Miller drank, so he was not considered a man. A drunkard and all ... But now there is one Golubev doesn’t drink all over the village, but now they don’t consider him a person, that he doesn’t drink, they make fun of him. ”

      The Young Communist magazine cited data from a survey of pupils of the preparatory group of the kindergarten, that is, seven-year-old kids, and found out that from 27 kids 20 already tasted beer, 7 - wine, one - drank vodka "with dad together."

      So not so long ago, it all became what we know ...
      1. +5
        17 February 2020 08: 32
        To fuck it is good Olgych!
        Quote: Olgovich
        Before the revolution, Russia is the most NOT DRINKING country in Europe after Norway and in second place among the developed countries of the world
        Not at all funny!
        By 1913, the level of alcohol was almost 5 liters per capita in Russia. In the press and the State Duma, the budget was openly called drunk (a lot of money came to the country's budget from the sale of alcohol).
        The authorities were accused of deliberately soldering the people. Financial losses from injuries, crimes and absenteeism associated with alcoholism were significant. But the main thing - drunkenness began to threaten the health of the nation!

        Quote: Olgovich
        According to Valentin Rasputin through the mouths of two old women:
        “... Now few dry lives of Teperich ... In the early days, was that really so? Remember, Danila the Miller drank, so he was not considered a man
        From a series of invented dialogue through the mouths of invented old women. Like Grandpa Solzh.
        Quote: Olgovich
        The Young Communist magazine cited data from a survey of pupils of the kindergarten preparatory group, that is, seven-year-old kids, and found out that out of 27 kids, 20 have already tasted beer, 7 - wine, one - drank vodka "with dad together."
        This is from the magazine "Young Communist", you think, right now, yeah, whatever Olgych does not raspy, it does not happen! The magazine "Faith and Life" 4, 1980, muddy like a Polish bimber and truthful like Solzh and Olgych.
        The Christian journal Faith and Life is 45 years old. The founder, editor-in-chief and artistic designer of the magazine from 1974 to 1988 was the famous Christian poet and writer N. A. Vodnevsky. He typed spiritual articles on a typewriter at home, edited them, personally illustrated them and sent by mail the material prepared for printing from distant America to the German mission “Light in the East”. In Germany, magazines were printed from the page layouts received and illegally transported to the Soviet Union
        1. +6
          17 February 2020 10: 03
          Quote: Vladimir_2U
          Not at all funny!

          And I'm also afraid to think about how the "most teetotal" was calculated. It is extremely difficult for me to think of at least one reason for collecting such statistics in the head of a 19th century official. For what? The fashion for healthy lifestyles, fitnyashek, veganism will come in another century and a half, and now they are interested in how many souls there are in the provinces and what income they bring to the treasury. And how much they drink there and from what they die is not a matter of the earthly office, but of God's providence. Excise taxes on bottles were not scanned with bar scanners either, and they were not thrown off to the tax office via Wi-Fi. How much alcohol was sold to count is important, and how much they drove and drank moonshine outside the cash register is already useless work. So I think all this statistics about the "most teetotal" is needed only by modern pseudo-historians to prove something, because it is in their ethical views that such statistics have weight, but not in the aesthetic views of managers of the 19th century. Now we are flaunting how little we drink, they say, look how progressive and good we are! And then ... yes, everyone did not care. Not because everyone was so angry then, it was just that life was so arranged then. A woman died in the field - and from what? but who knows, only God knows. Either the cancer was at its last stage, or a heart attack, or something else.
          1. -4
            17 February 2020 12: 18
            Quote: Alex_59
            And I'm also afraid to think about how the "most teetotal" was calculated. It is extremely difficult for me to think of at least one reason for collecting such statistics in the head of a 19th century official.

            In other countries, they thought otherwise? No.
            This is not Russian, but English. estimate of alcohol consumption in early 20th century:
            ALL countries of Europe and the USA -drank more Russia (with her max 4,7 l, then fell to 0,9).

            In 1980 (see ibid.) - with us, with our from 14 l higher . than everyone.

            As for the other facts, they are from Articles
            Lirmyan R.O., Sheverdin S.N. Drinking counter and sobriety program .// The young communist. - 1980. - No. 2

            From the same article:
            in 1925, 16,6 percent of eighteen year olds were among drinkers. Now, according to numerous studies, from 90 to 95 percent.
            1. +2
              17 February 2020 12: 42
              Quote: Olgovich
              In other countries, they thought otherwise?

              Quite right, in other countries they thought otherwise. Why? Because in other European countries by the end of the 19th century there was an incomparably higher level of urbanization. Unfortunately, I don’t have any figures before my eyes, but from my memory in Russia the level of urbanization grew over the 19th century from 10 to 15%, while in other European countries it grew from 20-30% to 60-80%. The most urbanized country was the United Kingdom in which the level reached just 85% if my memory serves me. This is due to the technical revolution, the transition from the agrarian system to the industrial and rapid development of capitalism, while in Russia this apparently did not take a steam bath (as it is today). All this led to the fact that the conditional average hard worker in Europe was, as they say, under a microscope to a much greater extent than the average Russian peasant. And it was important to calculate who and how much drinks in the same Britain, because first of all, drinking city pubs are interested in such calculation and accounting, this is their business, and they do not need curve statistics - their full future depends on it. Secondly, it is the interest of capital for which drinkers work and their condition (binge / not binge) directly affects labor productivity. And the percentage of moonshine among the hard workers in the diet was not comparable lower, because in the city there was nothing for the factory worker to drive, there was no time, and on the other hand there were some bucks and open doors of pubs that were inviting visitors. And in Russia in cities in those years, a much smaller percentage of the population lives. Most continue to live distributed over vast expanses, and what they do there in the remote corners of a vast country is unknown to anyone and not very interesting. Nobody will regularly calculate how much moonshine the Siberian peasants are driving - nobody needs it. Yes, and how to do it? Go around all the houses in every village from Odessa to Vladivostok? And they drive there necessarily, because they have time above the roof in winter, there is not much money, there are no pubs on hand. Hence - unaccounted for.
              And this idyll in Russia was broken only by the First World War, which showed who is worth what in economic terms, if you have 85% of the country are peasants, or vice versa industrial workers. And only under the damned Stalin everyone realized this, and the peasants began to drive bayonets into the cities and build factories in order to somehow catch up with competitors who already lived in the industrial era in the 19th century. They didn’t want to expand expansively before the revolution — they received it intensely after the revolution.
              Therefore, I believe that in England the booze was calculated correctly, but I do not believe that it was just as accurately done in the agrarian Russian Empire. That's when Russia became an industrial power - then it was reasonable to take into account alcohol consumption precisely, but it was already after the Second World War.
              In response, you can not write - do not convince. wink
              1. -6
                17 February 2020 13: 38
                Quote: Alex_59
                Therefore, I believe that in England the booze was calculated correctly, but I do not believe that it was just as accurately done in the agrarian Russian Empire.

                Do you believe Soviet data?

                Fedor Ivanovich Uglov (1904-2008!), outstanding conscientious scientist:
                since the eighties of the last century, per capita consumption of alcoholic beverages in Russia was below 4,7 liters, that is, almost the lowest in Europe and America. And in 1914, the country entered into force and prohibition for a long time acted. Meanwhile, in 1906 - 1910, per capita alcohol consumption was in France - 22,9, Italy - 17,3, Switzerland - 13,7, Spain - 10,8, Belgium - 10,6, Austria - 7,8, Hungary - 7,6 liters of absolute alcohol per year.

                from 1940 to 1980, the consumption of alcoholic "drinks" increased by 770%, that is, more than 20 times. Thus, the growth of per capita consumption of alcoholic “drinks” in our country over the past forty years is 20 times higher than the growth of the country's population.

                over 17 years (1950-1966) alcohol consumption increased in Belgium by 10%, in the USA by 16%, in England and Sweden by 17%, in the USSR on 185%.

                Over the past 5 years, we have acquired over 4 billion rubles from alcohol and tobacco products abroad. It's in 4 times the cost of our grain purchases in 1979
                1. +1
                  17 February 2020 14: 36
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  Do you believe Soviet data?

                  No, I don’t believe it, and if the exact statistics on alcohol consumption under Prince Vladimir would suddenly appear in the Soviet statistics, I would not believe it either, because the methodology for obtaining statistical data that Soviet statisticians could take as a basis was not Soviet, but medieval. That is none. It’s what Soviet statisticians personally measured in the 70s and published in the same years — I’m ready to believe with some doubt, but I also need to carefully study what kind of data are collected, to whom they are transmitted, because propaganda must be separated from information collected for making management decisions in practice. These are different things.
                  Olgovich, calling through the word "Soviet" does not work for me, I am not a fan of the Soviet, and even more so the Bolsheviks. If something Soviet was bad, then we must admit it was bad, regardless of personal sympathies or antipathies. The same is about the tsarist era.
            2. +4
              17 February 2020 13: 45
              Quote: Olgovich
              Yes, what a nonsense is Olgych! He brought a broken link, but a quote from it, even in English, is not, because the link is broken!
              Quote: Olgovich
              As for the other facts, they are from the article
              Lirmyan R.O., Sheverdin S.N. Drinking counter and educational program of sobriety. // Young Communist. - 1980. - No. 2
              Ol'gych brought "facts" from the American magazine "Faith and Life" 4, 1980, so he is searched instantly, and the article about which Ol'gych is lying is searched only as a link in other articles, and as an example of anti-alcohol campaigns. Lying Olgych!
              Here is a normal link, where, by the way, the article is mentioned that Olgych lied with the American journalist!
              The dynamics of alcohol consumption per capita in terms of absolute alcohol was as follows: if we take 1940 (1,9 l) as a reference point, then by 1960 alcohol consumption increased by 48,7% (3,9 l), by 1970 - another 57,3% (6,8 liters), or 3,6 times compared with the pre-war period, in 1980 - 78,2% (8,7 liters), or 4,6, 52 times compared with the pre-warXNUMX.
              An increase in alcohol consumption by an average of 1,5-2 times was observed throughout the world. Three post-war decades in European countries consumed half of the world's alcoholic beverages. But a trend similar to that observed in the USSR was also noted in African countries, where alcohol production increased by 400%, and in Asia (by 500%), which were traditionally considered low-drinking53.
              Thus, in the Soviet Union, as in the whole world, the consumption of alcoholic beverages has increased, although it cannot be said that in per capita terms it is more than in other countries. Consumption remained record high in France (19,1 liters in 1960, 15,8 liters in 1980), as well as in Italy (16 liters in 1970, 13,9 liters in 1980)
              There was growth, but like everywhere! And still they drank less than in Europe. Bullshit stupid Olgych!
              1. 0
                20 February 2020 20: 05
                Monarchyzd is a diagnosis, and medicine is powerless. This fruit constantly provides links to articles that are about nothing.
          2. +2
            17 February 2020 12: 58
            Quote: Alex_59
            How much alcohol was sold to calculate - the matter is important, and how much they drove and drank moonshine outside the box office - this is already useless work.

            We shouldn't forget about smuggling either. In the same Far East in the XNUMXth century, the sales of the "breech" were minimal. Really is sobriety the norm? No matter how! As soon as the border control and the border with China were closed, the sales of official alcohol immediately jumped up.
        2. +1
          18 February 2020 19: 55
          Vladimir, it’s easy to check on Rasputin: he is in every library.
        3. +1
          18 February 2020 20: 15
          Olgovich, he can exaggerate that "the most teetotal": the Old Believers are really teetotalers
      2. +1
        17 February 2020 14: 45
        Quote: Olgovich
        Before the Revolution, Russia is Europe's Most Non-Drinking Country

        Partly true. Especially regarding the village. True...
        "One of the important reasons for the careful attitude to wine, the peasants say, is the lack of money in the farm (and not just free money, but money in general, because the farm is almost natural."
        But with the money:
        "A completely different picture appears before us in stories about the life of workers 'settlements, factories, urban lower classes at the beginning of the century. Here is a typical recollection of the life of a small workers' settlement at a factory ... before the revolution: Drunkenness and fights were very common among workers and teenagers. one might say, there was a continuous booze. Everyone drank, often leaving the family without a piece of bread. And the fights were such that it is scary to remember. Murder, robbery, violence. Other murders. Especially often when they knew that merchants were going "(V.A. . Berdinskikh "Peasant civilization in Russia").
      3. +2
        17 February 2020 16: 17
        Before the Revolution, Russia is Europe's Most Non-Drinking Country
        ,,, yeah, so far non-drinker that even at the legislative level they have taken care of this problem.

        M.D. Chelyshev (a deputy from the Octobrists) delivered a devastating speech on alcoholism in the country and the need for urgent measures on November 16, 1907. The performance was unexpected and caused a great resonance. In Suvorin’s conservative Novoye Vremya, the famous publicist Menshikov erupted in the article “Drunk Budget”: “Now, to the old strangled cry of“ earth ”, to the sound of the still loud cry of“ hunger ”, a new cry of the Third Duma has joined:“ drunkenness ”.

        On December 4, 1907, 66 deputies proposed the creation of a special commission to implement the budget abandonment of the wine monopoly and the search for new sources of income. In the same month, 39 deputies took the initiative to create a Duma commission to combat drunkenness. Their proposal passed, and on December 13, 22 Commissioners were elected.
        In February 1908, the Duma instructed the commission to prepare a bill to combat drunkenness and limit alcohol consumption.
        1. -5
          18 February 2020 07: 52
          Quote: bubalik
          , yeah, before drinking so much that even at the legislative level they have taken care of this problem.

          3,7 liters in 1910 and 14 liters in 1983 show. who drank
      4. 0
        17 February 2020 19: 00
        "most not singing" how can this be argued?
        1. -7
          18 February 2020 07: 53
          Quote: vladcub
          "most not singing" how can this be argued?

          Traditions, education. work
      5. 0
        18 February 2020 16: 21
        Quote: Olgovich
        According to Valentin Rasputin through the mouths of two old women:

        Well, such arguments can easily be countered: right off the bat, without hesitation, - "Mother", "At the bottom" of Gorky.
        1. -7
          19 February 2020 07: 34
          Quote: victor50
          Well, such arguments can easily be countered: right off the bat, without hesitation, - "Mother", "At the bottom" of Gorky.

          nobody side-bitter did not know and did not see that. what already knew rasputin-intake 3,7 liters at bitterly cannot be compared with consumption of 14 l with rasputin.
    4. 0
      24 February 2020 07: 28
      Quote: ROSS 42
      Remarkably noticed. Alcohol is the cause of all troubles and troubles (verified by the practice of life)
      Unfortunately, it is not noticed: the message of the article is to replace alcohol with alcohol, i.e. need to thump. The author, it seems, does not know that in the country now it’s not vodka alcoholism that flourishes, but beer. Then they roll onto vodka - it's cheaper.
  2. +9
    17 February 2020 06: 18
    Vodka, of course -. But the facts still need not be distorted.
    1. Mead can not be non-alcoholic by definition, because it is placed on honey and perge (pollen), sometimes with the addition of royal jelly. Perga plays the role of yeast, so this mixture cannot but ferment (unlike mash, you can’t stop this process by boiling) Another thing is honey drinks - these are naturally non-alcoholic.
    2. Hoppy (set by the author) honeys - a stronger thing"Faust" by Goethe there will be good wines, sometimes under 20 degrees. No 5-6 degrees, such honey could be pumped up very well.
    Well, the legend about the words of Prince Vladimir that "the joy of Russia is drinking" also hardly appeared from scratch. Yes, and in the epics about Vladimir feasts are constantly mentioned for a reason. So the Russian people loved to grumble from ancient times. But, most importantly, he was able to do this, and not so as to fill the ball - and the sea is knee-deep.
    Another thing is that on an industrial scale, the soldering of people began already under the Romanovs, when the sale of vodka was monopolized by the state and the income from vodka trade began to flow directly to the sovereign treasury ... Alexei Mikhailovich Tishayshikh lost his temper, if I remember that. Well, and Peter Alekseevich, as they say, aggravated. And a personal example too.
    1. +9
      17 February 2020 07: 09
      Plus, the decision-making tradition - individually in a sober, and drunk.

      In all countries, stress was removed - not with alcohol, so with fly agaric or lophophore.
      1. +8
        17 February 2020 07: 36
        In general, the topic of the article resembles an eternal debate: those who started / non-drinkers / against those who continue and are not embarrassed to admit it. Well, we drink, so what?
        1. +9
          17 February 2020 08: 06
          Probably, at the forefront, the old Greek principle is a sense of proportion.

          You can bring a lot of parables about the intoxication of alcohol. You can recall the mass of completely non-drinking "radishes."

          I could not help but respond to the apparent discrepancy of reality in the article with an indication of the strength of the set honey.

          And neither the creation of taverns on every corner, nor the anti-alcohol campaign led to anything good.
        2. 0
          17 February 2020 11: 39
          The most moral people in the world are women who have started alcoholics and married women with low social responsibility.
  3. +5
    17 February 2020 06: 26
    * Who doesn't drink? Give me the name! No, I'm waiting! * "Pokrovskie Vorota".
    1. +3
      17 February 2020 07: 27
      "mind you! I didn’t suggest it !!" .. ibid \
      1. +4
        17 February 2020 07: 28
        Yes, yes! This is an argument !!!
        1. +2
          18 February 2020 10: 40
          "And no for a distillery?" (c) Operation S
  4. The comment was deleted.
  5. +1
    17 February 2020 06: 38
    William Pokhlebkin proved that "Vodka" is a Russian brand, now we are convinced that this is an invention of the West, why? The cost should determine the availability of alcoholic and tobacco products, but everything is not expensive and accessible to all segments of the population, drink, smoke for health, the state has good incomes on this and, at the same time, take care of the health of the nation, just some kind of nonsense ...
    1. 0
      17 February 2020 07: 33
      And the courts proved that our brand.
    2. 0
      17 February 2020 08: 42
      Calm down, "vodka" is not invented in Moscow, and not in Poland.
      1. 0
        17 February 2020 10: 07
        In Russia and before Mendeleev, a strong drink was considered "polugar", now its recipe has been restored,
    3. -2
      17 February 2020 09: 08
      I do not agree. many states raise prices artificially for these goods not for income at all. including us. making the price say so unacceptable it affects consumption. Well, let's say in our example. In recent years, the cost of cigarettes has been increasing and the number of smokers has fallen by 11 percent in 10 years. and now cigarettes will rise in price again. and the number of dropouts will grow further. so accessibility is not an argument now for these products after government intervention.
      1. 0
        18 February 2020 16: 26
        Quote: carstorm 11
        the number of smokers fell 11 percent in 10 years. and now cigarettes will rise in price again. and the number of dropouts will grow further.

        Statistics from where? Of the same bodies that justified the need to increase the retirement age, a sharply increased life expectancy and increased public health ?! lol
        1. +1
          18 February 2020 17: 34
          I work in this area. I know from the inside so to speak. an increase in excise taxes kills sales and affects consumption, and this is a fact. We conduct marketing research ourselves.
          1. 0
            April 8 2020 14: 31
            I work in this area. I know from the inside so to speak. an increase in excise taxes kills sales and affects consumption, and this is a fact. We conduct marketing research ourselves.

            And in this area of ​​yours, they take into account the amount of purchased sugar and yeast and at least equipment for the production of moonshine and rectified at home? Or, say, cooper shops that make barrels for alcohol? It's just that vodka has become less available and, of course, they began to buy less, but they began to drive more moonshine, including selling it illegally, and you can work not on "professional" (purchased) equipment, but, say, drive out a bucket and sawdust .. We will leave the quality issue behind the scenes. So oh, how's it not a fact ...
  6. +8
    17 February 2020 06: 39
    The gene pool of the Russian people was healthy.

    This is probably why they married yes, Greek women, Polovtsian Khazars, Norwegian Danes, Germans, Hungarians, Swedes, Polka, etc. etc. ? to dilute the blood with a Kir?
    the state has appeared - taverns and wine taxes have appeared - that’s all. And thumped before that for thousands of years. Samsonov will find a conspiracy everywhere drinks
    1. -2
      17 February 2020 07: 33
      Why St. Vladimir did not accept Islam? Bo drinking in Russia.
      1. +1
        17 February 2020 15: 10
        And if you accepted?
        "Their law does not allow drunkenness, but they put it as an excuse: grape wine is forbidden, and Russian is made from bread, so drinking it is not a sin." (PI Melnikov-Pechersky "On the mountains".) drinks
        1. -1
          17 February 2020 15: 56
          Would call us exactly differently drinks
  7. +2
    17 February 2020 06: 55
    “And what is most surprising is that people are dying from drunkenness and ruining others, without knowing why they are doing it. Indeed, if everyone asks himself why people drink, he will not find any answer. that wine is tasty, it is impossible, because everyone knows that wine and beer, if they are not sweetened, seem unpleasant for those who drink them for the first time. People learn to wine like to another poison, tobacco, little by little, and only like wine after a person gets used to the intoxication that it produces.To say that wine is good for health is also impossible now, when many doctors, doing this business, have recognized that neither vodka, nor wine, nor beer can be healthy , because there is no nutritional value in them, but there is only poison, which is harmful.To say that wine adds strength, too, is impossible, because not once or twice, but hundreds of times it was noticed that the artel drinking in as many people as and a teetotal artel will work much less. And on hundreds and thousands of people you can see that people who drink water alone are stronger and healthier than those who drink wine. They also say that wine warms, but this is not true, and everyone knows that a drunk person gets warm only for a short time, and will freeze for a long time than a non-drinker.
    And what then? And the wine is not tasty, and does not nourish, and does not strengthen, and does not warm, and does not help in business, and is harmful to the body and soul - and yet so many people drink it, and what's next, the more. Why do they drink and destroy themselves and other people? "

    Leo Tolstoy "It's time to come to your senses" (1889)
    1. +1
      17 February 2020 07: 06
      Quote: Plantagenet
      They also say that the wine warms, but this is not true, and everyone knows that the drinker is only warm for a short time, and for a long time more likely to freeze than not drink.

      Good morning! Sorry, but the chief baker * Titanic * would not agree with you and Lev Nikolaevich! Why? Yes, because it was thanks to a good dose of drunk whiskey that he survived. He survived in ice water for about 2 hours! So, no argument.
      1. +4
        17 February 2020 07: 20
        Quote: Phil77
        In ice water, he lasted about 2 hours! So, no argument.

        Do not tell my slippers. Alcohol DOES NOT HELP during hypothermia for such a long period .... 5-10 minutes, it can be MUCH more, and then only the resources of the body that are not spoiled by alcohol can save.
        1. +1
          17 February 2020 07: 27
          But I’m not going to make your slippers laugh! This is a historical fact. At least two more facts have been recorded from the history of this disaster: a certain fireman burst into a drunken but alive / with a bottle of whiskey in his pocket / and an unknown passenger of the 1st class drained a bottle of gin, but he was the first whom Jack Thayer met on the deck of * Carpathia *. Let's argue?
          1. +3
            17 February 2020 08: 28
            Quote: Phil77
            This is a historical fact. From the history of this catastrophe, at least two more facts were recorded: a certain fireman was completely drunk but alive / with a bottle of whiskey on his pocket /, and an unknown 1st-class passenger drained a bottle of gin, but he was the first person Jack Tyer met on deck * Carpathians *.

            For these statistics to be reliable, you need to give a list of those who threw alcohol into themselves that evening, but drowned. However, there are no such statistics, because those who swelled and drowned that evening drowned completely and are not available for research.
            But I am pretty sure that these two bukhariks are just a happy exception in this disaster. And in 1500 drowned there are more than a dozen people with a higher degree of intoxication. Which alcohol did not help, but killed.
            1. 0
              17 February 2020 08: 36
              Alas! But I can’t confirm or refute. I brought three facts that I know.
              1. +3
                17 February 2020 08: 44
                Quote: Phil77
                But I can’t confirm or refute.

                There is no need to refute or confirm anything. This scientifically described phenomenon is called survivor bias. You can type in a search engine and read - interesting. There is also about American bombers who tried to assess their survival after the raids on Germany, and the mistake was that they tried to collect statistics on the planes that returned to the base, but this is not correct, since it is necessary to assess precisely by the dead, or by all (and dead and survivors), but the problem is that the dead remained in Germany and were not available for study.
                In general, for the three survivors, it is impossible to conclude about the benefits or harms of alcohol.
            2. 0
              20 February 2020 20: 10
              The paradox or mistake of the survivor. laughing
        2. +4
          17 February 2020 07: 51
          “Many proponents of alcohol warming like to mention the story of Charles Joughin, the Titanic baker, who supposedly survived because he was too drunk.
          For about two hours he was in the water and at the same time actively moved. He was saved by the fact that during motor activity there was an active heat production and despite the increased heat transfer, which was created by the effect of alcohol, the heat production / heat transfer balance remained positive. In addition, in the conditions of severe stress that he experienced from the crash, additional reserves of the body were used and helped him to be in motion for so long, thereby surviving until rescuers found him. It was not alcohol that saved him, but a strong body. The only benefit that a glass he had drunk was an antidepressant effect, which prevented him from panicking. "

          1. 0
            17 February 2020 07: 58
            I will not argue, but ... He was saved by a powerful organism and WHISKEY drunk by him!
            1. +3
              17 February 2020 08: 10
              Quote: Phil77
              I will not argue, but ... He was saved by a powerful organism and WHISKEY drunk by him!

              We are also fishing and on occasion take "for sugreva" ... no question, the feeling as if a fire had flowed through our veins! But this is not for long ... but the mood can improve noticeably if you get carried away with dryness without measure.
          2. +2
            17 February 2020 07: 59
            Quote: Plantagenet
            It was not alcohol that saved him, but a strong body. The only benefit that a glass he had drunk was an antidepressant effect, which prevented him from panicking. "

            That's what I'm talking about. Rather, the coincidence of several factors that turned out to be saving .... alcohol in this row at eleven places.
        3. 0
          17 February 2020 08: 23
          Victor! Good morning! I brought you three historical facts from the history of one catastrophe. What influenced the fact that they survived? My opinion. They saved them-alkagol, I could help you say. To drink - not to drink? This individually.
          1. +3
            17 February 2020 08: 34
            Sergey welcome soldier
            In real life, too, I had to see how a person who was "dry" slept beyond measure on the ice ... even the ice melted slightly under him! But this man did not catch a cold at all, in my memory ... whimsical, groovy and ... very well-fed!
            And the other, just sat on a cold box, again in a very "sugret" state, did not feel how cold he was .... in the morning he had to be quickly taken to the hospital ... in short, he brought us a lot of worries.
            In short, it happens in different ways.
            Purely according to MEDIKOV, alcohol prevents the body from fighting the cold if this happens for a long time.
            1. +2
              17 February 2020 14: 15
              Quote: rocket757
              In real life, too, I had to see how a person who was "dry" slept beyond measure on the ice ... even the ice melted slightly under him! But this man did not catch a cold at all, in my memory ... whimsical, groovy and ... very well-fed!

              He was lucky, usually further the embryo's pose and the stiff corpse, I at least found them that way.
              Quote: rocket757
              And the other, just sat on a cold box, again in a very "sugret" state, did not feel how cold he was .... in the morning he had to be quickly taken to the hospital ... in short, he brought us a lot of worries.

              But this is a common occurrence, one went out to smoke like that with a cigar and was found stiff.
              Quote: rocket757
              Purely according to MEDIKOV, alcohol prevents the body from fighting the cold if this happens for a long time.

              The vessels expand, the body cools faster.
              1. +3
                17 February 2020 14: 27
                No excesses are useful, some simply dangerous, both to the body and others.
                In everything you need .. hardening, training! But the "workout" with alcohol ends ... deplorably, always!
  8. +1
    17 February 2020 07: 17
    But when he began to bring noticeable income to the treasury, such taverns opened up people for other things.

    This is the main reason for the widespread occurrence of this phenomenon.
    The rest of the person has already "finalized" himself.
    1. +1
      17 February 2020 08: 46
      Victor! And let’s say this: each individually chooses for himself-to drink to him, or not? But to speak / write about drinking all the people? Well, at least it’s naive, no!
      1. +2
        17 February 2020 09: 36
        Actually, I indicated the reasons for the spread of production and sale of alcoholic beverages, i.e. Receiving a profit!
        To drink or not to drink, the decision is strictly individual!
        Although I am sure that some control, both over the quality of products and the culture of drinking, should be from the state !!! This is not tea or fruit drinks. This is a "drink" that, if consumed excessively, can make a person into a dangerous, brainless animal! Ie a socially dangerous element!
        if the state sticks to it, has babosiks on this topic, let it provide conditions when the “topic” will not interfere, pose a danger, to all other citizens who have delegated many rights and responsibilities to it, including ensuring the security of the environment.
  9. +1
    17 February 2020 07: 35
    The peasants didn’t drink much, there was no money, especially the time (except in winter) and the community did not welcome it.
    1. +2
      17 February 2020 07: 46
      Wow! Has the class approach been let down yet? laughing
      1. +1
        17 February 2020 08: 03
        Hde class approach? smile
      2. +1
        17 February 2020 08: 03
        The peasant community in Russia did not welcome drunkenness, they could easily flog such a comrade.
    2. +6
      17 February 2020 11: 25
      Igor! They drank already ... I have materials in Penza in the archive, including articles in newspapers of the 20s, that they drank a school in one village! They sawed it into firewood, sold it, and drank it, and EVERYTHING, including children, lay drunk in the insole along the streets. The official who arrived decided that there was an epidemic in the village and everyone died!
      1. +1
        17 February 2020 12: 35
        Why do they drink in Russia?

        Maybe this
      2. 0
        17 February 2020 13: 44
        And my grandfather told me that they drank little, Kustanai region.
      3. -1
        17 February 2020 15: 57
        Maybe it's a relapse of 20 years?
      4. +2
        18 February 2020 13: 22
        V.O. about this case I heard at a lecture, but thought it was trindezh
        1. 0
          18 February 2020 19: 12
          No, I saw with my own eyes the newspaper where it is written. Old, yellow, small note.
  10. +7
    17 February 2020 07: 45
    It is very reminiscent of an article from the time of the beginning of "perestroika" (1985), when the "Sobriety" society was suddenly organized and the struggle against winemaking began. And what, life has become better?
    1. +4
      17 February 2020 08: 02
      Oh, yes !!! The choice of what to drink: * Rose water *, * Cucumber *, and all that is now disgusting to remember! But it was, it was!
      1. +3
        17 February 2020 08: 04
        Until the recent war, hawthorn)))
    2. +3
      17 February 2020 08: 08
      Right. An article of the same batch. We’ll live longer - they’ll surprise us little.
  11. +8
    17 February 2020 07: 46
    Many thanks to the author for a couple of minutes of healthy laughter early in the morning. Why did the Russians drink, I realized, now I’m trying to understand why we Jews did not drink too much. On the eighth day, when the Jewish boy is circumcised, he is given a drop of wine (not diluted), every Friday, when the observant Jewish family sits down to meet Shabbat, the head of the family gives a blessing over a glass of wine (again undiluted, for diluted wine is forbidden for blessing), every Passover holiday, all those present on the Seder must drink four glasses of wine (and leave one more for the prophet Eliyahu), on the Purim holiday it is generally necessary to get drunk so as not to distinguish Amman from Mordechai, and the right side from left. In addition, there are also weddings, engagements and other religious activities that require a blessing, which again needs wine. No, in modern life you can get along with grape juice, the blessing is religion, but before the invention of pasteurization it was impossible and for more than three thousand years the Jewish people thumped simply in black. Naturally, other peoples thundered in the same way as Mediterranean ones like Italians and French, where there is no meal without wine by definition, which are northern people who drink beer in unrealistic quantities.
    1. +2
      17 February 2020 08: 56
      My friend! Yes, and there was no reason to get drunk in thoughts! This author did something to fantasize, right! We live our own lives, loved ones, not loved ones who are opposite. Everything is like everyone else, and everything is as always! No?
      1. -1
        17 February 2020 09: 19
        Well, this is a question for the author. You’ve been drunk, no?
        1. +2
          17 February 2020 09: 26
          Ha! And you know a good question! I drink it whenever I want. What often? No, once a month, / between us /. Well, and who am I? Yes, yes, I notice I drink what is called a good swill.
          1. +1
            17 February 2020 09: 37
            Well, probably an alcoholic laughing Do you drink?
            1. +5
              17 February 2020 09: 43
              I drink it. And right away, I’m an alcoholic? I drink it rarely, at will, I try to choose good grades. Yes, I prefer whiskey. Why? Well, I like it! My answer.
              1. +2
                17 February 2020 11: 18
                Quote: Phil77
                Yes, I prefer whiskey. Why? Well, like it! My answer.

                ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++
                Especially island, huh?
              2. +3
                17 February 2020 17: 48
                I really could not think, then you give preference to moonshine. Otherwise, what else can they call their viskar?
            2. 0
              17 February 2020 10: 10
              And what do you not drink at all?
              1. +4
                17 February 2020 10: 13
                I drink. I'm also an alcoholic, as my son says
                1. 0
                  17 February 2020 10: 17
                  ha ha. funny, he called you, I didn’t hear))) you will have to remember))) When I was in Israel, I liked the local Vincishka, it went cold in the heat so well ... I sat on the beach and put it in a bag like in a movie from sin .. beauty !
                  1. +1
                    18 February 2020 03: 14
                    Andrey VOV (Andrey) Yesterday, 10:17
                    ha ha. funny he called you, did not hear))) will have to remember)))

                    Here is another collection.
                    "Alkin Golik"

                    - So, as a child, I teased one of my uncles when he "allowed himself after pay."
    2. +2
      17 February 2020 11: 22
      One Jewish acquaintance told me that if a Jew drinks, then ... he will put anyone in the belt, but a "Jewish drunkard" is a rare phenomenon. But it happens ... However, everything happens. It happens that a girl's husband dies, but a widow's lives!
      1. +2
        17 February 2020 17: 51
        "In a Jewish family the son is a drunkard, this is such a rarity ..."
        (Adjutant of His Excellency Novikov as a Jew Jeweler) smile
    3. 0
      17 February 2020 12: 12
      drinking plain water was dangerous.
      and this is not wine or beer diluted, but added to water - so that at least somehow
  12. +2
    17 February 2020 09: 01
    Wine has been given to us for joy, and thoughtless use of at least wine, at least chocolates, even cutlets always leads to problems. Our people like to blame all their sins on wine or on someone else’s uncle. I heard repeatedly - vodka is to blame, you might think someone was tied up and poured into his throat. Do not believe the tales, do not hell their shoals to blame on someone or something. No wonder they say - a glass fool for a while.
  13. BAI
    17 February 2020 09: 06
    We read V. Pokhmelkin's "History of Vodka":
    An analysis of the terminology of alcoholic beverages of the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries gives grounds to draw the following conclusions:
    In the early historical era in Russia, there were five types of intoxicating drinks:
    1. Drinks obtained from Byzantium and the Mediterranean countries in finished form and which were grape wine, mainly red. Until the XNUMXth century, all types of wine were called exceptionally simply wine, sometimes with the adjective “sour” and “oversmanned” (sweet, dessert, spicy).
    2. Drinks obtained by natural fermentation of local nature products - birch sap, honey, berry juice without any additional human exposure (ie, without adding yeast, without boiling, etc.) - drunk birch bark, honey set.
    3. Drinks obtained by artificially fermenting grain products (rye, barley, oats) after boiling (boiling) the wort and with the addition of additional herbs (hops, St. John's wort, wormwood) to add smell and taste. These drinks were kvass (meaning modern beer), ol (strong, thick beer like a porter).
    4. Beverages obtained by artificially fermenting honey or by combining artificially fermented honey with artificially fermented grain products. This drink was boiled or nutritious honey. It was an aqueous solution of honey seasoned with barley or rye malt and flavored with various herbs (hops, wormwood, St. John's wort) and brewed like beer drinks. The strength of this alcoholic drink was quite high, and the intoxicating effect was strong, because the honey must was extremely rich in sugar, and therefore the drink turned out to be richer in alcohol than ol.
    5. Drinks made by racing fermented cereal products. These drinks included: made kvass, made wine, strong drink, unfilled kvass. Apparently, all of the above terms meant one drink, called differently in different sources precisely because it was, firstly, the newest drink for the XII - XIII centuries, which appeared after all of the above, and the term was only chosen for its designation by analogy with the old terms denoting already known alcoholic drinks, and secondly, because the raw materials for this new drink were used differently (although it turned out to be the same in effect), and people used to determine the product by raw materials, and not by the result of oizvodstva. The fact that it was one and the same drink shows its single epithet - “created”, which indicates the unity of technology. Apparently, here we are talking about the primary receipt of bread alcohol as a result of distillation of highly sugared starchy raw materials.

    5 varieties. Thus, the ancient Slavs were not so sober.
    1. +2
      17 February 2020 09: 15
      Ha! And the rest of the population of our planet? hi hi
    2. +4
      17 February 2020 09: 30
      This is still bullshit. The author wrote to you in the ancestors of the Iranian-speaking Scythians, since they were drug addicts at all. During the campaigns they built special huts, lighted a cameo, and hemp seed was burned there.
      1. +4
        17 February 2020 09: 47
        Oh! Yes, you stop Russophobia, right! hi What for?
      2. +5
        17 February 2020 10: 02
        Quote: Zeev Zeev
        This is still bullshit. The author wrote to you in the ancestors of the Iranian-speaking Scythians, since they were drug addicts at all. During the campaigns they built special huts, lighted a cameo, and hemp seed was burned there.

        Pancake. Straight miluim (reservist service in the IDF). Tricks of the IRGC? )))
        1. +2
          17 February 2020 10: 09
          Where did you smoke hemp in a tent?
          1. +4
            17 February 2020 10: 15
            Grass, it’s shmal, it’s also Marihuana (Spanish marijuana, marihuana), the official name cannabis is a psychoactive drug obtained from hemp, a psychedelic type.
            I did not smoke. I looked and condemned. I also watched them drink. And condemned. He condemned him very much, watching them speed up. My indignation knew no bounds, looking at how some unconscious comrades despised military duty, sniffed the product of processing coca leaf. After alcohol, alternating with the smoking of marijuana.
            1. 0
              17 February 2020 10: 24
              And what do not you drink?
              1. +7
                17 February 2020 10: 27
                After a heart attack - Pts rarely red wine. Before a heart attack - whiskey and cognac in large quantities. )))
                And I thought I could drink. Until the wife’s relatives brought moonshine. I admit - I never knew how to drink laughing
                1. -1
                  17 February 2020 10: 37
                  What moonshine my mother-in-law does for me ... it's just fantastic ... literally a week ago it turned out 0,7 per person ... in the morning ... well, it’s a little shaky, but super. to hell ...
                  1. +4
                    17 February 2020 10: 39
                    It was also good there, I just don’t know how to drink it
                    1. -1
                      17 February 2020 10: 45
                      And what to be able to do. It's not alcohol .. where without dexterity yes, it's hard hard)))
                      1. +4
                        17 February 2020 10: 49
                        I drank it like vodka))
                        Before leaving, he embraced the plumbing. And I heard the whole city - Krasnodaaaaaar
                      2. 0
                        17 February 2020 10: 53
                        ))))))))))) scared a white friend))))) yes, well, it happens, this is the case .. did not take the body
                      3. +4
                        17 February 2020 11: 10
                        Correct how to drink it - in sips, like a whiskey?
                      4. 0
                        17 February 2020 12: 57
                        Sam or alcohol?
                      5. +4
                        17 February 2020 13: 05
                        Quote: Andrey VOV
                        Sam or alcohol?

                      6. +4
                        17 February 2020 13: 21
                        Pour the casserole .... 50-100 grams, depending on which cup ... so cold it’s viscous .. it’s so slamming inside .... it’s falling inside so warming ... and a piece of salsa on a black Borodino bread or cucumber salty crispy barrel cakes, well, then who loves something ... and blunders ... and I didn’t drink it with sips like a whiskey .. because it’s somewhere around 60 degrees fortress
                      7. +6
                        17 February 2020 15: 16
                        50-100 grams, depending on which glass ... so cold it’s viscous .. it’s so slamming inside .... it’s falling inside so warming ... and a piece of salsa on a black Borodino bread or a pickled crispy cask after, well here who loves what ... and a blunder ...

                        Monster! wink I still have half a day to work, and he, you know, writes such a thing that saliva drips on the clave! drinks Andrew, elegantly described! good
                      8. -1
                        17 February 2020 14: 17
                        Moonshine moonshine strife, moonshining is art. Some moonshine can be savored like a good cognac, while another can only be drunk by gathering all your courage and turning off the taste and olfactory receptors.
                      9. +4
                        17 February 2020 14: 29
                        Whiskey - also, by and large, moonshine
                        Only seasoned
                      10. -1
                        17 February 2020 14: 31
                        All the strong drinks of the world - there is moonshine. In addition to vodka, it is a rectificate.
                      11. 0
                        17 February 2020 15: 39
                        My colleague makes home-made bourbon at work, though the fortress does more ... somewhere he got 3 barrels from port and now he has been aged for a year))))
                2. +3
                  17 February 2020 17: 57
                  After the stroke, everything you like: vintage Crimean port, rum, and, preferably, Filipino. I recommend both drinks. True, in the absence of these, I do not disdain and textbook vodka. drinks
                  1. +4
                    17 February 2020 17: 58
                    I'm afraid to drink something stronger than wine))
                    1. +3
                      17 February 2020 18: 06
                      Man, and you try to make Mahito, and the wine is stronger, and it is drunk easily. My spouse found cane sugar and lime here, they pleasantly celebrated the New Year. True, after the third wine glass I wanted a pure rum for coffee. smile
                      1. +4
                        17 February 2020 18: 17
                        I’m afraid after a heart attack - I used to drink Mojito viskar)).
                      2. +3
                        17 February 2020 18: 25
                        I can’t imagine how you can drink whiskey without a shudder, in my village a neighbor drives better.)))
                      3. +5
                        17 February 2020 18: 30
                        It depends on what)))
                      4. +3
                        17 February 2020 19: 13
                        A neighbor drives a good one. smile drinks
                      5. +7
                        17 February 2020 18: 34
                        Quote: Sea Cat
                        and you try to make Mahito, and the wine is stronger, and is drunk easily. My spouse found cane sugar and lime here, they pleasantly celebrated the New Year. True, after the third glass, I wanted to have pure rum for coffee

                        As a child, I loved the book "Sea Wolf", where the captain also respected rum, only with us it somehow turns out differently wassat

                        - Ladies and Gentlemen
                        Right what a trifle
                        All the food is over
                        In the cellar, the rum dried up.
                        In the courtyard of the New Year,
                        Fifth night in a row
                        Rum city dweller drinks
                        All in one voice scream:
                        A scream is like thunder
                        - Give people a rum
                        Need for any
                        People drink rum (s)
                        or as
                  2. +6
                    17 February 2020 18: 44
                    Quote: Sea Cat
                    After the stroke, everything you like: vintage Crimean port, rum, and, preferably, Filipino. I recommend both drinks. True, in the absence of these, I do not disdain and textbook vodka.

                    My uncle is dear, I first caught a heart attack, then a stroke, not a serious one. As soon as he screamed, the scooter began to drive 70 degrees exactly and arranged therapy three times a day, sometimes even at noon he allowed it, his ulcer even healed. He died 15 years later from a completely different disease and was almost 70 years old.
                    Hence the conclusion of the healing properties of alkaloids has not been canceled good drinks
                    1. +3
                      17 February 2020 19: 16
                      Hence the conclusion of the healing properties of alkaloids has not been canceled

                      It is true! drinks
                    2. +2
                      18 February 2020 02: 58
                      Quote: Malyuta
                      Quote: Sea Cat
                      After the stroke, everything you like: vintage Crimean port, rum, and, preferably, Filipino. I recommend both drinks. True, in the absence of these, I do not disdain and textbook vodka.

                      My uncle is dear, I first caught a heart attack, then a stroke, not a serious one. As soon as he screamed, the scooter began to drive 70 degrees exactly and arranged therapy three times a day, sometimes even at noon he allowed it, his ulcer even healed. He died 15 years later from a completely different disease and was almost 70 years old.
                      Hence the conclusion of the healing properties of alkaloids has not been canceled good drinks

                      drinks The main thing is to know what's what! Here are the recipes. wassat laughing

                      1. +8
                        18 February 2020 11: 12
                        Quote: Freeman
                        The main thing is to know what's what! Here are the recipes.

                        Great recipe, just magic !!! laughing laughing drinks
            2. +1
              17 February 2020 12: 05
              Grasse bas Basis? Well, nafig, who needs such a fawn? We drank to drink. Smoked smoked (but outside the base). Coke? I didn’t see Coke.
              1. +3
                17 February 2020 12: 13
                In the darling? )))
                I had enough grass in the sadir, though I thumped - the grass is not mine. Coke was also in the sadir. On miluim even more so.
                About the pale - yes, in Judah (Magaw Jerusalem) there was a period when a urine test was done once every two weeks.

                1. +1
                  17 February 2020 12: 30
                  Ahh. MAGAV ... Well, that explains a lot. We have so many "baboon" and "dorbanim" dealers in the IDF.
                  1. +3
                    17 February 2020 12: 32
                    By the way - hedgehogs (porcupines) practically did not do this. Bedouins - maybe, but they were brought by all the locals - Atikva, Jaffa Dalet, etc.
                    Miluim - in the IDF did. They brought all the good Russian, local so ...
  14. +4
    17 February 2020 09: 25
    It would not have laughed at Samsonov, but he raised the problem gloomy. Aliens or the world behind the scenes brought vodka with moonshine to Russia in their clawed paws, the fact that drinking is a big problem in our country. It is clear that here gathered people who control their alcohol habits, and therefore most laugh at the article. But ask yourself, how many acquaintances, neighbors or relatives are affected by this addiction? How many deaths, destroyed families, grief and suffering from alcoholism?
    This is a complicated question. A strong-willed person can control himself. Are people weak in spirit or strong, but subject to constant stress? Moreover, our society is condescending to alcohol. Teetotalers are often considered blissful. All this is complicated. There are a lot of stresses, and we are not used to going to psychologists, and self-regulation is also not trained. So you wave the barbecue skewer on Saturday. And someone cannot stop then.
    1. +6
      17 February 2020 09: 35
      My friend! This problem is not of the people! But of everyone. Alas! Drink? Or, on the contrary, everyone decides for himself. That's purely my opinion.
      1. 0
        17 February 2020 11: 48
        This is all clear. But in small towns and villages with villages, this is really a problem.
        1. +1
          17 February 2020 12: 07
          So why do people drink? From hopelessness. Where does the hopelessness come from? From the total and continuous discrepancy of the desired to the real. The standard of living will rise, people will have hope - they will stop thumping.
          1. +2
            17 February 2020 12: 19
            So why do people drink? From hopelessness.
            ,,, fierily laughing a person has problems, he has no money, but he finds vodka. And walking with drunken balls, complains that everything is bad.
            1. +1
              17 February 2020 12: 30
              A drunk will always find money for vodka.
              1. +1
                17 February 2020 13: 24
                the most paradoxical thing: in your student days you’re sitting in a hostel .. you don’t have a spear in your pocket, just a bit of bread and food ... and someone let’s wave it up and where did you get what in the end .. in the morning you look at me .....) )))
            2. +3
              17 February 2020 15: 18
              ,,, fiercely laughing at the person of a problem, there is no money, but he finds vodka. And walking with drunken balls, complains that everything is bad.

              "They don't drink only in heaven, but in Russia - bring it to anyone!" (Legion) wink "A glass of wine will not kill your mind!" drinks
          2. -3
            17 February 2020 14: 34
            People drink exclusively because of their weak character and inability to occupy themselves.
      2. +2
        17 February 2020 17: 59
        Earrings drinks , it has already been said: "To drink, or not to drink - that is the question." But not for us.
    2. +5
      17 February 2020 10: 12
      I don’t live in Russia (I’ve never been there before), but in my prehistoric homeland, with all the Slavic population, there were few in black. Although it seems that the city is small and the area is working, but drunk on the streets did not lie.
      1. +1
        17 February 2020 10: 19
        No, now the people in our country began to thump more culturally ... it happens and the described lying instance comes across .. but the fact that I look like in Finland and Germany is horrible. We honestly haven’t seen this
    3. 0
      17 February 2020 15: 14
      Most of the acquaintances after 40 either completely quit, or drink rarely, not systemically. The brain seems to be in place. I already want to preserve my health, and alcohol does not bring new sensations. Himself one of those. It used to be a long tradition to sit in a bar with a glass and a cigarette (cigar) on Friday, but now I understand that childhood illnesses (smoking and drunk) should be treated in childhood, that is, up to 30 years. Now I'd rather go for a walk with the younger one, work out, play, than sit in a tavern, or go to the gym. He didn’t forbid his elder daughters either alcohol or cigarettes, let them try, they don’t want to - why, dad? Still, these "entertainment for the poor" are not fashionable now, there is at least some plus.
  15. +6
    17 February 2020 10: 00
    If you drink wine and beer
    You are an accomplice of Tel Aviv
    1. 0
      17 February 2020 10: 29
      Citizens are real! Well, how would you deal with each other? Huh? And we Slavs will be able to understand how no one, right?
      1. +5
        17 February 2020 10: 30
        This is what?
        1. 0
          17 February 2020 10: 34
          What's not clear!
          1. +6
            17 February 2020 10: 35
            Quote: Phil77
            What's not clear!

            Got it - "because." Comprehensive answer hi
  16. +2
    17 February 2020 10: 19
    Opinion that in the West they know how to drink culturally diverges. With my own eyes I saw the English literally loaded onto a chartered ship. Is it a freebie? Is it that they think that we can get drunk before a pig's squeal.
    1. +6
      17 February 2020 10: 29
      Finns in St. Petersburg)).
    2. +6
      17 February 2020 11: 12
      And how the Germans were walking in the hotel at the Bella Kamik hotel in Niznitsa, Croatia on the last day before leaving ... This is something! We wandered through the floors, forgetting the room number. Not knowing which floor is the "Where am I?" (!) and vomiting in elevators.
      1. +4
        17 February 2020 15: 30
        This is something! We wandered through the floors, forgetting the room number. Not knowing which floor is the "Where am I?" (!) and vomiting in elevators.

        in the Dominican Republic, Americans behaved like that, especially young animals. hi
    3. +2
      17 February 2020 11: 43
      Quote: nikvic46
      Opinion that in the West they know how to drink culturally diverges. With my own eyes I saw how the British were literally loaded onto a chartered ship. Is it a freebie? Is it that they think that we can get drunk before the pig squeals ..
      So they throw it at home normally, a friend of mine went to London for a month, said on Friday night in the business quarter they are doing this ... Well, as in the Penza mentioned above in the 20s, only adjusted for the current level. According to him, while he was walking there he had some concerns about his health. I myself was not, but I believe him.
  17. +4
    17 February 2020 11: 03
    "... evil lurks in men who avoid wine, games, the company of lovely women, table conversation. Such people are either seriously ill, or secretly hate others. True, exceptions are possible."
    1. +3
      17 February 2020 15: 27
      ... the evil is hidden in men who avoid wine, games, the company of pretty women, table talk. Such people are either seriously ill or secretly hate others.

      Sergey, by personal conviction - I agree! drinks
      And your quote reminded me of a classic:
      "Yes, this is already the inexplicable law of fate: an intelligent person - or a drunkard, or will make such a face that at least take out the saints." (N.V. laughing Gogol, "The Inspector General")
      1. +1
        17 February 2020 15: 45
        Good afternoon Nikolai,
        Yes, the classics said, if not all, then a lot.
        And I also want to add: "... and immediately drank ..."
        1. +3
          17 February 2020 16: 28
          And I also want to add: "... and immediately drank ..."

          To Talon rushed: he sure
          What is there waiting for him Kaverin.
          Entered: and the cork to the ceiling,
          The guilt of the comet splashed current;
          Before him is a roast-beef bloodied
          And truffles, the luxury of a young age,
          French cuisine is the best color,
          And Strasbourg pie imperishable
          Between the Limburg Cheese Alive
          And golden pineapple.

          (AS Pushkin, "Eugene Onegin").
          But here is no longer an ordinary drunken village peyzan, but a party of "elite majors"! drinks everyone spends time in accordance with their desires, and to the best of their ability ... request damn it, re-read the paragraph of Pushkin for once, and enjoyed the syllable, Sergey! hi
          1. +1
            17 February 2020 16: 33
            roast-beef bloodied
            what dish does Pushkin mean?
            for some reason I thought about a steak
            1. +2
              17 February 2020 16: 49
              for some reason I thought about a steak

              literally read, then roast beef! drinks although what’s the difference, I don’t really catch it. As far as I understand, roast beef is cooked in the oven. what
              1. 0
                17 February 2020 16: 57
                There are three types of roast beef roast - well-done, medium-rare, and "with blood". You can cook in the oven and in the pan ...
              2. +2
                17 February 2020 17: 00
                Yes, probably: the roast beef is baked, the steak is fried. We need to see how in the days of Pushkin it was prepared, the recipes could change significantly.
                re-read the paragraph of Pushkin for once, and enjoyed the syllable
                - How do I agree with you!
                1. +4
                  17 February 2020 17: 46
                  - How do I agree with you!

                  in childhood you do not appreciate such things, in adulthood you admire the ease of a syllable .... hi
                  Yes, probably: the roast beef is baked, the steak is fried.

                  I understood the same way. Although Vyacheslav Olegovich also added. There, in some recipes, the roast beef is first fried, then stewed in the oven.
                  Something pulled me into foreign cuisine! wink Sergey, have you been to Kingisepp? The most decent place to eat there is the pub "The collection". Entourage, with playing rock, with photographs and a red telephone booth in the corner of the hall ... good Previously, they made an excellent English dish "fish and chips" - pieces of cod were fried and served with fried potatoes. Now, however, this dish is not on the menu. request On the other hand ... you can take a glass of cider and a pint of shrimp! drinks
                  1. +1
                    17 February 2020 18: 01
                    Quote: Pane Kohanku
                    a red telephone box in the corner of the room ...

                    In Penza, we have a bar entrance to which is a half-cut English red double-decker bus. Well, everything inside is relevant ... But finding it is not easy, although it is in the very center. If you want to come - inform me in advance - I will show you!
                    1. +1
                      18 February 2020 12: 36
                      But finding him is not easy, although he is in the very center. If you want to come - inform me in advance - I will show you!

                      OK! wink in general, such surroundings attract visitors. I.e. the organizer creatively approached the process of self-promotion! And if there is also food at the level, an influx is provided. hi
                      in general, a culture of drinking should be present. I think the Japanese have it too?
                  2. +2
                    17 February 2020 18: 19
                    Nicholas, in Kingisepp, you could not say, although I have a cottage relatively close and drive alongside, and even through it happened repeatedly, but I will keep in mind.
                    And "fish and chips", if I'm not mistaken, even in "Dickens" they served that on the corner of Fontanka and Moskovsky.
                    1. +1
                      18 February 2020 12: 39
                      And "fish and chips", if I'm not mistaken, even in "Dickens" they served that on the corner of Fontanka and Moskovsky.

                      I wasn’t, even though I regularly pass by. In 2012, I parked a car on the other side of Moscow on Fontanka .. and did not pay attention to the sign! wink As I came back, I had to follow the car to the very end of Obvodnoye - pick it up from the parking lot! laughing
  18. +6
    17 February 2020 11: 12
    High-alcohol alcohol products, such as vodka (up to 40 degrees or more), appeared in Western Europe in the XNUMXth century.
    There could be no vodka in the XNUMXth century. Firstly, the word vodka itself in circulation appeared no earlier than the XNUMXth century, and secondly, the meager amounts of alcohol that monks received by distilling grape wine were used exclusively for medical purposes in the treatment of colic and smallpox.
    It took about 200 years for the distillation product from monks and doctors to "flow" into society. At the beginning of the XNUMXth century, the first documented case of death from a heavy binge of one of the leaders of the Scottish clans, who "took on his chest" too much aqua vitae, belongs to the first documented cases.
    The highest supervision of the sale of wine and vodka in taverns
    In taverns they sold bread wine. Until the end of the XNUMXth century, vodka in Russia was called the product of the processing of bread wine, or grape wine. Bread wine was distilled again, then insisted on a variety of taste and aromatic raw materials and distilled again. With so many distillations and the use of expensive spices, the price of the product was very high and simply unavailable to visitors to taverns.
    And the product that today is called vodka, i.e. diluted to 40 vol.% rectified alcohol, appeared at the end of the XIX century.
  19. +4
    17 February 2020 11: 32
    From this moment begins the confrontation between Russian society and power

    Well, how are the state successes in soldering Russian society, Mr. Samsonov? Put it on the shelves from the very beginning of the "struggle"!
    1. +7
      17 February 2020 13: 23
      Comrade Stalin readily explains why vodka was not banned in the USSR and why the state introduced a vodka monopoly.
      “Two words about one of the sources of the reserve - about vodka. There are people who think that it is possible to build socialism with white gloves. That is a grave mistake, comrades. If we do not have loans, if we are poor in capital and if, in addition, we cannot go into bondage to the Western European capitalists, we cannot accept the enslaving conditions that they offer us and which we rejected, then one thing remains: to look for sources in other
      areas. This is still better than enslavement. Here we must choose between bondage and vodka, and people who think that it is possible to build socialism with white gloves are cruelly mistaken. ”
      1. +5
        17 February 2020 13: 27
        Quote: Krasnodar
        Here we must choose between bondage and vodka, and people who think that it is possible to build socialism with white gloves are cruelly mistaken. ”

        Those. if for the sake of future communism, then is it possible?
        1. +5
          17 February 2020 13: 29
          I quoted a great man.
          1. +3
            17 February 2020 13: 51
            Not just a great one, but a Guru of the modern world! wink
          2. +2
            17 February 2020 19: 31
            I agree Stalin least of all looks like a fool
            1. +4
              17 February 2020 19: 33
              Hi dear!
              The state had to be loot - that’s what monopolized the income from the most popular goods.
      2. +2
        9 May 2020 19: 04
        most of all in the Duma under Nicholas II, the Social Democrats were drowning against drunkenness. Lenin did not drink or smoke (Stalin drank and smoked). It was thanks to them that "dry law" was introduced even before the revolutions (because of WWI, sugar was considered a strategic raw material), which then the Soviet government canceled it only after Lenin's death. This was done in order not to take loans in capital countries for industrialization
  20. 0
    17 February 2020 15: 40
    Quote: Pan Kohanku
    50-100 grams, depending on which glass ... so cold it’s viscous .. it’s so slamming inside .... it’s falling inside so warming ... and a piece of salsa on a black Borodino bread or a pickled crispy cask after, well here who loves what ... and a blunder ...

    Monster! wink I still have half a day to work, and he, you know, writes such a thing that saliva drips on the clave! drinks Andrew, elegantly described! good

    And men \ ahead of the schedule two days off ... and 28 just at the beloved mother-in-law's anniversary)))) she lives in her house in the village ... well, you yourself understand what the table will be))
    1. +7
      17 February 2020 15: 48
      Well, you yourself understand what the table will be))

      Well, then I sincerely wish to celebrate well! drinks For many years your mother-in-law! Yes
      I was at the wedding last week. A couple of very intelligent Koreans (the husband was serving in Afghanistan) passed off their daughter for the son of a couple from Ukraine (there is an indescribable flavor). And when the whole crowd of those gathered, which included Koreans, Russians, Ukrainians, Kyrgyz and Tatars, famously danced to the national hits - you understand the meaning of the powerful word "international"! drinks
      1. 0
        17 February 2020 20: 00
        Thank you
        1. +1
          18 February 2020 09: 38
          Thank you

          yes to me for what? Thank you too! (and for tasty thoughts - separately! wink ) I hope to continue communication at VO! drinks
  21. +4
    17 February 2020 19: 27
    Samsonov again became interested in Zadornov, and Zadornov the comedian and Zadornov the historian are two big differences. However, this is so in passing.
    The assertion that Russians are the most drinkers come from the field of folklore. In France, Greece or Italy they drink better, but there are fewer drunks, what is the reason?
    In order not to pass out from alcohol there are proven methods: 1) it is better not to drink on an empty stomach, 2) it is better to have a snack, 3) to avoid the "ruff".
    As you can see nothing complicated
  22. +1
    17 February 2020 23: 01
    Author, learn a story :) What "Ivan the Dark"? Basil! Well, about the technology of honey brewing - a complete bullshit has been written.
  23. 0
    20 February 2020 21: 56
    a typically propaganda article. in ancient Rome, they deliberately tickled the throat of drunkards - so that they vomited and could continue to participate in the booze. the ancient Greek philosophers organized feast for the sick - I forgot what the word was called, but it became synonymous with "cultural" drinking. and how the strength of wine was measured at 2-3 degrees - the author does not share ideas? modern household alcohol meters have such an error. in general, after this paragraph of this opus I read diagonally
    1. 0
      22 February 2020 09: 29
      Symposium (lat. Symposium from other Greek. Συμπόσιον - "feast")
      Symposium (dr. Greek συμ-πόσιον - drinking, feast, feast [1] from συμ- - prefix with the meaning of compatibility of action, complicity and πόσις - drinking, drink) - a ritualized feast in Ancient Greece, accompanied by violent fun.
  24. 0
    22 February 2020 10: 39
    Briefly about drinking in Russia
  25. 0
    22 February 2020 17: 39
    The clearest example is the fierce propaganda of "beer on Fridays".
    It is still unknown that the worst-vodka-flavored vodka every six months on weekends, or bio-organisms, that without a weekly (and many even a Nightly) bottle / 4-hack beer cannot imagine their existence.
    They themselves also believe in the promoted nonsense,
    that it is "Helpful"!
  26. +1
    9 May 2020 18: 55
    in the USSR and Russia when committing a criminal offense, intoxication is considered an aggravating factor .. in Italy, for example, mitigating a rowdy’s guilt. and it’s fairer, because the state sells it in every store
  27. 0
    10 May 2020 02: 32
    The author went into an alternative story somewhere. Elementary ignorance regarding drunkenness of pre-Christian Rus. A story of temporary years, (third revenge on the Drevlyans for the murder of Igor):
    "And she sent to the Drevlyans with the words:" Now I am coming to you, prepare many honey in the city where they killed my husband, so I will mourn at his grave and create a feast for my husband. " When they heard about it, they brought a lot of honey. <...> After that the Drevlyans sat down to drink, and Olga ordered her youths to serve them. <...> And when the Drevlyans got drunk, she ordered her adolescents to drink in their honor, and she went not far away, and then ordered the adolescents to chop the Drevlyans, and they excised five thousand of them. "