The legendary lorry. Interesting facts about the main Soviet truck


Если мы будем вспоминать советские грузовые автомобили, полуторка по праву займет в нашем рейтинге первое место. Свое название автомобиль получил благодаря грузоподъемности — 1500 кг. Образ горьковского грузовика стал частью национального культурного кода, а внешний вид машины узнаваем и спустя многие десятилетия после завершения производства. Полуторка вытянула вместе с СССР все масштабные стройки 1930-х годов, тяжелые годы Великой Отечественной the war и послевоенный период восстановления народного хозяйства.

Lorry has American roots

Like all Soviet automobile manufacturing, the GAZ-AA truck has American roots. By the time the Soviet Union began to acquire its own automobile industry, half of all cars in the world were assembled by Ford factories. Despite the fact that there were no diplomatic relations between the USSR and the USA at that time, the parties could easily agree on a commercial basis. The USSR entered into a cooperation agreement with Henry Ford, the agreement provided for the transfer of necessary technologies and equipment for the serial production of cars and trucks, the training of Soviet personnel at Ford plants and other nuances. By the way, the Soviet Union also negotiated with the Chrysler and General Motors companies, but they ended to no avail.

1930 Ford AA Truck

The platform for the legendary Soviet truck was a 1930 Ford Ford AA model. The first trucks assembled in 1932 were an exact copy of it. Initially, a screwdriver assembly was carried out in the USSR; cars were assembled from car kits supplied from the USA. Actually, in the same year, drawings of the car were also transferred to the country. After studying them, the designers began to adapt the car to the domestic realities of operation, while simultaneously mastering the production of components, parts and assemblies directly in the USSR. Already in 1933, one and a half trucks began to be assembled exclusively from Soviet-made components.

In parallel, the machine was adapted to local operating conditions. Designers replaced the stamped clutch housing, which quickly failed, on a cast one. They also strengthened the clutch and steering gear. On the lorry began to use their own steering gear. In addition, a full-fledged air filter appeared on the car. The on-board truck body was also designed in the Soviet Union.

The first trucks were called NAZ-AA, not GAZ-AA

Today, few people know, but the first one and a half trucks that came off the assembly line were called NAZ-AA. Serial production of the new truck began on January 29, 1932 in Nizhny Novgorod, at the V. M. Molotov Automobile Plant built here in Nizhny Novgorod. In the same year, on October 7, Nizhny Novgorod was renamed Gorky in honor of the "first proletarian writer." In 1932, the USSR celebrated the 40th anniversary of the beginning of his creative activity. Following the city, the factory was also renamed, which is still known as GAZ. Therefore, the name GAZ-AA was assigned to one-and-a-half only at the end of 1932.

The first NAZ-AA truck rolls off the assembly line

The upgraded version was named GAZ-MM

In the mid-1930s, a new “heart” was chosen for the truck. As a result of modernization, they began to install a new GAZ-M engine on a lorry. The same engine was previously installed on the legendary Emka - a GAZ M1 passenger car. The upgraded version of the truck received a new 50-horsepower power plant (8 “horses” were added under the hood of the car), a new steering, a cardan shaft and an enhanced suspension. In this form, the truck was mass-produced from 1938 until the end of mass production. The upgraded version of the truck received the designation GAZ-MM. At the same time, there were no external differences between GAZ-AA and GAZ-MM, it was impossible to distinguish them visually. On the highway, such a truck could accelerate to a speed of 70 km / h.

The military version of the car was produced with serious simplifications.

Already during the years of World War II, there was an urgent need for the maximum simplification of the truck. Military versions of the one and a half entered history under the designation GAZ-MM-B (at the front were designated as GAZ-MM-13). One and a half wartime was carried out until 1947. They started planning a serious modernization at the very beginning of the war. First of all, it was aimed at the maximum cost reduction and acceleration of production. Nobody thought about driver comfort anymore.

GAZ-MM-V wartime cabin without doors

At the start of World War II, the Red Army had 151 GAZ-AA and GAZ-MM trucks. At the same time, in the summer and autumn of 100, the troops lost a huge amount of freight transport. Trucks from the national economy, still beautiful and even elegant cars, were massively mobilized to replace the lost cars. At the same time, military versions of the lorry appeared gradually at the front. Almost immediately, the second headlight disappeared from such serial cars (it remained only on the driver’s side), a rearview mirror, a horn, a bumper, the janitor was left alone - on the driver’s side. Also on the GAZ-MM-V version there were no front brakes.

Since metal was a scarce material and was necessary for the production of weapons and ammunition, the cab of the truck was soon replaced by a wooden frame covered with canvas cloth. At the peak of the simplification of the design, there were not even doors in the cab that replaced the tarpaulin rolls. This version was released in Gorky in 1943, in 1944 the doors returned to the cabin, but it was made entirely of wood. The military version also lost its beautifully shaped front curved wings. Their design and shape were simplified as much as possible. Instead of metal, they began to be made of low-grade roofing iron by the method of bending; such wings had an angular rectangular shape. Also on wartime trucks, the driver's seat was solid wood and had no upholstery.

Driving a truck with a crooked starter was the norm

All one and a half sinned by the fact that the scarce starters with batteries installed on them had a very low service life. Experienced drivers noted that on a rare truck they could last more than 6 months. Therefore, in real life, the situation where the driver had to start the truck manually was a mundane thing. One and a half was started with the help of a “crooked starter”, that is, rotating the handle - a device for starting the engine with the help of a crank handle. This method of starting the engine is familiar to many today only in films, for example, in the famous comedy "Prisoner of the Caucasus."

A lorry went on almost everything that burns

42 hp engines and 50 hp could not boast of great power, but stood out for its longevity, unpretentiousness and, what is more important, in wartime conditions - maintainability. Due to the low compression ratio of 4,25: 1, the engines of the GAZ-AA and GAZ-MM trucks could be used even when refueling with the lowest grades of fuel with a small octane rating. Cars could ride on ligroin and even kerosene. And it's not a joke. One and a half could really be filled with kerosene, this method worked in the warm season and with the engine warmed up. In addition, the car well digested low-quality engine oils.

Loading wounded fighters in a half

In this aspect, one and a half trucks were much more unpretentious than the more advanced trucks that entered the USSR under the Lend-Lease program. The same Studebaker was fed exclusively high-quality fuel with an octane rating of 70 or 72. He also demanded the use of high-quality oils. In wartime conditions, situations arose when it became difficult to maintain and operate such equipment. In the USSR, this demand of the Studebakers was indeed considered a drawback.

The number of issued one and a half did not reach a million

The number of one-and-a-half issued in the USSR only slightly reached one million copies. It is believed that in total since 1932, 985 thousand GAZ-AA and GAZ-MM trucks, as well as various modifications of these vehicles, were produced. At the same time, they released the legendary truck not only in Gorky. Mass production of a lorry was established at four large plants: directly at the NAZ, then GAZ - in 1932-1949; KIM plant in Moscow - in 1933-1939, Rostov car assembly plant - in 1939-1941. and at the UlZIS plant in Ulyanovsk - in 1942-1950.
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  1. +8
    23 February 2020 05: 45
    Yes, I'm a bore - "Like the entire Soviet automotive industry, the GAZ-AA truck has American roots." But what about "Moskvich" and our beloved and at the same time hated TAZ, sorry VAZ?
    1. 17+
      23 February 2020 08: 22
      Quote: mat-vey
      Yes, I'm a bore - "Like the entire Soviet automotive industry, the GAZ-AA truck has American roots." But what about "Moskvich" and our beloved and at the same time hated TAZ, sorry VAZ?

      Okay, but what about THIS ancestor of ZIL?
      AMO-F-15 - the first Soviet truck, mass-produced by the Moscow factory AMO (Automobile Moscow Society). The AMO-F-15 car was developed on the basis of the Italian truck FIAT 15 Ter, the assembly of which the AMO plant conducted from 1917 to 1919.
      1. +4
        23 February 2020 08: 24
        Everything, I give up .. your con-f .. the zabudstvo is stronger))))
    2. +3
      23 February 2020 08: 27
      The Union was practically like China was copying shamelessly, although there were two-year-old models, therefore they always lagged behind, not only cars, all household appliances.

      Moskvich 400,401 - copy of the Opel Kadett K38

      "Moskvich-402" - a copy of the Opel Olympia Rekord

      Moskvich 2141 (1986-1998) copy of Simca 1308 manufactured by Chrysler
      1. 16+
        23 February 2020 08: 34
        Well, invent a time machine, fly into the past, set up factories, schools and universities in the Russian Empire, so that the damned Bolsheviks would not have to rack their brains on what to do next - to train engineers, to produce at least some kind of machines or even to write basic diplomas, it’s strange to teach the floor.
        1. -13
          23 February 2020 09: 45
          Quote: mat-vey
          set up factories, schools and universities in the Russian Empire

          Universal primary education was introduced by the "accursed" tsarist regime. Before minus, study the question at least.
          Tsiolkovsky, Korolev, Zhukov, these are products of the educational system of the Russian Empire.
          The USSR made a breakthrough on them and the like in the mid-20th century.
          And the Gorbachevs, Yeltsins, Rogozins and others, this is the product of the scoop. They and the like also completely destroyed the great Russia (USSR).
          The truth is more expensive to me than pluses, the Bolsheviks are free, or not free hirelings of the Anglo-Saxons and Zionists have stolen the golden age from Russia.
          1. 11+
            23 February 2020 09: 50
            You would, that would be stupid not to look like Korolev as "the products of the Russian Empire's educational system." did not give an example, and then your "study the question" is not even funny.
            1. -3
              23 February 2020 09: 54
              The basics were from RI. What do you think, the Queen commissioners taught?)
              And Tsiolkovsky is generally his spiritual guru.
              "Korolev was born in the late evening of December 30, 1906 (January 12, 1907) in the city of Zhitomir [3] in family of teachers of Russian literature"
              And who is his teacher? )))
              And who looks stupid?)
              1. 10+
                23 February 2020 09: 58
                Read on as you get to the commissioners taught.
                1. -9
                  23 February 2020 10: 01
                  A dad with maya form a child in the first 3-5 years.
                  There is nothing to read here. If you do not consider yourself a product of parents, then this is actually your business.
                  And in 1915, however, Sergei entered the Tsar's gymnasium.
                  And really. Read on.
                  1. +8
                    23 February 2020 10: 05
                    So his father and mother were the educational system of the Russian Empire? Or did they teach him at home because this system kicked him out?
                    1. -4
                      23 February 2020 10: 06
                      And dad with mom, where did you get your education?)
                      And actually yes. And dad and stepfather and mom were teachers.
                      Read on.
                      1. +3
                        23 February 2020 10: 09
                        Come on, what logic ... And many others where did not receive education?
                      2. -6
                        23 February 2020 10: 20
                        And what do you dislike about logic?
                        And many others, who is this?
                        Let's take Stalin for example ...
                        Who are his teachers?
                      3. -2
                        23 February 2020 10: 21
                        Quote: Alexey Sommer
                        And many others, who is this?

                        Over 100 million subjects.
                      4. -8
                        23 February 2020 10: 22
                        Russian Empire.
                        And as soon as the "gunpowder" laid by the RI ended, "perestroika" began.
                      5. +2
                        23 February 2020 10: 23
                        Are you talking about some other country?
                      6. -7
                        23 February 2020 10: 24
                        I'm talking about Russia, and you?
                      7. +3
                        23 February 2020 10: 25
                        And who knows your logic, you started about Russia.
                      8. -5
                        23 February 2020 11: 05
                        And what do you think is wrong in my logic?
                      9. +6
                        23 February 2020 11: 20
                        How, according to your logic, the Bolsheviks "stole" the golden age, if only under their leadership the country was able to come out on top in world and social achievements.
                      10. +5
                        23 February 2020 18: 21
                        What is revolution is easy to show with an example:
                        we recall the nineties, when the EBN makes a coup in the country, changing the system (from parliamentary to presidential), the property was taken from the owner (state) and rightly divided it among the workers (privatization). And happiness came.
                      11. Alf
                        23 February 2020 20: 19
                        Quote: Bad_gr
                        And happiness came.

                        But not for everyone.
                2. +3
                  23 February 2020 12: 32
                  and Lenin who is always alive who taught?)))
                  1. -2
                    23 February 2020 12: 46
                    Well, according to this "logic", especially for destruction. To accelerate prosperity, since they themselves could not cope.
                  2. +1
                    24 February 2020 19: 56
                    It’s scary to say that V. I. Ulyanov’s father was an inspector of public schools.
                    1. 0
                      25 February 2020 09: 34
                      And Stalin’s shoemaker ..and?
              2. +2
                29 February 2020 10: 48
                The basics were from RI. What do you think, the Queen commissioners taught?)
                And Tsiolkovsky is generally his spiritual guru.
                "Korolev was born in the late evening of December 30, 1906 (January 12, 1907) in the city of Zhitomir [3] in the family of a teacher of Russian literature"

                And Korolev would have been a petty clerk, or a cabman under RI, and the prince or count would have held the posts by birthright and without taking into account abilities, such as Stessel, the tsar general who had handed over Port Arthur, stuffed with weapons almost without a fight, and most of the tsarist elite were incompetent , stealing mediocrity, but held positions, and Korolev was not allowed there. This whole decomposed system collapsed. Therefore, there is no sense that Korolev learned at the Republic of Ingushetia, the designers of the agricultural country are not needed, and there are no social lifts in the estate system.
          2. +5
            23 February 2020 10: 35
            Quote: Alexey Sommer

            The truth is more expensive to me than pluses, the Bolsheviks are free, or not free hirelings of the Anglo-Saxons and Zionists have stolen the golden age from Russia.

            Your statements are based on the emotions of others, and not on your own knowledge. All wrong.
            1. +7
              23 February 2020 10: 51
              Quote: Krasnoyarsk
              Your statements are based on the emotions of others, and not on your own knowledge. All wrong.

              Over time, these "beliefs" evolve, for example, from "German spies" to "Anglo-Saxon hirelings."
          3. 14+
            23 February 2020 10: 57
            Quote: Alexey Sommer
            The USSR made a breakthrough on them and the like in the mid-20th century

            The jerk (quality) was carried out when a generation entered the production, the army from 1925-26 year of birth. This more literate generation (and subsequent ones) ended the war and then restored the national economy, and at 50-60 (there were many competent workers, engineers and scientists, and quantity in quality) made a scientific and technical upsurge in all directions.
            1. +2
              24 February 2020 09: 43
              And the young generation was taught by highly educated, high-ranking people, those who received a full-fledged education in the Russian Empire (it’s nice to write the Russian Empire even). Yes, I grew up under the USSR, yes I will always remember our history, including socialism, but Russian history does not begin in 1917, but a thousand years earlier.
              1. +4
                24 February 2020 09: 52
                Quote: OLGRIN
                teachers of the young generation, highly educated, high-ranking people

                More correct when it appeared massively highly educated teacher (and this is the merit of the USSR). Naturally, they were taught by the old (pre-revolutionary) professors.
            2. +1
              29 February 2020 10: 55
              The jerk (qualitative) was carried out when a generation entered the production, the army from 1925-26 year of birth
              I will supplement you. This jerk was not accidental, it was a policy of industrialization, in contrast to the feudal RI, which did not need trucks, because there are peasants a horse and a plow.
          4. 13+
            23 February 2020 10: 59
            Quote: Alexey Sommer
            Quote: mat-vey
            set up factories, schools and universities in the Russian Empire

            Universal primary education was introduced by the "accursed" tsarist regime. Before minus, study the question at least.
            Tsiolkovsky, Korolev, Zhukov, these are products of the educational system of the Russian Empire.
            The USSR made a breakthrough on them and the like in the mid-20th century.
            And the Gorbachevs, Yeltsins, Rogozins and others, this is the product of the scoop. They and the like also completely destroyed the great Russia (USSR).
            The truth is more expensive to me than pluses, the Bolsheviks are free, or not free hirelings of the Anglo-Saxons and Zionists have stolen the golden age from Russia.

            "Introduced" on paper just before the war.
            So GOELRO can be attributed to the tsar-father. After all, those who created it were born and studied in the Republic of Ingushetia and unsuccessfully tried to push their ideas before the revolution.
            1. 16+
              23 February 2020 11: 02
              Quote: Narak-zempo
              So GOELRO can be attributed to the tsar-father. After all, those who created it were born and studied in the Republic of Ingushetia and unsuccessfully tried to push their ideas before the revolution.

              Under the tsars there was a "Russobalt" screwdriver, and there was no talk of any full-fledged car factories!
              1. Fat
                25 February 2020 16: 03
                Quote: Malyuta
                Quote: Narak-zempo
                So GOELRO can be attributed to the tsar-father. After all, those who created it were born and studied in the Republic of Ingushetia and unsuccessfully tried to push their ideas before the revolution.

                Under the tsars there was a "Russobalt" screwdriver, and there was no talk of any full-fledged car factories!

                You are wrong, cars from RBVZ were not screwdrivers. Automotive production in the Republic of Ingushetia only under Nicholas 2 began.
                Other emperors were not noted in any way)))
                Posted by: L. M. Shurgunov, V.P. Shirshov
                Title: Cars Country Tips
                Publisher: DOSAAF USSR Publishing House
                Year: 1983
                The book tells the story of the development and formation of our domestic automobile industry since the first Russian car built by E. Yakovlev and P. Frese in 1896.
                The book is illustrated with color and black and white photographs.
                Read at your leisure.
                Maybe slightly change your mind
            2. 0
              23 February 2020 18: 04
              Quote: Narak-zempo
              "Introduced" on paper just before the war.

              ".... By 1914, the Russian Empire had
              123 primary schools, of which:
              80801 departments of the MNP,
              40530 departments of the Orthodox confession
              2414 other departments.
              In state higher education institutions studied:
              Universities - 10 (35 students)
              Legal - 4 (1036 students)
              Oriental Studies - 3 (270 students)
              Medical - 2 (2592 Students)
              Pedagogical - 4 (894 Students)
              Military and Naval - 8 (1182 Students)
              Theological - 6 (1085 students)
              Engineering - 15 (23329 students)
              Agricultural - 6 (3307 students)
              Veterinary - 4 (1729 students)
              Artistic - 1 (260 Students)

              In Europe, the literacy rate was greater, but talking about rampant illiteracy in tsarist Russia is completely untrue.
              Quote: Narak-zempo
              So GOELRO can be attributed to the tsar-father.

              And where did you think this plan came from? They took the tsarist plans for the development of energy in Russia and the deadlines for their implementation were stung by an order of magnitude. And they solved this problem by not very beautiful methods. In the end, private traders were also involved in the implementation of this plan.
              1. +3
                23 February 2020 21: 45
                Add and calculate the numbers for the entire population. A lot? 3% educated! In Bolshevik Russia, 20% already happened in 30 years. What was the @@@ golden age !!! He was golden thanks to the Bolsheviks.
                1. 0
                  23 February 2020 22: 06
                  Quote: nemez
                  Add and count the numbers for the entire population. A lot? 3% educated!

                  I will correct it. You counted students, not literate.
                  More precisely, these numbers look like this:
                  "... The census of 1897 revealed 21% of the literate population in the Russian Empire (literacy was considered both the ability to read and write, and the ability to read only, see the census forms). In European Russia, without the Vistula provinces and the Caucasus, the literacy of the population was 22,9, 70%. The highest percentage of literate, 80-55%, was given by the three Baltic provinces. More modest results were given by the capital provinces: St. Petersburg - 40%, Moscow - 42%. 36% of the literate were found in the Kovno province and 30% in Yaroslavl. In the rest of the provinces of European Russia, less than 4% of those who can read were found. [XNUMX] ... "
                  "... The coverage of children aged 8 to 11 by primary school by 1914 was 30,1% in the whole Russian Empire (in cities - 46,6%, in rural areas - 28,3%). [4] .... "
                  Data from Wiki, but also with other sources, these figures do not differ much.
          5. 13+
            23 February 2020 11: 32
            Quote: Alexey Sommer
            Universal primary education was introduced by the "accursed" tsarist regime. Before minus, study the question at least
            retelling of the provisions of the bill "On the introduction of universal elementary education in the Russian Empire", introduced on February 20, 1907 by the Minister of Public Education P. von Kaufmann in the State Duma ... .... But this project was never destined to become a law. The bill was submitted to the Third State Duma on November 1, 1907, and on January 8, 1908, it was submitted for preliminary consideration to the commission on public education. The commission submitted its report to the general meeting on December 10, 1910.

            Studied the issue, no "universal initial .." was introduced under Nicky, not to mention the average
            Quote: Alexey Sommer
            The USSR made a breakthrough on them and the like in the mid-20th century
            What a dumb bullshit, without a universal secondary and mass higher education received by a mass of workers, engineers and researchers, there would have been no jerk, there were always enough geniuses in the Republic of Ingushetia, the only sense in them was in the USSR.
          6. 16+
            23 February 2020 12: 00
            Quote: Alexey Sommer
            Universal primary education was introduced by the "accursed" tsarist regime. Before minus, study the question at least.

            The question has been studied.
            1. The document on the introduction of universal primary education in the Republic of Ingushetia is not known.
            That is, the emperor on this score did not show concern at the level of the head of state.
            In addition, if such a document existed, it would only mean that it was not implemented in practice.
            A huge number of illiterate people inherited from the decrepit tsarism of Soviet power.
            Remember the real story of how the Bolsheviks scolded you, began the transformation of the country into a modern state with the creation of educational programs of Literature - the elimination of illiteracy.

            Quote: Alexey Sommer

            Tsiolkovsky, Korolev, Zhukov, these are products of the educational system of the Russian Empire.
            The USSR made a breakthrough on them and the like in the mid-20th century.

            Here you were not mistaken, but you didn’t tell the truth.
            The scale of Stalin's industrialization and collectivization was such that people with education from the period until 1917 would be clearly not enough. But in the 1920s it couldn’t be different ... By age, those who were educated in Soviet universities entered real professional life only at the beginning of World War II. Their successes are Cosmos, nuclear, gas turbine and various other energy, rocket technology, automatic systems, ...
            About K.E. Tsiolkovsky you are completely right, but S.P. Korlev and G.K. Zhukov received real education and, most importantly, practical training - professional polishing - precisely in Soviet times, when creative, bold decisions penetrated into education.
            Quote: Alexey Sommer
            And the Gorbachevs, Yeltsins, Rogozins and others, this is the product of the scoop. They and the like also completely destroyed the great Russia (USSR).

            You call the lack of ideals, traitors and simply primitive talkers of imperial time?
            I won’t even bother.
            Then it came to mass idiocy, but the usual confrontation was a talented, educated loner, a flock of illiterate little bastards.
            In order not to be unfounded - even the heroic behavior of soldiers, sailors and junior officers could not prevent the troubles in the Russo-Japanese War of 1905 - 1905.
            And Tsushima ... This is a crime of the illiterate supreme power against Russia.

            By the way, About Gorbachev and EBN I share your assessment of their activities. But it was education that brought them to the pinnacle of power. But other qualities, namely, worldview and honesty were lost somewhere ... Although in education, I am sure there were dark spots ...
            But Rogozin should not be combined with them.
            I personally do not know him, but I guess. that with education and worldview he’s all right. Only this is not enough to occupy such a high position. We need very rare natural talents.
            Quote: Alexey Sommer
            I'm really more expensive than the pros,

            I sincerely believe, therefore I answer.
            Quote: Alexey Sommer
            the Bolsheviks, free or not free hirelings of the Anglo-Saxons and Zionists, stole the golden age from Russia.

            But this is a world-class discovery.
            There used to be a more believable design - the Bolsheviks sold themselves to the Germans ...

            Which once again proves the purity of the plans of the Bolsheviks. - their ideological enemies do not understand the essence of the historical process so much that they get confused in three pines when trying to blame people who fought for a just world order with the world system of imperialism.
            1. -2
              24 February 2020 10: 32
              The theory of communism in practice was not confirmed and the test of time did not pass. People (raised in the Republic of Ingushetia) who raised the country in the 20-60s of the 50th century thanks to propaganda sincerely believed in a system of universal equality, but this led to disastrous results, the enthusiasm faded after XNUMX years when people realized that a handful of funds not chosen by the whole union were managing state funds leaders and professional politicians. From childhood, I saw how workers plundered the country, every worker in a multimillion-dollar country dragged him from work until the collapse of the USSR, and they tried to teach me life. Now we see how people who do not know other ways of doing their business except how to steal (brought up in the USSR) first privatized everything possible from the country and now they are famously managing state projects.
              1. +6
                24 February 2020 12: 49
                Quote: OLGRIN
                The theory of communism in practice has not been confirmed and the test of time has not passed.

                Kakakya such a theory ???
                For your information.
                The theory of communism has not been created.
                Marx believed that in the future more developed people will live, and they themselves will cope with theoretical problems.
                Lenin did not have time, Stalin was overcome by other practically significant problems ...
                But Khrushchev and Brezhnev have not written any serious theoretical work .... As well as their academics from social sciences. And the initial level of socialism-turned out perfectly. Came out of dense world leaders ....
                By the way, the material and technical base of communism was created: by education, medicine. transport, housing (adjusted for war), bread. milk, sugar ... almost reached out with meat ... You can scold anyone for anything, but the Bolsheviks solved the problems of the homeless and hungry .... Until the 1990s began ...

                Quote: OLGRIN
                People (raised in the Republic of Ingushetia) who raised the country in the 20-60s of the 50th century thanks to propaganda sincerely believed in a system of universal equality, but this led to disastrous results, the enthusiasm faded after XNUMX years when people realized that a handful of funds not chosen by the whole union were managing state funds leaders and professional politicians.

                The system of universal equality has nothing to do with socialism and communism. The enemies of the Communists came up with this perverted concept, and the anarchists tried to realize it by dividing the loot.
                In this section of the theory, under socialism, the principle "FROM EVERYONE ACCORDING TO ABILITY, TO EVERYONE ACCORDING TO WORK" should be implemented, and under communism - "FROM EVERYONE ACCORDING TO ABILITY, TO EVERYONE BY NEED".
                But not everyone is the same. Yes, even by force ....
                Enthusiasm faded, this is true, but not at all. It was through their efforts that Russia was preserved, by which a completely different fate was prepared for by world imperialism.
                And the lack of alternatives to elections is the main consequence of the extinction of the enthusiasm of the people and the lack of understanding of the future on the basis of scientific constructions.
                Quote: OLGRIN
                From childhood, I saw how workers plundered the country, every worker in a multimillion-dollar country dragged him from work until the collapse of the USSR, and they tried to teach me life.

                I am very sorry for you.
                "Thugs" also met near me, but they were condemned in collectives ... And barriers were put up for them without any courts ... The family has its black sheep ...
                But there were teams with a different morality, or rather immoral ... Therefore, I am also sorry ...
                Quote: OLGRIN
                Now we see how people who do not know other ways of doing their business except how to steal (brought up in the USSR) first privatized everything possible from the country and now they are famously managing state projects.

                30 years passed after the assassination of the USSR. These are two generations ....
                And you have such a worn song ...
                Those who did not study in the Soviet school of social sciences (not only scientific communism, but also social science in elementary school), reached the age of 40 years.
                Among modern managers and specialists, everything is completely smart, honest and capable ...
                I think you’ll figure it out yourself .... It’s very sad ... Especially in terms of enthusiasm, qualifications and honesty ...
          7. 10+
            23 February 2020 14: 00
            Quote: Alexey Sommer
            Tsiolkovsky, Korolev, Zhukov, these are products of the educational system of the Russian Empire.

            I apologize, but you are a victim of the exam! None of the above people in the Republic of Ingushetia received higher and secondary education in the Republic of Ingushetia.
            Zhukov had 3 grades of the central vocational school and at the time of the revolution he was a non-commissioned officer, Tsiolkovsky became deaf as a result of the disease and was expelled from the gymnasium for poor progress, Korolev entered the first class of the gymnasium in 1917, he was unlearned a couple of years !!!
            So all that you wrote is a junk, but it’s not clear for what purpose, by frivolity or anti-adviser? what
          8. +1
            29 February 2020 10: 31
            Tsiolkovsky, Korolev, Zhukov, these are products of the educational system of the Russian Empire.
            The USSR made a breakthrough on them and the like in the mid-20th century.

            Quite right, succession is always traced, but why did the king not buy a factory from Ford? Because, as a landowner, the tsar was paid a quitrent and he was happy with everything, but the fact that the peasants plowed plow and the horse did not bother him. That is, under RI Korolev would not be shining to become a designer, only the USSR gave him this opportunity, starting industrialization.

            And the Gorbachevs, Yeltsins, Rogozins and others, this is the product of the scoop

            The conversation turned about designers, and so under the USSR, science and technology were 100 times superior to RI, and Gorbachev is a little from another "opera" these are managers and officials with whom there really were problems in the 3rd generation. The union was unable to create a good and high-quality elite.

            The truth is more expensive to me than pluses, the Bolsheviks are free, or not free hirelings of the Anglo-Saxons and Zionists have stolen the golden age from Russia.

            Complete nonsense. The Bolsheviks hirelings that the people are the councils of deputies of workers and peasants, they did not steal, they appeared after the collapse of the Republic of Ingushetia and saved the country. If by the golden age you mean the balls of palaces and champagne of the aristocrats, the luxury of the gentlemen and the poverty of the population, then the generals overthrew Nikolai and on October 1 the 17th RI ceased to exist.
        2. +3
          23 February 2020 10: 44
          It's easier to shoot those who could make the country so that the phrase "lousy intellectual" has become a reality.
      2. 11+
        23 February 2020 11: 12
        Quote: Squelcher
        Moskvich 2141 (1986-1998) copy of Simca 1308 manufactured by Chrysler

        The fig to lie then? If you had ever been to the AZLK museum, you would not have written this nonsense. For example, "Moskvich" 408-412 was twice the car of the year in Europe, and there were a lot of promising developments. All this idle talk about copy-paste is a reason to humiliate the creative genius of Soviet designers. Google in the tyrnets why the gene. dir. company "Panasonic" jumped out of the window and what he wrote in a suicide note!
        1. +3
          23 February 2020 16: 16
          Creative geniuses worked in the defense industry, but for a simple worker it is second-order dermantine or what the military refused, and they also tried to do export quality, my first Toyota Corolla car in 1987, automatic transmission, a full electric package, even mirrors, a regular one is not air conditioning and climate control, velor, an excellent audio system and this is an economy class car, and compare the same Lada or Muscovite of 87 years of release. By the way, still on the go.
          1. +2
            23 February 2020 19: 28
            A little offtopic.
            And take the current Toyota Corolla, I'll be happy to see (and listen to the "juicy" words of gratitude to the manufacturer) How much it runs after the warranty period (for today
            In principle, these words can be addressed to Any brand, I’m not afraid of the word, Disposable equipment produced in the world today (since the mid-00s, to be more precise).
            There are the greatest number of rollers on TyTruba, as servicemen (which are official, that uncles are from garages) swear by the last words the current masterpieces of the world automobile industry.
            There were times of Western Quality, but they are long gone.
            1. 0
              24 February 2020 15: 54
              It is not a matter of reliability, but in relation to a person, on which Soviet machine of the USSR could a simple hard worker have a regular electric package and climate control with an audio system? Corolla is an economy class car like a VAZ kopek.
            2. -1
              25 February 2020 01: 57
              Quote: trahterist
              There were times of Western Quality, but they are long gone.

              You have an outdated understanding of "quality". Manufacturers of passenger cars do not make millionaires, because nobody needs them. People buy a car for 3-5 years and 50-100 thousand km. In commercial technology, where they are willing to pay for it, millionaires are quite produced.
      3. Alf
        23 February 2020 20: 17
        Quote: Squelcher
        "Moskvich-402" - a copy of the Opel Olympia Rekord

        What was copied there? But nothing, that the record is two-door, and the 402nd four-door? And if you look inside?
        1. Alf
          23 February 2020 22: 03
          Quote: Alf
          Quote: Squelcher
          "Moskvich-402" - a copy of the Opel Olympia Rekord

          What was copied there? But nothing, that the record is two-door, and the 402nd four-door? And if you look inside?

          Can a minuser object at all?
          1. -2
            24 February 2020 15: 51
            The door was added in 402, but the engine could not be overpowered, such a developed industry and engine structure were in the USSR.
            Oh and Tu 4 is also an original Soviet development and not a copy of B29.
      4. +2
        24 February 2020 12: 16
        You do not turn on the fool!
        Read better about Alexander Fedorovich Andronov, and do not write such a heresy here!
    3. +2
      23 February 2020 08: 52
      Well, if you can argue about the "Muscovite" (there were pre-war attempts), then the Zaporozhye "Communard" also came out of the Italians)))
      1. -1
        23 February 2020 08: 53
        Quote: Leader of the Redskins
        Well, if you can argue about the "Muscovite" (there were pre-war attempts),

        Well, they called the same KIM)))) - and did not do much for long.
        Well, although you are aware and it was not a copy, but a trophy. I'm talking about post-war.
        1. 0
          24 February 2020 09: 02
          KIM was a self-developed vehicle. Watch the movie "Hearts of Four", the car was excellent for that time, you will see for yourself.
          1. Alf
            24 February 2020 17: 38
            Quote: IL-18
            Watch the movie "Hearts of Four", the car was excellent for that time, you will see for yourself.

            Speaking of birds. Ford was filmed in the Hearts of four, but from where did the Red Army commander appear in private use in the 40's, a foreign riddle car, it seems even to the director.
            1. 0
              26 February 2020 08: 50
              KIM. Part of the car allocated. KIM's entire circulation went into command vehicles.
              1. Alf
                26 February 2020 19: 59
                Quote: IL-18
                KIM. Part of the car allocated. KIM's entire circulation went into command vehicles.

                At KIM there was a V-shaped windshield, here it’s straight, at KIM there were separate front seats, here is a sofa and much more. By the way, it was on Ford Prefect Touring that there was an inscription on the radiator lining, at KIM the lining was clean.
                The first photo is KIM, the second is Ford Prefect.

                For fun, see the third photo. An interesting kinolyap-car rides, and the speedometer is at zero.

                KIM's entire circulation went into command vehicles.

                "What is your evidence"?
                1. Alf
                  26 February 2020 20: 03
                  Here is the Ford Prefect.
                  1. 0
                    2 March 2020 10: 23
                    The horrors of Stalinism: red commanders on foreign cars cut. laughing I accept your objection. hi
                    1. Alf
                      2 March 2020 20: 20
                      Quote: IL-18
                      The horrors of Stalinism: red commanders on foreign cars cut.

                      Yes, and during office hours women carry. Where does Lavrenty Palych look ... laughing
                      1. 0
                        3 March 2020 17: 46
                        Yes, and during office hours women carry
                        good laughing Have you been to party meetings? wink
      2. Alf
        23 February 2020 20: 26
        Quote: Leader of the Redskins
        Well, if you can argue about the "Muscovite" (there were pre-war attempts), then the Zaporozhye "Communard" also came out of the Italians)))

        Released. Only nothing in common was left.
        1. Alf
          23 February 2020 22: 17
          Quote: Alf
          Quote: Leader of the Redskins
          Well, if you can argue about the "Muscovite" (there were pre-war attempts), then the Zaporozhye "Communard" also came out of the Italians)))

          Released. Only nothing in common was left.

          The diameter of the wheels is different.
          The shape of the case is different.
          The front wheel suspension is different.
          Engine of other cooling.
          The arrangement of the cylinders is different.
    4. +4
      23 February 2020 08: 56
      Quote: mat-vey
      hated pelvis

      And who hated him?
      1. 0
        23 February 2020 08: 57
        Why did he “hate?” This time is not past, this is the present continued.
        1. +1
          23 February 2020 09: 01
          You wrote:
          Quote: mat-vey
          beloved and at the same time hated pelvis
          1. 0
            23 February 2020 09: 08
            Are you a bore even cooler? And why did you decide that the time is past? Do you want to conduct a Russian language lesson?
            1. 0
              23 February 2020 09: 11
              Quote: mat-vey
              Are you a bore even cooler?

              Yes, I am like this... laughing
              Quote: mat-vey
              And why did you decide that the past time?

              And what you do not like Lada?
              Quote: mat-vey
              Do you want to conduct a Russian lesson?

              I do not understand the humor ...
              1. 0
                23 February 2020 09: 19
                Quote: Mordvin 3
                Do you want to conduct a Russian lesson?

                I do not understand the humor ...

                Well, explain where did you find the past tense here?
                "Why don't you like the Lada?" - just now, with a combination of price and quality.
                1. +3
                  23 February 2020 09: 31
                  Quote: mat-vey
                  combination of price and quality.

                  And why is it worthless?
                  1. 0
                    23 February 2020 09: 36
                    And why is it wonderful?
                    1. +2
                      23 February 2020 09: 39
                      She could be repaired on her knee. Somehow they removed the drums from one and a half. Her ... there are brake pads on the rubber ...
                      1. 0
                        23 February 2020 09: 43
                        And where does the lorry? You are presenting for a VAZ (TAZ).
                      2. -1
                        23 February 2020 09: 49
                        Quote: mat-vey
                        And where does the lorry? You are presenting for a VAZ (TAZ).

                        and at the same time hated TAZ, sorry VAZ?
                        Is your vyser?
                      3. 0
                        23 February 2020 09: 52
                        And how is a VAZ connected with a lorry? An internal combustion engine?
                      4. +1
                        23 February 2020 09: 55
                        Quote: mat-vey
                        And how is a VAZ connected with a lorry? An internal combustion engine?

                        Yeah, and also with a cable that was wound with a drill.
                      5. 0
                        23 February 2020 09: 59
                        Not so how? Do not languish enlighten.
                      6. +1
                        23 February 2020 10: 02
                        Are you born yesterday, or what?
                      7. 0
                        23 February 2020 10: 07
                        Well, enlighten than VAZ and a lorry connected.
                      8. +1
                        23 February 2020 10: 13
                        Quote: mat-vey
                        Well, enlighten than VAZ and a lorry connected.

                        They are not connected in any way. Oops! "They use petrol here and there.
                      9. 0
                        23 February 2020 10: 14
                        Well, a reasonable question arises?
                        Quote: Mordvin 3
                        Is your vyser?
                      10. +1
                        23 February 2020 10: 18
                        Quote: mat-vey
                        Is your vyser?

                        Quote: mat-vey
                        just now, a combination of price and quality.

                        Is your vyser? Justify the price-quality
                      11. 0
                        23 February 2020 10: 19
                        Given your inadequate behavior "price-quality" of what?
                      12. +1
                        23 February 2020 10: 41
                        Quote: mat-vey
                        "price-quality" of what?

                        One and a half ...
                        Quote: mat-vey
                        your inappropriate behavior

                        And what is it inadequate?
                      13. 0
                        23 February 2020 10: 46
                        Quote: mordvin xnumx
                        Quote: mat-vey
                        "price-quality" of what?

                        One and a half ...
                        Quote: mat-vey
                        your inappropriate behavior

                        And what is it inadequate?

                        Quote: Mordvin 3
                        And why did you decide that the past time?

                        And what you do not like Lada?

                        Analyze this: "Zhiguli" is a VAZ, a "lorry" is a GAZ.
                      14. 0
                        23 February 2020 12: 56
                        Quote: mat-vey
                        Zhiguli "is a VAZ, a" lorry "is a GAZ.

                        Oh you are so smart! And I didn’t even know that the Lada is not the Volga ... recourse
                      15. 0
                        23 February 2020 13: 00
                        Well, judging by the previous pearls, not very much. So what letters in the word "Zhiguli" look like the letters in "lorry" that they can be confused? Or is it not at all important, do you have your own vision?
                      16. 0
                        23 February 2020 13: 08
                        Quote: mat-vey
                        Or is it not at all important, do you have your own vision?

                        I have my own vision:
                      17. 0
                        23 February 2020 13: 09
                        A "synchrophasotron" poorly pronounced?
                      18. 0
                        23 February 2020 13: 21
                        Quote: mat-vey
                        A "synchrophasotron" poorly pronounced?

                        What for? Burbalyak, tomorrow ... laughing
                      19. 0
                        23 February 2020 13: 24
                        "yes you cut your honor"
                      20. -1
                        23 February 2020 13: 30
                        Quote: mat-vey
                        yes you cut your honor "

                        Is it envious?
                      21. 0
                        23 February 2020 13: 32
                        Well, to confuse a "Zhigul" with a "lorry" is a decent congratulations to the boring
                      22. 0
                        23 February 2020 13: 41
                        Quote: mat-vey
                        Well, to confuse a "Zhigul" with a "lorry" is a decent congratulations to the boring

                        Not at all confused. I kissed one and a half drunk, I broke my nose. crying
                      23. 0
                        23 February 2020 13: 42
                        And with "Zhiguli" this was not?
                      24. +1
                        23 February 2020 13: 46
                        Quote: mat-vey
                        And with "Zhiguli" this was not?

                        Did not have! Somehow Zhiguli left in the forest, got lost ... Not a single tree was crushed ... laughing
                      25. +1
                        24 February 2020 09: 11
                        What are they arguing about? One purely hates everything domestic just like that, it is fashionable. Another is trying to explain to the first that this is bad. Only one of them will look for all the worst, and something positive about their own country will be an additional irritant.
                      26. 0
                        25 February 2020 09: 43
                        Well, "one" just "congratulated", and you should learn to be aware of the text read. Or in your mind-understanding there is no difference between a GAZ "lorry" car and a VAZ product, is it the same car for you?
                        And since you are so smart, ask how much VAZ is "domestic" at the moment.
                      27. +5
                        23 February 2020 12: 29
                        Her ... there are brake pads on the rubber ...
                        Rubber stuck there by some amateur "craftsman".

                        This is from the 1935 manual.
                      28. 0
                        23 February 2020 12: 50
                        Are you talking about a VAZ or a "lorry"? It's just that I don't know where what? requestAnd how can I justify the price of a half-liter quality if I have not seen them on sale.
    5. Alf
      23 February 2020 20: 06
      Quote: mat-vey
      Yes, I'm a bore - "Like the entire Soviet automotive industry, the GAZ-AA truck has American roots." But what about "Moskvich" and our beloved and at the same time hated TAZ, sorry VAZ?

      "Roots" means the very beginning.
      1. Alf
        23 February 2020 22: 08
        Quote: Alf
        Quote: mat-vey
        Yes, I'm a bore - "Like the entire Soviet automotive industry, the GAZ-AA truck has American roots." But what about "Moskvich" and our beloved and at the same time hated TAZ, sorry VAZ?

        "Roots" means the very beginning.

        Minusator. Mass production of trucks in the USSR began precisely with the American Ford-AA and passenger cars with Ford-A and Ford-B model 18.
  2. +8
    23 February 2020 06: 04
    Everything is very interesting with Ford, if you look carefully. Well, for anyone, money didn’t smell in any way and never from the expression at all !!!
    To assert that the roots of much that has been done with us are from beyond the hillock .... This is no secret. His or was not or was not enough ... it is logical to take the best or what is available, then how it happened.
    1. +5
      23 February 2020 06: 38
      Quote: rocket757
      To assert that the roots of much that has been done with us are from beyond the hillock .... This is no secret.

      Well, that's right. Why go the already known path, if you can accelerate. Moreover, in those conditions, time was more expensive than gold.
      And rightly so - the "lorry" Ford Soviet engineers made a masterpiece. A masterpiece for those production capabilities and operating conditions.
    2. +4
      23 February 2020 09: 23
      Since 1960, a lorry could rarely be found.
      I vaguely remember, we still had one in the village, the old driver drove.
      Yes, she endured the whole war and restoration on her wheels.
    3. 0
      23 February 2020 11: 05
      Quote: rocket757
      Well, for anyone, money didn’t smell in any way and never from the expression at all !!!

      I think, besides money, he had personal motives. The idea captured that the whole country was being rebuilt on the model, as it seemed to him, of its factories.
      1. +1
        23 February 2020 15: 33
        Well, he also built a couple of automobile factories for the Fuhrer. What a "romantic" personality !!!
        Just an ordinary businessman, just BABOSIKI earned.
        1. +1
          23 February 2020 15: 37
          Quote: rocket757
          Well, he also built a couple of automobile factories for the Fuhrer. What a "romantic" personality !!!
          Just an ordinary businessman, just BABOSIKI earned.

          He quite sincerely sympathized with the Führer, since he himself was a racist and anti-Semite. And, I think, dreamed of a similar regime in the United States.
          1. +1
            23 February 2020 15: 40
            They said something like that .... but I can’t say for sure, I was not specifically interested.
          2. +3
            23 February 2020 23: 09
            Quote: Narak-zempo
            since he himself was a racist and anti-Semite. And, I think, dreamed of a similar regime in the United States.

            The Ford Trafford Park Factory factory in Manchester produced 200 Merlin per week, almost catching the Rolls-Royce factory in Crew in terms of the total output of these engines. In the USA, his Willow Run plant produced one Liberator per hour. All issued Soviet 4-engine Pe-8 bombers this plant could do in 4 days.

            Ford's company made cars. He was more or less do not care about politics. He worked with the allies, neutrals and enemies of his country.

            And what, by the way, was the USSR for America?
    4. +5
      23 February 2020 12: 45
      Everything is very interesting with Ford, if you look carefully. Well, for anyone, money didn’t smell in any way and never from the expression at all !!!
      Ford, having learned about the signing between Amtorg and Albert Kahn, Inc. of the agreement, according to which Kahn's firm became the main consultant to the Soviet government on industrial construction and received a package of orders for the construction of industrial enterprises worth $ 2 billion (about $ 250 billion in today's money), instructed Kan to transfer to the representatives of the USSR that he would provide any information they were interested in, would provide full assistance in organizing production and training of specialists. The New York Times published his interview: "It doesn't matter where the industry thrives - in India, China, or Russia, the more profit will be for everyone, including us."
      1. 0
        23 February 2020 15: 35
        But this is it and it is .... PROFIT, nothing more.
      2. Alf
        23 February 2020 20: 30
        Quote: Undecim
        The New York Times published his interview: "It doesn't matter where the industry thrives - in India, China, or Russia, the more profit will be for everyone, including us."

        Especially if you recall that then the Great Depresnyak triumphed in the USA. And then they were glad to at least some buyer.
        1. +3
          23 February 2020 20: 33
          In 1929, it was not yet triumphant, it only began in October.
          1. Alf
            23 February 2020 20: 43
            Quote: Undecim
            In 1929, it was not yet triumphant, it only began in October.

            Yes, got excited, thanks for correcting.
    5. 0
      23 February 2020 19: 33
      They took it, but only the next lawns had a bit more in common with the Fords than Nothing.
      As well as YaAZ / KrAZ, ZIS / ZIL, VAZ, AZLK and others.
      The start, or hurt, but overseas, the subsequent models are completely their own.
  3. +9
    23 February 2020 06: 42
    A lorry went on almost everything that burns
    In 1936, a unique car of its kind, the GAZ-42, was developed at GAZ under the guidance of a talented engineer and designer S. G. Kosov. What was its uniqueness? The fact is that as a fuel he used ... firewood, or rather short wooden chocks.

    Almost all the components and assemblies, including the chassis, were taken from the base model - GAZ-AA. The difference was only in the fuel system. Behind the driver's cab, a G-14 gas generator set was developed, developed at NATI (Scientific Research Automobile and Automotive Institute), which used wood chocks as fuel. In addition to the gesogenerator, there was also a system for purifying the produced gases and a container for wood chocks - an analogue of the fuel tank. When burning wood, gas was generated in the gas generator. Then he got into the section of sequential cooling and rough cleaning. In the purification system, the gas was brought to the desired degree of purity, and then in a special mixer it was mixed with air. Next, the finished air-gas mixture fell directly into the combustion chambers of the engine cylinders.

    Additionally, a special fan was used in the G-14 gas generator. It was needed for igniting wood chocks and for the subsequent maintenance of their burning. The fan worked from the mains power supply of the car itself. The gas extraction system was unique. They gathered not at the top, where there were too many tarry substances in the gas, but at the bottom. This simplified the gas cleaning process and eliminated the rapid soot and tar contamination of the engine cylinders.

    The equivalent power of the gas generator, which generated up to 65 kg of gas every hour, was 32 hp. or 23 kW in electrical equivalent. This made it possible to maintain the carrying capacity at the level of 1,5 tons as in the basic “Lorry” (according to the technical data sheet it was only 1,2 tons) and ensure the maximum speed of the car within 55 km / h.
    1. +4
      23 February 2020 06: 49
      It’s time for Chubais to appropriate this experience, or for so many years, and he did nothing sensible in Rusnano fellow
    2. +6
      23 February 2020 07: 04
      My father told me that he was driving on such a one. The floor of the body of firewood, the floor of the body of cargo. And another assistant driver who stoker gas generator.
    3. +3
      23 February 2020 08: 57
      My grandfather recalled that the first machine on the collective farm, before the war, was exactly a gas-generating lorry. Moreover, she was assigned a team of several Komsomol members who constantly drove in the back with a saw, axes and shovels. For the preparation of chocks and ... Backfill pits on the road, so that the car would not break !!!)))
    4. +5
      23 February 2020 09: 32
      One mistake. When burning wood. Firewood was not burned, but smoldered, and gas burns when burned. Carbon monoxide, the so-called gas, or simply carbon monoxide. Very toxic.
    5. +3
      23 February 2020 11: 30
      Quote: bionik
      one of a kind car - GAZ-42.

      In those years, there were quite a few such machines. And in England, and in Scandinavia, say. I don’t remember about the Reich, but it seemed to come across too.
    6. +3
      23 February 2020 11: 54
      This car was not so special. Since the 1920s, many cars have been driven in Europe by the so-called Holzgas.
      One of the first companies producing such cars since 1920 was Härdrich from Duisburg.
      Here is another German car in 1936, for example.

      In Warsaw, before the war, several Busing and Henschel buses (1937) operated on Holzgas.
    7. +1
      23 February 2020 17: 45
      a unique car was developed
      And what was unique about him? Direct-flow type gas generator? So in 1919 it was developed by the French engineer Georg Imbert. In 1921, cars with this generator appeared.
      Or weighing 415 kg, because of what, instead of 1500 kg, the load capacity became 1200?
      By 1941, in Germany alone there were about 300 gas generating machines.
    8. 0
      18 July 2021 13: 33
      how does one know if i own this type of truck i recently aquired a very very unique one like that in pic but found some vary strange markings i cant seem to upload them on here but one symbol i found is located on various parts of the body and seems to be like when they put them like if hidden its te letter A with a circle around the letter and found one very strange one hard to describe it and the steering wheel was almost all made of wood with two levers thats say spark and gas and interior is all wood almost also the dash is all wood minus the speedometers and other indicators a few people mentioned to me that maybe a prototype but i doubt they made prototypes then or maybe they did here is the main casting number on the engine block 632929-9 one chassis number i found says G4264 others also start with a G. another one is near the steering rod near the steering wheel is 1fk96 any help would be appreciated
  4. +3
    23 February 2020 07: 31
    The legendary car !!!! I took a ride in such a cabin, in Rostov-on-Don, I experienced a childish delight, but there were 42.))))
    1. +5
      23 February 2020 08: 57
      Lamata hi -You won’t believe it, but I also rode several times in Rostov-on-Don here! Back in the 90s of the last century, an enthusiast assembled a car in which all the details were completely original. Five years a man across the country for different nodes dangled! And, somewhere in 99-2001, he was seduced by promises that he sold the car to a private collector! It seems to be somewhere in the suburbs this car on the go, the condition is excellent!
    2. +1
      23 February 2020 08: 59
      I rode from the parade in a lorry, drunk in the double, no one stopped ...
      1. Alf
        23 February 2020 20: 31
        Quote: mordvin xnumx
        I rode from the parade in a lorry, drunk in the double, no one stopped ...

        Driving or in the back? laughing
        1. +2
          23 February 2020 23: 33
          Quote: Alf
          Driving or in the back?

          In the cockpit. feel Tolik, who drove ours, got drunk, and I, as the person responsible for the car, did not lag behind him. Well, as we arrived at the base, we don’t remember, neither he nor I ...
          1. Alf
            23 February 2020 23: 48
            Quote: Mordvin 3
            Well, as we arrived at the base, we don’t remember, neither he nor I ...

            As far as I know, the autopilot was not included in the standard package of a lorry ... laughing
            1. +1
              23 February 2020 23: 57
              Quote: Alf
              autopilot was not included in the standard package of a lorry ...

              We had our own autopilot. The master, Petrovna, stood and shook a black book, where all the drunks from our brigade were recorded. crying
  5. +6
    23 February 2020 08: 22
    Grandfather before the war went on a gas generator. He worked for several years for a collective farm. This form of purchase existed for the collective farm. I handed over the car to the collective farm. And in a few days the war. He's a one and a half gasoline. And the whole war.
    Surrounded by hit. The commander ordered to burn the car. Grandfather said do not piss, I know the way!)))
    Took people and a car to his!
    The machine in the sieve ....
    But in a day I regained working capacity.
    1. +1
      23 February 2020 08: 51
      And mine moved from EM to a lorry one and a half, Moscow air defense, but not for long. Then BT in the 1st Guards, then all sorts of T-34s to Kursk, then Vilis from Rybalko, then again a lorry on the Road of Life (but not long). Well, and then "Studebaker" already before the end of 1946. I exchanged a lot. With constancy did not work.
      Quote: u4iy
      Grandfather before the war went on a gas generator. He worked for several years for a collective farm. This form of purchase existed for the collective farm. I handed over the car to the collective farm. And in a few days the war. He's a one and a half gasoline. And the whole war.
      Surrounded by hit. The commander ordered to burn the car. Grandfather said do not piss, I know the way!)))
      Took people and a car to his!
      The machine in the sieve ....
      But in a day I regained working capacity.
  6. +5
    23 February 2020 09: 06
    I wanted to supplement the author, there are several monuments with the legendary car, both Soviet and post-Soviet times.
    This one, for example, a monument to military drivers, built at the suggestion of veterans in the 70s of the last century on the Moscow-Simferopol highway in Zaporozhye, immediately became a very noticeable and famous place on the road to the Crimea

    But this one already in the 2000s Put on the Road of Life

    A lorry has long become a symbol of the era, and this will be remembered by posterity
    1. 0
      23 February 2020 09: 25
      So they say she had maintainability ... you can’t imagine better. I read somewhere that Solyankin (the commander of the second tank division) could make a new shaft in a simple forge overnight.
  7. +1
    23 February 2020 09: 58
    The car was of high quality, even the Germans were naughty from its cross, simplicity and reliability. Uncomfortable, yes, no one argues, but it’s unlikely that it will be possible to replace the insert in the engine in the field with a piece of a soldier’s belt and drive home to a German or Japanese car.
    1. +6
      23 February 2020 11: 35
      Quote: Ros 56
      even the Germans were naughty from its cross, simplicity and reliability

      About cross and reliability is not necessary, this has never happened. But at the expense of simplicity, you are partly right, there was no need to approach any Einheitsdiesel with a sledgehammer and such a mother.
      1. +1
        23 February 2020 11: 40
        Read German documents. I was not in the world then, but the Germans were very surprised during the mud.
        1. +4
          23 February 2020 11: 53
          An army truck of the Wehrmacht at the beginning of the war (before the massive transition to a cheap "civilian" Opel Blitz) looked like this

          Diesel, four-wheel drive, single wheels, independent suspension. Panther among trucks, technically brilliant car, too expensive, complicated and moody for a special period.
          1. 0
            23 February 2020 18: 16
            How many were in the Wehrmacht army?
            1. +1
              23 February 2020 20: 13
  8. 0
    23 February 2020 10: 51
    Galoshes about which the guarantor spoke ... smile
  9. +1
    23 February 2020 11: 54
    In the branch of the Central Naval Museum "Road of Life" on the banks of Ladoga, an hour's drive from St. Petersburg.
  10. +5
    23 February 2020 12: 03
    Honestly, one could not just copy-paste a Wikipedia article about such a car.
    Initially, a screwdriver assembly was carried out in the USSR; cars were assembled from car kits supplied from the USA.
    Exactly ten cars were assembled from machine kits in the USSR. The assembly of these Ford AAs was carried out in Kanavino, at the Gudok Oktyabrya plant, which in this connection was renamed the State Automobile Assembly Plant No. 1, the future Gorky Bus Plant.

    The first Ford AA assembled in Nizhny Novgorod.
    1. +4
      23 February 2020 12: 10
      And the Nizhny Novgorod Automobile Plant named after V.M. Molotov. at that time was being built.
      1. +4
        23 February 2020 12: 17

        GAZ-AA 1935 release. Fully restored in 2008.
  11. -2
    23 February 2020 12: 39
    A technologically backward state can buy only obsolete technologies in the USA, paying themselves. Until now, we are not able to produce morally obsolete automobile engines and automotive equipment.
    1. Alf
      23 February 2020 20: 48
      Quote: iouris
      A technologically backward state can only buy obsolete technologies in the United States,

      But how. FORD-AA went into production in 1928, in 1929 the USSR began negotiations on the sale. Completely outdated ...
  12. 0
    23 February 2020 13: 06
    One and a half was started with the help of a “crooked starter”, that is, rotating the handle - a device for starting the engine with the help of a crank handle. This method of starting the engine is familiar to many today only in films

    Ha ... I studied at my native 52nd "lawn". Prapor instructor, so that science reaches the brain, pressed the brake without squeezing the clutch. The motor stalls, but "do not touch the starter, use the handles." You climb out, naturally, out of fright, you forget to pull out the manual gas, on the road everyone stares at you. You twist it, twist it - it stalls. Then the brains turn on. laughing By the way, the warm engine started easily. Both in the winter and in the summer. Unpretentious machine, and a box without a synchronizer. Double peregazovka ... Miracle. wink
  13. +1
    23 February 2020 13: 34
    Awesome car!
    The main "workhorse" in the fields of the Great Patriotic War.
    In the town where I was born, the famous "lorry" stands on a pedestal opposite the motor transport college.
    On one side of the monument there is an inscription: "To the automobile worker". On the other: "Car Warrior".
    And there is. On it we won and restored the country. And remember that! soldier
  14. +1
    23 February 2020 19: 29
    The theme is a good song
  15. -1
    23 February 2020 22: 41
    The gazelle! Only one and a half tons ..

    There is a historical joke when Stalin was shown the first version of the GAZ-51, with a carrying capacity of two tons, the leader, suddenly reminded Opel Blitz with its 2.5 tons, and noticed that this was the minimum for supplying tank divisions. The car had to be urgently and radically redone.

    The machine is historical but definitely unsuccessful, the model was chosen incorrectly. Payload too low. ZiS has become the most popular car since WWII.
    1. Alf
      24 February 2020 00: 18
      Quote: Saxahorse
      The machine is historical but definitely unsuccessful, the model was chosen incorrectly.

      So the other was not there. They took what they could get.
      1. -2
        24 February 2020 20: 05
        Quote: Alf
        So the other was not there. They took what they could get.

        Well Duc ZIS then got somewhere .. Trekhtonka and dragged the whole war. A lorry is simply too small for the needs of the army of that time.
  16. 0
    25 February 2020 14: 08
    I liked the article, (not) learned a lot of new things, ATP, though ATP
  17. 0
    18 May 2020 13: 26
    The car is quite outdated for its time, for comparison you can see what was produced in Riga in those years
  18. 0
    18 July 2021 12: 29
    can anyone help identify markings on a gaz-aa truck looks home made almost has wooden floors and very thin door and as i said looks old found some numbers on the chassis that start with g4264 on frame and other parts of truck to numbers start the same but one very unique logo or stamping i find all over the truck is a symbol thats the letter A with a circle around it almost hidden all over the body ill try to upload pics of it as soon as i learn how to upload from my computer
  19. 0
    19 January 2023 11: 00
    Quote: mat-vey
    Well, invent a time machine, fly into the past, set up factories, schools and universities in the Russian Empire, so that the damned Bolsheviks would not have to rack their brains on what to do next - to train engineers, to produce at least some kind of machines or even to write basic diplomas, it’s strange to teach the floor.

    Absolutely to the point!