How Stalin created the foundations of a new world

How Stalin created the foundations of a new world
Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin at the Yalta Conference

The Agony of the Third Reich. 75 years ago, on February 4, 1945, the Yalta Conference of the Heads of State of the anti-Hitler coalition opened. The post-war structure of Europe and the world has ended.

The need for a new conference of great powers

With the development of hostilities and the successful offensive of Soviet troops in Eastern Europe, the need arose for a new meeting of the heads of state of the anti-Hitler coalition. A number of political problems that arose in connection with the approaching end of the war and the organization of the post-war world order required an immediate solution. So, it was necessary to agree on plans for the final defeat of the German armed forces and the post-war structure of Germany. London and Washington needed to achieve Moscow’s confirmation on the Japanese issue. The three great powers had to decide how to implement the basic principles proclaimed by the United Nations on the organization of post-war peace and international security in order to avoid the start of a new world war.

US President Franklin Roosevelt officially invited the USSR leader Joseph Stalin to arrange a new summit in July 1944. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill fully supported this idea. Roosevelt and Churchill proposed a meeting in September 1944 in Scotland. However, Moscow rejected this offer on the pretext of active fighting at the front. At this time, the Red Army successfully defeated the enemy, Stalin decided that it was necessary to wait so that decisions could be made following the results of the 1944 campaign.

After the conference in Quebec on September 11–16, 1944, Roosevelt and Churchill sent a new proposal to Stalin for a trilateral meeting. The Soviet leader again expressed his “great desire” to meet with the leaders of the United States and Great Britain, but put it off under the pretext of health problems: “Doctors do not advise me to take big trips.” In connection with Churchill's trip to Moscow in early October 1944, Roosevelt again expressed his desire to hold a meeting of the Big Three. During the Moscow issues, many issues were discussed, but no specific decisions were made. However, the parties clarified each other's positions.

After the Moscow talks, the three great powers continued negotiations on a new conference. Preliminarily planned to hold a meeting in November 1944 on the Russian Black Sea coast. This meeting was postponed to the end of January - beginning of February 1945 at the request of Roosevelt (in November 1944 the presidential election was held in the USA).

Honor guard of Soviet soldiers at the Saki airport during the conference.

The situation on the fronts. Malta meeting

The Red Army won one victory after another. Soviet armies liberated East Poland, Romania, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia from the Nazis. There were fights in Czechoslovakia and Hungary. The German high command concentrated the main and best formations on the Russian front. The Western Allies gained the opportunity of a successful offensive on the Western Front. However, the Allied offensive choked.

Hitler believed that the forced and unnatural alliance of the USSR with the democracies of the West was short-lived and would soon collapse. What the Reich can still agree with the West to preserve the remnants of influence in Europe. That Germany, together with the United States and England, can oppose the USSR. But for this it was necessary to prove their usefulness to the owners of London and Washington. In December 1944, the Wehrmacht launched a powerful blow to the Allies in the Ardennes. The allies were in a difficult situation. On January 6, 1945, Churchill asked Moscow for help. Stalin gave a positive answer. The Vistula-Oder strategic operation began on January 12, 1945, and the East Prussian operation on January 13. Soviet troops successively attacked the enemy defenses from the Baltic to the Carpathians. The German command was forced to stop the offensive on the Western Front and transfer divisions to the East.

Thus, the Allies in 1945 planned to complete the defeat of Nazi Germany. Decisive operations were being prepared on the Eastern and Western Front. At the Pacific Theater, the Japanese Empire was also losing the war. Military operations moved to the South China Sea and to the near approaches to the Japanese islands. The Japanese were retreating in Burma, they started having problems in China. However, Japan was still a strong adversary, had more numerous ground forces than the allies in the Asia-Pacific region, and the war with it could drag on for many years, leading to large human and material losses. The military believed that the operation to seize Japan would lead to huge losses, and even after that, the Japanese could continue to fight in Asia. Therefore, Britain and the United States needed guarantees from Moscow that the Russians would oppose Japan.

On the way to Crimea, the leaders of the USA and England held a meeting in Malta on February 2, 1945. Churchill noted that it is necessary to prevent the Russians from occupying more territories in Europe "than is necessary." Churchill also noted the need for Anglo-American troops to occupy most of Western Europe through an offensive on the northern front of the Western Front. The US military was not opposed to this idea, but wanted to maintain independence in the direction of other operations. In addition, a common line of behavior was developed by the Western powers at the Crimean Conference.

Junior sergeant of the 290th NKVD regiment and an American marine at one of the joint posts during the Crimean Conference

Yalta Conference

On the night of February 3, 1945, Roosevelt and Churchill, accompanied by a large retinue, went to the Crimea. First landed at the Saki airport, then arrived by car in Yalta. The Soviet side received guests with all the hospitality. The seriously ill Roosevelt was given the Livadia Palace, where the meetings of the Big Three took place. The British were placed in the former Vorontsov Palace. The Soviet delegation stopped at the former Yusupov Palace. Stalin arrived on the morning of February 4. On the same day at 16 hours 35 minutes the opening of the conference took place. In addition to the heads of state, foreign ministers Molotov, Stettinius (USA) and Eden (England), their deputies, USSR ambassadors to the USA (Gromyko) and England (Gusev), the US ambassador to the USSR (Harriman), the British ambassador to USSR (Kerr), heads of military departments, diplomatic and military advisers. At the suggestion of Stalin, Roosevelt became the chairman of the conference. The conference lasted until February 11th.

The conference began with a discussion of military issues. The situation at the fronts, the plans for future operations were examined. The Soviet side said that the offensive launched in January along the entire front will continue. The Western Allies reported that their armies would make a breakthrough on a narrow stretch of 50-60 km, first north of the Ruhr, then south. The military agreed to coordinate strategic aviation. Anglo-Americans recognized the importance of the interaction of the two fronts, but they declined to comply with the request of the General Staff of the USSR for the need to take measures to prevent the Germans from further transfer of forces to the Russian front from Italy and Norway.

Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin at the Yalta Conference

Stalin saved Germany from dismemberment

The most important was the question of the future of Germany after the liquidation of the Hitler regime. The political leadership of England and the United States, on the one hand, wanted to eliminate a competitor in Germany, on the other hand, wanted to use the Germans again against Russia in the future. Therefore, London and Washington planned to divide Germany into several parts, to return it in the days before Bismarck, which united the German lands. There were also plans to gradually strengthen Germany so that it was an ally in the struggle against the USSR. In the official position of the West, the need for the elimination of German militarism, Nazism and the reconstruction of the country on a democratic basis was noted. The period of general occupation of Germany was not limited. Intensive exploitation of German resources was planned.

At the Crimean Conference, Americans and British raised the issue of the partition of Germany for the sake of the interests of "international security." It was proposed to separate Prussia (the center of German militarism) from the rest of Germany. Create a large German state in the south, possibly with a capital in Vienna, to balance Prussia. Churchill proposed raising the question of the Ruhr affiliation, of Saarland, of the internal fragmentation of Prussia. The Soviet side did not want the dismemberment of Germany. The question was carried forward. A commission was created to study this issue. In the future, thanks to the efforts of the USSR, it was possible to avoid the division of Germany into several independent states.

It was possible to resolve key issues: decisions were made on the unconditional surrender of the Reich, on the complete disarmament of the German Armed Forces, SS, other forces and auxiliary organizations; demilitarization of industry; the elimination of the Nazi regime; punishment of war criminals; on the zones of occupation - the eastern part of the country was occupied by Soviet troops, the south-western - by the American, north-western - by the English; on joint management of Greater Berlin. The supreme power in Germany during the occupation was carried out by the commanders of the Armed Forces of the USSR, the USA and England - in their occupation zone. General issues were resolved jointly in the supreme control body - the Control Council. Under the Supervisory Council, a Coordinating Committee was created.

They also discussed the issue of France getting equal rights with the Big Three, its participation in the post-war system of Germany. Earlier, the United States and England opposed the recognition of France as a great power and opposed the participation of the French in German affairs. However, under pressure from Moscow, France was included among the great victorious powers: the French received their zone of occupation (at the expense of the Americans and the British) and their representative entered the Control Council.

The issue of reparations occupied a large place. The Soviet Union suffered the most terrible damage from the Nazi invaders: many millions of dead, hundreds of destroyed and burned cities, tens of thousands of villages and villages, material damage was estimated at about 2 trillion 600 billion rubles. Poland, Yugoslavia, Greece and other countries also suffered great losses in people and material values. However, given the real situation (that is, the impossibility of Germany to completely make up for this damage) and taking into account the vital interests of the German people, who also suffered very much from the Nazi regime, Moscow put forward the principle of partial compensation in the form of reparations. The Soviet government did not want to plunge the Germans into poverty and poverty, oppress them. Therefore, the Soviet government announced at the conference the amount of reparations of $ 20 billion, half the Soviet Union should have received, which was an insignificant part of direct and indirect losses of Russia. The amount of 10 billion dollars was only slightly higher than the annual military spending of the Reich in the prewar years. They decided to charge reparations in three forms: 1) a one-time withdrawal from national wealth (industrial enterprises, equipment, machine tools, rolling stock, German investments abroad); 2) annual commodity supplies from current products; 3) the use of German labor. To finally resolve the issue of reparations, an Inter-Union Commission on Reparations was established in Moscow. At the same time, they agreed on an amount of $ 20 billion and that the USSR would receive 50%.

Leaders of the Big Three at the negotiating table at the Yalta Conference. On the photo to the right of Stalin is the Deputy People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR Ivan Mikhailovich Maysky, the second to the right of Stalin is the USSR Ambassador to the USA Andrei Gromyko, the first on the left is the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs Vyacheslav Molotov, the second on the left is the First Deputy People's Commissar of the USSR Andrei VYSHINSKY. To the right of Churchill sits British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden. Sitting on the right hand of Roosevelt (pictured to the left of Roosevelt) is US Secretary of State Edward Reilly Stettinius. Sits second on the right hand of Roosevelt (pictured second to the left of Roosevelt) - US Chief of Staff Admiral William Daniel Lehi

The issue of international security. Polish question

In Crimea, the question of creating the United Nations (UN) was considered to ensure international security in the future. This issue has already been discussed. As a result of preliminary negotiations, the main provisions of the Charter of a future international organization were developed, its main principle is the sovereign equality of all peace-loving states. The main bodies of the organization were to be: the General Assembly, the Security Council (it was based on the principle of unanimity, the great powers, permanent members of the Security Council, had the right of veto), the International Court of Justice, the Secretariat, the Economic and Social Council. The main responsibility for maintaining peace and security was assigned to the Security Council as part of the USSR, USA, England and China (hereinafter France), six more non-permanent members of the Security Council were elected for 2 years. In Yalta, an agreement was reached to convene the United Nations Conference on San Francisco on April 25, 1945, with the goal of finalizing the Charter.

Much attention was paid to the Polish problem at the conference: the composition of the Polish government and the future borders of Poland. Stalin emphasized that for the USSR the question of Poland was not only a matter of honor, but also a matter of security - "because the most important strategic problems of the Soviet state are connected with Poland." Throughout stories Rus-Russia Poland was "the corridor through which the enemy attacking Russia passed." Stalin noted that only the Poles themselves could close this “corridor”. Therefore, the USSR is interested in creating a strong and independent Poland. Moscow proposed new borders for Poland: in the east - the Curzon line, in the west - along the Oder and West Neisse. That is, the territory of Poland has grown significantly in the west and north.

The question of Poland’s eastern borders did not provoke resistance from England and the USA. The Anglo-Americans were not against the expansion of Poland at the expense of Germany. The question was about the size of the increment of Polish territory in the west. Westerners were against the borders of the Oder and the Western Neisse. As a result, it was decided that the borders of Poland would be expanded in the north and west. But defining boundaries was delayed for the future.

A bitter struggle unfolded over the question of the future Polish government. Washington and London ignored the creation of an interim government in the liberated Red Army of Poland. The Allies sought to create a new government in Poland with the inclusion of "their people." Obviously, England and the United States wanted to restore the pro-Western, Russophobic government in Poland in order to make the Poles their weapons again in the millennium-old war against Rus-Russia. Therefore, the Soviet delegation opposed the proposals of the West. As a result, the parties compromised. The interim Polish government was replenished with several democrats in Poland itself and emigrants. A government of national unity was formed. England and the United States were to establish diplomatic relations with him. The Polish émigré government stopped working.

Victory in the Far East

Western allies persistently asked Moscow to confirm their consent to the war with Japan. The United States and England did not want to fight Japan and suffer heavy losses, while the USSR was recovering. In Yalta, the Soviet side set the condition for entering the war against the Japanese empire to eliminate the consequences of Japanese aggression against Russia in the Far East (and the West supported this aggression almost until Pearl Harbor itself) and ensure the security of our Far Eastern borders.

On February 11, 1945, the Big Three signed an agreement under which the Soviet Union pledged to oppose Japan. In response, the “world community” recognized the Mongolian People’s Republic as an independent state. The rights of Russia, violated by the Japanese attack in 1904, were restored. That is, the USSR returned to South Sakhalin with adjacent islands, the Kuril Islands, Port Arthur became the naval base of the Union. The Union received an economic advantage in the port of Dairen-Dalniy. The joint operation with China of the East-East and Yuno-Manchurian railways on the basis of a mixed Soviet-Chinese society with the advantage of the interests of the USSR was resumed.

The great victory of Russian weapons and diplomacy

"World Community", frightened by the power of Russian weapons and the spirit manifested during the Great Patriotic War, recognized the Russia-USSR right to control Eastern Europe. Lands formerly inhabited by the ancestors of the Russians, Slavs. It took months and hundreds of thousands of lives to secure this right. The Soviet Union entered historical and natural boundaries. The Laba River from ancient times united Slavic Russian tribes, and the ancestors of the Germans lived beyond the Rhine. In the Far East, we regained the positions lost during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904–1905.

Unfortunately, in 1985–1991. the feat of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers was trampled upon by traitor rulers. Moscow agreed to a "withdrawal" of troops from Eastern Europe - in fact, it was a retreat, defeat. Without a fight, we surrendered our positions in Eastern and Central Europe, for which the Russian people paid millions of lives. Now our western “partners” are again in Kiev and Odessa, Vilno and Tallinn. Again, the cruel enemy goes to the near lines to strike Kaliningrad, Leningrad-Petrograd, Moscow and Sevastopol.

The balance of balance on the planet was lost, which again caused a series of violent conflicts, revolutions and wars. Now the world is again on the verge of a military-political disaster, a great war. The first hotbed of world war is already blazing in the Middle East.
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  1. +14
    4 February 2020 06: 14
    Yes ... No, now in the World of politicians of such a level as Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill!
    The new Conference cannot be assembled ... Aby is not with anyone!
    1. +8
      4 February 2020 08: 28
      Hunter 2 (Alexey)
      Yes ... No, now in the World of politicians of such a level as Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill!
      I agree. The last "Mohicans" in world politics are probably Primakov and Kissinger. After them, the political field was completely reduced.
      1. 0
        4 February 2020 09: 10
        Well, what about S. Lavrov? hi
        1. -1
          4 February 2020 09: 14
          I agree for Lavrov, only he has no worthy opponents.
      2. The comment was deleted.
        1. +3
          4 February 2020 09: 15
          Primakov was not to blame for the fact that at that time Yeltsin had dug in the Kremlin. And don’t do so, about a worthy person, you will be far from him.
          1. +13
            4 February 2020 15: 39
            Quote: Alexander Suvorov
            Primakov is not to blame for the fact that at that time Yeltsin dug in the Kremlin

            Primakov was a normal man. Churkin can still be remembered with a kind word. and Yeltsin and Gorbachev-a shame on Russia.
    2. -6
      4 February 2020 10: 06
      Quote: Hunter 2
      The new Conference cannot be assembled ..

      Do not forget that the reason for it was the worst in history war. We do not need such reasons .....
      author: In Crimea, the issue of the establishment of the United Nations (UN) for future international security.

      Outstanding, suffered by humanity, result: formed withpeace conservation systemwho has not allowed TMV for 75 years! Confirmed: without the participation of Russia in this system, there is no peace either in the world or in Europe! (as it was after the WWII)
      London and Washington planned divide Germany into several parts, return it to the time before Bismarck, which united the Germanic lands. T period of total the occupation of Germany was not limited. Intensive exploitation of German resources was planned.

      Absolutely true sentence based on knowledge of history: there is единР° СЏ Germany-Yes TWO world wars, it was not, Germany is fragmented -no SUCH wars.

      Today, again, there is a single Germany, and again a locomotive of anti-Russian sanctions.
      And Russian troops would have to stand there and today!
      Soviet government did not want plunge Germans into poverty and misery

      Soviet government should think about OUR citizens plunged by these very Germans and into these very poverty and misery: but, meanwhile, reparations from Germany covered already ....4 (FOUR!) percent of the total material losses of the USSR in the war. Negligible , funny figure!
      And they also .... forgiven! Forgiven and the murderers of Romania, Hungary, Croatia, Italy. There are no words ...

      And there was an opportunity to force the bastards BEFORE THE TIME to pay for their destroyed, moreover, it should!
      Therefore, the USSR is interested in creating a strong and independent Poland.

      Absolutely not interested, as experience has shown centuries and today.

      Exactly 75 years ago, on this day, Stalin declared in Yalta, USA and England:
      "Russians in the past had many sins before Poland. Soviet government seeks make amends for these sins".

      Russian Dont Have sins in front of Poland (Poland has more in front of the Russians) and "atone" them by the German lands conquered the lives of Soviet soldiers- unreasonable, at least.

      And it turned out, in the end, that Poland, the loser of everything in the world, is the MAIN beneficiary of WWII and at our expense!

      A bunch of small weak German states, small weak Poland is what is beneficial and safe for Russia. And we have .... request
      1. -6
        4 February 2020 12: 42
        Quote: Olgovich
        it is at least unwise to "smooth over" them with the German lands conquered by the lives of Soviet soldiers.

        You do not want to enter the position of Comrade Stalin, very in vain.

        Comrade Stalin at that time did not rule out the possibility that he would be asked from Germany, but hardly from Poland. On this occasion, the tit of the German voivodship in his hands for him was better than the crane of the GDR in the sky.
        1. -4
          4 February 2020 13: 19
          Quote: Octopus
          Comrade Stalin at that time did not rule out the optionthat from Germany he will be asked

          And to prove? No.
          1. -3
            4 February 2020 13: 25
            Quote: Olgovich
            And to prove?

            Who will prove to you? I’m not Comrade Stalin’s mom, he didn’t consult with me.
            But Comrade Stalin’s sudden love for Poland deserves rational explanations. One of the simplest is proposed.

            Let me remind you that it was along the Oder-Neisse line that the Red Army was at that time. That is, the decision on Poland geographically means: "What is ours is ours."
            1. -4
              4 February 2020 13: 44
              Quote: Octopus
              Who will prove to you? I’m not Comrade Stalin’s mom, he didn’t consult with me.

              That is surprising: he did not consult with you, but you ... speak for him.

              That is, you-made up.
              Quote: Octopus
              o Comrade Stalin’s sudden love for Poland deserves a rational explanation. One of the simplest is proposed.

              Not "sudden" (see contacts after the beginning of the Second World War), but his motives are quite fully indicated in the article: he believed that strong Poland is a stronghold on the way of Germany to the east.
              1. -2
                4 February 2020 13: 55
                It is precisely in the article that rather humiliating nonsense was written for Comrade Stalin. Already, and Comrade Stalin did not let pink bubbles. In strong Poland under Comrade Stalin, Comrade Rokossovsky commands.
                1. -4
                  4 February 2020 14: 32
                  Quote: Octopus
                  It is precisely in the article that rather humiliating nonsense was written for Comrade Stalin. Already, and Comrade Stalin did not let pink bubbles. In strong Poland under Comrade Stalin, Comrade Rokossovsky commands.

                  In your opinion, the country has grown by a third of territories, factories, etc. ... weakened? belay lol
                  1. -1
                    4 February 2020 14: 57
                    Quote: Olgovich
                    In your opinion, the country has grown by a third of the territories

                    In our opinion, a country that has lost the opportunity to form a government on its own has ceased to be a country a little.

                    Suppose that the Oder-Neisse is not the border between the NDP and the GDR, with the border between the NDP and the FRG and the NATO aggressive bloc. The situation is changing a bit strong Poland, not?
                    1. -4
                      4 February 2020 15: 05
                      Quote: Octopus
                      In our opinion, a country that has lost the opportunity to form a government on its own has ceased to be a country a little.

                      The fact of the matter is that "according to your" and "a little".

                      Those. in the reality- all wrong: post-war Poland is MUCH stronger in ALL plans of Poland tomilitary.
                      1. -5
                        4 February 2020 15: 10
                        Quote: Olgovich
                        post-war Poland is MUCH stronger in ALL pre-war Poland plans.

                        Post-war Poland does not exist as an independent state. You may have a different opinion, I know, but the current Polish government thinks so.
                      2. -2
                        4 February 2020 17: 09
                        Quote: Octopus
                        Post-war Poland does not exist as an independent state

                        Definitely. And to this day. In the social. camp and the Warsaw Pact, they could still show off (well, within the permissible).
                      3. -3
                        5 February 2020 09: 20
                        Quote: Octopus
                        Post-war Poland does not exist as an independent state. You may have a different opinion, I know, but the current Polish government thinks so.

                        1. You are responsible for Stalin and for the Poles ... From yourself, you can not say?

                        2. WHERE does today's Poland come from, with its borders, huge population, army, culture? Has it fallen from Mars?
                        What are you carrying?!
                      4. -2
                        5 February 2020 11: 53
                        Quote: Olgovich
                        YOURSELF -can't you say?

                        What from me? I was not divided in Yalta. Do I believe that the independence of Poland, which, I recall, served as a pretext for the start of WWII, was surrendered by the Allies as part of a new pacification? Yes, I think so.
                        Quote: Olgovich
                        WHERE does today's Poland come from, with its borders, huge population, army, culture?

                        The result of the national liberation movement of the provinces against the backdrop of the crisis of the empire.
                        Quote: Olgovich
                        The division into two occurred contrary to the decisions of the Conference on the borders of the occupation zones, after the aggravation of relations between the Allies

                        It is strange there not the creation of the GDR, but the non-creation of the A (Vstrian) DR. Because it was clear that from countries where the Soviet representatives did not completely control the clearing, they would be asked very quickly. As soon as it became clear that comrade Stalin could not devour all of Germany (and there were hopes), the question of the GDR became a matter of choosing the moment.
                        Quote: Olgovich
                        should have been divided not into two, but into 5-10 states

                        By the 45th, these strange desires remained only with the French, who were taken without any thought in the winners.
      2. +4
        4 February 2020 17: 21
        Stalin saved Germany from dismemberment - I don’t understand how it is? And why is it presented as +. Wasn’t there Trisonia, then Bison, then Germany and the GDR? In fact, Germany was still divided, and became a member of NATO. And ... is it that whole Germany was more profitable for us than fragmented. It would be better if he did not save her!
        1. -3
          5 February 2020 09: 27
          Quote: kalibr
          Stalin saved Germany from dismemberment - I don’t understand how it is?

          He insisted on a huge united Germany and that was customary. And the division into two happened contrary to the decisions of the Conference on the borders of the occupation zones, after the aggravation of relations between the Allies
          Quote: kalibr
          In fact, Germany was still divided, and became a member of NATO

          It should have been divided not into two, but into 5-10 states
          Quote: kalibr
          And ... is it that whole Germany was more profitable for us than fragmented. It would be better if he did not save her!

          This is unequivocal: a united Germany is a WORLD WAR: we look at history, the 20th century ....
    3. +2
      4 February 2020 10: 34
      Quote: Hunter 2
      Yes ... No, now in the World of politicians of such a level as Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill!
      The new Conference cannot be assembled ... Aby is not with anyone!

      Churchill, of course, is a human being, but he was the one who muddled the anti-Soviet water. Roosevelt sent him out in the open, and Truman seduced himself.
      1. -5
        4 February 2020 11: 42
        Quote: Krasnodar
        Roosevelt sent him out in the open,

        Roosevelt at that time was no longer very adequate. But closer to April, screams from Moscow (Ambassador Harriman) still began to reach his consciousness. However, Roosevelt could no longer do anything, and Truman, a rural idiot, understood the situation for too long and too long and kept his old course on the rocks.

        By the end of March, before Roosevelt’s last trip to Warm Springs, news from Moscow is as follows:
        1. Representatives of the (London) government of Poland are arrested.
        2. The Soviet representative, Vyshinsky, gives direct instructions on the appointment of the head of the Romanian government.
        3. "Released" American prisoners of war in eastern Germany receive gain regime of detention relative to the Reich. In the USSR, unlike the Reich, the IWC does not work, consular workers are not allowed to the Americans.

        This is somehow strongly not what Washington dreamers dreamed of following Yalta.
      2. +6
        4 February 2020 15: 43
        a little bit wrong. Churchill and Truman were ultra anti-communists. Roosevelt saw in the USSR and Stalin, if not a friend, then not an enemy clearly. Roosevelt wanted to be partners with Stalin.
        1. +5
          4 February 2020 15: 54
          Something like that yes
        2. -1
          4 February 2020 16: 19
          Quote: Vladimir B.
          Churchill and Truman were ultra anti-communists

          Unfortunately not. Truman was anti-communist at the level of "if only they all died!" He never had any intelligible plan of how to ruin the Soviet regime.

          Churchill thought more substantively (see The Unthinkable), but came to his senses too late and did too little.

          Roosevelt yes. For many years, the States regarded Britain as the main probable adversary (like the USSR - Poland). Therefore, like the USSR, they easily agreed with a new mustached friend to coddle the old enemy. Britain was still very lucky that the States agreed with these mustachioed friends, and not their neighbors.

          As in the case of Poland, the mustachioed friend came out sideways.
    4. w70
      19 March 2020 20: 23
      And what kind of world did this Maimunoshvili build? A world that fell apart in a few decades?
  2. +6
    4 February 2020 06: 31
    Creation of a new center of civilization. Capable of defending itself and dictating its own conditions. Yalta is recognition by the rest of the world of the USSR. As one of the leading players in the world to be reckoned with.
    1. +10
      4 February 2020 08: 09
      The greatness of Russia was revealed not only in the new world order laid down by Stalin and other world leaders of that time, but also at the high pace with which the USSR economy was restored and then grew. hi
  3. +1
    4 February 2020 06: 43
    Thank you, Alexander!
    It is precisely these publications that make it possible to compare the greatness and significance of some historical figures, each sentence of which was listened to and perceived, and the worthlessness and idle chatter of others, which can be perceived at the level of international political "jesters", whose words have no significant deeds, or amazing achievements .. .
    PS It’s just interesting if there is a photograph in the world where I.V. Is Stalin among the leaders of the countries in the "back" or "side" plan? Surely not.
  4. +5
    4 February 2020 07: 08
    Like it or not, and after this conference the world stood by certain rules for almost half a century. And now yes, and the balance has been lost and the tension is growing, the feeling that the world is going to the next big redistribution.
  5. -1
    4 February 2020 07: 21
    “Stalin corrected a lot by outplaying Churchill and Roosevelt the hypocrite. From the very 20s, Stalin did not have such success as with these two bunglers.

    State people, how smart they think they are, and - stupider than babies. Everyone asks: what will we do after the war, and how? Yes, you send planes, send canned food, and then we'll see how. Throw them a word, well, the first pass, they are already happy, they are already writing down on a piece of paper. You pretend - you softened from love, they are already twice as soft. Received from them neither for that, nor for a pinch: Poland, Saxony, Thuringia, Vlasov, Krasnovtsy, Kuril Islands, Sakhalin, Port Arthur, half of Korea, and confused them on the Danube and the Balkans. The leaders of the "farmers" won the elections and immediately went to jail. And they quickly turned Mikolajczyk, the heart of Benes, Masaryk refused, Cardinal Mindszenty confessed to atrocities, Dimitrov in the heart clinic of the Kremlin renounced the absurd Balkan Federation. "

    A.I.Solzhenitsyn "In the first circle"
    1. +7
      4 February 2020 08: 34
      For God's sake, do not refer to SOLZHENitsin. But the fact that Stalin outplayed both of them is absolutely true!
      1. -4
        4 February 2020 11: 43
        And can I decide without whom you refer to?
        PS Do not distort the name of the person with whose opinion you do not agree. By this you only show your weakness.
        1. The comment was deleted.
          1. 0
            4 February 2020 12: 03
            Have I written somewhere about authority? Do not distort the name of the person, especially when he can not answer you.
            1. +1
              4 February 2020 12: 20
              I already wrote to you that this is not a distortion of the name, but a reflection of the essence of this liar of all time.
    2. -4
      4 February 2020 08: 39
      Quote: Plantagenet
      Stalin corrected a lot by the way he beat Churchill and the Roosevelt sanctuary. From the very 20s, Stalin did not have such success as with these two muddlers.

      First of all, Roosevelt. But Roosevelt was not a sanctuary, after all. He was another great geopolitician, and in the 45th he was in an alternative reality, drawn by the State Department.

      As for Churchill, he understood the situation much more adequately. But he also had problems, including the strengthening of pro-Soviet opinions in Britain and, personally, Mr. Attlee. In many ways, of course, this is the fault of Churchill himself. He himself allowed fraternization with the enemy.

      But essentially true. The Second World War was won by the Leader and Teacher, Great Stalin. Personally, myself.

      Won the thimbles of the Democrats.

      This was damn bad news, which, however, the Allies quickly blabbed for domestic consumption. The Americans tried especially hard - Roosevelt died, but Truman and Eisenhower, who shamed their country along with Roosevelt, ruled for another 15 years. By that time, the official history of WWII was already well established and few people were interested in fighting for the truth.
      1. 0
        4 February 2020 10: 13
        Quote: Octopus
        First of all, Roosevelt. But Roosevelt was not a sanctuary

        There are still problems with Japan looming. So. that I had to be more accommodating. And Stalin took full advantage.

        Quote: Octopus
        As for Churchill, he understood the situation much more adequately

        Six months later, he was thrown out, the British felt their third-rate in the company of the USSR and the USA. And Churchill, while Stalin and Roosevelt agreed. I ran for beer for them. Both leaders looked at him as if they were looking at a misunderstanding (the British too).

        Quote: Octopus
        The Second World War was won by the Leader and Teacher, Great Stalin. Personally.

        In! start to think soberly.

        Quote: Octopus
        Won the thimbles of the Democrats.

        Playing cards with card cheaters is stupid.
        1. 0
          4 February 2020 10: 21
          Quote: chenia
          So. that I had to be more accommodating

          This is a common attempt to explain the insanity of the Allies. They wanted the Norman operation performed by the USSR, yes.
          Quote: chenia
          Six months later, he will be thrown out

          Yes, Churchill had its drawbacks. Another thing is that he was exchanged for Attlee, an open enemy of the British Empire. Attlee, along with Baldwin, carries half of the British part of the blame for WWII.
          Quote: chenia
          start thinking soberly

          As soon as I mutated from liberal to Russophobia, I began to really like Comrade Stalin.
          Quote: chenia
          Playing cards with card cheaters is stupid

          Wow, everyone is good. But only the Great Stalin needs to be given his due; in Yalta, he knew what game he was playing and what the gain was.
          1. 0
            4 February 2020 10: 58
            Quote: Octopus
            open enemy of the british empire

            And imperialism, in your understanding, is good or bad?
            If you are a subject of the queen. the question is removed.

            Quote: Octopus
            along with Baldwin, carries half of the British part of the blame for WWII.

            For criticizing Chamberlain with his peacekeeping approach? And he urged to press (well, at least counteract) Hitler in the bud. Do not understand.
            1. -2
              4 February 2020 12: 57
              Quote: chenia
              For criticizing Chamberlain with his peacekeeping approach?

              Because he interfered with Chamberlain’s militarization course by all means. And reforging in the 38th - do not toss the bags.
              Quote: chenia
              imperialism in your understanding is good or bad?

              Out of the entire former British empire, only Singapore came out and achieved relative success. Which in the process of exit rested as best he could. The most prosperous countries are not come out.
              1. +2
                4 February 2020 15: 04
                Quote: Octopus
                interfered with Chamberlain's militarization course

                Yes, this is a serious accusation, knowing how long it took for the Britons to be ready for war. They militarized until the spring of 1943. Before that, they fought with varying success (having overwhelming superiority) against FOUR HALF German divisions (diluted by Italians, it’s true, well, I don’t know how to take it, strengthening or weakening). And this is when the supply of the Germans became bad. And that's when the Americans crawled into Morocco with the fighting French (and the Poles were earlier, and Anders escaped to them). And this is with LL which they received 2/3 of the total quantity. And this is with an unbroken economy. And this is with dominions and colonies (troops too).

                And such wretched results. Here is the reason. what Churchill was given in the ass (But he minimized losses as much as possible, like a winner, you have to carry it on your hands). But the British (contemporaries) understood their country was basically humiliated, all the time at the dance, and they were in the second place in the Victory (and in the redivision of the world too).

                Quote: Octopus
                half of the British blame for WWII.

                Yes, there the royal family zigilas, and half of the court were Nazis. And the guys knew what they wanted, just Hitler himself is an excellent manipulator. And not they, but he used them. And let the straits be thanked (that's France with the location and no luck).
                1. -2
                  4 February 2020 15: 42
                  Quote: chenia
                  they understood their country was in principle humiliated, all the time at a dance, and they were in the second place in Victory (and in the redistribution of the world too).

                  Do you think in vain that the British are so itchy revanchism. They are generally more intelligent people. Sir Winston was just a little fed up with his blood, sweat and tears. He nevertheless shines for 35 years, like some member of the Politburo (Minister of the Interior) under K.U. Chernenko (G. Asquith).

                  However, it soon became clear that the socialist Attlee was much worse.
                  Quote: chenia
                  Yes, there the royal family zigilas, and half of the court were Nazis.

                  Well, here you are. No, Churchill did not save Britain from going over to Hitler, his role is somewhat more modest.
                  1. +1
                    4 February 2020 17: 05
                    Quote: Octopus
                    Do you think in vain that the British are so itchy revanchism.

                    So they did not lose the war. They lost the world. Well, the understanding that they will not pull. And being in the shadow of the states. they are still trying to influence something. Nevertheless, they are more a partner of the United States (they are at least a bit, but agree on something with them), and not a satellite (Germany, Italy, France (De Gaulle ended.)).

                    Quote: Octopus
                    Sir winston just a little tired

                    A year or two different, it would be clear. Because the losses (material) of Britain are minimal. Moral. Well, that’s another matter. And so it seems after a triumph. In Europe, laurels (primarily in psychological terms) from the victory were in the USSR, in Indochina (where the Britons are completely bored) in the USA. Moreover, contemporaries and witnesses of the events will not hang noodles on their ears (as in our time).

                    Quote: Octopus
                    No, Churchill did not save Britain from going over to Hitler’s side,

                    But British Nazism is not in the interests of Germany, only in its own. And forever. On that stood, stands, and the British land will stand.
    3. -6
      4 February 2020 09: 12
      would not be dishonored with a quote from this corrupt scum
    4. ANB
      4 February 2020 14: 39
      It is very doubtful to use Solzhenitsin as a source of work.
      Well, in fact, after the Victory, the USSR had the moral right to do whatever it wanted in eastern Europe.
      The Americans in their area also did what they wanted, and now they are not shy. Although they came to hat analysis.
  6. +4
    4 February 2020 08: 22
    Glory to comrade Stalin !!!
  7. +4
    4 February 2020 08: 29
    The need for a new conference of great powers

    The powers are measured, which of them is greater than the great ones .... at least at some, even intermediate, stage it is worth stopping and talking seriously! Otherwise, it is measured that there will be nothing to measure.
    Scary though, it's time to give the world hope!
  8. +4
    4 February 2020 08: 31
    . The rights of Russia, violated by the Japanese attack in 1904, were restored. That is, the USSR returned to South Sakhalin with adjacent islands, the Kuril Islands, Port Arthur became the naval base of the Union.

    The Kuril Islands are not included in the list of Japan violated by the attack, they are not related to the 1904 war, as they were transferred to Japan long before that under the St. Petersburg Treaty of 1875
  9. +2
    4 February 2020 11: 13
    Very interesting, it turns out that Stalin created the foundations of a world in which the Americans now rule.
    That is, Comrade Stalin is to blame for the strengthening of the dollar and that; how the Americans chopped off the whole world
    1. +1
      4 February 2020 17: 28
      Quote: Mathafaka
      Very interesting, it turns out that Stalin created the foundations of a world in which the Americans now rule.
      That is, Comrade Stalin is to blame for the strengthening of the dollar and that; how the Americans chopped off the whole world

      + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
  10. +2
    4 February 2020 12: 29
    In all the photographs, Russian soldiers are very handsome in a manly manner. Not without reason Churchill walked and peered into the faces of the soldiers, trying to understand something. And now you can collect the same impressive honor guard?
    1. +1
      4 February 2020 19: 01
      In the photo we see the NKVD junior sergeant and the demobilization-marine with a sagging belt tightened by a belt for the most I can’t
      1. 0
        5 February 2020 06: 07
        don’t find fault, the junior sergeant is dressed normally, he didn’t come to harvest potatoes, and he can’t tighten it at all, but the American allowed himself some liberty
        1. 0
          5 February 2020 07: 04
          I don’t quibble, just as if I saw myself at the beginning of the service and at the end smile
  11. +1
    4 February 2020 21: 03
    recognized the right of Russia-the USSR to control Eastern Europe. Lands formerly inhabited by the ancestors of the Russians, Slavs. [i] [/ i])))))) laughing laughing laughing
  12. -1
    4 February 2020 21: 18
    The last chapter is purely Samson's nonsense! about the ancient Russian)))))
  13. 0
    5 February 2020 17: 45
    The Laba River from ancient times united Slavic Russian tribes, and the ancestors of the Germans lived beyond the Rhine.

    The Laba River, aka Elba, could not unite Slavic Russian tribes, because was the border between the West Slavic (Polab) tribes and the Germans. And the ancestors of the Germans could not live beyond the Rhine, because lived between the Rhine and the Elbe, and the Rhine itself has always been the border between the Gauls (now the French) and the Germans, about which Julius Caesar wrote.

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