Stepan Razin and the "Princess"

Stepan Razin and the "Princess"
Shot from the film "Stepan Razin", 1939

Article "The Persian Campaign of Stepan Razin" we already mentioned the mysterious girl who for some reason was drowned by the famous chieftain. According to the most common version, she was the Persian princess, the daughter of Mamed Khan (Magmed Khanbek), who commanded fleet Shah. Allegedly, she was captured during the naval battle at Pig Island with her brother Shabyn-Debye.

In the illustration from the book of N. Witsen “Northern and Eastern Tataria”, published in Amsterdam in 1692, we see Persian beads and Cossack plows. Such ships came together in battle at Pig Island in June 1669, and "David slain Goliath"

Alexandrov A. "Stepan Razin after the victory over the Persians"

Proponents of this version were such authoritative historians as N. I. Kostomarov and V. M. Soloviev.

The problem is that this girl is most likely quite real, but she was hardly a Persian and, especially, a princess. Folk songs and legends are remembered about her, but they are not called a Persian, nor even a princess. Most often in them she is the sister of one of the esaul Stepan Razin:

A light boat came up
Easy ataman boat
Ataman Stenka Razin.
In the middle of the boat is a brocade tent.
Like in that brocade tent
Barrels of gold treasury lie.
On the treasury sits a red maiden -
Ataman's lover,
Yesaulova sister,
Sitting girl, thoughtful,
Having sat down, she began to say:
"You listen, good fellows,
Oh, how young, I’ve slept a little,
Little slept, seen a lot,
I was not dreaming of a dream:
Ataman to be shot
Esaulu should be hanged
Cossack rowers in prisons sit
And I drown in Mother Volga. "

Razin did not like the prediction, and he decided to realize the last part of the prophecy of this uninvited "Cassandra" immediately: "he sacrificed to mother Volga." With the full approval of both the narrator and all the other characters of this song: “That's what the ataman Stenka Razin was, nicknamed Timofeevich!”

Shot from the film "Stepan Razin", 1939

But there are two serious sources recognized by all researchers who also talk about this prisoner Razin - books written by the Dutch in Russian service and published abroad.

Jan Jansen Streus and his three Travels

Noble Persian origin was attributed to this girl by the Dutch sailing master Jan Jansen Streus, who served on the first Russian ship of the European type "Eagle". When reading his biography, one involuntarily recalls the lines of Sergei Yesenin (from the poem "The Black Man"):

There was a man that adventurer
But the highest
And the best brand.

In 1647, at the age of 17, he ran away from home, enlisted in the Genoese merchant ship Saint John the Baptist, and in 4 years managed to sail on it to Africa, Siam, Japan, Sumatra and Formosa. As part of the Venetian fleet in 1655 he took part in the war with the Ottomans, was captured, in which he spent two years. In 1668 he entered the Russian service. On the ship "Eagle" he reached Astrakhan, where, according to him, he met with the chieftain Razin, who had returned from a campaign in the Caspian in 1669: the Razins then sold their production in the markets of this city for 6 weeks.

Conrad Dekker. "View of the city of Astrakhan and the frigate" Eagle "with a flotilla." XNUMXth Century Engraving

After this ship was captured by Razin Cossacks in 1670, fled on a boat on the Caspian Sea, but got out of the fire and into the fire - was captured by the Dagestan highlanders who decided to sell it in Shemakha. Here, with the help of another “Russian Dutchman”, officer Ludwig Fabricius, he managed to redeem the Polish envoy. On the way home, he was again captured - this time to the British, he returned home only in October 1673. In July 1675, he again went to Russia - a groom in the retinue of the Ambassador Extraordinary of the General States of Holland and Prince of Oran Kunraad fan-Klenk. Here he asked for the payment of his due salary, the result of this appeal to Russian officials is unknown. In September of the following year, Streus returned through Holland through Arkhangelsk, at the same time his book “Three Travels” was first published in Amsterdam, with excerpts from which you could become acquainted in the first article.

Jan Streus. Three Journeys, a copy of a book published in the XNUMXth century

Among other things, it tells about the "Persian Princess" and her execution:

Razin on a boat painted and partially covered with gilding, feasted with some of his subordinates (foremen). Beside him was the daughter of the Persian Khan, whom he and her brother captured in one of his last campaigns. Burning with wine, he sat on the edge of the boat and, looking thoughtfully at the river, suddenly exclaimed:
"The Volga is glorious! You deliver me gold, silver and various jewelry, you cherished and nurtured me, you are the beginning of my happiness and glory, but I have not yet given you anything. Accept now a worthy sacrifice to you!"
With these words, he grabbed the unhappy Persian, whom the whole crime was that she obeyed the violent desires of the robber, and threw her into the waves. However, Stenka came to such a frenzy only after feasts, when the wine darkened his mind and inflamed passions.

"Razin throws the princess to the Volga." Illustration for the Dutch edition of the XNUMXth century memoirs by Jan Streus

Ludwig Fabricius and his version

Ludwig Fabricius, another Dutchman in Russian service, the author of the Notes, also cited in the first article, arrived in Astrakhan a year earlier than Streus. In June 1670, under the Black Yar, he, along with his stepfather, was captured by Stepan Razin and was in his detachment until the fall. It is believed that it was Fabricius who, during the siege of Astrakhan, wrote a letter in German to the commander of foreign soldiers, Captain Butler, in which he urged him "not to show any resistance with his people." After the capture of Astrakhan, he apparently finally went to the service of Razin: he walked freely around the city, while shaving his head, growing a beard, and wearing a Cossack dress. Fabricius himself ironically indicated in his notes that "he began to look little like a Christian." He personally appealed to Razin with a request to have mercy on Butler, who was caught trying to escape. Fabricius himself describes the conversation with the chieftain:

Razin was in a good mood and said: "Take the officer under your protection, but the Cossacks should get something for their work."

And Fabricius bought Butler from the Cossacks, giving him his share of “Duvan”.

Yes, the Dutch officer after the capture of Astrakhan during the division of production was also not deprived. He himself writes about this: “... it was ordered that everyone come under the threat of death to get their share.” And the metropolitan of the city as well.

What can I say? Just like in a Cossack song: "You don’t have to bother with our chieftain." Severe dad, but fair.

However, Fabrice himself acted not quite honestly with the leader of the rebels who showed such nobility: under his guarantee, the healer Termund was released to Persia for medicine, with whom Butler then left under the guise of a servant. But the Dutchman, apparently, did not lose confidence, because in the fall of 1670 Fyodor Sheludyak (assistant to Vasily Usa, the city ataman left at Astrakhan) released him to buy food in Terki, from where Fabrizius fled. In 1672, he returned from Iran to Astrakhan and served in the Russian army until 1678.

Ludwig Fabricius tells history the mysterious “princess” is different. He claims that, even before the start of the Persian campaign - during the wintering of Razin in the Yaitsky stone town, the Cossacks captured a very beautiful Tatar girl, whom the ataman took to him and seemed to be seriously carried away by her: he almost never parted and drove everywhere with by myself. And here is what happened next:

But first (before going to the Caspian Sea) Stenka, in a very unusual way, sacrificed a beautiful and noble Tatar maiden. A year ago, he filled it and to this day has shared a bed with her. And before his retreat, he got up early in the morning, dressed the poor thing in her best dresses and said that last night he had the formidable appearance of the water god Ivan Gorinovich, to whom the Yaik river was subject; he rebuked him for the fact that he, Stenka, had been so successful for three years already, had captured so much good and money with the help of the water god Ivan Gorinovich, but did not keep his promises. After all, when he first came on his shuttle to the Yaik River, he promised the god Gorinovich:
"If I am lucky with your help, then you can expect from me the best of what I get."
Then he grabbed the unfortunate woman and threw her in full dress into the river with these words:
"Accept it, my patron Gorinovich, I have nothing better that I could offer you as a gift or sacrifice than this beauty."
The thief had a son from this woman, he sent him to Astrakhan to the metropolitan with a request to raise a boy in the Christian faith and sent 1000 rubles.

1000 rubles - the amount at that time was simply fantastic, some even believe that the publisher of the book made a typo by attributing an extra toe. But even 100 rubles - this is very, very serious. Razin and his unhappy friend, and her son, apparently, really really loved.

Vulgar melodrama or high tragedy?

Thus, both Dutch claim that the young and beautiful captive of Razin was drowned by him, but give different versions of her origin and talk about different motives of the chieftain.

"Stepan Razin and the Persian Princess", lacquer miniature, Kholuy art factory

In the story of Streus, Razin looks like an ordinary ringleader of a gang of gangs who kills an innocent girl purely by drinking - the person “couldn’t drink” what can you do (“I only got into such a frenzy after feasts”). Banal "everyday life." This is a plot for a vulgar “thieves romance” (works of this genre are now called “Russian chanson”) and no less vulgar “tavern” pictures like the one you see below - no more.

"Stepan Razin and the Persian Princess", XIX century, an example of inn painting

In the same rollicking-cranberry style, the first Russian feature film “Ponisova Volnitsa” (“Stenka Razin”) was shot based on the “epic” of a certain V. Goncharov, who, in turn, was “inspired” by D. Sadovnikov’s urban romance “From the island to the rod” (Ivan Bunin called it “a vulgar revelry song”). The plot of the film is as follows: Stenka Razin with her Cossacks retreats from the archers who pursue him from the Volga to the Don, but because of the beautiful Persian, she stops all the time for drunken parties. Dissatisfied Yesauls slip a fake letter to the drunken ataman, from which it follows that the "princess" is cheating on him with some "Prince Hassan," and Stepan, in a fit of jealousy, drowns the "traitor" in the Volga. In general, kitsch is completely hellish, you can not say otherwise.

Shot from the film "Ponizovaya Volnitsa"

N. D. Anoshchenko, aviator, commander of the 5th Army aeronautical detachment of the Northern Front of World War I and assistant to the head of the Field Directorate aviation and aeronautics since 1920, which later became a well-known filmmaker (his "film projector with continuous film movement" in 1929 received a patent in the USA) recalled:

“When, after many years, I again had to see this picture on the screen of the VGIK training viewing room, then nothing but genuine laughter over its naivety and pseudo-historicity, as well as the absurd stoop of the actors’ play, could not bring this masterpiece to me or my students. ”

Returning to the romance “From the island to the core”, it should be said that he did not become a truly folk song. I still remember very well the real Russian weddings, which I managed to attend as a child and as a teenager in the 60s and 70s of the last XX century, with an accordion and songs of my reddened grandmothers. What did they sing then? In their repertoire were Nekrasov's “Korobochka” and “Khasbulat daring” Ammosov. “Oh, frost, frost”, “Gypsy girl”, “Someone came down from the mountain”, “On the mountain farm, under the mountain farm”, “Girl Nadia” in different variations. “Kalinka” is not a heavy one, for which Rodnina and Zaitsev danced, but cheerful and winding: “Oh, I got up early, I washed my face whitishly.” Even the Ukrainian "Ti me pidmanula." And some other songs. Probably, this will seem ridiculous, but I have a strong feeling that only after hearing these grandmothers and these songs (many of which, probably, modern youth did not even hear) I “identified” myself, for the first time in my life I felt it was Russian. But I have never heard them sing “From the island to the core”: the people did not accept this interpretation of the image of the beloved chieftain.

Monument to Stepan Razin, Middle Akhtuba, Volgograd region

By the way, in some folk songs and "tales" Razin is completely whitewashed: the "thing maiden Solomonida" thrown into the water becomes the mistress of the underwater kingdom and then helps him in every way.

But in the story of Ludwig Fabrizius, Stepan Razin is already a hero of high tragedy, for the sake of a common cause, sacrificing the most valuable that he had at that time.

Marina Tsvetaeva caught this mood in her poems:

And I dream Razin bottom:
Flowers - that the circuit board is carpeted.
And one face dreams
Forgotten, black-browed.
Sits exactly Mother of God
Yes, pearls will drop.
And he wants to tell her
Yes, only lips moves ...
Squeezed breath - already
Glass, in the chest, a splinter.
And walks like a sleepy guard
Glass - between them - a curtain ...
And ringing, ringing, ringing, ringing wrists:
- You sank, Stepanovo happiness!

At the same time, the book of Streus, on which one could write a famously twisted adventure novel, came out earlier, was a great success, and Ludwig Fabrizius, well acquainted with Streus, could not know about it, but he consciously refutes the version of his compatriot, although, it would seem , what for? What difference does he make?

Which of these Dutchmen should be believed?

Critical analysis

First of all, it should be said that the capture of the “Persian princess” during the naval battle by nowhere is not confirmed by anything. But the fact of the captivity by the Cossacks of the son of Mamed Khan Shabyn-Debe - on the contrary, no one doubts. He was brought to Astrakhan and transferred there to the Russian authorities. His petition for returning to his homeland is known, in which he does not say anything about his mythical sister.

The ambassador of Persia to Russia in 1673 demands compensation for the damage that his "pirates" Razin inflicted on his country. His message also refers to the son of Mammad Khan, but nothing about the daughter of the admiral.

Engelbert Kempfer, secretary of the Swedish embassy in Persia, who visited this country from 1684-1685, tells in his notes about the battle at Pig Island in 1669. He claims that Magmedi Khanbek himself (Mamed Khan) himself was captured, apparently confusing him with his son, and names five more people taken away by Cossacks by their names - only men among them, not a single woman.

And it would have been strange to the Persian admiral, who knew perfectly well what cruel and terrible opponents he would have to fight against, take his young daughter onto his ship.

But maybe the “princess” was captured on land? A suitable city in this case would be Farrahabad, captured so suddenly that no one could hide from the Cossacks. This assumption is refuted by Jean Chardin, a XNUMXth-century French traveler who lived in Persia for a long time and left notes on the looting of the Farrahabad by the Razinians. And such a loud and scandalous incident as the capture of the daughter of a high-ranking nobleman, of course, could not go unnoticed, but the Frenchman knows nothing about him.

In the verdict against Stepan Razin, issued by the Russian authorities, he was charged with the fact that in the Caspian he "robbed Persians and robbed goods from merchants, or even killed them ... ruined ... some cities", killed "several eminent merchants of the Shah Persian and other foreign merchants: Persians, Indians, Turks, Armenians and Bukhara who came to Astrakhan. ” And again, not a word about the “Persian princess.

Finally, we must remember that it was customary for the Cossacks to share any prey, including captives, only after returning from the campaign (in this they were in solidarity with the corsairs and privatars of the Caribbean). The appropriation of unrequited prey was considered a serious crime, “theft”, for which they could “put into water” without further ado (this execution was described in a previous article). And the chieftain's duty was to monitor the strictest implementation of this custom, there was no question of any “abuse of official position”: the “fathers” earned their authority for years, if not decades, and risking it because of some kind of pretty girl not an option. Razin, of course, could have claimed it already in Astrakhan - at the expense of his share of production, and the Cossacks would certainly respect him. But there, all the noble captives from Razin were taken by the governor Prozorovsky, including the alleged brother of the “princess” - Shabyn-Debye. And, of course, he would not leave him the daughter of the Persian Khan, and there was simply nowhere to hide her on the plows.

V.I. Surikov. "Stenka Razin"

Few people know that in the middle of the last century, this story interested the USSR Foreign Minister A. A. Gromyko. Andrei Andreevich was always very carefully prepared for negotiations with foreign partners (both in the direct sense of the word and in its current figurative). And on the eve of an important meeting with representatives of Iran, he instructed his referents to check whether any historical circumstances could interfere with the constructive dialogue. In particular, a study was conducted of the circumstances of the Persian campaign of Stepan Razin. The conclusion of the experts was unequivocal: "in the zone of responsibility" of the famous chieftain noble Persians did not disappear.

Therefore, the version of Ludwig Fabricius looks preferable. Moreover, many modern scholars consider Streus’s work to be more a literary work than a memoir, indicating that he probably took many factual data about Russia and Persia from the book by Adam Olearius “Description of the Holstein Embassy’s Travel to Muscovy and Persia,” published in Schleswig in 1656. In his “Notes”, Fabricius strictly follows the genre of memoirs, laconic describing only those events of which he was a direct participant. And if Ludwig Fabricius, who, recall, was in the army of Razin for several months, could know the circumstances of the death of the mysterious “princess” firsthand, then Jan Streus, who saw the chieftain several times, but was hardly personally acquainted with him, most likely , retold some rumors.
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  1. +20
    4 February 2020 06: 44
    I read it with interest, thanks to the author! Good continuation of the previous article!
    1. +5
      4 February 2020 08: 04
      Rich material. The author should think about the fact that he, the previous material and something else like that should be put together in a book and released. hi
      1. +1
        4 February 2020 10: 58
        Quote: bessmertniy
        Rich material. The author should think about the fact that he, the previous material and something else like that should be put together in a book and released.

        There seem to be some inconsistencies:

        The author provides a description of the scene from the book of J. Streis:
        "He sat down on the edge of the boat and, looking thoughtfully at the river, suddenly exclaimed:
        "Glorious Volga! You deliver me the gold silver and various jewels, you cherished and nourished me, you are the beginning of my happiness and glory, but I have not given you anything yet. Now accept a sacrifice worthy of you!"
        and calls her ... drunk "household".

        At the same time, the description of this scene from the book of Fabrtius with, practically, the SAME reasons for the "abandonment", calls ... a high tragedy:
        he promised the god Gorinovich:
        "I will be lucky with your help - then you can expect from me the best of what I get. "
        Then he grabbed the unfortunate woman and threw her in full dress into the river with these words:
        "Take this, my patron Gorinovich, at I have nothing better that I could bring you a gift or sacrifice than this beauty ".

        The rationale for both here and there is one and the same thing: for the patronage and good fortune, the chieftain gives the river the best that he has. request

        c I still remember very well the real Russian weddings, which I managed to visit as a child and as a teenager in the 60s and 70s of the last XX century, with an accordion and songs of my grandmothers that were reddened. What did they sing then? Their repertoire included Nekrasov's Korobochka and Khasbulat daring Ammosov. “Oh, frost, frost”, “Gypsy girl”, “Here someone came down from a mountain”, “On a mountain farm, under a mountain farm,” “Girl Nadia” in different variations. “Kalinka” But I have never heard them sing “From the island to the core”: people did not accept this interpretation of the image of the beloved chieftain.
        Naturally, I have not heard: this song is not for a wedding.

        But on birthdays, after hot dishes, they sang very much, like "My joy lives in a high mansion", "Someone is not, someone is sorry", "Daisies hid" etc.

        Moreover, we sing them now, gathering several families for each Victory Day, for these were the favorite songs of our already gone grandparents and mothers.
        Persia took the goods from the merchants, and even killed them ... ruined ... some cities ", killed" several eminent merchants of the Persian shah and other foreign merchants: Persians, Indians, Turks, Armenians and Bukhara who came to Astrakhan. " And again not a word about the “Persian princess.

        Then women and people were not considered a person: so, production and production ....
        1. VLR
          4 February 2020 11: 24
          Regarding the motives for the murder of the girl:
          In the first case, it was a spontaneous act of a drunk person, I didn’t think about anything like that, and suddenly, once, a “brilliant idea” came to mind. In the second - a deliberate and seemingly painful decision by him: in the morning, not drunk, in the solemn atmosphere of a classic sacrifice, he specially dressed in the best clothes, actually confessed his love, took care of the child.
          1. -2
            4 February 2020 13: 15
            Quote: VlR
            In the first case, it was a spontaneous act of a drunk person, I didn’t think about anything like that, and suddenly, once, a “brilliant idea” came to my mind. In the second - a deliberate and, it seems, suffered by him decision: in the morning, not drunk, the solemn atmosphere of the classic sacrifice,

            And there and there - the same MOTIVE (gratitude) and the same ACTION (sacrifice). Even the words THE SAME in both cases: "Accept the best for this and that "

            And when drunk, it’s done or sober - request
  2. +11
    4 February 2020 06: 49
    Good morning! Thanks again to Valery for the article. I read it with interest, on the whole I agree, the legend. But what about the fact that the musical accompaniment of one of the best numbers in figure skating is * heavy *? request No, with all due respect, but no. I don’t agree. But in general, thanks!
    1. +7
      4 February 2020 10: 13
      You know, Sergey, I’ve understood something about Valeria. drinks
      I “identified” myself, for the first time in my life I felt it was Russian.

      The grandfather from the Volga region was a Chuvash, so every Sunday morning he watched "Play, accordion". Naturally, such music was not interesting to me, as not versed and not familiar with this culture. hi
      Until a couple of years ago I accidentally looked at this cartoon:

      The musical range is simply gorgeous! And yes, you understand what the accordion "touches"! Yes That is, probably, somewhere I was imbued with what my grandfather penetrated. hi
      And before his retreat, he got up early in the morning, dressed the poor thing in her best dresses and said that last night he had the formidable appearance of the water god Ivan Gorinovich, to whom the Yaik river was subject; he rebuked him for the fact that he, Stenka, had been so successful for three years already, had captured so much good and money with the help of the water god Ivan Gorinovich, but did not keep his promises.

      Just yesterday, Viktor Nikolaevich and I discussed the drunken behavior of a nobleman in the 19th century. Immediately ... We drank a few days for joy, and then the chieftain began to be weird? hi
      1. +5
        4 February 2020 14: 32
        cartoon-super !!!!! thank!!!!!
        1. +4
          4 February 2020 14: 53
          Peter, he also has an accompanying cartoon brother - "Not a feather, not a feather"! drinks
          not really cool cartoon! And without vulgarity, and the music is just a jerk! good
          1. +1
            30 March 2020 19: 17
            for the tip on the cartoons, many thanks !!!
            somehow no fluff, no feather had to soul
            but Aldar and the Wolf downloaded father-in-law from the Internet, looped and when the mother-in-law is cooking in the kitchen, she sets it, sometimes just like a musical line

            thanks again
            1. +1
              30 March 2020 21: 29
              but Aldar and the Wolf downloaded father-in-law from the Internet, looped and when the mother-in-law is cooking in the kitchen, she sets it, sometimes just like a musical line

              Peter, the feeling that your father-in-law puts this cartoon for a reason ... drinks Himself sometimes ready to bet! wink Health to you and your family! Take care of yourself! drinks
      2. +3
        4 February 2020 19: 55
        Wonderful cartoon, Nikolai. good good good
        1. +2
          4 February 2020 21: 14
          Great! Laughing to tears !!!!
          1. +3
            4 February 2020 21: 50
            Well, a miracle, right? Yes
            And imbued with culture? drinks
            I, my dear Vlad and Sergey, are now more imbued with multiculturalism ... Well .. everything in life happens .. Here, I am partly imbued with culture and Kabardino-Balkaria! soldier

            Handsomely? Awesome!
            "Uh-huh!" (Vlad Kotische). drinks
  3. Ren
    4 February 2020 07: 16
    In the illustration from the book of N. Witsen "Northern and Eastern Tataria", published in Amsterdam in 1692

    Why immediately mislead readers:
    In 1692, Witsen released in Amsterdam a voluminous compilation of “North and East TarТaria "(Noord en Oost Tartarye) hi
    1. +9
      4 February 2020 11: 09
      Quote: Ren
      Why immediately mislead readers:

      Why is it immediately confusing?
      It’s just that the author used the correct translation of the name of the book into Russian.
      You do not want to say that such a name as, for example, the conditional "History of England" in Russian must be written as "History of Ingled". Tataria is a country inhabited by Tatars. The Europeans called it Tartary just as we call Spain Spain, France France, Ignland England, and Deutschland Germany. Difficulties of translation, nothing more.
  4. +4
    4 February 2020 07: 18
    Thank you interesting! When the songs were listed, nostalgia came)) we also sang "oh, oh there is fog in the eyes", "curly viburnum".
    1. +2
      4 February 2020 08: 01
      The wrong word is nostalgia. And the pain of loss! recourse And just a shock: "Why did Gerasim drown Mu-mu?" crying
    2. +1
      4 February 2020 09: 25
      In any case, the girl is sorry ...
      1. +3
        4 February 2020 16: 02
        Yes, there was no Persian princess. Folk myth.
        The capture of the “Persian princess” by the Razin people is nowhere confirmed by anything. But the fact of the captivity by the Cossacks of the son of Mamed Khan Shabyn-Debe - on the contrary, no one doubts. He was brought to Astrakhan and transferred there to the Russian authorities. His petition for returning to his homeland is known, in which he does not say anything about his mythical sister.
        The ambassador of Persia to Russia in 1673 demands compensation for the damage that his "pirates" Razin inflicted on his country. His message also refers to the son of Mammad Khan, but nothing about the daughter of the admiral.
        Or do you seriously think that Shabyn-Debei played the role of "princess" for Razin? this is too dubious and tolerant version laughing Considering the Cossacks surrounding Razin, for the most part the Old Believers, in this case, not the mythical princess, but Comrade Razin himself would be guaranteed to go to the bottom Yes
  5. +4
    4 February 2020 08: 09
    . Returning to the romance “From the island to the core”, it should be said that he did not become a truly folk song.

    1. +7
      4 February 2020 08: 25
      I agree with you, this is not just a folk song, but a popular song - it was performed by Chaliapin, Boris Shtokalov, Anna German, the Ensemble named after Alexandrov, Yuri Gulyaev, Charles Aznavour in French, and other performers in different languages.
      1. +8
        4 February 2020 11: 26
        But the author writes that he did not hear her at weddings. This is clear. Unpleasant associations may occur. Why scare the bride in advance?
        1. +1
          4 February 2020 11: 36
          Quote: alebor
          But the author writes that he did not hear her at weddings

          I also did not hear other songs mentioned by the author at weddings, at least in the 70s.
          And what associations could have arisen at the wedding, at our weddings of those years, it all mattered to everyone what to sing and who to fight with.
      2. +7
        4 February 2020 11: 56
        Quote: bober1982
        this is not just a folk song, but a popular song

        I don’t know, in my village it was never sung either at weddings or at any other holidays. They sang, I remember: "Wa-a-ku, wa-ku-prisoner" smile , "The storm roared, the rain was noisy", "The reeds rustled, the trees bent", "Rarely, friends, we have to meet", "Oh, it's not evening" ... Well, also, "Why are you standing swaying, thin mountain ash", " A snow-white cherry blossomed under the window ", this is when the ladies are drunk ... smile
        But "Because of the Island on the Rod" was never sung. request
        1. +2
          4 February 2020 12: 06
          Quote: Trilobite Master
          But "Because of the Island to the Rod" was never sung

          I am from the Volga, and that’s it. By the way, I know where this island is, I’m quite seriously saying, and even the place where Stenka threw the princess. I will not say anything, because what kind of fables have not been composed. He threw the unfortunate princess Stenka, of course, in the Samara area. The place is famous.
          1. +4
            4 February 2020 12: 11
            Quote: bober1982
            I'm from the Volga

            And I'm from near Leningrad. But I don't call the song "We rarely meet friends" nationally. And precisely because it is rather ours, small-town. Now it is rarely sung, although, in my opinion, the song is good.
            "Let's remember what happened and drink as usual, as it was customary in Russia" ...
            1. +1
              4 February 2020 12: 14
              Quote: Trilobite Master
              "Let's remember what happened and drink as usual, as it was customary in Russia" ...

              For the first time I hear about such a song.
              1. +5
                4 February 2020 12: 33
                Quote: bober1982
                I hear it for the first time

                1. +4
                  4 February 2020 12: 44
                  Good song, I liked it.
                  1. +2
                    4 February 2020 22: 28
                    Good song, I liked it.

                    song of the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts. "Who made his way to Leningrad in swamps" - about the heroes of the Second Shock .... soldier we sang it young .. oh youth! drinks
                2. +4
                  4 February 2020 19: 53
                  Thank you Michael! This is a good song, this is a very good song. My father used to sing / seldom / often sang it. But they had a favorite feast song with their brother and aunt on holidays * In the wild steppes of Transbaikalia *. Why? I don’t know!
                  1. +2
                    4 February 2020 20: 50
                    Yes, not at all. smile
                    We also sang "On the wild steppes of Transbaikalia". smile
                    And in this geographical name there are many purely local ones. Who knows what Sinyavino is or where is Mga? Only those who live there, or those who studied the battle for Leningrad. Moreover, the Sinyavin operations in the USSR were not very popular. Too many people were put there. Our peasants, by the way, sang "fought under Luga, fought on Volkhov." smile And Stalin was not mentioned in the song. Later I found out that Stalin was in the original text, much later. And they say "you can't throw out words from a song" ...
                    1. +2
                      4 February 2020 21: 05
                      * Let's drink for the Motherland,
                      let's drink for Stalin.
                      We will drink it and pour it again. * And I personally will like it very much * March of the defenders of Moscow *. I apologize in advance for not being in the subject!
  6. +3
    4 February 2020 08: 17
    in 4 years the stream made such voyages !! doubtful.
  7. +2
    4 February 2020 08: 33
    About times, about morals .... freemen, "romance", "beautiful fairy tales".
    1. +7
      4 February 2020 08: 56
      The Persian princess may have had a different opinion on this issue. smile
      1. +2
        4 February 2020 09: 26
        For sure. From "hot embraces", into cold, wet water ... pleasure below the baseboard.
  8. -2
    4 February 2020 08: 57
    If it was, then the girl is sorry, and Razin mudofel rare in this episode, although I admire him, terribly caught up with those in power.
  9. +8
    4 February 2020 09: 27
    Bunin, of course, is a serious writer. But his opinion is not the ultimate truth.

    Blok and Yesenin got from him and the "Scythians".

    The song performed by Shtokolov is good.
    1. +3
      4 February 2020 09: 51
      Not Bunin talk about vulgarity.
      I remembered the "claptrap Buninsky hayloft" from a modern classic laughing
  10. +2
    4 February 2020 09: 42
    Sorry for the girl ...
  11. +7
    4 February 2020 09: 45
    An article on duty plus for trying to parse a well-known event.
    It is strange that the author ignored Kempfer’s news about which he could not have known.
    After that, the Cossacks attacked Astrabad, betrayed all the men to the sword, robbed the city and took 800 women along with their loot to the island, where their ships stood, 48 hours from there. There they kept these women for three weeks. But since many Cossacks died as a result of excesses and orgies, which they indulged in with women, and since the sea became very stormy, they considered punishment for their debauchery; since they intended to leave the island and could neither take the women with them nor leave them without provisions, they decided to kill them all and to propitiate the sea with this sacrifice
    Here time coincides with the traditional legend - the Persian campaign and the method of deliverance - drowning. The number of women has truly increased, but this is usually for the oral tradition.
    Perhaps the Kempfer event formed the basis of the legend. And perhaps the news itself is already a legend that changed in the future (commentators of the text on the link doubt the fact of the murder of women, but, I think, they are not completely impartial)
  12. +6
    4 February 2020 10: 31
    The story, of course, is interesting, but the alcoholic pirate Razin (who came from the top of the Don Cossacks) in his life could completely drown more than one "princess" (of different origins and for different reasons), therefore the historical outline of the article is more interesting, and not its plot ...
  13. +5
    4 February 2020 11: 39
    Interesting stuff. I always liked the study of events known to us, mainly from fiction or epic, in terms of their historicity.
    By the way, why is everyone so sorry for this very "princess"? Nowhere does it say that as a result of bathing, she certainly had to die. Its fate after contact with seawater is absolutely unknown. Perhaps it was just a hot day, and the shore was close and she made it to land perfectly and without any problems, comfortably. I think not the worst fate for a prisoner of a gang of criminals. After she bored the godfather, she, the poor fellow, would certainly have to "serve" the rest of his brigade, and this is not an amateur business, not everyone may like it and not everyone is able to cope with such a load.
    So, quite possibly, Stepan Svet Timofeevich simply thanked the girl as sweetly as possible in her company, saving her, thus, from the need to learn the joys of carnal love with all his colleagues in dangerous business. Moreover, I repeat, we don’t have any information that after bathing the girl became worse than before.
    1. +6
      4 February 2020 11: 52
      Perhaps it was just a hot day, and the coast was close and she excellently and without problems, comfortably reached the land.

      The tangerines are not over yet, Michael? wink Bravo! good drinks
      Moreover, I repeat, we don’t have any information that after bathing the girl became worse than before.

      You would have to work as a lawyer Reznik .... good
      And so - I agree, Valery submitted interesting material on "all known song event". hi
      1. +3
        4 February 2020 12: 05
        Quote: Pane Kohanku
        You would have to work as a lawyer Reznik

        God forbid. smile
        I always put paramount justice in retribution for the deed, and not a fee. For an attorney, this approach is unacceptable, unless, of course, he wants to make money. Well, why else go to the bar? smile
        1. +6
          4 February 2020 13: 14
          I always put paramount justice in retribution for the deed, and not a fee.

          Glad you have this left! drinks and not like the old woman Shapoklyak wink
          Who helps people - he wastes time .....
          Good deeds cannot be made famous.
    2. VLR
      4 February 2020 12: 07
      Good afternoon, Mikhail, I read your message and remembered:
      "The mighty of this world also love to listen, read about robbers, because they themselves leave this estate. All kings, kings, counts and princes, barons and baronets in their time traded in this field. Or their ancestors.
      But the real fellows from the high road with this, the earthly authorities mercilessly pursue and execute, so as not to decide to take them, strong and powerful, legally conquered place.
      Only all the same, the songs among the people are not composed about the fierce governor, who with great difficulty, sometimes risking his life, caught and imprisoned the villain, but about this very villain - how he sits in a damp dungeon on a rusty chain and yearns, and demands: open, they say , me a dungeon, bring a faithful horse and a red maiden for complete happiness "

      And further:
      "The dashing Stepan Razinya traded on the double river Potudani Possudani. He received his nickname for having missed a captive Persian princess on a drunken business, for whom he expected to receive an unheard-of ransom. The princess turned out to be a skilled swimmer, swam to the shore and showed the river robbers, raising their skirts, their beautiful hips in the most offensive way".
      M. Uspensky, "An Innocent Girl with a Bag of Gold".
      1. +4
        4 February 2020 12: 31
        Greetings, Valery.
        Quote: VlR
        M. Uspensky, "An Innocent Girl with a Bag of Gold".

        Is this the one who wrote about Zhikhar? smile
        It will be necessary to re-read, or something ... smile
        And about
        Quote: VlR
        All kings, kings, counts and princes, barons and baronets at one time traded in this field.

        so there’s nothing to argue about.
        You can only add to this list of so many modern founders, CEOs and other chairmen. It’s not necessary that they ran around the markets with pistols or baseball bats, the evidence from the stalls was knocked out, in my opinion, manipulations with vouchers, for example, were also not far from this. Most of the fortunes acquired during the era of primary accumulation of capital were acquired by criminal means, and robbery, racketeering, or fraud - no difference.
        1. VLR
          4 February 2020 12: 42
          Yes, the one who wrote three books (seems) about Zhikhar.
          1. +3
            4 February 2020 13: 25
            Yeah, about him - three. Yes
            The princess turned out to be a skillful swimmer, swam to the shore and showed the river robbers, lifting her skirts, her beautiful hips in the most offensive way "

            her tribesmen didn’t beat her with stones then? for exposing?laughing
            Women's culture - it is like that. request Remember how samurai women were supposed to do their own jigai, if they got it? At first, according to the rules, it was prescribed to tightly tie the ankles, and only then take the dagger in hand. And this was done so that when they discover the corpse, he did not lie in an indecent position! Well, convulsions there, cramps .... hi and, as it were, no humor! stop drinks
    3. +4
      4 February 2020 13: 45
      As in a joke: "The hardest thing was to get out of the bag."
      1. +4
        4 February 2020 15: 42
        As in a joke: "The hardest thing was to get out of the bag."

        for such especially solemn, cases, Al Capone and colleagues used a bowl of cement .... wink
        - Memento sea!
        - Yeah .. instantly .. at sea ..
        ("Prisoner of the Caucasus") drinks
    4. +5
      4 February 2020 16: 18
      Doubts torment that swam
      Women had the wrong clothes, even if she knew how to swim
      1. +5
        4 February 2020 17: 06
        Quote: Avior
        The wrong clothes for women was

        Actually, we don’t know anything about the clothes that were (and were) on the princess. In this case, the Persians could wear harem pants and light tunic. You do not assume that she was dressed in a Russian sundress? smile
        No, no, no one will convince me that she certainly died. I think Stepan still quietly gave her money and he scribbled the mobile number ...
        The dialogue between Stepan and the Persian princess before a famous event could be like this:
        - Hey, Gulya, these ohlomons have laid eyes on you, seem.
        “I want to be only yours, my chieftain!”
        - I don’t mind. Only now, damn it, the men haven’t had women for a week. See how they lick.
        “Do not give them to me, lord!”
        - Let me think ... You're that. Take it, hide it. Yes, you are quieter, do not fuss. There are a dozen dirhams - for the first time. Right now we pass Samara ... Do you know how to swim?
        “What are you up to, my chieftain?”
        - Look, there, over there, to the right, a sandbank. We will pass by, I will throw you out of this sharp-chested boat, it's shallow there, you will reach the shore. In Samara, you will find grandmother Feofaniya, you will turn over at her place, say from Styopka Pampusik, she will let you in. If in four days I don’t come for you or I don’t send a person, go home. The password is "I am from Uncle Styopa". Got it?
        “Did you stop loving me, sir?” Do you want to get rid of me?
        “God, it’s on my head ... I love you, I love you.” Highly. Do you get it? So come on, get ready and shut up. Hey gentlemen, Cossacks! Who said that I supposedly exchanged you for a woman? Right now I'll show you all! I'll show you right now! Wow, I'll show you! Come here, Basurman spawn! Do you think she saddled a Russian Cossack? Do you think that I’m here with you now sharpening the foxes right up to Kazan? Will not work! (grabs the princess and throws into the oncoming wave).
        - Ah! My chieftain! You swind me ... bul-bul-bul ...
        - That's it! Oh, men, look what’s ahead there! Where! Look carefully, like a merchant caravan! Anu, for the oars, catch up! And forget about the woman. Everything drowned, and the bubbles went ... Yes, do not be distracted, look ahead! Well, for the mention of the soul! The girl was so-so ...
        Princess (getting ashore under a bush):
        - But what, it seems, it turned out fine ... Lucky ... Nobody has paid me ten dirhams in one night.
        1. +5
          4 February 2020 17: 21
          No, no, no one will convince me that she certainly died. I think Stepan still quietly gave her money and he scribbled the mobile number ...

          Michael............... belay To hell with Ruriks! am the gloomy style of the historian in the bathhouse! stop It is urgent to write fiction, while the supply of tangerines is not exhausted! fellow good
          no, this .... this is my sales I don’t know how much to bow! good good drinks
        2. +3
          4 February 2020 17: 48
          What to say? Gentleman!
          Nobody had a woman for ten days, but Stepan had, but he didn’t use this time (he paid it only for one night), but taught to swim, otherwise she would have little chance to swim in clothes and shoes, and women then, it seems that the ability to swim did not shine if the witch was correctly identified by throwing into the water. Do not drown, witch!
        3. +5
          4 February 2020 19: 28
          So here it is, as it were !!!! laughing laughing laughing beautifully and convincingly it turned out you Mikhail! I am delighted! hi
          1. +3
            4 February 2020 21: 53
            beautifully and convincingly it turned out you Mikhail! I am delighted!

            I bite my elbows with white envy ... Yes I will never succeed! good drinks
        4. +4
          4 February 2020 19: 32
          The main thing is not to start a competition in this sport.

          And work out the technology of entering the water after the release.
          1. +2
            4 February 2020 22: 34
            The main thing is not to start a competition in this sport.

            Only drunk, and only with the drunk traitor Anton! soldier Otherwise - thank you, Sergey, I won’t go! laughing drinks
            1. +2
              4 February 2020 22: 43
              "She said:" Is it weak for Voldemar to dive? "(C).
        5. +1
          4 February 2020 23: 09
          I catch myself thinking that a conservative.
          Drowned - so drowned. And there is nothing to destroy the legend.

          The only thing I want to find out is how much they loved to swim in the Mamed Khan family.

          But in the Caspian basin, probably, the probability is high.
    5. +2
      4 February 2020 21: 56
      Quote: Trilobite Master
      . Her fate after contact with sea water is absolutely unknown. Maybe it was just a hot day ...

      Or maybe this Madame just wanted to drink? Moreover, for a Muslim girl, from a decent family, vodka with men, in broad daylight, drinking is completely haraam, and nothing else on board may have been ... laughing
      1. +3
        4 February 2020 22: 22
        Quote: HanTengri
        for a muslim girl, from a decent family

        Well, one more version - princess's dry land. laughing
        But it is true - since there is no information about her future fate after falling into the water, we can safely assume also that the pointed chest went around after her fall and picked up the princess quenching her thirst back.
        There is another version: it could be a kind of "baptism" rite - initiation into robbers, into the Cossacks, similar to what they did when they first crossed the equator. In this case, the past personality of the initiate died (hence the words of Stenka "to remind her of her soul"), and a new one appeared, under which the princess continues to appear in folklore. laughing
        1. +2
          4 February 2020 22: 49
          This is an argument that the equator is somewhere along the Volga. Neptune was not without.

          Then Stepan Razin served as the prototype of Captain Vrungel.
        2. +3
          4 February 2020 23: 41
          Quote: Trilobite Master
          Well, one more version - princess's dry land.

          Quote: Trilobite Master
          There is another version: it could be a kind of "baptism" rite

          Princess I am thirsty!
          Stenka. On the roll.
          Princess Arok will not.
          Stenka. Which one? Well, yesterday, at night, I’ve eaten more!
          Princess So then - at night! Now I can’t.
          Stenka. ??
          Princess Allah will see. It hurts lightly.
          Stenka. Ugh you, unchrist! Tomorrow boot dragging. Throw it into the water. Baptize, [stupid woman], we will!
          Princess He will be baptized! With a priest ... And the weakest, see? I, in between, didn’t subscribe to a priest!
          Stenka. Is it me [female dog] weak? Is it weak for me ?!...
          1. +3
            5 February 2020 11: 22
            Is it weak for me?! ...

            it seems we should start a club of writers ... wink Fortunately, talents are finding themselves more and more! drinks Igor is a class! good
  14. +5
    4 February 2020 16: 53
    Option 1) Swelled and drowned the concubine. I don’t believe in sacrifice on a sober head, yet they at least formally wore a cross.
    Option 2) You did not share the beautiful girl with the team, perhaps, he received a reproach that since this woman is so dear to you, you may be planning to marry her (that they didn’t come across a lot of women so that they could resist with another horn)? And this is not comradely, as the criminals understand. In the end, it's one thing to rape random girls, and another thing to a wife, and a man, if he has to choose between a wife and a gang, will choose a wife. So not fig. Well, he demonstrated that "he did not exchange for a woman."

    Actually, what's the difference? Cossack gangs uncontrollable to anyone robbed, killed, raped, and then claims went to Moscow? In the end, apparently, they got drunk so much that they lost their fear, but the peasants are no different in mind, go rob them, or maybe they forced them. It is only strange that then, from this, Soviet historiography made some kind of struggle with the regime.
    1. +7
      4 February 2020 17: 03
      Option 2) I didn’t share the beautiful girl with the team, maybe I got a rebuke at the same time, since this woman is so dear to you, you can marry her (that they didn’t get enough women to rest because of another horn)?

      Well, the plot is right for Vladimir Semenovich! drinks

      And the brig swam to where he wanted
      Met - with whom fate brought him
      Breaking the bones of the oars of the caravel,
      When it came to boarding.

      There was once a rich mining divide -
      And the pirates freaked out and howled ...
      Jung suddenly turned pale and grabbed the knife, -
      Because he was cheated.

      There was a girl, not hiding and not crying,
      And Jung remembered the covenant of covenant:
      We are gentlemen, if there is luck
      But there is no luck - there are no gentlemen!

      And he saw that the captain was silent,
      Not trying to hold back the bloody swara.
      And he didn’t notice deep wounds -
      And struck back.

      Only it seemed to her that with a young man - trouble,
      And she didn’t want another, -
      Spread overboard - and hid the water
      Golden swarthy body.

      And right in the chest, puzzling the pirates,
      He defused a hot gun ...
      He was the last gentleman of fortune, -
      The end of good luck - there are no gentlemen!

      (V.S. Vysotsky, 1973) hi
    2. +1
      4 February 2020 18: 02
      It is only strange that then, from this, Soviet historiography made some kind of struggle with the regime.

      Why is it strange? The slogan is the same: "Steal the loot!" laughing
      1. +2
        4 February 2020 18: 44
        Greetings to you, Konstantin! And can it be even more elaborate, as in * Born by the revolution * the rural ideologist and the robber in his main profession used to say? * Expropriation of expropriators *. Beautiful? laughing
        1. +2
          4 February 2020 18: 47
          Hello, Sergey! hi It is beautiful, of course, and for the peasant is quite sophisticated, only the essence of this does not change. request drinks
          As it was in "Adjutant": "I want to make excrement!" laughing
          1. +2
            4 February 2020 18: 54
            In, in! good And the fact that it’s tricky, well, a man picked up tempting, beautiful phrases. Here he turned on time and in topic! This series was called * The difficult summer of the 20th *.
  15. +2
    4 February 2020 18: 12
    Good evening, Valery. hi And hello to all your friends! drinks
    I read the article with interest and was convinced once again that it is impossible to write the history of the state on "folk art". Once again, I was convinced that a bandit, he is a bandit, no matter what songs were composed about him. And there is nothing surprising in this, our people, what is really there, to rob a lot himself, or to steal something that someone has a bad place. That is why the songs are about dashing fellows, like: "We are thugs, we are raiders, purses, purses, purses ..." Or about Emelya, who does not do a damn thing, but gets everything "at the behest of a pike." The mentality, damn it ... request
  16. +2
    4 February 2020 18: 39
    ... Dutch sailing master Jan Jansen Streus, who served on the first Russian ship of the European type "Eagle".

    Here !!! For once, they built a completely modern European-class ship in Russia for themselves, so these gangsters did not think of anything better than how to burn it. Obviously drunk ... request

    1. +4
      5 February 2020 09: 18
      For once, in Russia they built a quite modern European-class ship in Russia

      Konstantin, hello again! Together with "Eagle" I would like to recall "Frederick", built thirty years earlier. True, he carried the flag of Holstein.

      The ship in the very first voyage across the Caspian Sea fell into a severe storm, lost its masts, and was thrown ashore. However, lucky Olearius with travel! fellow
  17. +1
    4 February 2020 19: 52
    Yes, the fairy tale is all this. In the raids of the Cossacks, women are also prey. Many Cossacks brought them to their homes. Wife of the day off. Under Novocherkassk there is the village of Persianovka. According to legend, they settled them there. I met a cupcake there so he seriously assured that he is a descendant of Razin
  18. 0
    25 March 2020 08: 39
    thanks, very interesting