Why the USSR defeated Hitler's "European Union"

Why the USSR defeated Hitler's "European Union"

The command of the German police battalion confers near the burning village

"Crusade" of the West against Russia. June 22, 1941 the whole of Europe flooded our Motherland, but nothing came of it! Why? Russia survived thanks to the Soviet people's power.

Transformation of Soviet Russia

In World War I, Russia had allies. Together with us, the German bloc fought France, England, Italy, Serbia, Romania, the USA and Japan. And Finland and Poland were part of the Russian Empire, were not our enemies. However, Russia lost the war. And the USSR fought with all of Europe, led by Hitler, with the expectant position of England and the USA, and won a brilliant victory. Our troops planted a red Russian banner in Berlin.

Of course, England and the United States fought, especially at sea and in the air, distinguished themselves in the bombing of German cities. They won at third-rate theaters. But the Third Reich could not be defeated only in Africa, at sea and in the air. The German ground forces were destroyed by the Soviet Army.

Why did the Soviet Union win? The situation in 1941 was much worse than in 1914. In order to crush the Soviet global project, the Soviet (Russian) civilization and the society of knowledge, ministry and creation, which became an alternative to the Western project of enslaving humanity, almost all of Europe was given to Hitler’s society. His rise to power supported the financial capital of France, Switzerland, England and the United States.

There are two main reasons. First, Russia, under the leadership of Stalin, prepared for an extremely brutal, bloody war, a battle for the survival of Russian civilization, power and people. Two five-year plans were not in vain. New armed forces were created, a powerful military-industrial complex, industrialization was carried out, with the formation of new industrial areas in the east of the country, remote from the future front. The leading industries — aircraft manufacturing, engine building, machine tool building, shipbuilding, etc. — were created practically from scratch. The development of science, technology, and education ensured technological independence. Collectivization ensured the country's food security. Most of the “fifth column” was destroyed, the remnants went underground, disguised themselves.

Secondly, a new society has been created, united, united, believing in a bright future, ready to tear to shreds of any enemy. In Russia at the beginning of the 1940s, completely different people lived than in the 1910-1920s or at present. For Russian men in 1914-1916. the war was completely unnecessary and incomprehensible. Peasants (the overwhelming majority of the population) desired land and peace. This is for educated people, Constantinople, the Bosporus and Dardanelles, Galician Rus meant something. But there were a minority of those. In addition, most of the educated people, the intelligentsia, hated the tsarist regime and wanted it to die. In the 1920s, society was sick, broken by a great war and blood, Troubles, general chaos and collapse.

By 1941, the Soviet government was able to create an incredible new society.

In perestroika and after perestroika, the liberals created the myth of the “scoop”. Mean, lazy, dumb Soviet man. Like, the Soviet people worked from under the stick, out of fear of the NKVD, did not learn anything, did not know how, wrote denunciations to each other, etc.

Interestingly, the Russian liberals borrowed this myth from the Nazis. The Nazis before the war also contemptuously thought about the Soviet (Russian) people. They remembered the Russians of 1914. The soldiers, mostly from peasants, were illiterate, technically inferior to the Germans. And under the rule of the Bolshevik commissars, according to the German elite, the Russians became even worse. Slaves of the Communists. However, after the outbreak of war, the Germans quickly changed their minds about Russian (Soviet) people.

New Soviet Society

Gestapo analysts, based on data received from all over the Third Reich, presented a report in the summer of 1942, which contained interesting information about the population of Russia. The Germans had to conclude that the pre-war propaganda about Soviet people was false.

The first thing that surprised the Germans was the appearance of Soviet slaves (ostarbeiters) brought to the Reich. The Germans expected to see peasants and factory workers tormented by work on collective farms. However, it was the other way around. Obviously, the Russians ate well: “They don't look starving at all. On the contrary, they still have thick cheeks and they must have lived well. ” Health workers noted good teeth among Russian women, which is an important indicator of people's health.

Then the Germans were surprised by the general literacy of the Russians and its level. According to the general opinion in Germany, in Soviet Russia, people were largely illiterate, the level of education was low. The use of ostarbeiters showed that Russians have a good school. In all reports from the field, it was noted that illiterates make up a very small percentage. In the letter of one certified engineer who managed the enterprise in Ukraine, for example, it was reported that only three out of 1800 employees at his enterprise were illiterate (Reichenberg). Other reports cited similar facts: “According to many Germans, the current Soviet school education is much better than it was during the time of tsarism. A comparison of the skills of Russian and German agricultural workers often proves to be in favor of the Soviet ”(Stettin). “Of particular amazement was the widespread knowledge of the German language, which is studied even in rural junior high schools” (Frankfurt an der Oder).

The Germans were surprised by the intelligence and technical literacy of Russian workers. They were waiting for slaughtered slaves. In German propaganda, Soviet man appeared as a stupid slaughtered and exploited creature, the so-called. "Working robot." Now the Germans saw the opposite. Russian workers sent to military enterprises surprised the Germans with their technical literacy. The Russians surprised the Germans with their quick wits when they managed to make something worthwhile out of “all sorts of rubbish” (M. Zadornov, recalling the Russian thinker and creative energy, is immediately recalled). The German workers, who observed the level of technical skill of the Russians in production, believed that obviously not the best workers were in the Reich, the Soviet authorities removed the most skilled workers from large enterprises to the east of Russia.

Thus, it became clear why the Russians unexpectedly had so much modern weapons and technology. A large number of modern and good-quality weapons and equipment was evidence of the presence of a significant layer of qualified engineers and specialists. The Germans also noted a large number of students among Soviet workers. From this it is concluded that in Soviet Russia the level of education is not as low as it was believed.

High moral society

In the field of morality, Russians in Soviet Russia retained the old patriarchal traditions characteristic of “old Russia”. This was a surprise to the Germans. Hitler pursued a policy aimed at creating a healthy society, family. German society was badly damaged in the 1920s, when poverty, "democratization", the onset of materialism hit the Germans hard. And in the Russian field of morality, everything was not just good, but even excellent.

So, in the reports it was noted: “Sexually, the Ostarbeiters, especially women, show healthy restraint ...” From Kiel: “In general, a Russian woman is sexually not at all in line with the ideas of German propaganda. Sexual debauchery is completely unknown to her. In various districts, the population says that during the general medical examination of the eastern workers, all the girls still had virginity established. ” Report from Breslau: “The Wolfen Film Factory reports that when conducting a physical examination at the enterprise, it was found that 90% of eastern workers aged 17 to 29 were chaste. According to various German representatives, it seems that the Russian man pays due attention to the Russian woman, which ultimately is also reflected in the moral aspects of life. ”

Russian spirit

The Germans advocated that the Russians fought because of fear of the NKVD, Stalinist terror and exile to Siberia. In Berlin, they believed this when they made plans for a "lightning war." The USSR in their plans was a “colossus with feet of clay”. The outbreak of the war was to cause a mass uprising of peasants, workers, Cossacks and national minorities against the Bolsheviks. Subsequently, the Solzhenitsyn, Yakovlev, Gorbachev and Gaidar continued the propaganda of this myth created in the Gestapo.

German employers and workers were very surprised that there weren’t anyone among the migrant workers who would be punished in their own country. Further, to everyone's amazement, it was not found in large camps that relatives of the Ostarbeiters were forcibly exiled, arrested, or shot. I had to conclude that the terrorist methods of the GPU-NKVD did not have as much significance in the USSR as it seemed before.

The Germans began to understand why they were not able to crush the “slave” Soviet Union with one powerful blow. Why did the Red Army demonstrate high combat power, and the Soviet soldiers - high fighting spirit:

“Until today, perseverance in battle was explained by fear of the gun of the commissar and political instructor. Sometimes, complete indifference to life was interpreted on the basis of animal traits inherent in people in the east. However, the suspicion arises again and again that naked violence is not enough to cause actions in combat that are neglected by life. In various ways, they come to the conclusion that Bolshevism led to the emergence of a kind of fanatical faith. In the Soviet Union, perhaps many people, mainly the younger generation, are of the opinion that Stalin is a great politician. At the very least, Bolshevism, no matter what means, instilled in most of the Russian population inexorable perseverance. It was by our soldiers that it was established that such an organized manifestation of perseverance was never met during the First World War. It is likely that people in the east are very different from us on racial-national grounds, but behind the enemy’s fighting power there are still such qualities as a kind of love for the fatherland, a kind of courage and camaraderie, indifference to life, which the Japanese also show unusual but must be recognized. ”

Thus, the Stalinist leadership at the beginning of the war was able to lay the foundations of a new society. The societies of knowledge, ministry and creation. It was a physically, intellectually and morally healthy society. These were people who loved their socialist homeland, ready to lay down their lives for it. Many did so. Therefore, the pan-European hordes led by Hitler did not win, did not take Moscow, Leningrad and Stalingrad. And the Russian red banners were raised in Warsaw, Bucharest, Budapest, Vienna, Sofia, Königsberg, Berlin and Prague.

Soviet social poster "Glory to the Russian people." Created in 1947. The author of the poster is artist V. S. Ivanov. The poster depicts a young Soviet engineer on the background of the Russian hero
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  1. +20
    29 December 2019 05: 15
    Russia survived thanks to the Soviet people's power.

    The USSR survived thanks to its people ... at a critical moment, the Soviet government turned to the people for help ... any government should always remember this.
    Stalin's words at a critical moment ...
    Comrades! Citizens! Brothers and sisters! Fighters of our army and navy!

    I appeal to you, my friends!

    The treacherous military attack of Nazi Germany on our homeland, launched on June 22, continues.


    And the Soviet government, already relying on the will of the people, was able to competently organize resistance to the Germans in all sectors of this merciless war ... after all, it was already a question of the elementary survival of the whole people.
    1. +21
      29 December 2019 05: 42
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      USSR survived thanks to its people

      That's right!
      "By 1941, the Soviet government was able to create a new society with incredible efforts ... a united, united, believing in a bright future. These were people who loved their socialist homeland, ready to lay down their lives for it."
      1. +10
        29 December 2019 09: 17
        Internationalism defeated NATIONALISM.
      2. -3
        29 December 2019 14: 30
        Quote: GKS 2111
        These were people who love their socialist homeland, ready to lay down their lives for it "

        Forced to note that the author, in his delight, went over several.
        Russian workers sent to military enterprises surprised the Germans with their technical literacy. The Russians surprised the Germans with their quick wits when they managed to make something worthwhile out of “all sorts of rubbish”

        Worked not for fear, but for conscience, it turns out? How so, comrade Samsonov?
        1. 0
          7 January 2020 21: 47
          The Byzantine Russians once again defeated the wild hordes of European barbarians.
    2. +18
      29 December 2019 07: 21
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      The USSR survived thanks to its people.

      Yes, who at some point made a choice in favor of the USSR ... and this is a fact.
      1. +8
        29 December 2019 11: 21
        Quite right, only not "at some point", but during the Civil War, when it was clearly and convincingly shown how the main issue of that time would be solved by the opposing sides - the question of land.
        1. -7
          29 December 2019 12: 39
          Quote: Aviator_
          Quite right, only not "at some point", but during the Civil War, when it was clearly and convincingly shown how the main issue of that time would be solved by the opposing sides - the question of land.

          No, I do not agree. In many ways, the initial stage of World War II went as a continuation of the Civil War.
          1. +6
            30 December 2019 11: 36
            Nonsense! Civil war implies the presence of at least some ideology among the warring parties. And what was the ideology of the traitors who went to serve the enemy? Nothing but the desire to survive, to rise under the new government, perhaps, to avenge something. Only personal reasons, for the most part, are dictated by moral degradation. Collaborators were and will be everywhere, this is not a reason to declare a civil war. Look how many in France went to the service of Hitler. There, too, a civil war was going on.
            And all attempts to declare the Great Patriotic War a continuation of the civilian is another Overton window to demonize one’s own country. Those who claim such are traitors like the same Vlasov.
      2. -5
        29 December 2019 12: 26
        In my opinion, under the Russian Empire, people would also have won after the treacherous attack. The Russians ALWAYS heroically defended their country, regardless of who was in power, the tsar or Stalin.
        You can lose the battle, but win the war, an example is the Napoleonic invasion.
        1. The comment was deleted.
          1. +4
            29 December 2019 15: 19
            Well, sometimes there was no competent leadership. Take the Russian-Japanese war, or the beginning of the Second World War. Some commanders of all levels either could not, or simply were unscrupulous about their duties. Did I write about PEOPLE, or did you miss this word?
            1. +1
              30 December 2019 15: 27
              Quote: Blacksmith 55
              Sometimes there wasn’t a competent guide

              Guderian disagrees with you, and why.
              According to him, a fist and a surprise attack were necessary for success, leadership literacy was secondary.
              1. +1
                30 December 2019 22: 30
                Yah! Without competent, proactive leadership "on the ground", a tank breakthrough will quickly lead to dispersal and stretching of forces and end in defeat. Therefore, in 41-42, the Germans taught both breakthroughs and "rings". And then everything ... ours created a new army, the Germans lost those very competent commanders. And everything went in the opposite direction.
            2. +1
              30 December 2019 18: 24
              Apparently you need to familiarize yourself with the history of wars and the art of war. Superficial knowledge about this or that war, their causes, collateral political currents influencing them, their conduct and problems of wars ... - all this does not give you the necessary knowledge to form an overall picture in your head. After that, examples can be given.
              And the people, yes, he always defended himself, his homeland and his land. Otherwise, he ceased to exist within the framework of his state. Who would be so cute? Or or...
        2. +3
          29 December 2019 15: 06
          Another example is the Time of Troubles with false simulations.
    3. +12
      29 December 2019 07: 36
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      The USSR survived thanks to its people ... at a critical moment, the Soviet government turned to the people for help ... any government should always remember this

      The people will not reciprocate any power, the people are always one with their power!
      1. -7
        29 December 2019 08: 08
        Quote: rocket757
        with their power people are always one!

        That's right, and 1991 showed it very brightly and accurately!
        1. +6
          29 December 2019 08: 12
          Exactly, he showed / proved that power should be OWN in kind, not in words!
          There were great premieres in the recent past.
        2. +10
          29 December 2019 08: 36
          On the example of February 1917 the same can be said about the monarchy, and on the example of October, on the republic.
          1. +12
            29 December 2019 09: 12
            So, in passing, he lied "the same ..."
            After the Civil War, FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE WORLD, they began to build a society on other social principles.
            Think, THE FIRST TIME IN THE WORLD noble culture, the noble standard of living and the noble social protection became available to ALL CITIZENS OF THE SOVIET UNION.
            The GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR showed that the efforts to build a new society did not go mediocre.
            In 1941, there were those who decided to betray and destroyed them, it is a pity that not all. Someone was simply scolded, but in the nineties the traitors were no longer shot, and what we spilled into it we all saw.
            1. +10
              29 December 2019 11: 25
              Khrushch Kukuruzny stopped shooting the traitors, writing them down as "innocent victims of Stalin's repressions." By the 90s, there were too many of them, there was a transition from quantity to a new quality.
              1. -2
                29 December 2019 14: 32
                Quote: Aviator_
                Khrushch Kukuruzny stopped shooting the traitors, writing them down as "innocent victims of Stalin's repressions"

                T.t. Beria, Merkulov, Kabulov, Abakumov would not agree with you if they could.
            2. 0
              30 December 2019 15: 30
              Quote: Vasily50
              but in the nineties, traitors were no longer shot

              There was no one, the rebirth was over, the question was about the division of spheres in the economy and power.
        3. 0
          30 December 2019 15: 28
          Quote: Olgovich
          That's right, and 1991 showed it very brightly and accurately!

          Well, do not distort Olegovich. Fans of the new bourgeoisie are not far away all the people
      2. +6
        29 December 2019 13: 13
        And the massive heroism in the defense of Sevastopol in the Crimean War in the reign of Nicholas I? The same reciprocity, or, all the same, love for the motherland. With whom was the people united under Borodin and the capture of Ishmael? In Port Arthur? In Osovce?
        1. +1
          29 December 2019 13: 20
          It happens that there is only one step from love to hate, everything happens relatively quickly. True, there should be EVENTS that pushed the people to change, and also the work of the mass "educators, explanatory, interpreters, agitators! This usually happens.
        2. +4
          29 December 2019 15: 05
          Well, you would still remember the Battle of Kulikovo. Each era has its own motivation.
    4. +2
      30 December 2019 15: 24
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      The USSR survived thanks to its people.

      Plus for you, But the question is, Putin also addresses the people, but there are no results. Why?
    5. -4
      2 January 2020 12: 49
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      The USSR survived thanks to its people ...

      The people of the USSR were up to the ass. The Bolsheviks survived in alliance with the Anglo-Saxons. And the "people" were only an instrument in the hands of the Bolsheviks.
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      a critical moment the Soviet government turned to the people for help ...

      In 1941, there was "socialism" in the USSR, not "Soviet power". This is a completely different regime of government and property.
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      But Soviet power, relying on the will of the people

      The dismantling of the "Soviet power" in the USSR was begun in December 1927 and completed in December 1939. From that moment until December 1991, the USSR had a regime of "Soviet socialism". The regime of sole OWNERSHIP of the USSR in the past was a crime boss nicknamed Koba by the name of Dzhugashvili (during his lifetime).
      Dzhugashvili wanted to spit on the "will of the people". She was simply not interesting to him. But he did not want to lose his power. Therefore, he entered into an agreement with the Anglo-Saxons and threw the USSR into the meat grinder of WW2, which was led by the Anglo-Saxons with the Axis countries. In which the USSR lost 20% of its pre-war population (43 million people). But Dzhugashvili himself won very much at the end of WW2.
      And "Soviet socialism" received an additional 35 years of life after its results. Those. the population of the USSR lost in everything, literally on all fronts, and very significantly.
  2. +11
    29 December 2019 05: 41
    Anti-Hitler coalition-
    USSR, Britain, USA, China (yes, this is precisely the anti-Hitler coalition that continues), Denmark, Norway, Yugoslavia, Poland, Greece, Brazil, Mexico, Mongolia, Tuva, Philippines, Ethiopia, which means that the majority of the world's population
    During the war, some states that left the Nazi bloc joined the coalition
    Iraq, Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Finland

    During the war, the Axis countries were also declared a war (but did not take an active part) from states such as Panama, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Cuba, Nepal, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Iran, Albania, Paraguay, Ecuador, Turkey, Uruguay, Venezuela, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Liberia, Bolivia
  3. +15
    29 December 2019 05: 42
    Alexander, thanks for the article. The Russian people and the peoples of the republics defeated the whole of Europe in 1945, because Russia cannot be defeated. Remember the words of the Great German "You cannot fight with Russia." My father was killed on the Leningrad front on 27.12.1941/19/1957, major, artilleryman. Already at the age of 3 I was a lieutenant (XNUMX). So since then I have been defending RUSSIA (I had to visit XNUMX hot spots).
  4. +21
    29 December 2019 05: 50
    Soviet society had a goal, and the understanding that it meets the needs of society. In general, there was a belief in justice that everyone would get what they deserve and work. There was an ideological core. Finally, the guidance was fundamentally adequate. The leadership understood and persistently introduced to the masses that there were no white masters and black chocks. Everyone is equal. Although it was difficult, but over time, the population of the USSR became more or less aware of itself as one people. I do not idealize, I lived in the USSR for thirty years, not everything went smoothly. But the main thing was confidence - in the future, in the future of their children. Such a society and state will no longer exist. Capitalism rules.
  5. -1
    29 December 2019 06: 01
    Long distances, huge human potential and resource base.
    1. +13
      29 December 2019 08: 30
      Quote: Pessimist22
      Long distances, huge human potential and resource base.

      Well, the "distances" can be long, although, for example, France is quite comparable in size to "Ukraine", but as regards the "human potential" here you are clearly bent. At that time, the USSR had 190 million people, and Europe was 400. And the "resource base" of Europe, which the Nazis crushed under themselves, is clearly larger. There were more than a dozen large arms factories that worked for the Wehrmacht, and in the USSR there were practically only three. Nevertheless, the USSR alone produced more than 1941 million rifles from 1945 to 12, and the united Hitlerite Europe only 6, the USSR produced 6 million submachine guns (machine guns), and Europe 2. The superiority in aircraft that the USSR was able to create is particularly striking. 6 times! If you like, in such conditions the Nazis had no chance of victory. Hitler was clearly a fool when he attacked the USSR.
      1. 0
        29 December 2019 14: 39
        Quote: bistrov.
        and in the USSR almost only three

        What? Or are you just about shooting?
        Quote: bistrov.
        The USSR from 1941 to 1945 produced more than 12 million, and the united Hitler Europe only 6, the USSR produced 6 million submachine guns (machine guns), and Europe 2

        Yeah, the German fought with one rifle for three, apparently.
        Quote: bistrov.
        Particularly striking is the superiority in aircraft, which the USSR managed to create, as much as 6 times!

        It is particularly striking that having a six-fold superiority in output and, as a rule, multiple superiority in the number of aircraft in the front sector, the USSR hardly kept parity in the air.
        Quote: bistrov.
        the Nazis had no chance of victory. Hitler was clearly stupid

        Hitler was really stupid, overestimated the capabilities of the blitzkrieg. Although in this the USSR was lucky.
        1. +2
          29 December 2019 22: 22
          Quote: Octopus
          Yeah, the German fought with one rifle for three, apparently.

          Quote: Octopus
          The USSR hardly kept parity in the air.

          Quote: Octopus
          Hitler really was stupid, overestimated the possibilities of the blitzkrieg

          Nevertheless, the Germans constantly experienced a shortage of small arms, not from the good life of the drivers, artillerymen, signalmen, the kriegsmarine they were forced to equip with pistols, and only the squad commanders armed themselves with submachine guns.
          Already in 1944, the Red Army Air Force totaled about 12 thousand aircraft, and the Luftwaffe only 2 thousand.
          Even if his "blitzkrieg" had succeeded, the war would not have ended, there were also many factories beyond the Urals.
        2. -1
          30 December 2019 15: 34
          Quote: Octopus
          Hitler was really stupid, overestimated the capabilities of the blitzkrieg. Although in this the USSR was lucky.

          And according to Guderian (tanks ahead), surprise is the most important thing, and your planes and other trifles for cleaning the rear companies.
  6. -13
    29 December 2019 06: 37
    But does the Russian Empire or the Soviet Union appear in the Versailles Treaty as participants in the losing side? Were imposed indemnities given territory? Or simply as a result of an armed coup, new authorities got to power, who refused to win and surrendered the territory in order to maintain their power.
    1. +8
      29 December 2019 08: 49
      Quote: savage1976
      who refused to win and surrendered territory in order to maintain their power.

      "... Ivan Vasilievich, when you speak, it seems that you are delusional ..."
      1. -4
        29 December 2019 12: 36
        So you take off the cross or put on your underpants and your impressions will settle down.
        1. +4
          29 December 2019 23: 00
          Quote: savage1976
          So you take off the cross or underpants put on and your impressions will settle down.

          I wonder if, for you, is Russian native? If - yes, then will you tell me whom you recommend to your opponent CLOTHING underpants?
          1. +1
            30 December 2019 00: 49
            Here you are and answer the native speaker of what language you are. https://sovetclub.ru/kak-pravilno-odet-ili-nadet enlighten.
        2. +2
          30 December 2019 15: 36
          Quote: savage1976
          So you take off the cross or put on your underpants and your impressions will settle down.

          You would be silent, here people still read history books, your nonsense does not go away.
          1. 0
            30 December 2019 17: 26
            They cannot even master the Russian language, the 5th grade program, where can they master the story. Or do you think, do not conclude a new government in December 1917, the world with Germany, the First World War in 1918 ended with the victory of Germany and the Entente paid reparations to it?
            1. +1
              31 December 2019 13: 41
              Quote: savage1976
              Or do you think, do not conclude a new government in December 1917, the world with Germany, the First World War in 1918 ended with the victory of Germany and the Entente paid reparations to it?

              Well this is nonsense, of course.
    2. -4
      29 December 2019 08: 55
      Quote: savage1976
      But does the Russian Empire or the Soviet Union appear in the Versailles Treaty as participants in the losing side? Were imposed indemnities given territory?

      The author, apparently, is not aware that in Versailles, indemnities and reparations from the side of defeated Germany in the favor of Russia were SAME AS in favor of France and England.

      This next regime abandoned them in favor of their friends, the German occupiers, having committed yet another betrayal of Russia, as in 1914-1918.

      Russia is the main part of the Entente, and the Entente is the Victor of WWI.

      Brest signed the so-called. "SNK" which Russia in no way did not represent, except as usurpers, FORCE seized power
      Why did you win?

      They won because they fought for the MOTHERLAND, as ALWAYS during 1 years before.
      When it is necessary to stand up without war, purely for the Soviet regime, in 1991 he did not stand up none.

      Thus, the Stalinist guide by the beginning of the war she was able to lay the foundations of a new society. Of the Society ministry and creation.

      It is significant that 75% of this leadership (members of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Belarus, Politburo, Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Belarus) German, Polish, Angi, Japanese and other reconnaissance, and conspiracies, terrorist acts, sabotage and murders created: such them recognized Court of the USSR.

      Russian spirit

      The Russian spirit in every way DESTROYED by the regime: blown up, opened, looted the tombs of Russian Heroes of Pozharsky and Minin, Nakhimov and Kornilov, Lazarev, Istomin Dokhturov and Bagration, etc., the main monuments of 1812 were blown up in Borodino, Moscow, Vladimir, etc., destroyed, chopped up, burnt down tens of thousands of monuments of Heroes, Russian culture, the Russian Spirit -in Moscow, Suzdal, Vladimir, etc.

      But he was not destroyed, and it was precisely to him that the leaders of the country were forced to turn in a difficult moment.

      And it was thanks to him that they won the war, even with innumerable victims.
      1. +5
        29 December 2019 09: 27
        Quote: Olgovich
        And it was thanks to him that they won the war, even with innumerable victims.

        I understand that the Russian people defeated in spite of the red? But how is it practically? Contrary to orders, went on the attack in the opposite direction? In your sheds he built tanks. Guns. Airplanes that have no world analogues? HOW ???
        1. +3
          29 December 2019 11: 18
          Quote: apro
          I understand that the Russian people won despite the red?

          Have you read the addresses of Stalin?

          He turns to the great RUSSIAN HEROES and calls on the people to take an example from them and fight for their homeland, as they fought for centuries!

          And BEFORE this was with the Russian heroes what I indicated above. I hope you do not deny this?
          It- "strengthened" the Russian spirit and the Fatherland?

          And about the people said the Russian Soldier, comfrey, invalid WWII, the great Russian writer V. Astafiev:
          about our people, great and patient, which the, sacrificing himself and even his future, with tears, blood, his bones and torments, he saved the whole earth from reproach, and he planted himself and Russia, bleeding.
          1. +5
            29 December 2019 11: 41
            And you dear read what you write?
            According to you, the Soviet government was anti-Russian. So? Bolsheviks are agents of all foreign intelligence services. So? The country's leadership consisted of foreign tourists. So? And the only purpose of the Bolsheviks is to harm their people as much as possible. So and around the Bolsheviks there are some failures .... in industry. in military affairs. s / h. in foreign policy? And then a miracle ... remembered the Russian spirit ... they drove the icon over the fronts on the plane. and everything was right away right away.
            Do I understand you correctly?
            1. -4
              29 December 2019 12: 00
              Quote: apro
              In your words. Soviet power was anti-Russian. So?

              Dozens of THOUSAND destroyed, blown up, plundered burnt monuments of Russian military glory, Russian culture, Russian history, testify to this, and not me.
              I have nothing to do with it!
              Quote: apro
              the Bolsheviks are agents of all foreign intelligence services. so? the country's leadership consisted of foreign tourists. so?

              This was recognized by the SOVIET STALIN COURT, not me !! belay
              ALL the first composition of the Council of People's Commissars, ALL the first composition of the Politburo, 75% of the Central Committee of the party- served on German, Polish, Angi, Japanese and other intelligence, and conspiracies, terrorist acts, sabotage and murders
              Quote: apro
              the sole purpose of the Bolsheviks is to harm their people as much as possible. so?

              Their goal was to PROVE EVERYTHING that they are right.
              Quote: apro
              here a miracle ... they remembered the Russian spirit ... they drove the icon over the fronts on the plane. and everything was right away right away.
              Do I understand you correctly?

              FOR THE THIRD TIME I am turning you to STALIN: to whom did he turn in the terrible November 1941?
              TO RUSSIAN HEROES!

              And everything was fine, gradually ..

              And before that there were unprecedented military disasters and almost the entire personnel (in number), 3 million people, in captivity, and another million fled to the villages of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia .....
              1. +2
                29 December 2019 12: 50
                As I understand from the above, that the events in the territory called Russia in the period 1941-1945 the USSR and its leadership in the form of the leading party of the CPSU (b) and personally Comrade IV Stalin have nothing to do? Only harm from their activities?
                I know what Comrade IV Steel said and for what reason. And I know what I did. But dear to you, these words and actions do not apply. From the word at all ...
                1. -6
                  29 December 2019 12: 57
                  Quote: apro
                  As I understand from the above, that the events in the territory called Russia in the period 1941-1945 the USSR and its leadership in the form of the leading party of the CPSU (b) and personally Comrade IV Stalin have nothing to do? Only harm from their activities?

                  where is it ? belay
                  Quote: apro
                  I know what Comrade IV Steel said and for what reason. And I know what I did. But to you atimportant these words and actions do not apply. from the word at all ...

                  not to you, not to me.
                  1. +2
                    29 December 2019 13: 02
                    Quote: Olgovich
                    where is it ?

                    You respected everywhere poke Russianness .... collegiality ... holiness ...
                    1. -6
                      29 December 2019 13: 11
                      Quote: apro
                      You respected everywhere poke Russian .... collegiality ... holiness.

                      I don’t understand anything ....
                      What are you speaking about? request
                      1. +2
                        29 December 2019 13: 23
                        Yes, about the same as you. Read what you write. Do you expose the Bolsheviks? Go to the end ..
                      2. -6
                        29 December 2019 13: 33
                        Quote: apro
                        Are you exposing the Bolsheviks? to end..

                        End them long happened
                        And all, respectively, showed who and what worth it. Yes
                      3. +2
                        29 December 2019 13: 40
                        Quote: Olgovich
                        And all, respectively, SHOWED-who and what is worth.

                        That's great. Time showed who and what is worth. and what people remember ...
              2. +6
                29 December 2019 13: 15
                Quote: Olgovich
                Dozens of THOUSAND destroyed, blown up, plundered burnt monuments of Russian military glory, Russian culture, Russian history, testify to this, and not me.
                As usual, no confirmations, no links, one nonsense!
                Quote: Olgovich
                And before that, there were unprecedented military disasters and almost the entire personnel (by number), 3 million people were held captive, and another million fled to the villages of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia ...
                Now, if it were not for the passage about the villages, one would think that Olgych denounces the stupidity of the Polish, Belgian, French and English troops, but what good fellow, he clarified that it was only the Soviet troops that lost divisions and territories.
            2. -1
              29 December 2019 17: 08
              Soviet power was anti-Russian.

              He told you about the initial period when the Communists burned Russian villages, shot Russian peasants, took their land and introduced collectivization.
              1. -1
                30 December 2019 15: 43
                Quote: maden.usmanow
                He told you about the initial period when the communists burned Russian villages, took their land

                And you can examples.
          2. +1
            29 December 2019 17: 32
            [quote = Olgovich] He turns to the great RUSSIAN HEROES and calls on the people to take an example from them and fight for their homeland, how they fought during the CENTURIES! [/ quote
            The fact was the place to be. Once. And many times he turned to the banner of the great Lenin, the spirit of the great Lenin, simply to the personality of the great Lenin, the party of Lenin, the party of the Bolsheviks, and finally to the All-Union Communist Party - the inspirer and organizer of the great victories of the Red Army. (these three parties are actually one. If anyone does not know lol )
            1. -2
              30 December 2019 11: 40
              Quote: Sahar Medovich

              Do not bring nonsense: approval of the orders of Nevsky, Suvorov and others to help you.

              AND - NO orders of Frunze, etc. (although it’s understandable, they killed all their heroes in 37-41)
              Quote: Sahar Medovich
              And many times he turned to the banner of the great Lenin, spirit great Lenin

              And when it didn’t help, they turned to the Russian Heroes.

              About the spirit, tell me: whirling, candles or what? lol laughing
              1. 0
                30 December 2019 16: 40
                Quote: Olgovich
                approval of the orders of Nevsky, Suvorov, etc.

                Is this the appeal in the speeches of Stalin? Do not carry nonsense.
                Quote: Olgovich
                NO orders of Frunze

                There were no orders of Frunze (not Frunze, ignoramus). Orders of the Red Banner, the Red Star, and most importantly, Lenin were enough. Not to mention the medals "For Courage" and "For Military Merit".
                But at the same time, during the war, films were published about Chapaev and Kotovsky, Voroshilov and Parkhomenko, about Stalin during the civil years. Even about Pavka Korchagin. And of the older heroes, they confined themselves to one Kutuzov. Okay, you can add Ivan the Terrible.
                Quote: Olgovich
                all their heroes were killed in 37-41

                All? Only in someone else's hallucinations.
                Quote: Olgovich
                And when it didn’t help,

                Judging by the result, it helped a lot.
                Quote: Olgovich
                whirling, candles or whatever

                No. What for? The Holy Spirit does without it all. But by the way, you can call on the spirit of Stalin and ask him. laughing Just learn the material, otherwise it will make fun of you. For ignorance. fool
                1. -2
                  31 December 2019 10: 30
                  Quote: Sahar Medovich
                  Is this the appeal in the speeches of Stalin?

                  this appeal to RUSSIAN HEROES, do not carry nonsense.
                  Quote: Sahar Medovich
                  there were enough orders of Lenin

                  the only one. You no longer have worthy heroes. Russian Heroes orderto more (see the list of owls).
                  Quote: Sahar Medovich
                  But at the same time, during the war, films were published about Chapaev and Kotovsky, Voroshilov and Parkhomenko, about Stalin during the civil years. Even about Pavka Korchagin. And of the older heroes, they confined themselves to one Kutuzov. Okay, you can add Ivan the Terrible.

                  Do you have ... such-movie orders? lol laughing
                  Quote: Sahar Medovich
                  All? Only in someone else's hallucinations.

                  ALL first SNK. ALL first belay Politburo, 75% of the Central Committee, Pre-Ministers, Deputies, Commissars, etc.
                  Quote: Sahar Medovich
                  Judging by the result, it helped a lot.

                  Wow, without Russian Heroes, nowhere!
                  Quote: Sahar Medovich
                  No. What for? The Holy Spirit does without it all. But by the way, you can call on the spirit of Stalin and ask him. Just learn the material, otherwise it will make fun of you. For ignorance.

                  sho for nonsense?
                  YOU turned to the spirit of Lenin, and I ask you about the method.
                  Did it get there? No.
                  1. -2
                    31 December 2019 11: 46
                    Quote: Olgovich
                    this appeal to RUSSIAN HEROES, do not carry nonsense.

                    Before that you said: "Have you read Stalin's addresses?" and "to whom did he turn in the terrible November 1941?" What does the institution of orders in 1942 have to do with Stalin's speeches? Don't talk nonsense and nonsense.
                    Quote: Olgovich
                    Do you have ... such-movie orders?

                    Orders are orders, and movies about heroes from which one needs an example are films. Do not carry nonsense and nonsense.
                    Quote: Olgovich
                    ALL THE FIRST SNK. ALL THE FIRST POLITICAL BUREAU, 75% of the Central Committee, Pre-Ministers, Deputies, Commissars, etc. Few?!

                    1) You're lying. 2) If they hadn’t lied, it’s a lot, anyway - not all. 3) SNK, Politburo, people's commissars, deputies - war heroes? Do not carry nonsense.
                    Quote: Olgovich
                    Wow, without Russian Heroes, nowhere!

                    So what am I talking about? Voroshilov, Kotovsky, Parkhomenko, Chapaev - of course, Russian heroes, what else? Not the White Guards! There is simply nothing to argue about.
                    Quote: Olgovich
                    YOU turned to the spirit of Lenin, and I ask you about the method.

                    I have never addressed anyone's spirits. You are delirious with whom you have beguiled me. laughing
                    1. -4
                      31 December 2019 12: 00
                      Quote: Sahar Medovich
                      Before that you said: "Have you read Stalin's addresses?" and "to whom did he turn in the terrible November 1941?" What does the institution of orders in 1942 have to do with Stalin's speeches?

                      The most direct: they are ESTABLISHED. This is an APPEAL to the Russian Heroes, as well as portrait of Suvorov in Stalin’s office, with him EVERY day checked his way Yes
                      Didn’t get it?
                      Quote: Sahar Medovich
                      a movie pro heroeswith which you need a brother example - this is a movie.

                      About the Kappelites, yes. Yes And about their contemporaries.
                      But the orders do not cause double interpretations, their Heroes, Heroes and all
                      Quote: Sahar Medovich

                      1) You're lying.

                      learn, ignoramus
                      Quote: Sahar Medovich
                      3) SNK, Politburo, people's commissars, deputies - war heroes?

                      "Heroes" of the COUNTRY. This will be MORE-do not understand this?
                      Quote: Sahar Medovich
                      I have never addressed anyone's spirits. You are delirious with whom you beguiled me

                      Your sclerosis is understandable, but not to the same extent:
                      Quote: Sugar Honeyovich
                      And many times he turned to the spirit great Lenin

                      the third time I ask: did the table rotate? lol laughing
                      1. -1
                        31 December 2019 16: 41
                        [quote = Olgovich] a portrait of Suvorov in Stalin’s office, every day he checked his way [/ quote]
                        What - and his spirit also caused? Your insanity grows stronger! [Quote = Olgovich] About the Kappelevtsev, yes. And about their contemporaries. [/ Quote]
                        Yeah, and about Annenkovites. And about the Basmachi. With your "heroes", Judas and Cains are not needed. [Quote = Olgovich] "Heroes" of the COUNTRY [/ quote]
                        Heroes are heroes, and officials are officials. The latter can be heroes, but they cannot be "higher" by default. Remember this and do not continue to carry such nonsense. [Quote = Olgovich]
                        And many times he turned to the spirit of the great Lenin
                        the third time I ask: did the table rotate? [/ quotethe third time I answer: not to me a question, but to the one who addressed. Got it? Or is your insanity even stronger? fool
                      2. -3
                        1 January 2020 11: 03
                        Quote: Sahar Medovich
                        [/ quotethe third time I answer: not to me a question, but to the one who addressed. Got it?

                        YOU claimed it was YOU. that he was referring to .... THE SPIRIT of Lenin.
                        You connoisseur lol , and they ask: HOW did he handle?
                        Quote: Sahar Medovich
                        Is your insanity even stronger?
          3. -1
            30 December 2019 13: 00
            That is, only the Russians fought WWII, in your opinion. Tatars, Mordovians, Chuvashs, Kazakhs sat in the rear. Yes, you are a Nazi old man, besides with porridge in your head
            1. +1
              30 December 2019 15: 45
              Quote: evgic
              Yes, you are a Nazi old man, besides with porridge in your head

              Well, he has a little of it, he is offended when they remind him of his pity that veteran organizations against the Bolsheviks were not created following the example of Germany.
        2. +2
          29 December 2019 13: 07
          The Russian people won, as always. And red, green, violet is not the case here. The people defended their homeland, their home, their family. And on the Kulikovo field and near Poltava, on the forts of Sevastopol and at Borodino. On the Kursk Bulge and in Stalingrad.
          1. +3
            29 December 2019 14: 22
            Quote: AU Ivanov.
            The Russian people won, as always. And red, green, violet is not the case here. The people defended their homeland, their home, their family. And on the Kulikovo field and near Poltava, on the forts of Sevastopol and at Borodino. On the Kursk Bulge and in Stalingrad.

            Great words, Andrey! hi The author is trying to support his ideological "theories" with the victory of the Russian people. The cost of the Victory was monstrous. The results of the Victory were ruined by mediocre rulers for the sake of other people's interests.
      2. +7
        29 December 2019 12: 56
        As usual, lies and juggling from Olga:
        Quote: Olgovich
        The author, apparently, is not aware that in Versailles indemnities and reparations from the side of the defeated Germany in the favor of Russia were assigned the SAME, as well as in favor of France and England.

        This next regime abandoned them in favor of their friends, the German occupiers, having committed yet another betrayal of Russia, as in 1914-1918
        "The same controversy was caused by the question of the distribution of reparations among the winners. Lloyd George proposed 50% of the total amount to give France, England - 30% and the rest of the countries - 20%. France insisted on 58% for itself and 25% for England. After long disputes. Clemenceau announced that the last word of the French is 56% for France and 25% for England. Wilson suggested 56 and 28%. " For the rest of the countries, about 20%, about 30 countries fought with the Triple Alliance, including Belgium, which had just not been spread during the war, the United States, which England and France owed very well, Italy, Greece and Romania. What could Russia count there? There is a figure of 16 billion evils. rubles, however "Until May 1, 1921, Germany pledged to pay ALL Allies 20 billion marks in gold, goods, ships and securities." The brand was almost two times lighter than the ruble! "According to Article 116, Germany recognized" the independence of all territories that were part of the former Russian Empire by August 1, 1914, "and also annulled the Brest Peace Treaty - along with all other agreements it concluded with the Bolshevik government; the Bucharest Treaty was also annulled. Article 116 of the peace treaty recognized for Russia the right to receive from Germany the corresponding part of reparations. Article 117 questioned the legitimacy of the Bolshevik government in Russia and obliged Germany to recognize all treaties and agreements of the allied powers with states that “were formed or are being formed on all or part of the territories of the former Russian Empire "[137]. Germany left its troops in the Baltic republics and in Lithuania until further notice of the allies" Wiki
        It is directly noticeable how the Entente was eager to make Russia rich! Vrunishko Olgovich as there is a liar.
        By the way, it is clear what the Brest Treaty was worth for Germany; it was canceled without batting an eye!
      3. +2
        29 December 2019 14: 45
        Quote: Olgovich
        in Versailles, indemnities and reparations from the side of defeated Germany were assigned to SAME in favor of Russia, as well as in favor of France and England.

        This Russia in January 20 was the Russian army of Kolchak. Recognition of the USSR England, France 24th year., USA 33rd year.
      4. 0
        29 December 2019 23: 25
        Quote: Olgovich
        Russia is the main part of the Entente,

        Paragraph! Urya-patriotism of the brain, weighed down by the sin of the kingdom of God - this, of course, is a very good argument in favor of your version. But I would like to see real facts confirming this. So that beings, and not so, to the whole head, the enlightened ones could join the sacred truth.
      5. +1
        30 December 2019 13: 15
        The author, apparently, is not aware that in Versailles indemnities and reparations from the side of the defeated Germany in the favor of Russia were assigned the SAME, as well as in favor of France and England.
        You LIE, in other matters as always. Name the article of the contract and the amount of reparations. Crunchy liar)))
      6. 0
        30 December 2019 15: 40
        Olgovich is definitely a Stalinist, according to Olgovich
        Quote: Olgovich
        The Russian spirit was completely DESTROYED by the regime: the tombs of the Russian Heroes of Pozharsky and Minin, Nakhimov and Kornilov, Lazarev, Istomin Dokhturov and Bagration, etc. were blown up, opened, plundered, the main monuments of 1812 were blown up in Borodino, Moscow, Vladimir, etc., destroyed, cut down tens of thousands of monuments of Heroes, Russian culture, Russian Spirit were burned in Moscow, Suzdal, Vladimir, etc.
        it is necessary to add about the executions beloved by Olgovich, the people won the Second World War, but when the Stalinist executions did not begin, they did not defend themselves in 1991.
  7. +9
    29 December 2019 08: 49
    Soviet social poster "Glory to the Russian people"
    Only here is something that this PEOPLE is systematically plagued, starting from the beginning of the 90s .. but what can I say you yourself know everything ..
  8. +5
    29 December 2019 08: 51
    It surprises me that all of this surprised the Germans. And where was their intelligence?

    So, already from the mid-20s, not in anything, but with a finger pointed to the "living space" in the east, from 1933 in general at the head of Germany, and closer to the 40s at the head of almost all of Europe, i.e. preparation on time wow, but to find out what and how the future enemy is not a lordly business?

    How to find out, not during the war, but before it, the degree of morality, or virginity? Yes, recruit a few honey. workers, and not necessarily in the capital. It turns out that they could not find those. And even this fact (integrity - an indicator of morality) was not analyzed by intelligence. Or they didn’t bother with such a question.

    That people didn’t look hungry and “they still have thick cheeks” - was that something you couldn’t see before the war?
    That almost everyone was literate, with rare exceptions - is it such a secret that you cannot make out with the naked eye?
    They hoped for a revolt of the peasants, but to find out and compare how the peasant lived in the Republic of Ingushetia and lives in the USSR, what - didn’t have enough?

    And so on any question. One of two things - either the German intelligence "did not catch mice," or did not consider it necessary to do so. If the latter, then frivolity and arrogance are not the best helpers in such a matter as war. And if the first, then before prying in to us, it was necessary to learn Russian proverbs - not knowing the ford, do not poke your head into the water.
    1. +5
      29 December 2019 09: 26
      What you mentioned is an elementary excuse like "we didn't know". And so for any reason:
      -we didn’t know about concentration camps
      -we didn’t know about the mass killings of RUSSIAN PEOPLE
      -and other others "DO NOT KNOW".
      Under Hitler, the Germans carried out these studies when they compared slaves from Europe and the East. The usual move of the "Wehrmacht" slavers to praise their own goods and to lower the prices of competitors, no more.
      It was launched after the war "but we did not know."
    2. +9
      29 December 2019 10: 44
      it is especially striking that every conqueror is surprised at the Russian winter, what does their general staff understand?
    3. +2
      29 December 2019 13: 59
      Quote: McAr
      One of two things - either German intelligence did not catch mice

      As Goering subsequently answered in the process, on the technical side in intelligence everything was not bad. They did not know and did not understand the potential of the Soviet Russians, and the Russians were always a mystery to them. They just repeated Napoleon's mistake, who also did not understand anything.
    4. +2
      29 December 2019 17: 49
      Quote: McAr
      German intelligence "did not catch mice," or did not consider it necessary to do so.

      If only German.
      “As soon as it became known about the beginning of Operation Barbarossa, almost every one of the military experts predicted the imminent collapse of Russia. American military experts calculated that the Soviet Union would hold out no more than three months. Churchill was bombarded with the same inaccurate predictions: Field Marshal Sir John Dill, Chief Imperial General Staff, gave the Red Army only six weeks. The British Ambassador in Moscow Stafford Crippé believed that it would hold out for a month. The most inaccurate assessments of the British intelligence were: they believed that the Russians would hold out no more than ten days "(L. Dayton)
    5. +1
      29 December 2019 19: 00
      Quote: McAr
      And where was their intelligence?

      Actually, Canaris reported on a high-quality road network in the European part of the USSR. And then it started to rain ... There are a lot of photos of Germans who are sober from reality. This is abruptly thick cheeks.
    6. 0
      30 December 2019 15: 52
      Quote: McAr
      One of two things - either German intelligence did not catch mice

      Nobody canceled the propaganda and desire to wishful thinking. Before the war, the Germans trained our people and supplied them with equipment, respectively, and felt their superiority until they encountered reality.
  9. -1
    29 December 2019 09: 49
    Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, sirs and sirichs, boys and girls.
    Let's try to briefly review the text posted above and claiming the high title of "article".
    So, each article has its own subject, object, methodology and source base.
    What about this?
    Do not even ask)
    The author does not know what it is. And how does an object differ from an object.
    Well, the source base is ... just lengthy reasoning of an electronic personality named "samsons".
    The source void is the basis of this article, so to speak.
    What about the content?
    June 22, 1941 all of Europe flooded our Motherland

    Such trifles as the fact that part of Europe was non-Nazi, and part of it fought against Nazism (in particular, England), the "author" is certainly not interested.
    Russia survived thanks to Soviet people's power

    So Russia or the USSR? Or is the confusion in the author’s head systemic?
    And is it okay that the "people's power" has led to the fact that our country found itself face to face with the new German bloc - and due to this suffered heavy losses? With the blood of the best sons of their people, filling in the failures of Stalin's foreign policy.
    After all
    In World War I, Russia had allies. Together with us, the German bloc fought France, England, Italy, Serbia, Romania, the USA and Japan. However, Russia lost the war.

    Russia did not lose the First World War. Neither in fact nor legally. It is enough to analyze the relevant documents. It is natural for the "author" to go into such trifles with little time. The main thing for him is rabid propaganda. And here all means are good.
    Soviet global project, Soviet (Russian) civilization

    Soviet and Russian are far from synonyms.
    However, just as a set of stamps cannot be considered a historical study, so the personal mental twists of an individual gentleman cannot be considered close to intellectual)
    Everything below is a half-child reasoning of a person who, in conditions of permissiveness and lack of control, can broadcast anything. Accordingly, it is simply impossible to take them seriously.
    In a word, this opus is an agitation, for reliability, only in some places diluted with historical facts. Agitation designed for an unprepared reader. That, despite the fact that the level of education in Russia has significantly decreased, is extremely dangerous.
    Recommendation - bypass both the articles of this gentleman and the site. This inferior information is simply dangerous - in every sense.
    Thank you for attention.
    PS Now Shpakovsky (Samsonov) through many of his nicknames (with the help of which he creates the illusion of a crowded forum), will begin to bite my comment. It doesn’t matter) He who has eyes, let him see, he who has ears, let him hear.
    1. +5
      29 December 2019 11: 18
      Write your agitation. What is the problem? And yes, to collect the confirmed material about the inferiority of the Russian people and the victory over the Nazis exclusively by punitive criminals and exclusively at the point of a commissar Nagan.
    2. +8
      29 December 2019 11: 27
      And nothing that "people's power" led to the fact that our country was one on one with the new German bloc

      Those. it is the USSR that is to blame for Anschluss, the Munich agreement, the betrayal of Poland, that the French representative arrived at the Moscow talks with the right only to negotiate (i.e. could not sign anything), and English generally had no written authority (moreover, he had point to delay negotiations), and the British informed Berlin that negotiations are a means of pressure on the Germans and only?
    3. +1
      29 December 2019 14: 15
      Quote: EKZECUTOR
      Recommendation - bypass both the articles of this gentleman and the site.

      So use your own recommendation.
      Quote: EKZECUTOR
      Now Shpakovsky (Samsonov) through many of his nicknames (with the help of which he creates the illusion of a crowded forum), will begin to bite my comment.

      His name is legion, isn't it? crying
    4. -1
      29 December 2019 14: 47
      Quote: EKZECUTOR
      So, each article has its own subject, object, methodology and source base.

      Samsonov writes fiction. Do not get bored.
    5. +5
      29 December 2019 16: 17
      You’ve got stiff porridge in your head if you keep Shpakovsky and Samsonov for one person.
    6. +2
      29 December 2019 18: 55
      Quote: EKZECUTOR
      Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, sirs and sirichs, boys and girls.

      Anyone, but not comrades ...

      Compared to that ninth wave of crap about the Union, about Soviet power and about Stalin, which collapsed with perestroika and is still falling, such "opuses" as you say, for many are like a breath of fresh air in an unventilated room for thirty years. Well, and small roughness ... well, who is without sin? Try to write an article that is perfect in every sense - then we will all laugh together how you can do it.
    7. 0
      29 December 2019 19: 03
      Quote: EKZECUTOR
      Thank you for attention.

      Well, why? How to live on now? Only alcohol remains.
    8. +2
      30 December 2019 10: 14
      Quote: EKZECUTOR
      Russia did not lose the First World War. Neither factually nor legally.

      The collapse of the state - is this not a clear sign of defeat? Following this logic, it can be stated that the USSR did not lose the Cold War.
      For the rest, I completely agree with you. The article is a bravura propaganda, a set of propaganda cliches, not historical research. Olgovich on the contrary!
    9. +1
      30 December 2019 15: 55
      Quote: EKZECUTOR
      Now Shpakovsky (Samsonov) through many of his nicknames (with the help of which he creates the illusion of a crowded forum)

      You are not the case of Olgovich?
    10. 0
      2 January 2020 11: 59
      Quote: EKZECUTOR
      Recommendation - bypass both the articles of this gentleman and the site. This inferior information is simply dangerous - in every sense.

      I agree.
      When will we finally read a critical analysis of the history of the Soviet Union? Tell me some worthwhile analytical material or author, please.

      And according to another Samsonov’s agitation:
      The USSR is not a modernization of the Russian state and society. Behind the visible part of technological progress (which did not reach the western one) lies the old 14th-century model of government (relatively speaking). Feudal monarchy. That is why the Soviet empire naturally served its short historical period. The peak of power comes in the time of Stalin. If someone else, such as Trotsky, had gained power in the 1920s, Samsonov would have glorified him now.

      All this was revealed by the sage Ibn Khaldun (XIV century) - three generations, five phases of the state’s life - the second phase (Stalin period) - the formation of one-man rule and the transition from asabiya (natural community of people) to mulka (external coercion).
  10. +2
    29 December 2019 09: 54
    Correct article. More of these are needed. And then you ask a 20-year-old young man what the Hungarians are "famous for" in his small homeland, but he doesn't know ...
  11. +3
    29 December 2019 10: 00
    A lot of "lyrics" and "hurray for patriotism", I would like to read more reasonable material .......
  12. -10
    29 December 2019 10: 08
    “At the same time, we will not exaggerate the magnitude of the retreat of the 1915 year, nor the national fatigue, nor the places of interruptions in supply, nor the insignificance of the composition of the tsar’s ministers.

    The Soviet retreat of the 1941-42 of the year was thirtyfold, not Poland was lost, but the whole of Belarus, Ukraine and Russia to Moscow and the Volga, and the losses killed and captured - twentyfold, and hunger everywhere is incomparable, and at the same time factory and rural tension, people's fatigue, and the ministers are even more insignificant, and certainly the suppression of freedoms is incomparably - but it is precisely because the authorities did not tremble in ruthlessness, and it would never have occurred to anyone to hint about mistrust of the government - this catastrophic retreat and extinction did not lead to Which revolution.

    And another private parallel: in both wars we were financially dependent on Western allies. But from this the tsarist government and then the temporary one fawned on the Allies, and Stalin at the same time dictated the conditions to them himself. ”

    A. Solzhenitsyn “Reflection on the February Revolution”
    1. -6
      29 December 2019 11: 26
      Quote: Plantagenet
      But from this the tsarist government and then the provisional one fawned on the Allies, while Stalin at the same time dictated the conditions to them himself. ”

      Ahhh, it was Romanov Tearfully begging for years, prayed to open a second front in Europe, but everyone sneezed at that?
      We will know! Yes lol
      1. +5
        29 December 2019 13: 04
        Quote: Olgovich
        Ahhh, it was Romanov Tearfully begging for years, prayed to open a second front in Europe, but everyone sneezed at that?
        We will know!

        Um Olgych completely refuses, Romanov got into the war nafig Russia is not needed, while also the Russian troops sent the French to help, just like cannon fodder! Ignorant, as this ignoramus is Olgych!
        1. -6
          29 December 2019 13: 24
          Quote: Vladimir_2U
          Um Olgychu sovs R

          Leave me alone, I do not communicate with FELLING WORDS, do not read, disdain.
          1. +4
            29 December 2019 13: 25
            Wow, Olgych also turns out to be an expert on the Russian language, UM is a bad word for him!
            1. -6
              29 December 2019 13: 42
              Quote: Vladimir_2U
              Wow, Olgych also turns out to be an expert on the Russian language, UM is a bad word for him!

              you received the Pre not at all for the "mind", but for its absence: swearing and foul language.
              a disgrace ....
              1. +2
                29 December 2019 14: 37
                Even in this lies Olgych
                Quote: Olgovich
                you received the Pre not at all for the "mind", but for its absence: swearing and foul language.
                I censored these words, well, the administrators did not like it, and it was not necessary.
        2. +1
          30 December 2019 23: 37
          I was especially touched by "TEARLY" !!!
          1. +1
            31 December 2019 05: 26
            Quote: Revival

            Olgych? This one can! ))) Holiday greetings!
            1. 0
              31 December 2019 12: 16
              Happy New Year!)
    2. -1
      29 December 2019 14: 49
      Quote: Plantagenet
      and Stalin, at the same time, dictated the conditions to them himself

      Stalin lost fear only by the 45th. In the 41st, he behaved completely differently.
    3. 0
      30 December 2019 16: 02
      Novodvorskaya said even steeper:
      Here it is, a Russian miracle and a mysterious Russian soul! Affective insanity! That's why we are so cool fighting! ... Classics of the genre - Great Patriotic War. Here is the formula for our mass heroism! The country was finally released from the chain, and, not having the courage to cut its throat to its own Stalin and his executioners, enthusiastically grabbed Hitler and his monsters in the throat.
  13. +5
    29 December 2019 10: 47
    New Year .... and Samsonov again attacked the European army .... bully
    1. +3
      29 December 2019 10: 54
      Reptiles surround ....... Yes
    2. -2
      29 December 2019 12: 11
      Quote: Keyser Soze
      New Year .... and Samsonov again attacked the European army .... bully

      But sho, do wars start on Mondays? feel Hitler attacked at 4:00 on Sunday, Saakashvili on the opening day of the Olympics ...
      1. +5
        29 December 2019 12: 40
        Hitler attacked at 4:00 on Sunday, Saakashvili on the opening day of the Olympics ...

        You are right ... but it was in the past. Unions in the EU are now banned from attacking on Sunday. The Swiss Air Force generally refuses to fly on weekends. On Monday and Friday it’s not possible, because the army has not yet come to work or has already left, on Thursday it’s a small Friday, and so the Russians can be attacked on Tuesday or Wednesday. laughing
        1. 0
          30 December 2019 16: 06
          Quote: Keyser Soze
          You are right ... but it was in the past. EU unions are now banned from attacking on Sunday

          about unions you have outdated data. In France, unions, forgetting about shame, do not hesitate to beat policemen on weekends.
    3. +1
      30 December 2019 16: 04
      Quote: Keyser Soze
      New Year .... and Samsonov was again attacked by the European army.

      This is a vaccine, otherwise they will tell us about our business partners in the West for the new year.
  14. +6
    29 December 2019 11: 12
    In the krats in the 5th paragraph it is described why they won. And on their own behalf, people compared what happened under the tsar and how their life under the communists changed for the better, and they liked the result, and so it’s possible to give children and life for such power, prospects.
    I doubt that the population will die enormously for new taxes and debts.
    1. +5
      29 December 2019 11: 30
      So now they are back in 1913, and the enthusiasm is corresponding.
      1. +2
        29 December 2019 12: 13
        That's for sure, every year enthusiasm falls lower and lower. Maybe someone is preparing the next October?
  15. +5
    29 December 2019 11: 31
    The correct answer in the opinion of the exam

  16. +1
    29 December 2019 14: 14
    Again Samsonov - the father of lies and a lover of shekels ...
  17. +1
    29 December 2019 14: 28
    Quote: evgen1221
    Write your agitation. What is the problem? And yes, to collect the confirmed material about the inferiority of the Russian people and the victory over the Nazis exclusively by punitive criminals and exclusively at the point of a commissar Nagan.

    Nothing personal:
  18. +2
    29 December 2019 16: 16
    Quote: Octopus
    T.t. Beria, Merkulov, Kabulov, Abakumov would not agree with you
    - a strange statement. That is, since Khrushchev shot them, do you consider them traitors? And whom did they betray ??? The very fact of their execution is just evidence that Khrushchev was a traitor. Traitor to the cause of Lenin-Stalin and the interests of the people ...
  19. +3
    29 December 2019 17: 01
    Perhaps from the idea. And people went for this idea.
    For example, I’m ideological. On the example of my work I observe the following situation: I will not work! I get paid a little !!!
    Dear friend, you have to tolerate a little (I hope). You see the reorganization of production is taking place. Need time.
    No, I need a hundred thousand salary now. After all, I deserve it! Honestly, worthy or not, the big question is still ... Otherwise, I will be humbling on skerries and portray the appearance of work.
    What do you do with such figures? And such figures are full.
    I will say more, with my identity I am in the "overwhelming minority" ...
    I do not pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I believe that people should do at least a little real thing, and not just think about their selfish interests.
    In those days, selfish comrades were sent to work on the necessary events for the country. As I know. And without asking their wishes.
    And not only in the summer and preferably in the Crimea.
  20. +3
    29 December 2019 17: 04
    It was our soldiers who found that such an organized display of perseverance was never seen in the First World War. "

    "Red Army 1941-1945. was a much stronger adversary than the tsarist army, for it selflessly fought for the idea "(German general G. Blumentritt).
    “The difference between the Russian Imperial Army during the WWII and the Red Army, even in the very first days of the German invasion, was simply enormous. If in the last war the Russian army fought as a more or less amorphous mass, sedentary, devoid of identities, the spiritual upsurge caused by the ideas of communism began to affect in the summer of 1941 ”(German General E. Raus).

    Football match Russia: Germany. The Germans are winning.
    The old viewer laments:
    - Well, what are you, sons! Oh, we did them in Stalingrad and near Kursk, and in Berlin itself!
    Bench Neighbor:
    - You, father, had a different coach ... (Anecdote of our time).
  21. -2
    29 December 2019 18: 56
    Samsonov, of course, is still a "historian", but the USSR is my Motherland, he put a "plus" to the article. drinks
    1. 0
      30 December 2019 16: 09
      Quote: Doliva63
      Samsonov, of course, is still a "historian", but the USSR is my Motherland, put the article "plus"

      And try to write an article on the site on history, you will not be missed for plagiarism. Here and the people are spinning.
  22. +4
    29 December 2019 19: 15
    For the last almost 30 years - a ready-made practical guide from Chubais on the topic "How to turn a victorious nation, a creator nation into a nation, was. Shameful and bitter.
    1. -3
      30 December 2019 16: 10
      Under Stalin's rule, the people were "Living Power" and they had no rights, the Bolsheviks' word is an absolute law, what they say and will do, and those who do not agree automatically become an enemy of the people and a traitor, with all the consequences.
  23. +3
    29 December 2019 21: 40
    And now society is such that the people are unlikely to go to defend the villas of Prokhorov, Abramovich and other oligarchs, officials, etc. And their own, for which the people went to fight in 1941, the current people have little left: the factories are not with the workers, the land is a big question for whom (half of the agricultural workers are hired, read laborers), a bright future - taking into account all the "innovations" , such as the pension reform, their housing at a frantic mortgage interest (in the USSR, loans for apartments in housing cooperatives were given at 3% per annum), - the people also did not bulk ...
    1. -2
      30 December 2019 16: 16
      Now there is no need for this, there are regular troops, PMCs, the Russian Guard, and those wars are in the past as tactics and weapons have changed. The people should go about their business - leave the war to professionals. The corpses of the enemy no longer need to fill up.
  24. -2
    30 December 2019 01: 40
    IMHO, naming the foundations of the victory, it would be worth swapping "first" and "secondly".
    In addition,
    The Germans advocated that the Russians fought because of fear of the NKVD, Stalinist terror and exile to Siberia.

    not taking into account that people who were torn for a quarter century above the roof, for the first time saw the prospect of a happy life, if not for themselves, but at least for their children. What will you do with someone who tries to take away SUCH hope from you?
  25. +3
    30 December 2019 09: 56
    "and won a brilliant victory." You can't write about the war in which we won, but 27 million of our compatriots died in it.
  26. +1
    30 December 2019 10: 23
    All Europe on June 22, 1941 "flooded" to the USSR-Then you can not read heresy ...
  27. 0
    30 December 2019 18: 01
    Well done, Samsonov! Clearly and accurately, convincingly to everyone. So it was, I remember since 1951, when I was born. Everything else is snot. And one more thing: unwaveringness testifies to the rational and spiritual superiority of man. All this was in 50 years, and how many of these died! Handsome men.
  28. -1
    30 December 2019 20: 05
    As for World War I, I cannot agree. At the initial stage, there was a colossal patriotic upsurge. The infantryman soldier in that war had enough tshp (for the service in artillery, navy and other technical types of educated enough). The problem is the liberality of the reign of Nicholas, as a result - the rampant anti-government parties and anti-war propaganda. The tsar and Russia were betrayed by the internal opposition.
  29. 0
    30 December 2019 22: 43
    Already in 1944, the Red Army Air Force totaled about 12 thousand aircraft, and the Luftwaffe only 2 thousand.

    Here it is very interesting ... By the number of both tanks and aircraft, the USSR quickly came out on top. Moreover, both tanks and planes were more primitive than the Germans. But the experience of the war showed that the quantity factor is prevailing over technical bells and whistles.
    By the way, who knows, is it true that during the war up to 50% of the Luftwaffe was in Europe and in German air defense?
  30. 0
    1 January 2020 17: 45
    They won because then the country was not led by Putin, but by Stalin !!!

    Even those who at that time were similar to today's Putin's "friends and colleagues" were also doing the right thing for the country: knitting mittens or fulfilling the logging plan.
    That's why WE survived and defeated fascism in May 1945!
  31. -3
    2 January 2020 12: 37
    Why the USSR defeated Hitler's "European Union"

    Delirium is already in the title.
    And the USSR did not defeat anyone, but was only among the winners.
    And the European Union didn’t even smell there.
  32. -3
    2 January 2020 15: 15
    What is this Soviet agitation?
    Thanks to the people, YES!
    BUT contrary to the party and Stalin.
  33. 0
    4 January 2020 17: 18
    "Collectivization ensured the country's food security. Most of the 'fifth column' was destroyed, the remnants went underground, disguised themselves."
    Collectivization destroyed the peasantry as a class, driving out the most working peasants, calling them fists. And these are the people on whom the village rested, at best they were able to move away from their habitable lands or leave for the city. True, collective farms were able to cultivate more land through mechanization, but small and remote areas disappeared from circulation.
  34. 0
    6 January 2020 12: 15
    The basic economic law of socialism (the maximum possible satisfaction of the needs of society) and capitalism (the maximum profit for the owner) led to a logical result.
    The Soviet Union produced what was needed to win the war, and Germany what led to the maximum nailed for arms magnates.
  35. 0
    12 January 2020 03: 17
    Quote: D-ug
    Quote: The same LYOKHA
    The USSR survived thanks to its people ...

    The people of the USSR were up to the ass. The Bolsheviks survived in alliance with the Anglo-Saxons. And the "people" were only an instrument in the hands of the Bolsheviks.
    Quote: The same LYOKHA
    a critical moment the Soviet government turned to the people for help ...

    In 1941, there was "socialism" in the USSR, not "Soviet power". This is a completely different regime of government and property.
    Quote: The same LYOKHA
    But Soviet power, relying on the will of the people

    The dismantling of the "Soviet power" in the USSR was begun in December 1927 and completed in December 1939. From that moment until December 1991, the USSR had a regime of "Soviet socialism". The regime of sole OWNERSHIP of the USSR in the past was a crime boss nicknamed Koba by the name of Dzhugashvili (during his lifetime).
    Dzhugashvili wanted to spit on the "will of the people". She was simply not interesting to him. But he did not want to lose his power. Therefore, he entered into an agreement with the Anglo-Saxons and threw the USSR into the meat grinder of WW2, which was led by the Anglo-Saxons with the Axis countries. In which the USSR lost 20% of its pre-war population (43 million people). But Dzhugashvili himself won very much at the end of WW2.

    And "Soviet socialism" received an additional 35 years of life after its results. Those. the population of the USSR lost in everything, literally on all fronts, and very significantly.

    THIS must be so raving! You are a stoned liberoid, definitely. If not, then the proof of your nonsense "in the studio."
  36. 0
    2 February 2020 17: 13
    "Our troops have erected a red Russian banner in Berlin." author, don't
    all Russian record in the Communists!
  37. 0
    4 November 2020 10: 40
    Well, I would say that "we" - Tsarist Russia, and then the USSR, had false allies.
    The governments of these "allied" states, fighting in alliance with the Republic of Ingushetia, and then with the USSR, set as their ultimate task the destruction of the Republic of Ingushetia, and then the USSR by the hands of Germany and Austria, the appropriation of our resources and the enslavement of our peoples during both world wars.
    In principle, the author correctly revealed the multifaceted reasons for the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War.
    I would only add that
    - Soviet society was monolithic and international, although it consisted of representatives of many ethnic groups. And the entire Soviet people rose to defend their homeland.
    There was no particular unity among the enemy, the allies of the Reich, obeying Hitler's will, were not very friendly towards Germany. And the Germans are contemptuous of their allies.
    There were cases when, say, the Romanian troops did not allow the defeated German unit to leave the encirclement through their positions - there was a "border" conflict.
    - The Soviet people fought for their own, and the enemy - for someone else's.
    - The Soviet, socialist planned economy made it possible to make quick maneuvers with resources at the orders of the central authorities.
    His capitalist economy did not allow this to the enemy: there, even in the conditions of a total hard war, the financial interests of individual owners of industrial enterprises prevailed, and not the operational necessity of the entire state and its army.
  38. -1
    4 November 2020 12: 48
    Europe did not heed the Victory in 1945 over Nazi Germany ... and today it can again plunge into Nazism ...