A revolutionary, scientist and 87-year-old sniper. Nikolai Alexandrovich Morozov

A revolutionary, scientist and 87-year-old sniper. Nikolai Alexandrovich Morozov

ON. Morozov in his youth. Photo Vk.com/club77885351

The struggle for freedom, scientific activity, three decades in prison and a business trip to the front as a sniper are far from all the stages of the life of the revolutionary and honorary academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences Nikolai Morozov (25 June (7 July) 1854 - 30 July 1946). He could rightfully be called the "universal man" of our time.

First steps

The future academician and revolutionary was born in 1854 in the estate of Borok (Yaroslavl Province) in the family of a landowner and a former serf peasant. Nikolai received his first training at home, but then entered the Second Moscow Gymnasium. However, he studied poorly there and was soon expelled, after which he took up self-education. In 1871, Morozov became a volunteer at Moscow University.

Morozov - the head of "Earth and Freedom." Photo Bvi.rusf.ru

In 1874 N.A. Morozov joined the circle of Tchaikovsky Narodniks. Together with his comrades, he traveled to the nearest provinces and actively communicated with peasants. In the same year, Morozov went to Switzerland to represent the interests of Tchaikovsky at international events. Then he joined the ranks of the First International.

In 1875, Morozov returned to Russia and was immediately arrested on suspicion of revolutionary activity. Three years later, the trial “193's Trial” took place, according to the results of which Morozov was released - the pre-trial detention fully covered the sentence imposed.

Young revolutionary

After the conclusion and trial N.A. Morozov, with renewed vigor, set about revolutionary work, but already in an illegal position. Soon he entered the organization “Earth and Freedom”, and then became one of its leaders and the secretary of her eponymous newspaper.

Photo of the 80 of the XIX century. Wikimedia commons

In 1879, Morozov was among the creators of the "People’s Will." This organization deemed necessary a radical struggle and prepared the appropriate “actions”. Several attempts on the emperor Alexander II were carried out with the direct participation of N.A. Morozova.

However, already in 1880 Mr. Morozov disagreed with his fellow revolutionaries and went abroad. The reason for this was the disagreement about the role of terror in the political struggle. Companions of Morozov considered him an extreme measure, which should be abandoned in the future, and he saw in power methods a normal tool for regular use. Soon, these views were formed in the form of a concept called “telism” - by the name of William Tell.

One of the cells of the Shlisselburg fortress, where Morozov was serving his sentence. Wikimedia Commons Photos

In January 1881 N.A. Morozov and his wife illegally returned to Russia and were arrested. A year later, as part of the “Process of Twenty,” he was sentenced to life imprisonment. Morozov served his sentence at first in the Peter and Paul Fortress, and from 1884 — in Shlisselburg. The appearance of the playful nickname “Frost of Shlisselburgsky” is associated with this period.

Universal scientist

ON. Morozov did not lose heart and did not waste time. Having access to literature, he continued his self-education. The imprisoned revolutionary studied foreign languages, natural and social sciences, and even wrote his own scientific works. By the time of his unexpected release, Morozov managed to learn 11 languages ​​and write 26 volumes (!) Of manuscripts on various topics, including on current issues of various sciences.

Morozov with his wife Ksenia Alexandrovna, 1910, Photo by Wikimedia Commons

On 28 on October 1905 an amnesty was declared, and Morozov was released. Together with him, he took numerous manuscripts and voluminous knowledge in many areas. It can rightfully be argued that from the conclusion of N.A. Morozov was one of the most educated and erudite people of his time.

After his release, the future academician was mainly engaged in scientific work, but did not forget about the struggle for the freedom of the people. He attempted to publish his scientific works, got married and even joined the Masonic Lodge "The Polar Star". In 1909, Mr. Morozov received an invitation to become chairman of the Council of the Russian Society of Lovers of World Studies (ROLM). He held this position until the dissolution of ROLM in 1932.

House Museum in Bork. The office of Morozov. Wikimedia Commons Photos

In 1911-12 Morozov again had to go to prison. However, at the beginning of 1913, another amnesty took place, and the scientist was released - this time forever. By this time, from the 59 years of life of N.A. Morozov spent almost 30 in prison.

Revolutionary after the revolution

Events 1917 Mr. N.A. Morozov accepted with enthusiasm, although he did not share the positions of the Bolsheviks. Despite disagreements with the new government, a prominent scientist continued his activities and even received new posts and titles.

In 1918 Morozov became director of the Natural Science Institute. P.F. Lesgaft. He remained in this position until the end of his life. On the initiative of the new director, the publication of scientific works on various issues in the field of natural sciences began. These books promoted progressive theories in the field of the structure of matter, astronautics, etc. Later, the main works of N.A. Morozov and his EIW colleagues were highly appreciated by leading scientists of the country and the world. However, some historical research and concepts has not found support in academia.

1932 g. - N.A. Morozov was elected an honorary academician. Photo Militaryexp.ru

In 1932, the Lenghub Executive Committee closed the ROLM, chaired by Morozov. This was preceded by an investigation that revealed an “counter-revolutionary grouping” in the organization. Unlike some colleagues, N.A. Morozov after that was not subjected to harassment, although he had to move to his native village for a while. Borok. In the same period, Morozov was elected honorary academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

However, after that, the scientist continued his work. The main base for scientific activity was now an observatory, previously built by the forces of ROLM. In 1939, a real scientific center appeared in the village. Later, on its basis, new organizations were created, now related to the RAS.


At the age of 85 years N.A. Morozov became interested in shooting. In 1939, he enrolled in OSOAVIAHIM, for sniper courses. Despite his venerable age, the revolutionary scientist mastered sniper business and then regularly visited the shooting range to maintain skills.

Photo RAS / ras.ru

After the attack of Nazi Germany, Academician Morozov, who was working in Leningrad at that time, turned to the draft board - he wanted to go to the front as a volunteer. Due to age, he was refused. However, the sniper scientist continued to write letters and even threaten to appeal to the “top”.

In 1942, the military registration and enlistment office "surrendered" and accepted N.A. Morozov to the service. However, he was taken as a volunteer business trip as a sniper and allowed to go to the front, but only for a month. Soon Morozov was in one of the units of the Volkhov Front.

Academician Morozov in nature. Photo Militaryexp.ru

Despite his considerable age, the “rookie” turned out to be a true professional. The sniper regularly went to the firing position and hunted down the enemy. As befits a scientist, before each shot he did all the necessary calculations - and hit without a miss. For a month of business trip N.A. Morozov killed about a dozen enemy soldiers and commanders.

After a month of service, the scientist was returned from the front to the rear and offered to re-engage in scientific activities. However, after that N.A. Morozov continued to write letters demanding that he be returned to the front. However, now the correspondence did not give the desired result.

One of the works of N.A. Morozov, who influenced the Soviet cosmonautics. Photo Livelib.ru

After breaking the blockade, honorary academician Morozov was awarded the medal "For the Defense of Leningrad." Soon he was awarded the first Order of Lenin. In 1945, the scientist was awarded the second Order of Lenin, and also received the medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War 1941 — 1945."

Scientific heritage

Returning to Leningrad, N.A. Morozov continued his scientific work, and now research is carried out by Yenin. Lesgaft were conducted taking into account the needs of a warring country. New research was carried out and fresh relevant scientific papers were published.

Honorary Academician, Revolutionary, and Sniper passed away on July 30 1946 in his home in Bork. A museum was later organized there. In memory of the scientist, streets, enterprises, a small planet and a crater on the moon were called. Moreover, the first objects were named during the life of Morozov.

1979 Postal Envelope Wikimedia Commons Photos

Nikolai Alexandrovich Morozov lived a long and stormy life, leaving a great legacy. His works touched many areas and made a significant contribution to laying the foundation for subsequent practical achievements. Morozov can rightfully be considered one of our main natural scientists of the 20th century and one of the founders of Russian space science.

The scientific heritage of Morozov is preserved. So, the Russian Academy of Sciences created the resource “N.A. Archive Morozova "- 13 inventories and 135,7 thousand sheets are fully digitized and available to everyone.

"Archive N.A. Morozova "on the website of the RAS:
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  1. +7
    13 December 2019 06: 20
    In the words of the character of the movie "Don't be afraid, I'm with you!" - what an interesting life people have. We drove there, they were chased. From there they go, they are chased ...
    1. -1
      13 December 2019 08: 23
      one of the main studies of the scientist Morozov is the discovery of falsification of the chronology of history, on which the modern teaching of the historians Fomenko and Nosovsky is based.
      Morozov suggested moving ancient dates closer to modern ones, because using astronomical calculations, he calculated that many events that have come down to us in the "ancient" sources are not calculated correctly.
      1. -8
        13 December 2019 08: 35
        Quote: Bar2
        not calculated correctly


        And "wrong" is wrong, too, "Russian" write? Or is it just illiteracy?

        Sweles? wink
        1. The comment was deleted.
          1. +4
            13 December 2019 10: 39
            Sometimes ears turn up looking at how some website visitors write. It is clear that not everyone had excellent marks in Russian and literature.
            But to insult, like "dog business" is too much, you yourself show your face. Be polite even if you dislike something.
            By the way, I can somehow put up with mistakes in comments, but if a journalist makes such mistakes, I can’t understand. Either time is “pressing”, or he simply doesn’t pay attention to his work.
            Sometimes the computer "corrects".
            1. +2
              13 December 2019 14: 33
              In Ukraine, the word Russian is spelled like Russian (Russian in Russian)., Comrade with a Ukrainian certificate!
              1. 0
                13 December 2019 21: 05
                Quote: 30 vis
                In Ukraine, the word Russian is spelled like Russian (Russian in Russian)., Comrade with a Ukrainian certificate!

                I’m not Ukrainian, but rather Cossack, but only from Asia - the Cossack Horde. Many of the words that Ukrainians use and are not used among the Russians used to be the lexicon of Cossacks.
                -ataman -commander
                let's go
                -gut -talk
                and so on.
            2. +2
              13 December 2019 17: 55
              Quote: smith 55
              Sometimes ears turn up looking at how some website visitors write. It is clear that not everyone had excellent marks in Russian and literature.
              But to insult, like "dog business" is too much, you yourself show your face. Be polite even if you dislike something.
              By the way, I can somehow put up with mistakes in comments, but if a journalist makes such mistakes, I can’t understand. Either time is “pressing”, or he simply doesn’t pay attention to his work.
              Sometimes the computer "corrects".

              Surrender, "inattentively" in this context is written in one piece, comrade instructor laughing
      2. 0
        13 December 2019 09: 06
        any event that happened at this second is inevitable, in a moment it will already be history. Therefore, knowledge of history and the reasons why events occur, understanding the logic of the construction of past events, is the basis for predicting events in the future. This is the power of knowledge of history.
        The methods of dating events of the past, proposed by Morozov, are being successfully applied now, for example, dating by horoscopes. So no one except them calculated the dates. Historians Fomenko and Nososvsky have already deciphered many Egyptian and Italian horoscopes and, accordingly, the picture of the past is strongly shifted from the invented "millennia" mainly into the second millennium AD.
      3. -5
        13 December 2019 09: 14
        Quote: Bar2
        applying astronomical calculations, he calculated that many events that have come down to us in the "ancient" sources are not calculated correctly.

        How can you take all these Morozov's "studies" seriously? After all, Morozov himself was engaged in falsification, he was in prison for too long, and he read too much of the Bible, for lack of other books.
        1. +4
          13 December 2019 09: 15
          Quote: bober1982
          How can you take all these Morozov's "studies" seriously? After all, Morozov himself was engaged in falsification, he was in prison for too long, and he read too much of the Bible, for lack of other books.

          probably it’s possible, because for some time since his imprisonment Morozov was quite free to receive any ordered literature, therefore he is an encyclopedic scientist.
          1. -3
            13 December 2019 09: 20
            As an ideologist and leader of terrorists, Morozov was good, as the author of religious studies, he was, to put it mildly, rather weak.
            I would not refer to it, but this is of course my personal opinion.
            1. 0
              13 December 2019 09: 28
              Quote: bober1982
              As an ideologist and leader of terrorists, Morozov was good, as the author of religious studies, he was, to put it mildly, rather weak.
              I would not refer to it, but this is of course my personal opinion.

              He can't be weak - that's the assessment of a humanities scholar. In what way is he "weak"? In that he didn't see what everyone else sees? Well, the thing is that, on the contrary, he pushed off from general knowledge and was able to move to another level of understanding, which is inaccessible to the majority.
              He cannot be "weak", because his methods are, first of all, mathematical methods.
              1. -5
                13 December 2019 09: 37
                Quote: Bar2
                I was able to move to another level of understanding, just inaccessible to most.

                I will only repeat myself, if I spent so much time in jail as he spent, and had nothing to read from the Bible, then - yes, his level of understanding was different from most.
                Of course, he would have been an extraordinary person and lived an interesting life, probably even too much.
                Good luck to you.
            2. +5
              13 December 2019 09: 31
              Quote: bober1982
              As an ideologist and leader of terrorists

              By the way, here we have already a cardinal discrepancy in the personality of Morozov. He is not a terrorist, but a representative of the will of the people in liberation from foreign tyranny, the tyranny of tsarism.
              In assessing the personality of Morozov, we have ideological differences.
              1. -5
                13 December 2019 09: 38
                No comment here.
      4. +9
        13 December 2019 10: 39
        one of the main studies of the scientist Morozov is the discovery of falsification of the chronology of history

        ,,, um, interesting what why at that time, with such views on history, he was not subjected to persecution, as Fomenko is criticized in our time.
        Morozov gives not only a new chronology of Russian history, but also shows in whose interests it was written (Catholics, Ivan III, etc.). According to Morozov there was no Tatar-Mongol, but there was a “Tatar yoke”, instead of the Horde, Russia paid tribute to the Order, the Russian princes did not go to Saray on the Volga, but to Sarajevo on the Balkans, Genghis Khan was none other than Pope Innocent III, but Khan Batuy means Batyai, i.e., the same Roman pope, etc. From the capture of Constantinople by the crusaders in 1204 to the marriage of Ivan III to Sophia, Paleolog Russia was Uniate. The proof of this is the beginning of a new year in Russia in March, confirmed by astronomical phenomena in Russian annals, as was customary in Catholic countries.
        1. +8
          13 December 2019 10: 52
          ,,, or is all the work of Nosovsky and Fomenko just a free and abridged retelling of Morozov?
      5. +1
        13 December 2019 11: 16
        Quote: Bar2
        one of the main studies of the scientist Morozov is the discovery of falsification of the chronology of history

        Oh, yes ... I had no doubt that this issue would be raised in the discussion. laughing
        By this time, out of 59 years of life, N.A. Morozov spent almost 30 in prison.

        Or maybe a wedge is kicked out by wedge? Send Fomenko and his followers to where their new chronology originated? Well, not for thirty years, of course, but at least for half a year, but each ... laughing
        But seriously, Morozov, of course, is a rather odious person.
        A rebel in everything, prone to violence, who considered the most effective way to solve almost all existing problems, not having a classic self-taught scholar. Steel will, outstanding intellect, pathological desire to overthrow everything in the world simply out of sporting interest, amazing self-conceit and adherence to extremely radical decisions, are such a normal character.
        I am sure that he studied sniper business solely in order to have an advantage over opponents in scientific discussions. laughing
        Morozov reminds me of something of our Olgovich, or rather, on the contrary, Olgovich reminds Morozov.
        Keeping in memory a terrifying amount of information on completely different scientific disciplines and even being able to freely use this information, Morozov could not, like Olgovich, generalize this knowledge, link it into a single system, thus building something integral and indestructible.
        And it turns out this, most likely, because both of them had a dominant idea, the implementation of which they both devote their abilities to the detriment of objectivity and common sense. For Morozov, this dominant idea is the overthrow of the foundations of everything and everything, for Olgovich, you yourself know. smile
        There is another character in science, somewhat similar to Morozov - Lev Gumilyov. Equally broad erudition and powerful intellect, the same desire to "turn the world", to make a "revolution", but still expressed in a more academic, scientific form (therefore less orthodox), since Gumilev does not have all of his education, unlike Morozov got in jail.
        1. +2
          13 December 2019 17: 38
          Master of Trilobite, I did not know that you are so cruel: "send Fomenko and his followers to the place where their new chronology was born" just think: Fomenko and Co. are alone!
          "For half a year each" - we will not see a certain number of our colleagues and authors.
          I just doubt that they want to go there
          1. +1
            13 December 2019 19: 28
            Quote: Astra wild
            a certain number of our colleagues and authors we will not see.

            It was for this reason that I made such a proposal. smile
            But in general, of course, you are right, it will be cruel to the novokhronolazts only. But if, together with them, Klesovites, Samsonists and other folkhistorics were sent there (I do not mean those who only read, but those who also write), then this is no longer cruelty, but a fair retribution. They will not feel sorry for us if they reach our heads, believe me.
            And half a year is not such a long time. The main thing is that there should be strict isolation from the Internet and from each other, and access only to high-quality scientific historical literature.
            Those who survive after breaking will become normal people. Those who have passed along this path of the point of no return should be treated with medication.
            Although sometimes, in a difficult mood, it seems to me that it would be nice to put the main distributors of this infection under wooden scaffolds, as the Mongols put on our princes on Kalka, and immediately, from above, lay it right like this - slowly and inevitably, lay out everything their works collected in all stores and home libraries of the country. And see what happens.
            So, half a year alone is normal. I am kinder than good.
            1. The comment was deleted.
              1. +1
                13 December 2019 21: 19
                Quote: Bar2
                somehow you turned yellow

                Now on the site, anyone can choose their own nickname display color. I recommend you ... However, decide for yourself.
                1. +3
                  13 December 2019 21: 22
                  ,,, bronze, laughing belong to the group ,, best commentator ,, good fellow
                  ,,, and from our party there is a representative bully
                  1. +3
                    13 December 2019 21: 25
                    And what is this group? Nobody told me anything, I didn’t enter anywhere and did not submit applications ... smile
                    Really, I thought that so now everyone’s nickname is displayed ...
                    1. +3
                      13 December 2019 21: 27
                      Take a look at your profile, Yes
                      1. +2
                        13 December 2019 21: 35
                        Fine ... Guys, honestly, not on purpose! smile
                        Do you know who else also "bronzed"?
                      2. +3
                        13 December 2019 21: 49
                        Carry a high rank with honor and pride soldier!
                        And who else also
                      3. +3
                        13 December 2019 22: 18
                        Quote: bubalik
                        Carry a high rank with honor and pride

                        Well, if so, I’m ready to accept congratulations. smile
                        It's nice, although it seems to me that there are people who deserve such a difference more.
                        I will try to match. soldier
                      4. +2
                        13 December 2019 22: 26
                        ready to accept
                        ,, the results are only 30 wink
                      5. +2
                        14 December 2019 12: 35
                        Quote: Trilobite Master
                        It's nice, although it seems to me that there are people who deserve such a difference more.

                        Good day to all! Modesty is our everything! drinks
                      6. +1
                        14 December 2019 06: 51
                        Of course not on purpose.
                        "I'm not guilty!
                        He came himself! " laughing laughing laughing So hold on, Michael, I’m sure you * will get * today. drinks
            2. 0
              15 December 2019 21: 29
              However, "kinder than kind", I do not want to be your opponent. Fig knows what you come up with
      6. 0
        15 December 2019 16: 45
        "Morozov proposed to move ancient dates closer to modern ones" ////
        It turned out to be the opposite. Archaeology refutes it. Ancient Egyptian history has been pushed back 200 years in light of recent discoveries.
  2. +11
    13 December 2019 06: 46
    A remarkable biography of a revolutionary, scientist, sniper. Thanks to the author for the article, otherwise I would not have learned about Nikolai Aleksandrovich Morozov.
    1. +2
      13 December 2019 09: 26
      Yes, a man of legend!
    2. +3
      13 December 2019 21: 25
      Well, about the sniper - this is a bike, of course. He did not leave Bork during the War; his health was not right. And who would let him go?
      If anything - every day I go to work past his museum and grave :)
  3. +11
    13 December 2019 07: 36
    Soon he was awarded the first Order of Lenin.

  4. +10
    13 December 2019 07: 50
    After his release, the future academician was mainly engaged in scientific work.

    1. +10
      13 December 2019 07: 56
      In the same period, Morozov was elected honorary academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

      Nikolai Alexandrovich Morozov
      1. +9
        13 December 2019 08: 08
        Certificate to N. A. Morozov from the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for the right of free exit from Petrograd, Moscow and Rybinsk. With the signature of F.E. Dzerzhinsky.


        1. +9
          13 December 2019 08: 16
          Morozov Nikolay Alexandrovich on the plane. 1912.

          An amnesty was declared on October 28, 1905, and Morozov was released.

          After the conclusion of 1906.
          1. +9
            13 December 2019 08: 30
            There is a small planet Morozovia and a crater on the moon, in honor of N.A. Morozova
            Shlisselburg powder factories after renaming bear his name
            Also a village in the Leningrad region. .
          2. +2
            13 December 2019 19: 49
            After reading the article, the feeling that I was missing something did not leave me. Now it dawned on me after I reviewed the documents you posted.
            I think it is quite possible that Comrade Morozov, among other things, was also an acting agent of the Cheka, and not just an agent, but an agent provocateur.
            In 1932, the Lengubispolcom closed the ROLM, chaired by Morozov. This was preceded by an investigation that revealed an “counter-revolutionary grouping” in the organization. Unlike some colleagues, N.A. Morozov after that was not subjected to harassment, although he had to move to his native village for a while. Borok.

            He was the head of the counter-revolutionary organization, and he was scolded and sent to a reference (they didn’t even send, he left for his homeland), in the same year he was elected to the Academy of Sciences, and a few years later they began to award orders. In the USSR, at that time, where, as for lesser sins, the Soviet regime was put to the wall without hesitation and no revolutionary past saved, rather the opposite.
            No, "it seems to us that you, dear man, snitch" (c)
            1. +5
              13 December 2019 20: 50
              Trilobite Master
              Today, 20: 49

              ,, Morozov jokingly called himself "the last Russian landowner." , ,, in 1923, the estate of Borok by the decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR was transferred to Morozov for life feel
              ,,, such a turn wink
              1. +1
                13 December 2019 20: 59
                Well, so does it lead to that, or what?
                Oh, mom ... Here you have an intelligent scientist.
        2. 0
          13 December 2019 11: 19
          Quote: bubalik

          I. Repin himself wrote as many as four portraits.
          1. +6
            13 December 2019 11: 45
            Morozov N. And in the workshop of I. E. Repin.
            1. -2
              13 December 2019 11: 51
              Some evil languages ​​consider Repin Russophobe and an evil cartoonist.
              Ivan the Terrible kills his son - Until now, not to dodge this slander, not by Repin, but by Russia.
              Very respected N.A. Morozov
  5. +9
    13 December 2019 07: 56
    Yes, an amazing fate. However, a person possessed enviable health, lived for 92 years, even managed to fight before his death, defended his homeland.
  6. +8
    13 December 2019 08: 00
    Good article.
    Interesting fate.
    The fate of the Russian patriot, who lived his life without changing his ideals.
  7. +6
    13 December 2019 08: 22
    the first time I read about a man who went to the scientific path of development in prison .. And in the rest of his life .. just Human! The author, thanks for the story ..
    1. -4
      13 December 2019 08: 40
      Quote: Level 2 Advisor
      who went on a scientific path of development in prison

      In prison, only religious literature was allowed, and Morozov began to study the Bible, eventually writing several dozen volumes of manuscripts on a pseudo-religious topic, his "Christ" alone - a seven-volume, very illiterate, confused and obscure literary work.
      An ardent supporter of the February Revolution, which was not even mentioned in the article, he had no disagreements with the Bolsheviks, and could not be, Morozov was a terrorist to the core.
    2. +2
      13 December 2019 08: 44
      Quote: Level 2 Advisor
      The first time I read about a man who went to the scientific path of development in prison.

      But they didn’t tell you at school how Ilyich, sitting in a cell, wrote leaflets with milk from a bread inkwell?
      1. +3
        13 December 2019 08: 46
        well .. leaflets are a few non-scientific papers .. and not 11 languages ​​to learn .. and so, yes, I read about Ilyich hi
        1. +3
          13 December 2019 08: 48
          Quote: Level 2 Advisor
          and not 11 languages ​​to learn.

          Ilyich knew more ... fellow 22 like ...
          1. +3
            13 December 2019 08: 49
            Yes, there are many scientists with great merit, people who know 40 languages ​​too .. but they didn’t get to this with self-education in prison, this is my surprise)
            1. +2
              13 December 2019 08: 52
              Quote: Level 2 Advisor
              but they didn’t get to it by themselves in prison, this is my surprise)

              What surprises you? For example, in the Vladimir Central there was a Polish branch.
      2. +3
        13 December 2019 14: 38
        Quote: mordvin xnumx
        Quote: Level 2 Advisor
        The first time I read about a man who went to the scientific path of development in prison.

        But they didn’t tell you at school how Ilyich, sitting in a cell, wrote leaflets with milk from a bread inkwell?
        Greetings, Vladimir! Even in my time, they didn’t tell how Lenin wrote in prison.
        But ----- I myself read about the revolutionary Kibalchich, who, before execution, had dreamed about flying to space for several days, developed a project and wrote down all this!
        He took part in the assassination attempt on Alexander II, and invented and made shells with "explosive jelly". For this he was executed by hanging on April 3 (15) together with his fellow revolutionaries Zhelyabov, Perovskaya and other participants in the assassination attempt.
        1. 0
          13 December 2019 14: 49
          Quote: Reptiloid
          Participated in the assassination attempt on Alexander ll,

          And I taught French in school. Parle la Franz, and all that ... crying
          1. +3
            13 December 2019 15: 42
            Quote: mordvin xnumx
            .... And I taught French at school. Parle la Franz, and all that ... crying

            parle vu franze!!!!!------Oh, pardon me Vladimir! Someone said that this assassination attempt was not talked about much?.... Streets named after those revolutionaries who attempted to assassinate were previously in Leningrad. In the 90s, some were given their previous names back, but Kibalchich Street remained
            1. -2
              13 December 2019 15: 50
              Quote: Reptiloid
              parle wu franz !!!!! -

              One figs, I didn’t remember ...
              1. +2
                13 December 2019 18: 23
                one figs, I didn’t remember ... it’s better to remember what seems most important to you at that moment ..... somehow ...
            2. -3
              13 December 2019 16: 58
              Quote: Reptiloid
              the streets with the names of those attempted revolutionaries

              There is a dead end in the name of S. Perovskaya in Kaluga
        2. +1
          13 December 2019 17: 18
          the so-called "First March" process?
          Reptilian (Dmitry?), You probably remember that Rusakov's bomb was "secondary", and the first attempt was an explosion in the Winter Palace. Then Alexander 2 was saved by the fact that he was receiving someone and was late with lunch.
          All these bombs were made by Kibalchich.
      3. +3
        13 December 2019 17: 08
        Dear Mordvin, V.I. in prison did not write leaflets, but revolutionary works.
        It seems that V. I. did not directly write leaflets
        1. +1
          13 December 2019 18: 29
          Quote: Astra wild
          Dear Mordvin, V.I. in prison did not write leaflets, but revolutionary works.
          It seems that V. I. did not directly write leaflets
          Hesitated to ask, dear love interlocutor, maybe you know, but APRIL'S THESES, wrote abroad by Vladimir Ilyich?
          1. +1
            15 December 2019 21: 35
            April abstracts are more than an ordinary leaflet, a whole program. Agree that these are two different things
            1. +1
              15 December 2019 21: 41
              Quote: Astra wild
              April abstracts are more than an ordinary leaflet - a whole program

              Wrote after the February Revolution? When did it become clear that the processes had accelerated?
              But ---- I haven’t read them myself. Yet .... and you ----- read? love
        2. -1
          13 December 2019 20: 26
          Quote: Astra wild
          Dear Mordvin, V.I. in prison did not write leaflets, but revolutionary works.

          So I am a little bit joking. Well, Ilyich wrote on a tree stump ...
  8. +9
    13 December 2019 08: 33
    Here is the elite ..... both in the revolution and in science .... and in the Great Patriotic War sniperil! Every year of life is beneficial.
    1. +7
      13 December 2019 08: 42
      And PMV to participate.

      Morozov Nikolay Alexandrovich. “At War”, 1916
      1. +4
        13 December 2019 08: 43
        And sit in prison. And die a natural death...
  9. +14
    13 December 2019 08: 55
    I have heard about his life. This is a wonderful life.
    I would like to add to the article. I published an article in VO entitled "Assigned to Broadcast to the Entire Country". In this article, I told about the life of the scientist Spirov S.V., my director, and since 1979 my friend. In 1942, Spirov S.V. recreated the Far East radio station in besieged Leningrad. It transmitted at a distance of over 2500 km. Every day, a metronome went on the air on this station, which froze at the 17th second. This meant that the soldiers of the Leningrad Front had sent another fascist to the next world. The effect was amazing. Hitler and Goebbels could do nothing to silence the station. The station's antenna was suspended from the airship's fence cable. For this work, Spirov S.V. was awarded the Order of the Red Star.
    And my father died on the Leningrad Front on 27.12.1941/XNUMX/XNUMX. Major, gunner.
  10. +9
    13 December 2019 09: 42
    What a human being!!! 30 years in prison, and a sniper at 85. What fortitude this man has!
  11. BAI
    13 December 2019 09: 47
    Very worthy, wonderful person.
  12. +3
    13 December 2019 10: 30
    Definitely an unusual, extraordinary person.

    Member of the Second World War, one of the oldest, this can only be admired ....
  13. +1
    13 December 2019 11: 57
    Strange man ..
  14. +7
    13 December 2019 12: 36
    In 1939, he enrolled in OSOAVIAHIM, for sniper courses.

    ,,, the film reminded smile
    - Which faculty?
    - Comrade - not from our institute ...
    1. +4
      13 December 2019 13: 32
      “Here! And their professorship is ready for war!” From the same place. * Deja vu *. angry
    2. 0
      13 December 2019 17: 00
      Excuse me, where did these words come from?
      1. +4
        13 December 2019 17: 03
        Deja Vu - 1989 film
        1. +1
          13 December 2019 17: 59
          I forgot him
          1. 0
            13 December 2019 19: 33
            Don’t be discouraged! But be sure to watch the movie. I’m sure that I’ll like a great movie! hi
      2. -1
        13 December 2019 20: 20
        Quote: Astra wild
        Excuse me, where did these words come from?

        This is from the movie "Deja Vu". About moonshiners. Yes
  15. -1
    13 December 2019 16: 59
    Quote: Bar2
    Quote: Golovan Jack

    And "wrong" is wrong, too, "Russian" write? Or is it just illiteracy?


    what can I say I will not be original, not your dog thing.

    Or, to be more polite: Does this not concern you or is it a problem for you? In my opinion, you can come up with a ton of witty and not so witty
  16. +2
    13 December 2019 17: 49
    Dear author, how to understand: "Morozov and his wife illegally returned to Russia ..... he made attempts to publish his scientific works, Got Married ..", and the first wife? ' You didn't mention what happened to your first wife: she died, divorced? And I would like to know more about his personal life: did he have children, what other than science and revolution he was fond of. For example, V.I. skated on skates, and liked to wander with a gun.
    1. +3
      13 December 2019 18: 56
      Morozov also liked to wander "with a gun", only unlike V.I. not with a smoothbore, but with a sniper rifle. And he did not shoot rabbits. wink
  17. +9
    13 December 2019 19: 07
    A recidivist, a revolutionary, a sniper fighter, a scientist ... this is a biography ... after 30 years of "business trips" I have survived to that age ... also in my right mind ...
    1. -4
      13 December 2019 19: 46
      Quote: Krasnodar

      Repeat offender - in criminal the right person ...., - from the Big Law Dictionary
      Quote: Krasnodar

      Genghis Khan, this is Pope Innocent, as the fruit of scientific research.
      1. +7
        13 December 2019 20: 27
        And I, in Vertuhai, is a person who has served a sentence several times for one occupation. hi
  18. -2
    14 December 2019 15: 52
    I ask you to remember that this old man is a native of inveterate terrorists, moreover, radicals, as they would say now, since terrorist methods were the norm for him and he did not want to weave from them. And the fact that he shot the Germans at the end of his life does not justify him at all - most likely, his craving for murder was also manifested here. So, you shouldn't sing big praises to the "pereboot"!
  19. 0
    14 December 2019 23: 36
    In general, they write that about a sniper this is a fake. Moreover, in the spring of 1942 Morozov fell ill and a plane was sent for him from Moscow to the Yaroslavl Region (he was evacuated there) for an urgent operation.
  20. -1
    15 December 2019 16: 34
    Probably the oldest and wisest sniper. Wow, sniper, 87 years old!