Time to collect stones. Five reasons for the failure of the Middle East settlement

Time to collect stones. Five reasons for the failure of the Middle East settlement

Make money. Not friends (an English idiom)
Make money, not friends (English idiom)

In 1993, the Israelis and Palestinians signed the first peace agreement in Oslo history like the Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Measures. The purpose of this agreement is to defuse the existing conflict and work out steps that should lead to its final peaceful settlement. The subsequent agreement of 1995 confirmed the intentions of both parties and determined the terms for the implementation of the agreements.

It was assumed that already by 1999, all stages of the agreements would be completed, and a new XXI century. Israelis and Palestinians will be met in the world as neighbors. But the long-awaited world turned out to be just an illusion.

For twenty years, the international community has been looking for new initiatives to revive the peace process laid down in the capital of Norway in the 1990-s. For twenty years, Israeli and Palestinian politicians have been winning elections in the “we are them” contrast. As you know, war is a profitable business.

The article discusses the five most fundamental reasons why the world in the format that was defined twenty years ago is unattainable.

Institutional Building of a Palestinian State

The Palestinian National Authority is a "weak", "failed" state. Why can PNA be considered a state? In the 2012, the UN General Assembly recognized Palestine as a state in the status of UN observer, and this resolution was approved by 138 of the 193 states represented in the world organization. From a “legal point of view, the UN does not have the authority to recognize a particular state” [2, p. 14], therefore, the presence of a state in the UN does not matter in order to consider the state recognized. However, if the state has the status of “UN observer states and the right to participate in organizations under the auspices of the UN” [2, p. 15] is a de facto recognition of the legitimacy of a state. The presence or absence of international recognition is not a determinant of the political sovereignty of any state. This fact also does not determine the degree of its stability or sustainability.

What are “weak” states? “Weak” states are an integral element of the organization of the world at the present stage of its development [2, p. 15]. "Weak" states appeared in the 1990-ies. with the collapse of the bipolar world, when the countries that entered the political orbit of the USSR were unable to protect their sovereignty in local conflicts, when the local ruling elites lost the ability to determine the political process within their borders [2, p. 16]. This was also due to the fact that the nature of conflicts acquired the color of civil wars, which meant the appearance of an asymmetric conflict. In the new reality, the role of international law and its real application in these conflicts is often simply absent. Consequently, such states often become targets of hybrid wars, easily manipulate and establish control over them, creating “controlled chaos” in their territory, since these technologies are based on the presence and growth of domestic contradictions. All this leads to a collapse in the development of political institutions, to the degradation of the state.

The fact of the institutional crisis in the PNA is mainly related to the crisis in the PLO structures: a split between the elite of the diaspora and the elite directly “in the territories”; the political crisis of 2007 caused by the elections to the CCD in 2006 and resulting in a “political and territorial division between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank; “The destruction of political pluralism in two enclaves and the varying degree of authoritarianism of the ruling movements in each of them” and others [2, p. 277]

The reasons for the deepening political crisis in the PNA were both political factors (the death of Y. Arafat, the degradation of the political institutions of Fatah and the PLO), and economic (the decline in the material and technical base, the closure of enterprises, high unemployment, a decrease in foreign financial aid flows); prolonged armed confrontation with Israel (the al-Aqsa intifada, which was bloody for the Palestinians) and humanitarian disasters (the blockade of the Gaza Strip imposed by Israel and the sanctions against the PNA).

Consequently, one of the side processes of the crisis in question was the emergence of enclaves - the ideal soil for strengthening the positions of radical, extremist and military groups that could become absolutely legitimate power in the lands of the Palestinian National Authority. A vivid example of this is the Hamas movement, which joined the Palestinian Legislative Council in 2006 during legitimate, democratic, and West-sanctioned elections.

It is worth noting that the moral old age of the M. Abbas regime in the West Bank, which led to the marginalization and degradation of the political institutions of the PNA, together with his physical old age, all have a tendency, especially against the backdrop of the increasing role of the ethno-confessional and ethno-political component of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which The West Bank will strengthen the position of those radical groups that have been steadily developing in the Gaza Strip under Hamas as integral actors in the PNA’s political life.

This thesis contradicts the position of Israel, which has consistently opposed the participation in the elections of the Palestinian Authority of religious radical parties and movements that do not recognize the Jewish state and all those agreements that are concluded in the framework of a peaceful settlement of the conflict in the Oslo format.

Failure to recognize already signed peace agreements in the event of the transfer of key Palestinian National Authority authorities to Hamas and other radical parties (and groups) means the impossibility of any dialogue between the two conflicting parties (Israel and Palestine) within the framework of the above agreements.

The Role of the Arab Countries and the “Arab Spring”

It is necessary to distinguish three main (classical) tracks (by means of which it is possible to influence the Middle East settlement): Egyptian, Jordanian and Syrian. In this article, only the Egyptian track will be examined in detail, since even the Jordanian track, like the Egyptian one, is highlighted in [5] in the Declaration of Principles on Temporary Self-Government Measures, however, in 1988, Jordan abandoned its claims to the West Bank, and in 1999. the entire “external” Hamas leadership was expelled from the country, which first moved to Doha and then to Damascus [2, p. 221]. The Syrian track at the moment is not so relevant, in connection with the hostilities that broke out in the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic, but it is worth noting that through the territory of Syria Iran is assisted by one or another radical Islamist group participating in the “proxy war” with Israel.

Meanwhile, the Cairo track, as EM Primakov emphasized, remains important in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict for several reasons [3, p. 585].

First, Egypt initially played an important role in the creation of Palestinian institutions of power and in the Palestinian national movement. At the present stage, Cairo is a mediator in the negotiations between conflicting groups within the PNA - Fatah and Hamas.

Secondly, the "Arab spring" also affected Egypt, as a result of which it came to power in 2011 – 2012. Muslim Brotherhood came. As a result of the victory of the fundamentalist party in Egypt, the Islamist radicals in the Gaza Strip gained hope to consolidate their power in the enclave and the PNA, and to legitimize their methods of action, such as waging an armed struggle against Israel.

Thirdly, in the short term, Israel will still depend on supplies of Egyptian oil and gas. Consequently, if Islamic fundamentalists come to power in Egypt again, they may impose restrictions on the supply of hydrocarbons needed by Israel. In the past, the Muslim Brothers did this in an attempt to help Hamas achieve equilibrium with Israel in a non-zero sum game (“win-win”).

Fourth, the change of regime in Cairo is dangerous because it will lose real control over the border with the Gaza Strip from the Sinai Peninsula, which will lead to an uncontrolled flow of money and weapons to the Palestinian enclave. In 2011 – 2013 the struggle for power of various power groups in Egypt led to the fact that the terrorist group IS (a terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation) was entrenched in the Sinai Peninsula. It is known that the Islamic State considers the destruction of Israel a necessary condition. Thus, Hamas assistance at that point in time increased significantly. Moreover, the fighting cells of Islamic fundamentalists from the Gaza Strip have the opportunity to travel through IS-controlled corridors to third countries to undergo military training there in the camps or to teach military-technical specialties. The members of Hamas and other radical groups can now use the actual combat experience in their confrontation with Israel.

Thus, the events that happened in Egypt (as, incidentally, the likelihood of a similar scenario recurring in the future) are a destabilizing factor. The loss of control by Egypt on the border with the Gaza Strip may lead to Israel "re-occupying the Gaza Strip", which will lead to a large-scale conflict between Hamas and the state of Israel in the Gaza Strip [3, p. 586].

Ethno-territorial, ethno-political and ethno-confessional components of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict

The essence of the ethno-territorial conflict is that both Jews and Arabs identify their nationality with the same territory. The dispute between the two peoples, as Vladimir Zhabotinsky pointed out, goes "for a piece of land" [2, p. 112]. The territorial issue is the core of Palestinian nationalism and Jewish Zionism [4, p. 215].

The ethnopolitical component of the conflict lies in the difference between political cultures and political values ​​of Israelis and Palestinians. In this case, the key role is played by the historical memory of peoples, which is built on national grievances.

A completely new component of the conflict is ethno-confessional. It arose at the beginning of the 1990's. and is characteristic of both parties to the conflict. On the one hand, the role of organizations and movements based on Islamic fundamentalism has intensified in the PNA (primarily, the strengthening and growth of the positions of Hamas and its affiliated movements in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank). On the other hand, in Israeli society, especially among Jewish settlers in the "territories", extreme right-wing religious-nationalist organizations of an anti-Arab orientation began to receive active support.

Palestinian society in the PNA is currently becoming increasingly religious. First, the positions of Islamic fundamentalists in recent years have been strengthened in the MENA region. Secondly, Hamas is growing in popularity in the Palestinian Authority, as the movement implements a more effective patriotic agenda, as opposed to surrendering Fatah and PLO positions.

Moreover, the ethnopsychology of the subjects of the conflict in all three components, as indicated by I. Zvyagelskaya [1, p. 140] and V.A. Korochkina [2, p. 118], lies in the opposition “we are them”, where “they” are carriers of sociocultural and religious signs different from “we”. As a result, the ethno-limited nature of both subjects of the conflict arises, which leads to the fact that none of the parties is ready to "trade" their values.

Consequently, autonomy (for the Palestinians) is only an intermediate stage, since it does not guarantee full ethnic protection to the Palestinian people.

Israeli Settlement Policy

In the Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Measures, the issue of settlements is referred to the final peace settlement [6], after a five-year transition period. However, this stage has not yet begun.

Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip (before 2005) and the West Bank are one of the main barriers to establishing long-term peace between the two conflicting parties, since for the Jewish and Palestinian people the process of national construction is based on the sacredness of the place and territory [4, p. 242].

However, even if we ignore such an important factor as the “sacredness” of the land of Judea and Samaria for Jews (ethno-territorial factor), it is extremely problematic to resettle such a large number of settlers from the point of view of the Israeli economy, since approximately 600 now lives in these settlements behind the “green line” thousand Israeli settlers [7] [8]. The territory of Israel is small, especially the territory suitable for living and economic activity. Relocating almost 600 thousand people to the central or northern part of the country is an almost impossible task. Only in Tel Aviv okrug there are about 1,5 million people [9], and Tel Aviv okrug is a continuous urban development (which stretches along the Mediterranean Sea from Hadera to Gedera) - one of the most expensive in the world [10]. What will happen if at least a third of the settlers want to live in the Tel Aviv agglomeration? The state, of course, subsidizes the resettlement of settlers from the West Bank to the territory of "mainland" Israel. However, experience from unilateral demarcation with the Gaza Strip has shown that the allocated funds are not enough to cover the losses of the settlers.

Another question is the moral readiness of various parts and groups of Israeli society for the withdrawal of settlements.

Firstly, it is difficult for settlers to absorb in mainland Israel due to certain economic factors. On the one hand, the state must provide them with jobs, for example, build new production (on such expensive land). On the other hand, agricultural or other business owned by settlers in the “territories” can often bring them much more income.

Secondly, the delimitation for the settlers themselves is a huge stress. Not all resettled Israelis from the Gaza Strip and a number of territories of Samaria, as part of a unilateral demarcation from the PNA in 2005, were able to integrate into the economic and political life of Israel: some of them either left the country or were completely marginalized. As a result, A. Sharon received a split in society, which led to the growth of radical and extremist ideas. The split nearly led to widespread violence (although a number of incidents were [11]) and dangerous unrest in Israel.

The radicalization of Palestinian youth

In 2015, in Israel, against the backdrop of the unresolved final Palestinian-Israeli confrontation, a new round of escalation of the conflict began, which claimed many lives. In most cases, Palestinian radicals attacked Jews on both sides of the "green line" (the so-called Israeli border until 5 on June 1967, when the Six Day War broke out) [12]. Many media in those days dubbed this surge in violence against Jews the “Intifada of knives” or the “Intifada of Jerusalem.” At the same time, social networks became the main source of provocations, and the young Palestinians became the main actors (as, among other things, the instigators of the attacks).

The social media intifada is essentially a phenomenon not controlled by the Fatah Palestinian leaders (in the Western press you can find such terms [13] as “leaderless” / “leaderless Palestinian youth”). Of course, the role of radical Islamist movements and the role of Hamas in the incitement and calls to kill Jews published on social networks cannot be denied, but they are only a catalyst.

The driving force behind this phenomenon is Palestinian youth - one that is a contemporary of extremely unsuccessful attempts at a peaceful settlement within the framework of the process laid down by the Oslo 1993 and 1995 Agreements. and violent acts by both Palestinian radical militias and Israeli military and Jewish extremists living in settlements in the West Bank. These young people do not believe the Palestinian leaders who signed the peace agreements (but at the same time they fall under the ideological influence of the radicals): high youth unemployment, poor education and lack of leisure are not what they expected from the world with Israel.

This situation is an extremely dangerous trend, as today's youth leaders in Palestine, posting photographs and videos of attacks on social networks calling for violence against Jews, tomorrow (or once) will become the official leaders of the Palestinian people who will have to sit at the negotiating table. But will they sit down? ..

* * *

The ongoing violence and the above-mentioned aspects of the problems make a peaceful settlement within the framework of the Oslo process impossible. However, there are chances to achieve peace, albeit within the framework of a new format.

First, Palestinian society must overcome the internal political crisis caused by the degradation and marginalization of its political institutions. For this, the leaders of the PLO and Fatah need to recognize the growing role of Hamas in the political life of autonomy and integrate the movement into government bodies. Secondly, it is important to develop an adequate system for the election of representatives of the Palestinian people in the political institutions of the PNA. They should include both the part of Palestinian society that lives in the territory controlled by Israel and the one that lives in the diaspora. Moreover, a greater number of seats should be provided to representatives of Palestinians living directly in the territory controlled by the PNA. Thirdly, the number of Palestinian institutions and their functions should be put in order and limited in their number in order to more effectively represent one, common foreign policy line of the state. Fourth, Hamas and Fatah must control the radical and extremist cells affiliated with them, whose activities often lead to disruption of negotiations and worsen the political image of the PNA on the world stage.

Considering the role of international mediators in the peace process, it should be noted that it was not successful. On the one hand, bilateral contradictions negatively affect the consolidation of intermediaries. On the other hand, the political situation in the cosponsoring countries themselves, as a result of which the political regime of each country pursues its own interests. Moreover, the international community needs to closely monitor the spending of funds allocated by the PNA through numerous assistance programs.

Israel must also develop a coherent policy with the PNA so that it does not depend on the electoral cycle. To do this, consolidate the factions in the Knesset, which at this stage seems to be a difficult task. The confrontation within the right-wing camp and the opposition of the Likud party to the left camp, resulting in criminal trials of the current Prime Minister B. Netanyahu, do not allow this.

In order for a final peace settlement to take place, time is needed. However, the temporary component also plays against this thesis - it only exacerbates interethnic contradictions.

Bibliographic Description
[1] Zvyagelskaya I. Middle East Clinch: Conflicts in the Middle East and Russian Politics / Irina Zvyagelskaya. - M.: Publishing house "Aspect Press", 2014. - 208 sec.
[2] V. Korochkina. The state is on the way: the institutional construction of Palestine or a political scam / V. A. Korochkina. - SPb .: Conflict Development Development Fund, 2016. - 286 sec.
[3] Primakov E. M. Russia in the modern world. Past, Present, Future / Evgeni Primakov. - M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 2018. - 607 sec.
[4] Yiftachel, O. Territory as the Kernel of the Nation: Space, Time and Nationalism in Israel / Palestine, Geopolitics, 7 (2). 2002. pp. 215 – 248. DOI: 10.1080 / 714000930
[5] Declaration of Principles on Temporary Self-Government Measures [Oslo Accords]. Article XII, Appendix II (4).
[6] Declaration of Principles on Temporary Self-Government Measures [Oslo Accords]. Article V (1,3).
[7] Ferziger, J. Israeli Settlements // Bloomberg.
[8] Settlements // The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories (B'Tselem).
[9] ISRAEL: Tel Aviv District // City Population.
[10] Schindler, M. Tel Aviv Now Ninth Most Expensive City in the World // The Jerusalem Post.
[11] Chernin V. (Velvl). Essay on the history of Jewish terror in Eretz Yisrael // Institute of the Middle East.
[12] Tsarev M. Intifada of social networks: a new stage in the bloody conflict? // Military Review.
[13] Rudoren, J. Leaderless Palestinian Youth, Inspired by Social Media, Drive Rise in Violence in Israel // The New York Times.
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  1. -15
    30 November 2019 19: 26
    Israel is an instrument for a Middle East settlement. As long as Israel exists, there is no need to talk about any failure of the settlement.
    1. +20
      30 November 2019 21: 30
      Quote: iouris
      Israel is an instrument for a Middle East settlement.

      No! Not this way. Israil is a tool of the SGA to prevent peace in the Middle East! Old story: looking for someone profitable!
      1. +13
        30 November 2019 23: 26
        Quote: Aleksandre (Alexander)
        And exactly what agreements with Russia were violated by Israel?
        Israel violated agreements to prevent incidents in Syria, which led to the death of the Russian IL-20. And the guilt of Israel is obvious in creating a situation in the airspace of Syria, which led to the death of the IL-20. Little of, that the Jews didn’t warn in time for the Russian Ministry of Defense, according to the agreement, and indicated the wrong area of ​​the air operation, which did not allow the IL-20 to be pulled out in time and put on the Khmeinim airfield. In this case, Israeli F-16 aircraft flew up one azimuth from the Il-20, actually hiding behind. Anti-aircraft missile anti-aircraft complex S-200 retargeting from F-16 hit the target with a larger IL-20 image intensifier.
        1. -14
          30 November 2019 23: 58
          Quote: Inocentius
          Quote: Aleksandre (Alexander)
          And exactly what agreements with Russia were violated by Israel?
          Israel violated agreements to prevent incidents in Syria, which led to the death of the Russian IL-20. And the guilt of Israel is obvious in creating a situation in the airspace of Syria, which led to the death of the IL-20. Little of, that the Jews didn’t warn in time for the Russian Ministry of Defense, according to the agreement, and indicated the wrong area of ​​the air operation, which did not allow the IL-20 to be pulled out in time and put on the Khmeinim airfield. In this case, Israeli F-16 aircraft flew up one azimuth from the Il-20, actually hiding behind. Anti-aircraft missile anti-aircraft complex S-200 retargeting from F-16 hit the target with a larger IL-20 image intensifier.

          1) Warned 10 minutes before hitting the target - according to Konashenkov.
          2) The area was specified exactly - Syria, North, industrial facility, attack on the east of Cyprus. Just the North does not mean Arkhangelsk, but the north of you - i.e. from Hmeimim
          3) If the plane performing the mission in the north of Syria, not located in the vicinity of Khmeimim at the time of the warning about the attack, was introduced into the area of ​​someone else’s air defense battle, who is to blame?
          4) According to the map provided by Konashenkov, the plane was 4-5 km away from Ila. In this way:
          a) for S-200 it did not seem to be one target with Il - for this the distance between them should have been a maximum of 100 m.
          b) The small fighter, which is far away, the Syrians did not see, but the big Il did not notice?
          Three parties are to blame for this:
          1) The Israelis, who generally carried out an air attack in this area, could well have been slaughtered from the sea by the forces of the Navy.
          2) KP Hmeimim, due to which Il was in the zone of another battle air defense and did not force the Syrians to cease fire while being Il
          3) Syrians who beat on everything that they saw
          There was no non-compliance by Israel. Settles too. It was the execution of the task by the wrong method, ignorance of the quality of the command of AB Khmeimim, careless miscalculation of the consequences
          1. +12
            1 December 2019 02: 17
            1) Warned 10 minutes before hitting the target - according to Konashenkov.

            do you even understand what it means to warn 10 minutes? I don’t understand why ours didn’t beat them to hell for breakfast ...
            1. -12
              1 December 2019 02: 51
              Quote: Rostislav White
              1) Warned 10 minutes before hitting the target - according to Konashenkov.

              do you even understand what it means to warn 10 minutes? I don’t understand why ours didn’t beat them to hell for breakfast ...

              Understand. When I do not have a single ship or aircraft within a radius of 100 km - this is the norm. Now, if I brought my plane into the zone of someone else’s air defense battle, the question is how long I will go to prison or, at best, how quickly they will remove me from the army. Why not shot down?
              I believe that the Israelis simply weren’t seen and sent the IL-20 there to assess the situation, because decided that the Frenchman was shooting.
              I have no other explanation for the appearance of the RER aircraft in the zone of another fight. If they thought that the Jews were beating with some fright at the Kurds and Turkoman in Idlib, they could land the plane in Damascus, and not give him a command to land under the fire of Syrian air defense.
              1. +6
                1 December 2019 03: 03
                don’t be offended, but you’re carrying out a blizzard - it’s just passing on impudence (like a hoop) (like hto it didn’t react — on time, there was no order), but you will have to pay for it in the future — on the S-300, the personnel of the SAA and this is not the last air defense that will be delivered there, and strike weapons too, I understand that framing parts of the SAA is a long process, but it goes ...
                1. -10
                  1 December 2019 03: 24
                  Yes, it’s not the first time that they have been trained, run in, cropped .. to a zero, as always. By the way, long before this tragedy, the Israelis warned for a decent amount of time, but the Iranians with hezbalonnami managed to turn off objects, because this line is being tapped by the Syrians. Therefore, they began to warn in minutes, but - again, there is a war going on, so we need to be more serious about what is happening and think what you are doing.
                  1. +6
                    1 December 2019 03: 35
                    blah-blah-blah had time to roll up - you are at least friends with your head, or you need to chew the elementary - by what means what targets hit, oh yes, the "Malants" have sparrows and guns poured, is it a politician? ;)
                    It’s like Kurt Vonnegut’s: all fools have one problem - at least they’re stupid, they don’t even imagine that in the world there is such a thing as common sense
                    1. -2
                      1 December 2019 03: 40
                      Yes, do not worry you so))
                      You are an intelligent, highly educated, intelligent person - tell me, you fool, why you had to send a RER plane from the city of Idlib to someone else's air defense battle?
                      In simpler words, Schaub I understood laughing
                      And what about goals-means-Malanians-politicians?
                      In literary Russian can you explain in detail?
                      1. +7
                        1 December 2019 03: 54
                        literary - go to a farm of butterflies to catch, provocateurs and without you enough fakes to spread ...
                      2. -7
                        1 December 2019 04: 14
                        I knew that you had nothing to answer good
                      3. +2
                        1 December 2019 04: 15
                        buy an elephant (bored tale)
                  2. -2
                    1 December 2019 07: 58
                    Quote: Krasnodar
                    By the way, long before this tragedy, the Israelis warned for a decent amount of time, but the Iranians with hezbalonnami managed to turn off objects, because this line is being tapped by the Syrians.

                    The communication line is closed and is not tapped. Just someone warned the Islamists. I won’t know who it could be. wassat
                  3. 0
                    1 December 2019 10: 19
                    whoever sows the wind will reap the storm
          2. +10
            1 December 2019 02: 39
            Quote: Krasnodar
            ) Warned 10 minutes before hitting the target - according to Konashenkov.
            2) The area was specified exactly - Syria, North, industrial facility, attack on the east of Cyprus. Just the North does not mean Arkhangelsk, but the north of you - i.e. from Hmeimim
            3) If the plane performing the mission in the north of Syria, not located in the vicinity of Khmeimim at the time of the warning about the attack, was introduced into the area of ​​someone else’s air defense battle, who is to blame?
            4) According to the map provided by Konashenkov, the plane was 4-5 km away from Ila. In this way:
            a) for S-200 it did not seem to be one target with Il - for this the distance between them should have been a maximum of 100 m.
            b) The small fighter, which is far away, the Syrians did not see, but the big Il did not notice?
            Three parties are to blame for this:
            1) The Israelis, who generally carried out an air attack in this area, could well have been slaughtered from the sea by the forces of the Navy.
            2) KP Hmeimim, due to which Il was in the zone of another battle air defense and did not force the Syrians to cease fire while being Il
            3) Syrians who beat on everything that they saw
            There was no non-compliance by Israel. Settles too. It was the execution of the task by the wrong method, ignorance of the quality of the command of AB Khmeimim, careless miscalculation of the consequences

            Krasnodar, as always dirty lie dishonest Jew! Shame on you!
            1. Warned for 1 minute before the start of striking in violation of the agreements. Watch the briefing and don't lie.
            2. The area was indicated in the north of Syria, and struck at western part Latakia province. There is a dirty lie of a Jew under the nickname Krasnodar! Krasnodar, watch the briefing and do not write a lie, you probably, like many Jews, have problems with geography?
            3. IL-20 landed when the F-16 flew up one azimuth. Krasnodar, learn materiel and do not write nonsense, if you do not understand the resolving power of the radar. 4-5 km is enough at one azimuth to redirect the S-200 anti-aircraft missile to a target with a larger image intensifier.
            Quote: Krasnodar
            a) for S-200 it did not seem to be one target with Il - for this the distance between them should have been a maximum of 100 m.

            Krasnodar, an illiterate strategist! You don’t even know what the radar parameter is called and write a lie!
            For people like you:
            The radar for illuminating the target of the S-200 system has the name 5N62 (NATO: Square Pair), the range of the detection zone is about 400 km. It consists of two cabins, one of which is actually a radar, and in the second there is a control point and a digital computer “Flame-KV”. Used to track and highlight targets. It is the main weak point of the complex: having a parabolic design, it is able to accompany only one target, in case of detection of a separating target, it manually switches to it. It has a high continuous power of 3 kW, which is associated with frequent cases of incorrect interception of larger targets.

            This also exists on Wikipedia, as Jews try to copy into it from Russian sites, and then blame the Russians in copy from Wikipedia. Jews even already your fake about the alleged second defeat of the Russian Shell-C1, have already been submitted to Wikipedia in order to refer to the document in a dispute with the Russians. Lies don't smell like money.
            Krasnodar, the rest of your lies and assumptions I will not even comment. See a briefing by the Russian Ministry of Defense and do not lie!
            1. -10
              1 December 2019 03: 11
              Do not hysteria! laughing

              17.09.2018/20/31 at 20:21 IL-39 began to barrage somewhere near the city of Idlib. At 16:39 p.m. four Israeli F-90 fighters entered the GBU-20 gliding bomb launch zone. In the wake of this, a warning was issued about the start of an attack in the Russian aerospace forces. The barrage zone was located 40 km west of Latakia. Start was made at 7:10. These bombs are aimed at predetermined ground targets and do not represent danger to other aircraft. Approximately after XNUMX-XNUMX minutes, these bombs reached their targets.

              This is a briefing by Konashenkov
              That is, a warning was given 8-11 minutes before hitting targets.
              Problems with the subject are military topography at KP Hmeimim, from which the target is located in the north-northwest.
              Being at the same azimuth with a radar-guided missile is not enough to hit another target - I’m talking about the material I’ve studied. About your link - did the Syrian take the IL-20 for the "target separating from the F-16" and manually switch the S-200 to a large reconnaissance? Do you even understand what you are writing?
              1. -2
                1 December 2019 08: 04
                What is the argument at all? CAM Putin said "about a chain of tragic random circumstances. "And that's all. The topic is closed. hi
                1. -3
                  1 December 2019 08: 10
                  And we do not argue
                  A dispute is arguing with further discussion.
                  And not this:
                  Krasnodar, as always dirty lie dishonest Jew! Disgrace
                  1. -3
                    1 December 2019 09: 16
                    Well, of course. "Jew" is the main argument and argument. wink
                    1. -2
                      1 December 2019 10: 02
                      And a joke)).
                2. 0
                  1 December 2019 10: 21
                  Quote: professor
                  Putin himself said "about a chain of tragic accidental circumstances." And that's all. Locked topic

                  What else should he say? About tomatoes to execute again?
            2. -4
              1 December 2019 10: 19
              Quote: Inocentius
              Watch the briefing and don't lie.

              What a briefing, Konashenkova?

              What are you doing at all? The plane was lost in the combat zone, what a surprise.
  2. +4
    30 November 2019 19: 31
    "proxy" war with Israel.
    What does it consist of?
    In periodic terrorist attacks by rockets?
    Rather, it is quite a traditional Israeli war, carried out by delivering serious blows to selected targets and opponents.
  3. +6
    30 November 2019 19: 39
    To negotiate with Israel is the same as with Ukraine. Dolls without their will.
    1. -5
      30 November 2019 20: 21
      Quote: Captive
      To negotiate with Israel is the same as with Ukraine. Dolls without their will.

      And exactly what agreements with Russia were violated by Israel? And then it’s impossible to know everything, maybe I missed something ...
      1. +4
        30 November 2019 20: 25
        No need to fuss. We will wait and see. hi
      2. +7
        30 November 2019 20: 27
        Somehow 20 Russian pilots feel sorry
        1. -7
          30 November 2019 21: 02
          This is for the Syrians.
      3. +5
        30 November 2019 21: 36
        Quote: Aleksandre
        maybe I missed something ...

        Downed from the sack of a Russian plane with twenty military personnel! What, take and forget ?!
        1. -9
          30 November 2019 21: 49
          Israeli rocket?
        2. -12
          30 November 2019 22: 09
          Quote: Tol100v
          Shot down stealthily on a Russian plane with twenty military personnel! What, take and forget ?!

          A downed plane (in fact, by the Syrians, by the way, a downed one) can be considered as a dirty and mean base, even causing a slight affection for the Auschwitz health resort camp. But this has nothing to do with the contractability of Israel.
          1. +3
            1 December 2019 10: 39
            Quote: Aleksandre
            causing a slight affection for the spa camp Auschwitz.

            In the USSR, Auschwitz is better known as Auschwitz. You can ride there, now it’s easy.
      4. +7
        30 November 2019 23: 17
        Quote: Aleksandre
        And exactly what agreements with Russia were violated by Israel?

        Israel were violated arrangements for the prevention of incidents in Syria, which led to the death of the Russian IL-20 aircraft. And the guilt of Israel is obvious in creating the situation in the airspace of Syria, which led to the death of the IL-20. Not only are the Jews did not warn in time Russian Defense Ministryas agreed, and indicated the wrong area of ​​the air operation that did not allow in time to withdraw the IL-20 and put on the airport Khmeinim. Moreover, withthe Israeli Air Force F-16 ammunition flew up one azimuth from the Il-20, actually hiding behind. Anti-aircraft missile anti-aircraft complex S-200 retargeting from F-16 hit target with a larger image intensifier IL-20.
        Alexander, do not knowingly write a lie, everyone has been aware of this incident for a long time! AND Israeli wines 100%.
        1. -11
          1 December 2019 00: 06
          “In its statement, Russia stated that Israel’s“ irresponsible actions ”were to blame, saying that a warning had been given before the attacks in less than a minute, which was not enough to remove a military surveillance aircraft.
          “Israeli aircraft deliberately created a dangerous situation for surface ships and aircraft in the area,” said a spokesman for the Ministry of Defense. ”
          Israel warned Russia (in less than a minute), but Russia warned Syria? And who taught the Syrians? And in general - in a war as in a war, it is called “falling under friendly fire”, it happens ...
          By the way, there are no perpetrators at the front, they simply do not exist. If you are at war, then prepare yourself and die. Or in Syria, the sky / earth is peaceful? And Russia landed troops on the beach? Under the mushrooms?
        2. -5
          1 December 2019 08: 24
          Quote: Inocentius
          Aleksandre, do not knowingly write a lie, everyone has been aware of this incident for a long time! And the wines of Israel are 100%.

          It is a pity that the Supreme Commander does not go to VO and he does not know.
          1. The comment was deleted.
          2. The comment was deleted.
      5. -2
        1 December 2019 10: 40
        Quote: Aleksandre
        Which agreements with Russia were violated by Israel?

        Who cares? It can’t lie to the RF Ministry of Defense, agree.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  4. -2
    30 November 2019 19: 58
    There has been a showdown since 610 CE And they will go until there is at least one Muslim and one Jew on earth.
    1. +11
      30 November 2019 19: 59
      What did the Jews do there in 610 AD?
      1. -5
        30 November 2019 20: 31
        The presence of Jews in 610 A.D. on this earth was quite massive, despite the persecution by the Byzantines. In 636 AD, after the Arab conquest of Jerusalem, thousands of Jews from Tiberias, Safed, and other cities of Eretz Israel moved to the city (Byzantines did not allow Jews to live in Jerusalem)
      2. -10
        30 November 2019 22: 33
        Quote: Tsarev Matvey
        What did the Jews do there in 610 AD?

        It's clear that. Harassed the poor Fylists. True, until 1964, the Arabs were not called Fylystyns, but we will not let the facts confuse us.
    2. 0
      1 December 2019 17: 13
      Quote: Amateur
      And they will go until there is at least one Muslim and one Jew on earth.

      The Jordan River, almost the only source of fresh water in those places. When the state of Israel was born, the Zionists bought all land adjacent to the water, and in the early 50s, many Jews, in spite of their condition, age, health, took up ketmen and built the best land reclamation system in the world that provides Israel with water from the Jordan. Palestinians blocked access to water by the walls. Outwardly, it is difficult to distinguish a Jew from a Palestinian, there remains only an internal difference - Faith, which covers the motivation for possessing resources. I would say that while there are people on earth and there is something to share, there will always be conflicts between people.
  5. +6
    30 November 2019 20: 32
    But the warring factions in Gaza may unite.
    In addition, Israel did not fully realize that Hamas is the choice of the Palestinians and a war with this movement means a war with an entire people.
    Israel itself is sliding to the right. Orthodox are clearly against peace talks.
    The prospects are gloomy.
    1. -5
      30 November 2019 21: 10
      Quote: knn54
      But the warring factions in Gaza may unite.

      So what? wink
      Quote: knn54
      war with this movement means war with an entire nation.

      It is some Arabs who still do not understand what to fight with Israel - is to fight with the Jewish people. However, recently, an understanding of this fact seems to find more understanding in the Arab world.
      Quote: knn54
      Orthodox are clearly against peace talks.

      Orthodox do not engage in international relations at all. hi
      1. -7
        30 November 2019 21: 19
        Orthodox do not recognize Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state - let's start with this laughing
        1. +10
          30 November 2019 21: 22
          it is better to say ultra-orthodox, orthodox partially accept the state (sounds awful, but as it is)
          1. -11
            30 November 2019 21: 23
            It seems to me that in this context the "orthodox" has nothing to do with Judaism and its sects at all.
          2. -7
            30 November 2019 21: 36
            To simplify, the majority of the electorate of ultra-religious parties (with the exception of the Shas - Sephardic Orthodox) do not recognize Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state.
        2. +3
          30 November 2019 21: 23
          as a jewish state

          And as whom recognize? )))
          1. -8
            30 November 2019 21: 37
            As an illegally created country living under non-Jewish laws, i.e. not according to Halacha (an analogue of Sharia in Judaism).
            1. +2
              30 November 2019 23: 02
              As an illegally created country living under non-Jewish laws

              Hmm ... not just you have everything there ....)))
            2. +7
              30 November 2019 23: 35
              Oh how ...
              I did not see the lower koment. And what do they (orthodoxes) want in real life?
              1. -9
                30 November 2019 23: 36
                Quote: LiSiCyn
                Oh how ...
                I did not see the lower koment. And what do they (orthodoxes) want in real life?

                The state that they will build after the coming of the Messiah, living according to the laws of Halacha (the Jewish analogue of Sharia).
                1. +4
                  1 December 2019 00: 31
                  So, and before that, where to live? Like gypsies, where do you have to?
                  Quote: Krasnodar
                  living according to the laws of Halakha (Jewish counterpart of Sharia).

                  Tough topic?
                  1. -9
                    1 December 2019 01: 15
                    Quote: LiSiCyn
                    So, and before that, where to live? Like gypsies, where do you have to?
                    Quote: Krasnodar
                    living according to the laws of Halakha (Jewish counterpart of Sharia).

                    Tough topic?

                    Prior to this, they are quite satisfied with modern Israel, where you can get handouts from wealthy co-religionists from abroad, as well as have three pennies of payments from the state to social programs - children, etc. Freebie)).
                    According to Halacha - observance of 613 commandments))).
                2. -1
                  1 December 2019 10: 44
                  Quote: Krasnodar
                  what do they (orthodoxes) want in real life?

                  The state that they will build after the coming of the Messiah, living according to the laws of Halacha

                  There also the Temple needs to be built back in place basin Moscow
                  1. +3
                    1 December 2019 11: 42
                    Messiah Temple State
                    And between the mosque of Omar and Al-Aksoy, by the way, there is enough space
                    1. 0
                      1 December 2019 11: 46
                      Quote: Krasnodar
                      between the mosque of Omar and Al-Aksoy, by the way, there is enough space

                      No, this is not labor. There is only one Temple on Temple Mount.
                      1. +2
                        1 December 2019 11: 51
                        Come on. )) The Jews had such an opportunity in 1967, it was so easy to give the keys to Muslims. I don’t know about the orthodox, but according to Judaism, Islam is a monotheistic religion, so in any case the mosques should not be touched, because they do not contradict anything and do not interfere with anyone
                      2. -2
                        1 December 2019 11: 55
                        Quote: Krasnodar
                        don't bother anyone

                        When real Jews begin to build real Israel, the first thing they will do with rootless cosmopolitans is am .
                      3. -1
                        1 December 2019 12: 12
                        Not ))
                        They are not like that
                      4. -2
                        1 December 2019 12: 20
                        Quote: Krasnodar
                        They are not like that

                        Yitzhak Rabin agreed with you.
                      5. -1
                        1 December 2019 11: 57
                        Quote: Krasnodar
                        Jews had such an opportunity in 1967, they just gave the keys to Muslims

                        These are not real Jews.
        3. +4
          30 November 2019 23: 31
          Quote: Krasnodar
          Orthodox do not recognize Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state - let's start with this

          What is it like ? It turns out they are against the existence of their own country? what
          1. -5
            30 November 2019 23: 35
            Quote: LiSiCyn
            Quote: Krasnodar
            Orthodox do not recognize Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state - let's start with this

            What is it like ? It turns out they are against the existence of their own country? what

            So for sure, but they do not consider it to be their own country, while willingly taking advantage of the benefits that it provides
          2. +2
            1 December 2019 10: 48
            Quote: LiSiCyn
            Are they against the existence of their own country?

            It is a bogus Israel without Gd that takes the place of heavenly Israel. It's like "restore the USSR", only the real violent ones. They can beat the head of state, for example.
      2. +8
        30 November 2019 21: 40
        Quote: Bindyuzhnik
        It’s some Arabs who still don’t understand what to fight with Israel is to fight with

        This is a fight with Jewish money SGA! Or with the SGA, but with Jewish money!
        1. -7
          1 December 2019 02: 56
          Quote: Tol100v
          This is a fight with Jewish money SGA!

          This is a fight with Jewish brains and Jewish courage.
      3. +3
        30 November 2019 21: 41
        Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Syria are "unimportant" methods for understanding.
        And since when did negotiations with the Gaza Strip become international?
        And if the right-wingers come to power, development (at least the economy) will slow down. An exit from Israel will begin, with the better part of the population.
        The society of Israel itself will no longer be so monolithic.
        Now on the first point. The unification of movements in Gaza, and on the basis of Islamism, and with the support of Qatar, Iran will not bring anything good to Israel.
        1. -6
          30 November 2019 21: 58
          Israel has achieved good Western European economic indicators precisely under the right - Likud)).
        2. -4
          1 December 2019 03: 11
          Quote: knn54
          And since when did negotiations with the Gaza Strip become international?

          From the very beginning, another people live in Gaza.
          Quote: knn54
          And if the right comes to power, development (at least the economy) will slow down

          The best results in the Israeli economy were achieved precisely during the rule of the right camp.
          Quote: knn54
          The society of Israel itself will no longer be so monolithic.

          It is not monolithic, thank God - in its diversity the guarantee of successful development.
          Quote: knn54
          The unification of movements in Gaza, and on the basis of Islamism, and with the support of Qatar, Iran will not bring anything good to Israel

          Yes, why would they unite? They will continue to prefer tearing the blanket over themselves. But even if they united, they could not resist the Israelis by any joint efforts. Let me remind you that in the days not so distant by the standards of history, the whole Arab world, using the support of the socialist camp and armed to the teeth with modern Soviet weapons, could not destroy Israel, who was then much weaker economically and militarily than today, so does anyone really think that today's terrorists is this task within its power?
    2. +2
      1 December 2019 10: 43
      Quote: knn54
      war with this movement means war with an entire nation.

      Another people drew? Gas workers? Where they all come from, Palestine is not rubber!
  6. +2
    30 November 2019 22: 29
    What it looks like today, the Arab-Israeli conflict has no solution. Palestinians cannot create a state for 70+ years. If you fantasize, it would be a solution if Egypt took Gaza and Ramallah - Jordan, or the same Egypt. And peace would come. But this requires the intervention of the powers that be.
    1. +10
      30 November 2019 23: 28
      Palestinians do not need Jordan. There are many of their own, who all will bring down to overthrow the monarch.
      1. +1
        1 December 2019 20: 38
        Quote: Tsarev Matvey
        Palestinians do not need Jordan. There are many of their own, who all will bring down to overthrow the monarch.
        Duck, they are the Palestinians.
    2. +2
      1 December 2019 11: 00
      Quote: However, Dear
      If you fantasize, it would be a decision if Egypt took Gaza and Ramallah - Jordan, or the same Egypt

      Yes, this is an option. Jews cannot massively kill Palestinians, and other Arabs - no problem. But this is unrealistic, for the second time, Jordanians will not buy one Hochma.

      By the way, at that time, the Jordanians of those Palestinians who were underreported were thrown into Lebanon (since then there is Tryndets). You can, of course, and Israel to seize Lebanon, rename it Palestine and send all the Palestinians there, even bite each other, but in the EU process, Israel will strangle.

      There is a more realistic option, local Ramzans. It's even strange, to be honest, that this has not yet been done. The Jews are liberal, or vice versa - they counted on the money and saw that they were not fighting back. And "peace for land" is deliberate madness.
      1. +1
        1 December 2019 20: 51
        In order to deliver local Ramzanov, you must first clean everything up there like Russia in Chechnya. Technically, this is possible, but not in the current political debate. I agree that Jordan will not buy pallets for the second time. Maybe Egypt ...
  7. -10
    30 November 2019 22: 31
    Did anyone breathe there? According to the investigation materials, an OM was applied to the door handle. the puncture was that the clowns and their bosses could not assume that medicine was on top of the bourgeoisie. That they will come quickly, and not like in Russia, and will be pumped out.

    Did I miss something? It seems that Israel supplies hydrocarbons to Egypt.

    In order for a final peace settlement to take place, time is needed. However, the temporary component also plays against this thesis - it only exacerbates interethnic contradictions.

    Time is on the side of Israel.

    About settlers, complete nonsense, and indeed an article on C grade. negative
    1. +6
      30 November 2019 23: 33
      1) Does Israel supply? Lol
      In Israel, they were discovered recently, and then, at sea, on the border with Lebanon.
      2) how are you going to resettle about 600k people? When another plus 6k housing units are being built there (thereabouts), the industrial zone near Maalei-Aadumim, where will you transfer it?
      Are you criticizing? Suggest!
      1. -6
        30 November 2019 23: 38
        Israel sells gas to Egypt.
        It is possible to resettle the people of 600K to new areas of the cities of the Negev and the north of the country. Hypothetically, of course)).
        1. +6
          30 November 2019 23: 47
          Egypt only buys gas from 2k18. Yeah, to the Negev. Now it’s not 1920 that the Social-Zionists build an oasis in the desert. They live in the north, and so in the Golan, including many of ours (oh, how beautiful it is). In the north, at least there is fresh Kinneret.
          1. -8
            1 December 2019 00: 03
            2020 is coming soon))
            About the Negev - it all depends on the size of the funds allocated for this business. There are no problems with fresh water in Israel - desalination of the sea, artesian wells, etc. The North is not only the Golan))
            1. +6
              1 December 2019 00: 22
              Oops, again someone has to pay. This time. What will they get in the Negev?
              1. -8
                1 December 2019 00: 25
                Of course pay.
                Most of the people in the territories have a gorgeous standard of living - their homes, households, etc. And the government will have to cringe - and not only directly. Preferential taxation, interest-free loans for business, etc. etc. And, in any case, it will be cheaper than lodging them "from Hadera (the hole is still that one) to Gedera (there is better)"
                Areas of new buildings and cottages they will receive in the Negev
                1. -6
                  1 December 2019 03: 23
                  Quote: Krasnodar
                  "From Hadera (the hole is still that)

                  Everything changes - in recent years, high-rise residential complexes in Givat Olga have grown, I see them from the second highway, and before that, yes - there existed such a canon, reminiscent of Haiti, I had to go there. As for the resettlement of the Israelis from the territories, this, of course, will not happen, and our annexation of the Jordan Valley.
                  1. -3
                    1 December 2019 03: 28
                    Givat Olga is not exactly Hadera)) As for the resettlement - he, with a 90% probability - will not, I agree.
        2. +1
          1 December 2019 11: 03
          Quote: Krasnodar
          You can relocate 600K people to new areas

          What for? Why is the current situation so bad as to fuss so much?
          1. -1
            1 December 2019 11: 40
            This situation suits the Israelis - we talk about a hypothetically possible
            1. +1
              1 December 2019 11: 43
              Quote: Krasnodar
              we talk about a hypothetically possible

              It is hypothetically possible to relocate 600 thousand people, this is not a problem at all in terms of scale, for example, Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin. But this relocation will simply shift the front line closer to big cities, then what good is it other than harm?
              1. 0
                1 December 2019 11: 48
                No. There were simply precedents - with Sinai in the early 70s and Gaza 2005.
                1. +1
                  1 December 2019 12: 15
                  Quote: Krasnodar
                  Sinai in the early 70's

                  In the early 80s, Camp David.
                  Absolutely everything that Jimmy Carter had to do with it became a disaster.
                  Quote: Krasnodar
                  Gaza 2005.

                  Now there is no doubt that it was a mistake.
      2. 0
        1 December 2019 07: 51
        Quote: Tsarev Matvey
        1) Does Israel supply? Lol
        In Israel, they were discovered recently, and then, at sea, on the border with Lebanon.

        Well? Israel supplies hydrocarbons to Egypt, and not as the author writes: "Third, in the short term Israel will still depend on supplies of Egyptian oil and gas." Everything is exactly the opposite.


        Quote: Tsarev Matvey
        2) how are you going to resettle about 600k people? When another plus 6k housing units are being built there (thereabouts), the industrial zone near Maalei-Aadumim, where will you transfer it?
        Are you criticizing? Suggest!

        Not going to. Why do we need to resettle them somewhere? They live at home, in their own land. This time.
        To claim that settlements are an obstacle to the peace process is to show that you are absolutely off topic. At one time, Reagan said that the settlements are legal and do not serve as an obstacle to peace, now Trump also claims. These are two.
        There is not a single Jewish settlement in Gaza, not a single synagogue, not even a single Jewish grave. We all took out. Is there peace in Gaza? These are three.

        Quote: Tsarev Matvey
        Egypt only buys gas from 2k18. Yeah, to the Negev. Now it’s not 1920 that the Social-Zionists build an oasis in the desert. They live in the north, and so in the Golan, including many of ours (oh, how beautiful it is). In the north, at least there is fresh Kinneret.

        Well, you can’t write articles about Israel without completely understanding the topic. This is disrespectful to readers.
        For your information, the Negev continues to be landscaped and populated. Today it is so popular, the price of a house in the desert is about $ 1kk (MILLION DOLLARS).

        I apologize for the last post. The wrong copy-paste made in the quote.
        1. +1
          1 December 2019 11: 06
          Quote: professor
          We all took out. Is there peace in Gaza? These are three.

          There will be no peace. Not everyone needs you from him and nobody needs one from that side. The peace process is needed, the world is not. Including because this is the end of the peace process, so many people will remain without publicity and without money.
          1. +2
            1 December 2019 11: 10
            Quote: Octopus
            Quote: professor
            We all took out. Is there peace in Gaza? These are three.

            There will be no peace. Not everyone needs you from him and nobody needs one from that side. The peace process is needed, the world is not.

            Unfortunately you are right. Intifada is a business. Arafat’s personal fortune was under a billion dollars.
            1. 0
              1 December 2019 11: 19
              Quote: professor
              Intifada is a business

              Therefore, the only thing that happens there is good - a hydrocarbon mover on the shelf with Israel - Gaza - Egypt. If suddenly there will be talk about really serious money, which can be obtained right now, if you behave yourself - there is a chance that Hamas will be transformed just before our eyes, like the Swan Princess. And all these young stone-throwers are simply shot, according to the precepts of Chairman Mao.

              But it does not seem to be about so much money. Alas.
  8. -1
    1 December 2019 08: 45
    As long as Israel exists, there will be no peace in the Middle East ..
    This pseudo-state was created on the blood of Arabs (whole settlements were cut out there) ..
    In vain Stalin gave the green light to the creation of Israel .. The Jews deceived him treacherously.
    1. +3
      1 December 2019 20: 43
      Quote: Starper-777
      As long as Israel exists, there will be no peace in the Middle East ..
      This pseudo-state was created on the blood of Arabs (whole settlements were cut out there) ..
      In vain Stalin gave the green light to the creation of Israel .. The Jews deceived him treacherously.
      And with what ease they pokotsali Arabs, but why? Yes, because Mikhan taught.