The phenomenon of the Russian people

The catastrophe of Perestroika and the disgusting behavior of the Russian people in its period could not but create a loser complex among the Russian people. This complex is purposefully introduced and maintained by the Russian media, which are under the complete control of the enemies of the Russian people. But any competent psychologist will say that the “complex” is a complex, that he has no relation to reality and it is based on just the wrong awareness of the world and of oneself in this world. Just now (not without someone else's help), we pay attention exclusively to the dark sides of the Russian people, as before it was turned exclusively to the bright ones. It can be unequivocally stated that we are dealing with something else, and not just "wild Asian", "eternal slavery" and other epithets. It is worth at least a little to remember history, to see that there can be no talk of any "loser people".

It is enough just to look at the map of Russia, not to mention the map of the USSR and compare it with the size of its neighbors, in order to immediately understand which people on Earth are the most courageous and steadfast. The Russian people tried for strength the most varied conquerors with an unusually stable result - a crushing military defeat and the shameful flight of the next hapless conqueror. We call “Otechestvennye” only 2 relatively recent wars - against the last two failed “conquerors of the world”, with which the Russian people turned off the neck - Napoleon and Hitler. In fact, almost any major war in the Russian Land became Patriotic - a war for the right to be yourself in your own land. What is the Patriotic War of the Russian people were tested on themselves by many of Russia's neighbors who desired the Russian Land - Poles and Tatars, Swedes and Germans, Hungarians and Turks ... Often it ended up with their own land becoming Russian. Only once in a global war on its territory did our people suffer a defeat, the Russian principalities recognized vassal dependence, although they were not occupied.

Only the greatest warriors of human history - the Tatar-Mongols, warriors, who had not known defeat for hundreds of years, were able to inflict a crushing but far from final defeat. They, the only one in human history, managed to conquer not only 70% of humanity, to occupy the largest states of the Earth, but also to subjugate the two most rebellious peoples of the planet - Russians and Afghans-Pashtuns, which neither conquerors have ever managed to do. By the way, the Russians did take revenge and still live on their land, and where is the Golden Horde now, who, apart from historians, remembers it? Who remembers the Ottoman Empire, before which all the sovereigns of Europe trembled? In an unkind hour for herself, she ran into a narrow path with the Russian Empire. Who remembers now about the powerful state of the Khazars, before whom the peoples of Europe and Asia trembled? The words "Great Sweden" are now causing a smile. However, the neighbors of this Great Sweden were no laughing matter - she seriously claimed world domination. Until she managed to run into Russia.

Maybe the ancestors were completely different, and our generations have degraded so much that there is nothing to talk about, we don’t have them and we don’t have any relation to them, that is, we are different, not the people like modern Italians are not Romans ? However, even a quick look at our recent history shows that this is far from the case.

In recent human history, there was an amazing country - the USSR. Its very creation and short history were accompanied by such incredible feats in the history of Mankind that many of them are still not fully understood because of their truly titanic scale, just as it is difficult to survey the huge cathedral, facing it closely. It is also striking that military and labor feats were commonplace, almost everyday. “The mass heroism of the Soviet People” is a real reality and our recent past, and not at all an invention of “damned Bolshevik propaganda.”

It was not for nothing that the author began his publications by discarding the vile lies about the so-called “mass repressions” and the genocide of the Russian people, due to which socialism was supposedly built with all its successes. This lie was created purposefully and with all its forces hammered into the consciousness of the Russian people by the enemies and their governors in order to take away our will, to form in our souls the consciousness of the dying, clearing our pockets in passing. The history of “repression” and “genocides” was written by rezuny from history - shaped swindlers or hired scoundrels and does not stand up to scrutiny both from the point of view of logic and analysis, and from the point of view of the reliability of historical documents. Suffice it to say that there is not a single document at all confirming this lie. Everything is based only on the suggestion of the media, fake and fraudulent fraud in combination with the endless repetition of hypnotizing spells. And the truth that interests us is that there was no mass death of the population capable of undermining the people’s gene pool. There was no deadly strain, no horror, and there was an unprecedented economic and spiritual take-off in the history of mankind. In addition, brilliant feats were accomplished after the War, in which about 10% of the population died - the post-war reconstruction of the country, space, nuclear missile weapon, creating the world's best science, weapons, aviation, education and so on. And all this in no way at the expense of "countless victims", not at the expense of the resources of the "third world" and the robbery of other peoples, as in the countries of the "Golden Billion", but only thanks to a special social organization created by the power of the Russian Spirit.

Scientists say that the number of capable and talented people in the generations is approximately constant and obeys the statistical laws of random distribution - a genius can be born with the same probability in the family of a shoemaker or in a professor's family. From here, by the way, grow the roots of the legend of the extraordinary talent of the “common people” compared to the “top” - just peasants and shoemakers are much more than professors and academicians - the usual law of “big numbers” works. The allegations that the war could have undermined the gene pool of the people are completely groundless, and now we are not the same as before. The Russian people experienced and much more terrible blows. The Russian Land couldn’t become scanty with talents and brave men as a result of the War - they simply couldn’t have been born new.

For many years, Soviet propaganda was built on the exaltation of the Russian people, demonstrating an exceptionally bright side of the Russian people and its colossal successes. So it was easier for the authorities, such was the general level of the people. The same played a bad joke when we were faced with another facet of life, for which we were not even ready - we were unaware of its existence. By the way, in the second half of the 19 century, a Russian bar barred from idleness, who saw the “people” from the aristocratic carriage, came up with a tale about the immaculate “God-bearing people”. It was they who made the classics of Russian literature. They were enthusiastically listened to and carried the idea further to the mentally unbalanced townspeople-populists, "the pale young men with burning eyes." The pale youths “going to the people” ended sadly - “the people did not understand them,” the young men were terribly offended and disappointed in life. In fact, they did not understand their people.

The expression “people - cattle” has now come into vogue. It seems that since the time of the populists little has changed. In this case, there was an understanding of the "people" as a parent. In fact, this childish perception of a morally undeveloped child - parents seem powerful and infallible, but it’s worth the child to understand that parents are not gods, as scions remember all devils and are terribly disappointed in people. Life is real, parents are completely imperfect, and their actions are very ugly. To grow up, it is necessary to understand.

Russian people can be not only in a state of hero. It may well be in another stable state - sleepy-weak-willed or aggressively-selfish "cattle." Cattle is one who has forgotten about his Debt and Purpose. So earlier nobles called commoners for their inability, as in animals, to control their emotional outbursts. Cattle is an inability to control one’s emotions, not a social position. In a state of cattle, there can be absolutely not necessarily a commoner - there can be anyone, even an academician, although a millionaire is a “new Russian”, even though the Grand Duke himself. How to name the state of the Soviet People in the period of “Perestroika” and the destruction of the country, the state of intellectuals, scientists, workers, party leaders? This very word.

The king met with the “golden soul of the God-bearing people” in 1916, when he had to introduce a surplus to avoid starvation and mass death of the population. The peasants did not want to sell bread to the townspeople, even for the tsarist rubles secured with gold, they had to apply “non-economic measures of stimulation” - soldiers and Cossacks. Many researchers pay attention to the fact that the Russian peasant often showed extreme selfishness when he increased the price of bread — he hid bread and cut down crops. What for?! What do you mean why? Grain prices will rise and the peasants will profit. And what is the price of this - the peasant does not care. I am not sure that the British or German peasants would have done this with their not so sublime soul as that of the “God-bearing” people.

Put yourself in the chair of the Council of People's Commissars or the Russian Tsar, what would you do? Would you look like dying from hunger and cold of the city? The Bolsheviks did the only right thing - you can only talk in the language of force with a person in the state of cattle. If it were not for the nameless heroes of the red deserts, the townspeople would have died of starvation, which would mean the death of Russia.

The tendency of the Russian people to apathetic and hysterical states, in which they fall into extreme egoism, was noticed in ancient times and also in ancient times was found the defense of society against such states.

In principle, the need for self-control at least in the managerial stratum of society was realized in ancient times and that is why the nobles of all the peoples of the world practiced hard self-discipline, which was expressed in a sense of duty, endurance, contempt for death, incessant and dangerous exercises with arms that temper the will. It is not surprising that behind such a “father-commander” commoner soldiers went into the fire and into the water. Usually, it is the commanders-passionaries who brought people into a heroic state of mind. When self-discipline declined, the nobility rapidly degenerated, and who would listen and respect the unworthy commander? Then the state struck a managerial crisis (“when the tops cannot”) and the empire became face to face with the revolution and even the death of the state.

The peculiarity of the Russian people is that in the event of the death or degradation of the nobility, which is not uncommon in our history, folk heroes assumed its functions. In the Time of Troubles, these were merchants and peasants, while in the Civil period they were commissars-raznochintsy. It was they who “ignited” the people with their heroic energy and then the hero people saved themselves and the country.

Civilian is remarkable in that it has demonstrated not only moral decay and despair, but also the subsequent violent and inflexible power of the Russian people in the fight against the White Guard armies armored by the “entire civilized world” supported by the 19 expeditionary forces (depending on the method used to count invaders) from 14 to more than 20) countries. Then, in 1918, Western newspapers wrote:

“There are no chances for the Soviet Power to hold out for more than a month, the Red Army units are blocked, the strategic initiative is firmly in the hands of the allies, Yudenich's troops are attacking Petrograd, Denikin’s army is preparing to storm Tula”.

“From all sides of the blockade, the ring and guns look in the face. And we stand naked, we stand beggars, with Lenin in the head and with a crochet in his hand. ”

There is no doubt that for the Red Army peasants Lenin was no more than a distant image, a kind of flag. They defended the Truth and the Russian Land, and did not stand up for the formula "commodity-money-commodity." Just as the soldiers are fighting for the Motherland, and not for the Banner of the Part. Very soon, the army of the invaders was hastily evacuated from Soviet Russia, and the White Army awaited difficult and shameful times. This could happen only in one case, if the people went over to the Reds and at least part of them fought with exceptional heroism and ingenuity, entering the “state of the hero.” Cattle? God forbid to meet with such a "cattle" in battle!

Approximately 10 years later, another very significant story takes place - collectivization. The peasants were ordered to create common households. We will not discuss now why such a decision was made - it was just absolutely necessary to carry out Industrialization, without which - death. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the cattle were not taken away by the “Jews-commissars”, but it was transferred to the collective farm along with the inventory, to put it simply, the goods were put in a nearby shed. That’s the “God-bearing” soul could not bear. Mass hysteria began.

Transfer to the farm - it is not at all what confiscation, when taken away is not clear where and forever. Something happened that goes beyond the understanding of a mentally sane person - the mass slaughter of livestock.

“I will kill a dairy cow, but neighbors' children will not drink my milk!” It is clear that if a cow was driven away by enemies, then no - they didn’t want their villagers to use it. So much for the collectivism of the Russian people in combination with the “golden soul” and the Christian love of neighbor! A very significant fact as a Russian in a state of "cattle" refers to his neighbors, compatriots. Isn't it true, after realizing this, it is not surprising when they say that Russian will not help Russian. Outrageous ambitions and the extreme egoism of the Russian people are pushing him into absurd in their meanness and inhuman actions.

They say the truth is that Stalin, deciding on collectivization, did not know the Russian people. Indeed, the behavior of not such a small part of the people is beyond understanding by a reasonable person. Began mass extermination of livestock - horses and oxen. For any normal peasant, killing a horse and stealing is one of the most serious crimes and what is more than understandable is a direct threat to the life of the whole family. But the situation had all the signs of mass psychosis, when the arguments of reason are powerless before the mud that has risen from the depths of the soul and swept it completely. It came to peasant strikes, it is simply unthinkable, but it is true - the peasants refused to sow bread. The following year, it was precisely in these areas that the famine passed. By the way, the causes and process of hunger were significantly more complex, but the indicated factor of the “state of the cattle” and mass psychosis played a crucial role.

The gentleness and indecisiveness shown by the leadership of the USSR and Stalin personally towards the population of a number of districts that had lost its human appearance led to something and should have resulted - mass casualties killed up to several hundred thousand people. From the hysterical state of mass affect it is best to infer painful blows to the cheeks, and not beautiful-minded conversations.

In this destructive state, the Russian people show extreme egoism, destroying everything in their path, without even considering one-step the consequences of their actions.

The situation was very similar in the years of the so-called “Perestroika”. The strikes of the elite of the working class, the miners, played an important role in destabilizing the situation, when the whole country was blackmailed, demanding incredible wages. Well paid "hegemon" did not take any arguments. Will power plants, factories stop, schools and hospitals freeze? Let be! Faster give money. The people squeezed 20 packs of laundry detergent and several crates of pasta, crushing each other in lines, thereby turning everything into a deficit. He did not bring down his rage on the authorities, who organized a man-made famine, when he had to stand for hours for a loaf of bread and a bag of milk, and rushed to find a product, stomping on each other.

He was the one who sold vouchers for a bottle of vodka. He chose politicians who had deceived and robbed him once more, told mocking anecdotes about his heroes. Resignedly handed over the land, watered with the blood of his fathers and grandfathers country. Cut copper wires from hospitals to sell to buyers. Among the intelligentsia, the phrase “Gone with the Wind” became popular: “States are made on the collapse of empires ...”. People quite understood that they were participating in the destruction of their native country for the purpose of personal enrichment; by the way, very few had a chance to enrich themselves.

This is clearly not Kuzma Minin, who sold all his property to buy weapons for war with the traitors who were then in power and not collective farmers who were starving themselves, but voluntarily renting wedding rings to the building tanks and airplanes. Living parents threw a million children into the street, indifferently watching them, and with their slow death - these are the same parents who studied with us at the same desk and dreamed of a bright future. It sometimes seems that this is a completely different, not the people who won all conceivable wars and built a beautiful country?

Perhaps literally half a century ago, there was a special breed of Russian people with some kind of high morality inherent in them, and the working class was completely different? It turns out that this is not the case. In the "cradle of the revolution" - Leningrad, a city with a very large "specific weight" of the working class in the 30-s of the twentieth century, the situation was very difficult. 4's multiple growth in youth crime, the formerly closed “memoranda” and reports to the party organs paint a very unattractive picture of the daily life of the majority of the working class. Untidiness, drunkenness, scandals that develop into mass fights with stabbing. Komsomol activists reported: “The speech of the hostel children is littered with“ blatant ”catchwords, the ideal behavior for them is the representatives of the adult punks. By the way, a third of the young workers of Leningrad lived in the hostels then. The situation became noticeably straightened only to the 37-38 year.

Is this the vanguard of humanity? If you face the truth, in the mass of this ordinary cattle. Leningrad was chosen not by chance as an example: in 5 years these very people, yesterday’s rednecks, without any quotation marks, will show the strength of spirit unprecedented in human history. The West is trying with all its might to forget about besieged Leningrad, so much of what happened strikes the human imagination, the brain refuses to believe that human beings are capable of such feats without the intervention of divine forces. 250 grams of bread with sawdust per day for physically working, 125 - the rest. Scientists say that from such power to the spring 1942 g city had to die out completely. But he was not only not extinct, but the factories produced weapons, the working militia did not retreat a single step, the starving actors gave concerts and played on the stage, people falling from hunger threw lighters from the rooftops. And so three years. Of the 2 million population, slightly more than 500 thousand remained at the end of the Blockade, but there was not even a question of giving up. If someone says that people were afraid of the party committees and detachments - spit this bastard in the face. The shipments to Leningrad recollect: “We loaded flour for the Leningrad residents, the children themselves were very hungry, often there was no protection at all, even the thought didn’t have something to take”. “They sent bread, nobody took anything, it never even occurred to him.” These are the same yesterday's peasants who once hid the bread. And it was commonplace.

"In the mud, in the darkness, in hunger, in sorrow,
Where death, like a shadow, dragged along,
We have been so happy
Such freedom of rapid breathing,
What grandchildren would envy us. "
Olga Berggolts

No, they are not slaves. These are Heroes.

It was the power of their Spirit that saved the city, the country, and the lives of those who survived. A very characteristic feature of this state is the strongest spiritual and energetic rise, which, as a reward for the strength of the spirit, gives an indescribable feeling of supreme Happiness. In pursuit of such a state, adherents of religions and psychotechnics spend many years searching for the Masters and dreaming of Enlightenment. And here, almost an entire people took possession of this ancient incredible power of psychotechnics, and all this happened almost instantly. Yes, this is not a psychotechnique at all. This is the state of the Spirit. The tuning of human souls to the Heroic Wave takes place, and the Heroic Symphony is released. And yesterday's schoolboy, dunce and hooligan writes in blood in the basement of the Brest Fortress “I die but do not give up! Farewell Motherland! ”Our people entered the Hero state at the end of 30, at the beginning of 40, and this setting was possible thanks to the iron will and extraordinary strength of spirit of Joseph Stalin, who“ infected ”all the people with this condition. The bastard Khrushchev understood what he was doing when he killed in the folk soul the image of the greatest Leader of our history in order to destroy the state of the Hero in the people, and in this case this state was connected with the image of Stalin. The party oligarchy was not needed and the people-hero is dangerous. The path to the state of "cattle" did not take much time. Perestroika is its most direct consequence. The authorship of the expression “a Russian person is either holy or pig” is attributed to a variety of people, for example, to the British Ambassador in Muscovy, so this feature of the national character was noticed back in ancient times.

Starting from the period of "Glasnost", all anti-Soviet and anti-Russian propaganda was built on the demonstration and fanning of the dark side of the Russian people, where there were no facts just fabricated fakes. The “black propagandists” achieved their goal - they caused the destruction of landmarks and an outbreak of cynicism, disbelief and despair. It is vital for our people to pass this test with dignity and to withstand the stage of moral maturity. If this does not happen, we will disappear as a people.

Anti-Soviet propaganda is one of the most important acts of psychological warfare against the Russian people. It was a fierce attack from the very depths of the soul of the Russian people with the goal of depriving us of strength, knocking down “the mood for a heroic wave” so that the “Russian Miracle of the 20th century” that shook the whole world would never happen again. Probably there is not one of our hero, whom the bastards would not throw mud at. “Alexander Matrosov is a juvenile thief, Stakhanov is a lover of drinks, Gastello is a brawler ...”

Does a normal Russian person really care? Yes, if Sailors were at least three times a criminal, he became a Hero at the moment when he decided to die, but not to retreat. It is possible that our ancestors were lovers of drinking, polentyaning and pobyanit, and some of them were really a felon. This is all quite possible, but for the Russian person it is completely uninteresting and insignificant - they became saints at that moment when they decided: “They will not defeat me - they serve themselves, and I serve Russia. And then yourself. My life without Russia does not make sense. ”This is the Russian Spirit.

We need to realize our recent ancestors, the strength of their spirit, their mistakes, throwing and the experience of overcoming their dark sides. Their ascent to the heights of the human spirit, which made the indomitable heroes of ordinary and ordinary people, completely imperfect. In the absence of angels, the Russian people had to work wonders themselves in order to survive. Like a spark, a wave was entering a state of resonance in the hearts of all the people and yesterday’s rednecks became the hero of the highest order. A critical mass of people accumulated in the “state of the hero” and then a chain reaction began.

The feats were performed by yesterday’s “cattle”; there was no other people in the country. This can be explained consistently only in one way: only if we understand that

The Russian people can be in two stable psychological states - "cattle" and "hero", the transition between which can occur almost instantly.

This is reminiscent of the quantum states of an atom in which it can be and which are essentially energy levels. The state of the Hero is accompanied by the strongest generation of spiritual energy.

We can say that in the fire of the Patriotic War and the reflections of the open-hearth furnaces of Industrialization, we saw the pale shadow of the “Man of the Future”.
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  1. Vanek
    17 July 2012 06: 21
    I once saw on board such a car: - WE CAN'T BE SURROUNDED BY THE WAY, US FIGURE WHERE GOING.

    1. Yoshkin Kot
      17 July 2012 08: 21
      n-dya, but how many Russian people are left? after communization? after about democracies? except that among the parishioners of the Russian Orthodox Church
      1. +24
        17 July 2012 08: 52
        Quote: Yoshkin Cat
        But how many Russian people are left? after communization? after about democracies?

        It’s kind of like to coat with granite paint. All this husk is not durable, but the inside ... !!!
        1. Yoshkin Kot
          17 July 2012 08: 59
          with your lips and honey
          1. 0
            19 July 2012 21: 54
            I share your irony. It is time to prove the presence of this very granite, and then the husk, but the husk.
      2. +5
        17 July 2012 10: 34
        Among the parishioners of the Russian Orthodox Church ??? Hardly .... It seems to me that Christianity in Russia played a rather negative role, however, as in the rest of the World ... A religion created by the Jews for specific purposes, and instructing a person to non-resistance, humiliation, lack of will to fight .. How can such a religion raise the spirit of a person, his self-awareness and faith in his own strength. It is enough to carefully read a few Christian prayers to ask the question, why am I being tuned into that I am a meaningless insect? "Protect us, God, the weak, everywhere caught, the weak in reason and the will of the humiliated ..." (c). Thank you, this is not about me ...
        In Russia, Christianity was a little less than two thousand years old ... And what happened, tell me, several millennia of the pre-Christian history of Russia? What did our ancestors worship and worship? However, this is another question. In the meantime, I’m saying with confidence - Russian national identity will not be reborn on Christian soil.
        1. Oleg0705
          17 July 2012 10: 47
          Quote: vadimN
          And where did you go, tell me, several millennia of the pre-Christian history of Russia? What did our ancestors worship and worship? However, this is another question. In the meantime, I’m saying with confidence - Russian national identity will not be reborn on Christian soil.

          HE KNOWS
          1. 0
            17 July 2012 11: 04
            Great movie! ... And this person (patriarch ..., m ... lin) claims to be the spiritual shepherd of all Russia? Not only doesn’t know the history of the country, it also bears all kinds of absurdities ... Therefore, I say it again - not in Christianity the salvation of Russia, but in the original roots of Russian Vedism, the many-thousand-year-old religion of unity with nature and harmony of spirit!
            1. Yoshkin Kot
              17 July 2012 11: 33
              hi-hi-hi - hee is a make-up pagan, do you even know that perkun is a Lithuanian god?
              see no! Have you already called your mom with a liquid grinder? destroyed the crosses on the graves of their ancestors?
              1. Oleg0705
                17 July 2012 12: 18
                Quote: Yoshkin Cat
                do you even know that perkun Lithuanian god?


                Of all the Slavic Gods, PERUN probably everyone knows who has ever studied in high school, where PERUN and other Slavic gods are mentioned in passing on the pages of ancient Russian history textbooks. True, under the influence of history and historians, the Russian Orthodox Church, they always appear before us in a negative guise.
                1. +5
                  17 July 2012 12: 55
                  Exactly - under the influence of the official religion ... But in fact, everything is different ....
                2. Yoshkin Kot
                  17 July 2012 13: 19
                  to school!!!! and stop reading fantasy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                  1. 0
                    19 July 2012 21: 58
                    In, I agree
                3. Oleg0705
                  17 July 2012 15: 43

                  1. Yoshkin Kot
                    18 July 2012 11: 31
                    Our Father, Thou art in heaven!
                    Hallowed be your name
                    Thy kingdom come,
                    Thy will be done,
                    Thou in heaven and on earth.
                    Our daily bread is ours today
                    and leave us our debts
                    as we leave our debtor;
                    and lead us not into temptation
                    but deliver us from evil.
                    For Thine is the kingdom and power and glory forever.
                    and where are the slaves?
                    1. Oleg0705
                      18 July 2012 12: 09
                      Yoshkin Cat,
                      hi monk, did you get computers at the monastery? laughing you are in the cassock of an yoshkin cat and how many do you have? laughingI don’t get it, you don’t respect the Jews and pray to their God request
                      1. -1
                        19 July 2012 21: 59
                        But essentially something?
                    2. +1
                      20 July 2012 10: 40
                      "O our good shepherd and divinely wise mentor, Saint Nicholas of Christ! Hear us sinners praying to you and calling for your quick intercession; see us weak, everywhere caught, deprived of all good and darkened with mind from cowardice ..."

                      Prayer to St. Nicholas the Pleasant (canonical)

                      Better to be grandchildren of Perun and Veles than slaves of the Jewish God!
                4. 0
                  19 July 2012 21: 57
                  And what else do you know about perun, besides the fact that the ancient peoples believed in it? Explain what you are saying, just do not pliz.
                  1. Oleg0705
                    19 July 2012 23: 07

                    PRAYER OF PERUNA

                    Clouds form the sky menacingly

                    The mighty PERUN sits in them,

                    The strongest, the best

                    Guardian of God's Forces

                    If the demons get nasty -

                    Thunder is booming, the earth is shaking

                    It beats with dark power

                    The one who snake won.

                    The PERUNA Earth is being cleaned,

                    Becoming innocently young

                    And walks the moonlight path

                    To meet her young grandfather.

                    He knows his job -

                    In the evil spirits throws,

                    Fair inspires

                    Fulfill the HOLY Vow.

                    Under it go the beginning,

                    God's bound by the charter

                    Manifesting even in the small

                    Seven SWAROG children.

                    They go around the world with a watch

                    All look around

                    And some are stigmatized

                    Excluding from people.

                    Those who are open and honest,

                    Doesn’t stain the soul with flattery,

                    In a word, the demons gave battle -

                    FORCE treat the HOLY,

                    So that KIND is glorified

                    So that PERUNA revered

                    And then the whole White World

                    God will fulfill the Vow.
                  2. +1
                    20 July 2012 16: 23
                    Everyone knows about what he wants to know, as much as he can get information himself. I am not calling for anything. I am opposed to imposing on me (and everyone who shares my views) a monopoly on faith from one church. By the way, it (the ROC) has become for its leaders not a bad feeding trough ... A sort of business on faith. It’s not for nothing that Cyril is popularly known as the Kuril for large-scale deliveries (preferential, by the way) of tobacco and alcohol to Russia in the 90's. And now, trying to maintain and strengthen its monopoly, the Russian Orthodox Church is directly merging with the oligarchy and bureaucracy.
                    I recall the words of M. Zadornov: "I am for God, but not for the priests."
                    But God (or Gods) has his own soul in everyone.
                    You can blindly follow what has been hammered into our heads for generations. And you can search, think, analyze, remember your history ... and it begins NOT from the moment of the baptism of Rus, but much earlier, for many centuries! And who and why needed to implant Christianity in Russia - there are also enough materials, both printed and on the internet (I do not include "Black Hundred" rags, in which there is nothing but slogans, to such materials. Serious research by world-respected historians is enough) ...
                    Through the efforts of historians atheist rulers and the top of the Russian Orthodox Church, we know very little about the dichristian history of Russia. But even what has become public, suggests that the Russian Spirit and power were and are not the efforts of the ROC, but much earlier than it. And the beliefs of the ancient Slavs were closer to the truth, closer to nature, closer to space, closer to GOD.
            2. 11Goor11
              17 July 2012 20: 59
              Refuse Christianity in favor of paganism?
              Practice shows that if this is done then it is better in favor of atheism.
              What does paganism have to do with the victories of the Russian spirit of the last millennia?
              Christianity, by the way, does not preach weakness, but rather spiritual strength.
              Serving others, even at the expense of oneself. For such feats, which require Christian values ​​- any strength of mind will not be enough. Therefore, you must always strive to jump above the bar, and this means growth, not decline as you try to imagine.
              You are trying to hang on Christianity your own far-fetched flaws. Profanation
              1. +3
                18 July 2012 00: 01
                There is a saying: "Call a person 100 times a pig, for the 101st time he will grunt!" And what happens in the temples of God: "God's SLAVE, SLAVE, God and many times in a row: SLAVE, SLAVE, SLAVE ..." Bleating on the topic: "God" - from the evil one! In the rules of the Russian language - the noun is the main word in the sentence, and the adjective is the adjective !!! So Christianity - from birth to now - is the RELIGION OF SLAVES !!! Our ancestors, being pagans (although they already had the "holy trinity"), considered themselves GRANDONS OF THE GOD! To be a GRANDONDER, I like something more than a SLAVE !!!
                1. 11Goor11
                  18 July 2012 18: 38
                  It must be understood that in Christianity, the so-called slavery to God, is opposed to slavery to sin.
                  And any person best case scenario, always controls his behavior with his goals and values. And these goals and values ​​(whether you like it or not) control a person. A person can change his values ​​only by displacing them with others more "strong". If a person changes them too often, they say about this - a rag. If a person firmly adheres to one chosen goal, they can call him a fanatic (if they treat his PURPOSE badly), or they can praise him for his steadfastness (if they treat this PURPOSE well) And worst of all, when a person has no values ​​and goals, it’s just a lost soul, who does not know where to hide and cannot even understand how to react to what is happening around him.
                  1. Oleg0705
                    18 July 2012 19: 42
                    trying to sell opium?
                    1. 0
                      19 July 2012 22: 05
                      With all due respect, you are not in the subject of a dispute.
                  2. 0
                    19 July 2012 22: 04
                    God requires us to manifest the BEST qualities, I will not comb them, they are known from the primer. To be a slave to God - to cultivate these qualities in yourself, not to be - to follow your own flaws. So what is better? To be a slave of God and to have these virtues is ideal and happiness, and to be a friend of Perun, I don’t even know what it is.
                    1. 0
                      20 July 2012 10: 45
                      So find out first, and then enter into controversy!
                      Otherwise everything is traditional: "I have not read the book, but I condemn it, like all my comrades" ...
            3. 0
              19 July 2012 21: 55
              Symbol of faith in the studio, pliz
          2. Yoshkin Kot
            17 July 2012 11: 29
            hee hee hee all 139 years old? the next year how ukry came down from a tree ??
            chudinov what there academician? plumbers?
            ps and do not pull the words of the Russian Patriarch out of context, and there will be happiness for you, obverevy-communism, you are my fellow citizens, it’s a pity but not compatriots for you betrayed the graves of your Fathers
            1. Oleg0705
              17 July 2012 11: 52
              Quote: Yoshkin Cat
              chudinov what there academician? plumbers?

              and those probably Svanidze authority yes? laughing
              1. Yoshkin Kot
                17 July 2012 12: 13
                you are stupid, this Jew is not my authority
                1. Odessa
                  17 July 2012 13: 59
                  Yoshkin Cat,
                  this Jew is not my authority

                  Yshkin, leave butting! This Jew is our authority and God!
                  1. Yoshkin Kot
                    17 July 2012 14: 12
                    What hangover is He Jewish?
                    His Father is the Creator, mother and Jew, but nationality is always considered according to the Father! (even among the Jews at that time it was considered the same, they had not yet arranged for bloodletting) laughing
                    1. Odessa
                      17 July 2012 14: 15
                      Yoshkin Cat,
                      What hangover is He Jewish?

                      Yshkin, where is he taking you? Here you are persecuting!
                      Read the gospel! Yes
                      1. Yoshkin Kot
                        17 July 2012 14: 46
                        Do you want to say that the Creator is a Jew? that He being born of the Father? also? please, please read the Bible! and the Old and New Testaments, maybe then it will reach you that God cannot have a nationality ?????
                      2. Odessa
                        17 July 2012 15: 14
                        Koshkin, and you will deny that Christ was not a Jew?
                        please, please read the Bible! both the Old and New Testaments,

                        I read and found out that both the betrothed Joseph and the Holy Virgin Mary were Jews from the tribe of David.
                        Do you want to say that the Creator is a Jew?

                        Namely, only Jews call God the Creator. And Orthodox Christians to whom you take yourself are called the Most Holy Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit! This is also from the Gospel, so read and listen to what is written! Yes
                      3. +4
                        17 July 2012 16: 59
                        Jesus told his apostles: Don’t go north to the words, I am sent to the lost sheep of Israel.

                        The cat is completely lost.
                      4. Yoshkin Kot
                        18 July 2012 08: 36
                        ha-ha! - ha-ha-ha pseudoros you are the door! tell your tales to puberty, and then
                      5. Yoshkin Kot
                        18 July 2012 11: 34
                        it was. But the teaching was and is for everyone. That is, Jesus lived and preached in the territory of Judea, and then, when He was already resurrected, He ordered the disciples to spread His teaching among the Gentiles. This is stated in the same Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 28:19): "Go and teach all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to keep everything that I have commanded you."

                        The Inglings confuse us with two things: to be sent to the Jews does not mean at all that the teaching is intended only for the Jews. Moreover, the Gentiles do not explain to us why Jesus nevertheless helped the Canaanite woman to heal her daughter, who was very raging. I think that if Jesus were not for everyone, He would not help the Canaanite woman either.

                        The story about the conversation between Jesus Christ and the Samaritan woman, which reveals why Jesus came specifically to the Jews, is also very revealing (John 4: 7–29). Those who wish can familiarize themselves with these passages and draw their own conclusions.
                      6. +1
                        20 July 2012 10: 54
                        Quote: Yoshkin Cat
                        “Go and teach all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to keep everything that I have commanded you.”

                        And did those nations need it? If we talk about the Slavs, then they had their own beliefs and way of life, culture and writing, traditions, morality and morality! And who said that she was worse than Christian !?

                        But why did the Jews suddenly begin to impose their religion on the entire surrounding world ...? If without much thought, then we see the result now - the world is practically ruled by the Jewish oligarchy. I am not an anti-Semite and I have never been (I hope I will not), but look at the names from at least the Forbes list or from the Whois Who in Russian Business directory, and everything will become clear ...
                      7. GG2012
                        20 July 2012 11: 19
                        I agree with you, colleague!
                        We all deeply and painfully experience the rape by democracy that Gorbachev did to the country with his ideological program "Perestroika".
                        However, many of us, for some unknown reason, refuse to acknowledge the fact that in 988 our Slavic identity was also deeply raped by Christianity. And physically (by fire and sword), and mentally (imposed), and spiritually (rejection of paganism).

                        As a result of "Christianization", We are Slavs, partially lost our self-identification. How important this is for every Slav (Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian) can be explained using the same Jewish example (since the topic is Jewish). In every major city of Ukraine (and probably Russia), there are "Centers of Jewish self-identification", where every Jew, with the help of a rabbi and activists, can become a Jew - a person who knows the Torah and observes the laws of the Torah.
                        And what comes of us Slavs, as a result of "Christianization"? We are no longer Slavs, but not yet Jews. WHO ARE WE THEN ??? Transitional creatures ???

                        Viktor Pelevin put it very vividly about this:
                        "Every nation (or even a person) must necessarily develop its own religion, and not wear out rags teeming with other people's lice - from them all diseases ... The peoples that are on the rise in our time - India, China and so on - are imported only technology and capital, and their religions are of local production. Any member of these societies can be sure that they are praying to their own cockroaches, and not to later insertions, scribal errors or inaccuracies in translation. And we ... Make a set of texts the foundation of the national worldview written by someone, it is not clear where and it is not clear when - it's like installing a pirated version of Windows-95 in Turkish on a strategic computer - without the possibility of an upgrade, with holes in protection, worms and viruses, and even with a dynamic library copied by an unknown craftsman * .dll, which causes the system to hang every two minutes.

                        People need an open architecture of spirit, open source. But the Jewish Christians are very cunning. It turns out that anyone who offers people such an architecture is the Antichrist. Shit in the distant future from a fake ass left in the distant past - this is perhaps the most impressive of the wonders of Judeo-Christianity. "
                      8. +1
                        20 July 2012 11: 50
                        The answer to the question of who and why brought Christianity to Russia is given in Istarkhov's book "The Blow of the Russian Gods". The essay in the details is not indisputable, but it gives a strategic direction of thought, moreover, it is reasoned, and not at the level of slogans of home-grown "nationalists from Christianity." I recommend ... It is very easy to find the text on the Internet ...
                      9. GG2012
                        20 July 2012 16: 37
                        I read Istarkhov. The theme he is developing is correct. But the style, which is written "Blow of the Russian Gods", gives off cheap propaganda material - loud, little reasoned.
                        On this topic we must write more strongly and thoroughly, closer to the encyclopedic argument.
                        Unfortunately of such books, I have not yet met.
                        And then, a return to paganism is not possible. Time is not right. And the state of paganism will never accept.
                        Slavic countries (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus) need a new spiritual and philosophical teaching of a non-religious nature, which will unite all Slavs on the basis of modern views about Nature, its properties, about man.
                        And on the basis of this teaching, it is necessary to formulate social (non-legal) standards of behavior.
                        This teaching and the norms of behavior derived from it should become the basis for Slavic self-identification.
                        Then it needs to be disseminated. And then respect for elders will become the norm. Our women will not be bedding for the "hot guys from the South" and that will also become the norm. Not using drugs and large doses of alcohol will also become the norm. Because this is contrary to our Slavic Spirit.
                      10. 0
                        20 July 2012 19: 04
                        I completely agree with you! Perhaps more for proforma wink but I want to argue in one thing - nevertheless paganism is much closer to just such an understanding of the World and the place of man in it, which is required now and is becoming more and more in demand by society. Christianity is becoming obsolete, wallowing in business, politics .... Paganism is closer to nature, to nature. It is not obscured by a composed Christian nonsense. Of course, we are not talking about the adoption of classical paganism. You are right - time is not right. However, as the basis for the worldview system that you are writing about, it is quite suitable.
                        In this regard, I was pleasantly surprised by the studies of St. Petersburg professor V.A. Efimov. There are a lot of his materials in the internet, and books, and video courses ... In my opinion, a person goes in this direction ...
                      11. GG2012
                        21 July 2012 11: 46
                        vadimN Yesterday, 19:04 ↑
                        In this regard, I was pleasantly surprised by the studies of St. Petersburg professor V.A. Efimov.

                        Do not read. I will definitely read it. We will discuss if you are interested.
                      12. Yoshkin Kot
                        18 July 2012 08: 33
                        n-dya, as it flatters from a lie! baby read the bible itself! and do not carry nonsense!
                      13. Yoshkin Kot
                        18 July 2012 10: 59
                        um, but who is God your Father?
                      14. +2
                        18 July 2012 00: 07
                        And who invented that god ??? According to the old and new testaments ??? Are not Jews ??? I have nothing against the people of this nation, but! "People are created in the image and likeness of God!" According to the above holy books, there ALL the characters are Jews, created in the image of God, so who then is the creator god, if not a Jew? By the way: The Feast of the Circumcision of the Lord immediately refers to Christ, either to the Jews or to the Muslims; among other peoples and religions, such a custom is simply NO! And since Christianity and Islam are rival religions (although Islam recognizes Isa), it remains to make a logical conclusion - Christ is a Jew !!!
                      15. +2
                        18 July 2012 01: 09

                        Islam is one of the versions of Christianity.
                      16. Yoshkin Kot
                        18 July 2012 08: 40
                        Islam, as Tolmudism religion of the law, in contrast to Christianity religion- Love, make a conclusion yourself
                      17. survivor
                        18 July 2012 08: 44
                        oh ho ho ..... that's got to Islam ............
                      18. Yoshkin Kot
                        18 July 2012 08: 39
                        are you baby? harness the cart before the horse? The creator did not create Jews! The Creator Created the World! in its entirety! Universe, Earth, Nature, Man! your puberty nonsense, by the way, is quite consistent with the Talmud, which suggests you and the sources of your knowledge! And the same thing is that all this is your kindredness and yelling about Judaism, the synagogue is praying!
                      19. +1
                        18 July 2012 11: 58
                        Quote: nnz226
                        And who invented that god?

                        - Maybe, using the example of natural science, it will be easier for you to understand:
                        If the Europeans had not adopted the Arabic system of calculus and continued to use the Roman system, then mathematics would have been, but the actions of multiplying two numbers would have been the destiny of only the most capable. And that would be the limit of development!
                        Do people come up with god? They feel in themselves Consciousness and seek a path of improvement!
                    2. Fox 070
                      17 July 2012 14: 17
                      Quote: Yoshkin Cat
                      What hangover is He Jewish?

                      Christianity is always Judo-Christianity!

                      Initially, Christianity was just a new branch (heresy) in Judaism. The rabbis turned out to be wise enough to quickly realize that Christ’s insane sermons are corrupting the people and his religion is a deadly infection. Christ was crucified quickly and his heresies were abandoned.

                      But later, a new satanic plan arose in the heads of the high priests (Levites). They decided not just to throw out Christianity, but to use this religion for their own purposes and, having worked out the teachings of Christ under their plan, they threw this infectious religion into other countries, for other nations. Let Christianity corrupt the Aryan peoples and make them weaker. Then it is easier to spread their power throughout the Christian world and come close to world domination.

                      Jews, secretly and actively promoting Christianity, do not use Christianity for themselves. They use Christianity for other “lower” peoples, to fool these peoples, to grind in them the religious faith in the superiority of the Jews, to divert other peoples away from solving real life problems, to lower the spirit of the Aryans and turn the Aryan souls into the souls of slaves.

                      Think Christians about saving your souls! Think more while the Jews take over power, money, property, the media and everything else during your stupid thoughts. Why do you need money? They will destroy your soul. Obey Christ: "You cannot serve God and Mammon (money)." Christianity for the Jews is a powerful weapon in the struggle for world domination.

                      The fact that Christianity is needed, first of all, by Zion, and that Zion is most afraid of the revival of pagan religion, was perfectly expressed by the leading Zionist-Sovietologist M. Agursky: “Life shows that anti-Christianity is at the same time and even above all anti-Semitism ... All this gives me the right to appeal to both Jewish believers and Christians to unite to fight against neopaganism. ”
                      1. Yoshkin Kot
                        17 July 2012 14: 48
                        idiocy! tell me fox. why then do Jews kill Christians at the earliest opportunity? so it was in Jerusalem and more than once, it was so in Spain, so it was in Russia in 1917 -37?
                        and stop spreading fantasy! tiring your neopagan delirium!
                        Judas of the Russian Family
                      2. Fox 070
                        17 July 2012 15: 00
                        Quote: Yoshkin Cat
                        stop spreading fantasy!

                        Do you, the cat, think that if you keep repeating "fantasy, fantasy", the facts will turn into fantasy? I'll tell you a secret - they won't turn. By the way, in 17-37, Jews were operating in Russia. This is the real enemy of the Russian people and Russia. And you, the cat, pour water on their mill.
                      3. Yoshkin Kot
                        17 July 2012 15: 06
                        hi-hi-hi-hi, I’m cool, and all these neopagan sites will hang the badges of foreign agents?
                      4. Fox 070
                        17 July 2012 15: 12
                        Quote: Yoshkin Cat
                        hee hee hee hee

                        This is a diagnosis of kitty running to a psychiatrist !!! fool
                      5. Yoshkin Kot
                        18 July 2012 08: 49
                        Fox is everything okay with your head? according to your logic? a Jew in 1917-37 killed Russian people, killed priests! robbed the country and the Russian Church! and who do you call the Zionists and the Jewish believers? to the doctor! urgently rusofobchik!
                      6. +1
                        17 July 2012 18: 15
                        Dear Fox070, if you are citing quotes, then, for the sake of decency, indicate the source. Let me do it for you: Istarkhov "Blow of the Russian Gods".
                      7. Fox 070
                        17 July 2012 18: 28
                        Quote: vadimN
                        decency for the sake of indicating the source.

                        I missed it (though I'm not the only one). Istarkhov "Blow of the Russian Gods", 4th edition supplemented.
                      8. Ottofonfenhel
                        17 July 2012 23: 20
                        So Nevsky Jew and everyone who bore the banner with the face of Christ, all Jews, that damn obscurantism, if only the memory of their ancestors was respected. Let us again sacrifice the bulls to Perun, and there is still room, but at least in the mausoleum of Lenin to throw out a log from Perdun Yes, we’ll cut the goats right there, we’ll make women wreath over the fire to make them jump, each of us will take a ghoul, and we’ll tighten the song about Sadko, I was born in Veliky Novgorod and respect history and religion, but I don’t have to flog open garbage. Jews damn it, the conspiracies of Zion wise men, cosmopolitans, just like in the 60s. Regards.
                      9. +1
                        18 July 2012 10: 34
                        And not only in the 60s ... Look at history with an open mind. Come on, let's leave the story behind ... Take the official guide "Who's Who in Russian Business." 90% of the newly-minted "Russian" oligarchs are Jews. When we are indignant at the unfair privatization, the robbery of the national property earned by generations of Soviet people, it would be good to look and think into whose hands this property fell. The answer is obvious, judging by the names of the oligarchic families ...
                      10. 0
                        19 July 2012 22: 15
                        And now let me remind you of the Russian post-communist elite, which allowed all this.
                      11. Yoshkin Kot
                        18 July 2012 08: 46
                        ha-ha - !!! ha-ha !!!! Christians are Zionists !!!!! more stupid and impudent lies! I've never heard! and about who is a heretic, Talmudists or Christians, I will give such a fact! for the first time the Old Testament was written in Greek in Egypt by 40 commentators, even before R.H. and what is now called the tolmud and the Torah began to appear 100 years later from R.Kh. by editing ancient texts!
                        ps work out your cheeks ahead!
                      12. 0
                        19 July 2012 22: 11
                        Yes, yes, then, as a result, the Jews were scattered around the world and the Russians created an empire in 12 time zones, which of course is not taken into account. As the Gospels are written, a tree is known by its fruit. So, let's talk about the fruits? What did you eat from Perun?
                      13. GG2012
                        20 July 2012 11: 32
                        Today's Christians are the great-great-grandchildren of those who refused to fight and broken pagans, who in 988 agreed to adopt Christianity in exchange for a saved life.
                        Today's Christians are carriers of Parental Fear.

                        The modern analogy of what happened in 988 is our soldiers - deserters and prisoners of war who, in order to save their lives, converted to Islam in Afghanistan.
                  2. +4
                    17 July 2012 18: 54
                    Never be responsible for everyone ....
            2. +1
              17 July 2012 12: 18
              Instead of giggling, it would be better to read, dear, at least something from the history of pre-Christian Russia ... I’m sure the opinion will change ...
              1. Yoshkin Kot
                17 July 2012 13: 21
                no. I certainly love fantasy! but classic, about elves with gnomes laughing
                1. +2
                  17 July 2012 19: 39
                  and in your pre-Christian history of Russia is a fairy tale?
                  1. +5
                    17 July 2012 21: 06
                    Naturally no .. sorry We have few sources to study the history of Ancient Russia.
                    Why is that.? Perhaps the ROC had a hand in this. Or maybe not.

                    But the fact that the Russian Orthodox Church fought against paganism is a fact. even in the 18th century fought with the support of the state by the way.

                    I've always been interested .. paganism didn’t leave a trace ... Ivan Kupala. Shrovetide .. Customs. not having the slightest relation to Christianity.

                    Fortune telling. Brownies. it's paganism.
                    And why are we letting the cat into a new hut.? ... in short, the symbiosis of paganism and Christianity has come out. Christianity had to compromise. with old faith
                    1. 0
                      18 July 2012 10: 52
                      The genetic memory of the Rus is so strong that two millennia of persecution of paganism could not kill these roots in the people.
                      And that there are few sources - there is a logical explanation for this. Look at the video above about Gundyaev, and everything will become clear. For all two thousand years Christianity fought with paganism for the flock. With the support of the state and foreign "founding fathers" of Christianity, the church in Russia understood perfectly well that in order to create its own flock, it must be deprived of its historical roots. Therefore, the influence of the ROC on historical science was extremely great, up to the emasculation of objectionable information. Rare surviving sources and research by modern archaeologists show amazing facts that the pre-Christian civilization of Russia was not at all "wild and brutal", as Gundyaev says. There was a highly developed written language, there were cities, there was culture, there was trade ... And there was a religion (Vedism) that unites man with the forces of nature and gives harmony and strength ...
                      1. 0
                        18 July 2012 22: 22
                        Not for nothing the Vikings called Russia - Gardariki - i.e. a country of cities, and long before the baptism of Russia ....
              2. +4
                17 July 2012 17: 05

                I am sure that the opinion will change ...

                Opinion changes in one who seeks the truth. And for a blind believer, truth is replaced by inspired faith.
                1. +4
                  17 July 2012 18: 18
                  Unfortunately, I must agree with you ... And our "cat" is a clear confirmation of this ...
                  1. Yoshkin Kot
                    18 July 2012 11: 02
                    poor fellow, I feel sorry for you! no seriously sorry! roam like blind puppies in the darkness of disbelief
                2. 0
                  19 July 2012 22: 20
                  Do you yourself believe in someone? To Perun, to a brighter future? How many have already said that there are no unbelievers, there are believers and superstitious. Truth is not only 5 senses, but also something bigger and most important (they say it is contained in the heart), but you, atheists, stubbornly and mockingly reject it.
          3. +2
            17 July 2012 16: 54

            In addition to the video:
            Excerpt from the book of Vladimir Danilov "Aryan Empire, death and rebirth", Department of Theoretical Problems at the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation, 2000
            page 46-47

            "... They are well aware of the connections and words of M. Martin, the former assistant to the cardinal's backstage strategist. Agostino Bea and the "reformer pope" John XXIII, who belonged to the Rosicrucian Masonic order, about his companions:
            "Among the cardinals and the hierarchy are Satanists, homosexuals, anti-papists, and those who help advance towards world government."
            It was this Agotino Bea, through the mediation of the Order of Malta and a number of influential Western circles, who established close relations with Mr. von Pinkerneil, Master of the United Masonic Lodges of Germany.
            It was to him that the Soviet Orthodox Metropolitan Nicodemus (Rotov) constantly traveled and constantly took with him the young priest igumen with him, and as a result, the most influential archimandrite Kirill (Gundyaev)."

            Now think:
            Yeltsin was an honorary member of the Order of Malta, and now, more recently, Shoigu respected by all.
            1. Oleg0705
              17 July 2012 18: 23
              Quote: Ross
              respected by all Shoigu.

              Eminence grise.
              1. Yoshkin Kot
                18 July 2012 11: 04
                a dearly grave Catholic Christian order with a medical and humanitarian focus was recorded among the masses! nd level of EDUCATION surpasses the line of idiocy
        2. Yoshkin Kot
          17 July 2012 11: 27
          Voooo, I’m talking completely with Jewish communism, I lost the last drop of the Russian Spirit
        3. +6
          17 July 2012 12: 37
          Here you can argue with you. There was a time when it was the church that called the people to resist the enemies and it was under the banners that they went into battle. Remember Oslyabya - this was a monk. Over time, starting with Peter, the importance of the church was belittled, and in Soviet times it was completely lowered "below the plinth", but in the church, even before Molotov's official speech about the beginning of the war, a letter was read - an appeal against the German - fascist troops. In our modern reality, the church is no longer the same. she is preoccupied with commerce, mired in lies and servility to power. What about the fact that the Russian people are apathetic and lazy, "cattle", I'm not sure. I am Russian and I am proud of it. And our rulers made the people like that. You can't give the Russian people too much will. As a result of the destruction of the USSR, what happened was what the CIA wanted and was recorded in the plans of the CIA - this is the disintegration of the population, the instilling of a Western way of life, the dominance of drugs, the drinking of the population, free love, and much more that was not inherent in the Russian people. And probably one of the main reasons for the humiliation of Russians is that the authorities do not want to recognize the supremacy of the Russian people, and the impoverishment of the population, degradation against the background of drunkenness and lack of work, occurs in the places of indigenous settlement of Russians. The authorities do not give money for the development of these regions, in contrast to the Northern Caucasus. Like this .
        4. +8
          17 July 2012 14: 15
          Quote: vadimN
          In Russia, Christianity was a little less than two thousand years old ... And what happened, tell me, several millennia of the pre-Christian history of Russia? What did our ancestors worship and worship? However, this is another question. ....

          But the question is absolutely correct!
          Not everyone knows that, for example, in the Don Army until the 17th century, priests were elected from among their own, the Cossacks, and they were not subordinate to any diocese, either Moscow or Kiev. Moreover, even later, when Moscow began to send its priests to the Don, not one of them was dressed in stocks as Cossacks for putting the instructions of the church above the laws of the Army Circle (people's veche). A very interesting question is when exactly Orthodoxy penetrated into Russia, and why exactly Orthodoxy, and not other Christian movements (of which there are many). And did it penetrate into Russia, or did "Russian popular Orthodoxy" originate here?

          In my opinion, the Russian Orthodox Church as an organization (and earlier, at the time of its inception, and even more so now) is a completely commercial organization created with the aim of extracting personal profit (wealth, power) by exploiting the faith of the people. In the same way as the institution of the papacy among Catholics - all crooks are the same, the scale is only different. White brotherhood, would give e time.

          And the actions of the Russian Orthodox Church in general leave a lot of questions, especially at the turning points in the history of Russia, and they were not always so uniquely pro-Russian and patriotic.

          And certainly, the unity of the Slavs in the modern world, the revival of the Russian self-consciousness of the Russian Orthodox Church is simply too tough - here you are, vadimN, fat plus. The Russian Orthodox Church is not busy with that, and it is not thinking about that. The priests are now busy with themselves, with their well-being. "Watches, Mercedes, mansions - everything is so damn expensive ..."

          I will say right away - I'm an atheist.
          Religion for me is "opium for the people", of course. But this is also the history of my people, so I read books on the history of religion, including "alternative" authors, with great interest. And to my surprise, the "alternatives" have quite coherent answers to some oddities that have no explanation in the "traditional" version.
          1. Yoshkin Kot
            17 July 2012 14: 50
            stupid thing! did the priests choose? do you know who a priest is? about his ordination?
            The test for the complete lack of knowledge of the subject and subject Russophobia rink you passed on Excellent!
            ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha !!!! and these people, to me pa ... talk about Christianity !!!!!!!
            1. +4
              17 July 2012 15: 31
              Quote: Yoshkin Cat
              ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha !!!! hee hee hee hee hee hee hee

              I wonder what we smoke today.
        5. +8
          17 July 2012 15: 51
          In the meantime, I’m saying with confidence - Russian national identity will not be reborn on Christian soil.

          Vedic religion of the ancient Slavs

          Before the USSR and during the USSR, we knew more about foreign pagans than about ours. An ordinary illiterate person at the mention of pagans immediately appears in the minds of several words-concepts: paganism, barbarism, polytheism, worship of trees, stones and idols. And this is where all the “literacy” in this matter ends.

          I will begin with the elimination of competitive lies - about polytheism as uncivilized barbarism, which implies the alleged denial of the existence of the One God. Here the position is the same for all “pagans”, all peoples. For example, the concept of “pagans” - the ancient Egyptians can be demonstrated through one of the many similar sayings of the great thinker Hermes Trismegistus:
          “Since God is the Universality of things, not a single name is his own name, otherwise either God would have to be called by all names, or everything should be called by His name.”
          Among the “pagan” Persians, the outstanding thinker Zoroaster also preached faith in the One God named Ahura Mazda, this is the One God and Creator. In the Holy Books of Zoroastrians it is said that before God are on the one hand - the White hierarch Ormuzd with 7 Angels, and on the other black - Ahriman with 7 demons, and all together serve the Eternal One God.
          Talk to the shaman or sorcerer of the farthest tribe of our North, Africa or Australia - and you will see that he believes in one God, although he cooperates with the divine hierarchy (angels, demons, natural spirits) of his inner circle.

          The famous Greek “pagan” Plotinus lived during the first Christians and explained:

          “The Gnostics (Christian and Jewish theologians) claim that they worship the intelligible Gods, but this worship of them does not have a harmony between thought and the real World ... (For) He who loves something, loves everything related to the latter; therefore, he also loves the children of the Father whom he loves. Every soul is a daughter of this Father ... For how can it be that our real World is cut off from this (visible) World, from the intelligible?

          Why is God not present here? He (God), therefore, is present at everything and is in this World, no matter how it may be, so that the World is part of Him. ”

          That is, the fundamental difference is that Jews and Christians worship an unknown personal intellectual God and at the same time affirm that the World, Nature we see, were created by God in a few days. And fans of the Vedic religion, “pagans” claim that the World we see, Nature is a part of Him, God, He himself is represented in Nature, in the World we see; that God-World develops and expands by the method of emanation from Himself - like branches appearing from a tree trunk, and leaves appearing from branches.

          In the form of mellow quotes, theses we will get acquainted with the beliefs of another famous Greek “pagan” Proclus:

          - Any multitude in one way or another is involved in the One.
          - Everything involved in the One is one and not one.
          - All Existence emanates from One Cause, from the First.
          - Every rank of the Gods comes from the First Principles - the limit and Infinity. But one category is more related to the cause of the limit, the other to Infinity.
          - Above all bodies - the essence of the soul, above all souls - the mental nature, above all mental substances - the One.

          Why did they tell us something completely different at school and in churches? Considering this topic, it should first be emphasized that in the fight against the religion of our distant ancestors, the first thing was not just distorted information about the past, about the deeds of our distant ancestors, about their glorious exploits and achievements, but history was deliberately destroyed. Moreover, this dirty business was accomplished not only by insidious people inside Russia, but also beyond its borders. There are five periods in the history of Russia, when the history of the country and people was distorted and destroyed especially zealously:

          X – XII centuries during the advent of the Christian religion.
          XVI – XVII centuries during the change of royal dynasties, the time of “Troubles”.
          XVIII century, the time of “persistent” Europeanization of Russia by Peter the Great and his followers.
          After 1917 year ...
          Talking about the religion of our pre-Christian ancestors only as believing in God is not right, because for our ancestors it was a holistic worldview, all together: both an understanding of the World around us and a recognition of the Powers that dominate the person, before which you must worship and appeal for help; these are the principles of living arrangements and relationships, the principles of morality, family life, customs, traditions, holidays.

          “The patristic worldview of our ancestors was the Knowledge (knowledge) of the true spiritual foundation of Being, was permeated with a joyful, enthusiastic attitude towards life.

          What is contemptuously called paganism was not only an ideology, not only a system of spiritual and cultural values, it was a genuine life that contained everything. Life in unity with Nature.

          Nature is not only trees and rivers, but the whole Cosmos, all real, genuine Being ”

          - explained our famous history researcher I.I. Sinyavin.

          “The Russians lived in nature, considered themselves part of it, and seemed to dissolve in it. It was a sunny, vibrant, realistic religion. The fundamental difference between the old Russian ideology was that the Russians did not consider themselves products of God, His things, and even less so God's servants. They regarded themselves as his descendants, grandchildren of the God-Give (God-grant the Gods). They did not humiliate themselves before the Ancestor, but, realizing His superiority, at the same time they recognized their natural kinship. Unlike the Western Russes, the Eastern Russes did not have temples to propitiate the Gods and offer them prayers. They addressed them directly and directly. If there were special places of worship, they were determined only by the convenience for common prayer ...
          There was not a special caste of priests, their functions were performed by the elders ”
          - noted Emelyanov.

          There were, of course, individuals specially marked by God, with special abilities as a result of long self-improvement, who were called sorcerers and magicians. But they did not represent a close-knit caste, were not united and structurally organized into a certain episcopate or into some priestly "trade union".

          In the concept of the Magi, the word “saint” or, at that time, “s-in-ya-t-i-y” is this person of Light, “who has reached the One with whom He seeks to unite. And on the path of development, on the path to perfection, to God, each has his own steps, his own achievements; and God can give different people different things: knowledge and understanding, superpowers to predict or treat, etc. Such people do not need to unite, everyone does his own charitable deed. In addition, most often religious ceremonies were led by elders in the family or in the family.
          I.Ya. Froyanov convincingly shows in his research that often the role of priests in various ceremonies and festivals was carried out directly by the princes themselves. For those who were wise, understood the deep religious meaning of traditions and rituals, had a deep and broad worldview and were elected to their leaders - to princes.
          Chernobog and Belobog flicker,
          connecting in Svarg
          the world is kept in equilibrium.
          They are one and not one without the other.

          “However, for a thousand years now they have been trying to convince us that before the atrocious baptism of Russia we were savages or, at best, pagans. For this, all the Vedic temples, all the Magi, tens of thousands of our compatriots who resist the planting of pseudo-Christianity, and tens of thousands of volumes of ancient books were burned ... - employees of the Russian Academy of Sciences Inga Mochalova and Vladimir Danilov write in their book, -
          According to the ancient evidence of our enemies, Byzantine chroniclers of the 4th – 6th centuries after R.Kh. (Procopius of Caesarea, Helmold, biographer of Otton, etc.), not by hearsay, but personally knowing and studying the life and religion of pre-Christian Russia, the Slavs believed in the One God, calling Him “Supreme”, “Heavenly God”, “God of the Gods”.
          Even in the annals of the Christian chronicler Nestor it is recorded that from ancient times the Slavs had Knowledge about the “God Almighty” and distinguished Him from other Deities. They worshiped Him as “Lord of Heaven,” the source of Divine power, and called “Old God,” “Prabog.”
          “The religious beliefs of Russia can only be called polytheism at a popular level, since the structure of the pantheon of the Gods was pyramidal, on top of which was the God of the gods, the Supreme Deity,” explained I.I. Sinyavin.
          The most remarkable preserved ancient Slavic monument to God is the stone Zbruch idol, located on a hill near the Zbruch river (a tributary of the Dniester). On this 2,7 meter high column there are three tiers of images symbolizing the three constituent parts of the World (Jav, Nav, Prav).
          Life and death are inseparable, and man simply has nowhere to leave from NATURE; because death means only its transition to “the other world” (LIGHT, not darkness) ... ”explains A.A.Dobrovolsky,“ The soul of the people is imprinted in its language. Only in our proprietary language NATURE - MOTHERLAND - PEOPLE are an eternal, inextricable whole, for they grow from one sacred root - KIND ...
          Only in our native speech did the treasured word NATURE retain its undoubtedly sacred foundation. “Idolaters” did NOT pray stump-deck, but to the many-sided Genus spilled throughout the Nature ... The secret connection of the roots, branches and leaves of the Family Tree ensures the unity and integrity of the Family.
          Having visited “the other world”, the soul does not want “afterworldly bliss” and does not want to remain in “paradise”, but strives to be embodied again ON THE EARTH IN ITS PEOPLE ...
          Homeland is, first of all, Native Nature.
          1. 11Goor11
            17 July 2012 21: 42
            Vedic religion of the ancient Slavs

            But this is all a MODERN philosophy. It has nothing to do with TOM paganism. After all, not a single written source has been preserved. And it could not be preserved - Slavic writing was also acquired along with Christianity. Cyril and Methodius. Do you dispute this too?
            "Vedic religion" is an attempt to cram the fantasies of modern homegrown philosophers into the soul of the people under the guise of a moral crisis.
            1. +4
              18 July 2012 00: 30
              Who told you such nonsense? Read my post carefully. There are many European, Byzantine, Arab sources of the time! Ancient Russian sources almost all destroyed the church and the Romanovs. But something has survived, the Pigeon Book, Vedic sources in Sanskrit in India and even in Siberia.
              Cyril and Methodius did not invent anything, they only adapted Greek to Old Slavic. This is a myth of the church, there is evidence of this.
              1. 11Goor11
                18 July 2012 01: 57
                Of course, Cyril and Methodius did not invent the Slavic language, and of course they gave a script which we did not have before them.
                Therefore, the stories about the destruction of written sources, which could not be, sound - absurd.
                1. Oleg0705
                  18 July 2012 02: 08

                  Today's beliefs are tomorrow's fallacies. Or we never change our beliefs. We change only errors.
                  1. 11Goor11
                    18 July 2012 02: 27
                    Sounds like mind games? laughing
                    We recently learned about Gorbachev’s betrayal, about his hard work, together with Yakovlev and Shevarnadze, in fooling the population of an entire country, rewriting the history of an entire period. But! Is it true that it still surfaced? And it took only twenty years?
                    1. Oleg0705
                      18 July 2012 02: 38
                      20 years is not a deadline, very little time will pass and it will be erased like the history of Russia sad recourse
                      1. 11Goor11
                        18 July 2012 03: 34
                        At one time, it almost killed me that there is a "Moshe Fedoter" in the presidential council of the Russian Federation who wanted to arrange a total de-Stalinization. (how is that ?!)
                        But he was not given. (Hurray !!!) But they left Mikhail Fedotov himself (but how so ?!)
                        But now it seems to choose the president’s council by popular vote? Wait and see. But the president of the Russian Federation cannot in one fell swoop beat seven. Will a wave of indignation rise? But gradually, one after another, the problems of the Gorbachev collapse seem to be eliminating.
                      2. Oleg0705
                        18 July 2012 10: 36
                        Then I agree with you that I don’t like the fact that he’s into this fucking
                        WTO is torn.
            2. +2
              18 July 2012 10: 58
              "... Slavic writing was also acquired along with Christianity. Cyril and Methodius. Dispute this too? ..."

              Yes, I argue! Look for information (and not only in the internet). There are studies by fairly reputable scientists, showing and proving that before Cyril and Methodius the ancient Slavs had a developed script, an alphabet with a number of letters that far exceeded those introduced by K and M.
              Tell me, in what language is "Veles's book" written? And "The Word about Igor's Regiment"?
        6. mind1954
          17 July 2012 23: 33
          Russian national identity will be reborn only on the communist
          not without reason, even Karl Marx looked with hope at Russia!

          Difficult living conditions developed among the Russian people
          resistance to tests, traditions of mutual assistance and self-government!
          Namely, the Russian people on the traditions of self-government of the rural community
          created the most perfect form of parliamentarism SOVIET POWER!
          The meaning of which is that people delegate to power those of their
          comrades with whom they work, whom they know, for whom they bear
          responsibility that is controlled and if they do not justify trust,
          then withdraw them from power
          It was created by the Ivanovo workers during the strike, to maintain
          order, since the local government all escaped. And they were only one
          foot from the village !!! Everything that other nations could create for progress
          peace, no offense they will be told, this is the creation of socialist
          industrial relations in the course of the emergence of cooperation under capitalism!

          The future of human civilization is the dictatorship of the proletariat, standing
          on Soviet power and socialist production relations,
          with public ownership of the means of production, opening
          private initiative without private ownership!

          This is the historical mission of the Russian people!
          For this, and on this very territory, civilization created it!
          Other nations have fulfilled their destiny on the appropriate
          stages of history. Now it is the turn of the Russian people, whose share in 1917
          an unprecedented task fell, during the development of civilization - the elimination
          private ownership of the means of production, which played its
          a progressive historical role and become a brake on development !!!
          The rise of Christianity is compared to this "baby talk"!

          Fuck or not? SHOULD !!! Russians do not give up, or, already, no?
          1. lotus04
            18 July 2012 03: 59
            Quote: mind1954
            Namely, the Russian people on the traditions of self-government of the rural community
            created the most perfect form of parliamentarism SOVIET POWER!
            The meaning of which is that people delegate to power those of their
            comrades with whom they work, whom they know, for whom they bear
            responsibility that is controlled and if they do not justify trust,
            then withdraw them from power

            Everything is said, there is nothing more to add! +++
            1. Yoshkin Kot
              18 July 2012 11: 12
              what ??? it turns out the peasant community created Soviet power?
              yah! new discovery in recent history! Can you tell me where the tips were created? in the village? maybe the dugout form plowed? sitting in switzerland? or life bracket? GA-GA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA !!!!
              Communities, do you even read the form or something ????????? GA-HA-HA-HA-HA !!!!!!!!!
            2. 0
              23 July 2012 12: 28
              And what really came out of the Soviet regime? The power of the bureaucracy ... And why?
          2. Yoshkin Kot
            18 July 2012 11: 08
            n-dya, tens of millions of Russians killed, starved to death, robbed by the communists in the 20th century is not enough for you? another such "revival" and we will end as a nation! got homegrown okomunizdy!
      3. Oleg0705
        17 July 2012 10: 42
        Yoshkin Cat,

        yeah, only in the Russian Orthodox Church laughing
        1. Yoshkin Kot
          17 July 2012 11: 33
          do not drag pictures of fraudsters to the site! 100 poods is .. an udak to the Church has nothing to do with it!
          1. Oleg0705
            17 July 2012 12: 06
            where does such confidence come from? what is not yours? laughing
            1. Yoshkin Kot
              17 July 2012 12: 14
              by the fact that there are rules in the church! and unfortunately there is no law according to which those who have pulled on a cassock can be prosecuted for this fact alone
              1. Oleg0705
                17 July 2012 12: 27
                Quote: Yoshkin Cat
                by the fact that there are rules in the church

                these rules?
          2. Fox 070
            17 July 2012 12: 34
            Quote: Yoshkin Cat
            it .. the punch to the Church has nothing to do with it!

            And to whom, in your opinion, can these "priests" be attributed?
            1. Oleg0705
              17 July 2012 12: 41
              Fox 070,

              No words sad
            2. Yoshkin Kot
              17 July 2012 13: 23
              the author needs to be hung up for his deceitful tongue! By the way, the word blogger as well as a human rights activist means only one thing - a Jew!
              1. Fox 070
                17 July 2012 13: 30
                Quote: Yoshkin Cat
                a blogger, like a human rights activist, means only one thing - a Jew!

                Jews are also baptized, the so-called "cross". How do you feel about the official blog of the Russian Orthodox Church?

              2. Oleg0705
                17 July 2012 13: 32
                Quote: Yoshkin Cat
                By the way, the word blogger as well as human rights activist means only one thing - a Jew!


                is this blogger too? wink
        2. +2
          17 July 2012 12: 07
          And you know what the word POP means - the Traitor of the Customs of the Ancestors. Yes
          1. Yoshkin Kot
            17 July 2012 12: 15
            storyteller, by the way, how long have you been living? a thousand? pagan ancestors still become? so they made their choice in favor of Christianity, because they did not want to make human sacrifices after the cult of perkun penetrated into Russia
            1. Oleg0705
              17 July 2012 12: 23
              Quote: Yoshkin Cat
              so they made their choice in favor of Christianity

              yeah, Christianity walked the earth with fire and sword, with the purest intentions exterminating those whom it called unchristians and savages. sad
              1. Fox 070
                17 July 2012 12: 46
                Quote: Oleg0705
                Christianity walked the earth with fire and sword
                1. Yoshkin Kot
                  17 July 2012 13: 26
                  don't know the topic. keep silent! Read the bible! Understand in what context it is said and think about the Soul! About the war that goes with radiant
                  1. Fox 070
                    17 July 2012 13: 39
                    Quote: Yoshkin Cat
                    don't know the topic. keep silent! Read the bible!

                    Firstly, you do not poke me!
                    Secondly, the topic I own is no worse than you and I will not be silent!
                    Thirdly, I read the Bible, and very carefully, unlike you.
                    1. Yoshkin Kot
                      17 July 2012 13: 53
                      Well, you are filthy with dirty Bolshevik boots trample in that filthy bloodied boots in the Souls of Russian Orthodox People, so be patient, sick
                      1. Fox 070
                        17 July 2012 14: 12
                        Yoshkin Cat,
                        Read it, obscurantist, and think over these words before you pour in accusations.

                        1. And Andrei Ionin, His disciple, asked
                        Rabbi! what nations to bring the good news of the kingdom of heaven.

                        2.And Jesus answered him
                        Go to the nations of the east, to the nations
                        Western and to the southern peoples, to where the sons of the house of Israel live.

                        3 not to the Gentiles of the north
                        walk for sinless
                        they do not know the vices and sins of the house of Israel.

                        4. For when the Gentiles who do not have a law by nature do the lawful,
                        then without a law, they are their own law.

                        (Gospel of Andrew, chap. 5, vv. 1-4) (Non-canonical)

                        Quote: Yoshkin Cat
                        Russian Orthodox People,

                        Look what Orthodoxy is and don’t think that you are in the subject!
                      2. Yoshkin Kot
                        17 July 2012 14: 19
                        ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1111
                        what neo-pagans you predictable in the repetition of lies!
                        you are a kind of spiritual ukrointsy! parasites on the body of the Russian People! His Enemies. trying to pervert Holy Russia! traitors to the Wars of the Fallen for Faith! The king! And the Fatherland!
                        Saints Blessed Princes Dmitry Donskoy Alexander Nevsky, Saints Ilya of Murom, Holy Monks of Relight and Oslyaby! St. Admiral Ushakov! Church sexton Generalissimo and His Grace Prince Alexander Suvorov-Rymniksky! hundreds of thousands of Russian people who died defending their Holy Russia! and did not change the Faith of their real Ancestors! Fathers and Grandfathers!
                      3. Fox 070
                        17 July 2012 14: 29
                        Quote: Yoshkin Cat
                        and did not change Faith their real Ancestors! Fathers and Grandfathers!

                        And I don’t change the Faith of my ancestors. On the contrary, I carry high the banner of this Faith.
                      4. Yoshkin Kot
                        17 July 2012 14: 53
                        yah???? But tell me, do you have a baptized mom? grandmothers are there grandfathers? if you are from Russian, then 40 generations are guaranteed! or are they not your ancestors? and you indulge? posing as a Russian, with the goal of perverting Russian people?
                      5. Fox 070
                        17 July 2012 15: 16
                        Quote: Yoshkin Cat
                        posing as a Russian, with the goal of perverting Russian people?

                        You, apparently, already have your hands shaking from rabies? Calm down, kitty, drink Valerian!
                      6. 11Goor11
                        17 July 2012 22: 24
                        Fox 070 (7)
                        Read it, obscurantist, and think about these words before you pour in accusations
                        To the Gentiles of the North
                        walk for sinless
                        they don’t know the vices and sins of the house of Israel ..

                        Why do you call yourself obscurantist so immediately?
                        Even now I can write some nonsense similar to your "gospel" and I will use it for "solid" proof of your own thoughts.
                        In fact, in order not to be obscurantist, in proving / refuting the Bible you need to use the MOST CANONIC Bible.
                        Because over the long history of civilization, a lot of different forgeries have accumulated, which are called "the gospels of ... (write as required)" but they have nothing to do with canonical scriptures and in many respects contradict them.
                        For this purpose, forgeries are written to prove some thoughts of the "writer" which are not even close in the CANONICAL scriptures.
                        “Go and teach all nations ”(Matthew 28:19),
                        Mark 16:15 "And he said to them: go по всему миру and preach the gospel "
                        16:20 "And they went and preached everywhere, with the Lord's help and the confirmation of the word with the following signs. Amen."
                        See the difference between a real Bible and a fake that was written to prove neo-pagan ideas?
                      7. Fox 070
                        18 July 2012 04: 55
                        Quote: 11Goor11
                        Even now I can write some nonsense

                        Of course, you can write nonsense and do it with great success! To confirm my words, it’s enough just to take an interest in what you believe in, somewhat more extensively, or just google it. It’s not difficult and you won’t look funny (well or sad).
                      8. 0
                        18 July 2012 11: 03
                        And who told you that the canonical bible is true? Over the centuries, her theologians of the official church have been rewritten to fit their needs more than once ...
              2. +4
                17 July 2012 13: 11
                If weigh all the fundamental scientific and cultural achievements of mankind that are used by living generations, then 90% of them were created in the era of paganism. Mediterranean civilizations are the brainchild of paganism. With the advent of Christianity, all of them underwent significant changes, and not for the better. Where is she, the Roman Empire? ... Where is ancient Greece? etc. Instead, there are centuries of the Inquisition and religious obscurantism. Bonfires, bonfires, bonfires ... Only in the late Middle Ages, when the church began to lose its dominant position in all spheres of life, did some kind of revival begin ... And the question arises: if Christianity had not existed, perhaps humanity would not have lost a few centuries, but would develop more intensively and in a completely different direction?
                1. Yoshkin Kot
                  17 July 2012 13: 57
                  ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                  Why do you think so????
                  ps The Roman Empire in its 1500 years of existence, 1000 years was Orthodox! to school!!!!!!!
                  obscurantism? ahh you probably like the achievements of such a pagan civilization as the Aztecs and Mayans! with their human sacrifices and ceremonial bestiality! or do you like such a sweet custom of our ancestors how to bury newborns alive at the beginning of new construction projects?
                  baby, do you recall from such a thing as the scientific and technological revolution? it happened by chance not in pagan India? or all the same, in the West? then still quite Christian?
                  ss n-dya level is not even education and neobrazovaniya amazing !!!!
                  1. +5
                    17 July 2012 15: 14
                    With all my disagreement with your point of view, I adhere to the correct style of communication in any disputes. You behave like a tram boom. I’m not your child, and I appeal to you ... although it seems to be in vain. So let me express my disrespect to you. Education does not justify bad manners. However, education and well-read (which is the case in your case) are two different things.
                    In any religion there are excesses and even idiocy. Don't take them. Nobody imposes. Stories about the horrors of paganism are presented to us by Christian "historians". It is not possible to check them. So, we take all the best, and do not frighten the people with all the worst.
                    By the way, about the scientific and technological revolution - they did it in the west, but by no means under the wing of the Vatican, but rather, contrary to it. And at a time when the influence of the church on social life was minimized.
                  2. +1
                    17 July 2012 17: 31
                    Take Japan ... It is still pagan. I hope it is not necessary to explain that Shintoism is an offshoot of paganism. By the way, not the most backward country.
                    1. Odessa
                      17 July 2012 17: 41
                      Take Japan ... It is still pagan

                      Japan is the dominant religion of Buddhism. But in Japan, in the smallest number there are both Orthodoxy (see photo-Cathedral in Tokyo) and Catholicism.
                      By the way, not the most backward country.

                      Japan, a country developing electronic technologies.
                      1. +2
                        17 July 2012 18: 49
                        Actually, the wiki gives data .. that Buddhism does not dominate in Japan.
                      2. 0
                        18 July 2012 11: 04
                        The dominant religion in Japan is Shintoism, which is an offshoot of ancient pagan beliefs ... It has nothing to do with Buddhism ...
                2. 11Goor11
                  17 July 2012 22: 45
                  Learn history - the "witch hunt" began during the "renaissance"
                  The Orthodox Church did not do this.
                  1. Oleg0705
                    18 July 2012 00: 41
                    Quote: 11Goor11
                    read the story - the "witch hunt" began in the era of "renaissance"
                    The Orthodox Church did not do this.

                    The illegitimate son of Prince Svyatoslav Vladimir, born of the servant of the Jewess Milusha, upon reaching adolescence, was appointed by Vladimir to reign in Novgorod in accordance with the requests of the Novgorod nobility.
                    In accordance with Jewish law, every child born to a Jew is considered a Jew. In this regard, the authors of the oldest "Tale of Bygone Years" called him "robichich", that is, "rabbi".
                    Novgorodians triumphantly drove to a young Vladimir. With him went and his uncle, Jew Dobrynya (Daran) and ruled Novgorod, until Vladimir grew up.
                    Being brought up surrounded by Jews, the rabbi-Levite Darana, Prince Vladimir hated Slavic paganism and developed plans for how to destroy it using cruelty, meanness and treachery.
                    Historians claimed that in order to become the sovereign ruler of the Russian land, on the orders of Prince Vladimir, his brother Prince Yaropolk was killed, and Vladimir raped his pregnant widow and took him as a concubine.
                    Having a wife, he contained about 800 concubines, so he also wanted to fuck the Byzantine Princess Christian Christian Anna, who was promised to him if he accepts the Christian faith and introduces her in Russia.

                    In 988, Prince Vladimir, with his mercenaries, drove the pagans into the water with swords and ordered that the Jew Yeshua Bar Pantir be worshiped by God under the name of Jesus Christ, and his mother, the Jewess Mary of Nazareth, be worshiped by the Virgin.
                    Dissenters were killed, and all kneeling turned into the faithful sons of the Orthodox Church.
                    The Orthodox Church ranked Vladimir as a saint for this feat.
                    The people called him Vladimir the Great, and historians rank him voracious males:
                    "And he was insatiable in fornication, bringing to him
                    married women and molesting girls. "
                    He betrayed the edification of his father, Prince Svetoslav, the great patriot of Kievan Rus, who stated:
                    "The Christian faith - there is ugliness."
                    As noted in the Ioakimov Chronicle, all residents of the settlements of the land of Novgorod who did not want to be baptized were destroyed by orders of Vladimir in 990 under the leadership of Metropolitan Mikhail together with Uncle Vladimir Jude Dabran.
                    So the Jew Vladimir Novgorodtsy repaid for their love for him.
                    This is what the most "holy" book of Judeo-Christians, the Bible, repeatedly demands:

                    "Blasphemers and worshipers of Gods other than the Lord should be exterminated." (Ex, 22:20; Lev, 20: 1-6, 4: 10-15; Deut, 13: 1-18,17: 2-7).

                    For the bloody massacre organized by Prince Vladimir over peaceful pagans and the conversion of free pagans of Russia into God's servants, the holy fathers of the Orthodox Church ranked this Jewish offspring of the Jewess Milusha as a saint, as equal to the apostles of holy Russia.
                    In front of the icons of this bloody Jew, many Orthodox slaves are now kneeling.
                    Over the centuries, among many Russians, this slavish psychology has entered the flesh and soul.
                    1. 11Goor11
                      18 July 2012 00: 51
                      The illegitimate son of Prince Svyatoslav Vladimir, born of a servant Jewess Milusha, upon reaching adolescence, was appointed Vladimir to reign in Novgorod in accordance with the requests of the Novgorod nobility ....
                      .... Educated surrounded by Jews, the rabbi-Levite Darana, Prince Vladimir hated Slavic paganism and developed plans for how to destroy it using cruelty, meanness and treachery.

                      Oleg, where are the details from?
                      1. Oleg0705
                        18 July 2012 00: 59

                        Google to help you!
                        and if it’s really interesting, I’ll drop the link

                      2. 11Goor11
                        18 July 2012 01: 39
                        Simonenkov Valentin Ivanovich "Distortion of the image of the Pagan Goddess Sophia"
                        All manuscripts claiming the baptism of Princess Olga in Byzantium is a complete lie.
                        They were written much later (in the 12-15 centuries) by Orthodox monks, and abound in gross errors, as well as contradictions that exclude the fact of baptism.
                        The history of Russia was written and repeatedly cleaned up to please Judeo-Christian phobias.

                        What Simonenkov wrote sounds amazing: “all the evidence that I don't like is a lie!
                        If facts are against us - woe to these facts! "
                        But you know, Oleg, I’d rather believe in manuscripts and historical realities, like the existence of Kievan Rus, Slavic writing formed with the help of Greek Christian missionaries, than the fantasies of Valentin Simonenkov and similar writers sucked from his finger, just because they don’t like Christianity and very much I want to cook up an alternative story.
                        Thank you for the dialogue.
              3. Yoshkin Kot
                17 July 2012 13: 25
                ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha !!!!!! cool and where did you get this?
                Do you even imagine the structure of medieval Russian society? with his not only princely squads, but also the city militia?
                ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha !!!!! congratulations Oleg! you are lying!
                zs do not read "goose" fantasy!
                1. Oleg0705
                  17 July 2012 13: 53
                  Quote: Yoshkin Cat
                  a-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha !!!!! congratulations Oleg! you are lying!
                  zs do not read "goose" fantasy!

                  who are you for? request
                  1. Yoshkin Kot
                    17 July 2012 14: 21
                    Oleg, are you burry too? byad !!!!!!!!!!!! laughing
                    1. Oleg0705
                      17 July 2012 14: 35
                      Quote: Yoshkin Cat
                      Oleg, are you burry too? byad !!!!!!!!!!

                      did you fall from the tree? laughing explain eh?
                      1. Yoshkin Kot
                        17 July 2012 14: 54
                        Now it’s clear, you live in Germany on the allowance of Jewish organizations? Is all the Holocaust milking?
                      2. Oleg0705
                        17 July 2012 15: 00
                        Quote: Yoshkin Cat
                        Is all the Holocaust milking?

                        and sho tse take? what
            2. scrack
              17 July 2012 13: 09
              Forcibly began to baptize Rus half-Russian-half-Khazar Prince Vladimir, the so-called. "Red sun", and the subsequent princes completed the Christianization of Rus under the guise of "Tatar rule"
              1. Yoshkin Kot
                17 July 2012 13: 28
                ha-ha-ha-ha! and ukrointsy consider him "his" mother he was from the local, Malusha's name!
                ahhh now it’s clear why among them, which is not broad, then with the right to Israeli citizenship !!!!
                Congratulations, you ugly! have you forgotten about the "democratic" nationality of Marx, Engels, Blanks and other Bronsteins?
                1. -3
                  17 July 2012 13: 34
                  Malusha is a diminutive of the Hebrew name Malka, which means "Queen" in Hebrew. And she was the daughter of a stray rabbi who nailed to the princely court ... Malka was the housekeeper at the court of Prince Svyatoslav, Father Vladimir
                  According to some versions, Svyatoslav sinned with a housekeeper ... so that Vladimir was not even half-Khazar, but a half-Jew ... Hence his zeal for accepting and imposing by force the new Jewish religion - Christianity.

                  I do not answer for reliability. stinging - find the primary sources on the Internet yourself. There are a lot of them.
                  1. Yoshkin Kot
                    17 July 2012 14: 01
                    is it true? and here I for example bear the name Dmitry? I am not the case of the ancient Greek? ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha !!!!!!!!!!!!!! to school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                    ps By the way, Vladimir, before believing in God, tried to promote the cult of Lithuanian percussion! with his human sacrifices, but the trouble was opposed by the people, (even before the baptism of Rus, there were enough churches in Kiev. as well as Christians, among the warriors who often served in the Roman Empire (Constantinople) and among the townspeople
                    1. consul
                      17 July 2012 16: 26
                      “Slavic” paganism, it’s neo-paganism, appeared in Russia at the end of the 80s of the 20th century, it is not surprising that there is a Jew among the authors of books on paganism. Along with the sects of all kinds of “Istors” that flooded, this was probably not done by chance. very profitable, because - "divide and conquer", and to manage the pagans is as easy as shelling pears - "bread and circuses." Paganism itself carries absolutely nothing spiritual in itself, it is empty (checked personally). By the way, and the pagans know, that education in Jewish and Muslim theological schools at the expense of the budget, and seminaries exclusively at the expense of dioceses.
                      And with regards to Mercedes and watches, look how the priests live in the village (there are NO salaries). This is about the army and all the doctors, etc. you can start judging someone by one, they say, "a thief, and everyone in the army is thieves."
                      Historically, Orthodox Christianity came to Russia much earlier, and the baptism of Prince Vladimir only consolidated it. "By fire and sword" baptism is just a fairy tale for the impressionable. And the fact that the Russian Orthodox Church has always been with the people throughout all the trials and it is unnecessary to say .And will be.
                      1. Fox 070
                        17 July 2012 16: 34
                        Quote: consul

                        "Slavic" paganism, or neo-paganism, appeared in Russia in the late 80s of the 20th century, it is not surprising that there is a Jew among the authors of books on paganism.

                        Was there a baptism of Rus?
                    2. prispek
                      17 July 2012 22: 23
                      Quote: Yoshkin Cat
                      ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      Quote: Yoshkin Cat
                      hee hee hee hee

                      Quote: Yoshkin Cat
                      ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1111

                      Into the bioreactor!
                      1. Yoshkin Kot
                        18 July 2012 08: 54
                        scared u ... slap laughing
                      2. prispek
                        18 July 2012 21: 45
                        Quote: Yoshkin Cat
                        scared u ... slap

                        What, not scared? Why, then, do not giggle and do not gag? Ile let go? Well then, while adequate, take a look in the mirror, shshshmakodyavy. There is a slap and you will see. And when you are fond of it - into a bioreactor!
                  2. 11Goor11
                    17 July 2012 23: 06
                    According to some versions, Svyatoslav sinned with a housekeeper ... so that Vladimir was not even half-Khazar, but a half-Jew ... Hence his zeal for accepting and imposing by force the new Jewish religion - Christianity.
                    I do not answer for reliability. stinging - find the primary sources on the Internet yourself. There are a lot of them.

                    I'm afraid that the new key keeper Svyatoslav, in his blog, wrote to Malka and Vladimir in vain because of envy.
                    You’d even turn on the logic laughing "Primary sources" more ancient than "The Tale of Bygone Years"? The oldest of the manuscripts, written after the death of Vladimir, and there is nothing about "housekeepers" in it.
      4. boris.uryadkin
        19 July 2012 13: 45
        Who lives on this earth for centuries, regardless of nationality, is a Russian man who has absorbed the blood of other nationalities for centuries, selecting and absorbing the best qualities.
      5. 0
        21 July 2012 02: 37
        All the turning points in their history, the Russian people passed victoriously when it was united by one idea. Like any other people. There are no sacred features.
        Heroes and cowards, thinkers and idiots, in general, have the same proportions relative to the number of people.
        Reasoning about some kind of exclusivity of our people, special giftedness or special heroism, the search for some totems in the history of our people is just a mind game. Moreover - grief from the mind of those playing these games. Similar to wearing the idea of ​​God's chosen people of the Jews.
        The great German people became such not so long ago - even at the beginning of the 19 century it was a hodgepodge from a rabble of dozens of principalities. Wilhelm II and Bismarck made the people united, and their brainchild in the 20 century was crushed by the whole continent.
        The great American people are the creator of the most powerful country in the world.
        The great French people, led by Napoleon, enslaved the whole of Europe and devastated the sex of Russia.
        Great Swedish people led by Charles XII ... How many were there, great nations?
        The great Russian people who broke the ridge to all of the above.
        And all this has always been possible with the unification of our people into one whole.
        And as soon as this whole cracked, great defeats occurred.
        If what distinguishes the Russian people, it is their unrivaled patience. Here we have no equal. There are enough reasons. Sometimes this is a very necessary quality - during the years of difficult trials, wars, the strain of all forces in great transformations.
        Sometimes this property kills our people, bringing cattle led to slaughter indifferent to their fate.

        We are a great nation. Its history, its conquests, its knowledge, its culture. We achieved all this when we were united by one idea, one goal. When they were led by people who gave such ideas and such goals, and who dedicated their lives to this people. From Vsevolod the Big Nest to Stalin. We suffered terrible catastrophes when the idea disappeared and in the chaos of separation, such as Nicholas II, Gorbachev and Yeltsin came to the fore.

        The value of personality, denied in the ideology of the USSR, is actually colossal. I guess that this denial was due to the selfless struggle of grayness with the phenomenon of Stalin. It is ridiculous that, along with this denial of the role of the individual in history, the personality of Lenin in the USSR was sacred. I am a citizen of the Great Soviet Union. But I am well aware of its shortcomings and flaws.

        The people themselves do not generate an idea, a goal. It gives personality. Yes, ideas and goals must fall into prepared soil in order to germinate.
        But these people give rise to these goals.

        What is democracy? Why liberal? This is a key issue. People power? Nonsense. All thinkers have recognized this for a long time.
        In fact, it is important to understand this: democracy is a system that suppresses the possibility of the emergence of a great personality, capable of leading people to a new goal. Such a system destroys the very possibility of the appearance of this person. Even if, inadvertently, such a person breaks to the top of state administration, she is given only a couple of terms and constant concessions to competing groups, which always have the opportunity to reverse everything that was begun by the previous one upon coming to power.
        In fact, liberal democracy always serves the very specific interests of a particular group of people, a wealthy class, and not its whole — workers, scientists, engineers, military, entrepreneurs. And under globalism - individual groups of world financial capital.

        Who is Putin? This is gray. Of course, this person is not such a liberal bastard as Nemtsov and the company, who are ready to completely turn the country under the knife of the dominance of liberal globalism. But Putin’s ideas and goals do not unite our people.
        He is also a liberal. Difference? Putin adheres to conservative liberalism. The Nemtsovs and Kasyanovs are neoliberals, globalists, and radicalists. But radish horseradish in the end will still not be sweeter.

        Liberalism does not allow the unification of people into a single whole, it destroys the collective consciousness of the people — it destroys what made our people win victories on the historical path.
        Liberalism requires and engenders for its existence the atomization of the people into individuals, competitive and non-competitive, strong and weak. It was liberalism that killed the great nations of Germany, the USA, Great Britain, the Soviet Union and Russia in the 20 century. Liberalism seeks the self-identification of peoples.

        Russia's last chance is not a search for the sacred features of our people, mythical divine gifts, it is a rejection of the liberal model of relations.

        The only alternative that could invent humanity.
        An alternative that is hotly spat upon and denigrated. This is socialism.
        Of course, taking into account all those mistakes and stupid things that have been done in the Soviet Union, especially in the 80's. But the power of the Soviet Union is foolish to deny - Russia still has not even reached the level of the RSFSR of 90, the impoverished year, not to mention the USSR as a whole. And one does not have to speak about the quality of the people themselves, their moral and ethical standards at all.
    2. +9
      17 July 2012 10: 27
      It’s one thing to plunge into a ship and wave far away.
      It’s quite another thing to stomp from Moscow to the Pacific Ocean without roads, at random, managing to make friends with someone, to fight with someone. Having got there to build a ship, cross the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and get to Kamchatka, cross it already by land, build a ship again ..... and now plunging onto it then wave across the ocean!
      Who else besides Russian is capable of this ?!
  2. Holms
    17 July 2012 06: 27
    Glory to the Russian people and Russian weapons !!!
  3. +24
    17 July 2012 07: 08
    The author is a brave man if he decided to raise this topic.
    But I didn’t take into account one thing, that it cannot be highlighted on one page, especially as a message.
    The given facts - can be discussed endlessly on various topics of the forum and have different directions having psychological and Filisofsky roots.

    But if we talk about the phenomenon of the Russian people, then we need to express two directions
    1. In Russia, the government that is most trusted is the part of the population that
    more cheating! (according to Bekhterev)
    2. The unity of the people, their unity is observed when it comes
    trouble (I will not give examples, everyone knows about them, this is both war and emergency)

    Why does this happen ?!
    The answer I think is that
    1. Forgiving offenders (thieves, adversaries) destiny STRONG
    2. He shares the latter, substitute his shoulder, not see when grief and trouble -
    ranks, ranks, nationalities, etc. but to see only a person
    needing help in support is BLESSENESS

    Both of these factors cannot be instilled - this is the history of the people, its roots, its development, its foundation.
    A Russian is compared with a bear who sleeps all winter, with Ilya Muromets who has been sitting on the 30 furnace for years - all these revolutions are real. Yes, we sleep, we sit, and we believe and forgive. But when the limit comes, the people wake up from hibernation, get up forgetting about the sores and go to the end, but at the same time we do not beat those who are already on their knees! - This is precisely the phenomenon that we inherited from our ancestors.

    By the way, I can add that the phrase Vera, Hope, Love - belongs to poets. Correctly it sounds FAITH, HOPE, COMPASSION!
    That this is the essence of the Russian people hope, believe and be able to sympathize
  4. +24
    17 July 2012 07: 19
    All this can be answered with this quote from V. Pikul's novel "The Cruiser": “Russia is indifferent to human life and the passage of time. She is speechless. She is eternal. She is indestructible ... "
    1. +3
      17 July 2012 07: 49
      How smart the man was V. Pikul ... better not to say !!
      1. +1
        17 July 2012 10: 00
        Actually, Carlyle wrote it, if that ...
  5. USAsha42
    17 July 2012 07: 21
    Capital abuse is a cheap trick.
    1. Oleg0705
      17 July 2012 13: 04
      Article ok !!!!!!! ++++++++
      1. Fox 070
        17 July 2012 13: 14
        Quote: Oleg0705
        Article ok !!!!!!! ++++++++

        I am very glad that I liked the article!
  6. 0
    17 July 2012 07: 22
    what ordinary people say about modern events
  7. mitya
    17 July 2012 07: 35
    The Russian person will always find the EXIT from a hopeless situation, but with the same success he will find the ENTRANCE there laughing
    1. +2
      17 July 2012 07: 38
      Quote: mitya
      but with the same success he will find the ENTRANCE there

      Oh, I feel, descendants will be the mothers of us on the sites, if by then there will still be sites laughing
      1. ytqnhfk
        17 July 2012 08: 21
        There was a program about the Pskov region where they showed how the province lives, well, about everything! And they asked the peasant if now you’re going to go to war? he answered- But what about? THIS IS MY LAND AND LAND OF MY ANCESTORS! I HERE EVERYTHING AND GRANDFATTERS, BABS! THEY LIVED AND DIED HERE AND DIE HERE AND I HOW IT DOES NOT MATTER! Everything else is rubbish !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        1. 0
          17 July 2012 09: 09
          and what, interestingly, would some Moscow manager answer this question?
          1. I627z
            17 July 2012 09: 42
            Are you really interested or is it a fashion trend to kick Moscow in a bust?
            1. 0
              17 July 2012 11: 20
              interesting. Although, rather a rhetorical question, I wonder how the answer will be formulated
              1. I627z
                18 July 2012 10: 09
                So I say that it has become a sign of "good" form to remember Moscow to the place and out of place.
                Interesting? Doubtful. Since nobody's point of view on this site is different from the "general line of the party" nobody is interested, but only serves as a reason to arrange a shit. (As an example, see above, the "discussion" of what is cooler than paganism or Orthodoxy. It has become fashionable for all paganism to remember all the "patriots" as one: "yes", "right", "true", and not agreeing to the "count." They are ready to forget Christianity, only because they did not live under it, and they cannot forget 1000 years of “paganism.” True, no one lived under classical paganism either, but this is lyrics.)
                You first find a Moscow manager - Moskvich, at least in the second generation, find, and then ask. In Moscow, 97% of newcomers or "Muscovites" are in the first generation, so it makes no sense to ask people like you. For all of them are ideological, patriots, they love their "sandbox", etc., but in Moscow they behave like pigs, tk. they (you) do not have the feeling that Moscow is their homeland.
                I was born and raised in Moscow and my ancestors and ancestors ....
                His genealogical tree (according to documents) was tracked until 1812 (hereinafter referred to as the fire in Moscow) and Moscow is my Motherland and I am ready to protect it from enemies, both external and internal. Just like our ancestors did. And the people in Moscow are ALL without exception. And our whole long-suffering Homeland to the last hopeless hole. And I, unlike you, do not feel any dirt on the territorial (religious, class, national) basis. And you, my friend, are behaving like an enemy of the Motherland, whose goal is to split the society - by separating Moscow (i.e. the center of communications, management, etc.) from Russia. Or maybe you're just chatting because a rhetorical question?
                PS By the way, where do you live? Do you all think how you or dissent have you already eradicated?
                1. 0
                  18 July 2012 17: 59
                  ek how you hooked laughing
                  I'm from Peter. I have no complaints against Moscow, but you must admit that most Russian residents cannot tolerate Moscow.
                  I can address my question to the St. Petersburg office plankton or the like.
                  You, an hour, not a manager? Nothing personal, just your reaction surprised
                  1. I627z
                    19 July 2012 09: 27
                    So write the St. Petersburg manager or just a manager and there will be no reaction.
                    The reaction stems from the fact that I love my City, despite the fact that living here is becoming increasingly unbearable every year. And the newcomers have already become so crazy that when they meet each other, the conversation begins with the question: "Where are you from?" And they asked me something like that. Oh what was, what was ... wink
                    I'm curious to see your reaction to Peter’s remembrance for any negative reason.
                    Don’t tolerate it. Only this strange impatience at the first opportunity (or without it) everyone strives to come here.
                    Does a cook (shepherd, hard workers, etc.) always have the right attitude in politics?
                    1. ytqnhfk
                      20 July 2012 10: 22
                      I have nothing against Moscow, and probably, as a rule, the most arrogant and showy ones are those who arrived just but I can ask you whether you are a real Muscovite? Great-grandfather from Moscow with great-grandmother? Well, you yourself understand that a person is looking for where better! For example, I do not need your megacities and surcharges, but if I had no place to earn money in 99, I left for St. Petersburg and worked calmly for 10 years now, because I could live here financially! If the state creates normal financial and social conditions, then 90 percent will not go anywhere !
                2. walter_rus
                  19 July 2012 01: 32
                  As for Moscow - I agree, it turned out natural (or artificial?) Selection on the contrary, when the louts began to climb into warm places closer to the authorities, and it was already difficult to find the native Muscovites. But it happened as it happened, and Moscow is now being judged by this horde. In general, this happens not only in Moscow.
                  1. I627z
                    19 July 2012 09: 44
                    Mokva will remain - the horde will leave. And to those who judge: "Do not judge, that you will not be judged."
                    In the Crimea he was engaged in horse riding. The trainer hesitated for a long time, then asks: "I don't understand, but where are you from?"
                    I told him: "FROM Moscow".
                    He: "Root or what?"
                    Me: "Yes, but what is so noticeable?"
                    He: "Those who are" from "Moscow usually behave like snobs, pigs .. (substitute the necessary).
                    Moral: When communicating with people "S" of Moscow - look with whom you are dealing.
    2. Oleg Rosskiyy
      17 July 2012 09: 25
      The main thing is to understand that entry and exit are one and the same thing, then the problems can be minimized.
  8. +1
    17 July 2012 07: 56
    Again the Mongol-Tatars.
    "How long, O Catiline ...?"
    17 July 2012 08: 04
    Fortunately, the Russian people are talented, and can make fun of any rezun, Solzhenitsin, and other solonins, so that they have no faith.
    For example, like this:

    The sunset was beautiful and crystal
    (The clouds retreated briskly).
    Waking up closer to the night, Stalin,
    I wondered who would kill him.

    He scanned the table with a tiger look
    He crumbled the Duchess into the receiver,
    Where else to arrange glamor?
    (Exactly! In the Don and Ukraine!)

    He drank wine and weighed the reasons.
    Thought: "In a glass can poison", but -
    I remembered that in the Gulag there are trillions,
    Immediately it became pleasant in my soul.

    Nodding his head joyfully
    I was ready to dance lezginka
    But ... paranoia boiled again
    (Or there, what did Radzinsky write about?)

    Anger streamed through Georgian veins
    Thoughts - just boiled with lava.
    He began to think badly about the military -
    How would they rather beheaded.

    Maybe crush, how to crush midges?
    Or - respecting reverence?
    I lit and went to the window
    Survey your Country of Soviets.

    Amid the ruins and all sorts of ruins
    All the people in a panic shake
    From Moscow to the outskirts
    The whole country is entangled with a thorn.

    There is terror all around. And horror scales
    There are only slaves (slaves, that is).
    What can I say ... Comrade Chkalov
    In shackles flies through the Pole.

    Everyone trembles - sobriety and drunk
    The whole country in one huge pit
    And the gloomy Papanin on the ice
    Shakes with rusty chains.

    In prisons, all the prosaic poets
    In the camps - muff artists.
    And Stakhanov - in the mine and "bracelets"
    Knocked out a hundred tons per snout.

    True, there is one "did not overlook",
    There, the last sector is not covered -
    Beria ... With the girls in bed
    Working on a nuclear project.

    How so? - I thought - what the hell ?!
    But then I decided something like:
    “If I plant you, Lavrentiy,
    I alone will be free. ”

    ... Went to the north of the string of convicts,
    What is there? Vorkuta? Qalyma?
    Happiness - was among the convicts Solzhenitsyn,
    Otherwise, they would not have known the truth.

    We would not know how morons:
    Grandfathers lived waiting for the block
    And they won the war out of fear
    And the country was built out of fear.

    Us in civilization - does not shine,
    From that crap still to stream, but
    Well, we learned, we are all slave children,
    Yes, and everyone is a slave, of course ...
    - Ruslan S., 30.05.2012/XNUMX/XNUMX
    1. +2
      17 July 2012 08: 55
      Thank you Dmitry! I read it with pleasure! drinks + + +
    2. 0
      17 July 2012 19: 09
      Great !!!
    3. ytqnhfk
      20 July 2012 10: 27
      Minus clearly saw the irony, but I think not everyone is capable of it! And I mean to read through to the end too!
  10. Fox
    17 July 2012 08: 09
    Nobody could defeat the Russians ... and then, the TATARO MONGOLS WAS INVENTED! ... so I appeared ...
    1. Yoshkin Kot
      17 July 2012 08: 59
      Yeah, invented, do not read fantasy at night
    2. Yoshkin Kot
      17 July 2012 11: 48
      they accuse Christians of Tolmudism, this is not even funny, it just speaks of the personal stupidity of the accusers and their complete lack of knowledge of the subject, Jews have always been and will be enemies of Christianity, it was like that 2 years ago, it always will be
      1. +3
        17 July 2012 12: 48
        Well, if you do not take into account that Christianity is just a branch of Judaism. This is recognized by all researchers, regardless of their adherence to a particular religion ... And the fact that Orthodoxy has a tough opposition to Judaism is not the merit of Christianity, but the merit of the genetic memory of the Russians, deeply committed to their native Vedism. By the way, the very word "Orthodoxy" came from paganism. Hence the division of the Christian Church into Catholicism and Orthodoxy. Orthodoxy is a compromise between Christianity and paganism ... Read for yourself, think for yourself, and do not blindly follow the imposed dogmas!
        1. Yoshkin Kot
          17 July 2012 13: 31
          ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha !!!!!!
          but not funny. you guessed right! only you see! the Judaism you are talking about has not existed for 2 years, because now the Jews have tolmudism, that is, edited ecumenical "Judaism" which became universal Christianity after the advent of the Mission!
          1. Fox 070
            17 July 2012 13: 51
            Quote: Yoshkin Cat
            the Judaism you are talking about does not exist for 2

            Blessed is he who believes!
            1. Eugene
              17 July 2012 13: 57
              Hard case....
              This is the star of Bethlehem. She is always portrayed like this.
              The fruits of Fursenkov’s education are already visible today ...
              1. Fox 070
                17 July 2012 15: 07
                Quote: Eugene
                This is the star of Bethlehem. She is always portrayed like this.

                The star of Bethlehem is portrayed as an eight-pointed star, and not as the star of David.

                But its true meaning.

                Quote: Eugene
                Hard case...

                Here is a really bad case ...

                Quote: Eugene
                Hard case....

                This is a really difficult case.
                1. Eugene
                  17 July 2012 15: 56
                  The Star of Bethlehem was both 5-pointed, and 6 and 8. At different times. Officially, the church adhered to an 8-pointed star in the 18-19 centuries (ROC), however, 6 finite also met.
                  1. Fox 070
                    17 July 2012 16: 06
                    Quote: Eugene
                    Officially, the church adhered to an 8-pointed star in the 18-19 centuries (ROC)

                    Officially they adhere even now, with the exception of this remake.
                    1. Eugene
                      17 July 2012 17: 18
                      Are remodels here too?
                      here the pentagram is true:
                      All these icons are universally recognized and much older than the HHS.

                      In St. Petersburg, there are a lot of these symbols in the blood saving.
                  2. Fox 070
                    17 July 2012 16: 23
                    UN meeting room. This is also your star of Bethlehem.
                    1. Eugene
                      17 July 2012 17: 14
                      I don’t know here (Maybe there are 6 days of the creation of the world.
                      1. 0
                        17 July 2012 20: 49
                        Quote: Fox 070
                        UN meeting room. This is also your star of Bethlehem.

                        Quote: Eugene

                        I don’t know here (Maybe there are 6 days of the creation of the world.

                        Guys star 7 final, look carefully.
                    2. 11Goor11
                      17 July 2012 23: 32
                      If you look closely, the star is eight-pointed
                2. 0
                  17 July 2012 17: 06
                  If you do not know, then I will express that Magen David became such (i.e. officially used by the Jews) only in the 14th century. Prior to this, such a sign was international, and was used by everyone who liked it - even Muslims.
                  1. Fox 070
                    17 July 2012 18: 49
                    Quote: Chukcha
                    Magen David became such (i.e. officially used by the Jews) only in the 14th century.

                    I won’t argue, but the Kolovrat in the synagogues appeared a bit earlier.

                    The Miracle of the Ancient Synagogue - Antique Mosaic Swastikas
                    1. 0
                      17 July 2012 20: 00
                      Why did you decide that this is a "Kolovrat"? It could just be a pattern, such as a maze. ))
            2. Yoshkin Kot
              17 July 2012 14: 24
              and I believe, and unlike you, Fox, I know! modern Judaism in the form of Talmudism arose, 100 years after R.X.
          2. 0
            17 July 2012 20: 21
            And here is what Alexy 2 himself burned, the patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church
            ge.html, and you say enemies ...
        2. walter_rus
          19 July 2012 01: 41
          The Russian people, when they adopted Christianity, modified it in relation to their traditions (like other peoples), but there is nothing wrong with that. So now Russian Orthodoxy is closely linked with our history. For example, when the Caucasians adopted Islam, they also adapted it to themselves. And now all sorts of Wahhabis are imposing Arab customs in our Caucasus, they say: this is "pure Islam."
      2. scrack
        17 July 2012 13: 19
        However, for some reason, there were always many priests among the priests.
    3. +5
      17 July 2012 14: 25
      Quote: Fox
      .... and then TATARO MONGOLS WAS INVENTED! ....

      +1000! The Tatar-Mongols are an amazing people: not Tatars and not Mongols, they didn’t come from where, they disappeared, it’s not known where. They did not leave any buildings, even from the supposedly huge capital of ruins there were no more. All supposedly preserved Tatar-Mongolian labels for reign are written in Russian! According to the annals, all military operations were fought in the winter, while the nomads ALWAYS Fought ONLY in the SUMMER. Damn, the more you read about this very yoke, the clearer it becomes that there were NO Tatar-Mongol nomads!
      1. Oleg0705
        17 July 2012 14: 45

        all right smile good
      2. Yoshkin Kot
        17 July 2012 14: 56
        n-dya !!! are you really head bo-bo? and what should they be written on? if they were written for Russia? In the Arabic language?
        ps By the way, tamgas were in Arabic
      3. +1
        17 July 2012 15: 46
        Quote: Skating rink

        He turned down. Okay, I’ll come home from work, I’ll dig into the literature. But I can definitely say right now, the Pechenegs and Polovtsians went to Russia in the winter as well.
      4. +1
        17 July 2012 16: 15
        Quote: Skating rink
        They did not leave any buildings, even from the supposedly huge capital of ruins there were no more.

        - I’m also surprised, they write that Alexander Nevsky was accepted in a huge tent, but they can’t show at least a piece of that tent! tongue
        And they write about the Sarmatians, Scythians, Huns, Gauls, who crushed the empire, and where their cities? Maybe the Greeks / Romans invented them themselves?
  11. +4
    17 July 2012 08: 10
    Phew! Great article .... Here's brevity - the sister of talent. But still - to the Russian people - Glory!
  12. Brother Sarych
    17 July 2012 08: 12
    The author has a mess in his head - before writing something, it would be nice to first understand what you want to write about! Parsing all of the pearls would require a couple more articles of the same volume ...
  13. +7
    17 July 2012 08: 43
    It is not for nothing that now on "Echo of Moscow" they advertise some kind of opus that in besieged Leningrad officials gorged themselves on delicacies when ordinary people were dying of hunger.
    1. scrack
      17 July 2012 13: 20
      Once I heard nonsense like Zhdanov - 1 secretary of the Leningrad city committee - and his family threw food in the trash
      1. Yoshkin Kot
        17 July 2012 14: 03
        unfortunately not nonsense, but honestly I must say not all "communists" in St. Petersburg were like that
  14. patriot2
    17 July 2012 08: 49
    In general, everything is correct in the article. But the army of our officials is invincible. They care about themselves - Russia is a source of income for them. And while their number grows and "grows" day by day, appetites grow exponentially. And the source of their income is that the Russian people are tightening their belts further and further. From whom they tear three skins through taxes, utilities, transport, gasoline, food and consumer goods - from an ordinary person. But officials are digging for themselves with this, are they preparing 1917 (2017?)? And they distract the people, deceiving them with crises in Western Europe and other "reasons" for which, well, they just can't manage to improve the economy, to put things in order in the police and the army.
    And the Russian people are united by a big misfortune, as the classic says: "God forbid you see a rebellion - senseless and merciless", remember Captain Kopeikin, who went for a pension from the tsar and received nothing, he is Pugachev.
  15. +5
    17 July 2012 09: 13
    the topic, as they say, is not disclosed.
    But thanks to the author for trying. Considering the complexity of the topic, I can only recall the great "You cannot understand Russia with your mind, you cannot measure it with a common yardstick, she has a special become, you can only believe in Russia"
    And we believe ....... We live and believe ...... We fight and believe .......
    1. +5
      17 July 2012 13: 30
      Quote: volkan
      But thanks to the author for trying. Considering the complexity of the topic, I can only recall the great "You cannot understand Russia with your mind, you cannot measure it with a common yardstick, she has a special become, you can only believe in Russia"

      What words determine the Russian national character, its true features? Loving freedom - "the Russians do not give up, the Russians do not sell, the Russians do not abandon their own," ferocity and indefatigable rage (the expression "headlong" the ancient warriors, before engaging in a fight with the enemy, outlined a magic circle around their heads with the end of a sword: it was believed that this rite will weaken enemy blows, keep the soldiers unharmed)., mental strength and resilience and inflexibility, memory - good and unforgiveness of offenses and evil, maximalism, breadth of generosity and sincerity, calmness and confidence and a certain carelessness, courage, pride, courage, damask willpower, sharpness and resourcefulness, prudence and caution and foresight, intelligence and ingenuity and wisdom, cold-bloodedness and ruthlessness of retribution to enemies, lack of fear of death, recklessness, self-sacrifice, honor, truthfulness and honesty, cunning and cunning, courage, stubbornness, dignity persistence, ardor and impetuosity, impetuosity and quick temper, quickness andgood nature to friends, noble mercy, sincerity, frankness, loyalty and devotion, burning love for the Motherland.

      Millions are you.
      We are darkness
      and darkness and darkness.
      Give it a try
      fight with us!
      Yes, Scythians - we are!
      Yes, Asians are us
      With slanting
      and greedy eyes!
      Centuries for you
      for us -
      one hour.
      We like
      obedient slaves,
      Kept a shield between
      two hostile races
      Mongols and Europe!
      Century, your century
      old forge forged
      And drowned
      thunder, avalanches,
      And a wild tale
      there was a failure for you
      And Lisbon
      and Messina!
      You hundreds of years
      looked east
      Digging and melting
      our pearls
      And you, mocking,
      considered only the term
      When to instruct
      guns vents!

      Here -
      the time has come.
      disaster strikes
      And every day
      resentment multiplies
      And the day will come -
      there will be no trace
      From your Paestums,
      may be!
      Oh old world!
      Until you die
      While you languish
      sweet flour
      like Oedipus
      Pre Sphinx
      with an ancient mystery!
      Russia - Sphinx.
      Rejoicing and mourning
      And drenched
      black blood
      She looks, looks,
      looking at you
      And with hate
      and with love! ...
      Yeah love so
      as love
      our blood
      None of you
      long time does not love!
      Forgot you
      what's in the world
      is love,
      and burns and ruins!
      We love everything -
      and the heat of cold numbers
      And the gift of the divine
      Everything is clear to us -
      and sharp
      Gallic meaning
      And gloomy
      German genius ...
      We remember everything -
      Paris hell streets
      And venetian
      Lemon groves
      distant aroma
      And Cologne is smoky
      communities ...
      We love the flesh -
      and her taste, and color,
      And stuffy, mortal
      flesh smell ...
      Are we guilty
      kol crunches
      your skeleton
      In heavy, gentle
      our paws?
      We are used to
      grabbing the bridle
      Playing horses
      Breaking horses
      heavy sacrum
      And pacify the slaves
      the obstinate ...
      Come to us!
      From the horrors of war
      Come in peaceful
      Until it's not too late -
      old scabbard sword
      We will become - brothers!
      And if not -
      we have nothing to lose
      And we are available
      Century, Century of you
      will curse
      Sick later
      We are wide
      through wilds and forests
      Before Europe, prigozhey
      Let’s part!
      We will turn to you
      His Asian mug!
      Go all, go to the Urals!
      We clear the place of battle
      Steel machines
      where the integral breathes
      a wild horde!
      But we ourselves
      from now on you are not a shield,
      Henceforth in battle
      do not enter ourselves
      We will see
      like a mortal battle in full swing
      With his narrow eyes.
      Let's not move
      when the fierce hun
      In the pockets of corpses
      will fumble
      Burn the city
      and drive the herd to the church,
      And white meat
      fry brothers! ...
      Last time -
      come to your senses, old world!
      To the brotherly feast
      labor and peace
      Last time
      to the bright brotherly feast
      Cries the barbaric lyre!

      Alexander Blok
  16. +3
    17 July 2012 09: 24
    Yes, not a phenomenon .... If God is with us, then who is on us ???? The spirit of the people is not a phenomenon, It is a people and its faith and traditions .....
    1. +1
      17 July 2012 17: 15
      A little bit wrong!

      Who are we against God?

      That's right -
      If we are with God, then who is against us ????????????????
  17. aleksey
    17 July 2012 09: 36
    There is too much false pathos in the article, frank lies about historical events, especially at the beginning .., an illustration of one’s opinion by the events of the civil war and pictures of collective farm life is generally inappropriate (the author’s fantasies), the civil war is a misfortune and grief of the people, there were people on both sides those who love their country and are strong in spirit, and those who unleashed it are criminals without a statute of limitations. In addition, the author smacks of a communist-atheistic little smell (dierambs to Lenin and Stalin, some energies, atoms, psychotechnics, hell knows what). But the true sources of the fortitude of the Russian people are not mentioned - Orthodox spirituality, which manifested itself even in godless times by self-sacrifice and compassion.
    And as for the two states of the Russian person - "cattle" and "hero", who either sleeps drunk (obviously after another quarrel with neighbors), or heroically crumbles the invaders into a small salad, then there is no need for extremes, as the author is trying with all his might to suggest. If necessary, a Russian plows and sows, if necessary builds cities and rockets, gives birth and brings up children, if necessary, breastfeeds to defend his homeland. All this cannot be done while in that inadequate state, as the author described it. He himself criticizes, and he himself warms up this state in the readers. Summary: 1. either the author is ordered 2. or incompetent and overly emotional.
    1. +3
      17 July 2012 10: 07
      Rather, p.2. h.xnumx. Emotional - yes. Incompetent - by no means.

      With regards to the beginning - I personally liked it.

      In general, if a person is trying to say something, to convey it is already good. So, as the author - doubly. For nothing offensive in this opus did not see.

      We can all criticize. You can better - write. I am pleased to read.
  18. 0
    17 July 2012 10: 01
    Quote: aleksey
    Summary: 1. either the author of the registered 2. or incompetent and overly emotional.

    "Contract" are those who, in order to justify their own inconsistency and incompetence of the current rulers, try to kick the "dead lions".
  19. +11
    17 July 2012 10: 05
    An interesting article .. In many ways, you can agree, in many ways, no.
    But the article leads to serious thought.
    Only once in a global war on our territory did our people fail, the Russian principalities recognized vassal dependence, although they were not occupied.

    Here I definitely do not agree. The second defeat occurred in the 1991 year. The Russian people were defeated by themselves. After all, Yeltsin, the decision of the Supreme Council on the independence of the RSFSR, the dismantling of the Soviet state at the initial stage, was supported at one time by the majority of the population. And do not dump everything on the 5 column. In what other country can the people themselves voluntarily surrender the vast territories annexed to Russia even under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. This is a phenomenon that requires close study.
    It seems that the sobering up happened quickly, everyone has long understood that the Russian people are in a very difficult condition, but there is no rallying in the face of danger. The Russian people continue to destroy themselves on the sly with complete indifference. For example, there is a complete indifference to the fate of the Russian people who remained outside the Russian Federation, not only among the authorities, but also among ordinary people, sometimes even reaching a negative attitude. Another example: the education system is being purposefully destroyed in Russia. Everybody sees it. But where are the protests of teachers, where are the mass actions of students? There is none of them. In the west, such "reforms" would have already caused riots, but in our country there is silence. There are many such examples. The Russian people have lost the instinct of self-preservation, which is very noticeable in demographic indicators, they stopped rallying in the face of serious danger (and this danger is now no less than during the Second World War). It seems that the collapse of the Soviet Union and subsequent events undermined the moral foundations of the Russian people. I would like to hope that this is not so, and sooner or later the people will come out of prostration and apathy, where they are now.
    1. Yoshkin Kot
      17 July 2012 11: 41
      did not forget about 1917? when a gang of Jews financed from abroad (Trotsky bankers Sassha and England, the form of the German General Staff) with the power support of the then gopnik-proletarians, having fooled Russians with their heads with earth on land, namely land like peasants (2/3 and so they owned) factories- workers (20-fold drop in industrial production)
      ss collective farm slavery was many times worse than serfdom, and industrialization cost the Russian terrible poverty and falling birth rates, the fruits of this we are now witnessing.
      not to mention the rampant robberies and the destruction of the Russian educated class, yes, yes, those very white officers who in civilian life were doctors, teachers and engineers, replacing him with the "Russian intelligentsia" who should be beaten not by a passport, but by a shnobel.
      and in 1991 only the grandchildren-great-grandchildren of the "democrats" of the 1917 spill returned to power
      1. Fox 070
        17 July 2012 13: 53
        Quote: Yoshkin Cat
        gang of jews
        1. Yoshkin Kot
          17 July 2012 14: 26
          n-dya, immediately see the miracle of communism! Brezhnev met with American presidents and what?
      2. 0
        17 July 2012 16: 06
        17 year did not forget. I just do not consider this a defeat for the Russian people. Rather, it is the defeat of the ruling elite of tsarism.
      3. ytqnhfk
        20 July 2012 10: 30
        In the head the garbage of the current propaganda!
  20. +8
    17 July 2012 10: 07
    Yavlinsky are sad, drooped nose
    And sitting alone McFaul,
    The rallies of many-voiced fell silent,
    Sobbing, they all look at the exit floor.

    You can’t hear the tweets in the relict forest,
    Centennial oaks dropped again.
    Schoolgirls behind Venediktov,
    Their love is fickle.

    Silent like a stump, poets pachyderms,
    Bayan unshaven does not sing songs.
    They wanted us all the best,
    What a wrong people we have!

    The State Department will not allocate a single ruble,
    Crumple and tear the grant application ...
    Why do you, RUSSIANs, love tyrants?
    Some suffering from that love.

    And the most favorite:

    A Chinese knows, a Jew knows
    The Russian army is stronger
    Remembers Berlin as from the Red Star
    he got in the 45th pi3dy
    To any hot spot on the planet
    Rockets fly in 30 seconds
    We are Kuzkin’s mother, we’ll show anyone
    Glory to Russia, Our Motherland ....
  21. soldat1945
    17 July 2012 10: 15
    Article plus, the author tried to reflect the soul of the people in the events, I think that it turned out well, the only thing that can be added is that the Russian people bring their own power to the state of both saint and pig, and not a single force from outside has yet been able to destroy our people, which successfully obtained by our government!
    1. Russlana
      17 July 2012 15: 04
      Well, yes, the authorities are to blame for everything. She makes you leave "srach" after yourself in nature, speak "mate", drink from morning till night, teach your children to smoke, score on them ... Putin personally makes sure that every ghoul on the ground takes bribes, everyone demobilization hit the first year in the face, each ensign sold Kalash "spirits" ... Ridiculously simple.

      "What to consider as gossips to work, is it not better for yourself, godfather, to turn around"?
      1. walter_rus
        19 July 2012 02: 05
        The article does not answer the main question - WHY are we. Everything must have a reason. Most likely, this is how our history developed, because we are at the junction of Europe and Asia, where two different worlds collided, and therefore everything was formed so contradictory. And the article itself is very controversial. And the power in Russia has never in the foreseeable history considered the people. Let's remember: when we conquered Kazan, Ivan the Terrible began to take Tatar Murzas into the service, so he even gave them Russian villages and even cities (for example, Kasimov). Then Catherine invited the Germans, and they also became nobles, then the French appeared who fled from their revolution. So the aristocracy was full of foreigners. I do not argue that many of them turned out to be smart people and made a great contribution to the strengthening of Russia, but the dismissive attitude of the elite towards the common people took root. The concept of "a simple man" has always been associated with Russians. The same lack of control of power remained in the USSR and under the "democrats".
      2. ytqnhfk
        20 July 2012 10: 32
        Ruslana plus you and "absolutely to the point"!
  22. +4
    17 July 2012 10: 18
    War to the limit exacerbates, strengthens and manifests all the qualities of a person - both high and low. It is simply not possible to instantly go from the state of "cattle" to the category of "hero" - you need an inner core, which is formed in a person starting from the diaper. That is why, during the fighting, along with the heroes' exploits, a whole bunch of crimes are committed. So they are committed by those who before that were constantly in a state of "cattle". And, personally, I would not like to be counted among this class, even if it is done so pompously and pompously as in the presented article.
    1. +2
      17 July 2012 10: 48
      Yes. As for the "cattle", the author has a clear inflection.
      1. walter_rus
        19 July 2012 02: 08
        The main sign of "cattle" is rudeness and disrespect for others. And this, as Irbis quite rightly noted, does not depend on some mystical processes, but on education. When someone too often scatters such words in relation to others, then the suspicion arises that it is he about himself. Still, I hope that the majority of civilized people on our forum will observe the culture of discussion.
  23. PatriotizTAT
    17 July 2012 10: 35
    The author needs to be thanked for the article !!! Let it be short, let it not listen to all our requests ... but the thought is correct !!! They made such a "capitalist cattle" of us girls rush into the immense abyss of money, just because they are beautiful, that's what for the crap ?????!
  24. dmb
    17 July 2012 11: 19
    Quote: Yoshkin Cat
    -Dya, but how many Russian people are left? after communization? after about democracies? except that among the parishioners of the Russian Orthodox Church
    What I like is the fact that the gentlemen who consider themselves Russian Orthodox patriots in their rhetoric are absolutely identical with Mr. Svanidze, who clearly does not fall into any of the above categories.
    1. Yoshkin Kot
      17 July 2012 11: 45
      yah? Why do you think so? when it was the Russian patriots, and not the Jews and the aliens like the Potkins and others, who spoke like Svanid-like?
      they hang the "blame" for communism on the Russian people! And I say that there were no Russians among the Communists! some representatives of the "democratic" nationality and other foreigners! and robbed these "democratic" Russian people! Russian Church! and it was against them that the Chekists committed atrocities, which is characteristic entirely of representatives of foreigners and "democrats"!
    2. Yoshkin Kot
      17 July 2012 14: 05
      nd baby. when they run into the Soviet Union they run into the Russian people, not their great-grandfathers. who committed the most terrible crimes, they just stupidly translate the arrows, and you're being fooled!
  25. survivor
    17 July 2012 11: 27
    and what is wrong? he himself has repeatedly observed the instant transformation of cattle into a hero. like they built a night club. I worked as an ordinary helper. at the same time, ALL workers were very hostile because of my nationality. there were constantly attempts to humiliate and insult. everyday fights. but when a multi-kilogram stove began to fall on me from the second floor (the kitchen was designed on the second floor.), it was those who fought with more than once who rushed to help and held this bandura in their hands !!! until I got out. then they visited me at the hospital .... as he came out, again constant nit-picking and fights)))
    1. +1
      17 July 2012 19: 20
      In my opinion they are not bad. He is impressed that you are bad.
      1. survivor
        17 July 2012 19: 47
        in fact of the matter!!! in those years, they simply scared the Chechens. the image of the enemy was created and I came up to it. but seeing me at work (and not at the counter or in the gang), people began to change their minds ...
        three years after this incident, I met one of them at the bus stop. just the one who was pickier than all. climbed to hug and invited the vodka to drink ... barely beat off ... well, I don’t drink in TECH volumes))
  26. The cat
    17 July 2012 11: 40
    Quote: darkman70
    In what other country can the people themselves voluntarily surrender the vast territories annexed to Russia even under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. This is a phenomenon that requires close study.

    There is no phenomenon here, since the people have never been a source of power neither in the Russian Empire, nor in the USSR, nor in Russia. Everything was always decided by concrete people with power and it was by no means the people who gave them that power.
  27. +9
    17 July 2012 11: 54
    It is a big mistake, in my opinion, to look for today in the word RUSSIAN nationality. Who are you ? I am German. Who are you? I am English. And who are you? I am Japanese. Who are you? I am Russian!!! Is the difference visible? Need to ask - what are you? I am RUSSIAN, kind, generous, courageous. Russian is a state of mind, mentality, and thoughts. This is the majority of peoples living in the USSR. My grandfather is Ukrainian, Russian grandmother, father is German, but I am RUSSIAN! Because I am a fan of my country and people - it doesn’t matter what kind of eye shape and skin color it is.
    1. Oleg0705
      17 July 2012 12: 02
      Quote: viktorrymar
      but I am RUSSIAN! Because I am a fan of my country and people - it doesn’t matter what kind of eye shape and skin color it is.

      Great support !!!!!!
    2. Yoshkin Kot
      17 July 2012 12: 18
      stupidity such a statement of the question is simply humiliating for the Russian People, really existing!
      that does not deny having joined him and become spiritually Russian
      1. +5
        17 July 2012 12: 41
        Yoshkin cat, I don’t see any stupidity. I wonder who the children who grew up in mixed families consider themselves to be, where the father is Tatrine, and the mother is Russian. Where is Lezgin's father and Russian mother, or vice versa? I don’t understand what I mean?
        1. Yoshkin Kot
          17 July 2012 13: 34
          and nevertheless, who do you think I am? if at least I know my relatives for five or six generations? or am I not? (in your opinion it turns out that to be Russian, I definitely need to find the Tatars in my own family!) am
          1. +4
            17 July 2012 14: 00
            Yeshkin cat, but still you did not understand me. By the way I envy. I only know my kin until the fourth. Kuban Cossacks, but I myself do not feel like a Cossack. the call of blood to the saddle pulls, but not to fanaticism. In their youth, the Uzbek shepherds were given a head start at the school with a friend, but otherwise there was no spirit of freemen inside. I am Russian. And inappropriately seek someone’s blood in themselves. for example, you will not proudly proudly be a mestizo. as you will not say half-mordvin, you get. semi-Russian. half Dagestan. I wrote that a lot of blood is involved in my wife, an explosive mixture, but sometimes it seems to me that she is more Russian than me.
            1. Yoshkin Kot
              17 July 2012 14: 27
              I’m from Don, at one time I got it when talking to my family
        2. walter_rus
          19 July 2012 02: 17
          It depends on what kind of upbringing prevailed in the family, and who these children consider themselves as a result. For example, we had a navigator, his father Lezgin, his mother is Russian, and he is Azerbaijani !!!!! (according to passport) - since he was born in Azerbaijan, and there they tried to write as much as possible to the titular nation, they did not even ask their parents (this was back in the 60s).
      2. prispek
        17 July 2012 23: 11
        Quote: Yoshkin Cat
        stupidity such a statement of the question is simply humiliating for the Russian People

        In your opinion, is the fact that Pushkin and Lermontov are great Russian poets humiliating for the Russian People? According to Klyuchevsky, the Great Russian enos came from the merger of immigrants from southern, Kevsk Rus and the tribes of the Finno-Ugric language group, spread north of the Oka. My father is Mordvin, a mother Russified Ukrainian from the Belgorod region, therefore, according to Klyuchevsky I am Great Russian in the first generation. Does it humiliate you?
    3. Fox 070
      17 July 2012 13: 55
      Quote: viktorrymar
      It is a big mistake, in my opinion, to look for today in the word RUSSIAN nationality.

      That's right! Russian is a state of mind. "+" drinks
  28. +4
    17 July 2012 12: 13
    Yes, the article, of course, is a mishmash of the most diverse, both valid and controversial assessments of both our history and the qualities of a Russian person. Although the phenomenon of the Russian people undoubtedly exists.
    This is evidenced by at least a comparative history of the atrocities of the West and Russia (see for example, as well as the observation of the German researcher B. Schubart in the work “Europe and the soul of the East:“ ... Russian possesses Christian virtues as permanent national attributes. The Russians were Christians before they converted to Christianity. ”
    Maybe that's why many unbiased researchers note that, despite all the tragedies of life, it was the Russian people who were able to most fully realize the commandments of Jesus Christ. At least, the Russian people did not turn into slaves any defeated people and did not have the institution of slavery in their history .. And if the Russian people do not think of themselves as slaveholders, then they have the soul of a free person, since the mentality of slavery implies the formula: you are stronger - I am a slave, I am stronger - you are a slave.
    Yes, and the great social experiment of the 20 century - the building of a just society, also despite all the accompanying tragedies - could only take on a spiritually very strong people.
  29. +1
    17 July 2012 12: 29
    There is nothing derogatory for the Great people to warm the weaker under their wing. Here is Yoshkin the cat in you, how much blood flows?
    1. Yoshkin Kot
      17 July 2012 13: 35
      as far as I know over the past 150-180 years, the Russian is one (I don’t have anything against the other, but such a statement of the question is humiliating for the Russians!).
  30. +1
    17 July 2012 13: 30
    It’s worth a little bit to recall history in order to see that there can be no talk of any “loser nation”.

    Our people have never considered - UNSUCCESSFUL. We just need cease betray themselves and let the oranzhites powder their brains.
  31. 8 company
    17 July 2012 13: 32
    The phenomenon of the Russian people is that they are always forced to fight with 2 enemies: external and internal. Guderians and mansteins attack from the front, and stupid Voroshilovs and Mechlises attack from behind. And most interestingly, in this double battle, the people regularly win, showing essentially double heroism.

    And about the "nameless red heroes of the food detachments" that the author is so proud of, I can say the following: let the author come to you, the red heroes come and take your property, and you will be dispossessed and sent into exile in Siberia with your family without money and property. Perhaps, by starving, your brain will clear at least a little, and your conscience will at the same time.

    And yet, the author, try not to use such a term as "cattle" in relation to the Russian people.
    1. Oleg0705
      17 July 2012 13: 48
      Quote: Company 8
      The phenomenon of the Russian people is that they are always forced to fight with 2 enemies: external and internal.

      So, what do you consider yourself to be external or internal? on the flag and to those and others it turns out wink
      1. 8 company
        17 July 2012 13: 49
        Quote: Oleg0705
        So, what do you consider yourself to be external or internal? on the flag and to those and others it turns out

        And who is more dear to you: Dzhugashvili or Saakashvili? According to your comments and the flag it turns out that both. They fled to live with the liberals and democrats, while regularly praising Stalin.
        1. Oleg0705
          17 July 2012 14: 08
          Quote: Company 8
          And who is more dear to you: Dzhugashvili or Saakashvili?

          Well, you compared Giant Stalin with a microbe. laughing

          Quote: Company 8
          Live fled to liberals and democrats

          or maybe I'm there by type of service smile
        2. Fox 070
          17 July 2012 14: 16
          Quote: Company 8
          And who is more dear to you: Dzhugashvili or Saakashvili?
          1. Yoshkin Kot
            17 July 2012 15: 00
            um. Fox and who is more dear to you? ideological communists. prominent theorists and practitioners of Marxism (to the elbow in Russian blood and practice) a form with a bracket? preaching the world revolution in the furnace of which they threw the Russian people! or counter-revolutionary statesman Dzhugashvilli?
            1. Fox 070
              17 July 2012 15: 22
              Quote: Yoshkin Cat
              um. Fox and who is more dear to you?

              And you, apparently, closer to the heart of General Vlasov? So you, my friend, from the fifth column !!! Well then everything is clear !!!
              1. 8 company
                17 July 2012 15: 26
                Quote: Fox 070
                And you, apparently, closer to the heart of General Vlasov? So you, my friend, from the fifth column !!! Well then everything is clear !!!

                And are Bronstein-Blanca-Dzhugashvili nice to your heart? Yes, sir, you are a classic Russophobe. Indeed, everything is clear, all the points on i are finally located.
              2. +1
                17 July 2012 15: 54
                Quote: Fox 070
                And you, apparently, closer to the heart of General Vlasov? So you, my friend, from the fifth column !!! Well then everything is clear !!!

                No, Kotu is still upset (painfully) for razachachivanie. Interestingly, they took away the land? Or for some privileges, the toad crushes? Well, still, with simple men in the rank of level. True, it has long been, and the toad crushes to still. The soul hurts, so we have to poke weed. Ha-ha-ha, hee-hee, hee-hee-hee-hee.
                1. 8 company
                  17 July 2012 17: 01
                  Quote: revnagan
                  Ga-ha-ha, hee-hee, hee-hee-hee-hee.

                  And what are you laughing at as much as possible, is it really so funny how the Cossacks were destroyed? And do not even hesitate to publicly admit your terry Russophobia ... Amazing ...
                  1. ytqnhfk
                    20 July 2012 11: 03
                    In Russian nature it is evidently laid down to destroy everything, to level it up and to start anew - from scratch it has happened more than once in history only twice in the 19th century!
          2. 8 company
            17 July 2012 15: 18
            [quote = Fox 070]

            Here is another Georgian-Jewish Russophobe drew. And you, the Fox patriot, who is more dear: Kaganovich with Mehlis or Dzhugashvili with Beria?
            1. Fox 070
              17 July 2012 15: 28
              Quote: Company 8
              . And you, the Fox patriot who is more dear:

              I am closer to Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, who crushed the Jews and provocateurs, like you. It’s a pity - I did not finish.
              1. Oleg0705
                17 July 2012 15: 36
                Where does Old Man look? request May the Creator give him many years of life !! smile
                1. 8 company
                  17 July 2012 15: 58
                  Quote: Oleg0705
                  Where does Old Man look? May the Creator give him many years of life !!

                  Did something happen to your father? belay
                  1. Oleg0705
                    17 July 2012 16: 07
                    8 company,

                    so you, what not Belarusian apazitsyyner fifth heels? wassat
                    1. 8 company
                      17 July 2012 16: 29
                      Quote: Oleg0705
                      so you, what is not Belarusian apazitsyyaner fifth heels

                      No, look at this cross-archer; he, it turns out, speaks the Belarusian language! laughing
                      Olezhka, it turns out, is a Belarusian and a fan of Lukashenko, but he has faded to live in Germany. But he still loves the leader, even though he doesn’t want to live with him laughing
                      1. Oleg0705
                        17 July 2012 17: 03
                        8 company,
                        Yes, I’m for Father’s zamlyu gryztsі I will be a trotter heel calon vychystsіў blah angry
                      2. 8 company
                        17 July 2012 17: 08
                        Quote: Oleg0705
                        Yes, I’m for Father’s zamlyu gryztsі will be a trotter heel calon vychystsіў

                        To gnaw German soil? However, this is a perversion ... Come back, emigre, to your homeland. You will get the opportunity to crush "enemies of the people", to satisfy your instincts.
                      3. Oleg0705
                        17 July 2012 17: 17
                        Quote: Company 8
                        satisfy your instincts.

                        Well, and you yak piles інстинкты robotіsh? Do you feel like a catalytic? Värnusya hrenova to you budze of health. sad
                      4. 8 company
                        17 July 2012 17: 45
                        Quote: Oleg0705
                        Well, and you yak piles інстинкты robotіsh? Do you feel like a catalytic? Värnusya hrenova to you budze of health

                        Come on, look forward to it. Look eureka do not forget with yourself, for which he sold his homeland.
                      5. Oleg0705
                        17 July 2012 17: 55
                        8 company,

                        Ya tabe sabachi tail pachakai zaluju eureka lepsh zbіra rech і ўцякалі ў forest I am ya ya pachakai yate dame Radzima pradaў takiya yak ya ya pradeets zdradnіkі pagana am
                      6. 8 company
                        17 July 2012 19: 39
                        Quote: Oleg0705
                        Ya tabe sabachi tail pachakai zaluju eureka lepsh zbіra rech і ўцякалі ў forest I am ya ya pachakai yate dame Radzima pradaў takiya yak ya ya pradeets zdradnіkі pagana

                        Well, what did you twitch so, really pierced your eyes? In vain you drew Winnie the Pooh yourself, you had something more suitable for you, more brutal. Your favorite Stalinist Commissar Yezhov, for example, with two Nagans. And the smoke blows from the trunks ..
                      7. Oleg0705
                        17 July 2012 21: 16
                        Quote: Company 8
                        for example, with two guns

                        why the hell are I two and without laughing I'm not elusive Joe how are you laughing I'm joking laughing
                      8. 8 company
                        17 July 2012 21: 25
                        Quote: Oleg0705
                        why the hell are I two and without

                        Are you going to choke? "We were choking them, choking them ..." (c)

                        Okay, Sharikov, bye ... I’m tired of you ... Look, do not choke on German sausage, they did it in a democratic state.
                      9. Oleg0705
                        17 July 2012 21: 29
                        Schwonder galleries? Do you see yourself as a cat? laughing Yes, and Sharikov, too, you, be healthy to me, too, the wrong bee will not be handled with you laughingyes I don’t choke on Kobaska, it’s not tasty, but you won’t believe it until you try it yourself laughing
                        here you have sausage and indeed products, a fairy tale, I changed it for schnapps from truck drivers at a gas station that you don’t have enough that you are rebelling? all buzz zhu zhu zhu and you don’t know what laughingGlory to the Old Man !!!!!
              2. 8 company
                17 July 2012 15: 57
                Quote: Fox 070
                I am closer to Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, who crushed the Jews and provocateurs, like you. It’s a pity - I did not finish.

                Yes, your idol Dzhugashvili was very fond of crushing the Jews. It used to gather Kaganovich with the bros, Lev Mehlis, and let's crush them. He crushes them, crushes, but they do not choke, only get fat and impudent laughing
                1. Fox 070
                  17 July 2012 16: 09
                  Quote: Company 8
                  He crushes them, crushes, but they do not choke, only get fat and impudent

                  That's what I look at you - stubborn, fat and arrogant. bully
    2. prispek
      17 July 2012 23: 31
      Hello Andrey. We do not agree on the assessment of Stalin, but for this
      Quote: Company 8

      And about the "nameless red heroes of the food detachments" that the author is so proud of, I can say the following: let the author come to you, the red heroes come and take your property, and you will be dispossessed and sent into exile in Siberia with your family without money and property. Perhaps, by starving, your brain will clear at least a little, and your conscience will at the same time.

      And yet, the author, try not to use such a term as "cattle" in relation to the Russian people.

      Thank! Here to the very point. For some dozens of commentators who consider themselves Russian, for some reason it did not occur to them to write something like that. Sincerely.
  32. +5
    17 July 2012 13: 37
    “I will kill a dairy cow, but the neighboring children will not drink my milk!” It’s clear that if the cow had been stolen by enemies, no, they didn’t want their peasant neighbors to use it. So much for the collectivism of the Russian people in combination with the “golden soul” and Christian love for their neighbor! A very indicative fact is that a Russian person in a “cattle” state refers to his compatriots neighbors.
    - Russian always knew how to criticize himself. Commendable. But why only Russians? - the grandfather said - exactly the same situation was in our villages - part of the prosperous peasantry, simply could not put the idea of ​​a great state in their boshki.
  33. +2
    17 July 2012 14: 15
  34. Russlana
    17 July 2012 14: 19
    You know, I am most pleased with the passages about Christianity, as a religion for slaves, and so on. More than a thousand years since the Baptism of Rus has passed, look at the map of the country. What was Kievan Rus, and what we see now. But the whole era of the rule of the Rurikovechi, the Romanovs passed under the banners with the image of Christ. Only a blind man can claim that Christianity brought negative phenomena into the world. All European culture, like ours, is a consequence of Christianity. On the account that this is part of Judaism - no comment, learn the mat part. Look, in what year Stalin turned to the Church, and what consequences this entailed.
    Remember all the commanders and rulers who are considered holy, consider yourself smarter and more worthy of Alexander Nevsky, Princess Olga, Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov, Fedor Fedorovich Ushakov? This is only four, and how many of them were and all were deeply religious people ...
    Only by the grace of God does Russia exist, which was supposed to disintegrate in the 90s.
    In general, I advise everyone to remember the saying that if there is no God, then in the case of your faith you will not lose anything, but if He is, but you do not believe ...
    1. +4
      17 July 2012 14: 42
      Russlana, now some will pounce on you, but don’t worry, we’ll fight back.

      You are a fat plus.
      1. consul
        17 July 2012 16: 42
        I join Russlan +
    2. +2
      17 July 2012 16: 40
      Thank! It is said smartly, intelligibly, calmly! (+500)
    3. +3
      17 July 2012 16: 40
      I fully support you. Although I am an atheist.
      The work of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, and indeed the whole great Russian culture is permeated with the ideas of Christianity. To deny the enormous role of Orthodoxy in the spiritual formation of the Russian people is the same as to deny Russian culture and history in general. A return to pagan ideals is a return to the clan-communal system. It is a pity that many users on the site from among fans of paganism do not understand this.
      But Mr. Brzezinski understands this very well. And the ideas of this master have someone to translate and pay for.
    4. 0
      17 July 2012 18: 01
      All is correctly said!
    5. 0
      17 July 2012 21: 33
      Do you think parasites benefit from the quick death of the owner or his long existence in relative comfort, sometimes we don’t even know that we have parasites, right?
  35. serge
    17 July 2012 14: 43
    The author of the article elegantly called the Russian people cattle, from which the Bolsheviks made people. Brilliant, however, cattle, but in the morning on Monday did not evaluate the vouchers and replaced them with moonshine for a drink. Genius and stupidity in one bottle. Directly not the Russian people, but the two-faced Janus. A beast unknown to science. The author did not read Pushkin, it seems, but the classic two hundred years ago noticed that "genius and villainy are two incompatible things." I will not delve into the question of which people created the world's greatest empire, the representatives of which people came up with a light bulb, an airplane, a helicopter, a satellite, a spaceship, a nuclear power plant, a periodic table, well, this can be enumerated for a long time, I will just note: I do not agree with the author of the article. Let him consider himself a trash with a glimpse of genius on the sober. It is possible, however, that the author is not Russian and there is no self-criticism here.
    1. -1
      21 July 2012 02: 52
      All the turning points in their history, the Russian people passed victoriously when it was united by one idea. Like any other people. There are no sacred features.
      Heroes and cowards, thinkers and idiots, in general, have the same proportions relative to the number of people.
      Reasoning about some kind of exclusivity of our people, special giftedness or special heroism, the search for some totems in the history of our people is just a mind game. Moreover - grief from the mind of those playing these games. Similar to wearing the idea of ​​God's chosen people of the Jews.
      The great German people became such not so long ago - even at the beginning of the 19 century it was a hodgepodge from a rabble of dozens of principalities. Wilhelm II and Bismarck made the people united, and their brainchild in the 20 century was crushed by the whole continent.
      The great American people are the creator of the most powerful country in the world.
      The great French people, led by Napoleon, enslaved the whole of Europe and devastated the sex of Russia.
      Great Swedish people led by Charles XII ... How many were there, great nations?
      The great Russian people who broke the ridge to all of the above.
      And all this has always been possible with the unification of our people into one whole.
      And as soon as this whole cracked, great defeats occurred.
      If what distinguishes the Russian people, it is their unrivaled patience. Here we have no equal. There are enough reasons. Sometimes this is a very necessary quality - during the years of difficult trials, wars, the strain of all forces in great transformations.
      Sometimes this property kills our people, bringing cattle led to slaughter indifferent to their fate.

      We are a great nation. Its history, its conquests, its knowledge, its culture. We achieved all this when we were united by one idea, one goal. When they were led by people who gave such ideas and such goals, and who dedicated their lives to this people. From Vsevolod the Big Nest to Stalin. We suffered terrible catastrophes when the idea disappeared and in the chaos of separation, such as Nicholas II, Gorbachev and Yeltsin came to the fore.

      The value of personality, denied in the ideology of the USSR, is actually colossal. I guess that this denial was due to the selfless struggle of grayness with the phenomenon of Stalin. It is ridiculous that with this denial of the role of personality in history, Lenin’s personality in the USSR was sacred. I am a citizen of the Great Soviet Union. But I am well aware of its shortcomings and flaws.

      The people themselves do not generate an idea, a goal. It gives personality. Yes, ideas and goals must fall into prepared soil in order to germinate.
      But these people give rise to these goals.

      What is democracy? Why liberal? This is a key issue. People power? Nonsense. All thinkers have recognized this for a long time.
      In fact, it is important to understand this: democracy is a system that suppresses the possibility of the emergence of a great personality, capable of leading people to a new goal. Such a system destroys the very possibility of the appearance of this person. Even if, inadvertently, such a person breaks to the top of state administration, she is given only a couple of terms and constant concessions to competing groups, which always have the opportunity to reverse everything that was begun by the previous one upon coming to power.
      In fact, liberal democracy always serves the very specific interests of a particular group of people, a wealthy class, and not its whole — workers, scientists, engineers, military, entrepreneurs. And under globalism - individual groups of world financial capital.

      Who is Putin? This is gray. Of course, this person is not such a liberal bastard as Nemtsov and the company, who are ready to completely turn the country under the knife of the dominance of liberal globalism. But Putin’s ideas and goals do not unite our people.
      He is also a liberal. Difference? Putin adheres to conservative liberalism. The Nemtsovs and Kasyanovs are neoliberals, globalists, and radicalists. But radish horseradish in the end will still not be sweeter.

      Liberalism does not allow the unification of people into a single whole, it destroys the collective consciousness of the people — it destroys what made our people win victories on the historical path.
      Liberalism requires and engenders for its existence the atomization of the people into individuals, competitive and non-competitive, strong and weak. It was liberalism that killed the great nations of Germany, the USA, Great Britain, the Soviet Union and Russia in the 20 century. Liberalism seeks the self-identification of peoples.

      Russia's last chance is not a search for the sacred features of our people, mythical divine gifts, it is a rejection of the liberal model of relations.

      The only alternative that could invent humanity.
      An alternative that is hotly spat upon and denigrated. This is socialism. This is collectivism.
      Of course, taking into account all those mistakes and stupid things that have been done in the Soviet Union, especially in the 80's. But the power of the Soviet Union is foolish to deny - Russia still has not even reached the level of the RSFSR of 90, the impoverished year, not to mention the USSR as a whole. And one does not have to speak about the quality of the people themselves, their moral and ethical standards at all.
  36. kNow
    17 July 2012 15: 18
    The catastrophe of Perestroika and the disgusting behavior of the Russian people in its period

    Although I am not Russian, I do not agree with this proposal. The Russians passed this test with honor. And, perhaps, Belarusians. Yes, many positions have been lost and it will be difficult to regain them, but most importantly the bones are intact.
  37. +4
    17 July 2012 15: 48
    The cat was raging.
    It turned out to be the most "Russian".
    By his reasoning, he reminded me of a dispute in a pioneer camp, when one October girl proved that he had not left the camp (I apologize, as I was telling you), and his mother was cut open.
    Read, dear and about the history of the formation of the Russian superethnos, and about the origin of Christianity.
    And the fact that the Jews did not receive from the Christianization of Russian then. what they wanted (for which they killed), so here I agree with Zadornov - the people turned out to be very peculiar, you can hold it in the framework.
  38. 101
    17 July 2012 16: 09
    Ilya was lying on the stove for 30 years - and the hero is so good that the Germans are happy with death. We even have a religion that is not like everyone else. God loves Russia. Ivan the fool. He defeated everyone. Russia has its own path. God-chosen people Russians slowly harness and drive fast, etc. While our sons and grandchildren are brought up and grow in the spirit of the exclusivity of our nation, we are invincible. My children grew up in 90. I don’t feel ashamed. Now time is changing and my grandson is proudly looking at the world knowing what belongs to the people an invincible and exceptional hero. What a great future awaits us and this cannot be doubted. And he will raise his children. It’s also worth changing the attitude in raising our children and us. We are invincible while the children are brought up in the spirit of superiority over other nations. And let it be called nationalism but only this can save the Russian nation people as an independent entity in the world arena
    1. synchrophasatron
      17 July 2012 16: 14
      Quote: 101
      We are invincible while children are brought up in the spirit of superiority over other nations

      This is not nationalism, father. The hysteric with a mustache also reasoned this way and brought the nation to defeat.
      You are invincible when you are united with other nations. In unity is your strength.
      1. 101
        17 July 2012 16: 53
        SYNCHROPHASATRON No doubt, I don’t see the exclusivity in the Russian nation, but the thirst for victory has been instilled since childhood and without it there is no self-sacrifice in battle. You won’t go against the tank with a grenade. You won’t lie on the pillbox if you don’t believe in your own exceptionalism and that the enemy cannot defeat you unarmed and thrown into the open field without a chance of victory. Only a man confident in his EXCLUSIVITY is ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of faith in the inevitability of the victory of his people.
        1. Yarbay
          17 July 2012 17: 20
          Quote: 101
          I do not see exclusivity in the Russian nation, but the thirst for victory is inculcated in childhood

          The same can be said of modern Jews, Americans, Turks, and so many nations say so!
        2. synchrophasatron
          17 July 2012 17: 29
          Quote: 101
          but the thirst for victory is instilled from childhood and without it there is no self-sacrifice in battle. You won’t go against a tank with a grenade, you won’t lie on the pillbox if you don’t have faith in your exceptionalism and in the impossibility of the enemy defeating you unarmed and abandoned in the open field without a chance of victory

          one hundred and first, you have a Caucasian mentality smile
          Quote: 101
          Only man confident in its EXCLUSIVITY ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of faith in the inevitability of the victory of his people

          I'll argue with that. The person who sacrifices himself, the last thing he thinks about himself and his exclusivity.
          PySy. If not hard, don't skip the semicolons
          1. 101
            17 July 2012 18: 36
            I apologize for the grammar, this habit does not see any problems in communication Regarding the willingness to accept death I do not think that a person is ready to give his life for someone or for something Exclusively for the sake of his beloved for the sake of his honor dignity and faith in his exclusiveness (a word has attached) You consciously go to death only for the sake of your pride and the thought that you did not shame your name I thought about this problem and decided, if not for the children, it turns out that for my honor and nothing more
            1. 101
              17 July 2012 18: 50
              At the end of the logical chain, mine remains, I don’t start from where I thought for what it was strange for a tank with grenades
              1. kNow
                17 July 2012 19: 09
                Quote: 101

                At the end of the logical chain, mine remains, I don’t start from where I thought for what it was strange for a tank with grenades

                our opinions are close, but it is difficult to agree with exceptionalism
                1. 101
                  17 July 2012 19: 58
                  I repeat I don’t write that Russians are better than others in some way. Just if you feel like you have grown up since childhood, that you’re not like everyone else, you’re the arbiter of history, belong to the people, the glory of which will live for centuries, and at the time of trial you will behave accordingly. This thing upbringing plus if there are facts from history confirming your worldview In any nation of the nation you can develop it
              2. Oleg0705
                18 July 2012 00: 06

                Josef Goebbels

                “Courage is courage inspired by spirituality. The persistence with which the Bolsheviks defended themselves in their pillboxes in Sevastopol is akin to some instinct, and it would be a profound mistake to consider it the result of Bolshevik convictions or education. The Russians have always been like that, and most likely they will always be like that. ”

                RUSSIAN SOLDIER

                Chasing the Turks, the grenadier Dindin became interested in battle.
                Dindin runs, stabs with a bayonet, hits the butt.
                - Haman, aman! - shout the Turks.
                They ran off a mile and a half. One of the Turkish soldiers turned his head and sees only one Russian soldier from behind.

                Shouted the Turks to his brothers. The fugitives stopped, turned to face Dindin, surrounded the soldier.
                - Alla! - shout. - Alla! Give up!
                Only Dindin was not one of those who surrendered. He poked with a bayonet of one Turk, poked a second, shot at the third.
                What happened next, the soldier did not remember. Turks piled into Russian, muffled with butts. Dindin woke up in the water.
                Having captured the prisoner, the Turks swam across the river Rymnik. The soldier washed the water, he opened his eyes - he was alive. Only the whole body burns, it aches in the bones, the head is spinning. He closed his eyes again, dropped his head.

                The Turks got out on the opposite bank, laid a grenadier on the grass, they are advised among themselves what to do next.
                Dindin listened, and although he did not know the Turkish language, he understood: the Turks decided not to carry the prisoner with them, but to cut off the soldier’s head and bring it to the authorities like a trophy.
                The Turk approached Dyndin, grabbed a curved Turkish saber and only wanted to slash his neck like a Dyndin Turk with his foot in his stomach. The grenadier jumped, pulled out a gun.
                The Turks were taken aback. What a miracle: a soldier came to life - and in different directions.
                - Wait! - shouts Dindin.
                Caught up with one Turk - hit with a bayonet. Caught up with the second - and also with a bayonet. Another Turk rushed into the water.
                And Dindin is after him. Then again ashore. It hits right, left. He only bit his lip and is curving from Turkish wounds and beatings.
                An hour later, our soldiers approached. They look - ten Turks are lying on the banks of the Rymnik River, and among them there is a Russian soldier. Take a closer look - so this is Dindin!
                - Dyndin, Dyndin! - called out a comrade.
                The hero moved.
                - Alive, alive! - shouted the soldiers joyfully and rushed to him.
                They raised the grenadiers in their arms and sent them to a medical cart.
                - Ten Turks! - admired Suvorov, learning about the feat of Dyndin. Well done! Oh well done! It turns out that it’s not enough for us one on one - give us three, three are not enough - give us six, give us ten for one: we’ll beat everyone, knock us down, take us in full — since there are such soldiers in the Russian troops.
                1. Oleg0705
                  18 July 2012 00: 10
                  Chief of Staff of the Wehrmacht 4 Army, General Gunter Blumentrit

                  “Close communication with nature allows Russians to move freely at night in fog, through forests and swamps. They are not afraid of the dark, endless forests and cold. They are not curious about the winter, when the temperature drops to minus 45. A Siberian, who can be partially or even completely considered an Asian, is even more resilient, even stronger ... We already experienced this on ourselves during the First World War, when we had to face the Siberian army corps ".

                  “For a European, accustomed to small territories, the distances in the East seem endless ... The horror is intensified by the melancholy, monotonous character of the Russian landscape, which acts depressingly, especially in gloomy autumn and painfully long winter. The psychological influence of this country on the average German soldier was very strong. He felt worthless, lost in these vast expanses ”

                  “The Russian soldier prefers hand-to-hand combat. His ability to endure hardship without flinching is a true surprise. Such is the Russian soldier whom we recognized and who were respected a quarter of a century ago. ”

                  “It was very difficult for us to get a clear idea of ​​equipping the Red Army ... Hitler refused to believe that Soviet industrial production could be equal to German. We had little information regarding Russian tanks. We had no idea how many tanks per month Russian industry is capable of producing.

                  It was difficult to even get the cards, as the Russians kept them under a big secret. The maps we had were often incorrect and misleading.

                  We also didn’t have exact data about the combat power of the Russian army. Those of us who fought in Russia during the First World War thought that it was great, and those who did not know the new enemy were inclined to underestimate it. ”

                  “The behavior of the Russian troops even in the first battles was in striking contrast to the behavior of the Poles and Western allies in defeat. Even surrounded by the Russians continued stubborn battles. Where there were no roads, the Russians in most cases remained unattainable. They always tried to break through to the east ... Our Russian environment was rarely successful. ”

                  “From Field Marshal von Bock to the soldier, everyone hoped that we would soon march through the streets of the Russian capital. Hitler even created a special sapper team, which was supposed to destroy the Kremlin. When we came close to Moscow, the mood of our commanders and troops suddenly changed dramatically. With surprise and disappointment, we found in October and early November that the defeated Russians did not cease to exist as a military force. In recent weeks, the enemy’s resistance has intensified, and the tension of the battles has increased every day ... "
            2. kNow
              17 July 2012 19: 08
              Quote: 101
              I apologize for the grammar is a habit I do not see problems in communication

              no particular problem, just have to re-read
              Quote: 101
              decided if not for the children it turns out that for his honor and no more

              For children, for parents, for brothers and sisters, and for their unwillingness to clean someone's boots ...
              1. 101
                17 July 2012 19: 28
                So I write that it’s a matter of upbringing. If from childhood you know that you are special, then it will be difficult to make you clean the boots.
    2. +3
      17 July 2012 17: 15
      There is already one people in the world, chosen by God. There are also those chosen by Allah. Isn't it too much for one world? Can we still do something ourselves, not relying on the help of the "upper" forces? There are examples in history of educating a nation in the spirit of its exclusiveness and superiority. Do you know the final? Do you want your grandchildren to have the same future as those of these peoples?
      1. 101
        17 July 2012 19: 03
        Note your words. It is precisely these nations that represent something in the world. As soon as a nation ceases to believe in its election, it leaves the leaders.
    3. walter_rus
      19 July 2012 02: 31
      Quote: 101
      We are invincible while children are brought up in a spirit of superiority over other nations
      Unless of course, superiority is understood as responsibility and not a desire to enslave or humiliate others.
  39. +5
    17 July 2012 16: 21
    The history of comments on the article clearly shows the essence of the mysterious Russian soul. If you don't believe me, then you are a Jew (or a fascist)! Do not support my opinion - definitely a Jew! They began to live badly - again the Jews tried (or, well, one of the neighbors)! Decision? Yes, "red rooster" to let them, so that it was not povadno !!! Yes, chomp in a big way!
    And we killed each other selflessly in the civil war, so killed that the external adversary froze in amazement. And here - to the foam, to the red eyes .... Calm down, go to the pharmacy, visit a psychoanalyst. And respect each other's opinions!
  40. Yarbay
    17 July 2012 17: 05
    *** The Russian people can be in two stable psychological states - "cattle" and "hero", the transition between which can occur almost instantly. *** - this applies to all peoples!
  41. black cat
    17 July 2012 17: 19
    Quote: Ascetic
    What words define the Russian national character, its true features? Freedom-loving - "Russians don't give up, Russians don't sell, Russians don't abandon theirs"

    The Laurentian Chronicle reports that "In the summer of 6753 (1245), the Grand Duke Yaroslav, and with his brothers and sons went to the Tatars to Batyev."
    Well it turns out: Alexander, winner of the knights, experienced warlord, went licking boots invaders of Russia.
    In 1252, Andrei invited his brother Alexander to join the alliance against the Tatars, but Alexander informed him of the khan. Here you have a saint!
    1. Yarbay
      17 July 2012 17: 46
      Alexander Batyu called dad and you are right, especially after the delivery of his brother, Batyu became a native!
      During the ice battle on the side of Alexander was the Mongol cavalry!
      Generally a lot of obscure !!
    2. 0
      17 July 2012 18: 02
      And you, really, h..n understand! Who is dragging everything into his Family - a bastard, who did not regret his own brother for the sake of saving rebellious Novgorod - also a bastard ?! But, I prayed forgiveness from the khan to my brother, and my brother again failed!
      Dogs-knights came to conquer and to make them believe in their faith, and the khan only demanded tribute. So with whom should a real statesman wage an implacable struggle?
      1. Yarbay
        17 July 2012 18: 14
        Did you answer me ??
        So brother turns out to be a patriot, and Alexander a kalobrocianist, a headman ?!
        Andrei was told there was no need to squeak at the blogger, but he did not obey and went on to partisan, and then his brother’s heart could not stand it and passed it to Batu ??
        Although, as far as I know, he was in alliance with the enemies of Batu and also the Mongols!
        1. kNow
          17 July 2012 18: 16
          Quote: Yarbay
          So brother turns out to be a patriot, and Alexander a kalobrocianist, a headman ?!
          Andrei was told there was no need to squeak at the blogger, but he did not obey and went on to partisan, and then his brother’s heart could not stand it and passed it to Batu ??
          Although, as far as I know, he was in alliance with the enemies of Batu and also the Mongols!

          Alexander was a statesman.
          1. Yarbay
            17 July 2012 18: 21
            Dear Amadeus!
            The problem is that we don’t know this for sure !!
            We don’t know, maybe he was a statesman, or maybe a cunning power lover ??
            everything is confused!
            1. kNow
              17 July 2012 18: 54
              Quote: Yarbay
              We don’t know, maybe he was a statesman, or maybe a cunning power lover ??

              One does not contradict the other. If you recall the history of the Middle East, you can see how the sultans killed their own sons and left their only heir so that they would not tear apart and ruin the country.
            2. 0
              17 July 2012 19: 37
              Historical alternatives say that the Mongols are perhaps the Cossack army. And then everything can be explained. And Russian-speaking yasaks, and Alexander’s behavior and much more.
        2. 0
          17 July 2012 18: 59
          Quote: Yarbay
          here the brother’s heart could not stand it and passed it to Batu ??

          - I don’t fully remember the history of the brothers ’relations, I remember that Alexander more than once forgave Andrei when he didn’t count on it. But! Andrey survived Alexander! (not much, for 1 year)
    3. +2
      17 July 2012 20: 22
      Well, actually there is such a thing called a politician. And in the 13th century, she was also present.
      let's take a look at what you say. Alexander Nevsky’s brother did offer an alliance against the Tatars, which apart from them would include Daniil Galitsky (as far as I remember Andrei’s father-in-law).
      Alexander believed that after the Batyev pogrom the invasion, when Russia had not yet licked its wounds, it was premature to oppose the Tatars.
      If we also take into account that the Novgorod lands were under the pressure of the Teutons, and the Principality of Galicia-Volyn under the pressure of the Poles and Ugrians (Hungarians), even a victory over the Tatars (which would certainly be Pyrrhic) would turn into a defeat.
      Surely most of the Russian squads would have died in the battle with the Tatars and there would have been no one to defend their Fatherland from the above enemies.
      So here Nevsky showed himself to be an intelligent and far-sighted politician.
      As for his trip to the horde. And how you sir wanted. Russia lies in ruins. Almost all the squads of the Russian principalities destroyed. An island of calm remains Novgorod and Pskov, who are forced to restrain the onslaught of the West. I had to bow to Batu. Collect tribute. And if he did not, Novgorod would share the fate of other devastated cities.
      And who then would reflect the western invasion?
      Or you forgot that, unlike the Tatars, who came and went (just to pay tribute). The Teutons and Swedes were going to settle on our lands and catholicize them.
      And so, having surely gone against his pride, Nevsky was able to earn Batu’s location, thereby averting the threat of Tatar raids into the North of Russia, and thereby preserving his strength to fight the West.

      Well, at the end. The same Daniil of Galitsky eventually accepted the crown from the pope (who promised him help in the fight against the Tatars, but naturally did not help) and became king. Thus ended the Galicia-Volyn Rus Guard of the Carpathians and the Thunder of the Ugrians.
      The intensive catholicization of Galician lands began, as a result of which today we see how the inhabitants of Lviv (the city built by Daniel and named after his son) hate everything Russian and strive for Poland.
      Having completely forgotten that once their prince threw a cry in Russia calling for help in the fight against the Ugrians. And Novgorodians responded to this cry. And they went all over Russia, from North to West, to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Galician brothers. This is forgotten.
      So before you condemn the great commander, the holy and far-sighted politician, take the trouble to imagine the Question itself and assume the consequences of another Decision.
      1. 0
        17 July 2012 22: 06
        And one can only wonder how at that time Alexander predicted the development of history, and at the present time the "enlightened" "descendants" cannot compare the events that have happened.
    4. Yoshkin Kot
      18 July 2012 11: 57
      those who lick boots in the twin do not take!
  42. +3
    17 July 2012 17: 52
    It's funny, but I got the impression that people writing under flags clearly not Russian think much more in Russian than with foam at the mouth proud of their nationality. Learn, Slav brothers, learn! Power is not exceptional, but unity!
  43. black cat
    17 July 2012 17: 57
    Quote: Yarbay
    Alexander Batyu called dad and you are right, especially after the delivery of his brother, Batyu became a native!
    During the ice battle on the side of Alexander was the Mongol cavalry!
    Generally a lot of obscure !!

    Yarbay! I am Russian myself. But I am opposed to making superhumans of Russians. We, like all nations, have their positive and negative qualities. Well, the fact that the Tatars were mentors-allies of the Moscow (and other) princes in those days is neither good nor bad. All had and have allies. Tatars and Mongols are also people. It’s bad to hush up the story.
    1. Yarbay
      17 July 2012 18: 11
      I agree with you and had no purpose than to offend the Russians!
      It's just that everything is so dark in the history of peoples that it can be said that it was rewritten for the sake of something!
      Maybe in reality the history of Russia was more glorious than we know, just when it was an uncomfortable ally, when it was an uncomfortable enemy !!
  44. black cat
    17 July 2012 18: 30
    Quote: Yarbay
    It's just that everything is so dark in the history of peoples that it can be said that it was rewritten for the sake of something!

    I agree, they probably copied more than once.
  45. +1
    17 July 2012 19: 25
    The phenomenon of Russian-how much blood was given! Aborigines were not killed Vasya called Petya, Kolya. They taught them, defended! But they slaughtered themselves like bulldogs in battles. Russian people always endure this and enjoy it!
    What phrase do we have? - Whoever comes with a sword will die from the sword. And they - Came, saw, won!
    1. 0
      18 July 2012 08: 14
      They - came, saw, inherited
  46. black cat
    17 July 2012 20: 43
    Quote: volkan
    Or you forgot that, unlike the Tatars, who came and went (just to pay tribute). The Teutons and Swedes were going to settle on our lands and catholicize them.

    No offense, ask a question.
    And who told you that this is a minus. What is better to take their women in full to the Horde to shame than the Swedes are allowed to settle?
    1. +3
      17 July 2012 21: 47
      Have you seriously asked a question?
      Actually, I have not heard about what would Russian women "carry" to the Tatars.
      Do you really think that the Catholics, whom the Pope sent to the "campaign against the pagans", would kiss us in the ass?
      Do not make me laugh. For starters, you would read how they Germanized the Baltic states.
      We were pagan pigs for them, and were subject to destruction and parasitism. The Catholics came to taste in their crusades, so that the krovushka would flow like a river.
      Well, about the conversion to the Catholic faith, I generally am silent. If you consider normal the violent process of changing the faith of ancestors, then I have nothing to say.
      And by the way for you to think. Pope Nevsky also offered the royal crown, but he refused. And the result of this. Orthodox Russia, not Catholic Galicia.
      That's it.
  47. Captain
    17 July 2012 20: 44
    I read some comments ... I will never do this again. This is solid hatred.
  48. -1
    17 July 2012 21: 29
    lol I know this character in other forums, who is fully christened, it is easier to ignore it. bully
    1. Yoshkin Kot
      18 July 2012 11: 38
      Are you an enemy of the Russian Family? and here you crap?
  49. TRUVOR
    17 July 2012 22: 08
    The Slavs are such a people in which there is no bargaining. Yet the great kings and princes forbade Jews to settle on Russian lands not only settle but also do any activity. Christ could not be God because he is human. TO TRUTH. PEACE TO YOU.
    1. Yoshkin Kot
      18 July 2012 11: 47
      what can Islam teach? cut throats to women? hostage pregnant women and schoolchildren?
      Yes, and advice do not insult others with your prophets, you will not be offended by yourself
      I believe in one God the Father, the Almighty, the Creator, heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible. And in the unity of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only Begotten, from the born of the Father before all ages; Light from Light, God is true from God is true, born, uncreated, consubstantial with the Father, imzh all of being. For us, for the sake of man, and for our salvation, he came down from heaven and embodied from the Holy Spirit and Mary the Virgin, and became human. Crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and the sufferer and buried. And risen on the third day according to the Scriptures. And ascended to heaven, and the Father is seated at the right hand. And the packs to come, with glory, judge the living and the dead, His Kingdom will have no end. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord of the Life-giving, And from the Father proceeding, And from the Father and the Son we bow and glorify, having spoken the prophets. In one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the remission of sins. I drink the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the next century. Amen.
  50. survivor
    18 July 2012 01: 24
    Do you know what is the worst thing in all your argument? it is that all these historians, philologists, philosophers and other scientific men and women, base their conclusions not so much on facts, but on a situation favorable to the moment. all their arguments are broken up into one serious argument, there were no TAMs at that time, and even if there were, then how many people, so many opinions ...
    the whole conversation, as always, simply escalated into castling and unbridled srach ....
    pride is the first and main sin of mankind, because all other sins flow from it! all your argument, nothing more than pride ...
    digging in history, without the skills of history, tedding old and dirty laundry and creating not the right (or maybe right ???) opinions about a particular issue .....
    think, who benefits from the correctness of the given aspects in the given time?
    1. Oleg0705
      18 July 2012 01: 45
      Good night, Magomed, who argues that we are historians for this, we visit this site to talk, talk, talk, talk, share news, discuss, discuss, discuss, remember, plus, etc. laughingeveryone chooses his own source of information, so we are here.
      1. survivor
        18 July 2012 08: 33
        and good night to you, or rather good morning Oleg. just such "sensations" do not appear just like that. The story is a fragile lady. everyone can offend, change their clothes, but no one managed to undress to the feet .........
  51. -1
    18 July 2012 05: 48
    gatto nero,
    gatto nero,
    Quote: gatto nero
    Is it better to take your women to the Horde for shame than to allow the Swedes to settle?

    Almost all the princes had Tatar wives, otherwise they would not be given a label for the reign.
  52. ramp
    19 July 2012 17: 16
    Quote: Oleg0705
    you don't respect Jews and you pray to their god

    Finally the Jews deny Christ

    Quote: Oleg0705
    you don't respect Jews and you pray to their god

    Finally the Jews deny Christ
    1. Oleg0705
      19 July 2012 22: 37

  53. 0
    20 July 2012 19: 30

    I ask atheists, communists and Perun lovers to comment on the “Jewish roots” of Christianity based on this video.
    1. Oleg0705
      20 July 2012 19: 41
      Probably the wrong link was given, check