Post-Soviet planet. Chronicles of the Wrong Tomorrow


Expired Storage Contracts

And yet, a situation arose recently with the return to service of rockets of shorter and medium range. And to Europe, and on both sides. No, or rather, here the Americans defiantly left the very treaty on the elimination of the INF Treaty, well, ours pulled in there too. So what to do? Where to go to the "poor peasant"? What happened was to happen: at first, the Americans pointedly “didn’t give a damn and rubbed” on the ABM treaty. Now the same thing happened with the INF Treaty. In principle, it is logical and in principle expected.

At one time (before the most defiant cancellation of the ABM Treaty), George W. Bush even invited Vladimir Putin to his place in Texas. At the ranch. So to speak, the continuation of Yeltsin’s diplomacy without ties. Friend Georgie, friend Vladimir ... But not a ride. Not a ride at all. Volodya Putin did not understand the "joke of humor" and did not go about it. And the United States had to defiantly withdraw from the “epoch-making treaty”, which, incidentally, had no de facto negative consequences for them on the international arena.

That is, the agreement was key and basic, and a lot was tied to it in the military-political sphere, but its dismantling went virtually unnoticed by the world community living in the era of “the end stories". And the Americans “perked up." And now we are witnessing a sudden and unilateral withdrawal from the INF Treaty. And again, this does not have any negative consequences for them, and no one blames them for anything.

And neither the European Union, nor even the People’s Republic of China have any serious charges against them and are not going to put forward them. That is, in fact, the United States is taking unilateral actions in the nuclear missile sphere, without encountering practical problems in diplomacy. This, you know, must be realized. We are already somehow used to nuclear weapon limited to a system of international treaties. I.e first Undoubtedly, nuclear weapons themselves arose, and then, “to avoid”, humanity was forced to create a system of tough international agreements to limit its testing / distribution / deployment.

And today, this whole system of restrictions is “flying downhill,” because the “leader of the free world” decided to steer in this sphere completely unilaterally. By the way, the cancellation of a nuclear deal with Iran is just from the same series. This deal was approved, as it were, by all the leading world players, and then the Trump administration, acting in one-sided okay, I terminated this deal.

The consequences of the collapse of the USSR in the field of security

You know, but it would be better if the USSR won the Cold War (sad joke). It would be much better for humanity as a whole, at least the threat of a “nuclear bugabum” would have gone far to the fifteenth plan. Today, the same “leader of the free world” is unilaterally fueling passions around a completely nuclear missile North Korea. I understand that Trump, playing big and raising stakes, is trying first of all to solve his internal political problems, however ... however (and history confirms this to himself) sometimes in a tense situation the guns start firing on their own.

That is, oddly enough, but after the collapse of the Soviet bloc and the collapse of the USSR, the world became much more dangerous and unstable. If you think about it, that’s exactly it. The “second pillar” “left” and the world began to sausage and flatten. After 1991, the international system of checks and balances, so beloved by the European diplomats of the era described by Comrade Pikul, literally crumbled before our eyes.

There were no checks or balances. Former Eastern Bloc countries have joined NATO in large numbers. Including Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, that is, the former republics of the USSR! And how cool it would be (for the West), and how good it would be (for him). And how wonderful it would be. In the pre-nuclear era. After the defeat of the Invincible Armada (1588 year), Spain de facto gradually lost the status of a great sea power. After the 1814-th (and in fact, after the defeat of the Great Army in Russia), France lost the status of the military hegemon of Europe. After 1918, Germany lost both the best army in Europe, and sovereignty, and the ability to pursue an independent foreign and domestic policy.

However, the most interesting thing happened with the USSR / RF: in 1991, almost everything was lost. From the status of a superpower to the status of a third world country, the path turned out to be surprisingly short. But in a strange way, the SNF and TNW were not lost. In the Yeltsin era, this seemed like such a funny relic of former power ... although how to say it! Those same Americans very seriously pressured him in favor of “nullifying” the nuclear missile potential, and when the “first president of independent Russia” got too much criticism fell upon him - they began to accuse the Ural lover of democracy of “neo-tsarism”.

That is, as at the time (70-e) in the West it was decided to abandon the "convergence of systems" in favor of an alliance with China, so in the 90-e it was decided that we would not offer anything to Russia. A little aside - why did not our liberal democrats succeed in 90? But why? Did you steal? Yes, everyone is stealing! The fact is that the West did not cooperate with them and did not offer them money. And they all stood 90 “with an open mitt”: we did everything right, where is the investment?

And in response, they explained to them with a smile that “investment” is a purely private matter (that is, they will not be) and they demanded to disarm. To some extent, history laughed cruelly at our liberal democrats. It’s like Frederick the Great, being the most convinced francophile, was forced to constantly fight with France, so our “reformers” had to play some kind of patriots to some extent and save Russia's nuclear potential from the good Yankees in difficult political and economic conditions.

Russia's nuclear disarmament

Not that they expected from the West, not at all that. That is, in 90 and later real attempts were made to nuclear disarmament of the "losing Russia". By the way, yes, we were once told that the Cold War was over. They were informed that they had completely won this war, hence the difference in perception of the surrounding reality. Today, the western man does not respect and is not afraid of a third-rate country there. That's fine, damn it, but just now the nuclear weapons of this “losing country” remain. That is, "something went wrong." Not according to plan.

The West’s attempt to bring Khodorkovsky to power (by the way, using the protest left electorate!) Is not so much about oil (as many people think), but about nuclear weapons (and there is a lot of oil on Earth). And that was already after Yeltsin. And many do not remember this, but Mr. Khodorkovsky spoke quite to himself about the Russian nuclear potential.

That is, the “solution” of the Russian question (final) in the West was very simple: the disarmament of nuclear forces and the liquidation of the Russian state as an integrated structure. In this direction, they worked. But there was a mistake. No, they just succeeded in expanding NATO to the East and establishing a Russophobic consensus in Europe (we faced the results of this policy in the 2014 year), but something went wrong with "nuclear disarmament".

That is, from the point of view of "international security", just the world today is not just worse, but much worse than "the world of two blocks - two systems." The thing is that that world was stable. This one is not. To rock “that world” to a state of nuclear conflict just like that, for “you live great” was quite difficult. Without a solution from the “top”. There were clear rules of the game and clear restrictions.

Today, all this is completely absent: the West has taken the game upon itself and does not want to reckon with anything. A completely obvious marker is the indicative defeat of Yugoslavia. As a matter of fact, it was precisely Yugoslavia that did not threaten anyone at that time and was not going to attack anyone. And in general it was a European democratic country.

The war in Georgia and the war in Ukraine just very clearly outlined the prospects for the "future". That is, we have somewhat misunderstood the meaning of Yugoslavia, Libya, Iraq and Syria. Those truly hellish realities in which we all ended up without the USSR do not understand and do not want to understand. Say anything, but within the framework of the USSR, there would simply be no war in the Donbass and South Ossetia. As well as attacks on anyone on the list. In our country, many still believe in some kind of “Western democracy”, but at the same time note that, they say, sometimes she is working in the “wrong mode”.

Another reality

Everything is a little not so great. You just need to forget (completely forget!) About the realities of the 80's and perceive what has been happening for the past 30 years. As a given. By the way, moralizing, which many people like to do about the "aggressive West" (including on the pages of "VO") is unhelpful and even funny. Welcome to the “brave new world”, where no normal laws and regulations work.

That is, the whole trouble is that (from the point of view of the author) this world has become much more unstable and prone to slide into a nuclear conflict. And even if we take the situation with Ukrainian nuclear power plants, all our ears have already buzzed about Chernobyl. They’ve been buzzing for thirty years, but the catastrophic situation at nuclear facilities “independent” does not cause any interest in the EU or the IAEA. Not at all.

And, by the way, yes, Chernobyl hats are regularly held in the Republic of Belarus, which are directed against the new nuclear power plant in the Republic of Belarus, but the catastrophic situation in Ukraine’s nuclear energy industry is completely indifferent to the Belarusians. There is no such topic. It is clear that these accidents can be ignored for some time, but the political situation in the world is not a decree for a nuclear reactor. He may jerk. And yes, the transfer by the Ukrainian side of rocket / rocket technology to anyone who is willing to pay has not led to any sanctions.

That is, for a “revolutionary” Ukraine, they made an obvious exception to all and all kinds of treaties. She can ruin the reactors and “ban” engines to ballistic missiles. But hell, that doesn't happen. It does not happen that strategic arms treaties continue to operate if there is such a “white spot” on the map. There it came to the point that they seemed to help the North Koreans "threaten America."

All international treaties, like clockwork during the era of confrontation between the USSR and the USA, today went to the trash. That's all, they are no more! Because Ukraine has de facto left them. And there was nothing for her. Moreover, it is supported in every possible way ... Jokes as a joke, but the ambush was precisely that in Ukraine there remained both rocket production technologies, and technologies for producing engines for them, and nuclear reactors ...

But for the sake of the victory of the "revolution of dignity" they closed their eyes to this. And somehow people do not think about the consequences ... but they can be monstrous. And most importantly, the United States practically “in the same face” began to steer the nuclear missile sphere on the planet, and this, excuse me, is “complete atas”. Because they "will not succeed."

That is, the entire control system for nuclear missile technologies today already does not work in fact. On the example of Iraq / North Korea, the United States proved that in the modern world only the presence of nuclear weapons provides sovereignty, but nothing else. There is no evidence that Iran is spreading ballistic missile / nuclear technology. But sanctions were imposed against him, then the “nuclear deal”, then the cancellation of the US “nuclear deal” unilaterally. And what do you want to talk about in the field of nuclear disarmament after that?

And Ukraine was just actively spreading certain technologies ... but there was nothing for it. That is, the "hegemon" unilaterally decided to "ensure nuclear safety." But ... but that doesn't happen. The transition from the bipolar world to the unipolar world looks especially wild just in the nuclear missile sphere. You see, nuclear warheads somehow do not give a damn about the current political and economic situation, and the ratio of votes in the UN.

The agreement "it is not clear whom it is not clear with whom"

That is, today for Russia there is absolutely no sense in signing something with the United States in the field of nuclear missile restrictions. Just because we do not have that international status in order to demand anything from the USA there. It's like an honest game of toss with a gopnik. If you lose, you pay.

The situation is paradoxical here as well: all those who rely on American hegemony really do not like to notice the fact that from the beginning of the 0's the USA is slowly pouring in. As if in 90's, everything there (outwardly!) Was great. But over the past two decades, there has been a real collapse of US potential and economic opportunities, in particular. Today they have no opportunity to "play for long." All those who talk about American military potential in the 2040 year are engaged in nonsense.

We should generally see what remains of the USA by the 2040 year. That is why they today "go all-in" and "play big." Them now you have to win, understand? They will not reach the 2030 year in the current regime. Any problem must be considered comprehensively. By the way, about the US economy and its prospects at the end of the 2000s, the Adventurer from Omsk laid out everything very well. I recommend! At the very beginning of the zero (!) A wonderful book by Khazin / Kobyakov “The Sunset of the Dollar Empire and the End of Pax Americana” was published. And there everything was well laid out.

That is, at first the United States "took the game upon itself", and then began to energetically "fall into the ditch." That is, they can still “reset the economy” (collapsing global finances!), But at the same time, they will no longer maintain dominance on the planet. That is why the "Arab spring", which is why the war in Ukraine. That is why they prohibit Iran from trading in oil. That is why the situation around Pyongyang is escalated. That is why they place military biolaboratory at the borders of Russia.

How they can ensure the non-proliferation of nuclear technology and the absence of nuclear conflicts is a mystery ... The US withdrawal from the INF Treaty has led to the fact that in Europe again (as in 80!) The risk of a nuclear exchange of short-range strikes arose. But the USSR is no longer there, as is the ATS, but Russia's ability to plow European cities with nuclear warheads has just remained. For this very blow to Europe, in principle, not so much is needed, and it is not necessary to be a superpower.

Another look at nuclear war

And it is not necessary that this strike should be “counter-retaliatory”. Now it’s somehow not customary to discuss one such interesting topic: what if the Russian economy collapsed under sanctions? Economic? What does it mean: “well, you lost?” We have the experience of “dissolving the internal affairs bodies” and “glorious 90's”. Somehow political concessions did not lead to positive results for us. Who ever said that Russia (a country capable of burning the planet) simply had to “withstand sanctions”? You know, I don’t feel any responsibility for the "future of all mankind." This went with the collapse of the USSR and the "holy 90-mi."

“Well, everything - you lost?” - “No, we all lost ...” That may be the answer. There, I remember, the USSR still assumed "increased socialist obligations" not to use the first nuclear weapons. Something does not remember the political return from this step. For some reason, introducing sectoral sanctions, our neighbors on the planet proceed from the unobvious fact that in the event of the collapse of its economy, Russia will be obliged to capitulate in the likeness and model of the 91 year.

For some reason, the Gorbachev call to Washington in December 91 was considered as the “finale” of this epic. The trouble with such “forecasters” is precisely that this time, not Gorbachev will sit in the Kremlin, but a slightly different politician. And will make slightly different decisions. In particular, it was formulated as follows: “... of course, for humanity it will be a global catastrophe. For the planet, it will be a global catastrophe too. But as a citizen of our country and as the head of the Russian state, in this case I want to ask one question: “Why do we need such a world if Russia will not be in it?”

The author of this maxim does not quite resemble the idle "talker about anything." For some reason, this phrase is perceived by many in an ironic manner. Say, mankind has overcome the fear of nuclear war. Overcome? What is it like? They also like to say that such a war will not happen, since nobody wants it. A strange enough statement - did the Europeans really want the beginning of World War I? And just like that and right now the question was posed not at all by chance. The USA is introducing new sanctions against Russia and is actively leaving the arms limitation treaties, and indeed they wanted to spit on all sorts of "checks and balances."

In the pre-nuclear era (with the existing balance of forces) this inevitably led to the defeat of Russia. Into the nuclear ... this leads to a situation where we will have “minus one planet”. That is, paradoxically, the modern world turned out to be much more dangerous and unbalanced than the world of 80's. Just because interests one of the nuclear superpowers it is not categorically taken into account.

That is, if in 80 we proceeded from the not-so-obvious premise that “nations need peace,” today this situation can be completely called into question. Somehow, at the time of the Ukrainian crisis, a large anti-war movement in Europe was not observed. Although it smelled of gunpowder. And when it came to deploying smaller and medium-sized missiles in Europe, here German diplomacy finally woke up and offered to remove Russian missiles beyond the Urals. In exchange for "inspections" of American facilities in Romania.

An interesting suggestion. In general, the EU (under the leadership of Germany) of the “quasisuperpower” type, at least the economic one. But even the issue of nuclear security on of my own EU territory does not control in any way. After Germany (and the EU as a whole) fully supported the anti-Russian sanctions, their role as a possible mediator was reduced to zero. And here it turns out that the matter is not limited to sanctions / counter-sanctions. Not at all. And it was then that the German diplomats leaped zealous ...

Another look at nuclear weapons

In general, the logic that we need to have a powerful economy and a powerful conventional army is certainly good, but it can be implemented on the basis of the restoration of the USSR and the Warsaw block, which, of course, is pure fantasy. Yes, and why, in principle? In the event of the inevitable defeat of NATO forces on the continent in the 70-e / 80-e, the Americans would simply use nuclear weapons, goals stop the Russians at all costs Tanks without nuclear weapons nobody put there. And even with their (and allies!) Industrial, financial and demographic potential. That is, in principle, they could, but somehow they didn’t bother much about it (because the best ATGM is TNW).

Why we (at the current balance of power) need to think about it today is absolutely incomprehensible. It is quite obvious that even with the most favorable development scenario, Russia will not “pull out” full-fledged “conventional forces” with respect to NATO, Japan, and China. Well, is that obvious? Why then discuss? And if our economy is twice as efficient, all alone will not pull.

Another scenario: they pulled! And the United States, with a hybrid invasion of Russia, received a powerful "shit"! Yeah! Not yeah. They will immediately use nuclear weapons. To repel Russian aggression against the free world. Does anyone doubt this? That is, conventional armed forces are certainly needed, but following the Soviet model, counting on two separate (nuclear and non-nuclear) wars is pretty stupid. And quite expensive.

In general, a strange situation has developed in Europe (with respect to the 80): there is no longer any ideological confrontation between systems (which was blamed for nuclear confrontation). Not at all! But the nuclear confrontation itself has not gone anywhere. And it seems like even Russia was part of the OSCE! And it seems like we have tried to harmonize legislation with the European one. However, it all ended exactly with what ended. That is, what a big hidden meaning lies in this very rapprochement with Europe with an obvious military confrontation, it is difficult to understand.

Another look at “international law”

That is, the “question of sanctions” is not only and not so much the “economic issue”, oddly enough, as military-political. That is, European countries have de facto demonstrated their readiness to “accept” любые US decisions. The same can be said about the attitude towards the US withdrawal from missile defense and INF. As a result, the system falls apart. A kind of "system of international law." That is, it turns out that it is absolutely unprofitable for us to go to the signing of some documents on nuclear missile weapons.

Since the United States can come out of them on its own initiative. At any convenient moment. While we will be forced to build the entire military-industrial complex and army under these "treaties". You know, frankly stupid situation. That is, the Americans in this case can play very simply: they prescribe restrictions that are favorable to them in the treaty ... Russia takes them into account when creating their nuclear arsenal ... And then the Americans "suddenly" leave the treaty and put us in check and checkmate. Such are the "one-time contracts."

That is, from an American point of view, Russia is by no means a “worthy partner” with whom relations must be built. In principle, they do not today consider their obligations towards someone as something solid and unchanging. The Iranian example here is simply "archetypal." And yes, right after the withdrawal from the "nuclear deal" the US started talking about the need to create some kind of "new, better agreement" with Iran. Very interesting. Just insane.

And, in fact, the better is Russia? Yes, practically nothing. Roughly speaking, any restrictions on nuclear missile weapons in Russia are not very beneficial. We, unlike America, live in the center of Eurasia, we have many neighbors, and we can’t pull an army of 4,5 million. Roughly speaking, the very Russian Navy needs no less than the United States, if not more. The development of such missiles is conducted by Pakistan, Iran, India and China ... By the way, we need them even morethan the same to China. With our long borders.

The United States simply does not have such neighbors. And given the balance of conventional forces, in the European theater of war, we need them much more than the NATO. Such matters, no one is to blame. Complicating over the fact that we can’t forehead butt with NATO conventional weapons is rather strange. “This is not exactly the Olympic Games.”

Given the deployment of US missile defense systems, some restrictions on strategic nuclear forces look no less strange in terms of providing nat. security of Russia. Yes, let the United States have at least 100 thousand warheads. What is it to us? If we are guaranteed to be able to destroy them? Especially striking first?

The USSR is no more (and for a long time!), As well as the ATS. Therefore think in terms the contractual obligations strange enough: nobody considers us as a "guarantor of peace and stability on the whole planet"Sorry, but these are unnecessary illusions. And we don’t need “world peace” (we can’t afford it!), Rather, we need the security of our own country. No more, but no less. Acting as a quasi-USSR, we are subject to unnecessary restriction, but, being not a superpower, we do not have any bonuses as a result - here you have the “international agreements”. By the way, why does China not participate in them? A growing superpower?

On the one hand, we are limiting the nuclear potential in the interests of international “community” with the dignity of a global player, on the other hand, this community does not hesitate to impose sanctions against us with the aim of destroying our economy (as against a rogue country). Don't you find these to be “mutually exclusive paragraphs”? That is, according to the American model, we need complete confidence in our own rightness and readiness to use the nuclear arsenal if necessary (taking into account exclusively our own national interests). Well, it’s understandable - this arsenal itself. Nuclear arms treaties were good in the era of the two superpowers. Today they are meaningless and even dangerous for us.
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  1. +7
    21 November 2019 05: 51
    The photo is very revealing and informative ... the advanced detachment of the US conquistadors against the background of burning oil torches in the district of local Aboriginal people ... this is what we can expect if we do not destroy them on our territory.
    1. +15
      21 November 2019 05: 59
      Quote: The same Lech
      The photo is very revealing and informative ... the advanced detachment of the US conquistadors against the background of burning oil torches in the district of local Aboriginal people ... this is what we can expect if we do not destroy them on our territory.

      Why do we need a war on our territory? Many conquerors came to us and forever remained in our endless fields and forests, but ... Enough to fertilize our land with the bodies of invaders-losers ... let their fertilize! hi
      1. +8
        21 November 2019 06: 01
        Enough to fertilize Our land with the bodies of the invaders-losers ... let them Fertilize theirs!

        Under the current Kremlin policy with the United States, such a number will not work ... they are hehe business partners.
        1. -2
          21 November 2019 06: 03
          Are you collecting a partisan detachment? stop waiting for the tank wedges of the New Guderian ??? This will not be! am
          1. +8
            21 November 2019 06: 06
            Yeah getting ready smile ... I study the works of specialists from different countries on organizing partisan movements in the occupied territory as well as methods and ways of combating partisans.
            Interesting, do you know some books ... I won’t give details ... Schaub not normal schoolchildren have not read.
          2. 0
            21 November 2019 06: 13
            waiting for the tank wedges of the New Guderian ??? This will not be!
            And what?
            Russia will not go to war again? ... sadness however. smile
            1. +10
              21 November 2019 06: 53
              All over the world, everything has become unpredictable and inadequate .... Leaders too.
              But there is only one conclusion: We must keep the nuclear powder dry!
          3. +10
            21 November 2019 07: 52
            Quote: Hunter 2
            Are you collecting a partisan detachment? stop waiting for the tank wedges of the New Guderian ??? This will not be! am
            Duc in 1918, the people did not wait for the invasion of the Entente, but it won out. It seems that the Entente can easily repeat itself, already with tank wedges and other fanfares, to help (not free of course) to socially close ... winked
            1. +2
              21 November 2019 12: 08
              Quote: DEPHIHTO
              tank wedges and other fanfares, to help (not free of course) to socially close ...

              And America has enough dough for all this grandeur ????
              Even if our army raises its hands and surrenders (and it doesn’t surrender!) - what is next for the USA? Another Iraq / Afghanistan?
              But the Russian Federation is still not these countries, the victims of the United States will be many times more ....
              Even tanks are stupidly not enough for the occupation regime, about infantry - this is not even funny ...
              There is now no opportunity for the United States to contain 3-4-4 million army ...
              1. +8
                21 November 2019 13: 44
                Why do not they do all the work at the expense of the local, whose national identity they are so stubbornly and consistently developing on the territory of the Russian Federation?
                Crimean Tatars in this regard are quite indicative of the Great Patriotic War.
                Such a development of events promises them no longer national republics, but national states with a mass of Russian slaves.
                1. +2
                  21 November 2019 16: 56
                  Quote: TokarevT
                  Crimean Tatars in this regard are quite indicative of the Great Patriotic War.
                  and you again forget the nuance - "on occupied and controlled Wehrmacht territory ".
                  The United States will either have to maintain an occupying army, or pay (and a lot !!!) to local nationals. Both are categorically not financially interesting for the United States ... and if there are several such enclaves in the world, the United States .... .
                  they are already turning their nose off Ukraine, and they have spent a trifle by and large, only a few dozen lard ..
                  And at the same time - at the level of a showdown at the level of the USA-RF (with the potential for transition to a nuclear war), a nationality of 500 000 maximum will not stop anyone and will not keep ...

                  - (indignantly) Poland was here yesterday !!!
                  - (downcast eyes) we accidentally glazed it in the morning .... © joke
                  1. +7
                    21 November 2019 17: 12
                    Bear, m. and large, but the mass of parasites inside it will do its job: it will not be able to fully resist the enemy.
                    500 thousand?
                    How many Chechens? 500? No, at least 000 times more and they multiply at the expense of Russian be healthy as.
                    How many dags?
                    How many Tatars, Bashkirs, etc.?
                    Do not forget the millions of Central Asian and other brothers imported into the Russian Federation, who have long been united in numerous "sleeping" communities for the time being.
                    And all of them are organized and consolidated from the outside, primarily against the Russians.
                    As for the Russians, the exact opposite is true.
                    So, the Russians, of course, will try to put up resistance, as you describe, only at the risk of getting a situation like the Crimea in 1941 - 1944 throughout the whole of the Russian Federation. with all the ensuing consequences.
                    1. +2
                      21 November 2019 19: 48
                      Quote: TokarevT
                      How many Tatars, Bashkirs, etc.?

                      Kurban Bayram in Moscow
                    2. +4
                      21 November 2019 20: 21
                      Quote: TokarevT
                      Do not forget the millions of Central Asian and other brothers imported into the Russian Federation, who have long been united in numerous "sleeping" communities for the time being.

                      Their homegrown bastards are much more dangerous. It is time for the State to get rid of this mold (to deprive of citizenship or to identify as foreign agents).
                      1. +1
                        22 November 2019 20: 17
                        No less dangerous, I agree.
                        But they are dangerous first of all for Russian civilization, but not for those in power, who persistently and sparingly breed this "mold" so that, on the one hand, there is someone to point a finger at, and on the other hand, to justify the absolute necessity of their existence in the maximum comfortable conditions for yourself.
                        Let's recall the wonderful tandems of Gazprom - Echo Matzah or the propagandist Vinitskovsky-Shapiro and the fake Ukrainian expert clown Kovtun.
                        So it turns out that the State, which is now our powers that be, just benefit from the presence of such "mold": the hand washes the hand and both formations, at our expense, live more satisfyingly, walking deeply despising you and me.
                        How will such a "state" get rid of this "mold"?
                        Ants against sweet aphids?
                    3. +4
                      21 November 2019 20: 36
                      Quote: TokarevT
                      get a situation like Crimea in 1941 - 1944. with all the ensuing consequences.
                      Do you remember what happened THEN?
                      Crimean Tatars were taken out for 3 of the day ...
                      Chechnya, completely and completely, was taken out for 3 of the day ....
                      Quote: TokarevT
                      imported by millions into the Russian Federation of Central Asian and other brothers,
                      - Here you are disingenuous - there is a very strong outflow from the Russian Federation. It has become unprofitable to work here, it is economically inexpedient + the punishment for illegal stay is being toughened + employers are fined quite ...
                      At the moment, the only diaspora that is in the plus is the Tajiks, there is a small increase in those who arrived. All other Central Asians (especially Uzbeks) are leaving.

                      Quote: Silvestr
                      Kurban Bayram in Moscow
                      -And you are aware that they can speak different languages ​​and not understand each other at all?
                      1. 0
                        21 November 2019 22: 06
                        Yes, they were taken out in 3 days.
                        And that after 3 months they all turned into fertilizers where they were taken to?
                        No, they were mothballed without radical disposal.
                        And at the right time, stronger and more renewed were planted in their former habitats, where over a short time they grew much more than before. And what prospects for the future have brought Russians even a fortuneteller does not need to go.
                        Of course I’m cunning, it’s Muscovites and Petersburgers who just took it, they opened a new tradition of celebrating Halloween year-round and everywhere, putting on a variety of Asian muzzles.
                      2. 0
                        27 November 2019 12: 13
                        Quote: TokarevT
                        And that after 3 months they all turned into fertilizers where they were taken to?

                        Did you have to? Are you sure you relate to Russian civilization?
                      3. -1
                        27 November 2019 12: 16
                        No, I do not belong to Russian civilization.
                        But, precisely thanks to this approach, we survived and achieved prosperity, which we, first of all, wish the Russians.
                        We wish them this, if only for the reason that, due to their nature, they will help us deal with vahhab efficiently and without snot and are able to do it like no other.
                        A.P. Ermolov and Y.P. The cormorants in this represent for them a truly inspiring example.
                      4. 0
                        27 November 2019 13: 05
                        Quote: TokarevT
                        But, thanks to this approach, we survived and achieved prosperity.

                        "WE" who is this, if not a secret?
                      5. 0
                        27 November 2019 13: 44
                        We, this is us. There is no secret, everything is on the surface.
                      6. 0
                        27 November 2019 13: 50
                        Quote: TokarevT
                        We, this is us. There is no secret, everything is on the surface.

                        So be called, do not be shy. Or dumb?
                      7. 0
                        27 November 2019 14: 35
                        You yourself have not introduced yourself. Decency rules require a different sequence.
                      8. 0
                        27 November 2019 14: 54
                        Political Socialist
                        Surveyor engineer for the first education, Mining engineer for the second
                        The commander of the top platoon BUiAR 98 Airborne Division ...
                        Is it enough?
                        I look forward to hearing from you, טוֹב. תוֹדָה.
                      9. 0
                        28 November 2019 11: 05
                        ובכן, אם אתה מתעקש כך
                        Not a Zionist.
                        Conservative political views.
                        Forensic expert, advanced training in the field of forensic toxicology.
                        Specialist in organic poisons and toxins.
                        Are you satisfied?
                      10. +1
                        21 November 2019 22: 26
                        If in your apartment there will be a horde of Chechens, a camp of cygans, relatives of the Dag, as well as a certain number of rodents, all of them with foam at the mouth will demand that you feed them instead of your children and relatives, and at the same time they still will not understand of each other, probably this will allow you, spitting on all other circumstances, selflessly and enthusiastically engage in providing them with all sorts of benefits and, of course, at the same time hire them an Arabic tutor and an interpreter of the Koran, so that at last they can understand each other and begin to act strictly together.
                      11. 0
                        27 November 2019 12: 12
                        Quote: your1970
                        Do you remember what was THEN?
                        Crimean Tatars were taken out in 3 days ...
                        Chechnya was completely, completely and cleaned up, taken out in 3 days ....

                        And not one jerked ...
                        Quote: your1970
                        -And you are aware that they can speak different languages ​​and not understand each other at all?

                        Moreover, not a single Uzbek will go to the Tajik mosque, not a single Tajik to the Tatar ... etc ...
                2. +3
                  21 November 2019 19: 44
                  Quote: TokarevT
                  Crimean Tatars in this regard are quite indicative of the Great Patriotic War.

                  so now the Crimean Tatars restored their Majlis in Crimea, but under a different label.
                  "Albert Kangiev was appointed chairman of the State Committee for Interethnic Relations of the Peninsula. The corresponding decree was signed by the head of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sergey Aksenov."
                  Albert Kangiev, in March 2014, refused to hold an All-Crimean referendum on the nationality of the peninsula in the territory of his region.
                  Then Kangiev publicly called the referendum itself illegal and the subsequent accession to the Russian Federation. “Only organized actions for the strict observance of the legislation of Ukraine will contribute to an early settlement of the crisis and the preservation of the integrity of our state Ukraine!” - said the mayor during the critical weeks of the Crimean spring. Having received the appropriate instructions, his subordinates actively blocked the preparations for the referendum. It is reported by Rambler.
                  1. +2
                    21 November 2019 20: 03
                    Quote: Silvestr
                    Albert Kangiev, in March 2014, refused to hold an All-Crimean referendum on the nationality of the peninsula in the territory of his region.

                    There is no leader of peoples on you - it’s high time to clean up in Crimea, there are too many who still dream of returning to Ukraine and are in state Russian posts.
                    1. +3
                      21 November 2019 20: 05
                      Quote: ccsr
                      There is no leader of peoples on you - it’s high time to clean up in Crimea, there are too many who still dream of returning to Ukraine and are in state Russian posts.

                      your words yes to ears, to some
                      Aksyonov against the accession of Crimea to the Russian Federation
              2. -1
                21 November 2019 14: 38
                Quote: your1970
                But the Russian Federation is still not these countries, the victims of the United States will be many times more..

                In the event of a war between the United States and the Russian Federation next week after the start on the planet with the past name Earth, the most advanced organisms will be microbes and deep-sea invertebrates. In the meantime, all the "skirmishes" at the regional level, the US fighters are demanding payment from their government "for fear":
              3. +4
                21 November 2019 20: 06
                Even if our army raises its hands and surrenders (and it doesn’t surrender!) - then what about the USA? Another Iraq / Afghanistan?
                Ksenia and the bulk will surrender. If only the white sahib smiled ...
                And then, as usual - concentration camps and gas chambers.
                Nonsense, you say? Duc Americans stuffed Vietnamese shipping containers - and in the sun. A couple of hours - 50 corpses. You don’t even have to spend money on gas.
                Bush has killed 5 million Iraqis in 3 years of his rule in Iraq. Of these, 6 thousand are military. The rest were sitting in the barracks, and raised their hands at the first patrol. And then IS, Obama killed 380 in Iraq, and Trump, "we will torture and torture," does not lag behind.
                From the point of view of Ksyush Sobchak, Russians are only semi-finished for laundry soap and are suitable. And students at the HSE cesspool agree ...
    2. +14
      21 November 2019 07: 37
      1. Great propaganda article. Here we can if we want.
      2. Properly filed, perfectly exposed threats to Russia.
      3. A good reverse conclusion is "if they introduce sanctions, we will respond with a military threat."
      4. The economic component is carefully mentioned.
      5. It seems that 1991 years have not passed since 28. And this is like from 1945 to 1973.
      6. Well and most importantly - the enemies are not asleep, the West is to blame for all our troubles.

      Strong Article 5.
      1. +8
        21 November 2019 07: 40
        This is also the case in foreign policy. smile assertive and brazen.
        Imagine that in your yard a gang of arrogant teenagers has gathered, led by a competent godfather and intend to run into you ... something similar is happening now with Russia.
      2. +1
        21 November 2019 07: 58
        Have you been able to read it to the end? !!! Oh, and enviable patience with you. I had enough paragraphs on 4-5!
        1. +6
          21 November 2019 08: 23
          Quote: Leader of the Redskins
          Have you been able to read it to the end? !!! Oh, and enviable patience with you. I had enough paragraphs on 4-5!

          In a short article you will not dodge in full.
  2. +7
    21 November 2019 05: 56
    And it was impossible to express shorter thoughts? Too much transfusion from empty to empty.
    1. +13
      21 November 2019 06: 03
      It is possible and shorter ... the US is not our friend or brother and we need to have a good club in our hands so that it reaches them.
      1. +8
        21 November 2019 06: 18
        The fact that the states are not our friend or brother, but that’s understandable. It’s bad that they don’t think so at the top. It has long been time to call our partners (although they seem to be considered as our associates) as at least rivals. And of course, compete with them, and not invite to various forums with proposals to invest in their dear Russian partners. It’s still good to elucidate the question of why and why our partners need us? The fact that we need our partners for investment and modernization is understandable. All ears have already buzzed about this need. But why do they need us, they are modestly silent about it (our politicians). And it’s so interesting to hear why they should invest and modernize us? What will they (partners) benefit from this?
        1. +8
          21 November 2019 06: 22
          It’s still good to elucidate the question of why and why our partners need us?

          Once in a hundred years, these partners are going to beat us in a crowd ... they get luli and calm down for a while ... it seems that again this crowd at our borders will organize for a new campaign ... nothing new ... history repeats itself in a spiral.
          1. +2
            21 November 2019 06: 43
            Yes, it seems a little different case. We ourselves began to invite them in the 90s. Big greetings to Gorbachev and EBN! Who will beat them if they themselves are invited? Then we proclaimed peaceful coexistence. That we have detente and perestroika. That is the forums. Why beat them?
            1. +3
              21 November 2019 06: 45
              Then we proclaimed peaceful coexistence. That we have detente and perestroika. That is the forums.

              That's how we live... what we rush from one extreme to the other ... then we destroy our house, then again we collect by brick ... there is nothing to say. hi
  3. 0
    21 November 2019 06: 03
    I don’t agree with the author that Russia is no longer the guarantor of peace and stability. A state with such a nuclear potential directly affects this very world and this very stability. Another thing is how much the leadership of such a state needs it. North Korean Kim was quite able to dampen Trump's fervor (although, rather, Trumpampam started a whole bunch of bucks for the sake of the internal consumer, he scored points). Even Drunken Borya in 99, I remember, gurgled that friend Bill had forgotten that he was talking with the president of a nuclear power (it was about the bombing of Yugoslavia). As for the contracts that
    Today for us it is meaningless and even dangerous.
    then why are we, unlike the Americans, not leaving the open skies treaty? This is just the question of how much
    this is necessary for the leadership of such a state
    As one most unpleasant historical figure used to say, "this is where the dog rummaged."
    1. +2
      21 November 2019 06: 50
      Quote: Dalny V
      then why are we, unlike the Americans, not leaving the open skies treaty?

      The Americans expressed their intention to quit the Don wink Russia said that in case of this there will be an answer. And that’s .... Officially no one came out of nowhere Yes All in thought .... feel
    2. 0
      22 November 2019 09: 59
      I don’t agree with the author that Russia is no longer the guarantor of peace and stability. A state with such a nuclear potential directly affects this very world and this very stability.

      "Influencing" is one thing
      "Guarantee" is another matter entirely.
      These are different things.
      Today, Russia's military capabilities (the second country capable of destroying life on the planet)
      are in dramatic conflict with its political capabilities (extremely small)
      which can lead to unpredictable consequences
      It's just that it’s not customary to think about this paradox.
      1. -1
        22 November 2019 13: 28
        Why the second, and not the first - we will have more
      2. +2
        22 November 2019 18: 33
        Quote: Olezhek
        Today, Russia's military capabilities (the second country capable of destroying life on the planet)
        are in dramatic conflict with its political capabilities (extremely small)

        I think that this conclusion is not true, because the presence of nuclear weapons in itself is a political factor. Based on its presence, political opportunities allow North Korea to spit on the political opportunities of the United States and the entire Western world - so make a conclusion what is primary and what is secondary.
        Quote: Olezhek
        It's just that it’s not customary to think about this paradox.

        There is no paradox - there is nuclear weapons, one politician, no nuclear weapons, sit and be silent in a rag, because no one will reckon with you.
        1. 0
          22 November 2019 18: 38
          I think that this conclusion is not true, because the presence of nuclear weapons in itself is a political factor.

          No, this is not so. stop
  4. +3
    21 November 2019 06: 05
    here, without a good fight, a new world cannot be built.
    1. +1
      21 November 2019 12: 10
      Quote: ilimnoz
      here, without a good fight, a new world cannot be built.

      In the ashes?
      1. -2
        21 November 2019 17: 05
        [quote = own1970] [/ quote]
        In the ashes? [/ Quote]
        then surrender right away and there will be no ashes
        1. -2
          21 November 2019 20: 25
          Then there will be hundreds of Abu Ghraibs and Auschwitz. Beria and Hitler jump out of envy from hell.
          After the war, the Americans filled more civilians with more than Hitler and Stalin. Not yet combined.
          1. 0
            21 November 2019 20: 31
            so you have to fight. and Katsev of all sorts to send to your beloved west.
        2. +1
          21 November 2019 20: 48
          Quote: ilimnoz
          then surrender right away and there will be no ashes
          -if you are going to fight with Ukraine, then yes, there will be no ashes ..
          But if with the USA - then build new world there will be no one in the ashes instead of the Earth
  5. +8
    21 November 2019 07: 13
    Partners, partners, all around the same partners, if all around the same partners, why nuclear weapons? laughing And what should partners share if there are partnerships between partners? ... laughing
    1. +4
      21 November 2019 07: 20
      Partners, partners, all around the same partners, if all around the same partners, why nuclear weapons?

      Here I am about the same thing ... you read the statements of our Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Kremlin ... beauty is surrounded by partners ... peace, friendship, chewing gum ... and you look at what nasty things these partners do to us, there is a break of patterns.
      1. 0
        21 November 2019 16: 03
        Come on, this is diplomacy. They all have friends there for each other. And, probably, it should be so. Otherwise, what kind of diplomacy is this if the diplomats are not throwing compliments and business proposals, but will be erased with threats? There will be no sense in containing such a diplomatic apparatus. The peace treaty may also be accepted by the army commander ...
    2. +2
      21 November 2019 11: 17
      And then nuclear weapons are needed to regulate partnerships in which partners can occupy different positions.
    3. +7
      21 November 2019 12: 13
      Quote: parusnik
      Partners, partners, all around the same partners, if all around the same partners, why nuclear weapons? And what should partners share if there are partnerships between partners? ..

      So that partners do not throw. Politics is cynical, you gobble up you weakly, and nuclear weapons in your throat
  6. +3
    21 November 2019 08: 54
    For all the post-war years, international relations have been built, despite the confrontations. The destruction of these relations did not bode well for anyone. The most positive moment in these relations was the Caribbean crisis. Now they write a lot about the unrest in different countries. Previously, they were directed. Now complete chaos. We gently destroyed our state, but huge cracks appeared in the world.
  7. +2
    21 November 2019 09: 10
    Great, that's it
    nothing to add
  8. +1
    21 November 2019 09: 32
    The balance of power is broken ... nobody will get any better.
    1. +4
      21 November 2019 19: 33
      The balance of power is broken ... nobody will get any better.

      He is not broken, he is broken to hell.
      And the Americans will squeeze us to zero.
      We have little choice - that's why tomorrow the "wrong" has come
      1. 0
        22 November 2019 05: 04
        Quote: Olezhek
        And the Americans will squeeze us to zero

        W seriously think that it’s striped everything and everything has been destroyed and now they will be able to squeeze US ???
        1. +1
          22 November 2019 10: 01
          and now they can squeeze US ???

          I said they will be us squeeze
          Feel the difference.
          1. -1
            22 November 2019 10: 24
            Okay, they will squeeze ... i.e. Wishlist they have this?
  9. -4
    21 November 2019 09: 33
    Quote: Oleg Egorov
    The USSR is no more (and for a long time!), As well as the ATS. Therefore, thinking in terms of those contractual obligations is rather strange ...

    It is strange that the author does not understand that Russia is the successor of the USSR, from which he draws not quite clear conclusions. The question to the author suggests itself: the USA does not want to fulfill the treaty. You have come out on the side of our enemies with your article. Author, are you actually with whom?

    Existing agreements allow redirecting significant funds to improve the living standards of the population (explain why?). Are you against
  10. 0
    21 November 2019 09: 34
    But the article does not have the main thing - with this feudal-capitalist system, you simply cannot pull the race with the Americans. You have no economic background from the word at all. Social is missing too. Ideological zero - some liberal capitalists are kicking with others.

    I write, because you are fixated on the Americans, and the war is in the world of mashabah and it is against liberal capitalism.
    1. +5
      21 November 2019 12: 10
      Quote: Keyser Soze
      with this feudal-capitalist system, you simply cannot pull the race with the Americans.

      And this is undeniable! It's about preserving today's realities
    2. +1
      21 November 2019 12: 12
      Quote: Keyser Soze
      the war is in the global mashab and it is against liberal capitalism.

      Yeah .... and who wins?
      1. -1
        21 November 2019 15: 50
        Yeah .... and who wins?

        Well ... read the newspapers. Across the developed world, people are unhappy with the authorities and Maidan for various reasons. If you leave aside the conspiracy theory and the omnipresent and so beloved State Department, then this is also a rebellion against liberal capitalism and globalism. Riot against greed and lawlessness of corporations and governments. There are no right or left in it, in the 21 century it is no longer relevant. There are many socialist governments in the EU that use right-wing, economic instruments and conservative governments with left-wing measures and behavior. I divide people into opponents of globalism and neoliberalism and adherents. And the economic measures, right and left, right, they are the same.
        1. 0
          21 November 2019 16: 58
          Quote: Keyser Soze
          Across the developed world, people are unhappy with the authorities and Maidan for various reasons.
          -All 20 century in Paris, students burned cars and what?
          And there were IRAs, Red Brigades, and other socialist-oriented organizations .. And?
          Do you see the effect of all this in Europe?
          me not!!!!
        2. 0
          21 November 2019 18: 00
          Quote: Keyser Soze
          If you leave aside the conspiracy theory and the omnipresent and so beloved State Department

          if you do not see the commonality between these "revolutions" according to the manuals from the USA - is this your problem? hi or is there no bid? bully
        3. 0
          21 November 2019 19: 30
          Quote: Keyser Soze
          it is also a rebellion against liberal capitalism and globalism. Riot against greed and lawlessness of corporations and governments.

          Are you serious? Do you even look at the symbols of all these Maidans, at the organizational structure, at the slogans .. Are you so blind that you don’t see the same puppeteer? Yes, a filthy piano on which they play barricades travels from the Parisian Maidan when De Gaulle drove out and signed the sentence of France .. Do you really think that the people there are protesting themselves? Come on...
          1. 0
            21 November 2019 21: 52
            Do you really think that the people there are protesting themselves? Come on...

            Obviously, Ali Khamenei is an agent of the State Department, since he raised the prices by 200% and turned the country into a bloody bath .... laughing
    3. -1
      21 November 2019 17: 58
      Quote: Keyser Soze
      you race with the americans just can't pull

      Do we really need to run somewhere? hi
      Quote: Keyser Soze
      You have no economic background from the word at all.

      Not at all - we can live quite well, we will not die of hunger ... request
      Quote: Keyser Soze
      and the war is in the global mashab and

      and then what matters to you on a global scale? It is clear when the citizens of Russia think about it, but why do you need it? bully Sit quietly behind a broom ... hi
  11. -1
    21 November 2019 10: 59
    The article is certainly interesting, but vague doubts torment me that the Kremlin will shoot at its villas, at its banks, at its children.
    1. +1
      21 November 2019 11: 19
      and they also stole pensions ...
    2. +2
      21 November 2019 12: 09
      Quote: Gardamir
      The Kremlin will shoot at its villas, at its banks, at its children.

      Very interesting message. Under the Union, the children of the Central Committee did not live beyond the hill. Maybe Brzezinski was right?
      1. +2
        21 November 2019 17: 09
        Quote: Silvestr
        Quote: Gardamir
        The Kremlin will shoot at its villas, at its banks, at its children.

        Very interesting message. Under the Union, the children of the Central Committee did not live beyond the hill. Maybe Brzezinski was right?
        -and that someone hopes that right now the United States will be full of power, the Russian Federation will bend and all On this?
        Yes, for Western economies it is as scary as the parity exchange of blows.

        Exchanges will collapse to zero in 5 minutes, transit will take place forever, gas / oil supplies will no longer be forever either, the power grids of neighboring countries importing electricity will turn off automatically (from surges and congestion), then everything powered by electricity will collapse there.
        Guess three times how much the euro wrappers will cost - if there is no electricity
        Unhappy Chernobyl recorded in Germany and France - there will be hundreds of times more powerful bursts of radiation
        And this is also "Russia did not come to the war" .....
        It is enough to kill several data centers and the world economy will immediately receive a white polar fox - no one has been working in the world economy with cash for a long time
        1. 0
          21 November 2019 19: 31
          -and that someone hopes that now the United States will be full of power, the Russian Federation will bend and that's it?
          Yes, for Western economies it is as scary as the parity exchange of blows.

          Exchanges will collapse to zero in 5 minutes,

          Yes, they do not care for it. In case of global victory
          Do not be an idealist
          1. +2
            21 November 2019 20: 42
            Quote: Olezhek
            In case of global victory
            -ag ..... and what will it be expressed in?
            There is no oil, there is no gas, there is no light, there is no connection, there is no Europe, there is no army, there is no supply of everything and everything from China, money is nothing (not even on toilet paper) ....
            Very coveted victory, yeah ... enchanting ....

            Quote: Olezhek
            Do not be an idealist
            - This applies to you, without the Russian Federation in the West it will be just as bad
            1. +1
              22 November 2019 09: 50
              In case of global victory

              -ag ..... and what will it be expressed in?

              and that someone hopes that now the United States will be full of power, the Russian Federation will bend and that's it?

              Something like that....
              The scenario is to "fill up" Russia with minimal consequences for the United States
              Limitrophs are not sorry.
              What does China have to do with it?
              1. +3
                22 November 2019 23: 56
                Quote: Olezhek
                The scenario is to "fill up" Russia with minimal consequences for the United States
                Limitrophs are not sorry.
                - Once again, Chernobyl was recorded in Germany and France.
                Quote: Olezhek
                "overwhelm" Russia with minimal consequences for the United States

                US needs to hit as hard as possible all available warheads ...
                What kind of limitrophs after this ??? I suspect that half of Europe will die in a week from radiation caused by the US strike ... even if we don’t answer in any way .... by the way, I forgot about the nuclear power plants — they may not explode, but hit them will- and sound the ruins will be decent
                Well, the whole tsimes described earlier - there is no-and-h-e-h-oh, nothing at all ......
                Quote: your1970
                There is no oil, there is no gas, there is no light, there is no connection, there is no Europe, there is no army, there is no supply of everything and everything from China, money is nothing (not even on toilet paper) ....

                Quote: Olezhek
                What does China have to do with it?
                -And China is interested in transporting their goods to Europe through vitrified the European part of the Russian Federation in nonexistent Europe? Spending your resources - without the possibility of replenishing them?

                3) once again - any war of the level of the USA + RF = complete collapse of the world economy. Zeros and ones in payment data centers will be reset to zero, exchanges will fall, deliveries of everything and everything will not be anywhere from anyone and so on
        2. +4
          21 November 2019 19: 51
          Quote: your1970
          Now the United States is full of power, the Russian Federation will bend and that's it?

          so after all, you can bang out on a different embargo on hydrocarbon exports
        3. +2
          21 November 2019 19: 59
          I agree, people stupidly do not understand how fragile the world has become .. Domino knuckles standing on the edge .. Then a trivial game on the stock exchange causes crises like a sickly war, and if it really rumbles and everyone flies on the scale of Russia .. Yes, and if the US collapses too nothing good .. This USSR would sit and grin as the whole world collapses as the economy was inside the country, but now everything will be very bad ..
        4. 0
          22 November 2019 09: 51
          Exchanges will collapse to zero in 5 minutes, transit will take place forever, gas / oil supplies will no longer be forever either, the power grids of neighboring countries importing electricity will turn off automatically (from surges and congestion), then everything powered by electricity will collapse there.
          Guess three times how much the euro wrappers will cost - if there is no electricity
          Unhappy Chernobyl recorded in Germany and France - there will be hundreds of times more powerful bursts of radiation
          And this is also "Russia did not come to the war" .....

          Beautiful fairy tale.
          But for some reason this is not very scary for American generals.
          1. +3
            23 November 2019 00: 10
            Quote: Olezhek
            But for some reason this is not very scary for American generals.
            - scary and very very scary
            Russia did not scare Napoleon and Hitler - they went to war.
            For example, the USA didn’t scare Afghanistan, Syria didn’t scare, Grenada, Vietnam ... The USA began to fight with them easily and naturally ...

            But Russia, after 1945, is somehow annoying the United States and is frightening somewhere very much ... to incontinence ...
            Banal example:
            At the time of the bombing of Sukhaya Rechka, the USSR had only 11 atomic bombs (in fact, not even experimental bombs, not even serial ones!) And there were no delivery vehicles to the USA. However, even this minimum was enough to:
            “The day after the raid, the representative of the USSR made an official protest at the UN. 11 days later, US President Harry Truman made an address in which pleaded guilty to the United States offered "... to provide funds to compensate for any damage caused to Soviet property" and announced that the commander of the US Air Force regiment in the Far East was relieved of his post, and the pilots were put on trial. "
  12. +3
    21 November 2019 11: 36
    Oleg Egorov
    That is, today for Russia there is absolutely no sense in signing something with the United States in the field of nuclear missile restrictions.

    I think that this is the key idea of ​​the whole article, and in essence this is indeed the case. That is why all the other discussions about the world situation and the refusal of the United States from something do not stand for us to eat an egg before this reality. I believe that you just don’t have to make any US deals until we increase our strategic nuclear forces to such a level (in strictly scientifically sound quantitative terms) that they themselves will howl and run to us with the desire to agree, though to limit this type weapons.
    1. +1
      21 November 2019 19: 29
      until we increase our strategic nuclear forces to such a level (in a strictly scientifically substantiated quantitatively) that they themselves will howl and run to us with the desire to agree, though to limit this type of weapon

      They work in other directions against Russia.
      In the most different.
      So today, in principle, Russia can hardly have a situation where it is interesting to limit
      its nuclear capabilities.
      Alas, everything is bad
      1. +1
        21 November 2019 20: 17
        Quote: Olezhek
        Alas, everything is bad

        This is clearly overkill, if only because now in Russia new types of weapons have already been created at the level of prototypes that allow us to overtake the systems that the enemy now has.
    2. +1
      21 November 2019 20: 11
      Quote: ccsr
      , until we increase our strategic nuclear forces to such a level (in a strictly scientifically substantiated quantitatively) that they themselves will howl and run to us with the desire to agree, although to limit this type of weapon

      That today is more than enough .. The problem is that they DO NOT BELIEVE that we will use the strategic nuclear forces .. The USSR did not believe us .. Everything goes to the point that in the near future they will try to take us very hard on weakly forcing to use at least TNW .. And after that the final decisions will be made .. Let’s let the slack gobble up, we won’t let them look for other ways while reducing the escalation ..
  13. 0
    21 November 2019 12: 00
    Excellent article, thanks!
  14. +3
    21 November 2019 12: 07
    Yes, the destruction of the Union will be heard for a long time by everyone. There were two superpowers, but one was left and it suffered. I would not want to repeat the mistakes of the Union. In fact, we can note that we do not have allies, there are fellow travelers.
    1. +2
      21 November 2019 19: 30
      Yes, the destruction of the Union will be heard for a long time by everyone. There were two superpowers

      There is an absolutely unstable situation in the world.
      But, we must pay tribute to the Yankees, they tried to stabilize it by seizing nuclear weapons from Russia
      1. +3
        21 November 2019 19: 40
        Quote: Olezhek
        they tried to stabilize it by seizing nuclear weapons from Russia

        Now the Yankees, and we, with satisfaction, recall how nuclear weapons were seized from Ukraine.
        1. 0
          21 November 2019 19: 48
          Quote: Silvestr
          Now the Yankees, and we, with satisfaction, recall how nuclear weapons were seized from Ukraine.

          Then Tolubko yelled: "Do you know who is considered a nerd? The one who renounces his nuclear weapons !!!"
        2. +1
          22 November 2019 09: 45
          Now the Yankees, and we, with satisfaction, recall how nuclear weapons were seized from Ukraine.

          Note: everyone wanted to remove nuclear weapons from Ukraine.
          Ukraine had zero chances to save it.
  15. +1
    21 November 2019 12: 12
    There will be no global nuclear war — the Americans simply will not dare to start it.
    But they can incite their watchdogs - and a decisive demonstrative flogging is possible with the use of nuclear weapons, as well as hypersonic delivery vehicles.
    Where could it be?
    Yes, even the same "Northern Territories". In reality, there is no one and nothing for us to fight like knightly one-on-one. But one-time sending a lot of heavily armed people and ships much higher than Fujiyama is welcome! And Papic won't intercede - you can even call him affectionately: "You shouldn't!"
    Or some ISIS-2.0 will flood Central Asia.
    Or at least to resume full-scale nuclear tests - public opinion would also tickle. Maybe there is no practical sense - supercomputers back and forth ... But the political meaning is, that is, a purely acoustic action to be heard.
    1. +1
      21 November 2019 19: 26
      There will be no global nuclear war — the Americans simply will not dare to start it.

      And which of the European powers wanted exactly like this World War One?
  16. 0
    21 November 2019 17: 18
    Well ..... And to say something, actually there is nothing more. All is said.
  17. 0
    21 November 2019 17: 35
    Of course, the Russian Federation is not the USSR and never will be. However, for some reason, the Russian leadership is negotiating with NATO and the EU, pays for the maintenance of EU structures, everything is arranged in such a way that the Russian Federation is a state that surrendered in a war, paying an immeasurable indemnity to the winners (yes, Poland, Georgia, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania ... and this too). On this basis, the combined Western and pro-Western propaganda strengthens the thesis that the Russian Federation is a revanchist state, which, like Nazi Germany, is hatching a plan to seize Europe, Asia, Africa and the rest of the world. Everyone believes or pretends to believe (which has the same consequences) in this nonsense. In fact, everything is being done for one thing: maintaining the "price scissors" between export products of the Russian Federation and imports into the Russian Federation. At the same time, NATO (EU pistol) is attached to the temple of the Russian Federation, which is very convenient for importers of products from the Russian Federation. Of course, it's scary, all the way you have to make concessions. Well, where does this road lead to? It depends on who ...
  18. +2
    21 November 2019 18: 07
    The article is reasonable, but the answers in it to new challenges are common - to follow your interests and have a nuclear club ... hi
    This is correct, but this approach is purely defensive - the question is different - how to make the world better for Russia? The author doesn’t have an answer, but the Russian authorities somehow, but I’m working - for example, they are undermining the power of the United States, primarily economic (abandoning the dollar, creating blocks without the USA), but at the same time avoiding a head-on collision! hi In my opinion, this is reasonable - time is running out and the US is losing strength ... feel Who would have thought 10 years ago that NATO would declare the president of France brainless and Turkey would buy the S-400 .... request
    1. 0
      21 November 2019 19: 26
      The article is reasonable, but the answers in it to new challenges are common - to follow your interests and have a nuclear club.

      And take a fresh look at the nuclear club ...
      more attentively.
      Learn new tricks ...

      but the authorities of the Russian Federation like that, but I’m working - for example, they undermine the power of the USA,

      Well, at least you reassured me ... today I will only have good dreams.
      1. 0
        22 November 2019 11: 20
        Quote: Olezhek
        And take a fresh look at the nuclear club .... more carefully. Learn new tricks ...

        I have to disappoint - banalities are said, but the little ones have modernized and put into operation - is this what? request
        Quote: Olezhek
        today I will only have good dreams.

        happy for you drinks
  19. 0
    21 November 2019 19: 34
    Quote: Olezhek
    There will be no global nuclear war — the Americans simply will not dare to start it.

    And which of the European powers wanted exactly like this World War One?

    I mean, if you still take a chance - then all the reasoning and reasoning is just about anything - if anyone survives, then they will not be up to world domination, even if there is only one person left on Earth and reaches this longed-for goal.
    But we must stop all their constructions, that we will not dare, that we will delay, that they will seize and intercept everything. How long have they been evaluating us - by the 20th year we’ll be blown away, that's all, Aless!
    They were not blown away, they even showed an ax (because of the forest, because of the mountains which). Dosed in such a way, but it seems to be effective, another ten years is enough for sure.
  20. The comment was deleted.
  21. +1
    22 November 2019 22: 41
    On this basis, the combined Western and pro-Western propaganda reinforces the thesis that the Russian Federation is a revanchist state, which, as Nazi Germany, bears a plan to seize Europe, Asia, Africa and the rest of the world. Everyone believes or pretends to believe (which has the same consequences) in this nonsense. . [/ quote]

    I know for sure that in Lithuania many people strongly believe that the Russian Federation will attack right here, it’s funny, but the fact
    1. 0
      23 November 2019 13: 24
      The reactive effect of scrapping the education system, plus the psychological effect of a globally wrong decision. When he plowed something wildly, and it is no longer possible to fix it, the person begins to convince himself that he did everything right, and since there are no reasonable arguments, he carefully convinces himself that madness is true. So, on the basis of insanity, it turns out to maintain a temporary equilibrium of the psyche.
      There is nothing surprising or accidental in the fact that the Western world is massively sitting on the drugs prescribed by psychoanalysts. How else is that? Us (or rather, not us. We will simply die) is waiting for the same thing.
  22. 0
    23 November 2019 13: 20
    Absolutely gorgeous article, plus furiously.
  23. -1
    24 November 2019 09: 53
    Maybe it’s better not to bring the matter to a batch and finally capitulate according to the Japanese model? Better a terrible end than horror without end. And besides, I suspect that the Americans, in the event of surrender, will simply take what is intended and finally leave us alone, begin to build relations in a normal way, as with post-war Germany. The truth is that the unipolar world has completely taken place, we don’t break it alone - we only want to break it alone.
  24. 0
    25 November 2019 14: 27
    Quote: TokarevT
    How many Tatars, Bashkirs, etc.?

    No matter how many Germans did not try to form national units from the Tatar-Bashkirs, not one of them reached the front line, did not fight with the partisans, and did not have the blood of the civilian population on hand. Unlike any ROA and other Cossack SS corps that fought to the last, they still remember their punitive actions on the ground. So it’s not there that you scratch or you kindle it.
  25. 0
    25 November 2019 17: 22
    Quote: your1970
    Crimean Tatars were taken out in 3 days ..

    Our leader then was completely (well, very, very) different.
  26. +1
    30 December 2019 18: 32
    I subscribe! No disarmament treaties with the United States.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"