“By people and by horses, not by aer”


The most beautiful knightly armor in the world is the ceremonial armor of the King of Sweden Eric XIV, approx. 1565. The decor of the armor is unusually luxurious; it contains six scenes from the Trojan War and the myth of the Argonauts. On horse armor in medallions all twelve deeds of Hercules are presented. The minting of the armor was made by the master from Antwerp, Ezelius Libaerts, based on sketches by Etienne Delon from Orleans. Interestingly, Eric never got his armor. They were captured by his enemy, the king of Denmark, who, in need of money, sold them in 1603 to Christian II, Elector of Saxony (Armory Dresden Chamber)

"... his cavalry rides in different directions"
Book of the Prophet Habakkuk 1: 8

Military affairs at the turn of the eras. In the last two materials devoted to military affairs of the late Middle Ages and the beginning of the New Age, we got acquainted with the structure of the cavalry units that appeared at that time and their armor and weapons. Today we will consider certain differences that existed between these riders primarily in battle tactics, well, and get to know them all closer. And most importantly, we will analyze how the Reiters and cuirassiers were all the same and why the latter remained in the armies until the outbreak of the First World War.

The whole reason is black oil paint ...

Let's start with the name that the Reiters received from the German Reiter (rider), but above all from Schwarze Reiter (the "black rider"), since they wore roughly made armor painted black. First of all, the so-called mercenaries from southern Germany, who were widely used during the Wars of Faith by both Catholics and Protestants. Well, then the word “black” stopped adding little by little, and only “reitar” remained. Well, a cuirassier is a spearman, from whom a spear and a good horse were taken away, and, naturally, dressed in a cuirass. The cuirassier's armament was a pair of pistols. But practically the same as the Reitars. So what was the difference between them? But the difference, however, was. Difficult, but it was.

Horseman armor belonging to Moritz von Nassau, son of William of Orange (1567 - 1625). Made approximately in 1590-1595. One of the key innovations that belonged to the great military reformer Prince Moritz von Nassau was the reduction of defensive armament in favor of greater mobility. It was he who replaced the "lancers" (spearmen) in his troops with a new type of heavy cavalry, the equipment of which was simple and expedient. Her horseman's armor is blued or dyed, reaching only to the knees, and there is no spear hook on them. They were armed with a sword and two pistols. Accordingly, the tactics of these riders changed, which now twice approached the enemy before attacking with melee weapons, fired pistols and then put them into holsters (Imperial Arsenal, Hall VIII, Vienna)

Arme and Bourguignot

Recall that the gendarme spearmen wore either full or already three-quarter armor and armored helmets, and were similarly armed and cuirassiers, only instead of copies they had two pistols. And what could be saved on if it was a question of saving? Only on horses, and even then a little. But it was about tactics. Spearmen with all desire could not use spears of equal length with pikemen. This means fighting on equal terms with infantry. And if so, then why are they needed at all? So they were rearmed with pistols! In battle, very often cuirassiers were thrown into a counterattack against spearmen. To stop them, the cuirassiers rode towards them, and approaching, fired their pistols at the riders and at their horses. Moreover, most often with horses, it was not for nothing that the saying was in use at that time: "The horse fell, and here the rider disappeared." On engravings of that time, we see this technique all the time. In addition, the rider was not so easy to kill. For the bullet to pierce his armor, it was necessary to shoot at him point-blank, seeing the whites of his eyes, but this was not always possible. It was easier to shoot a horse, seeing ... the whites of her eyes!

Bourguignot Helmet (“Sturmhaube”) by Ferdinand II attributed to Giovanni B. Seraballo. A unique product of unbridled imagination. The top of the helmet is made in the form of a grotesque wolf head, above which is also the head of a dragon, whose wings are spread on the crest. On both sides are the triumphal chariots on which Neptune and Amphitrite stand. Belonged to Archduke Ferdinand II (1529 - 1595), son of Ferdinand I. Made in 1560 in Milan by master Giovanni Battista. Materials: dark blue, partially polished iron. Carving, engraving, applique in gold and silver (foil), inlay. Remains of a cotton silk lining, previously red, and the remains of leather straps. (Imperial Arsenal, Vienna. Now not on display)

“Go trot the march!”

The cuirassiers rode up to the infantry. Two volleys were fired at her, and, having disordered her ranks, they cut into them with swords and swords in their hands. It was here that they needed the helmets of arme and almost complete knightly equipment, because they had to use cold steel to complete the fire battle.

Breastplate and helmet of cassette, circa 1585 Proprietor: Cristobal Mondragon (c. 1510 — 1596) Materials: blue burnished iron with chemical painting, blue velvet, leather. (Imperial Arsenal, Vienna)

But the Reiters initially relied specifically on firearms. Their arsenal included no longer a couple, but several heavy large-caliber pistols. Two in holsters, two behind the bootlegs, two behind the belt, and another two, three, four, five, could be at the reitar on a special chest strap. True, the most powerful and large-caliber were only two, in holsters. But on the other hand, an impressive arsenal allowed him to shoot at the foot of the infantrymen almost close by, and it was very difficult to withstand such a fire. So instead of chopping down the infantry, the Reiters methodically shot it until it was completely killed or ran. The dragoons had arquebuses and therefore dismounted for firing, but the Reutars fired directly from the horse. The carabinieri also shot from the horse, but the Reitars were dressed in armor similar to cuirassiers. Except the helmet. Reitara helmets wore a bourguignot type, or as it was called "shturmhaube" in Germany, as they gave the best visibility.

“By people and by horses, not by aer”

Kurtelas sword, Koltelaggio, Malhus, which was used by both infantry and horsemen. Made in Italy, in Milan approx.
1545 -1550 Propulsion belonged to Archduke Ferdinand II, son of Ferdinand I. Manufacturer: Giovanni Paolo Negroli. (1530 - 1561 years., Milan)
In written sources, the reitars were first mentioned in the letter of the Austrian commander Lazarus von Schwendi, written by him in 1552, and in him these riders are called precisely “black reiters”. And La Nu, already mentioned by us in 1585 in his Political and Military Speeches, wrote about them that they had already defeated the gendarmes many times. That is, the effectiveness of this cavalry was, according to contemporaries, very high

“All France’s money goes to Reiters”

Serving in reytara was very profitable, since they should have received a fee sufficient to buy equipment, horses and most importantly - pistols! Upon admission to the service, the raider received the so-called “Laufgeld” (“running money”), then he was paid the road “lifting money” (“Aaufreisegeld”), and only upon arrival at the place of service - the usual “salary”. But ... having a lot of reiters was unprofitable. For example, in France under King Henry II there were only 7000 of them, and then the French said that all the money in France goes to pay them.

Armor and Turkish helmet of Stephen Batory, King of Poland (1533 — 1586). The armor and helmet do not belong to the same headset, but it so happened that together they turned out to be an excellent ensemble. When and how Batory became the owner of this unusually high-quality helmet is unknown. Presumably, he came to Transylvania as a gift from the Turkish Sultan. In any case, Bathory was not a king when a cuirass was made for him. Just like a helmet, it is decorated with a wide border with a small geometric ornament. In the middle strip on the chest there is an image of a crucifix, behind which is a view of the city with a medieval battlement, a city wall and a church, which could be found in Prague or Krakow. The bottom of the cuirass consists of three plates - a design that was often used in Eastern Europe. Helmet - a typical cone with a longitudinally ribbed crown, a horizontal visor with a movable nose and cheek plates. Stefan Batory was elected king of Poland in the 1575 year. He actually won the Livonian War (1578-1582) against Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible, although he failed to take the ancient Russian city of Pskov. Both this war and the siege of this city aroused great interest throughout Europe. It is not over yet, and Archduke Ferdinand has already shown great interest in acquiring memorabilia from this war for his collection. As a result, in addition to this armor, he received many items from military booty as a gift. (Imperial Arsenal, Vienna, Hall VI)

Reitars in the 16th century gathered in large squadrons of 500-1000 horsemen, then built in 20-30 ranks, "knee to knee", and on command rushed to meet the enemy infantry, bristling with a hedgehog of its long and sharp peaks. Having reached almost close by, the line behind the line fired a volley and made a volt - turn left to again take its place in the squadron, but already in the back row. The turn was usually made to the left to enable the rider to shoot already in the backward movement, in order to reduce the time spent by the shooters standing behind the spearmen. But there was a practice of double reversal, part of the riders turned to the left, and the other to the right. In this case, those who turned right had to shoot with their left hands. But the distance was so small that "which hand" was of no practical importance. A similar attack tactic was called "snail" or "karakol"

Armor made in Augsburg for a present to the Turkish Grand Vizier Sinan Pasha. Due to the war with Turkey, they were not delivered to their destination. OK. 1590 g. Materials: blue-burnished iron, partially etched and gilded, gilded silver (casting), turquoise, carnelian, glass rhinestones (Imperial Arsenal, Hall VI, Vienna)

Step, trot and gallop!

Reitars went on the attack with an easy step to save the horse’s strength, then, approaching the enemy, they switched to a lynx, and when they came close to him, they galloped. Naturally, in order to act so harmoniously under enemy fire, the riders needed good training, and their actions had to be worked out to automaticity. After all, they needed not only to make a turn and return to the previous position as part of the line, but also to load the shot pistol or pistols, and this was sitting on a swaying horse and, in addition, still maintaining the alignment in the line. Of course, in real life the ranks very often fired a volley, they simply turned the horses and rode wherever they were, the rear riders pressed on the front ones, and also those who were behind to quickly put an end to all this horror and murder - they just shot into the air and with a good conscience rushed back. And then the commanders were forced to make a lot of efforts to again gather the scattered squadrons and throw them into a new attack. Only the German "black horsemen" or "black devils", as they were also called, were so well learned that they became famous for the successful use of just such tactics.

Cavalry wheeled pistol of the 16th century As a rule, such pistols were distinguished by very long barrels.

Killing Swing

The cuirassiers, naturally also having a pair of pistols, often used the same tactic. But gradually they abandoned it. The reason is the development of firearms. The fact is that such a tactic was effective only against the infantry, in which there were more pikemen, but the shooters of arquebusiers and musketeers were much smaller. As soon as there were more shooters and fewer pikemen, it was unprofitable to shoot cuirassiers with infantry. Now it’s not them, but she, the infantry, suppressed them with her fire. That is, Reytarsky tactics were quite successful only in a situation where the bulk of the infantrymen had edged weapons, and the number of arquebusiers and musketeers in the army was relatively small. As long-range muskets came into service with the infantry, the Reiters immediately lost the opportunity to shoot enemy infantry with impunity. The muskets had a greater firing range than horn pistols, greater penetrating power, and the accuracy of firing a musket in a standing position with two hands was incomparably higher than shooting a rider with one hand. Therefore, the reitars immediately began to suffer heavy losses, and as the military branch began to lose all meaning. But an increase in the number of musketeers in the infantry automatically reduced the number of pikemen. Thus, the infantry became more vulnerable to an equestrian attack carried out at full gallop with the use of knives. That's why the Reitars after the Thirty Years War disappeared from the army, but the cuirassiers continued to persist for a long time. In some armies until the First World War. That is, war - it’s like a kind of “swing” - something swayed in one direction - the reaction is one. Swung in the opposite - another.

1590 German pistol. Naturally, only custom-made pistols were decorated in this way. Some people think that the spherical tops of the handles of many wheeled pistols were used in melee to hit the enemy in the head. This is actually not the case. This top was required for ease of removal from the holster and balance of the trunk. In addition, such tops were often empty inside and kept in them ... spare pyrites or flints for the castle (Imperial Arsenal, Vienna)

Double-barreled pistol of the late XVI century. It is clear that with the tactics used by reytirs and cuirassiers, double-barreled pistols were the most preferred weapon, since they doubled the number of shots the rider had. However, such pistols were much more expensive than single-barrel, so they did not get much distribution (Imperial Arsenal, Vienna)

Reitars in Russia

In Europe, large contingents of reitars disappeared by the beginning of the 17th century. For example, French Reitars were almost completely destroyed in 1587 under the castle of Hainaut near Chartres. The Thirty Years War finally ended them. However, in Russia only in 1651 did Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich institute a special Reytarsky order and, having experience of clashing with the reytors of the Swedish king, brought in the same regiments. The Swedish experience turned out to be in demand due to the similarity of horse stock. Both the Swedes and our “children of the boyar” had horses “so-so” and lost to the Turkish horses and the Turkish riders proper and the Polish “winged hussars”. But on the other hand, our state could afford to equip our reitars with firearms purchased abroad and ... give them high-quality officers, again hired abroad. The tsar personally pointed out that none of the carbines and pistols would fire at the enemy before time. So that no one would shoot from afar, because the case is "thin and unprofitable." The firing distance in sazhens was directly indicated and that you need to shoot at people and at horses, and not at aerial (that is, through the air).

PS The author and site administration express their heartfelt gratitude to the curators of the Vienna Armory Ilse Jung and Florian Kugler for the opportunity to use her photographs.

To be continued ...
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  1. +5
    27 November 2019 19: 24
    Thanks for the article and great photos.
  2. 0
    27 November 2019 21: 00
    And how did the reitars differ from the cuirassiers, who will say?
    1. -1
      27 November 2019 21: 45
      No one knows on this site, neither the author nor the commentators ...
      1. +6
        27 November 2019 21: 53
        I'll try to answer you, Svyatoslav, - Names, some with the letter "Re", others with the letter "Ke". Well, a joke, as you understand. smile I personally do not see much difference between lancers and dragoons. Kill under any horse and complete leveling. request But I am not a specialist in equestrian affairs: "Build a tram, it's not a yeshaka to buy." (FROM). He himself served in the armored vehicles.
        1. +5
          27 November 2019 22: 07
          Quote: Sea Cat
          Kill under any horse and complete leveling

          Only one of them will have a peak in his hands, and the second will have a gun. (If it’s, of course, not about the beginning of the twentieth century, when both became dragoons :)))))
          1. +5
            27 November 2019 22: 23
            Yes, this is all true, but as Lieutenant Rzhevsky once claimed, dragoons had problems with horses. Personal ... laughing
      2. +5
        28 November 2019 09: 35
        Adjutant (Svyatoslav) Yesterday, 21:00
        And how did the reitars differ from the cuirassiers, who will say?
        "Cuirassiers rode up to the infantry at a trot. They fired two volleys at it and, having upset its ranks, cut into them with swords and swords in their hands. It was then that they needed armé helmets and almost complete knightly equipment, because they already accounted for with melee weapons.
        But the reiters initially relied on firearms. Their arsenal no longer included a pair, but several heavy large-caliber pistols. Two in holsters, two behind the tops of the boots, two behind the belt, and another two, three, four, five, could be at the reiter on a special chest strap. True, there were only two of the most powerful and large-caliber, in holsters. But on the other hand, the impressive arsenal allowed him to shoot at the infantry almost closely, and it was very difficult to withstand such fire. So instead of chopping down the infantry, the Reitars methodically shot her until she was all killed or ran away. The dragoons had arquebusses and therefore dismounted for shooting, but the reitars fired directly from the horse. The carabinieri also fired from a horse, but the reitars were dressed in armor similar to those of the cuirassier. Except for the helmet. Reitara helmets were worn of the bourguignot type, or as it was called in Germany "Schturmhaube", because they gave the best view. "
        Here is the text of the article. How did you read it? Eyes closed?
    2. 0
      24 February 2020 01: 36
      I so suspect that the name and country of origin of the name. IMHO
  3. +6
    27 November 2019 21: 01
    painted black. First of all, the so-called mercenaries from southern Germany, who were widely used during the Wars of Faith by both Catholics and Protestants. Well, then the word

    Exactly "black", I once wrote about the storehouse of the State Historical Museum, but it didn't seem to me that they were roughly made, just - yes, but the quality of processing is excellent, maybe because of the uneven application of paint, it seemed so, on the reflection the surface seemed uneven.
    Well, these guys, the reiters, were so good for their time that not only "advanced" Europe, but also "wild" Orthodox sovereigns did not shy away from their services. It is very good, Vyacheslav, that you noted this separately. Thank you for that, and all the more for all the material. hi
    1. +4
      28 November 2019 11: 15
      that their services were not shunned not only by the "advanced" Europe, but also by the "wild" Orthodox sovereigns.

      I venture to suggest - yes, but they have not received such development in our country as in Europe. That is, we had enemies - others, sir! request in the battle of Konotop, our reitars managed to fire a volley, but then the Tatar cavalry crushed them. It seems that, taking into account the tactics of our enemies, the Reiters would not play a special role in the Russian army, but the treasury was expensive! hi correct me if I'm wrong, dear colleagues. drinks
  4. +5
    27 November 2019 21: 25
    Quote: Adjutant
    And how did the reitars differ from the cuirassiers, who will say?

    It was already about this in the first article or will be in the following: tactics were different. The cuirassiers fired, and then they cut in with edged weapons. And the Reitars attacked time after time, using a snail - a snail, and shot, shot, shot ... until they kill everyone!
    1. +9
      27 November 2019 21: 29
      Yes, they were right - to shoot and only to shoot !!!
      1. +1
        28 November 2019 17: 54
        "Chapaev" !!! From December 1 in all cinemas of the country !!!
    2. +5
      28 November 2019 07: 43
      It still seems to me that reitars and cuirassiers are names that are spaced in time and regionally. The French did not use reitars as a name (at least I have not met). In England - cuirassiers, the name is presumably from the 30s of the 100th century, the famous "iron-sided" Cromwell are cuirassiers, but outwardly they are very similar to Reitars. The same applies to Russia: the introduction of the Reitar regiments under Alexei Mikhailovich did not mean that we borrowed the "outdated" equipment and tactics, the Russian Reitars of the 1731th century. - XNUMX% analogue of the English revolutionary "iron-sided", this is just a name borrowed from the Germans, as we later (XNUMX) borrow the name "cuirassier".
      1. +3
        28 November 2019 08: 04
        Edward, this certainly was the case. But ... in the same Funkens they are referred to as contemporaries. There are other sources that I used. So it could well have a national difference in names. Those guns ... Who are they? Reitars or cuirassiers? But we use this term. So this is a complex and interesting question.
        1. +4
          28 November 2019 08: 11
          Vyacheslav Olegovich,
          I agree with you, this is just an addition)
  5. +4
    27 November 2019 21: 36
    Kurtelas sword, Koltelaggio, Malhus, which was used by both foot soldiers and horsemen ...

    In the photo, not a sword, but a classic falsion (falchion) By the way malchus - This is the German name of the falsion.

    Functionally, this weapon is almost the same as the sword, but the falsion is technologically much easier to manufacture and therefore much cheaper. Falchion is a massive blade weapon for soldiers.
  6. +3
    27 November 2019 21: 45
    Thank you for the article! I read it with great interest. In the second photograph on the armor, a rounded hollow is visible in the solar plexus region, apparently the armor worked and saved the owner from the bullet. The subject of body armor, as well as materials used to reduce the impact of a bullet, has since only improved hi
  7. +2
    28 November 2019 07: 57
    Quote: Mik13
    In the photograph, not a sword, but rather a classic falchion. By the way, malchus is the German name for the falsion.

    Functionally, this weapon is almost the same as the sword, but the falsion is technologically much easier to manufacture and therefore much cheaper. Falchion is a massive blade weapon for soldiers.

    Michael! That's how you think, I come up with the names myself, and the sizes and weight ... I know about falsion, felchen, but I did not know that Malchus is the German name for felsen (I don’t know German at all), and in this case I used to rewrite everything from the passport of the Vienna Armory where he is. That is, all claims that it was not given there and this is its name to the museum staff!
    1. 0
      28 November 2019 08: 42
      Quote: kalibr
      I know about falsion, felchen, but I did not know that Malchus is the German name for felsen (I don’t know German at all)

      I do not know either )
      But the main difference between the falsion and the sword is not in the name. Falchion is a single-blade weapon. Actually - a cleaver. This is what distinguishes him from the sword.
      Technologically, a single-blade weapon is much simpler. It is especially easier to temper it. Accordingly, it is cheaper.

      You can distinguish a fist shield from a late combatant (which has a belt) visually, even if it is signed incorrectly? So with the false so)
  8. +3
    28 November 2019 08: 10
    Quote: Adjutant
    No one knows on this site, neither the author nor the commentators ...

    They answered you, Svyatoslav. And it was in the text. In the article "It is a miracle if someone is killed with a spear." And if it was not ... I wrote these materials for a long time a month ago, I do not even remember exactly what is written where. That will definitely be. The cycle is not over. "To be continued".
  9. +3
    28 November 2019 09: 38
    Quote: Mik13
    So with the false so)

    That's right Michael. But when you have as much work as mine. Often you don’t think about anything, you just take and “sculpt” a text from the exhibit's passport.
  10. +5
    28 November 2019 11: 13
    ceremonial armor of King Eric XIV of Sweden
    ,,, beautiful armor good
    1. +6
      28 November 2019 15: 17
      beautiful armor

      yeah, only the discussion is disproportionately sluggish ... request I propose to punish Kot, Anton and Korsar - to render them public censure with entering into karma for failure to appear. drinks
      1. +5
        28 November 2019 15: 19
        Pane Kohanku (Pane Kohanku) Today, 16: 17

        ,,, yeah, they are there in "Fights for History" "clever" drinks
        1. +6
          28 November 2019 15: 34
          yeah, they are there in "Fights for History" "clever"

          they just don’t want to offend any of the Authors! drinks
          On the topic of reiters. There was an attempt to show their tactics in the film "Captain Alatriste", but it is shown indistinctly - apparently, they attracted reenactors, and there are one and a half of them there, he rides on horseback, waves a pistol, and does not shoot! request yes, not Bondarchuk with "War and Peace" soldier he had a powerful reserve - the Soviet Army, which could lead to the shooting of entire units. fellow drinks

          characteristic picture of an attack by infantry reytars of that time.
          1. +5
            28 November 2019 15: 41
            Pane Kohanku (Pane Kohanku) Today, 16: 34

            ,,, cool fellow knights with guns good

            ,,, joke a minute drinks
            1. +4
              28 November 2019 15: 46
              knights with guns

              I would venture to suggest that the last "knights with spears" were the Polish winged hussars what
              ,, joke a minute

              Sergey, I want to ascribe to the last photo: "I need your glasses, your clothes and your motorcycle" ... bully
              I found a photo on the Internet. Apparently the 17th century. True, not a reitar, it is signed - "chevoljer". But it still conveys the spirit of the times! drinks here, again, the kind of cavalry about which I know little ... recourse
              1. +4
                28 November 2019 15: 50
                Network found photo
                ,,, then there was photoshop belay ,,, whether
                so tall or the horse was sick and not grown laughing
                1. +5
                  28 November 2019 16: 01
                  Or a vision of an artist! laughing Klodt was not born then, probably! wink
                  Taking into account the theme of Reiters, I can not help but lay out a system of thirds. soldier True, I think that is how they were made to attack the infantry. what It seems that to reflect the cavalry peaks had to be abutted to the ground! drinks
                  1. +3
                    29 November 2019 08: 10
                    There will be an article about how artists THEN painted and what historians are given their paintings!
                2. +4
                  28 November 2019 20: 18
                  As for Photoshop, everything is correct, but in our knightly business, the main thing is "so that the suit fits"! laughing
                  1. The comment was deleted.
                  2. +2
                    29 November 2019 13: 46
                    As for Photoshop, everything is correct, but in our knightly business, the main thing is "so that the suit fits"!

                    common people were simpler, from matter with cotton - remember Brueghel with a malicious peasant in a dance laughing Vladimir Mordvin at one time posted a photo of the picture. drinks
                    1. +2
                      29 November 2019 16: 01

                      Dad tells them: “Children,
                      It was before you looked,
                      Having lost these things,
                      Must endure!

                      I feel sorry for your loss;
                      I, perhaps, in the form of a board,
                      I will order from the best cotton
                      Insert you a patch! ” (with)

                      Somehow matter with cotton was inspired ... laughing drinks
                3. +1
                  1 December 2019 08: 22
                  Somewhere it was mentioned that the chevolier is one of the military servants of the gendarme. When they say the spear they mean not one person, but the gendarme and people subordinate to him. In addition to him, the spear included another rider with a spear on a horse, in a simpler and cheaper armor, an arquebusier for just a horse and a page. The number of spears could fluctuate in different directions
                  1. 0
                    2 December 2019 09: 34
                    The number of spears could fluctuate in different directions

                    I don’t know about the Middle Ages. request And at the time of Napoleon, chevolezhera - light cavalry with peaks. drinks
                    1. +1
                      2 December 2019 13: 17
                      Well, in the days of Napoleon, yes. Light cavalry with peaks and carbines. Under Louis the fourteenth, the ordinance companies were reorganized, separating lightly armed horsemen from them and formed Chevoleier and Uhlan companies from them. Chevolier in French, which means Toli Toli cavalryman is a light rider. And the one who stood behind the gendarme in the second line and was outfitted almost like he was only a little flatter called a cutler. It is interesting to wrap this up by chance, not as it is not connected with it, well, like drinking with a fellow in arms?
                      1. +2
                        2 December 2019 13: 46
                        and formed from them Chevoleier and Uhlan companies.

                        but it’s interesting, I thought, the Lancers in the French army appeared only in the person of the Poles at Bonaparte! drinks
                        Chevolier in French, which means Toli Toli cavalryman is a light rider.

                        well yes, something like ... Yes
                      2. +1
                        3 December 2019 12: 28
                        Sorry. Probably all the same dragoon companies. At the expense of Lancer you are absolutely right. Although he is a Lancer, he is a Lancer, which in Russian means a spearman. In my opinion, in light cavalry, different names are more a tribute to tradition than a reflection of differences in weapons and tactics. There the Fusilier regiments fought in World War II, although they were no longer armed with fuseys but rifles.
                      3. +2
                        3 December 2019 12: 41
                        Over the Fusilier Shelves

                        EMNIP, in the SS (as in the Wehrmacht - I don’t know) reconnaissance units were also called "fusilier". At least in the SS divisions, and not in the Waffen SS Grenadier divisions from various "local cadres". hi
                      4. +1
                        3 December 2019 12: 56
                        I’ve picked it up now on the Internet. It is for us now Dragoons, lancers and horse rangers and infantry all on one face. People dealing with horses apparently had a different opinion because they are clearly distinguished and apparently the difference in the methods of training horses and riders.
          2. +1
            30 November 2019 20: 31
            Quote: Pan Kohanku
            yeah, they are there in "Fights for History" "clever"

            they just don’t want to offend any of the Authors! drinks
            On the topic of reiters. There was an attempt to show their tactics in the film "Captain Alatriste", but it is shown indistinctly - apparently, they attracted reenactors, and there are one and a half of them there, he rides on horseback, waves a pistol, and does not shoot! request yes, not Bondarchuk with "War and Peace" soldier he had a powerful reserve - the Soviet Army, which could lead to the shooting of entire units. fellow drinks

            characteristic picture of an attack by infantry reytars of that time.

            This picture is more like an artistic reconstruction. Thank.
      2. +5
        28 November 2019 17: 13
        Oh, I'll bring it to someone! am
        1. +6
          28 November 2019 19: 34
          Oh, I'll bring it to someone!

          Bottle from under the floor? wink So Sergei and I are always "yes"! drinks
        2. +2
          29 November 2019 13: 48
          Oh, I'll bring it to someone!

          Sullen Zanesun's song: "Run, run until I see, Hide, hide, But I recognize, I know, I recognize you all And I will find!" laughing drinks
      3. +6
        28 November 2019 20: 02
        What to punish, what to bring in, take out ?! Yesterday we, how hello, with a machine gun here for our Vyacheslav, Olegovich! And you immediately - "kick in the stern for failure to appear", it is still necessary to figure out who did not show up for the evening check! soldier No.
        1. +5
          29 November 2019 09: 22
          And you immediately - "kick in the stern for failure to appear", it is still necessary to figure out who did not show up for the evening check!

          to list all - mass executions must be arranged! wink "While the heroic Sea Cat bravely held the defense with furry paws, the deviating deserters philosophized on other branches ...." laughing drinks
      4. +4
        28 November 2019 20: 09
        "Afoni already had it in appearance" (c).
  11. +3
    28 November 2019 17: 43
    Each of these products is a work of art.
  12. 0
    28 November 2019 18: 47
    Quote: polpot
    Thanks for the article and great photos.

    I advise you to read the article "cuirassiers" in Wikipedia, much more informative and informative.
  13. +5
    28 November 2019 18: 57
    Quote: bubalik
    yeah, they are there in "Fights for History" "clever"

    What kind of Sergei are you ... "unkind". Yeah ... you can be a little clever!
    1. +6
      28 November 2019 20: 12
      ,,, not out of malice, but tokmo according to codice crying
      1. +5
        28 November 2019 21: 01
        ,,, not by malicious intent, but tokmo
        "And not for self-interest, but only by the will of the wife who sent me" (C). wink
        1. +4
          28 November 2019 22: 26
          "I already sent, so I sent" (c).
          1. +3
            28 November 2019 22: 40
            Could continue, but censorship does not allow. laughing