Battle of the Neva


15 July 1240, the Battle of the Neva took place, which was of great strategic importance. The defeat for a long time discouraged the Swedes from the desire to seize the north-western lands of Russia. Russian land has always been generous and plentiful. Especially distinguished by its wealth among Russian cities and Mr. Novgorod. The population of the Novgorod land was numerous, the cities were famous for their artisans and craftsmen. The ancient trade route to the West and to the East passed through Novgorodchin. The prosperous and rich Novgorod land attracted the greedy gaze of its western neighbors, and above all the Swedish and German knighthood.

It is currently the Swedes - a peaceful people, but at that time the Swedish feudal lords were expanding to the East, trying to seize the rich Novgorod and cut off Russia from the Baltic Sea. The capture of the Neva and Volkhov and Novgorod territories allowed to control trade between Eastern Europe and the West. Yes, and the city of Novgorod land, its crafts could give the Swedish feudal lords more booty. It is necessary to note the role of the Vatican, the Pope blessed the German and Swedish knights to war with "pagans and heretics." Orthodox Christians for Rome and the western feudal lords were no better than the Saracens (Muslims), or pagans.

Near the mouth of the Volkhov River, along which the waterway from Veliky Novgorod to the Baltic Sea passed, was located the ancient Russian city - Ladoga. It was an important defensive and commercial center. Ladoga was actually a castle to Novgorod, which covered it from Sweden. Novgorod sources report on the early attempts of the Swedish feudal lords to seize Ladoga. The first mention of the Swedish attack on Ladoga dates back to the 1142 year: “The same year, the Holy Prince comes with the bishop,” the chronicle says. The townspeople were able to repel the attack and the Swedes retreated. Already in 1164, the Swedes again attempted to capture Ladoga, but the brave city dwellers themselves burned the town and locked themselves in a fortress. The Swedes besieged the fortress. Ladozhane managed to send for help in Novgorod. The Swedes were unable to take the city on the move, and in the meantime, the Novgorod squads came to the rescue of Ladoga and defeated the discoveries. Novgorodians soon struck back. In 1188, Russian and Karelian units attacked the political and economic center of Sweden, the populous city of Sigtuna, and destroyed it. This strike for a long time discouraged the Swedes from going to Russia. However, when trouble came to Russia from the East, the Swedish feudal lords decided to take advantage of the plight of the Russian land and implement a plan to seize the Novgorod lands.

In 1238, the Swedish monarch received a “blessing” from the Pope on a crusade against the Russians. All those who were ready to take part in the campaign were promised absolution. In 1239, the Swedes and the Germans held talks discussing the general plan of the march on Novgorod land. The Swedish feudal lords, who by this time had seized Finland, were to develop an offensive against Mr. Novgorod the Great from the north, from the Neva River. German knights advance from the west - through Izborsk and Pskov. The Swedish government of King Erich Eriksson Lisping (rules in 1222 — 1229 and 1234 — 1249) allocated an army for the march under the command of Jarl (prince) Ulf Fassi and son-in-law of the king - Birger Magnusson. For the campaign on the Russian lands were collected the best forces of the Swedish knighthood. The campaign was officially considered “cross-country”, therefore, in addition to the large feudal lords and their teams, the bishops with their troops took part in it. In addition, in order to fully ensure the success of the crusade, the Swedish command also gathered numerous detachments from the subordinate Finnish population. True, the Finns, unlike the Swedes, were poorly armed - knives, bows with arrows, axes, spears.

At this time in the land of Novgorod rules young Prince Alexander Yaroslavich - the son of Grand Duke Vladimir Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. Despite his youth, Alexander was already known as a skilled politician. It was a sensible, energetic and brave warrior. It should be noted that Novgorod was very different in its control system from other Russian lands. The power of the prince was limited, he was a military leader, not a sovereign. The real power was boyars and merchants, who, with the help of the council, appointed the mayor, tysyatsky and called on the prince. Novgorod fought with the Swedes for control of the Izhora land and the Karelian Isthmus. In Novgorod, they knew about the plans of the Swedes to seize their territories, and that they boasted of “baptizing” them into the Latin faith.

In the summer of 1240, the enemy army, under the leadership of Birger, "in great force, puffed up by the spirit of the army", appeared on the Neva River on ships. The Swedes camped at the mouth of the r. Izhora. The crusader army consisted of Swedes, Norwegians and representatives of the Finnish tribes (sum and em). The Swedish command planned to first capture Ladoga, and then go to Novgorod. The Catholic clergy were also in the enemy army: the Russian lands were planned to be baptized with “fire and sword”. After breaking camp, Birger, fully confident in his strength and victory, sent a message to Prince Alexander: "If you can resist me, then I am here, fighting your land."

Novgorod frontiers were guarded at that time by “watchmen”. They were also located on the seashore, where representatives of local tribes took part in guarding the border. In particular, in the area of ​​the Neva River, on both sides of the Gulf of Finland, there was the “sea watchman” of Izhoryan (the Finno-Ugric people who inhabited the territory of Izhora land). They carried the guard of the ways to Veliky Novgorod from the side of the Baltic Sea. The Swedish army was discovered by the elder of Izhora land Pelgusy, who was on patrol. Pelgusy informed Prince Alexander of the appearance of the enemy army.

The Crusaders chose an extremely opportune moment for their strike. Vladimir-Suzdal Rus, where the rule of Alexander's father was devastated and could not put up significant forces to help Novgorod. In addition, the appearance of the squads of Yaroslav Vsevolodovich took time, which was not there. The personal squad of Prince Alexander was small. It took a lot of time to collect the detachments of the local boyars, the Novgorod militia and the forces of the cities of the Novgorod land. It was impossible to delay, the enemy could capture Ladoga and strike at Novgorod.


Alexander did not hesitate and acted swiftly; he did not even manage to inform his father about the appearance of the Swedish army. The young prince decided to deliver a sudden blow to the enemy, since there was no time to gather a large army. In addition, the convening of the Novgorod Council could drag out the matter and frustrate the upcoming operation. The prince opposed the enemy with his squad, strengthening it only with volunteers from Novgorod. According to ancient tradition, Russian soldiers gathered at the church of St. Sophia, prayed, received a blessing from the lord Spyridon. The prince inspired his soldiers with a speech, the phrase of which reached the present and became winged: “Brothers! Not in the power of God, but in truth! Recall the words of the psalmist: these weaponsand these on horseback, we in the name of the Lord our God will call ... We will not be afraid of the multitude of military men, as God is with us. ” Rat went camping. The detachment went along Volkhov to Ladoga, where the Ladogaites joined the forces of Alexander. From Ladoga, the Novgorod army moved to the mouth of Izhora.

The camp of the Crusaders, defeated at the mouth of the Izhora River, was poorly guarded, since the Swedish command was confident in its forces and did not suspect the proximity of the Russian army. On July 15, the Russian warriors were able to quietly approach the enemy camp and in the morning hours of 11 suddenly attacked the Swedes. The attack of the Russian army was so sudden that the crusaders did not have time to prepare for battle and build their forces. The speed of the detachment of Alexander nullified the numerical advantage of the Swedish army. Birger's warriors were taken by surprise. The Swedes could not provide organized resistance. The Russian squad passed through the enemy camp and drove the Swedes to the shore. Along the coast, foot militias struck. Novgorodians made their way along the river and destroyed the walkways that connected the Swedish ships to the shore. The militia even managed to capture and destroy three enemy ships.

Battle of the Neva

The battle was fierce. Alexander personally "beat many" Swedes and wounded an enemy leader. Princely comrade Gavrilo Oleksich chased after the earl Birger and stormed onto an enemy ship. He was thrown into the water, but he survived and re-entered the battle, killing the Swedish bishop. Sources also report about the Russian warriors who distinguished themselves in this battle: Ratmir, Sbyslav Yakunovich, Yakov Polochanin, and the young Sawa. A detachment led by Novgorod Misha destroyed three enemy ships.

The Crusaders did not withstand the fierce onslaught of the Russian knights and fled to the surviving ships. The losses of the Russian detachment were insignificant: up to 20 wealthy warriors. Swedish losses were more significant. They loaded two ships only with the bodies of noble people, the rest were buried on the shore. In tactical terms, the role of the Border Guard (“watchmen”), which promptly discovered the enemy and reported to Novgorod, should be noted. The factor of speed and suddenness of impact was also of great importance. The Crusaders were taken by surprise and could not provide organized resistance.

A brilliant victory over the Swedish army was of great political and moral importance. It occurred after the terrible defeats that the Russian ratios suffered from the warriors of Batu. Sweden failed to seize the Novgorod lands at the most opportune time to strike and cut off Russia from the Baltic Sea. After repelling the invasion from the north, Alexander disrupted a possible simultaneous attack by Swedish and German feudal lords.

However, the victory on the Neva had a negative side. Novgorod boyars and merchant families envied Alexander's glory and were afraid of the growth of his influence in Novgorod, the love of ordinary people for him. "Golden belts" began to weave intrigue against the prince. As a result, the winner of the Swedes was forced to leave Novgorod and go to Vladimir-Suzdal Russia, in his inheritance - Pereyaslavl-Zalessky.
Military feats of Alexander Nevsky

Year of release of the documentary film: 2006. Country: Russia. Genre: Historical. Duration: 00:31:58. Director: A. Malinovsky.

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  1. +17
    15 July 2012 07: 30
    Thank you so much for the article! God is not in power, but in truth! We need this motto more than ever.
    1. 0
      15 July 2012 14: 58
      Heroes defend their homeland, and officials fill their pockets!
      1. scientist cat
        16 July 2012 10: 37

        Your nobleness, try to do without populist slogans.
        In no way detract from the glory of the Russian army and weapons.
        But imagine what the discussion of articles, the exchange of views will turn into, if other forum users follow your example ...
  2. +9
    15 July 2012 07: 37
    Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword, the Russian land has stood and will stand!
    1. Cashpoint
      15 July 2012 22: 30
      Continuing to believe in myths invented?

      Okay, 20-100 years ago, it was hard to find the primary sources for ordinary enthusiasts, but now this is not a problem ..

      "The Swedes came in great power, and Murman (Norwegians) and Sum and Em (Finnish tribes) were many of them. The Swedes with their prince and their bishops and stood (camp) on the Neva, at the mouth of the Izhora, wishing to take over (capture) Ladoga and Novgorod and the entire region of Novgorod.But with God's help, news came to Novgorod that the Swedes were marching to Ladoga.Prince Alexander without delay came with the Novgorodians and the Ladoga residents and defeated them by the power of St. Sophia and the prayers of the Mother of God to our Virgin Mary, the month of July 15th day ... And this was a great slaughter of the Swedes, their commander with the name Spiridon was killed and the bishop was killed, and a multitude of them fell. And they put two ships down and put them into the sea, and those that did not climb dug a hole for them that contained them without number (a lot.) The Novgorodians fell here Konstantin Lugotinits, Gyuryata Pineschinich, Namest, Jerkilo Nizdylov - the son of a tanner, and all 20 people with Ladians, or less, God knows.
      It turns out to be a very interesting `` great '' battle, in which only 20 people died on the one hand, and a lot (so it did not fit into 2 ships and innumerable how many were buried in a pit) on the other, given the specifics of the chronicles, it should be admitted that this is an exaggeration ... This and other features of the description of the Battle of the Neva show us that it was not such a significant battle as our contemporaries imagine it, moreover, Swedish and Norwegian sources (in particular the Chronicle of Eric) do not mention this event, although they record all major battles. "

      Quran on the helmet of Nevsky

      It should begin with Alexander Nevsky, whom his father, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, held hostage to Batu, as a condition for receiving a label for reigning. The estimated date of birth of Alexander is 1230. Batu took him to amanats in 1238, that is, reached the "school" age.
      Plano Karpini, the papal ambassador at Batu’s headquarters, confirms his presence there in 1247. That is, the boy grew up and was brought up in the Horde, having absorbed her mentality. And many years of teenage friendship with Sartak, the son of Batu, ended with blood brotherhood. Lev Gumilev notes that “Twinning was considered above consanguinity; the andes are like one soul: never leaving, they save one another in mortal danger. ”
      Alexander, returning to the north, brought with him a drop of blood of Genghisides. As well as the Horde fidelity to this blood, which he handed down.
      Therefore, when Andrei's sibling invited him to join the alliance with Daniil Galitsky against the Horde, Alexander, being “as one soul” with Sartak, chose what “was considered above consanguinity”, but in fact - allegiance to the Horde. The consequence of this fidelity is Nevruyev’s army, Andrei’s flight, a census for collecting tribute to the Horde, Tatar control over Novgorod (on the side of which was his son).
      And, perhaps, as a visible confirmation of spiritual kinship on the helmet of Alexander, the 13th ayah of the 61st sura of the Koran was minted: “Delight the faithful with the promise of help from Allah and a speedy victory” (in the translation given in the Armory, “Allah” is replaced by “ God"). It should be noted that among the Horde (the same Sartak), before the Khan Uzbek introduced the Muslim religion into the state, there were a certain number of Christians (mainly Nestorians), but in reality both the Horde and Moscow have a border between Islam and Christianity was very shaky.

      No less interesting is the ice battle. For contemporaries, it was less important than the Battle of Neva and many more battles, the plan of the battle on the ice was not in any school atlas, and many did not even know that it had happened. Chronicles divert him to a description of even less than the battle of Neva. We again turn to the annals, as before in the free translation: · And the Germans and Chud drove into the regiment and made their way through the regiment as a pig, and the great Germans and Miracles were slaughtered here. But God and Saint Sophia and the holy martyr Boris and Gleb, for the sake of Novgorod, pouring their blood, those saints, with great prayers, help God to Prince Alexander; and the Germans fell here and Chud gave a shoulder; and, they drove them 7 miles across the ice to the Subolichsky coast; and the Miracles fell countlessly, and the Germans 400, and with 50 hands they took and brought to Novgorod. And this was the month of April 5. Moreover, according to the Livonian chronicle, the loss of the order was 20, not 400 killed and 6 and not 50 captured knights. Which in itself is logical, since the number of knights of the Livonian Order did not exceed hundreds of people. Apparently there were a lot of inveterate fishermen in the Russian army, they come home and say: · Now we were catching 500 knights on Lake Peipsi, probably we drowned them, these are healthy ones and we throw our arms out in different directions. Well, or the lake is actually Peipsi, miracles happen on it.
      And all ... in the annals, Alexander Nevsky himself flickers (it flickers) only a few times, his life as a saint was written much later, when not only his contemporaries, but also their grandchildren, died. Life relied on the chronicle, retelling it and supplementing the details that came from nowhere. The greatness of these two battles was fostered by Russian historians, not Karamzin, Platonov, Klyuchevsky or Soloviev, who mentioned this in passing or did not speak at all, but later, many of which were true myth-makers. These same myths are studied without exception in schools. And our idea of ​​Alexander Nevsky in most cases is generally formed only by Sergei Eisenstein's 1938 film at best. This is the Name of Russia. The prince, whom the Novgorodians more than once expelled from the city for offenses, a patriot who, together with the Horde, suppressed anti-Mongol uprisings in Russian cities, hanging and gouging out the eyes of the instigators, a hero without fear and reproach after the battle on the ice who went to punish the Pskovites whom he "saved" , defeated the dogs, even though knights, in minor battles, and said the phrase: "Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword" - someone for him, a handsome man, whose authentic portraits are gone. The true name of Russia.
      1. Ottofonfenhel
        16 July 2012 00: 40
        Does the Hungarians have a story of their own, or is your story related to the history of the Austrian foolish geeks of the Habsburgs who are mired in incest and nicrophilia?
      2. +2
        16 July 2012 09: 59
        20 CONSTANT warriors, as well as the losses of 20 members of the order, do not distort all the losses, the militias on both sides are not known, men were not counted in the chronicles, but it is known from the Livonian Order that as a rule with every knight of the order there were 150-200 militia people, 20 members are at least 3000 soldiers. loss of 20 members of the order in one battle is a lot) according to your own words there were a hundred of them) a fifth died, you want to exaggerate here too, they died a little less
      3. +5
        16 July 2012 10: 38
        CashPoint Yesterday, 22: 30 ↑
        ... This and other features of the description of the Battle of Neva show us that this was not such a significant battle as our contemporaries imagine it, moreover, Swedish and Norwegian sources (in particular the Eric Chronicle) do not mention this event, although they record all major battles ...
        ... The battle of the ice is no less interesting. For contemporaries, it was less significant than the Battle of Neva ...
        -------------------------------------------------- ------
        There is nothing surprising in your position — the adversary of Russian civilization — for me.
        You are not the first, and most likely you are not the last in this informational and ideological war against the Russian backgammon.
        We are witnessing the most unscrupulous rewriting of the Soviet period in the history of the Russian people, when the Soviet state and the Soviet people are put on the same level of responsibility for World War II as fascist Germany. Although every more or less thinking person is well aware that even the German people in this war are only one of the victims, and its real culprits are in London and Washington and still teach all of humanity to be free and humane.
        Therefore, your approach to the assessment and the very existence of all Russian victories over any invaders, and first of all over Western European ones, is not surprising.
        I can imagine how your ideologically descendant could write about the events of our recent history a hundred years later.
        CashPoint ↑ - 2112
        As for the tales that exist among the dark masses of Russians about their mythical victory in the war over the French emperor Napoleon, you just need to read school textbooks.
        Yes, Napoleon made a reconnaissance trip east beyond the Bug, but did not find anything valuable there for his empire.
        There was no war, as such. There was a minor skirmish near Borodino, which the Russian cheers patriots are trying to turn into a meaningful battle. But all this breaks down on historically reliable information about this reconnaissance.
        There was no question of any Russian victory over the military genius of Europe, and it was not.
        The French troops did not lose a single hassle in the wild Russian land. So, even from the point of view of ordinary sound logic, they could not lose the war.
        If Napoleon wanted to conquer the Russians, then for him this would not present any problems. But, pepper is clear, Napoleon set as his goal only the capture of the Russian capital, which he did, then diverting troops to winter apartments.
        Wikipedia writes: “Further to the east, the French troops did not go deeper, the places there were deserted and, according to the ideas of the French, uninhabited.”
        This is the true reason for the loss of Napoleon's interest in the wild eastern spaces.
        And to spread nonsense that Moscow was not the capital of Russians is unscientific. There is an exact science - archeology. Look at the photo of the tomb of Napoleon: there, among the capitals conquered by Napoleon, the name of Moscow is also beaten out, which indisputably indicates that Moscow was the capital of the Russians. The French are scrupulous in scientific information and there is no reason not to trust them.
        And allegations of Napoleon’s six hundred thousandth army are simply a mistake of the chroniclers, who turned 600-1000 people as a result of a typo into 600 000 people. The fundamental laws of economics say that such a number of troops, necessary to resist the voiced mass of the allegedly French army, cannot be fed on the Russian Plain.
        With the same number of troops - 600-1000 people, according to historical science, Napoleon returned from his triumphal Russian campaign.
        One hundred years later, by the way, Hitler organized a similar operation in Russia, having allocated an armed detachment for protection to his close friend Ananerbe, who wished to climb the highest peak of Europe, Elbrus, and hoist his generic flag on it.
        At the end of the expedition, the detachment safely returned to Berlin, but just in time for Hitler's defeat from the US-Great Britain democratic alliance. On the basis of this temporary coincidence, will you not say that the Russians could have anything to do with the defeat of Germany?
      4. +2
        16 July 2012 13: 24
        It turns out strange, the battles are so-so, and the people are too small, but Russia from sea to sea turned out! Man, try to use your brains and not rewrite "fashionable" authors who carry all sorts of crap, if only someone reads it.
        1. +1
          16 July 2012 15: 07
          Kosopuz, I applaud you!

          Enchanting plop!

          But seriously, it really would be strange if receiving kicks from some Russians there would occupy a worthy place in the chronicles of the Swedes. Yes, and the French, Turks, Germans shelves do not break from the description of such events.
          1. +1
            16 July 2012 18: 40
            The whole trouble of our enemies is that, not knowing the whole historical truth, they climb over and over again and rake us to the fullest. Learn history, good for health.
  3. +8
    15 July 2012 07: 51
    Russia has always with dignity accepted the challenge of an external enemy! But internal ones cause considerable damage to the homeland!
    1. +6
      15 July 2012 13: 02
      Young Alexander vividly demonstrated that love for his native land, together with courage and initiative, defeats even a much more powerful enemy.
      Good and necessary article.
  4. survivor
    15 July 2012 09: 12
    article +, author, respect. always in Russia there were those who went to protect the land from the heap, and those who were ready to sell their homeland. nothing changed
  5. Vadim
    15 July 2012 09: 57
    By the way, in Veliky Novgorod there was genuine democracy, long before the Western countries, and even more so before the Yankees. So let them learn themselves than others to teach, they say that you have the right democracy, but you don’t.
    1. 0
      21 July 2012 15: 16
      So for sure, but alas ... They took all the good from us, and we took all the bad from them ...
  6. patriot2
    15 July 2012 10: 16
    And now, one has only to relax, as not only the "golden horde" will climb, but also other evil spirits. Well, we see and hear our boyars-officials who are capable of turning the result of any victory into "0" with personal benefit for ourselves every day. But the Russian people have not yet been exhausted to the end!
    To author +
  7. Nubia2
    15 July 2012 11: 19
    Quote: sergo0000
    But internal ones cause considerable damage to the homeland!

    Nevsky later became one of these enemies.
  8. +5
    15 July 2012 12: 04
    Good day, not in vain in the morning the mood is excellent. Bright Memory to the Great Russian Warriors !!!
  9. +9
    15 July 2012 12: 06
    Russia was, is and will be. Such commanders are full of Russian land. Only enemies can not comprehend this. fool
    1. Prohor
      18 July 2012 23: 39
      That's for sure! To external enemies - in the end they piled on everyone; we would only exterminate the internal adversaries, and even with these wee ... we will repeat the history of the empire of Macedon, Rome, the Golden Horde.
  10. Kostya pedestrian
    15 July 2012 12: 11
    Quote: Nubia2
    Nevsky later became one of these enemies.

    If you hold the opinion that Hakanat was worse than the same feuds in the Russian and Lithuanian principalities.

    Alexander Nevsky pursued a very clever Sovereign policy that helped strengthen the border lands of the Novgorod, Suzdal and Ryazan principalities, which later became the core of the Moscow principality, on the basis of which Great Russia rose from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and from the North to the South.

    And, like, the opinion that the Russians bent their heads in front of the Khakan was right - there was a lot of strength, as then the Vasalians bent before the Russians. Normal relations of the Middle Ages.

    And from the hakanate (or tartars) much could be learned in the management of the country and the army.
    For example, in the Lithuanian army, tartars were very much valued as a combat unit of cavalry.
    1. Nubia2
      15 July 2012 14: 04
      By the way, where does Hakanat (Kaganate) and the Mongols have to do with it?
  11. Nubia2
    15 July 2012 14: 00
    Quote: Kostya pedestrian
    If you hold the opinion that Hakanat was worse than the same feuds in the Russian and Lithuanian principalities.

    I didn’t mean it very quickly.
    Quote: Kostya pedestrian
    Alexander Nevsky pursued a very clever Sovereign policy that helped strengthen the border lands of the Novgorod, Suzdal and Ryazan principalities, which later became the core of the Moscow principality, on the basis of which Great Russia rose from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and from the North to the South.

    Of course, of course, especially such a phenomenon as the Nevryuyev army helped to strengthen the Russian lands.
    Quote: Kostya pedestrian
    And you could learn a lot from the hakanate (or tartars) in managing the country

    So he used them against his brother and his people exclusively in personal interests.
    1. +2
      15 July 2012 14: 05
      Quote: Nubia2
      So he used them against his brother and his people exclusively in personal interests.

      These personal interests ended with the unification of disparate and warring principalities into a state, now such personal interests would be.
    2. Kostya pedestrian
      15 July 2012 21: 53
      0.1 Listen, if my mother is a Polish girl (Belarus), my father is Belarus (Russian) from the village of Kievets, and my great-grandfather is Lithuanian, I was born in the USSR, I live in the South, and I am friends with tsigans from Minsk, who am I?

      Correctly! Like the other 200 million, who enjoyed the peace and joy of growing up in one of the most remarkable countries under Brezhnev - a descendant of A. Nevsky.

      1.0 Why would the West allow our inheritance to steal?
      I have my own opinion, and the agreements do not interest me as much as the victory of A. Nevsky over the Swedes and Crusaders.
      And the right PR. I see this as a feat, and agreements are politics. Like living, the description of St. A. Nevsky is a religion. We are modern people, and are free to choose what helps us to strive for a better life. Probably, a quick way to convince such unbelievers of their own ancestors would be to issue a license to publish advertisements and textbooks non-inherently to the FSB and the State Supervision Agency.

      And then-only Russia will gain strength, then they are trying to foist new ideals with a Western soul on it, and the victories and conquests of the Russian people directly for export, apparently there is something more than the material world.

      Take any search engine on the net on the topic: Russian, Slavic and similar symbols and antiquities - one swastika comes out.

      This is how Westerners are slipping their sins to Russian youth in exchange for health and happiness.

      2.0 Read what Conrad Mazowiecki did, who invited the crusaders to baptize the pagan Slavs-Prussians. That's right, if Lithuania is not Lithuania and Russia (read Belarus and Russia), then Poland would not exist, and the Poles would have to spit Guten tag and not pshakat Russian words.

      3.0 Tartars did the same, turning for example to the Prince of Lithuania and Rus for help Vitovtu. Politics and tillage are two different things.
  12. +4
    15 July 2012 14: 17
    And at that time, the crap democrats tried to hit in the back. The example of Novgorod is an additional confirmation of the viability of the crap democracy as a political system on Russian land. Article plus definitely!
  13. +1
    15 July 2012 14: 24
    How distorted our past is. Internal showdowns, presented almost by the struggle of civilizations. Instead of being perverted, I became FROM THE TORAH (history). When will we rake all this artificial tree ... and find out our real past? Thanks also to the "great" reformer Peter 1, who, by his decree, collected all the ancient books and scrolls, allegedly for making copies, but no documents or copies remained. Sincerely.
    1. 0
      15 July 2012 14: 46
      Quote: suharev-52
      Everything was perverted instead of being, I became FROM THE TORAH (history).

      Fathers are holy! Today on the channel Mikhail Zadornov.

      love - this is for you. I couldn’t tell you at the concert.
    2. +2
      15 July 2012 14: 56
      Hello. You did not indicate, unfortunately, that the article is distorted in your opinion, therefore there is nothing to argue about, but I want to recall the following - after WW2 a little more than fifty years passed ..... I do not observe unanimity in the description of this terrible global fight .. ..and they did without any good or bad Petrov .. So, the further the event, the less we will know about it ...
    3. +2
      15 July 2012 16: 04
      Quote: suharev-52
      How distorted is our past. Internal showdowns are presented almost by the struggle of civilizations.

      I have heard a lot about the distortion of history, but it seems that the Battle of Neva can hardly be called internal disassembly. In any case, it seems to me that you should not go astray on the topic of scum in history, the meaning of the article is a feat of arms.
    4. +1
      16 July 2012 18: 53
      The story is from old, old, from ancient antiquity. Torah doesn't smell here.
  14. Nubia2
    15 July 2012 15: 50
    Quote: Dimitr
    These personal interests ended with the unification of disparate and warring principalities into a power

    Yes, for starters, he ditched a bunch of his people, expelled his brother to the Swedes .. now say such a policy ...
    And about the power ... something you confuse - Nevsky did not create and did not create any power.
    In fact, it is not much different from the policemen who fed from the lands conquered by a foreign army.
    1. 0
      15 July 2012 21: 24
      His - which is! Do you generally mean the Slavs, or who went to fight with him? He is no worse than other Russian princes, who also fell heaps of their own, living in other principalities. But he did not create a state, read it carefully, I wrote about how it ended. Many, both classical and alternative historians, agreed that the children and grandchildren of Alexander continued his policy, which ultimately led to the creation of the state. Then (and now) everyone was fed from the conquered lands! And the request, because I am interested in different sources of history, write what you use, I want to study too. By the way, I think that the article is not about that, you just have to pay tribute to the military glory of the Russian people! Yes, and the winners are not judged, anyway, it is not reliably known what it really was, but goodies are needed!
      1. Cashpoint
        15 July 2012 22: 53
        Nevsky stood up for the interests of the Horde, and not Russia, because he refused Danil Galitsky who wanted to speak out against the Horde, and indeed in the history of Russia lies with three baskets ...

        A peculiar Moscow faith

        Coins of that time can also serve as a clear illustration of the presence of Muslim culture and religion in the Vladimir-Suzdal land. Gaidukov and Grishin have a collection of “Named Money of Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy”, which states that the “fighter with the Horde”, after the victorious battle of Kulikovka, printed money with the name Tokhtamysh.

        This corresponds to the Tatar version, where Dmitry, on the orders of Tokhtamysh, spoke out against Mamai, who had fallen off hands. Prince Dmitry was frankly afraid of the latter, why he exchanged his notable princely armor for strangers that did not stand out in the general mass.

        Gutten-Chapsky’s book “Specific, Grand-Ducal and Tsarist Coins of Ancient Russia” is very interesting in this respect. The number of Moscow coins with Arabic text is off the charts. On the coin of Basil III in Arabic we find: “La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad r-Rasulullah,” which is translated as “There is no deity but Allah, and Muhammad is His Messenger.”

        Sigismund Herberstein, who had twice visited Muscovy in the first half of the XNUMXth century, gives the completely eastern appearance of Vasily III on an engraving. Athanasius Nikitin ends his work “Walking Over Three Seas” with a prayer addressed to Allah: “Bismillah Rahman Rahim. Allah Akbar. Isa - Ruh Oallo. Allah Salam. Allah Akbar. La ilaha illa Allah. " Today this fragment is translated quite unsophisticatedly: “In the name of the Lord, the Merciful the Merciful, and Jesus, the Spirit of God,” neither to you Allah, nor to you Akbar.

        The difference from true Islam is that "La ilaha illa Allah" does not end with "Muhammad r-Rasulu Allah." That is, a religious model in which Muhammad is not recognized as a Prophet, but only "Isa - Rukh Oallo" - this is a kind of Moscow law of that time.

        Kalita or Kalifa?

        “It is well known” who Ivan Kalita is and why he was called that. And they called him so among the people, allegedly because the merciful prince walked with a wicket (wallet) among the poor and distributed alms to them. I also remember that he was a good diplomat who managed to pacify the Horde and continued the “gathering of lands” around Moscow. In any case, I heard this version at school.

        And here is what the historian Lev Cherepnin writes about him: “This prince (Kalita) brutally suppressed those spontaneous popular movements that undermined the foundations of the Horde’s domination over Russia ... Brutally cracking down on his opponents from among other Russian princes, not disdaining Tatar help for this "Kalita has achieved a significant increase in the power of the Moscow principality."

        “Wikipedia” about Kalita: “Alexander Mikhailovich, who ruled in Tver, took part in a popular uprising in 1327, in which the Tver killed the Horde ambassador Chol-khan (Shevkal) and his whole retinue. The Uzbek Khan was very angry when he learned about the assassination of Chol Khan, and sent for the Prince of Moscow, but according to other sources, Kalita went to the Horde himself, in a hurry to take advantage of the Tver incident. The Uzbek gave him a shortcut to the great reign and 50 troops ...

        He was a cruel and cunning ruler in achieving his goals. He played a large role in strengthening the economic and political union of the Moscow Principality and the Golden Horde, for which he collected tribute from the Russian lands. Ruthlessly suppressed popular discontent caused by heavy requisitions, cracked down on political opponents - other Russian princes.

        Having attached the prince of Suzdal to himself, Kalita went to the Principality of Tver, where the Horde burned cities and villages, took people prisoner and, according to the chronicle, "put all the Russian land empty." In addition to the Horde, Kalita’s raids, as a rule, involved the Ryazan princes with their army. ”

        Alexey Bychkov has a link to the Old Slavonic text (the name of the text is not indicated), in which there is a phrase: "They (the Latins) honor the Pope that we are Kalita." The author notes that before the Russian language did not have the letter “F”, therefore it is quite possible that Kalita, revered by the Muscovites as the Pope, was Kalifa (from the Arabic. “Caliph” - governor, in the political sense “governor of the Prophet”, that is, ruler based on prophetic legitimacy).

        There is also a drawing from Gutten-Chapsky coin with the name Iban on the front side and the inscription on the back: “Moscow Akhchasy Budyr” - “Moscow is its coin.”

        Old Believers and Muslims

        Michalon Litvin, the author of the notes "On the mores of Tatars, Lithuanians and Muscovites," writes that Muscovites and Tatars do not drink wine, but sell it to Christians. If we take into account that today in Russia drunkenness has taken on the scale of a national catastrophe, then it’s worthwhile to think hard about what Muscovy has lost and gained as a result of Nikon's reforms.

        As we know, Nikon carried out a radical church reform. A wide variety of information comes up to a query about its essence - from the introduction of Bulgarian Christianity-bogomiliya to the reduction of Moscow church canons to a common denominator with the Kiev ones. Accordingly - an audit of religious rites and revision of church books.

        The post-reform faith began to be called Greek Orthodox. A separate song - who and how carried out these reforms, this requires a separate article. Regarding the “how,” I will give a short fragment from the work of Sergei Zenkovsky, “Russian Old Believers. The spiritual movements of the seventeenth century. "

        “After the Vyaznikov forests, Lopukhin“ combed ”the Kerzhenets assemblies of the Old Believers, taking Efrem Potemkin with him, and then“ cleansed ”the middle Volga region. For his part, on the northern bank of the Volga, the governor Stepan Zubov “cleaned” the Kostroma and Vologda region from the most fanatical supporters of the old rite. They were later helped by the famous Colonel Artamon Matveev, the future victim of the Streltsy rebellion of 1682, and clerk Theodor Mikhailov. But although many leaders of the Troubles were detained and even executed, this "purge" yielded few results. For centuries, these areas have remained the main gathering places for opponents of the new rite and instigators of disobedience to the church. ”

        30 years after the church reform, Georg Schleizing writes in his book Religion of the Muscovites that the Old Testament was never accepted by society because of its immorality: “They abhor such holy book that they consider it a profanation to bring it to the church and allow it read it there. ” As for the surviving communities of Old Believers, the Vestnik of Europe in No. 4 for 1828 (160 years after the reform) cites 16 (!) Common traditions between Muslims and Old Believers.

        Cultural and genetic conglomerate

        There are many more examples of Moscow’s indifference to Islam, as well as a lot of arguments disputing or correcting some facts that run counter to the official position of the same Church. But to me, unlike the deputy director of the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, for which everything is “obvious”, it’s completely not clear to me — why are the really obvious moments in the history of Muscovy so diligently extinct and falsified? After all, it is really obvious that both the Finno-Ugric and Turkic peoples make up a cultural and genetic conglomerate with Russian Muscovites.

        In the article by Sergey Baimukhametov “Was there a yoke?” there is such an example: “The historian Gumilyov offhand gives such a list of Russian surnames of Horde origin .... Aksakov, Alyabyev, Apraksin, Arakcheev, Arsenyev, Akhmatov, Babichev, Balashov, Baranov, Basmanov, Baturin, Beketov, Berdyaev, Bibikov, Bilbasov, Bichurin, Bichurin , Boborykin, Bulgakov, Bunin, Burtsev, Buturlin, Bukharin, Velyaminov, Gogol, Godunov, Gorchakov, Gorshkov, Derzhavin, Yepanchin, Eromolaev, Izmailov, Kantemirov, Karamazov, Karamzin, Kireyevsky, Korsakov, Kochubey, Kropotkin, Kropotkin, Kropotkin, Kropotkin, Kropotkin, Kropotkin, Kropotkin, Kropotkin, Kropotkin , Milyukov, Michurin, Rakhmaninov, Saltykov, Stroganov, Suvorov, Tagantsev, Talyzin, Taneyev, Tatishchev, Timashev, Timiryazev, Tretyakov, Turgenev, Turchaninov, Tyutchev, Uvarov, Urusov, Ushakov, Khomyakov, Chaishev, Shakhov, Shakhov, Shakhov ...

        It is clear that Gumilev calls names known that are well known. In general, the dictionary of Russian surnames of Turkic origin, compiled by philologist and historian Nikolai Alexandrovich Baskakov, is a large volume. Anyone who views it from cover to cover, willfully reflect. From the constant confrontation between the oppressed and the oppressed, the conquerors and the conquered, in a word, from the yoke - this does not happen ... ".
        1. +2
          15 July 2012 23: 35
          Quote: CashPoint
          The number of Moscow coins with Arabic text is off the charts.

          And if you assume a simple option, due to the lack of a sufficient number of gold coins, they simply took available and re-crossed one side so that it would be faster and not to lose metal during smelting.
          Quote: CashPoint
          And here is what the historian Lev Cherepnin writes about him: “This prince (Kalita) brutally suppressed those spontaneous popular movements that undermined the foundations of the Horde’s domination over Russia ... Brutally cracking down on his opponents from among other Russian princes, not disdaining Tatar help for this "Kalita has achieved a significant increase in the power of the Moscow principality."

          So the historian himself admits: “Kalita has achieved a significant increase in the power of the Moscow principality.” Yes, in those days the opposition under the prince's tower with slogans did not march. The conversation was short - a rack, stake, block, not like now-democracy. And Kalita would disdain from democratic principles with Tatar help, well, so I would say directly to the Horde khans, they say you are not shaking hands, not tolerant, maybe the principality of Moscow would not exist and Moscow too. So Muscovites need to pray for him for the fact that now in Moscow live.
        2. +2
          16 July 2012 10: 05
          And do not take your hands off our history !! They took the fashion to mud everything Russian. Without a clear sense of their history, they are trying to denigrate ours, the great and the millennial.
        3. 0
          16 July 2012 11: 03
          CashPoint Yesterday, 22: 53
          This corresponds to the Tatar version, where Dmitry, on the orders of Tokhtamysh, spoke out against Mamai, who had fallen off hands ...
          A very interesting book in this respect by Gutten-Chapsky ...
          And the most in-depth study of this era is in the book by V. Kozhin "History of Russia and the Russian Word.
          There he clearly and convincingly shows that all the actions of Dmitry Donskoy is his answer to the vile. the aggressive policy of the Vatican, which once again tried to enslave Russia with two fatal blows: from the west with the troops of Jagiello and from the south with a horde of the illegal ruler of Mamaia,
      2. 0
        15 July 2012 23: 23
        Dimitr RU: Have you read A. Bushkov "Russia, which did not exist: history, riddles, hypotheses." Of course, a lot is controversial, but interesting, especially since there are many references to historical sources.
  15. +4
    15 July 2012 16: 12
    I want to congratulate everyone on the next day of the Russian military glory!
    It is very pleasing that the memory of these events is alive!
  16. loc.bejenari
    15 July 2012 19: 50
    2 ships with bodies to load is a maximum of 40 dead
    drakkar intervened up to 25-30 people
    made an epic battle out of the usual gang war - here our PR from the time of Boris Yeltsin and the Oranges rests
    1. not good
      15 July 2012 21: 26
      Maybe from the point of view of 2MB, not a lot of people were beaten, but the trace of the battle in history remained significant, and from that side of the adversary they calmed down for a long time. To see the sword went deep into the anus.
    2. +1
      15 July 2012 21: 31
      Yuri, these are only noble warriors, but how many were buried like that? And what do you think is not a showdown, but a battle?
      1. loc.bejenari
        16 July 2012 02: 30
        Just read a Gwyn Jones-Vikings book
        there is just about the history of the Scandinavian land development
        the truth is our best patriots better not to read it
        but I advise all appropriate people to read it
        and so, the Viking ships accommodated a maximum of 30 people
        sources do not mention the exact number of ships - but in the Norman raids on Europe, more than 40-50 drakars did not take part
        accordingly, hardly 300-400 warriors landed on the Neva
        in principle - on the scale of the domain wars of the Middle Ages - this is a battle - since more than 100 people from each side participated
        disassembly, in the sense that both the Swedes and the army of Alexander were mainly engaged not in the great cause of protecting the Russian land from the adversary, but in raids on neighboring lands and banal robbery
        I hope I answered you, what did I mean
        1. 0
          16 July 2012 11: 08
          loc.bejenari (1) Today, 02: 30 ↑
          but I advise all appropriate people to read it
          -------------------------------------------------- ------------
          All adequate people, if they want to have a sound idea of ​​real history, should read the book by Yu.D. Petukhov "History of the Rus".
          1. loc.bejenari
            16 July 2012 14: 52
            and how is Rooster different from Rezun?
            both have mythology + extremely primitive presentation for people
            after thinking that the proto-brides stole brides from Neanderthals, I stopped being an ethnic Ukrainian
            not really my ancestors tr ..... whether snow people
            don't insult their memory like that
            you don’t be offended, but that book is for idiots
            a normal person will not write such nonsense and will not read
            if you wrote as an example that would laugh, I understand
            otherwise, a mixture of protorus with Neanderthals is of course complete tin laughing
            1. +1
              16 July 2012 15: 19
              Quote: kosopuz
              All adequate people, if they want to have a sound idea of ​​real history, should read the book by Yu.D. Petukhov "History of the Rus".

              In what, it turns out ... I MUST read the next exhaust so that I will be recognized as adequate. Not a weak cast ... But I now think that I do not owe anything. And even more, haw such a brew. indigestion will be.

              Quote: loc.bejenari
              and how is Rooster different from Rezun?

              Yes, only a surname. As in the old days Mayakovsky wrote, about whoever there is a brother to - the Lenin of the party or the party of Lenin. So it is here.

              Quote: loc.bejenari
              not really my ancestors tr ..... whether snow people

              Quote: loc.bejenari
              Protorussians stole brides from Neanderthals

              In one of my past lives, I was definitely a Neanderthal, manners have not yet outlived everything, and so, I can safely tell you: I have not met yours. wink
              1. 0
                16 July 2012 17: 09
                Banshee Today, 15: 19
                Do not boil.
                If you read it carefully, you will understand that I wrote this post as an answer to the troll and the voiced demand was addressed to him.
                As for the rezun and Petukhov, then, unfortunately, you definitely have not read the second and judge him from other people's words.
                1. loc.bejenari
                  17 July 2012 01: 48
                  so, according to mega-scientist Petukhov, all Russians descended from a mixture of Neanderthals and proto-Russians laughing
                  damn it and I thought that from mating donkey with a horse comes only a mule
                  and then a whole nation appeared
                  1. +1
                    17 July 2012 10: 00
                    Distort, uncle.
                    Exploring various historical epochs, Yuri Dmitrievich Petukhov really came to a well-grounded scientific conclusion that all modern peoples were formed as a result of a mixture of people of the modern type (Cro-Magnons) who appeared about 40 thousand years ago with various archanthropics. Including modern Russians, just like everyone else. Including Europeans. Even the "chosen people" - the Semites - are also a similar mixture, only there is more non-Ardeltal blood.
                    1. loc.bejenari
                      17 July 2012 14: 53
                      for stupid people I’ll explain again - Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons could make love, but since they have a different set of chromosomes, they could not have offspring
                      although you were clearly born from the fruit of love of protoruss and donkey
  17. +11
    15 July 2012 23: 39
    You found something to "upset" us with We all heard from Western and local liberal "historians" and that the Battle on the Ice is so-so, not a battle, and there was no Battle of Kulikovo, and Suvorov is also an ordinary commander, and Turkey is this is also crap, and not the enemy and the Second World War, we all like "suckers filled up" with corpses, but in fact Britain and the USA won the war, tk. they sank the "Bismarck" and in 4 years defeated a formidable enemy - Japan (ours had defeated it before that, in 1939, in 2 weeks, but there, it turns out, were entirely Japanese rear troops).
    The question is - is this nonsense not funny to you yourself? Kindergarten, damn it, when a child does not succeed and he begins to "drive" in a childish way at someone who is good at it.
    Okay, foreigners are painful about our victories and our own defeats. They just have a lot of arrogance, and states, no matter how cool or dwarf. But you?
    Do not believe history, so believe your eyes - look what happened to the once great Empires, which collided with the Russians !? There were, damn it, Superpowers and they became "just Turkey", just "Poland", just "Sweden", etc. Here they emanate with malice and compose fairy tales about us. Especially those who are from the Vatican, they all itch to drive "Orthodox schismatics" under the papal crown.
    And on the account of Batu and the Horde - well done Nevsky, who was friends with the Tatars and was faithful to the Horde! Life now shows who the true Satan is the Catholic-Protestant democratic world, or Muslims.

    Quote: loc.bejenari
    from ordinary gang warfare made an epic battle

    Respected. You would read History for the sake of interest. The battles at that time were not numerous. In the largest battle of the Hundred Years War, as many as 30 knights were killed on both sides. And in the battle with the Saracens in Sicily, only 1 person died there, and then he fell off his horse and died from the heat.
    And do you really think that the Swedes were suckers? Why did they bring such a small army into a foreign country?

    On Nevsky, as well as on Suvorov, Stalin, Ushakov and other great people, the West emanates poison. Because they simply aren’t stupid. You’ll start comparing their heroes of that time with Nevsky, so you’ll be completely offended.
    1. Ottofonfenhel
      16 July 2012 00: 52
      Who are you arguing with the Hungarians ?? Who generally had no history up to the 20th century, and which one was directly connected with Austria, and what did they succeed in? The enslavement of the Balkan peoples? The proud and independent Magyars were so long ago that the Hungarians themselves they don’t remember about them.
    2. loc.bejenari
      16 July 2012 02: 39
      I will try to answer you
      yes - on the scale of the wars of the Middle Ages is a battle
      Swedes were not suckers
      300-400 people didn’t go to capture the country (although in the 10-11 centuries this number of soldiers was enough to occupy the city and proclaim themselves new kings (princes)
      we don’t know the exact goal
      or a banal gop stop of the surroundings or assistance to those Novgorodians who were dissatisfied with Alexander’s complacency (the Swedes used everything from Svyatoslav (Sfendoslav) to Vladimir as mercenaries)
      and Alexander’s personality was an ordinary representative of that era
      killed robbed betrayed
      no different from contemporaries
      PR made him a hero
      1. +3
        16 July 2012 15: 27
        Quote: Ottofonfenhel
        Proud and independent Magyars were so long ago that the Hungarians themselves do not remember them.

        But we remember near Voronezh ... Until now, Hungarian helmets are being dug up. The whole division was driven into the ground. Helmets, by the way, are appreciated because they are 99% intact. Their owners were usually killed in the back during their "successful offensive towards the Soviet-Hungarian border."

        Quote: loc.bejenari
        banal gop stop surroundings

        I support. For the gentlemen the Vikings were engaged in hop-hop all over Europe.

        Quote: loc.bejenari
        and Alexander’s personality was an ordinary representative of that era

        Oh yeah! The most that neither is! And then, after many years, the most ordinary representatives of the same people, but in a different era, taking it as an example, broke the back of the Wehrmacht, the Japanese ... that's it.

        Quote: loc.bejenari
        killed robbed betrayed

        Give an example of at least one figure of the THIS era (this is okay, we won’t touch it), who did NOT do this!
  18. +2
    16 July 2012 05: 11
    Quote: loc.bejenari
    and Alexander’s personality was an ordinary representative of that era
    killed robbed betrayed
    no different from contemporaries
    PR made him a hero

    Robbed? Betrayed? You fear God. You in what his affairs saw such vileness as betrayal
    1. tverskoi77
      16 July 2012 12: 39
      The fact is that his ancestors were promised to forgive all sins in one "holy" campaign against Russia. Sins did not descend for technical reasons, so he is still nervous))) Especially now he has to deal with not pleasant mathematics: how many corpses of relatives fit into one ship, and even alter the holy campaign into a gop-stop. As if by chance the Russian was nailed to the shore and here LOCAL with fittings)) Interestingly, with the Pope agreed on the translation of holy campaigns in gop-stop?
    2. loc.bejenari
      16 July 2012 14: 29
      I’ll tell a fairy tale especially for you
      about one man
      in your favorite pseudo-folk styles

      the fierce enemy came to the Russian land
      Russian people began to hang and torture
      take the last penny
      hijack to work
      and a man was found to a difficult family
      he began to help the adversary to steal Russian people into slavery
      and whoever tried to fight against the adversary, he and his army burned and killed
      Well, who comes up with the hero of this tale
      just 2 people (well, and many others) who lived with a difference of 700 years
      one Bandera was called another Alexander
      and according to the description of the acts, both committed the same
      both were collaborators
      both helped the foreign invaders (one Horde of the second Reich) rob the Slavic peoples
      so why is one saint but on behalf of the second the local patriots immediately have a scrotum sticking together
      Explain what is the fundamental difference between them.
      or type OUR scoundrel, he and not a scoundrel
      1. +1
        16 July 2012 20: 01
        Quote: loc.bejenari
        both helped foreign invaders (one Horde second Reich)

        Now it is necessary to cut under one comb the pro-fascist pan to Bandera and the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky. The fact that Bandera is a criminal, no one but pro-fascist revanchists has doubts. But the activities of Alexander were all aimed at preserving and reviving the Russian people. Nevsky, an excellent commander and clever politician. As a commander, he defended Russia from raids from the West, and as a politician he mitigated the fate of the Russian people under the Tatar yoke. Conducting a complex and clever policy in relations with the Tatar-Mongols, he, although at the cost of a heavy tribute, managed to save the Russian gene pool. The reckless military operations of the disparate Russian squads would have led to nothing but punitive operations of the Tatar hordes. They simply slaughtered everyone from small to large, and all was short. And so in Russian cities Russian princes reigned, albeit on behalf of the khan .. But a little later, when internal contradictions began to tear apart and undermine the Golden Horde, When the Russians accumulated strength and were able to unite, and then the yoke was dropped. Everything has its time.
        1. loc.bejenari
          17 July 2012 01: 53
          how did you turn
          and Bandera helped to preserve the gene pool - if you understand correctly

          I honestly - I don’t understand - what is the difference between the two collaborators
          only that one is officially mythologized and the second is credited with all demonic features
          the essence is that they have absolutely one
          they both betrayed their people in collusion with an external enemy
          and all for the sake of its power and not for the sake of the people
          no need to tell tales about their love for the people
          that Bandera that Alexander viewed the people as cattle and the main thing was power
          1. 0
            18 July 2012 12: 34
            Quote: loc.bejenari
            so Bandera helped preserve the gene pool

            For those who are in the tank, I repeat: Bandera is a simple criminal, and the gene pool was simply destroyed, unlike Alexander. However, it is useless to prove this to the Nazi Russophobe. request
          2. +1
            April 21 2014 12: 49
            Quote: loc.bejenari
            I honestly - I don’t understand - what is the difference between the two collaborators

            Well, well, at least you admit that you don’t know something: it’s already small, but progress. I will try to explain the difference in the simplest forms.
            Collaborationism (French collaboration - “cooperation”) in the legal interpretation of international law is conscious, voluntary and intentional cooperation with the enemy, in his interests and to the detriment of his state (Wikipedia).
            Alexander Nevsky really collaborated with the Horde (as, incidentally, all the princes of that time), but collaboration, although it was unequal, was not an unconditional fulfillment of the will of the khan. The prince had considerable independence in domestic and foreign policy, led all the institutions of state power and retained his full supremacy in the subject territory. If the OUN and Bandera were in this sense not stupid and obedient executors of the Reich’s will (I’ll notice, not from under the stick, but quite consciously and enthusiastically - but what can you do: betrayal and anusolization of the Galicians in the blood, you won’t even erase it with Neanderthal blood), and by the leaders of an independent state (which is just the same question), then I am the Japanese emperor.

            The term is more often used in a narrower sense - as cooperation with occupiers.The territory of Russia at that time was not occupied by the Mongols (or Tatars) - it was never occupied by them at all in the classical sense of the word. The nature of the relationship rather resembled the British colonial system: the metropolis and dominions (even softer). In fact, Russia was only required to pay tribute (I agree, not small), participation in military events (which was rarely done in practice) and non-entry into hostile alliances - what is the current relationship between the United States and the third world? But you would never even think of calling Saudi sheikhs collaborators.

            In general, learn philosophy and history - this helps in such discussions. And for God's sake, do not confuse the gift of God with scrambled eggs (this is at the expense of Bandera and Alexander Nevsky).
      2. +1
        April 21 2014 12: 33
        Quote: loc.bejenari
        just 2 people (well, and many others) who lived with a difference of 700 years
        one Bandera was called another Alexander
        and according to the description of the acts, both committed the same
        Compare Bandera with Alexander Nevsky - before that, only a Galician was able to think of what . Looks like things are bad in Bandera: already you have to rely on Russian saints, Shukhevych, you see, he’s completely exhausted ...
  19. Kostya pedestrian
    16 July 2012 05: 16
    Do not forget that every knight had a small detachment of servants and soldiers. And in the Western chronicles, as a rule, only the number of knights in battle is mentioned. Therefore, any number can easily be multiplied by 5 to get approximately the real number of combatants.
    1. 0
      April 21 2014 12: 52
      Quote: Kostya pedestrian
      Do not forget that every knight had a small detachment of servants and soldiers. And in the Western chronicles, as a rule, only the number of knights in battle is mentioned. Therefore, any number can easily be multiplied by 5 to get approximately the real number of combatants.

      Add: far from small. So you can multiply by 10-15 - you won’t be mistaken.
  20. +6
    16 July 2012 05: 43
    Yes, I read the comments of some comrades "proving" that a couple of hundred people sailed to conquer the Russian lands and the battle there was akin to beating a baby, and came to the conclusion that the population of Novgorod was 100 people)))))
    1. 0
      16 July 2012 15: 30
      Yes, so, the boys cleanly went to the district to wave ...
      1. tverskoi77
        16 July 2012 16: 06
        Perhaps so, but only the Slavic tribes of the Prussians were wiped off the face of the earth by the Teutonic Order in a crusade under the banner of the fight against the pagans.
        And now Prussia, many Russians associate with Germany and no one thinks at the root of the words and history of the name of this territory. Moreover, this is only about East Prussia, but there was also a western one.
        And Veliky Novgorod - remained and stands under its own name and people here live in their native land.
        And how many people defended him and what to call those battles, fundamentally does not change anything. The main thing is that our ancestors defended the earth!
  21. Robinson
    16 July 2012 16: 12
    Glory to the Russian warriors-heroes!
  22. 0
    16 July 2012 20: 03
    No matter how anyone would not like to keep silent the deeds of our great ancestors, even I.V. Stalin, understanding the strength of the heroes and saints of the Russian land, instituted awards named after Alexander Nevsky, Suvorov, Bogdan Khmelnytsky, Ushakov, Nakhimov!
    And there is no Mazepa and Sagoydachny Swedish "goose lovers"!

    Glory to the heroes of the Russian Earth!
  23. Kostya pedestrian
    17 July 2012 06: 07
    If Alexander Nevsky had not defeated a "handful" of Swedes in that battle, it is quite possible that now instead of Petrograd, there would be some kind of Swedish town there.

    So if Peter the Great founded the city, then Alexander Nevsky laid the foundation for it.
  24. Nubia2
    17 July 2012 17: 21
    Quote: lewerlin53rus
    Alexander's activity was all aimed at preserving and reviving the Russian people. Nevsky

    You obviously did not hear such phrase as Nevryuev's army.
    If they knew this, then they didn’t say that
    Quote: lewerlin53rus
    he softened the fate of the Russian people under the Tatar yoke. Conducting a complex and smart policy in relations with the Tatar-Mongols, he, although at the cost of a heavy tribute, managed to save the Russian gene pool

    Quote: lewerlin53rus
    They just slaughtered everything from small to large, and the whole short-lived.

    what Nevsky did, using the Mongols.

    Quote: Magadan
    You in what his affairs saw such vileness as a betrayal

    Have you ever wondered how his younger brother Andrei turned out to be so hated by the Swedes and why did he go to them?
    Just because of the betrayal of Alexander, who, with the help of the Mongol army, deprived him of the right to reign.
    why not betrayal?
  25. +17
    10 February 2017 10: 13
    Retelling from the school textbook