Confession of the enemy: two different views on the same thing

Confession of the enemy: two different views on the same thing

The newspaper "Red Star" with the comments of Ilya Ehrenburg published this material 29 December 1943 year. That is, when everything on the fronts was already more or less clear, but our enemies still had some hopes. These are the diary entries of a German officer, found ... Well, you already understood who and when, since the diary was in the "Red Star".

Even today, this very curious historical the document, the diary of Lieutenant Wehrmacht Brandes, is twofold. No, unlike Ehrenburg, I would not call the German Brandes subhuman, for this would equalize me with him, since in the eyes of Brandes I am the subhuman.

However, I suggest everyone once again familiarize themselves with his diary and just then listen to yourself, through a feeling of deep satisfaction that this reptile was nevertheless pounded into the ground, and compare the concepts of values. Still, 76 years have passed ...

6 / 7. On such days, I can’t even think about my romance. Soon the fifth year, but no end is visible. Yesterday our offensive began - north of Kharkov. We got enough this year, it's time to do something. Officers from the SS division are surprised at the pessimism that prevails in our division. They collected the best human material. Each corporal here would be a sergeant major. Moreover, they drink, coddle, and ours often do not eat to the full. Nevertheless, the SS is robbed and taken away from the local residents.

9 / 7. If I were ten years younger, I would go to the SS, be a ss-Fuhrer. Of course, they are limited and overly optimistic, but nevertheless a new, young Germany lives in them.

14 / 7. Disappointing news. The battle in the areas of Belgorod - Oryol. Heavy bombing of the Rhine region. Our beautiful country is devastated. I can’t sleep - I think about it. Is this really the beginning of the end? Will everything be lost again in the fifth year of the war? Truly happy idiots and deceived. But the number of those who understand is growing. The mind constantly observes the signs of death, but the heart does not want to believe. In my talk I got so carried away that it was like a sermon. No, Germany cannot give up its goals! We fight for our living space and for our German way of life.

17 / 7. Yesterday, a large Russian offensive began on the site of our division. The main blow was aimed at the southern flank between Petrovskaya and Izyum. There is our 457 regiment. Russians everywhere succeeded in breaking into our location. They surrounded several settlements. The fighting was fierce. My 466 regiment was at first behind, as it was in the army reserve. By noon, the situation became serious, and we were brought into battle. All day terrible mess. Orders, counter orders. Our battalion covers the CP of the division. They even threw a company of convalescing people who arrived just yesterday from Germany: one rifle for three!

18/7. Russians bomb battle formations and rear areas. Air battles. Happy Russians come with tanks. After which the Viking SS moved. Local breakthroughs have been stopped, but Russian attacks are intensifying. They fight very hard. Our division has no more reserves. 466 regiment disbanded, the remainder poured into 457 regiment. Hopefully tomorrow will feel better.

21 / 7. Early in the morning a large Russian attack with tanks began. Both division commanders were not. Russians came from the east, from the south and from the west. I managed to reassure a handful of our infantrymen and force several gunners to return to their guns.

23 / 7. Trying to hide in the ground, hard as a stone, this is not easy. A lot of losses. There is nothing to hope for replenishment. I have never seen such a hurricane fire. Oh, if we had our army of 1941 of the year!

25 / 7. In seven days we lost 246 from 119: 31 killed, 88 in the infirmary. In addition, 36 are easily injured.

1 / 8. I think of our enormous losses. In most cases, we could not even bury the dead. Two terrible winters, and our army has melted. So many meaningless victims! Thinking about the future with horror. How happy those who died in Poland and in France - they believed in victory!

3 / 8. We have the right to be proud of our defense. But still, for the first time, the Russians decided to attack in the summer.

4 / 8. If the Russians manage to throw us out of their country, the strength of Russia will increase. Then no one can cope with them for many decades.

5 / 8. Gloomy news: passed the Eagle. About two years ago, I participated in the occupation of this city. I received then an iron cross of 2 degree. What irony - it was precisely today that they gave me an iron cross of 1 degree!

7 / 8. In the morning, the Russians bombed our positions and passing SS units. A terrible picture: the dead, screams, ruins. This was repeated every two to three hours. On all roads.

8 / 8. Continuously air raids. Passing SSs were hit hard. Criminal irresponsibility: no cover.

15 / 8. Nonsense that the war could go on for another four years. But what will be the end? How can it be? "There will be no triumph, but only a fall without dignity." No, Germany must survive! Again mad madness takes me, she turns into hatred of the rulers. We all forgot how to laugh. But Germany will live, if only these round fools do not completely destroy it.

23 / 8. This morning the Russians rejoiced in their trenches. We decided that they were preparing for an attack. It turned out we surrendered Kharkov. Another heavy blow. Fights on all sectors of the front. When did one people have to go through so many defeats in such a short time? And the bombing of Germany continues.

24 / 8. The bombing of Berlin crushed everyone. Elrabe (wife of K.F. Brandes) and I can easily turn out to be paupers. In addition, we are attached to things. Here is Germany after ten years of the national socialist system and after four years of war! Really, we wanted another. May fate be more merciful to us than we deserve it.

25 / 8. Himmler - Minister of the Interior. We continue to follow the intended path. “The end of fate cannot be avoided ...” Many, even smart people, consider the slightest hint of thought as something dangerous, almost a state crime. Something pushes me: to think through to the end, to understand the reason. But the most recent findings, I do not dare to entrust even the diary.

1 / 9. Four years ago, this drama began. She becomes a tragedy. I was put in charge of the train: 100 people and 180 horses. The British landed in Italy. After Oryol and Kharkov - Taganrog. Again bombed Berlin. The retreat continues here. Although the front is still holding, everything takes on the character of flight. Agricultural managers must take inventory before they finish harvesting and threshing. This way Germany will get little. What power was given to one person! ..

5 / 9. It is unlikely that the Germans will emerge victorious from this struggle against Russian land and Russian nature. How many children, how many women, and all give birth and all bear fruit, despite destruction and death! Long mournful cries are carried around the village - and the population is evacuated here. What a pity that uncleared bread remains in the fields! Potatoes, corn, sunflowers, pumpkins ... In Germany there are now millions of homeless vagrants on the roads.

7 / 9. We surrendered Slavyansk. Obviously, we will lose all of Eastern Ukraine with the Donbass. The bridgeheads in the Kuban also can not be held. What we are now losing, we will never return. Will we really have to lose all of Russia? Continuous bombing of Germany. Everyone is now hoping for one thing: a long-announced blow to England. If this does not happen - the end.

8 / 9. The civilian population of this village has been evacuated. There are so many sunflowers around that it would be possible to provide a small city with oil. Barns: oats, barley, rye, millet. Everything is threshed, but cannot be taken out. What is left here can be fed Berlin for a year. The heart is bleeding. And part of the population is hiding in corn: they do not want to leave. The moans of women and the crying of children are heard from afar. The Germans, listening to these complaints, think about Germany. How much valuable is destroyed there! My thoughts anxiously return to our Berlin apartment. After all, we had so many wonderful things, paintings, furniture, books ...

9 / 9. Donets not hold. Who would have thought that the Russian offensive could be so successful! Just received the news of Italy's unconditional surrender. The sun is shining, but I would like the earth to be covered in darkness! The last action of the tragedy has begun. We have a very gloomy winter. Now too hasty retreats will begin. Such an end after such a triumph! It was necessary to drive away our mediocre politicians for a long time. We pay for their stupidity and swagger. We took possession of the whole of Europe, but the successes corrupted the Germans, they became conceited and arrogant. And our rulers have lost all sense of proportion. In my opinion, Hitler is a big personality, but he lacks depth and insight. He is an amateur in almost all areas. Apparently, he is poorly versed in people. Goering is perhaps the most popular of all - he is not a dogma, but a man of common sense. But he walks through the corpses. Himmler's beliefs and goals can be judged by his appearance. Goebbels is cunning, but he is a petty person: politics from the back door, representative of the third estate, proletarianized Talleyrand. Funk doesn’t have an Aryan look, clumsy and ugly. His frivolity and cheers are one of the reasons for our grief. Lei looks like Funk. Vain and narcissistic. Obviously from the same test. Ribbentrop - Mr. Comme il faut of the Third Reich, is certainly poorly educated and badly educated. Parvenu. And in the military field not a single major person with the exception of Rommel. If we had the strength to throw the Americans into the Mediterranean Sea and begin operations against England!

10 / 9. Villages are ablaze everywhere. What a misfortune that we could not keep this fertile land for at least another month! Wild pictures of flight and disorder. A retreat always costs more blood and material loss than an offensive. Why such a haste? In Lozova we saw the authorities - von Mackensen. He, too, was not calm. When the Russians tried to break through, he was at a loss. I rarely saw such confusion, although thousands of soldiers, many officers, and even a general, were sent for defense. Yesterday I received eight written orders, one contrary to the other.

12 / 9. 62 division completely defeated. We come across her remnants. Now our southern flank is exposed.

23 / 9. A catastrophic retreat here and no clearance in Italy. I want to bang my head against the wall and howl with rage. The frivolity and mediocrity of rulers suffering from megalomania are to blame.

27 / 9. 24-go in Dnepropetrovsk, which was just evacuated. A lot of grief. Major blasting. Disbandment of the convoy, return to the regiment The third battalion has been disbanded. Ominous signs are multiplying - carts and rear parts swell. Yesterday I met a regimental convoy, which consisted of at least 950 people. The colonel should have been arrested. Indeed, in our entire regiment there are not so many people. And they all carry women and junk with them. Unhappy Germany! In all respects, it is now worse than in the 1914 — 18 years. Our fighting strength has disappeared, and the Russians are getting stronger any day. The general only today has brought to the field court 9 people from our battalion who cowardly fled from the Russians. Where did we go in the fifth year of the war? But we have no right to dissolve, otherwise the dam will break through and horror will begin. The Russians from yesterday captured the bridgeheads on our side of the Dnieper. For two days now they have been fighting off our strongest counterattacks, inflicting heavy losses on us. You only hear about the dead and wounded. Tomorrow morning we must dump them.

28 / 9. Russian artillery is very strong and breaks everything. Great disagreement between the colonel and the general. Tank attacks and dive bombers also help little. The infantry is greatly weakened by heavy losses. From the 1th battalion there are few ... There are almost more staff officers in the ranks than ordinary soldiers. Decent confusion. Counterattacks are delayed from hour to hour or choke ... Russians shoot like crazy. A pile of dead and wounded is growing. I write the last lines and go to the positions. I’ll find few there. The battalion has melted. We are finally at a standstill. Germany appeals to her last sons. However, most do not want to follow this call.

29 / 9. I took the first company. There were only a few people in it. 26 soldiers remained in the entire battalion. The hardest Russian fire lasts for hours. Every house is trembling, every corner is pierced through and through. With a small number of people, this is a real slaughter. I received an order to collect the remains. Afternoon scary cries, a breakthrough of the front, the rolling away of all units and, finally, a wild flight. I stood in a small village and to no avail tried to stop the fleeing. A terrible picture of decay. One young officer I was forced to kick in the ass. It was not successful. By threats, it was possible to collect no more than ten people

3 / 10. I command 1, 2 and 3 companies. In fact, all three companies make up a handful, no more than 30 people. There were two twins from Alsace in our company, who became defectors and now turn to us on the radio. The former sled also sends greetings to his wife. Inspiration and impulse go over to the side of the Russians. I have never heard such terrible curses as now from our wounded.

4 / 10. Inspected new positions. Everything is pretty good, only if we had soldiers! A general offensive to the Dnieper is not planned, since we do not have enough forces for this. On the contrary, they expect further breakthroughs from the Russians.

6 / 10. Yesterday, the replenishment finally came, and I made up a completely new company. We are 35 people, including 10 officers and 1 non-commissioned officers. Almost all people are elderly. Correspondence with the relatives of the victims. It's amazing how quickly many are comforted. In three letters, the wives demand the shaving devices of the dead to be sent to them. Political and martial law is getting worse from day to day. Do not be upset about the little things. Oh Germany, Germany!

7 / 10. Russian artillery and mortars fired briskly. German artillery responded quite successfully from time to time. Our new machine guns did not fire. A lot of trouble in this regard.

8 / 10. One friend had a Spanish newspaper with all kinds of interesting messages. I also read several completely new opinions about Hess (Hitler's assignment). This fits well with our extremely dumb policy. Children and fools made politics, they dressed in Machiavellian clothes, which, in essence, did not suit them at all. We played too long with fire and thought that it would burn only for us. These are the consequences of Goebbels propaganda. For so long we have been presented with a distorted idea of ​​the world and of all things, that we began to take our illusions for the truth. Today, lively artillery activities towards Zaporozhye. They say that we have already begun to blow everything up there. Just not that! Then our position here will become even more critical. After all, the rolling shaft must stop somewhere, and it should be here on the Dnieper!

15 / 10. Any action taken with the soldiers of the fifth year of the war is risky. They fight badly, it is almost impossible to force them to go on the attack. Zaporozhye delivered.

18 / 10. Unfortunately, I have almost no non-commissioned officers, and the few that still exist are worthless. Therefore, I must do everything myself. One sergeant-servant must be persuaded when he shoots, the other is a nurse and transferred only because of an offense against § 175. Of my three non-commissioned officers, one was a Captainarmus, the other a clerk, and the third, he spent four years in the war in command in Poznan.

22 / 10. The Russians are shelling us - we cannot stick our heads out of our holes. From early morning until late at night, I run, push, cheer. We must hold out and hold out. Towards the end of the day, the Russians broke through the right flank on a wide front. In addition, about a hundred Russians lay in our rear. In the east and south is the Dnieper, the road to the west is cut off. You cannot count on large counterattacks - there are not enough reserves. An order has just been received to drop everything that we cannot take with us. So again, a retreat! That's too much. It is almost impossible to bear it. Everything has its limits. Oh, these idiotic politicians who in the fifth year of the war inflict such suffering on our people! Unhappy Germany!

* * *

The diary breaks off at these words.

Wehrmacht Lieutenant K.F. Brandes was killed on 24 on October 1943 on the right bank of the Dnieper south of Dnepropetrovsk. With him they found a diary. “In case of death, I ask, without reading, to forward this diary to my wife. K.F. Brandes. "

Alas, the document was in the hands of others and was published in the newspaper. You can draw completely different conclusions from what you read, but ... Has everything changed so much in terms of the perception of enemy confessions?

Good question, right?

The newspaper "Red Star" №307 from 29 December 1943 years.
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  1. +8
    11 November 2019 16: 57
    But it would be ridiculous to identify Hitler’s clique with the German people, with the German state. The experience of history says that the Hitlers come and go, and the people are German, and the German state remains. (I.V. Stalin)
    1. +51
      11 November 2019 17: 20
      How to say, how to say. Representatives of the German people robbed, burned and killed just. And some of them did it for fun.
      1. +56
        11 November 2019 17: 50
        So kill the German, so that he,
        And you did not lie on the ground,
        Not in your house to moan,
        And he stood by him in the dead.
        So he wanted, his guilt, -
        Let his house burn, and not yours,
        And let not your wife,
        And let him be a widow.
        Let her cry out not yours,
        And his born mother,
        Not yours, but his family
        Ponaprasnu let him wait.
        K. Simonov

        Alternative option.
        My personal experience with Europeans is: Germans, not looking at two wars between us, the only nation that respects Russians. Russian-German relations, in my opinion, are like in a normal family: the husband and wife because of some nonsense at first quarreled, then they had a fight, then calmed down and began to live on soul-to-soul. Therefore, the arrogant Saxons are more than anything else afraid of the Russian-German family.
        1. +45
          11 November 2019 17: 56
          Of course, they will be treated with respect, since we put them in their place. But "what for is a family like that - I'd rather be an orphan" My relatives missed 9 people because of these family men. Some died at the front, some were blockaded from hunger.
          1. +14
            11 November 2019 18: 01
            My relatives missed because of these family people 9 people.

            You're right. In the USSR, etc. there is no family in which there would be no victims. But we must look at the root. To play off our peoples - Idee fixe of the Anglo-Saxons.
            1. +11
              11 November 2019 23: 10
              "And let them kill each other as much as possible." Mr. Truman - what a talking surname! "Truthful person".
              I did not know one of my grandmothers. Died in the occupation. Before the war, she was the head of the kindergarten.
            2. +5
              13 November 2019 18: 44
              Of course the Germans are white and fluffy, it was their Angles who taught the bad: to rob, kill, rape, yes.
              That's all, Cherchel is a bad guy.
              Specific Germans did evil and there were millions of them.
              Of our losses, 9,5 mil. it's combat and the rest is 20 mil. civilians are not war, but genocide.
              I had their respect in mind.
          2. +13
            11 November 2019 19: 35
            I would say if I were you, "I'm satisfied with the ruins of the Reichstag (well, or this photo from a crow and a Nazi who died from our hands)" © hi
          3. +6
            12 November 2019 02: 11
            Quote: AS Ivanov.
            But "what for is a family like that - I'd rather be an orphan" My relatives missed 9 people because of these family men. Some died at the front, some were blockaded from hunger.

            And my grandfather, thanks to these "family men", never saw his daughter, my mother. Disappeared six months before her birth ...
        2. +18
          11 November 2019 21: 06
          Germans, not looking at the two wars between us, the only nation that respects the Russians.

          Therefore, they look with respect, because in both wars they received from us.
          One German in Yugoslavia (1999) was asked: "What will you do if a war starts with the Russians?"
          He replies: "Let's take the cards and we will make our way to Germany, we will not fight the Russians."

          To the question to the German youth "Who will win, the Russian battalion or the German?" 80% answered that they were Russian.
          It was our ancestors who taught them.
          1. +7
            11 November 2019 23: 23
            This is not the only point. The Germans have very frequent, as it were, Slavic surnames. Among them there is a very large percentage of Germanized Polabian Slavs. I am at a loss to name it exactly, but it is certainly not less than 15-20%, judging by the frequency of occurrence of "sort of" Slavic surnames. Mostly central Germany. Brandenburg - Branibor. In general, there are many Slavic place names in central Germany. And the Livonian and Teutonic Order are predominantly Germans of northern (Scandinavian) origin. Feel the difference! So our peoples are to some extent related, although not very close. This sometimes affects on some transcendental level. It is no accident that the GDR was the most exemplary ally in the entire socialist camp. Unlike other "allies". The Berlin Wall collapsed - (also, by the way, the color revolution) - and the USSR collapsed. A difficult question, however, is about brothers Rus, Lech and Cech. But it's no secret that at the everyday level, relationships with cousins ​​are often better than with relatives. Although not always.
            1. +1
              13 November 2019 10: 47
              Quote: Nikolai Korovin
              So our peoples are to some extent related, although not very close.

              Do we need such a "relative"? Or better rootless a friend / ally / whom you can rely on in a moment of despair, and he will not betray, will not fail, but will become back to back in the most difficult and difficult moment. For example, SOVIET Kazakhstan as presented by Ilya Erenburg
        3. +1
          11 November 2019 21: 07
          Quote: Amateur
          My personal experience with Europeans is: Germans, not looking at two wars between us, the only nation that respects Russians.

          Yes, that's right, colleague! Unfortunately, much more respectful than to his eastern brothers from the former GDR. This unpleasantly struck me, as did the attitude of the West Germans towards blacks - they love them, it seemed to me, much more than they deserve it.
          1. +3
            11 November 2019 23: 44
            Communicated in a critical period with East Germans. A student at the Humboldt University of Berlin, whom I was handed over to study in the scientific student society - the type turned out to be so-so. A few years later he met him (in 1990) at a conference in Riga - he talked down. And how local around him were curious! It was disgusting to watch the gray-haired professors swarming around this baby. And several people joined the travel company, which I adjoined. There were normal guys. It seems that two eventually settled in Russia. At the end of the 80s, they were probing the soil - is it possible to escape from the Federal Republic of Germany?

            I read myself what I wrote - it seems to what? Conclusion: the German war taught a lot. Only Russians and Belarusians lost a large percentage of the population. Germans were much milder towards Ukrainians. Poles lost mainly Jews. So - yes, they remembered the Bismarck testament. True, of course, not all. But anyway...
        4. +5
          12 November 2019 01: 18
          Are you out of your mind? Have a fight over nonsense? Well, you have an analogy. And nothing, that because of this "nonsense" our country lost 27 million lives? Lovely ones scold, only amuse themselves?
        5. +5
          12 November 2019 08: 58
          In general, I agree - we need to be friends. But how to forget 28 million killed compatriots? And is it necessary to forget? The West is a constant threat to us. Then there were Germans, and now Poles and Anglo-Saxons. I am not a supporter of conspiracy theories, but there is a feeling that they want to destroy us. Why? - (rhetorical question or not?). Probably we're bothering someone.
          1. +1
            13 November 2019 18: 24
            Quote: BerBer
            I am not a supporter of conspiracy theories, but there is a feeling that they want to destroy us. Why?

            IMHO not us personally, but Russia. She and her territory of Western "partners" are simply frightening! The amount of natural resources in Russia plunges them into iridescent, but unrealizable dreams, and the presence of so many time zones simply deprives them of reason! drinks
          2. 0
            29 January 2020 13: 05
            We must remember, tell grandchildren and great-grandchildren so that minors from urengoy do not appear (((
        6. +3
          12 November 2019 09: 40
          Quote: Amateur
          My personal experience with Europeans is: Germans, not looking at two wars between us, the only nation that respects Russians.

          And I have a lot of experience working with them, but for a long time they did not know that I was Russian (I do not have Russian citizenship in the documents), and the language of work was English.

          Therefore about barbarian Russia, the occupier of Europe I heard them well.

          Then, when in the debate, it became clear who I was - it was clear that they were uncomfortable and began to avoid these topics ....
          1. 0
            13 November 2019 10: 53
            Quote: Olgovich
            it was evident that they were uncomfortable

            Late repentance, understanding of incorrect judgments, or fear for "how could something come of it"?
            1. 0
              13 November 2019 12: 08
              Quote: Serg Koma
              Late repentance, understanding of incorrect judgments, or fear for "how could something come of it"?

              No, what is there remorse? Just one thing condemn all in a row, resembling something in unison, another thing is when you have to argue with an unexpected opponent. And I told them everything ...

              In addition, I have the Germans was taking completed work. So that.... Yes
              1. 0
                13 November 2019 12: 41
                Quote: Olgovich
                accepted the work performed. So that....

                Sass ... is it in one word that work through their fault will not be accepted on time - they thought that revenge would begin laughing
                Quote: Olgovich
                And I told them everything ...
        7. -3
          12 November 2019 17: 03
          How do I agree with you !!!!!
      2. +26
        11 November 2019 19: 45
        Quote: AS Ivanov.

        8/9. The civilian population of this village has been evacuated. There are so many sunflowers around that it would be possible to provide a small city with oil. Barns: oats, barley, rye, millet. Everything is threshed, but cannot be taken out. What is left here can be fed Berlin for a year. The heart is bleeding. And part of the population is hiding in corn: they do not want to leave. Heard from afar

        Here, after all, an "enlightened" European, he is beaten, beaten, and he still regrets that he did not rob everything - = There are so many sunflowers around that one could provide a small town with oil. Barns: oats, barley, rye, millet. Everything is threshed but they won’t be able to take it out. What is left here can be fed Berlin for a year. The heart is bleeding. =
      3. -2
        11 November 2019 23: 07
        Fortunately, not all. Otherwise, everything would be even more sad.
        1. +6
          12 November 2019 09: 35
          Quote: Nikolai Korovin
          Fortunately, not all. Otherwise, everything would be even more sad.

          Not all - how much of the total? Two bespectacled nerds from the company? And then, some kind of initial period of service. Overwhelmingly, they considered this war a mission to conquer the lands of subhumans. And to this day, they curse their leaders of those times, not for cannibalistic plans, but for their inability and failure to implement these plans. In fact, even today they would be ready to expand their "living space", at the expense of Russia in the first place, if not for the fear of a response from Russia and the historical experience of the painful experience of this response. They do not suffer at all when they rob their EU neighbors. The same Bulgarians, Greeks, Balts, and even Poles. After all, the entire de-industrialization of the outskirts of the EU is under pressure from the countries of "Europe of the first speed". Therefore, it is quite possible to state that for the European political class, humanity is still divided into varieties. And this, as you know, is the foundation of National Socialism, racism and other doctrines of right-wing radicals.
          1. 0
            13 November 2019 01: 40
            A little bit wrong. Not overwhelmingly. In the elections to the Reichstag in 1933, the NSDAP received 17.3 million votes, the other 5 parties held in the Reichstag received about 21 million votes. Including The SPD about 7.5 million votes and the KKE (Telman) about 5 million votes. That is, by 1933, Hitler’s demagogy did not take over all minds, and by 1941 many of those who did not vote for the NSDAP were called up, and their thoughts kept to themselves. And on the forehead (or, say, a helmet) - well, there was no mark who voted for whom in 1933. But people in the occupied territories noted that the Germans are different.

            Of course, I’m not talking about SS. I have personal family accounts with SS. I’m talking about those Wehrmacht soldiers (with officers it’s much more difficult, of course, although not without exception) who voted for the SPD and the KKE - potentially 12,5 million people. Of the 8.5 million people who voted, let us say so, nevertheless, against the Nazis, although not for the Communists and Socialists, few fanatical Nazis also formed.

            Yes, and of those who voted for the NSDAP in 1933, even by 1941, some still woke up - here the process, up to May 1945, went in two directions. Some plague more and more, others - on the contrary, slowly regained consciousness. The words "Committee Free Germany" were not empty words. A little, but we did. Repressions against the families of deserters in the USSR were practically not used ("the son does not answer for the father"), and in Germany they were very harsh. Concentration camp, no sentimentality. This must also be taken into account. So it's not that simple.

            Of course, many of those who were swollen were affected primarily by our weapons. But there were many who were internally opposed to what was happening, regardless of this.

            So we are not talking about the political class, about which one can talk for a long time (de Gaulle, of course, is not visible at this historical stage), but about the masses. It was far from so clear with the masses. That way it can be agreed that the Ukrainian people are entirely made up of Bandera. And the point is that 2 million, as I believe, the heirs of Bandera and Shukhevych terrorize the rest of the population - already 30 million, at the moment. They scatter, since there is still freedom of movement. Almost 10 million scattered! Although quite a few initially seem to have become normal "Svidomo".
            1. +1
              13 November 2019 21: 25
              Quote: Nikolai Korovin
              But there were many who were internally opposed to what was happening, regardless of this.

              Quote: Nikolai Korovin
              It was far from clear with the masses.

              Yes, in general, it is nowhere clearer. How many such members of the KKE fought in the ranks of the KA against fascism? Of the Poles, Slovaks, enemies no less for the Russians than the Germans, and then the armies were collected ... All these followers of Thalmann, who were not taken to the camp, crossed our border with weapons in their hands as part of the Wehrmacht. The only difference between them and the SS is that they killed our citizens without sadism. They were just doing the task. They were very disciplined. And with the communist idea in my head our cities and villages occupied for some time. For some reason, they created the Committee "Free Germany" when it became clear that the war was lost and it was necessary to somehow survive after the war, and preferably not in Siberia. I don't think you need to dilute your brain with tears of emotion for the KKE. Once one day, a "farmer in a turban" poured a AK at my car. Maybe he had nothing against Karmal, he was an honest family man and dreamed of a plow and a horse. I didn't care that much. I was thinking more about how to even out my breathing so that the fly would not jump. Therefore, he is alive.
              Quote: Nikolai Korovin
              But people in the occupied territories noted that the Germans are different.

              But all these different ones are united by one feature - they occupied our territories, they came to a strange house, good and evil, sadists and not so, Nazis and Communists (secret). All of them deserve a plot of land in two squares.
              1. 0
                17 November 2019 12: 25
                They still hate us, but are afraid, because they already know how this can end. I think that the former inhabitants of the GDR were not enthusiastic about our presence, look at Merkel, was born in the GDR, studied in the USSR.
      4. +2
        12 November 2019 09: 24
        Quote: AS Ivanov.
        How to say, how to say. Robbed, burned and killed just representatives of the German people. And some of them did it for fun.

        most of which were workers and peasants.

        No matter how atrocious the SS, the mass of war crimes was provided precisely by the masses of Nazis from them.
        1. +1
          17 November 2019 12: 28
          And how they fell into captivity, they immediately began to say that they were workers, not National Socialists, they deceived and confused them and they only waited for the moment to surrender.
      5. 0
        13 November 2019 15: 47
        Half of Europe was driven there. What are some only Hungarians:
    2. -4
      11 November 2019 17: 27
      By publishing and studying all kinds of such "diaries", we ourselves, without realizing it, take part in the legitimization of the Wehrmacht and tacitly agree with the rewriting of history. Let's read a little more to the narratives of the Nazi concentration camp executioners in the color "they didn't want" and "they were forced." We will look like a "knee from Urengoy".
      There was no human face in the fascist beast and their henchmen, who flooded the Soviet land with the blood of our people!
      1. +4
        11 November 2019 17: 43
        Oh, these idiotic politicians who in the fifth year of the war inflict such suffering on our people! Unhappy Germany!
        That Brandes would have known that "unfortunate germany", soon, will be to the Winner, for good money, sell cars, office equipment, turbines and medical equipment .. and the Winner has not supplied gas everywhere so far ...
        1. -8
          11 November 2019 17: 52
          and at the Winner, gas has not always been carried out so far ...

          Duc, the Winner with this very gas pipe breaks another "window" just in time for the "unfortunate" ones.
        2. +14
          11 November 2019 18: 03
          In fact, it was the Germans who fought for living space and for slaves, and we are for surviving and not becoming slaves. You born? Not a slave? And calm down on that.
          1. -5
            11 November 2019 18: 15
            Quote: sevryuk
            In fact, it was the Germans who fought for living space and for slaves, and we are for surviving and not becoming slaves. You born? Not a slave? And calm down on that.

            how little it turns out to be necessary for some ...
            1. +11
              11 November 2019 19: 14
              Quote: Aerodrome
              Quote: sevryuk
              In fact, it was the Germans who fought for living space and for slaves, and we are for surviving and not becoming slaves. You born? Not a slave? And calm down on that.

              how little it turns out to be necessary for some ...

              Some need a lot ... They won’t get drunk. I hope you do not need so much!
        3. +9
          11 November 2019 18: 20

          The Germans cannot be called happy today either. They work for three or four "German citizens".
      2. +27
        11 November 2019 17: 48
        Your statement is controversial, in principle, you need to know what this person unit was thinking about before dying.
        Noteworthy is the complete indifference to our citizens and one temporarily redneck regret about not being able to take out the crop.
        The experience of the bombing of Berlin and again at the forefront of clothes, property and how many Germans died the author somehow does not care.
        But the grandeur of a request to send home the shaving accessories of murdered husbands with the word Europa. civilization, but in fact scum of various calibers, mercantile scum!
      3. -5
        11 November 2019 18: 00
        Quote: lexus
        By publishing and studying all kinds of such "diaries", we ourselves, without realizing it, take part in the legitimization of the Wehrmacht and tacitly agree with the rewriting of history. Let's read a little more to the narratives of the Nazi concentration camp executioners in the color "they didn't want" and "they were forced." We will look like a "knee from Urengoy".
        There was no human face in the fascist beast and their henchmen, who flooded the Soviet land with the blood of our people!

        well yes. subscribe +
      4. +21
        11 November 2019 18: 21
        There is not a single phrase in this diary about the fact that he was forced to .. he deliberately went to war, he recognizes himself as a higher race, and the politicians are almost always unhappy with politics .. on the contrary, we must publish, we must remember what monsters committed soybeans at our the earth
      5. +5
        12 November 2019 01: 20
        What do you see the legitimization of the Nazis through the publication of these diaries? It’s just good that the insider of the invader who came to rob and kill is shown.
  2. +13
    11 November 2019 17: 30
    What is it like? Should I be sympathetic to the enemy? Who blew my land? DEATH TO GERMAN INVADERS! The only way!
    1. -6
      11 November 2019 17: 44
      Quote: AlexGa
      What is it like? Should I be sympathetic to the enemy?

      no ... you have to ask your own: what the hell ???
      1. 0
        11 November 2019 17: 48
        What the hell is he still alive ???
        1. -4
          11 November 2019 18: 01
          Quote: AlexGa
          What the hell is he still alive ???

          yes for everything ...
          1. +4
            11 November 2019 18: 14
            What nonsense ?! An enemy has come to your land, your compatriots are dying, cities and villages and other, other, other ... are being destroyed ... And you offer me to do all kinds of garbage, and not kill this abomination. Original!
            1. -3
              11 November 2019 18: 27
              Quote: AlexGa
              What nonsense ?! An enemy has come to your land, your compatriots are dying, cities and villages and other, other, other ... are being destroyed ... And you offer me to do all kinds of garbage, and not kill this abomination. Original!

              what are you talking about now? I did not offer anything, nonsense from you, if the enemy came forward on your land ... I will help. and thump is good.
              1. +5
                11 November 2019 18: 40
                In general, I did not understand either Aerodromny or AlexGA.
                Are you talking about?
                1. -2
                  11 November 2019 19: 11
                  it so happens that "nothing" ... apparently that case.
            2. 0
              11 November 2019 21: 54
              Quote: AlexGa
              your compatriots perish, cities and villages and other, other, other, are destroyed ...

              Actually, YES. This is exactly what is happening now. The scale is not the same, although there is no clear front. But the main thing is that the occupier does not write such diaries, he has so far optimism rushing. He has everything according to plan!
      2. +4
        12 November 2019 04: 11
        Quote: Aerodrome
        you have to ask your own: what the hell ???

        I’ll ask my grandfather first thing to see him up there.

        So I’ll ask:

        - Grandfather! And why the hell did the fascist NOT let you on your land? Why the hell did you kill them? What the horseradish crematorium stewed?

        Hey, take-off! Don’t joke like that. Yeah.

        Quote: Aerodrome
        yes for everything.

        What for everything?!?!? !! ??

        And who else to ask?
    2. +7
      12 November 2019 09: 12
      "Yes, in the heat of a fight, you should think about the world."
      The Germans fought to the last not only because they believed in miracles (miracle weapons, the USA and the USSR would start a war, the Anglo-Saxons would conclude a peace with Germany against the Russians), but also because they feared fair retaliation (revenge).
      Germany, the carriage, is monitoring the situation at the front, life has become bad, and then one veteran "if the Russians do to us at least 1% of what we did to them, they will pour blood over Germany."
      Here the Germans fought - it’s better to fight and hope for a miracle than to allow the Russians.
      As it turned out, the Russians were not at war with the people (one German woman wrote in her diary "for half a day as the Russians are in the city, and I'm still fine")
      And if the USSR still fought in the spirit of "death to the German invaders", and did not accept defectors who urged their comrades to surrender, then our losses would be greater. After all, today one German ran across, tomorrow another, the day after tomorrow ten.
      1. 0
        13 November 2019 00: 20
        It’s just that then we had to take the full charge .. From all over the European Union ..2% of what we got from the destroyed it is very small ..
  3. +12
    11 November 2019 17: 37
    Such compassionate diaries need to read the first and last entry. All that is between - does not deserve a waste of time, maximum read diagonally. The fascist died and praise God.
  4. +10
    11 November 2019 17: 43
    Quote: lexus
    By publishing and studying all kinds of such "diaries", we ourselves, without realizing it, take part in the legitimization of the Wehrmacht and tacitly agree with the rewriting of history. Let's read a little more to the narratives of the Nazi concentration camp executioners in the color "they didn't want" and "they were forced." We will look like a "knee from Urengoy".
    There was no human face in the fascist beast and their henchmen, who flooded the Soviet land with the blood of our people!

    These fragments do not humanize this fascist, more correctly the Nazi. This needs to be printed and it would be very good in German and English.
    PS Also in Ukrainian it would not be bad, although Russian will go completely.
  5. +5
    11 November 2019 17: 43
    To publish in a large circulation in the main languages ​​and to distribute it in the NATO countries, otherwise their memory was not enough.
  6. +15
    11 November 2019 17: 55
    The main idea, permeating the entire diary of this Aryan, is that we are doing everything right for the sake of our great Germany, but at the head of the nation, go and destroy the just cause.
    1. +8
      11 November 2019 18: 06
      Quote: HUMANOID
      The main idea, permeating the entire diary of this Aryan, is that we are doing everything right for the sake of our great Germany, but at the head of the nation, go and destroy the just cause.

      just noticed ... HE did not lose, HIM was "thrown by party bosses and fathers commanders", and so ... everything would have been exactly ... a site near Rovno, or even in the Crimea ,, and about a dozen slaves ... and " great reich "for many years ... fuck this corpse.
      1. +1
        11 November 2019 18: 20
        Quote: HUMANOID
        Main thought

        Glory, it’s a pity it is rarely noted, BUT if you don’t breathe, it doesn’t mean that you are not being watched! tongue wink
        1. 0
          11 November 2019 19: 40
          breathing but holding my breath
  7. +4
    11 November 2019 17: 59
    Diary of a loser + stuff, stuff, stuff, to comprehend such a terrible event as WAR.
    There is no use if it is true.
    1. +3
      12 November 2019 19: 34
      Quote: rocket757
      There is no use if it is true.

      Not sure. If you do not limit yourself to the dilemma "useful - useless" - there is also harmful information that can adversely affect the psyche, especially the unformed one. For some reason, advertising of alcohol, tobacco, especially drugs is prohibited. It is forbidden to publish scenes of violence and cruelty, outright debauchery, etc. In the end, "Mein Kampf" is also banned here, and this is no coincidence. The diary of a fascist officer, I think, belongs to the same category - not everyone will be able to correctly "digest" such information. There will also be those who sympathize with this invader, call him "a patriot of their country" - and this is the first step towards rewriting the results of that war. In 1943, there was no doubt that he was an enemy, no matter what he wrote. And now most have only heard / read about the war, they are not able to feel and understand its pain. Therefore, it is not worth hoping that everyone will perceive everything correctly.
      Let me give you an example from another area: earlier in the USSR "thieves" songs were banned, then, during the "perestroika and glasnost" times, the ban was lifted, they called all this "chanson" ... is it good or bad? I think it's bad - because this is direct propaganda of criminal activity. I don't understand those people who like this kind of "creativity", but there are a lot of them. They are not able to single out the petty soul of a criminal and false bravado in the lyrics - they hear only a simple and understandable melody and see a kind of "romance". And propaganda works - because it is not prohibited, it is not illegal.
      1. 0
        12 November 2019 20: 56
        Age restrictions, parental control, this is not to ensure that fragile minds are protected from everything and always, it is then that parents, responsible people are engaged in the younger generation systematically and CORRECTLY!
        If you set the basics, criteria, explain correctly, you will not have to listen to the Kolya boys later!
        The truth has no limitations, the right preparation is needed to be able to perceive, understand, analyze everything WITHOUT MIND!
        And the forbidden fruit will always be raised and bitten! Here the consequences can be neutralized, it can be foreseen, the antidote must be given on time.
        PS ..... chanson-blatatu can not stand and weaned everyone around her. All sorts of "Brigades" and other such abomination, I do not look and I do not allow the rest. When they mature, they themselves will decide what to listen to and watch, I did my job on time.
  8. +7
    11 November 2019 18: 06
    He smiled: "One sergeant major must be persuaded when he shoots, the other is an orderly and was transferred only because of an offense against § 175" (paragraph against sodomy)
  9. +12
    11 November 2019 18: 22
    Have a nice evening, everyone! And what about polemics? We haven’t said, but we and the descendants were bequeathed to the words cast in bronze: * No one is forgotten, and nothing is forgotten *. * ?! Yes, not in this life! There is no family in our country who would not have been affected by the WAR, to some extent! Therefore, there is no conclusion to such forgiveness, but many years have passed, but now, in spirit, on June 22 at heart a rock.
    1. 0
      12 November 2019 09: 40
      Unfortunately, some people manage to forget and pervert everything sacred associated with that war.
    2. -1
      12 November 2019 09: 49
      Quote: Phil77
      Have a nice evening, everyone! And what about polemics? We haven’t said, but we and the descendants were bequeathed to the words cast in bronze: * No one is forgotten, and nothing is forgotten *. Forget, understand, forgive what these * supermen "did on our earth * ?! Yes, not in this life! There is no family in our country who the War would not touch to some extent, no! Therefore, there is no conclusion to such forgiveness, but many years have passed, but here, in spirit,June 22 at the heart of the stone.

      I agree with every word hi
  10. The comment was deleted.
  11. +7
    11 November 2019 19: 26
    No, unlike Ehrenburg, I would not call the German Brandes subhuman, for this would equalize me with him, since in the eyes of Brandes I am the subhuman.

    A double feeling ... The German sees only the grief that the Russians inflict on him ... And he does not give a damn about the fact that his soldiers were killing and seizing, ruining and destroying ...
    I take the side of Ehrenburg, because I do not see repentance from the word at all.
  12. +8
    11 November 2019 19: 33
    He did not master the whole text ....... our neighboring grandmother survived the occupation of these creatures, whoever saw, he knows ..... !!!! These creatures did not eat up ???? Are these creatures frozen ???? These creatures burned the population ???? There is only one conclusion: DEATH to the fascist occupiers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! minus who has the guts ........
  13. -13
    11 November 2019 19: 55
    Commentators again confuse Italian fascism with German National Socialism. Yes, he is socialism, you know.
  14. +2
    11 November 2019 20: 18
    when they successfully attacked this one probably wrote differently about rulers and about Germany
  15. +3
    11 November 2019 20: 19
    It seems that the patient wrote on his head. Or are all lieutenants like that? I don’t remember anymore. But I definitely consider this guy an enemy.
  16. +3
    11 November 2019 20: 22
    The Germans need to somehow convey a simple thought: once again, and there will be no more Germany and no Germans!
    And what America thinks for them will not justify and will not save them.
    And then they became insolent - they evaluate whether our parade in Crimea is appropriate!
    It is appropriate, unlike their reasoning about this!
    They jump - and they will still remember Putin as a sweet dream about Gorbachev and Yeltsin.
    1. -4
      11 November 2019 21: 26
      Oh well. And gas supplies to Germany is how?
    2. -1
      12 November 2019 09: 54
      Quote: faterdom
      The Germans need to somehow convey a simple thought: again, and there will be no more Germanys and no Germans!

      so there was this "once again" - in 1941 (the first, in 1914) and ..... again forgiven (although there were clever thoughts to emasculate everyone and slave Germany for a dozen states).
      And today AGAIN Germany is the enemy.
  17. +5
    11 November 2019 21: 14
    The Germans had such diaries back in 1941. I read the memoirs of an officer of the Wehrmacht division, which was advancing through the Baltic to Leningrad.
    He writes that the Russians are not fighting correctly, they attack at night, they are scared to leave for a pee at night, they kill immediately.
    The motorcycle reconnaissance battalion lost 80% of personnel by September 1941, and in infantry units 50% of losses.
    Moreover, in plain text it is said that they were met with flowers in the Baltic States, and they began to kill in Russia without pity, and if this goes on, they will not see success.
    in general, not all officers were stupid, some with common sense appeared after the very first lyuley.
    1. 0
      12 November 2019 09: 37
      Interestingly, if there were no cages? Would they be proud of their deeds?
      1. 0
        12 November 2019 12: 40
        They were so proud, just someone, in their opinion, was mistaken at the very top and something went wrong. But the idea was right, just the politicians are not the same.
  18. -3
    11 November 2019 21: 41
    A joke about the diary ...
    We found pioneer trackers in the forest tablet, and in it a diary. Quickly read ...
    "June 22, 1941. The Germans knocked us out of the forest."
    Next page:
    "June 23, 1941. We drove the Germans out of the forest ..."
    Another page.
    "June 24, 1941 ... Again the Germans knocked us out of the forest"
    New entry.
    "June 25, 1941. Again we knocked the Germans out of the forest" ...
    last record
    "June 26, 1941. The forester came! He drove us and the Germans out of the forest" !!! laughing
  19. 0
    11 November 2019 22: 15
    so this is where "one rifle for three" came from
  20. -3
    11 November 2019 23: 43
    There could be another Germany. 1923 Hamburg uprising. “Long live Soviet Germany! Long live the World Federative Republic of Soviets! Long live the world revolution! ” - the fathers of these people wrote on posters. Perhaps among them was Father Brandes.

    But why do we need it? Lenin chose to invest resources in the infamous Soviet-Polish war.
    Later, Stalin gladly crushed the German Communists in the Gulag.
    "The victory of the Bolsheviks is being prepared in the minds of the people," Lenin said. In other words, it is necessary to work with the electorate. The USA did not spare money for Radio Liberty. And Nobel Prizes for dissidents.
    Their propaganda was brighter, livelier ... Maybe if the USSR had spent money on quality propaganda, instead of a part of the nuclear submarines, who knows ...
    At one time, Lenin said "one good agitator is worth more than 10 steam locomotives."
    1. -2
      12 November 2019 00: 31
      The best propaganda is the standard of living. And with this we had big problems. How many do not say "halva" in the mouth will not become sweeter.
      1. +2
        12 November 2019 00: 40
        "The population of this village has been evacuated. There are so many sunflowers around that it would be possible to provide a small town with oil. Barns: oats, barley, rye, millet. Everything is threshed, but it will not be possible to take out. What is thrown here can feed Berlin for a year."
        I still did not understand why there were problems with food in the USSR. ok vidiki and cars ... but food? why??? why couldn't you just feed people ?!
        Not, of course, food is a lever of influence.
        "We will show him (the peasantry) what hunger is!" - said the general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine Stanislav Kosior, at a meeting of the republican activists ...
  21. +4
    11 November 2019 23: 53
    Trench truth on the other hand! Thanks to the author. They also had 8 orders a day, contradicting each other ... I, too, have relatives who have died and disappeared, and relatives who have returned as cripples, so now, keep the ax in my bosom. Maybe because of that war, Germany, our main partner in Europe, unlike the Slavic brothers, unfortunately.
  22. 0
    12 November 2019 01: 11
    Nothing has changed now, only the forms of robbery have changed. I think enough Germans and other Europeans sympathize with their ancestors and try to understand what went wrong ...
  23. +1
    12 November 2019 04: 14
    And where are the two views in the article? Has anyone noticed a second look?
  24. +3
    12 November 2019 07: 02
    A typical German layman who fell into the war, from here and everything else. Until the Reich won, he was enthusiastic. They began to receive change, politicians were stupid woodcutters. Old as the world.
    PS: Hitler, a vivid example of what the path of democracy can lead to.
  25. -2
    12 November 2019 07: 58
    ... Alas, the document was in the hands of others and was published in the newspaper ...

    Those. the author is worried that "other" (some bad people?) did not fulfill the request of the deceased and did not send the diary to his wife. Like, it's not good to "read other people's letters", it's not in a Christian way ... And ???
  26. 0
    12 November 2019 08: 31
    I remember a phrase from a long-read children's book, where in the post-war period an officer forbade children to mock prisoners. "It used to be a war, everything is clear there: here is the enemy - beat him. But now it is peaceful time, you can figure out who commanded, who went into battle, and who was driven by force."
    And from the memoirs "from the other side" I was hooked by the book of Heinrich Rudel, where there is an evolution from "brainwashed" to understanding the essence of that war.
  27. -2
    12 November 2019 08: 34
    The notes of a front-line soldier without a mat look quite strange. Obviously, everything was cleaned up when publishing. In general, the person, apparently, was not stupid, well, and, obviously, aged, since he himself says "he would be 10 years younger", although the lieutenant, apparently, is a civilian, but managed to reach the service, which also implies the presence of a clever, however, this is his did not save. It turned out to be quite possible to drive even intelligent people into such a thing.

    About the replenishment is quite eloquent. The Germans can tell fairy tales about their losses as much as they like, but, apparently, after Stalingrad they could drive to the front only pensioners and guys who are coming of age. In 45, they will chase already 13-year-olds.
    1. -6
      12 November 2019 11: 13
      Quote: EvilLion
      Even stupid people it turned out to be quite possible to drive into such a thing.

      Of course. The USSR was generally alien to this. 30.11.1939/XNUMX/XNUMX to remind?
      - "The USSR is helping the legitimate government of the Finnish Democratic Republic in the fight against the gangster White Guard clique of Mannerheim-Tanner that seized power."
      - "the constant provocations of the Belofin military on the Soviet border", on the "uprising of the Finnish workers against the bourgeois regime"

      "More than twenty years ago ... I strongly sympathized with the Russian people ... I hoped that her [Russian] government would become a peace-loving government, elected by a free vote that would not encroach on the integrity of its neighbors. Today, hope has either disappeared or is postponed until a better day. The Soviet Union, as anyone who has the courage to face the facts realizes, is governed by a dictatorship so absolute that it is difficult to find such a thing in the world, "Franklin Roosevelt said.
      "We will cast aside any game of political gamblers and go our own way, no matter what, we will ensure the security of the USSR, not looking at anything, breaking all and every obstacles on the way to the goal." Stalin really decided to go all the way, disregarding the norms of international law and human morality.
      What is the difference? to scale? Yes. In the absence of war crimes against civilians? Yes. And the rest?
    2. +3
      12 November 2019 14: 24
      The notes of a front-line soldier without a mat look quite strange. Obviously, everything was cleaned up when publishing. In general, the man, apparently, was not stupid, well, and, obviously, aged, since he himself says "he would be 10 years younger", although the lieutenant, apparently, is a civilian,
      ,,, the author's article does not contain the full text of "Red Star"
      On October 24, on the right bank of the Dnieper south of Dnepropetrovsk, the lieutenant of the German army K.F. Brandes. They found a thick notebook on it - it was a diary. Not once did the diaries of German officers and soldiers fall into my hands. These were uniform records of robberies and drinking, of executions and premises. The diary of Lieutenant Brandes is different from such documents. It is written by an intelligent and educated person. K.F. Brandes was a doctor of historical sciences and a writer. He read a lot and, unlike his colleagues, thought a lot.
      Ilya Erenburg. Confession of the Enemy
  28. 0
    12 November 2019 09: 24
    Why does insight come during defeats? And sound thoughts and sound judgments .... Only enlightenment, somehow, one-sided: the blame is laid on the top. Are performers victims?
  29. +8
    12 November 2019 09: 27
    My father died on the Leningrad front on 27.12/1941. XNUMX year. There was a major gunner. Because of the Nazis, we were deprived of everything: childhood, the love of parents, to see parents and to be with them. What would you do when, after this suffering and loss of your relatives, you entered the territory of Germany with battles? Correctly.
    Roman, I managed to read a letter from one fascist officer to Germany from the Stalingrad front with the date 1942. He wrote "Russians are angrier than watchdogs, they constantly shoot and do not think to surrender. We will find our grave here." Our Red Army men on the front line in Stalingrad installed a metronome transmitting its signals for the Nazis. The metronome froze at 7-9 seconds. This meant that one more fascist was sent to the next world.
  30. +1
    12 November 2019 09: 34
    Interesting information. Just for those who like to criticize and denounce the Soviet system, the Soviet command, the methods of warfare. It turns out that not only we had confusion in the command, panic, "three rifles for three." Yes, and zargadotryady is not a Soviet invention
    1. +1
      12 November 2019 09: 50
      "ONE rifle for THREE"))
  31. +3
    12 November 2019 11: 07
    In the entire text of the diary, there is not a single thought that the author came to an ALIEN earth. He wanted her - he got her.

    Eternal Memory to the Heroes of the Liberators!
  32. 0
    12 November 2019 12: 29
    Oh, these idiotic politicians who in the fifth year of the war inflict such suffering on our people! recourse Yes, in these words of the murdered Fritz there is truth that still has a place to be.
  33. 0
    12 November 2019 13: 12
    This person shows the power of conviction in his innocence and the strength of character.
    Yes - the enemy.

    and according to the comments - I have a friend - a thoroughbred German, oriental truth. Once he said something over a glass of something Russian: my grandfather was a happy man - he was captured in Stalingrad.
  34. +1
    12 November 2019 14: 04
    The diary should be read by those with us who squeal about "throwing corpses", etc. When a couple of dozen remain from 3 German companies (each almost 200 people), it is clearly seen how the Red Army was thrashing the Wehrmacht! And this is only 1943 ... Well, the fact that the yubermensch became manure for fertilizing our land is also good news!
  35. 0
    12 November 2019 14: 07
    "It was representatives of the German people who were robbed, burned and killed"
    Sometimes they attribute to their allies no less, and even more atrocities
  36. +2
    12 November 2019 14: 54
    1943: “We played with fire for too long and thought that it would only burn for us.
    ..Oh, those idiotic politicians who in the fifth year of the war inflict such suffering on our people! Unhappy Germany! "

    The same as Baklanov, 1944:
    "The German at this time, answering someone's question, spoke hoarsely.
    - ... We never heard of humanity. Cruelty was encouraged
    cruelty, cruelty! Two thousand years taught Christianity humility, love for
    neighbor. And nothing has been achieved. We were told that we must protect the strong. Evil
    began to affirm the good. And evil arose. The world is flooded with blood and hatred.
    Now this hatred will pour over Germany. Gotta stop the madness that has swept
    of people...
    - We never justified cruelty. The people cannot justify
    cruelty. We are a nation constrained from all sides. Every year is born
    half a million Germans. The earth is exhausted. Hitler told us: this is a war for
    plentiful dining table, for plentiful breakfasts and dinners. But we did not understand it
    literally .- As if frightened, he raised a palm with his shield .- We searched in these
    in words, the highest state meaning, perhaps, inaccessible to us. Horrible
    means, but we believed that there was a goal that justified them. Because,
    if it is literal, if there is nothing behind it, the mind refuses to understand.
    Then we are terribly deceived ...
    I feel my fingers begin to tremble. They are also deceived!
    If they defeated us - nothing, the means would have been justified on a full stomach,
    and goals, and Hitler would be good. They are now clutching their heads when
    retribution is looming. His words did not bring to life - the bomb that killed his family.
    In the meantime, only our families died under the bombs, so everything seemed to be going as it should and
    they were looking for the highest meaning in this too. "
  37. 0
    12 November 2019 16: 57
    "In three letters, the wife demanded to send them the razors of the dead." - Yes, they are Germans. Germans in all their glory. As for the author of the diary, he is a staunch Nazi. But every medal has a flip side: as a soldier, he is a standing person, a serious opponent. They can be hated as a human being, and oddly enough, they can be respected as a fighter. All the more glory to our great-grandfathers and grandfathers, who broke these self-confident "civilizers" from all over Europe. As for the alliance between Germany and Russia, from a practical point of view it is very good and useful. This is the main condition for the absence of war in Europe. Emotionally, this can be sickening to many, but it is necessary to think about the future, as well as to look for allies and even just fellow travelers, to draw them into our orbit is a necessary thing. Otherwise, they will be drawn into your enemy, with whom you cannot agree.
  38. wow
    12 November 2019 19: 26
    My wife is German, from a purely German (mom-dad - Germans) family. Hard worker and neat girl, what to look for .... The daughter has long been an adult (who is she!?), Her own family, and children. I’m a professional military (Soviet), and my half well learned that to us with a sword ... that one from the sword ....
  39. +1
    13 November 2019 14: 00
    "In case of death, please, without reading it, forward this diary to my wife. KF Brandes."
    This is quite sympatonomic ... The Wehrmacht lieutenant could count on the integrity of his colleagues. It is very difficult to imagine that anyone in our army could even think of such a subscription to their day.
  40. The comment was deleted.
    1. The comment was deleted.
  41. -3
    17 November 2019 17: 24
    How, after reading such memoirs, look at the masterpieces-Citadel, Upcoming, etc., withdrawn for official money?
  42. 0
    22 November 2019 18: 39
    Apparently I missed something .... where is there about subhumans and superhumans? (If the comments of "normal" "respectful" do not read?

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"