The birth of digital acoustics

Look in history - This is a look into the future.
V. Dudko. Submarine Commander K-492

More than forty years have passed. During the Cold War, at the end of the 70's and the beginning of the 80's, each time our submarines met with the American, Soviet submarines lost this fight, significantly inferior to the American in the range of sonar detection. At the same time, for the most part, industry was imposed on us that we had achieved parity with US and NATO boats. Apart from the general opinion, there was another, the opposite, which they tried to hide away. In practice, the SSBN and other multipurpose boats of the first and second generation could simultaneously be in the salvo position with a foreign plaque only under very successful circumstances. With the outbreak of war, our boats could be destroyed without even entering into an underwater duel. Our submariners were not yet well aware of the acoustic capabilities of the first, second generation submarines and modifications of the transitional third generation. And even more so, we did not study and did not know the Americans. The maximum that the industry was offering us to search for boats even on the 671 RTM project was a noise detection path and ear acoustics. While foreigners already had both digital signal processing and the low-frequency range. This information was made top-secret for their own boats. As a result, we did not deal with noise. The Americans spoke loudly about the acoustic portraits of boats, but we only found out about it. Moreover, even for trying to find out more officers they frightened a special department. But the war would have led to the death of most of our boats if nothing had changed. That is why the secret K-492 raid on Bangor in 1982 shocked the Americans.

The public did not know about it, I think it does not know now. Proof of this is, among all others, personal independent developments and observations of the commander of the boat, which in practice have become a set of measures implemented by the naval specialists of the K-492 submarine, who, in their opinion, did not obey the directives of the authorities and the accepted scientific and technical doctrine the development of hydroacoustic means for detecting and compensating for structural defects of the ship, continued to work according to the approved plan for the development of means for processing hydroacoustic their signals and the introduction of new tactics. Even in unequipped conditions, with the opposition of certain officials, Soviet K-492 submarine officers in the 1980-1983 years managed to independently develop the necessary methodology for using imported digital equipment, and using it, increase the stealth of the boat and introduce new tactics for searching, tracking and fighting, as a result, achieving not only parity with American boats, but also tactical superiority.

To identify their own sonar field and its discrete components (this was crucial for the stealth of the boat), the results obtained by applying a spectral analysis of the noise of the boat were taken into account, as a result, the crew managed to achieve several convincing victories when meeting with American boats. This was confirmed by the results obtained at sea and presented in the documents, as well as in the reports of the American Pacific Fleet command for the 1982 year, which are still not available in the open press. Therefore, today the idea comes to mind that the absence of signal processing systems, especially in the low frequency range, on Soviet submarines could be intent (high treason). It is impossible to believe that a power having such potential, weapons and missile weapon, could not cope with the development of equipment for digital signal processing, especially since imported devices were successfully used on a Soviet ship.

In the Doctrine of Submarine Anti-Submarine Warfare, adopted in 1981, sonar in the United States was called an element of strategic nuclear deterrence. The advantage of American boats in hydroacoustic detection means over Soviet boats with ballistic missiles would result in the fact that with the outbreak of military confrontation all missile boats of the USSR would be destroyed at the same time. And it took only 4 minutes. The very first results obtained when working in a tactical group with the SSBN convinced us of the above. The adversary called hydroacoustics an element of nuclear deterrence and an element of nuclear advantage over the Soviets. But we stubbornly did not notice that we and Soviet hydroacoustics were being pushed into a dead end. Executives fleet at the prompting of the industry, they were engaged in hydroacoustics, but it was necessary to deal with the processing of signals from marine targets, and first of all with digital processing of the hydroacoustic signal, i.e., hydroacoustics as a branch of physics had nothing to do with it.

Our first experience with Skat was a negative result. At the first conclusions to the sea after the construction of the boat, the acoustics heard everything that was buzzing in the sea, and that nobody was buzzing. Target detection distances were several times larger than before. But it was impossible to determine (classify) the target, evaluate the distance, and other parameters of the target for using weapons. There was a problem. There were no obvious criminal acts in the signal processing itself, the crime was deliberately smeared into many insignificant events in space and time, but if we collect a lot of seemingly insignificant events that we, identifying, eliminated, starting from the elimination of coherent pairs of mechanisms, methods signal processing, GEM operation modes, enemy tactical elements, the influence of its sonar field on the stealth of the boat, the range of mutual detection, the choice of areas of military service and a number of others, it becomes clear that of these nuances that are integrated into a whole, it was formed by the advantage of the American boats, which they enjoyed. It was necessary, having endowed our boats with antidote, to level the destructive consequences of the existing subversive policy. There are no criminals, but there is crime to undermine national security. And, apparently, not only in sonar. And everywhere in the areas of science and technology strategically important for the country's security. Measures were needed to counter this.

It took the creation of a special program for testing the KBR (ship’s combat calculations) and special training for the commanders and hydroacoustics of the division’s boats, a separate area for studying the conditions for the detection of foreign boats using spectral analysis equipment. It was necessary to convey to the leadership of the fleet and the country the importance of a new development direction in acoustics - a digital mobile signal processing system in order to accustom everyone to the data obtained using new techniques. However, in the end, they were forbidden to talk about it at all, referring to the same notorious secrecy and provisions of long-outdated tactical manuals. Moreover, the detection of foreign boats sometimes met with distrust, the question was asked: why didn’t the commanders of other boats detect, and if they did, then they did not?

The first significant obstacle to confirming contact was the technical capabilities of the recording equipment. The standard "Mayak-205" tape recorder could not compare with the four-track "B&K" tape recorder. And second: not every time it was possible to transfer the contact aviation PLO, which confirmed the presence of a boat on buoys or other means of detection. Often the reports of other commanders did not confirm the distance of mutual detection of boats, when in the exercises the boats of the “blue” and “red” converged to the distance of detection and could not find each other. And this was obvious, because no one taught them this.

Confirmation of the benefits of digital signal processing could only be practice. The first planned and completed joint combat service of the 671 RTM project in the tactical group with the SSBN confirmed the worst assumptions. Previously, such services were not planned, and they did not go further than a one-time verification of the absence of tracking. It was believed that multi-purpose boats compromise the SSBN and reduce the secrecy of the group, and the accuracy of the reckoning of the 1-2 generation was worse than that of the SSBN. Therefore, the output of K-492 as part of the TG changed the prevailing opinion, and work in tandem with the SSBN made it possible to identify unmasking signs when the SSBN moved under one side. It was believed that it was economical and secretive, but in reality it was the other way around. Since the discovery of the cruiser, it has been revealed:

- pronounced work of one line of the shaft and a clear manifestation of the shaft-lobed components, including when the laminar flow is disturbed, created by shifting the vertical rudder to maintain course and redistribute the loads on one side, including GTZA and turbogenerators;

- separation of the elements of the target’s movement — course, speed, beginning and end of circulation, distance and a number of other features that form an integral picture of tracking and maintaining contact from different directional angles at considerable distances;

- sonar field configuration (HAP), i.e. Acoustic portrait of a boat.

The birth of digital acoustics

V. Dudko, the commander of the submarine K-492. Photo from the author’s archive

All this fit into the framework of the previously obtained results of tracking American boats in Avacha Bay. The first contact with the IPL on orders from the command post was transferred and confirmed by the aviation of the fleet when the IPL was removed from the tail of the SSBN. Upon arrival at the base, the officers of the acoustic range were called on the boat, who analyzed the noise on the B&K instrument set. After that, the specialists of the test site, the fleet and science conducted a detailed analysis and analysis of the detection, tracking and processing of the spectrum on the B&K equipment by the crew, and then left a copy of the record, and sealed the rest and sent everything to Moscow to the special. Institute archive. And so it was every time after discovery.

Now it was already obvious that the recordings on the standard Navy tape recorder of the worst quality “Mayak-205”, which supplied all the boats except gurgling and croaking, yielded nothing. But we were required to confirm everything only by regular means. Of course, there was gibberish, and other equipment was needed.

Swimming in the TG made it possible to identify new classification features and take a fresh look at the place of digital signal processing in the practice of commanders.

The approach to the SSBN after initial detection lasted more than 6 hours. The primary classification was carried out through the prefix, and the results did not raise doubts about the correctness of its work. At the distance of the 100-120 cable, the mark acquired distinct forms, and the acoustics heard the target. Now the pla has taken up a position in the sector on KU and began escort. The movement continued for another five hours, maneuvering made it possible to remove the GAP RPKSN. When the sonar field (HAP) of the SSBN was removed, the boat returned to the position of joint movement along the route. The countdown from the point of visual detection of the SSBN on the HAC screen and the objective classification, where the acoustics heard the noise of the target, to the point of detection of the target using a spectrum analyzer made it possible to determine the distance of detection of the SSBN. It turned out to be equal to 32 miles, i.e. The first SSBN detection distance was over 300 cable.

This was the first meaningful and confirmed in all ways digital contact, which made it possible to practically evaluate the possibilities of digital signal processing. So far this was only the first case of detection, which made it possible to verify the reliability of the classification and form the basis for subsequent systemic work. This “experiment” gave great hopes and laid the foundation for further systematization of data and development of the methodology. Of course, this phenomenon itself required a certain popularization among the commanders of other boats and ships and should have been alerted by the command, which for the first time received similar SSBN detection distances in a protected area when classifying a boat with a confidence of 100% at a distance of more than 30 miles. It was difficult to believe in this because before none of our submarines had found any other submarines on the SSBNs beyond the 30-50 cable.

But it was true and a breakthrough, the first wide step forward and slap in the face to all opponents of spectral analysis. The experience of sailing in a tactical group made it possible to get rid of the mistakes of boat commanders when searching for and tracking a foreign boat and to apply the new tracking tactics adopted by the K-492 crew after several discoveries by Americans in the Avacha Gulf. Having got rid of outdated dogmas, in the future the 671 RTM pr. Boats were monitored using the spectrum on both 27 nodes and 33 nodes. As a result of the development of new techniques, one after another the characteristic unmasking signs of the field of the submarine cruiser began to be revealed:

- the main discrete noise components of the SSBN (HAP) and the maxima of these components in directions relative to the axis of the ship;

- a pronounced shaft-blade diagram during the operation of one shaft line and a clear manifestation of the shaft-blade components due to a violation of the laminar flow on the boat's propeller, as well as a change in the load created by the vertical rudder shifting to maintain course during operation of the power plant with one side; identification of a discrete component that occurs during the operation of one side, called by the Americans "fishing hook";

- separation of the elements of the target’s movement — course, speed, the beginning and end of circulation and circulation control, which made it possible to determine the angle of rotation of the target at any distance in the presence of contact, distance and a number of other features that form an integral picture of tracking and maintaining contact from different course angles and distances ;

- detection in one of the zones of the distant GAP of the SSBN of the tracking American plat. After which it was forced out of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, and the crew of the multi-purpose boat proposed new methods for checking the absence of tracking;

- the developed new methods for checking the absence of tracking of the SSBN, radically increased the probability of detecting boats watching the SSBN, worked out the method of spectral analysis of target noise, determining the target speed accurate to the 0,5 node, the beginning and end of circulation, and the rotation angle accurate to one or two degrees at a distance in 200-300 cable. Monitoring the tracking distance and the continuous determination of the elements of the target’s movement made it possible to maintain a reliable position for the use of anti-submarine missile weapons at extreme distances, which was previously almost impossible.

Here it was also necessary to revise the acoustic and technical characteristics of the 667 project submarine and its modifications, about which its creators and submariners spoke. Due to the fact that the designers of our nuclear submarines convinced the Navy command, and those the USSR government, that the level of underwater noise of Russian RPK SNs are indistinguishable from the noise level of the US nuclear submarines, an established opinion emerged that allowed us to accept the SSBN’s high stealth and combat stability as an axiom . A certain part of people who are not inclined to analysis and sanity, or most likely pursuing opportunistic goals, or deliberately introducing deliberately destructive decisions into the government, uniting Russian military specialists, scientists and politicians, began to propose the idea of ​​deploying 70-80% on nuclear missile submarines nuclear potential of Russia. They argued that in the event of a sudden nuclear attack on Russia, the secrecy of navigation and the military stability of our missile nuclear submarines would preserve Russia's nuclear potential for a retaliatory strike. Now this statement was in great doubt. What is it: incompetence or malice aimed at destroying Russia's nuclear potential?

Indeed, when planning the first and subsequent operations of the fleet, the probability of destroying the SSBNs in various patrol areas, in the face of the threatened period and the outbreak of war, was always calculated. And these calculations, as a rule, provided sufficient grounds for taking adequate measures to maintain the nuclear parity of the warring parties. But! Unlike stationary launch sites and even mobile complexes, where the initial data are practically unchanged and verified to the third digit, the combat stability of the SSBN included at least two indicators that were not true: the probability of detecting and tracking the SSBN by American boats and stationary systems, and this figure was more than 50%. And the second indicator is the degree of protection of the patrol area of ​​the PKK SN, which was significantly lower than the declared indicators taken in the calculations. Those. even according to one indicator, the SSBN's secrecy, it was already impossible to achieve the required combat stability. But! This was not even allowed to be said out loud. Now it was necessary to solve this dilemma.

To refute the arguments of our cabinet “strategists” was not within the power of the naval loners. Apologists of the SSBN’s theory of high stealth, referring to the opinion of foreign experts and the “parity” in the noise of the USSR and US nuclear submarines, declared that the combat stability of missile nuclear submarines in the ocean is much higher than the survivability of ground mines of strategic weapons, strategic aviation and mobile mobile systems with strategic missiles . Therefore, more than 70% of the country's nuclear potential is located on American nuclear missile submarines. Great Britain and France do the same. But the NATO countries provided the combat stability of missile nuclear submarines with the technical characteristics of nuclear submarines and an extensive global surveillance system in space, in the air, on the water and under water. The USSR did not have such opportunities. Nevertheless, some scientists have expressed the idea that the detection and long-term tracking of the enemy by the Soviet missile nuclear submarines in the ocean requires huge financial and material resources. In their opinion, not a single country in the world can bear such expenses, which means that it cannot constantly control the areas where our missile nuclear submarines are located. Academician B. Makeev in his article "Marine strategic nuclear forces and the maintenance of strategic stability" wrote:
“Calculations show that the achievement of an acceptable probability of their (missile nuclear submarines. - Aut.) Detection requires huge expenditures of search forces. But even with the detection of the Strategic Rocket Forces (strategic missile submarines. - Auth.), The likelihood of maintaining prolonged contact with it by sonar and other search means is extremely small. Studies conducted by supporters of the high secrecy of the RPK SN at the Center for the Study of Disarmament, Energy and Ecology at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, taking into account the hydrology and noise of the latest generations of RPLSN, confirmed the conclusion that, along with a low probability of detecting submarines (submarines. - Auth.) cannot keep track of detected missile carriers for a long time. ”

This conclusion, to put it mildly, was incorrect. And this "inaccuracy" was confirmed by examples from the experience of the US Navy, referring to the inaccessibility of our data. But this data was not available only to us, and the Americans widely used it.

The US and its allies have created global underwater surveillance systems. These systems for first and second generation boats and even transitional projects were very effective, not to mention the effectiveness of tracking American boats.

Swimming in the TG with the SSBN and the experience of K-500, which the American easily followed the entire BS, and then provoked an attack on a Russian boat, confirmed the concerns that arose. Indeed, the strategist, with all the conditions of stay at sea being equal, looked in front of the 671 RTM multipurpose boat of the project helpless and defenseless. It is obvious that the commanders of nuclear missile submarines, due to the technical capabilities of the SSBNs, could not objectively evaluate the results of their stealth during the campaigns.

In turn, in order to reduce noise and remove the ship’s DS, as well as relying on the design features of the 671 RTM ave., The crew was able to switch certain mechanisms to form a “smooth” acoustic field, removing the main unmasking discretes, which really deprived the enemy of many advantages when meeting in the sea. There are reviews about this in the report of the commander of the aircraft carrier Enterprise following the results of the Flitex 83 exercise at the stage of tracking the 671 RTM project for AMG, when the boat carried out reconnaissance in battle.

Evaluating the activities of the USSR Navy's 671 RTM project in the course of the exercise, they concluded that this plan is quiet and represents a challenge to the SOSUS system. The predicted detection range of this project’s TASS antenna should be at least 20 miles, and in fact 3-5 miles. The TAK TASS antennas were ineffective even if acoustic reconnaissance specialists from the Naval Intelligence Support Center were on board the ships. The same result on the system "LEMPS".

To counteract the initial detection of SSBNs upon leaving the base, a coastal deployed maneuvering underwater surveillance system was proposed and tested, which no longer allowed the U.S. Navy to detect and secretly observe our strategists and boats for a long time. But, unfortunately, the obvious paucity of these search groups did not provide adequate protection for routes and patrol areas, so they continued to monitor missile submarines, starting from the base, in the seas adjacent to our coast and in territorial waters and further into the ocean zone.

It is necessary today in Russia to talk about the combat potential of the Navy's submarine fleet, I focus on the fleet’s multi-structure in the interests of the SSBN as the main deterrent, and take adequate measures. And today, authoritative and knowledgeable naval submarine officers are required that can defend this position in the country's leadership. This issue should be discussed by the Security Council, the State Duma, the Federation Council, this should be discussed in the Government of the Russian Federation, in the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and this should be reported to the President of the Russian Federation. It is necessary to exclude any possibility in which our modern combat surface ships and submarines at sea may not be operational due to poor acoustics, other signal processing and weapon control systems. You must always worry about this. It is obvious that naval veterans should also be involved in this, including the Admiral Club, the Maritime College of public organizations and other respected organizations that have experience and knowledge that can contribute constructively to the development of the Navy.
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  1. +3
    21 October 2019 05: 50
    It is very interesting, but, as not to the specialist, many terms and abbreviations were not entirely clear to me. Because of this, the article turned out to be highly specialized.
    Dear edition, could you insert the inserts with explanations, in brackets?
    In general, I have always been interested in the topic of submarine stealth. Much has been written about how NATO exhibited the SOSUS network's hydrophone fields. What happened in the Soviet Union? And how were these sauces counteracted?
    1. +4
      21 October 2019 11: 07
      Quote: Lunic
      "SOSUS" has been written a lot. What happened in the Soviet Union?

      article on the topic
      1. 0
        21 October 2019 15: 08
        Bookmark yourself, thanks. At leisure I read
        1. +7
          21 October 2019 15: 09
          Quote: Lunic
          Bookmark yourself, thanks. At leisure I read

          keep in mind that it was written with very serious security restrictions
      2. 0
        22 October 2019 21: 06
        Is that what the brothers did?
        1. +2
          23 October 2019 11: 40
          Quote: Alexeya2709
          Is that what the brothers did?

          the brothers were doing this on the "Agamoskaya" antenna in Kamchatka
          BUT - especially carefully you need to read the COMMENTS to their articles, for for them to lie - just spit
  2. -2
    21 October 2019 06: 12
    in 1980-1983 they were able to independently develop the necessary methodology for the use of imported digital equipment, and using it to increase stealth

    1. And where did you get "imported digital ..." in the 80s?
    2. Who allowed to put / connect / use "imported digital ..." Amateur activities on the boat? In those days, starting from a certain level of the leader, the installation of imported telephones was prohibited in the offices. Probably it was the "special officer" who was exchanged for "imported digital ..."
    3. How sonar equipment could affect the stealth of the boat.
    The general impression is that something is not right.
    1. -3
      21 October 2019 08: 32
      Quote: Amateur
      in 1980-1983 they were able to independently develop the necessary methodology for the use of imported digital equipment, and using it to increase stealth

      1. And where did you get "imported digital ..." in the 80s?
      2. Who allowed to put / connect / use "imported digital ..." Amateur activities on the boat? In those days, starting from a certain level of the leader, the installation of imported telephones was prohibited in the offices. Probably it was the "special officer" who was exchanged for "imported digital ..."
      3. How sonar equipment could affect the stealth of the boat.
      The general impression is that something is not right.

      All of this, if you read a book about how exactly the crew of Dudko - and made the very, almost the only operation in the history of the fleet to capture the latest Gadget right at the exit of Bangor ..
    2. +4
      21 October 2019 11: 09
      Quote: Amateur
      1. And where did you get "imported digital ..." in the 80s?

      incl. for "awl"
      Quote: Amateur
      2. Who allowed to put / connect / use "imported digital ..." Amateur activities on the boat?

      Quote: Amateur
      Probably it was the "special officer" who was exchanged for "imported digital ..."

      probably you just yap
      Quote: Amateur
      3. How sonar equipment could affect the stealth of the boat.

      the most direct - see Dudko's books, they are on the network ("Heroes of Bangor" for example)
      Quote: Amateur
      The general impression is that something is not right.

      "something is wrong" is YOU fool
  3. +6
    21 October 2019 08: 19
    on the standard Navy tape recorder of the worst quality “Mayak-205”

    At one time, they repaired these Mayaki-205 and Comet-209. (Constantly the same problems with the wear of the drive and rubbing mechanical parts).
    Lighthouse-205 in a submarine belay It is something.
    1. +7
      21 October 2019 11: 09
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      Lighthouse-205 in a submarine is something.

      this mistake is worse than crime
      but alas, this is a fact ...
  4. The comment was deleted.
  5. -11
    21 October 2019 08: 58
    The author of the article hesitated to name the main saboteur and adventurer in the ranks of the Navy of the USSR - this is Admiral Gorshkov.

    The Russian Navy needs to stop the construction of all existing types of nuclear submarines as soon as possible and re-equip with 40-ton strategic nuclear submarines Poseidon and 1000-ton Laika SSNS, after which all SSBNs and large-tonnage SSNS should be removed from service.

    100 NPA "Poseidon", two orders of magnitude cheaper than any SSBNs, are sufficient to destroy any aggressor country or all countries together without the Strategic Missile Forces and strategic aviation (with the exception of Afghanistan, Nepal, Mongolia, Bolivia and Central African countries).
    1. -3
      21 October 2019 09: 03
      A functional analogue of the YSU NPA "Poseidon" - the American capsule YSU (project 1961):
      Nuclear Outboard Motor 601
      General Electric and Pratt & Whitney
      Charging the 240 lb. U-235 nuclear reactor
      12 feet length, 4 feet diameter, 12 tons weight
      Power on the propeller 3700 hp

    2. The comment was deleted.
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. The comment was deleted.
    3. +5
      21 October 2019 12: 13
      Quote: Operator
      100 NPA Poseidon, two orders of magnitude cheaper than any SSBNs,

      You really shook your Poseidon.

      Quote: Operator
      sufficient to destroy any aggressor country

      Stop talking nonsense. A country is much more than its ports, and Poseidon, even reaching the goal, can only destroy a port.
      1. 0
        23 October 2019 11: 48
        You really shook your Poseidon.

        PPKS !!!! But everyone fulfills the salary. So strongly do not hit hard)))
        Stop talking nonsense. A country is much more than its ports, and Poseidon, even reaching the goal, can only destroy a port.

        It is useless to explain this to the comrade. It is also useless to explain what is not a fact that will come. Well, and about the price of eggs in connection with the church calendar - too.
  6. -12
    21 October 2019 09: 03
    One cannot believe that a power with such potential, armament and missile weapons could not cope with the development of digital signal processing equipment, especially since imported devices were successfully used on a Soviet ship.

    And have to believe. Well, unless of course you repeat the ideological mantra about the almighty USSR.
    It is known from the history of Soviet technology that in the overwhelming majority of cases everything here began with copying foreign samples. And then "modernization" went on for several decades. Until the next copy, if possible. But the newspapers trumpeted about the next victories of Soviet science.
    In some areas, in particular electronics, there has always been a lag of 10-20 years on average.
    Actually, the lag is observed now. But now it’s clear - capitalism, oligarchs and so on.
    But how this could happen in the most advanced country in the world is decidedly incomprehensible.
    Maybe it's not in the system? Maybe the thing is different? At the conservatory, can I fix something?
    1. +8
      21 October 2019 11: 39
      Quote: Mestny
      One cannot believe that a power with such potential, armament and missile weapons could not cope with the development of digital signal processing equipment, especially since imported devices were successfully used on a Soviet ship.

      And have to believe. Well, unless of course you repeat the ideological mantra about the almighty USSR.
      It is known from the history of Soviet technology that in the overwhelming majority of cases everything here began with copying foreign samples. And then "modernization" went on for several decades. Until the next copy, if possible. But the newspapers trumpeted about the next victories of Soviet science.

      Why believe in something that is not true?
      Yes, there were clones, but there were original developments.
      Read about S.A. Lebedev, whose name is now the Institute of Precision Mechanics and Computer Engineering.

      In order to understand that there were world-class developments, read about the former employee of this institute V.M. PentkovskyПентковский,_Владимир_Мстиславович

      "Since 1970 worked at the Institute of Precision Mechanics and Computer Engineering, where he took part in the development of supercomputers Elbrus-1 and Elbrus-2, the creation of a high-level programming language El-76.
      Then, in 1986, he led the development of the 32-bit El-90 microprocessor. In El-90, the RISC concept and the architecture of Elbrus-2 were combined. The logical design of the processor was completed in 1987, and a prototype was released in 1990. [2] In 1990, Pentkovsky began work on the El-91S, taking the El-90 microprocessor as its basis, but funding for the development ceased due to the collapse of the USSR and subsequent changes in the economic system.
      Since 1993 [source not specified 981 days] worked at Intel. One of the authors and architects of the vector (SIMD) expansion of SSE commands [1], which first appeared in Pentium III microprocessors. Pentkovsky participated in the development of several generations of Intel processors. There is a hypothesis that Pentium is named after him, which, however, does not have explicit confirmation. [3] "

      And returning to the topic of the article, the principles of digital signal processing in sonar were known in the USSR in the late 70s. Here is a link to the book "Applications of Digital Signal Processing" published in 1980, edited by E. Oppenheim. (Publishing house "Mir", Moscow 1980)

      She appeared on my bookshelf in the early 80's.
      There is chapter 6 "Signal Processing in Sonar" by AB Baggerower (pp. 367 to 485). A lot of interesting things. There I first met the concept of "Bathymetric section" winked page 374.
    2. 0
      21 October 2019 12: 03
      Get ready for the storm captain, just so you will not be forgiven for such posts .......)))
    3. 0
      21 November 2019 04: 53
      Hmm, then it turns out that the whole cosmos, including Buran (automatic landing, still not repeated by anyone, even the USA), as well as the A-125 system are stupid clones from Western developments?
      Tovarisch - you rave ...
  7. 0
    21 October 2019 09: 09
    Even when I was a cadet, in the mid-90s, an officer-teacher on tactics of the Navy told us that the combat survivability of our submarines, in the event of the outbreak of war involving all forces and means, is about 15 minutes ...
  8. +3
    21 October 2019 11: 18
    I probably read it inattentively and it is in the text, but I didn’t see ... Seriously, the boat commander set up the foreign equipment on his own, got permission to go to sea as part of the TG and remove the SSBN noise? And his officers were no lower than candidates of sciences, if they could figure out on their own (without science) in a completely new direction of activity ...
    If so, then take off my hat. But I believe with difficulty
    1. +5
      21 October 2019 12: 02
      Quote: Momotomba
      I probably read it inattentively and it is in the text, but I didn’t see ... Seriously, the boat commander set up the foreign equipment on his own, got permission to go to sea as part of the TG and remove the SSBN noise? And his officers were no lower than candidates of sciences, if they could figure out on their own (without science) in a completely new direction of activity ...
      If so, then take off my hat. But I believe with difficulty

      Yes exactly
      1. 0
        21 October 2019 12: 13
        And what kind of equipment was that? Prefix to the boat’s full-time speaker system, the input of which is fed from hydrophones for further processing? Or was the system completely changed?
        1. +9
          21 October 2019 12: 55
          I don’t remember the details of years ago, but there was a rumor about the fleets, they say that the scheme went. On its own, without the participation of cabinet scientists, a prefix to the hydroacoustic complex was developed, it seems that they used an oscilloscope to isolate the discrete components of noise. What kind of candidates are they? It has simply grown together that literate caring people gathered in one solid building.
          Apparently the invention did not go further, because our science was offended that without it people think and think better. You need to justify your need ...
          1. -2
            22 October 2019 17: 42
            Yes, yes, the oscilloscope! And also a voltage meter.
        2. +10
          21 October 2019 14: 08
          Quote: Momotomba
          And what kind of equipment was that? Prefix to the boat’s full-time speaker system, the input of which is fed from hydrophones for further processing? Or was the system completely changed?

          imported spectrum analyzer "Bruil & Kier", connected to the audio output of the GAS - acc. ONE channel of digital processing, and very narrow in terms of the diagram ... and here everything depended on the skill and preparedness of the Commander, KBR, acoustics
          1. +1
            21 October 2019 18: 18
            All that remains is to take off the hat ... To make something out of nothing!
  9. +4
    21 October 2019 12: 02
    Quote: Operator
    A functional analogue of the YSU NPA "Poseidon" - the American capsule YSU (project 1961):

    the same must be so restrained ...
    despite the fact that the "subject of inspiration" of ours according to "StRaus-6" was clearly and specifically named by Gusev (remind who it is?!?!) - GRAINER, and this book is on the network, everyone can read
  10. -4
    21 October 2019 12: 41
    Quote: Good_Anonymous
    Poseidon, even reaching the goal, can only destroy the port

    American Avatar "Poseidon" - Good bye, America bully

    So stock up on diapers in your Brighton Beach.
    1. +4
      21 October 2019 14: 06
      specially for stubborn
      And finally, the main thing. The expert points out: “No one can stop you from making sure that in the event of the defeat of Poseidon, in the last moment of its existence, it detonates a thermonuclear multi-megaton charge. The operation of the warhead of a super torpedo during its death will have catastrophic consequences for countries located near the explosion region and anti-submarine borders: Norway, England, Japan, and will also disorganize the PLO system in this operationally important area, thereby facilitating its overcoming by torpedoes, as follows for the deceased. "
      The problem is that even from the 1980's, the enemy’s PLO borders actually began directly from our bases and accordingly, the specified explosion will occur right off our coast. Yes, the operation of all the “dirty” powerful combat units even on the territory of the Russian Federation will have disastrous consequences for the planetbut then why drive them across the ocean and place them on carriers that are likely to be sunk?
      There is simply no talk about the adequacy of the idea itself. Especially taking into account paragraphs. 1 and 3 Art. 35 of the Additional Protocol to the Geneva Conventions of 12 of August 1949 of the year adopted by 8 of June of 1977 of the year: “1. In the event of any armed conflict, the right of parties to the conflict to choose methods or means of warfare is not unlimited. ... 3. It is forbidden to use methods or means of warfare that are intended to inflict or, as might be expected, inflict extensive, long-term and serious damage to the natural environment. "
    2. -3
      23 October 2019 12: 25
      Quote: Operator
      Good bye america bully

      Quote: Operator
      Brighton Beach.

      You are confusing America with Brighton Beach. Poseidon is enough for Brighton Beach, yes. But Brighton Beach is such a small part of America ...
  11. +5
    21 October 2019 13: 15
    Going out to sea on the SN rocket ship, we understood perfectly well that with our acoustics and noise, we would not detect the enemy's boat until the moment of a torpedo salvo. Therefore, all maneuvers were calculated based on the fact that we had already been "stocked up" and led. As it was written in the magazines "In order to preemptively interrupt contact with a possibly tracking enemy submarine ...."
    And why they developed such acoustics is a question for developers and industry.
  12. kig
    21 October 2019 13: 26
    as well as in the reports of the American Pacific Fleet Command for 1982
    - ?????????? Did the Americans report to the Pacific Fleet or vice versa?
  13. -12
    21 October 2019 13: 37
    Quote: SovAr238A
    All of this, if you read a book about how exactly the crew of Dudko - and made the very, almost the only operation in the history of the fleet to capture the latest Gadget right at the exit of Bangor ..

    I read it carefully. Interesting.
    Returning to 1982, I will continue. At the same time, having on board the domestic “Chorus” spectral analysis equipment on board, we fundamentally used other - non-standard imported equipment for the analysis of underwater sonar noises - signatures - discrete components (DS) according to the terminology of Soviet submariners, which allowed us not only to accurately classify underwater boat, but also to monitor it visually, on the screen of the oscilloscope at much greater distances than the sonar operator could do by ear. The fact is that after prizes and awards, it turned out that the domestic “Chorus” spectrum analyzer project put on 671 rtm is a screen for unscrupulous businessmen or pests who destroyed the very idea of ​​spectral signal processing for our ships. What's the Difference. These discrete components are not listened to, but are “viewed” using a special instrument-spectrum analyzer and only foreign production. (p. 41)

    There is no other mention (except that imported equipment is small) about "non-standard imported equipment".
    Therefore, I repeat the question:
    1. And where did you get "imported digital ..." in the 80s?
    2. Who allowed to put / connect / use "imported digital ..." Amateur activities on the boat? In those days, starting from a certain level of the leader, the installation of imported telephones was prohibited in the offices. Probably it was the "special officer" who was exchanged for "imported digital ..."
    3. How sonar equipment could affect the stealth of the boat.
    Mr. Fizik M (Maxim), who instead of answers is essentially just rude, and not just me, please do not worry and do not write your own
    probably you just yap
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +9
      21 October 2019 22: 25
      I will answer. 1. One of the two B&K kits (four-track tape recorder and computer) was taken from the landfill. This was their last squeak. Prior to this, a simpler spectral analysis device of the same company was used, which was used to measure the DS and noise levels of cars and aircraft. Nobody believed in the "obscurantism" they were doing. The commander did not argue with anyone and did not prove anything. I took it and did it .. And the spectrum analyzer is not a phone you cannot call from the boat ..
      2. Hydroacoustic equipment made it possible to remove the HAP (horizontal hydroacoustic field of the boat) and identify the maxima of the spectrum of the DS and their sources. Thus, eliminating the DS, they could influence the stealth of the boat. In VMA, the 1988 candidate dissertation of the year everything is written there ..
  14. 0
    21 October 2019 14: 04
    A collection of open materials of American research in the field of underwater technology by Leonard Greiner entitled "Hydrodynamics and Power Engineering of Underwater Vehicles" was published in the USA in 1976, its Russian translation was published in the USSR in 1978. According to the then calculations of the company Aerojet General, the specific power of a nuclear reactor with a gas coolant would have been 4,5 kg / kW, respectively, the weight of a nuclear power plant with a capacity of 1,5 MW would have reached 7 tons (to ensure the 50-knot speed of an underwater vehicle with a body diameter of 1,6 meters ).

    Vladimir Putin said in March 2018: “In 2017, tests were completed on a compact nuclear reactor that would power promising drones. It turned out to be 100 times smaller than the power plants of conventional submarines, more powerful and gaining maximum power 200 times faster. ”
    The Russian compact fast neutron reactor has liquid metal cooling similar to the Soviet Lira nuclear submarine reactor, which achieves similar weight and dimensions compared to pressurized water reactors used on modern nuclear submarines.

    According to the assessment of Russian scientists in the field of hydroacoustics, Viktor and Valentin Leksinykh, the Poseidon RV will have a controlled buoyancy and a speed that can be changed from zero to 100 knots. The range of Poseidon's underwater audibility (without target classification, civil / military craft) at a speed of 20 knots, according to their calculations, will be:
    - 1,7 km when direction finding using a bow submarine antenna;
    - 0,6 km when direction finding using a towed antenna of a surface ship.
    While following the Poseidon at a creeping speed of 5 to 10 knots, the UVA will not be detected by any existing passive hydroacoustics.

    The well-known American researcher HI Sutton agrees with the Lexins, who as the criteria for low noise results in low required power of the anti-aircraft weapons at the creeping speed (two orders of magnitude lower than that of shock nuclear submarines), the transition in this mode to full electric movement without the use of anti-ship missiles, large steering wheels use of a water cannon.

    Other researchers have noted the possibility of using a silent magnetohydrodynamic pump for pumping liquid metal in the first cooling circuit and a dynamic (pumpless) intake of sea water for cooling the second circuit in the sneaking mode.
    1. +3
      21 October 2019 14: 28
      Quote: Operator
      According to the assessment of Russian scientists in the field of hydroacoustics, Viktor and Valentin Leksinykh, the Poseidon RV will have a controlled buoyancy and a speed that can be changed from zero to 100 knots. The range of Poseidon's underwater audibility (without target classification, civil / military craft) at a speed of 20 knots, according to their calculations, will be:
      - 1,7 km when direction finding using a bow submarine antenna;
      - 0,6 km when direction finding using a towed antenna of a surface ship.
      While following the Poseidon at a creeping speed of 5 to 10 knots, the UVA will not be detected by any existing passive hydroacoustics.

      The lexins in the comments to their OPUS actually confessed in a lie

      Quote: Operator
      famous American researcher HI Sutton,

      Quote: Operator
      Other researchers have noted the possibility of using a silent magnetohydrodynamic pump

      these - wassat
      1. -9
        21 October 2019 14: 37
        The opinion of a graduate of the University of Peoples' Friendship named after Patrice Lumumba under the nickname Maksimka is very important for us, for which we include a song popular in his homeland laughing

        1. +2
          21 October 2019 14: 38
          so much better than how are you -

          1. -6
            21 October 2019 14: 42
            Do not joke on our americophile admiral Gorshkov laughing
            1. +3
              21 October 2019 14: 43
              Quote: Operator
              Don't joke over like that

              to Aibolit
              perhaps the nurses will help you (AndyushaM & Co.)
  15. +2
    21 October 2019 14: 12
    I do not want to offend the admiral and the scientist in any way, but it is completely incomprehensible what the author wanted to say with his article.
    Based on the title of the article, there is not a word about the birth of digital acoustics in the article.
    If the author wanted to talk about the lag of the USSR in the creation of hydroacoustic systems from the United States and the reasons that caused this lag, then the author did not achieve success in this either, having gone astray to describe some kind of "sabotage and sabotage."
    Perhaps the author wanted to talk about his contribution to improving the processing and analysis of sonar signals and reducing the noise of submarines?
    In a word, the article is some kind of confusion that you can’t say what the doctor of science wrote in any way, and the finale suggests that the main reason that prompted the author to take up a pen is not an insult to veterans of the Navy in general and the author in particular are not attracted to the solution of today's naval tasks.
    1. bar
      21 October 2019 17: 47
      Based on the title of the article, there is not a word about the birth of digital acoustics in the article.

      Apparently because she has not yet been born in our fleet ...
      1. +9
        21 October 2019 22: 39
        You understood correctly. The meaningful detection and classification of the RPK SN at an incomprehensible then distance of more than 30 miles was obtained for the first time. Spectral analysis increased the range by 10 times and already allowed the use of anti-submarine missile weapons. It is difficult to write in a simple article for everyone to understand. The article requires a certain knowledge of the reader. Thank. .
  16. +2
    21 October 2019 14: 13
    Quote: Amateur
    Who allowed to put / connect / use "imported digital ..." Amateur on the boat? In those days, starting from a certain level of the leader, the installation of imported telephones was prohibited in the offices. Probably it was the "special officer" who was exchanged for "imported digital ..."

    I will explain why this "dilettante" is so "fezu on the table" -
    The author of the article is aware of a case when, after combat service, according to “regime justification”, a sledgehammer destroyed the hard drive of an abnormal (improvised) prefix to the SAC of submarines with unique data on the operation of new search engines for the US Navy submarines. It should be noted that they were not fixed using standard means of acoustic control of the submarine. A few years later, the nuclear submarines equipped with the Delta complex got into American “networks”, and the fact that our submarines were “working” was not immediately recognized on board.
    now you can evaluate all the ROTTING of this monsieur "call a special person here" angry

    Specialists, by the way, not only knew everything, but knew more than what was reported on contacts to the Navy command
  17. -7
    21 October 2019 14: 19
    Quote: Fizik M
    It is forbidden to use methods or means of warfare that are intended to cause or, as might be expected, cause extensive, long-term and serious damage to the natural environment.

    Do you in the CAR really believe that massive nuclear missile strikes by the existing strategic nuclear forces (without the Poseidon NPA) will not "cause extensive, long-term and serious damage to the natural environment"? laughing
    1. +3
      21 October 2019 14: 26
      Quote: Operator
      Do you in the CAR really believe that massive nuclear missile strikes by the existing strategic nuclear forces (without the Poseidon NPA) will not "cause extensive, long-term and serious damage to the natural environment"?

      1. this does not negate the cannibalistic essence of the so-called. "stinkers" ("dirty" YABP)
      2. "stinkers" undermine the principle of strategic deterrence and have no military-political meaning
      1. 0
        21 October 2019 15: 55
        Maxim, what kind of nuclear weapons do you consider "stinky"? A bomb (or any other device) that sprays spent nuclear fuel over a vast territory using the energy of the explosion of conventional explosives is considered to be dirty.
        1. +1
          21 October 2019 16: 04
          Quote: asv363
          Maxim, what kind of nuclear weapons do you consider "stinky"? A bomb (or any other device) that sprays spent nuclear fuel over a vast territory using the energy of the explosion of conventional explosives is considered to be dirty.

          in this particular case - namely nuclear weapons - "cadmium bomb"
          1. +1
            21 October 2019 16: 23
            Did you mean "cobalt bomb?"
            1. +3
              21 October 2019 16: 26
              Quote: Undecim
              Did you mean "cobalt bomb?"

              yes, of course ...
              1. 0
                21 October 2019 17: 23
                There are no such thermonuclear warheads - it would be difficult to store and discuss them because of cobalt activation. This is a bare theory.
                1. +1
                  21 October 2019 18: 13
                  And someone claimed that this is a practice?
                  By the way, cobalt is not the only element for such a weapon. Gold, tantalum and zinc are also considered.
                  1. 0
                    21 October 2019 18: 42
                    I agree - I remember gold, zinc. Tantalum - you have to watch, I won’t tell you right away.
                    1. -1
                      21 October 2019 21: 59
                      Cobalt has nothing to do with it.

                      The Poseidon special warhead with a capacity of 100 Mtn is a three-stage thermonuclear charge, the first fission stage of which consists of plutonium with tritium amplification, the second stage of fusion - from lithium deuteride, the third fission stage - from uranium 238.

                      The special warhead is a functional analogue of the Soviet two-stage thermonuclear charge AN602 (aka Tsar bomb) with the power of 58 Mtn, the third stage of which was replaced by a lead shell before the explosion to eliminate radioactive contamination of the area.
                      1. 0
                        21 October 2019 22: 32
                        Yes, such a scheme (or almost such) will work.
                      2. +1
                        22 October 2019 10: 19
                        Quote: Operator
                        Special warhead "Poseidon" with a capacity of 100 Mtn is

                        Andryusha, is it you who have ducks in the bedroom? lol
                      3. 0
                        25 October 2019 19: 47
                        The young Padawan comrade steps on the dark side of the force. Operator, if you are talking about special warheads. Poseidon, that you know that you are a traitor, and if you do not know that, a dreamer ...
                      4. -1
                        25 October 2019 20: 04
                        All information is contained in the poster shown in the video report from the meeting with Putin in November 2015 on the topic "Status-6" (purpose and layout of the UAV), as well as in the subsequent video reports from the assembly workshop of the UAV (called "Poseidon") and the test polygon, where it was possible to estimate the dimensions of the apparatus (relative to the step of the steps of the stairs, wheels and other known objects).

                        Knowing the dimensions (which coincided with the Soviet T-15 torpedo project), it was possible to evaluate the displacement of the anti-aircraft gun and the overall weight and weight characteristics of the special warhead.

                        By comparing the overall weight and weight characteristics of the special warhead with the American two-stage thermonuclear bomb B-41 (Mk-41), we can estimate the power of the special warhead in a three-stage design.

                        So no one needs to know / fantasize laughing
                2. +2
                  22 October 2019 10: 18
                  Quote: asv363
                  There are no such thermonuclear warheads - it would be difficult to store and discuss them because of cobalt activation. This is a bare theory.

                  I dare not interfere with your delusions
                  1. +1
                    22 October 2019 10: 35
                    Mutually, because I do not understand anything in sonar. Still, can you tell me the test number of boNba with cobalt in the USSR?
                    1. +1
                      22 October 2019 10: 37
                      Quote: asv363
                      do not tell me?

                      No comments
  18. bar
    21 October 2019 17: 41
    This is the second article in a month, which suggests the same idea - the naval leadership itself strangled the fleet ...
  19. +1
    21 October 2019 18: 41
    The use of mathematical formulas by Viktor Hambardzumyan to find pollen in cosmic dust allowed the algorithm to be used to search for enemy submarines already in 1944 ... Non-digital, of course, processing ... analog ...
    American DAC chips for underwater scanning 15 years ago cost 50000 evergreens ...
  20. -1
    22 October 2019 17: 34
    ... apply the new tracking tactics adopted by the K-492 crew after several discoveries by the Americans in Avacha Bay. - What's this? Who is this? What is this about? Cap 3 Artamonov all brains with their DSP (digital signal processing) in TOVVMU -he took out, "Skat", in my opinion, in the year 85 they began to mount it in the classroom, "Star" in 88th ... Maybe the author will remember , when did phased array antennas appear in Soviet hydroacoustics? Yes ... there was a time ... the poet's dream is a "one-third octave filter" ... As an artist (acoustician) I will tell artists that even without DSP, you can detect any target and determine its movement elements at any distance, but it will take a lot of time. I consider playing "acoustic portraits" a vicious practice, because my diploma wrote about acoustic masking for such "portraitists" from the opposite side - letting them listen to even a fishing trawler or Alla Pugacheva.
    1. +6
      23 October 2019 12: 07
      If you defended this diploma, then TOVVMU produces aggressive ignoramuses. You must understand that the spectrum is not listened to, it is seen. And you cannot mix these concepts.
      1. +3
        23 October 2019 16: 52
        Quote: Alexander Vasilievich_3
        they don’t listen to the spectrum, they see it.

        The spectra of sounds are studied by spectral geometry - the science of how to hear form, to see sound.
        In some cases, the acoustic spectrum completely restores the geometry of the acoustic signal source. For example, among all planar regions, a disk can be uniquely distinguished by its spectrum. If for some flat region the acoustic spectrum is the same as for a disc, then it can only be a disc. See
        1. +1
          23 October 2019 22: 04
          A brilliant comment! Bravo! Spectra cannot be mixed.
      2. -1
        23 October 2019 16: 54
        Everyone can offend an artist. I just see it that way. Do not drive on TOVVMU! My generation has already commanded something, and many are already retired. Unfortunately, these were far from excellent students ... And the guys who wrote about the radar detection of submarines (here DSP so DSP) went into the national economy.
    2. +3
      23 October 2019 15: 08
      Quote: pmkemcity
      Yes ... there was a time ... the poet's dream is a "one-third octave filter" ... As an artist (acoustician) I will tell artists - even without DSP, you can detect any target and determine its movement elements at any distance, only it will take a lot of time

      one word - MESS IN MY HEAD
      what the heck does a third octave filter have to do with portrait features
      by definition, KPDTS is simply illiterate nonsense
      Quote: pmkemcity
      I consider playing "acoustic portraits" a vicious practice, because my diploma wrote about acoustic masking for such "portraitists" from the opposite side - letting them listen to even a fishing trawler or Alla Pugacheva.

      Shnobelya student! laughing
      Be a weasel, tell me - how and how did you "imitate" the LF components in your diploOPUS wink
      For reference - what is the US Navy PLA "under GNATS" I personally observed repeatedly, GNATS is VERY high, but from under it the PLA was successfully "pulled" angry
      1. -1
        23 October 2019 17: 09
        In my "student" years, there were wooden toys (punched cards) and bricks (a programmable calculator for 512 steps, which I personally bought in the Electronics store). I think you are not interested in the mathematics of "diplous", but in iron? So "we have such devices, but we won't tell you about them" - have you heard about GESTAPO? They say they could make them say anything, let alone say something inarticulate, believe me, you can ask for any hardware, including the submarine corps.
    3. 0
      9 November 2019 23: 40
      What's this? Who is this? What is this about? Cap 3 Artamonov all brains with their DSP (digital signal processing) in TOVVMU -he took out, "Skat", in my opinion, they started to mount it in the 85th year in the classroom, "Star" in the 88th ...

      The events described in the article are 1982.
  21. +1
    22 October 2019 18: 59
    It is not entirely clear what is now with digital processing. Why can’t you do it, since radar is to record acoustic data on a medium and, in laboratory conditions, drag a signal processing system onto this data? Now they are already in full use with neural networks for object recognition.

    Publish the primary data and enable specialists to work with them, and you will be happy
    1. 0
      4 December 2019 07: 16
      In this matter, just hydroacoustics was far ahead of radar. When in the 70s they ran into the limits of the power of the emitters (for example, the SAC on the "Moscow"), then they first took up the antennas (phased, if translated into a radar manner), and then the "sound portraits", only to the DSP at that time, it had the most distant relation. The signal was decomposed by analog filters into frequency characteristics and a "portrait" was formed. Before that, sound portraits were on magnetic tape as an analog signal, and then, on the same magnetic tape, only digitized. The power of the DACs in those years was not enough to process the signal in real time, so a filing cabinet was being assembled, and far from the best quality, again because of the desire to make life easier for the DAC.
  22. +3
    23 October 2019 15: 53
    Great article!
    1. +1
      25 October 2019 02: 35
      In in was impressed .... without comments anywhere and pluses is not enough for the article.
  23. +2
    25 October 2019 05: 02
    The article once again proves that war is too serious a thing to trust in the military. We need people who can do creative things. And this is rooted out in the service in every way.
  24. 0
    26 October 2019 23: 47
    This is another reason for the collapse of the Union: when, as the Americans had an extremely pragmatic view that required the greatest possible objectivity, we were dominated by the myth, the myth of parity in secrecy, as mentioned here. When the Americans made serious calculations up to computer simulations of an atomic explosion, fear reigned in us - even talking out loud about an atom was forbidden. Until now, even here, the prevailing opinion is about the death of the biosphere as a result of nuclear war. Even in the Russian military doctrine, the text ends with the use of nuclear weapons - and none of our strategists even suggests further steps.
    1. 0
      28 October 2019 21: 23
      Unconditional truth