Warriors of North Africa 1050-1350

I am awake during the day, and at night I sleep in the saddle
Inseparable from a steel shirt
Tested combat chain mail,
Woven Daud Hand.
Arab poet Abu-t-Tayyib ibn al-Hussein al-Jufi (915-965gg.)

Knights and chivalry of three centuries. Last material about warriors of a specified period was published on VO 22.08.2019. Since then, we have not addressed this topic. This material was dedicated to the soldiers of Russia, but now, following our main source, the monograph by David Nicolas, we will go to hot Africa and get acquainted with the military affairs of vast territories that were considered Christian in the Middle Ages (although sometimes even nominally!), As well and some pagan areas that later became Muslim. However, many Christian regions, which will be discussed here, later also fell under the influence of Islam.

Warriors of North Africa 1050-1350

Arabs of the Prophet Muhammad: 1 - the leader of the detachment in chain mail hauberk and leather scaly shell, 2 - infantry archer, 3 - the tribal leader of the Bedouins. Fig. Angus McBride

The warriors of North Africa and Sudan are Christians ...

The Christians or Copts of Egypt probably made up the majority of the population of this country throughout most of the Middle Ages, and it is possible that they were recruited as sailors for service in the Egyptian navy. The ancient Roman and Byzantine province of Africa, which mainly consisted of modern Tunisia plus most of northern Libya and Algeria, fell in the XNUMXth century under the rule of Muslim Arabs and became their province of Ifricia. The Christian rural population was preserved here, but declined until the XI century, and in the cities the Christian population persisted afterwards. Converted Christians were registered in the Tunisian army in the middle of the XII century. So the process of replacing one faith with another took several centuries here.

To the south of Egypt, in Nubia and northern Sudan, Christian kingdoms maintained their independence for many centuries, mainly because their more powerful Islamic neighbors made no serious attempt to subjugate them. The largest Christian states here were Nobatia, in modern Sudan Nubia; Mukuriya in the Dongola region - the kingdom of “black noba” (nooba); and Meroe, and medieval sources called Meroe - Alva or Aloa in the area of ​​modern Khartoum. Further south and east lay the Christian kingdom of Axum, which later became known as Ethiopia, and to this day remains Christian. In the 9th century, Nubia and Aloa were united, but in the 13th century, due to the decline of Nubia, it regained its independence. But Mukuriya was conquered by the Mamelukes of Egypt at the beginning of the XIV century.

Infantry of the Umayyad era (Umayyads - the dynasty of Muslim caliphs, which was founded by Muawiya in the 661 year. The Umayyads of the Sufyanid and Marwanid branches ruled in the Damascus caliphate until the middle of the 8th century): 1 - "guardsman" in double armor X, NUMBER X - NUMBER - -citywoman. Fig. Angus McBride

"Big onion" in African

Interestingly, throughout the era of the Ancient World and the Middle Ages, the "Nubians", which then included almost all the inhabitants of Christian Sudan, were known as archers, while the southern kingdom of Quince was famous for its horses. Such were the troops, consisting of Nubians or Sudanese in the service of Salah al-Din (Saladin) and were referred to as archers in the 15th century. Most written sources indicate that Nubian bows were not composite, but simple, made from acacia wood and akin to those used in ancient Egypt. At the same time, their bows were large and a bowstring woven from grass. It is interesting that the inhabitants of South Sudan still wear a thumb ring and it may very well be a kind of memory according to the lost Sudanese tradition of archery.

The armament of Sudanese warriors has changed very little over the centuries. At the Battle of Omdurman, the British met warriors with swords, spears, chain mail and helmets, although some had flintlock guns and trophy rifles. The Dervishes are attacking! Fig. J. Raw

Christian Nubian kingdoms controlled most of the territory from the Nile to the Red Sea, where various pagan and Muslim nomadic tribes lived. Among the latter were the bijahis who fought on camels, armed with leather shields and spears. In the semi-desert and steppe regions in the west, nominally Christian peoples lived, including the Ahadi tribe, which was under the sovereignty of the kingdom of Alva. Like the pagan tribes south of the Sahara, and further to the west, the Akhadi used large leather shields, locally-made spears and swords, and wore quilted soft armor.

These bows were used by both English archers at Crescie and Poitiers, and the Sudanese archers of Saladin. They had the same bows even in the XNUMXth century. (Vienna armory Ward)

As for Ethiopia, over time it became clearly more “African”, but even in the XIV century the Christians of central Ethiopia were still described as fighting with large bows, swords and spears, while the Ethiopian Muslims in the south-east of the country were described as light cavalry dispensed with stirrups. Around the same time, other Muslim Ethiopians were described by contemporaries as archers.

The Umayyad cavalry: 1 is the “governor” of Balkh, 2 is an elite cavalry rider, 3 is a lightly armed rider from Egypt. Fig. Angus McBride

Following the model of Islamic armies ...

The penetration of Islam into Africa fundamentally changed the military affairs of its many peoples. For example, in the state of Kanem-Bornu, lying on the shores of Lake Chad, its ruler Hume (1085 — 1097) converted to Islam in the second half of the 11th century, called many Muslim scholars to his court, and his son not only made a pilgrimage to Mecca twice, but and created a horse army, consisting first of Arab soldiers, and then of slaves, on the model of the Ghulam. It is believed that it totaled 30 thousand people (most likely this figure is exaggerated by medieval authors - V.Sh.). These were riders on horses dressed in quilted armor with spears and shields, that is, in fact - the real knightly cavalry.

The famous "Benin bronze", testifying to the great skill of African casters. How many times the Portuguese declared them to be work, while metallographic analysis and archaeological finds proved that it was the work of local African masters. As a child I saw drawings of these heads in the Children's Encyclopedia and never thought that I could see them with my own eyes. It is so amazing, as if I met old acquaintances! (Vienna Armory)

The heads are molded in technology of a lost form and empty inside. No less skill was achieved by Africans in the processing of iron. (Vienna Armory)

A comparable degree of Islamic military influence, although this time from North Africa, could be seen in parts of West Africa, especially the 14th century Mali Islamic Sultanate. Here archers and spearmen, both foot and horse, formed the basis of the army. Everything is exactly the same as the Arabs themselves.

Horse and military equipment of the Abyssinian (Ethiopian) horsemen of the XIX century. It was with such spears and shields made of rhino skin that the artist depicted the attack of the Sudanese cavalry against the British in the Niva magazine for the 1899 year. To the left is a carved elephant tusk with a "story of heroic deeds." (Vienna Armory)

Here is this painted engraving from Niva!

And so the commanders in Ethiopia dressed! (Vienna Armory)

Egypt about Fatimids and Ayyubids

As for Egypt and its geographical borders during the era of the Crusades, it is much easier to establish what was happening here at this time than in most other regions conquered by Muslims. From the middle of the 10th century until the 1171, the country was ruled by the Caliphs of the Fatimid dynasty. By the middle of the 11th century, the Fatimids controlled Egypt, Syria, and most of Libya and claimed suzerainty over Tunisia, Sicily, and Malta. By the end of the century, however, their North African possessions were unlikely to extend beyond the eastern part of Libya, while in Syria they were reduced to several coastal cities, which were subsequently recaptured by the crusaders after several years of hard struggle.

In 1171, the Fatimids were replaced by the Sunni Ayyubid dynasty, the first of which was Salah ad-Din (Saladin). Despite the fact that their power extended in Africa to most of Libya and to the south to Yemen, their main interests lay in the north-east direction. Here they clashed with the crusader states in Palestine and Syria, although they managed to extend their power up to the current border of Iran, including in a large part of today's southeastern Turkey. However, in the 1250 year in Egypt and in part of Syria, as a result of a military coup, they were replaced by the Mamluks, although the Ayyubid princes continued to rule some Asian provinces after this event for several decades.

Image of a “good horse”. A 13th-century manuscript on the art of Furusiyah Ahmad ibn Ajib al-Azzi. (David Collection Museum Copenhagen, Denmark)

And then the Mamluks faced the Mongol invasion of Syria. The Mongols were discarded only after the desperate battle of Ain Jalut, when on 3 of September 1260 of the year their army under the command of Sultan Kutuz and Emir Beibars met with the Mongol corps from the army of Khulag under the command of Kitbuk-noion. The Mongols were then defeated, and Kitbook killed. A new border was established along the Euphrates. This left the territory of modern Iraq under the control of the Great Khan, and the Mamluks received Hijaz with the holy cities of all Muslims, as well as the recently conquered Christian Nubia and northern Sudan.

Illustration from the Walter W.661 manuscript depicting a horse covered in blanket. Written by Ahmed Ata-Taurzade. (Walters Museum of Art, Baltimore)

Fatimid Army

The Fatimid army from the 10th to the middle of the 11th centuries consisted mainly of infantry supported by a relatively small number of fairly lightly armed cavalry. Archery was in the hands of the infantry, and spears were used by both cavalry and infantry. Many infantrymen rode on camels, which made the Fatimid army quite mobile. But as for heavy weapons, they had problems with that. Although it is known that they had their own elite units of mercenaries, in particular the Turkish cavalry of the Ghulam, mounted archers and black African slaves. The local forces in Fatimid Syria apparently consisted mainly of urban militias who served for Bedouin payment and any troops of eastern origin available for hire.

Mamluk training with a spear. 1500 manuscript (Museum "David Collection" Copenhagen, Denmark)

At the end of the 11th and the beginning of the 12th centuries, power was in the hands of the Fatimid vizier Badr al-Jamalt and his son al-Afdal, under whose leadership a whole series of military reforms was carried out. The share of professional mercenaries and troops from slaves was increased. It is possible that they also increased the number of riders and ceremonial elite units in armor. Nonetheless, the Jamalid Fatimids continued to rely on traditional infantry archers and cavalry armed with a sword and spear, using sophisticated but outdated tactics that existed under the Muslim early Caliphs.

The Fatimid army remained multinational, clashes flared up between different ethnic groups.

Shaffron Mamelukes. (Lyon Museum of Fine Arts)

Ayyubid army

The military changes that occurred as a result of the Ayyubids coming to power were quite possibly exaggerated. Salah ad-Din relied primarily on the elite units of the cavalry, created even during the later Fatimid army. Only at the very end of the Ayyubid period, efforts were made to create a unitary army with the elite units of the Mamluks, who were under the direct control of the Sultan.

Recruiting for the army under Ayyubids was distinguished by the fact that initially they relied mainly on Kurds or Turkmens, and then more and more on Mameluks of Turkish origin. Arabs played a minor role, and the Iranians played an even smaller role, while Armenians, Berbers and blacks soon after the seizure of power by Saladin quickly disappeared from his army.

Syrian or Turkish chain mail of the XVI century. Earlier chain mail is extremely rare. 9869 Weight (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York)

The Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt and Syria was a military state, created largely to the benefit of the army. And this army was probably the most effective of all that were created in the Middle Ages in North Africa and Western Asia, and became the model on the basis of which an even more effective Ottoman army was subsequently created. His organization was complex and even “modern” in some respects, with a high level of discipline. Most of the Mamelukes in the Ayyubid army came from slaves ... from southern Russia or the western steppes. They were bought, then they were prepared and trained accordingly. A significant number of Mongolian refugees also entered the service of the Ayyubids, which allowed them to gain invaluable experience in waging war against the Mongols and their minions. There were many Kurds in the Ayyubids, however, they were mainly stationed in Syria and, compared with the Mamluk slaves, were not so ... popular.

Indian or Iranian chain mail of the early 19th century. It is made mainly of steel rings with an inscription interwoven from brass and copper rings. It includes the “Prayer of Ali,” which has often been used to protect against danger. Therefore, such chain mail was intended to provide both physical and spiritual protection. (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York)

“Hard to learn, easy to go on!”

One of the most remarkable features of the Mamluk army was a well-thought-out training system for personnel, based on the experience of Byzantium. The Mamluks paid great attention to archery, fencing and spear exercises, as well as improving the art of riding, known as Furusiyya. Equestrian games with a spear and a ring, horse polo, horse racing, horse riders, and horse-riders, by all means, learned to shoot a bow from a horse.

Ax of the bodyguards of the Mamluk Sultans, late 15th century (Vienna Armory)

Unlike the Ottomans, the Mamluks also relatively quickly realized the benefits of firearms and began to use it early. Some types of guns are mentioned in the 1342 and 1352 years, although the first indisputable references date back to the middle of the 1360's. Most likely it was light artillery and, possibly, primitive types of handguns.

PS Later, on the site of Kanem-Bornu (and this state was named so because at first it was Kanem, and then Bornu) the Bagirmi Sultanate (Begharmi) arose and there was also cavalry in quilts and with very strange spears. Although not in all the figures they are. About this image, it is reported that it was made according to the description of Dixon Denem, who visited Bagirmi in 1823.

Horseman Bagirmi as described by Dickson Denem.

1. Nicolle, D. The Military Technology of Classical Islam (Ph.D.thesis, Edinburgh University, 1982).
2. Nicolle, D. Yarmyk 630 AD. The muslim conguest of Syria. L .: Osprey (Campaign series No. 31), 1994.
3. Nicolle, D. The Armies of Islam 7th - 11th centuries. L .: Osprey (Men-at-arms series No. 125). 1982.
4. Nicolle, D. Armies of the Caliphates 862 - 1098. L .: Osprey (Men-at-arms series No. 320), 1998.
5. Nicolle D. Saracen Faris 1050-1250 AD. L .: Osprey (Warrior series No. 10), 1994.
6. Heath, I. Armies of the Middle Age. Volume 1,2 Worthing, Sussex. Flexiprint ltd. 1984.
7. Nicolle, D. Arms and Armor of the Crusading Era, 1050 - 1350. UK L .: Greenhill Books. Vol. 2.
8. Shpakovsky, V.O. Knights of the East. M .: Pomatur, 2002.

To be continued ...
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  1. +9
    19 October 2019 05: 37
    Good morning to all! Vyacheslav Olegovich thank you very much for continuing the cycle. To be honest, medieval Africa is a dark forest! In the history textbook about the Middle Ages about African states, no more than two three chapters (on the emergence and spread of Islam; the Crusades and the states of Africa) and all!
  2. -1
    19 October 2019 06: 45
    Hmm. Africa is an interesting continent, and its size is impressive, the length of North Africa is quite comparable with the size of the Great Steppe of Eurasia, from the Carpathians to Tibet.
    And it is all the more interesting to draw an analogy in military affairs.
  3. +4
    19 October 2019 07: 56
    these hatchet hatchets always surprised - is it really effective?

    Well, the last picture reminded))
    1. +5
      19 October 2019 13: 55
      hatchets of bazaars
      Ivan hi for some reason I always thought that they were called Gridnys.
      1. +6
        19 October 2019 19: 12
        Griden is a warrior of the younger squad, a resident of the grill, by the XNUMXth century the grill was transformed into the concept of "courtyard", respectively, a "mongrel" appears.
        Rynda is the bodyguard of the Great Moscow Princes and Tsars from Basil III to Pertra I.
      2. +6
        19 October 2019 19: 31
        Hi guys!
        Anton my friend will correct you a little.
        Griden (Gridni) - the close squad (bodyguards) of the prince in Ancient Russia.
        Rynda (Rynda) - squire, bodyguards of the Moscow Tsars.
        In fact, the tasks are similar, but a temporary run of several centuries.
        Now about weapons!
        We do not know about Gridna weapons. I think in the same way as swordsmen, children and boyars (sword, battle ax, chain mail, helmet, shield, bow according to skill). Again, the griddies in the hierarchy were in second place after the boyars - higher than swordsmen and children. So the weapons they had were of high enough quality.
        Here I can’t give up speculation, why should the Gridnians have, like the Scandinavians, armed with two-handed poleaxes or brodeks? The Vikings, who served in Byzantium, in the lands of Britain, France and Sicily, were famous for their "breakthroughs of the system" with two hand axes! So why in the Old Russian princely house should have been different! At least right up to Prince Yaroslav, the squads of Russian princes fought on foot! Here is the continuity of traditions.
        Now about the weapons of the market! Front hatchet, caftan and boyar hat. Not even a personal weapon! Although it is possible in saddlebags had two pistols.
        Here the ax itself is interesting. Despite its similarity to battle axes of the 10th-11th centuries (the Ksema or Torzhok ax), his dad was definitely an infantry berdysh, and his grandmother was a two-handed ax. Such an optimization for court parties!
        Well, somewhere like that, good night everyone!
        1. +1
          19 October 2019 23: 38
          Come on, okay, I already understood that "loh I am"! laughing But I can, I'm a gopnik, punk and a marginal. good Yes, another dog lover negative laughing drinks
          1. +1
            20 October 2019 06: 50
            Anton do not be discouraged. Especially considering that you yourself sometimes did it yourself on a number of questions in the history of the “cat - face on teibel boo boo”! And I, in turn, scratched my turnips and recalled senile dementia, a difficult childhood and seasonal indigestion !!! laughing drinks
            Seriously Antonishche, you raised an interesting topic of the evolution of the state apparatus and the system of local self-government from ancient Russia to the Moscow kingdom!
            Even the very structure of the squad of the first princes sitting on the Kiev table deserves close attention.
            Nurseries, swordsmen, grids and boyars! In fact, the entire apparatus of government in the system of "polyudy". That is, in order to “cut the tax” from the territory of equal modern France every winter, 500-700 armed and hospitable men were enough! It is clear that polyudy represented a far deeper and more complex system, which included, in addition to collecting tribute, elements of a fair, circus and court! But, this winter attraction with horses and sleighs functioned !!!
            In fact, in the Russian proto-state, it was the only link of local self-government (the bright princes, veche, elders, thousand, sotsky, estates and elders) and the state apparatus in the person of the prince (Kagan)! I repeat that this happened once a year, and the Polyuds lasted 6-7 months and covered a thousand and a half loop most of the tribes of the Eastern Slavs!
            Olga’s transition to the advanced pogost method of taxation put an end to the formation of our Fatherland, but entailed the growth of the state apparatus!
            So thanks Anton, for the raised topic !!!
    2. +1
      23 October 2019 23: 42
      Quote: Tlauicol
      these hatchet hatchets always surprised - is it really effective?

      Perhaps in some ways, yes, but there is a more effective weapon for cutting in tight spaces.
      Most likely - a tribute to tradition.
      The tradition is quite clearly traced: - the first were the Byzantines ("etheria"), the Egyptian Fatimids ("tabardaria") were borrowed from them, and possibly even earlier - the Arab caliphate of the then Damascus. And from them already - the tradition of arming the palace guards with large axes - went further - it was adopted by the Mamluks, and from them - the Ottoman sultans, and from them (or, as an option, directly from the Byzantines) - the Moscow grand dukes and tsars.
  4. +2
    19 October 2019 08: 33
    And also very interesting was the weapons complex of the Ethiopian warrior
  5. +3
    19 October 2019 09: 42
    Пmore recently on the site of Kanem-Bornu (and this state was named so because it was Kanem first and then Bornu) the Bagirmi Sultanate (Begharmi) arose and there was also cavalry in quilts and with very strange spears.
    The last paragraph illustrates very well the extent to which the history of the Black Continent, especially the territories south of the Sahara, is little known outside the narrow circle of Africanists.
    Meanwhile, this story is so interesting that it deserves a good series of articles.
    The Bagirmi Sultanate did not arise on the site of the state of Born, they existed simultaneously, having formed with a difference of about a hundred years (1380-1480 ).The first was located at the junction of the territories of modern Nigeria, Niger and Chad, the second in the territory of modern Chad and the northwestern regions of the Central African Republic.
    Bourne existed until 1893, until it became the prey of the famous Sudanese adventurer Rabih al-Zubayr (aka Rabeh vad Fadlullah), and the sultanate Bagirmi conquered the same adventurer in 1894.
    In 1900, the French troops, in turn, inflicted a crushing defeat on the troops of Rabih al-Zubayr at Kusseri, after which the territories of the mentioned states were divided between England, France and Germany in 1901.
    1. +6
      19 October 2019 13: 18
      If we proceed from the title of the article, then the author, figuratively speaking, "got lost" in Africa, since in addition to North Africa, he also captured Central Africa (the states of Kanem-Bornu), West Africa (Baghirmi Sultanate) and East Africa (Ethiopia). But South Africa remained behind the scenes.
      Meanwhile, for the "militaristic" history of Africa, geography is of particular importance, since it seriously influenced the formation of the military systems of African empires (namely, empires) of the Middle Ages. For example, the distribution area of ​​the tsetse fly had a significant impact not on which armies were formed - "infantry" or "cavalry", since for a horse the bite of a tsetse fly is fatal.
      1. +5
        19 October 2019 14: 37
        Viktor Nikolayevich, according to the first comment, almost agrees.
        On the second - in this case, the author of the article has repeatedly indicated that he is just a translator. And what Nicole wrote there is a dark matter. For "we do not know verbs, we do not know how to conjugate".
        1. +3
          19 October 2019 14: 50
          Actually, I have no claims against the author.
          I can only clarify, although for my part it will look somewhat tactless or something, but I am not a fan of Nicolle and prefer other sources, including from Africa.
          1. +3
            19 October 2019 15: 46
            Let's face it, Nicole is not a source in Africa. Just turned on an anthology
      2. +1
        19 October 2019 23: 32
        . But South Africa remained behind the scenes.

        And what to write about her, about South Africa? Well, there was an empire of the Ndebelians, beating everyone around. Yes, it was, until Cecil Rhodes appeared with machine guns and put an end to African "imperialism". laughing
        (kergudu is a joke).
        1. +3
          19 October 2019 23: 43
          We are talking about the period of the X-XIV century, and this is the Kingdom of Mapungubwe and the Kingdom of Zimbabwe.
          1. +3
            19 October 2019 23: 47
            Well, you mentioned the French in 1900, and I remembered Rhodes, together with Lobengula, machine guns on "carts". request
            1. +4
              20 October 2019 00: 03
              Everything is more complicated and interesting there. The northern Ndebele or Matabele that you are talking about appeared in South Africa at the end of the XNUMXth - beginning of the XNUMXth centuries and have no relation to the period under consideration.
              But the southern Ndebele are local and have been considered kings since 1400. These are two different peoples.
              1. +2
                20 October 2019 00: 15
                I am in "free float" on these issues, as, indeed, on many others, so I rely entirely on you. drinks
                1. +3
                  20 October 2019 00: 27
                  I, too, cannot classify myself as an "Africanist", just in my distant childhood I came across such a book.

                  And I was surprised to learn that Africa is not only blacks on the palms, as most "white people" imagine it.
                  1. +2
                    20 October 2019 00: 33
                    No, well, there was no such idea that there were only "blacks on the palms", of course, but for some reason it did not arouse much interest either.
                  2. +4
                    20 October 2019 02: 30
                    In general, now Africa, these are the blacks on the palm trees.
                    Very much like Russia.
        2. +4
          20 October 2019 01: 27
          Yeah, and then came Nelson Mandela, whose results now rake the entire continent.
          1. +5
            20 October 2019 02: 32
            An army friend in my country in the late eighties rushed to work in South Africa as a carrier for diamond mines. He came on vacation and coddled Mandela with the last words, completely obscenely changing his name (guess it yourself), and also explained why blacks are blacks and cannot be normal people, and all with examples from the same life.
            1. +6
              20 October 2019 02: 53
              Konstantin, it remains to admit that we are racists. Moreover, heterosexual racists .. And in general, Russian.
              1. +3
                20 October 2019 09: 46
                Yeah, racists, and not just the two of us. And this sentence is final and not subject to appeal. Well, thank God! laughing
                1. +4
                  20 October 2019 10: 04
                  "- For the white man!" ("Shirley-Myrli").
                  1. +4
                    20 October 2019 10: 30
                    "I hate two things: blacks and racism."
                    1. +3
                      20 October 2019 10: 39
                      "The unity of opposites". Let's drink to the Ku Klux Klan! drinks
                    2. +3
                      20 October 2019 10: 56
                      “And the best sons
                      For hard work send
                      For the distant seas "(c).
                      1. +3
                        20 October 2019 11: 08
                        "We will send a dozen or two ships,
                        And there will be a colony in Botany Bay "(c)
                      2. +3
                        20 October 2019 12: 17
                        "You will never find
                        In our northern forests
                        Long-tailed jaguars,
                        Armored turtles "(c).
                      3. +4
                        20 October 2019 12: 21
                        "Wide native Brazil,
                        Every inhabitant in it is full and drunk,
                        I do not know another such country,
                        Where there are so many wild monkeys! "(C)
                      4. +3
                        20 October 2019 12: 26
                        "The screams of parrots are heard
                        And monkeys voices "(c).
                      5. +3
                        20 October 2019 12: 36
                        "The angry Yankees got into the car,
                        They pinched the tail of their monkey "(c)
                      6. +3
                        20 October 2019 14: 11
                        "He huddled in the corner of the cage.
                        He looked at people and was angry "(c).
                      7. +3
                        20 October 2019 14: 16
                        "Evil people to poor pussy,
                        Do not allow to steal sausages "(c)
                      8. +3
                        20 October 2019 15: 38
                        "The uninvited guest will turn off his cheekbone.
                        The images in the corner and those are skewed "(c).
                      9. +3
                        20 October 2019 15: 43
                        "Don't go for a walk without a knife! Don't go farther than your nose without a gun!"
                        Many evil beasts. Stunned - he already eats his tails. "(C)
                      10. +3
                        20 October 2019 17: 34
                        "Only a saber for a Cossack in the steppe is a friend,
                        Only a saber for a Cossack in the steppe is a wife "(c).
                      11. +3
                        20 October 2019 17: 40
                        "And you said, Vasily Ivanovich,
                        What a shallow river Ural. "(C)
                      12. +2
                        20 October 2019 18: 38
                        “And pebbles, and pebbles,
                        And the river runs along the pebbles ”(c).
                      13. +3
                        20 October 2019 18: 43
                        "She forgot that she was a brook,
                        And the noise of the waterfall became unfamiliar to her "(c)
                      14. +3
                        20 October 2019 19: 27
                        "They fell from the waterfall,
                        Were running aground "(c).
                      15. +3
                        20 October 2019 19: 35
                        "Nearby, near whirlpools and shoals
                        We did not know how to get to them "(c)
                      16. +3
                        20 October 2019 20: 09
                        "And all the fellows -
                        Noble goal ...
                        And in the end -
                        I myself ran aground "(c).
            2. +1
              23 October 2019 23: 46
              Quote: Sea Cat
              An army friend in my country in the late eighties rushed to work in South Africa as a carrier for diamond mines. He came on vacation and coddled Mandela with the last words, completely obscenely changing his name (guess it yourself), and also explained why blacks are blacks and cannot be normal people, and all with examples from the same life.

              I fully confirm - one of my friends said exactly the same thing.
          2. +3
            20 October 2019 08: 00
            Mandela’s activity is not a cause, it is a consequence. And the reasons go back to the XNUMXth century BC, when the Greeks created the first colonies in Africa.
            1. +2
              20 October 2019 09: 51
              No, well, this is an eternal question, what is primary: an egg or a chicken? Then it’s worth starting with the Lord God: for what, excuse me, did he create Adam by the demon, and then he slipped a woman to him? But it all began with this ... wink
              1. +2
                20 October 2019 10: 28
                "-Which came before, the chicken or the egg?
                - Of course, chicken!
                -Then where did she come from?
                -Naturally, from the rib of a rooster!
                -Hmmm ???
                -But after all, this theme gave a ride to people !!! "
                1. +3
                  20 October 2019 10: 41
                  People rolled anything, their hair stood on end ... and not only on the head.
              2. +1
                21 October 2019 11: 20
                According to the inhabitants of the Promised Land, Adam had at least two women.
                1. +1
                  21 October 2019 14: 23
                  Ha! And Adam, it turns out, was a little rascal. wink
                  1. +1
                    21 October 2019 14: 41
                    He doesn’t get it at all - they created him a girlfriend from the same material as him! And she was the first feminist in the world - she refused to obey the orders of a man! For this, she was punished. Eve for obedience created already from the rib of Adam.
                    1. +1
                      21 October 2019 14: 46
                      Eve for obedience created already from the rib of Adam.

                      But the point was that there was still no bone marrow in the rib, which I still remember from school. drinks
                      1. 0
                        21 October 2019 14: 49
                        We will not go into such thoughts - times were wild. The formation of the WORLD. For fighting friends who endured more than one war and cataclysm in our country - drinks drinks drinks
                      2. +1
                        21 October 2019 15: 34
                        "O women, their name is treachery!" (S) Well, they shuddered. drinks love
                    2. 0
                      23 October 2019 23: 48
                      Quote: hohol95
                      He doesn’t get it at all - they created him a girlfriend from the same material as him! And she was the first feminist in the world - she refused to obey the orders of a man! For this, she was punished. Eve for obedience created already from the rib of Adam.

                      The theme with Lilith is not canonical, and has no basis on recognized sources (although for Middle Eastern ancient mythology the theme is quite real).
              3. +2
                21 October 2019 11: 24
                Mark Twain
                Adam's Diary
                He built himself a hut from the rain, but even there they did not leave me alone. Uninvited, unsolicited, a new being appeared. When I wanted to get him out, it began to release water from the holes that I was looking at and wipe it with the inside of my paw; at the same time, it emitted such plaintive sounds as I heard in animals when it hurts. If only it were silent! But it is always chattering without ceasing. I do not want to offend this poor creature, or insult him. But I still have never heard a human voice, and every new, alien sound that violates the solemn silence of this dormant uninhabited sound for me sounds a fake note and offends my hearing. And these new sounds are heard so close near me: - either near my shoulder, then under my ear, then on one side of my face, then on the other; I’m used to more or less distant sounds — sounds rushing from afar from these silence-filled spaces. I am used to the voices of nature; - to the howling of the wind in the forests, to the peaceful splashing of invisible brooks, to that gentle, subtle music that will be born in the night silence and, perhaps, comes from the bright brilliance of objects glowing and flickering in the night sky.
                I used to feel happier than now.
            2. +1
              20 October 2019 09: 58
              Viktor Nikolaevich, can you read more in this place?
  6. +4
    19 October 2019 13: 30
    Chain mail and horses pay attention to themselves.

    “Hussar matchmaking” was recalled.
  7. +6
    19 October 2019 16: 55
    ,, looking at the last picture, what I think Lucas knew something laughing
  8. +1
    19 October 2019 17: 37
    Wow! The author got to the Africans! And where is the "chivalry" of the nomads of the Eurasian steppes? Batyrs where is the author?
  9. +4
    19 October 2019 19: 11
    Quote: Boozer
    Wow! The author got to the Africans! And where is the "chivalry" of the nomads of the Eurasian steppes? Batyrs where is the author?

    Here was my series of articles "warriors of the East". But there will be about batyrs.
  10. +9
    19 October 2019 21: 26
    Some photos of Ethiopian weapons (darts, sabers, shields) and military clothing (Italian trophies).

  11. +1
    20 October 2019 06: 44
    I am confused in the first figure by the reconstruction of the leader of the detachment in the chain-mail hauberk. This hauberk is so long that it is so uncomfortable to walk, the gait will be like that of Japanese geishas. And he has a clear Roman gladius sword.
  12. +2
    20 October 2019 07: 19
    Quote: Talgarets
    This hauberk is so long that it is so uncomfortable to walk, the gait will be like that of Japanese geishas. And he has a clear Roman gladius sword.

    Dear Michael! As far as I know the methodology of Osprey and McBride on ALL details of the picture should be confirmed by artifacts, miniatures, photographs indicating where it came from. If it is in the figure, then it was so. How TYPICAL it was, the question is different!
  13. 0
    20 October 2019 18: 49
    Where did you shoot this?
  14. +4
    20 October 2019 19: 15
    I found a couple more African wonders. Shields of elephant, turtle and crocodile, as well as spears (throwing?).

  15. 0
    20 October 2019 21: 46
    Where did you shoot this?
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +3
      21 October 2019 18: 07
      Quote: kalibr
      Where did you shoot this?

      If you are talking about my photos, then Italian trophies are the Sardinian Grenadiers Museum (I don’t know how it is right in Russian): Museo Dei Granatieri Di Sardegna, Piazza di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme 7, 00185 Rome, Italy.
      Nearby, by the way, is the Museum of the Infantry (the translation of the name is also not clear, it may be closed, but there are 5 Italian tanks on the street, visible on Google Map).

      African / Mamluk samples are the Military Museum (I also don’t know the correct translation) Askeri Muze ve Kultur Sitesi KomutanlIgI, Valikonagi Caddesi, Istanbul, Turkey.
      A huge museum with a huge collection. There is even a concert hall with Turkish military music, but it is not for everybody.
  16. 0
    20 October 2019 22: 00
    Good practical article. Thanks to the author.
  17. 0
    20 October 2019 22: 31
    Some kind of evil horse in the picture, unkind.
  18. +4
    20 October 2019 22: 48
    There were still beautiful Mameluke axes.
    1. 0
      23 October 2019 23: 50
      Quote: Wildcat
      There were still beautiful Mameluke axes

      These are not Mamluks, these are their palace guards - "tabardariya".
      1. +2
        24 October 2019 00: 35
        The signs say "Mameluke". But if you recognized the specific axes as belonging to the tabardariya, would it be difficult for you to explain how you did it?
        1. 0
          24 October 2019 14: 00
          Quote: Wildcat
          The signs say "Mameluke". But if you recognized the specific axes as belonging to the tabardariya, would it be difficult for you to explain how you did it?

          Yes, everything is simple - I do not know the size of the axes shown in the photo, but I know for sure that only the Tabardari court guards were armed with large two-handed axes in Egypt (most likely they were also staffed from Mamluks; in general, the corps of gulyams / Mamluks - it was extensive, in what it was an analogue of the Ottoman janissaries, and had various units - from police officers who controlled the delivery of water to court guards). But for most of the "Mamluks" - this is actually their main striking force, heavily armed horsemen with many military skills (such as European knights). If these are small hatchets for one hand, then perhaps these were actually used by "little ones" (for equestrian combat), but it seems to me (based on the size of the plates) that these are large two-handed axes.