The offspring of capitalism. American culture conquers the world

One of the most dangerous types of American expansion is not military or even economic, but cultural. Modern mass culture is based on the American "core" and gradually covers the whole world, destroying national cultures or leveling them to the role of a folk appendage to some universal westernized culture.

What is the basis of American culture?

Unlike European cultures, which have been formed over the centuries on the basis of both ancient culture (Greek and Roman), and Christian cultural traditions, medieval knighthood, American culture is entirely the product of capitalism.

There were cultures of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, Ancient China and Ancient Vietnam, Ancient Russia, reflecting various stages in stories and social development of the countries of the Old World. With American culture, everything turned out differently. Since American society was already forming as capitalist and did not know any other relations, American culture is a completely capitalist culture, devoid of foundation and based on the most important value - the desire for money, big money.

Capitalism is the "salt" of the American national idea. No matter how American politicians and public figures claim that the main value of American society is human rights, freedom of choice, democracy, in fact, its main value is money and only money. All other slogans, ideas, projects and projects are just an instrument for obtaining and saving money, ensuring financial domination and economic dominance.

However, military and economic methods alone cannot dominate the world. And this was perfectly understood by the true owners of America - the financial and industrial elites. It is they, and not the American political leadership, that are the main organizers and beneficiaries of American cultural expansion.

In order to ensure a stable view of the United States as the most advanced country in the world, which deservedly dominates in almost all areas, throughout the twentieth century, American popular culture spread, literally planted in other countries. And along with this culture the notorious American values ​​were planted, which in the new cultural environment had a disorganizing, corrupting effect.

Sociologists, speaking about the cultural modernization of the Third World countries, often pay attention to the fact that in countries that went along the path of blind copying of the American model, local societies decomposed quite quickly, prostitution, drug addiction spread, and young people gravitated to "easy" money and to all methods of obtaining them. The irrepressible cult of consumption is the main component accompanying the planting of American culture.

Cinema is the main weapon of American culture

Since literature and visual arts in the USA were always inferior to European, the dominance of American culture was ensured by cinema. Dealers in the American film industry quickly realized that cinema allows not only to make very big money, but also to impose an American way of life in other countries. Especially if it is bright, spectacular, albeit shallow in content cinema. It is these paintings that are quickly gaining wild popularity among young people and the “base layer” of any society.

In fact, American films do not have the depth that we see in Soviet and Russian, in Italian cinema. But American cinema has always amazed us with spectacle, spectacular movie actors, which overlapped with the simplicity of the storyline. American films are produced in such a way that people with the lowest level of intellectual development can understand them. This, in many respects, ensured the success of American films in export.

The offspring of capitalism. American culture conquers the world

Primary meaning as ideological weapon The United States acquired cinema in the second half of the 20th century - during the Cold War, becoming one of the main means of planting American values ​​in the countries of the Third World and the socialist camp. We can say that American cinema made a certain contribution to the decomposition of the late Soviet and post-Soviet Russian society at the turn of the 1980's - 1990's.

Through watching American films, Soviet people became familiar with American culture and values, and adopted patterns of behavior that were alien to Soviet society and Russian culture. Needless to say, American cinema of the second half of the twentieth century was thoroughly permeated with hatred for the Soviet Union, the socialist system? In fact, these were purely propaganda paintings that found their audience in the USSR and other countries of the socialist camp and made a very big contribution to the formation and spread of anti-Soviet and anti-communist sentiments, especially among young people.

Only for several years at the beginning of the 1990's. American cinema made some adjustments to the image of Russia, paying tribute to the briefly improved Russian-American relations. More precisely, in these years the American leadership still had hope for the complete leveling of Russian political power. Russia was represented as one of the junior partners of the United States, along with other countries of Eastern Europe.

For example, in the film “Red Heat” (1988), a Soviet policeman arrives in the United States to fight the Russian mafia together with his American colleagues. Many are familiar with the legendary Police Academy: Mission in Moscow, in which American law enforcement officers come to Russia to exchange experiences, and various funny stories happen to them. These films were designed to slightly change the perception of Russians by the American audience in favor of the changes taking place in the political relations between the countries.

In the 1990s, the place of the main enemy of the United States was taken by some abstract terrorists, international organized crime, the drug mafia, whose representatives personified “world evil” in American films of that time. But already in the second half of the 1990's, the situation began to change, and from the beginning of the 2000's. Russia has once again taken the usual place of the “evil empire” in American popular culture, including in cinema.

Internet communication and a new page in the spread of American culture

Now the United States is planting its cultural values ​​through Internet technologies. Although the advantages of the Internet today are enjoyed by a wide variety of forces, right down to Islamic fundamentalists or left and right radicals, it is still American values ​​that are spreading most rapidly through Internet technology and network communication.

The "alternative" political forces simply do not have the resource capabilities that the United States possesses. For example, many complain about “censorship” in Russian social networks, but Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook also uses very strict censorship for any information that does not like the founders and leaders of this large social network.

But it’s not even political censorship. Through Internet technology, American big business is even more successful than before with the help of cinema, it is planting consumer values, while making money on the audience.

During the “Arab Spring” of 2011, social networks became an excellent tool for consolidating protest-minded youth. Subsequently, exactly the same technologies were used in Ukraine during the Euromaidan, now they are used in Russia. And the generation nurtured on American cultural patterns willingly follows those who set the mood today in the Internet space, in social networks.

At the same time, people's consciousness is changing - clip thinking, the preference for virtual connections over real ones, the assimilation of values ​​and behaviors transmitted through social networks - all these factors form a new type of person - a consumer, so beneficial to American capital. Such a person thinks much less, he is much more manageable than a person brought up in traditional culture, absorbing information from books and communication with other people.

Cultural dominance is a new colonization

Spanish journalist Antonio Lorca Siero writes that we are talking about new forms of colonization - and not political or economic, but cultural. It is difficult to disagree with him, since most modern countries have culturally turned into American colonies. Even if the ruling elites of these countries try to emphasize their independence, take some kind of anti-American action, proclaim anti-imperialist slogans, in reality they have already lost. Moreover, they lost the war for the minds - the most serious and most dangerous war of our time.

No talented physicists, no brilliant commanders and fearless commandos and scouts will not change the situation, while the very values ​​of modern mankind, patterns of behavior for young generations will be set by the United States. You can try to compete with the United States by launching various national propaganda projects, but at the global level, all these efforts of individual states are in vain.

But what alternative can be opposed to American cultural expansion? Religious conservatism and traditionalism? Most of the socially active and educated population of the world will not go for a “religious renaissance” - the world has changed and these values ​​are more perceived as a relic of the past, a sign of sociocultural backwardness, which, as a rule, is closely connected with the economic backwardness.

Religious slogans can still mobilize some of the poor youth in Asian and African countries, and even then, if they are supported by the money of the Persian Gulf oil monarchies and funds controlled by them. In the Christian world there is not even that - the Western churches have long lost the battle for the minds of people, with the Eastern churches everything is only slightly better.

Contrasting American culture and the archaic of the East, they try to show us that there is no other alternative. Like, there is either the West, personified by the United States and based on capitalist values, or even less attractive backward countries of Africa and Asia with their religious fanaticism, inhumanity, hatred of Europeans (and whites) as such.

By confronting us with this choice, we are deliberately deprived of a third path that would reject both Westernized Western culture and Eastern archaic. And the fact that both the Russian authorities and the authorities of other countries trying to oppose the United States follow the same path in the wake of Western capitalist values, is the victory of American culture and the great misfortune of modern mankind.
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  1. 0
    11 September 2019 05: 39
    Like, there is either the West, personified by the United States and based on capitalist values...
    The values ​​of carnal lust? A culture of gluttony, feces and belching? Axillary laughter? Fundamentals of chicken coop laws and PSC principles? The beneficial influence of the theses: "Kill! Rob! Steal!"? Historical justice principle based on muscle mass?
    And the most important culture is sodomy. The most important result of culture is a sexless, brainless creature "hooked" on soft drugs ...
    1. +19
      11 September 2019 06: 16
      Horror, how you still did not scream out the window with a cry, is American culture coming?
      1. -5
        11 September 2019 08: 21
        The cult goes to the brain from the family and from education, America has nothing to do with it.
        1. 0
          11 September 2019 10: 36
          Quote: Pessimist22
          The cult goes to the brain

          Quote: Pessimist22
          from family and from education

          Quote: Pessimist22
          America has nothing to do with it.


          What is the article, so are the comments. wink
          1. -12
            11 September 2019 10: 59
            What is the article, so are the comments. wink

            learned patterns of behavior that were alien to Soviet society and Russian culture.

            Russian culture, but not Russian.
            Original peoples live on the territory of Russia. Each nation has its own culture.
            There were more such peoples in the Russian Empire.
            Georgians, Azerbaijanis, Avars, Poles and others all have their own culture.
            Otherwise, we all turn into nothing more than an electorate.

            Russian culture is based on Orthodoxy.
            The Communists fought against Orthodoxy by exterminating priests and destroying temples and churches.

            But at the same time, the communists took the Orthodox from the Russian people and "advised" them.
            Instead of engagement - registration in marriage. Instead of the church - registry office.
            Instead of Christmas - New Year.
            The ring on the finger could not be overcome.
            The tree also could not.

            The Communists could not forbid or replace other holidays.

            People continued to celebrate Baptism, Shrovetide, Easter and other Russian holidays despite persecution.

            This is money in the author’s head.

            Americans live their own civilization.

            Russia is rebuilding its civilization path.
            1. +5
              11 September 2019 11: 20
              American culture is not loot.
              Distinguish culture and propaganda.

              German culture and Goebels propaganda are not the same thing.

              Italian culture and Mussolini propaganda are not the same thing.

              Propaganda of pederasts is part of EU policy, but it is not part of the culture of Germans or Austrians.

              Does the author really not understand this? request
              1. +5
                11 September 2019 12: 45
                Quote: Vladimir16
                American culture is not loot.
                Distinguish culture and propaganda.

                Propaganda is also carried out through popular culture. If the main idea is loot at any cost, it will be reflected in the culture. Creating a consumer who firmly believes in the United States as a paradise on earth, if not the goal, is the result of the US mass culture.
                Quote: Vladimir16
                German culture and Goebels propaganda are not the same thing.

                On a historical scale, it is. But we do not live on a historical scale.

                Quote: Vladimir16
                Propaganda of pederasts is part of EU policy, but it is not part of the culture of Germans or Austrians.

                But what about fairy tales about princes who found their princes? Aren't tales a part of culture?

                So the author understands everything. But if everyone begins to say to a healthy person that he looks sick, then he will most likely get sick ...
                1. -4
                  11 September 2019 12: 59
                  But what about fairy tales about princes who found their princes? Aren't tales a part of culture?

                  Read Russian fairy tales.

                  Are you interested in the bugger lifestyle?
                  The buggers are not a nationality.
                  There is no culture.

                  Just as there is no culture and nationality of the alcoholic and drug addict.

                  The banker is also not a nationality.

                  There is no such people - a banker.

                  You, along with the author, derogatoryly converted American culture into money worship.

                  Do not bulge your nose.

                  Is Mark Twain also loot?
                  1. +2
                    11 September 2019 13: 12
                    Quote: Vladimir16
                    Read Russian fairy tales.

                    Yes, I’m already out of age when they believe in fairy tales laughing
                    Quote: Vladimir16
                    Are you interested in the bugger lifestyle?
                    The buggers are not a nationality.
                    There is no culture.

                    You do not distort. Tales of the Blue Princes are already part of European culture, whether you like it or not. And what will happen next is not entirely clear.
                    Quote: Vladimir16
                    The banker is also not a nationality.

                    There are nationalities whose representatives, if they could, could argue with this statement laughing
                    Quote: Vladimir16
                    You, along with the author, derogatoryly converted American culture into money worship.

                    However, I, like the author, had in mind popular culture. As a child, I read Mine Read and Fenimore Cooper, there is also a little about money. But this is the year before last, what does Mark Twain have to do with Hollywood?
                  2. +2
                    11 September 2019 14: 15
                    Mark Twain, Hemingway, O'Henry, Charles Spencer Chaplin, Ridley Scott films. Author, just look at "Train to Yuma" with Crowe and Bale - children need to be brought up on such films.
                    You can’t paint with any paint any national culture. Did
                    American films do not have the depth that we see in Soviet and Russian, in Italian cinema. But American cinema has always amazed us with spectacle, spectacular movie actors, which overlapped with the simplicity of the storyline. American films are made in such a way that people with the lowest level of intellectual development can understand them.
                    Is Italian cinema striking in its depth? Depth of shallow filth? Spaghetti Westerns? Fantozzi?
                    Alas, in the mass film production of any country there are enough of the shortcomings that are presented in the quote. Recently, we discussed Russian cinema here, and also frowned.
                    It is clear that there are many organic fertilizers around. But one must be able to see the good. And write about it is good. What would such an article change for the better? We will gather, quarrel with America, capitalism, with each other, condemn ... And what will change for the better?
                    Check out The Train to Yuma if you haven't seen it. Watch Ridley Scott's "Good Year" with Russell Crowe and his wife, relax the evening, stop running through the hustle and bustle, take a breath. Watch "6 days 7 nights" with H. Ford. These films will leave a fond memory on your soul and do not qualify for the money-chasing criteria. Look around calmly and carefully, try not to condemn, and you will discover what else is good in our human world. I have the honor. hi
                    1. +6
                      11 September 2019 14: 44
                      Fantozzi? It’s ridiculous. In the 50-60s, Italian cinema dominated the world. in the 70s yes, Celentano, Villagio. Although Villaggio is very meaningful, and not just neighing.
                      The train to Yuma is very good, but it's a drop in the bucket. This is one diamond for 10-20 piles of shit. Maybe even more. And by the way, the film barely paid for itself. This is not Spider-Man or a dumb American comedy. By the way, normal comedies in Hollywood have not been shot for a long time. Probably the last one I know is Tutsi and Groundhog Day. Well, maybe a couple more easy films, without mat and vulgarity.
                      A good year is not bad of course, but not so memorable. And again, almost a box office failure. If you constantly stuff shit, it is very difficult for him to appreciate something sublime.
                    2. +5
                      11 September 2019 16: 31
                      Mark Twain, Hemingway, O'Henry

                      If we take American literature, it’s worth considering that in the USA, perhaps, the best school of science fiction: Bradbury, Sheckley, Asimov, Saimak ...
                      1. 0
                        12 September 2019 09: 28
                        Right. Good amendment.
                        I didn’t mention many there. Jack London ...
                      2. 0
                        13 September 2019 23: 13
                        Quote: Galleon
                        Right. Good amendment.
                        I didn’t mention many there. Jack London ...

                        In fact, it seems to me that the article was about mass culture. And those authors that you mentioned have nothing to do with mass culture.
                      3. 0
                        14 September 2019 14: 57
                        Then what is called mass culture is actually lack of culture and vulgarity, and it has nothing to do with culture, like the same Cord.
                      4. +1
                        15 September 2019 08: 14
                        Quote: Galleon
                        Then what is called mass culture is actually lack of culture and vulgarity, and it has nothing to do with culture, like the same Cord.

                        Totally agree with you. To you +.
                    3. -1
                      12 September 2019 04: 15
                      Quote: Galleon
                      Author, check out "Train to Yuma" with Crowe and Bale

                      Quote: Galleon
                      Watch Ridley Scott's Good Year with Russell Crowe

                      Quote: Galleon
                      Watch "6 days 7 nights" with H. Ford.

                      Here. Here it is your culture.

                      Look then look this.

                      And not a word said about "The Elusive Avengers", "Guest from the Future."

                      Do you know who Vitya Syroezhkin is?

                      Oh yes. Train to Yuma.

                      Instead of this steam locomotive, my child and I are better than "Republic SHKID", "Dog Watchdog and an extraordinary cross-country", "Old robbers" we'll see.

                      With my wife ... Better yet, "Prisoner of the Caucasus" or "Diamond Hand" once again watch.

                      Quote: Galleon
                      These films will leave a pleasant memory

                      I have the honor hi

                      And you ?..

                      And come on .. to McDonald's!
                      1. +1
                        12 September 2019 09: 26
                        Quote: Vanek
                        Here it is your culture.

                        Especially for Vanya.
                        "You can become a communist only when you enrich your memory with the knowledge of all the riches that humanity has developed." V.I. Lenin
                        Everything else would make sense to write to a person who thinks, and not to a tired, embittered, pathetic little man.
                        P / S / Vanya, I do not go to eateries from the word at all. I cook myself well. I can feed you too - come visit a good borsch.
                      2. -1
                        12 September 2019 11: 47
                        Quote: Galleon
                        when you enrich your memory with knowledge of all those riches,

                        We have already seen your wealth.

                        steam engine, 6 days and other cattle riddles.

                        PS do not go and do it right. Homemade borscht is much cooler than any hamburger Yes

                        I have the honor hi
                    4. 0
                      12 September 2019 14: 09
                      Quote: Galleon
                      Mark Twain, Hemingway, O'Henry, Charles Spencer Chaplin, Ridley Scott films. Author, watch at least "Train to Yuma" with Crowe and Bale - children should be brought up on such films

                      As I understand it, the author did not see anything worthwhile from the US film industry, the article is superficial and entirely propaganda. I can continue the whole list of films, series, cartoon series, which are certainly classics and do not carry any propaganda. By the way, the Americans themselves, who are interested in the world of cinema, speak very positively about our classic films.
                  3. -1
                    11 September 2019 19: 34
                    Quote: Vladimir16
                    Read Russian fairy tales. Are you interested in the lifestyle of buggers?

                    I read "Zayushkina's hut" to a child, and the child asks me - did the hare get along with the fox? Yes? Why did he get along with the rooster?
                    And Afanasyev’s “Treasured Tales”, with a little-known facet of the Russian imagination - “littering”, obscene fairy tales, in which, according to the folklorist, “genuine folk speech beats with a live key, sparkling with all the brilliant and witty sides of the common man.”
              2. 0
                15 September 2019 19: 52
                To clarify, the Americans are immigrants from Europe and their culture is based on British culture. Americans are part of the West.
                In Britain, the musical revolution began.
                And in the 70s, they cut their hair under the Beatles and wore flared pants. And even earlier, the elite spoke French. So for Russia, it’s normal to adopt and digest Western culture. The main thing is not to bring this to the point of absurdity.

            2. +3
              11 September 2019 13: 52
              Quote: Vladimir16
              People continued to celebrate Baptism, Shrovetide, Easter and other Russian holidays despite persecution.

              Baptism and Easter - Russian holidays ?! Hmm.
              1. -2
                12 September 2019 04: 18
                Quote: Normal ok

                14.02/XNUMX here.

                Right here are the most Russian of all Russian.

                Volodya sixteenth knows best simply.

                Peter hi
              2. +1
                14 September 2019 08: 35
                Already more than a thousand years ago.
                All my ancestors celebrated them.
                I guess, like yours.
                But you betrayed the work of your ancestors - ceased to celebrate and mock.
            3. +3
              11 September 2019 17: 35
              Quote: Vladimir16
              Russian culture is based on Orthodoxy.
              The Communists fought against Orthodoxy by exterminating priests and destroying temples and churches.
              This is money in the author’s head.
              Americans live their own civilization.
              Russia is rebuilding its civilization path.

              Yes, it does. There are already more churches in Saratov than before the revolution, including built them on the territory of universities. This did not happen even before the revolution. At the same time, the number of drug brothels has grown, prostitution has become commonplace, but the industry has ordered a long and fucking life. These, of course, are temporary difficulties, but when Shoigu will finish building a military temple, we will live with God's help in a way that we never dreamed of with a "scoop"! In the morning we all line up for prayer for matins, then stand mass, then - you know, well, there you can go to a brothel or a brothel. But there is still nowhere to go to work.
              Make the representative of the intellectual majority pray to God - he will break his forehead.
            4. -2
              12 September 2019 09: 14
              The Communists could not forbid or replace other holidays.

              People continued to celebrate Baptism, Shrovetide, Easter and other Russian holidays despite persecution.
              that's good to "drive", everyone did not care what you mark, no one forbade you anything. if you want, paint the eggs with green, if you want with iodine or potassium permanganate ... your business ... there were no "punishments" for THIS, you don't have to lie, sometimes even from black white screens they congratulated you, and they didn't shoot anyone.
            5. -1
              13 September 2019 21: 21
              The church is not faith. the number of churches does not increase the number of believers. Traditions cultivated by Orthodoxy take their roots from Greek Orthodoxy, and Russian culture based on self-sacrifice for the sake of society is more ancient, our life is more difficult, it is easier to survive by society. Orthodoxy is simply the most suitable traditional religion, convenient for the ruling class.
              Quote: Vladimir16
              The Communists fought against Orthodoxy by exterminating priests and destroying temples and churches.
              Well here you my friend gave too much! laughing Churches robbed everyone during the Civil War! Even the whites are no more than the Bolsheviks. The Bolsheviks, by the way, spoke more from the position of legality and protected the church from the state and priests from arbitrariness! If someone suffered during the confusion period, then one cannot make such broad generalizations from this!
              Stalin, by the way, actually continued the work of Jesus Christ by making an attempt to build a society of social justice. He only built it on the basis of the code of the builder of communism, in fact repeating the famous libel from the Sermon on the Mount. And the fact that he did not turn to the Bible cannot be two suns in heaven!
              1. -1
                14 September 2019 08: 40
                When I read postings with content like this one of yours, I get a little creepy: it’s like people’s brains are messed up with wildest lies combined with ignorance and self-satisfaction from all this ..
                1. 0
                  16 September 2019 07: 33
                  Quote: Private-K
                  I feel a little creepy

                  you’re cowardly, my friend, but in essence it’s impolite to blame a person for ignorance.
                  Quote: Private-K
                  and what is self-satisfaction? laughing
              2. 0
                15 September 2019 20: 08
                Traditions cultivated by Orthodoxy take their roots from Greek Orthodoxy

                And the Greeks were slaveholders. There is a study of the burial place, galley slave rowers, their bones are already deformed, they were used as a machine, and they were buried in ditches for wear.
                The ancient Greeks are not very good, they lived due to the most severe exploitation, man-machine and saying things.
              3. +1
                16 September 2019 18: 31
                Quote: aybolyt678
                Quote: Vladimir16
                The Communists fought against Orthodoxy by exterminating priests and destroying temples and churches.

                Well here you my friend gave too much! laughing Churches robbed everyone during the Civil War! Even the whites are no more than the Bolsheviks. The Bolsheviks, by the way, spoke more from the position of legality and protected the church from the state and priests from arbitrariness! If someone was hurt there during the confusion, then one cannot make such broad generalizations from this! ..

                The plans of Stalin did not include the destruction of the Church. And if he had such intentions, he would undoubtedly start from the pillar of the church hierarchy - the Synod, as the supreme organ of church administration.
                However, those servants of religion who explicitly or secretly opposed the Soviet government fell under the hand.
                So, in July – September 1937, the Belarusian Orthodox Autocephalous Church spy-rebel organization was liquidated in Belarus with a center in Minsk and branches in Bobruisk and Rogachev, which united 13 anti-Soviet rebel groups in Minsk, Osipovichsky, Smolevichsky, Chausky, Pukhovichi , Smilovichi, Klichevsky, Borisov and other areas of the BSSR. This organization was attended by 2 archbishops, 30 priests, up to 170 people of kulaks, gendarmes, former officials and other anti-Soviet element ... ”[89].

        2. 0
          13 September 2019 20: 20
          Quote: Pessimist22
          The cult goes to the brain from the family and from education, America has nothing to do with it.

          often the street brings up more than a family ....
    2. +15
      11 September 2019 08: 14
      How to answer? How will Russian capitalists respond to US capitalists? Who are these highly spiritual people? Where are these merchants with honor, conscience and dignity? What is opposed to the American chewing gum? About since joyful and happy shift workers produce oil and gas for the German capitalists?
      1. +4
        11 September 2019 13: 12
        Quote: Civil
        How to answer? How will Russian capitalists respond to US capitalists? Who are these highly spiritual people? Where are these merchants with honor, conscience and dignity? What is opposed to the American chewing gum? About since joyful and happy shift workers produce oil and gas for the German capitalists?

        laughing Tell me the idea of ​​the film to Mikhalkov, he’ll turn the filmmaker on the topic ,, Tractor drivers ,, in a new way .. ,, when the owner Sechin sends us into battle and the emperor calls us to battle ,, wassat
      2. +2
        11 September 2019 19: 36
        Quote: Civil
        Will we answer? How will Russian capitalists respond to US capitalists?

        Yes, they will move to permanent residence in the United States.
    3. +2
      11 September 2019 12: 04
      Yeah, the gay parade in Sarajevo made me re-sing a good Soviet song.
      "There are so many singles on the streets of Sarajevo .."
      There is an influence of American mass culture, but it will pass ... like a runny nose!
      1. +1
        15 September 2019 20: 13
        Yeah, the gay parade in Sarajevo made me re-sing

        Previously, we did not even know about this, but now Western censorship requires storylines about gays and in almost every film it is present. Propaganda is doing its job.
        1. 0
          15 September 2019 23: 35
          This is what annoys. Humanity is slaughtering, led by an invisible force.
          Here either conspiracy theology or the creator of this whole world ...
          It can be seen that human life is as finite as human life.
    4. +8
      11 September 2019 12: 41
      Quote: ROSS 42
      Axillary laughter?

      What kind of laugh do we have? Alcoholic? Almost all modern Russian comedies are rivers of vodka, drunken dances and drunken fights. By the way, there is enough "axillary" and other physiological humor ...
      Quote: ROSS 42
      The basics of chicken house laws and the principles of black and white?

      Where is it in amerskie films? As far as I can tell, everything is exactly the opposite: Negroes, Asians, fat men and gays gather in friendly teams and give ̶с̶т̶р̶а̶н̶е̶ ̶у̶г̶л̶я̶ stars to all kinds of villains (more often it’s a white heterosexual man, but this is not about that).
      1. +1
        11 September 2019 20: 44
        I went to the cinema with a friend to see the national comedy "Bitch". The film begins with several drunken vagina carriers defecating in a park.
        It's abruptly some of the hollywood sort of comedies.

        Good movies are hard to find, just like a good book.
        Great films are shot both in the USA and in Europe. Only you will never see them on a wide screen.
        1. +1
          13 September 2019 21: 29
          Quote: Jager
          Great films are shot both in the USA and in Europe. Only you will never see them on a wide screen.

          one of these films, "Gattaca", released simultaneously with the Titanic. Made for domestic consumption in the United States has a huge educational message. The film had no advertising support and was not seen by a wide audience.
          By the way, what films did you mean?
    5. +4
      11 September 2019 14: 38
      As long as people who broadcast from high rostrum about "patriotism", "spiritual bonds", etc., keep their assets and children in offshore and NATO countries, nothing will change in our country.
      1. 0
        13 September 2019 21: 34
        Quote: Megatron
        nothing will change in our country.

        firstly, the public request for change should change. Navalny’s rhetoric is unsuccessful because as he exposes the dirt he does not offer any systemic shifts. And the people are just waiting for a simple and distinct turn to a socially oriented policy with the economy. The people will go for those who propose to nationalize the bowels and their contents.
    6. -2
      14 September 2019 22: 57
      No, everything is simpler - a consumer society. What the United States drove into the current duplex - the genius is not the one who did something, but the one who bought a lot. And when no one is going to produce anything in the country, just to consume - that’s where the production leaves China and China has a very negative trade balance - China does, but the United States only buys from it, they have nothing to sell to China)))
  2. +7
    11 September 2019 05: 50
    Amer’s culture will be propagated as long as power belongs to liberal-globalists with open borders. I can imagine how those who are already used to wandering around abroad are wailing, we don’t worry, we just go for a vacation, ,, again the iron curtain is awful. ,, Such citizens liberalized (Americanized) and didn’t understand it themselves, because constant propaganda of amer’s, values, over the course of 30 years has done its job, quietly changing the minds of some of our citizens who have joined the consumer society.
    1. +16
      11 September 2019 06: 44
      American values ​​are too voluminous. And in different films made by Hollywood, different values ​​are shown. Starting from the American classics (for example, “Gone with the Wind”, where is there what the author of the article describes? Or where the cult of violence in “Apocalypse Today” is just a film negating this cult) and ending with modern ones.

      And if we compare our modern war films and American films, then in general the result is not in our favor. In our modern films, with rare exceptions, and most importantly in TV shows, it is often not at all clear what the author wanted to say with this film and what purpose he pursued when shooting it.
      1. +8
        11 September 2019 07: 00
        That is, you acknowledge the complete degradation of Russian cinema? Degradation compared to the Soviet state cinema, which delivered a high-quality product to the screens. And why did this happen, the answer is simple - maximum profit with minimal investment. Whose values ​​are these ??? By the way, in Russian war films on the theme of the Second World War, the goal is laid down, it is enough to pay attention as shown, the Stalinist bloody regime, i.e. Soviet authority. negative
        1. +13
          11 September 2019 07: 34
          I think the degradation of Russian cinema is recognized by any adequate person. The most offensive is that even in the 90s quite a few quality films were shot, many of which remained in the memory of the people and were stolen into quotes. But the last decade in Russian cinema can be called troubled times.
          1. 0
            11 September 2019 07: 58
            Quote: Greenwood
            quite a few quality films were shot in the 90s

            how much is a lot? give examples
            1. 0
              11 September 2019 08: 07
              DMB Promised Heaven Land of the Deaf. I can still. Peculiarities of the National Hunt. Burnt by the sun. Not to send us a messenger. Love in Russian. I want to go to jail. Balabanovsky about freaks and people. you can relate to them differently but they are much more interesting than what is riveting now.
              1. +1
                11 September 2019 08: 22
                Quote: carstorm 11

                I remove the question
                Quote: carstorm 11
                Peculiarities of the National Hunt.

                even cooler, you will find a thought in comics
                1. +1
                  11 September 2019 08: 29
                  the conversation is not that it’s super movies, but that they’re better than what they’re shooting right now. They watch DMB so far and 95 percent of those who saw it remember quotes from there. You can count them with anything, but they got their popularity. and better than Okhlobystin then still can not remove.
                  Threat and you at least once read the comics? I'm not talking about pictures in Murzilka’s magazine, but about real graphic novels like the Guardians and the City of Sins) I highly recommend that you read it. the desire to puke about this genre of literature will disappear.
                  1. +8
                    11 September 2019 08: 37
                    Oga, the anti-Soviet Chernukha of the slug Mikhalkov, also from ,, the best ,, wassat Perhaps, only, to love in Russian, a normal movie from your list is all.
                    1. 0
                      11 September 2019 08: 44
                      Well this is your opinion. I don’t like dialogues about tastes. if you don’t like it, don’t like it.
                  2. -1
                    11 September 2019 08: 38
                    Quote: carstorm 11
                    but about the fact that they are the best of what they shoot now

                    in fact, the conversation was not about varieties ..., but about the fact that in the 90s they shot "quite a lot of high-quality films"
                  3. 0
                    11 September 2019 08: 40
                    Quote: carstorm 11
                    DMB are still watching

                    I will surprise you and Remba is someone watching
                    1. -2
                      11 September 2019 08: 43
                      I doubt) if only new and those crafts on the first part. and DMB is not a high-quality film?) especially since I not only called it) are there no complaints about other?)
                      1. 0
                        11 September 2019 08: 52
                        Once again, the conversation is not about the "lads" a la DMB and national hunting
                      2. -2
                        11 September 2019 09: 06
                        actually it's called an ironic comedy. very relevant for that time. when in a country a mess then it’s even right to laugh at yourself.
                      3. -1
                        11 September 2019 09: 40
                        Quote: carstorm 11
                        is DMB not a high-quality film?

                        briefly what the film is about, what is the point, what does it teach? !!!
                      4. +4
                        11 September 2019 11: 02
                        teaches that you can’t walk on a seasoned wild boar with a dagger, he will select it smile
                      5. 0
                        11 September 2019 12: 18
                        "You can only breathe with the wind!" (For those who understand, enough).
                      6. 0
                        11 September 2019 13: 26
                        Do you remember what was happening in the country then? we laughed at ourselves. it helped distract from that gray life. when you tell a funny joke you also look for the meaning and what does he teach? ) irony in itself, and even more so in comedy, is always good.
                      7. -1
                        11 September 2019 13: 44
                        Quote: carstorm 11
                        when you tell a funny joke you also look for the meaning and what does he teach?

                        you now really compare jokes about shtirlitsa with art?
                      8. 0
                        11 September 2019 17: 49
                        I do not compare. I say that this is a film for those who wanted to laugh at themselves. a good joke does the same thing. in any case, the whole thing is a matter of taste. if you don’t come, then I don’t agitate you to become his fan. we just talked about whether it is quality or not. I think so.
                    2. +10
                      11 September 2019 09: 40
                      The first film about Rambo, which is the first blood, is very good. A person with post-war syndrome that no one needs.
                  4. The comment was deleted.
                    1. -1
                      11 September 2019 08: 54
                      it’s immediately obvious that you didn’t read back to hell ... there is no sexual connotation at all. a woman in discord and the one behind is trying to lead her into feelings. I’ll translate that would not be confused. he says, please don’t force me, she says well let go well. before that I was hysterical about and attacked him with scissors at home in bed while being when he came to her. that's all. read. and do not show the first pictures you get. I’m shots from a dawns here, I don’t cut out the quiet ones from the bathhouse and do not criticize like porn?)
                      1. -2
                        11 September 2019 09: 14
                        Quote: carstorm 11
                        a woman in discord and the one behind tries to lead her into feelings

                        II give fantasy
                      2. 0
                        11 September 2019 09: 37
                        I’m saying the whole read first and not by one picture that did not understand judge.
                      3. +4
                        11 September 2019 09: 44
                        Sorry, but I prefer THESE books, amers have quite bad writers, and not a product for the poorly educated part of the population
                      4. 0
                        11 September 2019 13: 31
                        on taste and color. we have not gotten this kind of art. but it is quite interesting, if only because they noted many artists who are now popular with them. but I’m always interested in what I don’t understand and seek to know. so arranged.
                      5. -1
                        11 September 2019 13: 47
                        Quote: carstorm 11
                        we have not gotten this kind of art

                        Do you even know how and why this kind of "art" appeared?
                      6. -2
                        11 September 2019 17: 56
                        are you talking about hallelujah?) Well, modern painting in general from the cave paintings of mammoths went and why?) and the theater went according to the statements of researchers in general from shamanistic rituals))) as the music came from because of rites) and the dance too)
                      7. +1
                        12 September 2019 09: 21
                        how after the "rebuilding" many "rebuilt" ... the homosexuals became a lot ... are dying out? I'm sorry for the girls ... I can't handle it ...
                  5. -4
                    11 September 2019 09: 02
                    Quote: carstorm 11
                    DMB is still watched, and 95 percent of those who see it remember the quotes from there.

                    II give fantasy, by the way, also a quote and no less popular
                    1. 0
                      11 September 2019 09: 10
                      and then. only for everyone in their own way. someone is watching porn and someone is hockey and hears it after a chic puck against the opponent’s goal or a beautiful picture in the museum and much more .. who is fond of what they say.
                    2. 0
                      12 September 2019 09: 22
                      Quote: Barmaleyka
                      Quote: carstorm 11
                      DMB is still watched, and 95 percent of those who see it remember the quotes from there.

                      II give fantasy, by the way, also a quote and no less popular

                      don't watch german porn ...
                      1. -1
                        12 September 2019 12: 13
                        be surprised did not see, but here the quote even in the literature skips
                        By the way, what about a doll? feel
                    3. 0
                      12 September 2019 19: 59
                      Quote: Barmaleyka
                      II give fantasy

                      Translated from German - "this is fantastic"! wink
                2. +1
                  11 September 2019 12: 33
                  Quote: Barmaleyka
                  Quote: carstorm 11

                  I remove the question
                  Quote: carstorm 11
                  Peculiarities of the National Hunt.

                  even cooler, you will find a thought in comics

                  And what's wrong with them. These are comedy films, ironies. They became a classic of the genre, you can’t argue. Although comedy is always a matter of taste.
                  1. +1
                    12 September 2019 09: 27
                    Quote: freddyk
                    And what's wrong with them. These are comedy films, the irony. They became a classic of the genre, you can’t argue. Although comedy is always a matter of taste.
                    \ By the way, yes, at first it was jarring ... then I remembered my adventures in the service. in general, I look sometimes, I try not to remember who "Panin" is .. I just look and laugh, especially since the "wild ensign" was written off from our "buyer" sergeant ... one to one. upon arrival in Chebarkul, we barely found where to attach it, it was in the meat, and then some strayed ... who knows, the garrison is not small ... hangover, thirst, and complete disregard for the ranks ... wassat
                    was yes ...
                3. +1
                  11 September 2019 20: 53
                  So you can also ignore "Operation Y", "Moonshiners", "Prisoner of the Caucasus". But who dares to say that this is a "second-rate" product? Legendary cinema.
                  Each time has its own films. And therefore, at the turn of the 00s and 10s, I cannot remember really iconic films, because the time is "no" either. We are not hungry, but we only have enough to eat, there is no banditry, but there is no order either ...
            2. 0
              13 September 2019 21: 37
              Quote: Barmaleyka
              how much is a lot? give examples

              "everything will be fine" by Dmitry Astrakhan, "operation righteous" ......
          2. +3
            11 September 2019 08: 07
            The most offensive is that even in the 90s quite a few quality films were shot, many of which remained in the memory of the people and were stolen into quotes. But the last decade in Russian cinema can be called troubled times.
            In the 90s .. I can’t remember anything of quality what ..possibility of inertia was still possible in places, it is not possible to instantly stop the huge colossus by the treacherous stroke of the pen. And why the criminal opuses like blindfolds, brothers, boomers, and features of hunting with fishing pulled away for quotes? Doubtful works of art in terms of cinematographic art ... right now they will stick the minuses of young 90s. laughing
            1. +8
              11 September 2019 09: 39
              laughing hi Films, TV shows of the 90s ----- this is my school time and most of them ---- the elders watched, and I, in the middle of the eye, slightly.
              But childhood begins with cartoons! And the best, kind, beautiful --- precisely Soviet! Now what appears? I do not like sketchy ugly people. After all, identification with the heroes would somehow be wrong then.
              To an ugly man ---- an ugly life.
              The theme of songs, both modern and Soviet, is also interesting.
              By the way, we have a kindergarten in the yard. All day long Soviet children's songs of the last century are heard all over the yard! There are no new ones !!!!! Probably for the best.
              1. 0
                16 September 2019 18: 59
                Quote: Reptiloid
                ... But childhood begins with cartoons!
                And the best, kind, beautiful --- precisely Soviet!
                And now what appears? ...

                Soviet cartoon "Dunno in the Sun City" - some not attractive
                Russian cartoon "Dunno on the Moon" - exciting

                For lack of alternatives, anime is now watching
            2. +4
              11 September 2019 09: 45
              Is Boomer a crime opus? Actually, this is a film about a lost generation. "Sorry for nobody, nobody"
              1. +1
                11 September 2019 09: 57
                Quote: AU Ivanov.
                Is Boomer a crime opus? Actually, this is a film about a lost generation. "Sorry for nobody, nobody"

                But sho, everyone got lost and went with a brush on the big road? You did not understand the meaning of the film.
                1. +3
                  11 September 2019 10: 24
                  Exactly. About the generation that followed the fraternal romance, but received hopelessness.
                  1. 0
                    11 September 2019 10: 33
                    This is not a generation, but only a small part of it. Think about why and why they chose this path and who and what contributed to this choice ..
            3. +3
              11 September 2019 20: 42
              Quote: DEPHIHTO
              In the 90s .. I can’t remember anything of quality

              And Alexey Balabanov, did he make low-quality films?
        2. +7
          11 September 2019 09: 21
          I always wondered how it was, with such monstrous censorship, which is being heavily hawked today, that such wonderful films were released in the USSR that are considered to be masterpieces and classics today))
          1. +3
            11 September 2019 12: 44
            Quote: Voyager
            I always wondered how it was, with such monstrous censorship, which is being heavily hawked today, that such wonderful films were released in the USSR that are considered to be masterpieces and classics today))

            It turns out that she was not so monstrous. But now it would not be bad if only a little of this censorship. It's already scary to watch TV with a child during the day.
        3. -2
          11 September 2019 10: 14
          Nonsense. The percentage of contemporary films about the "bloody Stalinist regime" is very small.
          And in the majority, all these films do not pay off and are shot with budget money. So, it’s not about the profit at all from the word at all!
          So get your arguments past.
          1. 0
            11 September 2019 20: 59
            Over the past 15 years, I can only remember a couple of good films about the Second World War. "In August 44th", "Brest Fortress", with a stretch will go "28 Panfilovs", multi-part "Leningrad". The rest starts to feel sick. "White Tiger", "Stalingrad", "Sniper", "T-34" - this is idiocy just for the victims of the cinema of the level of "Grandfather Poole".
            Whoever understands the question more or less will understand me.
            I don’t even remember about Fedya Bondarchuk as a nightmare.
      2. +7
        11 September 2019 07: 56
        Quote: Old Tankman
        "Gone with the Wind" where is what the author of the article describes?

        Scarlett O'Hara: - "I would rather deceive, steal or kill, but I will never starve!"
        One comment: "... the anthem of the Americans .... the end justifies the means!"
        1. -1
          11 September 2019 09: 46
          Everything is legal: to live with wolves - howl like a wolf.
        2. 0
          11 September 2019 10: 28
          Did you only see the point of the film in this, or did you pull the quote favorable to you and confirming your thesis?
          1. +1
            11 September 2019 10: 47
            This “quote” is the cry of a hungry, brutal stomach. But with what pomp decorated with narration and picture! Give an example of the harmony of this slogan with any religion (other than Deuteronomy), a national tradition? This is quite a slogan of the USA - the main world terrorist, profiting from wars and robbery.
        3. The comment was deleted.
        4. 0
          11 September 2019 13: 48
          Scarlett O'Hara: - "The earth is the only thing in the world that has value ... because it is the only thing that is eternal ... The only thing worth working for, what is worth fighting for ..."
          1. +1
            11 September 2019 15: 36
            This was actually said by her Irish father, who had fled from the British.
        5. +1
          15 September 2019 20: 21
          One comment: "... the anthem of the Americans .... the end justifies the means!"

          Actually, this is the unofficial motto of the Jesuit Order
  3. +6
    11 September 2019 06: 02
    "And the fact that both the Russian authorities and the authorities of other countries trying to oppose the United States follow in the same way in the wake of Western capitalist values, and that is the victory of American culture and the great misfortune of modern mankind."

    Formally, Western values ​​are condemned both in politics, in education, and by the confessions of the Russian Federation .... But the "fathers of peoples" of the Russian Federation themselves are in everything typical people of the West. It is rather humiliating to the descendants that some "films" bring down the Empire.
  4. -13
    11 September 2019 06: 14
    By confronting us with this choice, we are deliberately deprived of a third path that would reject both Westernized Western culture and Eastern archaic.

    There is no third way in nature, the vast majority of people like Western capitalism with satiety and wealth, and not the eastern archaic with poverty and physical slavery
    1. +1
      11 September 2019 07: 59
      Quote: Alexander Sokolov
      overwhelming majority of people like Western capitalism with satiety and wealth

      is there sociological research ?!
      1. -2
        11 September 2019 11: 39
        Show me at least some number of unemployed people who want to live in poverty in a hut for some greatness of the country, Topvarov commentators do not count
        1. +3
          11 September 2019 11: 41
          I'm sorry you are engaged in verbiage and it is unfortunate that you do not understand this, there is a difference between living well and living well
          1. +2
            11 September 2019 12: 49
            Quote: Barmaleyka
            it’s unfortunate that you don’t understand this, there is a difference between living well and living well

            This understanding comes to everyone. Over time :-) First you need to get enough. :-)
    2. +2
      11 September 2019 08: 12
      Quote: Alexander Sokolov
      the vast majority of people like Western capitalism with satiety

      You can have time to warm up at a burning house. The US warmed itself well in the world wars. Thought experiment: close the boundaries. In a month, there will be no trace of Western satiety and well-being, Fords will be exchanged for hoes. And the "Eastern archaic with poverty" will come to life.
      1. -8
        11 September 2019 11: 42
        History has shown that the eastern archaic ends in death, the example of the Russian empire and the USSR is more than obvious. From the modern, advanced country-republic of Korea and the archaic despotism of the DPR
        1. 0
          11 September 2019 17: 51
          Cynical, primitive and not logical.
        2. 0
          11 September 2019 20: 50
          Quote: Alexander Sokolov
          History has shown that the eastern archaic ends in death, the example of the Russian empire and the USSR is more than obvious

          And Rome, Greece, is it East or West for you?
        3. 0
          15 September 2019 20: 36
          History has shown that the eastern archaic ends in death, the example of the Russian empire and the USSR is more than obvious

          The USSR was not an eastern archaic, it was an industrial power, where you turned to a simple worker.
          And the states are a police state, the same rules of conduct, conventions, dresscodes are German Ordung. We have more nonsense, we are freer than them.
          You probably hint at the gulags? The Gulag is a manifestation of a civil war and crisis, they are not peculiar to the Russian mentality.
  5. +3
    11 September 2019 06: 15
    In fact, American films do not have the depth that we see in Soviet and Russian, in Italian cinema.

    That's right (no)
    1. -7
      11 September 2019 06: 19
      Well, if you have enough mind to look for depth in crafts for the smallest from marvel, then this says a lot
      1. +2
        11 September 2019 08: 17
        Quote: Alexander Sokolov
        Well, if you have enough mind to look for depth in crafts for the smallest

        you will probably be surprised, but even in "crafts for the smallest" there should be depth
        1. -6
          11 September 2019 11: 42
          Depth borrowed from no one to be due
          1. -1
            11 September 2019 11: 44
            you flood, or just kill time ?!
            sorry koment stupid and off topic
      2. +1
        11 September 2019 20: 56
        Quote: Alexander Sokolov
        Well, if you have enough mind to look for depth in crafts for the smallest from marvel, then this says a lot

        However, the most rated and popular among modern youth. This, of course, does not speak about the depth of these crafts, but speaks about the deep interference of these crafts in the minds of young people, which is the planting of certain stereotypes in the young brains of the future of the country ... request
  6. +6
    11 September 2019 06: 24
    of course, you excuse me, but to be based on several films with frank cranberries throughout the cinema is at least strange. show me at least a hundred times Rimbaud or red heat it will not affect my perception of life. I know hundreds of films that are many times more qualitatively deeper and smarter than all that our industry produces. everyone likes old soviet films. and that is great. but they don’t come to our children because they are hopelessly outdated. Americans also have a lot of classics, which is wonderful just but their children also do not need. Scarface Schindler's List Raging Bull and much more. old Disney cartoons even come to me still. I review many times) it’s not that they are filming, but how we perceive what we are watching. and cranberries were and will be. only it has to the real cinema the same relation as rap to the classical stage.
    1. +9
      11 September 2019 07: 06
      Quote: carstorm 11
      I'm sorry of course, but based on several films

      It is always difficult for me to accept maximalist people: either capitalism - or a slave system; or complete freedom - or burqa (chadra, hijab); or a piece of fried bacon - or a banana; or in half - or to smithereens ...
      What areas (areas) of contemporary American culture can you name (besides music and cinema)? Are there people whose views on universal human values ​​(love, children, the world, nature, space, etc.) simply "shake" society?
      Here is an example of examples of the culture of monolingual countries. English writer Henry Ryder Haggard wrote "The Mines of King Solomon", and in the USA a film was made based on his book ... This is a real difference, which was not adorned even by Richard Chamberlain or Sharon Stone.
      And I can’t perceive (with all due respect to individuals) the culture of a country that, on the one hand, weeps over the fate of Scarlett, Titanic passengers or Pearl Harbor characters, and on the other hand, burns Vietnamese villages with napalm, throws bombs on civilians of Yugoslavia and laughs at the torn bandits Libyan leader Gaddafi ...
      That, in fact, is the whole short-lived ...
      1. -1
        11 September 2019 07: 22
        musicals literature painting. sport yes damn clothes after all. I do not judge the states according to their only vile policies. everyone has fools and cranks. Pearl Harbor incidentally failed at the box office in the states for the full program. it looked good only with us.
      2. +9
        11 September 2019 07: 38
        Quote: ROSS 42
        And I can’t perceive (with all due respect to individuals) the culture of a country that, on the one hand, weeps over the fate of Scarlett, Titanic passengers or Pearl Harbor characters, and on the other hand, burns Vietnamese villages with napalm, throws bombs on civilians of Yugoslavia and laughs at the torn bandits Libyan leader Gaddafi ...
        There is another example: Japan is a small country in the east, which has carried out significant cultural and technological expansion around the world. Young people from many countries, including our country, actively watch anime and absorb rolls, play Final Fantasy on Sony PlayStation 4 and ride Toyota Corolla. Do you perceive these facts well, taking into account the memories of the atrocities of the Japanese military during World War II ?! lol
        1. +2
          11 September 2019 20: 58
          Quote: Greenwood
          There is another example: Japan is a small country in the east, which has carried out significant cultural and technological expansion around the world.

          An absolutely accurate example of a Western (American, capitalist) lifestyle.
      3. +1
        11 September 2019 09: 49
        Quote: ROSS 42
        ..... I can’t perceive (with all due respect to individuals) the culture of the country, which, on the one hand, weeps over the fate of Scarlett, the passengers of the Titanic or Pearl Harbor characters, and on the other, it burns down Vietnamese villages with napalm and throws bombs on civilians of Yugoslavia and laughs at the torn bandits Libyan leader Gaddafi ... That's, in fact, the whole short-lived ... hi
        And this is the meaning of that, um, hmm, "culture" it's time for everyone to understand this. That a place in life is for the states and no one else.
    2. +6
      11 September 2019 07: 51
      He is different, American cinema. There is everything, any scenarios - even with an understanding of the past, even with different assessments of the present day, futuristic. I enjoyed watching the series "Castle", "Bones", "Remember Everything", "The Mentalist", "Lucifer", and others are the same. What attracts? Passionate, honest attitude of the heroes to work. I would say, overly responsible, often not in favor of personal life. Well, of course, in favor of damned American capitalism. But it would be strange if Hollywood was not filming in favor. And we build ourselves - what? In our series, this is not observed - a passionate and honest attitude to work. Only occasionally, and somehow not very convincing. Reflection of the truth? Because we are not building capitalism. The general public is devoid of ideological orientation. They left socialism, but never came to capitalism. There is no attractive hero of our time. Maybe I haven't seen much of contemporary Russian films. I remember only "Brother-1" and the brilliant "Zhmurki".
      I do not watch TV shows with our village virgins forever aching, desperately wanting to marry an oligarch. Although it may be the truth of the present life.
      1. +1
        11 September 2019 14: 04
        thought about your comment, dear Lyudmila love .Liked your remark about science and attitude! And there is. Before my eyes, more than one girl began to go to honey after House and "bone". They say that there were Soviet films about production and leaders. Have not seen. I don’t know .... But ----- are real Americans so passionate about their work? How is it on TV shows? Or is it shown how you would like it to be? Once I read that Soviet films, literature, showed how it should be, how it should be. And Soviet people wanted to be like that.
        Maybe with some American films as well?
        And our current films are trying to flaw.
  7. +3
    11 September 2019 06: 26
    well means to build a wall. close all and show just what will be allowed on top. and damn it. already it was ...
  8. +3
    11 September 2019 06: 34
    ... What a pop, such a parish ... what an economic and political formation, such a culture ... especially in the era of globalization ... And there is no third way, as it were, but there is a barrier ...
    1. +3
      11 September 2019 07: 16
      Quote: parusnik
      ... What a pop, such a parish ... what an economic and political formation

      There is an absolute truth in your remark. I can add that it is useless to impose some human values ​​and cultivate morality in a young man if life shows him completely different priorities and rules. The third way ... The fourth ... There is the only way that you need to go so that your name is not cursed by descendants - to follow the laws of honor and conscience, without exception for anyone ...
      PS Here's one thought. Some modern "descendants" consider the sin of the arsonist of the temple of Herostratus to be greater than the sin of the warmonger, Adolf Aloizovich ... request
      1. +1
        11 September 2019 12: 49
        follow the laws of honor and conscience

        Everything would be fine ... Yes, only conscience is a set of behavioral standards loaded into the human brain (and up to a certain age). A sort of set of "base libraries". All behavioral programs are attached to them, they cannot be thrown away painlessly, and even more so replaced by others in adulthood. And the deviation from the standard is perceived by the brain as a "mismatch signal" - the very pangs of conscience.
        And now the conclusion is - download other standards from the very beginning. Your grandmother (great-grandmother) probably did not take off her headscarf in public - ashamed. And your daughter will twist a finger at the temple, if you force her to wear a scarf in public. Try to go to the nudist beach naked - you need to break everything in yourself. And there are tribes in Africa where they walk naked - and this is the norm, no tension.

        The author went too far in one - all under one comb. A society is puff from an altruist to an egoist. Moreover, both those and those are needed. And the moral of society is selected by evolution, not anyhow. There is a society that means sustainability, and morality corresponds to its structure.
    2. +1
      11 September 2019 14: 12
      Quote: parusnik
      ... What a pop, such a parish ... what an economic and political formation, such a culture ... especially in the era of globalization ... And there is no third way, as it were, but there is a barrier ...
      Good afternoon, Alex! It dominates, is at the trough, distributes money ---- the liberal layer that came to power in the 90s. Invaders. What is done is beneficial only to them. There can be no other. They will not allow anyone else to power and will not share with anyone.
  9. +4
    11 September 2019 06: 35
    Lots of buccaff about anything!
    Solid verbiage. The author completely dada did not touch on the very essence of American culture, what it consists of. The fact that American films are understandable to any person even with low intelligence, is that really bad ?! In my opinion - it's great! To convey the main idea even to a person not particularly gifted with intellect is only a plus of American cinema. Although Hollywood makes high-profile films the same. It's just that we do not watch them, as well as ours. Yes, and the great writers and their works in American culture have the same thing.
    Well, the fact that we drew tips is hostile and unsightly, so we are the same. Remember the “Single Swim” and “Case in Square 36-80”.

    So the article is one-sided, without in-depth analysis, comparison of facts and, in general, with a complete absence of real arguments. Just a spray of saliva.
    1. +4
      11 September 2019 07: 20
      Quote: Old Tankman
      The fact that American films are understandable to any person even with low intelligence, is that really bad ?!

      That is why pomegranate in the hands of man and monkey are completely different things. Primitivism of culture gives rise to primitivism of thinking, subsequently desires and lifestyle ... Yes
      1. +3
        11 September 2019 10: 40
        Do you know why the Bolsheviks won? Because their agitators were understandable to everyone, even the lower illiterate and low-intellectual sections of the population. And they could intelligibly explain their position on any issue.

        In general, everyone selects a cultural product for themselves. If someone behind the comics does not see Hemingway, Mark Twain and Jack London, this does not mean that they are not. They just don't need this person
    2. +4
      11 September 2019 09: 54
      One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Forest Gump, Schindler's List, The Green Mile.
      This movie is not for everyone.
      1. 0
        11 September 2019 13: 08
        Or, for example, Vincent Ward's film "Where Dreams Lead" based on the novel by Richard Matheson. Reliance on a whole layer of culture, on knowledge of the fine arts of the Renaissance.
        Anyway, what amazes me about American films? Appeal to the culture of humanity in general. To any of its sections. There are myths of Ancient Greece, Roman history, and European history. The directors want to convince the average American that he, the average, is the heir of history, if not of all mankind, then of its advanced part. Therefore, films such as, for example, the sequence of "Librarians" are shot.
        You American are the heir to the great science of mankind. And therefore, in American films, scientists are frequent characters and the plot develops around scientific discoveries. And pay attention, even in the most seemingly nothing pretending films in the dwellings of heroes - shelves, or even bookcases, open books on tables, characters read, make notes. Immediately there are figurines, even artifacts, on the walls are paintings, drawings, and the heroes themselves periodically utter quotes from ancient philosophers.
        And further. Characters watch news on television, discuss political news. You, an American, are involved in everything that is being done in the world, your government is concerned about this. It makes the present history, so you make it ...
        In our films, this is rare in rare cases. As if our people live outside of time and space, on the outskirts. They solve some particular problems that concern only themselves. And they have no historical past. And even with modernity there is no connection.
        1. +2
          11 September 2019 21: 21
          Quote: depressant
          And in general, what amazes me in American films? An appeal to the culture of mankind in general. To any of its sections. There are myths of ancient Greece, and Roman history, and history

          Personally, I am not amazed, but annoyed by the complete distortion of history in "historical American" films. Either they have Robin Hood a descendant of the Freemasons (Russell Crowe), then in ancient Rome, the main criminal group of the city. terrifying the Romans - these are cool Jews (TV series Rome), then the Roman legionaries go in formation against a bunch of evil barbarians sitting in the forest, although it should be clear that one of the best armies of that time (Roman) would never have done such a stupidity (Gladiator with the notorious Russell Crowe), and all their films and TV series about Vikings (including the last and mega-popular (Vikings), perhaps one of the few true films about Vikings (if not the only one) is the Soviet-Norwegian film "And trees grow on the stones "Even such a famous film as" Saving Private Ryan "is a lie ... request
          1. +2
            12 September 2019 09: 48
            I agree German, verb truth ... hi
            1. +1
              12 September 2019 19: 38
              Quote: Dead Day
              I agree German, verb truth.

              Generally I do not like to lie, education ... hi
          2. 0
            15 September 2019 20: 44
            then in ancient Rome, the main criminal gang of the city. terrifying of the Romans - these are cool Jews (TV series Rome

            A Jew in the series Rome, was a servant, patricians rule politics.
            1. 0
              15 September 2019 20: 48
              Quote: nickname7
              A Jew in the series Rome, was a servant, patricians rule politics

              Have you read my message carefully? I'm not talking about politics and patricians in the series, watch the series again, if you wish, there is not one Jew there, they are there - "mafia". wink Do you even imagine an organized criminal group of Jews in ancient Rome, are there such sources?
      2. +2
        12 September 2019 09: 47
        "and the dawns here are quiet", "the cranes are flying," seventeen moments ", the option" omega ", apparently not yours .... you are there" ordinary rayen "FORGOTTEN.
  10. +5
    11 September 2019 06: 35
    I'm afraid the origins of US cultural bases are still in Europe
    American culture is a completely capitalist culture, devoid of foundation and based on the most important value - the desire for money, big money.

    The author contrasts the cultural and religious traditions of the Old World with the new creatures of capitalism in the United States.
    The author could go deeper into the issue, read, for example, Max Weber "Protestant ethics and the spirit of capitalism", and get to know more deeply the concept of "Protestant work ethics."
    “If God shows you this path, following which you can earn more without any harm to your soul in any other legal way than in any other path, and you reject it and choose a less profitable path, then you interfere with one of the goals of your calling, you refuse to be the steward of God and accept his gifts in order to be able to use them for His good when He so desires. Not for the comfort of the flesh and sinful joys, but for God you should work and grow rich ”

    The realized opportunity to make money for a Protestant is a religious dogma.
    And this did not appear in the States, but came from Europe, in fact, from Christianity.
    And the author should stipulate that he writes about modern mass culture, because if you take, for example, literature in the USA, then this is Mark Twain, Dreiser, Jack London, Hemingway, Melville, Irving, Fitzgerald, Salinger, Bradbury and many others, who does not fall under the views of American culture on the author.
    1. +3
      11 September 2019 07: 27
      Quote: Avior
      I'm afraid the origins of US cultural bases are still in Europe

      Do you know chanson? Here is an approximate difference:
      Bjonce sings on the radio
      Bjonce sings in the car for mademoiselle.
      I - I listen to the songs
      Songs that the GAZelle driver loves.
      Woman - Woman in Lexus
      He doesn’t even know that there are such songs in the world -
      Songs about the daring fraer,
      The cop overwhelmed a youngster in Tagil.

      In the United States, initially, the culture was brought in by adventurers who came for the fruits of the "easy life". That is why its fruits caused "fatal heartburn" among the indigenous population. The revived slavery in all its glory complemented it. And the sources are Great Britain, Spain ...
      Mark Twain, Dreiser, Jack London, Hemingway, Melville, Irving, Fitzgerald, Salinger, Bradbury and many others who do not fall into the author’s views on American culture.

      No more than world famous writers. Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin has many wonderful poems on women. But! This did not stop him from being a famous womanizer of his time ...
      American writers are exceptions to modern American culture.
      1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +2
      11 September 2019 13: 16
      The author could have a deeper understanding of the issue
      What for? Why should an author understand the issue? In order to create an agitation sketch, you do not need to understand the issue. Moreover, it is harmful. You have recently seen a lot of materials on the site where "the author has deeply understood the issue?"
      1. +1
        11 September 2019 16: 30
        Colleagues, what's wrong with you? The author outlined the topic, creating the opportunity to speak YOU, to show YOUR erudition, to designate YOUR ideology. We all reveal the topic!
        1. +3
          11 September 2019 16: 33
          Did you want to say: "With the help of a shovel and a fan, the author identified the topic"?
    3. 0
      12 September 2019 09: 54
      Quote: Avior
      I'm afraid the origins of US cultural bases are still in Europe

      if shallow-shaven Europe, then yes. but in general there is a well-known "doctrine" - all the presidents of the United States follow it impeccably, why are we all surprised, blindly guided by it? everything is as painted, we degrade, change values, more and more in the networks of "manul" and other "sabak" gee .. everything is as ordered by Uncle Sam.
  11. +6
    11 September 2019 06: 43
    American cinema is only Marvel.
    I forgot)

    The biggest mistake in such an ideological struggle against the West is to put yourself higher, better in advance, without a long detailed justification.

    And it looks unconvincing.
    In such a massive movie, you need to prove your superiority. And try to come in from different directions.
    In American films, American Power itself is often portrayed in the most negative light, as is American society itself.
    Viewers do not believe that Americans are the best.
    Viewers are convinced that what is shown on the screen is True. And in many ways this is so. Quarters of ethnic ghettos, drug mafia, the rigidity of the system itself - all this is about America, we know from American films.
    They talk about themselves, and do it qualitatively, touching the most painful points, up to the recent racial segregation, extermination of the Indians, etc.
    No need to be afraid to tell the truth about the difficult past. About your past. Otherwise, the Americans will definitely say so.

    Those commercial projects, like Marvel, in America itself are not considered the pinnacle of cinema.
    Such a movie should pay for itself, which is why it is stereotyped and understandable to everyone.
    Of course, such films significantly affect the masses in other countries.
    But this first of all suggests that mass cinema in these countries is lagging and seriously lagging behind.
    This is not a special ideological campaign from the Americans, they just make such films better than anyone and that's it.
    This is like considering Windows on a computer, or Android on a phone as primitive as American movies.

    But this is not so. Otherwise, there would be no such success.
    American culture now, just stronger than other cultures.

    It is necessary to reduce this gap, and not to belittle American cinema.
    Because while we continue to consider all these films as simple chewing gum, they are turning the rest more and more into Americans.
    For real Films 2 and a half people will go.
    And that is why the real Cinema, the Americans can not be defeated.
    Even if it is better, deeper, more soulful.
    They just look negligible.
    1. +2
      12 September 2019 09: 57
      Quote: maden.usmanow
      American culture now, just stronger than other cultures.

      She's dumber, she's not there at all, Broadway tunnels? phew .. what they have there except for "cats". Pulled? "abba"? "outcasts" "Phantom of the opera?" a cheap booth with expensive decorations and fees. There is simply a lobby, so they drive us "dung" which is banned in the states, they do not want to decompose their youth, they need ours, crippled and under a dose.
  12. +7
    11 September 2019 06: 53
    One of the most dangerous types of American expansion is not military or even economic, but cultural.
    I fully support the author. American so-called culture is one of the powerful factors that played a role in the fact that our fellow citizens decided to try on capitalist clothes. Oh, I remember how we guys in the late 80s were fans from Rambo - and not from the first part, which was really shot in white, but from the second and third, where the screen fills with cranberries and pathos.
    But cinema is part of the propaganda machine. The Bolsheviks were well aware of this. And those who replaced them (the nomenklatura named after Suslov) let everything go by itself. But the Western partners have learned the lesson of the 10-20s of the last century well. No wonder "Battleship Potemkin" is still one of the most revered textbooks for their filmmakers.
    1. +2
      11 September 2019 07: 33
      Sorry, but this is a complete game. Is it Mark Twain that has influenced the fragile minds of Soviet citizens, or maybe Salinger with his Catcher in the Rye? or did Laurence of Arabia reformat the way people shot by David Lin? or does the Green Mile affect our brains so much that we become capitalists? it all depends on what you are watching, what you are interested in.
      1. +2
        12 September 2019 01: 14
        It all depends on what the central media broadcasts. In the late 80s, Rambo was not the first at the box office. Although there is a real drama of the Vietnam War veteran (although I tell you, I myself know, I hope). There were a second and third remba. I’m talking about this.
      2. +2
        12 September 2019 10: 07
        Quote: carstorm 11
        Sorry, but this is a complete game. Is it Mark Twain that has influenced the fragile minds of Soviet citizens, or maybe Salinger with his Catcher in the Rye? or did Laurence of Arabia reformat the way people shot by David Lin? or does the Green Mile affect our brains so much that we become capitalists? it all depends on what you are watching, what you are interested in.

        Why drive "game" not related to the topic?
  13. 0
    11 September 2019 07: 08
    Wow, how fun ... It's the 1986 Ogonyok magazine ...
  14. +8
    11 September 2019 07: 17
    Culture is, first and foremost, the education of spirituality. It is not American culture that wins, but American spirituality. For corrupting is much easier than educating.
    1. +1
      11 September 2019 11: 52
      So that is the essence, Marxism-Leninism is a purely materialistic doctrine, rejecting any spirituality, as an invention for the ideological justification of the oppression of the working masses. Therefore, some betman versus Superman in Russia, a box office record holder. You did not live in the USSR, you did not teach dialectical materialism
  15. -1
    11 September 2019 07: 26
    Quote: I. Polonsky
    Contrasting American culture and the archaic of the East, they try to show us that there is no other alternative.

    1. Putin believes that the liberal idea has outlived itself:
    2. He was supported by Macron, who declared the degradation of democracy and capitalism:

    I have long stopped watching western films because there was a strong feeling that the scripts for them were written in a madhouse. Watching DORAMA movie, series on historical topics. It helps to understand the structure of our power. Here are a couple of passages:

    Having watched the series "A Tree with Deep Roots" I understood why Cyril and Methodius simplified the alphabet, turning it from figurative to letters denoting sounds. This enabled the common people working in the field from dawn to dawn to quickly learn to read and write. This is the main merit of Cyril and Methodius, and not the one we are told ...

    In general, Hollywood is a dummy that works on the degradation of peoples.
    1. +6
      11 September 2019 09: 42
      1. Putin believes that the liberal idea has become obsolete:
      2. He was supported by Macron, who declared the degradation of democracy and capitalism:
      For the past 20 years, Putin has been counting something, only he can’t count it. laughing Without liberalism, friendships will become paupers and it will not be needed, so it will only count further ... With Macron for a couple ..
    2. +1
      11 September 2019 10: 49
      American cinema is 95 percent fairy tales for every "taste", and ours chose this path, but it turns out badly, and fairy tales should be treated like fairy tales.
    3. 0
      12 September 2019 10: 08
      Quote: Boris55
      In general, Hollywood is a dummy that works on the degradation of peoples.

      in general, yes ... but you stated otherwise earlier ... sho Hollywood is good, the Soviet government is bad.
      1. 0
        12 September 2019 11: 27
        Quote: Dead Day
        in general, yes ... but you stated otherwise earlier.

        You are mistaken. I have never sung praises to the adherents of the hostile, anti-human ideology of the West, in the foreground of which is Hollywood.
  16. +5
    11 September 2019 07: 26
    To be honest, the article is like a little boy whining. Here, tell me, WHO is preventing you from carrying out your own "cultural expansion" into the USA? Well, they liked Tarkovsky at one time (although not everyone understands him), well, "create" a modern version of the director "not for everyone", let him "rivet" the picture to an external viewer. So no, in our cinema the poor are sitting on the poor. Let's take the example of the Great Patriotic War. Over the past 25 years, not a single normal film about their own history has been shot. Why not make a good film about Stalingrad, about Chuikov? Or not to film, in my opinion, one of the most truthful books about the war - "Vanka-Rotny" (I highly recommend it) or to reshoot "The Living and the Dead"? Psychology of the article - psychology of the weak. Everyone here loves to laugh at embroidered shirts, but! We found a simple and understandable symbol for the majority. What do we have? ... "Gazprom is the property of Russia ..."? And the last, well, they know how to shoot a spectacular movie. I have to admit it. Bondarchuk Sr. could do it with us and that's it.
    1. +2
      11 September 2019 08: 49
      ... Here, tell me, WHO is preventing you from carrying out your own "cultural expansion" into the USA?

      US authorities interfere. There is no democracy there and never has been. You even ask about the Russians, they ask for what purpose you are interested in (well, it's me, though I’ve seen enough in YouTube) wassat
      And here I can directly say what I think. And about the Americans, and about ourselves, and our neighbors
    2. +2
      12 September 2019 10: 12
      Quote: orcinus
      WHO is preventing you from carrying out your own "cultural expansion" into the United States?

      true ? who will buy it, everyone knows it "(C)
      Quote: orcinus
      Well, "create" a modern version of the director "not for everyone", let him "rivet" the picture to an external viewer.

      why so? why feed the freak?
      1. -2
        12 September 2019 17: 21
        that's why we have such a result) And who are you feeding now? at least one useful from the cinema, pzhlst
  17. +5
    11 September 2019 07: 27
    Yes, she has long conquered the world.
  18. +5
    11 September 2019 07: 54
    Culture is WEAPONS! Powerful, soft, all-pervasive .... long-term, effective in any perspective!
    We had, had, roots and support! Not always what you need, but it was beautiful and high-quality more often than a walker.
    We must not prohibit, but seek the best form, understandable and desirable for many! All events are yet to come, because so far we have not been able to completely redo us completely.
  19. +4
    11 September 2019 07: 56
    The author is very superficial and one-sided regarding American culture.
    In fact, American films do not have the depth that we see in Soviet and Russian, in Italian cinema.
    I can still understand the depth in Soviet cinema, although old American films also have depth, some life problems, everyday life, etc. are revealed. But about the depth in modern Russian "cinema" - it's strong! fool The incompetent under-directors somehow take off their highs and ask them to rent them from the Ministry of Culture, and sometimes they push the premieres of Hollywood films for this.
    But American cinema has always amazed us with spectacle, spectacular movie actors, which overlapped with the simplicity of the storyline. American films are produced in such a way that people with the lowest level of intellectual development can understand them. This, in many respects, ensured the success of American films in export.
    There are, as it were, quite budget films like "Forrest Gump", "The Shawshank Redemption", "The Green Mile", "Nice Guys" (and there are many of them), which reveal a huge number of aspects of human relationships, life problems and ways to solve them and much, much more. At the same time, there are no spectacular explosions to the skies and hundreds of corpses in the frame. There are also family comedies, there are action films, there are horror films, there are also military-patriotic films, there are science fiction films and fantasy films, and there are social dramas. Everyone will find it to their liking. The author apparently believes that all Hollywood production is reduced to the movie "The Avengers". But, alas, today's Russian cinema cannot offer the viewer such a genre variety as Hollywood.
    1. +2
      11 September 2019 11: 02
      The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile
      Good films are a rare exception to King’s books. But few read, especially young people ...
      1. 0
        11 September 2019 13: 29
        Far from rare. Just the first thing that comes to mind.
    2. +2
      11 September 2019 16: 04
      Not having good domestic cars, how can you find fault with Western ones. The same is our modern cinema. The cranberries are spreading and cut the dough. Especially on our TV channels. There are no films. There are no detectives, no serials. Scrolling through the channels. In remote villages, botox girls with fashionable hairstyles and boutique clothes! They portray the type of collective farmers. They don't know how to play, they play themselves. Especially these "beauties" are striking in war films. There is no desire to watch this nonsense. Then I was surprised to learn that modern war films were shot by Belarusians !!! Ours, such as the son of the great dad B. - Stalingrad and a number of others do not inspire, the same Hollywood, only local.
      What can we offer to the West. Nothing! The USSR could offer. There were stars, not self-proclaimed, who assign this symbol to each other, but real ones. There were wonderful films about the war. Where are they? About actors see above. There were adaptations of Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and other classics. Where is all this?
      Now American culture and in particular Hollywood. In Soviet times, the journal "Foreign Literature" was published. Most of it contained works by American and other Western writers. The magazine had to wait for weeks in line at the library. Hollywood rivets films for all tastes. Of course, there is a lot of money there. You can't make a good movie on the street now. Great artists. Excellent screenwriters.
      I live on the border with Finland. Watching their TV. So, on Finnish TV a huge amount of American production! These are sequels and talk shows and films. Finns got hooked on Hollywood! This is not dill, a developed country.
      Where are our screenwriters? Scenarios are one misery. In Soviet times, we had good screenwriters, mostly Jews. The impression that they left for the States! Many programs on our TV are American, purchased rights.
      So critics of Hollywood, of course you can chew potatoes and admire its taste, but this is bad manners.
  20. +5
    11 September 2019 07: 56
    “But the spread of the“ American idea ”does not mean a new victory for European civilization. For there is a soil model of the“ American idea ”and an export model of the“ American idea. ”How does the export model of the“ American idea ”differ from traditional European civilization? the model does not include Christianity, which lives the great majority of the American people, or any other moral system. The export model of the "American Idea" attracts peoples around the world (with the help of Hollywood) with the promise of personal freedom, scientific and technological progress, and material paradise. people are repelled by it, because they know that without morality and without religion, personal freedom is identified with complete irresponsibility; without a spiritual hearth, scientific and technological progress and material prosperity are empty. in common with the foundations on which American society is built. "

    Paul Khlebnikov "A Conversation with a Barbarian"
    1. +2
      11 September 2019 09: 16
      Quote: Plantagenet
      Christianity, which lives the great majority of the American people

      At home - a sheep, but as soon as he leaves the house, the sheep's skin slides and is a wolf mask. The American form of Christianity.
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. +1
          11 September 2019 16: 40
          Did you go to churches during the Soviet Union? I went. No one forbade. In villages during the war they were used for other purposes. The faith of party workers was not encouraged. Now we have the lessons of Orthodoxy and Islam at school. This, on the one hand, teaches us good, on the other, it divides us into two camps. A common ideology was intended to replace religion. Did not happen. And here are the fruits.
  21. +4
    11 September 2019 08: 29
    . American films are made in such a way that the person with the lowest level of intellectual development can understand them.

    Any Soviet person who watched their film will feel like a genius. There at the very beginning they say that the gardener is to blame. Remembering the good old Soviet films ...
    It’s still unpleasant for me to watch American bullshit. But nothing seems to change already
    1. 0
      11 September 2019 13: 30
      Quote: igorbrsv
      It’s still unpleasant for me to watch American bullshit.
      And what a pleasure to watch, shy to find out? lol
  22. +2
    11 September 2019 09: 21
    American culture conquers the world

    What kind of American culture can we talk about? if this never happened. America was created from emigrants, they also destroyed the culture of the native American people. And these emigrants are not the American nation and they do not have their own culture. They brought their culture, customs and customs to the American continent, from their countries in which they lived before and consolidated this culture. They do not even have their own language, which at least somehow, could be linked to culture.
    Cinema is the main weapon of American culture

    So this is not their culture, but business.
    Since American society was already forming as capitalist and did not know other relations, American culture is a completely capitalist culture, devoid of foundation and based on the most important value - the desire for money, big money.
    Is it a culture, most likely it is a business.
  23. +3
    11 September 2019 09: 28
    Article 13 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states: “No ideology may be established as state or mandatory.” From this position, a statement is derived that the Russian state does not and cannot have its own ideology.
    But then all the talk about anti-extremist, anti-crisis, other forms of state ideology, about strengthening ideological opposition to destructive ideologies is nothing more than a delusion and self-deception.
    My personal opinion is to introduce quotas for showing Hollywood products, or at least try to do how France struggles with the dominance of foreign media products, they still have quotas for the radio station. But we do not have an ideology. So what to fight then?
    1. 0
      11 September 2019 11: 18
      State ideology is a direct path to dictatorship.
  24. BAI
    11 September 2019 09: 58
    Needless to say, American cinema of the second half of the twentieth century was thoroughly permeated with hatred for the Soviet Union, the socialist system?

    I must say that the Soviet cinema did not harbor warm feelings for the United States either. We have lost the ideological war. And now we are losing - all the time eternal self-spitting, "spiritual searches", etc. And the Americans correctly understood the purpose of cinema - to entertain. And through entertainment to drag your ideas. And we immediately have "education", which, of course, no one wants to watch, except the filmmakers and their families.
  25. +1
    11 September 2019 10: 55
    National culture is determined by the territorial and climatic conditions in which the people live. The culture of the steppe peoples will always be different from the peoples living in forests or mountains. And the preservation of national culture is possible only in rural areas and small cities with an influx of population from rural areas. Big cities form a completely different culture. And the more large cities around the world are similar to each other, the closer their culture will be. Even now, if you suddenly forgot, sometimes it’s difficult to understand at the airport of which country you are.
    In America, one of the first large cities appeared and got enormous development. Therefore, it is not surprising that it is American urban culture that influences the rest of the world. If another country overtakes the Americans in the development of urban culture, it will begin to exert the same influence on everyone else.
  26. 0
    11 September 2019 11: 01
    There is a traditional civilization and a traditional culture. 200 years of the existence of the United States is too short for the formation of an alternative culture. "American culture" in the narrow sense is a superstructure phenomenon that provides a specific, emerging in the United States, mode of production and consumption. Without this basis, there can be no "American culture." Those who share the "values" adopted in the United States, perform functions and are subjects of this empire, which controls (that is, governs) the consumption of resources, production and distribution of goods.
  27. 0
    11 September 2019 11: 21
    A very controversial article, and even a conspiracy theme just peeps out of the "under the shirt". And it's not worth evaluating the country by the films. Based on our modern films, the conclusion suggests itself that it is necessary to flee not only from the country, but also from the planet in general.
    1. -2
      11 September 2019 18: 51
      It is possible to evaluate the country by films. Cinema is perhaps the biggest "mirror", and not even so much of its creators as of its consumers. Judging by the transcendental level of clinical stupidity and black-eyed depression, it’s not like talking to the bearers of American culture, even standing next to them and I don’t want to breathe the air alone
      1. 0
        12 September 2019 03: 51
        Quote: prodi
        Judging by the exorbitant level of clinical stupidity and nasty depression
        What you have just listed is a fairly accurate description of most of the Russian contemporary films and TV series. All these "Bitter", "The Best Film" and another 100500 "masterpieces", coupled with endless serials about cops and lads and "epic" movie stars like "Viking", "Attraction", etc.
  28. +3
    11 September 2019 13: 48
    In my opinion, the author is overly biased towards American cinema, and therefore sees only what he wants / hopes to see. I recently watched the Green Book, Chasing Bonnie and Clyde, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri from modern American films. In all these films there are no superheroes, special effects, spectacular chases and shootings, however, I really liked them and I do not regret the time spent.
  29. +2
    11 September 2019 14: 50
    I’ll tell you that there is a person from school to self-expression. In painting, literature, cinema and more. Children can sit and draw comics in the lesson. American mass culture is primarily a product of personal freedom. In Russia, all education and culture according to the narratives of the government and the party, therefore, are obtained by a circle of 28 panfilovites. Everywhere where the state crawled with its dirty hands - non-competitive artificial formations. Type of singers by the mouth of Vladimir and Yurkis and Mr. Gundyaev at the head of the church. Oddly enough, Putin is to blame for everything - with him there is no hope of course correction and adaptation to world cultural and economic, reality, which is so important for preserving the country
    1. 0
      14 September 2019 02: 38
      Quote: Sasha ___
      I will tell you that here from a person’s school to self-expression. In painting, literature, cinema and more. Children can sit and draw comics in the lesson. American mass culture is primarily a product of personal freedom. In Russia, all education and culture according to the narratives of the government and the party, therefore, are obtained by a circle of 28 panfilovites. Everywhere where the state crawled with its dirty hands - non-competitive artificial formations. Type of singers by the mouth of Vladimir and Yurkis and Mr. Gundyaev at the head of the church. Oddly enough, Putin is to blame for everything - with him there is no hope of course correction and adaptation to world cultural and economic, reality, which is so important for preserving the country

      "Every sandpiper praises his swamp." Yes
  30. +5
    11 September 2019 15: 32
    I am a simple person (uncultured), I love simple things, music and cinema. I eagerly watch American films (I rarely watch domestic films because of trash), I watch European ones, recently I got hooked on Asian ones (especially South Korean ones). shoot a good domestic movie, I will be happy to watch it, but if our movie is shit? some highbrow personalities on the site cackle about the poor quality of humor, about the "blue" stream, etc. I do not watch films like "dumb and dumber", but I watched Eisa Ventura with pleasure. Life is short and cinema is one of the few pleasures (I don’t want to watch “Battleship Potemkin” every day, etc.
  31. +1
    11 September 2019 16: 24
    Why did I enjoy watching American films before, but now I don’t watch? What happened in these films was for me somewhere in a distant country, not ours. I do not deny the presence of golden films. And black and white cartoons are a masterpiece. Now there are a lot of films, science fiction. And they try to give significance. Although If you think about it, it’s all nonsense. Along with good Soviet films, there was a lot of husk. Now there is mostly husk.
  32. +1
    11 September 2019 17: 09
    American cinema drives, especially, its serial component, Soviet cinema for the most part was also slag, like American mass and the viewer's task with taste claims was to find substance in a heap

    three days ago I watched from and to the Soviet film of 1937, "The Border Is Locked"

    certainly not "Gone with the Wind", but as long as the people are illiterate cinema is the most important of the arts, I think
  33. -2
    11 September 2019 23: 04
    Here it will be abruptly:

  34. 0
    12 September 2019 10: 16
    Quote: orcinus
    Everyone here loves to laugh at embroidered shirts, but! We found a simple and understandable symbol for the majority. What do we have? ... "Gazprom is the property of Russia ..."? And the last, well, they know how to shoot a spectacular movie. I have to admit it. Bondarchuk Sr. could do it with us and that's it.
    can not argue.
  35. -1
    12 September 2019 13: 43
    There is an American "culture" going around the world ... And what of that?
    And in Russia today, Putin's "culture"! And what of it?
    Do you feel better?

    What difference does it make if both of these cultures are involved in the cult of money, but with only one caveat: to America today flocking cash flows of the world, and cash flows from Russia flow away with wild speed ... That's the whole difference.

    Otherwise, EVERYTHING is the same, with the only amendment that "there" other laws.
    There is progressive tax on the rich! But in Russia (the only one in the world !!!) there is simply no such tax, and some of the "great and godlike" caste does not allow it, considers it unnecessary ...
    The unemployed "there" can live on the benefits of the labor exchange all their lives, while we have only six months.
    Try "there" to bribe a police officer or drive a major without traffic rules on the road ...

    Here are such things. And the rest - what difference does it make that an owl is about a stump, that we kick an owl ...
    In a word, thanks to the great Putin for our shitty life!