Official unconsciousness. Why Bulgaria is betraying Russia

Bulgaria betrays its own history. Official Sofia does not want to remember the country's liberation from occupation by Turkey and the Third Reich. The other day, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria stated that Russia should not support the “dubious historical thesis” that the USSR’s struggle with Nazi Germany was the liberation of Europe. The Bulgarian department also noted that the Red Army "brought the peoples of Central and Eastern Europe half a century of repression."

Official unconsciousness. Why Bulgaria is betraying Russia

Residents of Sofia meet the soldiers of the Red Army. September 1944

How Russia freed Bulgaria from the Turkish yoke

Russians and Bulgarians have long-standing national, cultural, linguistic and spiritual ties. Few people now remember that during the time of the Russian prince Svyatoslav Igorevich (the Grand Duke of Kiev in the 945-972 gg.) Rus-Russians and Bulgarian-Slavs were almost one people. When the soldiers of Svyatoslav fought in Bulgaria, they were almost no different from the local population. The Bulgarians recently adopted Christianity, and pagan cults (including the cult of Perun) were still fresh in the countryside, language, spiritual and material traditions were one. Russes and Bulgarians belonged to the same ethnocultural and linguistic community. It is not surprising that Svyatoslav himself planned to transfer the capital of Russia to the Danube, to Bulgaria.

This deep feeling of belonging to a single people was traced also afterwards. Ordinary Bulgarians always felt like Russian brothers. In the 1380 — 1390 years, a long period of Ottoman occupation began. Ottoman Turks occupied most of the Balkan Peninsula, including weakened by previous wars and fragmented Bulgaria. A difficult time came for the Slavs and Christians of the Balkans - the Turkish yoke. Christians were greatly curtailed in their rights and freedoms, taxed heavily. Including the “blood tax” when the Turks took the boys to serve in the Janissaries corps. Young men were brought up by Muslims, forgot their national and religious roots, became cruel enemies of their fellow countrymen. At the same time, the Slavs were forbidden to live in certain lands, a policy of Islamization and consecration was pursued.

It is not surprising that the Slavs, including the Bulgarians, repeatedly revolted, tried to resist. Local partisans fought against the Turks - Hajduki, Chetniks. However, all revolts were drowned in blood. Without external support, the local national liberation movement had no chance. The real hope of liberation among the Balkan Slavs and Christians appeared only with the growth of Russia's power. The Russian Empire waged a tough battle with Turkey for supremacy in the Black Sea, the Caucasus and the Balkans. Step by step, the Russians squeezed a strong enemy, carried liberation to the Balkan peoples. Tens of thousands of Russian soldiers laid their heads to free the Balkans from Turkish rule.

The freedom of most of Bulgaria was brought by the Russian-Turkish war 1877 — 1878. In 1875, the Serbs of Bosnia revolted. In 1875 — 1876 anti-Turkish uprising began in Bulgaria. It was most brutally suppressed by the Ottomans. Tens of thousands of Bulgarians were killed, robbed and raped by the Turks and their irregular formations (Albanians, Kurds, etc.). Russian society, which always painfully perceived the oppression of the Balkan Slavs and Christians, was deeply outraged. Russian volunteers traveled to the Balkans to fight the Turks, public organizations, the church and newspaper editorial offices raised funds to help refugees. Serbia and Montenegro opposed Turkey in 1876. Serbia suffered a severe defeat and was saved only by Russia's tough stance.

Official Petersburg, which was traditionally cautious, fearing a shout from the West (in addition, military reform had not yet been completed, the economy was not in the best position), for some time tried to exert diplomatic pressure on Constantinople. Under pressure from the European public, frightened by the massacres in Bulgaria, England and France also demanded reform from Turkey. In December 1876, Russia demanded that Turkey recognize the autonomy of Bulgaria and Bosnia under the control of world powers. The Turks ignored this demand.

In 1877, Russia opposed Turkey. The war was hard. The Russian army was unable to immediately force the Balkan Mountains, stuck in a siege of Plevna. Nevertheless, the Russian army, with the support of volunteers from the Bulgarians, Romanians and Serbs, managed to free Romania and Bulgaria from the Turks. The advanced Russian forces, led by Skobelev, reached Adrianople and were on the outskirts of Istanbul. In fact, the Russian army could occupy Constantinople and completely solve the issue of the liberation of the Balkans from Turkish rule. However, Petersburg is again (as in the 1829 year: “Our Adrianople! Why the Russian army did not take Constantinople ") did not dare to take Constantinople and put an end to the centuries-old historical confrontation with Turkey. Fear of the West played a key role. Petersburg feared that Austria, France and England would come out against Russia, as during the Crimean War. Although the German Empire, where Bismarck ruled, at that time hinted that it would support Russia in exchange for the possibility of resolving the French question. It was a reasonable exchange.

3 March 1878 g. (19 February old style) was signed the San Stefano Peace Treaty. Turks recognized the independence of Serbia, Romania and Montenegro. Serbia and Romania were significantly expanded. Bosnia and Herzegovina became autonomy. Bulgaria became an autonomous principality, at first under Russian rule and only formally dependent on Turkey. Bulgaria included ethnic Bulgarian territories in Moesia, Thrace and Macedonia. As a result, Bulgaria extended from the Danube to the Aegean Sea, from the Black Sea to Lake Ohrid. Turkey paid indemnity to Russia and ceded a number of territories in the Caucasus and Europe. 3 March became a national holiday in Bulgaria - Day of the liberation of Bulgaria from the Ottoman yoke. Later, hundreds of monuments were erected in Bulgaria in honor of the Russian liberators. Including the Freedom Monument at Shipka Pass, in memory of the Russian soldiers who died for the liberation of the fraternal Bulgarian people.

Signing the San Stefan Treaty

Stolen victory

However, the "enlightened West" opposed this agreement, especially England, which moved the fleet to the Dardanelles, and Austria-Hungary. London and Vienna did not want to strengthen Russia's position in the Balkans, where Russia could get a powerful strategic bridgehead and access to the Mediterranean Sea through its ally Bulgaria. Under pressure from the West, St. Petersburg lost, the fruits of the Russian victory were partially stolen. On July 1 (14) the Berlin Treaty was signed, which was the result of the work of the Berlin Congress, convened at the initiative of the Western powers to revise the terms of the San Stefan Treaty to the detriment of Russia and the Slavic peoples of the Balkan Peninsula.

Bulgaria was divided into three parts: an autonomous principality from the Danube to the Balkans with its center in Sofia (formally a vassal of Turkey); Bulgarian lands south of the Balkans formed the autonomous province of the Turkish Empire - Eastern Rumelia with a center in Philippopolis; Macedonia - lands to the Adriatic and the Aegean were returned to the Turks without any changes in status. The independence of Serbia, Montenegro and Romania was recognized, but the territorial acquisitions of Serbs and Montenegrins were curtailed. Austria-Hungary received the right to occupy Bosnia and Herzegovina. Russia had to abandon some of the acquisitions in the Caucasus. A number of contradictions inherent in Berlin became the prerequisites for future Balkan wars and the First World War.

Monument to Russian Tsar-Liberator Alexander II in front of the building of the National Assembly of Bulgaria. The work of the sculptor Arnoldo Zocchi. 1903

Bulgaria on the side of the Germans

Later, at the proposal of the Russian Emperor Alexander II, Bulgaria was headed by the nephew of the wife of the Russian sovereign Maria Alexandrovna Alexander Battenberg (1879 — 1886) from the German Battenberg dynasty, then Ferdinand I (1887 — 1918) from the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha dynasty. Bulgaria with the consent of Russia, Germany and Austria-Hungary in 1885 merged with its western part (Eastern Rumelia), in 1908 it declared itself completely independent and became a kingdom.

Russia liberated Bulgaria, but could not attach it politically, economically, and even culturally. Sofia is gradually leaning towards Vienna, Berlin and Paris. The Germans and the French finance the country's economic development, in particular, the construction of railways. Relations with St. Petersburg are deteriorating, up to the severance of diplomatic relations, which were restored only in 1896.

Bulgaria, with the support of Austria-Hungary, Germany and France, is preparing for a war with Turkey over Macedonia. Macedonia has also become a disputed territory for Bulgaria, Serbia and Greece. During the First Balkan War 1912 — 1913, the Balkan states defeated Turkey and took its European possessions from it, but then fought for production. Serbia and Greece entered into an alliance against Bulgaria. Germany and Austria-Hungary invaded Bulgaria on the Serbs. In the summer of 1913, Bulgaria launched a war against Serbia. Against Bulgaria, Montenegro and Greece, and then Romania and Turkey, came out to profit at the expense of the Bulgarians. Sofia lost the war, was territorially circumcised and humiliated. This shame and thirst for revenge finally pushed Bulgaria into the arms of the German bloc. Serbia became the number one enemy for Sofia. In World War I, Bulgaria sided with the German bloc. Her performance in 1915 led to the rout and occupation of Serbia.

Bulgaria was defeated along with Germany. The Neuilly Treaty of November 27, 1919 became a heavy burden for the country. Bulgaria curtailed in favor of Serbia, Greece and Romania, deprived of access to the Aegean Sea. I had to pay a contribution. Bulgarian weapons reduced to a minimum, canceled the draft, banned from having Aviation and heavy weapons. Not surprisingly, in the 20s, the extreme right-wing (fascist) regime of Tsankov was established in Bulgaria, which carried out repressions against communists and socialists. At this time, Sofia was able to build good relations only with fascist Italy. In the second half of the 1930s, Sofia began to lean toward an alliance with the Third Reich. Economic and military cooperation with Germany developed. With the outbreak of World War II, Sofia became an ally of the Reich. Under pressure from Berlin, Romania returned the southern Dobrudja to the Bulgarians.

In 1941, Bulgaria signed the Triple Pact (the union of Germany, Italy and Japan), but did not participate in hostilities. The Bulgarian territory was used by the Nazis to invade Yugoslavia. Bulgarian troops occupied Western Thrace, Macedonia and Western territories. In December 1941, Sofia declared war on the United States and England, but until the end of the war she tried to maintain peace with the USSR. At the same time, the Germans used the transport infrastructure of Bulgaria (airports, seaports, railways and highways) for military purposes, and the Bulgarian troops were used to occupy the territories of Yugoslavia and Greece.

Messerschmitt fighter Bf 110E-3 of the 7-th squadron of the 2-th Luftwaffe training squadron at the Sofia-Vrazhdebna airdrome, before the German invasion of Greece and Yugoslavia

Bulgarian operation

In the spring and summer of 1944, Moscow repeatedly demanded that Sofia break its alliance with Germany. After the crushing victories of the Red Army in 1944, the defeat of the Germans in Moldova, the liberation of Romania and the withdrawal of the 3-th Ukrainian Front on the Romanian-Bulgarian border, Bulgaria had to make a choice. On 26 on August 1944, Sofia declared neutrality in the war between Germany and the USSR, and demanded the withdrawal of the German army from Bulgarian territory. However, the Germans continued to use the territory of Bulgaria to move their troops, German ships arrived in Bulgarian ports and German forces were stationed on Bulgarian land. Therefore, on September 5, the USSR declared war on Bulgaria, after which the Bulgarian authorities broke off relations with Hitler. On 8 of September, the troops of the 3-th Ukrainian Front began the Bulgarian operation. They did not meet the resistance of the Bulgarian army. On the night of 8 on 9 September, an uprising began in Sofia. On September 9, the power of the Patriotic Front was established in the country, headed by K. Georgiev. The leading positions in the Patriotic Front were occupied by the Communists and their supporters.

The government of the Patriotic Front declared war on Germany and Hungary, dismissed the parliament, the police (created the people's militia), undertook the purge of the state apparatus and the restructuring of the army, and banned Nazi organizations. War criminals were brought to justice. In Bulgaria, the monarchy was canceled as a result of a referendum. Switching to the side of the anti-fascist coalition allowed Bulgaria to maintain Southern Dobrudja. In the 1946 Bulgaria was headed by the “Bulgarian Lenin” - George Dimitrov, the country became part of the socialist camp.

Residents of Sofia met the Soviet soldiers-liberators. September 1944

Soviet soldiers among residents of liberated Sofia

16-I Union Republic and the Bulgarian economic miracle at the expense of the Russians

After World War II, Bulgaria experienced a deep economic crisis. The country was exhausted, a significant part of the population was starving. However, with the help of the Soviet Union, Bulgaria from a poor agricultural country has become a highly developed economy, a socially prosperous society. It was a real “Bulgarian miracle”.

The total Bulgarian Gross National Product (GNP) for 40 of the post-war years has grown more than 14 times, per capita - almost 30 times. In the period from 1946 to 1986, about 80% of industrial capacities, more than a third of agricultural capacities, up to 90% of energy, 70% of the transport network, 80% of port infrastructure, more than 80% of the total area of ​​housing, health facilities, education, science were created in Bulgaria and culture. All this was done at the expense of exclusively material, technical and financial assistance from the USSR, at the expense of Soviet personnel. And for free! In terms of modern prices, the USSR invested hundreds of billions of dollars in Bulgaria! It is also necessary to take into account compensation for the supply of Bulgarian goods to the Union: with the low cost of Bulgarian products, Moscow paid Sofia at rates close to world ones. For Bulgaria, prices for supplied Soviet goods were underestimated.

It is worth noting that the authority of the Soviet government in Bulgaria was very high. Since 1949, Sofia has repeatedly proposed to join the USSR on the rights of the 16 Republic. Unfortunately, Moscow, where decomposition processes began gradually after Stalin's death (which ultimately led to the rejection of socialism and the 1991 catastrophe of the year), did not dare to do so. The Soviet leadership was afraid of new complications with the West, a possible conflict with Turkey and a sharp reaction among other Balkan countries, in particular, Yugoslavia.

A developed socialist society was built in Bulgaria. Incomes of the population have grown significantly. About 40% of the GNP structure at the beginning of the 1980's was occupied by engineering, instrument making and machine tool building, ferrous metallurgy, the chemical industry and petrochemistry, electronics and electrical engineering. Agriculture became highly mechanized, which enabled Bulgaria already in the 60-ies to become one of Europe's largest exporters of vegetables and fruits (fresh and canned). The country has reached a high level of education, science and culture: there were 8,9 universities, 1986 state museums, 27 thousand public libraries, 185 theaters, etc., in 10,4 million people (in 55). An excellent resort and resort tourism (also mainly due to subsidies from the USSR).

Secretary General of the Bulgarian Communist Party Todor Zhivkov (1954 — 1989 gg.) Skillfully pursued domestic and foreign policy. He carried out frequent rotation of party and state leaders, there was no persecution of Orthodoxy, the private sector in agriculture was not limited, there was a rapid increase in living standards. Cultural, scientific and art workers were supported. This allowed us to maintain internal stability until the mid-80's. There was practically no internal opposition. In the external arena, Sofia supported Moscow in the confrontation with Beijing.

In the second half of the 80's, when preparations began for the collapse of the USSR and the socialist camp, the Romanian leader Ceausescu suggested Zhivkov create a Romanian-Bulgarian alliance with the involvement of the GDR and Albania, where the Stalinists still held power. The new union was to oppose the Gorbachev leadership, which consistently merged the socialist camp and the USSR. But Bulgaria did not dare to take such a sharp step. After Zhivkov’s resignation in 1989, prepared by the treacherous policies of the Gorbachev clique and the weakening of the USSR’s economic relations with Bulgaria, Bulgarian socialism fell.

Head of the Communist Party of Bulgaria Todor Zhivkov

Bulgaria has no future in the framework of the “European Reich”

Further, the events in Bulgaria took place according to a well-established pattern: liberalization, currency devaluation, privatization (plunder and destruction of the national economy). A significant decrease in the standard of living of the bulk of the population, the emergence of a small group of "successful". Agrarian reform (transfer of land to former owners and their heirs) has led to the fragmentation of land into small plots and a sharp decline in agricultural production. Prices soared, people's living standards fell sharply, Bulgarian goods (industrial and agricultural) were not needed on the world market, production dipped sharply. Up to 70% of Bulgaria’s production capacities created with the help of the Union are idle or closed, stolen. Western Europe did not even need Bulgarian vegetables and fruits.

Bulgaria, in fact, has become a semi-colony of the West, under the control of "experts" to destroy competitors from the IMF and the World Bank. It became part of NATO and the EU. At the same time, the standard of living of the people has decreased by half compared to the middle of the 80-s, the country's production potential is almost destroyed. Now Bulgaria is a simple consumer within the EU. And Sofia is creeping before Brussels, begging for funding. There is little work, only in the tourism sector, but it is also seasonal. It is not surprising that the people are rapidly dying out, and young people are fleeing to the developed countries of the EU, occupying the position of people of the second or third grade, slaves in the "European Reich." So, over the past three decades, the population of Bulgaria has declined by almost a quarter, to 7 million people. At the same time, this demographic trend is only intensifying. In addition, there is a decrease in the number of Bulgarians, and there are more Turks and Gypsies.

The leading positions in power, economy and the press belong to a small pro-Western group (only a few percent of the population), but it is it that determines the political course of the country and the growth of Russophobic, anti-Soviet sentiments in society. Most Bulgarians still consider Russian brothers, but they do not determine the policies of Sofia. Hence the official Sofia’s desire to forget all the great good that Russia has done for Bulgaria and repaint white to black. Historians and publicists fulfill the state order: in every way they underestimate, cross out and denigrate the role of Russia in the history of Bulgaria.

Obviously, the present pro-Western Bulgaria has no future. The semi-colonial periphery of developed Western countries, a sales market and cheap labor, a springboard for NATO in the Balkans and against Russia, minor injections against Russians in foreign policy and the rapid extinction, aging and flight of the native Slavic population. As a result - the complete extinction and death of the national identity of the Slavic people.
241 comment
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  1. +23
    7 September 2019 05: 59
    Alexander, thanks for the detailed article ... Why so why ... It’s just that the people under the patronage of whom would not be forever offended. And they will do what the current owner will say. This also applies to the former union republics. Bulgaria in its actions has never been independent.
    1. +10
      7 September 2019 07: 48
      Why is Bulgaria betraying Russia?
      The answer is simple - because at one time the USSR = Russia betrayed Bulgaria, and all the socialist countries of Eastern Europe, and not only them, if we recall Cuba, Vietnam, etc., refusing to cooperate with them in favor of the "partner" West, surrendering not only the interests of these countries, but also their own.
      So, before blaming others, you need to look at yourself, your policy towards these states. We are reaping the results of the treacherous Gorbachev-Yeltsin policy.
      1. +26
        7 September 2019 09: 16
        Quote: vladimirZ
        Why is Bulgaria betraying Russia?
        Because all these "brothers" are accustomed to being kept, and when they stopped paying, then the friendship is over. Nothing personal just business. There is no need to re-build illusions and tell ourselves tales about brotherhood, there are only interests.
        1. +38
          7 September 2019 10: 03
          Before demanding something from others, one should ask oneself a question - is not the "de-Stalinization" being carried out in Russia itself a betrayal of the Russian state?
          1. +7
            8 September 2019 19: 22
            This despicable policy led to the present, and Khrushch began a filthy business.
          2. +4
            9 September 2019 14: 49
            While the Yeltsin Center is standing in Yöburg, the cause of betrayal of Greater Russian Russia lives on.
        2. +4
          7 September 2019 19: 20
          Quote: qqqq
          Quote: vladimirZ
          Why is Bulgaria betraying Russia?
          Because all these "brothers" are accustomed to being kept, and when they stopped paying, then the friendship is over. Nothing personal just business. There is no need to re-build illusions and tell ourselves tales about brotherhood, there are only interests.

          Do not judge others by yourself.
      2. +25
        7 September 2019 10: 54
        Quote: vladimirZ
        Why is Bulgaria betraying Russia?
        The answer is simple - because at one time the USSR = Russia betrayed Bulgaria, and all the socialist countries of Eastern Europe, and not only them, if we recall Cuba, Vietnam, etc., refusing to cooperate with them in favor of the "partner" West,

        Well, this is just your opinion, and those like you, I do not think it is correct and true. For all these "former" countries and republics, leading an essentially parasitic way of life (IMHO), all this happiness ended with the collapse of the USSR. The former USSR solved its problems (the country survived as best it could), and you accuse it of "betrayal". Whom and by whom ?! The USSR is no more, and there is no one to distribute handouts. request It's just that these countries are friendship with them for money. hi Well, they like it, let them live, their right, but not at my expense. Where are their products in Bulgaria ?! And they are not in the foreseeable ecumene. And there is in Russia - "tape", and in Bulgaria - "genet", the names are different, the essence and content (up to the coloring of the packages) are the same. There is no work in Bulgaria, shopping centers in Sofia are poorer than in any other Tyumen, for example ... request Well, They want to live like that, and let them. It's time to stop shedding tears for "brothers" and "sisters", because they were not brothers for us ... Draw conclusions and go their own way. Enough to distribute, not enough for our own. And Samsonov plus for a good article. good
        1. +6
          7 September 2019 14: 43
          Quote: Tank Hard
          they were not brothers to us ... Draw conclusions and go our own way. Stop distributing, yours is not enough. And Samsonov plus for a good article.

          And also because in Bulgaria, Poland, Ukraine, Zionists are in power, who hate Russia and the Russian people. And they are doing everything in order to tear Russia into small shreds and manage these territories with their tribesmen
      3. +20
        7 September 2019 11: 13
        Quote: vladimirZ
        USSR = Russia betrayed Bulgaria, and all the socialist countries of Eastern Europe, and not only them, if you recall Cuba, Vietnam, etc., refusing to cooperate with them

        Wow- "cooperation":
        In the period from 1946 to 1986, about 80% of industrial capacities were created in Bulgaria, more than a third of agricultural capacities, up to 90% of energy, 70% of the transport network, 80% of port infrastructure, more than 80% of the total area of ​​housing, healthcare, education, and science and culture. All this was withmade at the expense of exclusively material, technical and financial assistance to the USSR, and the USSR invested in Bulgaria hundreds of billions of dollars!

        What the hell is ... "cooperation" ?! What's wrong with you?!

        It was utter wildness - at the expense of Russia to feed all those who are not lazy, in the illusive and stupid hope of taming them.

        Instead of raising YOUR Non-Black Earth region, saving YOUR people .... fed those from whom REPARATIONS had to be taken for participation in an alliance with Hitler fool
        1. +3
          8 September 2019 19: 31
          I agree on everything 100, and I include in this list not only the socialist bloc of the times of the Union, but also the former republics of the USSR.
          In vain they built so many enterprises (the exception, perhaps, is Belarus, and the powerful industrialization of the Ukrainian SSR is a crime against Russia in general). Now it became painfully clear. The RSFSR was slowly bending, and the republics lived perfectly. And it was necessary to develop in them mainly agriculture. And industrial enterprises throughout Russia with an emphasis on Siberia and the Far East. But everything is in the past that cannot be changed.
          1. +2
            9 September 2019 10: 23
            Quote: NordUral
            but also the former republics of the USSR.
            In vain, they built so many enterprises (the exception is, perhaps, Belarus, and the powerful industrialization of the Ukrainian SSR is a crime against Russia in general). Now it became painfully clear. The RSFSR was slowly bent, and the republics lived perfectly. And it was necessary to develop in them mainly Agriculture. And industrial enterprises all over Russia with an emphasis on Siberia and the Far East.

            Totally agree!
            Moreover, on the example of Moldova, I’ll say that they didn’t need all the plants that they today ... curse and destroy.
            That’s how BILLION RUBLES were wasted, HUNDREDED THOUSAND Russian for these plants from their native lands.
            What for?!
            Quote: NordUral
            But everything is in the past that cannot be changed.

            Wow, but DO NOT REPEAT these errors!
            1. +1
              9 September 2019 11: 31
              I agree with you, Andrei, but the Union was mistaken, but the Russian Federation, or rather the organized crime group that is in power, does everything consciously, destroying the remnants of Russia.
      4. +14
        7 September 2019 11: 53
        For your reference, and this is casually mentioned in the article, Bulgaria betrayed Russia three times before perestroika. Both world wars she ended up in a foreign camp. And in the third world, she is in NATO camp, the fourth betrayal only captures basic facts
        1. +1
          7 September 2019 14: 09
          Quote: Pissarro
          For your reference, and this is casually mentioned in the article, Bulgaria betrayed Russia three times before perestroika. Both world wars she ended up in a foreign camp. And in the third world, she is in NATO camp, the fourth betrayal only captures basic facts

          How can an ally of Nazi Germany "betray" his victor !? This is nonsense!
        2. +1
          7 September 2019 18: 38
          And for you, too, for reference:
          1) In the 1885 year, after the reunification of the principality (Bulgaria) with Eastern Rumelia, Russia withdraws all Russian ranks from the Bulgarian army.
          2) After the end of the Serbo-Bulgarian war, Russia inspires a coup against its own protege Alexander I Batenberg, which leads to his resignation. All those proposed by the princes of Bulgaria refuse (for example, Waldemar of Denmark) and only Ferdinand Saks-Coburg-Gotha agrees, but Russia breaks the diploma. Relations with the Principality of Bulgaria.
          3) Russia is against declaring independence of Bulgaria in the 1908 year. Dipl. The relationship was restored only after the death of Emperor Alexander III.
          4) During the Balkan wars, Russia was against the Bulgarian offensive towards Constantopol, does not oppose the Serbs violating the Serbo-Bulgarian agreements on the disputed and undisputed zones in Macedonia, which should have been decided under the arbitration of the Russian emperor, and also officially declares that there will be nothing to have against the Romanian speech against Bulgaria in the 1913 year.
          5) In WWI, in the 1914 year, when Bulgaria declared neutrality, the Russian General Staff planned to take the port of Burgas and use its base to capture the Bosphorus.
          6) When entering the Bulgarian PMV against Serbia, the Russian imperial fleet bombards Varna, shooting at the heaviest caliber in residential areas.
          7) Bulgaria joined the pact at the time when the Molotov-Ribbentrop agreement was in force, that is, the USSR and Germany were not formally opposed.
          8) Parts of Yugoslavia and Greece (which were still recognized Bulgarian by the Sanstefan Treaty and the London Peace Conference) were given over by the Germans to administer Bulgaria, but were not part of the Bulgarian state. (This issue should have been decided at the end of the war).
          9) CMEA and the Warsaw Pact ruined Gorbachev without asking a single word, but before that he wanted all payments in the CMEA to be in hard currency.
          Then "Uncle Borya" said that he was not interested in Bulgaria, let him go "far away", he could also join NATO.
          By the way, without joining NATO, you cannot become a member of the EU.
          1. 0
            10 September 2019 12: 42
            Quote: alatanas
            By the way, without joining NATO, you cannot become a member of the EU.

            How did Austria do it? And Sweden, Finland? Are we deleting them all from the EU list?
            1. -1
              11 October 2019 14: 11
              None of them were social. by state donation.
          2. 0
            11 September 2019 00: 45
            Quote: alatanas
            Russia is against the declaration of independence of Bulgaria in the 1908 year. Dipl. The relationship was restored only after the death of Emperor Alexander III.

            Just look at Wikipedia - who was the emperor of All Russia in 1908.
            It’s strange that I forgot to mention that you fed us canned tomatoes all the way from the end of the Balkan war ...
            1. 0
              11 October 2019 14: 50
              Nicholas II. He wrote after the death of Alexander III and meant diplomatic relations, and not specifically the 1908 year.
              Do you understand?
        3. -2
          7 September 2019 22: 21
          Well, Pisaro, you said well about the betrayal of the Bulgarians 3 times, but unfortunately in the article, quite a few sensitive issues were generally fairly accurate. Not a word was said about the role (excl. Negative) of the Russian Empire in the unification of the Principality of Bulgaria with the Precise Rumelia. And UTB was the SECOND CHAIR (the first was at the Berlin congress where Russia betrayed Bulgaria as well as herself) to Russia in relation to Bulgaria and was reflected very negatively on all subsequent relations. This was expressed in the fact that Russia took a sharply negative position on the unification of Bulgaria. (As a result of this, although this is not the main reason, Serbia’s attacks on Bulgaria occurred.) Dip stopped. relationship one-sided, brought ALL ADVISERS incl. the military (who essentially commanded the Bulgarian army) forced Prince Batemberg (connected by family ties with the Russian Imperial House) to leave the throne, and Ferdinand came as a result of this. The third time it was during the inter-allied war of 1913 when Romania hit the back of Bulgaria UNDER THE NATISK of the Russian Empire. Even Nicholas 2 promised to become the patron of the first Romanian regiment that crossed the Bulgarian border; in addition, he promised the return of Southern Dobruja to Romania. Etc. etc .. Another small inaccuracy in the article is that Romania returned Southern Dobrudja to Bulgaria not only as a result of Hitler’s onslaught but as a result of the joint onslaught of Germany and the USSR !!! (between, however, I don’t think at all that it means that Stalin should be compared with Hitler. This is complete nonsense).
      5. +1
        7 September 2019 14: 00
        vladimirZ (VladimirZ) Today, 07:48
        Why is Bulgaria betraying Russia? - Reaping the results of the treacherous Gorbachev-Yeltsin policy

        Vladimir, oksts - with what side did the policies of Yeltsin and Gorbachev influence the position of Bulgaria in the First and Second World War? They got into a time machine and rushed to give advice back to the past?
        And for these comrades you Tank Hard (Daniel von Messer) Today, 10:54 and qqqq Today, 09:16 answered
      6. 0
        7 September 2019 17: 08
        The article says, we built something, fed them a billion dollars without compensation, that is, for nothing, then just stopped. What is the betrayal.
      7. +5
        7 September 2019 18: 09
        everything is correct, what we want from them, the weak countries always lie under the strong ones, and since the USSR self-destructed, what to expect, the Bulgarians lay down under the Americans, so we all must first look at ourselves, punish the traitors, now, would we have lived under Stalin such characters as Gorbachev in bliss and contentment with their barrel of jam and a basket of cookies, do you think? It's just that in the power system in Russia there are all the people who took part in cutting property and power under the "Tsar" Boris, and who categorically do not want to remember, but a raven will not peck out a crow's eyes
      8. The comment was deleted.
      9. 0
        21 September 2019 11: 58
        Was it necessary to continue hand-feeding them until the end of the universe? After all, it's time to start doing something ourselves, and not to rely on Russia forever. When we got sick, everyone shook off the bushes, and now they look out, hoping for the old relationship, but still hoping for the "help" of the Naglo-Saxons. I doubt, however, that they will get something from them, these are not Russians who helped almost free of charge and generously.
        1. 0
          21 September 2019 16: 26
          Was it necessary to continue to feed them from the hand until the end of the universe? - Vinnie (Vladimir Gorbunov)

          You are wrong in principle. The co-operation of the CMEA countries was mutually beneficial. And most importantly, the USSR provided Eastern Europe with the status of friendly states.
          These countries are not "dribbled in the bushes," as you write. It is our country, as a result of the betrayal of the leadership, betrayed them, refusing to cooperate with them.
          What did we get when we stopped "almost free of charge and generously helping" them?
          The expansion of NATO to our current borders, which included our former allies in the Warsaw Pact, which by the way is not over yet - Ukraine and Georgia are next. Moreover, states hostile to us almost at the Nazi level - Poland, Ukraine, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia.
          Now imagine 1941 the combined European troops led by Germany begin military operations from these borders - from the territory of Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine, Georgia, when they waved 400-500 km in a matter of days. The Germans would seize the entire European territory of the USSR right up to the Urals. Japan and Turkey would open hostilities against us. As a result, the USSR would have suffered a crushing defeat.

          Now the situation is just such, and if we take into account the still short flight time of combat missiles and aviation, the increased speed of fully mechanized troops, then the position of Russia is to say the least "awful".
          Now count our "penny economy" as a result of the abandonment of our former allies, in comparison with the geostrategic military, political and economic losses of today's Russia.
    2. +1
      7 September 2019 21: 46
      Quote: 210ox
      Alexander, thanks for the detailed article ...

      Dmitry is not quite an article. This, as it were, to put it mildly, is motivated.
      Perhaps the source of this:
      "A candidate for membership in the USSR."
      Alexey Baliev,
      political scientist
      Published in issue No. 33 (796) on August 27, 2019
  2. +6
    7 September 2019 06: 00
    "Why Bulgaria betrays Russia", they try to act on the basis of the principle "Betrayal in time is not to betray it, to foresee it!", But they only try and in fact they pay much more dearly for it than if they had not rushed from one extreme to another.
  3. +13
    7 September 2019 06: 14
    Why Bulgaria is betraying Russia

    Well why why ????
    Go to their forums and read - they believe that after the Turkish occupation, they fell under the Russian occupation. There is no need for illusions - at best, they are neutral towards Russia, but the majority of the population is negative.
    1. -13
      7 September 2019 06: 52
      Why Bulgaria is betraying Russia

      Because Western society offers a very attractive model in which the majority of the population receives a high standard of living, where agreements are in place and laws are enforced

      And what can Russia offer, except for the chatter, the first channel and Colonel Zakharchenko?
      1. +5
        7 September 2019 07: 24
        Quote: Santa Fe
        Because Western society offers a very attractive model in which the majority of the population receives a high standard of living, where agreements are in place and laws are enforced

        what model are you talking about?
      2. +14
        7 September 2019 07: 44
        Quote: Santa Fe
        And what can Russia offer except chatter

        So it is only women with low social responsibility who sleep for money.
        In normal family life, a completely different relationship.
        What did NATO give them? Protection? From whom?
        Are they not protected in the Warsaw Pact?
        Well, yes, there isn’t him, but could you conclude an agreement with Russia on military mutual assistance and cooperation? Can.
        Yes, only pieces of paper with dead presidents turned out to be more expensive than common sense.
        I wonder where they are now doing the famous "Bulgarian lecho"
        1. +7
          7 September 2019 09: 04
          Quote: Lipchanin
          I wonder where they are now doing the famous "Bulgarian lecho"

          He is no longer released, the "lecho" is over.
          1. 0
            7 September 2019 09: 12
            Quote: tihonmarine
            He is no longer released, the "lecho" is over.

            Well. It looks like they’ll be driven to the grave in the outskirts
            1. +1
              7 September 2019 10: 09
              Quote: Lipchanin
              Here you go. It looks like they’ll be driven to the grave

              Neighbors, the virus spreads rapidly.
            2. +3
              7 September 2019 11: 00
              Quote: Lipchanin
              Well. It looks like they’ll be driven to the grave in the outskirts

              Drove already, soon and his guilt will not ... feel
              1. -1
                7 September 2019 11: 23
                Quote: Tank Hard
                Drove already, soon and his guilt will not ...

                Fine wine good
                It was probably
                1. +1
                  7 September 2019 11: 43
                  Quote: Lipchanin
                  Fine wine
                  It was probably

                  There is still, but who knows ... request
          2. -3
            7 September 2019 17: 14
            Lecho was Hungarian, ask the Hungarians.
        2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +3
        7 September 2019 09: 13
        Quote: Santa Fe
        Because Western society offers a very attractive model

        1. +1
          9 September 2019 11: 43
          The most telling example is Iraq and Libya, Libya especially.
      4. +8
        7 September 2019 12: 00
        Because Western society offers a very attractive model in which the majority of the population receives a high standard of living, where agreements are in place and laws are enforced

        Sob. Is this an impoverished model in the impoverished Bulgaria with an overwhelming Unemployment, destroyed by industry and agriculture, extinction and flight of the population?
        The occupying colonial authorities explicitly prohibit the construction of nuclear power plants and gas pipelines, create jobs and receive money for transit and cheap electricity.
        Uniquely came to success)
        50 years of such success and Bulgaria will not be
        1. +1
          7 September 2019 16: 13
          Quote: Pissarro
          The occupying colonial authorities explicitly prohibit the construction of nuclear power plants and gas pipelines, create jobs and receive money for transit and cheap electricity.

          Now in Bulgaria there is a tender for the construction of the Belene NPP, and Rosatom is taking part in it. The European part (or continuation) of the Turkish (Blue) Stream should pass through the territory of Bulgaria.
          1. +2
            7 September 2019 17: 34
            Only the Bulgarian authorities are fighting intensely against the atom and pipes. Or not?)
            1. +1
              7 September 2019 17: 57
              No, you are wrong. This week, 04.09, Parva Atomna - Kozloduy NPP celebrated its 45th anniversary. At the local house of power engineers, the Minister of Energy Temenuzhka Petkova was present at the festive event, of course, the veterans were invited, there was a festive program. Bulgaria has a desire to develop nuclear energy.
    2. +6
      7 September 2019 08: 30
      Quote: lucul
      There is no need to harbor illusions - at best, they are neutral towards Russia, but the majority of the population is negative.

      Even this article shows that Bulgaria has never been close to Russia. Turkish slavery has not been eliminated in them until now. There have not been and cannot be any "brothers", with them one can only live peacefully, without any "fraternization".
  4. +19
    7 September 2019 06: 20
    The statement of the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry is not just disgusting, it is blasphemous for the Bulgarian people themselves, who, without Russia's help, would remain in slavery of the Ottoman Empire and would not have their own country. The definition of "brother" came from the Bulgarians themselves, we did not ask them to be brothers, but according to our mentality (protection of the weak, justice, faith) we came to the aid of the Slavic people.
    Why Bulgaria is betraying Russia
    Because they are used to being under someone else throughout their history, leaning against the strong for the sole benefit of their own. The recent muttering of the Bulgarian president that the elder will always forgive the younger (about South Stream) has resulted in yet another attack on Russia.
    1. -18
      7 September 2019 09: 47
      A statement by the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry said the Red Army would join after September 5, 1944, when the USSR declared war on us. Until that moment, we did not fight. Nothing in the statement says anything about the war of 1877-1878 with the Ottoman Empire. There is no bad talk about this war in Bulgaria. Do not overdo it.
      The ministry is opposed to the name under which the exhibition is held. The title is “liberation.” Excuse me, but in 1944 you did not release us. Then you have nothing to free us. We are free.
    2. -4
      7 September 2019 20: 14
      The statement of the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry is not just vile, it is blasphemous for the Bulgarian people,

      Have you and the commenters here read the ego? For some reason, I did not find its full text in any Russian-language resource! Strange ... Because there is nothing abhorrent or filthy in the statements.
  5. +23
    7 September 2019 06: 39
    our big misfortune is that it always surprises us like that. we as children still believe in fraternity. in justice and memory. but the world is different. and that is a fact. people change . everything is forgotten. it's like in life. we get married and get divorced, lose touch with friends. this is the reality. we need to appreciate what is now and not what was once. and it will become easier to live. I am not saying that we need to change. this childish naivety is probably one of those things for which I love my country. you just need to learn how to let go of Ukraine and the same Bulgaria and let it roll. we will not make them normal by force anyway.
    1. -3
      7 September 2019 20: 20
      our big misfortune is that it always surprises us like that. we as children still believe in fraternity. in justice and memory. but the world is different.

      Dear Dmitry, your biggest misfortune is that you blindly believe propaganda. You do not bother to check the facts, delve into the situation and draw your own conclusions. It’s easier for you to accept what they say in the media. Bulgaria is not your enemy and the Bulgarians are one of the few Russophile peoples. This fact is sooo so disliked! And he replicates Bulgarian-phobic materials on the conveyor in rus-media.
      1. +3
        8 September 2019 01: 13
        Bulgaria is not your enemy

        Bulgaria is a NATO member. From this point on, the enemy is without any reservations. A set of goals along with population and infrastructure. In 1940, the British shot French ships along with their crews. Yes, they killed their "allies" after the surrender of France. And no one will blame them, military necessity.
        1. -3
          8 September 2019 12: 23
          Bulgaria is a member of NATO. From now on, the enemy without any reservations.

          Bulgaria became NATO flax in 2004. Then the Russian Federation and NATO were very active friends! Russia participated in partnership programs and there were no enemies with NATO.
          A set of goals along with the population and infrastructure.

          No other arguments? You most really want to turn into a radioactive desert?
          1. +1
            8 September 2019 15: 06
            No other arguments?

            Are you needed? The main thing is not intentions, but potential. There is a military force, Russia is not controlled. So you have to consider it. The General Staff probably took into account. The rest is unnecessary moralism.
            You most really want to turn into a radioactive desert?

            Precisely because you and your current allies (or masters?) Are under the gun, Russia is safe.
            1. -3
              8 September 2019 15: 35
              Are you needed? The main thing is not intentions, but potential. There is a military force, Russia is not controlled.

              In today's competitive world, much more is needed. Of course, no one is going to attack Russia. No reason. It already capital flows to the west without any problems.
              As for lack of control, the question is very controversial ... I will refrain from commenting on it. Understand there yourself with your oligarchs.
              Precisely because you and your current allies (or masters?) Are under the gun, Russia is safe.

              Is Russia out of sight, or what? Speak up? Very confident hardening! A lot of what has already been sold and bought.
  6. +10
    7 September 2019 06: 41
    In short, we don’t need any bros.
  7. +26
    7 September 2019 06: 44
    The Bulgarian elite maneuvered all the time, now they really have a clear reference to the West.
    No one remembers the good in the past: history has been and has passed.
    But the problem is that we have a discord in our heads.
    If Zakharova compared Stalin with the Nazi regime, it is difficult to say that the Bulgarian elite has no right to do this.
    If monuments to Lenin are being knocked down in Ukraine, this is horror, and when our periodically prominent politicians offer to take Lenin out of the mausoleum, this is the "right to discussion", the draped mausoleum on May 9, an attempt by one of the country's leading parties to remove the hammer and sickle from the banner of victory, etc. .d.
    So far, our attitude to the past will be what to demand from neighbors?
    1. -17
      7 September 2019 07: 13
      Monuments to bring down of course it makes no sense and stupid. as well as change the name of the streets. idiocy of the highest standard. and Lenin’s body, why is it needed? the mausoleum of course should remain as a historical monument. and bury him and those to whom he is close to honor. Well, wildness is when a mummy lies in the middle of the country.
      1. +13
        7 September 2019 08: 04
        so you do not see the connection: one stems from the other: if the "mummy" has to be taken out of the Mausoleum, then Bandera's people are right when they destroy monuments.
        The Dimitrov Mausoleum in Bulgaria was abused, why wouldn’t they periodically run into Russia, links of one chain.
        Until we realize the historical continuity and stop sprinkling ashes on our heads, while they will urge us to repent, then all and sundry will sprinkle us.
        1. -18
          7 September 2019 09: 32
          not at all. separate the mummy from everything else. I personally assess this from the point of view of elementary necessity. Is Lenin a symbol for most of the country? Of course not. I do not propose to demolish everything connected with it. but simply remove the mummy from the city because it is the savagery of ancient times. perhaps this body is sacred to you and you pray to him, or something else I do not mind. but why can’t this be done in the cemetery? it will be at least civilized. sooner or later they will come to this. just for the reason that times are changing. where is repentance and ashes on the head?
          1. +11
            7 September 2019 09: 56
            and also increase the relics of saints from the Churches? Century is XXI?
            It’s not a matter of who is praying to whom, I pray in church, by the way.
            The fact is that this is all connected: first, we will throw Lenin away, and so on ad infinitum ...
            And then we rewrite the whole story: Lenin, Pushkin, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich now has nothing to do with Ukraine ...
            Take out the saints
            1. -14
              7 September 2019 10: 18
              but why am I supposed to put the relics of saints and the body of Lenin on a par? and where did I say throw away? I said to bury with honors.
          2. +1
            8 September 2019 21: 34
            Quote: carstorm 11
            Is Lenin a symbol for most of the country?

            Like it or not, Lenin is one of the greatest people on the planet.
    2. -3
      7 September 2019 20: 29
      If Zakharova compared Stalin with the Nazi regime, it is difficult to say that the Bulgarian elite has no right to do this.

      Dear Edward, the assessment of history is ambiguous in Russia itself. Stalinism, totalitarianism, pseudo-socialism of that time, is perceived negatively in the East. Europe. For the peoples of Eastern Europe, this was an alien system, moreover, this system does not exist in modern Russia. You can not sell your "truth" to others! And you can not put in a row of enemies, those who have an opinion different from yours.
      1. +2
        8 September 2019 00: 35
        Good evening Boyan,
        and where did you find my opinion that I defined someone as enemies.
        I just wrote that first you need to understand yourself.
        Regarding "totalitarianism" is an extremely controversial issue, in Bulgaria, in one place where I visit every summer, there is a monument to Bulgarian patriots who died in the fight against the Nazis in 1944, all very very young.
        It is difficult to agree that they fought for "totalitarianism". In Soviet times, my sister had a friend from Bulgaria, they corresponded for many years, it is difficult to say that the BNR lived under the heel of Soviet "pseudo-socialism", having the opportunity to go, for example, to Greece, etc.
        This is a word. Not for discussion.
        The elite, and Eastern Europe, and Russia from the 90 of the twentieth century, reoriented from East to West, there are more liverworts today, and people all live differently.
        I repeat - my message is, to understand yourself, this is about Russia.
        Best regards,
      2. +4
        8 September 2019 00: 50
        And you can not put in a row of enemies, those who have an opinion different from yours.

        Calm down, they put you in the ranks of enemies not for your opinion, but for a very real military threat, as a NATO member. Basta, "brothers", for the Russians you are now a target, a set of dangerous targets along with infrastructure and population, no more ... Without any emotions.
      3. +1
        8 September 2019 21: 36
        Quote: pytar
        Stalinism, totalitarianism, pseudo-socialism of that time, is perceived negatively in the East. Europe.

        Well, yes, your own sins are not enough for you, arrows are easier to translate, and even calmer.
  8. +4
    7 September 2019 06: 44
    And what is there to be surprised? The Bulgarian authorities have chosen a pro-Western course and the same "values". In fact, there are only two "values": tolerance for LGBT people and Russophobia. Here, at the command of the owner, they bark in our direction, knowing full well that this lie will touch us for a living. Another thing is that they know that there will be no response. And if that - you can always start a fake tear and pity your older brother. He's kind and always forgiving.
    1. +7
      7 September 2019 07: 51
      Quote: Vadim T.
      And if that - you can always put a fake tear and pity the older brother. He is kind and always forgives.

      For some time, Yandex.Zen has shown interest in me ... Basically there are "everyday" stories ... The types of fraud in various "spheres" are regularly described, which both specialists and "ordinary" citizens face ... the relationship between relatives and, simply, between "interacting" people. There are many stories when relatives from the "hinterland", having learned that someone from their "circle" moved to the "capitals" and, even, was able to buy an apartment there, begin to overcome the "lucky" relative, believing that he owes them all ! For example, if a "person involved" moved to a separate apartment from a previously purchased "room in a communal apartment", then he must provide a room for free and, practically, "forever" to his relatives and they are not "bothered" that the "person involved" needs to pay a mortgage ... They can, "saying goodbye to the" capital ", arrange a" sabantui "before leaving, as a result of which a" bombed-out "room remains ... And here's what I noticed: people began to treat each other and their relatives more harshly, more pragmatic. .. That is, the "persons involved" in such situations have become less inclined to forgiveness, more determined to break off relations! Comparing the "images" of situations between people and between states (countries), you involuntarily notice the similarity of these "images"! Maybe Russia is not worth it to hold on to the old "feelings", but to adhere to new relationships in modern realities?
    2. -3
      7 September 2019 20: 33
      Why wonder?

      It would not be surprising if people read the original sources of information, and not articles like this. When you are told that all enemies, traitors, parasites, etc. / the list is long /, you as reasonable people should think about it, but is it not in the media that there is a problem in some political actions of the ruling in the Russian Federation?
  9. +12
    7 September 2019 06: 54
    .... Neither they are the first, nor they are the last ... And the coolest thing is that Russia is not doing anything ideologically in the Slavic countries and inside the country, and then we wipe away our tears ... aaaaa they don't like us ... They are bad, they are do not remember ... Do we remember? We ourselves remember once again, from October 1917 to December 1941 everything is bad, from December 1941 to May 1945 everything is fine, and from May 1945 to August 1991 everything is bad again ... And the monuments, we taught how to demolish, back in the USSR era ... From the beginning we repent, but here ... it was the bloody regime of the Poles in Katyn I shot, then oops ... we didn't love ... nooooo not bloody regime, the Germans ... We put up monuments to the invaders ... With such an ideology, "love" and "friendship" will not wait ...
    1. +4
      7 September 2019 08: 09
      Quote: parusnik
      Russia does not do anything ideologically in the Slavic countries and inside the country, and then we wipe away the tears ... aaaaa they do not like us.

      The habit of the authorities to decide everything with the powerful, without affecting the simplest layman.
      And those in power skillfully milking us and, alternating in turn, do it endlessly.
      Just like now they are promoting Medvedchuk and Co. And he is the second Kuchma. He would pursue the same course, but on our loans and free gas.
      Lack of work with the population and gives a negative result of support for Russia.
      Independence Square for the EU, we saw in Kiev,
      but there was no AntiMaydan for Russia!
      1. 0
        7 September 2019 14: 19
        Independence Square for the EU, we saw in Kiev,
        but there was no AntiMaydan for Russia!

        And Crimea and Donbass - what do you think?
        1. +2
          7 September 2019 14: 38
          Quote: Disant
          And Crimea and Donbass - what do you think?

          Crimea is a separate story, and Donbass is a civil war. What is the% of the population of Ukraine?
          1. 0
            7 September 2019 14: 49
            Sylvester, no matter what percentage - both Crimea and Donbass - arose as a response to the coup d'état in Kiev. And the further fate of all ongoing processes - I find it difficult to answer
    2. -4
      7 September 2019 20: 40
      Dear Alexei, if we remove ideologies from our relations, I think everything will go much more positively! Everyone has their own truth! This does not mean that different truths are wrong! It is time to understand that the assessment of historical events can be completely opposite. Unfortunately, the media circulate hardenings, often completely incorrect from the actual point of view. Unfortunately, this article belongs to that category. It contains a lot of controversial hardening. The tendency is clear. Sorry...
  10. +6
    7 September 2019 07: 04
    We Russians feel both surprise and resentment and frustration over such statements.
    But this is only because we tend to be conscientious and grateful.
    Although not for everyone.
    And we, in life, are still those goats.
    Like the goat of Timur in the cage of the Amur tiger.

    But life is so arranged that to constantly thank is not characteristic of the entire human race.
    Such is life.
    Good is forgotten quickly. Remember bad forever.
    By the fact that the bad is pain, humiliation, neglect.
    Only such negative phenomena in life are remembered.
    And the euphoria of joy cannot last long or forever.
    Physiologically, the body can not stand it.

    And as world practice has shown (Poland, Romania, Hungary, and then Ukraine), it’s enough to find a small layer of dissatisfied people in society (and they will always be), correctly orient them, provide them with funds and they are ready to destroy everything that was holy for yesterday their people.
    Even in the USSR, such an approach led to the destruction of the state.

    In their mass, any people are inert and apolitical.
    Life is too far from being constantly methodically monitoring events in the world around us.
    And the actions of our "partners" are going on in silence, calmness, in secret.
    And you do not immediately begin to understand that this or that politician is far from "the lamb of God", but most likely - the devil's offspring.

    And in our history there were examples of how the people followed those who promised universal equality and brotherhood, but only after we redeem this brotherhood in our own blood.
    I'm not hinting at anything. You don’t have to worry.
    There are thousands of examples in the history of Russia.

    So with Bulgaria.
    Those who determine the political course today are proteges of the West.
    It is convenient for the West to continue to humiliate Russia by the fact that even the most, seemingly obligated and grateful, begin to spit in our direction.

    And then such a thought comes to mind.
    Three hundred years of the Ottoman yoke.
    Lack of statehood, lack of responsibility for their land, brought up a people who can not live without a collar and chain.
    Those. people strive to find support in the strong.
    But the USSR went into oblivion.
    Again, a lot of examples.
    Georgia, Moldova, the Baltic states.
    Having taken off one "decoration" (in their opinion) from their neck, they happily wagging their tails, with a puppy squeal, ran to the one who had dressed them another.
    And Bulgaria is the same puppy that cannot turn into an adult dog, responsibly and independently solving its internal and external problems.
    Need a host.
    And they found him.

    But the owner said bark.
    And the dog does what she’s got the meat for.
    And do not beat with a stick.
    1. +8
      7 September 2019 08: 17
      F.M. Dostoevsky about "brothers Slavs"
      "... according to my inner conviction, the most complete and insurmountable - Russia will never have and never had such haters, envious people, slanderers and even obvious enemies, like all these Slavic tribes, as soon as Russia liberates them, and Europe agrees to recognize them released!
      And do not mind me, do not dispute, do not shout at me that I am exaggerating and that I am a hater of the Slavs! On the contrary, I love the Slavs very much, but I won’t defend myself either, because I know that everything will come true exactly like I say, and not because of the low, ungrateful, as if, character of the Slavs - they have a character in this sense, like everyone else, namely because such things in the world cannot happen otherwise.
      After their release, they will begin their new life, I repeat, precisely by asking themselves to be given the pledge and protection of their freedom from Europe, England and Germany, and even Russia will be in a concert of European powers, but they will protection from Russia and will do it.
      They will certainly begin with the fact that inside themselves, if not outright out loud, they will declare to themselves and convince themselves that they do not owe Russia the slightest gratitude, on the contrary, that they barely escaped the lust for power of Russia at the conclusion of peace by the intervention of a European concert, and not if Europe intervened, so Russia would swallow them immediately, "meaning the expansion of borders and the foundation of the great All-Slavic empire on the enslavement of the Slavs to the greedy, cunning and barbaric Great Russian tribe"

      F.M. Dostoevsky
      The diary of a writer.
      September - December 1877.
      1. +7
        7 September 2019 08: 44
        +100500 I will subscribe to every word.
      2. +6
        7 September 2019 08: 58
        Superb and accurate foresight of what happened with an accuracy of 100%.
        Dostoevsky does not just have to admire.
        It must be studied and relevant conclusions drawn.
        A genius, he is a genius.
    2. +4
      7 September 2019 08: 56
      Quote: demo
      Having taken off one "decoration" (in their opinion) from their neck, they happily wagging their tails, with a puppy squeal, ran to the one who had dressed them another

      Thanks Wang, very well said No comment!
    3. -1
      7 September 2019 20: 53
      So with Bulgaria. Those who determine the political course today are proteges of the West.
      It is convenient for the West to continue to humiliate Russia by the fact that even the most, seemingly obligated and grateful, begin to spit in our direction.

      Bulgarians in their majority Russophiles. In Bulgaria, an untouched huge number of historical objects associated with Russia have been preserved.
      The statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not contain anything seditious. Did you read it in the original? Hardly ... There is no ego in Russian, for some reason ... The topic of Stalinism and its forced introduction in our country has divided society since those times. Acute debate continues to this day. It remains unclear the persistence with which some political forces in the Russian Federation and the media they support creep on this topic to worsen relations between our countries.
      No bad nations! There is a mixed assessment of certain periods of history!
      1. +6
        7 September 2019 22: 30
        Come on, Boyan hold on.
        Now I will explain to you the meaning of the Russian proverb - where crayfish hibernate.
        Here is the text in Bulgarian.
        "On the occasion of organizing a ranoto from the Embassy in Ruskat, the federation was shot down on September 9," Presentation of 75 years from liberation to Iztochna Europe from Nazism, "the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation stated the following:
        “Without and without reason, bringing to the Soviet Union for the defeat of Nazism in Europe, don’t shake it and scream, you’re tickling the Svetskat army for the people in Central and polished Europe for half a century of repression, drowned out for civilian life, deforming economic development and lack of dynamism on process in develop european rust.
        The Ministry of Internal Affairs doesn’t have any relation to the issue of the Russian embassy and not to borrow a position in support of the demilitarized historical thesis ("liberation"), which is privileged itself politically among in Bulgaria, that is, the name of the Russian embassy in the foreign political debate.
        9th Septemvri and disobey the hell of a rag so that they will remain in the possession of historian and historical scholarship, for which they will receive full and accurate assessment for the influence of the development of Bulgaria on the 20th century.
        The point on international law is clear from the fact that the Deceptoseptemvriyskiy turn right the follower from the declaration of war on Bulgaria from the country to the USSR on Sept. 5, 1944 and the last one on the island of Bulgaria on the territory of the USSR on neutral territory.
        The Soviet Union declared war on Bulgaria, a new democratic government came to power on the current side, announced that it had ceased to break out of Nazi Germany and had affirmed its position on neutrality in the Kingdom of Bulgaria directly in Russia. The temporary occupation of Bulgaria from the USSR and Syuznitsyte, some formally from the administration to the representatives of the coalition, but de facto this exercise is exclusive through a military presence.
        Long-term follow-up on Bulgaria, let’s take off as you leave the countries from Iztochna Europe, you’ve got into the influence zone for 45 years, the management is totalitarian, relying on the communist ideology based on the Bolshevik-Leninist regime. “
        And here is the translation. High enough quality.
        On the occasion of the event organized by the Embassy of the Russian Federation on September 9, "Exhibition of 75 Years of the Liberation of Eastern Europe from Nazism", the MNR declares the following:
        “Without denying the contribution of the USSR to the defeat of Nazism in Europe, we must not turn a blind eye to what the bayonets of the Soviet army brought to the peoples of Central and Eastern Europe half a century of repression, damping of civil conscience, deformed economic development and detachment from the dynamics of processes in developed European countries.
        The MVNR has nothing to do with this manifestation, and we advise the Russian embassy not to take positions in support of the dubious historical thesis ("liberation"), which is privileged only by some political circles in Bulgaria, since it is interference in the internal political debate in our country.
        September 9 and its consequences should remain the property of historians and historical science in order to receive a complete and accurate assessment of the impact on the development of Bulgaria in the 20th century.
        From the point of view of international law, the facts are clear: the nine-Septemvrian coup is a direct consequence of the declaration of war on Bulgaria by the USSR on September 5, 1944. and the subsequent invasion of Soviet troops on the territory of Bulgaria, neutral with respect to the USSR.
        The USSR declared war on Bulgaria when a new democratic government just came to power, announcing the termination of relations with Nazi Germany and reaffirming the position of neutrality of the Kingdom of Bulgaria towards Russia. This is followed by the temporary occupation of Bulgaria by the USSR and its allies, which is formally controlled by representatives of the coalition, but de facto is carried out exclusively through the Soviet military presence.
        The long-term consequences for Bulgaria are the same as for the rest of the countries of Eastern Europe that find themselves in the Soviet zone of influence - 45 years of managing ambassadors, a regime based on the Bolshevik-Leninist version of communist ideology. "

        You tell us Boyan about the repression.
        Who, how much and when they convicted.
        And for what ?!
        A muffled conscience is what?
        A person either has it or not.
        If a person does not live in harmony with his conscience, then he is an extremely liar.
        The deformation of economic development provides for the forced closure of certain enterprises (industries) for the sake of any preferences. This was not the case in Bulgaria. Development went on. Bulgaria received about $ 500 billion in loans, preferences, market openings, etc. This is the opinion of the Americans. Not Russian.
        Developed European countries - who is this?
        Germany? France? Spain? Italy?
        Or maybe Switzerland.
        It is necessary to compare with those who were in the same conditions from the first moment.
        And so you can compare salty with hot.

        And now the following.
        We, the USSR, fought against fascism.
        Bulgaria, at the time of the beginning of World War II, was an ally of Nazi Germany.
        It is absolutely not important that Bulgaria did not send a certain soldier to the Eastern Front.
        It happens that moral support means more material. But it was material.
        The German fleet used the ports of Bulgaria. And that's it.
        In theory, it was necessary to punish the ally of Germany. But you, cunning Bulgarians, at the last moment broke the treaty and declared war on Germany, thereby trying to remove from your head both the shame and responsibility.
        Who can believe in such a naive and cowardly policy?
        I will not believe And Stalin, and even more so.
        But he felt sorry for you, brainless.
        And he gave as much as he did not give to the Russian people.
        But could he take off three skins?
        Could. And they would give.

        And the fact that the winners on the right of the winner gave preference to those who, from their point of view, can implement policies in accordance with our political views, there is nothing reprehensible in this.
        In fact, the winner is their governor. They put garrisons. Abolish any civil rights. Etc.
        But already on September 15, 1946. a year after the end of the war, and the defeat of the Kwantung Army (the war is not easy!), the People’s Republic of Bulgaria was formed.
        September 8, 1946, in the presence of Soviet troops, a referendum was held in Bulgaria. According to official results, out of 4 509 354 eligible to vote in the referendum, 4 132 007 voters (91,63%) participated, of which 92,72% voted [3] for the overthrow of the monarchy and the proclamation of a republic. The results of the referendum are questioned by the monarchists, who insist that the Red Army located in the country influenced these results. On September 15, 1946, the People's Republic of Bulgaria was proclaimed, the first prime minister of which was George Dimitrov, an old communist, friend of Tito and a supporter of the creation of a single South Slavic state within Yugoslavia and Bulgaria.

        Dimitrov - who is this?
        This is not a Russian surname. This is Bulgarian.
        And the citizens of Bulgaria voted for him.
        So come on, rest. Gain strength.
        Perhaps you need them.

        For reference.
        My grandfather, a citizen of Bulgaria. He emigrated in 1920 to Soviet Russia.
        So I, to some extent, Bulgarian.
        And I can, and I will defend the truth.
        Do not blame.
        1. -4
          8 September 2019 00: 26
          Hi Wang! hi
          Come on, Boyan hold on. Now I will explain to you the meaning of the Russian proverb - where the crayfish hibernate.

          This is you hold on! I know more Russian sayings than many Russians know. I’ll tell you one Bulgarian! I am showing the spit, parti mu tarsi vratata. / I will show you where the spit is, and you look for where her door is! /
          Here is the text in Bulgarian ...

          Just about to publish it, but you got ahead of me! I confirm his authenticity! good
          You tell us Boyan about the repression. Who, how much and when they were convicted. And for what ?!

          On this you need to write a whole article! The truth is what? Condemned by thousands. Many of them are deserved, while others are not. And then ... they began to destroy their own, those who did not fit into the system! Gulag camps were created. There was someone to learn from! The very thing that the Bulgarians perceived badly - forced collectivization! The people are rural, the land is everything for them! We had traditions in cooperatives until 45-46 years! But they were voluntary, and here ... with sticks on their legs and back! As a result, hundreds of thousands stopped rejoicing at the "liberation"!
          A muffled conscience is what? A person either has it or not.

          Who has no conscience, write it off. Hopeless. And who has it? Is he always right? And if untruths were hammered into his head? And he is ashamed, holy to believe in them? Is he a liar or deceived? What do you know about the Bulgarian events to which my grandfathers were participants and witnesses? How can I accept your "truth" if I know for sure that the truth is different?
          The deformation of economic development provides for forced closure ... Development has been going on. About 500 billion. Bulgaria received in the form of loans, preferences, opening a market, etc. This is the opinion of the Americans. ...

          Van, do you have any idea what the unimaginable amount is? 100% nonsense, from an incomprehensible, doubtful source. Saving the facts: During the time of socialism, Bulgaria 3 times went bankrupt. Not an effective economy created by the Soviet model. Again, a topic for staty!
          And now the following. We, the USSR fought against fascism. Bulgaria, at the time of the beginning of World War II, was an ally of Nazi Germany.

          Nobody argues! And we fought. Moreover, it is very effective. Theme for articles with facts and figures! By the way, when Bulgaria was forced to enter the Axis, the only country that fought against Germany was ... Great Britain! In the meantime, Bulgaria could not fight for the WB or the USSR! It is unique that she could - NOT fight against the USSR! The maximum possible, and did!
          In theory, it was necessary to punish the ally of Germany.

          Strange ... why weren't Romania punished? Slovakia, Croatia, Finland? Having forced Vost.Europe to be forcibly accepted by your Stalinist social system, they accepted it as a present ??? Okay! And how to react when in 90, you yourself renounced your system?
          And the fact that the winners on the right of the winner gave preference to those who, from their point of view, can implement policies in accordance with our political views, there is nothing reprehensible in this.

          And there is. good That is why you cannot call it "liberation"! Different things, huh? Accordingly, countries that find themselves in such a situation have the right to assess it negatively. The specific topic is still shared by the Bulgarian society. The controversy does not subside. Every attempt from the outside to influence internal disputes will be perceived negatively.
          8 September 1946 years in the presence of Soviet troops, a referendum was held in Bulgaria. According to official results from 4 509 354 eligible to vote in the referendum, 4 132 007 voters (91,63%), of which 92,72% voted [3] for the overthrow of the monarchy and the proclamation of a republic.

          All "voting" during social events are close to 100% ... I think it's not worth explaining how they turned out ... laughing
          Dimitrov - who is this? This is not a Russian surname. This is Bulgarian.

          Wang, are you familiar with the ideology of communism? There is no nationality, they are internationalists! The "Bulgarian" Dimitrov stopped being a Bulgarian a little, as the communist became convinced! So it is with others in the USSR, inter alia.
          My grandfather, a citizen of Bulgaria. He emigrated to Soviet Russia in 1920. So I, to some extent, am Bulgarian too. And I can and will defend the truth.

          I have half Russian relatives. So I, to some extent, Russian. You are not upholding the TRUTH, but your truth. Truths are different! But the Truth is one, but to get to it you need to know all the truths and be holy! Not given to man! Why am I talking about this? Because, each will remain with its own opinion. And in this regard, I consider it harmful to lead disputes whose final result will be negative. Let everyone remain of their own opinion, but let no one try to vparit his truth to another! Question from the assessment of history, internal to each country! I’ll also say that I consider the statement of the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry, although true in fact, but harmful in general. As far as we see, it served for a decent anti-Bulgarian fuss in Russian media. There are forces interested in this.
          1. +1
            8 September 2019 06: 10
            You know what, Boyan.
            I will transfer our communication from a public field to a personal one.
            I will write you in a personal message.
            And then we'll see what happens.
            You raised a lot of questions.
            And much needs to be answered.
            At least I think so.
  11. +9
    7 September 2019 07: 05
    I am very glad that I live in Russia! We are betrayed by "friends" and "own" elite! And we REMEMBER! The system is changing, the state system, laws ... but we still remember, write, talk about the past. Anything happened, but we have a glorious past and I believe there will be more to be proud of! LET'S BREAK! And the Bulgarians ... God be their judge ... I believe, not all there are bastards!
    1. +5
      7 September 2019 08: 51
      Yes, not only us ....
      1 At one time, "Marked" betrayed Zhivkov. Their own communists overthrew him and everything went blue-blue flame (the color of the flags of the SDS-Union of the Democratic Forces of Bulgaria, leader Professor Zhelev)
      Read the revelations

      2 .. "Zhivkov's conspiracy" is mentioned not only in his "Memoirs", but in the memoirs of many intelligence officers. In 1986, Todor began negotiations with the leaders of the "fraternal communist parties" about Gorbachev's betrayal of the ideals of socialism. The leaders obediently assented and then ran to talk about this to the same Gorbachev, fearing to lose the support of the then almost omnipotent Soviet Union. November 10, 1989 Zhivkov resigned from the post of General Secretary ""
      1. 0
        7 September 2019 09: 25
        Who cares about the video Todor Zhivkov - the last interval (1997). A lot of interesting
    2. -3
      7 September 2019 20: 58
      And the Bulgarians ... God judge them ... I believe that not everyone is scum!

      Not all bastards, but the essence of the majority are quite normal people. And they are kind to Russia and Russians. But even the most Russophilic-minded Bulgarians, when they read anti-Bulgarian materials regularly appearing in the Russian media, start to wonder - something is wrong in modern Russia !!!
      1. +1
        14 September 2019 11: 07
        I am very grateful to you for your position and patience! Thank!
        I think we should be friendlier to each other. The positions of our governments do not necessarily express the sentiments of our peoples towards each other. And do not demand from each other "love to the grave."
        But we lack communication, simple communication. And it's not about disputes for "establishing the truth." I think there are dry facts and there is their interpretation. And the last one is different. We must discuss this, of course, begin to understand and accept each other's positions. But it is important, and in my opinion more important, not to lose our cultural connection, in a sense, kinship.
  12. +3
    7 September 2019 07: 20
    and when she did not betray?
  13. +5
    7 September 2019 07: 30
    Quote: 210ox
    ... who are under the patronage of whom would not be forever offended. And they will do what the current owner will say.

    Historically often change owners. Ottomans, Russia (a little bit), Germany, USSR. Well, now the United States - maybe the new owner will like the overseer in the form of NATO? Although there was an attempt to reach out again for alms in the form of gas. What kind of country is this? .... hi
  14. The comment was deleted.
  15. -5
    7 September 2019 07: 48
    I think there is no such thing as "not guilty people", we already went through this, when in 1941 came to us 5 million. Germans. And if this is so, then the whole people must be responsible for the policy of their authorities, our time will come, and then we will drown them in their own blood.
    1. +6
      7 September 2019 09: 07
      Perhaps you got the wrong foot today?
      Ali offended who?
      Do not. it is probably so easy to move from the category of man to the category of beast.
      Human blood is not water.

      You can’t pour it so easily.
  16. +2
    7 September 2019 07: 56
    And someone here still calls them "brothers"!
  17. +6
    7 September 2019 08: 01
    Yes, there is already no Bulgaria. There is part of the EU project. Local officials with Bulgarian surnames make statements from this territory. There is no point in discussing them. After 50 years, they will talk about Bulgaria as a kind of Dacia or Thrace.
  18. VLR
    7 September 2019 08: 24
    Quite right: the USSR did not liberate Bulgaria, Bulgaria is an ally of the Third Reich, surrendered when it saw victorious Soviet troops at its borders. Union with Germany is the historical choice of this country, it chose a German tsar for itself, it fought on the side of Germany in two world wars, and now it is a loyal vassal of Germany, which is at the head of the European Union. True, Germany is now itself a vassal of the United States. And, in the case of Bulgaria, the rule "vassal of my vassal - not my vassal" does not apply. It is high time for Russia to stop using such strange and ridiculous categories as "friend" in politics. There is no friendship in relations between states, there are temporary interests. Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, who fought against the USSR, had to pay reparations. Spain, which sent the "Blue Division" to fight against the USSR, too. Compensation had to be paid by all countries whose citizens fought voluntarily against the USSR - France, Belgium, Norway, the Netherlands.
    1. -1
      7 September 2019 09: 36
      Until September 5, 1944, Bulgaria and the USSR did not fight, it would be nice to verify this information. We have normal diplomatic relations. On this day, the USSR declares war on the kingdom of Bulgaria.
      1. +2
        7 September 2019 14: 48
        And where, it’s interesting to know, the German fleet was based - in Varna!
      2. VLR
        7 September 2019 23: 26
        Don't pretend to be naive. Bulgaria was an ally of Nazi Germany and declared war on the allies of the USSR. And she hoped, then, for "good diplomatic relations" with the USSR (read - Russia) fighting against Hitler? Or neutrality? When the roast cock pecked, she capitulated. We did not free her - she does not deserve such a high word. We liberated Poland and Yugoslavia, whose partisans fought against the Nazis. And the allies of the Third Reich - Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, who worked for Hitler in the Czech Republic - we have rightfully occupied. It is a pity that they forgiven, but it was necessary to ravage with reparations and let go naked into the "free Western world"
  19. +5
    7 September 2019 08: 29
    Bulgaria stated that Russia should not support the “dubious historical thesis” that the USSR’s struggle with Nazi Germany was the liberation of Europe

    Of all our "brothers", the most offensive to hear is from the Bulgarians ..
    A Russian soldier saved the Bulgarians from the Turks ... After all, they were slaughtered there, like rams, impoverished to no one. Russia even went to the conditions of Turkey .. We do not pretend to Konstotinopl, etc. But they do not touch Bulgaria and Europe all ..
    As they say do not do good, you will not get evil ..
    Of course, in Russia, we’ll try, but then don’t ask the "brothers" for help .. The Turks are sharpening scimitars on you again .. Can sell you? crying
    1. -4
      7 September 2019 21: 14
      Of all our "brothers", the most offensive to hear is from the Bulgarians ..

      "Without denying the contribution of the USSR to the defeat of Nazism in Europe, one should not close our eyes to the fact that the bayonets of the Soviet army brought the peoples of Central and Eastern Europe half a century of repression, suppression of civil conscience, deformed historical development ... "
      So begins the statement of the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry! What's wrong?
      The defeat of Nazism and the decisive role of the USSR no one denies! And the subsequent Stalinism, repressions by tens of thousands of dissenters, forced collectivization, and much of which is not true?
      Why are you outraged, on the assumption that the Russian Federation itself recognizes the ambiguity of Stalinism?
      Russian soldier saved the Bulgarians from the Turks ...

      This is a fact and in Bulgaria they treat Russians as their own precisely for that! And what about Stalinism? What is the connection?
      Turks sharpen yatagans on you again .. Can sell you?

      The Russian Federation has such a plan for the Balkans. And as a result, Russia will finally lose respect for the Balkan peoples. This is a dead end road. Relations must be restored by leaving ideologies of a dubious nature!
  20. +2
    7 September 2019 08: 30
    With such ideologies, you can again be a Turkish province.
  21. +3
    7 September 2019 08: 39
    Russia liberated Bulgaria, but could not attach it politically, economically, and even culturally. Sofia is gradually leaning towards Vienna, Berlin and Paris. The Germans and the French finance the country's economic development, in particular, the construction of railways. Relations with St. Petersburg are deteriorating, up to the severance of diplomatic relations, which were restored only in 1896.
    Again, we are to blame (if you saved someone’s life, you answer to God to the end)
    In the summer of 1913, Bulgaria launched a war against Serbia
    40 years have passed since the Orthodox climbed out from under the Turkish yoke ... and let's cut each other's throats.
    In 1941, Bulgaria signed the Triple Pact (the union of Germany, Italy and Japan), but did not participate in hostilities. The Bulgarian territory was used by the Nazis to invade Yugoslavia ..... In December 1941, Sofia declared war on the United States and England, but until the end of the war she tried to maintain peace with the USSR.
    wait a minute, and these are allies in the anti-Hitler coalition.
    In the spring and summer of 1944, Moscow repeatedly demanded that Sofia break its alliance with Germany. After the crushing victories of the Red Army in 1944 - the defeat of the Germans in Moldova, the liberation of Romania and the 3rd Ukrainian front in the Romanian-Bulgarian border, Bulgaria had to make a choice. On August 26, 1944, Sofia declared neutrality in the war between Germany and the USSR, and demanded that the German army be withdrawn from Bulgarian territory. However, the Germans continued to use the territory of Bulgaria to move their troops, German ships arrived in Bulgarian ports and German forces were stationed on Bulgarian land. Therefore, on September 5, the USSR declared war on Bulgaria, after which the Bulgarian authorities broke off relations with Hitler
    and where would they go.
    the moral is that you have to protect your (we would have had more people in our country if we hadn’t fought for the freedom of Bulgaria) are the Americans pin to go, and the Bulgarians are brothers?
  22. +7
    7 September 2019 08: 41
    And for me it’s time to stop exposing, lamenting and wringing my hands about treachery. The best way to punish at least a state, even a person is to forget about it. No South Stream. The Russians didn’t come to rest in Georgia - this is how dissatisfaction comes from. Like, like we have a division of labor. Someone offends the Russian president. and someone is welcoming you, Russians, capitalists. In this case, pragmatism is unfair, yes, ultimately, and disadvantageous. The humble spit.
  23. +6
    7 September 2019 08: 46
    All this was done at the expense of exclusively material, technical and financial assistance from the USSR, at the expense of Soviet personnel. And for free! In terms of modern prices, the USSR invested hundreds of billions of dollars in Bulgaria! It is also necessary to take into account compensation for the supply of Bulgarian goods to the Union: with the low cost of Bulgarian products, Moscow paid Sofia at rates close to world ones. For Bulgaria, prices for supplied Soviet goods were underestimated.
    This is one example only for small Bulgaria, "billions of US dollars". And how many hundreds of billions have been funneled into other "socialist countries"? Time passed and all these milliards flew away like "plywood over Paris". And let the internationalist patriots scold me, but I will say again, "Stalin shouldn't have liberated Europe." I remember the 50s and our village and the city, when we went to school, we didn’t eat enough, we wore tarpaulin boots and cotton shirts at school, a simple candy "pillow" was a joy for us, but we gave miles received in return?
  24. +3
    7 September 2019 09: 04
    And here is Bulgaria. Let them live as they want. The only question is for Russia, which does not want to learn the lessons of history, and sadomasochistically stubbornly considers the Bulgarians to be brothers.
  25. The comment was deleted.
  26. 0
    7 September 2019 09: 19
    The Bulgarians always betrayed us and did not remember the good that we did to them. Both in the First and Second World War they were against us. Now blat against us in NATO.
  27. +13
    7 September 2019 09: 36
    ... We can see who our politicians serve with this ridiculous statement. My opinion as a Bulgarian citizen is completely different. I love Russian people and am very grateful for her help, many times. If she had not freed us from Turkish slavery, maybe now the Turkish language would be official here. Thank you Russia!
  28. The comment was deleted.
    1. +2
      7 September 2019 13: 53
      And what about Serbia? Always used Russian. And she always made it so that anyone fought for her, but not herself. If not for Serbia, then perhaps there would have been no World War I. So enough is to extol the Serbs.
  29. -5
    7 September 2019 10: 39
    Hmmm .... thanks to such illiterate and aggressive writings as UTB, the bad fame of Russians in Bulgaria is going on.

    Bravo author, gathered all the couch patriots, piled up a bunch of utter stupidity and collected his 50 likes. In a direct dialogue, I can defeat your point of view, it’s as easy as taking ice cream from a fourth-grader, but it’s boring to argue with the not far Bulgarianophobes.

    Have fun, and we have a celebration yesterday and today - the Union of Bulgaria and Eastern Rumelia, what we did by force of arms without you.

    So far, white and furry friends, you can still roar and swear in general all of Eastern Europe, there is nothing to limit yourself to only Bulgaria. This may not correct your retirement age, but although the mood would be on Saturday. laughing
    1. +3
      7 September 2019 11: 57
      Quote: Keyser Soze
      Have fun, and we have a celebration yesterday and today - the Union of Bulgaria and Eastern Rumelia, what we did by force of arms without you.

      Have fun until the Turks decide to take what they consider their own, and who will protect you? And I will observe ... wink
    2. +5
      7 September 2019 12: 21
      This is not Bulgarianophobia (a phobia is a fear, the Russians are afraid of you, as it is somehow strange). Here disappointment from repeated betrayal. And you have no arguments and cannot be. It would even be funny to listen to what arguments Judas could put forward to Christ?)
    3. +4
      7 September 2019 15: 00
      Keyser! You are right in that you drew attention to the increased interest of VO subscribers in Bulgaria. The best thing is to forget about Bulgaria, as well as about all the former .... You feel good - well, thank God. Russia will not touch you. But you do not stick your nose into Russian affairs. Speaking of retirement age - what is it in Bulgaria?
    4. +3
      7 September 2019 18: 09
      Eugene, partly I agree with you about the article ... When you don’t want to admit your own mistakes, they write about betrayal ... And frankly, the policy in the Balkans was completely failed in the 19th century by the tsarist government ... This also applies to Bulgaria and Serbia and Greece ... Which then came around during the years of WWII ....
    5. -1
      7 September 2019 21: 19
      Hmmm .... thanks to such illiterate and aggressive writings as UTB, the bad fame of Russians in Bulgaria is going on.

      Hi Eugene! hi If we look through Russian media, it seems that we are talking about a deliberate disinformation campaign aimed at pitting our peoples. For what purpose is carried out, the question is debatable ...
      1. +2
        8 September 2019 08: 47
        Yeah! You still read on the fences. What they write
        This is not the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry, but the Russian Foreign Ministry published a message with complete nonsense ..
        You forgot the Sofia rallies of white-blue SDS in the 90s of the last century and their promises. Their rallies at the Embassy of the USSR in Sofia ..
        I would like to say in words, paraphrasing Taras Bulba: "Well, what... Your son. Have you given happiness in Europe?"
        Yes, and Bai Toshe told you: "You will still remember me" ...
  30. +2
    7 September 2019 11: 00
    In 1941, Bulgaria signed the Triple Pact (the union of Germany, Italy and Japan), but did not participate in hostilities.
    Why didn’t she?
    In 1941, Sofia saw perfectly well that the Soviet Union was not Tsarist Russia. And Joseph Stalin is not Nikolai Romanov at all. This, perhaps, in which case, crush and will not notice.
    Well, let the Bulgarians not really fight against us in World War II
    ... although Hitler always demanded this. But each Bulgarian military unit operating on Greek or Yugoslav territory liberated regiments and divisions for the Wehrmacht, which he could transfer to the Eastern Front.
    well and
    ... about the enormous military supplies that regularly went from Bulgaria to the Third Reich, as well as about the German soldiers who massively improved their health in its hospitable territory, there is no need to speak.
    it too to spit and forget? By the way in
    In 1916, on the Romanian front, Bulgarians and Russians met face to face and the battles were very fierce on both sides. Until now, some in St. Petersburg had seriously expected that when they were against the Russian army, the "brothers" would run to surrender in rows and columns. There it was! Children and grandchildren of those who were “rescued from Turkish captivity” for less than four decades, fought with the descendants of their liberators, according to the recollections of the participants in the battles, “desperately”
    yes and
    Who, you sick people, “occupied” if Sofia twice turned to Moscow with a request to accept her into the “Unbreakable Union” ?!

    The first attempt was made under Khrushchev, in 1963. The second - already under the "dear Leonid Ilyich." The then leader of Bulgaria Todor Zhivkov openly declared that his country could be sovereign and independent "only as part of the Soviet Union"! However, both general secretaries refused such an "enviable" proposal.
    Here everything is clearer and more specific about "brothers" (why are such relatives?) Https:// net
  31. +6
    7 September 2019 11: 02
    2 world wars they fought against us.
    PiSi: and for Kirkorov they should be castrated with a rusty jigsaw
  32. +2
    7 September 2019 11: 04
    And something else - all countries are bad and flee to the West and strive to get there. And you ask yourself the question, what have you done, what did people like and were drawn to your Russian world ?! What can you offer the peoples of Eastern Europe?

    - Built a fair society?
    “They built a power in which prosperity reigns and people can live peacefully and in abundance?”
    - Invented a new and fair political system?
    - Have you raised the economy of your country to unprecedented heights?
    - Is your healthcare and education leader in the world?
    - Your population is growing at a tremendous pace and people are miraculously living?
    - Do you have a strict rule of law for ordinary citizens?

    And so on.

    Everything that is visible from our side of the fence is that you have a million army, half a million Rosjandarmeria, a country - a complete dump and ecology zero, wild feudal capitalism, the children of your oligarchs live in luxury in the bad West, your best scientists flee to America and Europe, salaries full minuscule, and if tomorrow they open the borders and remain with a half population, because everything else will also flee to the bad West.

    With this situation, you just have couch patriotism or go fight against the Shies dump. Who will choose how. And I would go to Shies, but thank God in our country there is no such idiocy.
    1. +4
      7 September 2019 12: 03
      Quote: Keyser Soze
      And something else - all countries are bad and flee to the West and strive to get there.

      Yes, run, tailwind to you ... laughing
      Quote: Keyser Soze
      What can you offer the peoples of Eastern Europe?

      Personally to Me, you and your kind are completely not interested, live as you want, without us. But what’s curious to me, I don’t sit on Bulgarian sites, and I don’t write there about my opinion of Him, but people like you sit here and write different things, so to whom, what, and from whom you need? request
    2. +5
      7 September 2019 12: 29
      - Built a fair society?
      “They built a power in which prosperity reigns and people can live peacefully and in abundance?”
      - Invented a new and fair political system?
      - Have you raised the economy of your country to unprecedented heights?
      - Is your healthcare and education leader in the world?
      - Your population is growing at a tremendous pace and people are miraculously living?
      - Do you have a strict rule of law for ordinary citizens?

      The EU gave you all of the above?)
      Especially touches the moments about the population and the economy.
      They bought your elite. Agriculture and industry were destroyed. Old sales markets were banned, new ones were not given. The population flees to the European Union. Demography is in the wild minus.
      Cooperate with countries outside the EU banned.
      Your appointment is a source of cheap and yet educated labor force, a market and a springboard against us. All that the West has offered you. I see this model is attractive to you
    3. +6
      7 September 2019 14: 07
      And what, to whom did Europe do good from the countries of Eastern Europe? Where are the famous Bulgarian vegetables now? It comes to the ridiculous: Bulgaria, which grew wonderful tomatoes and peppers, is buying it now in Europe. Bulgaria sits on loans so firmly that it cannot crumble.
      Bulgaria's external debt per capita is $ 5. It is a lot or not - it is up to the Bulgarians to decide.
      1. -4
        8 September 2019 13: 43
        Hello Lyuba, Lyuba .... youtube star ....

        And what, to whom did Europe do good from the countries of Eastern Europe?

        A simple question - name the country of Eastern Europe, which has a lower average salary than Russia ...
        Please name the country of Eastern Europe, which has a lower life expectancy than Russia ...

        Bulgaria sits on loans so firmly that it cannot crumble.

        And so I will give you some information. Bulgaria's debt is the second lowest in the EU, after Luxembourg. This is 24% of GDP. Russia is higher. It is a lot or a little - it is up to the Russians to decide.
        In the last 20 years (with the exclusion of 2009), Bulgaria’s GDP has been growing. In 2019, this is 3,3% and the forecast on 2020 is 3,5%.
        Unemployment - 5%. The average salary of 2019 year is 610 Euro. Salary growth in the last 5 years - 8-11% per year.

        You can check everything at

        It comes to the ridiculous: Bulgaria, which grew wonderful tomatoes and peppers, is buying it now in Europe.

        We have our own production and very large. We just sell it expensive, because it is better than Spanish and Dutch plastic, at a cheap price. At 2018, the country broke a record for growing high-quality wheat. The first place in (of course) rose oil, the first place in the world for growing saffron (sold already more than Iranian). And so on.

        The Bulgarian economy is very balanced - industry - 24,1% (in Germany - 28%). Agriculture - 4,1%.

        I know you don’t like Poles, but two months ago Poland was officially included in the "developed countries" column. As long as you and we stand in developing.

        So you with your GDP growth to Eastern Europe, as to China cancer ....
      2. -3
        8 September 2019 15: 55
        And what, to whom did Europe do good from the countries of Eastern Europe? Where are the famous Bulgarian vegetables now? It comes to the ridiculous: Bulgaria, which grew wonderful tomatoes and peppers, is buying it now in Europe. Bulgaria sits on loans so firmly that it cannot crumble.

        Dear Luba, let us leave the propaganda on our side and look at the facts:
        Bulgarian GDP from 1970 to 2019 (2016 + last 3 years)

        The maximum GDP during socialism was reached in 1989 - $ 22 billion, but it was accompanied by a sharp increase (300%) of external debts. In 1990, Bulgaria even declared a default, since external debts ($ 10,5 billion) exceeded its gold and foreign exchange reserves (gold reserves - $ 1 billion) by 10 times! In general, during socialism Bulgaria "prospered" so much that in the 60s T. Zhivkov was forced to sell 30 tons of gold to Soviet banks in order to pay off creditors.
        For the subsequent period before entering the EU, max. GDP was in 2006 - 34.1 billion $ In 2007, Bulgaria entered the EU and in 2018, GDP reached a historical record of 61.7 billion with a sharp decrease in external debt. By the ratio - VD / GDP (22% of GDP), now Bulgaria is in the top three EU countries with one of the best results. Government debt for 2019, 13,9 billion. $, Gold and foreign exchange reserves - 27,1 billion. $
        As for agricultural products, in 2018, Bulgaria exported for 5 billion euros, and imported for 4 billion. The main products that are imported are not grown, due to the climate in our country. In addition, we have seasonal storage, so in winter we have to import from countries where it is whole-year. In general, we are on the plus with a billion dollars! Previously, in our social shops, the counters were chronically empty. Even native products were hard to buy. Sasya breaking from the goods! Imported and dear, as you want!
    4. +2
      7 September 2019 14: 54
      Quote: Keyser Soze
      Have a fair society built?
      “They built a power in which prosperity reigns and people can live peacefully and in abundance?”
      - Invented a new and fair political system?
      - Have you raised the economy of your country to unprecedented heights?
      - Is your healthcare and education leader in the world?
      - Your population is growing at a tremendous pace and people are miraculously living?
      - Do you have a strict rule of law for ordinary citizens?

      Same questions but about your Bulgaria.
      Quote: Keyser Soze
      but thank God there is no such idiocy in our country.

      And it turns out to be such a country for you, you live on handouts.
    5. +8
      7 September 2019 15: 10
      Your mistake is that you think that Russia is thirsty. that Bulgaria, like everyone else, be friends with Russia. Not you, not the rest of Russia is not needed. Russia is self-sufficient. We are even better that you ran away from us. Your comments on the situation in Russia are just an example of the complete idiocy of the brain washed by your propaganda and our liberals. Apparently, you were not in Russia. Do not worry. We can do without the snotty.
    6. +5
      7 September 2019 17: 12
      Quote: Keyser Soze
      And you ask yourself the question, what have you done, what did people like and were drawn to your Russian world ?!

      Yes, once they tried to help, they saved us from the Turks, now they send us for our pies. But what kind of garden vegetables did you ask for in the USSR? And the casket just opened
      at the time of Khrushchev, decent war reparations of $ 70 million still hung on Bulgaria, Moscow would have had to resolve the issues with payment. And later on, they perfectly understood what Sofia wanted - to sit on the neck of the USSR economically no longer indirectly, through the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance, but directly and forever.
      The desire is always the only one to live on the ball, but here somehow it is not sap.
      Quote: Keyser Soze
      “They built a power in which prosperity reigns and people can live peacefully and in abundance?”

      We are at least building something, but not standing on the sidelines and waiting for someone to pick us up, or someone to give something. By the way, what were the economic indicators during the CMEA at Bulgaria and what can it boast of now? I have not seen any bell peppers and tomatoes for 25 years, or Bulgaria has become such an economically-technologically developed power that it is no longer up to agricultural products. The entire population is engaged in high-tech production.
      Quote: Keyser Soze
      Have they raised the economy of their country to unprecedented heights?

      Well, at least they didn’t go down to the level of Bulgaria. Do not believe we even sell rocket engines in the USA, and what does Bulgaria offer there besides unskilled service staff?
      Quote: Keyser Soze
      - Is your healthcare and education leader in the world?

      And where is yours?
      Quote: Keyser Soze
      - Your population is growing at a tremendous pace and people are miraculously living?

      At least we don’t clean half the country in Europe.
      Quote: Keyser Soze
      - Do you have a strict rule of law for ordinary citizens?

      you will be surprised, though not always, but with us it is much fairer than your master. We, on far-fetched pretexts, do not catch people all over the world, our policemen do not shoot people for any reason, but there are flaws, but we are fighting them. And we are not ashamed to talk about it.
      Quote: Keyser Soze
      your best scientists are fleeing to America and Europe, salaries are scanty, and if you open the borders tomorrow and stay with the half population, because everything else will also run away to the bad West.

      They don’t run, our best scientists create the best rocket engines in the world (well, it’s so short, if we start talking about everything that has been created over the past 20 years, you will choke with saliva envy, and so you’ll spray, well, spray ) that even your owners buy. And what interesting have great Bulgarian scholars achieved in the last 30 years of democracy? our miserable salaries are slightly higher than in Bulgaria, by the way, our borders are open, and those who wanted to leave long ago, and many of those who left come to earn money in Russia, but not in Bulgaria.
      Quote: Keyser Soze
      but thank God there is no such idiocy in our country.

      Why not? You should take a closer look, there you have this solid word. The economy was ruined, instead of selling electricity, you buy it. You were told that expensive gas is better than cheap, you immediately agreed. Don't be ridiculous with your "achievements" - a great Economic and High-tech power. Even Ukraine in its current state looks cooler than Bulgaria ...
    7. -3
      7 September 2019 21: 24
      Eugene, the questions asked are natural! good But!!! So that people do not ask them to themselves, they inspire them - enemies are welcome, all around are traitors, etc. etc. When a person looks at the stobor in anticipation of the enemy, he does not feel like he is being rummaged in his pocket.
    8. +4
      8 September 2019 09: 03
      Keyser Soze (Eugene)
      What can you offer the peoples of Eastern Europe? "

      In one sentence, the whole essence of the small countries of Europe
      Give me a banana and I will sell myself again.
      1. +1
        8 September 2019 16: 56
        Now according to the main criterion and its numerical values
        Bulgaria population meter
        1. The population of Bulgaria in 2019
        In 2019, the population of Bulgaria will decrease by -49 people and at the end of the year will be 312 people
        2. Bulgaria Population History Source: United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs: Population Division
        = years of "Tyranny" :::::::
        1976 8 744%
        1977 8 775%
        1978 8 802%
        1979 8 827%
        1980 8 852%
        1981 8 878%
        1982 8 903%
        1983 8 927%
        1984 8 946%
        1985 8 957%
        1986 8 958%
        1987 8 950 231 -0.09%
        1988 8 931 191 -0.21%
        1989 8 898 504 -0.37%
        1990 8 849 730 -0.55%
        By 2050, with such European prospects, there will be 5 people, and by 423, 860
        Do you make out?
        1. -3
          8 September 2019 18: 24
          This is general population statistics. Not by ethnicity !!! With nationalities during the so-called. "socialism" interesting things happened! Ethnic Bulgarians have been on the decline since the 50s. But the nationalities multiplied! Gypsies and Turks provided the entire total increase. Everyone who lived with us in the meantime knows about it! Todor Zhivkov realizing that the situation was becoming dangerous, in the mid-80s initiated the so-called. "revival processes"! Silly and ineffectual. After the 90s, the demographic situation was aggravated by emigration. People locked up by the communists for half a century behind barbed wire, rummaged around the world to seek happiness for themselves. All these catastrophic things happened precisely through the fault of the communist administrators and their policies! This is another of their monstrous attacks! Europe has nothing to do with it!
          By the way, the demographic crisis now covers the whole white race. For many global reasons. In Russia, the situation is the same. Theme for decoration.
          Do you make out?
          1. +1
            8 September 2019 18: 33
            Let us analyze .... 350 thousand Bulgarian Turks left for Turkey. And under socialism with a Bulgarian face they let them go. However, "tyranny" .. True. there was a commotion ... but ... it cost
            Why did you leave?
            1. -1
              8 September 2019 18: 56
              Todor Zhivkov then opened the border with Turkey and, offended by the "revival" process, left. Zhivkov did not act out of noble impulses, of course! The opening of the border with Turkey temporarily lowered the account of the Turkish nationality. Bulgarians were not allowed then "over the hill". And the sharp demographic growth of the Roma population continued and the result is visible today.
              1. 0
                8 September 2019 19: 19
                And what about Chervenkov’s attitude now?
                1. -1
                  8 September 2019 21: 24
                  And what about Chervenkov’s attitude now?

                  Few remember him. Most modern Bulgarians have never even heard of him. Todor Zhivkov also tried to "remove Chervenkov from history." Normal practice for Oruel's "socialism". Clan battles, factional struggle ... Everything that is characteristic of the communist parties ...
  33. +1
    7 September 2019 11: 08
    Judah, of course.
  34. -1
    7 September 2019 12: 13
    The unprofitable policy of tsarist Russia in the Balkans after the liberation of Bulgaria and anti-Soviet coups in Eastern Europe, with the complicity of the already pro-American Soviet KGB, is a logical consequence. Therefore, it remains only to “remind” the facts stated in the material.
    Well, and after primitive multi-walks about Yu.Kuril, flirting with Turkey, etc. , the authority of Moscow drops even more. Especially in the Balkans.
  35. +8
    7 September 2019 12: 44
    Was in Russia with Tsar Nicholas the First Minister of Foreign Affairs Neselrode. And our army hosted the Balkans throughout the 19th century. When asked why the Turks would not be removed from there, he replied that any local government that would be formed there would be worse than the Turks.
    First we created an army for them. They locked themselves in a German kings, not Russian. Then they rushed with rapture to beat the Serbs, Greeks. Then two world wars fought on the side of the Germans. Now they are in NATO. Leopard change his spots. Neselrode was right
  36. +6
    7 September 2019 12: 47
    After the coups of 1988-91, societies in the countries of the socialist camp were deeply split. It is time to learn to authors (and authors) to avoid sweeping accusations and point to traitors precisely, and we must start by exposing "their" traitors. The leadership of the USSR, and then the Russian Federation, betrayed and surrendered all their and their allies. For example, Comrade Honecker was forced to flee to Chile, where he died. Already, probably, no one will ever describe the tragedy of the "little man" in the era of counter-revolution. Only criminal serials (a primitive version of "events") and gangster romantic mythology will remain.
    1. -2
      7 September 2019 21: 28
      After the coups of 1988-91, societies in the countries of the socialist camp were deeply split. It's time to learn to authors (and authors) to avoid indiscriminate accusations and accurately point to traitors, but we must start by exposing "their" traitors ...

      Precisely said! Respect to you! hi
  37. -7
    7 September 2019 13: 35
    Yes, everything is as usual - 99.9% of comments perfectly demonstrate why the Russian Federation lives as it lives, with such a population and enemies are not needed. The hardcore is complete - they don’t know history, nor brains in their heads. Hell.
    1. +5
      7 September 2019 14: 08
      Curiously, you are proposing how the Russian Empire to give Bulgaria a turnkey army that fought against us. Or as a union, industry and agricultural The key to them, which they gave to the West?
      What else do they need to give in order to please you?
  38. -4
    7 September 2019 13: 36
    Quote: iouris
    After the coups of 1988-91, societies in the countries of the socialist camp were deeply split. It is time to learn to authors (and authors) to avoid sweeping accusations and point to traitors precisely, and we must start by exposing "their" traitors. The leadership of the USSR, and then the Russian Federation, betrayed and surrendered all their and their allies. For example, Comrade Honecker was forced to flee to Chile, where he died. Already, probably, no one will ever describe the tragedy of the "little man" in the era of counter-revolution. Only criminal serials (a primitive version of "events") and gangster romantic mythology will remain.

    the only normal comment, everything else is complete tin.
  39. +1
    7 September 2019 13: 59
    The leading positions in power, economy and the press belong to a small pro-Western group (only a few percent of the population), but it is it that determines the political course of the country and the growth of Russophobic, anti-Soviet sentiments in society.

    So it’s a "good" tradition since the liberation from the Ottoman yoke.))
  40. +4
    7 September 2019 14: 02
    Bulgarians, like Russians, are too trusting. Therefore, those who promise more come to power in these countries. It was in the Gorbachev-Yeltsin period, it was before. In general, the peoples of the planet are little different from each other. Look at the dill. 21 century, and believe in fairy tales.
    The West has come a long way in establishing sober people-power relations. And the gymnastic is not so right, saying that the state does not owe us anything. Yes, every citizen should strive to get a good job, a salary. To insure housing, health, save money for old age. But the state has a duty to develop business, collect taxes and distribute them fairly.
    In the West, this is more or less done. But for us, as for the same Bulgarians, it’s different. Power flirts with the nouveau riche, helps them, but the people pay for it. We Russians have no one else to blame for this, but countries like Bulgaria are looking for the guilty and find them in the model of the USSR imposed on them. So it is in life. People often blame their close relatives for their mistakes.
    This process is very long, decades. Therefore, it is necessary to separate power from the people. The people in Bulgaria are friendly to us, in my opinion much more than Ukrainians. Ukrainians are a clinic. Time cures.
    1. -2
      7 September 2019 21: 32
      The people in Bulgaria are friendly to us, in my opinion much more than Ukrainians.

      Dear Vlad, you are right! Bulgarians Russophiles in their majority! But! If you read and listened that it raves about them in some Russian-speaking media, very soon they would cool off to the Russians! Someone is trying hard to make enemies of us! Moreover, it’s surprising but ... the attack comes from the side of the Russian media!
  41. +2
    7 September 2019 14: 27
    Let's share history, politics and propaganda. And remember that all these aspects are contradictory and each side has its own truth and vision.
    The author of the article began to write nonsense from the very beginning about "almost a single Russian-Bulgarian people in the X century." History clearly shows (we read Leo the Deacon) that Svyatoslav appeared in Bulgaria after receiving money from the Byzantines and, having defeated the troops of the Bulgarians, decided to leave the country for himself. This is a historical fact at the moment. What a unity here.
    It was touched by a passage about how Russia could not provide assistance in 1875-76. Well, yes, reforms and all that are not ready. But after a year, when they started the war with Turkey, you need to understand prepared?
    If the Soviet Union invested in Bulgaria, then these are the problems of the Soviet Union. Is it possible not to consider a fool a father of a family running after young lovers if he himself is not so sweet in his family?
    We look at the list of "ungrateful" countries and regions that do not remember the blessings of Russia: the Baltic States, Poland, Hungary, Central Asia, Mongolia, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine And also Belarus is possible. Either we are all surrounded by ungrateful brutes or something is wrong with our blessings. Maybe it's enough to step on the imperial rake already?
    If now Bulgaria is oriented to the West, then this is the choice of Bulgaria. And her problems.
    1. -2
      7 September 2019 21: 37
      If the Soviet Union invested in Bulgaria, then these are the problems of the Soviet Union.

      Dear Denis hi , The USSR created a political and economic system in its continuation throughout the East. Europe! Separately taken east. European countries, few asked whether they want socialism on the Soviet model or not! Then in the 90, the USSR itself refused and abandoned this system! Having become a capitalist country, the Russian Federation adopted the principle of economic and political competition! It does poorly and does not hide! It is not clear why the reproaches go to the east. Heb. countries that follow the same path are more or less successful! By the way, I put a plus to your balanced comment! good
      1. -1
        7 September 2019 22: 42
        Unfortunately, the complex of our older brother really bothers us. I don’t know what should happen for us to start treating neighboring countries as equal and having powers.
        By the way, one should visit Bulgaria).
        1. -1
          8 September 2019 00: 42
          I think that the controversial topics are ideological, historical, and specialists should be left to study by joint Russian-Bulgarian teams! Moreover, for objective work, they need to be given access to classified archives! If necessary under non-disclosure obligations! And we are ordinary people, we should focus on positive in communication! Our countries, our peoples are largely connected! It is impossible to destroy centuries-old spiritual ties! Politics is guided by the interests of states, but friendship is between people and nations! Just against friendship at the household level, propaganda is directed! Therefore, I put bold minus this staty. negative
          Denis, Bulgaria I think you will like it! One of my Russian friends, walking with us, expressed his impressions as follows: Bulgaria is a small Russia, and Russia is a big Bulgaria. May God grant you health, Denis! hi
          1. 0
            8 September 2019 09: 17
            Quote: pytar
            And we are ordinary people, we should focus on positive in communication!

            The most important thing is that the "positive" is not at my expense.
            Quote: pytar
            It is impossible to destroy centuries-old spiritual ties!

            It is you who contact your leadership ...
            Quote: pytar
            Therefore, I put bold minus this staty.

            The inconvenient truth is always not like, at the moment you do not like this truth.
            Quote: pytar
            Bulgaria is a small Russia, and Russia is a big Bulgaria

            There is only one thing in common for sure - this is the "Maheev" ketchup, which is sold in chains both in Russia and in Bulgaria, no Bulgarian ketchup has been found ... feel
            1. -1
              8 September 2019 16: 09
              The most important thing is that the "positive" is not at my expense.

              If you think so, do not participate.
              It is you who contact your leadership ...

              And you to yours.
              The inconvenient truth is always not like, at the moment you do not like this truth.

              Everyone has their own truth. You have no monopoly over her.
              There is only one thing in common for sure - this is the "Maheev" ketchup, which is sold in chains both in Russia and in Bulgaria, no Bulgarian ketchup has been found ...

              Stamps of Bulgarian ketchups bunch. Yummy definitely. But in general, people have a lot in common! However, not all. People are different then.
              1. 0
                8 September 2019 18: 57
                Quote: pytar
                Stamps of Bulgarian ketchups bunch. Yummy definitely.

                Maybe there is, but since 1988 no one has come across ... But Makheev in Bulgarian networks this summer, and you can’t see Bulgarian. But you can prove that the first person who flew into space was a Bulgarian, who forbids you to dream ?! laughing And why? But because ..:
                Quote: pytar
                People then in spring different.

          2. 0
            8 September 2019 11: 31
            [quote] God grant you health, Denis! [quote]
            Thank you for your kind words hi
            I wish you and your country only good
  42. +1
    7 September 2019 15: 47
    the so-called Russian society in the article had to look at the life of its Russian peasants and the economy of their country, notice that as soon as our state education (at all times) goes beyond its borders in order to liberate, we do not receive gratitude, so it may be time to stop playing fraternal games and not take up the simple fate of the Russian people as a state-forming state, but let the main liberal wipe away his snot about the life of other nationalities
  43. +2
    7 September 2019 17: 55
    It's funny to read these snot. "Nobody loves us!"
    What is Bulgaria? Or have they already forgotten, like our Government, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Education and Science, intelligence, etc., who in the service is supposed to think about it, "brilliantly asked" Ukraine?
    Ukraine has been moving towards state Russophobia for 20 years. In Ukraine, the EU, NATO, the "fig leaf" funds covering the activities of the special services, and so on, were working consistently and harmoniously. They were tearing off the "departments of Russophobia." We sent students to internships in European and American universities. Teachers were invited. It's expensive to see how everything is organized. And you look ... they are already jumping bunnies "who is not with us, that Moskal."

    And ours what? And they believed that if they agreed there by the oligarchs about gas transit and the import of labor into Russia, is that OK? Pipes! Where is working with people with youth. Moreover, not on the basis of games in the lightning and those who are fed up with all of us even references to the exploits and victims of the Second World War, but on what leads to a common future
    (Think, those who were born in 1945 are already 74 years old! We are always going to "squeeze tears" out of this topic? Squeezed everything dry).

    It is the same with Belarus today. We are completely unprepared for Lukashenka to leave. Tomorrow, when he is replaced by the same Western-oriented young politicians, will ours again whine "brothers betrayed"? And the fact that ours are rather rudely trying to seize Belarusian enterprises? Or refuse mutually beneficial cooperation in Belarusians on military tractors? But this also means that the son / daughter of a Belarusian engineer or worker who loses his job because Russia refuses to buy tractors will also say: "Russia has betrayed our family! So Russia has betrayed Belarus!" And whoever benefits, of course, they will sing along the ear - "Yes, yes, Russia has always oppressed you ..." and further along the knurled path of Georgia and Ukraine.

    Do not have to love us! It is stupid and off to demand love, after such a complex history of the twentieth century (everything is correctly described in the article itself in the comments above).
    And Russia often behaves like an abandoned, old lover - wringing her hands and tripling the scene.
    They can respect, strive to imitate. Envy, even fear (rude, but also useful).
    But what should we learn, what should we envy? Is our Hubble taking pictures of galaxies? Are these our rovers riding on Mars? Are the best engineers in the world striving for our Silicon Valley? Is it all these Google, Apple, etc.? To work for us in our incredibly developed "May decrees" Hi-Tech?

    Why is everyone looking to the West? That's the same .. And we, in addition to memories of the partisan movement and the army of Kovpak, what can we offer? And we must remember that in addition to the general victory over Nazism, there were repressions, Lithuanian priests in Siberian camps, the struggle against the UPA, the "green brothers". Therefore, the more we ourselves pedal to the past, the more it hurts us with the other side.

    Tired of this nagging. First we’ll do something to respect us for.
    Then they will respect themselves. And we’ll manage without love somehow.
    1. 0
      7 September 2019 20: 47
      We do not need to be loved, but we do not owe anyone to love and owe nothing to anyone. What would the "brothers" want - let them pay and sleep peacefully. In debt to give - not to us ... Well, they chose NATO as a friend, then who is their doctor.
      PS By the way, in order to offer them something, it is SOMETHING that they should take from their own.
    2. +1
      8 September 2019 09: 17
      grumbler (Alexander) Yesterday, 17:55
      It's funny to read these snot. "Nobody loves us!"
      What is Bulgaria? Or have they already forgotten, like our Government, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Education and Science, intelligence, etc., who in the service is supposed to think about it, "is Ukraine brilliantly asked?"

      So it is. it is you drooling and snot and whip .. Wipe ...
      1. -2
        8 September 2019 10: 39
        Does your whole thought fit into "Wipe Down"? Capaciously, cleverly. Is there anything to argue in essence?
        Otherwise, the impression is that the reaction is just because there is nothing to object to.
        1. +2
          8 September 2019 12: 02
          To object? You can argue ..
          Your order has been received. I have understood the task.
          We begin to assess the situation
          Do you know how to carry it out.?
          Own troops
          Conclusions from the assessment.
          And only then the Decision .. you did not understand the order and did not make an assessment of the situation, they immediately issued a decision ..
          Let's start with the assessment
          I'll start .. and you continue ..
          As a result of the betrayal of the party and state elite of the USSR and with the support of the imperialist west, the creeping counter-revolution successfully passed.
          The VD ceased to exist. CMEA. THE USSR . The countries of the former socialist camp fell into the primary stage of capitalism, and in some places also feudal relations. The damage inflicted on the country was ten times greater than the damage from the Patriotic War "The satanic West was preparing to take Kazan and other territories of the former Empire, without tanks, the introduction of enemy armies, bombing and chemical attacks.
          Russia was shrinking and curling before our eyes, like shagreen leather and was supposed to turn into a Moscow principality and the prince was already ready .... Yeltsin signed an agreement on the further collapse of Russia into pieces ... in the Urals they had already begun to print their money ... the regions were preparing u disconnect ... "
          But .Russia Phoenix has risen from the ashes and declared itself Declared to the whole world: "We are alive and ambitious!"
          Does it reach you?

          1. +1
            8 September 2019 12: 20
            Better yet, listen to the latest Besogon
  44. +2
    7 September 2019 18: 23
    In World War I, we did not fight against Russia, but Russia fought against us on Bulgarian land in Northern Dobrudja 1916, not our soldiers walked on Russian land, but Russians on Bulgarian Not Bulgarian ships bombed Sevastopol and Kerch and Russians Balchik and Varna World War II Bulgaria was the only one a member of Ost who maintained diplomatic relations with the USSR and we did not declare war, but on September 5.09.1944, 24, and for a whole war, the Bulgarian army fought solely against Germany in Yugoslavia, Hungary and Austria, my grandfather was also at the front in the First Bulgarian Army and her commander was the only one a foreigner who took part in the First Victory Parade on June 1945, XNUMX
  45. 0
    7 September 2019 18: 26
    Yes, Russia liberated us but took Besarabia from Romania and presented them with the Bulgarian territory of Severn Dobrudja. The soldiers were liberated, soldiers died, but before that, in 1876, the Tsarigrad Conference had competed with Count Ignatieff and they had agreed in advance what and how - the liberation of all the territories inhabited by Bulgarians was not It was envisaged - then there were 7 million of us, the largest people in the Balkans, but ... and the closest to the capital, the Ottomans and relating to Russia as a mother - grandfather Ivan, the name of Russia. In 1878, he signed the San Stefan Armistice on March 3, n.a. in a place near Istanbul, the Emperor knew that there would be no single Bulgaria - he had already conducted his diplomatic talks behind the back of the public, three months later, the Berlin Peace had been signed in Berlin. Do any of you know which Bulgaria appeared after this ?!
  46. 0
    7 September 2019 18: 27
    This was the first betrayal Then in 1881 the Russian generals made a coup d'état removed the legitimate government of Bulgaria and established a "regime of power" and this is a second betrayal Then Russia not only did not support Bulgaria when the act of the Union of South with Northern Bulgaria was committed, but also when Serbia treacherously attacked us with her back she did everything to prevent us from winning this war Thank God it did not happen, but no one forgot such a betrayal then the first Russophobes were born Then in 1886 they made a second coup and turned down Prince Alexander I and this is the fourth betrayal after which the Bulgarian political elite turned the helm and Russia ruined influence and trust, etc.
  47. +1
    7 September 2019 18: 29
    Gorbachev's betrayal has no meaning to talk about then you destroyed all the SIV, then the Warsaw Pact and the USSR, yes you are traitors of great caliber. Your Yeltsin replied / in 96 / our minister-chairman - Zhana Videnov: "Save yourself, we don't need you" - The effect was overwhelming, hyperinflation burst into the country .. it was overthrown and our policy did not change .... the course set from the destruction of the Berlin Wall remained .. the Russophobic clique came to power and the country was covered with a network of NGOs conductors of American politics ....... and somehow se kazva in the Old Bulgarian identity and until now
  48. 0
    7 September 2019 18: 33
    Who is the traitor and who has suffered in history, and we have something to say. Let's remember how Prince Svyatoslav went off the alliance with the Eastern Roman Empire and attacked Bulgaria in 968 tons, and although the alliance later from the Bulgarians, this dynasty and a country that was not able to recover, Yes, Russia liberated Bulgaria in 1878, but in 1828/9 we all remember how Russian troops devastated Northern Bulgaria, and then he left the Turks to finish this dirty business Why not remember how Russia represented by its emperor and The Asian department was overthrown by the Karavelov government, and then controlled with extraordinary powers, especially the generals Kaulbars, Khitrov and others, who acted as if Bulgaria was a Russian province of 1881-1883
  49. 0
    7 September 2019 20: 10
    Chicken is not a bird, but Bulgaria is the ass border! They knew it well. Already 140 years in Russia it is customary to consider Bulgaria as a patrimony ... There is nothing to talk about. Samsonov wrote a complete alien, there is no time to expose. When we have a Christian church and writers in Russia minted idols ...
    1. +3
      7 September 2019 22: 52
      Quote: bagatura
      Chicken is not a bird, but Bulgaria is the ass border! They knew it well. Already 140 years in Russia it is customary to consider Bulgaria as a patrimony ... There is nothing to talk about. Samsonov wrote a complete alien, there is no time to expose. When we have a Christian church and writers in Russia minted idols ...

      First: And who rushes you? request "Expose" and Samsonov and Russia, as you always do (see your posts).
      Secondly, do not confuse the people of Bulgaria with its current, mentally retarded leadership (I knew the situation in Bulgaria when it was the "fiefdom" of Russia and now).
      Thirdly, to your "conclusions" and squeals - "Russia, repent, kneel before the" civilized "west, maybe we will forgive you ..." we no longer react No. (From your explanations it has long been clear that the Flood and the Ice Age are all we Russians ...)
  50. 0
    7 September 2019 20: 41
    Remembering a few years ago the refusal of the Bulgarian authorities from the "South Stream" ??? All agreements with Russia - sideways, huge losses of the Russian Federation + Gazprom from already concluded contracts, infrastructure ??? Not a partner grateful for the release, but a chameleon hi
  51. The comment was deleted.
  52. 0
    7 September 2019 22: 56
    Let them say whatever they want, the main thing is that our children and grandchildren know who is our friend and who is our “brother.” And this is up to us!
  53. -1
    8 September 2019 03: 28
    Quote: Pissarro
    Curiously, you are proposing how the Russian Empire to give Bulgaria a turnkey army that fought against us. Or as a union, industry and agricultural The key to them, which they gave to the West?
    What else do they need to give in order to please you?

    To begin with, I suggest donating brains. To our population. With such a population there is no need for enemies, we are our own best enemies, even a corrupt government is not required. And no, the Bulgarians did not fight with the Republic of Ingushetia, surprising, right? surprises upon surprises simply.
  54. 0
    8 September 2019 09: 20
    Maybe it’s enough to moan inside the country and it’s time to do something outside? Or scary? What if they don’t give you a visa, they ask where the money is in your account, what the property was bought for, how did your relatives get citizenship?...
  55. +1
    8 September 2019 11: 31
    It would be interesting to compare Bulgaria and another former socialist country - Hungary.
    Hungary also fought against us in both world wars. In WW2, the Hungarians fought for Hitler, they fought not like the Bulgarians, but seriously, and they “distinguished themselves” against the civilian population so much that ours did not take them prisoner. The Germans were taken, and the Hungarians were taken for compost.
    The Hungarians also have historical complaints against Russia, and not the abstract Bulgarian “they gave us communism and deprived us of chewing gum,” but quite specific ones - 1848 and 1956, when our troops crushed the Hungarian “Maidans” with horses and tanks, respectively.

    Nevertheless, we have a completely calm attitude towards Hungary. Why? Maybe because we don’t have fraternal snot and illusions regarding the Magyars?
    Maybe it’s time to put emotions aside in relations with Bulgaria? Otherwise, these emotions are reminiscent of an accusation of treason against a worker in the first ancient profession - because she crawled out of your bed and went to serve another client.
  56. 0
    8 September 2019 14: 15
    In general, we can agree with the author of the article. However, among all the Christ-sellers, the Slovaks stand apart; they really are misanthropes. Having lived there for a long time, I can say that I have never seen such meanness and baseness as from the Slovaks in Slovakia. Now for me, belonging to Slovakia and Slovaks is more of a diagnosis
  57. 0
    8 September 2019 17: 58
    Unfortunately, you cannot change the past.
    But we have a chance not to make similar mistakes in the future.
    History is a cyclical thing, and Turkey today is gaining strength and is still looking towards Bulgaria and other Black Sea countries.
    The main thing for us, if in the future a war breaks out between Turkey and those countries, is not to get involved in the conflict (if our interests are not there) and not to respond to calls from “brothers” for help.
    Let the Turks teach them history if they have forgotten it.
    How goes around comes around, so will respond!
    1. 0
      13 September 2019 16: 19
      Stick your head deep in the sand! You will emerge in 20 years, but Russia will not be there.
      We need to face the truth and meet the challenges. What were you suggesting here? Turkey will declare war on the Balkan Slavs, crush them, cut them to nothing, and you will eat under the blanket. But while you are eating, Turkey, fanatical Türkiye will already be on 3 sides.
  58. +1
    8 September 2019 18: 12
    laughing laughing laughing When did Bulgaria take a “friendly position” towards Russia? laughing
  59. 0
    8 September 2019 18: 45
    Let's return to South Stream. In order to ban it, it required the continuous personal presence of representatives of the State Department, it required the removal of the government from management and the personal ban of the Stream by the President.
    That is, now there are accusations against the entire people because of what the president personally did, whom we Bulgarians ourselves did not really like.
    By the way, could you do anything yourself in 99? Am I talking about Serbia? Overthrow Yeltsin there..? No? And you couldn’t stop the destruction of your own country? Was Yeltsin controlled from the States? What are you saying?! Is it true? Because I can’t understand, only 10 years have passed since the Soviet Union...
  60. -1
    8 September 2019 18: 53
    And Serbia. probably the closest and friendliest country to you right now. Isn’t it funny that you didn’t defend her in any way in 1999? They forgave you, what do you think? You have already forgiven yourself, I know. You already dare to attack them because they did not retreat from you under the bombardment. You have already included them with everyone else, but what? Was there something? But have they forgiven you? Or will you then wonder again why you can’t be trusted? This is generally a weak point of Russian politics. First, release him, pour in a lot of money and help, and then throw him away. Listen to other countries, why is everything happening like this and why, even though they are obligated to you, are they afraid of you and don’t trust you? Why did a million people, not yet poisoned by the Right Sector propaganda, rush to the Maidan, so that God forbid they would not return to Russia? Is it only propaganda that is to blame for this, or are you also a little less than angels? The reason for the bewilderment is caused by simple things - you almost always tell half the story. A good half for you. Instead of finally realizing your mistakes and not making them again, you always sweep them under the rug.
    1. 0
      8 September 2019 22: 27
      Quote: elemag1967
      And Serbia. probably the closest and friendliest country to you right now. Isn’t it funny that you didn’t defend her in any way in 1999?

      And Serbia, even under Stalin, went “its own way”, flirting with the “West”, the “West” ate up Serbia, what does this have to do with the accusations against the USSR, Russia and the Russians (who always volunteered to fight for Serbia and Yugoslavia)?! Take the trouble to study history before writing sweeping accusations towards the USSR and Russians in particular. negative

      [media =]
  61. -2
    8 September 2019 19: 03
    Finally, the Second World War, we fought only with Germany in 1944-5 in Yugoslavia, Hungary and Austria and we had a partisan movement, my grandfather participated in the war in the First Bulgarian Army of the 31st Silistra Regiment and was wounded, it’s amazing how you try to make friends enemies will not force you to be nice, but I can’t accept forcing us to become enemies either, I didn’t allow myself to insult Russia and the Russian people, but look here you insult me ​​and my people, I doubt that I doubt that Russians write such nonsense and don’t they only write, but they don’t know their history and finally, what is the difference between our Russophobes and your Bulgarian phobes........NONE as we Bulgarians say.....From one dollar to another
    1. 0
      8 September 2019 22: 38
      Quote: elemag1967
      Finally World War II, we only fought with Germany in 1944-5

      The Bulgarians fought on the side of Nazi Germany when the collapse of Nazi Germany became inevitable (but not before!), and they also betrayed their allies (Nazi Germany) by declaring war on Germany. Point there. What kind of attitude can there be towards such people, and what are they called? You don't have to answer, it's a rhetorical question. This is how Bulgarians are seen by others... request
    2. 0
      26 September 2019 11: 06
      You made your own enemies
  62. +1
    8 September 2019 19: 11
    Quote: elemag1967
    This was the first betrayal Then in 1881 the Russian generals made a coup d'état removed the legitimate government of Bulgaria and established a "regime of power" and this is a second betrayal Then Russia not only did not support Bulgaria when the act of the Union of South with Northern Bulgaria was committed, but also when Serbia treacherously attacked us with her back she did everything to prevent us from winning this war Thank God it did not happen, but no one forgot such a betrayal then the first Russophobes were born Then in 1886 they made a second coup and turned down Prince Alexander I and this is the fourth betrayal after which the Bulgarian political elite turned the helm and Russia ruined influence and trust, etc.

    laughing laughing As soon as German marks and Austro-Hungarian crowns began to jingle in the pockets of Bulgarian politicians, the former “brothers” remembered their “territories.” Already in 1914, Bulgarian politicians began, with the help of the press, to prepare the country’s public opinion for the coming war, raising a wave of powerful anti-Serbian and anti-Russian propaganda. Having rejected Russian-French loan offers in favor of less favorable terms coming from German banks, the Bulgarian government, in dire need of money, had already actually made its choice. Therefore, Bulgaria’s declaration of first neutrality, and then mobilization, followed by entry into the war on the side of the Central Powers, which promised it Macedonia, Pomerania, Thrace, Southern Dobruja (in the event of Romania acting on the side of the Entente) and a military loan in the amount of 500 million marks, was the result a completely thought-out and consistent policy. laughing laughing
  63. +3
    8 September 2019 19: 15
    First World War by Russian troops, whose example was followed by some other Bulgarian officers. One of these Bulgarian officers, who served in the Russian army in September 1915, turned from the pages of the press to the Minister of War of Bulgaria N.T. Zhekov, who soon became the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Bulgarian Army. Noting that Bulgaria “is experiencing the most tragic moment of its entire existence,” the author of the open letter urged: “Save the honor of the Bulgarian army entrusted to you. Take her away from the abyss into which the adventurers are pushing her. For the sake of its interests, its past and its sacred traditions, let Bulgaria refrain from attacking the Serbs. To attack the Serbs would mean to attack the allies and Russia the liberator.” Outraged by the fact that the leaders of Bulgarian politics were going to enter into an alliance with the Turks, “who until recently exterminated the Bulgarians the way they are now exterminating the Armenians,” a Bulgarian officer declared to the Bulgarian Minister of War: “...Before signing an order to act against the Serbs, order the statue of the Tsar Liberator, who saved Bulgaria, to be toppled from its pedestal. In the place where this statue stands, dig a large black hole and put there a list of all the Russians who died in the Balkans, and all the Bulgarians who were killed at Lule-Burgas, Bunarhisar, Bulair and Chatalja. Place a large coffin slab on top, and in the place where the inscription “Grateful Bulgaria to the Tsar Liberator” used to be, inscribe the epitaph “Here lies ungrateful Bulgaria.” But the prudent call not to get involved in a war against Serbia and Russia, unfortunately, was never heard by the Bulgarian government.
  64. 0
    8 September 2019 19: 22
    Quote: elemag1967
    And Serbia. probably the closest and friendliest country to you right now. Isn’t it funny that you didn’t defend her in any way in 1999? They forgave you, what do you think? You have already forgiven yourself, I know. You already dare to attack them because they did not retreat from you under the bombardment. You have already included them with everyone else, but what? Was there something? But have they forgiven you? Or will you then wonder again why you can’t be trusted? This is generally a weak point of Russian politics. First, release him, pour in a lot of money and help, and then throw him away. Listen to other countries, why is everything happening like this and why, even though they are obligated to you, are they afraid of you and don’t trust you? Why did a million people, not yet poisoned by the Right Sector propaganda, rush to the Maidan, so that God forbid they would not return to Russia? Is it only propaganda that is to blame for this, or are you also a little less than angels? The reason for the bewilderment is caused by simple things - you almost always tell half the story. A good half for you. Instead of finally realizing your mistakes and not making them again, you always sweep them under the rug.
    Did we have an agreement with Serbia? laughing laughing "threw away Bulgaria" laughing Are they little children to take care of them? They are an independent people and were probably “capable” laughing
    choose who to be friends with laughing
  65. +2
    8 September 2019 19: 29
    In the Highest Manifesto, signed by Emperor Nicholas II on October 5, 1915, addressed to all subjects of the Russian Empire, it was proclaimed: “Insidiously prepared from the very beginning of the war, and yet seemingly impossible, Bulgaria’s betrayal of the Slavic cause was accomplished: the Bulgarian troops attacked the bleeding in the fight against the strongest enemy our faithful ally Serbia. Russia and the great powers allied to us warned the government of Ferdinand of Coburg against this fatal step. The fulfillment of the long-standing aspirations of the Bulgarian people - the annexation of Macedonia - was ensured by Bulgaria in a different way, consistent with the interests of the Slavs. But the secret selfish calculations instilled by the Germans and the fratricidal enmity towards the Serbs prevailed. Bulgaria, our one and only faith, which had recently been freed from Turkish slavery by the brotherly love and blood of the Russian people, openly took the side of the enemies of the Christian faith, the Slavs, and Russia. The Russian people will greet with bitterness the betrayal of Bulgaria, which was so close to them until the last days, and with a heavy heart they draw a sword against it, leaving the fate of the traitors to the Slavs to the just punishment of God.” NIKOLAY 2 laughing goodAs it comes around, so it will respond.
    1. -2
      8 September 2019 22: 24
      “Cunningly prepared from the very beginning of the war and yet seemingly impossible, Bulgaria’s betrayal of the Slavic cause was accomplished: Bulgarian troops attacked our faithful ally, Our Serbia, bleeding in the fight against the strongest enemy....

      If someone had told me that the day would come when it would be necessary to sign a declaration of war on Bulgaria, I would have taken him for a madman, but nevertheless this day has come,” said Nicholas II on October 18, 1915. “We are in what “They released us this year, but they turned out to be ungrateful” - everything that most Russians still know about the history of the countries of Eastern Europe. Usually no one is interested in the reasons for “ungratefulness”, believing that we are talking about some kind of Russophobia that hovers over the lands east of Brest and is rationally inexplicable. Although upon closer examination everything becomes obvious.

      Here is a link to articles explaining what happened. A rare example of objectivity and impartiality. The whole real story is written in it, without touching and without propaganda attacks. I recommend everyone who is interested to read it. hi
  66. 0
    8 September 2019 19: 42
  67. +1
    8 September 2019 19: 43
    We are disentangling the consequences of a vile foreign policy, starting from the times of Khrushchev and ending with Eltsin.
    Bulgaria is not the first and, alas, not the last.
  68. 0
    8 September 2019 19: 59
    I believe that the $30 billion allocated by the State Department for propaganda is already working against you. In Grozny directly, but here like this, indirectly. Now there are a lot of articles accusing the Bulgarians. You’ve been giving up on Ukraine for too long, you need to give up on these ones faster, right? Who will be next in line? Serbia? Use your head sometimes. Before you write touching texts about monks whose speech you simply do not understand. Bulgarian is similar to Russian. But not enough to understand it for free. So, by the way.
    1. +1
      8 September 2019 22: 49
      Quote: elemag1967
      In Grozny directly

      What do you care about Grozny?!
      Quote: elemag1967
      I believe that the $30 billion allocated by the State Department for propaganda is already working against you.

      Bulgaria is a member of the European Union and NATO, i.e. vassal of the United States, and therefore the State Department, what are you talking about?! lol
      Quote: elemag1967
      Before you write touching texts about monks whose speech you simply do not understand. Bulgarian is similar to Russian. But not enough to understand it for free. So, by the way.

      But we understand perfectly well the Russophobe and voluntary assistant of the US State Department, Ivelin Konstantinov. feel
  69. -1
    8 September 2019 20: 36
    Russia's actions can highlight both positive and negative consequences in relation to Bulgaria at the beginning of the 20th century. Firstly, Bismarck failed to push Russia into longer intervention in the affairs of the Balkan region, which in turn would have caused a war between Russia and Austria, and as a result, a deterioration in Russia’s relations with European countries. Emperor Alexander III foresaw Bismarck's tactics and therefore gave Bulgaria the opportunity to independently decide its fate. He recalled from Bulgaria the Russian officers who served as instructors in the Bulgarian army, and also excluded Alexander of Battenberg from the lists of the Russian army. Thus, there was no direct intervention in Bulgarian affairs. And this can be called one of the positive factors of Russian foreign policy in Bulgaria. On the other hand, tsarist diplomacy was not successful in electing a new contender for the Sofian throne. Alexander III, fearing that pro-German forces would come to power in Bulgaria, decided to send a naval squadron to the shores of the newly created Balkan state. Which, as a result, created a very real threat of intervention. The Russian emperor, for his part, nominated the Georgian prince Nicholas for the Bulgarian throne. However, this candidacy was not accepted with approval by the majority of Bulgarians; representatives of parliament also did not express a desire to see Mingreli as a Bulgarian prince. Due to the fact that Russia declared its reluctance to see Alexander Battenberg as the prince of Bulgaria, which, oddly enough, was also supported by Bismarck, in October 1886 the Bulgarian parliament elected Prince Voldemar, the son of the Danish king Christian IX, who was a relative of Alexander III, as prince, in the hope that that this candidacy would be suitable for both Russia and the Western powers. But Russia rejected Voldemar's candidacy, and King Christian did not want to ascend the Bulgarian throne in place of his son. In view of the current situation, Kaulbars was again sent to Bulgaria with the aim of restoring Russia's political influence, ensuring that the regents in power, who adhered to pro-German and pro-Austrian positions, resigned, and forming a coalition government that would be controlled by the Russian government. Upon arrival in Sofia on September 25, 1886, he became the head of the Russian diplomatic agency and demanded that the regents unquestioningly carry out his orders. Due to the fact that the candidacy presented by Russia (the Mingrelian prince) was rejected both in Bulgaria and by the governments of Western European powers
  70. 0
    8 September 2019 20: 39
    Kaulbars demanded that the elections to the Great National Assembly, the purpose of which would be the election of a new prince, be postponed, the state of siege declared by the regency lifted and those arrested in the case of the overthrow of Battenberg released. The regents granted the last of the three demands, but they did not dare to postpone the elections, which in fact could be contrary to the constitution. The Russian envoy decided to take extreme measures, which ultimately compromised the Russian government. In his notes, he expressed dissatisfaction with the holding of elections and the convening of the Bulgarian parliament. The Bulgarian government reacted negatively to one of these notes, declaring that only parliament had the right to censure Bulgarian ministers. Kaulbars traveled around Bulgaria, organized rallies, supported the actions of the anti-government movement, and publicly condemned the regents and ministers. Representatives of the Bulgarian political force were deeply outraged by the actions of the Russian envoy; even those sections of society who were sympathetic to the fact that Russia liberated the Bulgarian people did not like this. However, Kaulbars' actions were not successful. In view of the position of the great powers on the Bulgarian issue, the tsarist government did not dare to support its envoy through military intervention in Bulgaria. On November 20, 1886, Kaulbars left for Russia. In his last address to the Bulgarians, Kaulbars stated that St. Petersburg has no desire to maintain relations with the current Bulgarian government. Thus, the result of this Russian policy was the rupture of Russia’s relations with Bulgaria.

    On November 13, 1886, the Bulgarian Parliament announced the suspension of its meetings until an indefinite period, since a suitable candidate for the Sofian throne had not yet been found. A delegation was sent to European capitals to search for a suitable candidate. When she arrived in Vienna, the Austrian government nominated Prince Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. Russia rejected this option, but Austria-Hungary, which was largely supported by Germany, ensured that Ferdinand was elected by the Bulgarian parliament. Seeing Bulgaria's unfriendly attitude towards the Russian government, Austria managed to ensure that Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha was elected to the Bulgarian throne on June 27, 1887 (who would rule Bulgaria until 1918). From this moment on, Russian influence in the Bulgarian state was gradually replaced by Austrian influence. Without waiting for other European powers to recognize what had happened, Ferdinand arrived in Bulgaria in August 1887 and took control of the country. However, recognition did not follow, either from Russia and Turkey, or from other powers. During the first period of the reign of Ferdinand I, Bulgaria's domestic and foreign policy was concentrated in the hands of Prime Minister Stefan Stambolov (1887-1894). He defended the interests of the large trading bourgeoisie, which had connections with foreign capital. According to Stambolov's plan, relations with Turkey were to be restrained, cooperation with Austria-Hungary and Germany was to be established, and attempts to enter into an alliance with Russia were to be prevented. Stambolov harshly suppressed the internal opposition, which consisted mainly of pro-Russian people, and, using the support of Germany and Austria-Hungary, in every possible way contributed to securing the Bulgarian throne for Ferdinand, despite the fact that Russia did not agree with his candidacy. The Constitution, which was amended in order to strengthen the power of the monarch, was not untouched. The prince received the right to conclude international treaties, declare martial law, and make changes to the expenditure side of the budget without parliamentary approval. Since 1908, the status of the Bulgarian ruler was determined not as a prince, but as a tsar. In the same year, Bulgaria, refusing to pay tribute to the Ottoman Empire, declared its complete independence.

    However, almost all branches of government were dissatisfied with the firm and decisive policies of the prime minister, which ultimately became the reason for the resignation and subsequent assassination of the prime minister. With all this, Stambolov opposed the imperial ideas of Ferdinand, who dreamed of taking possession of the entire Balkan Peninsula. It should be noted that in Europe at the end of the XNUMXth century. It was almost impossible for a weak state to avoid orientation towards any great power, but even in such conditions Stambolov’s foreign policy can be called independent. Stambolov successfully played on the contradictions of different European countries. The death marked the onset of a long era of monarchical dictatorship in the history of Bulgaria. After the death of Stambolov, there was not a single politician left in Bulgaria who could really resist the uncontrolled actions of Ferdinand I, who pursued a pro-German policy.

    At the end of the 1896th – beginning of the XNUMXth centuries. In Bulgaria, two political camps emerged, which differed in their foreign policy orientation. A number of liberal political parties, representing a small proportion of the bourgeoisie, considered Austria-Hungary and Germany as the subject of their orientation. The People's Party (Populists), supported by the larger bourgeoisie, and the Democrats, defending the interests of the middle bourgeoisie, advocated rapprochement with France, England and Russia. Bulgaria began searching for ways to restore relations with Russia. In XNUMX, during the reign of Nicholas II, diplomatic relations were restored between the two countries. Soon, the European powers recognized Ferdinand as the legally elected prince of Bulgaria, which significantly strengthened the country's foreign policy position.

    The loss of Russian influence in Bulgarian affairs meant that Russia's prestige in the international arena was significantly damaged. An attempt to restore its former influence in the Balkan state by resorting to the still formally existing “Union of Three Emperors” was unsuccessful. Bulgaria found itself in the orbit of Austro-Hungarian influence.

    The support that Bismarck provided to the Austrian government in the Bulgarian issue became one of the reasons for the rupture of Russian-German allied relations. Moreover, on the Bulgarian issue, Paris took a favorable position towards Russia: the government of the third republic refused to accept the Bulgarian delegation that arrived in Paris in January 1887 with a request for assistance in resolving the Bulgarian crisis. France did not recognize Ferdinand as the Bulgarian ruler.

    The Bulgarian people, in view of the greatest merit of the Russian army, which was liberation from Turkish rule, were friendly towards Russia. However, the Russian government did not see any advantage in this. During a period of growing disagreements between the two countries, Emperor Alexander III conducted his foreign policy within a pan-European framework; it was important for him to see the reaction of European states to the Bulgarian issue. As the Russian Tsar himself later said: “Our misfortune in 1876-77. was that we walked with peoples instead of walking with governments. The Russian emperor must always go only with governments.” At the same time, it was not possible for Alexander III to “go with the governments,” since his desire to take control of Bulgaria through his officials and generals was negatively perceived both by the Bulgarian government itself and by the governments of other European states. England, Austria-Hungary and Italy were categorically against Russia personally interfering in the affairs of Bulgaria. Germany maintained a neutral position, but secretly supported Austria. Thus, all the great powers, having opposed Russia and wisely taking advantage of the failures of Russian diplomacy in the Bulgarian issue, managed to protect Bulgaria from Russian influence.

    As a result of its foreign policy defeat in Bulgaria, Russia lost the political positions that it managed to acquire in this country after the Eastern War. At the beginning of 1886, the radical Bulgarian newspaper Nezavisimost wrote: “We have deep gratitude to our liberators and revere the Russian heroes who fell for our freedom. But we distinguish the great Russia of a hundred million people from official Russia.”

    Author - Vladimir Toktaev
    1. +1
      9 September 2019 08: 38
      You didn’t need to sound believable, you could copy the text of Vladimir Toktaev, just put the link bully
  71. -2
    8 September 2019 20: 45
    Naive Bulgarians dream of becoming like them laughing laughing lol
  72. -2
    8 September 2019 21: 00
    Quote: pytar
    Of all our "brothers", the most offensive to hear is from the Bulgarians ..

    "Without denying the contribution of the USSR to the defeat of Nazism in Europe, one should not close our eyes to the fact that the bayonets of the Soviet army brought the peoples of Central and Eastern Europe half a century of repression, suppression of civil conscience, deformed historical development ... "
    So begins the statement of the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry! What's wrong?
    The defeat of Nazism and the decisive role of the USSR no one denies! And the subsequent Stalinism, repressions by tens of thousands of dissenters, forced collectivization, and much of which is not true?
    Why are you outraged, on the assumption that the Russian Federation itself recognizes the ambiguity of Stalinism?
    Russian soldier saved the Bulgarians from the Turks ...

    This is a fact and in Bulgaria they treat Russians as their own precisely for that! And what about Stalinism? What is the connection?
    Turks sharpen yatagans on you again .. Can sell you?

    The Russian Federation has such a plan for the Balkans. And as a result, Russia will finally lose respect for the Balkan peoples. This is a dead end road. Relations must be restored by leaving ideologies of a dubious nature!

    It was a shame to contact you laughing For 1000 years they didn’t know where this Bulgaria was laughing lived, did not grieve, and then appeared laughing laughing on our heads.
    1. 0
      9 September 2019 08: 31
      Forgive him, Lord, he doesn't know what he's saying, otherwise he's the king of emoticons........
  73. +2
    8 September 2019 21: 16
    - “However, St. Petersburg again (as in 1829) did not dare to take Constantinople and put an end to the centuries-old historical confrontation with Turkey. Fear of the West played a key role.”
    The same thing is happening now. And this is not the last defamation of our history.
  74. +1
    9 September 2019 01: 59
    There is no betrayal. There is a return to the traditional course of foreign policy - being together with the enemies of Russia. We are looking at the history of two world wars. Our wallet is empty - they found another one... nothing more.
  75. +1
    9 September 2019 04: 50
    For the last two centuries, Bulgaria has betrayed Russia; the latest statements by the Sofia Foreign Ministry are a logical continuation of previous betrayals.
  76. -1
    9 September 2019 08: 22

    regarding the reaction to the MVNR on the organization from the Russian embassy, ​​a presentation on archival materials for the Second World War

    The Bulgarian diplomatic community expressed its surprise and disappointment at the position of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in connection with the upcoming opening of the Russian embassy to the words: “75 years from the liberation of Europe from Nazism.”

    BDD nyama daus allowed a bastard to a country in Tyklkuvano on a politically fingertip, but it is a warning for harm, the kogato is, it is like a single one by the only one is unprofitable and disrespectful, the kiyto is unequivocal and the hvrli ryanka native of the macer foreign policy.

    Neither in form nor in substance is the statement on the International Internal Affairs Responsibility based on the principle of good neighborliness and friendly relations between the two powers, and even more so between Bulgaria and Russia. In diplomacy, there is a reception and approval of practice and support for communication for exchanges and applications for positions. Demonstratively, they publicly announced the position on the International Foreign Relations Act, but in international terms, it is only possible that the act is unfriendly. Even more importantly, the victory in Russia, the togawa of the USSR, the Second World War, its theme from the highest level of sensitivity for the Russians and all other peoples from the defeated USSR is somehow a reason for pride, and for the immeasurable pain for 27 - those million victims and monstrosities destruction.

    Neglizhiraneto on tosi fact e unread pametta and on hiladite the Bulgarian wars fell into the last stage of the war. This is indirectly not blamed for Nazism, which is disputed by international law and may be qualified by the whole Duma.

    Kolkot before the post-war development in Europe, neynata istochna often, incl. in Bulgaria, then the unfinished beginning is predetermined by the understanding and agreement at Syuznitsa. The reason for the presence of Soviet troops on the territory of Bulgaria on September 9, 1944 is not membership in the Three-Strand Pact of March 1941, and everything is derived from Comrade Posleditsi.

    The recent development is the result of national and international factors and assessments, which will give history in the future, but it is not unambiguous. What is important is that it is directed not according to ideological criteria, but based on real facts, especially in the economic and social sphere.

    Obviously, the position on the International Foreign Relations is not the result of work on diplomacy and expertise, which is what a historian knows in international relations. In fact, the author of the text clearly does not know what was the real possibility of Bulgaria being occupied from the Turkish army /as stated by Churchill/, how the country was saved from pre-war territory and how it was saved from territorial claims and a lawsuit for huge reparations.

    The diplomatic service, according to the principle, does not bivouac and admits partisan and ideological biases and undermines the pragmatic nature of bilateral relations. In the case of bright Russophobia, clearly it is the result of a political onslaught from the force, which is against the outlining position of the last week in the Western European countries for constructive dialogue with Moscow.

    The BDD believes that these actions at the International Foreign Affairs Policy contradict the fundamental objectives and goals of a single rationale for foreign policy and diplomacy, namely, creating and maintaining international contacts and bilateral relations with other countries, with which creating the most favorable conditions for guaranteeing national Significance on the country, development on the country's economy and welfare on the country's people.

    In this case, the aspect of the position on the MVNR is even more puzzling and from the ground up tryabva and all the questions asked, until the MVNR is a real spokesman and guide for politics on the Bulgarian government or on alien or corporate interests in the development of the Bulgarian-Ruskite relations that everyone strives for will harm the development of the Bulgarian-Ruskite relationship. The answer to the question is still more pressing in the light of the recent meeting between the ministerial chairmen of Bulgaria and Russia and outline the prospects for future economic cooperation, the key role of Russia in the vital importance for the country or the energy projects of the AEC “Belene” and the gas distribution center ър „Balkan ", just like the upcoming session of the Intergovernmental Bulgarian-Russian Commission for Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation.

    Administrative Council on Road Traffic Safety

    November 05.09.2019, XNUMX
  77. 0
    9 September 2019 15: 43
    We should think about our future, and think hard. The Bulgarians remained after the Turkish yoke and after fascism, and now they sit quietly and wait in the wings. And, one must think, in the future no one will doubt that there is such a people in Europe - the Bulgarians. And with each new "liberation of Bulgaria" we are getting smaller and smaller. XXI century in the yard, soon its first quarter will end. You can't live with old historical victories. We need to understand one thing, won the land, liberated the country, you can't leave there. Let there be bases, garrisons, shops, factories, warehouses, but these will be our bases, garrisons, etc., whoever says what, whoever does what, even if the "favorite partners" are against, we must hold our teeth for this, in the name of the lost comrades, in the name of themselves and their children, in the end. Well, or not to go anywhere at all. Live Bulgarian. Only we can hardly.
  78. -2
    9 September 2019 15: 55
    Brothers, you say...
    I read the message from the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry, which our smaller brothers so joyfully revel in, and which our friends are so indignant at.

    Actually, what did the Bulgarians say that was new? Firstly, they said:
    “Without giving up on the USSR for the defeat of Nazism in Europe, don’t try and look at the creatures...”
    Translated it is:
    "Without denying the contribution of the USSR to the defeat of Nazism in Europe, we should not turn a blind eye to that..." laughing laughing King of Smileys laughing

    And then comes the tedious yapping about Soviet reality. So for those who know the economy and life of Bulgaria under the USSR and now, this is at least funny (if you look from the outside), and at most very painful (this is if you look from the inside).
  79. -1
    9 September 2019 15: 58
    Quote: elemag1967
    Forgive him, Lord, he doesn't know what he's saying, otherwise he's the king of emoticons........

    We know your nature better than our own laughing
  80. -1
    9 September 2019 16: 01
    Quote: elemag1967
    You didn’t need to sound believable, you could copy the text of Vladimir Toktaev, just put the link bully

    I have also chosen for you the most sonorous good, I can do even worse. laughing
    1. 0
      10 September 2019 23: 47
      And I az moga dori sam god na profanity but yama yes si tsapam rtzete and ustata just don’t deserve the effort
  81. -1
    9 September 2019 16: 05
    Quote: Michael55
    I am very glad that I live in Russia! We are betrayed by "friends" and "own" elite! And we REMEMBER! The system is changing, the state system, laws ... but we still remember, write, talk about the past. Anything happened, but we have a glorious past and I believe there will be more to be proud of! LET'S BREAK! And the Bulgarians ... God be their judge ... I believe, not all there are bastards!

    laughing What percentage? laughing
  82. -1
    9 September 2019 16: 38
    Quote: pytar
    “Cunningly prepared from the very beginning of the war and yet seemingly impossible, Bulgaria’s betrayal of the Slavic cause was accomplished: Bulgarian troops attacked our faithful ally, Our Serbia, bleeding in the fight against the strongest enemy....

    If someone had told me that the day would come when it would be necessary to sign a declaration of war on Bulgaria, I would have taken him for a madman, but nevertheless this day has come,” said Nicholas II on October 18, 1915. “We are in what “They released us this year, but they turned out to be ungrateful” - everything that most Russians still know about the history of the countries of Eastern Europe. Usually no one is interested in the reasons for “ungratefulness”, believing that we are talking about some kind of Russophobia that hovers over the lands east of Brest and is rationally inexplicable. Although upon closer examination everything becomes obvious.

    Here is a link to articles explaining what happened. A rare example of objectivity and impartiality. The whole real story is written in it, without touching and without propaganda attacks. I recommend everyone who is interested to read it. hi

    The reason that pushed the tsar to announce mobilization in Russia (which, let me remind you, was de facto considered the beginning of the war, which the tsar was repeatedly told about) was his desire to “stand up for fraternal Orthodox Serbia,” which was threatened by Austria-Hungary, which presented it with an ultimatum for murder of the heir to the throne Ferdinand and his wife in Sarajevo by Serbian nationalists.
    Let us emphasize that Serbia then did NOT HAVE an alliance treaty or military agreement with any of the Entente countries (including Russia) and no one was OBLIGATED to fight for it.
    The announcement of mobilization in Russia was a VOLUNTARY decision of Nicholas II. By the way, it is little known that in November 1912, after Russia’s ill-considered actions to announce mobilization, a pan-European war could begin.

    Let us turn to the memoirs of a prominent Duma figure, leader of the Cadet Party P.N. Miliukov, who, by the way, had enormous popularity in the Balkans, and was considered an expert in Slavic affairs among us:
    “I returned from a trip to the opening of the Duma on November 18, 1912, right at the height of the struggle between peaceful and militant sentiments in St. Petersburg...
    The most striking episode of this internal conflict is told in Kokovtsov’s memoirs...
    On November 9, Sukhomlinov decided to use the carte blanche (Authority) I mentioned above and mobilize.
    Let me remind you that, according to the meaning of this carte blanche, mobilization amounted to a declaration of war by Russia on Austria and Germany. Everything was ready and telegrams were sent when Nicholas II doubted the very possibility of taking such a responsible measure without notifying even the government.
    And he appointed an emergency meeting under his chairmanship for November 10.
    Sukhomlinov should have warned the participants in the meeting, but did not do this, and his idea, already in motion, was revealed only at the meeting itself.
    Naturally, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers Kokovtsov, a constant opponent of Sukhomlinov, sounded the alarm.
    Nikolai began to calm him down. “This is not about war, but about a simple precautionary measure, about replenishing the ranks of our weak army on the (Austrian) border... I don’t even think about mobilizing our units against Germany, with which we maintain the most friendly relations, and they do not cause any We are not alarmed, while Austria is definitely hostile.”
    Kokovtsov began to argue that Russia’s separate step destroys the military convention with France and frees it from its obligations, while in the war that will be the result of Russian mobilization, Germany, of course, will support Austria by virtue of its alliance treaty.
    He proposed, as an outcome, to delay the soldiers of the last term of service for six months, without canceling the next recruitment - and thereby increase the composition of the army without declaring mobilization. Sometimes if you sit in the archives you learn a lot.
  83. -1
    9 September 2019 16: 47
    Let them spit on the past with their tongues, it will shoot them out of a cannon in the future laughing lol
  84. +2
    9 September 2019 17: 07
    The statement of the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry about the “occupation of Bulgaria by the Red Army in September 1944” is a good example of historical madness. If you claim that the Red Army occupied Bulgaria then, this means that today you continue to consider yourself an ally and friend of the Third Reich. There is no other option.
    German troops were on our territory from March 1, 1941 long before the appearance of Soviet troops. Foreign troops can attack on your territory either as occupiers or as allies - there is no other option. Hence there are only two possibilities - if the German troops were beaten by the Allies, then the Soviet occupiers, and if the German troops were beaten by the occupiers, then the Soviet liberators.
    Such a statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs means that Bulgaria today again declares itself an ally of the Nazi Reich, breaking the terms of the armistice of October 1944 and the Paris Peace Treaty of 1947.
  85. 0
    9 September 2019 17: 21
    And this is just one episode of our relationship. laughing But this is not the first time that the Russians prevented the Bulgarians from taking “the path of development.” For example, they liberated... but no, “treacherously, with their shields” they drove out the Ottoman Empire, of which they were part from 1396 to 1878, from the Bulgarian lands. In Bulgaria itself (apparently, out of thoughtlessness), the war for liberation from the Ottomans was called the War of Liberation. However, according to the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry, it is apparently time to rethink this thesis. If it weren’t for the Russians, we would now live like in Turkey. laughing Apparently my great-great-grandfather Ustin Mironych missed the mark when he ventured to the Balkans, exchanging a good and paid service in St. Petersburg for some kind of Bulgaria. recourse request
  86. -1
    9 September 2019 17: 30
    Dear Luba, let us leave the propaganda on our side and look at the facts:
    Bulgarian GDP from 1970 to 2019 (2016 + last 3 years)

    You can only look at the facts if you know them.
    The maximum GDP during socialism was reached in 1989 - $22 billion, but it was accompanied by a sharp increase (300%) in external debts.

    Bulgaria's GDP in 1989, according to official statistics, was 39 billion leva at current prices. But no one ever compares historically GDP in current prices because prices rise, but money loses value over time.
    In 2018 prices, Bulgaria’s GDP in 1989 was no less than 100 billion today’s leva, which means 60 billion dollars in comparable prices.
    In 1990, Bulgaria even defaulted, since external debts ($10,5 billion) exceeded gold and foreign exchange reserves (gold and foreign currency reserves - $1 billion) 10 times!

    The external debt was 10,5 billion dollars in 1989, even if you believe your figures, less than 50% of GDP, but in reality less than 25% of GDP.
    In addition to gold and foreign exchange reserves, Bulgaria also had debts from other countries to Bulgaria, and in 1989 they were more than 4 billion dollars.
  87. -1
    9 September 2019 22: 14
    Bulgarians live in a peculiar reality that is difficult for us to understand
  88. -2
    10 September 2019 09: 37
    The opening of the exhibition coincided with the arrest of the former editor-in-chief of Slovo, Yuri Borisov, and the president of the National Association Russophile, Nikolai Malinov. laughing
  89. 0
    10 September 2019 10: 46
    One can say in the same vein that Russia is betraying Bulgaria; in fact, it is the institutions of power that are betraying.
    And at the level of ordinary people, delegations from Kyustendil, a sister city of Klintsy in the Bryansk region, regularly come now on May 9th.
    1. +1
      10 September 2019 15: 28
      These “simple people” are so simple, I hope you understand. Everything is at the level of local officials...
  90. -2
    10 September 2019 11: 40
    Quote: Sergey Pronichev
    One can say in the same vein that Russia is betraying Bulgaria; in fact, it is the institutions of power that are betraying.
    And at the level of ordinary people, delegations from Kyustendil, a sister city of Klintsy in the Bryansk region, regularly come now on May 9th.

    laughing I hope without EU flags laughing Otherwise, they are such entertainers. “People” who manage to carry Polish flags for celebrations, from which the Turks sculpted bashi-bazouks.
    1. 0
      24 October 2019 11: 50
      The Bulgarians did not take the bad example from Russia with the Vlasov flag on Victory Day. Do you at least notice that we, as Russia, are doing shitty things in Russia itself.
      1. 0
        26 October 2019 11: 17
        More details about the flags of "Vlasov" Idiot. laughing laughing
  91. -1
    10 September 2019 17: 55
    “There is a certain subtext - after the signing of this agreement, many questions will go away - first, the question of the passage of the second Turkish Stream pipe through Bulgaria will go away. Secondly, the issue of obtaining gas will go away if the transit of Russian gas through Ukraine is stopped from January 1,” Tasev explained.

    “With the cessation of gas transit via the Trans-Balkan gas pipeline through Ukraine, Bulgarian pipes remain empty. We can easily provide Ukraine with access to liquefied gas terminals in Greece. We can become a transit country,” the expert added.

    “These pipes will be able to provide gas supply and transit through the country, which will actually fill the existing Bulgarian transit gas pipeline. If this had not happened, our pipes would have remained empty, and we would have practically disappeared from the gas map of Europe,” Tasev said. laughing lol
  92. 0
    11 September 2019 08: 39
    And I az moga dori sam god na profanity but yama yes si tsapam ritzete and ustata just don’t deserve the effort Wait for the ambassador’s response laughing laughing And goodbye, and I will “try” so that we have fewer such friends. LISTEN TO EVERYONE, THERE IS NOTHING SHAMEFUL IN THIS, BUT LISTEN ONLY TO YOURSELF AND YOUR CONSCIENCE.
  93. 0
    11 September 2019 08: 45
    Offending gentle and vulnerable non-brothers (until 1991, who existed under the pseudonyms “brothers” and “fraternal peoples”, and today proudly called “NATO allies”), it turns out, is unsafe.

    The words that they, not brothers, are so Russophobes and a little so corrupt, cause a storm of negative emotions, and not only among the non-brothers themselves.

    A large number of Russian citizens resolutely protest against such insults, demanding an immediate end to the dirty insinuations, since

    1) It’s not the brothers who all have a great attitude towards Russia, it’s just that the evil Anglo-Saxons deceived them and forced them to crap on everything that has the adjective “Russian”.

    2) It is not the “brotherly” Bulgarian (Lithuanian, Ukrainian, etc.) people who spit in the direction of Russia, but the vile and disgusting capitalist government, which has nothing, well, not the slightest relation to the people.

    It was these comments that made me, to be honest, I myself suffered from this serious illness called “brotherhood of peoples”
    The non-brothers do not have any bad Russophobic government that does not allow the Russophile sentiments of the titular population to flourish. There is a coordinated, consolidated Russophobia that has firmly united the NATO allies, which now include the Balts and Bulgarians, Hungarians and Romanians, Czechs and Poles.

    We must honestly admit that we ourselves, the Russians, are primarily to blame for this Russophobia. We ourselves fattened the Russophobic mutants with our own hands, snatching a piece of bread from the war-ravaged Russian Non-Black Earth Region and giving it to our “brotherly” non-brothers. We ourselves were tearing our own nation apart by extracting minerals from the permafrost and freely pumping resources into the economies of the “socialist partners” in the CMEA.

    And freebies never evoked any brotherly feelings. Freebies always evoke a feeling of inferiority, permissiveness and contempt for the giver.
    1. 0
      13 September 2019 16: 11
      Poor position. Having lived in Estonia since childhood, I have observed and continue to observe how, with the help of newspapers, radio and TV, the ideas that the enemies of Russia need are drummed into them.
      It is very stupid to blame “non-brothers”, former “brothers”. Their consciousness is a product of media activity. And the longer the Russian authorities indifferently observe this process, the worse the attitude of the peoples of the whole world towards Russia will be. The Anglo-Saxons are doing their job, the Russians are not. It's your own fault! You are just as blind and ignorant as the “non-brothers”, only blinkered in the opposite direction.
      Why should Bulgarians and Georgians love Russia if they are told every day that Russia is bad?
      Why do they tell you that Georgians, Bulgarians and others are bad, if they did not themselves invent their attitude towards Russia, but it was instilled in them?
      This position is completely rotten. It’s a pity that you are so closed-minded that you don’t understand this!
      1. 0
        26 October 2019 11: 20
        The position of a stupid person.
  94. +1
    11 September 2019 08: 53
    Russia for non-brothers is a friend, comrade and food...

    “Brothers” and other socialist non-brothers, who built up their industry and agriculture at the expense of Russia, even in Soviet times, from the heights of the “showcase of socialism” looked with poorly concealed contempt at “this poor Russia,” and when their formed point of view was financially stimulated by the Anglo-Saxons - “Ostap got completely carried away”... laughing laughing

    The limitrophes did not take into account one thing, gentlemen, from the word “absolutely” - the Earth is round, and the Anglo-Saxons are cunning. Having promised to take non-brothers as masters for good behavior, as a result they were not even taken as lackeys. Having forced mantras about bad Russia to howl around the clock, they did not assign any Russian slaves to non-brothers, they did not force Russia to pay reparations in favor of non-brothers...

    Go, - the Anglo-Saxons said to the non-brothers, - and take what you want yourself... and they waved their hand towards Moscow. It turned out just like the classic: “And with a weak mania he moved his regiments against the Russians...” And these regiments of “brothers” and other non-brothers are now very little beginning to realize that the Anglo-Saxons, instead of the freebies to which they were accustomed in the CMEA and USSR, offer a choice

    - turn around and go to war against Russia. The Bulgarian president, who reminded Putin that Russians MUST be generous, who suggested forgetting that just yesterday the little brothers with their playful hands caused damage worth a billion euros, and humbly asked to be allowed to access free energy resources - this is the first “bro according to reason” in our endless Universe of geopolitical Suckers. laughing laughing
    Every ruble that you invest in “brotherly feelings” of “brothers” and non-brothers, you invest in contempt and hatred for Russians and your country. Every job that, thanks to you, “at the expense of future love” will be created in non-brotherly territories will be used by “our Western partners” as a trench in the war with Russia. This does not mean that we need to isolate ourselves within our borders and show the fig because of Checkpoint. This means a complete and final transfer of the love of “brotherly peoples” to commodity-money relations so dear to the Western heart. laughing laughing
  95. 0
    11 September 2019 09: 27
    Petar Peychev20 hours

    Bulgaria came into existence as a country when it gained international recognition as such in 681. This is the oldest European power, has its own written language and the first European nation, which was formed in the 600th century, 700-XNUMX years before others. We gave writing, the ancient Bulgarian language and the Christian faith to the northern tribes, who made the Principality of Moscow several centuries later. If it were not for Bulgaria, now in Russia they would speak Tatar, write in Chinese and walk around fire after the Siberian shaman. laughing laughing A typical example of a "bro" laughing laughing
  96. 0
    11 September 2019 09: 29
    Petar Peychev18 hours
    Gena Fomkin,

    Bulgarians are not looking for logic in the actions of the authorities, most likely because elections are approaching, because they are crazy or for other reasons, and they have already released them. By the way, I don’t know by what criteria Russia chooses the leaders of Russophile organizations, but not one of them is normal. laughing wassat
  97. 0
    11 September 2019 09: 31
    Well... just in case, they are testing out options for changing shoes while jumping... laughing laughing
  98. 0
    11 September 2019 10: 16 laughing
  99. 0
    13 September 2019 12: 11
    They are a corrupt nation and they are certainly not our brothers! Therefore, it is a purely business relationship.
  100. 0
    13 September 2019 15: 51
    Actually a wild situation! Smart people like the author above write smart articles for smart people like the respected community and me. They explore sources, tell History, how it was, what happened...
    But this is all empty work, we are here, well, most know these stories better than the author.
    It would be better if our government ensured that this and other Stories were taught in schools in Bulgaria, Poland, Georgia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Serbia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Ukraine, Bosnia, Slovenia, Albania, who else is there..
    We read here, comment, waste nerve cells and our time, and those who are responsible for the laws do not read these articles, their children do not read and they don’t care about all of Bulgaria combined and the situation, gentlemen “pique vests”, is getting worse with each passing day year.
    1. 0
      26 October 2019 11: 22
      They will feel it in their own skin and in their pocket.