Inconvenient nation. Harvard professor - about the "Russian question"

Book by Harvard University professor Terry Martin “Empire of positive activity. Nation and nationalism in the USSR, 1923 – 1939 "turned upside down the idea of ​​a" Stalinist empire ", the image of which was formed for decades by legions of Western historians and political scientists, and from the end of the 1980's - and auxiliary cohorts of domestic colleagues. By virtue of this, they could not notice this work in the West - professional historians often quote it. They did not notice him, however, in Russia. It would be nice to understand why.

Finds of Professor Martin

The abundance of documents confirming each thesis of the monograph, the best evidence of how gratefully and scientifically strictly Harvard professor managed the knowledge that he could learn from the state archives of Ukraine and Russia. The monograph covers the entire pre-war Stalin era and all the nationalities of the USSR, but its main outline is the relationship between the two key republics of the Union: the Ukrainian SSR and the RSFSR. And the personal motive (“I, whose ancestors left Russia and Ukraine only two generations ago”) clearly confirms the scientist’s conclusion: the strength of the Soviet foundation depended primarily on the strength of Ukrainian-Russian relations.

An important innovation of the work is that Terry Martin decisively translates party style and attitudes of centuries ago into the language of modern politics. "The Soviet Union as a multinational entity is best defined as an empire of positive activity (Affirmative Action Empire)," he proclaims. And he explains that he borrowed this term from the realities of American politics - it is used to denote the policy of providing benefits to various, including ethnic, groups.

So, from the point of view of the professor, the USSR became the first in stories a country where affirmative action programs have been developed for national minorities.

This is not about equal chances, but about the Affirmative Action - the concept included preferences, "positive (positive) action." Terry Martin calls this a historic premiere and emphasizes: not a single country has yet caught up with Soviet endeavors in scale.

In 1917, when the Bolsheviks seized power, they did not have any consistent national policies. There was only an “impressive slogan” - the right of nations to self-determination. He helped mobilize the masses of national suburbs to support the revolution, but he was unsuitable for creating a model for managing a multinational state - the state itself was then doomed to collapse.

The fact that Poland and Finland (who were in the empire, as a matter of fact, on a federal basis) were the first to try to “drive off”, was expected. But the process did not stop there - they went further, and the surge of nationalist movements in most of the former Russian Empire (especially in Ukraine) caught the Bolsheviks by surprise. The answer to it was a new national policy formulated at the XII Party Congress in April 1923. Its essence, Terry Martin, based on documents, is formulated as follows: "to maximize support those forms of national structure that are not in conflict with the existence of a unitary centralized state." Under this concept, the new authorities announced their readiness to support the following “forms” of the existence of nations: national territories, languages, elites and cultures. The author of the monograph defines this policy with a term that previously had not sounded in historical discussions: “territorialization of ethnicity”. What is meant by it?

Ukrainian locomotive

“Throughout the Stalin period, the central place in the evolution of Soviet national politics belonged to Ukraine,” says the professor. It’s clear why. According to the census of the 1926 year, Ukrainians were the largest titular nation in the country - 21,3 percent of the total population (Russians were not considered as such, since the RSFSR was not a national republic). Ukrainians constituted almost half of the non-Russian population of the USSR, and in the RSFSR they exceeded any other national minority by at least twice. Hence all the preferences that Soviet national policy allotted to the Ukrainian SSR. In addition to the internal one, there was also an “external motive”: after millions of Ukrainians, as a result of the Riga Treaty of 1921 of the year, ended up within Poland, Soviet national policy was inspired for a good ten years by the idea of ​​a special attitude towards Ukraine, an example of which should become attractive for related diasporas abroad.

“In the Ukrainian political discourse of the 20's,” writes Terry Martin, “Soviet Ukraine was seen as the new Piedmont, Piedmont of the twentieth century.” Piedmont, recall, is the area around which in the middle of the XIX century there was a unification of all of Italy. So the allusion is transparent - a similar perspective was drawn by Soviet Ukraine.

Such an attitude, however, alarmed the politicians of neighboring states and the West as a whole. An active struggle has unfolded against the "Bolshevik infection" in all its manifestations, and counterplay has also arisen - a response bet on nationalism. And it worked: if in the 1920's the ethnic ties of Soviet Ukraine with the large Ukrainian population of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania were considered the Soviet foreign policy advantage, then in the 1930's they were regarded in the USSR as a threat.

Corrections also required “internal practices”: referring to the same Piedmont principle, the Ukrainian, and the Belarusian leadership, aimed not only at their foreign diasporas, but also at diasporas within the Union. And this meant claims on the territory of the RSFSR.

An observation that did not sound before: up to the 1925 of the year between the Soviet republics continued, said a professor from Harvard, “a fierce struggle for territories”, in which the RSFSR (Russia) invariably turned out to be the losing side.

Having studied the history of the movement of internal Soviet borders, the researcher concludes: “Throughout the USSR, borders were drawn in favor of the territories of national minorities and at the expense of the Russian regions of the RSFSR. There were no exceptions to this rule. ” Such pliability continued until 1929, when Stalin admitted: the constant redrawing of internal borders did not contribute to attenuation, but to exacerbation of ethnic conflicts.

Assortment rooting

Further analysis leads Professor Martin to a paradoxical conclusion. Uncovering the miscalculations of the Bolshevik project, which began with the wonderful ideals of “positive activity,” he writes: “The Russians in the Soviet Union have always been an“ uncomfortable ”nation — too big to ignore, but too dangerous to afford it the same institutional status as the other major nationalities of the country. ” That is why the founding fathers of the USSR “insisted that the Russians should not have their own full-fledged national republic, or all other national privileges that were given to the other peoples of the USSR” (among them - the existence of their own communist party).

In fact, two federal projects appeared: the main one - the Union and the subcontracting - Russian (only formally equated to other republics). And in the end (and this the professor defines as the main paradox), laying on the shoulders of the "great-power" Russian people the historical blame for the oppression of the national outskirts, the Bolshevik party was able to preserve the structure of the previous empire in this way. It was a strategy of retaining power in the center and in the localities: at all costs to prevent the centrifugal nationalism of non-Russian peoples. That is why at the XII Congress, the party declared the development of national languages ​​and the creation of national elites as the primary program. In order for the Soviet government to appear to be its own, indigenous, and not “newcomer”, “Moscow” and (God forbid!) “Russian”, this policy was given the general name “indigenous”. In national republics, neologism was transformed by the name of the titular nations - “Ukrainization”, “Belarusianization”, “Uzbekization”, “Oyrotization” (Oyroots - the ancient name of the Altaians. - “O”), etc.

Inconvenient nation. Harvard professor - about the "Russian question"
Certificate on the passing by an accountant Sergey Olga Vladimirovna of exams for knowledge of the Ukrainian language, without which they could not accept a job. Kiev region, 1928. Captions: "Ukrainization will make the unification of the city and the village" and "Knowledge of the Ukrainian language is only the first step to complete Ukrainization." The surname of the recipient is also Ukrainianized

From April 1923 to December 1932, central and local party and Soviet bodies issued hundreds of decrees and thousands of circulars that develop and promote this directive. It was about the formation in the territories of a new party and administrative nomenclature (relying on a national emphasis in personnel selection), as well as the immediate expansion of the use of languages ​​of the peoples of the USSR.

Project misfire

As Professor Martin notes, indigenization was popular among the population of non-Russian periphery and relied on the support of the center, but still ... failed almost everywhere. The process was slowed down to begin with (including directive too - along the party-administrative line), and then turned off in the end. Why?

First, utopia is always difficult. In Ukraine, for example, the goal was set to achieve one hundred percent Ukrainization of the entire administrative apparatus in a year, but the implementation schedule had to be postponed many times, without achieving what was desired. Secondly, forced indigenization generated resistance from influential groups (the professor lists them in the following order: city workers, office staff, industrial specialists, employees of branches of all-Union enterprises and institutions), who were not worried about utopia at all, but the real prospect would be to dismiss up to 40 percent employees of the republic. Yes, and the memory of recent dashing years was still very lively, not without reason the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks), U Emmanuel Quiring, publicly expressed concern that “communist Ukrainization could develop into a Petlyura’s Ukrainization.”

To straighten the dangerous roll, the Politburo sent Lazar Kaganovich to Ukraine, assigning him the title of General Secretary (!) Of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) U. As part of the “course correction”, the party was satisfied with the Ukrainian nomenclature majority of 50 – 60 percent, and on this unfinished note 1 of January 1926 of the year, the successful completion of the rooting in the republic was announced. Its result, among other things, was “re-Ukrainianization of the Russified masses”, although incomplete (the historian, quoting documents, writes about 80 percent of the population recorded in Ukrainians). Which meant the transformation of Russians in Ukraine into a national minority (following Ukraine and following its example, the status of a national minority to its Russian fellow citizens - “destitute Russians,” as Terry Martin puts it, was also appropriated by Belarus).

When the scope of indigenization took alarming proportions, the party intervened. So in Ukraine appeared his general secretary - Lazar Kaganovich
Photo: Photo archive of the magazine "Spark"

This triggered the emergence and strengthening of a national-communist bias in the party and Soviet administrative structures of Ukraine, which, according to a Harvard professor, had progressed at such a pace and became so massive that it finally aroused "growing concern" in Stalin.

To the very suburbs

What "scale" are we talking about? About the All-Union, no less. And many interesting pages are devoted to this in the monograph of the Harvard professor, which are read almost like a detective story. Judge for yourself.

The Bolshevik leaders, Terry Martin writes, "did not recognize either the assimilation or the extraterritorial existence of a nationality." With these standards, they began to build the Soviet state: each nationality has its own territory. True, not everyone was lucky: having created relatively easily 40 large national territories, the Soviet government came up against the problem of national minorities, which in Russia alone are like sand in the sea. And if for Soviet Jews, for example, it was possible to create the Birobidzhan Autonomous Region, then it did not work out with the Gypsies or, say, the Assyrians.

Here the Bolsheviks showed the world a radical approach: to extend the Soviet national-territorial system to the smallest territories - national regions, village councils, collective farms. In advanced Ukraine, let’s say, the Gypsy did not work with the republic, but one gypsy village council and as many as 23 gypsy collective farms were created. The algorithm worked: tens of thousands of national (albeit conditional) borders swept the Russian Federation, and it was the Ukrainian system of territorial national councils that was taken as a model - in May of the 1925, the III All-Union Congress of Soviets declared it mandatory for the entire USSR.

Considering that in the middle of the 1920’s 7 873 331 was a Ukrainian living in the RSFSR, the “Ukrainian Piedmont” did not extend its influence beyond the borders of the USSR, as it was intended, but to the regions of the USSR - to where considerable masses of Ukrainian migrant peasants had concentrated before the revolution (Lower Volga, Kazakhstan, South Siberia, Far East). The effect was impressive: according to Terry Martin’s calculations, at least 4 of thousands of Ukrainian national councils appeared in the RSFSR (while the Russian minority in Ukraine did not achieve the right to form at least one city national council), which took full agreement with the idea of ​​“territorializing ethnicity” Ukrainization of occupied territories. It is no coincidence, the professor notes, “the teachers became the most important export item of Ukraine to Russia” (the historian confirms this thesis with statistics: in the 1929 / 30 academic year there were no Ukrainian schools in the Far East at all, but two years later there were 1076 elementary and 219 Ukrainian secondary schools; in 1932, more than 5 thousand Ukrainian teachers arrived in the RSFSR on their own initiative).

In the middle of the 1920, Ukrainization went beyond Ukraine, encompassing the Kuban, Stavropol and even the Far East. Employees were also obliged to take exams in Ukrainian studies, and teachers shared their experience in such newsletters

Against the backdrop of the development of such processes, is it worth wondering about Stalin's “growing concern”? She ultimately turned into a condemnation of "creeping nationalism, only covered by a mask of internationalism and the name of Lenin." In December of the 1932, the Politburo adopted two decisions directly criticizing Ukrainization: they, Terry Martin notes, announced the “crisis of the empire of positive activity” - the indigenous project was, in fact, curtailed ...

Why did the Soviet people not take place

The Bolsheviks began their policy on the national question with a beautiful utopia, which, soberly, they spent 15 years on. The project of the “international of nations”, in which territories, population and resources were transferred from one to another “brotherly”, turned out to be a unique experiment - there was nothing like this anywhere else in the world. True, this project did not become a precedent for humanity: the Soviet government itself reformatted its own national policy at the end of the 1932, three months before fascism came to power in Germany (whose racial theory, by the way, was not a single nationality of the USSR left no place, no choice). Now it is possible to evaluate that Soviet national project in different ways, but it should be noted that if it consisted of failures alone, the war against fascism would not become Patriotic, and victory would be popular. So the “Soviet childhood” of the peoples of the USSR was at least not in vain for their common destiny.

But still. Why didn’t the “Soviet people” come about, although for seven decades this term did not go from the pages of newspapers and was spoken in official reports? It follows from Terry Martin's work: there were attempts to establish a unified Soviet nationality, even the overwhelming majority in the party stood for it, but at the threshold of the 1930's, Stalin himself rejected this idea. His motto: the international of peoples - yes, internationalism without nations - no. Why did the leader, neither with people nor with peoples, stand on ceremony, made such a choice? Apparently, he thought: reality mattered more than party directives.

But in the years of stagnation, other Soviet leaders still decided to reprint the old utopia: the third constitution of the USSR, adopted under Brezhnev in the 1970, introduced into the legal field "a new historical community of Soviet people." But if the initial project proceeded from naive ideas about the paths to the "bright future" of a multinational country, then its senile copy looked like a caricature: it simply gave out wishful thinking.

Those national problems that were overcome at the level of the “empire of positive activity” sparked at the level of national republics. Andrei Sakharov said very precisely about this, commenting on the first interethnic conflicts in the post-Soviet space: they say it’s a mistake to think that the USSR fell into Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, etc .; he broke up into many small Soviet Unions. The problem with the “uncomfortable” nation for the Bolsheviks — the Russians — also played a sad role. Having begun to build the Soviet empire on the basis that the Russians “owe everything”, they laid a mine for the future. Even having reviewed this approach in the 1930's, the mine was not neutralized: as soon as the Union collapsed, it turned out that the "elder brother" owed everything to everyone.

Terry Martin in his monograph refutes these claims, citing various evidence and facts. And how can one not recall the new ones recently opened in the archives: in 1923, simultaneously with the development of its national concept, the Soviet government also established a subsidy fund for the development of the Union republics. This fund was declassified only in 1991 after the report of Prime Minister Ivan Silaev to President Boris Yeltsin. When the expenses were converted from it at the 1990 exchange rate of the year (1 US dollar cost 63 kopecks), it turned out that 76,5 billion dollars were sent to the Union republics annually. This secret fund was formed exclusively at the expense of the RSFSR: out of every three rubles earned, the Russian Federation kept only two for itself. And for almost seven decades, every citizen of the republic gave 209 rubles annually to his brothers in the Union — more than his average monthly salary ...

The existence of a subsidy fund explains a lot. Well, for example, it becomes clear how, in particular, Georgia could bypass the Russian figure by 3,5 times in terms of consumption. For the rest of the fraternal republics, the gap was less, but they were the “record holder" successfully catching up with all the Soviet years, including the period of Gorbachev perestroika.
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  1. +8
    20 August 2019 15: 22
    Duck bills should be presented .... And so why shake the air?
    1. +5
      20 August 2019 15: 40
      Nizya partners will be offended
      1. +17
        20 August 2019 16: 47
        The article is very, very interesting! There is something to think about.

        Although I still have questions for a foreign professor and I don’t agree with everything, nevertheless his historical research is very informative and deserves the closest attention and theoretical review in the sense of theoretical and historical clarification.

        She set the article aside for her favorites.
        Thanks to her for the author!
        1. +19
          20 August 2019 18: 23
          Unfortunately, the communists of the Trotskyite bottling still do not recognize the existence of the Russian question in Russia both in the Soviet period from 1917 and to the present day!

          Why is the Russian government always afraid and afraid of the Russian people? For what reason is it forbidden to create Russian organizations in Russia, and how can this end? Does Putin understand this problem and what steps has he begun to take?

          In Russia there is no Russian elite. Yuri Polyakov. Human upgrade. Posted on: 20 Feb 2017

          The largest Russian writer and playwright, editor-in-chief of Literaturnaya Gazeta, Yuri Polyakov, had to raise the issue of the situation of the Russian people in modern Russia in the studio of the Den-TV channel.
          Why is there such a monstrous social stratification in Russia?
          Why, after the collapse of the USSR, were mainly those people who did not have a national identity who succeeded?
          Why are many Russian billionaires richer than Trump, but we do not know their names?

          Why did the Yeltsin wave politicians, who identified themselves as Russians, leave the race?

          Why does the current Russian elite have no historical prospects?
          1. +21
            21 August 2019 00: 40
            But if you look, the same policy continues with respect to modern national republics within the Russian Federation: Tatarstan, Bashkiria, Chechnya, Kalmykia ... There is a protrusion of small-town nationalism and covering for implicit discrimination of all Russian ...
            1. +12
              21 August 2019 07: 53
              Now "Russian" is the same as "Soviet" in a certain period, but they do not want to recognize the Russian nation. There are no us, it turns out physically, but we all owe something. Small peoples have more privileges and preferences from the State than me, if I try to go to their territory of residence. So I don’t see anything changing. The national-territorial feature prevails, the national question is obscured by neo-communist fairy tales, camouflaged under social democratic values, and we "are still there", from where the light cannot be seen.
              1. +3
                21 August 2019 20: 01
                What kind of crap are you talking about, I'm a Bashkir, my wife is Russian. Absolutely different forces oppress us ...
                1. +8
                  21 August 2019 22: 13
                  Salavat, I myself am a quarter Komi, a quarter Tatar, the rest is Ukro-Belarusian, no one is spreading rot, just in Russia the "problem of the Russian people" and "the problem of creating a single community of peoples" and the article are about this.
                2. 0
                  23 August 2019 15: 45
                  Quote: sala7111972
                  What kind of crap are you talking about, I'm a Bashkir, my wife is Russian. Oppress us with completely different forces

              2. +2
                22 August 2019 17: 20
                and Russians do not have their own republic, yes, we have Russia, but there is nothing less.
            2. +11
              21 August 2019 10: 25
              Is it only them?
              Interest-free loans that do not repay and forgive.
              Among the recipients: "Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Armenia, Moldova."
              Trade preferences and guest workers stealing work from the Russians
              Beneficiaries - Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Armenia, Moldova + Georgia + Kazakhstan.
          2. +2
            21 August 2019 23: 24
            Quote: Tatiana
            Why did the Yeltsin wave politicians, who identified themselves as Russians, leave the race?

            Why does the current Russian elite have no historical prospects?

            Quote: Amin_Vivec
            What kind of policy continues with respect to modern national republics within the Russian Federation: Tatarstan, Bashkiria, Chechnya, Kalmykia ... There is a protrusion of small-town nationalism and protection of implicit discrimination of all Russian ...

            Quote: g1washntwn
            they don’t want to recognize the Russian nation. It is not us, it turns out physically, but we all owe something. Small peoples have more privileges and preferences from the State than mine, try I stick around in their territory of residence

            at the expense of the Russian people and on the neck of the Russian people ...
        2. +3
          22 August 2019 09: 53
          Quote: Tatiana
          The article is very, very interesting! There is something to think about.

          Yes, there is something to think about, it’s well said, but the main points are very correctly stated. At least this is the most important in my opinion
          Having begun to build the Soviet empire on the basis that the Russians “owe everything”, they laid a mine for the future. Even having reviewed this approach in the 1930's, the mine was not neutralized: as soon as the Union collapsed, it turned out that the "elder brother" owed everything to everyone.
    2. +2
      20 August 2019 15: 41
      Quote: mark1
      Duck bills should be presented .... And so why shake the air?

      Who do you work for? On КГБ FSB or Uncle Sam *?

      * (US - Uncle Sam)
      1. +3
        20 August 2019 15: 48
        Quote: Shuttle
        Who do you work for? The KGB FSB or Uncle Sam *?

        And whose will you be from Sigurans?
        1. 0
          20 August 2019 17: 15
          Quote: mark1
          Quote: Shuttle
          Who do you work for? The KGB FSB or Uncle Sam *?

          And whose will you be from Sigurans?

          Here from this city. hi
          1. +4
            20 August 2019 17: 19
            Probably I was not here (al which I did not recognize). But with horns this is normal (in a good way) the main thing without a pan.
    3. +1
      21 August 2019 08: 44
      The friendship of peoples is growing stronger before our eyes, internationalism is taking leaps and bounds around the country
  2. +6
    20 August 2019 15: 43
    Thank you, Very strange (unexpected) .. article if you remember what the British writes
    1. +19
      20 August 2019 17: 22
      in the west, real historians write quite normally about our history
      they are few, but they are. They have a very solid selection of documents for work. Moreover, there are also quite influential ones who teach this real history in their universities. I was recently surprised by the blog of an American who refused to tell students about El Alamein and began to tell students about the Kursk Bulge, because "the war was decided there."
      Their colleagues are trying to spread rot for such a discrepancy with the "trend", but for professors, professionalism and adequacy are more important, it is better paid by the elite that they teach. And bystander in the west is studying a completely different history.
      1. +2
        20 August 2019 18: 18
        Quote: yehat
        in the west, real historians write perfectly fine

        about that and not all fell into the trend .... femen and anti-Russia ... surprising and a little but pleasing.
      2. +5
        21 August 2019 00: 10
        You yehat write
        in the West, real historians quite normally write a little about our history, but they are.

        I will add: in America ... there are very, very, very, and very few of them. I know Stephen Cohen from Princeton (does not teach, but writes), Angela Stent from Georgetown, and Dmitry Simes (not a professor, but writes). In Germany, there is Alexander Rahr (not a professor, but writes). That's all the names. And they do not set the tone, they are condescendingly called "Understanding Putin"
        As for the other West - I do not know. If you have facts, let me know.
        1. +2
          21 August 2019 07: 58
          There is. But there is an opinion that in that information-capitalist system they simply earn on the contrast and contradiction of the set trends. There is such a way of competition and earnings. So there may not be a struggle for the truth. Just a business.
    2. 0
      21 August 2019 22: 50
      The author of the monograph has Russian-Ukrainian roots, it seems.
  3. +12
    20 August 2019 15: 49
    well done this Terry Martin told the truth, opened his eyes to the west, hence the roots of all this Russophobia in the former republics of the USSR, this is a great crime of the Communist Party, which brought the Russian people under genocide ...
    1. +6
      22 August 2019 07: 19
      How did you feel about the Russian people during the time of the tsar-father? Illiterate bastard Russia.

      Yes, all the former republics still live the remains of the Soviet heritage! Ilyich Ukraine owes the coffin of life only one of its existence, and there he demolished the monuments.
      Almost 30 years have passed, but they still have not plundered everything to the end. Great was the Empire.
  4. +26
    20 August 2019 15: 50
    We must start with the fact that Ukraine is a Russian territory, the Russian people, Kievan Rus, and always consisted of Russians, even Gogol wrote about "thank God that we are Russians" and the division of ethnos, folklore, language and other national set is artificially supported the process started by the west, period. Everything described above with the allocation of Ukrainians as a separate ethnic group is nonsense. These are Russians with a broken, distorted consciousness. Again they are trying to consolidate in our minds a national divide, a monstrous historical pathology.
    1. +11
      20 August 2019 15: 58
      Quote: stalki
      These are Russians with a broken, distorted consciousness.

      Great Dead - re-read Gogol, damned Western Ukraine according to their own beliefs and legends. Maybe since the time of Daniel. And the bones of the dead gnaw at his bones (and maybe the soul) and he suffers in fierce anger towards his brothers - i.e. us. And now they had a bite of the east.
      1. +3
        20 August 2019 16: 25
        he suffers in fierce malice towards his brothers - i.e. us.
        And that "brother" is a stranger? Family is family.
        1. +12
          20 August 2019 16: 31
          Quote: stalki
          And that "brother" is a stranger? Family is family.

          So we don’t abandon them, our brothers, we fight for them with holy water and rods.
          But sometimes it seems that the "stranger" is no longer according to Gogol but according to Ridley Scott
          1. +2
            20 August 2019 22: 52
            But sometimes it seems that the "stranger" is no longer according to Gogol but according to Ridley Scott
            Chur me chur, tipun to your tongue sir belay
            1. +2
              20 August 2019 23: 33
              Eko, you sir, impressionable! Perhaps you should no longer read horror stories at night. wassat
  5. +10
    20 August 2019 15: 55
    Out of every three rubles earned, the Russian Federation kept only two for itself. And for almost seven decades, every citizen of the republic gave his brothers in the Union annually 209 rubles — more than his average monthly salary ...

    This is the reason for our present relatively prosperous life. If the professor also counted how much it went to "brothers" in the far abroad, it would become clear why the USSR bought bread and Russia sells it.
    1. +9
      20 August 2019 16: 36
      everything has a price ... and silence on the outskirts of the empire ...
      1. +22
        20 August 2019 16: 57
        The price was overpriced. Those living in the Union remember the difference between neighboring Ukrainian and Russian regions not in favor of the Russians. I even remember the explanation, we are like strong masters, and there are drunks. Russians left and poverty came to the former outskirts of the empire
        1. +6
          20 August 2019 17: 04
          I'm talking about the project of 1922, the USSR - to knock out the trump cards from the "cordon sanitaire" and this issue was decided - in September 39 .. in 20 years they overcame the cordon-isolation (civilian-typhus-Kerzon-Savenkov-Denikin-Wrangel-Pilsudskiy, etc. )
          the next stage - it’s very bloody-but went to west Europe through east and cent Europe.
          Stage 3 - to equip oneself - in 91 g ended, it seems to be a failure.
          and peace on the borders of the empire (blood and flight of Russians (and Tatars) and the CP of Asia ?? + Caucasus, etc.
          everything has a price.
          in 91 g, they decided not to pay - but they still had to share with their neighbors !!!!! choose not a house - SELECT NEIGHBORS
          this applies to stools (and RB)
        2. +5
          20 August 2019 20: 05
          "Let them live, try. They will quickly feel that not all problems are solved by the department. Due to the fact that in different regions of Ukraine there is a different ratio of those who consider themselves Ukrainian, and who are Russian, and who do not consider themselves to be anyone, - There will be many difficulties. Maybe each region will need its own plebiscite. Not all of Ukraine within its present-day formal Soviet borders is really Ukraine. Some left-bank regions certainly gravitate towards Russia. And Khrushchev ascribed Crimea to Ukraine with an oak tree. And what about Carpathian (Chervonnaya) Rus? Let's check on it: demanding justice for ourselves, how fair will the Ukrainians be with the Carpathian Russians? "

          A. I. Solzhenitsyn 1974 year
  6. +2
    20 August 2019 16: 54
    Why didn’t the “Soviet people” come about, although for seven decades this term didn’t leave the pages of newspapers and was spoken in official reports?
    ..This has been written about this since November 1917? laughing
  7. +4
    20 August 2019 17: 24
    Quote: mark1
    Quote: Shuttle
    Who do you work for? The KGB FSB or Uncle Sam *?

    And whose will you be from Sigurans?

    From Shin Bet. wassat
  8. -3
    20 August 2019 17: 56
    Empire vs Russians
    1. +4
      21 August 2019 22: 25
      did you read the article? Russians are the basis so that the empire does not push away the outskirts, and all the peoples gathered over the centuries remain "in a heap". COMMUNISTS BUILT A MECHANISM FOR SUPPRESSING RUSSIAN NATIONALISM. And here is also a hitch - if you keep a balance - there will be a "melting pot" if not - small peoples become isolated and mono-national formations are formed ... For me, this mechanism, as the practice of the existence of the USSR has shown, is not workable.
  9. -2
    20 August 2019 18: 23
    Confederation "USSR": a purely specific Jewish project of Mordechai (Marx) - Blank (Ulyanov) with the aim of destroying Russia as a country and Russians as a people.
    1. 0
      23 August 2019 15: 59
      Quote: Operator
      Confederation "USSR": a purely specific Jewish project of Mordechai (Marx) - Blank (Ulyanov) with the aim of destroying Russia as a country and Russians as a people.

      Down with the USSR?
  10. +5
    20 August 2019 18: 32
    The title of the book is "The Empire of Positive Action. Nations and Nationalism in the USSR, 1923–1939".
    But the author only reached the article in 1932, pulling fragments from the book of fragments about Ukrainization and Ukraine.
    The book, on the other hand, covers the issue much more widely, so it’s better to read it all the same, and then draw conclusions.
    The book is online.
  11. +5
    20 August 2019 18: 42
    So, from the professor’s point of view, the USSR became the first country in history to develop programs of positive activities in the interests of national minorities.

    So ... Vladimir Ilyich directly wrote about this: internationalism should be unequal - and a great nation should suffer.
    therefore internationalism from the oppressive or the so-called "great" nation (although great only by her violence, great only as great as the hold of the face) should consist not only respecting the formal equality of nations, but also in such an inequality that would compensate the oppressing nation for the nation big, the inequality that actually develops in life. Whoever does not understand this, he does not understand the truly proletarian attitude to the national question, he essentially remained on the petty-bourgeois point of view and therefore cannot help but slide down every minute to the bourgeois point of view.
    © VIL
    By non-compliance with this inequality, by the way, rude Great Russian snords Ordzhonikidze, Stalin and Dzerzhinsky, who tried to deal with nationalism in Georgia:
    ... you need to punish Comrade about Ordzhonikidze (I say this with the greatest regret that I personally belong to his friends and worked with him abroad in exile), as well as to investigate or investigate again all the materials of the Dzerzhinsky commission with a view to correcting that enormous mass of incorrectness and biased judgments that there are undoubtedly are available. Of course, Stalin and Dzerzhinsky should be made politically responsible for all this truly Russian-nationalist campaign.
  12. +10
    20 August 2019 19: 39
    Russians in the Russian Federation even today have little rights, but national minorities are always welcome. Yes, about the fund, judging by all the circumstances, it still exists. It's not for nothing that the fraternal peoples are bargaining with the Russian Federation, and they want to pay pensions from the pockets of Russians, but this will already legalize this fund. The Russian peasant has no right to give surrender to the "smaller brothers", they will be sued. And they are "brothers", they have unbelted that they want to do it. hi
  13. +10
    20 August 2019 19: 46
    The state of Ukraine emerged as a result of the Brest-Litovsk peace agreement of Trotsky and Ioffe with the German militarists, who hoped to occupy Ukraine and take out the food needed to end the war on the Western Front. At the same time, Ukraine became a bridgehead for the West against Russia. Moreover, in the Soviet period, the lands of the Russian Empire (with the population) were given "to Ukraine", which do not have to Ukraine, which became part of Russia (not yet an empire) in 1654. After 1991, this resource became an instrument of the West (USA) against the Russian people and the re-establishment of the Russian state. To this end, under the slogan "Ukraine is not Russia," the Russian population began to actively inculcate a pro-Western anti-Russian ideology in the Bandera version. If someone sincerely believes that the Russian Federation can survive without the annexation of these territories, then he is deeply mistaken. If someone believes that Ukraine is capable of existing separately from the Russian Federation, then he is deeply mistaken. We are one divided people.
  14. 0
    20 August 2019 20: 05
    The feeling that Zhirinovsky usually talks about this, but no one understands him, neither do I.
  15. +5
    20 August 2019 22: 54
    Curious. But this researcher has many mistakes. For instance. In those years when the concept of "titular nation" was used, Russians were designated precisely as the titular nation of the RSFSR. Therefore, quite officially, the largest titular nation of the USSR was precisely the Russians, not the Ukrainians. The truncated structure of the authorities of the RSFSR was partly offset by the fact that in the highest party bodies and in the Government of the USSR, at least since the late 30s, the share of Russians was higher than their share in the population of the USSR. Further. Russian districts and village councils existed on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR in the 20-30s. True, there were few of them. The city of Lugansk was semi-officially considered a Russian city. Further. Indeed, most often territorial disputes were resolved in favor of other union republics or in favor of the internal autonomies of the RSFSR. Nevertheless, there was both the return of Shakhty and Taganrog to the RSFSR, and the separation of Orenburg with the province from the Kyrgyz (Kazakh) then ASSR. It was reduced at the turn of the 20-30s. the territory of Yakutia, which, however, remained gigantic in area. In the 30s. territorially Bashkiria, Buryatia and Dagestan were reduced. Dagestan, however, subsequently returned most of the territories.
  16. +5
    21 August 2019 00: 14
    As a community, the Soviet people took shape at the end of the Union. Many acquaintances considered the Russian language to be their native language, although they did not deny their nationality. That is how it should have continued.
    Abroad, immigrants from the USSR were called "Russians", meaning Soviet.
  17. +2
    21 August 2019 10: 44
    An interesting topic. Researches of a foreigner, representatives of other (non-Russian) nationalities somehow concern this topic in our country. The Russians are silent - about their fate! And this topic will be the most important for many decades - how and what kind of relations to have with other nations, existing so burdensome that they simply can not be pulled in any way. They are absurd in that they hide the relationship of amensalism, parasitism. The people, which should be the main “actor of history” in Russia, on which everything stands, have in fact been transferred to the main resource of the state, when its vital forces have been mercilessly exploited for centuries.
    Is the ugliness of national politics after 1917 corrected today by our intellectuals? A new thing has appeared: why is the obsolete subsidy fund for the Union republics, if with the know-how the heroes of the cap. labor put the withdrawal right in their pocket.
    “Russians in the Soviet Union have always been an 'inconvenient' nation - too big to ignore, but too dangerous to be given the same institutional status
    - Therefore, the altered state of the Russian people is artificially supported. The “elite” is aware of the “inconvenience” of the people in the risk of their self-organization, as a result of which the “elite” itself will become unnecessary. Secondly, it understands that under the new ethno-tectonics a people with a circumcised will is not able to be a support and strength for a long time, and no longer claims any personal responsibility for the health of this people - one of the main acquired rights in a legal state is the right to disappear or be replaced by other peoples.
    We need a new national project. Yes, we are a people that are unique in their function - holding, we are an edifying people. But we must remember, we are at the same time a separate people, with our own nervous system, s! digestive system unified with other nations. Must have their own lifestyle. With others, only a symbiotic relationship.
  18. +5
    21 August 2019 12: 27
    All the same. The rulers of nations and states simply ... desperately lacking in intelligence. The Bolsheviks simply had no answer - why did it exist, and not just exist, but was managed fantastically effectively, the Russian Empire? The administrative, military and police (police) apparatus in the Republic of Ingushetia was not ten, hundreds of times smaller than the Soviet one! And the territories were controlled. There were immeasurably less disturbances. The activity of the authorities was effective beyond the reach of any country and political system in the world!
    Alas, the mind was only enough to mud the Empire as much as possible. But the Bolsheviks could not learn from her. Stalin understood how it worked, but he could carry out work in this direction very limitedly - dogmas interfered. And he could not talk about it for the same reason. It was impossible to tell openly how to act and why.
    T.N. "personality cult" was the only possible answer, even with all its excesses, it was he who allowed to save the country and win. Alas, neither Brezhnev nor even Khrushchev even had an understanding in the project of what exactly Stalin was doing with the help of this "cult" and why. They, according to their little minds, saw only these very excesses, and considered the Stalins a fool who allowed them in their megalomania.
    Not for the first time or not the last, a great country was fooled by fools ...
    1. 0
      21 August 2019 23: 04
      It is unlikely that they considered Stalin a fool. Rather, they understood the scale of his personality, but at a new historical stage, an adjustment of too strict a policy was necessary.
      Another thing is what came of it and what is not very.
      1. 0
        22 August 2019 08: 50
        Idea in god dilo, ide in damn dad? So say our Ukrainian brothers. Apparently, Khrushchev and Brezhnev reasoned the same way as you. Absolutely not understanding what I mean ...
        1. 0
          22 August 2019 10: 20
          I don’t understand what you’re talking about ...

          But thanks, - nevertheless, they were compared with the highest state officials. )))
          1. +2
            22 August 2019 16: 51
            Are you a journalist (judging by your nickname)? Then your post is clearer) "Historical stage". "Too tough policy." After all, I did not speak about this at all, the question is completely different. Please note, my words were primarily about why the RI achieved high control efficiency with surprisingly small forces. That efficiency in the world today is not achieved by ANYONE. Can you imagine? In the world there is NO explicit or secret state formation, which was administered by literally a handful of people, and at the same time would function successfully.
            All people who do at least something have professional deformities. My - I’m always looking for the main points, dependencies, techniques in everything, thanks to which this system can perform the stated task. The job is to mount (sometimes invent) and run different things, simple and complex.
            Yours is associative thinking. You went by association, if "personality cult", then "repression". One thing has not the slightest relation to the other, in general, at all, but this is how your colleagues turned things around. And you, like them, do not think either, but immediately give a picture. That's why all those who do the REAL thing are journalists of this ... this ... you know.
            Do you remember how Perelman wrote his books? Isn't reading it fun? On the other hand, maybe you should not start. Well, in the sense of starting to think. Firstly, many sorrows, secondly, it will make it difficult to obtain daily bread in the usual way ...
            1. 0
              22 August 2019 21: 47
              You applied a template approach, automatically made conclusions, reducing to the conventional wisdom about the unluckiness of any journalist.
              1. 0
                22 August 2019 23: 01
                You do not think again. It's a pity. Your personality is not comparable with the issue in question. And I didn’t use a template (although I use them with pleasure. Templates are great!) I made a conclusion based on your text. Blame your text, no other conclusion can be drawn from it.
                1. 0
                  23 August 2019 22: 24
                  ))) I bow to large-scale personalities.
                  In the Russian Federation, a large selection of lawyers and journalists, as well as the Duma.
                  Thank you for your concern.
  19. +1
    21 August 2019 12: 48
    And the problem is still here. Here the Communists are accused of the fact that, to the detriment of the Russian people, they developed the other peoples of the USSR. And now the oligarchy of the Russian Federation does not do the same? Do we not know with you what is happening in Chechnya, Dagestan, Tatarstan, Tuva, etc.? I believe that the attempt to create a single community in the form of a Soviet person was correct. But the implementation of this direction was extremely inconsistent. Instead of constant rigid sovietization and red-hot etching of any nationalism, there were periodic flirts with national elites, which exacerbated the situation under the conditions of betrayal of the top of the USSR during the Mechenny period.
    1. +3
      21 August 2019 13: 22
      Yes, yes, transforming a person into a controllable effector, adding an eye on the processes, implanting a cannon in the ass is right. Take the Russian country, declare that it is not Russian, but Soviet (although 181 people wanted to live, and lived successfully in the RUSSIAN country, remember Suvorov - "we are Russians, what a delight!"), And then also grow out of nothing "national cadres" who were given fat benefits on a NATIONAL basis - this is what you need! Ugh...
    2. +1
      22 August 2019 19: 34
      The oligarchs "develop" only their own pockets, at the expense of what and whom they do not care about and what skins to wear too, if only it would be profitable at the moment ...
  20. +3
    21 August 2019 18: 55
    What was previously called anti-Soviet, smoothly flowed into anti-Russian. To put it simply: "Who pulls, they plow on that!"
  21. +4
    21 August 2019 23: 38
    Yes, it was. Other republics were kept, fastened and developed, and even the socialist camp was to their own detriment. True, the reverse benefit was, although not to such an extent. It makes no sense to remember the past; you cannot return it. However, one must understand how to behave with the former republics of the USSR, and now separate countries. In order not to repeat old mistakes. Most of them have a huge once again hang on our neck, as in Soviet times. Moreover, the Baltic States and Ukraine did not even really get off it, through the transit of everything and everything to Europe. And when they began to shoot from there, a terrible howl went along with the fighting. In order to deal with old parasites, and not produce new ones, it is necessary to change the economic structure within Russia. Yes, yes, it is necessary to begin with this. Not to give out loans to Yanukovych and Lukashenko, but to develop a market for their own goods and services. Where, if desired, you can open the door to the neighbors. Direct subsidization of anyone abroad should be refused. This is a dead end. But to develop your economy and weave the former republics there is a good idea. Everyone will benefit from this. At least those who understand that living at someone else’s expense for a long time and fun will not work. If things move forward, it will be much easier to resolve others - national and interethnic issues. So it's time to get down to business.
  22. The comment was deleted.
  23. 0
    22 August 2019 21: 33
    Austria-Hungary, too, followed this path, as soon as the Austrians recognized themselves as Germans, the empire did not become.
  24. 0
    23 August 2019 08: 11
    What kind of nonsense?
  25. 0
    24 August 2019 06: 09
    The problem with the Russians is that it is a conciliar nation. The very word Russian is an adjective - whose is you, Russian. I define it this way - if you think in Russian, then you are Russian. For example, Victor Tsoi Russian.
  26. 0
    24 August 2019 23: 00
    Quote: kiril1246
    Quote: Operator
    Confederation "USSR": a purely specific Jewish project of Mordechai (Marx) - Blank (Ulyanov) with the aim of destroying Russia as a country and Russians as a people.

    Down with the USSR?

    Long live Russia.
  27. 0
    27 August 2019 10: 13
    Actually, under the tricky term "positive activity" there is another, more honest term - positive discrimination. Actually, this is precisely what the professor has in mind.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"