Rockefeller and Rothschild "Big Game" - in the light and in the shadow

Rockefeller and Rothschild "Big Game" - in the light and in the shadow

30 May 2012 has revealed information about an agreement whereby the Rothshild Investment Trust “Capital Partners” (“RIT“ CP ”) owned by the Rothschilds acquired a large stake in Rockefeller Financial services (“ RFS ”) running the Rockefeller family business and other wealthy US families. Placed by almost all the leading world and Russian media, it was accompanied by similar and superficial comments, the essence of which was that the two largest clans of global oligarchs formed an alliance for “joint resistance to a new round of the global crisis”. In fact, there is nothing more distant from reality than such statements.

The fact is that the strategies of both oligarchic groups in recent years have been built on the principle formulated by Rothschild biographer Frederick Morton: “Today, the family seeks to make its presence in the world invisible and inaudible.” This is understandable: they prefer big and, especially, very big money silence. But it was precisely this silence that broke on May 30 with the attention that was riveted to the event, which clearly demonstrated the real weight of these leading clans not only in the global economy, but also in global politics. In our opinion, commenting on the emergence of a new “alliance”, financial analysts, apparently, simply confused the cause with the effect: the global crisis itself was a product of the activities of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, and not vice versa. How exactly this happened, we will try to figure it out now. So, in short, what happened means, perhaps, not the surrender of the Rockefellers to the Rothschilds, but, at the very least, a very substantial surrender of their positions. If you dig deep, you need a detailed analysis with historical an excursion - otherwise it will be almost impossible to understand something in this scenario.

Therefore, we start with the background of the question:

The real knot of contradictions between these two global clans are the two world wars of the 20th century. Moreover, in both cases they were unleashed by the Rockefellers, and it was they who reaped the rewards of success. When it became clear that France and Britain could not cope with Germany, and because of the February Revolution, Russia dropped out of the war, the Rockefellers set the Standard Oil of New Jersey to allow the oil empire to develop. Rothschildam oil wealth of the Middle East. Since 1927, Standard Oil has taken over 25% of IPC shares - the Iraqi Oil Company, which was established in 1912, under the name TPC - Turkish Oil Company. At the same time, 50% of the shares were then transferred to the ownership of the government of the Ottoman Empire, according to 25%, they received Rothschild's Shell, as well as Deutsche Bank, which got into their clip a bit later. Unlike their temporary partners (who, most likely, had no idea that they were temporary), the British “knew the future” - because they themselves had planned it, realizing that after the collapse of Germany and the Ottoman Empire in World War I, as winners, take away all 100%. It would have happened if the Entente could defeat the Germans on the battlefield. But for the European allies, this task turned out to be daunting, and US assistance was needed - General Pershing's expeditionary corps, who decided the outcome of the war on the western front (which, unlike the Second World War, was then decisive). The entry of the United States into the war in order to induce the British to fulfill the conditions set by them was imposed on the American government in a variety of ways. First of all, with the help of "backstage" pushing to the provocative acts of "underwater" war, widely used by Germany itself. The Germans did not want, and could not, because of financial dependence on the Rockefellers: in 1914-1916, they provided large loans for not only the Kaiser, but also his Ottoman allies, having received a shadow influence on their policies. The decisive reason for the US to withdraw from neutrality and to enter the war was the drowning of the German submarine Lusitania passenger transport, the preparation of which by backstage diplomatic maneuvers very much resembled the threshold of the Japanese attack in December 1941 on the US naval base at Pearl Harbor. Then after the next meeting with F.D. Roosevelt, US Secretary of War Stimson wrote in his diary: "We have touched on the sensitive issue of diplomatic actions to ensure that Japan takes the first and erroneous step - the step of undisguised aggression." It is not a special secret that both events have the same roots.

We can not say that the Rothschilds did not interfere with all this. Their main and hereditary political creature in the United States, Colonel House, who called himself “the power behind the throne,” devoted the whole 1914 to the year trying to put together a Western alliance against Russia with the participation of the United States, Great Britain, France and Germany. “England would not want to completely crush Germany, because then it would face one-on-one with its old enemy, Russia,” House wrote to President W. Wilson in May 1914 of the year, “but if Germany infinitely increases its fleet, England’s there will be no choice. ” In order to preserve the right of choice for England (and the Rothschilds, who for a hundred years already controlled its central bank), House even made a voyage to Berlin, where he received an audience with Kaiser Wilhelm II and Minister of the Sea von Tirpitz. All is in vain: the German fleet, with the Rockefellers' money (compensated, by the way, by the Federal Reserve Act by the American treasury), grew by leaps and bounds and the British could not stay away from the war, thus transferring all political trumps to the Rockefellers.

In World War II, the economy became even more dependent on politics. When the Germans attacked France in May 1940, the French-British group was quickly defeated, the French signed a truce, surrendering Paris, and the British were pressed to the English Channel around the Belgian Dunkirk. Along with the “strange war” of the 1939-1940 fall-winter One of the main secrets of the Second World War, which baffled historians, was always the question: why did the Germans, instead of finishing off the enemy and cross the English Channel on his shoulders, got up and did not take a step forward until the British taken personnel to Br Tang Island. Moreover, the exported transports were not bombed.

A “casket” was opened very, very simply. The fact is that Hitler, if he wasn’t directly employed by the Rockefellers (although such an assertion is not excessive either), was completely dependent on them for the military economy and, above all, oil and products its processing, primarily gasoline. Facts and figures - from the creation of Basel Bank of International Settlements in 1930 for the purpose of financing the Nazis to Standard Oil in 1934, 730, thousands of acres of land near Hamburg and the construction of an oil refinery on them - abound. But we will not overload the material with them in order not to drown in details and particulars. And the people who brought Hitler to power were in the USA - the same brothers Allen and John Foster Dulles (Rockefeller brothers cousins). And all of them were led by a “three-headed” one, the American-British-German octopus — the Schroeder Bank (which had the status of an agent of the Nazi government), and also the firms associated with it (the current G. Schroeder — the offspring of those Shreders). And Roosevelt, who with the help of the same House, was brought to power by the Rothschilds, in fact turned out to be the creature of the Rockefellers. It is not by chance that House himself surrounded by the new president was replaced by B. Baruch, a large exchange speculator (like Soros), who significantly improved his affairs as chairman of the US military industry committee, which he occupied throughout World War I.
A small touch: when the US intelligence services in 1943 reported to Roosevelt about the possibility of “removing Hitler,” he categorically forbade it. But they tried to do it, but in July 1944, the British. Having concluded a truce with the "new" German government, they very much hoped to draw the US into the confrontation with the USSR and destroy the planned Soviet-American alliance. (It was, however, destroyed, but in a different way: instead of the chief architect of the New Deal, G. Wallace, the Rothschild's G. Truman's creature was extremely “timely" brought to the White House, who, shortly before Roosevelt's death, became vice-president, and then the president of the United States). On all of this, Hitler clearly followed all the instructions of the Rockefellers. And the instructions in May 1940, he received the following:

- Do not touch the English in Dunkirk;

- not to cross the English Channel and generally leave Britain alone, turning the preparations for Operation Sea Lion (the invasion of the British Isles);

- to deploy its efforts in the direction of the “plan of Barbarossa” - preparation for an attack on the USSR.

Hitler executed these instructions punctually. But why did he even get them? But because Churchill, on the verge of collapse in the situation with Dunkirk (reminded him and the British public of the nightmare of the failure of the British Dardanelles operation fleet, on which he, as the First Lord of the Admiralty, then insisted), agreed to fulfill all the conditions that Roosevelt put forward to him (by the way, they were cousins) in exchange for US defense and military assistance. Namely:

- transfer to the Americans the oil “pearl” of the British Empire - Saudi Arabia (which the British intelligence and, for example, TE Lawrence of Arabia, literally “plowed out” for the crown, literally plowed out the Ottoman Empire) for the crown;

- withdraw all British capital from the United States and sell all property held by the British in the United States to the Americans;

- after the end of the war - to dissolve the British Empire, giving independence to the colonies (began, as we remember, from India - 1947 g .; for the British colonial empire, the rest of the "Rothschild empire" - the French, Dutch and Belgian crumbled to 1960).

Thus, - many experts (primarily Western ones) involved in global history and politics talk about this - the main reason for the two world wars was nothing but the seizure of the Eurasian oil assets from the Rothschilds and the Rockefeller consolidation. That is why Germany was twice set against Britain (Hitler, like the Kaiser, the Rockefellers regularly financed the whole war). Roosevelt’s new “alignment” in 1944 personally dictated to the Halifax ambassador of Britain to the States (the same bailiff of the “Munich conspiracy”, who had successfully negotiated with Hitler in November 1937): Saudi Arabia - America, Iran - Britain, and Iraq and K We will “milk” together. Having yielded, moreover, twice, to brute force and circumstances, the Rothschilds of the "insults" inflicted by them did not forget and did not forgive.

The hot war ended and the cold war began.

If the Rockefellers are primarily an "oil" dynasty, then for the Rothschilds the main thing is "gold" and other precious metals. These are their main spheres of influence and control. Therefore, the Rothschilds began by digging under the dollar, aiming to replace it with gold (we admit that from this point of view, the “decoupling” of the dollar from gold backing, carried out by R. Nixon in 1971, looks somewhat different than we are used to). The main lever for this is the price of gold. It is established not by market, but by directive. Since the mid-1940s, every day, without breaks on weekends and holidays, twice a day, the London Association of the Precious Metals Market has held the so-called "fixings", in which five banks participate: the parent bank of the British branch of the Rothschilds "NM Rothshild & Sons", close to their French branch "Societe Generale" (we still need it), commemorated from the "Turkish-Iraqi" deal of 1910-1920s "Deutsche Bank", the Chinese "branch" of the Rothschilds - the global bank Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corp . " ("HSBC"), who grew up in the 2004th century on the drug trade, and also the world leader in the circulation of gold and precious metals "ScotiaMocatta" - a division of "Scotiabank Global Banking & Markets". These fixings are carried out, of course, at the NM Rothshild & Sons site and, moreover, it was this bank that invariably presided over them until 10 (and then pharisaically “went into the shadows”). We will not list all the vicissitudes of the unfolding inter-clan struggle. We only note that over the past decade, gold has risen in price more than 1980 times, and the dollar is weakening due to the exorbitant US national debt, the creation of which in the early 1995s the Rothschilds again brought this country - with the help of the famous "Reaganomics", that is, inflation of "financial bubbles". And what, one wonders, still had to do for Reagan when the commission he created, headed by the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve P. Walker (a protege of the same Rothschilds) "found out" that in Fort Knox (the US gold reserve) there is not a single gram of the American state gold - only foreign and private. It was necessary to somehow finance the "Strategic Defense Initiative" and other innovations in the arms race, which, as it were, "accidentally" fell for the Brezhnev and Andropov leadership of the USSR. So Reagan began to inflate "soap bubbles", building with their help "Potemkin villages" and "castles in the air." It was then that the US had a national debt. The United States would have come to its "handle" much faster than it is now, by about XNUMX, but it was very lucky with the collapse of the USSR, which the Rothschilds were already preparing with the help of communications in our country. Without going into special details (another topic), let us single out only the main persons involved in this chain: Beria - Kuusinen (the connection of the Comintern with Freemasonry) - Andropov - Gorbachev; besides them, Mikoyan and Kosygin got into this chain (and by no means on the sidelines).

The Rockefellers were not particularly interested in the collapse of the USSR.

Moreover, for them the Soviet Union was a counterweight to the Rothschilds. The Rockefellers equally supported both the Nazis and Soviet industrialization. Unlike them from the eternal rivals of the Rothschilds, they needed a balance of “brilliant isolation” not governed by London, but a united Eurasia with all its oil. Potential leaders of the continent, in view of the presence of passionate ideologies (albeit opposed), they saw both Hitler and Stalin, whoever won, but only with their own indispensable control (this required bringing both countries into an internecine war challenge the USA). In addition, having received a concession share of Baku oil at the end of 1920, the Rockefellers, already with Hitler’s hands, tried to finally take it into ownership, having calculated, however, on this at Stalingrad. (The “economic” nature of the 1942 military campaign, in contrast to 1941, when the political centers of the USSR became the target of the Wehrmacht’s attack, indicate many modern specialists, including German ones). Beating his unexpected "fellow travelers", I.V. Stalin in 1945 year became an independent figure of global scale. Unknown, unlike the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, the Molotov-Hiss Pact, concluded in 1944-1945. At the United Nations Conferences in Dumbarton Oaks and San Francisco, and sponsored by the future governor of New York and the vice president of the United States, Nelson Rockefeller, was an unpleasant surprise for the American political establishment. From now on, he shouldn’t have to poke his nose into the affairs of the peoples of the USSR and the countries of Eastern Europe, as well as Moscow, in “British” Iran and “American” Saudi Arabia. (At the time of Hiss’s McCarthyism on the denunciation of one of the novice members of the commission on anti-American activity R. Nixon was even convicted of “spying for the USSR” - that's how annoyed!). The situation, unfortunately, has radically changed after the death of the leader. Strengthened in power as a result of the five-year period of “palace coups” (1953-1958), Khrushchev, being a Trotskyist, “exposed” the notorious “personality cult” and with the help of Mikoyan turned to the Rothschilds. With little that Brezhnev who understood these layouts, Kosygin, and especially Andropov, gained strength. Not having time to realize his destructive “European project” in life, the all-powerful KGB chief “spawned” Gorbachev, who launched this project before being elected general secretary, concluding a number of secret agreements on redistributing spheres of influence in Europe with the heir to the “Austro-Hungarian throne” in 1984 Otto von Habsburg. That is, on the one hand, the Rockefellers could not rely on the Gorbachev USSR to withstand the pressure of the Rothschilds. And, on the other hand, by the end of the 1980-ies, due to the accumulated public debt, there was a threat of the collapse of their patrimony - the United States. And the Rockefellers turned into the path of least resistance: they joined the collapse of the USSR together with the Rothschilds: the final consensus on this issue was reached in 1989, at a closed meeting of “influential people” (annual Bilderberg Conference) held on the Spanish island of La Toja. (Ibid, despite the desperate resistance of M.

With the help of the collapse of the USSR and at our expense, the Americans managed to close many “holes” in their economy and finances. The figures of how much and what exactly was taken out of our country by the 1995 year, October 24 1995, at a closed meeting of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the US military, named B. Clinton (they were very impressive at the beginning of the 2000) ). At the same time - we must pay tribute to the Rockefellers - they prevented the collapse of the Russian Federation, including with the help of Yeltsin (who, unlike Gorbachev, spoke in favor of the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation). And not only Yeltsin. What was looted in the former USSR was enough for America for twenty years.

And again, the national debt overcame, and again the States - “at the last line” (14 trillion dollars of total debt is not one annual budget). What should the Rockefellers do if the United States does not? Brzezinski, in his new book, Strategic Vision: America and the Global Power Crisis (saw the light of 2012 in February), explicitly writes that the United States today resembles the USSR before its collapse and is considering two options for global development, with or without American leadership that is, if you call a spade a spade, without the United States. In addition to the crisis in the eurozone, the massive exodus from Wall Street of top managers of large financial companies and corporations, which began in the spring of 2012, strains the global situation. (These “cadres” in the financial space and on banking areas are well oriented both day and night: they know when, where and what it smells like and where, with what smell and how quickly to run). Just in case, the Rockefellers today are buying up land in Argentina and Chile. But throwing a white flag (or a towel on the ropes) seems to be considered premature. The Rothschilds, in turn, are pressing.

F. Hollande in France - their creature.

A. Merkel is now in loneliness in the European Union and in deep defense within the country. Oriented to Britain, according to V.D. Yezhov (the Soviet biographer Adenauer), the Social Democrats "take" one federal land after another (recently, symbolically important municipal elections in North Rhine - Westphalia won). New Rockefeller "exceptions" in the form of Schroeder number XXUMX in the SPD is not expected. The parliamentary elections in Germany, meanwhile, are already in the 2 year, and the victory of the SPD will mean the consolidation of the entire Eurozone by the Rothschilds. And then instead of the “European state” built by the Rockefellers since Hitler's time, the EU will turn into a mosaic divided into municipalities - chaos, which, if anything, unites, it is devoid of any national and religious identity (and therefore completely suits the Rothschilds) “zone free trade. " And in this chaos they will drag in (they are already drawing in!) The CIS and Russia, starting with Ukraine, Moldova and the Baltic states, where chaos, in fact, already rules the ball. In the US, B. Obama is the creator of the Rothschilds: in June 2013, the boss of the Democratic Party was represented by none other than J. Soros - the closest associate of the Rothschilds. In Russia, the Rothschilds control the "family" that had fallen to their side under Yeltsin-President; Voloshin plays a key role in promoting her political interests. They also have a common business with the oligarch Deripaska, and through him - with the creatures of Chubais - the oligarchs Potanin and Prokhorov (it is from here that both the legs and the horns of all the "orange", "snow" and "swamp" street protests grow in Moscow). Chubais is the most cunning of all: he has connections with the Rothschilds (through former US Treasury Secretary L. Summers, who heads the National Economic Council in America), and with the Rockefellers - he is a member of the board of directors of the global bank JP Morgan Chase. The goal is simple and clear: in any case, stay afloat - and in fact “floats”, “does not sink”!

Especially important for the Rothschilds China. If the Chinese elite succeeds in “crushing” (and, judging by the split that began in connection with the “Bo Xilai case”, this unfortunately began to turn out), the Rothschilds will be able to “hook” gold on the yuan. And carefully build it into the status of a new global reserve currency, secured not with oil, like a dollar, but with gold (for this, gold is inflated in price). If this number passes, then soon the dollar and the US themselves can be brought down (about which, unfortunately, many people have long and naively been dreaming of us as something very positive).

For what?

To create the “North American Union” with the new Amerеро currency, and then the “Transatlantic Union”, in which North America, in full accordance with the “global plan” of the Club of Rome, would unite with Europe, and the Amero with the euro. And a “real” world currency would have turned out: a pound sterling, probably — what else? (This Atlantic Transformation project is provided for by the Texas Agreements, which in March 2005 were concluded by the top officials of the NAFTA member states - the North American Free Trade Area). But this “shift” - from dollar to pound (presumably) - needs a “stabilizer”. According to the Rothschilds plan, they should be the yuan, backed by gold (the price of which the Rothschilds, as we have seen, are set by themselves), as well as backed up by the military and political power of the PRC. By the way, against the background of the union, and more precisely the purchase of the Rothschild Rockefellers, China and Japan with 1 June came out of mutual dollar calculations, and will now be calculated strictly in yuan and yen. This tale, however, for naive simpletons. The yuan and the yen are brought to a common denominator only through an equivalent (EMC is a single measure of value). Previously, this equivalent was the dollar (it is controlled by the Rockefellers). And now?

Since it does not say what it is, it means that the role of the EMC goes to gold. And this gold equivalent (standard), from the price of which mutual Chinese-Japanese calculations will make a start, will already be controlled by the Rothschilds. That is, "sly" China and Japan imposed the immediate prospect of a change of global financial power. In other words, the Rockefellers "passed" another milestone. And after that, apparently, they requested a truce. It is a truce, not the world. Similarly, the Rothschilds in the 1917 and 1940 years asked the Rockefellers for a "truce" in the inter-clan struggle (and for American military aid to Britain against Germany). Debt, as they say, is beautiful!

The Rothschilds now, like the Rockefellers then, kindly agreed. This is the inner meaning of the “historic” agreement from 30 of May 2012. With the background we have completed. We turn to the essence of the agreement. So, the business component of the Rothschild-Rockefeller Alliance looks like this: the aforementioned RIT “CP” group, headed by Jacob (Jacob) Rothschild, bought 37% of RFS shares. Immediately, a very piquant detail comes out: under the control of Rothschild's “buyers,” there are only 3 billion dollars, and under the control of Rockefeller's “purchased” - 34 billion (just a little less than 40 billion).

How so?

However, everything falls into place when we recall that this share in 37% was previously owned by the French bank Societe Generale - that same member of the London gold fixings. But in the 2008 year, when this bank bought Rockefeller’s aforesaid share, it had assets worth 71 billion dollars under management - 2 times more than what it bought. And now these 37% from the giant have passed to the dwarf, which, it turns out, owns the assets of another giant.

What does all this mean?

First of all, the fact that the Rockefellers actually requested a "truce" back in 2008. But then, apparently, it was decided to "suppress" them once more, which resulted in the Sino-Japanese agreement on mutual settlements. So by 2012, the Rockefellers' position deteriorated even more. But why does Jacob Rothschild's company have only $ 3 billion, when the family's fortune is estimated at least on a scale of 2 to 20 trillion, and some "hotheads" even call the figure of 300 trillion? (Here it is necessary to make a reservation that the famous Forbes list, which shows us the upper bar of personal fortunes at the level of $ 64 billion, does not take into account the main thing - collective, family capital, in fact, hiding them, which, apparently, is intended). The very same "case of 3 billion" is in the internal alignment of the Rothschilds. The group initially had five branches, then their number was reduced, and, ultimately, two remained - British and French (more precisely, Franco-Swiss). They did not quarrel with each other, but they were not particularly friendly - they sluggishly competed against the background of the Rockefeller leadership. In 1980, a split occurred in the British branch. And Jacob Rothschild was expelled from the family by Evelyn de Rothschild - with the ban on the use of the name "Rothschild" in the names of his firms. The opal was softened in 1988, and in 2004, when Evelyn handed over the management of the family business to a representative of the French branch, David de Rothschild, Jacob was fully exonerated. It follows from this that Jacob is, in fact, the "agent of influence" of the French Rothschilds among the British. That is why he was subjected to exile, restoring his rights only when the process of official unification of the two branches began. (And this process ended in March-April 2012, when the French and British branches merged in Paris). From the discrepancy between Jacob Rothschild's 3 billion and the total capital of the group (which does not allow us to speak of participation in the Rothschild deal specifically as a group), it also follows that, in full accordance with the right of the winner, the Rothschilds included only a tiny part of their assets in the merged company, and the Rockefellers were taken away many highly profitable “cream” (Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble, oil and gas concern Vallares, etc.). But it also follows from this that “to accept the surrender” of the first person of the Rockefellers - David (grandson of the founder of the dynasty) - sent the third-rate Rothschild - not the first or even the second in the intra-group hierarchy, who was also an outcast for a long time among “their own”.

This is in itself a humiliation, but it was not limited to them. To hurt Rockefeller even harder and more demonstratively:

- first, the deal was widely publicized, apparently, thus recording the fact of a request for a “truce” (which was not the case in 2008);

- secondly, they included in the terms of the agreement the right of the parties only to joint executive decisions and functions that will be taken by the general management company (in other words, the Rockefellers are no longer entitled to dispose of their own companies at home, in the US and in their “office” nor friendly assets);

- thirdly, even “tolerant” financial analysts (the ones that hang the public “noodles on the ears” about “uniting groups in dealing with the crisis”) recognize that the agreement leads to an expansion of the Rothschilds expansion in the US banking sector.

And what does it mean?

Of course, an impressive new step in revising the historical conditions for the sale of British assets in the US, delivered to 1940 by Roosevelt (that is, the Rockefellers) to his cousin Churchill (that is, the Rothschilds). This is about the same thing that the Germans did with the French in 1940, insisting on signing a humiliating for the French army truce in the same Compiegne forest and in the same headquarters car, where in November 1918, Field Marshal Foch accepted the actual surrender of the German command.

In fairness, we note that this revision began back in the 1980s, from the redistribution of the oil market in the United States (when British royal oil company British Petroleum climbed with "both feet", and not one but the United States in a particularly humiliating with the Saudis).

Does Rockefeller have a counterplay, and if so, which one?

There is a game, but in the business sector it will be difficult to realize it - due to the fact that it is difficult to withdraw assets from a common company: the Rockefellers themselves can no longer solve this issue, but they Well allow. Not to try!

Should their partners try to withdraw their assets?

But will they risk a direct challenge to the Rothschilds - that is the question. Than playing such dangerous games is easier (and more profitable) to throw the Rockefellers, having agreed with the new owners. And here we come to the fact that the truly serious defensive lines of the global clan in distress are not in the economy, but in politics, more precisely in geopolitics.

1. Elections in the United States. They will not only be presidential, since a significant part of the Senate and state governors will be subject to renewal in November 2012.

If the Rockefellers manage to get the Republican majority not only in the House of Representatives (as now), but also in the Senate, you can try to drive past 23 December 2012 of the year - when, formally, according to the Federal Reserve Law, the term of the 99-year lease from the Fed Reserve Print machine for the production of dollars from the US state. Here, after all, what is the important nuance? When such joint steps are taken as the creation of the Fed on 99 years (in 1913 year) - and the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers did it together, always, in addition to the laws, tacitly "gentlemen's" agreements are concluded. Of course, it is possible to break them, but this will be “not comme il faut”, that is why they are so risky to be reputed only in extreme cases. We dare to assume that in this case such agreements were also concluded - and it was for 99 years. Their most probable meaning is that before this period expires, under no circumstances should you “tear off the blanket” and not make any sudden movements. That is, the hands of those and others will finally be untied only after 23 December 2012 of the year - then we will see “who is whoo” (as Mr. Gorbachev said). The Fed is now controlled not by the Rothschilds, but by the Rockefellers. Therefore, the Rothschilds can be profitable to bring it down, to move from dollar to gold (and yuan), creating the conditions for launching the process of “reformatting” North America with the US incorporating into the “North American” and further into the “Transatlantic” alliances.

But the Rockefellers in their time (in 1927 year) realized what kind of mine in the form of the Fed they laid under the United States. And, possessing undivided control over the White House and Congress, they amended the Federal Reserve Law so as to deprive the printing press of the Fed not strictly at a certain time, but when Congress decides. (The Rothschilds, who apparently decided that by the same token tacit agreements were violated, responded to the Great Depression and the victory of Democrat Roosevelt over Republican Hoover, which, however, as we have already noted, turned out to be Pyrrhic). Thus, the mere preservation of Obama in the White House is necessary for the Rothschilds, but not sufficient to derail the dollar. Moreover, Obama is likely to be needed only at the last stage: to “skip” without vetoing Congress’s decision to revoke the right to rent a printing press from the Fed (which the Republican president would most likely use). But in order to adopt such a law and send it to Obama for signature, you need to have a majority in both houses of Congress. And if after the elections in November 2012 of the year it turns out to be from the Republicans (who are divided between the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds), it will be problematic to make a decision to revoke the lease. It is significant: those Republicans who, like Ron Paul, were quick to raise the issue of revoking the right to rent from the Fed already during the current presidential campaign, got off the electoral distance very quickly - this means that Rockefeller supporters now rule the republican camp . So we are waiting from November.

The second "line of defense" of the Rockefellers - the XVIII CPC Congress (again November 2012).

If the Chinese leadership, both before and after the congress, maintains a balance that ensures uninterrupted “two-stroke” change of power - first the General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee and the Chairman of the PRC, and then, after five “intermediate” years, the Chairman of the Central Military Council (CER) , the chances of success for the Rothschilds will remain a bit. For a “safe haven” suitable for the transition to the “golden yuan” for the time necessary for the “reformatting” of the West, balanced China cannot become - only unbalanced, with the dominant dominance of one of the inner-party groups and the harsh suppression of all the others (like this took place in the 1970's). Without reliable 100% guarantees in the form of a gold-yuan pair, supplemented in the political sphere by a strategic Sino-Japanese alliance, the Rothschilds dollar and the US will not collapse - the risk of getting the situation out of control is too great, and then weapon. There will be a chance to lose everything at once, including life. The next line of defense of the Rockefellers (admittedly, after the elections in France, almost completely lost) is German Chancellor A. Merkel and, in general, the “axis” of the government coalition represented by the CDU-CSU bloc. and at the 23 EU summit in May, the new French President F. Hollande practically presented Merkel with a French-Dutch (in fact, Rothschild) ultimatum:

- abandon the idea of ​​turning the EU into a political association;

- put the euro in dependence with the help of "Eurobonds" - collective debt obligations of the eurozone (the idea of ​​Soros, apparently claiming control over them on behalf of the Rothschilds).

Only one thing can save the situation: Merkel’s decisive rejection of this ultimatum and the acceleration of the crisis in the eurozone — right up to its consolidation under German control, no matter which one is to be "asked" for it. That is, the transformation of Germany into a single and only emission center for the euro. In this case, the situation would essentially return to 1940: Europe under German control, but not tanks, and a printing press. A kind of "Fourth Reich." This is what Gerhard Schroeder spoke of in September 2011 when he called for the creation of the “United States of Europe” with the help of the Merkel – Sarkozy axis (which has since been swept away by the “wind of change”). It is unlikely that Merkel will succeed: first, it is necessary to consolidate German society, but it is fragmented and mainly in opposition to the "party in power". And the time before the election (September 2013) is too short.

And the last frontier is Russia V.V. Putin's

Having renewed the strategic alliance of Rosneft with the American Exxon-Mobil to 2011 (instead of British Petroleum), which was helped by the scandal in TNK-BP, the Russian leader gave a clear and unequivocal sign. It was understood and heard: that is why in January 2012 of the year, despite all the noisy reports of the State Department and the American embassy in support of street protests, in favor of V.V. Putin, as the future head of state, has expressed the patriarch of Russian politics, Academician EM. Primakov. A week later, such a significant figure as G. Kissinger appeared in Moscow. Interestingly: a day before the promulgation of the agreement between Jacob Rothschild and David Rockefeller, TNK-BP left M. Friedman, head of Alfa Group, a consultant to the International Council of Experts of the US Council on Foreign Relations (his 2009 conflict with the aforementioned business Partner Rothschild Deripask
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  1. vadimus
    5 July 2012 09: 04
    Spiders rule the world. Blasphemous injustice. It’s time for them to put them in a jar and show them to the children, they say, see the children, here it is EVIL ....
    1. Ataturk
      5 July 2012 09: 16
      Quote: vadimus
      Spiders rule the world.

      Bankers rule.

      Quote: vadimus
      It’s time for them to put them in a jar and show them to the children, they say, see the children, here it is EVIL ....

      I'm afraid you will need a lot of cans.
      1. +3
        5 July 2012 10: 06
        Greetings! We then know who really rules the world.


        Very informative. Where only their symbolism is not present ... even in Orthodox churches. Read the link.
        1. kuzmich
          5 July 2012 10: 20
          Masons work for Zion.
          1. +5
            5 July 2012 10: 49
            Both of these families are members of the Masonic organization, and there is also such a "club 300". Zion and the Masons are basically the same thing.
            1. wall
              5 July 2012 11: 33
              I read a book about this club. In my opinion - a clear drain of information. It may be true, but it does not do any harm to the members of the club, and most likely it is already out of date, otherwise it would not have appeared.
              1. Facturin
                5 July 2012 12: 49
                Something I do not believe in the unity of spiders. Even not spiders - rats. And these rats, according to the laws of the genre, are obliged to devour each other. Then how can rat-eaters come together in a committee of three hundred if they have no obvious enemy? ..
                Everything can be explained by the back mind. Something is muddy in the doctor’s research ...
        2. wall
          5 July 2012 11: 31
          I can draw such a star anywhere. Even in the night sky, you can draw it in the stars if you really want to and then conclude that the damned Jews bought everything there already.
          1. +3
            5 July 2012 13: 19
            Yes, you can draw anywhere, but for some reason the whole dollar is in Masonic symbolism and mottos. And in Russia there is a lot of this symbolism in St. Petersburg, just walk around the city.

            And who are the owners of the world's largest financial empires ....

            Just look a little deeper into the story.
    2. Kaa
      5 July 2012 11: 34
      Are these suitable?
    3. +2
      5 July 2012 14: 34
      I have deja vu or something! Just recently I read this article. And in my opinion here!
    4. 755962
      6 July 2012 01: 02
      Quote: vadimus
      Spiders rule the world.

      And this is their spider web.
      The Bilderberg Club is a group of 120-140 influential people who gather every year to discuss politics. These meetings are closed to the public.
  2. +7
    5 July 2012 09: 50
    Two Jewish families - two octopuses, entangling the whole world with their tentacles. We are sausage - they count the profits. But now we are not talking about money, but about the world domination of these "God's chosen" over the rest of the "human waste". It is sad to realize that we are consumables for them and it is scary to understand that there is nothing we can do about it ... But we must.
    1. Facturin
      5 July 2012 12: 52
      Quote: Nord
      there is nothing we can do about it ... But we must

      Here ... Interestingly, did anyone think about how to break the neck of these giraffes? .. Or will we continue to defend ourselves on our territory?
      1. Bashkaus
        5 July 2012 15: 53
        I thought about this, except for the simultaneous point nuclear strikes of a megaton force on the above comrades nothing comes to mind. Is it really so difficult to track who and where is at the moment? And if you track when the committee of three hundred once again gathers for the next meeting, fire on them with a dozen governors with direct fire, and poplars over the areas within a 40-minute flight from the epicenter, so that for sure those who theoretically try to leave the affected area. And at the same time on all types of communications to the whole world broadcasting "a counter-terrorist operation is underway, no one should stick out otherwise ..." Even the United States will not start a retaliatory strike, I think there will be no one to defend. And the fact that there will be many innocent victims, you can declare an annual mourning, give everyone a posthumous Hero of the Earth, subdue yourself a bit for having worked rudely, and then everything will be forgotten, people will breathe deeply
    2. Kaa
      5 July 2012 12: 55
      Almost all the texts in Russian about the Rothschild family, be they articles in magazines or posts on Internet forums, constantly contain a phrase, the author of which, in the opinion of all the writers, was the founder of this banking dynasty, Mayer Amschel Rothschild: "Let me manage money country, and I do not care who will establish the laws there. " The real Mayer Amschel Rothschild has never been given control of the country's money by anyone. The maximum he rose to was the "court factor" of the Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel Wilhelm IX (who later renamed himself Elector Wilhelm I of Hesse). You can even guess how this quote was invented - it is a compilation of two real quotes belonging to characters who are quite famous in the English-speaking world. "Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce" ("Whoever controls the money of a country is the absolute master of all industry and commerce").
      It was a quote from the inaugural address of US President James Abram Garfield. Second quote: "If a man were permitted to make all the ballads he need not care who should make the laws of a nation." all the ballads, he doesn't care who makes the laws of the country. ") It was a quote from a letter from the Scottish writer and politician Andrew Fletcher to the Marquis of Montrose, the Earl of Rothes, Roxburgh and Haddington. , Roxburg and Haddington) Letter dated December 1, 1703. Combine the meaning of these two phrases ("Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce" and "If a man were permitted to make all the ballads he need not care who should make the laws of a nation "), rearrange the words, edit a little, and you get exactly the same quote that Gertrude Margaret Coogan attributed to Mayer Amschel Rothschild -" Permit m e to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws ".
      It turns out that Rothschild and Rockefeller are made responsible for the centuries-old policy of the Anglo-American world, expressed in the lines of the anthem of Britain
      Rule, Britannia! Rule the Waves:
      Britons shall never be slaves.
      Note that only the British, they say, will not be slaves, but to everyone else - with a dear soul.
      “Times are changing and we are changing with them,” but not Anglo-American politics!
    3. chukapabra
      5 July 2012 18: 26
      Quote: Nord
      Two Jewish families - two octopuses that entangled the whole world with their tentacles. Sausages us - they consider profits.
    4. 0
      6 July 2012 10: 39
      Two Jewish families -

      laughing And when did Rockefeller become a Jew?
      1. chukapabra
        6 July 2012 16: 33
        Quote: professor
        And when did Rockefeller become a Jew?

        Probably at the same time as Putin laughing
        who cares that the Rockefellers were never Jewish fool
  3. Nik090
    5 July 2012 10: 05
    Quote: Nord
    But it is necessary.

    But WE WILL!
    1. +4
      5 July 2012 10: 11
      Quote: "But WE WILL BE!"

      Show how - I WILL JOIN !!!
      1. Facturin
        5 July 2012 12: 53
        Quote: Nord
        Show how - I WILL JOIN !!!

        I say, those who want to strangle this scum have dark darkness, so why are we sitting, smearing snot? ..
      2. chukapabra
        5 July 2012 19: 06
        Quote: Nord
        Quote: "But WE WILL BE!"

        Show how - I WILL JOIN !!!
  4. +6
    5 July 2012 10: 10
    So we need to become stronger and oust the Rockefellers and Rothschilds from the market. Tell me, can’t you do without a war? Without it, it will be generally difficult to do without in the near future ... not through our fault ...
    1. Facturin
      5 July 2012 12: 55
      So we need to become stronger and oust the Rockefellers and Rothschilds from the market.

      Maybe it’s better not to deal with the infantry, but the general staff and the apartments of the commanders? ..
  5. serge
    5 July 2012 10: 11
    There is nothing eternal. In the end, according to their deeds, they will be rewarded with them, and the Rothschilds (Ashkenazi) and the Rockefellers (Sephardi) will hang on one rope.
  6. Stealth
    5 July 2012 10: 25
    How do you want to live in a calm and reliable country, where there is no place for these spiders and nothing depends on them. Russia should become such a country. I believe that. And there is everything for this: resources, people and soul. And let these spiders outside our country bite each other.
  7. Nik090
    5 July 2012 10: 25
    Quote: Nord
    Show how - I WILL JOIN !!!

    To be honest, it is not known what will happen, but if that, I'm in the forefront ..., not for the first time
  8. sd34efghfgh
    5 July 2012 10: 33
    What is the matter with the country where the authorities are looking?
    I accidentally stumbled upon a site to search for people
    Here you can find information about any resident of Russia, Ukraine, and other CIS countries.
    I’m really scared - to twist in such a way with anyone can go in and see.
    Addresses, best friends, kinship with anyone, above all there are for example my photos, phone number.
    It’s good that you can delete it, you’ll find your page and you’ll go through verification and delete
    And then there is nobody who is looking for ...
  9. +2
    5 July 2012 11: 02
    This evil, evil of a universal scale, devouring the best on our planet.
  10. Trudy
    5 July 2012 11: 11
    The article is no longer fresh. Read.
    1. +1
      5 July 2012 14: 36
  11. +4
    5 July 2012 11: 29
    Watch how Paisius Svyatrets speaks prophetically about the dominance of the Masonic Zionists! Not in the eyebrow, but in the eye! And what optimism breathe the old man’s words!

    Elder Paisius Svyatorets about Russia.

    “As I noticed, evil lasts up to three generations, no more. This happens so that a little leaven remains in the society and it begins to rise again to God.

    Here's how in Russia today. Three generations have not yet changed, and a return to tradition has already begun. Grandfathers are still alive, and grandchildren adopt tradition and tradition from them, that is, the leaven is preserved.

    As was the case with the Jews in the Babylonian captivity - and there are three generations! And in many other cases the same thing happens. In no situation can evil triumph over all. God saves the leaven. In Russia, look, much has now begun to be resolved in the field of religion. Decayed network, the authorities can no longer command the people.

    Then, during the Russian Revolution, the gospel was thrown into the sea by the thousands. It was forbidden to have spiritual books, even in libraries. We decided to compete with Christ!

    But behind all this are the Zionists. People have begun to understand this now. The devil cannot completely hide himself. These or other ongoing events open people's eyes.

    “Why,” they say, “should we obey Tel Aviv?” Here is Russia ”- and they begin to demand a return to tradition.



    Once our conversation turned to the difficult situation the Russian people faced after the fall of communism (hunger, unemployment, impoverishment).

    “The Americans,” I said, “are afraid of Russia and are fighting against it, doing everything possible so that it does not revive in the future as a powerful power.

    Paisius told me:

    - Today the Russians are going through difficult times ... But you will see, they will cope with difficulties and create a strong state again!
  12. +3
    5 July 2012 11: 30
    This article was recently on the site and we discussed it! Why repeat ??? Not all learned?
  13. recruit
    5 July 2012 14: 10
    It's a shame for the power and its poor people.
  14. +4
    5 July 2012 14: 33
    Quote: neri73-r
    This article was recently on the site and we discussed it! Why repeat ??? Not all learned?

    Indeed, there was such a thing. It should be remembered only that after the Second World War, a liberal financial-speculative model of the global economy under the control of the same financial tycoons was imposed on the world through the privatization of a dollar printing press by a group of Jewish banking houses.
    The political, economic and military instrument of this policy is the United States, where the main power of this group of fraudsters and speculators is concentrated.
    The differences between the same Rothschilds and Rockefellers are only in the sphere of capital investment and control of the main types of strategic resources,
    Thus, the Rothschild family has been specializing in controlling the media, banks, and the extraction of diamonds and non-ferrous metals for more than 200 years, including and gold. Moreover, their psychology is such that all the gold of the world belongs to them and is only temporarily held by individual states, which, considering gold “a national treasure,” provide its reliable protection from unwanted applicants. The Rothschilds will guard it until the Rothschilds need it. And as a way to get gold at the right time to start moving, in order to eventually return to the "owner", experienced family members will find that more than once actually confirmed the last decades
    The scope of the application of the Roquefeller clan is hydrocarbons and everything related to them,
    as well as various financial pyramids and speculation on exchanges.
    So the "Cosmopolitan Financiers" of the Rothschilds lost the 2011 economic war and made peace on the terms of the "Continental Raw Americans" of the Rockefellers. All last year’s attempts by the Rothschilds to “squeeze” the dollar through the Euro and the currency reserves of China, the Rockefellers not only repelled, but also turned against their opponents.
    The “Arab spring” initiated by the Rockefellers through the collapse of Libya, and, after appropriate information processing was put on the verge of defaulting Greece, created a threat to the continued existence of the Eurozone and the EU. With a real example of the shutdown of Sudanese exports and the limitation of Iranian oil supplies, the PRC has realized all the illusory "The resource independence of the Chinese economy from hydrocarbon imports.", accordingly, the Rothschild clan from the 70s of the last century who made a bet on strengthening China is forced to make concessions and go "to the world" with the Rockefellers.
    Therefore, from now on, the Rothschilds and Rockefellers will lead coherent US foreign policy. And today, leading in this tandem, before new confrontations arose, Rockefellers. [/ B
    But I hope it’s not worth hoping for a relaxation of the situation in Asia as a whole.
    After all, one of its names as "Party of war" Rockefeller supporters received for good reason
    1. 0
      5 July 2012 16: 07
      Thank Ascetic! Almost very accessible and clear abstract of this article. And they minus us for the fact that we hit the point, and not by area! Good luck! God help you!
  15. red 015
    5 July 2012 15: 06
    it's time to end the rule of this Masonic gang
  16. -2
    5 July 2012 16: 22
    Will finish badly, parasites. The world needs to be freed from this EVIL. This is the true "Evil Empire".
  17. Alexander 1958
    5 July 2012 18: 14
    For Ascetic
    Good afternoon!
    The article you commented on claims that the Rockefellers requested peace from the Rothschilds. You say the opposite!
    It seems that before our eyes, on the pages of this site, a battle is also unfolding between the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers .. bully In connection with the above, I want to ask a question from the film "Chapaev" - So are you for the Bolsheviks or for the Communists? .. smile
    With uv. Alexander 1958
    1. +2
      5 July 2012 22: 19
      Quote: Alexander 1958
      The article you commented on claims that the Rockefellers requested peace from the Rothschilds. You say the opposite!
      It seems that in front of our eyes, on the pages of this site, a battle between the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers is also unfolding .. In connection with the above, I want to ask a question from the film "Chapaev" - So are you for the Bolsheviks or for the Communists? ..

      I just expressed a look different from the conclusions of this article, especially because of the set of particularities and far-fetched facts, the meaning of this topic is lost in the murky water of abstruse statements. I see this situation this way and not otherwise
      moreover, I do not pretend to the ultimate truth and do not impose my opinion on anyone.
  18. chukapabra
    5 July 2012 18: 34
    Quote: Alexander 1958
    The article you commented on claims that the Rockefellers requested peace from the Rothschilds. You say the opposite!

    Ascetic generally climbs on the air in two cases when it is necessary to glorify Putin or comment on another nonsense on a Jewish theme
    1. +3
      5 July 2012 21: 37
      Quote: chukapabra
      Ascetic generally climbs on the air in two cases when it is necessary to glorify Putin or comment on another nonsense on a Jewish theme

      Do not classify ALL Jews as crooks. fraudsters, speculative usurers, coupled with the ideologists of Zionism. Not all fraudsters are Jews, just as not all Jews are fraudsters. And there is no nonsense here - just this model of capitalism is the next stage in its historical development from colonialism to global financial imperialism, the driving force of which is interest bankers and multinational corporations. Just simply once again I recall the words of K. Marx (also a Jew by the way)
      "Provide 10 percent of the profit, and capital agrees to any application, at 20 percent it becomes lively, at 50 percent it is positively ready to break its head, at 100 percent it violates all human laws, at 300 percent, there is no crime that he would not risk, even on pain of the gallows. "

      And all these Rockefeller dollar pyramids and the Rothschild speculations are nothing more than extracting superprofits for which they are ready to put the world on the brink of a world war,

      The whole Internet is teeming with evidence that Putin is a Jew or a henchman of Jewish clans, so why should I glorify him if you think I hate Jews (in fact, I hate only Jews and Zionist fascists). Mismatch comes out. So you must glorify him. Or is Putin still not a protege of global Jewish banking and is committed to pursuing an independent policy? Therefore, probably your co-religionists Nemtsov with Kasparov and the rest of Svinidze took up such a fight against him?
  19. +1
    5 July 2012 20: 17
    Article, b .., barely mastered winked as the classic said "boring and about women" wassat
    A reasonable, rhetorical question (regardless of whether this is true, or paranoid fiction) - and what has changed? Or will it change?
    I will answer bully - you just have to be strong and self-sufficient, and then all these Rockefelschilds are poh ..!
  20. vrnfox
    5 July 2012 20: 17
    good afternoon
    in the appendage you can watch the movie the spirit of the time wink
  21. Common sense
    5 July 2012 21: 15
    The flock was written by a person with a sick fantasy, for people with a sick fantasy. Such nonsense is always polar with the crowd. Unlike common sense.
  22. is
    5 July 2012 21: 28
    while I see only one weapon against this gang, this is mmm, Panteleevich really gives a chance to change the world, yes of course it is unlikely, but still there are scanty chances, but in any case ordinary people should unite, and throw off all these bankers, because only from - for them there are wars, etc.
  23. Surgeon
    5 July 2012 22: 44
    Continuation of the article:
    Before Friedman, the current head of BP left the British, Dudley, who in London is considered the main victim of the “conspiracy of the Russian oligarchs”, and then V. Vekselberg, etc.

    Two days later, British Petroleum itself withdrew from the TNK-BP project, leaving the comments of the British state information corporation BBC to the memory of their stay in Russia with biting sarcasm.

    What does this mean?

    That the Rockefellers did not reconcile with their defeat, consider it an intermediate stage of intergroup struggle and are ready to fight further.

    For this they need Russia. Moreover, a united, consolidated and strong Russia (without “orange” excesses): not by chance, even before the inauguration of V.V. Putin’s representatives Exxon-Mobil in his presence signed an agreement with Rosneft on oil production on the shelf of the Black and Kara Seas.

    United Shipbuilding Corporation and Russian Technologies are connected to the agreement. This means that the Rosneft-Exxon-Mobil alliance is far from being limited to oil issues.

    Appointment I.I. Sechin president of "Rosneft" in this situation - a step of strategic importance.

    The alignment of forces is now one-on-one repeats the end of the 1920s, when Stalin selected the Baku oil fields from the concession from the Nobels (Rothschild partners) and transferred them to the Rockefeller 50% concession in exchange for financial and technological support for Soviet industrialization.

    At each new stage History repeats itself!

    On the one hand, Russia has a unique chance: to play in the global “Big Game” on an equal footing with a partner (albeit temporary), who today is vitally (vitally!) Interested in our success. (What will happen tomorrow is another conversation: this is a policy in which, along with a strategy, there is a tactic).

    On the other hand, the realization of this chance will be in every way hampered by the Rothschild agents. (Already it prevents: not by chance, VV Putin was met with a custom protest sensation both in Berlin and in Paris).

    The question is how quickly and effectively the Russian leader will be able to suppress the “fifth column”, pushing forward the necessary transformations and making the new balance of forces irreversible.

    It is a matter of the survival of the country. For in the strategy of the Rothschilds of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to be dismembered, as Gorbachev had been striving for (and still is striving for that all)

    In conclusion, we are anticipating a legitimate question: what is necessary for a complete exit from these layouts and independent, sovereign development?

    Let's be honest: at this stage, it is necessary to resist and increase state power, consolidate society and get (how terrible it would be to anyone) state ideology. And not abstract (“for all good - against all bad”), but project-based. Able to show the country and the world the Russian vision and plan for building a fair world order, alternative to the current "world of money", which today "eat people" about the same way as the English sheep of the times of the industrial revolution "ate".

    In addition, the “pluralism” encouraged today does not form a system of value coordinates — a norm that, reflecting and fixing a civilizational idea at the household level, would allow to distinguish good from bad social behavior (politics) from asocial, etc.

    A new elite is urgently needed - national, not comprador.

    In the future, when these initial requirements are met, sooner or later there will be (should be) a question about leaving the enslaving conditions of our country's membership in the Basel club and the currency board mechanism it establishes - pegging the money supply to the amount of gold and foreign exchange reserves. That is, the transformation of the “Central” Bank, which is today an instrument of external control, into a “State” one, carrying out currency, including issuing, policies in national rather than globally oligarchic interests. (After all, having heard this, it is not by chance that the liberals invariably entertain with a heart-rending screech: a thief and a cap are burning!)

    Note: the central bank had neither the Russian Empire nor the USSR. It appeared only in the times of “developed democracy”. In them, he should remain as an integral attribute and symbol of the neocolonial “yoke” of the “golden horde” associated with this “democracy” (in its modern, literal, and not historical reading).

    The question is really serious: the United States on this path in the XIX century went through a civil war and as a result, after half a century, they still ended up in the networks of a global oligarchy.
    uiv-teni /
  24. 0
    6 July 2012 04: 41
    I do not believe in this Rockefeller fight against the Rothschilds, they are all at the same time.
    And such an article is a scam of suckers. Our people have long discovered that the world is ruled by secret clans, and these clans began to show themselves, now launching such misinformation about the "good" and "bad". The idea is that the Rockefellers are of the "good" type, they are on the side of Russia and Putin.
    This is all nonsense. And the nonsense is dangerous in that if we catch a single bureaucrat by the hand on the betrayal of the interests of Russia, then this bureaucrat will begin to scream that he, they say, is not against Russia but simply for the Rockefellersand the Rockefellers are for us. Well, it’s like a deep game is going on there, which we “ordinary people” simply do not understand.
    Very convenient position, you will not say anything! In short, the good old cop game of a good and evil investigator.
    1. chukapabra
      6 July 2012 07: 44
      Quote: Magadan
      In short, the good old cop game of a good and evil investigator.

      It’s easiest to blame all the problems of some Uryupinsk on the battle of the Rothschilds with the Rockefellers laughing fool
  25. Vampir
    6 July 2012 12: 10
    Og of course, the Rothschilds organized two world wars))) And they can’t cope with Syria)))
  26. throst
    6 July 2012 15: 31
    old article, but relevant. the conclusion, as usual, is the same: if you want to live peacefully - get ready for war.
    It is interesting that the commentaries with the German identifier express mainly the negative to the article. Is there no Internet in Israel? only German as a payment for the Holocaust?))
    By the way, about the girls from one of the demotivators - I think that these very girls would chop all kinds of rockefellers and Rothschilds with great joy, if they knew what fate they had in mind for Israel.
    1. chukapabra
      6 July 2012 16: 28
      Quote: throst
      It is interesting that the commentaries with the German identifier express mainly the negative to the article. Is there no Internet in Israel?

      The site administration deliberately turned off the possibility of the Israeli flag, so that it would not be minus only the flag. I live in Israel, I am writing from Israel, but I have no opportunity to change this fucking flag. Maybe someone will teach how?
      1. throst
        7 July 2012 11: 41
        "they beat not on the passport, but on the face")))
        Does someone put cons for the flag? funny people.
  27. chukapabra
    7 July 2012 11: 47
    Quote: throst
    Does someone put cons for the flag? funny people.

    The Israeli flag (at that moment the flags appeared near the nicknames, somewhere a year ago, before that there were no flags at all, existed for exactly 2 days. To my address to the administrators, I received a response that, fearing an inadequate reaction from the forum participants, it was decided to replace the Israeli flag , so part of the German part of the Swiss, etc. don’t believe it? write to the admin with the same question. There is no way to change the flag.
    1. throst
      7 July 2012 12: 06
      gygs)) funny)) although it’s hard to blame commentators.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"