Notes of the Colorado Cockroach №200. Slightly stinks, but there are prospects

Greetings to you, dear friends. Well, that's it ...

What has come for the majority of Ukrainians is not yet clear, but it has come, and all right. After all, it was not on a foot or an arm that came, right? Although, if you look closely, we walked over our heads. And not even in boots.

Yes, about the heads.

Each of us has a long list of things in our head that must be done to save Ukraine and turn our country into a great European power.

The only thing that is incomprehensible to me, and the majority of fellow citizens, and who will do all this?

How simple it all was with the Hydrant. In the Black Sea are American ships and their fear scare aggressive Russia. In the Donbass mercenaries fighting on both sides. The EU feeds us and gives money only for what we are. And the Cossacks are sitting on the bank of the river, they drink vodka, eat lard and talk about modern democracy. Beauty! And what, we re-elected him? Although, as my grandfather once taught me, you cannot postpone for tomorrow what you already put off yesterday. You will die of hunger ...

I am sure, knowing your media that you know about our elections more than ours. What, where, when and how much. And I suggest to look a little wider. Let's talk about the results below. But some of the conclusions that I made for myself, you need to say right now. Just life has taught that it is not enough to be able to grasp something on the fly. It is necessary then seized and put on some near shelf, so as not to lose.

Or so it is not stolen.

What was the first thing that showed the election to me personally? Do not believe it, but I, and with absolutely minimal errors, I can say for sure how many people are left in Ukraine! At least from an adult. Remember the turnout? Less than half the population! 49 with a tenth percent!

Here you have the number of those who work today abroad. Approximately half of the working population! Immediately, I note the talk that many people simply ignored the elections. It is not customary to ignore us. We are quite politicized and we think that we understand politics.

"According to the results of the turnout was:
In Vinnitsa region - 51,03%,
in Volyn - 52,26%,
Dnipropetrovsk - 50,91%,
Donetsk - 45,71%
Zhytomyr - 51,48%
Transcarpathian - 41,16%,
Zaporizhia - 50,82%
Ivano-Frankivsk - 48,04%,
Kiev - 50,30%,
Kirovograd - 49,40%
Lugansk - 49,23%,
Lviv - 53,42%,
Nikolaev - 47,09%,
Odessa region - 46,97%
Poltava - 54,10%,
Rovno - 48,02%,
Sumy - 52,24%,
Ternopil - 54,21%
Kharkiv - 50,43%,
Khmelnitsky - 53,17%
Cherkasy region - 51,53%
Chernivtsi - 42,06%
Chernihiv - 54,80%
Kherson - 43,93%,
Kiev - 48,97% ".

Do you think Tarakan bent a little with conclusions? Yes, not at all. Look at the photos that are not made in Kiev, but on one of the rural sites. See who makes up the majority of those who go there? Women and old men.

Although Ukrainian women never hid and do not hide behind the backs of men. They do not fit behind their backs. And go to the elections in a disciplined manner.

And the second conclusion: the majority of Ukrainians go to the polls like a church. Believe it or not, it’s not important to go to church. Tradition. All went, and I went. Who knows there, is he or not. So, just in case, so that later it was possible in case of something to remind him ...

Similarly, in the elections. Just in case, so that later someone would not ask ... You know, it's like in a razor ad from blunt advertisers. “The first blade shaves cleanly, and the second one is cleaner!”

Some nonsense is obtained. Give me the machine right away with the second blade. What the first need?

And now according to the results of the elections. You can congratulate us. We again chose mamZel. Only in extended composition. Again, they chose people who did not promise anything, who for all good against all bad.

Thus, our government is no longer obliged to us at all. We are not waiting for anything, but they did not promise anything. So we will live.

"Servant of the people" got the most. So, now the owners of mamZeli are full masters of the country. In the second place is the pro-Russian platform For Life. But this second place is not big at all. What, in my opinion, correctly shows the mood of society towards Russia. Something about 13 percent ...

Then the party of the Hydrant "European Solidarity", Yulina "Batkivshchyna" and "Voice". And all together, these parties totally lost to the “Servants” decently.

What well? The good news is that the radicals have crap in full.

All the radical parties, including even our “Zhirinovsky” Lyashko, did not score anything. The people refused radical ideas.

What is wrong? The bad thing is that those who did not even understand themselves, who turned into a puppet doll, played against “For Life”.

Remember your outrage at my opinion on Anatolia Sharia? I hope you do not like my grandfather, only two shortcomings. "I have a bad memory and something else." Remember the torn shirts on the breasts and drool from the mouth in his defense? After all, I am sure you have seen the direct connection of this new party with Akhmetov.

What is the result? Sharia’s party in Rada predictably did not pass.

Moreover, it was this party that took the votes of the opposition. Simply put, Shary played for the party of power. For those against whom so fiercely stoked in their blogs. Everything happened by chance, as planned.

Yes, nothing new happens in this world. It was necessary for Anatoly to create a party to prepare for his own triumphal return to Ukraine - they created it. You do not know the most interesting. Now the party of Sharia will be financed from the state budget. 38 million hryvnia to ensure the life of the party, according to the law.

What's next? And then everything is simple. “Batkivshchyna” and “Voice”, whatever your political analysts may say, will go towards rapprochement with the “Servants”. Julia is too cunning to accept any posts in the government today. She understands that to be close and not answer for anything more profitable.

And Vakarchuk is nothing more than a singer who has already completed the task. I do not even rule out that he will repeat his demarche, as it was in the last Rada, when he folded up his mandate and went on tour.

The opposition will be "European Solidarity" and "For Life." It will be about the same opposition that is in your Duma. Specialists in imitation of vigorous activity. It seems they are, but in fact they are not. Even they cannot be situationally united. As they say, I would be an oligarch if I had money.

And yet, despite the fact that I am confident in my own prediction of the future situation in Ukraine, the thought “what if” suddenly moves in the brain somewhere far, far away. While I live - I hope like. There are miracles in the world. Maybe our miracle will happen. This is me going upstairs. In the sense, at the very top, where they manage miracles.

Today I can say with confidence only one thing: Ukraine, which many of you knew from past (Soviet) life, has disappeared forever. There was another Ukraine. What it will be, no one will say. Even those who today received full power. They themselves do not represent "what the coming day prepares for us."

I will say about the same thing that Rabinovich recently voiced. Hard times are coming. More precisely, even more difficult times.

МамЗЕль получил от народа карт-бланш. Украина показала, что устала от всех этих морд лица в нашей политике. И знаете, я уверен в том, что основным желанием на этих выборах было даже не изменение внутренней политики. Главное, все настолько устали от этой мнимой the war, от смертей, от безнадеги, что готовы выбрать кого угодно, лишь бы страна перестала трястись, как наши автобусы на наших же дорогах. Хотим спокойствия.

Finish on the election. Judging by the way the authorities became more active, the election results will be officially announced in two weeks. And we will see the first meeting of the New Parliament on Independence Day. One month left ...

I remembered a conversation with one bum on the street. Absolutely useless, as it seemed then, but in fact quite important, if you think a little bit. On the standard question about trifles, without which he would die of hunger right away, and my answer in the style “there is no money for charging,” he said well: “Yeah, he has no money, but there are a few extra tens of kilograms of weight. Goon. "

We are probably also tired of feeling that people who have palaces and villas abroad take care of us. Even those who themselves went to the Rada with a fork ... In short, if you follow the logic of the new government, we are waiting for early elections at the local level. Why? Kohl went such a fight ...

And life goes on. I specifically left the capital, to be honest. Look at the real Ukraine. The beauty of our land and our people, who, in spite of everything, work tirelessly in the fields and gardens, the remnants of factories and factories, in schools, hospitals, clubs.

Just look at this beauty. Yes, maybe for you it looks somewhat unusual, something from your past, but for us it is the present.

You know, looking at our hinterland, I understand that snipe who praises his swamp. For him, this is his homeland, this is indescribable beauty, a place where he feels good.

That's all for today. I finish writing about the past Ukraine. Significantly so. Five years of life fit just 200 journal articles. Somewhat sad even. We have discussed so much, we have experienced so much on the pages of these “Notes” ... And just 200 ... Or whole 200?

Sometimes you realize that it is a lot. Lots of. And I honestly confess to you, there is even some tiredness. Sometimes I want to take and go to the second well-deserved retirement. But at such times a roar from the kitchen usually follows and you realize that someone will have to tell you, my dear and dear readers, the whole truth about how we will build a new state. This is the intrigue of life.

And the hand, squeezing the ladle and pointing in the direction of the table with a computer, is completely irrelevant.

Good luck to you. Summer has passed for the equator. Those who have not yet fried themselves in the sun, have time to do it before September. The rest - no problem to return to working life. Happiness and smiles to you and your friends. Will live!
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  1. +7
    24 July 2019 15: 33
    The photos are wonderful. Almost like in our area. Solid contrasts. Only now we haven’t seen the cows. And the tower is painted. We went for a weekend with a friend like fishing, around the area, looking for places where you can also crucify and rudd for free, another there’s no fish, I went to a distant cordon, but to places for private fishing. We went to hell on small pies. We immediately released a small one, and put a large one in a jar of tomatoes. We admired and released later. With the 200th article!
    1. +5
      24 July 2019 22: 14
      Dear Cockroach!
      Thank you for the article! The day was dull and gloomy, you parted the clouds. I read, laughed a lot, and then saw the sunflowers ... Listen, they are like people, they have faces and green capes - a whole army of sunflowers. The front one leaned over, and the one next to him spread his hands in confusion. I peered at the photo for a long time and I will return to it - to catch expressions of floral faces, they are fabulous. In a happy land you live, Cockroach. May the people on it be happy!
  2. +5
    24 July 2019 15: 42
    In the countryside, if you move away from Moscow, the same pictures.
    1. +1
      25 July 2019 06: 11
      Yes, only cattle practically do not hold.
      1. +1
        25 July 2019 09: 23
        Quote: 210ox
        Yes, only cattle practically do not hold.

        I will tell you more. I observe with my own eyes how the population in the countryside is dying out. There are practically no pre-school institutions. In high school, after 10-15 students, there will be absolutely no time left. But agriculture will not die. There will be hired workers from the city. Such is the oil painting.
      2. 0
        25 July 2019 12: 17
        Quote: 210ox
        Yes, only cattle practically do not hold.

        You can see a lot of cattle, but only all of them are black miratorgovsky Aberdeen Angus
        1. +2
          25 July 2019 13: 38
          There are almost no personal households left. Keep expensive. I know this firsthand, I live in a village. And at the NS in the Kuban it was straining even with pastures.
  3. +2
    24 July 2019 16: 12
    Jubilee Article-for the Wonderland !!! good
    Admit it, dear O'Colorado Cockroach, that you kept the Pearls of Wisdom of your Grandfather and Beautiful Images, so unusually densely and neatly collected here, just for the "round date" ?! wink
    The video sequence reminded me of my native places, our endless step- "lanes and landings" to the horizon and neat "rut-rut-rut ...." of sunflowers and other agricultural crops - whoever has never "sank rows" in the heat will not understand this! smile
    I wish you health and Creative Inspiration, until the next meeting with your Unkind Tychy Word !!!
  4. +2
    24 July 2019 16: 16
    Today I can say with confidence only one thing: Ukraine, which many of you knew from your past (Soviet) life, has disappeared forever. Another Ukraine appeared. What will it be, no one will say.
    Yes, the picture you drew was not joyful, far beyond your imagination, but on the other hand, you wrote your heart and soul from the inside. God grant that you would succeed. And you have good pictures, I also do not live in Russia, but everything is the same as yours, only the fields are smaller and there are more bushes.
  5. +2
    24 July 2019 16: 16
    . Good luck to you. Summer has exceeded the equator. Those who have not yet been fried in the sun, have time to do this before September. The rest - no problem to return to working life. Happiness and smiles to you and your friends. Will live!

    good And, it’s nice to once again wish everyone - good rest and Good luck! drinks
  6. +1
    24 July 2019 16: 28
    Following the results of the current elections - UKRAINE GREEN wassat
  7. +1
    24 July 2019 17: 01
    Thank you very much for your efforts. I look at the photo ... sometimes we are so similar in our "dissimilarity".
    Happy anniversary! And ... I hope that you will have the possibility of a second pension, because there will be no need to tell us how it is with you. And we ourselves will again be able to ride, watch and communicate.
    To live and be friends. hi
  8. 0
    24 July 2019 17: 04
    Rada, according to the election results, is RELATIVELY LOYAL in relation to the president.
  9. BAI
    24 July 2019 17: 21
    Normal turnout 50%. We will soon have zero. And this does not mean that everyone has left.
    1. 0
      24 July 2019 19: 33
      We will draw the right turnout, which one will be demanded, and we will provide the desired result. lol hi
      1. 0
        25 July 2019 06: 59
        Are you sure about that? Have you been to the elections yourself?
      2. 0
        25 July 2019 07: 10
        As an everywhere. Now it’s just a business, nothing personal.
  10. +1
    24 July 2019 17: 27
    Harvester half sorry. If only they would dismantle it completely, so as not to suffer. The tractor and excavator are alive, apparently there is something to dig. Or bury ...
  11. The comment was deleted.
  12. +2
    24 July 2019 19: 10
    Happy Anniversary! For the "stupid advertisers", a separate respect! good
  13. +3
    24 July 2019 19: 42
    poorly written !! there are no mercenaries in Donbas, they went there voluntarily!
    1. Ska
      25 July 2019 11: 05
      Truth ? Straight at all? Not even a single smallest mercenary? Well, please wassat
  14. +2
    24 July 2019 20: 39
    Heart Cockroach hi Cool photos. We also have such steppes. And you cockroach happy anniversary. Write always looking forward to. Commenting on the election is not a hunt. We’ll wait and see what YOU have chosen.
  15. +1
    24 July 2019 21: 25
    And the second conclusion: most Ukrainians go to the polls like in a church. Believe it or not, it doesn’t matter for going to church. Tradition. Everyone went, and I went.

    But this is a completely "soviet" mode of operandi. Those. all those who voted SBU simply MUST write in quilted jackets, Colorado, separatists and enemies of Urkainy.
    Anyway, the authorities have long had to carry out "decommunization" by age - before and after 30 years. Anyone who is older are potential enemies (with a presumption guilt), who is smaller - well, there the SBU will figure it out, who was CORRECTLY brought up, and who is not (for gays / lesbians - concessions).
  16. -1
    24 July 2019 21: 54
    What is the result? Sharia’s party in Rada predictably did not pass.
    Moreover, it was this party that took the votes of the opposition. Simply put, Shary played for the party of power. For those against whom so fiercely stoked in their blogs. Everything happened by chance, as planned.
    Yes, nothing new is happening in this world. Anatoly needed to create a party to prepare his own triumphant return to Ukraine - they created it. You do not know the most interesting. Now the Sharia party will be financed from the state budget. 38 million hryvnias to ensure the life of the party, according to the law.

    Personally, I know. The cockroach, about Sharia and his motives, Eugene Mit said well in advance right here (strongly I recommend to look):

    Everything really goes according to plan.
    1. 0
      25 July 2019 10: 41
      And why shouldn’t Sharia’s addicts say how many nerves of time money went to litigation with a Russian lawyer Feigin, sorry-anti-Russian, when neither the prosecutor’s office nor the UK emphasized Russophobia Feikin. Why not point out Sharia’s help to the elderly in the DPR and LPR?
      And yes, going to the polls no one really counts on money — the goal is to become a deputy. Shara Tarakana shaw Eugene Mita is not hurt by Sharia’s battle with the Nazis in the penal colony, and the grivaki allocated to everyone who has more than 2%. DO NOT turn into Svidomo feykomet!
      1. +1
        25 July 2019 15: 36
        Quote: scud
        Shaw of the Tarakana shaw Eugene Mita is not hindered by the battle of Sharia with the Nazis in the ukrokolony and the grivaki allocated to everyone who has more than 2%. DO NOT turn into Svidomo feykomet!

        Shariah doesn’t hurt anyone. They started talking about him only because we all love counting other people's money.
        It is clear that Shariy is actually a clone of Zelensky. Exactly the same batch about anything. Without a program, without a goal, without clear and understandable ideas. Shary deputy? Yes, do not tell. He is not a suicide to return to Ukraine now. The party that was supposed to be part of the Rada? Even funnier. They quickly blinded, promised nothing, and marched into the Rada. So there is such a party in Ze.
        No, Anatoly plays a long game. In 5 years, this will already be a real party with real members. And then, if Ze is found out, and this is predictable today, Shari will appear on a white horse.
        Shary is a wonderful journalist. His blogs always attract attention. And investigations are conducted more professionally than Ukrainian investigators and operatives. Experience in five years will be typed and forward to power. Perhaps even in the office of the president. And what? It is Ukraine.
        1. 0
          26 July 2019 03: 56
          Well said. At first I wanted to get something like this, and then I thought ... well, lazily explain it (and, in general, the obvious). Thank you for not being too lazy. ^ _ ^
  17. +1
    24 July 2019 22: 14
    Hi Pan Cockroach! Beautiful article, strong analytics, and photos are very very bright! And in general, in my opinion you have four heads (eight paws, so two on the head), it’s very versatile and clearly gives out! I would generally select a separate section for you at the site administration site, you are doing a great job, such talent must be protected. Good luck
  18. +4
    24 July 2019 23: 15
    No, pan okoloradsky, this is not the bottom. You also expect the funeral of the pipe and default. This will be the bottom. Then the revenge of the patriots and breaking the bottom. So the chasing wheel will make a full revolution.
    Well, and you personally health, prosperity and strength for new notes. It will not be boring.
  19. 0
    25 July 2019 08: 11
    The first photo is super !!! I hope the jeep is not photographed, namely the frame is caught! +++
  20. +1
    25 July 2019 10: 59
    This beauty will be sold soon with the land.
  21. Ska
    25 July 2019 11: 09
    Good notes. Thank you for your efforts pan cockroach, for the adequacy and purity of opinion.
  22. +1
    26 July 2019 17: 50
    You do not know the most interesting. Now the Sharia party will be financed from the state budget. 38 million hryvnias to ensure the life of the party, according to the law.

    Like all other parties, about which the respected Cockroach did not say anything. An interesting phenomenon! Before the election, they didn’t notice Sharia’s party, they didn’t put them in ratings, they were silent in the mass media of Ukraine and the Russian Federation ... And as soon as this party was far from last after the elections, everyone immediately started talking about Sharia’s party and its financing !!! The fact that back in 2015, the Verkhovna Rada adopted a law on party financing from the state budget were silent until today! And then, well, they remembered and carried !!! Moreover, the emphasis is on his party! But about the party of billionaires who receive funding several times larger, they are modestly silent.
    How so, dear ?!
  23. 0
    28 July 2019 11: 38
    Good luck to you too! I caught a few sad intonations in the text!
  24. 0
    1 August 2019 11: 22
    Thanks for the work, we will live!
  25. 0
    26 March 2020 20: 51
    Already 2020. Where have you gone?