Notes of the Colorado Cockroach. And for those all right ...

Greetings to all who are not indifferent to our ... happiness.

Somehow less and less optimism inspires the human race. Especially in Ukraine. For some reason we live all the time in the future and are not at all interested in the present. Here it is, the influence of the Bolsheviks and the Communists. "Today we eat rotten potatoes so that our children eat pineapples the day after tomorrow." And if I don’t need pineapples, I don’t like them, then you can make normal, young potatoes. Yes, with butter, tsibule and under the vodka?

Somehow, unnoticed, the first such date came from our new government. More precisely, by the power of the president. Sorokoviny. 40 days, as we live without Hydrant, but with Ze. This is considered in politics to be considered hundreds of days, and in life they commemorate quite differently - 9 days, 40 days, anniversary ... Well, about the deceased or good, or not at all. Although what he is deceased, he coils in the corners ... But it is worth talking about the acting one.

Here we have many compare Ze with ... well, do not laugh, with Roosevelt. Yes, with the very one that Franklin Delano. American president, who won the Great Depression. Peculiar, but after all the winner! I would like it to be the same. In a sense, peremoga.

But those who do not really believe in a bright future, which simply must come, give an example, say, Roosevelt for the first month adopted 20 documents to overcome the crisis, and Ze? And ZE NO ONE! And he will not accept it, since Radu is very offended by us. Therefore, in order for something to change, we must wait for another Rada.

That's all we have around it and spinning. All climb into the parliament, well, as these same gay parade. Even Shary got. We are just furious with him, as he, sitting in Holland, is trying here to arrange a promotion.

It became clear and more. Many absolutely do not want the president’s party, “The Servant of the People,” to become a real servant. Because in every way trying to prevent. Those ratings that are published by our sociologists look like soap bubbles. First of all, because the electoral system has remained unchanged. Yes, according to party lists, and these are 225 deputies, "Servants ..." will win, but it will not be easy for Ze in majority voting. There are such bison sitting ...

No, if you adopt the experience of the neighbors and knock out those who are too late tanks… Well, we’ll discuss this later sometime. But there’s a feeling of some kind the war remains, so we will keep the terminology.

Our general feeling today is like that of a miner who has already laid a mine, set fire to the cord and is now just waiting for the whole system to jerk. Theoretically, the miner knows how it will be, but practically ...

And it will continue all next week. Miner hid because he had already done everything and now he is just waiting. The goal is calm because it simply does not know that it, the goal, lives a normal life. Only seven days remain of such a quiet life. Then she will begin to bang in different places, driving her future goals to exactly where the main “firework” is made.

Generally, if you pay attention to your own feelings, we live today in the center of the circus arena or on the stage. When you see all the events of a funny play not from the auditorium, but from the inside. Everything happens around you. Like a restaurant visitor. As alcohol disappears from the decanter, you see strange metamorphoses occurring with the woman at the next table. The nose decreases, the breast increases, the waist appears ... Well, you understand me.

Everything. I can not more about the election. Even my strong nerves can not withstand such loads. Especially since behind all this election clowning we do not notice the terrible things that are open and do not meet resistance in Ukrainian society. As events in Lviv, for example. We always have something going on there ...

Notes of the Colorado Cockroach. And for those all right ...

I will quote the press service of "Freedom", which has just published its own message about the event:

"The combined forces of nationalists -" Freedom "," National Corps "," Right Sector "," Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists "," Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists "- held on Sunday in Lviv" Millennium March of the Ukrainian State ".

“The event was timed to the seventy-eighth anniversary of the proclamation of the Act of Restoration of the Ukrainian State 30 June 1941. A march passed through the streets of Lviv, which was joined by activists of nationalist organizations and ordinary citizens of Lviv. Most of those present on the occasion dressed in embroidered ".

Someone will say: "The Tarakan pumps up. How many of these marches take place there every year. One less, one more. Nothing will change." Probably. But only for those who do not know and do not want to know history. And I remind you. Let me remind myself, other Ukrainians, you Russians, Jews in Israel, Europeans, Americans, Canadians ...

It was 30 of June, however, 1941 of the year, that the first act of mass open extermination of Jews began during the Second World War. The open genocide of the Jews started exactly in Lviv. And the main role in this pogrom was played not by the Germans from the “Ainzatsengrupp” and “firing teams”.

The main role in the killings of innocent civilians was played by simple local boys and girls who did not even belong to Nachtigall or the OUN (b) (Bandera).

Ounovtsy and "nightingales" just physically could not "provide the necessary coverage." The city is big, and the soldiers are few. But the local population killed with pleasure. Exactly with the same pleasure, the descendants marched through Lviv under the Nazi marches 30 June 2019.

In our midst today, there is a joke about cool cockroaches. After all the revolutionary events in Ukraine, the cockroaches became so cool that as soon as humans turn on the light in the evening, they turn it off on their own. By the way, think dear fellow citizens, maybe such cockroaches live in your apartment? And I, while you think, will make you happy with new peremoga from the owners of Ukraine.

You already know that Sea Breeze-1 joint exercises will begin in Odessa in July from 2019. Maneuvers will take place on the sea, land, air and under water. During the exercises, artillery firing, landing of inspection teams, as well as improving the interaction of special units are planned. In total, 2019 countries, 19 ships, 32 aircraft and more 24 military personnel will take part in Sea Breeze-3000. Among the participating countries, in particular, Ukraine, France, Georgia, Poland, Turkey, United Kingdom.

It is for conducting exercises that Americans are sending us a bunch of their own "warriors of light" across the sea. In short, the USNS "Yum" American high-speed troop-landing catamaran crossed the Black Sea overnight and entered the port of Odessa in the morning. Around 11: 00 29 June, the catamaran moored at the 1 berth.

"Yuma brought to Ukraine a unit (most likely a battalion) of American marines who will take part in the Sea Breeze-2019 international naval exercises."

Naturally, I called Odessa and asked the local cockroaches to look at this miracle Yudo. Reporting as a journalist "IN":

USNS Yuma is the eighth Spearhead expeditionary high-speed cruise ship. Launched in 2016 year, in operation since the end of April 2017. The length of the 103 meter, the width of the 28,5 meter. Four diesel engines with a total power of 86 thousands of horsepower accelerate the ship to 43 units (80 km / h). The total displacement is 2400 tons. It can take on more 300 marines and about 550 tons of various equipment, including military equipment and tanks. The draft is about four meters, which allows you to act in shallow water. There is a helipad.

There is an interesting feature of this craft. At least for me, land to the impossibility. Ours on the pier moaned like a flock of geese before flying to warm countries. I quote:
"The catamaran looks very unusual for our eyes. It is made of lightweight aluminum alloy and is not specially painted."

Should the economy be economical? Or paint is not enough in the US?

Я вот сижу и раздумываю над нашими военно-морскими проблемами. Как нам ваш fleet запугать? И кажется придумал. Посоветоваться хочу с моряками. Минометы на корабли устанавливают, или это моё нахренау? Представляете, наступает наш москитный флот на Крымский мост. Красиво так, ровненько идут катера и рыбацкие шхуны. У вас паника, надо остановить!

The guns were uncovered, the Bickford fuse cords of the rockets were lighted, the combat octopuses were taken to positions against the combat swimmers, the headquarters were loaded into trucks for evacuation. And here we are, at the minimum distance, from our “Hammer” mortars, with a volley of women! And that's it! Your entire defense is destroyed. There were boats and no. They are already submarines. And the computers of your guidance systems are stung by such a transformation of goals into nothing! Maybe I go to the admirals? I feel like Admiral Haiduk, no, Voronchenko.

And let me tell you about my other dreams. Especially since before the weekend I met with "competent sources" from the Ministry of Finance. So that we do not talk about dreams there, most still dream of a simple, not at all romantic. About own thick Haman. Purse, in your opinion. The numbers will be called official. Those that you will soon hear in the speeches of our economists.

Oh, and prospects in my dreams in Ukraine. We will constantly increase the minimum wage. In 2019, before 4 173 UAH, in 2020-m - 4 723 UAH, in 2021 - 5 003 UAH, and in 2022 5 290 UAH!

But that's not all. Our pennies will be full. They will live in America. In 2022, retired Ukrainians with full experience will receive as much as 2 116 UAH! I understand that you are smiling now. Dreamer Tarakan. And I want to dream.

And you would like it if the whole head of the Accounts Chamber, Valery Patskan, issued the following phrase:

"Now, every fourth Ukrainian cannot afford to eat even at the minimum standards, use household goods and services, and live in proper conditions."

By the way, do not think that idiots are sitting there. Count in this very Accounting Chamber really know how. As one of these writers said, if we considered, as it should be, taking into account the actual indicators, then today the minimum pension in Ukraine should be 3 100 UAH.

But there is no money in the pension fund. Money is needed for the payment of salaries and for other needs. In short, everything is as usual. Extra people ... And this is despite the fact that, officially, by the way, do not be surprised, considering those who work in the shadow economy, today only 16,5 million people (57%) work. These are the dumplings ...

And to finish thinking about the future, I want an answer to a question that I read in the comments on past notes. I am sincerely sorry that some readers read my notes diagonally. Only in this case, questions may arise about events that take place yesterday or today and which I do not comment on.

I would love to comment on events immediately, but this is impossible for me. First, the editorial board of the VO is far from me. Not hundreds, but thousands of kilometers. So, I just physically cannot come and put notes on the table for the editor. Secondly, electronic delivery systems are controlled by guys with slippers at the ready. Therefore, the notes “go” in an intricate way to the editorial board. And third, I'm not a reporter. News - not mine. I am rather a bystander who sits in the mouth of a volcano and describes how the rock melts around with the appearance of new portions of lava from the heart of the Earth.

On this optimistic pessimistic note today and finish. You know, the joke prolongs life. Axiom. Unfortunately, this sometimes does not apply to the author of the joke. Paradox. I received a message from the Kuril Islands! Imagine where it is? I personally have difficulty. So, there local jokers came up with a slogan for the future candidate in the elections somewhere out there, you have the elections like the fall, from the party of a healthy lifestyle. "Rename the Kuril Islands into Physical Culture!"

I do not even know if this is news or an anecdote from the Kurilians Cockroaches - they are. Especially in the conditions of the “country of huge burdocks”, by the way, they also spoke about burdock umbrellas for people. They lie, I guess. Your deeds are wonderful, mother nature.

And we also had this ... Constitution Day.

Do you know that we have a holiday every day? We, unlike Americans, do not think about when we will earn our first million. Unlike the Russians, we do not think about the greatness of the past. Unlike Europeans, we don’t think about some kind of democracy and other nonsense. We remember or invent holidays. And we celebrate heartily everything.

Tell me, did you celebrate June 30? I am sure that most do not even know what a great holiday it was. And there is. But your fathers and mothers, perhaps, it was on this holiday that they met when mother swung on a swing (someone else remembers such boats) and dad smoked on the nearest bench and caught the moment when the boat fell down and the dress .. .

Do not think that I am about an international day of asteroids or that a cornflower bloomed in the fields. I'm not even about the fact that the wild rose began to drop leaves from the flowers. About the mermaids, who just yesterday turned into water lilies, I generally keep quiet. By the way, cut the water lily - kill the mermaid. Popular wisdom.

I wandered around Kiev with a camera. I just went and just shot, as I did many times already. Probably, there is no more reliable document of history than a photo. Even staged, even official, not to mention amateur photos. I can talk a lot about politics, about the situation in the country, about "is there life on Mars", but I can not make people smile. To force "svititisya ochі divchatok і lads". Look at Kiev today. Just look and you will understand a lot.

All optimistic attitude towards modernity and romantic to the future. Smile, gentlemen, smile (s). Smile, no matter what. Let our sarcastic smiles show the authorities that we all understand. We are not cattle. And our kind smiles tell everyone about our love for people, for nature, for life. Will live!
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  1. 13+
    3 July 2019 05: 11
    Hello Cockroach! Regarding the elections .... oh a lot of people will go over to the For Life party, where Rabinovich is. I will laugh for a long time if Darth Vader passes through Radu! We registered it! Here he is then to the Rada, but with full "ammunition" for the meeting .... Maybe his speakers? instead of Parubiy? But, of course, how they will count. "Svoboda" has become more active here - they run around, distribute newspapers. The people "hawala". And what? The post office in the villages now works once a day, It can be seen only to distribute pensions, and pay receipts for electricity and gas. They don't carry mail, but for a single newspaper, who will stomp a kilometer? So they read what they bring.
    Teaching is good! The people rejoice - "Europa is with us". For how long - does not care yet.
    And what is all about backpacks in Kiev? Tourists or what? Ali "I carry everything with me if I have to run"?
    That's about pensions you have well ... three thousand .... Well this is possible to dream. Only while prices are rising, but the weight of goods - bread, sugar, milk - everything decreases and decreases. In the heat, you see, they shrink.
    But we live! What do you want with the family.
    1. +3
      3 July 2019 05: 40
      Madam hi hi hi Greatly glad to know that you are alive
      Quote: Egoza
      oh a lot of people will go over to the party for life,

      The ordinary life of the "ordinary" "servants of the people", they are like that Truffaldino, always for those who win

      1. +7
        3 July 2019 07: 46
        And I am glad to see you! Trufaldino was easier, because Had only 2x gentlemen. And Ze should please both the fascists, and gays, and the parliament, and Europe, and the USA ..... and not list them all! Yes, people are waiting for something!
    2. +3
      3 July 2019 05: 59
      Speaking of the Spearhead Expeditionary Freight Ship
      It would not be bad for Russia to have an analogue of such a ship. Inexpensive (relatively). high-speed, with a high carrying capacity, so to speak, an emergency "fire extinguisher" if our "overseas partners" want to once again set fire to some country.
      1. +5
        3 July 2019 08: 04
        The Soviet past has shown that ships with a speed of 40-50 nodes can not go to sea even with a small storm. We also had such vessels.
      2. +1
        3 July 2019 17: 41
        Quote: Siberia 75
        How to say an emergency "fire extinguisher" if our "overseas partners" want to once again set fire to some country.

        Airborne not?
        1. +1
          3 July 2019 19: 00
          Quote: NEOZ
          Airborne not?

          I can hardly imagine the large landing of drugs, equipment, cargo, etc., somewhere in Africa or L. America. Although the sight would be epic smile
      3. 0
        3 July 2019 20: 29
        Lech, and ekranoplans than did not please you? hi
        1. +2
          4 July 2019 04: 50
          Quote: page
          and ekranoplans than you did not please?

          The fact that they are not. Some work is sluggishly going on. The topic of ekranoplanes is interesting, but it is necessary to talk about it with experts (if any). I suspect that the development of the topic has come up against some serious, scientific and technical problems.
  2. +3
    3 July 2019 05: 41
    Thank you, cockroach, on a kind word, yes, but not much of the smiles of many of us! Tragedy for tragedies, mass deaths of people, catastrophes, all this does not add joy, or simply we cannot be indifferent to grief! Therefore, for the article just thanks. ...
  3. +9
    3 July 2019 05: 47
    About koradsky hi
    Even Shary got. We are just furious with him, as he, sitting in Holland, is trying here to arrange a promotion.
    To say that Shariy surprised me is to say nothing. Well done, I "changed my shoes" and "changed clothes" on time "in flight". He clearly understands where it is better.
    I myself have just not long returned from you, so I can draw some conclusions. And they are different.
    First, of course, it is impossible not to notice that you really got out of the "peak" (I wonder how long?) And there is little movement, construction started and many electric vehicles appeared on the roads, but still people are not sure what it will be for a long time. Just talking about where and how to go to work abroad.
    And he was very amazed at Ze's "verbiage", he talks about peace in the Donbass, and from the front line they only had time to drag the wounded turntables ...
    Someone will say: "The Cockroach is pumping. How many of these marches take place annually. One less, one more. Nothing will change." Probably.
    Maybe someone will say, but not me. I am amazed at the level of Ukrainian nationalism, especially in the eastern regions of Ukraine, and even among Russian speakers. Unshakable, as long as unshakable. Really crave revenge and rejection from Russia, Bryansk, Voronezh, Belgorod and Rostov regions. And with what pride they showed me this:

    How many lies are there behind the true picture of the animation ... But they firmly believe that this is 1000-year-old Ukraine. But not who is not able to give an answer to the question, but what confirms the existence of such a state as "Kievan Rus", there is at least one historical document 1000 years ago, where this name sounds, or at least 500 years old. In short, nationalism in Ukraine is deeply rooted and sooner or later it will come back to haunt
    And lastly, I want to boast of the same, unfortunately not the hot weather in the Urals, but the abundance and variety of food, "spiritual food". Upon my return, I just got to the "Ural Music Night 2019", this is already an annual festival in Yekaterinburg, "Music Night", where at many venues, everyone can find music to their liking ...
    This year there were more than 300 spectators on this "night" ...

    By the way, this is a saved square where they wanted to build two 30-storey houses and an office center, under the guise of building the Temple
    Well, photos from other venues of the "music night"

    Everyone found what he was looking for ...

    1. -1
      3 July 2019 06: 26
      Quote: svp67
      By the way, this is a saved square where they wanted to build two 30-storey houses and an office center, under the guise of building the Temple

      I'm afraid after 300 000 people, little was left of the square ... everyone trampled
      1. +3
        3 July 2019 06: 31
        Quote: purple
        I'm afraid after 300 000 people, little was left of the square ... everyone trampled

        This is the GENERAL number at all sites, and there were many sites, not only in the Square, but also in the 1905 Square of the year, this is where Lenin’s monument is in the photo and at the URFU buildings, which is in the OTP, in the Ural State University, in the Plot, Opera, in squares to the length of Lenin Avenue and many more where
    2. +2
      3 July 2019 07: 06
      what Yeah, Ural brags! And if we answer the same? We will soon have the same musical jazz marathon ... Last year I spent 12 hours there. Good tricky. He took with him a litter, suhpay and nonsuhpay (like lemonade, so that the guards would not bother). So Siberia will not lag behind! drinks
      1. +3
        3 July 2019 07: 19
        Quote: domokl
        Yeah, Ural brags!

        We do not brag about how some of Siberia suspect us, WE LEAD. tongue
        Quote: domokl
        We will soon have the same musical jazz marathon ...

        Well, this will not surprise us "UralTerraJazz", the International Jazz Festival EverJazz ... Not so massive, but annually held. And there is also "Uralrok", "Old New Rock" and a lot of things.
        But nevertheless VERY happy for Siberians.
        Will live!!! drinks
        And keep it up good
        If you hear the game of violins, mean guns silent
      2. Ska
        3 July 2019 08: 56
        Jazzy talking? Hmmm. And the singer from Georgia will be there with her mouth? If so, put a couple of tomatoes and a couple of eggs in your sucker. Feed your aunt lol
        1. +1
          3 July 2019 09: 34
          Quote: SKA
          Hmmm. And the singer from Georgia will be there with her mouth?

          She ... our singers from Georgia do not survive. Coldly. Only merchants)))
    3. +2
      3 July 2019 07: 48
      What's the beautiful! and at the Naas, by order of Petit, the rally was again on the Maidan with smoke, tires and other nasty things. "Can't be tolerated anymore!" some nice name. True, each could no longer tolerate his own.
    4. +3
      3 July 2019 08: 52
      Where is the thousand-year Ukraine? Once flashed at the beginning of XX century.
  4. The comment was deleted.
  5. 0
    3 July 2019 06: 15
    Quote: 30 vis
    We are not
    food, not dirt, not the food chain is the main thing. We are the main thing in this life .. We are the people .... Having power and going to power, as well as oligarchs and other "owners of vodokachek" husk, nothing .. without us ...
  6. +2
    3 July 2019 06: 16
    But there is no money in the pension fund.
    .... We have the same problem ... smile
  7. 0
    3 July 2019 08: 09
    Bravo. The desire to turn all life into a holiday, and at the same time earn a lot of money, is in all post-Soviet countries. Such people, as an author, are real patriots of the country.
  8. +2
    3 July 2019 08: 45
    Pan Tarakan!
    Your words, even Shary has come up.
    The next time you can learn more about us and from what the poor fellow smarting?
    I personally am a supporter but not a fan of Sharia. That is when he recognizes Crimea as Russian, and you too, Mr. Tarakan, then honor and esteem.
    1. +3
      3 July 2019 10: 08
      yeah))) It also seems to me that Shariy is the only adequate in this circus))
      1. +2
        3 July 2019 12: 01
        Quote: Garrett
        Shary is the only adequate in this circus

        Muraev, Bondarenko, Vilkul.
        1. +1
          3 July 2019 14: 29
          like be yes .... but they have fewer chances than the ball))) IMHO of course
    2. 0
      3 July 2019 17: 48
      Quote: scud
      I personally am a supporter but not a fan of Sharia.

      you, as a supporter of Sharia, should know that this character has ruined the entire KhPP ...
      according to the plan, the gunpowder smartly went into the second round, where smartly the winner becomes ...
      he is our gunpowder ... but this is a secret!
  9. 0
    3 July 2019 09: 21
    Thank you Pan Tarakan! I can not be clever, not the caliber, and yesterday's bath .... The ending of the report from the movie about Baron Munchausen, is a little different, like. Good luck!
  10. +2
    3 July 2019 09: 23
    And where is the party "Cockroaches of Ukraine"?
    1. +2
      3 July 2019 09: 35
      laughing In the election campaign for a place in the parliament, they will be overheated and will not be noticed .. here is the cockroach Rada is an idea. Ale, pan Tarakan ...
      1. +1
        3 July 2019 10: 08
        They will not grind everyone, the main thing is to stir up cockroaches in the heads of Ukrainians
  11. BAI
    3 July 2019 09: 56
    Look at Kiev today. Just look and you will understand a lot.

    Why look at the capital of a non-hostile - enemy state?
  12. +4
    3 July 2019 10: 08
    There is no prophet in his own country. Ps: no hope no shish - vote for PCA!
    1. -1
      3 July 2019 17: 50
      Quote: BMP-2
      no hope no shisha - vote for PCA!

      you, as a supporter of Sharia, should know that this character has ruined the entire KhPP ...
      according to the plan, the gunpowder smartly went into the second round, where smartly the winner becomes ...
      he is our gunpowder ... but this is a secret!
  13. +1
    3 July 2019 10: 45
    By the way, think dear fellow citizens, maybe such cockroaches also live in your apartment?

    Yes, there is. Who is the Right Sector? Right Sector of the stadium. Lobanovsky - a fan of Dynamo Kiev. Now tell us how the slogan "100% white" differs from "There is no black in our colors"? And the fact that the second is Virage, Zenit, St. Petersburg. They have faces and slogans, and ridges and even club colors are the same. There are no fascists? All polls. There, even before the pile of Red-Brown Kupchino and other bastards ... And everyone without exception is worried about the country too. Incidentally, among the fans they are called "northern Banderlog" - by the way, who is even more inadequate - northern or southern - you go to them on Landskrona and talk about politics. By the way, two owners of premium pistols from Poroshenko, one Banderlog for the sights for the ATO thanked everyone, on the second there is nowhere to put a stigma - they took root there like at home
    By the way, the club, like the Palace of Culture for a long time, was a handshake, then it became a handshake - but the banderlogs remained ...
  14. 0
    3 July 2019 11: 43
    When you read in an article that Jews were killed in Lviv simple local guys and girls, and Bandera had nothing to do with it, then you read the article further on the diagonal, which the author complains in vain.
  15. +4
    3 July 2019 12: 59
    Thanks Cockroach!
    Just do not understand what claims to Sharia ?! Did he break the law? Or do not you like that he spread rot the old corrupt thieves? So this, in many respects, thanks to him they expelled the Gunpowder and he did not become president again. It was thanks to him that the whole world learned about the fraudulent schemes of Poroshenko and his entourage, that he was seeking the arrest of the killer Sternenko, that he was seeking the release of the innocently languishing in prison and paying a lawyer, that he had organized the distribution of improvised pensions to the elderly in the Donbas ... Yes, there were a lot of good things done!
    In this regard, I am wildly envious of the Ukrainians that they have Sharia, and we don’t have one. There are all sorts of scammers from politics, but there isn’t such one who would bend the government like that, who would rally the people against the current powerless government.
    And what about the fact that he works from abroad ?! So he wasn’t from a good life there. The former authorities fabricated cases against him in order to plant him on the bunk and thus shut his mouth! Lenin also led from abroad and nothing!
    1. 0
      3 July 2019 17: 51
      Quote: Lexa-149
      Just do not understand what claims to Sharia ?! Did he break the law? Or do not you like that he spread rot the old corrupt thieves? So this, in many respects, thanks to him they expelled Gunpowder and he did not become president again.

      you, as a supporter of Sharia, should know that this character has ruined the entire KhPP ...
      according to the plan, the gunpowder smartly went into the second round, where smartly the winner becomes ...
      he is our gunpowder ... but this is a secret!
      1. 0
        3 July 2019 18: 09
        Of course, I know!)))) Only with such "ours" and enemies are not necessary!))))
        1. 0
          3 July 2019 18: 13
          Quote: Lexa-149
          Only such "our" and enemies are not necessary!))))

          it's you in vain!
          he couldn’t declare to the State Department, and so they say, I’m working for the GDP ... well, there you go - puppies!
          he is like Stirlitz ... he worked for the enemy for Our victory, and then bam, the blogger failed!
          But actually, what are your complaints about the steamer?
          1. +1
            3 July 2019 18: 21
            What are your complaints about the steamer?

            And, for example, crap and false anti-Russian propaganda and inciting ethnic hatred.
  16. +2
    3 July 2019 14: 42
    Quote: Lexa-149
    Thanks Cockroach!
    Just do not understand what claims to Sharia ?! Did he break the law? Or do not you like that he spread rot the old corrupt thieves? So this, in many respects, thanks to him they expelled the Gunpowder and he did not become president again. It was thanks to him that the whole world learned about the fraudulent schemes of Poroshenko and his entourage, that he was seeking the arrest of the killer Sternenko, that he was seeking the release of the innocently languishing in prison and paying a lawyer, that he had organized the distribution of improvised pensions to the elderly in the Donbas ... Yes, there were a lot of good things done!

    Yes, why did Shary Tarakan not please? He "burns out" from him, an insect. For many years a man has been showing the Ukurin Natsiks and Porosenko in all their glory. In short - "Shariy is coming!"
    1. -3
      3 July 2019 17: 52
      Quote: Auto Factory
      In short - "Shary is coming!"

      you, as a supporter of Sharia, should know that this character has ruined the entire KhPP ...
      according to the plan, the gunpowder smartly went into the second round, where smartly the winner becomes ...
      he is our gunpowder ... but this is a secret!
  17. +2
    3 July 2019 15: 43
    pan cockroach) come to visit Minsk with your camera)
    health to you and optimism)
  18. 0
    3 July 2019 21: 13
    We will live .. Nothing new, actually. A city as a city and people, in appearance as people. Everything invisible in the head. And about a lot of food on the shelves .. Heat, flies .. Aren't you afraid? and where is the sanitary and epidemiological station looking?
  19. 0
    4 July 2019 07: 40
    but do not care about your "country" already ... go to Europe and write there about your "country" !!!
  20. 0
    4 July 2019 16: 36
    Right Coming Big Wonderful with elections! Political uk ... r. cockroaches smile But there’s NO time especially before the elections! Looking from the inside, I hope that the Nazis will be in the minority. Got it wassat
  21. 0
    7 July 2019 15: 22
    "... here the local population killed with pleasure. The descendants marched across Lvov with the same pleasure during the Nazi marches on June 30, 2019."
    So who supported and supports?
    The local church and Europe ...
    Priests are the main killers!
    Sort of a sneak ... And who is to blame? Russians!
  22. 0
    10 July 2019 12: 43
    Thanks cockroach, we will live!