SIRS "Pine": obvious advantages and noticeable disadvantages

Work continues on the advanced anti-aircraft system missile the Sosna complex for air defense of ground forces. Not long ago, the developers of this air defense system showed a prototype that corresponds to the expected serial configuration. Unlike the previous prototype, built on the MT-LB transporter chassis, the new model is based on the BMP-3 vehicle. This gives the complex certain advantages that are favorably combined with other positive qualities.

Serial appearance

Serial samples of "Pines" in their appearance will correspond to the recently shown prototype. The air defense missile system is proposed to be built on the chassis of an infantry fighting vehicle BMP-3 and equipped with a new launcher with the target equipment. On this module, made in the form of a turning tower, two packages are installed with six missiles each.

The launcher is made on the basis of a gyro-stabilized platform. It has an optical and thermal imaging camera, a laser rangefinder with a rocket control function, a system of state recognition and control equipment. Search and maintenance of targets are carried out by optical-electronic means. Rocket guidance is performed using a laser beam guided by automatics. ZRK equipment can operate in fully automatic or semi-automatic modes.

The destruction of targets is carried out using the 9М340 Sosna-R anti-aircraft missile. This 30 kg product is made according to a bicalyber scheme and can reach speeds of up to 900 m / s, as well as maneuver with overloads up to 40. Destruction of targets at distances up to 10 km and altitudes up to 5 km. Used two combat units - armor-piercing and fragmentation. Guidance of missiles is provided by automatic ground-based air defense systems with control using a laser beam.

The Sosna air defense missile system is controlled by a crew of two people - a driver and an operator. The complex can interact with third-party equipment Defense, receiving or transmitting data on the air situation. The task of the Sosna is to accompany troops on the march or in positions while simultaneously providing cover from air attacks. In this role, the new SAM will replace the outdated Strela family systems.

Obvious advantages

The serial appearance provides the Strela air defense system with a number of characteristic advantages. One of the main ones is the possibility of mounting the launcher on different chassis with a lifting capacity of at least 4 t. This capability has already been demonstrated using prototypes made on the MT-LB and BMP-3 chassis. The last option received approval and will soon go into the series.

According to some information, in the near future, the Pine will become the basis for the Ptitselov air defense missile system, intended for the airborne troops. In this case, the unified launcher will be mounted on the BMD-4M chassis. Regardless of the specific type of base chassis, the result of the design becomes a combat vehicle that most fully meets the requirements of a specific kind of troops.

All proposed for use of the chassis are in service with different types of troops, which simplifies the introduction and operation of new air defense systems. There is no need to establish the supply of new components. In addition, ready-made complexes can move and work in the same combat formations with other armored vehicles of the army. The unified chassis provides both the required mobility characteristics and a comparable level of crew and equipment protection.

The Pine air defense missile system uses a passive method for detecting and tracking targets. The radiation source is only a laser rangefinder, also controlling the rocket. Such principles of work provide the required efficiency, and also allow solving combat missions at any time of the day and in different weather conditions. At the same time, the probability of detecting air defense missile systems by means of electronic reconnaissance is reduced, and its complete suppression by electronic warfare systems becomes impossible.

The Pine is capable of shooting from a standstill, from a short stop and in motion. In all cases, automation steadily accompanies the selected target and provides guidance of the rocket. Effective control devices allow you to attack both air and ground targets, provided the line of sight. Depending on the type of target, automatic tracking begins at distances up to 25-30 km (airplane type target).

The rocket "Sosna-R" provides a high probability of hitting various targets within the zone of responsibility of the system. High flight speed and the ability to maneuver with overloads allow you to fight a wide range of aircraft and weapons. The used laser beam guidance system virtually eliminates the suppression of the control channel, which increases the probability of hitting the target.

With relatively high performance, the SOSNA-P SAM is characterized by small dimensions and weight. The transport and launch container weighing 42 kg does not require special means of loading. As a result, they did not include a transport-loading machine in the anti-aircraft complex. Ammunition can be delivered by any suitable transport, and its loading onto the launcher by the ZRK crew takes no more than 10-12 min.

From the point of view of certain features and features, the newest “Pine” air defense missile system resembles its predecessors from the Strela family. At the same time, similar ideas are implemented using modern components and technologies. All this leads to an obvious increase in tactical, technical and operational characteristics.

Noticeable flaws

Naturally, the newest complex is not without ambiguous features or obvious flaws. Such features of "Pines" can adversely affect the performance of the equipment or crew and, as a result, affect the practical results.

It is easy to see that the use of the BMP-3 chassis leads to a significant increase in the combat weight of the entire SAM system. The resulting machine should weigh about 18-20 tons, which in a known manner complicates the transfer of military transport aviation and imposes some other restrictions. The Pine variant on the MT-LB chassis is several tons lighter, but loses in the level of protection and some technical characteristics. For all this, the BMP-3 and MT-LB chassis cannot be used for parachute landing, which is why the Airborne Forces needed their own Ptitselov air defense system on the unified BMD-4M chassis.

Means of search and targeting of the Sosna air defense missile system are built on optical-electronic systems. This means that the detection, tracking and destruction of the target are possible only under the condition of direct optical visibility and depend on current conditions. Fog, precipitation and other meteorological phenomena can affect the operation of optics in real combat conditions. In addition, the optoelectronic station has a limited field of view, and the features of its installation on the launcher make it difficult to circular view.

The Sosna-R missile defense system has limited range and altitude characteristics, which is why, in order to ensure a full-fledged air defense system, the Sosna complex must work together with other systems with a larger affected area. In addition, the reduction in mass and dimensions of the rocket affected the weight of the missile warheads, and this may limit its combat effectiveness.

The absence of a TZM complex can be considered an ambiguous feature. On the one hand, it simplifies the rearmament and organization of combat work. On the other hand, the reloading of the launcher rests with the driver and the operator, who after such physical work should return to their direct duties. It cannot be excluded that carrying an 12 TPK with a total weight of about 500 kg can tire the crew and make it difficult to further combat work.

The “Pine” air defense missile system has significant advantages over the Strela family systems, however, in some characteristics it is not very large. For example, the mobility of two complexes is comparable. SAM Pine carries 7-kg warhead against 5-kg in the latest modifications of the Arrows, etc.

Weighted score

It is obvious that the Pine air defense missile system - like any other military equipment - has both strengths and weaknesses. In addition, as his work may reveal various shortcomings and flaws. It is for this purpose that multi-stage tests are carried out, the results of which decide on the future of the new development.

At the end of March this year, the leadership of CB Tochmash, which developed the Pine, announced the successful completion of state trials. By the time such News measures were launched to prepare for the adoption of air defense systems for the arsenal of Russian ground forces. Prototypes confirmed the specified characteristics and were highly appreciated, as a result of which the Sosna air defense system was recommended for operation and mass production.

This fact best of all shows the real balance of advantages and disadvantages of “Pines”. It turns out that the promising air defense missile system has fulfilled all the requirements of the customer, and his appearance corresponds to the desired one. In the presented form, "Pine" will go into service, which will happen in the near future. In addition, in the coming days, the public will be able to see this complex for the first time in serial configuration at the upcoming Army-2019 exhibition.
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  1. The comment was deleted.
  2. +6
    20 June 2019 06: 48
    In rainy weather, a good commander will not "drive the pine" out of the hangar ...
    1. 0
      20 June 2019 07: 10
      Not every "bird" will reach the middle ... "Pines".


      Almost (C) Gogol
      1. -1
        20 June 2019 08: 20
        Quote: Horse, lyudovѣd and soulѣlyub
        Not every "bird" will reach the middle ... "Pines".

        we have a river "Pine" - 20 meters wide)))
        1. -3
          20 June 2019 11: 29
          Not every NATO aircraft will reach the middle of the Pine!

    2. -1
      20 June 2019 07: 22
      Eh, it would be washed down with a PFAR, but expensive, but cloudy and aviation tight.
      1. -1
        20 June 2019 07: 47
        The machine is universal, therefore it will be inferior to something more specialized!
        You can, you need, just a big assortment of missiles is not good, for many objective reasons!
        Still .... you would not chase POP for cheapness.
        1. -1
          20 June 2019 17: 08
          This product weighing 30 kg is made according to the bicaliber scheme

          What is this bicaliber scheme in an anti-aircraft missile? Could it be a tandem scheme of warheads? Especially
          Two warheads were used - armor-piercing and fragmentation.

          If at the same time, then the missile turns out to be universal - anti-aircraft anti-tank?
          Effective control devices allow you to attack both air and ground targets subject to direct visibility.

          Haven't we just cobbled together a cheap (in price, not in efficiency) imitation of ADATSa?
          1. 0
            24 June 2019 12: 50
            Quote: snerg7520
            What is this bicaliber scheme in an anti-aircraft missile? Could it be a tandem scheme of warheads? Especially

            It's like "Tunguska" and "Pantsir". Upper stage + rocket.
      2. +3
        20 June 2019 08: 27
        Quote: Civil
        Eh, it would be washed down with a PFAR, but expensive, but cloudy and aviation tight.

        Well, about the PFAR - I will not say (guidance is still on the laser beam!). But an electro-optical station of a circular view of the "Phoenix" type, it seems to me, "Pine" would NOT interfere! (Besides, it seems that the cost of "Phoenix" is not so huge).
      3. -1
        21 June 2019 19: 17
        The operation will show whether the device took place or not: if it took place and has a modernization reserve, then I think that we can still enjoy the autonomous work of the Pine in automatic mode - here the anti-aircraft gunners will say their word when they master the collective work of the Pine in the network-centric system and in the mode swarm.
    3. +1
      20 June 2019 08: 26
      Quote: knn54
      In rainy weather, a good commander will not "drive the pine" out of the hangar ...

      Debatable. Everything is decided by the software settings.
      In rain and snow, for example, a thermal imager sees better than optics. In addition, the enemy always has the same weather conditions)))
      Here, for example, are the Teplonadzor photos - they certainly have the equipment for measuring temperature, but still quite clearly.
    4. The comment was deleted.
  3. sen
    20 June 2019 07: 48
    And how will it work in fully automatic mode? It is necessary to install a separate intelligence module and a target recognition computer.
    1. +1
      20 June 2019 08: 04
      Surely, the memory of the control machine of defense contains images of all "partner" aircraft. Here is the automatic mode... shoot down everything that looks like it...
    2. 0
      20 June 2019 09: 15
      So the primary control center is from the accordion, where there is an SSS
    3. 0
      20 June 2019 23: 49
      And what about your friend or foe system?
    4. 0
      21 June 2019 19: 26
      Do not!
      All installations will work under the supervision of a single BIUS, which will supply the same picture for ALL modules forming a swarm and each target will be accompanied by a marker taking into account the relative coordinates of each module (installation) - this will be the concern of the BIOS central processor
  4. +3
    20 June 2019 08: 01
    It is easy to see that the use of the BMP-3 chassis leads to a substantial increase in the combat mass of the entire air defense system. The resulting machine should weigh on the order of 18-20 t, which in a known way complicates the transfer of military transport aircraft and imposes some other restrictions. The “Pines” variant on the MT-LB chassis is several tons lighter, but it loses in the level of protection and some technical characteristics. With all this, the BMP-3 and MT-LB chassis cannot be used during parachute landing, which is why the Airborne Forces needed their own Ptitselov air defense system on the BMD-4M unified chassis.

    In fact, having MTLB-based equipment in the BMP-3 division is a very dubious pleasure. Unification VERY simplifies life, and not only to engineers and rear personnel.
    As for the transfer - and BMP-3 units also need to somehow be transferred.

    Accordingly, the Airborne Forces also want to get the car on the "native" chassis - which is quite natural. For them, for complete happiness, only MTLB is not enough ...

    By the way, it is safe to predict that if they want to adapt the Sosna for tank units, then a product on the T-72 (T-90) or T-14 (T-15) chassis, respectively, could easily appear.
    1. +3
      20 June 2019 13: 11
      The BMP-3 division has no full-time vehicles on the MTLB chassis.
      Translate to the BMP-3, T-72 (90) chassis, Armata ... In what reality will the economy pull all this?
      Divisions on BMPs, on BTRs. Tank divisions are on T-72, T-80, in the future on Armata - are you proposing three chassis for Sosna? What to hang Sosna on in the motorized division? All the other equipment of the divisions should also be transferred to these chassis? And what to transfer individual units of the army and/or front to? Isn't the Armata and T-72 platform excessive for Sosna? Look again at how many different chassis there are in the division. It will not be possible to unify everything. Do we have at least one division equipped according to the table with modern/modernized equipment? And even on a single unified chassis? Only then can we draw preliminary conclusions about simplifying the life of "engineers and logistics personnel".
      When discussing the strengthening of the unit with some kind of "unification", then you immediately hear "great!", "Super!" etc. This is good for a specific case made up to justify unification. But for example, the battalion on the BMP-3 was reinforced with Sosnoy on the chassis of the BMP-3 - air defense, and the anti-tank component of the reinforcement was a battery on the Rapier and ..?! or on the Sturm, or on the CornetoTigers?
      The country's economy will fly into the pipe with such a unification of the chassis. But the defense industry is violet. And so, cool, beautiful, smart, smart - once a year on Red Square ride.
      Of course, I understand that "there", "above", people are sitting more understanding on which chassis to release Pine - the question of upgrading Arrows to Pines, as I understand it, is no longer worth it - immediately on the BMP-3 chassis.

      And it is necessary to discuss not the chassis, but the SAM itself.
      The article indicates the presence of a state recognition system. It is not clear to me how this system and the "passive method of detecting and tracking targets" are combined, if only through the "Complex it can interact with third-party air defense systems", and then who will transmit something to Pine, for example, on the march.
      Detection range "up to 25-30 km (aircraft-type target)" - is it in the steppe and in the case of a target flying at an altitude of several thousand meters? Suitable target for Pine .....
      The mammoth tusk is being sucked up at the KBP, that at Nudelman, as it seems to me, and these are marine themes of the end of the USSR
  5. +2
    20 June 2019 08: 13
    Means of search and targeting of the Sosna air defense missile system are built on optical-electronic systems. This means that the detection, tracking and destruction of the target are possible only under the condition of direct optical visibility and depend on current conditions. Fog, precipitation and other meteorological phenomena can affect the operation of optics in real combat conditions. In addition, the optoelectronic station has a limited field of view, and the features of its installation on the launcher make it difficult to circular view.

    You can add to the complex a passive radar that responds to radiation and shows the attack vector, with the automatic turn of the tower in the direction of the threat and the subsequent automatic launch of missiles. In very bad weather, few people fly, and in a simply bad problem, there is a short period of time from target detection to attack.
  6. +4
    20 June 2019 08: 18
    SAM “Sosna-R” has limited characteristics of range and altitude, because of which, to ensure full air defense, the Sosna complex must work together with other systems with a larger affected area.

    With what fright did the author decide that the limited range and altitude of this air defense system is a drawback? Pine is a short arm of air defense and range and altitude are embedded in its performance characteristics. It should not have the characteristics of C-500. The pine is replacing or in addition to Arrow-10.
    1. +1
      20 June 2019 08: 50
      SAM "Sosna-R" has limited characteristics of range and altitude

      Also drew attention to this pearl. wassat However. when the complex is placed in a distant orbit with proper targeting after many many years, it will hit the target in another solar system. soldier here you have unlimited range wink
    2. -1
      20 June 2019 09: 03
      NEXUS (Andrey) Today, 08: 18
      With what fright did the author decide that the limited range and altitude of this air defense system is a drawback? Pine is a short arm of air defense and range and altitude are embedded in its performance characteristics. It should not have the characteristics of C-500. The pine is replacing or in addition to Arrow-10.

      probably because if we compare 9M337 with 57E6E, then the characteristics of Sosny-R are certainly lower. Although both systems (Pine and Shell) - the near air defense zone.
      1. +1
        20 June 2019 09: 09
        Quote: Ka-52
        Although both systems (Pine and Shell) - near air defense.

        Now developed Shell-SM, with a missile with a range of 40 km against 20 at Shell-S1. And the radar sees twice as far. Therefore, we can say that the Shell-SM is a transitional complex from the complex of the middle hand to the middle.
      2. +3
        20 June 2019 10: 35
        Quote: Ka-52
        comparing 9М337 with 57Э6Е

        Actually... the 9M340 SAM was intended for the "current" Sosna! The 9M337 SAM was originally intended for the Tunguska SAM system... later, they really were going to use it in the Sosna RA... but in the end they settled on the 9M340.
      3. 0
        20 June 2019 23: 51
        Shell rockets are significantly more expensive.
  7. 0
    20 June 2019 08: 55
    Laser guidance in bad weather and smoke on the battlefield does not work from the word at all - therefore "Pine" will not take off.

    On the basis of the BMP, it is required to deploy an all-weather air defense system with "Nails" from the "Pantsir" and with a radar with a circular view, and position the missiles vertically inside the armored hull, and not openly with exposure to the impact of fragments from mines and shells.
    1. D16
      20 June 2019 12: 13
      On the basis of the BMP, it is required to deploy an all-weather air defense system with "Nails" from the "Pantsir" and with a radar with a circular view, and position the missiles vertically inside the armored body, and not openly with exposure to the impact of fragments from mines and shells

      Have tried. So far, Thor Morpheus has not yet come outlaughing .
    2. 0
      20 June 2019 12: 53
      Quote: Operator
      On the basis of the BMP, it is required to deploy an all-weather air defense system with "Nails" from the "Pantsir" and with a radar with a circular view, pr

      Something like that is now being developed by Techmash ...
  8. +2
    20 June 2019 09: 49
    It would be good to make a "cheap" version on the chassis of an armored truck. Kakmaz 6x6 will do just fine, or Ural 6x6. And I wonder if these systems can complement (receive data from) Pantsir? It would be possible to budget-friendly increase Pantsir's BC.
    1. 0
      20 June 2019 12: 57
      Quote: Zaurbek
      It would be nice to make a "cheap" version on the chassis of an armored truck.

      Hmmm ... the first samples of "Carapace" were mounted on a truck chassis ... not even an armored one. wink And the 30mm guns were taken from the BMP-2... laughing
      1. 0
        20 June 2019 14: 34
        And then there’s no pushe, 4 tons of radar .... Typhoon-K / U with an armored cab is quite suitable ...
      2. 0
        20 June 2019 15: 13
        I suppose that the first "chassis" of the Pantsir was a "steamer" wink
        And about 2А42 on the shell for me news belay
        1. 0
          21 June 2019 00: 16
          Quote: Tamer
          And about 2А42 on the shell for me news

          I have to apologize to you ... I "made a slip"! feel It was necessary to specify BMP-2, not BMP-3! And guns not 2A42, but 2A72...
          The "primary" "Pantsir" (somewhere around 1994...) had 2A72 guns, 9M335 SAMs and was "located" on the "Ural-5323.4" chassis... was not intended for ground forces (not a military SAM...), but for air defense (protection of rear facilities...) hi
  9. +1
    20 June 2019 09: 56
    About the optical-electronic target tracking station (OE TTS) for anti-aircraft missile and artillery systems in my article:
  10. +2
    20 June 2019 10: 51
    The "predecessor" of the 9M340 SAM is the 9M337 SAM... It was initially developed for the Tunguska SAM system, used in testing the first modifications (variants) of the Sosna, and was intended for use in the Palma naval SAM system... Differences: 9M337 - incline range - 8 km; altitude - 3,5 km .... 9M340 - incline range - 10 km; altitude - 5 km
    9M337-BC-5 kg ​​....9M340-BC-7 kg; 9M337-speed-1200 m/s 9M340-speed-900 m/s
    1. +5
      20 June 2019 12: 35
      The most important difference: the method of guidance.
      9M337 - radio command; 9M340 - laser on the beam (as on the Kornet ATGM).
      Laser guidance creates big problems with paired launches (if it does not make them impossible at all): only 1 missile can go along one beam, i.e. increasing the likelihood of hitting a target by launching several missiles at it is problematic (it is unclear how many laser channels the Sosna has; if 1, then we will have to say goodbye to twin launches).

      Both methods require continuous tracking of the target until the moment of defeat (in the first case - by the radar beam, in the second - visually). There is no homing (and Strela-10 did).

      Since there is no radar on the Sosna (and there is no radio command transmitter), it is impossible to shoot with old missiles (from the Tunguska and Pantsir). Since they have similar TPKs (perhaps the same type at all), this can create problems in ammunition.

      The only interesting point is the possibility of using armor-piercing warheads. These are clearly not against aerial targets. Perhaps, "Pine" is a universal carrier, incl. and for the promising long-range missile system "Hermes".
      1. +2
        20 June 2019 13: 07
        Quote: Pushkowed
        The most important difference: the method of guidance.
        9M337 - radio command; 9M340 - laser on the beam (as on the Kornet ATGM).

        Not quite so... Yes, when the 9M337 was developed for the Tunguska, the initial idea was radio command guidance... but then (as they say in some articles...) they decided to "adapt" the SAM to the Sosna-R complex. That's how "laser-beam" guidance appeared on the 9M337 SAM... In general, both the 9M337 and the 9M340 have a similar guidance system: at the initial stage - radio command... at the "rest" - "laser-beam"...
  11. +3
    20 June 2019 11: 05
    It would be better to adapt the 10M9 SAM (Igla-S MANPADS) to modernize the Strela-342M... SAM system! The dual-band IR seeker would be "modernized" into a dual-mode seeker (IR seeker + laser seeker). And the air defense forces would be "happy"!
    1. D16
      20 June 2019 12: 23
      The main advantage of rockets of the Pine, Shell, Tunguska family is their relative cheapness and noise immunity. There is no GOS. Neither IR nor laser. Pine Rocket is induced as an ATGM Cornet. Shell and Tunguska as ATGM Attack.
      1. +1
        20 June 2019 13: 12
        Or maybe it's enough to rely only on "remote-controlled" missiles? Maybe it's worth remembering the saying: "I'm not rich enough to buy cheap things!"?
        1. D16
          20 June 2019 20: 40
          If the military is happy with the complex, then why pay more? You can take the S-350 and load it with 9M100 missiles for all the money, you get about what you want. It remains a little. Shove everything into one BMP-3 or BMD-4 and make it drop laughing .
    2. +2
      20 June 2019 13: 11
      Quote: Nikolaevich I
      For the modernization of the "Strela-10M ..." air defense system, it would be better to adapt the 9M342 SAM ("Igla-S" MANPADS)!

      But this is wrecking - to make self-propelled air defense systems based on MANPADS.
      Because MANPADS have all the performance characteristics (operating range, warhead weight) to the detriment of the ability to carry the calculation. While the complex remains portable, this decrease in performance characteristics is compensated for by its stealth (two people with a pipe) and "ubiquity" (in Afghanistan, to raise the ceiling of MANPADS, spirits equipped positions on the mountain tops). As soon as we put MANPADS on the chassis, we can forget about stealth and cross-country ability. But the stripped-down performance characteristics do not disappear anywhere. And we get a self-propelled target, the range of the missile defense of which is less than the range of the ATGM of a potential enemy.

      It is not for nothing that even when creating the first self-propelled regimental air defense system Strela-1, both the designers and the military abandoned the simplest way - to equip it with already developed air defense missile systems from MANPADS, and decided to make a heavier rocket with the best performance characteristics.
      1. 0
        20 June 2019 13: 37
        But you shouldn't confuse the 9M31 SAM with a warhead of 2,35 kg and the 9M32 with a warhead of 1,17 kg. The difference is 2 times! The 9M37 SAM (included in the ammunition load of the Strela-10... SAM) has a warhead of 3 kg, and the 9M342 SAM with a warhead of 2,5 kg (the Igla-S MANPADS).. not a very big difference! Moreover, SAMs with missiles "from MANPADS" are available! Well, if you don't like "MANPADS", take the 9M37 or 9M333 SAM, whose homing head can be called "dual-mode", because have IR sensors and photocontrast (light-contrast) sensors... "Improve" the photocontrast sensor "for a laser beam" and try to get a "dual-mode" seeker (IR seeker + laser seeker)!
      2. +2
        20 June 2019 15: 31
        It is not for nothing that even during the creation of the first self-propelled regimental air defense system "Strela-1", both the designers and the military abandoned the simplest way - to equip it with already developed air defense systems from MANPADS
        Not certainly in that way. When Strela-1 was developed, there were no MANPADS in the USSR. It was she who was supposed to be the first. But it did not work out in terms of mass and size - instead of MANPADS, it was necessary to sculpt a self-propelled gun on a wheeled chassis from it. And the first Soviet MANPADS was the competing Strela-2 project.
        1. 0
          20 June 2019 19: 06
          Quote: Pushkowed
          Not certainly in that way. When Strela-1 was developed, there were no MANPADS in the USSR. It was she who was supposed to be the first. But it did not work out in terms of mass and size - instead of MANPADS, it was necessary to sculpt a self-propelled gun on a wheeled chassis from it.

          Not certainly in that way.
          Originally, Strela-1 was indeed developed as a MANPADS. And lost to the "Strela-2" MANPADS.
          But when creating a regimental self-propelled air defense system "Strela-1", they refused to use the previously developed SAM "Strela-1" - and blinded a heavier rocket on its basis.
          For the expedient use of the Strela-1 complex in the troops, the GKOT management turned to the Customer and the Government with a proposal to establish higher requirements for this air defense missile system for the maximum range of destruction (up to 5 km) and reach in height (up to 3500 m), abandoning the portable execution of the complex and going to the air defense system with placement on a vehicle chassis. It was envisaged to increase the mass of the rocket from 15 to 25 kg, diameter - from 100 to 120 mm, length from 1,25 to 1,8 m.
          © Said Aminov
  12. +2
    20 June 2019 12: 07
    It’s interesting what channel it has in terms of goals (of course, only for those that deign at the same time are in the sector of the review of optics). At short range you have to fight not so much with airplanes as with high-precision weapons. And they fly extremely rarely alone.
  13. +2
    20 June 2019 14: 02
    Again Cyril on the topic did not taste!
  14. +4
    20 June 2019 14: 13
    1. Organically inherent properties of weapons cannot be considered disadvantages! Nobody demands from Ak74 the ability to hit targets at 1000 m. So from a short-range air defense system, which is positioned as a short-range air defense system (and also relatively inexpensive), one should not require a longer range. You can complain that they would like to 12-14 km in range, but what is there is already very good in itself.
    2. Comparing the running characteristics of the MT-LB and BMP-3 as the same is the height of incompetence. The BMP-3 is a limousine-SUV, and the MT-LB is like the GAZ-69, the same age, by the way. The MT-LB is a completely outdated design, simplified to the point of tractor cheapness - this was ideologically laid down. The BMP-3 chassis is a level three heads higher in all respects. Blaming the increase in weight from 12-13 to 19-20 tons is complete nonsense. I'm not even talking about the fact that for a motorized vehicle, a 3,5 t load is much more significant and has a greater impact on running characteristics than for a BMP-3 chassis. Therefore, the comprehensive mobility characteristics of the Sosna on the BMP-3 chassis will be MUCH higher than on the MT-LB chassis; and the comfort of the crew is completely incomparable.
    3. OES Pines just has a circular view with the possibility of simultaneous (!) More detailed viewing of the selected sector.
    4. Increased stealth of operation also guarantees increased combat stability - i.e. these SAMs will be hit by enemy ASP less often than if they had radar and radio command guidance lines. Therefore, according to a balanced assessment, it is possible to endure difficulties with shooting in heavy rain or fog: especially since they also affect aviation and ASP.
    5. Lack of specialized TZM = lack of additional costs for ensuring combat work. The fatigue of crews from overloading ammunition is treated using the regular method - the presence of additional soldiers on standard battery machines that will transport bk (and they will be necessary!).
    In general, the criticism was useless and did not touch upon the really significant shortcomings of this particular air defense system, but some of its negative features, which should be countered by appropriate measures.
    1. +2
      20 June 2019 15: 58
      Quote: Private-K

      3. OES Pines just has a circular view with the possibility of simultaneous (!) More detailed viewing of the selected sector.

      Is the all-round view of the OES ensured by the operation of the general drive of the SAM module as a whole? Or a separate ECO drive (I don't see it)? and the ECO module is non-retractable. Rather, the field of view of the television and thermal imaging channel within the sector between the TPK SAM. I don't see thermal and television cameras "in a circle" either. How is it implemented "all-round view with the possibility of simultaneous (!) more detailed viewing of the selected sector"? Detailed view sectors in the sector between TPK?
    2. +2
      20 June 2019 17: 54
      I would also say that at such ranges the main objective of the air defense system will be helicopters and UAVs.
      They mainly use missiles with the same laser or with thermal seeker (by the way, most information security systems are equipped with missiles with the same types of seeker). In bad weather, if these aircraft fly, then they cannot aim their missiles. So "Pine" loses its effectiveness simultaneously with your counterparts (well, and to hell with him!).
      But the fact that it is difficult to detect onboard radars is a fat "plus".
      1. +1
        21 June 2019 00: 15
        Quote: PilotS37
        But the fact that it is difficult to detect onboard radar is a fat "plus"

        And what is the difficulty of detecting an iron tank with a radar in an open field? And the heads, as you yourself said, are infrared, which will be pointed at the engine and not at the radar.
        1. 0
          21 June 2019 14: 20
          I believe that the person has expressed himself incorrectly - it should be read: radar radiation (SOC and SN) is easily detected.
          But the difficulties are really enough. There are quite a lot of armored objects on the battlefield, and it’s difficult to understand that this is an air defense missile system (second place in the priority list), and not just There, on the battlefield, there are natural and artificial obstacles, in particular, smoke curtains. By the way, they work not only in the visual range - in infrared and radar, too. And there is a means of reducing visibility - the same Cape
          1. 0
            21 June 2019 21: 03
            Quote: sivuch
            There are quite a lot of armored objects on the battlefield and it’s difficult to understand that this is an air defense missile system (second place in the list of priorities),

            They usually try to knock out armored vehicles on the march. There you don't use the "Cape" and you can't set false targets. Well, a good remedy against multiple targets is massing the attack. The Americans spent 5000 Mavericks alone during Desert Storm. And the first missile there went to the air defense system, or the fifth is no longer important. It is important whether this air defense system is able to fight off missiles in any noticeable quantity.
  15. +2
    20 June 2019 15: 28
    Is it possible to add a 57-mm cannon to the Sosna air defense system?
    On the BMP may not fit, but on wheels it is possible. Allows you to save on appliances.
  16. +2
    20 June 2019 17: 27
    The main drawback is one target channel. If the close air defense of the times of putting the Strela-10 and Strela MANPADS into service had F-104 and F-5E as opponents, now from the same Ukraine we can expect a salvo of MLRS "Olkha" (analogous to the Soviet "Smerch"). An old joke between the air defense and radio-technical forces: The S-300 air defense division has 6 target channels, and the radio-technical battalion has 6 Igla MANPADS - both can shoot down six aircraft. So here, 12 missiles (good missiles) "Sosna" on any chassis with one target channel will lose to a squad of 6 MANPADS shooters (with the same "Igla") and a transportable ammo pack of 12 missiles on the same chassis.
    1. 0
      23 June 2019 17: 33
      The shooting channel there, though one, but double - allows you to simultaneously shoot two missiles at once. This allows, with a guarantee of over 1,0, to hit the CC.
      Second shooting channel it is, of course, good, but "Where is the money Zin?" It is necessary to supply from 400 to 800 such air defense systems in the ground forces.
      By the way, can you show me a foreign air defense missile system with this capability? And so that it would be serial and not 12 pieces for all the Armed Forces? Exactly.
      But to finalize the Sosna air defense system so that it would be possible to shoot SAM from it with an IR GSN (the same Willows or Needles) - it would be very useful.
      1. 0
        24 June 2019 10: 39

        Quote: Private-K
        over 1,0 hit the AC
        How's that?
        1. 0
          26 June 2019 20: 12
          In conditions close to ideal, SAM Pine should have a likelihood of AC damage close to 0,9-0,95. But in reality there are no such conditions. Therefore, another indicator is taken for the base, taking into account the weather and interference conditions, the nature of the CC, etc., etc. Shooting with two missiles overlaps the required indicator and is more than 1,0 in real conditions.
          1. 0
            27 June 2019 21: 22
            Quote: Private-K
            is over 1,0

            Do not more )) simple enough 1
        2. 0
          26 June 2019 20: 13
          Krotal? I do not remember about him. He is old. Almost like me.
          1. 0
            27 June 2019 21: 28
            Quote: Private-K
            Krotal? I do not remember about him. He is old. Almost like me.

            Well, then the domestic defense industry does nothing new, only candy wrappers change
            1. 0
              28 June 2019 08: 30
              Krotal is a radio commandant. And - very expensive. And - yes, from a reputable reputable manufacturer.
              Fantik change this change name. SAM Sosna is a completely new air defense system. So what to say "change wrapper" - either lie, or do not understand the essence.
              1. 0
                28 June 2019 10: 18
                You asked - I answered. Crotal is exclusively a radio commander, there is no OES there))

                What's new in Sosna? OES? Laser rangefinder? I don't mean to offend the missile)) They shoved a thirty, if not forty year old marine development onto a land platform, brought the insides in line with more or less modern technologies - and got a new system)) Is the system better than Strela? Yes. Is it fundamentally new? No.
                I asked you questions based on your comments on Pine criticism in the article, but I didn’t hear an answer.
                1. -2
                  29 June 2019 09: 43
                  Do you need a fundamentally new weapon, on fundamentally new principles, what would fundamentally consider it to be fundamentally new? ;)))
                  Before Sosna, there were two laser-guided SAM systems: the Swedish RBS-70/-90 (successful and lucky) and the British Starstrik (not adopted by anyone). Yes, Sosna is not fundamentally new. The principles and elements used in it are known. But this does not make Sosna a "new wrapper". The long picking at the topic is due to the well-known "holy 90s" and the presence in the troops of a lot of Strel-10 (which they are also trying to modernize and modernize).
                  What could be new in underpants? ;) But you are buying NEW underpants, and not all the time patched up, washed over old ones? ;)
  17. 0
    20 June 2019 21: 50
    VPK-39273 Wolf 6 × 6 seems to have a modular system, why not put it on it, with a payload capacity of up to 4,5 tons. Just suitable for landing.
    1. 0
      23 June 2019 17: 34
      The topic of "Wolves" has long since died.
      In fact, other basic machines. And, quite possibly, we will see those for parts on the same wheeled armored personnel carriers.
  18. +1
    21 June 2019 00: 23
    SAM “Sosna-R” has limited characteristics of range and altitude, because of which, to ensure full air defense, the Sosna complex must work together with other systems with a larger affected area.

    I saw several articles about "Pine", but I still do not understand whether this kit can work on enemy missiles? So the good old AGM-65 Maverick from 1969 works at a distance of up to 30 km. It is unlikely that it will be possible to intercept the Pine plane or a helicopter with such a missile, it simply will not approach. And there is no clear answer about the possibility of intercepting the same Maverick or the enemy ATGM by Sosnaya either. It's a pity.
    1. 0
      23 June 2019 17: 39
      1. Yes, Pine also works on ASP. Maverick reliably gets off. The goal is old, and many summers are among the top priorities.
      2. The fact that the attack helicopter of the enemy poking the existing SAM systems Pine (etc.) does not reach firing positions and does not hit the troops - this is a win. Sobsno, the goal of air defense is not to bring down planes, etc., the enemy’s aircraft, and not to allow them to strike at your troops.
      1. 0
        23 June 2019 18: 20
        Quote: Private-K
        Sobsno, the goal of air defense is not to bring down planes, etc., the enemy’s aircraft, and not to allow them to strike at your troops.

        And how can this Pine "prevent"? The range of aircraft weapons, from Mavericks to glide bombs, significantly exceeds the 10 km available to Pine. There is no doubt that the enemy will work on armored vehicles with impunity with everything he has at hand. This raises questions about the purpose and feasibility of a system of this class.
  19. 0
    16 August 2019 01: 22
    Quote: Pushkowed
    The most important difference: the method of guidance.
    9M337 - radio command; 9M340 - laser on the beam (as on the Kornet ATGM).
    Laser guidance creates big problems with paired launches (if it does not make them impossible at all): only 1 missile can go along one beam, i.e. increasing the likelihood of hitting a target by launching several missiles at it is problematic (it is unclear how many laser channels the Sosna has; if 1, then we will have to say goodbye to twin launches).

    Both methods require continuous tracking of the target until the moment of defeat (in the first case - by the radar beam, in the second - visually). There is no homing (and Strela-10 did).

    Since there is no radar on the Sosna (and there is no radio command transmitter), it is impossible to shoot with old missiles (from the Tunguska and Pantsir). Since they have similar TPKs (perhaps the same type at all), this can create problems in ammunition.

    The only interesting point is the possibility of using armor-piercing warheads. These are clearly not against aerial targets. Perhaps, "Pine" is a universal carrier, incl. and for the promising long-range missile system "Hermes".

    The part about firing one missile with laser guidance is especially funny : -)
    You should at least google some videos, the right word, even uncomfortable for you :-)
    And about bad weather it’s also very funny, well they didn’t say anything about noise immunity either :-)
  20. 0
    16 August 2019 01: 29
    Quote: Saxahorse
    SAM “Sosna-R” has limited characteristics of range and altitude, because of which, to ensure full air defense, the Sosna complex must work together with other systems with a larger affected area.

    I saw several articles about "Pine", but I still do not understand whether this kit can work on enemy missiles? So the good old AGM-65 Maverick from 1969 works at a distance of up to 30 km. It is unlikely that it will be possible to intercept the Pine plane or a helicopter with such a missile, it simply will not approach. And there is no clear answer about the possibility of intercepting the same Maverick or the enemy ATGM by Sosnaya either. It's a pity.

    Get closer to what? The location of the Pine is unknown, it can be under any bush and it is extremely difficult to catch a purely passive and very mobile air defense system. And the radar of detection is autonomous and works in automatic mode, it will be turned off one - the other will work, but for the time being they will take out the first - they will cut off everything that shoots
  21. 0
    16 August 2019 01: 36
    Quote: Private-K
    Do you need a fundamentally new weapon, on fundamentally new principles, what would fundamentally consider it to be fundamentally new? ;)))
    Before Sosna, there were two laser-guided SAM systems: the Swedish RBS-70/-90 (successful and lucky) and the British Starstrik (not adopted by anyone). Yes, Sosna is not fundamentally new. The principles and elements used in it are known. But this does not make Sosna a "new wrapper". The long picking at the topic is due to the well-known "holy 90s" and the presence in the troops of a lot of Strel-10 (which they are also trying to modernize and modernize).
    What could be new in underpants? ;) But you are buying NEW underpants, and not all the time patched up, washed over old ones? ;)

    In this case, the new underpants are clearly self-donning, self-tightening and have telepathic abilities.
    From a quiet reading of the open part of the TTX from official sources, this follows in an obvious way
  22. 0
    14 May 2021 22: 14
    "It turns out that the promising air defense system has fulfilled all the customer's requirements, and its appearance corresponds to the desired one." - Correct sarcasm.