Notes of the Colorado Cockroach. Ole, Ole, we can win!

Greetings, my friends. So another week has passed. A week when I can write the word Peremoga with a capital letter without any sarcasm. I can, because we really won! Usually, how are we? Having failed to achieve what we want, we pretend that we want what we have achieved. And today we have exactly reached exactly the desired!

True, it did not happen in politics and certainly not in the economy. It happened in football! The Ukrainian team won the World Cup, beating the South Korean team in the final with an 3: 1 score. Personally, Ze congratulated the players on the victory.

Well, yes, the championship was youth, for players younger than 20 years. Like the youth, but still the World Cup. No positive, especially considering that you, neighbors, were not in the final part. Which once again confirms that Ukrainian football is steeper than Russian. In perspective.

And since the prospect is our whole mustache, think about it.

Okay. Now it's time for work (by the way, I looked at what was written - an excellent toast for the country feast). Vanguey, we will soon win the World Championships in Athletics. Not because our coaches are good, or men and young men are sportier than in other countries. Everything is much simpler. With us, I mean, in Kyuyif (I wrote, and you can break this new transcription), the raids on recruits began again. It is rumored that in other places too.

So, now we catch everyone. Officially, I learned from the military enlistment offices of cockroaches, more than 30 000 were caught refusing service, whom they could not send to repay Ukraine. They even wrote a letter to the police, only (it was already reported to the police cockroaches) that there was no such letter. But this does not affect capture at all, the summer hunting season is open!

Notes of the Colorado Cockroach. Ole, Ole, we can win!

Technically it looks like this. Policemen come up to the guys, for example, waiting for the train. Required documents. Then allegedly taken to the site. In fact, they are going to the military enlistment office. And right from there, in a couple of hours (like a medical examination was held), - to Darnitsa. There we have a collection point. And that's it! True, there is another way. Call a subpoena to the police. "To clarify the data ..." The man comes, and ... Further, according to the described scheme.

Cockroaches insects meticulous. I had to talk to the participants of the events. For color give a story on the topic of the day.

I was told here by one of ours that his nephew in 14 had left for permanent residence in Canada. First type of exchange, and then, as usual, decided to stay there forever. With parents together. Received a residence permit, in short, life began to repaint from yellow-blakytnogo in red and white.

Since the tribe was constantly living in Vancouver, of course, he could not receive any subpoenas. But in the end, he relaxed in Zaania and frankly freaked out. I came on vacation for three weeks to visit my relatives. On the beautiful life, you know, tell and show photos. I stood at the station when three men in military uniform approached him.

Pushed into the car and taken to the military enlistment office, they also had a medical examination there. And sent to Yavoriv Lviv region. At first they hinted that it was possible to resolve the issue for 1500 dollars, and when the father made a fuss, then nobody decided anything in principle. Now here is a semi-Canadian serving in Lviv. For there is nothing here, right?

Oh, and the heat from us. By the way, as a lover of night walks, including in other people's kitchens, I made an interesting scientific discovery. In humans, for some reason, in the daytime and at night, different organs are responsible for cooling the body. In the daytime, as it should be, the hypothalamus, but at night for some reason the leg stuck out.

Do you know why you remembered? I walked through the Youth Park today. At first, I stole like a foreign spy under the trees. And then I saw ... a cooling arch! This is such a wooden arch, such as those that were used in the Middle Ages to educate inakovery (working name - Gilyaka). Made from trees that were cut right there. Next hose, a dozen nozzles and here you have a water wall through which it is very pleasant to pass.

Of course, now some readers will say that I am talking about some little things. You need about space, or, in extreme cases, about Putin in St. Petersburg, and I about the arch with water. May be. Only for us today is the arch more important than the "black hole" or Alpha Centauri. Yes, and some no, but an indicator of care for the Kiyans. Or kuyifyanah?

And our president Ze is to blame for this peremog! I went to Mariupol. Ran away from the beloved people through the fountain. Probably liked it. So Vitalik called to come up with the same fun in Kiev. And in the Kiev administration did not particularly bother. Ordered - done!

Today we have the same problems that your Moscow is experiencing, for example, in the heat. There is nothing to breathe. More precisely, theoretically, there seems to be air, but almost the maximum permissible norms for most of the indicators are exceeded 5-6 times. Cars, wood lice ... Of my friends, most of the children have already been taken out of the city to the village.

And the heat acts strongly on the brain. The brain is diluted in some. Today (Sunday, around 23 hours) I go for a walk around the city, and the nearest non-stop pharmacy has a lot of police and sappers. I had to pretend to be onlookers to understand what was going on. It turned out that all round-the-clock pharmacies in Kiev were “mined”. How did all this tired.

I ran into one problem here, about which we are silent, but about which we all know. Soon the price of fuel for cars will rise sharply. And it concerns all types of fuel, including gas. It is clear that you are to blame. I smiled bitterly for a long time when one of the rather big bosses from this medium gave me the reason for the future price increase.

"Such a sharp limitation of supply was unexpected, but the market managed to prepare - there are good stocks of all types of fuel on the market. In addition, it is possible that the situation with Russian and Kazakhstani supplies may change."

It used to be easier. They will say, they will increase the price of pennies and ... Belarusian neighbors arrange another holiday at their refineries, and our "body builders" at their own. And all in chocolate. Those who live near the Crimea, roll there and refuel for the most I can not. Today the throat passed. Yes, and in the Crimea, our people live.

It is ours. I'm talking about gas stations, naturally. We track the situation here. You know, even last year it was very funny to read in the Russian media about high-quality fuel on the peninsula. Yes, there quality fuel was almost impossible to find. Doused, and today lodged. I will give your data from Rosstandart:

"Testing of 19 2019 diesel and gasoline samples taken at 58 gas stations in May and early June showed the following results: non-compliant diesel fuel was found in 47% of inspections carried out, and falsified gasoline in 20%."

Noticed that I diligently bypass the theme of the struggle of political parties? The answer is simple. The struggle of political parties in Ukraine is nonsense. We have no political parties, alas.

Even the party members themselves can not clearly say who they are. Naturally, in a political sense. All "for all is well, against all the rotten." All for "great і independent Ukraine". All for "podvishchennya dobrabut ukrainskіv." What, to lice and nits, liberals, conservatives, left, right, centrists, radicals? We have "Voice", "Servant of the People", "Right Sector", "Radical Party Lyashko", "Freedom", For Life "and so on. But you do not copy! We are Europeans! We do not have a" party of beer lovers " !

And there is no “United Ukraine”. Because of what to lie, it still will not be united soon, as it does not get involved. And there is no “Fair Ukraine”, because you cannot find justice even during the day with an anti-aircraft searchlight.

Let's return to the serious topic. To the real struggle for the future of Ukraine. We are in Kiev 23 June will organize the next March of Equality! Everyone will participate, regardless of belonging to the floor. So, all four sexes, in the sense of love for other creatures, will go together and love everyone who wants it right on Khreshchatyk. Europe! True, bestiality ask the owners of large animals to bring in muzzles. We still have non-tolerant animals. Bite.

But the enemies are not asleep! You, dear Russians, do not be nervous. You are not enemies, enemies are not you! The main enemies of LGBT are our radicals from the anti-LGBT groups “Tradition and Order”, “Katekhon”, “Brotherhood” and others. They are the ones who are preparing actions against Pride. Fun will be to the fullest.

18 Jun will be training. In a sense, the rally at the presidential administration will be held. And what is the composition ... Right away, take it away and plant it, naturally, not in the garden.

"The ideologist of Azov, Eduard Yurchenko, who founded the new anti-LGBT group Order, and Yuri Noevoy (deputy of the Kyiv regional council from VO Liberty and an active participant in many actions against LGBT and feminist movements) are planning to speak at the rally."

Pride will be interesting. Approximately 10 000 participants are planned. By the way, I remembered here about the first such parade, about which I once wrote. It was not right. The rate of appearance of same-sex predicted a little less. I wonder how they breed? Or did all biological science lie to us? Can and division, and self-fertilization?

On 10, thousands of participants will need thousands of 15 cops. Plus about a thousand anti-LGBT people. That batch will be. We are waiting for Sunday. The next meeting is pink-blue and black-red. Football is resting. Here I am lying on the couch and I think how did it happen that in modern society family values ​​are protected by Orthodox Christians and radical nationalists? I have no answer ...

So, unwittingly, we went over to another problem of Ukraine. To Ukrainian "Orthodoxy". I don't like clergy at all. I consider any church to be an ordinary commercial company that parasites people to believe in God. But I don’t want to oppose the church and I will not. I myself believe in providence, in luck, in God.

It ended, it seems, we have an epic with tomos. Shouted about Peremoga, Hydrant ride around the country with this piece of paper. Temples grabanuli at the ROC (MP). And that's all. No one needs this church. No one recognizes her. And inside the split began. Our usual practice is peremoga, turning into zradu.

Our former "patriarch Filaret" was ravenous to be a former. Suddenly I read this very tomos and realized that SCU (ugh, something not very pleasant reminds) is just nothing. It is nothing, not something. And there is no more in Ukraine even in quotations of the patriarch. And the church is no longer independent.

Convenes again his former subordinates to the cathedral.

"I invite you to take part in the local council of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kiev Patriarchate, which will be held at the St. Vladimir Patriarchal Cathedral of Kiev 20 on June in 11: 00."

I literally cited the text of the invitation, which was received by a friend from that environment. In short, another jolly.

Well, the last thing I voiced. That your mood was good all day. With a high probability, Ukraine’s museum will soon appear in Ukraine. The one we lost. More precisely, they have already lost and, probably, this is only the beginning of losses. Even the address of the museum is already known. The museum will be on Bankova. In the presidential administration building!

Oh, and Za is afraid of the building normally stuffed with all kinds of bugs. But after all there and systems of protection stand - mum do not grieve. Not a house, but a fortress with all the components of this concept. This I tell you like an insect. The one who goes where he wants and sees everything he wants. I present a possible cut on the dismantling of all security systems ...

Our new president, Ze, will now work in a European way. More precisely, in the cine. As in the American police station. A lot of space, walls of glass, so that the heads of secretaries for a causal place did not have enough. According to my information, now the SBU is actively working on the Ukrainian House. So, our Ze will go there. With a very high probability.

That's all. I do not have time for anything today. Our holiday today is the first summer full moon. In your opinion, in Petersburg, a white night for cockroaches. We call it, with the filing of overseas cockroaches, the strawberry moon. But this is our genetic memory, which you, alas, have lost. An echo of the time when the time was marked in phases of the moon.

Yes, the last. Russia influenced my family. Not yet understood how, positively or negatively. The son and his family returned from Turkey. Grandson small yet. Yesterday at the cottage in the river I sganul from the walkways. Before Turkey, he was afraid, and then he himself was running. Brave! True, for some reason, jumped with a cry "For the Airborne Forces!" The son says that he learned to jump in the pool while he and his wife went for cocktails.

See you! All brave children and grandchildren, good children, true friends and faithful spouses. Let everyone have a holiday. Will live!
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  1. +2
    19 June 2019 15: 22
    Even the party members themselves cannot clearly say who they are. Naturally, in a political sense. All "for all the good, against all the nasty".
    ... Yes, all over the world ... trend, however ..
  2. The comment was deleted.
  3. +1
    19 June 2019 16: 10
    Everything is very sad. The cockroach did not deflate, but describes what it sees ...
    1. +4
      19 June 2019 16: 26
      I agree. It also seemed to me that there was such a tangle there today, that it becomes clear that it is already impossible to sort it out. Sad but logical
  4. 0
    19 June 2019 16: 54
    Any positive, especially considering that you, neighbors, were not in the final part. Which once again confirms that Ukrainian football is cooler than Russian. In perspective.
    ... Perspective say? Oh well....
    1. +3
      19 June 2019 17: 27
      Quote: Shiva83483
      .Prospect talking? Oh well.

      He once wrote that it was not a rat but a cockroach ... I think he decided to drown in his "own ship". But for football, Ukrainian boys really thank you. Well done. And this must be admitted. Although, a cockroach teases us lol
      1. +1
        19 June 2019 17: 31
        Are you talking? Yes, on health ... then we are in the same vein: and mind, mind repeat, his "cohabitants" did not try to stand out? wassat
  5. +2
    19 June 2019 17: 18
    He is not a politician, not a businessman, not an economist or business executive but a showman. Soon he will smash his forehead about problems in which he can’t do it with his foot, and will give the steering wheel to others. And he himself will be in the role of the operetta king.
    It will not work in any other way.
  6. -3
    19 June 2019 17: 34
    Those who live near Crimea roll there
    They can be understood) They live at least not nearby, but for more than 20 years they have gone there, regardless of power. I traveled in spite of requisitions in Rostov, Krasnodar, toll roads, extortions, fabrication of administrators, night shmones, in spite of ticket / gas prices, huge queues for ferry crossings, despite the fact that I could go to India for the same money leave, but this year apparently there was the last straw in the form of customs for a billion on the bridge, where the next armed parasites, turning things around, explain who I am and where my place is. They made some kind of military base out of a beautiful place, it’s overkill, now let the Ukrainians go there, but apparently we don’t need to go there anymore.
    1. +7
      19 June 2019 21: 52
      Quote: MoJloT
      the last straw in the form of customs for a billion on the bridge, where the next armed parasites, turning things around, explain who I am and where my place is.

      I don’t know what you annoyed them with. I travel to the Crimea every year. Before the ferry checked, but politely and superficially. This time I was driving from there at the end of May. Stopped in front of the bridge. Very polite, open it, show it. Are all your things? Limited to superficial visual inspection. Have a good trip. They looked tired. Have you tried not to make them angry?
  7. +1
    19 June 2019 18: 52
    Dear Cockroach! And let me ask you a question, but in the photo of a woman in camouflage, is it not Jay Law by chance? And then the stern is so pretty good, you know?
  8. 0
    19 June 2019 20: 53
    I would like to have information on how infections are fought in Ukraine. And then they are ill themselves and brought to the Russian Federation.
    Quote from the Internet: "Ukraine suffers from the most severe hepatitis epidemic among European and CIS countries ..."
    Treatment now is not a cheap pleasure, there is no time to get sick - you need to work while there is an opportunity.
    1. 0
      20 June 2019 04: 36
      So he recently wrote about measles .. Literally I don’t remember, but the meaning is this, a hundred are fighting in the style of "doctor death". Some kind of saline solution. Therefore, the epidemic
  9. +1
    19 June 2019 21: 40
    Face Palm ... I’m so interested in anyone over there who beat Ukraine in the open spaces of football ...
    What are you guys thinking ?!
    For twenty years I did not get out of the watch in the Russian Federation, I hid from the cops, so that the "grandmothers" would not be taken away, I took them home to feed my family. Since he was a citizen of the wonderful Ukraine. I don't know what can be seen there from Kharkov or Kiev ... I have long seen that I am not on my way with you.
    Rejoice there with your footballs, I don’t know what else, but UA insanity is getting stronger and there’s no end to it. hi
  10. 0
    21 June 2019 13: 39
    Welcome all. About the heat right. I myself swim from Vologda in the winter and I can’t stand this heat, I’m just losing my mind.
    1. 0
      25 June 2019 14: 25
      What is the heat? We just started to warm up. Rostov on the Don. Anything below +38 in the shade is cool.
  11. 0
    22 June 2019 19: 02
    Hi Pan Cockroach! Thanks for the article, congratulations that you still live! I’m watching all these talk shows according to your UkrTV ..... The booth is an order of magnitude higher than before! The plot twists really scary in my opinion because of bewilderment about the action - Zelensky’s inaction. All that he promised beautifully turned out to be fake, some kind of statements at the level of humor, tricks at the level of a kid, loud, unreasonable statements cause me to see people's concern! Well, how is the zrad usually? So far, one thing is good for us, our GDP is clearly not to blame!
  12. +1
    25 June 2019 14: 23
    Respect for the kid. For the airborne forces
  13. +1
    25 June 2019 19: 37
    "mined" all round-the-clock pharmacies in Kiev. " You know, I read this and relieved my heart, not because I am angry, but because it came back to haunt so now it responds. Well, as your grandson says "For the Airborne Forces"!
    And you know how like a sickle to my heart all this crap, that between Russia and Ukraine is happening even though I myself am from Belarus. And I'm only afraid that cunning guys "fighters for everything bright" will soon take over us