Notes of the Colorado Cockroach. A dream in a summer night

Greetings, my friends. My mood today is even. Like a doctor in a psychiatric hospital. You know, when in each chamber you are met by another “great man” or a saying “thing”. And everyone has to talk, persuade, explain and leave in full confidence that time is wasted. The patient will continue treatment ...

Notes of the Colorado Cockroach. A dream in a summer night

Therefore, today I will change the format of the notes a little. I will not voice my own opinion, I will just go from ward to ward and talk about patients.

You are experienced people, you can figure out who is what. As it happened quite recently with one of my friends, a young dad.

He began to crawl baby. Those who pass or have passed through this have already understood me. In short, crawling, crawling this "meteor" around the apartment, until he crawled to the cage with chinchilla. Well and, accordingly, the parents found a slider eating rat food. Submitted? Mom ran his mouth to rinse, and dad, remembering the principle that "chinchilla is good - it is not necessary for a man", decided to read the composition of the feed. Reads and slows down. Wheat, millet, peas, carrots, potatoes, vitamins A, B, C, D and so on.

In short, he met his family after bathing a phrase from which his wife sat down. True, on the sofa. “Listen, dear, can he give him some supplements?” And he shoves his wife under the nose ... Continuations stories I do not know. I wrote about the epiphany. Here's dad and saw the light ...

You know, this is all on the same principle that “if everything still doesn’t work, read the instructions!” We have one problem: if the instructions for Ukraine are written by someone, then everyone does not know where to look for them. With this instruction.

I do not exclude that in the next institution of the psycho-neurological plan.

Chamber number one called "President." 7 Jun patient under this name once again proved that he was in his place. Ze held a meeting with journalists of Ukrainian media. And do not laugh. "Just think ... All presidents meet with journalists." Ask not to forget where I'm reporting from. Here the whole question is where and how.

So here. The meeting was in the residence Zalesye. Moreover, each journalist, we have the same freedom of speech and information, was sent an individual invitation. Well, that's understandable, Zalesie is not rubber.

The format was ... well, the format was. Without ties, without voice recorders and cameras. "Off-record", so to speak. But there were fruit-coffee, wine-tea. To each according to his needs. But so, in short, frayed for life, and went their separate ways. Ze didn't very confidently promise a huge press conference on the 100 days of his presidency. If everything is as it should, and there will be something to talk about.

Well, at least I fed everyone with strawberries.

There is something like this in the formulation of the question. He did not say anything, but he poured it and popped it out. No wonder, you know, journalists came. Not that (we will not point the finger at one northern greedy person) as one near-seated president. Gathers everyone in the huge hall and answers. I have never seen a pen and keyboard worker feed and drink. So there is no democracy there! Or shawarma? Although it is still peremoga! No there shavuhi - we have!

We still have a frontier chamber. Candidates are placed there. All stripes and ranks. These are those who have not yet, but in the future it is quite possible that yes. Candidates for a particularly violent as well.

We have there Radish. In a sense, the last name is Alexander Redish, a businessman from Dnipro. So he talked about Ze and his party. We all understand why people break into the deputy chamber. There, the kitchen is closer, again the windows to the street. This means that welding to the hospital menu is always available from passers-by.

The servant of the people and his party of the same name are from among us, Ukrainians. Here are some quotes from Radish, in the sense of an entrepreneur:
"300 thousand dollars are collected for parliamentary seats, and 2 million dollars are collected for the party’s place in the list (2 people were told who I trust and voiced these figures), so it’s clear to me that "they will not work for wages. This is 100% fact."

Well, I had to talk about it with Jewish cockroaches. Do not be surprised. With whom you lead, from this and pick up. I quote their statement completely. These are insects, the money from which you will never achieve, but good advice or analysis of the situation will give the most accurate:

“That Jew who is a king will not sew a little is bad. Zelya is a good Jew, right. Shema Ukraine”.

Honestly, I don’t know what “shma” is, I just wrote down the statement literally. I suspect that something is not very good.

We turn to violent. Unruly in our honor, you know, do not get around.

Here you go. I am right, as always. These patients at the stadium "Arena Lviv" staged a disgrace. Now they are lying on the breakaway, next to the Radian rowdy who have redressed for Ukraine slightly. Avenged the Serbs! Yes, so revenged that the Serbian fans decided not to come to Lviv anymore. Like, "we can go to the zoo at home. Why waste money."

I understand that you are in a stupor. For what the Ukrainians took revenge on the Serbs? Is the memory short? And we remember 2014 year! Then the fans of the Serbian basketball team Crvena Zvezda hung out the Russian flag at the Euroleague home match against our Dynamo. Now you understand why they are kept in the chamber for the violent? This I wrote for those who all the time about some kind of bottom writes.

Not, dear, remember, and tell your grandchildren: Ukraine is bottomless. It can be said multi-storey. Way down.

Disgusting and unworthy of the behavior in Lviv of our fans. Well, something says something about education. I, though long ago, taught history. Serbs did indeed often seek and find the patronage of Russia. But Serbia never went under Russia. But the proud Galicians, if not Comrade Stalin, would have been the one who was allowed to enter the city by time. It turns out, not the Serbs "Russian kurva", but the Galicians "Polish kurva". And who does not understand ... Well, nobody canceled aminazin on points.

Let's return to the detour. Let's go to the political. This is what we call everyone who "fights with Russia on the diplomatic front." Something sounds incomprehensible there. And all the time yelling "vsemirsnami." Tired already prick them a sedative.

Is it clear. New phobia. Russia defeated Ukraine again. This time in Pace. It turns out that Russia can return to the Council of Europe at the end of June with the restoration of all rights. If, of course, wants. I mean, myself. Europe is no longer just hands, but all the other limbs behind. Very much these same deputies want to eat, and the Russians paid 30 millions of European hryvnias to the PACE budget a year. Total: 60 million euros past the box office.

Europeans for that money will hang up. Well, I'm so judging by us. We are on the ground, so for 60 millions - yes, it would be quite possible.

Okay, as we say in Pripyat, we will not pull the cat by the horns. This is the PACE to us on the drum exactly the same as it is on the drum of Russia. A bunch of goofy no more. The question is different. Such a victory for Russia will be the beginning of the collapse of the entire system of sanctions in other organizations, and above all in the EU. Germany won an agreement with Russia.

We have a patient from BPP Rada Vladimir Aryev. It screams ... It's nice to listen. As if he had been given an injection of the patient:

“We were against it, but many of those who voted for the resolution said that maybe the Russians would accept the proposed compromise, because“ we must finally begin to criticize them in person, because they do not change. ” Naive position, to say the least. Frankly pro-Russian argued the need to "keep access 140 millions of Russians in the European Court of Human Rights." I was outraged by this argument, because Ukrainians pay for this access with both freedom and life. ”

Lying In our hospital, they do not kill. We don't even have a surgical department. We send operations to other hospitals. Pro freedom agree. But here's about life a clear bust. It is necessary to write a sedative patient. "11% of the PACE annual budget, 11% of the PACE annual budget." What do we need from this annual budget? ..

I suddenly remembered how my grandfather Tarakushka returned to normal, when she had this spleen (his mother’s lice) was. This is our longing, boredom, or just want to drink. And women have splinters. I overheard their conversation in the kitchen. "I'm tired. Nobody needs me. No one loves me." "Calm down, girl. You say no one loves? Did you really ask everyone?" And then laugh. Here is a grandfather. Genius.

This I remembered in connection with 60 million euros. I thought and remembered the communique of the G-20 finance ministers.

"The most important thing is that the situation in trade and geopolitics is becoming increasingly tense."

Maybe the truth in connection with the inflation values ​​have fallen in price? Only in the USA everything is fine. Their minister, Stephen Mnuchin (probably from the aggressor country) in Japan, sang directly with the nightingale:

"It is clear that there is a slowdown in Europe, a slowdown in China, a slowdown in other parts of the world. I don’t think this is a consequence of tensions in trade relations. This slowdown began last year."

I'm tired of something. A round to continue it is necessary. We have a ward chamber. Everything seems to be normal, but in reality ... I'm talking about the “Rada Party” chamber. There only the most experienced doctors work. Who knows, all of a sudden, in two or three months, patients with a roll will roll. On behalf of the Verkhovna Rada. Well, you know, the responsibility ...

I sometimes even pin our doctors. "Well, how do you work with candidates for tomorrow?" And they are sad so: "reluctantly." Won the cries of the deputy from the current. He wants to re-elect: "I can buy everything! Anything I want! Even the place of the president!" The medical orderly asked him so maliciously: "Even the seat of the deputy? Are you so rich?" Answer: "No, I just want a little ..."

We know what is not enough for him. Nara on it cry bitter tears, and that mows under the insane.

Well, what have we got here? By the way, we are correcting sociology in this chamber. You know how to believe polls from the media. In short, for today, the alignment in the future Parliament is:

1. Servant of the people - 40,6%, or 125 seats in the Rada.
2. European solidarity (Hydrant) - 9,4%, or 29 seats.
3. Batkivshchyna (Woman with a scythe) - 9,4%, or 29 seats.
4. Opposition platform - For Life (Trio of Medveys) - 8,1%, or 25 seats.
5. Oleg Lyashko's radical party (...) - 5,4%, or 17 seats.

Oh, sorry to us these, majoritarian candidates, until they bring. Then I would have painted a complete picture for you. And so it turns out only half Rada can see ...

Want to see the level of the election campaign? In our hospital, everything is grotesque. Behind the fence, people do not even realize, and we all see. Psychiatrists! In short, I am breaking medical secrecy for your sake. You can say I'm going to crime. You can read the story that I tell from a blogger, activist Katerina Kuvit.

You know that for many Ukrainians the liberation of Ukrainian prisoners is associated with the name of the scandalous politician, godfather of your president, Viktor Medvedchuk. And, accordingly, you know how many tubs of dirt are poured on it. Only for some reason does not stick this dirt. Maybe clothes from some special material. But this is only up to the message that I quote to you now.

You know that Medvedchuk is directly connected with the ... Chernobyl accident! Suddenly? This is yours, but our truth always comes out from the depths of historical rubbish! I will not intrigue. Viktor Medvedchuk was a lawyer at the Kiev Bar Association since 1978, and defended the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Director Viktor Bryukhanov in 1987! You do not have to be smart, just look at the truthful series "Chernobyl" (I repent, I didn’t look and I won’t) to understand that even then Medvedchuk worked for the KGB!

And the sentence, which was received by the director Bryukhanov, speaks about the same. Requested the prosecutor 10 years - received 10 years. Well, not the machinations of the Kremlin it? Not the hand of the all-powerful KGB? After all, any Svidomo Ukrainians understand that the evidence of the prosecutor's office was weak and easily broken by a lawyer. But not Medvedchuk. So this is why he is a friend of KGB officer Putin ... Corporate solidarity!

Well, another rumor today. Concerns our great boxer Vitali Klitschko and his "Blow". He is our VIP. On outpatient treatment. So with the world communicates. And he understands that all those who have already “worked” in the Rada will be ballast. Ukrainians will calculate them and not vote. And where else to get the other?

And then Saakashvili sent the mayor of Kiev to a known address. I mean, “I don’t want to be a noblewoman”, I don’t want to be the chairman of the “Blow”. In short, today Vitalya announced that “Stroke” will not participate in the elections as a party. There will be majoritarian candidates. Every man for himself.

And whichever party could be ... Under the working title “Rui / beat”. With the slogan "We are a couple of be-be-be heavenly life we ​​carry you!"

Listen, what is it there in the kitchen area that rattles all the time? That's always the case. Just sit down a little work, immediately wake up ...

Here is their mother's louse, it turns out that the refrigerator won us? Together with kitchen utensils. They can wake me up, and I do not have them?

Dreams like this ... Yes, I will not rewrite anything. What wrote in a dream, then read. Notes from the insane asylum, written by a normal cockroach, which got a little crazy from all this whirlwind of events around. Good after all that I woke up. Again at home. Again, the remote from the TV, which means from the flow of information in my legs. Again it smells delicious from the kitchen.

Life goes on. Life is running. It runs even when we are standing. So you have to keep up with everything. See and notice everything. I wish everyone to learn to look and see. See and notice. Know and draw conclusions. And so that the house always smelled deliciously, childish voices could be heard. To someone ate pet food. Someone painted on the new wallpaper beautiful doodle with a felt-tip pen. And in the evenings, friends ("we passed by") and relatives ("for a minute, do not set the table") suddenly "fell down".

Let us live, friends and colleagues!
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  1. +2
    11 June 2019 05: 15
    It would be better to disperse this fool ....
    1. +2
      11 June 2019 15: 48
      They do not want to disperse.
      1. +1
        11 June 2019 16: 11
        Quote: greenegro
        Do not want to disperse

        Vegetable, which is horseradish, change to a vegetable, only time to lose
    2. +1
      11 June 2019 18: 47
      Quote: Thrifty
      It would be better to disperse this fool ....

      Silence in this world, silence!
      Here I go and think slowly:
      Whether to become me president of the USA
      Either take, and graduate from the HPS?

      And loonies have life - so would anyone live:
      Do you want to sleep, you want to sing songs.

      Granted to them instead of a letter,
      To Stalin, to Hitler ...
    3. 0
      12 June 2019 15: 53
      Quote: Thrifty
      It would be better to disperse this fool ....

      And I was hooked about the Serbs: B zoo we can go home too. wassat Well, a psychiatric clinic with a thieving administration, uncontrolled staff and a frightened contingent, also contains a zoo. This is the trouble. sad Yes There is only one way out: to close the American embassy, ​​all Americans out, then a strict sanitation-lustration, followed by isolation of the malicious subjects of the zoo, administration and staff of the psychiatric clinic. For this, the contingent must show its will and determination. But this will not happen, wimps, are morally disoriented, again, fat must be hidden ...
  2. +1
    11 June 2019 16: 02
    Correctly noted, in the "fool" are those who "mow" from the court and from the army.
  3. HAM
    11 June 2019 16: 08
    I found the opinion of a Ukrainian predictor about Zelensky: "..." He is a good man, but empty. There is emptiness and fear inside. There are many thoughts, but all incoherent. Doesn't know what to do (Zelensky). How to proceed. He is very afraid, you can feel it. Fears responsibility for the country and the fate of people. But more than anything, he fears for himself and his family. And he is already looking for a place to hide, to hide .... "
    This is for a period of less than a month !! They still know better in Ukraine ....
    There is still about the future, but then only assumptions
  4. +5
    11 June 2019 16: 13
    Everyone goes crazy in his own way .. With his national flavor ..
  5. +4
    11 June 2019 16: 58
    "Chew / Bey" - test !!!)))
    1. +7
      11 June 2019 18: 11
      The cockroach laughed a lot: he just sat down to work a little, and they were already awakening. Colossally! love
      In general, there are times when it is as if you wake up from a dream, and does not fit into reality: Union ... no?!? Yes, it cannot be that Ukrainians are strangers. The Soviet past does not let go, hides and creeps out in dreams. There are many more of us. Phantom pains.
  6. VLR
    11 June 2019 18: 49
    Bearded with a beard joke about hamster (cat, dog, etc.) feed at the beginning. And then - as usual, on trifles, carefully avoiding acute and really important problems and questions.
    1. +8
      11 June 2019 19: 24
      Do you have enough articles about all these questions? Personally, I have already got all these analyzes of the situation, suggestions for solving the problem of Donbass and other clever thoughts about anything.
      Important questions? These are important for you, but today I saw on TV a bunch of "ATO veterans" at Zelensky's residence demanding to continue the war. It turns out that these questions are not important for them?
      Alas, but to agree with those who do not want to listen to you can not.
      And the cockroach speaks simply about life.
  7. +3
    11 June 2019 19: 32
    Zelya is a good Jew, correct. Shma to Ukraine ".

    Honestly, I don’t know what “shma” is. I suspect something is not very good.

    Before reading Shema, Israel (Listen, Israel)
  8. +3
    11 June 2019 20: 26
    I have a dream belay I liked the metaphor at the expense of high-rise down good it only remains to add that below in human understanding, usually hell is. This is high-rise in hell! belay
  9. +7
    11 June 2019 20: 48
    But proud Galicians, if not for Stalin, would have been those who were allowed to enter the city in time.

    1. +3
      12 June 2019 01: 20
      And then the Volyn massacre happened, where more than 100 Poles died.
  10. +2
    11 June 2019 21: 45
    Hello! The article is very informative and accurately describes the current state of the Ukrainian situation. And then the whole tsimus is that you're in a madhouse there, but we are spectators, I’m sure, I’m watching a show on Ukrainian TV now, I recommend it! And most importantly, so that the madhouse does not run away, there will be no one to catch! That it is already dangerous to disperse, all hope is that they themselves .... Unfortunately, they themselves do not see the way out! Well, Zelensky, not even a puppet, but already a ripening target, everyone is already beginning to resent his daring stupidities! So, the future in Ukraine is beyond the Cockroaches (New Israel)!
  11. +1
    12 June 2019 00: 33
    damn it, people live, intrigues, problems, and we work work and work again (
    1. +3
      12 June 2019 04: 43
      Quote: Wojpel
      damn, people live, intrigue, problems

      laughing I remembered an episode from "I'm not afraid with you" - "We were going there, they were chasing them. They're coming back, they are chasing them again. What an interesting life for people ...".
      Tarakan was right, they themselves will not be able to do anything. The country is on the verge of collapse. And there is no idea that would unite the nation. The option "war with Russia" did not work. Zelensky turns out to be just a pawn, nothing more ...
  12. +3
    12 June 2019 07: 20
    Honestly, I don’t know what “shma” is, I just wrote down the statement literally. I suspect that something is not very good.
    Curious, and found "Shema, Israel" - "Hear, Israel" - the most important Jewish prayer, commanded directly by the Torah. This prayer is read daily in the morning (the first few hours after dawn) and in the evening (from the stars to the end of the night).
    "Shema" is read very accurately and clearly, pronouncing all letters in words.
  13. AB
    12 June 2019 11: 22
    As they say - Comments are redundant. Everything is clear, everything is clear. No explanation.
  14. 0
    12 June 2019 12: 02
    What did you want? Yaki bastards such and power. The main thing is that this madhouse does not leak to us.