Damn general. Nikolai Kamensky and his nickname Suvorov

Nikolai Mikhailovich Kamensky came from a not too noble, but highly deserved family. His father, Mikhail Fedotovich Kamensky (1738 — 1809), cavalier of many military orders, was a well-known military leader who served under Rumyantsev and Potemkin.

Damn general. Nikolai Kamensky and his nickname Suvorov

Kamensky MF, portrait by an unknown artist, Memorial Museum of A.V. Suvorov

In his youth, he went to France for two years (1757-1759), where he entered military service as a volunteer "to gain experience in the art of war". As part of the French army took part in the Seven Years War. In 1765, he was chosen as a military agent in the army of Frederick II, where he was sent to get acquainted with the training program for the troops. Frederick II later called him a “young Canadian”, but “rather incarnated”. Frankly speaking, a not too flattering comparison in those times is certainly not quite a savage, but something very close. As part of the Russian army M.F. Kamensky took part in two wars with Turkey, fought against the troops of the Bar Confederation in Poland. In addition to military service, he served as governor of the Ryazan and Tambov provinces and even St. Petersburg. In 1797, he reached the rank of Field Marshal. In the same year, Paul I granted him the title of count. Ségur spoke about MF Kamensky as a general who is not afraid of death, but considered a man to be cruel and quick-tempered. Other contemporaries point to the extremely irritable and unbalanced character of M. Kamensky. A.V. Suvorov recognized his military abilities, saying that Kamensky "knows tactics." Some even considered him his only rival to Suvorov, whom he clearly imitated: he sang on the kliros and demanded that at the table he be served only the simplest and coarsest food, and his hair tied with a rope behind him in the form of a bundle. At the same time, Mikhail Kamensky was very jealous of the glory of his great contemporary, he constantly felt that his military achievements were underestimated, and he did not hesitate to publicly show his displeasure. When Catherine II handed him gold rubles as a gift to 5000, M. Kamensky, offended by the “insignificance” of the sum, defiantly spent the money for breakfast in the Summer Garden, to which he invited everyone he came across. It is not surprising that the empress did not love him too much, calling him “the most boring man in the world.” Moreover, she once said that "Kamensky is good for nothing." Nevertheless, Derzhavin in his poems called MF. Kamensky "bulat observant in the battles, the remaining sword of Catherine ..." However, the last loud appointment of Field Marshal scandal ended: after the defeat at Austerlitz, he was sent to command the Russian army, but after 7 days he escaped from its location, ordering them to retreat. On this occasion, F. Wiegel sarcastically noted in his memoirs that “Catherine’s last sword lay in its sheath for too long and therefore rustled.” Posted in the village, M. Kamensky led the life of a typical "wild landowner" and was killed by some of his yard people. According to a rather convincing version, the initiator of his murder was made by the young mistress of the count, who, apparently, was unbearable to endure the “courtship” of the hateful old man. The revenge of the government was terrible: 300 serfs were sent to hard labor and recruits. It is MF. Kamensky became the prototype of the old Prince Bolkonsky in the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace."

"Prince Bolkonsky, retired under the late emperor and nicknamed the Prussian king." A frame from the Soviet film “War and Peace”, 1967. The prototype of this literary hero was M.F. Kamensky

The sons of the count also experienced the burden of his character. They were very afraid of reprimands and punishments of their father; until the end of their lives in his presence, they did not dare to smoke and smell tobacco. The eldest of them, Sergey, already being an officer, was once publicly beaten by his father arapnik. It is curious that he was the mother's pet, but the father always singled out the youngest - the hero of our article. Many contemporaries say that the relations between the brothers were not close, but rather they could be called hostile.

Both sons of Field Marshal became generals. Already mentioned by us Sergey (Kamensky I) inherited many unpleasant traits of his father’s character. He lived a long life, fought a lot, but after a quarrel with the commander of the Third Western Army, AP Tormasov, from October 19 1812 went on indefinite leave "to cure the disease." In his estate, he behaved about the same as his father, but with great sophistication. So, under the guise of a theater, he got a harem of serf girls (a fairly common practice, by the way, and there were also choirs) - it’s nice to spend the night with Titania today and tomorrow with Cleopatra. Some big-bellied gentleman feels like the king of the elves, or Julius Caesar, and self-esteem rises right before our eyes. The revenge of the serfs and the tragic fate of his father Sergei escaped, and died his own death.

The character of Field Marshal's youngest son, Nikolai (Kamensky II, born in 1776), was also very complex. He was cold with the officers subordinate to him, he did not try to please anyone, which is why many people disliked him. But he was very popular among the soldiers of his regiments, because, on the one hand, he always showed concern for their allowances, constantly quarreling with thieving quartermasters, and on the other, was demanding not only in relation to the lower ranks, but also to the officers.

N.M. Kamensky

In his military career, he was ahead of his older brother, a year earlier he received the rank of general, and even was his chief during the 1810 campaign of the year (Russian-Turkish war).

Like his older brother, Nicholas studied in the Imperial land gentry corps. He began his military service as a cornet in the Novotroitsky Cuirassier Regiment. At one time he served as adjutant at the headquarters of his father, which, given the character and exactingness of the elder Kamensky, can hardly be called a "sinecure". In the 1795 year with the rank of lieutenant colonel, he was transferred to the Simbirsk Grenadier Regiment, then to Ryazan, and in 1799, having received the rank of Major General, he was appointed to command the regiment, which from 1801 onwards will become the Arkhangelsk Musketeer (until were called by the name of their commander). It was with this regiment that he became famous during the Italian (for the battle of Trebiya the regiment was awarded the "Grenadier March"), and, especially, the Swiss campaigns of Suvorov.

Map of the Italian and Swiss campaigns of Suvorov

Swiss campaign A.V. Suvorov

As you know, at the end of the summer of 1799, Mr. Suvorov was ordered to go to Switzerland, where, according to a plan drawn up by the notorious Weyrother, three relatively small separate armies (Suvorov, Rimsky-Korsakov and Austrian Friedrich von Gotz) were to defeat the French general he will later become a marshal) Andre Massena. For some reason it was assumed that this commander, who in France of those years was called 'Enfant chéri de la Victoire (“favorite child of victory”), would stand quietly, waiting for all the allied armies to unite.

Antoine Jean-Gros. Marshal Massena, portrait

Massena, of course, did not stand and took advantage of the chance to smash opponents in parts. So, when Suvorov's troops were drawn into the mountain gorges of the Alps, they had no one to connect with: the army of Rimsky-Korsakov was defeated, von Gotz's army received an order to withdraw from Switzerland. In addition, it turned out that the roads indicated on the issued maps mainly exist only on maps, and the real ones are reliably blocked by the French. In general, Suvorov's Russian army was trapped, any other commander would probably try to break through back to Italy. But Suvorov continued his campaign, while he, in essence, "advancing", retreated. And there are historians who compare the campaign of the Russian army across the Alps with Napoleon's breakthrough through the Berezina: in both cases, the retreating armies suffered heavy losses, and in both cases the enemy, who was in a much more advantageous position, failed to stop and destroy the army of the retreating. However, the losses of the French, both in quantitative and in percentage terms, were much higher, moreover, unlike Napoleon, Suvorov did not leave his banners to the enemy and even brought about 1500 French prisoners with him. Therefore, in France, the expression "C'est la Berezina" is a symbol of collapse and defeat, and Suvorov's Swiss campaign in military schools and academies is studied as an example of high military art. And even Massena himself, upon the news of the death of the Russian Generalissimo, said: "I would give all my 48 battles for 17 days of Suvorov's Swiss campaign." Another thing is Paul I and his entourage, who were very unhappy with the final of Alexander Vasilyevich's European campaign. The emperor did not even receive the returning commander and did not appoint any celebrations. And three weeks later Suvorov died, having said before his death to Kutaisov: "I don't want to think about the sovereign now."

But let us return to Switzerland at the end of August-beginning of September 1799. September 12; left column of Suvorov troops under the command of General V.Kh. Derfelden (about 15 000 people, among whom was the regiment of N. Kamensky) came to the St. Gotthard pass. It is curious that during the Russian-Turkish war 1770-1774. Derfelden served under the authority of our hero's father, MF Kamensky. The right column (commander - A.G. Rosenberg, near the 6000 soldier) approached the village of Urzern in the rear of the French brigade of General Gudin. The vanguard of the left column was commanded by P.I. Bagration, right - MI Miloradovich. Rosenberg’s troops attacked the French on Mount Crispale and forced them to withdraw. The detachment of Bagration, supported by General Baranovsky, who acted on the St. Gotthard pass, also pushed the enemy away — not too far: up the slope, the new French position looked completely unapproachable. Nevertheless, the next day, the Gotthard Pass was taken from the third attempt, and the retreating French left all their artillery.

Monument to Suvorov on the Saint-Gotthard Pass

However, the Unzern Loch (Unzern Hole), the first tunnel built in the Alps, was ahead. Its length was about 67 meters, the width - just 2 meters. And in 400 meters below him, the same “Devil's” bridge was thrown across the gorge. Take them to detachment A.G. Rosenberg (a talented Russian general of the Suvorov school, from the Germans of Courland). In the Unzern tunnel, the enemy installed a canister for firing the canister, which made impossible the advance of Miloradovich soldiers. However, it was foolish to beat the enemy head-on in such adverse conditions. And because Suvorov sent three troops around. It was the actions of these units that determined the success of the operation. The 200 soldier, led by Major Trevogin, crossed the Reis to the waist in icy water and climbed the cliffs to the left bank in the rear of the French troops. Another 300 of the Russian soldiers of the Orlov Musketeer Regiment, wearing sandals with spikes on their boots, went around Unzern-Loch. Seeing them descending from the summit, the French, fearing encirclement, hurried to leave the tunnel and retreat to the bridge.

A modern view of the Devil's Canyon. Foundation of the Devil's Bridge - bottom right

Many memoirists recall the incomprehensible and disturbing roar that they heard as they approached Unzern Loch. It was the noise of the Devil waterfall, which they saw on the other side of the tunnel (modern view)

Throwing a cannon into the river, the French retreated to the other side of the River Reis, trying to blow up the bridge behind them, but only its central span collapsed. The Russian soldiers chasing them were forced to stop. Lined up in a row, standing on opposite banks of the river, opponents literally shot each other.

Johan Baptiste Seele. Battle on the Devil's Bridge

It was at this moment that the regiment of N. Kamensky came out to the left bank of the Reis - the main surprise of Suvorov. Kamensky managed to bypass the enemy positions through the village of Betzberg, as a result of which his regiment was in the rear of the enemy. When fighting with the enemy, N. Kamensky for the first time in his military career was on the verge of death: a bullet pierced his hat. The memoirists note that "the movement of the regiment of Count Kamensky coincided with a decisive turning point in the battle in favor of the Russians." It was for these actions in the battle for the Chertov Bridge that N. Kamensky received the Order of St. Anne 1 Art. His father Suvorov wrote: "Your young son is an old general." From this time Nikolay Mikhaylovich himself, hinting at his merits in this battle, he began to call him a Devil General.

Meanwhile, having disassembled a nearby shed, the Russians, under continuous enemy fire, bound the logs with officer scarves and blocked the destroyed bridge span. The first major Meschersky stepped on the opposite shore - and was immediately fatally wounded. Noteworthy are the last words of the major: “Friends, do not forget me in the message!” The comrades did not forget, so that this phrase and the circumstances of the death of Meshchersky were included in history. In the future, the crossing to the other bank was carried out, of course, not along these bound scarves and shaky boards: the Austrian sappers who were attached to the Russian army restored the bridge.

After crossing the Army through Reis, Suvorov intended to move to Schwyz. And it was here that it turned out that the road to it exists only on the map. Now there was only one way - through the snow-covered Kinzig-Kulm pass of the Rostok mountain range. The army came out on the morning of September 16, units of Bagration traditionally walked in front, units of Rosenberg moved in the rearguard, which reflected two attacks by French troops of General Lecoub during the journey. Rosenberg squad arrived in Muten only on the evening of September 18. It was here and on this day that news of the defeats of Rimsky-Korsakov and von Gotze came. Continuing to Schwyz now was meaningless, and the exits from the valley were already blocked by Massena. The situation was so desperate that at the military council Suvorov cried, turning to his generals. His speech is known to us by P. Bagration's record:

"We are surrounded by mountains ... surrounded by a strong enemy, proud of victory ... Since the time of the Prut affair, under the Emperor Peter the Great, the Russian troops have never been in such a threatening situation ... No, this is no longer a betrayal, but an obvious betrayal ... sensible, calculated betrayal us, who shed so much blood for the salvation of Austria. There is no one to wait for help now, one hope for God, another for the greatest courage and the highest self-denial of the troops you led ... We will have the greatest, unprecedented works in the world! We are on the edge of the abyss! But we are Russians! God with us! Save, save the honor and wealth of Russia and its Autocrat! Save his son (Tsarevich Konstantin Pavlovich) ”.

After these words, Suvorov sobbed.

Through the Pragel Pass, the army of Suvorov moved into the Klenthal valley, Kamensky's regiment was part of the avant-garde units commanded by Bagration, Rosenberg's corps moved in the rearguard. September 19 advanced units of the Russian troops were attacked by the French, but overturned them and pursued for the length of 5 km. On this day, Kamensky, with a battalion of his regiment, managed to move to the right bank of the Lynta River, occupying the village of Molis and seizing 2 cannons, a banner and 106 prisoners. The main battle took place the next day, André Massena took a personal part in this battle. However, the Russian counterattack was so furious that the French fled, Massena himself was almost captured, being removed from his horse by non-commissioned officer Ivan Makhotin who had a golden epauletum in his hands (his authenticity was confirmed by the captured general La Curc). Then, after winning another victory in the battle of Glarus (30 of September), the Russian army withdrew from the Alpine trap.

Monument to soldiers and officers of the army of Suvorov, who died while crossing the Alps

1805-1807 military campaign

The next big battle, in which N.M. Kamensky, became the famous battle of Austerlitz. According to the plan of the same ill-fated Veruyter, the Allied Russian-Austrian troops were divided into 6 columns. The main role was assigned to the first three (under the command of F. Buksgedenden), which were supposed to strike at the minor right flank of the enemy. Moreover, they also had to go around it, going up to 10 versts and stretching the front to 12.

Pratzen heights dominating the area were occupied by the 4 column, from which Kutuzov was located.

The 5 and 6 columns (6 was commanded by PI Bagration) should have played a secondary role, while Napoleon attached great importance to this direction - because the failure on this flank closed its armies to the only possible route of retreat to Brunn. Therefore, covering the road hill Santon was ordered to defend to the last soldier.

On the morning of this fateful day, Napoleon, who was standing on Shlaponitsky hill, with great pleasure observed the senseless and useless movement of the first three columns, looking forward to the release of Pratzen heights by the 4 column. The Russian troops marched carelessly, without military guard, and at the foot of the hills, the advance units were literally swept away by the fire of the French who were waiting for them. Kutuzov then complained that the Novgorod regiment "did not hold on much," but it must be admitted that he himself was partly responsible for the defeat of the Russian avant-garde and the panic that had arisen, since, understanding the significance of these heights, Alexander I arrived at him ordering on reconnaissance along the way. With great difficulty, Miloradovich managed to restore the relative order, but the battle was almost lost. The three columns of Buxgawden, instead of turning back, still marched forward, tragically moving away from the rest of the army. The corps of Bernadotte and Lannes, with the support of the cavalry units of Murat, tied up the fifth and sixth columns. Descended from the Pratzen Heights 4, the column died under the blows of the far superior French forces. The famous, which ended in huge losses, the attack of the Russian Guard was virtually unsuccessful. Already in 11 hours, one more (besides Weyrother) evil genius of that day - Alexander I, gave the order to the general retreat. At this point, N. Kamensky's team was the only one that still retained some connection between the 4 column and the receding columns of Buxgevden. She naturally could not keep her position. Several times during this battle, cavalry units of the enemy surrounded her, she lost about 1600 under enemy artillery strikes, a horse was killed near N. Kamensky, and only the timely help of the battalion adjutant Zakrevsky saved him from death or captivity in that battle. However, Kamensky’s brigade succeeded in breaking out of its encirclement. Buxgeveden began to withdraw its troops only about one o'clock in the afternoon when the French troops were already in the rear of the 2 and 3 columns. The only bridge across the river Litava was destroyed by the enemy, the third column was almost completely destroyed, others, retreating through the gorge between the lakes, suffered huge losses. Despite the heavy defeat of the Russian army, for the courage shown in this battle, N. Kamensky was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir 3 Art.

The 1807 military campaign began for Kamensky at the crossing of the Alle River (January 22). In the battle of Preussisch-Eylau (January 26-27 old style), Kamensky commanded a division from the 5 regiments, which took part in one of its episodes - a hard battle for the village of Southgarten, which passed from hand to hand twice. On this battle, which ended in a “draw”, M. Ney said: “What a slaughter, and to no avail”! For participation in this battle N. Kamensky was awarded the Order of St. George 3 degree.

Richard Keyton Woodville. Marshal Ney heads attack at Eylau

A.Yu. Averyanov. Battle of Preisisch-Eylau 27 January (8 February) 1807 of the year. Attack of the Moscow Regiment

Later, Kamensky was sent to help besieged Danzig, but with the forces he had (4475 Russians and 3500 Prussian soldiers) could not succeed. In view of the obvious unrealistic nature of the task, no claims were made against him, on the contrary, Kamensky was informed that "the Sovereign did them all well."

29 of May of the same year, in the battle at Heilsberg, Kamensky’s division threw the French away from redoubt No. 2 and even pursued the retreating, but was forced to return to their positions when confronted with fresh enemy forces.

Following this military campaign, N. Kamensky was promoted to lieutenant general.

15 December 1807 of the Kamensky division was transferred to Finland.

The Russian-Swedish war 1808-1809

In the following year, 1808, during the war with Sweden, Kamensky replaced the unsuccessful N.N. Raevsky (the future hero of 1812) and won victories at Kuortana and Oravaise, which contributed a lot to the conquest of Finland. In 1809, he participated in hostilities to repel the Swedish landing at Rotan and at Sevara. For this campaign, N. Kamensky immediately received the 2 Order - of sv. Alexander Nevsky and then St. George 2 Art. A sign of recognition of his merits was also the title of General of Infantry, which, contrary to tradition, he received earlier than others on the list above (including his older brother). Commander of the Finnish Army, MB Barclay de Tolly, who himself, on the results of this campaign, bypassed many co-workers in the ranks, in his report described N. Kamensky as a “skillful general”. Therefore, the appointment of N. Kamensky to the post of commander-in-chief of the Danube army, acting against Turkey, seemed quite logical and did not surprise anyone. And he did not replace anyone, but his former commander in the previous campaigns - PI. Bagration! In the location of the army N. Kamensky arrived in March 1810 of the year. Here he met with his elder brother, Sergei, whose detachment was in the vanguard of the Russian forces in Dobrudja.

Kamensky SM, portrait by an unknown artist. State Rostov-Yaroslavl Architecture and Art Museum-Reserve

Military campaign against Turkey 1810 of the year

Nikolai entrusted to his brother the command of one of the columns, which moved towards Bazardzhik and defeated the corps of the Turkish commander Pelivan, and then captured the fortress of Razgrad. Itself at this time, after the 7-day siege, took Silistria (40 banners and 190 guns became the trophies). However, further failures followed: Nikolay Kamensky did not manage to take possession of the Šumla fortress, and then he got stuck under the walls of Ruschuk, his brother, under the pressure of superior enemy forces, was forced to retreat to Silistria in battle. But soon N.Kamensky managed to defeat Seraskir Kushakchi, who was moving to help the besieged Rushchuk fortress, under Batyn. The result of this victory was the surrender of Ruschuk, Nikopol, Severin, Prisoner, Lovcha and Selvi, the withdrawal of Turkish troops from the territory of Northern Bulgaria. In addition, 12-thousandth detachment of General Sass was sent to Serbia, which led to the defeat of Turkey in this direction. These events became the pinnacle of the military career of Nikolai Kamensky, who at that time was revered by everyone as the best student of Suvorov and the most talented general of Russia. Following the campaign, he received the Order of St. Vladimir 1 Art. and St. Andrew the First Called Apostle. Despite the fact that the emperor ordered the division of the Danube Army to 5 Russia, almost no one doubted that the 1811 military campaign of the year would end with a brilliant victory for N. Kamensky and complete capitulation of Turkey.

Illness and death N.M. Kamensky

The hostilities began as early as January 1811, when the squadron of EF Saint-Prix broke the vanguard of the Turkish army under the command of Omar Bey under Lovce. Alas, it was NM’s last victory. Kamensky, in February of the same year, he fell ill in March, transferring the command of A.F. Langeron, was forced to leave for treatment in Odessa. He was brought to this city already in serious condition. Some kind of fever, accompanied by hearing loss and impairment of consciousness, progressed with each passing day. 4 May 1811, at the age of 35 years, Nikolai Kamensky died. In place of the commander in chief, he was replaced by M.I. Kutuzov, who will end this war with the signing of the Bucharest peace treaty in May 1812.

In 1891, the Sevsky Infantry Regiment was assigned N.M. Kamensky. Now the name of this talented and outstanding commander is almost forgotten and is known only to specialists.
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  1. +16
    31 May 2019 18: 23
    which school! Heroes, not us ...
    1. +16
      31 May 2019 19: 13
      probably this galaxy is one of the best in the history of Russia
    2. +6
      31 May 2019 19: 18
      Respect and respect to the author! I jerk a little, but I read the article with great interest!
      For some reason, from my books about Suvorov and Kutuzov, I had a rather twofold impression of my father and his sons Kamensky. I didn’t deal with them specifically, but today, with the help of Valery, I managed to put some of the points over the “y”! For which I am grateful to him !!!
      Regards, Vlad!
    3. +1
      31 May 2019 19: 30
      Quote: Adjutant
      which school! Heroes, not us ...

      Well, until recently, we had a great school. Like right now - time will tell.
      1. +6
        31 May 2019 21: 55
        Quote: Doliva63
        Quote: Adjutant
        which school! Heroes, not us ...

        Well, until recently, we had a great school. Like right now - time will tell.

        I’ll supplement myself ...
        Adversity has created an era
        The Age Grew Up People
        They are waving adversity
        The era was called their

        If it’s simpler, people don’t determine time, time either heals or kills! But I think early to put an end to the “school”!
        An example of tonight. I’m driving a car with firing with my “bachelorette party”. Which with the word "not bad howls" because of the failure of the fire training! I stop at a crosswalk and miss an army lieutenant colonel with a lady on the handle and grandmother of a dandelion!
        The lieutenant colonel and the lady smugly defile, and after them the granny smiles with a stick and a bag! Then one of my “roars” unfastens the seat belt and runs to help my grandmother !!! Straight in shape, with a gun on his sword belt. If you say that I was taken aback - it does not say anything! The simplicity and humanity of the act, the girl who had just "watered my car with tears" of me a seasoned cynic - pierced through and through! A similar reaction was observed in drivers of both lanes. That is, the jaws of everyone are trite "just fell on the brake pedal." But I was killed by the reaction of an officer with a lady who crossed the road and looked at my grandmother and threw my girl through gritted teeth - "window dressing" !!! Lady, added something and they began to laugh! I don’t know, maybe for the first time I regretted that there is no tradition of duels in modern Russia ..... I just got out of the car and helped my colleague bring the grandmother to the side of the road. Damn how I wanted to break this officer. Just humanly break into yushki ..... But you can’t, it’s just impossible and that's all ....
        I stood and looked at "this couple - under-officer and under-female" and then I heard applause! Drivers, passers-by clapped their hands and shouted, and the heroine of the event modestly and embarrassed holding a cabaret was hiding in my car !!!
        Damn it, I’m proud to be serving with such a girl, and isn’t that the school?
        Regards, Vladislav!
  2. +13
    31 May 2019 19: 16
    Outstanding General, fighters of the 34th Sevsky Infantry Regiment could be proud of such patronage
  3. +2
    31 May 2019 19: 22
    Quote: Adjutant
    which school! Heroes, not us ...

    I agree, there was a Pleiad of BRIGHT PERSONALITIES
  4. +1
    31 May 2019 19: 25
    Kamensky is clearly not an ordinary person
  5. +1
    31 May 2019 19: 47
    As far as I remember, in the novel "War and Peace", in a conversation with Andrei Volkonsky on the eve of the Battle of Borodino, Kutuzov spoke unflatteringly about some of the Kamenskys. In my opinion, Kutuzov said: "If he had not died, he would have disappeared." with the battle for Ruschuk
    1. VLR
      31 May 2019 19: 57
      As for Rushchuk: probably, I mean the unsuccessful first assault on Rushchuk in 1810, with heavy losses. But, given that Kamensky was Kutuzov's predecessor as commander of the Danube army, and it was not surprising that he was very successful and popular in the army. By the way, Mikhail Illarionovich and about Suvorov in 1812 was not very complimentary - and not in the novel, but in real life: struck out his name from the order of the army, saying that Suvorov, unlike himself, could not save the Fatherland . Such a character and such ambitions.
      1. +2
        31 May 2019 20: 59
        In Tolstoy's War and Peace, in general, much diverges from official historiography. For example, he characterized the Battle of Borodino as a continuous chain of mistakes. By the way, the historian Valishevsky in his book Around the Throne also did not speak very flatteringly about Suvorov
        1. VLR
          31 May 2019 21: 07
          So he is - Waliszewski, Pole! And Suvorov took Warsaw. In which before that they staged a massacre of Russians - "Warsaw Matins" on April 17, 1794. They killed even during communion in churches.
          Alexander Bestuzhev-Marlinsky wrote: “Thousands of Russians were then slaughtered, sleepy and unarmed, in houses that they thought were friendly ... The priests secretly preached bloodshed, but they flattered the Russians in their eyes ... Those taken by surprise (Russians) were others in their beds, others in the gathering for the feast, others on the way to the church, they could neither defend themselves nor flee and fell under the inglorious
          blows, cursing the fate of dying without revenge. Some, however, managed to grab their guns and, locked in rooms, in barns, in attics, fired desperately; very rare managed to escape. "
  6. +4
    31 May 2019 20: 14
    Kamensky is a sort of "forward general". It is strange that he commanded the infantry, not the cavalry. In its habits, it rather resembles a dashing hussar.
    The personality, of course, is bright. Personally brave, thought quickly in battle, the soldier was on the shore, in general "a servant to the king, father to soldiers."
    He died early - the whole 35 was.
    Unconditional decoration of our military pantheon.
  7. +1
    31 May 2019 21: 21
    Thanks to the author. I remembered a lot. Perfectly presented article.
  8. +3
    31 May 2019 21: 43
    Still, Rumyantsev and Suvorov set the bar for the general! Long enough for those who served with them and in their subordination.
    And after all, who knows - if Kamensky lived before 1812 - history could have gone a different way ...
  9. -2
    1 June 2019 04: 52
    -I will cause a storm of indignation ... but after all ..; despite great victories; military skill of the Russian generals and Suvorov himself; and also ...- the heroism of Russian soldiers ... -in spite of all this ...- Swiss campaign A.V. Suvorov ended, to put it mildly ...- to no avail ... -And more precisely ...- it was a defeat ...- Rimsky-Korsakov’s army was defeated; Suvorov’s army fell into a rather unpretentious trap, and also practically having lost all the cavalry and artillery already ... - it was already a little like an army ...
    -In general ...- how such an experienced commander ... how could Suvorov get into a rather "primitive setup". ???
    -Because Suvorov knew perfectly well what the "Austrian command" was and what could be expected from him (expect any betrayal) ... -And so to get caught in these Alps ... -There even "Susanin" was not needed to lead an entire army into a trap ... - "Susanin" just nervously smokes on the sidelines ...
    -I personally do not understand this ...
    1. VLR
      1 June 2019 05: 02
      You are not original, but I wrote that some people compare the Suvorov campaign through the Alps and Napoleon's Berezina. He also wrote about differences. But there is one more, unsaid: Napoleon was the emperor and commander in chief, Suvorov carried out the order. The only thing he could do as a sign of disagreement was to resign. In this case, the army left by them would still go to Switzerland and there would surrender or die. Suvorov did what shocked Europe and still surprises. Practically, at the cost of his life, by the way. Cheerful and full of strength at the beginning of the campaign, he died immediately after returning.
      1. -1
        1 June 2019 05: 51
        -I didn’t read your previous calculations ..., but I read "today's" ones with interest ... -And my "comments" ...- do not contradict the stated ... -so in vain you put me a minus .. ...
        -I would not compare "Napoleon's Berezina" with "Suvorov's Alps" ... these are two big differences ...
        -All Hannibal once led his army through the Alps and even brought elephants ... -Of course, such a comparison is incorrect, but Hannibal too ... had no choice ... and he could easily fall into a fatal trap too ... -But he turned out (in a similar case) to be much more prudent and successful than Suvorov ...
        1. VLR
          1 June 2019 06: 27
          Hannibal, having opponents a few poorly armed and scattered, little organized Gallic tribes, lost in the Alps half the infantry, a third of the cavalry and 22 elephant from 37. The losses of Suvorov in much more difficult conditions and against the best regular army in Europe, under the command of a good military general, who had previously blocked all roads that used artillery - 25%.
          And what is more successful Hannibal? I remind you: his Italian campaign had no practical results, he rushed through Italy, unable even to prevent the Romans from moving the fighting to Africa, ended up with an inglorious evacuation of troops and a defeat at Carthage. The Russian army with banners and prisoners came home, and, impressed by Napoleon, tried to make peace with Russia, while releasing all the prisoners of the army of Rimsky-Korsakov. The fact that the corrupted rule of Catherine II, the Russian aristocrats carried out a coup d'état for English money in favor of England, and the cowardly Alexander I obediently fought for the interests of England all his life — another story.
          1. -1
            1 June 2019 06: 48
            -Look ...
            -Figase ... -Yes all Rome just trembled in fear and didn’t know what to do ...
            -Already more than once all of Rome was throwing the cry "Get up, huge country" ... -Hannibal was somehow calmed down ...
            -He just didn't go to take "Moscow" ... Rome ... (everyone has their own cockroaches) ... -Personally, I think that he would rather easily be able to besiege and then take Rome ...
            -But Hannibal was doomed anyway ... -Well, what would he do after taking Rome (city) and conquering the whole of Rome (state) ... -His victorious ground army (which turned out to be without movement, without fighting actions), thousands of kilometers from its Africa, without a rear, without a replenishment ...- very soon it would decline ... -A. Makedonsky ended this ...
            1. VLR
              1 June 2019 07: 00
              The horror in front of Hannibal was only at the first stage, when "fear has big eyes." Then the Romans took a closer look at the conqueror, assessed the situation, calmed down and began to methodically "strangle" him. And, outwardly slow, clumsy "boa constrictor" defeated the swift and fast "cobra". During the siege of Rome, the land on which Hannibal's tent stood was sold in Rome at the regular price (along with Hannibal winked ). That is, no one doubted the outcome of the war even at that time.
            2. -1
              1 June 2019 12: 58
              He, Hannibal, really could besiege Rome without much difficulty, but to take it - this is unlikely. Rome was very well fortified and, if not taken by a surprise attack, could hold on for months. If sclerosis does not change, then Sagunt lasted six months. At the same time, Hannibal did not have siege vehicles in Italy, and behind the besiegers the new consular armies would very soon have appeared. And deblocking operations are the easiest.
    2. +5
      1 June 2019 15: 37
      Suvorov was not free to choose either allies or strategy. After Milan, he was ready to go to Paris - and probably could have been successful in this. So he saw the goals of the war against republican France: to defeat its troops (which they did in Italy) and go take the capital.
      But the Austrians did not think so, and muddied the Swiss campaign, however agreed with our emperor. And they failed (at the level of authorities and organizers) in almost everything. Without touching the Austrian units themselves, some of them quite fraternally fought shoulder to shoulder with the Suvorov heroes.
      Suvorov did not have radio communications, he could not know that the goal - to connect with the Rimsky-Korsakov corps was unattainable.
      But the fact that having fallen into a hopeless position for those times (and for the present too), he was able to overturn and break through all the barriers, and get out of the trap, and even having a significant number of French prisoners with him - it was a tactical miracle, which no one else would have undertaken to repeat or accomplish, including Napoleon Bonoparte. And this is generally accepted: even Karl Marx could not remain silent - considering Suvorov a stronghold of the most reactionary regime in Europe, he wrote that "... this old soldier pierced the Alps with his bayonet like a knife through butter ..."
      Quote: gorenina91
      -I personally do not understand this ...
  10. +2
    3 June 2019 13: 29
    Good article. I’ll add from myself that if it were not for the withdrawal of the five divisions from the Danube and the death of Kamensky, then they would definitely have established control over the straits. Napoleon was not at all against such an increase in Russia in that direction, and Alexander threw everything halfway ...
    1. The comment was deleted.
  11. 0
    15 August 2019 19: 05
    Great article! thank
  12. 0
    April 28 2022 00: 29
    There is a memory of him in Bulgaria, though specialists and promote history buffs. My native city Shumla besieged, fought with the Turks. On the redoubts and forts, which he squinted, he himself climbed, filmed. Still standing.

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