Notes of the Colorado Cockroach. In the future - as in the pool

Hello, all lovers and admirers of a sober and uncomplicated glance in the direction of Ukraine! I wish you to be further soberly looking, and most importantly - soberly thinking. Because I read your media on Monday and came down in a righteous recovery from what fell on me.

That's how my cockroach said - a fool of a fool, he found where to climb. Say thank you cows don't fly.

In general, do not read the yellow pages in the morning. The fact that modern human journalism has been somewhat lately doesn’t go to bedbugs, and so it stinks. But why did yours need to rewrite the worst of what we have tormented? I do not understand from the bottom of my heart.

I will tell you honestly that he is still the sower of the rational, kind and eternal, but I do it honestly at least. Not for fat. Although ... looking, of course, how much fat will be at stake.

But since the fat is now really mute, I will explain to you for the elections honestly and with a sense of humor borrowed from the neighbors.

Because now the slogan "We will live!" Is more relevant than ever. Moreover, never in stories Square Ukraine, he was not so relevant! Here!

I looked, looked at your reaction to us, and I want to correct something. You do not understand, due to a certain difference, some moments.

You are there at home. In Russia, everything is pretty cash and rich, one might say. Until. And we, if you believe your media (and you can believe in it), not so much. And this is right, it is, so to speak, in a European way, a fact is evident. In our opinion if - fuck on the snout. But the essence does not change completely.

What is the basis of welfare and political stability? That's right, you have a ruble, we have a hryvnia. That is two rubles. Or a piece of a dollar the size of a stamp on an envelope. Not the point.

But the bottom line is how many hryvnias in a single wallet can fit within one month. Well, here, too, as anyone. Who is counting in the millions, who is in the hundreds of thousands, who in the thousands. So, if we are talking about us, about the people, then the people very much welcome the appearance of sudden hryvnias in his wallet.

I am now ready to put a quarter of my pension, that you are all the same, only in rubles.

Now tell me, if you have all the politicians of a goon in Russia, then why should we be equal to you in this? We do not have everything. No, in fact - yes, but still financially - from time to time no.

You rightly, some media noted that people were invited to the hryvnia to the same dispute of Ze and the Hydrant. More precisely, as many as four hundred.

Yes, what about that? No, we would have gone, even if we had to give money for this show ... Well, let's say, within reasonable limits. Well, hryvnia 20-50, that is, a normal set of snacks to the existing bubble.

But in general, a ticket to the stadium show Ze-Hydrant cost 1 a penny. No seriously! Moreover, Zelensky bought half of the tickets and distributed it to all his supporters. And who was quick and bought a ticket, this penny ... was returned!

And to those who generally wanted to attend, both sides paid 400 hryvnia. In general, compared with the Maidan, this is a bit today. The hryvnia from 2014, the year did, of course, to the fullest. But nevertheless, to have 400 hryvnia and not to have - in total it will be 800. Strange arithmetic, but if it is expressed on a graph, then between -400 and + 400 will be exactly 800 units.

That is the kind of cockroach mathematics.

By the way, if anyone is interested. As the Hydrant has arranged to itself farewell, all of you already know.

Some people broke off there too, but seriously, those who said goodbye wondered how they didn’t bark at something like “Yes, for sure!” Instead of “After a year!”. Well, you realized that after the disgraceful lost elections there is a sense of slightly hryvnia poprizhat. And while there was no inauguration, the Hydrant is still a Hydrant, that is, the commander-in-chief.

So for the most part the fans who were grateful to the Hydrant were played by our servicemen. Nothing played like that, right? And all is well - and the Hydrant, finally lubricated, and vsushnym, walked around Kiev.

In a year he will return, aha ... Dreamer. Not after that.

Notes of the Colorado Cockroach. In the future - as in the pool

No, of course, if I could so burst into the neck of my tank, I would not be such a fiction city. I would have outdone our Henry Lyon Oldie and let the spouses Dyachenko naked around the world!

But neither health nor the gold reserve so much to plump at Pan Targan is mute. Therefore, we have exactly what we have and not a liter more.

Now, of course, let's talk about the elections.

Well, actually, we're great, right? Many, I'm sorry, in this world have not dreamed of such peremogi! So take, and put the president, who absolutely did not want to leave ... In short, envy, the Russians.

And in white. Black envy is not necessary. Of course, I understand that you will not have a choice in 2024 either, but this is a common occurrence. We had a choice here. And we made it. And anyone will say it to you, they made it intelligently.

You can talk for a very long time on the topic (and your media say) that we did everything wrong again. Clown chosen.

Well, by and large yes, a clown. But you also twice voted for the merry fellow. Which, under the drunken dancing, miraculously did not bring you to the final. Or maybe he brought that for the final the clown Boriska was cooking for you, that is the question.

The fact that the whole world amused your soul clown president. Still remember.

As for our ... You know, we'll see. Ze has many qualities for which he can be respected right now. From our point of view.

He does not plump like Poroshenko. He is not a sectarian, like Turchinov. Jew? So what? But he certainly knows how to negotiate for normal gesheft. But most importantly, you know what the Ukrainians like? He is responsible for the market! Unlike the fat cat that you have there near Moscow.

And most importantly - Zelensky did not promise the Ukrainians! That is why so many people voted for him! We have already learned from our tasteless experience that the more we are promised, the more we talk about taking care of the common people, plans to turn the life of that nation into a paradise ... The less they follow later!

However, you have everything in the same way, is not it? We are moving parallel roads. You promised not to touch the price of gasoline, food, utilities? And for us! You promised not to raise taxes and excise taxes? And for us! You promised not to touch the retirement age? Well, yes, we were exchanged for a type of visa-free, we were diluted with a tomos and ... And Peter Alekseevich played in the political trash. And we stayed with the same pension as you. With the same bare ass.

So let it be in terms of experiment (and we have experimented with any kind of power, starting with Kuchma) at least once at the helm of power a person who did not promise absolutely nothing will try to visit!

Did not promise? And ok. But the feeling that the next president was Hydrant will not.

Perhaps you are crazy, you have one person 20 years taxis. But we, because of our naivety, believe that every new person will try to do something like this. In any case, it’s no worse than waiting for the same person to fulfill his promises, isn’t it?

And our Zelensky ... What if? He is a man of extraordinary behavior. I don’t know how Putin will feel if Ze suddenly bangs (as promised) publicly in front of him on his knees. But really he will be able to do it himself, and Ukraine, for the sake of which he will ottle such a thing, if he doesn’t catch ecstasy in full force, then for the most part he will surely see plenty.

Well, this is for our sake ... But the moment may turn out to be hoo.

In addition, for some reason, we are not completely embarrassed by the acting essence of Zelensky. And what, Reagan was an actor? And nothing like that. Arnie? Which Schwarzenegger? Did it happen that way too? Boris, who is Yeltsin? Well, he was such a lover.

In general, our new president will be quite able to become the third in this company. Professional political actors.

The main thing now, when we talk about the presidents, not to confuse. Vladimir Vladimirovich is on everyone’s lips, and here is also Vladimir Alexandrovich ... It may turn out to be ugly.

Maybe just now, in my own way? Vladimir-73 and Vladimir-76? Your way anyway turns out better. Your second round is not needed, but you have slightly different choices.

You know, Ukraine reminded me a bit these days ... 2014 year!

But not in terms of violence, we somehow all got used to it, that Petya was everything, and there were no stormy expressions. Well, yes, all Petro - bring a bucket.

The people basically had some such moods, like, here, now (well, in a year or two) let us go! Roads will do, pensions will be raised, benefits will be returned, thieves will be planted ... And so on. Only here the phrase "In vain, perhaps, we stood on the Maidan" was replaced by "In vain, perhaps, we voted for him."

It is clear that for Zelensky. It is clear that for good reason. And with the hope of profit and a bright tomorrow.

But here we have one phrase walking (one of your authors has already dragged it into his article), “Zelensky - hope without a future, Poroshenko - a future without hope”.

Here it best illustrates the true state of things.

Порошенко наворотил много. Не остановил the war, окончательно разругал русских и украинских и много чего еще. Но и того, что я озвучил, выше крыши. Так что да. Надежда – ждать, что все изменится в лучшую сторону.

Well, we have it. Yes, and you also have such a feature.

That is, in fact, all that I wanted to say about our choices and our hopes. The main thing that gave us these elections is faith and confidence.

No, not in a bright tomorrow, and not in the fact that Zelensky will be a super president. It's not about that. He can be any. How can.

We believed that neither money nor administrative resources could change the will of the people. And we, this people, have made our choice. It is difficult to say now how successful our choice is, the main thing is that we threw this goat out of our garden. And it is precisely this event that we are most pleased about.

Worse than what Poroshenko prepared for us, we cannot imagine for now. What do you mean? So, we will live!
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  1. +8
    April 24 2019 15: 15
    Cockroach? Why? Fat is really a matter of rubbish? And about the election .... Here I agree, this hydrant got it and it didn’t help him with any address, advertisement, or threat .... People showed him a goat’s face .. ..Why is that me? No, I don’t envy, you also have no choice ... Wherever you throw a wedge everywhere ..
    1. 10+
      April 24 2019 18: 08
      I sincerely wish the collapse of Ukraine. fellow
      Whatever the spirit of statehood is left.
      1. -11
        April 24 2019 20: 23
        Quote: For example
        I sincerely wish the collapse of Ukraine.

        Wishing bad things to others, you worsen your karma and risk getting a "wish" for yourself.
        And yes, "Ukraine" is capitalized hi .
        1. The comment was deleted.
          1. -3
            April 25 2019 18: 36
            However, wah! Ukraine and America exist, live and are not going to give you pleasure with their collapse.
            1. -1
              April 29 2019 09: 26
              Quote: revnagan
              give you pleasure with your collapse.

              states do not act on emotions ...
              1. +1
                April 29 2019 09: 36
                Are you authorized to broadcast on behalf of the whole STATE? It seems to me that the Russian Foreign Minister has a slightly different surname what ...
                1. -2
                  April 29 2019 10: 30
                  Quote: revnagan
                  I think

                  it only seems to you ...
  2. -10
    April 24 2019 15: 16
    There are so many people on the streets. And many are "packed"?
    1. +7
      April 24 2019 16: 11
      And in our country many are being “packed up”? At rallies? At the same Sakharovskaya? Although many are asking for it.
      1. -4
        April 24 2019 19: 25
        Excuse me, are you a Muscovite?
        1. 0
          April 25 2019 13: 23
          Quote: Leader of the Redskins
          Are you a Muscovite?

          I confirm!
          do not pack!
          1. -1
            April 25 2019 15: 11
            Disprove. Pack. I was swept over by one worker for going to see what was going on there. I believe him.
            1. +1
              April 25 2019 16: 30
              Quote: Leader of the Redskins
              I believe him.

              in the sense? I believe ....
              it is not a matter of faith !!!! here we need facts !!!!
              my friend was imprisoned for murder, and he says "did not kill" ...... this is not an indicator of imprisoning innocent people !!!!!
              swept, and why? sat for a long time? issued?
              let's get all introductory!
              1. 0
                April 25 2019 20: 04
                In the sense of "I believe", this is the person who will not fantasize, invent something, etc. No, he was not imprisoned. They drew up a protocol, held a conversation. But to the regional department, "with the convenience" he rolled and did not get to work.
                1. -2
                  April 26 2019 10: 54
                  Quote: Leader of the Redskins
                  Draw up a protocol

                  And what is written there? do not agree - to court! we have the rule of law!
                  Quote: Leader of the Redskins
                  had a conversation

                  for what?
                  Quote: Leader of the Redskins
                  I didn’t get to work.

                  rolled all day?
                  the employee went to work and went to the rally along the way, just to look, and they packed it .... The rally was probably on the day off?
                  version: an employee sat out in a tavern - could not get to work, and came up with nonsense with a rally ....
                  1. 0
                    April 26 2019 21: 10
                    You do not know me at all, my work, my subordinates, but with stubbornness incomprehensible to me, proving that I am not right. There are many professions where Sunday is not a day off and night is not the time to sleep. Is it even my 11 summer daughter who has learned, or will you be reminded of doctors, firemen, police, military, etc.? If you need to explain such commonplace truths, then there is no need to talk further. And just in case, it's not my business to check why the employee is absent. I just celebrate. For checks there is a personnel officer.
                    1. +1
                      April 29 2019 09: 40
                      Quote: Leader of the Redskins
                      but with stubbornness incomprehensible to me

                      because you go from the particular to the general! - it's the same as saying: - "I vote for bulk, so everyone votes for bulk!"
                      here WHY your employee went to the rally? He went to work !!!! - looks like a lie !!!
          2. 0
            April 25 2019 15: 11
            Disprove. Pack. I was swept over by one worker for going to see what was going on there. I believe him.
        2. 0
          April 25 2019 14: 00
          I’m not a Muscovite. A resident of the Kuban village. But in Moscow I am on business. But what? Do I have an eye or something?
  3. +6
    April 24 2019 15: 20
    Life will show your choice! Good luck dear Ukraine!
    1. +9
      April 25 2019 06: 19
      Quote: you Vlad
      Life will show your choice! Good luck dear Ukraine!

      I am joining. Though. as they say in Odessa:
  4. HAM
    April 24 2019 15: 20
    . It is hard to say how successful our choice is, the main thing is that we threw this goat out of our garden.

    One goat has already been thrown out in the 14th, and WHAT !?
    1. 15+
      April 24 2019 16: 13
      Note that this is my favorite fun ... Some rakes didn’t fit, others brought ...
    2. +1
      April 24 2019 21: 46
      Quote: HAM
      . It is hard to say how successful our choice is, the main thing is that we threw this goat out of our garden.

      One goat has already been thrown out in the 14th, and WHAT !?

      Five years later, and throw this goat.
  5. 22+
    April 24 2019 15: 23
    Regarding our mess, in the Russian sense, the author is largely right ... as for the true choice of the Ukrainian people, there are many questions. Who were the candidates, all of them Ukrainians knew in full face and profile, with their desire to fight with Russia, lick Europe and bow to America. But Zelensky is not one of them at all, and those who follow him have relied on this. Or does someone naively believe that Zelensky did not have a PR team?
    I very much doubt that Zelensky is so independent and popular. And the comparison with Reagan does not roll here, since Reagan was the president of a strong superpower, unlike Zelensky. At the same time, the forces that directed him were behind Reagan, plus the Senate, Congress, the CIA, the NSA, etc.
    The Chinese seriously studied the issue of the collapse of the USSR. Three institutes struggled over this for many years. The answer was given the following — for too long one ruler sits on the throne. And determine the optimal period - up to 20 years, and after that be kind, let the other steer. So, I think, and Putin knows this all. Sometimes it seems that Putin is now just sitting out this period without much straining in comparison with other taxiing periods.
    As for Zelensky, I really hope that at least a little the circus founded by Yushchenko, Kravchuk, Poroshenko will end. And then it will be necessary to look at how Zelensky will build relations with the Russian Federation. If again - "we are fighting alone against RF" ... then tady oh. Nothing good then the Ukrainians from this will not.
  6. 13+
    April 24 2019 15: 25
    Perhaps you are crazy, you have one person 20 years taxis. But we, because of our naivety, believe that every new person will try to do something like this. In any case, it’s no worse than waiting for the same person to fulfill his promises, isn’t it?
    Our person. which steers for 20 years, lifted the country from its knees, in contrast to your independent and independent, successively ruining and plundering countries, for which executioners and traitors of Ukraine such as Bandera and Shukhevych-Hero. How is our person different from your presidents? He is professionally trained. His dissertation on macroeconomics is devoted to the state and prospects of the development of the economy of the resource-producing state. Despite the sanctions and tremendous pressure, external threats and internal enemies, we survived. Let's see how your next clown president will narulit at least one term.
    1. 16+
      April 24 2019 17: 07
      text of my comment in the picture
    2. -1
      April 24 2019 20: 37
      The answer to your poster, do not take it seriously.
      "- Grandpa, how do Jews differ from ... Jews?
      Grandfather replies:
      - Jews are good people. They live in Israel, defend their country, fight with the Arabs. And the Jews live in Ukraine, eat fat, drink vodka and build a national Ukrainian state.
      - Grandfather, how does Russian differ from .... eh?
      - Russians are good people. They live in Russia, love their homeland, fight with the Chechens, give us oil and gas. And .... we live in Ukraine, eat fat, drink vodka and build a national Ukrainian state.
      - Grandfather, what is the difference between Ukrainians and hv?
      - Ukrainians are good people. They live in the USA and Canada, do not break laws, love Ukraine and do business. And h.y live in Ukraine, eat bacon, drink vodka and interfere with the Jews and ... m to build a national Ukrainian state. "
      full joke without banknotes about Ukrainian Jews here
  7. +6
    April 24 2019 15: 25
    Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the simplified receipt of Russian passports by residents of the DPR and LPR.
    This was reported by the Kremlin press service.
    “In order to protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, being guided by generally recognized principles and norms of international law, in accordance with Article 29 of the Federal Law of May 31, 2002 No. 62-ФЗ“ On Citizenship of the Russian Federation ”, I decide to establish that persons permanently residing in the territories of certain regions of Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine, they are entitled to apply for citizenship of the Russian Federation in a simplified manner in accordance with part eight of Article 14 of Federal Law of May 31, 2002 No. 62-FZ “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation,” reads the text of the Decree published on the Kremlin’s website.
    The decree comes into force on the day of its official publication.
  8. 11+
    April 24 2019 15: 28
    thick, cockroach, very thick)) well, but seriously, God forbid you success, only now due to what these successes come? I mean economic success ... an agricultural superpower ??? Well, well) And don’t forget that Count Dyakula has not left yet, now the BPP is trying to push the bill on limiting the presidential powers (with the help of self-help) and I’ll Gunpowder further from the nenki hryvnia (dollar, euro, yen)) ) to cut.
    1. 11+
      April 24 2019 15: 40
      Quote: Garrett
      agricultural superpower ??? Oh well

      Affftor in the course about Monsanto? How many hundreds of thousands of hectares are leased? The cockroach knows something about GMOs, he understands that local varieties will soon disappear and GMO plants will supplant them, and the consequences? And what does the cockroach know about the founders of the monsanta? Cockroach, please enlighten this topic, at least for yourself.
    2. +2
      April 24 2019 16: 01
      Quote: Garrett
      thick, cockroach, very thick))

      And for me, very much even "not in the eyebrow, but in the eye." You really need to stop measuring who worse!
      1. +2
        April 24 2019 21: 50
        Quote: lis-ik
        Quote: Garrett
        thick, cockroach, very thick))

        And for me, very much even "not in the eyebrow, but in the eye." You really need to stop measuring who worse!

    3. +4
      April 24 2019 20: 39
      Quote: Garrett
      only due to what these successes come

      Well, first of all - to "cut off" the oligarchs who take out to offshores annually many times more funds than Ukraine begs for loans from Western "partners" ...
      1. 0
        April 25 2019 13: 36
        Well, first of all - to "cut off" the oligarchs who take out to offshores annually many times more funds than Ukraine begs for loans from Western "partners" ...

        let's say it happened ... then what? where are the products with high added value, where are the markets for these products (or what is left of it) ??? Ehh ... demagogues ...
        1. 0
          April 25 2019 18: 32
          Quote: Garrett
          where are the products with high added value, where are the markets for these products (or what is left of it) ??

          And where do you think the billions of oligarchs going to offshore come from? We don’t have oil, gas, gold, diamonds, plants were cut, forests are being cut, and billions are being withdrawn. So, still something works? You need to return the stolen funds to the country, buy equipment, technology, trade with everyone who wants. And everyone will be happy laughing .
          1. 0
            April 26 2019 09: 01
            There is some truth in your words, only it seems to me that Ukrainian industry has already passed the point of no return. Aircraft manufacturing, shipbuilding, the chemical industry, partially transit potential and mechanical engineering - all these post-maidan authorities successfully ended, therefore I don’t see (unfortunately) the prospects for the development of Ukraine.
  9. BAI
    April 24 2019 15: 32
    And most importantly - Zelensky did not promise anything to the Ukrainians!

    That's it! Didn't promise:
    end the war;
    end confrontation with Russia;
    stop discrimination of the Russian language.
    He is no different (other than the state (financial)) from Porshenko. He did not refuse a single postulate of Poroshenko. What changes awaits Ukraine?
    And what is most surprising is who and what hopes are connected with him in Russia?
    1. +9
      April 24 2019 15: 44
      He also promised to return Crimea to Ukrainians.
      And also defeat Russia in the east.
    2. BAI
      April 24 2019 15: 49
      By the way, we already had a reaction:
      Moscow. April 24. INTERFAX.RU - Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree "On defining, for humanitarian purposes, the categories of persons entitled to apply for Russian citizenship in a simplified manner." The document was published on the Kremlin website.

      According to the decree, such a right is granted to persons permanently residing in the territories of certain regions of Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine.

      The decree comes into force on the day of its official publication.
  10. The comment was deleted.
  11. +6
    April 24 2019 15: 44
    It is clear that for Zelensky. It is clear that for good reason. And with the hope of profit and a bright tomorrow.

    For the benefit.
    Here is your key.
    And you don’t get Crimea anyway.
    1. -8
      April 24 2019 20: 41
      Quote: Mestny
      And you don’t get Crimea anyway.

      Never say never"....
    2. +1
      April 24 2019 21: 55
      Quote: Mestny
      And you don’t get Crimea anyway.

      for this you need to become better than the Russian Federation in the economy and society, so for now it’s true.
      There are only two ways. Become better or wait when it gets worse in Russia than in Ukraine. The first is preferable since it is real with your own hands. And the second, even we do not need.
  12. +7
    April 24 2019 15: 47
    The attempt of Ukrainian sheep to make friends with a flock of Western wolves, in my opinion, will end unequivocally.
    She-wolves and hair are sheared from them and sheep’s meat is used.
    And who will be the leader of the herd going to the slaughter, is it so important ?!
    I would ask Zelensky: "Volodya, you are kind of a sane person. Why didn't you live calmly? Why do you need this gimor - the presidency over Ukraine?"
    Well, unless you cut a little more wool ....
    But then what can the sheep hope for? Raising the price of wool?
    1. 10+
      April 24 2019 16: 09
      Vlad: ask Zelensky.
      You have to ask Kolomoisky, otherwise there will be a "broken phone" ...
  13. +4
    April 24 2019 15: 49
    Dear editors, that's it. It's time for a friend to merge. This is somehow not at all ice. We started for health, but finished ...
    1. VRF
      April 24 2019 20: 42
      I agree, it’s burning more and more with a friend.
      1. +3
        April 24 2019 21: 47
        Not that cockroach, not that
    2. +2
      April 24 2019 21: 41
      hi It also gave us all a clear warning signal that it was "under control." request
      This can be seen in the dramatically changed, especially since the beginning of 2019, the style and general focus of the "notes". Today's are the same, "unrealistically pretentious" and "smelly."
      Sad. recourse
  14. +4
    April 24 2019 15: 54
    Here is what Hetman Skoropadsky said about Ukrainian leaders exactly one hundred years ago ...
    Why do his words still sound so relevant today? “Ukrainians have a terrible trait - intolerance and a desire to achieve everything at once; in this respect, it will not surprise me if they decisively fail. Whoever wants everything at once gets nothing in the end ...
    1. +6
      April 24 2019 21: 54
      Quote: Guards turn
      Here is what Hetman Skoropadsky said about Ukrainian leaders exactly one hundred years ago ...
      Why do his words still sound so relevant today? “Ukrainians have a terrible trait - intolerance and a desire to achieve everything at once; in this respect, it will not surprise me if they decisively fail. Whoever wants everything at once gets nothing in the end ...

  15. +7
    April 24 2019 15: 59
    ... We believed that neither money nor administrative resources can reverse the will of the people. And we, this people, have made our choice. ...
    - such a naive conclusion is very surprising. You do not decide anything there. Simply Anglo-Saxon gentlemen Poroshenko force and admin. the resource was completely banned from using, and Zelensky was simply allowed to speak and run. Yes, they are simply worn out morally and physically boars in their barn on a young rooster. And maybe even lard will be prepared from it, but for themselves. This will not change anything for the population of the "farm" - as they were supposed to give meat and milk to the owners, they will continue to do so.
  16. +9
    April 24 2019 16: 11
    I think that not only we are tired of you. You are tired of yourself, which is what the election results say. If only for someone, but against beggar. Fiercely got his stupid voluntarism - a fact!

    May God give you the condition of your country to some kind of socially-civilized form. With all my heart I wish everything to settle down with you as soon as possible.
    1. +1
      April 24 2019 20: 43
      Quote: Ursus
      With all my heart I wish everything to settle down with you as soon as possible.

      Thank you, Mikhailo Potapych ....
  17. 10+
    April 24 2019 16: 21
    Anglo-Saxons will appoint another 1-2 presidents in Ukraine and there will be a full-scale war between Ukraine and Russia. Not for that, the Americans made a coup d'etat so that people in Ukraine could live in peace.
    From the first day, Poroshenko shouted that terrorists in the Donbas, and not peaceful, full-fledged people, their children will hide in bomb shelters, Ukraine = Bandera, the West will help us, Russia is an aggressor. Shouted, people were tired and did not believe. But now the puppets planted by the West at all key posts will do the same, but with a quiet glanders.
    2-3 presidents planted by the West and there will be a war of Ukraine with the filing of app. NATO countries against Russia.
    Poroshenko simply forced this process too much and failed. But the roots are up. The mental barrier of the population of Ukraine is broken. It is broken, relying only on three fascist regions of Ukraine - Lviv, Ternopil and Ivano-Frankivsk. The population of all other regions is competently suppressed and fragmented by the Bandera fascists and Euro-fascists. The rest is empty words. Russia needs to act radically, to completely suppress fascism in Ukraine. The time of persuasion and negotiation is long gone and words today are an empty shake of air around the speaker.
    1. +3
      April 24 2019 22: 08
      hi Donetsk children, together with their parents and old people, hide from the deadly artillery attacks of Bandera-Nazi punishers, if they succeed, in ordinary damp gloomy cellars under the houses (where there is no protection against direct or close hit of the shell! request ), and not in bomb shelters! The giblets threatened: "Our children will go to school on September 1, and their children will sit (and tremble with fear ?!) in the basements!" Nazi bloody arbitrariness!
      The next day after the gloating words of this "cynical Bandera", a fascist land mine that flew into the school playground killed and maimed the next victims of this endless dance of death - three Donbass boys who jumped out to kick a ball during the break between lessons ...
  18. 10+
    April 24 2019 16: 25
    Oh, okay! I do not share your optimism about the new clown. It doesn't seem like he understands how to lead the show longer. But I know for sure that everything can be even worse for you, and much more. So I'm also an optimist. All to you!
    1. +5
      April 24 2019 16: 45
      Quote: asp373
      Oh, okay! I do not share your optimism about the new clown. It doesn't seem like he understands how to lead the show longer. But I know for sure that everything can be even worse for you, and much more. So I'm also an optimist. All to you!

      The subtlety is that it was put precisely because it does not represent. And he doesn’t need it. He will receive ready-made instructions: - do it once, do two, do three, and now crawl away, crawl away ...
      And all this against the background of the acting background - the essence of this profession "What you please" and "Any whim for your money." The main thing is to sincerely pronounce other people's words as your own. And so that no one noticed it.
  19. +2
    April 24 2019 16: 48
    Zelensky got the "enviable" violence. Something like a huge garbage dump.
  20. +7
    April 24 2019 16: 50
    Hi Pan Tarkan! I lingered a look, but oh well. Photos speak much more than your reasoning. And you can compare anything and with anyone, only one thing - that’s your everything! I watched this show live very carefully (it’s very interesting, like in the discoverer) and that’s what I noticed. Before the election, it was like this - According to a bastard and a thief, He and ours ... But after the election, everything is somehow different, but whom did we finally choose? And what can he do? More than that, Ze himself, too, was somehow quiet, one thing on the stage and flopping on his knees, and another thing when it was already necessary to do something instead of trepidation, and urgently. And here the moment of truth begins. By the way, at all Ukrainian political shows, this is also one of the most discussed topics, moreover, dull prose begins, and what can he do? Moreover, in the Parliament he is essentially no one.
  21. +4
    April 24 2019 17: 03
    here the main thing is that we threw this goat out of our garden

    One goat was kicked out of the garden, another, not the best, the gates to the garden were opened.
    We believed that neither money nor administrative resources can reverse the will of the people.

    Yes, no matter how. The administrative resource is reflected in the fact that someone was shut down on time, but you did not hear him, and money breaks you even today, when they take your brain out of every iron for the glory of Bandera and about the war with Russia. Did you think "admin.resurs" will put crosses in the bulletin directly for you? And give out money right in the booths? It's naive. You were broken long ago and your loyalty was bought, that's why you, unlike the LPNR, you resignedly accepted Bandera as a hero of the nation, changed the names of streets and cities, closed Russian schools and banned the language. You, who consider yourself free, are in fact not capable of anything. No resistance, no point of view, no memory of the lost ancestors. You say that here in Russia we are no better than you. May be. But we are distinguished by the fact that you have already shown your abilities with your own eyes, and we have not yet. And maybe we will be able to distinguish ourselves from you in practice.
  22. 15+
    April 24 2019 17: 17
    Blessed are those who believe ... I never suspected Cockroach of gullibility, but now I just disappointed ... This is especially enchanting: "And we, this people, have made our choice." Yeah .. The choice ... Made ... Just beautifully prepared and gently pushed. And then, we must pay tribute, Ze, against the background of the rest of the freak show looks fresh and witty. The puppeteers played on this.
    Everything happened for us, too, almost happening, adjusted for color and atmosphere.
    But in general: “If something depended on the elections, we would not be allowed to participate in them.” M. Twain.
  23. +3
    April 24 2019 18: 09
    The question then arises - who moved the GDP to power. request Maybe someone thought that the country after Boris was going to the edge, and he bang - an unexpected person - began to revive. So there is no need to rush to conclusions.
    Well, the Cockroach is right - he abandoned the topic for thought, but we’ll break spears in our heads and in the open spaces and thank God.
  24. +3
    April 24 2019 18: 26
    Of course, I understand that in 2024 you will also have no choice, but this is a common occurrence. We had a choice. And we did it. And anyone will tell you that, they made it meaningfully.
    ...Do not... smile We have one choice: choose the lesser from the evil presented ... Or, from the rake presented, you need to choose something ... We select the old ones, everything seems to have a shank smaller than the new ones ... it will not be so painful ... when you step .. And each time you choose a new rake, hoping that stepping on them will not hurt .. smile It seems that there is a difference, but there is only one effect, they hurt ... smile
  25. +3
    April 24 2019 18: 44
    Quote: AleBors
    But in general: “If something depended on the elections, we would not be allowed to participate in them.” M. Twain.

    As we can see from the American, "most democratic in the world" elections, nothing really changes, only the pocket parties of the FSA's financial and industrial oligarchies change, and, accordingly, their policy of exploiting peoples does not change. And the outskirts of the oligarchs are generally gloves on the hands of amersky rulers and manipulate them in their own interests, and therefore the outskirts do not expect anything good - their hopes are in vain, like bursting expectations from the Maidan, led by the same FSA! sad
  26. +4
    April 24 2019 19: 02
    do not forget that there has not yet been an inauguration. Almost 40 days before her. And during this time, both Petya and the Verkhovna Rada will try to protect themselves as much as possible and enact such laws so that it would be even more difficult for Ze to rake. And Ukraine is in such a pit that oh oh oh. And you need to be a titan to break it all. The only thing I’m sure of is that Ze will not row in her pocket, like Petya.
    1. 0
      April 24 2019 22: 29
      Quote: Egoza
      The only thing I’m sure of is that Ze will not row in her pocket, like Petya.

      ABOUT! It was with such thoughts that they voted for Ze.
      Only everything that is possible has already been raked. The IMF will still lend money. But it is also necessary to give loans taken by Gunpowder.
      And the whole world knows who will lead financial matters under the president of the 95 quarter. Position zits-chairman, she is such an honor. Especially on odd days.
  27. +6
    April 24 2019 19: 33
    I’m glad for the DNR-LNR, in the sense of getting a Russian passport for those who wish. Is it possible for the rest of the Russians in Ukraine? I REALLY NEED IT!!!!
  28. 10+
    April 24 2019 20: 02
    I used to read with pleasure, for it was not biased and without comparisons. Now I can say that when a Russian slipper slaps, not all cockroaches will have time to scatter and shut up. Not all.
  29. +4
    April 24 2019 20: 14
    Hope dies last, Cockroach. Wait and see. The people wanted change, whether he would get it or not. Poroshenko hoped to defeat the refrigerator populism, Russophobia and Russian aggression. The refrigerator was not so simple. I hope the president who does not make promises understands this. Good luck to you. And yes, I almost forgot, the keys to the refrigerator are in Russia.
  30. 0
    April 24 2019 20: 19
    I hope that in the second act of the dill tragic comedy, the collapse of the colony will become a reality!
  31. The comment was deleted.
    1. +3
      April 24 2019 22: 39
      Quote: Igor Pa
      for the merry fellow

      The second time we chose Zyuganov, but these sou-ki did everything as they needed.

      hi In the same way, by the majority of the people (our fighting old veterans were still alive and capable enough, those banded youth had not yet grown up), in 1999 we elected the president of the bourgeois "communist" Mikola Simonenka, the leader of the Communist Party of Ukraine, but it was more pleasant and comfortable sit in the "opposition" and he "leaked" our people's choice (like your bourgeois "commie" Ziu in 1996?)!
      Nika Simonenka so, “for the benefit of himself,” “sat up” in ZRad right up to the “overcoming of the Euromaidan” and even with his “comfraction”, along with the rest of the anti-national “people's deputies,” legitimized the Banderonatsiks, apparently going to cooperate with them further ?! But those who unceremoniously kicked out this opportunist-clever exploiter of the "communist idea", threw it away as a used rag and did not even thank for the assistance to the razderiban and banderization, which for so many years had "powdered the brains" of the working people in vain! request
      So you too, comrades, so as not to build unnecessary illusions, take a closer look at your "uncle Zyu", is he the one he claims to be, has he not "become bourgeois" ?! winked
  32. +5
    April 24 2019 20: 26
    Damn, the cockroach repainted. Cockroach yourself or who helped?
  33. -4
    April 24 2019 20: 39
    As Vova Pozner said, in Ukraine there is at least some kind of democracy, 6 preziks have changed compared to us poor. If a wife leaves 3,4 husbands because he beats her, maybe all the problems come from her.
  34. AB
    April 24 2019 20: 46
    Worse than what Poroshenko prepared for us, we cannot imagine for now. What do you mean? So, we will live!

    You will live, but how? The answer is simple, as before, like all these 5 years. Poroshenko did not wait a year, this is the first test blow to Zelensky. Deputies from the Samopomich faction drafted a bill to limit the powers of the president. The candidacy of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the candidacy of the Minister of Defense, the Prosecutor General, the submission of the heads of the Regional State Administration and many other things are taken away from the president.
    Parubiy admitted that in case of registration of the bill on the president and his support by the relevant committee on Thursday, April 25, the Council may include the document on the agenda for decision.
  35. +2
    April 24 2019 21: 24
    Okay, you have Kravchuk, we have EBN. They were the first. Kuchma was removed. Yushchenko lowered to the bottom. Yanukovych is a coward, a traitor. Poroshenko, the hope of the nation promised a lot, the failure of the election. GREEN? Well, well, let’s wait and see what he does not like you. This is your tradition. Then choose to curse!
  36. +5
    April 24 2019 21: 37
    Dear Cockroach. I am pleased to read your articles. True, I rarely comment, but today I’ll let you insert my five cents. At the expense of the election of your WE. I watched a show with a debate between Poroshenko and Zelensky. Honestly, he did not expect ZE to humiliate Gunpowder in such a way. ETOGES must bring the president to his knees - Bravo.
    But it’s not worth it to deceive yourself about WE - he is a dark horse. I honestly do not feel any euphoria about this. Let's see what and how he will do after the inauguration. Everyone can show the first 100 days. Remember what euphoria was in the world about the election of Trump. - So what? I’ve already done something like this in the world — don’t mourn. request The situation in Ukraine is honestly deplorable. Urgent measures are needed to get the country out of the pit. First of all, in two directions. 1. WAR in the Donbass. 2. Economy - which is almost gone. And how will he resolve it? belay Well, of course, provided that he will be given to steer winked Do not forget that Ukraine is now not an independent state, it is completely under external control. This is the main difficulty. Let's take a break (as GDP does), and take a look at the first steps of the newly elected president.
    PS: I would very much like for HE to change something for the better. And you Cockroach, in any case of health and good luck. Take care of yourself.
  37. +1
    April 24 2019 21: 44
    Zelensky will be a super president.

    I think time will fix it.
  38. -2
    April 24 2019 21: 47
    Guys hello Russia vetoed the UN on the rape of women in Syria, ISIS, who are you fighting with the BEAST
  39. +1
    April 24 2019 22: 06
    the future is really foggy.
    Because with the departure of the ruling partners, the parties did not manage to discuss the status quo. And that means there will be throwings, a search for balance and attempts to change the conditions. And new leaders will have to make responsible decisions, and so far no one will know. In Ukraine, we really all want everything at once. And elections are always eccentric. There is a change of persons in power. But the system is not. And we need to change the whole system! And the conditions are much worse than before 2014 ... the war, they only stabilized the economy ... debts, dependence on energy resources ...
    In general, really fog. And so yes - they wanted Zelensky, they chose, despite the admin resource. Win or lose - it will not be clear right away. Poroshenko also achieved a lot. But it is clear only now. But he promised much more. But he was systemic and knew the whole system thoroughly. What will the non-systemic do, will become systemic or not, let's see.
    Zelensky really gets a country with the conditions in his series. There was no energy ultimatum and war there. But in life it’s more complicated.
  40. +3
    April 24 2019 22: 10
    I listened to the "White Guard" in Bulgakov's car today. As if it had not passed 100 years. "Operetta" in Ukraine continues. With blood, intervention, betrayal.
  41. VLR
    April 24 2019 23: 32
    I observe the evolution of the cockroach, its smooth shift from moderate Russia to obvious Russophobia, as well as the obvious name of the style (its sharp deterioration) and I have a strong feeling that this blog has been intercepted by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, and either writes a cockroach under the threat of repression or - in general another man. Or, as an option, this was originally a draft of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: first they lured the audience with criticism of the Ukrainian regime, now they have begun to throw mud at Russia. But the 2 version is unlikely - the style of articles has changed for the worse. The author of these materials is either another person or he is under pressure, in a stressful state. Lost grace and lightness. There were strains and equestrian.
    1. 0
      April 25 2019 07: 31
      An error was noticed in the text, This is a signal that the turnout has failed, and the agent is working under the control of counterintelligence! Yes
    2. -1
      April 25 2019 18: 49
      Quote: VlR
      I observe the evolution of the cockroach, its smooth shift from moderate Russia to a clear Russophobia, as well as an explicit name for the style (its sharp deterioration) and I have a strong feeling that this blog has been intercepted by the APU

      You did not notice something else: changes in the attitude on the site TO ALL UKRAINIANS. There are all polls who do not shout "Glory to Russia" and even dare not hide that he is from Ukraine, they are considered Nazis, traitors and Untermensch. And, accordingly, they are fighting with them, as representatives of the above categories. Apparently, they consider themselves great fighters against Bandera. People don’t realize that Ukraine is no longer part of Russia, for a long time already. And that the Russians are happy, the Ukrainians can even completely upset. Not the Bandera fascists, but ordinary people. Who are worried about their country. On such people they joyfully shout "Atu him!", and the crowd that rushed in with excitement begins to kick the discovered "traitor." left the site because they did not give a reason for such an attitude towards themselves, but they were declared here strangers, who can and should be.
  42. +4
    April 25 2019 04: 13
    Democracy is possible only in a country without radical ideological contradictions with good welfare.
    In a poor country, huge corruption. The army of beserebererenniks mercilessly fighting corruptionists has nowhere to come from. Myself would snatch a piece.
    In a country torn by ideological contradictions, democracy is impossible. A civil war or suppression of one part of society by another is more likely possible there.
    We are honored to observe all this on the example of Ukraine. The future is still hopeless.
    Ukraine could have been saved by a military coup with the establishment of a dictatorship. Due to this, many countries emerged from the crisis and came to democracy as welfare increased and ideological confrontation decreased. For example, Singapore. Or an even more telling example is South Korea. Can be attributed here with a stretch and Chile. They all started with dictatorship and came to democracy.
  43. +1
    April 25 2019 07: 26
    We believed that neither money nor administrative resources can reverse the will of the people. And we, this people, have made our choice.

    Dumka gets richer! Whom the State Department appointed and approved in the geyrop, he became the president of the country 404. And you continue to believe if you have not been able to grow wiser in five years.
  44. 0
    April 25 2019 08: 23
    Hope for the best, get ready for the worst.
    We also voted in unison for Putin, hoping for the best ...
  45. 0
    April 25 2019 09: 00
    The inauguration has not yet been, and the Council has already shown that they do not need a new president. There is little doubt that by taking office, the position itself will become a fiction.
    Now the war for the prime minister’s place will begin.
    But Ze was a clown, so he will remain in office.
  46. -1
    April 25 2019 09: 05
    Yes, we have about the same thing. That's just the weight of the GDP more, and experience with education, too. But I believe that someday we will be one state, another is not given.
  47. 0
    April 25 2019 09: 23
    However, you have everything in the same way, is not it? We are moving parallel roads. You promised not to touch the price of gasoline, food, utilities? And for us! You promised not to raise taxes and excise taxes? And for us! You promised not to touch the retirement age? Well, yes, we were exchanged for a type of visa-free, we were diluted with a tomos and ... And Peter Alekseevich played in the political trash. And we stayed with the same pension as you. With the same bare ass. It is beautifully said that it seems that we are controlled by two panas who haven’t divided something among themselves, but with whom our forelocks are cracking and whose pockets are empty. Shouting about a spring threat and patriotism, they squeeze the last out of us.
  48. 0
    April 25 2019 10: 03
    Zelensky is a consequence of the fact that the people, tired of the Maidan, robbery, heresy, decided to finally finish off the political system and completely destroy it. Zelensky is a cross on the grave.
  49. -1
    April 25 2019 10: 39
    However, everything is exactly the same for you, isn’t it? We are moving along parallel roads. You were promised not to touch the prices of gasoline, products, utilities? And for us! They promised you not to raise taxes and excise taxes? And for us! You promised not to touch the retirement age?

    Exactly. But here wise men continue to troll Ukraine and Ukrainians and praise our power.
    There are not many of them, but it seems they spend the night on the resource
  50. +2
    April 25 2019 12: 32
    Quote: passing
    Exactly. But here wise men continue to troll Ukraine and Ukrainians and praise our power.

    so yes not so! Of course, our standard of living cannot be compared with the EU, but in comparison with Ukraine, we are not Somalia. 3 million zarobitchan in our country is also not just. She is such a power as we are, but unlike the Krajina, we have examples of how we began to take some for one place, so with trolling the Ukrainian authorities are essentially the more so as the residents themselves are independent on the subject in editorials. And we, too, cannot rejoice with our hands when such a pack in our neighbors.
  51. +1
    April 25 2019 16: 48
    “We believed that neither money nor administrative resources can change the will of the people.” - And then Benya neighed in a wild voice.
  52. 0
    April 26 2019 20: 26
    Zelensky will follow the path of Trump. He will flounder in the “swamp.”
  53. 0
    April 27 2019 14: 29
    It’s interesting in the photographs that young Khokhlobaboons in yellow-blooded rags look... They think that this will help dill...
  54. 0
    April 27 2019 20: 35
    “I’m ready to bet a quarter of my pension that you have everything the same, only in rubles...”
    It's like the proverb about empty cabbage soup and small pearls.
    If the difference between the salary of the President of Finland and the poverty benefit is only five times... Then our 10 thousand pensions for the Honored Worker of the Industry, a veteran with 42 years of experience, for our officials, who often not only did not work that much, but also... 10 thousand rubles - drink a glass and eat a sandwich... The difference reaches a thousandfold! And this is a civil servant who decided to send people to retire at 65...