Flying to the moon in the movies and in reality. Part one

In the distant 1902 year, Georges Méliès, the founder of the world's first film studio, the first to use special effects, the first to use the storyboard, shot the world's first fantastic 14-minute film "Journey to the Moon", in fact, presenting the world's first space adventure on people A moon that was funny enough, but not convincing enough.

In 1968, Stanley Kubrick’s film “2001 Year: A Space Odyssey” was released, becoming the same epochal event in cinema as Georges Méliès film, once already far behind in its entertainment technique. The technique of Kubrick's shooting brought the perception of fiction closer to reality, becoming a new starting point in the increased possibilities of Hollywood. So cinema for humanity became not only a spectacle, but also a kind of eraser, erasing the face of the real and the fictional, and it turned out that it was Stanley Kubrick who tried to return this facet in his sensational confession.

So, Stanley Kubrick was a famous director, but he attracted the most attention shortly before his death. The director didn’t become 9 March 1999, Kubrick died suddenly (allegedly from a heart attack) in his English estate near Hertfordshire, but many assume that the director was killed. The fact is that Stanley Kubrick confessed before his death that all the manned trips of Americans to the moon were a grandiose falsification, in which he was directly involved in the film. That is, according to Kubrick, all the achievements of the United States on the landing on the Moon are, to a large extent, only the spectacular achievements of Hollywood's capabilities in the most important art, and not the scientific and technical breakthrough of the United States in space.

Let us leave aside the fact that many times already been criticized and explained, justified, be it the American flag swaying in the airless environment on the Moon, the absence of a starry sky, ridiculous shadows, and much more that could, indeed, be filmed at a film studio. In principle, this possibility itself is not denied, in fact, some of the NASA materials could be captured in pavilions to enhance and supplement the image from the moon. In particular, such a version was voiced by cosmonaut Georgy Grechko after the recognition of Kubrick, in one of his interviews in December 2000 of the year. However, there is a big difference between staged photography, complementary and illustrating real events, and the complete replacement of real events with a fabricated fake, deliberate falsification.

Immediately you need to agree "ashore" that this article is only thoughts on Kubrick's statement, personal opinion, not a verdict, no claim to ultimate truth. Moreover, no one has to prove anything for the Americans, if we talk about the declared landing on the moon. Here, as in the defense of a thesis, first of all we need indisputable evidence from the applicant himself. There were Americans on the moon, great, but as they say, what is your evidence? If there is no absolute evidence, there are inconsistencies and drawn explanations, reasonable objections and doubts remain, then the defense of such a “dissertation” can be considered failed, the “theorem” - unproved. Let's try to figure it out.

To begin with, let us remember how it all began, what was the forerunner of American triumph, what, in fact, prerequisites for it, and why some remained staunch supporters of US superiority over the Soviet Union, while others only increased their skepticism regarding the flight of Americans, including after the statement of Kubrick.

In the summer of 1955, the Soviet Union and the United States almost simultaneously announced that they would launch a spacecraft in the International Geophysical Year (1957-1958).

It began what was called the “Space Race” (Space Race), so in the United States he named the events that had taken shape in space exploration from the late fifties to the late sixties, in rivalry with the Soviet Union.

In the unfolding space race on priority objectives (the first launch of a spacecraft into space, the first conclusion of a spacecraft into space with a man on board), the USA lost completely. The first Soviet satellite and “Hurray, Yura in Space!” Became the victories of the Soviet Union, the victories of the socialist path of social development.

America needed not just revenge, but success, unattainable for the Soviet Union, a victory proving the complete superiority of the United States in all spheres of development. For this was chosen an impressive goal - the conquest of the moon. New US President John F. Kennedy, speaking before the 25 Congress in May 1961, announced these ambitions in landing on the moon.

There were three main conditions.

First, the event should have become more significant, to be more spectacular than all previous achievements in space and turn all previous Soviet successes into secondary ones.

Secondly, the United States had to demonstrate its superiority in solving a very difficult goal.

Well, and thirdly, such a goal must be poorly achievable or even generally unrealistic for the Soviet Union, for the socialist model of the economy.

Such a goal was to be a manned flight to the Moon, which would have been the triumph of the United States, once and for all returning the United States lost positions in space, making it the undisputed leader and winner not only of the space race, but also demonstrating the complete superiority of capitalism, the United States as leader of the capitalist system. Naturally, the priority in this program received more political factors than the scientific one, and, first of all, for the wounded prestige of the US leadership, where the Americans on the landing of a man on the moon must necessarily have outstripped the USSR.

Landing a man on the moon. What did the United States and the USSR have before such a grand program of manned flight, who had a better chance of success?

At once, we say that in the study of the moon, the United States also lagged behind on all counts from the USSR, acting as a follower.

The Soviet Union had its lunar program, moreover, the USSR was the first in this regard, ahead of the Americans: as early as 1959, the Soviet stations reached the moon and even photographed its opposite side. In 1966, the world's first automatic stationary Luna-9 was delivered to the moon. In 1968, the automated probe Zond-5 reached the moon for seven days, flew around it and returned safely to Earth.

The study of the moon in the USSR was consistent and phased. After the landing on the moon, declared by the Americans, the Soviet automatic station Luna-16 (in September 1970) landed on the moon, took a sample of the ground, and, taking off from the surface of the moon, delivered the lunar soil to the earth.

Total Soviet spacecraft delivered to Earth from the moon about 300 grams of real lunar soil. Finally, we must not forget that the 17 of the year 1970 was already launched on the Moon on November 1, the world's first movable automatic apparatus, the Soviet Lunokhod-1, began work. Further, January 16 1973, the moon exploration continued the "Lunokhod-2", becoming an improved development of the "Lunokhod-1".

Flying to the moon in the movies and in reality. Part one

In order not to endanger the lives of astronauts, in the Soviet Union, a new spacecraft, the Soyuz-7K-L1, was tested in an unmanned automatic version. Its unmanned version was called the Zond (structurally made on the basis of the manned spacecraft Soyuz, but without a domestic compartment). The devices of the probe series were intended for the development of subsequent manned flybys of the moon as part of the Soviet manned lunar program.

Now let's see what the Americans had with their stated “priority” on the Moon, what they had in mastering the technique of flying to the Moon, on what development the USA was, to be confident in the success of a manned flight, what technologies and developments they had .

It makes no sense to argue with the fact that after the Second World War, the United States has become and remains the first technological power. But not always and not everywhere the United States was in the lead, and this is exactly what happened with the conquest of outer space.

For a variety of reasons, including an incorrect assessment of the importance of rockets, the United States lagged behind the USSR, including in the study of the Moon, without having worked out a number of important technologies in automatic mode. First of all, circling the moon and returning to Earth, and the more soft landing on the surface of the moon with a reverse start and return to Earth. The United States did not have any heavy launch vehicles either.

The amazing appearance of the “Saturn-5” with fantastic reliability after hasty and incomplete tests and a record to date, carrying capacity - a separate topic, to which we come back later.

To begin with, we note one very important detail, which is directly interconnected with the presence or absence of a heavy launch vehicle in the period of the start of launches of the inhabited apparatuses of the USSR and the USA into near-earth orbit. If our cosmonauts were provided for breathing air, the Americans used pure oxygen, an extremely dangerous option, fraught with fire and an explosion from any spark.

Of the many accidents with the use of oxygen, the death of the Apollo-1 crew is most known. The fire occurred on January 27 1967 of the year during ground tests at the launch complex of the Kennedy Space Center. The astronauts Virgil Grissom, Edward White and Roger Chaffee were burned alive in the fire. Oxygen is an extremely hazardous environment where the slightest spark can cause an explosion and a fire. In oxygen, not only steel, but even ceramics easily burns. Oxygen was used to maximize the relief of US space capsules, precisely because of the absence of a heavy launch vehicle in the United States.

The size of the US manned spacecraft, intended for withdrawal into near-Earth space, differed incredibly tightness - and also because of weight savings. So, the total volume for two people in “Gemini” was 2,6 cubic meters, in “Apollo” the total volume was for three 6 cubic meters. For comparison: "Soyuz" had a total volume of two 8,5 astronauts cubic meters.

The Americans themselves noted that the Soviet Union began its space program in spacecraft, which could be 50 times heavier than those that the United States launched six months later. The Soviet vehicles, resembling compressed air tanks, were much more adapted to flying than the American "space shells", having sufficient strength to withstand the normal atmospheric pressure inside, and to resist the external vacuum.

Not having powerful rockets capable of raising such a mass, the United States could not afford this and had to build light capsules with an oxygen medium to at least somehow respond to the Soviet Union.

The difference between normal atmospheric pressure (in 1 atmosphere) and vacuum implies a load on the inner walls of the capsule, equal to 144 atmospheres, so a relatively heavy and durable material is needed for the skeleton and the spacecraft shell to be at normal pressure. The large lifting force of Soviet missiles made it possible to use a breathing mixture consisting of 20% oxygen and 80% nitrogen, which is the equivalent of normal air. On board, this mixture was stored as liquids in low-temperature tanks. The supply of nitrogen was less, because this gas is inert for the human body and is only required to restore the internal pressure of the capsule after sealing. Oxygen tanks were much more voluminous, as it was converted by means of respiration into carbon dioxide, which was instantly removed from the cabin with the help of chemicals. A large amount of oxygen was also consumed during depressurization when opening the cabin.

Without having thick-walled capsules at its disposal, NASA decided from the outset to use a mixture of 50% oxygen and 50% nitrogen at a pressure in the 0,5 atmosphere. In August, 1962, this requirement was reduced to the use of pure oxygen at a pressure in the 0,3 atmosphere.

The fact is that you can breathe pure oxygen only for a limited time, but a glut of oxygen in the body has its own medical term, “hyperoxia” (oxygen poisoning). You can breathe pure oxygen at normal atmospheric pressure for no more than 4 hours.

If you put a person in a pressure chamber filled with pure oxygen, it will be hard for him to breathe, and after a while he will show signs of significant impairment of life and poisoning.

However, as it turned out, as the atmospheric pressure decreases, the human body tolerates the presence of a large amount of oxygen, and at atmospheric pressure 0,2, the pressure chamber can be filled with pure oxygen without any particular harm. The experiments were carried out with the pilots of jet aircraft, placing them in the pressure chambers of two people, the results were positive. Nevertheless, it was noted that almost all the pilots who underwent the experiment began to suffer disorders typical of oxygen poisoning. They felt pain in the chest, ears, teeth, muscles, they felt tired, nauseous, impaired visual perception. All of these symptoms completely disappeared only within 7 — 10 days after leaving the pressure chamber.

That is, with appropriate training under reduced pressure in an oxygen environment, it can be quite a long time. Another issue is that a long stay in the close cabin of a spacecraft and without the complications associated with a decrease in pressure and oxygen supply (pressure chamber function) creates a lot of difficulties for the human body and it is unlikely that they should be aggravated. More from oxygen poisoning (hyperoxia) to oxygen starvation (hypoxia) with increasing or decreasing atmospheric pressure will depend on the partial pressure of oxygen.

Climbers and divers will understand this better, but I will limit myself to the fact that the partial pressure of oxygen is of particular importance for the physiological state of a person, since it determines the process of gas exchange in the body. If the barometric pressure of air falls, then the pressure of each component of the air falls separately, that is, the partial pressure of oxygen, nitrogen and other gases that make up the air falls.

For example, at atmospheric pressure 760 millimeters of mercury (at sea level), the partial pressure of oxygen will be within 150 millimeters of mercury. The rate of penetration of oxygen to the blood vessels by diffusion is not determined by its percentage in the air, but by partial pressure.

To safely switch to breathing pure oxygen under reduced pressure, you must first remove the nitrogen from the body. This prevents the formation of bubbles in the body that expand from reduced pressure. So, in order to avoid deadly danger, astronauts need to spend a period of time breathing pure oxygen at normal atmospheric pressure.

What is the passage above? Yes, not everything is so simple with the use of pure oxygen in space, from start, flight and landing, as it seems at first glance. So far, there are no convincing arguments for multi-day spaceflight in thin-walled American capsules, far from oxygen pressure chambers, there is no way to the Moon and back.

For comparison: the air pressure on the ISS is normally equal to the atmospheric pressure at sea level, that is, 760 millimeters of mercury. Sometimes the pressure may drop slightly.

The critical level, below which individual components may fail, is 672 mm Hg, that is, equipment fails at lower pressure.

As stated by the Americans, the reduced pressure was used to save weight on the American Apollo ships, as well as on the US’s only Skylab orbital station, where the pressure was a little over a third atmospheric.

By the way, here we are surprised at a very strange fact: how can you create a super-heavy Saturn-5 rocket and at the same time not develop new habitable spacecraft for it, moving away from dangerous technologies with an oxygen environment and thin-walled close capsules?

On the ISS, which was built on the basis of the Soviet experience of creating orbital stations, the pressure is equal to the 1 atmosphere, as it was at the Salyut and Mir stations; moreover, all manned flights are now performed using air rather than oxygen. The United States went on the air when they were finally able to master their Space Shuttle program.

So how did the Americans fly to the moon (even for a long time into Earth orbit), if in one case there is oxygen poisoning, and under reduced pressure inside the capsule - equipment failures, a huge risk from an explosion and a fire with the slightest spark? It is much more interesting than the explanation of the diapers in flight.

For American pilots in Gemini's suborbital jumps on 15 minutes, this may be acceptable and acceptable, but for being in space for many days? How can we make a pressure chamber in the conditions of launch and exit into space? How can we adapt to the oxygen environment with low pressure from the earth's atmosphere in a short time?

The American “experts” from NASA have always found any explanations or excuses for the public. For example, such information that the life support system for the crew of the Apollo spacecraft was designed and manufactured by Airsearch (USA). The system was supposed to maintain in the ship's cabin temperatures ranging from 21 to 27 ° C, humidity from 40 to 70% and pressure 0,35 kg / cm2. In preparation for the launch and at the start, the atmosphere in the cockpit consisted of 60% oxygen and 40% nitrogen; in flight, this mixture was etched and replaced with pure oxygen. The system was designed to increase the duration of the flight beyond the estimated time of four days required for the expedition to the moon, and therefore provided the possibility of adjustment and repair by the crew, dressed in space suits.

It means that everything was set off, replaced in the conditions of a quick start, from normal pressure on the Earth, with a thin-walled capsule, and not a pressure chamber, in the conditions of a cosmic vacuum, given by ballistics of flight.

It should be noted that in many pictures, Americans are not even distracted by such an element as a spacesuit, flying to the moon (photo in the Apollo-17 capsule).

It is also interesting how the Apollo crews sprang from low pressure and respiration in pure oxygen. In this case, the astronauts in a very short time found themselves in increased pressure, but without the slightest fear of decompression, moreover, after several days in weightlessness, they cheerfully climbed aboard the American ship, as if not from space, but returned from the resort.

This nonsense is not fiction, it was documented on photos and film in December 1968 of the year (“Apollo-8”), where the Americans, as stated, flew to the Moon and returned. Once again, we note that before the Apollo-8, not a single American spacecraft did this, the Americans did not have any experience in returning space objects to Earth at 2 space speed. Another thing is the Soviet Union, which is working on technologies where the Zond-5 automatic station (the unmanned prototype of the 7K-L1 Soyuz spacecraft) reached the Moon in 1968, and, having flown around it, returned to Earth.

Note also the fact relating to the previously announced first long-term US entry into Earth orbit (Apollo-7), when the 22 of October 1968 of the year was returned to Earth in accordance with the program. During the descent, the following was announced to the public: astronauts had a respiratory tract due to a cold, and they feared that with a sharp increase in pressure during the return to the earth, acute ear pain could occur and even eardrums could burst. In this regard, the astronauts asked the flight managers to allow them not to wear space suits and helmets during their return to Earth, so that with a sharp increase in pressure in the compartment, astronauts could plug their nose and make a swallowing motion. The astronauts were allowed to remain without helmets, but, nevertheless, the suits were obliged to wear to avoid injury. More astronauts were supposed to impose on their heads overalls. Is it like - without helmets, wearing head overalls? It was as if it was a radio show based on a fantastic novel for the entertainment of listeners, naive inhabitants, and not reality. In a thin-walled capsule that should warm up when entering the dense atmosphere, with pure oxygen inside, but Americans without helmets and even space suits do not want to wear. What should astronauts assume at the subsequent opening of the hatch, when an abrupt pressure drop should occur, after their eleven days in an oxygen environment, low pressure, cramping and weightlessness? ..

Nevertheless, the living and quite healthy astronauts were taken aboard the helicopter and delivered to the aircraft carrier 56 minutes after landing, none of them, unlike the Soviet cosmonauts, were returned after being exhausted (oh, “life-giving oxygen”). The crew compartment was hoisted aboard the aircraft carrier in an hour.

This alone raises a logical question: did American astronauts then return from space? Or, focusing on the cheerful statements of TASS that the Soviet cosmonauts returned safely from orbit, they had no idea what a real return from space was?

To be continued ...
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  1. +31
    28 March 2019 06: 25
    Normal analysis. We look forward to ... And then these poker fans can bluff.
    1. +14
      28 March 2019 07: 03
      Quote from Uncle Lee
      Normal analysis. We look forward to further ...

      Of this whole situation, only one thing is not clear: why was the USSR so stubbornly silent? And why didn’t anyone let slip in the USA?
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. +2
        28 March 2019 08: 17
        I always read with interest the articles with arguments in defense of the theory of the "lunar conspiracy". Indeed, there is a lot of circumstantial evidence in its favor, but the main counter-argument (for me) is the testimony of our cosmonauts, expressed repeatedly and unambiguously (for example,, that the United States actually completed the lunar program.
        If someone convincingly and convincingly can explain why the experts of the USSR did not refute, but, on the contrary, confirmed the fact of the flight of the Americans to the moon, then only in this case we can speak of the consistency of the "lunar conspiracy theory"!
        Well, or fly and check.
        1. +14
          28 March 2019 10: 07
          Quote: Waddimm
          If someone convincingly and convincingly can explain why the experts of the USSR did not refute, but, on the contrary, confirmed the fact of the flight of the Americans to the moon, then only in this case we can speak of the consistency of the "lunar conspiracy theory"!

          A political deal could well have taken place. The USSR is silent, and the USA is making some concessions for this, or it is throwing buns (of the same technological plan) for free.
          1. +2
            28 March 2019 12: 14
            Quote: Kuroneko
            A political deal could well have taken place.

            Maybe. You can assume anything.
            In my attitude to the theory of the "lunar conspiracy", I proceed from the following messages, which I have accepted as axioms:
            1. It was impossible to deceive real experts.
            2. In the conditions of rivalry between the two systems, the deal and the "cover" of the USSR "lunar swindle" by the United States is practically impossible.

            What could the United States offer the USSR in return?
            In my opinion, a reasonable, and most importantly, a conclusive answer has not yet been given. Therefore, the rest of the arguments in defense of the "lunar conspiracy" can be ignored.
            1. +2
              28 March 2019 13: 35
              Quote: Waddimm
              What could the United States offer the USSR in return?

              To actually swell quite a lot of money in a TAZ (by the way, did Ford Jr. personally come there in 70)? Sell ​​us grain at low prices (and the USSR very depended heavily on American supplies)? Well, that's what I am thinking. ^ _ ^
              1. +4
                28 March 2019 15: 37
                Quote: Kuroneko
                Well, that's what I am thinking. ^ _ ^

                A theory is no worse than any other. However, any theories require proof.
                Now, if for example it was reliably known that in 1970 the market price for wheat was $ 200, and the USSR bought in the United States at $ 50, then you might be wondering why.
                And while there are no numbers (witnesses, results of objective control), any theory is speculation, alas.
                1. KAV
                  29 March 2019 23: 05
                  Why argue ?! Of course they were there! There is irrefutable evidence! They huddled with the humanoids there! This is a scientifically proven and well-known fact!

                  1. +1
                    April 2 2019 04: 38
                    Quote: Waddimm
                    If someone convincingly and convincingly can explain why the experts of the USSR did not refute, but, on the contrary, confirmed the fact of the flight of the Americans to the moon, then only in this case we can speak of the consistency of the "lunar conspiracy theory"!

                    Do you believe that as a result of the betrayal of the top of the CPSU and the KGB, the USSR was destroyed and robbed? The concealment of the fraud called "Flights to the Moon" is just part of the puzzle in the ideology of the top of the "Soviet elite": - "Betrayal, as a way to get well in this life."
                    2014 NASA officially recognizes the lack of "lunar" technology. NASA's latest documents on a halted Constellation return to the Moon by 2020 have revealed the fact that NASA is technically completely unprepared to send a human mission to the Moon. This means that today there is simply nothing to rely on from the famous Apollo program, and until recently this fact was taboo.
                    Is There Any Hope For A Moon Base? (Is there any hope of finally building a lunar base? - NEXUS Magazine, Australia, 2014, August. Http://
                    The magazine's credo is to search and present "hard-to-find information". The magazine is regularly sold in Australia, Great Britain, New Zealand and the USA.
                    Here is the translation of this article -
                    1. Why did the US government abandon the Constellation program by mid-2009? And if in 1969 there were such technologies to fly to the moon and back, why is there no such possibility in 2009 ?! According to the "Constellation" program, if everything went well in 1969, there were 13 Saturn launches - 5, of which 9 - to the Moon, all were successful.
                    2. Where have Saturn’s launch vehicles gone, where are the capsules for the safe return of the crew to Earth? That is, the Saturn-5 rocket, designed for flights to the moon, seems to be there. Just now, for some reason, it is not used.
                    3. Why does NASA not have knowledge of the radiation environment outside Earth orbit? How did the Americans overcome the Van Allen belt and not die from radiation? Radiation from the sun is fatal to humans. Radiation is one of the main obstacles to space exploration. For this reason, both in a manned spacecraft and in a spacesuit on its surface, astronauts had to receive a lethal dose of radiation. However, they are all alive. Although, according to some estimates, to protect astronauts from cosmic radiation, the walls of the ship and the spacesuit are not less than half a meter thick, made of lead.
                    4. Why is the heat shield of the returned capsule not created? Where did the technology for its creation go? Without proper thermal protection of the capsule, any manned flight to the Moon would be a one-way trip, that is, irrevocable.
                    5. If, according to NASA's statements, the F-1 propulsion engines with a thrust of 790tf were developed for Saturn. Then why the USA still does not have a rocket engine of the same power, which, allegedly, was used in the program of manned flights to the Moon and buys from Russia RD-180 engines with thrust of 390 tons?
                    If at least one important link in the chain of operations that make up the process of a manned moon visit is missing, the entire program becomes impossible.
                    Recently, media reported that Trump's science adviser said in an interview that the United States did not land on the moon. David Gelernter, current professor at Yale University and current adviser to the President of the United States on science, delighted the public with a maxim. He said that the United States will not be able to fly to Mars by 2030. And he justified this impossibility by the fact that the USA even could not land on the moon.
                    "How can we manage to organize a US-crewed orbital Mars mission by the mid-2030s when we never even went to the moon? ", - Yale Professor David Gelernter, (all material
              2. 0
                April 17 2019 16: 23
                We ponder further. The Soviet oil pipelines and gas pipelines to Europe .. Helsinki, Kamaz, the peace program, Well, what else did Ilyich draw from amers. Oh yes .. the factory in Tolyatti .. I can’t list it all .. He held Amers for his genitals ..
            2. +15
              28 March 2019 13: 38
              Quote: Waddimm
              1. It was impossible to deceive real experts ...

              "Specialist" Foaming at the mouth Leonov proves "the flights of mattresses to the moon. He has ONE argument - I am the cosmonaut Leonov, take my word for it.

              As an example - Gorbachev advertises pizza. Does he, the former secretary general of the Communist Party in the USSR, have little money? Or is he an ideological pizza eater?
              For Leonov, "Americans on the moon" is like a humpbacked pizza. Both are not experts in pizza or moon flights. In these cases, they are only PERFORMERS.

              People are deceiving themselves.

              And experts are busy with the matter.
              Specialists at that very moment were creating our royal lunar rocket. And all the rest of the equipment. There was no time for them to be "deceived". The cosmonauts were trained for flights (including Leonov).
              We stopped our lunar program from the Kremlin. And the reason is not at all the conclusions of the "specialist" Leonov.
              1. +3
                28 March 2019 15: 58
                Quote: For example
                And experts are busy with the matter.

                You know, I also thought that specialists (professionals) when they are working on a problem are surely interested in the developments of their colleagues, developments in related fields, and monitor the successes of their competitors. They evaluate, try to determine the reliability and realism of the numbers, etc. At the same time, different sources of information are used, including those obtained using undercover intelligence. This is one of the activities of any professional!
                I do not think that Soviet developers did not track information on the US lunar program in all available ways. I am sure that any scam would be revealed by them, so I decided for myself that it was impossible to deceive our experts!
                1. 0
                  28 March 2019 16: 17
                  Moreover, Leonov aboard the Apollo was personally, and participated in the development of a joint program, and perfectly understood what it was
                2. +4
                  29 March 2019 12: 16
                  Quote: Waddimm
                  I decided for myself that it was impossible to deceive our specialists!

                  At that time (and even now), both the cosmonauts and the technical specialists, being at such work, all without exception gave a non-disclosure receipt. And if there was a political conspiracy between the Union and the United States, then they were obliged to remain silent. In any case, "lunar adventure" is a secret sealed with seven seals.
                  1. +1
                    April 17 2019 16: 35
                    It’s impossible to deceive ordinary specialists ... At the beginning of the 80s, he studied at the Kiev Aviation First, in the Alma-Ata and Tashkent UKP. The guys from Baikonur also studied there. For me it was like a head on the head when they said that the Americans did not fly to the moon. They dissuade me They didn’t. The guys were serious. One of them was Colonel Ph.D.
                3. +2
                  April 1 2019 12: 08
                  All that the Americans did better than us, our designers "copied". Bomber Tu-4 "copied" B-29, Su-7 "copied" F-105, "Buran" parried "Space Shuttle". But "Apollo" was not copied in any way. What does this mean? That he was obviously worse. This is the qualified opinion of our specialists.
                  As for falsification, it is necessary to 1) present the wreckage, 2) have political will, 3) it was necessary to catch Gemini on lies. Pure psychology of fraud: if Gemini will work, then Apollo will.
                  1. -1
                    April 2 2019 06: 53
                    Quote: tigoda
                    But "Apollo" was not copied in any way. What does this mean? That

                    Further, you can write any convenient assumption, but the fact lies precisely in the fact that the USSR (the main, and at that time the only competitor to the USA) officially recognized its defeat in the lunar race and none of the experts who related to space at that time expressed any doubt that the Americans were on the moon, even after the collapse of the USSR.
                    1. +1
                      April 3 2019 14: 38
                      I worked at the Central Research Institute of Robotics, which manufactured part of the devices for spacecraft. I can say that the Americans were inferior almost everywhere in space exploration - from the crane at the Buran and the Shuttle to the toilets and the survivability of automation.
                      Just a total lag, especially in manned space programs.
                      1. +1
                        April 3 2019 19: 49
                        Quote: yehat
                        I can say that the Americans were inferior almost everywhere in space exploration - from the crane at the Buran and the Shuttle to the toilets and the survivability of automation.

                        I add to this that the Americans were not able to create a shootable container for delivering the captured film from the reconnaissance satellite to Earth, i.e. We not only demonstrated a higher knowledge of technology, but also the operational capabilities of this fact can hardly be underestimated. By the way, our old satellite images were especially appreciated by experts from different countries even thirty years later - they are always in price.
                4. +2
                  April 1 2019 12: 52
                  Quote: Waddimm
                  I do not think that Soviet developers did not track information on the US lunar program in all available ways.

                  It was a complete surprise for American developers that the USSR conducted the first nuclear tests in 1949, although according to their "reliable" data, this should have happened twenty years later.
                  Quote: Waddimm
                  I’m sure that any scam would be revealed by them,

                  Maybe it was disclosed at the level of production meetings of leading experts, but at the official level we have not published any work on the Apollo program, and materials from specialized research institutes on flying to the Moon have not yet been declassified. Be content with Shuneiko's collection, that’s the whole answer to those who want to understand why we were silent - the installation was completely blind, because they didn’t print anything.
              2. -7
                28 March 2019 18: 39
                That is, you suggest everyone to believe the flow of words of some kind of "example", and not the statements of the twice Hero of the Soviet Union?
                Do you take a lot on yourself?
                By the way, since such a special, remind us, sinners, how many launches of "our royal lunar rocket" took place and how many of them were successful.
                1. 0
                  April 17 2019 16: 38
                  Twice the hero is the president of one bank. With a good salary and unclear functions ..
            3. +6
              28 March 2019 16: 03
              one thing is the statements of politicians and another is the statements of real specialists. And as if, as I recall, the guys from the USSR, engaged in space, very strongly doubted the reality of the flights of Americans to the moon
              1. +2
                28 March 2019 16: 18
                but I, on the contrary, have not heard a single doubt from experts
              2. +5
                28 March 2019 16: 38
                Quote: AwaZ
                as far as I remember, the guys from the USSR who were engaged in space doubted very much

                Many doubt it.
                Unfortunately, I did not have a chance to meet a single source of such information, who would say that: "In 1969, I was engaged in monitoring Apollo flights to the Moon, and so - no one flew anywhere!" Well, or softer as something, but that people were from that time and "in the subject."
                1. +3
                  31 March 2019 10: 33
                  I do not do this as a purposeful and personally perceive the story of the flights of Americans to the moon, based on the Soviet experience of space flight. I would probably agree that something or even someone flew there from the United States.
                  So, as I read, that all the same doubts about the possibility of flying Americans to the Moon, some experts in the USSR expressed. They relied not on how the flag oscillates or the shadows fall but on the ability of American space technologies to launch so much mass to the moon and bring it back again.
                  I also do not blindly believe both sides of the dispute, but at the moment, those who say that Americans have big problems with the plausibility of their version of events look more reasonable.
                  It was the same thing, when Soviet experts joked live about the fact that they had embraced ... and in the USA they believed in the same ... Even the US did not have the technology to verify the truth of whether they speak from the USSR or not.
                  The sheer number of inconsistencies makes us even more doubtful about the NASA version of the mission to the moon.
            4. +1
              29 March 2019 13: 11
              Quote: Waddimm
              In conditions of rivalry between the two systems, a deal and "cover" for the USSR "lunar scam" by the United States is practically impossible.
              Arbitrary and non-obvious assumption. Politics is the art of the possible, unfortunately, and not due.
          2. -2
            28 March 2019 14: 12
            Quote: Kuroneko

            A political deal could well have taken place. The USSR is silent, and the USA is making some concessions for this, or it is throwing buns (of the same technological plan) for free.

            Do you know this expression: "Everything secret becomes apparent"? The USSR is long gone, if such a conspiracy really took place, then among the participants someone would have split anyway, perhaps before death, to relieve the soul, but for 2019 there is no one who would tell / hint from the former leadership of the USSR / or from the participants of the Soviet The lunar program (from the manual), on the contrary, everyone confirms that the USSR really recognized the US landing on the moon. Therefore, the version of the collusion is simply far-fetched ...
            1. +6
              28 March 2019 15: 22
              Quote: Aleksandr21
              on the contrary, everyone confirms that the USSR did recognize the US landing on the moon. Therefore, the version of the conspiracy is simply far-fetched .....

              Understand correctly that at that time we could not get convincing facts simulating a moon landing, because there were no objective controls to prove that the falsification took place. That's why the country's leadership had no choice but to admit the fact of the landing, when the whole world believed the Americans. When much later that the falsification was possible, our leaders could not refuse their previous congratulations, otherwise the whole world would see how stupid our science and our military-industrial complex were, who could not reveal the fraud, and then the reputation losses for the USSR would be much greater than the recognition of an American landing. That is why an unwritten taboo was then imposed, and if you carefully study the literature of those years, then not a single specialized research institute did not give any significant work on these flights - draw conclusions yourself.
              1. -7
                28 March 2019 16: 21
                the program was unprecedentedly open, and all possible means for its control were also in abundance
                1. +6
                  28 March 2019 20: 42
                  Quote: zlinn
                  the program was unprecedentedly open,

                  They still have not discovered all the materials on the lunar program.
                  "How else can you explain that literally last (2006), NASA authorized James Oberg, an authoritative space scientist, to write an official book on the question" Why the mass of supporters of the lunar falsification "crazy". Only so that another part of NASA suddenly canceled Oberg's contract, suddenly withdrawing from publication the only book that could have a chance to reveal the "why" and "how" of the agency in reality launched a man on the moon - which still, even after thirty years, what is his main achievement? Because "someone" needed to be ambiguous about whether they really did it to cover for NASA ... "

                  "Dark Mission. NASA's Secret History."
                  R. Hoagland, M. Bara

                  Quote: zlinn
                  and all possible means for her control were also in abundance

                  Can you name the countries that controlled the lunar program?
                2. +4
                  29 March 2019 02: 27
                  And nobody can find landing modules. One weak photo in Photoshop is all there is. The same Chinese and the USSR did not find a single one. Despite the fact that more compact moon rovers are visible to the whole world
                  1. -2
                    29 March 2019 09: 35
                    who told you that? where do you get your information from?
                    1. +3
                      29 March 2019 14: 56
                      All that you managed to say? Published a single photograph of the alleged module and traces of the rover around. Of course, NASA published without specifying the coordinates.
                      But you didn’t manage to object. CTD, there is nothing to argue
                      1. 0
                        29 March 2019 15: 09
                        Because the photo is not one but several of them from all places of landing, both American and Soviet
              2. 0
                April 3 2019 14: 48
                USSR could not recognize and disagree, taking a pause
                but the shock of the news had such an effect on the country's leadership that they made a hasty decision to recognize

                About the means of objective control. In Crimea, the tracking station received telemetry from the first "flight" of the Americans, but the fact is that the Americans had OFFICIALLY launched a satellite before that imitating the exchange of this telemetry. And there is no more objective control data. And given the calculations of the launch of the mission from the video recording and the calculated acceleration,
                (task for the 6-7th grade of the school), there is a simple version that the United States simply launched a second simulation satellite and there was no mission to the moon.
                This version also explains the colossal payload of the launch vehicle. She simply was not there.
            2. -2
              30 March 2019 20: 16
              There is no USSR, but for some reason historians cannot get a lot of documents from Stalin's time.
          3. +1
            29 March 2019 22: 42
            This is a kind of retrospective transfer of the current foreign policy of the Russian Federation to the Cold War. All supporters of the idea of ​​a political deal break off in one thing: not being able to name it, but what did the USSR itself receive / could receive from the US in exchange for silence?
            With reference to the facts of the time.
            Further diplomacy: the question of guarantees. And how did the USSR guarantee that it would keep the secret? Hostages sent to the US? Any secret transaction works only as long as it is dangerous for both parties to violate it.
            This idea is really strange for the United States: to the hundreds and thousands of US citizens who are aware of the fraud, dozens (maybe hundreds, who can take them apart from the Soviet bureaucrats?) From the camp of the main ideological enemy are added! "What two know - the pig knows"
            Put yourself in the shoes of the US secret and espionage specialists: any negotiations on such a "conspiracy of silence" can (will) be recorded by Soviet spies, any secret documents-agreements can be copied as an acknowledgment by the American side of the fact of deception! In order to then blackmail the United States with a non-unfounded opinion "but our experts think that the Americans did not fly / did not land on the moon", and documents / records with the recognition of deception by the US leadership itself! What dirt! A spy's dream!
            What did no one say over the years? Something is lame in this idea on both legs.
            1. 0
              30 March 2019 10: 25
              Quote: PavelT
              What did no one say over the years? Something is lame in this idea on both legs.

              Everyone knows that only after many decades, Americans through clenched teeth recognized that Kennedy could be killed by conspirators, and not a lone sniper. And what's the point that many experts from various special services knew about this back in the sixties? Everyone believed in the official version of the Warren Commission - with moon landing too. Until our or a Chinese astronaut appears near the places of their lunar landing, the Americans will prove to everyone that their astronauts were on the moon.
              1. -2
                April 2 2019 01: 05
                Well, a Chinese cosmonaut will appear there nearby (judging by the Rogozinsky jumps, our cosmonaut will be twenty years late), say: "Yes, there are traces, the landing module (lower part) costs ... everything is like in a TV broadcast." So what?
                You publicly through your teeth admit that the Americans could?
                Life does not seem lived in vain, unfair in the root? (how is this so? spiritless Americans once overtook spiritual souls in something!)
                Endure such a terrible blow of fate?
                To me personally, this jump with non-recognition of the Americans' achievement of the Moon reminds Fomenko & Co.'s attempts to prove that the Mongols did not defeat the Russians (since the Mongols are spiritless - everyone knows that ...) and therefore there was no such thing, it simply could not be! Therefore, it is necessary to create a parallel reality where there is no Yoke and there are no victorious Mongols (they won not only the Russians, by the way), but there is a kind of super-empire. It's easier and more pleasant to live in such a reality! Is not it? For a realist familiar with the real history of the world, these attempts can only arouse clinical interest. Type, for example, in the search one word "Moriori" and carefully read about the fate of this people. After carefully reading and realizing their mistake, an honest person becomes ridiculous from the bombastic words "humanism", "pacifism", "spirituality" ...
                1. 0
                  April 2 2019 18: 51
                  Quote: PavelT
                  You publicly through your teeth admit that the Americans could?

                  I must admit, do not hesitate.
                  But if it is the other way around - do you acknowledge that you are an amateur in these matters and your life will not seem lived in vain?
                  Quote: PavelT
                  It’s easier and more pleasant to live in such a reality! Is not it?

                  You know better since I live in the real world, where so far there is only one fact - for fifty years, Americans have not been able to reproduce the flight to the moon, although they have already promised several times that in 2019 a new carrier flight will take place.
                  1. -2
                    April 3 2019 02: 42
                    This phrase amazes me: "while there only fact “For fifty years, Americans have not been able to reproduce a flight to the moon.” The first part of the phrase is nonsense because of the word “unique”, and the second is both true and funny in essence.
                    Dear opponent, in space exploration, none of the serious players needs to "reproduce" something ... new tasks must be set and solved. To "reproduce" something is a sign of a frivolous player who wants to prove something to someone and is afraid of something new. Serious players are setting new challenges.
                    Is that what the Chinese recently "reproduced" with their spacecraft with a lunar rover on the far side of the Moon? Do we need to "reproduce" Gagarin's flight or Leonov's spacewalk in Russia ??
                    And the US doesn’t need to just fly to the moon again and stupidly stick the flag / pebbles once again to collect (and that time it was stupid to do 6 times in a row, the geologist was sent only once to 6!).
                    In 2015-17, there was a creepy fight at NASA about where to fly? Either build a base on the moon at last (Constellation program "Constellation" from Bush) or on Mars (stick a flag) supposedly through "training" with asteroids (the ARM project is a snag from Obama - those who believed in it, alas, were deceived, because the point was cuts in the NASA budget under Obamka's brisk speeches) - I wrote about this in geektimes: https: / /
                    They have their own quirks, intrigues and politics: including the idiot Obama, that he decided to bother Bush with his lunar program (as in his time Nixon, envying the glory of even the dead Kennedy, slaughtered the Apollo program to the end:
           ), ну а потом Трамп в отместку и обамкину программу ARM зарезал - такие там разборки клановые. У них там свой цирк, отсюда малопонятный. Им глубоко насрать на что Вы (и ещё пару сотен миллионов людей) не верите в их старые рекорды ("воспроизводить" они по заказам таких зрителей ничего не будут), им новые горизонты и цели нужны. Проблема только вот с определением этих горизонтов и целей. С этим у них из-за дебилизации населения очень плохо. У нас тоже есть такая тенденция дебилизации, но нам легче с определением целей: денег у нас мало, потому про Марс и астероиды можно забыть, остается только Луна.
                    How many times have we already promised a flight to the Moon (not even people, but at least the Luna-Glob or Luna-25 spacecraft) since 2005, and things are still there. So what?
                    Are we really going to draw a "logical" conclusion according to your templates: here is the USSR / Russia since 1976 (from "Luna-24") not launched a spacecraft to the moon, "although in the Russian Federation several times already promised that already in 20 .. the flight of the new spacecraft to the moon will take place"- do you recognize your words? laughing - that means Russia cannot send an automatic spacecraft to the moon! It cannot even "reproduce", so to speak. Well, an ash tree stump means our spacecraft of the "Luna" series did not fly there, everything was a deception ... lol Such is the strange logic you have.
                    1. 0
                      April 3 2019 13: 21
                      Quote: PavelT
                      They have their own quirks, intrigues and politics: including the idiot Obama, that he decided to bother Bush with his lunar program (as in his time Nixon, envying the glory of even the dead Kennedy, slaughtered the Apollo program to the end:
             ), ну а потом Трамп в отместку и обамкину программу ARM зарезал - такие там разборки клановые.

                      These excuses do not work - you just like that thimble handle the events that are incomprehensible to you, thinking that you can chat with what Academic Chertok said in his book about the prospects for the development of astronautics. And the point is not in the expedition to the moon itself, but in the fact that the Saturn-5 carrier is needed now, for example, for launching orbital stations.
                      So where is the American carrier, and who could produce it in fifty years in the USA?
                      Quote: PavelT
                      Such is the strange logic you have.

                      Spit out your rotten chewing gum and prove to everyone that now nobody needs a Saturn-5 carrier, like the Tsar Cannon for our armed forces. Let's see what you get ....
                      1. 0
                        April 3 2019 14: 56
                        Quote: ccsr
                        and prove to everyone that now nobody needs the Saturn-5 carrier

                        here you are not quite right
                        for example, China would not refuse to reproduce the Valkyrie project, but cannot yet.
                        I agree with you as a whole, but other arguments are needed.
                      2. 0
                        April 29 2020 23: 37
                        About using Saturn 5 to pull out a heavy orbital station today. I understand that the discussion was a year ago ...
                        On the one hand, it looks seductive - 145 tons per DOE. Now let's calculate our expenses:
                        1. Each launch of Saturn 5 cost (in those years) $ 1 billion. We accept the adjustment for inflation and, on the other hand, subtract the cost of the lunar part. Well, there will be 1.5 - 2 billion ...
                        2. The restoration of production. Here you will have to restore the materials of those years and remember the antique technology. Or redesign all the jabber. Total 10-20-30 more. SLS has already eaten 17 billion and the flight is expected in 2021. Each launch of at least 1 billion.

                        So how much do you want to bring heavy orbital stations? Weight 100 - 120 tons. If one, then the conclusion itself will cost from 20 to 30 billion.

                        Very expensive, but what alternative do we have? Very simple - a modular station, like the World or the ISS. If Proton-M displays 23 at a time, then these are 6 modules, the total cost is 400 million. This is only a conclusion.

                        If you harness a charlatan, then this is 2-3 launches totaling 300 - 400 million. So you have to pay from your pocket, what do you choose 20 billion or 0.4?
                      3. +1
                        April 30 2020 10: 10
                        Quote: Whatman
                        Very expensive, but what alternative do we have? Very simple - a modular station, like the World or the ISS. If Proton-M displays 23 at a time, then these are 6 modules, the total cost is 400 million. This is only a conclusion.

                        I will not prove anything to you in detail, but firstly, almost 30% of the design and weight of the station falls on the docking nodes, because it is impossible to launch a larger orbital station. Secondly, a larger station would have less weight with a larger volume, and accordingly would require less working fluid for adjustment. Thirdly, the duration of the operation of such a station and the shipment of space trucks to it much less often due to the larger transport ship would ultimately reduce the cost of the entire program. I think your calculations are superficial and do not take into account all the details.
                      4. 0
                        April 30 2020 17: 44
                        So you are ready to pay 20 billion instead of 0.4?
                      5. +1
                        April 30 2020 18: 21
                        Quote: Whatman
                        So you are ready to pay 20 billion instead of 0.4?

                        Your calculation is not correct - it does not take into account many details, including the number of transport ships launched to maintain the operability of the entire station.
        2. 0
          28 March 2019 17: 52
          It will be interesting
        3. +1
          29 March 2019 02: 24
          You can refute ONLY having 100% evidence of their absence on the moon. And this is from the category - prove that you are not a camel. Can you prove that even you yourself were not in Atlantis? No options. What can we say about your neighbor’s similar statement?
          The USSR was not going to expose itself to ridicule, claiming "highley like". And this is not necessary - the Americans themselves immediately noticed inconsistencies.
        4. +1
          29 March 2019 19: 38
          Today is lawyer's day, let's take a look from the point of view
        5. 0
          April 3 2019 14: 46
          ... but your mind is not enough? ..
      3. +3
        28 March 2019 08: 29
        Quote: Titsen
        Of this whole situation, only one thing is not clear: why was the USSR so stubbornly silent? And why didn’t anyone let slip in the USA?

        No wonder. Our scouts worked in places where there was much greater danger, and we had not heard about this for many years ...
      4. -3
        28 March 2019 08: 48
        Quote: Titsen
        why was the USSR so stubbornly silent?

        What could Soviet propaganda say? If Soviet scientists watched live flights and recorded all the data transmitted from the Apollo at all stages, including from the surface of the moon.
        1. +12
          28 March 2019 10: 07
          Quote: Puncher
          If Soviet scientists watched live flights and recorded all the data transmitted from the Apollo at all stages, including from the surface of the moon.

          This is not true - the reception center in Yevpatoria could not reproduce a single television session from the Moon, i.e. we could not observe anything that was happening on its surface. Our ships did not have equipment for receiving a television signal from the moon. All we saw was the reproduction of television broadcasts from geostationary satellites of the Americans, and no more. And it’s not hard to guess what they could drive into their television networks - that’s why there is still not a single non-American evidence of a television report from the moon. No one in the world was able to receive American reports - even at the Australian Reception Center, local specialists were replaced by American personnel.
          In general, the article is very interesting and informative, and touches on one of the dubious moments of the lunar landing. And there were many such moments, so we are waiting for the continuation of the article.
          By the way, at the "airbase" there has long been a dispute over the landing on the moon, but there a handful of lunar swindlers with the help of the local administration shut the mouth of any doubting person, and therefore there is no dialogue there. One of the authors quite plausibly described how the process of mystification took place, which in a simplified form was the following picture. First, an automatic module landed, which transmitted a bunch of pictures from the moon and on their basis the scenery was mounted in the pavilion. Then there was filming, which was broadcast on the television network, during the alleged flight of the first crew. In fact, a new automatically module was sent again, which landed in a different place on the moon and transmitted images to create new scenery for the second survey. And so it was several times, until they covered everything. Those. in fact, there were no astronauts on the moon, but there was a series of lunar modules, similar to our Lunokhod - this idea is convincingly proved by the author of the refutation of the lunar landing, and it is very plausible.
          1. 0
            28 March 2019 11: 42
            Quote: ccsr
            This is not true - the reception center in Yevpatoria could not reproduce a single television session from the moon

            Are you talking about?

            TNA-400 is the first Soviet high-precision small-series radio telescope with a main reflector diameter of 32 meters. Designed to provide spacecraft launches to the moon and planets of the solar system. The antenna is made according to a two-mirror scheme with a parabolic reflector profile. Located in the village of Shkolnoe, 21 km from the city of Simferopol.

            The main work of the antenna complex was based on the Luna and Lunokhod programs: the first image from the lunar surface transmitted by the Luna-9 spacecraft was received here, the Lunokhod control center was located here. From December 1968 to November 1969, spacecraft were tracked by the Apollo 8, Apollo 10, Apollo 11, and Apollo 12 expeditions

            From the participant’s recollections:
            M.S. Ryazansky at that time was responsible for the creation of airborne and ground-based radio-technical controls for the spacecraft of the Soviet lunar program. Under his leadership, to control the Soviet manned and automatic spacecraft for the exploration of the moon, the ground control complex was created, which included two flight control centers, six ground and three ship control centers, equipped with appropriate tracking stations and located on the territory of the Soviet Union and at certain points Oceans. However, these tools could not be used to receive information from the Apollo ships, since they worked in a different frequency range with signals having a different structure. Therefore, it was necessary to create a special control complex capable of receiving data from the Apollo. It was supposed to receive not only telephone (voice) and telemetry, but also television information from American spacecraft. It was decided to include a TNA-400 antenna with a mirror diameter of 32 m, which was located in the Crimea, near Simferopol, in the control complex. It was later used as a receiving antenna of the Saturn-MS radio engineering complex, which provided control of Soviet automatic spacecraft for exploring the Moon : “Lunokhods”, devices for delivering lunar soil to the Earth, as well as lunar satellites. To work as part of the control complex, the TNA-400 antenna was equipped with a low-noise receiving device, working them in the range of 13 cm (range S, wherein the working program modules transmitters lunar "Apollo"). In addition, the complex included: a demodulator of a group signal transmitted at a carrier frequency and signals transmitted at subcarrier frequencies, voice, telemetry and television information extraction equipment, as well as complex display and control equipment.
            The control complex, created in a short time by the RNII KP in cooperation with several industrial enterprises, was ready to receive signals from Apollo spacecraft in November 1968.
            In order to track the ships during their flight in orbits around the moon and when landing on its surface, it was necessary to have ballistic data of these orbits for calculating target designations of the antenna. However, such information was not published by the Americans. Therefore, the data on flight orbits was calculated by ballistics based on the time of launch and arrival of Apollo ships to the moon, which were reported on American radio. Based on these data, target designations for pointing the antenna were calculated, which were refined by the signals received from the lunar ships received by the control complex. The tracking was carried out for the spacecraft of the expeditions Apollo 8, Apollo 10, Apollon 11 and Apollon 12 from December 1968 to November 1969.
            From all these ships astronauts received telephone conversations with the Earth with good quality and telemetric information about the state of onboard systems. The received television signal was of poor quality due to the insufficient level of energy potential of the radio line based on a 32-meter antenna.
            1. -2
              28 March 2019 12: 57
              Quote: Puncher
              The main work of the antenna complex was according to the Luna and Lunokhod program: here the first image from the Moon’s surface, transmitted by the Luna-9 spacecraft, was received, here was the Lunokhod control center

              Quote: Puncher
              The received television signal was of poor quality due to the insufficient level of energy potential of the radio line based on a 32-meter antenna.

              Somehow these two phrases do not fit - don’t you? wink
              1. +3
                28 March 2019 13: 04
                By the way:
                Roscosmos specialist, ISS coordinator Alexander Moskalenko:
                "All communication sessions took place at a time when the Apollo was in the US radio coverage area (which is quite natural) - that is, in the USSR, even theoretically, they could not record the receipt of any signal from Apollo (any)"
                1. +2
                  28 March 2019 14: 01
                  Quote: KERMET
                  Roscosmos specialist, ISS coordinator Alexander Moskalenko

                  You misunderstood him. Earth turns a ball and still spins. Do you believe that?
                  To communicate with the moon, one must be in direct radio visibility with it.
                  But this does not mean that if they see the moon in Florida, then in the Crimea it is not visible. The earth is big.
                  1. +1
                    28 March 2019 14: 57
                    Here, with the help of the Stellarium astro-simulator, one was already looking at the position of the moon at the time of the Apollo 11 astronauts landing - he writes that there was no line of sight in either Moscow or Crimea - you can search the internet for this article
                    1. +2
                      28 March 2019 16: 28
                      Well, yes, yes ... And on the ships of long-distance space communications, plowing the sea and hills, at that time they also decided to relax a little while the authorities in the Union were resting. lol
                      1. +3
                        28 March 2019 19: 52
                        Here they say that they were watching from the Crimea, they were silent about the ships, by the way I read, there was an attempt to send our reconnaissance radio ships closer to Florida to track the telemetry of Saturn’s launch, so the Americans prevented them in every way
                2. 0
                  April 29 2020 23: 53
                  Quote: KERMET
                  Roscosmos specialist, ISS coordinator Alexander Moskalenko:
                  "All communication sessions took place at a time when the Apollo were in the US radio coverage area (which is quite natural) - that is, in the USSR, even theoretically, they could not record the receipt of any signal from Apollo (any)"

                  Ahem ... the USA had a direct line of sight of the moon 24/7. How did you manage to achieve this? In addition to stations in the United States, others worked: Madrid and Canberra / Sydney
                  1. +1
                    April 30 2020 10: 28
                    Quote: Whatman
                    In addition to stations in the United States, others worked: Madrid and Canberra / Sydney

                    You do not specifically notice the fact that all these stations, except the Spanish one (and even for a limited period), conducted sessions with the Moon when it was impossible to control their conduct from our territory. Who in general could receive television signals from the moon other than Americans - tell us in more detail.
                    1. 0
                      April 30 2020 17: 50
                      Communication sessions were carried out constantly. Except for the periods when Apollo was "behind the Moon" ...
                      A tracking station near Simferopol could receive a TV signal from the moon.

                      I will give an example. In 1959, the Soviet spacecraft Luna-3 photographed and transmitted to Earth images of the far side of the moon. Who was the first to publish the picture? USA
                      1. +1
                        April 30 2020 18: 27
                        Quote: Whatman
                        A tracking station near Simferopol could receive a TV signal from the moon.

                        She did not receive a TV signal from the moon, she only recorded the radiation, and not all that could not be reproduced at least as the Americans showed on the screen in Houston.
                        Quote: Whatman
                        Who was the first to publish the picture? USA

                        No, the British were the first to publish, and it was a snapshot, not a live television broadcast from the moon.
                      2. 0
                        April 30 2020 18: 41
                        Is there a link?
                      3. +1
                        April 30 2020 18: 59
                        Quote: Whatman
                        Is there a link?

                        For starters, this
                        The received television signal was of poor quality due to the insufficient level of energy potential of the radio line based on a 32-meter antenna.

                      4. 0
                        April 30 2020 20: 47
                        That is, the television program was received. I read it too
                      5. +1
                        1 May 2020 11: 40
                        Quote: Whatman
                        That is, the television program was received.

                        No, they didn’t accept it, because nothing could be reproduced, due to the fact that the signal was at the noise level. And this means that the Americans would not be able to get it for broadcast to the television network, because the wrong calculation of the required output power of the transmitter of the lunar module would be made.
                      6. 0
                        5 May 2020 11: 29
                        Well, I can read Russian!
                        "The received TV signal was of poor quality due to insufficient energy potential of the radio link based on the 32-meter antenna."

                        That is, the television program was received. Poor quality but accepted. And since the antenna was parabolic, it means they were taken from somewhere on the side of the moon.

                        * You make some silly conclusions. For Americans, the antenna was 2 times larger in diameter and more advanced electronics. In addition, they knew all the nuances of signal coding (it was non-standard)

                        Let's not debilize the discussion, or finish
                      7. +1
                        5 May 2020 11: 56
                        Quote: Whatman
                        That is, the television program was received.

                        You apparently did not understand that they only determined by the width of the spectrum that it was a broadband television signal, and not radio communication or telemetry. But they could not reproduce anything in order to get at least moving objects on the screen.
                        Quote: Whatman
                        And since the antenna was parabolic, it means they were taken from somewhere on the side of the moon.

                        This does not prove the fact of the landing - the signal could be broadcast from the orbit of the moon.
                        Quote: Whatman
                        You make some silly conclusions. For Americans, the antenna was 2 times larger in diameter and more advanced electronics.

                        Actually, they had a perforated antenna of a radio telescope and you even have no idea what the effectiveness of such antennas is. In general, you yourself are most likely the next verbiage that has climbed to teach people who understand you a little more in radio engineering of that period.
                        Quote: Whatman
                        In addition, they knew all the nuances of signal coding (it was non-standard)

                        The signal was analog, and moreover, when the television transmission was switched on, the quality of the speech signal decreased due to collateral interaction, but you hardly know about it.
                        Quote: Whatman
                        Let's not debilize the discussion, or finish

                        As you wish, I, too, are not interested in communicating with another amateur who could not even figure out the work of American authors:
                        R.V. Moorehead, J. D. Arndt
              2. +2
                28 March 2019 13: 49
                Quote: KERMET
                Somehow these two phrases do not fit - don’t you?

                What exactly? Have you seen the image quality from the moon rovers? Have you heard about the encoding of television signals?
                1. +3
                  28 March 2019 15: 00
                  I mean, the antenna was built specifically for receiving television broadcasts from the moon and they immediately write that its energy potential for a television signal is low
                  1. +2
                    28 March 2019 21: 56
                    Quote: KERMET
                    I mean, the antenna was built specifically for receiving television broadcasts from the moon and they immediately write that its energy potential for a television signal is low

                    Phew ... Sustainable reception is carried out when the transmitting object is located directly above the receiving antenna. Located in thousands of kilometers, it can also receive a signal, but of worse quality, because the transmitting antenna is directed not to the Crimea, but to Florida. With Lunokhods, on the contrary, they transmitted telemetry at the time most favorable for TNA-400, therefore the signal was more stable.
                2. +1
                  29 March 2019 13: 36
                  Quote: Puncher
                  What exactly? Have you seen the image quality from the moon rovers?

                  Actually, photos were also sent from our Lunokhods in a rather slow mode, and without any signal processing, according to the principle of the fax. The British took all our photographs at home, and published them before us - this is direct evidence of the authenticity of the work of the Lunokhods themselves and transmitted images from the Moon.
                  Quote: Puncher
                  Have you heard about the encoding of television signals?

                  In fact, the Americans used the analog signal for a television picture, and at the same time chose a completely unbelievable quality, which was criticized even by the Americans themselves.
                  As noted in a NASA paper written by Will Wood, a former engineer at Goldstone Station, many were shocked at the agency when they decided to use a black and white SSTV camera instead of a serial color camera to cover the first moon exit.
                  Max Fadget, the designer of the Mercury capsule, who enjoyed great authority at NASA, was beside himself with the fact that most of the photographs and all video materials from the surface of the Moon would be black and white. As stated in Chariots for Apollo, the official history of NASA's Apollo mission:
                  “The fadget was terribly upset that all the televisions and most Apollo 11 photos would be black and white. He was indignant that the culmination of the largest US space program "will be recorded in such a wretched way."
                  His arguments were based on the fact that the color camera was successfully tested on the Apollo 10. Here one could argue that, having only one mission behind, the color camera was too risky for shooting the lunar surface.
                  However, the black-and-white SSTV camera was also tested ONCE ONCE. ”

                  Both systems did not pass tests in lunar conditions. (p. 534)

                  So why did the Americans use such a camera if they had color with better resolution?
              3. +3
                28 March 2019 15: 42
                Quote: KERMET
                Somehow these two phrases do not fit - don’t you?

                You will be even more surprised to learn that a television signal from the Moon could not be transmitted to television networks at all, and at first it was processed, then displayed on a screen in Houston, and from this screen television companies shot on television cameras what the whole world then saw. It is not difficult to understand why such a scenario was developed in advance - if foreign experts could analyze the initial signal from the moon, then I am sure that the Americans would be seized by the hand.
            2. -2
              28 March 2019 15: 33
              Quote: Puncher
              Are you talking about?

              About the radio visibility zone.
              Quote: Puncher
              From all these ships astronauts received telephone conversations with the Earth with good quality and telemetric information about the state of onboard systems.

              Do you have any idea of ​​the width of the spectrum of the television signal and speech?
              By the way, Ryazansky writes:
              The received television signal was of poor quality due to the insufficient level of energy potential of the radio line based on a 32-meter antenna.

              If you translate these words, then we could not understand what information goes on this frequency in order to qualify it. But if you knew what the Americans said, then you would have thought why they thought they could receive everything on 26 meter antennas, and we could not receive a television signal on 32 meter:
              The equipment of the Apollo spacecraft provides communication and trajectory measurements using the points of the command-measuring complex, which includes 11 stationary ground stations [about. Guam, Carnarvon (Australia), Guaymas (Mexico), Fr. Ascension, Fr. B. Bahama, Bermuda, Corpus Christi, Fr. Antigua, Hawaiian Islands, about. Gran Canaria and the landfill on about. Merritt)], equipped with 9-meter antennas, three stations (Goldstone, Madrid, Canberra), equipped with 26-meter antennas, and several ship and aircraft tracking stations.
              26-meter antennas provide communication and trajectory measurements during the flight of the Apollo in a lunar orbit. 9-meter antennas are mainly used to receive data from near-earth orbit and when the ship is brought to the moon. To increase the sensitivity of the receiving system in the stations equipped with 26-meter antennas, cooled parametric amplifiers (noise temperature 33 ° K) were used. The same amplifiers are equipped with several stations with 9-meter antennas. The remaining receiving points operate with uncooled parametrics at a noise temperature of 162 ° K.
              1. -2
                28 March 2019 22: 00
                Quote: ccsr
                About the radio visibility zone.

                Well ? Can you prove that at the time of the communication session with the Moon, Crimea was outside the radio visibility zone?
                1. 0
                  29 March 2019 11: 41
                  Quote: Puncher
                  Well ? Can you prove that at the time of the communication session with the Moon, Crimea was outside the radio visibility zone?

                  Simple as that - the moment of the first landing could only be recorded in Australia, as evidenced by an American source. And this is the southern hemisphere, and none of our ships were even close:
                  The best picture was in Parks and so the next 2,5 hours broadcast to the whole world went from there.

                  But what the Americans describe further, it’s simply incomprehensible to people who have an idea about the operation of large parabolic antennas:
                  But then the weather changed. "The storm front passed through us and took us by surprise. Many had their hair on end. Alarms were ringing, the telescope control tower was shaking. The wind speed exceeded all safe limits." Dr. Boltom decided to continue receiving the signal from the moon at all costs. Mr. Mason remained in control of the 1000-ton saucer, which was in the working position - the most vulnerable position in the storm. “We could only hope that the saucer would not fall on our heads,” he says.
                  Mr. Cooke watched the picture on the monitor screen. When Armstrong stepped onto the lunar surface, the American engineers working in the room were laconic: "Well, how are you, huh?" - said one of them.
                  After all, Cook went outside and looked up. "The moon was still in the sky and I thought, God, there are people there and we are helping them to do their job."

                  And after such revelations of the participant from the ground-based complex, one wonders how it is possible to work with such an antenna during a landmark event, and at the same time broadcast the picture to the whole world.
            3. +1
              29 March 2019 17: 07
              USSR did not follow Apollo flights
              1. 0
                30 March 2019 13: 34
                Quote: dla94
                USSR did not follow Apollo flights

                An excellent article, you feel the hand of a professional who knows the subtleties of the work of such objects as NIP-10.
                True, it must be admitted that the author is in vain to press on "Ustinov's order" in such situations, we are talking about a closed Resolution of the Central Committee and the Council of Ministers, according to which money is allocated for such developments, and I admit that such work could be paid for at NII-885 at the expense of the budget of the Academy of Sciences or defense ministries, and not at the expense of the Ministry of Defense.
                The author does not quite accurately describe this situation:
                Equipment for measuring points could be made by anyone, including Korolevsky NII-885, but the direct work on this equipment was carried out there mainly by the military.

                At the LCI stage and before being adopted, the military provided only the life support systems of the complex and communication systems, and the industry itself sat at the posts during the tests. And even after LCI, serious complexes could still be in the joint operation of the military and industry for a long time, for example, for the entire warranty period.
          2. +4
            28 March 2019 16: 23
            how did Soviet scientists monitor their own lunar apparatuses?
          3. +2
            29 March 2019 22: 56
            Do you at least understand that for the USSR it was more important not to intercept TV pictures from the Moon, but to track the very flight of Saturn-5 missiles and Apollo ships to the Moon by these and other radar / telescopes ??? Who cares what they transmitted from the surface of the moon? Yes, even a cartoon with Mickey Mouse.
            It does not matter if Soviet radars tracked the separation of the last stage from Apollo (its parallel flight further), intercepted the crew's conversations on the Apollo receding from the Earth with the MCC, confirmed the direction of this signal source (obtained the Doppler shift, compared it and the speed of the direction change with the calculations Soviet ballistics experts, estimated the increase in pauses with increasing distance), noticed the disappearance of communication with Apollo beyond the Moon (in radio shade), then listened to negotiations on correcting the orbit above the Moon (checking the direction and orbital period), then heard conversations with the MCC on undocking, on the lunar module from orbit .... then everything is in reverse order until the descent vehicle enters the atmosphere. All this is much easier to check than some kind of TV picture, all this is much more important for astronautics, including to check your calculations, to see what "bottlenecks" there are when flying to the Moon. But alas, for a supporter of the idea of ​​a conspiracy, these basic concepts for ballistics and astronautics (directed radio interception, long-range radar) are too difficult to understand. It is more important for them whether the Soviet radio centers were able to receive and decipher the American TV picture!
            1. -2
              30 March 2019 10: 38
              Quote: PavelT
              Do you even understand that for the USSR it was more important not to intercept a TV image from the moon, but to track these and other radars / telescopes of the flight of Saturn-5 rockets and Apollo ships to the moon ???

              I do not see any importance - by this time we ourselves have repeatedly made a flyby around the moon. What is the novelty of American flights?
              Quote: PavelT
              What difference does it transmit there from the surface of the moon? Yes, even a cartoon with Mickey Mouse.

              This is the whole point - only a thorough analysis of the VIDEO allows us to understand whether there were Americans on the moon or this is a hoax.
              Quote: PavelT
              intercepted the crew’s negotiations on Apollo moving away from the Earth with the MCC,

              This is not proof that the Americans landed on the moon.
              Quote: PavelT
              noticed the disappearance of communication with Apollo beyond the Moon (in radio shadow), then listened to negotiations on the correction of the orbit over the Moon (checking the direction and orbital period), then heard conversations with the MCC on undocking, on the descent of the lunar module from orbit ....

              Do you know anything about a radio game during World War II, and how did the Allies mislead one of the best radio intelligence in the world? Twenty years after the war, it was not possible to organize this. By the way, the Americans recorded our conversations from the lunar orbit - did we also land there?

              Quote: PavelT
              distant radar)

              Specifically, can you name who in the USSR carried out long-range radar in the moon region?
            2. -1
              April 3 2019 15: 11
              you forgot to add something - the Americans launched a telemetry simulator satellite before the flight of the Apollo, and they do not hide this fact. What prevented them from launching it again instead of appolon?
        2. 0
          30 March 2019 20: 20
          It was the traitor of Leonov who told you this. He looked more than once at a lie they were catching, especially about the letter C on the stone, he lied coolly.
      5. -6
        28 March 2019 09: 53
        But the top of the USSR with Khrushchev began to play along with the Americans, pay for Tollati and KAMAZ.
        1. +9
          28 March 2019 11: 10
          Quote: Tank jacket
          But the top of the USSR with Khrushchev began to play along with the Americans, pay for Tollati and KAMAZ.

          You are perhaps the leader in my collection of ridiculous arguments about the Americans' lunar program. I just imagine it so myself - Lyndon Johnson calls Khrushchev and says: "Listen, Nikita, we screwed up a little with Luna here. Let me play along, and we'll give you Italian Zhiguli in return, okay?"
          1. -2
            28 March 2019 11: 11
            laughing I am very glad that I made you laugh. I hope the mood has improved ...
            1. +8
              28 March 2019 11: 49
              Quote: Tank jacket
              I am very glad that I made you laugh. I hope the mood has improved ...
              Yeah laughing
              I'm afraid to think about what kind of American secrets Medvedev is covering up, to whom they gave an iPhone. laughing
              1. +2
                28 March 2019 11: 55
                This router passed Libya, which means Syria and 08.08.08 killed peacekeepers.
        2. +2
          28 March 2019 11: 11
          Khrushchev was already removed in 1964. Lunar scam later. He played along with the browsty.
        3. +2
          28 March 2019 11: 43
          Togliatti is 66 years old ... and yes, it is ITALY, if cho.
          1. -2
            28 March 2019 11: 48
            Italy is a US colony with Italian flair.
          2. +3
            28 March 2019 12: 15
            People visited a bath with prostitutes

            People traveled to space

            laughing wassat
            1. +5
              28 March 2019 16: 50
              I have a question: how much time did those in the top photo and those in the bottom spend in zero gravity? Are you comparing correctly, or just looking more effective?
              1. +1
                28 March 2019 19: 58
                You can find photos and videos of astronauts Gemini-7 after landing - almost 14 days in zero gravity
        4. 0
          29 March 2019 13: 40
          laughing laughing You need to perform in the circus! Not the first time you laugh!
        5. -1
          29 March 2019 20: 27
          Quote: Tank jacket
          But the top of the USSR with Khrushchev began to play along with the Americans, pay for Tollati and KAMAZ.

          all this leadership was veterans, fighting, and who are you going to blame the devil for their betrayal?
        6. +1
          29 March 2019 22: 58
          Hurt the idea ...
          What is better FIAT, then the Lada then the United States had nothing?
          And the USSR had one last and most ardent idea: to build a VAZ at any cost ???
          Sacramental question: what do we smoke?
      6. +1
        29 March 2019 08: 00
        Apparently, agreed ...
      7. +2
        29 March 2019 13: 39
        The flight of the Americans was monitored by all the radio telescopes of the world! With such close observation, it would be unrealistic for the Americans to crank up a scam!
        1. 0
          29 March 2019 18: 31
          Quote: nosferatu
          The flight of the Americans was monitored by all the radio telescopes of the world! With such close observation, it would be unrealistic for the Americans to crank up a scam!

          This is complete nonsense because radio telescopes are built for deep space research and in a completely different frequency range, and not for receiving and processing television signals from spacecraft. Even in Australia, the Americans brought their equipment, which was connected to the antenna of the radio telescope, and only thanks to it, they, according to their version, received a television signal from the moon.
      8. +1
        April 3 2019 15: 15
        After the USSR CONFIRMED the flight of amers to the moon, it began to trade oil and gas in Europe without strong restrictions. Such is the price for deceit.
    2. -15
      28 March 2019 09: 45
      Quote: Uncle Lee
      Normal analysis. We look forward to ... And then these poker fans can bluff.

      Fecal analysis may also be normal ...

      No wonder the author decided to remain anonymous.
      1. +10
        28 March 2019 12: 56
        ... You won’t get a passport scan on the avatar, either. and Dmitry Vladimirovich? In addition to stool, in fact, do you say something?
    3. +5
      28 March 2019 16: 48
      Quote from Uncle Lee

      Normal analysis. We look forward to further ..

      What do you call normal analysis?
      I quote:
      "The difference between normal atmospheric pressure (1 atmosphere) and vacuum assumes a load on the inner walls of the capsule equal to 144 atmospheres.".
      This is complete nonsense. The load will be in one atmosphere, at least crack. And when the oxygen pressure in the ship is 0,3 atmospheres - also 0,3 atmospheres per wall, i.e. 30 kPa.
      Not only steel, but even ceramics easily burns in oxygen.
      Ceramics burning in oxygen are something new. It does not burn not only in oxygen, but also in liquid oxygen, and even in ozone, no matter what they do to it. In fluorine - yes, it burns. True, not everyone. By the way, steel, if alloyed, does not always burn, and ordinary burns only when it is pre-heated red-hot. Well, and about the fire from the spark, he completely bent. What will light up? Is oxygen itself? Or did the astronaut's metabolic products in the ship form an explosive mixture with oxygen? Finally, the partial pressure of oxygen in the air and on the American ship is close - and therefore such an oxygen atmosphere will behave very similarly to ordinary air at reduced pressure, although there are nuances. So with school chemistry, the author is not so hot.
      Incidentally, an ordinary aerosol can is tested (without destruction) with an excess pressure of 1,2 MPa (12 atmospheres), and it is made of steel with a thickness of only 0,1 mm. So to exaggerate the importance of atmospheric pressure inside the ship is not worth it.
      It is also interesting how the Apollo crews were brought down from low pressure and breathing in pure oxygen. In this case, the astronauts found themselves in high pressure for a very short time, but without the slightest fear of decompression
      Excuse me, what decompression? What, 0,3 atmosphere more than one?
      And such a powder in the text - above the roof, too lazy to list. Well, you can't do that! It is clear that neither the author nor I love mattress makers, but it is indecent to humiliate ourselves to hanging noodles for the sake of "proving" the thesis that the Americans were not on the moon - it is indecent. When our cosmonauts disembark on the Rogozin miracle rocket and say that there are not even the slightest traces at the Armstrong landing site, then it will be clear that we are the first. Until then, having what we have, there is no need to carry nonsense so as not to look ridiculous.
      1. +1
        28 March 2019 19: 34
        sorry 100500 pluses can not be put
      2. +1
        28 March 2019 20: 06
        The pressure also cut the eye - in the article, they forgot to put a comma in the numeral laughing and about burning in an oxygen environment from one spark, it’s very possible, talk with those who service oxygen cylinders wink
        1. 0
          29 March 2019 10: 40
          And who objects? An oiled rag may catch fire, but not in air: at a pressure of 0,3 atmosphere, pure oxygen is about the same activity as air. But the steel does not catch fire. Let me remind you: oxygen is stored in steel cylinders at a pressure of up to 250 atmospheres, and so, do the cylinders light up?
          1. 0
            April 2 2019 19: 23
            the metal even burns in an oxygen environment, only it needs to be well heated wink , by the way, I personally personally saw how titanium partitions caught fire when cutting the heat exchanger - they burned perfectly even in the air
      3. +6
        28 March 2019 20: 08
        Quote: astepanov
        Well, and about the fire from the spark, he completely bent. What will light up?

        On January 27, 1967, at Cape Kennedy, Florida, astronauts burned down alive during ground tests in the cockpit of the Apollo 1 American spacecraft preparing to launch on the moon.
      4. +2
        29 March 2019 00: 21
        astepanov (Alexey), great comment! And then I was about to write about "144 atmospheres"))
      5. 0
        31 March 2019 08: 12
        Thank! It also hurts the eyes, it seems the children of the exam. Although part of the argument is true.
  2. +8
    28 March 2019 06: 31
    Thanks to the Author for detailed explanations on the composition of the atmosphere inside the habitable capsule. I was convinced and remain a supporter of the opinion "We did not fly!" This article is in the piggy bank. There is a lot of things - and the cheerful appearance of the astronauts, and the case of the fall of the descent vehicle into the Atlantic, which was caught by our sailors at the time when, as part of the manned system, it allegedly flew to the Moon, and so on. And Kubrick's film is one of his favorites.
    1. 0
      28 March 2019 06: 59
      I was also always sure that they were not on the moon, and not because "the damned imperialists, they were ahead of us, bastards are so-and-so", but because of the obvious reasons given in the article. I was always interested in one question - why? Why did they need this myth, even if it was beautiful?

      I can’t find an answer for myself ..
      1. +8
        28 March 2019 08: 31
        Quote: GKS 2111
        Why is this albeit beautiful, but still they needed the myth so much?

        Just to show the world the benefits of capitalism. ALL!!!
      2. 0
        28 March 2019 12: 21
        Quote: GKS 2111
        I was also always sure that they were not on the moon, and not because "the damned imperialists, they were ahead of us, bastards are so-and-so", but because of the obvious reasons given in the article. I was always interested in one question - why? Why did they need this myth, even if it was beautiful?

        Then it turns out that the Apollo program is a myth? And the Saturn 5 Booster too? Below is infa for reference:

        "The military-industrial leadership of the USSR about Saturn-5:

        <В> Central Committee of the CPSU <...> The maximum payload delivered by the domestic UR-500 launch vehicle into the satellite orbit is 20 tons, while the United States has a Saturn-5 launch vehicle with a payload of up to 135 tons in satellite orbit. The presence of a heavy carrier in the United States made it possible to create a unique Skylab orbital station, the mass of which together with the spacecraft is 91 tons. Using the Saturn 5 launch vehicle, the United States implemented the Apollo lunar mission program and achieved convincing superiority in manned flights to the moon. In addition to its prestigious tasks, the American Saturn-Apollo program had a strong political resonance and significantly increased the scientific and technical potential of the United States <...>
        - L. Smirnov, S. Afanasiev, V. Kulikov, M. Keldysh, V. Glushko; 4.11.1974/13216/192; arch. No. 195, l. XNUMX-XNUMX "

        Or take the question with the traces of the Americans on the Moon, how they appeared there (pictures of the tracks are on the net) they were filmed by LRO (rather detailed photos) and "Chandrayan-1"

        "The images of the landing site and the wheel tracks of the lunar vehicle were obtained by the HySI spectrometer installed on the Chandrayan, operating in a wide range of electromagnetic radiation."

        How do conspiracy theorists explain this?
        1. -5
          28 March 2019 18: 15
          Quote: Aleksandr21
          How do conspiracy theorists explain this?

          But they do not explain in any way. They illiterate rigging facts. They do not see point-blank that a corner reflector was installed in the place of one of the landings, which still works properly, that soil samples brought by the Americans were transferred to the USSR Academy of Sciences and turned out to be identical to those delivered during the Soviet program, which the landing block was recently photographed by the Japanese from a low-orbit lunar satellite ... They are of the opinion of Keldysh and Glushko on the drum, it is easier for these scientists to declare as mercenaries of the world bourgeoisie.
      3. -4
        28 March 2019 18: 07
        depressant, If you did not graduate from high school, you should notice that a significant part of what is written in the article is amateurish ignorant babble or outright fraud. I have indicated part of them above. It is not a matter of flying or not, but of the fact that it is not necessary to write agitation a la Kiselev on a reputable resource. Need a professional, not amateurish analysis.
        1. +1
          29 March 2019 13: 09
          Quote: astepanov
          It is not a matter of flying or not, but of the fact that it is not necessary to write agitation a la Kiselev on a reputable resource. Need a professional, not amateurish analysis.

          It is a pity that you can only plus one time!
      4. +2
        31 March 2019 18: 29
        Quote: GKS 2111
        Why did they need this myth so much? I do not find an answer for myself ..

        Because the rate was more than life. The loser - died.
        The struggle was for the mental energy of all mankind. For faith. After the American "landings" on the moon, mankind really lost faith in the USSR.
    2. +1
      28 March 2019 09: 18
      And all these cospirological facts are pure lies. The capsule was caught before the start of flights to the Moon, and these capsules were thrown for training the search and rescue fleet, they got out to put it mildly not peppy about what there is a mountain of photographic materials, well, supposedly Kubrick’s admission is fake, and the United States would not have hired for such a responsible operation ardent oppositionist
      1. -3
        28 March 2019 09: 45
        There is an indisputable fact proving that the Americans landed on the moon - the movement of the lunar soil from the shoes of astronauts, which shows low gravity in a vacuum, is a phenomenon in all videos - on earth it is impossible to shoot.
        1. +2
          28 March 2019 11: 18
          Quote: Vadim237
          lunar soil motion

          To the "indisputable fact" - out of 300 kg of "brought" lunar soil, up to 3 g was transferred for research in the laboratory of the world.
          1. +4
            28 March 2019 16: 32
            I wonder where you got this information, only Soviet scientists got much more
          2. -3
            28 March 2019 17: 44
            You invented about 3 grams yourself - or did Mukhin tell you?
      2. -5
        28 March 2019 10: 18
        Quote: BlackMokona
        well, supposedly recognition Kubrick fake

        Infa 100%?
        Quote: BlackMokona
        and the United States would not hire an ardent oppositionist for such a responsible operation

        Otherwise it was nothing. Others simply could not and ruined everything. After all, they are not Kubrick.
        By the way ...
        The Chinese have not found traces of Americans on the moon

        Believe or not believe - decide for yourself.
        1. +2
          28 March 2019 12: 45
          Quote: Kuroneko
          Believe or not believe - decide for yourself.

          Have you tried to find the source from the sources? I clicked on 4 links to the source of the news and there is not a word in the article that the Americans were not on the moon (except for the headline):

          "The Chinese spacecraft" Chang'e-4 "became the first satellite to make a soft landing on the far side of the Moon. At present," Chang'e-4 ", in accordance with the flight program, is studying the mineral composition and structure of the lunar surface, as well as conducting low-frequency radio astronomy observations.

          Thanks to access to neural networks and modern telecommunications, we became aware of some details of the closed correspondence between the Beijing Space Flight Control Center and the Space Center. J. Kennedy (Florida) concerning the lunar expedition.

          The following is a chronological list of messages exchanged between Chinese and American colleagues from December 5, 2018 to January 5, 2019. "

          PS And no, in decryption I found all the same supposedly:
          Beijing CCMC: “Dear colleagues, Chang'e-4” has arrived at the landing site of the lunar module of the Apollo 11 spacecraft and is conducting panoramic television broadcasting on a closed channel. We do not observe the American flag and traces of the module landing. How can you explain this? ”

          but it’s immediately obvious that the fake.

          "We thank our Chinese colleagues for the transcript of the negotiations provided.

          The Boar Gambit "
          1. 0
            28 March 2019 12: 56
            I’ll add a few words about this source. There are no links to Chinese sources at all, then there is a transcript of the talks supposedly from the Beijing Central Control Center and the Kennedy Center, does anyone really believe that such a message will be in the transcript? Moreover, you need to see where Chang-4 sat down (the far side of the moon) and where do the Americans, if they were not on the far side of the moon? And in other links, the fake is even better:

            "At least, it is reported that allegedly 2000 (!) Top party officials of the CCP wrote an official appeal to the US government, in which they asked the Americans for explanations about the" legendary "landing of members of the Apollo expedition to the moon."

            In the end, what do we have? 4 dubious links to left-wing Internet sources, it's not clear who the author of this story is ... maybe "The Boar's Gambit"
          2. 0
            April 30 2020 00: 07
            Gambit Boar - a humorous blog on the site of Comte. Can diverge
        2. +4
          28 March 2019 16: 33
          yes 100% of this was stated by the creators of this "interview" and even in the credits of the film itself
      3. -2
        28 March 2019 10: 23
        Quote: BlackMokona
        The capsule was caught before the start of flights to the Moon, and these capsules were thrown for training the search and rescue fleet, they got out to put it mildly not peppy about what there is a mountain of photographic materials,

        This is not true, because the main episode is about a capsule caught in the Atlantic during flights to the Moon:
        But something similar to this capsule fell into the hands of Soviet sailors exactly at the moment of returning from the unsuccessful flight of Apollo 13. Here is this object, and behind it you can see an American ship, which visited Murmansk for the first time after the war to pick it up:

        How he got to us on business is still unknown, everything was kept secret until the age of 21, I'm not going to re-sing various options. Officially, it was considered just a model made of thin galvanized iron, on which rescue techniques were practiced after the Apollo splashdown. Here are the officers of the ship taking the object from people in uniform civilian cloaks:

      4. -3
        28 March 2019 10: 27
        Not true! Our team knew that another bluff was being prepared, calculated the trajectory of the "bluff" launch, and sent a large number of ships to the Atlantic, taking Hungarian journalists with them. The calculation was justified! The capsule, almost unburnt, was caught and handed over to the Americans in the presence of journalists. But there was not much noise about this. We see, they didn't want to aggravate relations or there was some kind of interest. It is difficult to judge now.
        1. 0
          29 March 2019 13: 42
          Please indicate the source !!!
        2. 0
          April 1 2019 11: 40
          And where did the "Hungarian" journalists come from? There were no other free people at that time. Well, at least not Buryat ...
    3. +5
      28 March 2019 12: 38
      Quote: depressant
      This article is a piggy bank

      Here is another piggy bank for you.
      They still haven't learned how to make docking stations, although this is a key element in space missions. Despite the fact, Syromyatnikov, with his guys, transferred all the technologies to them in the year 70. Syromyatnikov in his book is surprised that the Americans did not begin to do it themselves, but ordered our development and joint production for a round sum. Since then, all American spacecraft have been equipped with our docking stations, including the shuttle and the ISS. And the recent docking of a private spacecraft with the ISS showed that they also do not have a precision docking system (analogue of the Needle). ... "whatever you grab onto, you have nothing ..." (Woland). smile
      1. +1
        28 March 2019 19: 41
        that is not a conspiracy theorist. so in general there is no truth ....
      2. -1
        April 30 2020 00: 09
        Perhaps you did not know, but the first docking in space was made by the Americans
    4. +1
      29 March 2019 08: 08
      Of course they didn’t fly!
      According to probability theory, all flights, in principle, could not have passed without at least one catastrophe.
    5. 0
      31 March 2019 08: 15
      + I agree!
  3. -18
    28 March 2019 06: 52
    Americans are not required to prove a flight to the moon, because it is a universally recognized historical fact, flights to the moon are studied in specialized universities, are listed in books, etc. etc. Here let them even refute the proof that people did not fly to the moon .. In this article there is no evidence that they did not fly to the moon, all these refutations are answered in the relevant forums of NK and Balancer.
    1. +5
      28 March 2019 08: 42
      Quote: Hakka
      Americans are not required to prove a flight to the moon, because this is a universally recognized historical fact,

      In adult films, they show this, but in life everything is much more banal, as in advertising:
      [media = https: // v = Paw7SyQcrdEhttp: //]
      And the Golan Heights are also generally accepted Syrian territories, which in Washington did not hurt to call them Israeli ... belay
      You will deal with the color of the Moon, witnesses of yoga ... Show the soil delivered from the Moon ... Your generally recognized historical fact sounds very similar:
    2. +2
      28 March 2019 10: 10
      Quote: Hakka
      Americans are not required to prove a flight to the moon, because it is a universally recognized historical fact, flights to the moon are studied in specialized universities, are listed in books, etc. etc. Here let them even refute the proof that people did not fly to the moon .. In this article there is no evidence that they did not fly to the moon, all these refutations are answered in the relevant forums of NK and Balancer.

      Do not part with a colleague that you have thrown cons.
      Giordano Bruno was generally burned.
      Suffer for science - a holy cause in the fight against obscurantism and ignorance - enlightened with you!
      1. +2
        28 March 2019 11: 12
        Quote: DimerVladimer
        Suffer for science - a holy cause in the fight against obscurantism and ignorance - enlightened with you!

        Will not help. Those who are sure that they did not fly will continue to believe in this, no matter what arguments. Faith does not need rational explanations.
        1. -2
          28 March 2019 11: 48
          Quote: Alex_59
          Will not help. Those who are sure that they did not fly will continue to believe in this, no matter what arguments. Faith does not need rational explanations.

          This does not touch at all - let them soar in their delusions, proving with foam at the mouth that the firmament is heaven.

          The sad thing is that these clicks are allowed to speak out and layers of verbal crap on the Internet with a thick layer hide really true and useful information.
          1. 0
            28 March 2019 19: 42
            so they also go to the polls
      2. +1
        29 March 2019 13: 20
        Quote: DimerVladimer
        Do not part with a colleague that you have thrown cons.
        Giordano Bruno was generally burned.
        Suffer for science - a holy cause in the fight against obscurantism and ignorance - enlightened with you!

        That is yes! But I get the impression that tomorrow there may be the same ratio of minuses and pluses if someone starts to object to the announcement that the United States fought on the German side in World War 2. It is very unpleasant that the site often resembles RenTV.
    3. +5
      28 March 2019 10: 24
      Quote: Hakka
      Americans are not required to prove a flight to the moon, because it is a universally recognized historical fact, flights to the moon are studied in specialized universities, are listed in books, etc. Etc. P.

      David Copperfield is also not obliged to prove anything when he flies around the hall and publicly refutes Earth's gravity. Glad you believe him.
    4. +4
      28 March 2019 14: 11
      flights to the moon are studied in specialized universities, listed in books, etc.
      For me at one time the phrase became a revelation: "Not everything that is printed in the printing house is true!"
    5. 0
      28 March 2019 14: 54
      Here let them even refute the proof that people did not fly to the moon .. In this article there is no evidence that they did not fly to the moon, all these refutations are answered in the relevant forums of NK and Balancer.
      I could not resist... smile Well, they didn't fly. We flew, however. Jules Verne, "From the Cannon to the Moon".
  4. +20
    28 March 2019 06: 52
    Well that’s it, Sergey, amba - now supporters and lovers of the only true democratic truth from America will fly in and will destroy you, as the Antichrist of the entire democratic world! wink lol How is it - the Americans cannot lie, they are geniuses, they flew to the moon and in general, "Brainworms" proved that the lunar epic is true laughingYes, and the American satellites also proved the same thing, and the declaration of the Apollo landing zones as a protected area for "preservation for posterity" with a ban on visiting these places is worth what !!! And they will begin to say that laser reflectors testify to the American truth (for some reason, even these Surveyors could not have brought them there) smile - "Apollo" and that's it fool ) Yes, and the main argument from the semi-official adherents - the Americans said they were flying (why can’t they be trusted?)!
    But the mass of logical inconsistencies does not bother anyone - they said they were flying laughing
    Neither the Saturn launch schedule has stopped from the declared one, nor strikingly intact after the descent at the 2nd cosmic speed, capsules of ships even with inscriptions and surviving paint ", nor samples of lunar soil that turned out to be petrified wood, donated to the right and left, nor a dummy cutting across the Moon on the "lunomobile", nor the amount of film and photographic materials indicating that the "lunonauts" only filmed instead of actually working, neither playing golf and for some reason falling the norm without fear of damaging the spacesuit against the sharp lunar regolith (although there is nothing to be afraid of - they filmed it on Earth) ...
    You, comrade Sergei, doubted and began to think, but this is not welcomed by the adherents of the democratic faith - now hold on feel Yes
    Material is a fat plus and we will wait for comments from believers in white and fluffy, infallible and never lying American genius wassat
    Best regards, hi
    1. -2
      28 March 2019 08: 44
      Quote: Rurikovich
      Yes, and the most important argument from the semi-official adherents - the Americans said they were flying (why can’t they be trusted?)!

      The most important argument is telemetry, which was adopted by the Soviet observation stations from the Apollo and intercepted negotiations. You can fake video and photos, but not telemetry data and directions from where it comes from. Therefore, all the howls about the falsifiers of Americans are designed for ignoramuses and people who hate the United States blinds their eyes and ears.
      1. 0
        28 March 2019 09: 46
        This is far from the most important argument of the landing.
      2. +5
        28 March 2019 10: 18
        Quote: Puncher
        The most important argument is telemetry, which was adopted by the Soviet observation stations from the Apollo and intercepted negotiations.

        We also simulated the possibility of negotiations, using the moon as a repeater, so much so that the Americans believed that we were negotiating with our astronauts in the orbit of the moon - this is a recorded historical fact. By the way, study carefully where the American programs came from towards the moon, and then you will immediately realize that we even could not control it at that time. And what we were returning back we could perceive as real telemetry.
        Quote: Puncher
        Therefore, all the howls about the falsifiers of Americans are designed for ignoramuses and people who hate the United States blinds their eyes and ears.

        Tell me, do you yourself have anything to do with space programs to understand your level of awareness in this matter?
      3. +3
        28 March 2019 17: 45
        Quote: Puncher
        The most important argument is telemetry, which was adopted by Soviet Apollo observation stations and intercepted negotiations

        You would Eugene first ask about all the nuances of the received signal and the then capabilities of Soviet stations, and then talk about "solid evidence" from the USSR. And don't forget about indirect signs of forgery. wink hi
  5. -11
    28 March 2019 07: 16
    I hope that in the second part of the "opus" of the lunar chronologers it will be written that S. Kubrik deceived everyone, and his film is a simple joke? Or is it no longer interesting to anyone?
    or will we read that Dunno was on the moon 7 years before Armstrong?
    with the fall in education, the number of supporters of the "lunar conspiracy" has already reached 57%! Those. already 57% of Russians believe such hackers - why are you doing this?
    The country of MMM, False Dmitriyev, thieves and freebies - nothing changes!
    1. +6
      28 March 2019 09: 36
      Quote: Tlauicol
      I hope that in the second part of the "opus" of the lunar chronologers it will be written that S. Kubrik deceived everyone, and his film is a simple joke? Or is it no longer interesting to anyone?
      or will we read that Dunno was on the moon 7 years before Armstrong?
      with the fall in education, the number of supporters of the "lunar conspiracy" has already reached 57%! Those. already 57% of Russians believe such hackers - why are you doing this?
      The country of MMM, False Dmitriyev, thieves and freebies - nothing changes!

      The number of idiots in the country increases in proportion to the time of the collapse of the USSR.
      Previously, idiots were not allowed to the podium and were not published - but now every ignoramus can write whatever you want and the same ignoramuses believe him.
      1. +2
        28 March 2019 09: 49
        Quote: DimerVladimer
        The number of idiots in the country increases in proportion to the time of the collapse of the USSR.
        Previously, idiots were not allowed to the podium and were not published - but now every ignoramus can write whatever you want and the same ignoramuses believe him.

        That is, before they were not something that was not there. Did they just have a lack of a platform for self-expression?)
        1. +2
          28 March 2019 10: 14
          Quote: Town Hall
          That is, before they were not something that was not there. Did they just have a lack of a platform for self-expression?)

          Earlier it was a shame to be ignoramus, but now they flaunt it - even articles publish them.
          In the USSR, such writings were not placed in "Young Technique" either, and the pioneers would have ridiculed the scribbler
      2. +6
        28 March 2019 11: 17
        Quote: DimerVladimer
        The number of idiots in the country increases in proportion to the time of the collapse of the USSR.

        The most annoying thing is that many are not idiots. This is a simple psychology. It is very painful to realize that the USSR was such a strong power, a leader in many sectors of human life, and he is a professional. And the United States remained alive and well. The bitterness of this thought somehow sublimates these emotions. The solution in this case is sought in belittling the successes of the American side. A kind of is a form of self-reassurance. Everything is bad with us, but look - their successes are not gigantic either. Something like this.
        The truth is that this will not change. We fell apart, although we were the first in space. But they were on the moon and did not fall apart.
        1. +2
          28 March 2019 12: 04
          Quote: Alex_59
          The most annoying thing is that many are not idiots. This is a simple psychology. It is very painful to realize that the USSR was such a strong power, a leader in many sectors of human life, and he is a professional. And the United States remained alive and well. The bitterness of this thought somehow sublimates these emotions. The solution in this case is sought in belittling the successes of the American side.

          For us - the translation of foreign scientific journals, was put on stream by the Department of Foreign Languages.
          I started my day by reading in the original American technical journals in space and aviation - of course, taking into account possible distortions and misinformation - their articles about our technology at that time caused bouts of collective fun among researchers, but to give a general assessment of how this area lives abroad - it was useful.
          It’s all the sadder to see people who deny that they can’t touch them with their hands - therefore, their intelligence does not allow them to analyze the incoming information and divide it into false and true.

          It will always be amazing to me that our country, which went through two world wars and a civil war from ruin and famine, was the first to send a satellite into circular orbit and man into space, and this is all thanks to the work and intelligence of our scientists, engineers, and workers.
        2. -1
          April 30 2020 00: 19
          Offended Patriotism
      3. 0
        31 March 2019 08: 33
        How right are you! Already h.evo! + To you!
  6. +10
    28 March 2019 07: 18
    Americans have never been to the moon. And personally, I am extremely surprised - I’m already bored, but there are, and not enough, those who do not know about it. And this is in the age of computer science.

    Talk that Apollo is a scam in which, at best, the launches of Saturn 5 launch vehicles began, started in December 1968, during the Apollo 8 flight around the Moon. The countdown of the campaign to expose Apollo begins in 1974, with the release of the first book on this subject, entitled “We Never Fly to the Moon: Thirty Billion Fraud,” written by Bill Kizing and Randy Reid. Moreover, Kizing worked for the Rocketdine company, where engines for the Saturn 5 were made. This fact gave particular weight to his opinion.

    The first of the materials on the topic by request:

    The argument that Americans have never been to the moon is more than necessary to convict even without a confession.

    One is enough. At least that.

    In each of the six missions, astronauts needed:
    - inspect the LEM for damage
    - set flag
    - unpack and connect radio and television equipment
    - establish a connection with the Earth
    - unpack and connect numerous equipment for experiments
    - document and collect from 21,6 to 110,3 kg of lunar soil samples
    - complete the experiments
    - return to LEM

    In addition, in separate missions, astronauts needed:
    - inspect the unmanned Surveyor-3, which landed in April 1967 and extract details from the Surveyor
    - install ALSEP equipment
    - unpack, assemble, equip and test a 4-wheel electric car and drive 27 km on it (rover speed is only 13 km / h)
    - unpack, assemble, equip and test a 4-wheel electric car and drive 26 km on it (rover speed is only 13 km / h)
    - unpack, assemble, equip and test a 4-wheel electric car and drive 49 km on it (rover speed is only 13 km / h)

    The total amount of time spent on the moon is 4834 minutes.
    The total number of photos taken is 5771 photos.
    Those. one photo every 50 seconds.

    PHOTOGRAPHY was almost a side job compared to the basic tasks of astronauts. Each astronaut had his own camera. (Except Apollo 11 VKD) It was a specially designed Hasselblad with a square format film. For work, it was mounted on the chest plate of astronauts. The astronaut had to manually set the shutter speed and aperture, having bulky tight gloves on his hands, and not being able to see the setting. The cameras HAD NO VIEWFINDER, so the astronaut could only guess what was being filmed. Each chamber had a volume film cassette with a capacity of more than one hundred frames. The film (mostly the Ectahrom color film) had a very narrow range of exposures, and it required ADVANCED aperture and shutter speed settings because, according to NASA, the cameras did not have automatic exposure.

    And now, as they say in the club, “What? Where? When? ”, Attention is a question:

    Is it possible to take so many photos in the allotted time and complete all of the above work?

    PS. Once again, for youth. This is not a modern camera or phone when pointed at an object and press the button. This is an antediluvian, by modern standards, apparatus where it is necessary to manually set the shutter speed and aperture, and not with bare hands, but with bulky gloves.
    1. -10
      28 March 2019 09: 50
      More than 14000 photos were taken along with orbital images. Professional photographers and 100 shots per minute can do.
      1. +5
        28 March 2019 10: 52
        Yeah, and then erased the footage. Allegedly, NASA did not have additional media on which to record the subsequent. Can you believe in this?!? Erase unique frames! A film was needed - a beggar from NASA! And an elderly aunt was released on the screens: yes, it was - they were erased! Ah, what a mistake!
        1. +2
          28 March 2019 17: 56
          Quote: depressant
          Ah, what a mistake!

          Yakrvlevna, don’t dazzle the beads .... If people refuse to turn on their brains and logic, then neither mine, nor the author, nor many engineers will ever be heard! request Americans never lie, they are great wassat lol hi
          1. -2
            29 March 2019 15: 16
            Quote: Rurikovich
            Americans never lie, they are great

            And Leonov, others from the cosmonaut corps are liars? Can you name someone directly involved in the implementation of our space program (cosmonauts, flight managers, MCC employees), who denies this? Did you buy them all? Are they liars? Or simply they did not turn on (and did not turn on) the brains?
            1. +3
              29 March 2019 18: 46
              Quote: victor50
              And Leonov, others from the cosmonaut corps are liars?

              Leonov is just a hero-cosmonaut, and not a developer of space technology, and was never allowed into the American aerospace industry, where Saturn-5 was going to. All he knows about this program is what can be read from Shuneiko and maybe a little more. And his enchanting statement that he allegedly watched the landing on the moon live shows that he had no idea how the television sessions with the lunar module were organized. References to Leonov’s authority remind me of the assertion that a taxi driver with thirty years of experience is better versed in the design of Formula 1 cars, because he spent more time behind the wheel.
            2. 0
              29 March 2019 19: 38
              Yes liar. Leonov was accepted into the cosmonaut corps because, unlike other candidates, he knew how to draw well and had an artistic type of perception and thinking.
            3. 0
              29 March 2019 19: 52
              Quote: victor50
              And Leonov, others from the cosmonaut corps are liars

              They will tell Leonov what they will order! Just ask Leonov what he will say about the impossibility of achieving the stated parameters with the F-1 engine, and see how verbal diarrhea about faith in Americans and BLA-BLA-BLA begins
              1. 0
                30 March 2019 13: 54
                [quote = rurikovich] Leonov what they order, he will say! Just ask Leonov what he will say about the impossibility of achieving the stated parameters with the F-1 engine, and see how verbal diarrhea about faith in Americans and BLA-BLA-BLA begins [/ quote
                Do you want to exalt yourself like that? Do you only know Leonov? Did your group keep silent about everyone else ?! request Are they all liars? and you admitted to the great secrets of the universe and the righteous besides? Do not bother to answer. Where are you and where is Leonov, and the entire cosmonaut corps, and others related to space, and not to RenTV.
      2. +2
        28 March 2019 11: 07
        Quote: Vadim237
        Professional photographers and 100 shots per minute can do.

        What’s worse with you - with Russian or with reading comprehension?

        Again. The camera is attached to the chest. It is impossible to tilt your head and see the scale for setting the shutter speed and aperture - the design of the spacesuit does not allow this. Those. parameters must be set manually, in bulky gloves and without seeing the settings scale. Moreover, the film has a narrow exposure range, so the setting of both shutter speed and aperture should be extremely accurate for each frame.

        If you have a good idea of ​​the amount of work supposedly done by the lounging astronauts supposedly, anyone familiar with the photograph of those years should understand that getting a good shot every 50 seconds would be impossible.
        1. -2
          28 March 2019 17: 51
          This is with your understanding - it’s completely braked, 14000 photographs were taken by all the expeditions from Earth’s orbit to leaving the Moon’s orbit - the guys didn’t part with the cameras during the whole round-trip flight, for two weeks - the instruments weren't the same as for the photos.
        2. 0
          28 March 2019 17: 58
          Quote: McAr
          Again. The camera is attached to the chest. It is impossible to tilt your head and see the scale for setting the shutter speed and aperture - the design of the spacesuit does not allow this. Those. parameters must be set manually, in bulky gloves and without seeing the settings scale. Moreover, the film has a narrow exposure range, so the setting of both shutter speed and aperture should be extremely accurate for each frame.

          For apologists of faith in landing this is not an argument! fellow They already have calculations for the impossibility of achieving the F-1 parameters, the engine of which laid out. And they still flew request
          1. -3
            29 March 2019 11: 38
            And what are these impossibilities - technically describe them, otherwise you can hear a solid UAV UAV UAV.
            1. 0
              29 March 2019 19: 49
              Quote: Vadim237
              And what are these impossibilities - technically describe them, otherwise you can hear a solid UAV UAV UAV.

              Please, do not be too lazy, but read
      3. 0
        28 March 2019 11: 53
        That's just not on the technology of those years. Change-8m in 1991, and then could not boast such a rate of fire.
        1. -3
          28 March 2019 18: 16
          We compared Lamborghini with Zhigulenok - Hasselblad 500 EL Data with a Zeiss 5,6 / 60 mm Biogon lens worth $ 130000 - with a Change of 8m for 15 rubles.
    2. +4
      28 March 2019 11: 58
      Quote: McAr
      Once again, for youth. This is not a modern camera or phone when pointed at an object and press the button. This is an antediluvian, by modern standards, apparatus where it is necessary to manually set the shutter speed and aperture, and not with bare hands, but with bulky gloves.

      A modern camera also does not work at the touch of a button. Rather, it works poorly - shooting in mode A always provides the best quality, but of course it requires direct hands.
      As for the moon. It was necessary to set the aperture and shutter speed on the moon only once. Before the first frame. You can shoot further without changing anything, because the illumination of the scenes does not change - there are no clouds and air that would diffuse light and change the illumination of the scene depending on the weather, etc. I think the Americans had a light meter there, already in those days it was not exotic. Put forward and - take a picture.
      1. +7
        28 March 2019 12: 22
        Quote: Alex_59
        As for the moon. It was necessary to set the aperture and shutter speed on the moon only once. Before the first frame. You can shoot further without changing anything, because scene illumination does not change

        How does this not change? The sun behind and the sun on the side - there should already be different settings.
        1. +1
          28 March 2019 13: 57
          Quote: McAr
          The sun behind and the sun on the side - there should already be different settings.

          Well, yes, I agree. I did not remember this laughing
      2. -1
        April 30 2020 00: 26
        They did not have any light meter. The camera has been modified. No viewfinder. Exposure was fixed. There were only 3 apertures.

        Where so many pictures come from? Often they held the button until the camera took 5-10 frames. Each frame took about a second for her
    3. +1
      28 March 2019 12: 00
      In fact, everything is much simpler - Van Alen's belts at that time simply could not fly without receiving radiation sickness. There is also an article on this subject with the dates of the departure of the Americans and the activity of the sun. There, almost all the crews for one and a half hundred x-rays should have received a dose.
      1. +2
        28 March 2019 12: 19
        Quote: crazyzerg
        In fact, everything is much simpler - Van Alen's belts at that time simply could not fly without receiving radiation sickness. There is also an article on this subject with the dates of the departure of the Americans and the activity of the sun. There, almost all the crews for one and a half hundred x-rays should have received a dose.

        Yes sir! And not one of those who allegedly visited the moon died of cancer, although in a thin-walled capsule and with their spacesuits they had to grab a dose of radiation with which they did not live long. And they lived an average of 80 years.

        There are a lot of arguments - the photo is one of many.
    4. +1
      28 March 2019 15: 53
      Quote: McAr
      It was a specially designed Hasselblad with a square format film.

      This is not entirely true - Hasselblad was a serial camera of excellent quality, but the most interesting thing was without thermal insulation, it was only painted white in some places. By the way, if you open the passport data of this device, we will be surprised to learn that the manufacturer guarantees the performance of the product from 0 ° C to + 40 ° C. The question arises, how will the apparatus, heated for example to + 60C, work, which even in Central Asia happens in the presence of the atmosphere.
      1. -1
        29 March 2019 11: 41
        At plus 60, the engine of the car will die, not like the camera.
  7. 3vs
    28 March 2019 07: 27
    Well, it’s not in vain that Donald hurried to the moon!
    You need to have time to trample on the traces before others appear ...
  8. +3
    28 March 2019 07: 29
    the main question is where is 400 !!! kg of soil ???
    1. -4
      28 March 2019 07: 40
      Quote: novel xnumx
      the main question is where is 400 !!! kg of soil ???

      on Earth, incl. and Russian planetariums
      1. +4
        28 March 2019 07: 43
        according to the amers, they lost it, a lot of what they handed out turned out to be a fake
        1. +3
          28 March 2019 07: 59
          Quote: novel xnumx
          according to the amers, they lost it, a lot of what they handed out turned out to be a fake

          Oh really ? Where is the lunar soil stored
          the truth is always one - it is not ours or not ours. if someone does not like the truth, this does not mean that one should lie
  9. 0
    28 March 2019 07: 35
    For the information of the author, in Soviet times, I watched in the cinema an American film about the flight of their astronauts to Mars. And according to the plot, they did not fly anywhere, everything was a scam. After the end of the "flight" it was announced that the astronauts had died while landing. And voila, the Americans have been to Mars. But there was also the Soyuz-Apollo flight. With docking and fraternization in space. And the landing was, everything was lit on TV from and to. And here your skepticism about the breathing atmosphere on the Apollo somehow fades.
    1. +2
      28 March 2019 08: 07
      Capricorn-1. Cool movie!
    2. 0
      28 March 2019 10: 56
      Yes, such a film and I remember. "Hangar ..." I couldn't remember the hangar number))
      1. 0
        29 March 2019 14: 25
        Yes, such a film and I remember. "Hangar ..." I couldn't remember the hangar number))

        The film "Capricorn - 1", and "Hangar - 18" is the same about deceiving amers, but not about the moon.
  10. +8
    28 March 2019 07: 42
    At one time, an interesting position was: "If the Americans were on the moon, why are they not flying now, when the development of technology has stepped far forward?" The answer was: "And they found something on the moon that frightened them very much and forced them to abandon further flights." Not otherwise, the presence of creepy aliens, eh?
    1. -3
      28 March 2019 08: 36
      Quote: Dimy4
      At one time, an interesting position was: "If the Americans were on the moon, why are they not flying now, when the development of technology has stepped far forward?"

      Or maybe these people will answer a simple question A NAFIGA? What is there to do?
    2. +2
      28 March 2019 08: 49
      Quote: Dimy4
      If the Americans were on the moon, why are they now, when the development of technology has stepped far forward, do not fly? "The answer was:" And they found something on the moon that scared them very much and forced them to abandon further flights.

      If the Americans got the most colza in Vietnam, why didn’t they calm down? The answer was this:
      "Provide capital with 10% profit, and the capital agrees to any use, with 20% it becomes lively, with 50% it is positively ready to break its head, with 100% it violates all human laws, with 300% there is no crime for which it does not would venture to go, at least under fear of the gallows "
      1. -1
        28 March 2019 10: 17
        The answer that I naturally cited was complete rubbish, and if the prestige of the state is presented as a certain kind of capital, then it will affect it negatively and can only cause a portion of healthy laughter. And the answer that you brought, the flights to the moon would have brought to the states those 100% and absolute superiority of space explorers. My opinion.
    3. -1
      28 March 2019 18: 20
      They have now discovered what they can do to save money - rare-earth metals, of which hundreds of thousands - millions of tons - on the moon, and all on the surface because there is no soil erosion.
  11. +2
    28 March 2019 07: 43
    A muddy story, to be sure. So, once and after 8 years the Americans are on the moon, and ours all "rocked". But the pathos is worse than in the film "Independence Day".
    1. +1
      29 March 2019 19: 02
      Quote: kvs207
      A muddy story, to be sure. So, once and after 8 years the Americans are on the moon, and ours all "rocked". But the pathos is worse than in the film "Independence Day".

      If we take into account that we were too seriously preparing for the flight to the moon, and safety issues were put in the first place, it becomes clear why we were lagging behind - we conducted all test cycles, and more than once. But the Americans did not suffer from this - they didn’t carry out some tests at all, and even with the negative results of some tests, they believed that they needed to win the race, and therefore they launched the equipment that had not been tested as it should be. If you believe that such a technique worked perfectly all flights, then you can believe in the lunar epic. But our many experts strongly doubt this, and not without reason.
      Here, many different "experts" believe everything that the Americans write, but if you ask a question about the space toilet for solid waste, the circus will begin. And if you ask where the dust from the spacesuits of astronauts in a confined space went, then puzzling questions will also arise when you carefully examine the pictures, how dirty they were on the Moon. Well, why American spacesuits are not used anywhere else, and are fundamentally different from those that are now used in near-Earth orbit, will apparently remain a "mystery".
  12. +8
    28 March 2019 07: 44
    The author's material is not new ...., but it does not lose its relevance .... all these arguments about inconsistencies take place ..., some authors claim the Americans made the first real orbital flight on the Shuttle in the 80s. ..., and even copied the first Soviet spacesuits, planning in the future to declare themselves the pioneers of space and forget Gagarin ..., The miracles of propaganda are familiar to everyone
    1. +2
      28 March 2019 07: 54
      And they don't even question it, "we are the first, period!". And that some Russians outstripped them in everything, there is silence about this.
      1. -6
        28 March 2019 08: 38
        Quote: Dimy4
        And that some Russians there were ahead of them in everything, it’s silent about this.

        Why do you think so? The Americans never denied the primacy of the USSR in the space race; for them, flying to the moon is the starting point when they established parity.
        1. +7
          28 March 2019 09: 56
          Doubt it? And in vain - in many American history textbooks in general there is not the slightest mention of Yuri Gagarin; in the section on space exploration, after the Soviet Union launched the first artificial Earth satellite (thanks, even though it was left), there is a "response" to the United States in the "space race" - sending a man to the moon. And it doesn’t matter that they don’t lie in textbooks when they write that Armstrong is the first person on the moon, but since Gagarin is not mentioned at all, the reader gets the impression that the American Armstrong is the first person to be in space. Americans brazenly and deliberately rewrite the history of space exploration! Just because they consider themselves to be an exceptional nation, and in no way can they be "second." The first male astronaut, according to the firm conviction of the American layman, of course, must also be a US citizen. The Americans sincerely believe in this, because they are constantly reminded of this everywhere and everywhere - for example, in obsessive patriotic posters.

          For example, in the Boston Metro, at a station near the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a poster hangs on it - a stylized image signed in 1961 when Gagarin flew into space. Below the text, the first line: "Alan Shepard became the first American in space." The second line: “Yuri Gagarin was launched on his first manned flight on the Soviet Vostok-1 apparatus. The psychological calculation is simple: those who saw this poster (and, by the way, this is more than 600 passengers a day) will most likely think that the first person who traveled to space was an American. This conclusion can also be made because the phrase about Gagarin sounds very streamlined and foggy.
          1. +4
            28 March 2019 10: 18
            Quote: lwxx
            Doubt it? And in vain - in many American history textbooks in general there is not the slightest mention of Yuri Gagarin; in the section on space exploration, after the Soviet Union launched the first artificial Earth satellite (thanks, even though it was left), there is a "response" to the United States in the "space race" - sending a man to the moon.

            You can ask for these American history textbooks, which do not mention Gagarin. Textbooks on the history of ancient Greece, please do not offer.
          2. +3
            28 March 2019 12: 05
            Quote: lwxx
            And in vain - in many American history textbooks in general there is not the slightest mention of Yuri Gagarin; in the section on space exploration, after the Soviet Union launched the first artificial Earth satellite (thanks, even though it was left), there is a "response" to the United States in the "space race" - sending a man to the moon.

            History Textbook for Middle School Students History of Our World
            Beginning in the late 1950s, the United States and the
            Soviet Union competed in the exploration of space. The Soviets launched Earth's
            first artificial satellite and put the first human in orbit around the planet. By the
            late 1960s, however, the United States had surpassed the Soviets. US astronauts
            landed on the moon in 1969. The heavy emphasis on science and technology that
            the space race required led to the development of products that changed life for
            people across the globe.

            Yes, not a word about Gagarin, but also about Shepard and Armstrong. They just mentioned that the USSR was the first to launch a satellite and the first to send a man into space, and the United States put a man on the moon.
        2. 0
          29 March 2019 14: 35
          Hole puncher
          The Americans never denied the primacy of the USSR in the space race, for them flying to the moon is the starting point when they established parity

          Ask amers when the first woman flew into space and what her name was. You will be very surprised! Most will report that she flew on the shuttle ...
    2. +5
      28 March 2019 08: 52
      Quote: wooja
      Author's material is not new

      The first time I read an extended description of the internal structure of the capsules and the nuances of the chemical composition of the air they fill with a detailed analysis of the shortcomings ...
      1. 0
        29 March 2019 07: 59
        this is not a flaw analysis. that's bullshit
    3. +5
      28 March 2019 09: 27
      Aha the first flight and right there on the Chatelet bypassing all evolution and development, isn’t it funny?
      1. 0
        April 30 2020 00: 31
        So the Shuttle did not fly!
        1. +1
          April 30 2020 11: 17
          And the sky is hard wassat
    4. +3
      28 March 2019 09: 54
      "Some authors claim the Americans made the first real orbital flight on the Shuttle in the 80s." Skylab station.
      1. 0
        29 March 2019 08: 01
        after this article. and comments to her in for mknya died
  13. +2
    28 March 2019 08: 03
    The author is so cautious with the air of a specialist analyst ... In order to "skip" for a specialist. And in fact:
    The fact is that before his death, Stanley Kubrick admitted that all the piloted trips of Americans to the moon are a grandiose falsification, in the filming of which he was directly involved.

    The fact that this is the so-called The interview is just a fake. The author somehow forgot to mention it. Maybe because his blind faith in the falsification of a flight to the moon does not allow this? He critically analyzes the technical features of creating a microclimate in the spacecraft, but he perceives an explicit fake for the truth unconditionally. Therefore, the author's statement that:
    It is immediately necessary to agree “on the shore” that this article is only a reflection on Kubrick’s statement, personal opinion, and not a verdict, not a claim to the ultimate truth.

    can cause nothing but a homeric laugh.
  14. +4
    28 March 2019 08: 07
    From the text of the article: ... in Apollo, the total volume was three cubic meters. For comparison: “Soyuz” had a total volume of 6 cubic meters for two cosmonauts.
    How can I believe this when looking at the picture of the historic meeting in orbit in July 1975? "Apollo" visually looks clearly more impressive. I think that it is necessary to be more careful with cubic meters. lol
    And, by the way, in fact, starting with the Soyuz-TM (since 1987), as a rule, 3 cosmonauts have flown in the same volume of "apartments".
    1. +11
      28 March 2019 09: 02
      Quote: Herrr
      How can I believe this when looking at the picture of the historic meeting in orbit in July 1975? "Apollo" visually looks clearly more impressive. I think that it is necessary to be more careful with cubic meters.

      And if you imagine so?
      1. +3
        28 March 2019 12: 09
        Thank you for your comment. This is how it turns out - first of all - the Apollo command module is not 6, but as much as 9.8 cubic meters, which is only 0,4 cubic meters less than the sum of the volumes of the two living compartments of the Soyuz - the orbital and descent vehicle put together, and secondly, the figures are not at all the same as in the article. ;-)
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. The comment was deleted.
    2. +2
      28 March 2019 15: 28
      From the text of the article:
      The difference between normal atmospheric pressure (1 atmosphere) and vacuum implies a load on the inner walls of the capsule equal to 144 atmospheres
      In general, most of Gazprom's highways have a full rest. Dear site administrators, is it possible to somehow add to our emoticons one more that would roll on the ground and hammer on it in an attack of insurmountable homeric laughter? It’s just that sometimes such game comes across in articles that the emotions of the smiles available are categorically insufficient. I strongly recommend the author to read his pearl and think about it. If it is not clear, I will explain. The ratio of the pressure in the spacecraft to the outside as 144/1 does not mean at all that the walls of the capsule experience a load equal to 144 atmospheres, in this case they even experience pressure from even less than one miserable atmosphere, provided that the pressure in the spacecraft is the same as one the atmosphere.
  15. +1
    28 March 2019 08: 14
    Auto RU... good Simple and easy ... good
    This alone raises a logical question.: Did American astronauts return from space then?

    Not only but... good
    1. 0
      28 March 2019 09: 00
      Clean, shaved, smoothed, in fresh diapers .... winked
  16. +8
    28 March 2019 08: 14
    Today, on the radio, I listened to what such a society of flat-earths is. They still claim that the earth is flat, and all that contradicts this has been invented and falsified. laughing
    1. +2
      28 March 2019 09: 03
      It can’t be! Cats would have thrown everything away!
  17. 0
    28 March 2019 08: 20
    This is the third fact for me. (We caught our capsule and cheap grain 1, the timing of take-off by our engineers and the inability to create a combustion chamber with pressure voiced by Americans 2.) Thank you. look forward to continuing. A striped really cheaters. You can’t sit down at the same negotiating table, on any issues, without the possibility of mutual checks !!!
    1. +1
      28 March 2019 09: 22
      This is completely cosyrological nonsense.
      The pressure in the combustion chamber of the F-1 engine which stood on Saturn-5 is a miserable 69,1 atmosphere.
      RD-180 253,3 atmospheres.
      If your F-1 is impossible with such pressure, then what about the RD-180? Also a fake?
      1. 0
        28 March 2019 11: 13
        There the bottom line is that the stainless steel F-1 engine is durable, but not sufficiently heat-conducting.
        If the chamber wall is made thick, then it will overheat and burn out. If made thin, then it will break the pressure.
        If you worry a little, you will find calculations on the Internet.
        1. +1
          28 March 2019 18: 26
          And if you think a bit, you will guess that the F 1 nozzles have cooling. "The main part of the engine was the combustion chamber, in which fuel and oxidant mixed and burned, creating thrust. The domed chamber at the top of the engine served as a distribution line that supplied liquid oxygen to the injectors, and also served as a gimbal mount that transmitted power to rocket body Below this dome were the injectors, through which fuel and oxidant were directed directly into the combustion chamber, they were designed in such a way as to ensure good mixing and combustion of the components.Fuel was supplied to the nozzle head from a separate distribution pipe; part of the fuel was directed through 178 pipes , laid along the entire length of the combustion chamber, which occupied almost the entire upper half of the nozzle, and returned back to cool the chamber. "
  18. +3
    28 March 2019 08: 22
    "Only absolutely ignorant people can seriously believe that the Americans were not on the moon." Alexey Leonov

    I, the Russian, also don’t like that the Americans were on the moon. But the fact that the Russians themselves make Russians obscurantists and idiots, using this jealousy with the help of lies, I do not like even more. The truth is bitter and unpleasant, but there is no alternative truth
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. The comment was deleted.
    2. The comment was deleted.
      1. The comment was deleted.
  19. +4
    28 March 2019 08: 55
    Once again, the author questioned, and not without reason, the fact of the presence of meriticos on the moon. There was no THERE. The film was made on earth. Mounted on the ears of the merikatosa, and still lie. And when did they actually tell the truth ?! bully
  20. -3
    28 March 2019 09: 01
    fixed on photo and film

    Filmed on the moon ..... Given that they filmed on a regular film, which becomes hard and brittle and just breaks at low temperatures .... wink
    1. 0
      28 March 2019 16: 16
      And, as far as I remember school days, an ordinary film is illuminated by radiation, which is immeasurable on the Moon. Al the camera that hung on his chest was covered with lead-water protection. Maybe not right, but ....
      1. +1
        29 March 2019 08: 10
        not well from where you take all this. from which parallel reality?
        1. The comment was deleted.
  21. BAI
    28 March 2019 09: 05
    Let us leave aside what has been criticized and explained many times, justified, whether it be the American flag fluttering in the airless atmosphere on the Moon, the absence of a starry sky, ridiculous shadows, and much more that could really be shot at a film studio.

    Everything is decided simply. Americans landed (if landed) on the visible side of the moon.

    There is no atmosphere on the moon, traces on the surface remain for millennia.

    [/ Center]
    Lunokhod confirmation of this.
    Where is the photo of the surface of the moon with traces of the Americans? They took all the glands with them to Earth, left nothing?
    1. +2
      28 March 2019 09: 23
      Quote: BAI
      Where is the photo of the surface of the moon with traces of the Americans?

      In the same place where you took pictures of the tracks of Lunokhod, with LRO.
    2. +5
      28 March 2019 09: 25
      They took a photo for a long time and showed
      1. BAI
        28 March 2019 09: 59
        Their price is the same as the landing frames. Need independent sources. Here the Americans have confirmed the really existing Lunokhod and have posted their pictures next to credibility. Where are the Russian (Soviet) photographs, in the end Chinese and Japanese?
        1. +5
          28 March 2019 10: 12
          Quote: BAI
          Their price is the same as the landing frames.

          Those. did you add to your argument the pictures of the landing sites of the Lunar walkers 1 and 2 taken by the lunar artificial satellite Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and immediately question the reliability of the pictures of the landing sites of the Americans Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter? How to understand it?
          1. BAI
            28 March 2019 11: 39
            Because the Americans - third-party researchers confirm the presence of a lunar rover on the moon. And the images of the American satellite of the American landing site are not proof, because authorship is the same. If these pictures were taken by any country other than the United States, there are no questions. If some pictures have been "faked", which prevents others from being "faked". Moreover, NVIDIA has already admitted to processing these images. What kind of processing? After all, I did not write in vain - they presented an indisputable fact and laid out a controversial one for plausibility.
        2. -4
          28 March 2019 10: 22
          Quote: BAI
          Need independent sources.

          Why do you think that your ignorance should receive evidence?
          Humanity does not at all need proof of its successes to a group of ignoramuses.
          1. BAI
            28 March 2019 11: 40
            And why do you think that everything that does not coincide with your obstinacy is ignorance?
            1. +2
              28 March 2019 12: 24
              Quote: BAI
              which does not match your obstinacy

              My "obstinacy" is based on the experience and knowledge passed on to me by doctors of science, professors, reading their scientific works, solving problems of designing and manufacturing rocket technology.

              My knowledge is confirmed by relevant diplomas, participation in projects, defense of excellent projects in front of a team of professors, associate professors, doctors of sciences.

              And yes - in my work I used the works of respected luminaries of rocket technology, most of which are not accessible to ordinary people.
              And I recommend that you familiarize yourself with at least the literary work of the respected Boris Chertok Book 4. Rockets and people. Lunar race.

              You may not believe me, and I absolutely do not care.
              But not to believe Chertok - it is interesting for me to look at the reaction of the adherents of the "unbelievable", since denying the achievements of American astronautics, you also deny our achievements?
              1. BAI
                28 March 2019 13: 04
                Give a link to YOUR printed works, we'll see. We agree with you or disagree. In the meantime, you - NOBODY and call - NO. Someone else's merits are not an excuse for their own incompetence.
                1. -3
                  28 March 2019 14: 16
                  Quote: BAI
                  Give a link to YOUR printed works, we'll see. We agree with you or disagree. In the meantime, you - NOBODY and call - NO. Someone else's merits are not an excuse for their own incompetence.

                  Do you think that I am interested in someone disagreeing, who knows absolutely nothing about this?
                  If I had a scientific degree, I wouldn’t communicate with you — doctors of technical sciences don’t come to this resource — people do business and strengthen the country's defense.
                  I’m here like this - I suffer from trifles ...
                  1. BAI
                    28 March 2019 15: 40
                    Well, I have both a degree and a title. I communicate with you, although it’s unpleasant to see such a completely unreasonable aplomb. Immediately obvious - the complete lack of a culture of discussion and discussion of issues.
                    1. +1
                      29 March 2019 09: 46
                      Quote: BAI

                      Well, I have both a degree and a title. I communicate with you, although it’s unpleasant to see such a completely unreasonable aplomb. Immediately obvious - the complete lack of a culture of discussion and discussion of issues.

                      Who awarded you the degree and rank if you are not able to figure out the obvious things? I hope you are not a doctor of technical sciences, otherwise it is just a shame for the college that confirmed your degree.
                      You do not know, mister with a degree and rank, that it is possible to determine the direction of telemetry transmission? What radar allowed to track the direction of space objects, to determine the velocity vectors?
                      Have you just questioned your degree and rank? Do you have them.
                      We also have a philologist with a degree and title, commanding space with known results.

                      It's nothing personal.
                      For me, the determining factor is whether a person believes in devils, good banks, or that Americans were not on the moon — in his intellect.
                      With my own baggage of technical knowledge, I don’t go into the arts in the humanities, but I ridiculed and will make fun of those who, without understanding anything in rocket technology, are trying to draw conclusions from Internet publications.
                  2. +4
                    29 March 2019 05: 40
                    Quote: DimerVladimer
                    I’m here like this - I suffer from trifles ...

                    Shatrakov Yuri Grigorievich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, member of the Russian Academy of Technological Sciences.
                    Here on VO under the nickname "Warrant Officer" and nothing, communicates with us ....
              2. +2
                28 March 2019 16: 19
                Quote: DimerVladimer
                But not to believe Chertok - it is interesting for me to look at the reaction of the adherents of the "unbelievable", since denying the achievements of American astronautics, you also deny our achievements?

                By the way, Academic Chertok was never allowed to American developments, i.e. he was only familiar with the information that the Americans and our intelligence agencies provided. But this is not the point - the academician admitted that until the end of his life he did not understand why the Americans had curtailed the Saturn-V program, and why the Americans had not used this technical solution until now, if it was a successful development. And their work on the shuttle was a failure, with the death of two shuttles and many astronauts.
                Can you explain what even Chertok did not understand? This is a natural process for technological progress - can you find a historical example of this?
      2. -2
        28 March 2019 10: 32
        For some reason, the Chinese did not find them.
        1. 0
          28 March 2019 21: 35
          The fact that they landed Lunakhod on the other side of the moon does not bother you?
          1. +1
            30 March 2019 01: 00
            Quote: BlackMokona
            The fact that they landed Lunakhod on the other side of the moon does not bother you?

            floor Chinese + conspiratorial flies, explosive mixture laughing
            the most interesting thing that the Chinese generally did not voice about amers
      3. 0
        28 March 2019 13: 29
        So. The lunar rover is there, and the Americans took off. The picture should be different.
  22. -2
    28 March 2019 09: 14
    It is immediately necessary to agree “on the shore” that this article is only a reflection on Kubrick’s statement, personal opinion, and not a verdict, not a claim to the ultimate truth. Moreover, no one should prove anything for the Americans, if we talk about the declared landing on the moon. Here, as in defending a dissertation, first of all, indisputable evidence is needed from the applicant himself. There were Americans on the moon, wonderful, but as they say, what is your evidence?

    Another unbeliever :))
    How many of you are such orphans — to convince every wretched one who needs it.

    You are in your circle, continue to vegetate in your ignorance :))

    At the same time, deny the lunar module of the USSR, which did not fly due to four unsuccessful launches of N-1

    It is a pity that with the collapse of the USSR, education, intelligence, and engineering schools are leaving.
    Articles of mediocrity and ignoramus in technology, argue on the topic were / have not - forgive us Jura, we have more and more people.

    PS. More recently, an acquaintance shared with me the same doubt, before that I was greatly respected, and he knows that I was related to rocket science.
    Of course, I explained why the USSR did not question the stay of American astronauts on the moon - narrowly directed radio signals from the lunar module and the flight control center negotiation signals are easy to triangulate in the direction of the signal even to ham radio operators.
    And respect for a person has become less - since an intellectual person easily distinguishes pseudoscientific nonsense - there would be a desire to understand.
    But fools, take on faith the same fools.
    1. +5
      28 March 2019 10: 18
      Here, to everyone's attention, is presented the general appearance of typical representatives of the Apalon Witness Sect, in their overwhelming mass, it is typical for them to present as evidence of the Americans' stay on the moon, moreover, for any critical doubt and for any specific technical issues, the opinion of authoritative people from Soviet cosmonautics or Soviet technology, etc. fool laughing The author of the article, it seems, absolutely clearly asked a specific problem, but what do we hear in response? lol By the way, it is the appearance of such a category of the most stupid in their confidence defenders of NASA, as well as these wildest "proof" films, that most of all causes skepticism in the American landings.
      Quote: DimerVladimer
      Another unbeliever :))
      How many of you are such orphans — to convince every wretched one who needs it.

      Another believer wassat
      How many of you have such orphans ... yes, with the formation of trouble today:
      Quote: DimerVladimer
      It is a pity that with the collapse of the USSR, education, intelligence, and engineering schools are leaving.
      Articles of mediocrity and ignorance in tech

      Quote: Tlauicol
      But the fact that the Russians themselves make Russians obscurantists and idiots, using this jealousy with the help of lies, I do not like even more. The truth is bitter and unpleasant, but there is no alternative truth

      Ohhh, this is progress, you already guessed that they make fools of you, a little more and maybe you will get a little smarter and then maybe start to be more critical of events on the moon, keep it up laughing
      PS What is characteristic, they fool fool Apollo sectarians, so delighted with the most primitive "new" Musk rockets, created almost 60 years after the first satellite, as if there was no Apolon, there was no glorious history of astronautics.
      1. -2
        28 March 2019 10: 40
        Quote: KOCMOC
        seems to have clearly defined a specific problem,

        Seriously? Where? To ask a question correctly, one must be a competent specialist, and the author, like you, is ignorant.
        Quote: KOCMOC
        NASA's stupidest confidence

        Unlike mediocrity - I have a higher technical education, directly related to rocket science. The landing stage of the lunar module of the USSR is also in our laboratory, as a visual aid for STUDENTS, as in MAI.
        My specialization is aircraft manufacturing technology, I have two orders of magnitude more idea of ​​the lunar programs of the USA and the USSR than any average person or what can be found on the Internet.
        And I have not the slightest doubt that the US astronauts landed on the moon as there are no doubts among the doctors of science and professors of our specialized department and design bureau.
        You can also be sure that during the year the cosmonauts of the USSR could land on the moon - we were not allowed to be second, fearing failure.
        But I do not need to prove anything to you (with a small letter), since these are your personal "cockroaches".
        What would I discuss with you on equal terms in technical matters - you need to study at a specialized university for about 6 years at a specialized department related to rocket science, to defend a diploma - then you can understand something.
        1. +2
          28 March 2019 10: 52
          Quote: DimerVladimer
          Seriously? Where? To ask a question correctly, one must be a competent specialist, and the author, like you, is ignorant.

          You, as a "specialist", even the author of an amateur cannot understand, well, of course, this is a topic purely for those who are in the subject, for you sectarians it is also typical, to slip beyond the barrier of scientificity, well, throw it on your patient fool head.
          Quote: DimerVladimer
          Unlike mediocrity - I have higher technical images

          How much pathos, by the way, this can be explained by the silence of people in the scientific community, you and your fake knowledge were deceived as the last fool and now you have no choice but to support myths, otherwise you will find yourself in ignorance.
        2. BAI
          28 March 2019 11: 49
          If you are such a "competent specialist", present Soviet photographs of the "landing site", and not pictures crying "I am the smartest." This does not follow from the not documented comments. The smartest on the site, for your information, is the Warrant Officer (YG Shatrakov) who never trumps with his positions, degrees and titles.
          1. -2
            28 March 2019 14: 28
            Quote: BAI

            Professor Shatrakov Yuri Grigoryevich - a worthy and respected person, take an interest in his opinion about the landing on the moon
            1. BAI
              28 March 2019 15: 42
              He is worthy, I agree. You are not.
              1. -1
                29 March 2019 10: 27
                Quote: BAI

                He is worthy, I agree. You are not.

                Now letting go a mean tear.
                An individual with a BAI cat avatar (with a degree and title that he modestly kept silent, who published works with a certain degree of secrecy) from the "onitamnebyli" sect, considered unworthy :))

                Regarding secrecy and intentional misrepresentation, this is nonsense.
                My term paper was kept secret when I was a fourth-year student and this absolutely does not mean anything about the importance of the work itself - it just concerned a secret product.
        3. 0
          April 30 2020 00: 44
          1st fact? When were they released?
    2. +2
      28 March 2019 10: 37
      Quote: DimerVladimer
      Of course, I explained why the USSR did not question the stay of American astronauts on the moon - narrowly directed radio signals from the lunar module and the flight control center negotiation signals are easy to triangulate in the direction of the signal even to ham radio operators.

      Do you know the concept of a maintenance-free repeater? What prevented the Americans from throwing them to the moon, just as we did with the Lunokhods. By the way, there is a famous work of American authors called
      R.V. Moorehead, J. D. Arndt
      where is it written:
      In addition to the options considered, an FM radio link is used when playing voice data from on-board tape recorders with the transformation coefficient of the time coordinate 1: 1 or 1:32. In addition, the OE equipment can reproduce at a rapid pace (1:32) telemetry information received from the personal information system (information content of 1,6 kbit / s). This mode of operation is carried out after both split units, having communication with each other on the VHF radio link behind the Moon, re-enter the radio visibility zone of ground points.

      So what prevented you from recording the entire "flight to the moon" on tape recorders and broadcasting them towards the Earth at the right moments?
      1. +2
        28 March 2019 12: 27
        Quote: ccsr
        So what prevented you from recording the entire "flight to the moon" on tape recorders and broadcasting them towards the Earth at the right moments?

        Common sense. Which unfortunately happens in some individuals sleeping.
        PS: Do you seriously believe that the Americans taped some kind of foolishness, sent it to the moon (it is not clear why?) And cut the record at the right moments, and then the Apollos launched then flew out of sight of ground stations for about two weeks, and Then like we flew from the moon?
        1. +4
          28 March 2019 16: 44
          Quote: Puncher
          Do you seriously believe that the Americans taped some kind of foolishness, sent it to the moon (it is unclear what?) And cut the record at the right moments, and then the Apollo launched then flew out of sight of ground stations for about two weeks, and then like The moons have flown?

          The fact of the matter is that the moon could fly around without crews - I don’t exclude this option. Crews were generally absent aboard the lunar modules. We launched Buran without a crew - and nothing, sat down as needed.
          1. +1
            28 March 2019 21: 44
            Quote: ccsr
            The fact of the matter is that the moon could fly around without crews - I don’t exclude this option. Crews were generally absent aboard the lunar modules. We launched Buran without a crew - and nothing, sat down as needed.

            Let's not go to the "side streets", as B. Crick used to say. I will repeat the question. Do you believe that the Americans launched a certain apparatus with a transmitting antenna, a tape recorder, a powerful radio station and a power supply unit for four years to the surface of the Moon, and all this time they fooled the whole world by giving commands to regularly turn on the transmission of information? For four years the tape recorder, being exposed to radiation, kept the magnetic recording intact, and the power supply ensured the operation of the transmitter?
            Did I understand you correctly?
            1. +2
              29 March 2019 12: 14
              Quote: Puncher
              I repeat the question. You believe that the Americans lowered a certain apparatus to the surface of the moon

              Yes, I believe that even before the first official expedition of astronauts to the moon, photographs were taken of the future site:
              Lunar Orbiter spacecraft carefully mapped the moon, determining the locations of future astronaut landings.
              Surveyor spacecraft studied the moon directly on its surface; the details of the Surveyor-3 were taken and delivered to Earth by the Apollo 12 crew

              By the way, why didn’t it occur to you to drag this apparatus back to Earth? Maybe to hide the fact of the shooting location before the astronauts land?

              Quote: Puncher
              with a transmitting antenna, with a tape recorder, a powerful radio station and power supply for four years

              Firstly, I did not claim that the Americans did not fly around the Moon on Gemini - I only argued that no one had seen the fact of landing on the Moon, except the Americans, and only inexperienced people could believe their muddy videos. I personally do not believe that astronauts have landed on the moon.
              Secondly, the solar panels on the Surveyor allowed us to work for several years.
              Thirdly, the "powerful radio" is a product of your imagination, because the output power of the Gemini lunar transmitters slightly exceeded 12 watts, which by our standards refers to low-power transmitters. And this also raises a number of questions for specialists.
              Quote: Puncher
              For four years, the tape recorder, being exposed to radiation, kept the magnetic record intact, and the power supply provided the transmitter?
              Did I understand you correctly?

              You didn’t understand anything at all, because the tape recorders were in the lunar module, which, according to the American, was supposed to deliver astronauts to the moon. And he could fly around the moon without a crew, if such a task was before the Americans, so that our means of control could "see" him in the orbit of the moon. But to simulate the presence of astronauts there, they could use tape recorders. Tell me honestly, this is your first time studying the topic of landing on the moon, and you are asking some naive questions.
    3. +4
      28 March 2019 14: 03
      Quote: DimerVladimer
      narrowly targeted radio signals lunar module and flight control center negotiation signals easily triangulate in the direction of the signal, even to ham radio.

      Something you often use the words "delirium", "fools", "", but in fact the article - not a word. You do not undertake to dispute a single figure of the author and his conclusions.

      Now about the "triangulation". What exactly are you going to determine with its help? Distance, angles - what?
    4. +3
      28 March 2019 17: 59
      Here's an explanation, comrade, with the highest rocket-technical, why the Moon is gray in the American photographs, and brown in the Soviet ("Zonda") and the first Chinese lunar rover?
      1. +1
        29 March 2019 10: 03
        Quote: Wolf-1
        Here's an explanation, comrade, with the highest rocket-technical, why the Moon is gray in the American photographs, and brown in the Soviet ("Zonda") and the first Chinese lunar rover?

        It depends on the principle of information transfer - the tubes of that time, standing in the cameras for conversion to an analog signal, implied large color distortions.
        Photographic materials, films with photo emulsion, films with high quality emulsion, visited the moon - gave a more accurate color rendering. In addition, they were processed in photo laboratories, where it was possible to set the white balance according to a known color - for example, the color of a spacesuit. Therefore, even now, what has not been re-shot in the studios is the closest color to real color reproduction.

        At that time, Kodak films were of high quality color reproduction and relatively accurately transmitted white balance (which is responsible for color reproduction).
        He was engaged in color photography and it was considered good luck in the USSR to buy Kodak film.
        It was rarely brought in - ordered in Moscow to familiar pilots.
        1. 0
          April 4 2019 16: 29
          Still, I did not understand (I do not have a rocket education). I repeat the question - why on American video and photo-materials is the moon gray? And in the pictures of the Soviet "Probe" - brown? Moreover, in my opinion, Aldrin mentioned in his memoirs or interviews gray The moon. Did the human eye experience distortion? Then why the red colors of the American flag, for example, came out perfectly, and the brown color close to it didn’t exist at all?
  23. -1
    28 March 2019 09: 23
    According to disproved theories, the United States started flying to the moon in order to defeat its main irreconcilable ideological enemy. But they did not succeed and they decided to defeat him in any way, and started a scam. But with this scam they drove themselves into a corner and they had to conspire with this very enemy. Moreover, it turns out that this enemy barely survived and would have died without collusion. That is, the Americans, as a result, also saved this enemy. But then they still continued to fight him frantically.
    1. -1
      28 March 2019 09: 59
      It is impossible to land a landing on earth on that scale. Hollywood films about space even now can’t shoot normally.
  24. 0
    28 March 2019 09: 24
    Ndaaa ...
    The theme of the lunar conspiracy has been haunting for a long time .. No evidence has been provided of the absence of Americans on the moon.
    Meanwhile, it is enough to read the history of the "Apollo", instead of writing about engines, gemini, 15 minutes in orbit and other nonsense.
    On bench testing both engines and entire first stages.
    Yes, for victims of the USE it will come down, Che.
    1. -7
      28 March 2019 18: 32
      The theme of the lunar conspiracy haunts only the mentally retarded - such children who believed and prove the end of the world in 2012 have eliminated the time - with Lunariks it will be the same.
  25. +10
    28 March 2019 09: 42
    We were also going to fly in an oxygen atmosphere. But at the design stage of the ship, a tragedy occurred, a fire broke out in the sound chamber with an oxygen atmosphere and the astronaut Bondarenko died. After that, the design of the ship was changed and the atmosphere became terrestrial.
  26. +2
    28 March 2019 09: 44
    To lose in the lunar race is not a reason to deny its existence.
    By denying the contribution of US engineers to space exploration, you also deny the contribution of Soviet engineers (although they are violet).
    Our engineers did business and competed in conditions of meager financing and time pressure over time.

    Soviet lunar module (at the Moscow Aviation Institute)
  27. 0
    28 March 2019 09: 47
    Good article. She asks questions that thinking people want to hear answers. Solid physics and mathematics, without propaganda.
    I’m wondering why, when the oxygen content was exceeded, there was a fire on the submarine, but not on the spaceship? Did pressure play a role or something else?
    1. +1
      28 March 2019 10: 00
      Apollo 1 "(Eng. Apollo 1) - the name that the ex-mission received the failed mission of the ship" Apollo "/" Saturn "204 (AS-204). In preparation for the first manned flight under the Apollo program, scheduled for February 21, 1967, a severe fire broke out aboard the ship and the entire crew perished. The fire occurred on January 27, 1967 during ground tests at the launch complex No. 34 of the Space Center. Kennedy. Astronauts W. Grissom, E. White, and R. Chaffee Killed on Fire

      After the fire, conclusions were drawn and numerous improvements were made that avoided future fires.
      1. 0
        April 2 2019 08: 33
        Numerous improvements have been made to avoid future fires

        According to the memoirs of submariners, when the oxygen content was exceeded, the person spontaneously ignited his hair. What improvements can be made?
        1. 0
          April 2 2019 10: 15
          It is extremely doubtful about the spontaneous combustion of hair, but if it were then it could easily be solved with gels and shampoos.
  28. +3
    28 March 2019 09: 49
    There were no Americans on the moon. It is known that bodies cannot fly heavier than air. And if something does take off, it will certainly break against the firmament of heaven.
  29. 0
    28 March 2019 09: 59
    Super-sharp images of the LRO (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter) probe, which photographed the landing sites of the lunar modules of the 12th, 14th and 17th Apollo expeditions, make it possible to see the chains of astronauts' footprints left by their backpacks of life support systems, scientific instruments and even debris, reported representatives of the LRO mission to journalists.

    Especially for unbelievers launched LRO, but they do not believe in the photo :))
    Obscurantism must be eradicated from school - flog

    Topvar administration - I understand that you are now kidding about posts and articles - is it worth it?
    After some time, the following technical mediocrity will begin to refer to this material and you will contribute to the development of obscurantism in the country by providing a platform for technical profane discussing on a topic in which they do not know any sense.
    It’s like ... as if the philologist had ruled the cosmos!
    What am I talking about ...
    1. 0
      28 March 2019 10: 40
      Quote: DimerVladimer
      Obscurantism must be eradicated from school - flog

      Yes, and the faster the better ...
      Quote: DimerVladimer
      What am I talking about ...

      It is likely that in these computer images, you can see not only the apalon, but also the green men, as in the wreckage in the sky you can see and see absolutely everything that you want, you just need to believe or have a very violent and sick imagination: lol fool
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. +1
          28 March 2019 11: 20
          Quote: DimerVladimer
          Unlike mediocrity - I have a higher technical education, n

          Are you sure you have a university degree? And then after these your remarks, it is somehow doubtful:
          Quote: DimerVladimer
          Write correctly.

          Did your academies teach you poorly on "you"?
          Quote: DimerVladimer
          Demyanushko - hapni moonshine and mowing.

          You are probably a shoemaker, with a higher technical education, about your alma mater in the zone, I don't even ask and everything is clear, he has a "higher technical education", the moon ... lol wassat laughing
    2. +1
      29 March 2019 09: 22
      most likely the next article from this cycle will be just a refutation of the first and again a bunch of comments and views. and again in the top
  30. +2
    28 March 2019 11: 40
    Apollo's total volume was three cubic meters

    The author - you are not just an amateur - DILETISH !.
    Apollo was designed as a ship for the flight to the moon.
    Those. Function of the Apollo spacecraft — braking on to enter the lunar orbit, then acceleration from the Moon’s orbit, entering the trajectory to the Earth and in the process of fuel should be enough to correct the orbit and speed.

    The mass of the lunar module during the flight of Apollo 11 was 15 tons, of which 10,5 tons were fuel. And this mass needed to be dispersed from the Earth’s orbit (the function of the third step of Saturn-5) and braked by the engines of the service module to transfer to the Moon’s orbit .
    Accordingly, the service module had fuel capacities several times greater than the volume required for ships in low Earth orbit.

    In the mission docked with Soyuz-19, a special modification of the near-Earth version (without the lunar module) of the Apollo series ship was used. Of course - the previous volume minus excess fuel.
    And this is not due to the fact that the Americans could not create a ship of larger capacity, due to the fact that the Apollo series ship was already ready, but imprisoned for much greater energy costs and where they saved on the amount of living space in the direction of fuel.
    If anything, our lunar ship was also very voluminous.

    Ships Apollo and Soviet LZ
    1. +4
      28 March 2019 13: 37
      Just think, the author mixed up the total volume and residential laughing
      treat everything with humor - such articles are like charging for the mind
    2. +2
      28 March 2019 16: 28
      Quote: DimerVladimer
      Those. Function of the Apollo spacecraft — braking on to enter the lunar orbit, then acceleration from the Moon’s orbit, entering the trajectory to the Earth and in the process of fuel should be enough to correct the orbit and speed.

      By the way, about the fuel of the lunar module - a question that experts ask (I do not belong to them), those who do not believe in the lunar landing. Lunar module tanks were not full after landing - this is obvious. How the Americans solved the issue of fluid oscillations in a 100% unfilled volume at start-up, especially considering that it is almost impossible to achieve a perfect match between the center of gravity and the engine thrust in such a situation. How did the Americans quench fluid oscillations and vertical deviations of the lunar module - can you find this at Shuneiko or Chertok and tell us about this technical solution?
      1. +2
        29 March 2019 09: 25
        as well as today. supercharged helium balloon
        1. 0
          29 March 2019 12: 22
          Quote: zlinn
          as well as today. supercharged helium balloon

          So give a link to this fact so that you can understand what is at stake.
          By the way, I would like to learn from you how the Americans achieved a strictly vertical placement of the center of gravity of the lunar module, even if in terrestrial conditions this is a very difficult operation at the cosmodrome. The slightest slope of one or two degrees will change the flight path at start, and your helium balloon will not help to correct the liquid level.
          1. 0
            29 March 2019 22: 06
            The first is gravity on the moon and the second is gravity on the moon.
      2. 0
        April 30 2020 00: 56
        Amazed by the banal misunderstanding of the principles!
        Quote: ccsr
        Lunar module tanks were not full after landing - this is obvious. How Americans solved the issue of fluid oscillations in a 100% unfilled volume ...

        The statement is correct. The question is technically illiterate.

        Answer: The take-off stage had full tanks, fuel consumption from the tanks of the landing stage did not affect it in any way. THESE ARE DIFFERENT TANKS !!!

        How to deal with the center of mass? Fend off using orientation motors. There are 16 of them ...
        For extinguishing the ox in tanks, partitions with round holes of various diameters are usually used.
        1. +1
          April 30 2020 10: 22
          Quote: Whatman
          Answer: The take-off stage had full tanks, fuel consumption from the tanks of the landing stage did not affect it in any way. THESE ARE DIFFERENT TANKS !!!

          And this is how to understand:
          A propulsion system is attached to the main structure of the take-off stage of the lunar module, which consists of the Rocketdyne RS-18 rocket engine rigidly fixed in the central section of the take-off liquid propellant rocket engine (developed on the basis of the Bell 8247 engine), two fuel tanks for it: a spherical fuel tank (Aerosin-50) was installed on the port side of the central section using supporting rod beams, and a spherical oxidizer tank (nitrogen tetroxide) was similarly installed on the port side of the center section.
          To the rear of the central section, as well as to the cockpit, brackets are attached through brackets that hold four DCS blocks with sixteen Marquardt R-4D rocket engines (four engines are grouped). Four cylindrical-shaped fuel tanks with hemispherical bottoms are located symmetrically on the port side and starboard sides of the central section. Fuel components are similar to those used in the main propulsion system. Spherical helium tanks are installed on each side between the fuel and oxidizer tanks for the liquid propellant rocket engine on each side for the displacement system of these engines Two spherical water tanks are attached to the upper part of the central section, as well as blocks of transmitting antennas.

          Do you claim that all these containers were 100% full before starting from the moon? Oh well...
          1. 0
            April 30 2020 17: 46
            Maybe a little less. It is necessary to compensate for thermal expansion. 95% fit?
            1. +1
              April 30 2020 18: 22
              Quote: Whatman
              Maybe a little less.

              No, it won’t do it - even before the flight, everything is calculated taking into account each kilogram and the minimum necessary reserve for emergency cases.
  31. +9
    28 March 2019 12: 23
    Dear debaters, as well as the authors of the article. I would like to inform you that in 1973 the book "Manned Flights to the Moon" was published in the USSR in a limited edition by I. Shuneiko, published by the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. The book is a technical description of the entire design of the rocket and spacecraft on which the Americans flew to the moon, a completely dry and boring technical publication intended exclusively for space engineers and scientists. The book was labeled "DSP".
    I understand that this, of course, is such a tricky move by American saboteurs to send to the USSR Mr. I.I. access and she will be able to strengthen the existence of her American bluff with the moon. This is of course bravo! This is how much you need to be able to think through your moves forward, so that everything is clearly calculated. I applaud while standing!
    For those who do not question the flight of Americans to the moon - I recommend reading it (but, carefully - you can fall asleep from boredom!)
    1. +2
      28 March 2019 12: 42
      Quote: Alex_59
      The book is a technical description of the entire design of the rocket and spacecraft on which the Americans flew to the moon, a completely dry and boring technical publication intended exclusively for space engineers and scientists. The book was labeled "Chipboard"

      Bravo Alexey.
      Despite the fact that the book was outdated even when I was a student, this is one of the first works summarizing disparate information on the Apollo program.
      What came under the heading of the chipboard was usually taken from magazines such as space flight or aviation week and space technology - desktop magazines that we read regularly.
      1. +1
        28 March 2019 20: 53
        Quote: DimerVladimer
        Despite the fact that the book was outdated even when I was a student, this is one of the first works summarizing disparate information on the Apollo program.

        And can you name domestic works on this program?
        Quote: DimerVladimer
        What came under the heading of chipboard was usually taken from magazines

        By the way, I hope you admit that our special services could have obtained classified materials on this program and why then they were not included in this collection, since it does not have a "secret" stamp.
        Have you ever thought?
    2. BAI
      28 March 2019 13: 36
      1. So it's just a translation of American sources. They presented the American version based on American materials in Russian (reading is really interesting, not at all boring). This data is now being operated on and even here they are present in the comments.
      Oh, by the way, do not explain why the possibility of starting in the daytime was especially emphasized. For the flight - all the same, for the fundamental importance for the television report.
      SHUNEYKO Ivan Ivanovich 1910-2001
      Test pilot of the 1st class (1951), candidate of technical sciences (1946), junior reserve lieutenant.
      Born July 7, 1910 in Minsk. Since 1914 he lived in Moscow. He worked in a bakery. In 1929 he graduated from radio engineering courses, worked as a radio engineer. In 1930-1932 he studied at the Moscow Institute of Agricultural Engineering.
      In 1935 he graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute. At the same time he studied at the MAI flying club. After graduation, he worked as an engineer, senior engineer at TsIAM, taught at the Moscow Aviation Institute.
      In 1936 he graduated from the flight school at TsAGI. Since 1936, in parallel with engineering, he was engaged in testing turbochargers on the PZ (1938) and I-153 (1939), aircraft power plants.
      From May 1941 to August 1955 - on flight test work in the LII.
      Tested: Yak-9PD, Yak-ZPD with the VK-107PD, La-7D (1944), Tu-14 engine for the maximum number M, the main Tu-4 (1947), Tu-16 (1953); power plant tests: VK-106 engines on the Yak-1 (1943) and VK-107 on the Yak-9 (1943), TV-2 engines on the Tu-4LL (1951), RD-45 and RD-45F on the Tu-12 engines RD-10 and RD-20 at high altitudes (1947).
      Since 1958, he worked at the USSR Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Scientific and Technical Information, and editor-in-chief of the Express Information magazine of the All-Union Scientific and Technical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
      He lived in Moscow. He died on August 27, 2001.

      I respect, as a test pilot, but what does it have to do with space?
      send to the USSR Mr. I.I. Shuneiko, who, after the lunar scam, will write a purely technical book that is not intended for the general public, counting on the fact that after 50 years it will be removed from the bar for limited access and it will be able to strengthen the American bluff with the Moon.

      One can conscientiously be mistaken when rewriting foreign sources. In addition, it doesn’t bother you that the Goebbels tales still talk about the besieged Leningrad? In Russia!
      1. +2
        28 March 2019 14: 11
        Quote: BAI
        1. So it's just a translation of American sources.

        Tell me, you would start publishing a purely applied technical book, not intended for the general public, but only for a narrow circle of professionals, in which (as you know!) Deliberately stated false information, bluff. What problem do you want to solve by publishing such a work? To misinform their engineers so that, after reading information about an obviously not real technical system, they begin to adopt some solutions and implement them at home? What is "Putin's cunning plan" again? I understand some loud words for propaganda, but why should anyone drive such bullshit on the sly?
        Or do you think that the scientific and technical intelligence of the USSR in the 1973 year could have been so easily burst by pushing such a detailed disinformation? In your opinion, could our techies check all the calculations in such a detailed description and understand the fundamental possibility of such a system? Let me remind you - in the country that first went into space?
        Quote: BAI
        I respect, as a test pilot, but what does it have to do with space?
        Since 1958, he worked at the USSR Academy of Sciences in the direction of scientific and technical information. What do you think, what direction will the former test pilot supervise in this activity? I doubt that its theme will be the scientific rationale for sowing corn crops in virgin lands. From 1958 to 1973, I think a person had a gigantic opportunity to delve into all aspects of his aerospace topics from the point of view of a scientist. Well, then do not forget that such work is not done by one person. He prepared. And there were also editors, translators, curators. Do you think it was easy to write a school essay there and everyone would give the go-ahead? Scientists who determine the course of development of the state work on this literature, writing garbage in such a case is critically dangerous for health, and it has complete order with health - it lived up to 2001 of the year.
        1. BAI
          28 March 2019 15: 49
          Yes, he was not an author. If you carefully read the book, different chapters are presented in a different style. It was necessary to publish these materials. But genuine specialists who work on this topic and processed these materials could not be advertised. Therefore, published by the chief editor of the information magazine. No need to look for a black cat where it is not. In my closed works, the names were specially distorted, up to physical errors due to secrecy, if it was necessary to lower the neck, and authorship was not indicated at all.
          1. +1
            28 March 2019 16: 09
            Quote: BAI
            Yes, he was not an author.

            Yes, I do not argue with this, let the drafter, even just a switchman, whatever. The bottom line is that no one would publish it all in the form of a special book for familiarizing techies, if it were a linden. The bottom line is in the content, and not in who is listed as the author.
      2. -2
        28 March 2019 14: 49
        Quote: BAI
        Can be mistakenly mistaken when rewriting foreign sources

        No one expected that everything would be EXACTLY described in foreign sources, a foreign source is a reason for reflection, how they did it, is our path better and are we moving in the right direction?
        That is, it is more for the analysis of one’s own work, and also the curiosity that is inherent in every individual who thinks.

        If you needed a specific, non-classified invention - the USSR patent system worked with a bang, you could sit in the patent office and get acquainted with the latest registered US patents.
        For example, developing a shock-absorbing rescue system for a pilot in a helicopter crash - in a couple of weeks, he entered the course, which is patented in the world on this subject.
    3. +2
      28 March 2019 16: 32
      Quote: Alex_59
      I would like to inform you that in 1973 the book "Manned Flights to the Moon" was published in the USSR in a limited edition by I. Shuneiko, published by the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. The book is a technical description of the entire structure of the rocket and spacecraft on which the Americans flew to the moon,

      First of all, it is surprising that this publication is not a specialized agency, which in itself speaks of why it was published. By the way, he honestly warns that everything that is written in it is based on Western publications, and for some reason not a word about those who professionally analyzed the flights of Americans to the moon in the framework of domestic research by the research institute.
      1. +1
        28 March 2019 18: 29
        Quote: ccsr
        First of all, it is surprising that this publication is not a specialized agency

        How is it not profile? Is the USSR Academy of Sciences not related to space flights? Are you aware that Sergei Korolev has been an academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences since 1958? He didn’t occupy a specialized workplace?
        Quote: ccsr
        and for some reason not a word about those who professionally analyzed the flights of Americans to the moon
        there should have listed all the space a / I of the USSR?
        1. -1
          28 March 2019 20: 32
          Quote: Alex_59
          How is it not profile? Is the USSR Academy of Sciences not related to space flights?

          Silently - VINITI AN is far from IKI AN, or do you know some publications of the Space Research Institute of the AN on the lunar programs of Americans? Give a link?

          Quote: Alex_59
          there should have listed all the space a / I of the USSR?

          For what reason - the author's team could be from one organization, for example, IKI of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
          1. +1
            29 March 2019 08: 36
            Quote: ccsr
            Silently - VINITI AN is far from IKI AN, or do you know some publications of the Space Research Institute of the AN on the lunar programs of Americans? Give a link?

            You can get to the bottom of everything if you wish, the only question is how far we are ready to go in such a digging. The book is not a specialized department, well, well, I don’t understand much in academies of sciences, maybe. But it’s interesting, if it was a specialized department, what else would you come up with? Didn't the profile department of the profile department write it? Ballpoint pen not installed according to GOST type? The font is not the same? What else is wrong? Maybe the author had a foreign costume while working on a book, bought from farmers and this is proof of his secret work at the CIA?
            Is the fact that his portrait was on the cover of a non-profile magazine Time the proof of the falsity of Gagarin’s flight? What other tricks can you twist here?
            Maybe we still pay attention not to exactly which department or department it was released, but what is written in it and for whom it is written?
            1. +1
              29 March 2019 12: 26
              Quote: Alex_59
              But it’s interesting, if it was a specialized department, what else would you come up with?

              I wouldn’t invent anything - their refusal to give an official opinion on the lunar program of the Americans best means that they eventually realized that we were simply fooled, and therefore refused a fundamental report on these studies.
              Quote: Alex_59
              Maybe we still pay attention not to exactly which department or department it was released, but what is written in it and for whom it is written?

              Nothing special is written in it - the translation of information from foreign media, and no more, which is why the chipboard signature stamp.
  32. -2
    28 March 2019 12: 33
    I hope the author finishes the calculation by July 20 ... It will be nice to laugh, just in time for the 50th anniversary of Amstrong's first step.
    1. 0
      29 March 2019 19: 50
      Quote: Mentor
      It will be nice to laugh, just in time for the 50th anniversary of the first step of Amstrong.

      By the way, it’s very interesting to know how it happened that the Americans cannot reproduce the achievements of fifty years ago, taking into account the latest achievements, from materials to software. Any technical product created fifty years ago will now be reproduced at lower cost and with better technical characteristics in the aerospace industry, but the Saturn-5 can not be reproduced by the Americans, and therefore they buy RD-180 engines from us, but at the same time smart look prove that they make them spit once. Maybe there is not enough saliva?
      1. 0
        April 3 2019 08: 08
        Why do they need it? The era of giant mania in Earth orbit is a thing of the past. With all the current tasks, Musk copes. So I see no reason to restore the production of the F-5, if you can buy ready-made engines from Russia. Moreover, no one in the Russian Federation is ready to stop deliveries of the RD-180.
        1. 0
          April 3 2019 13: 14
          Quote: Mentor
          The era of giant mania in Earth orbit is a thing of the past.

          Nonsense is complete - the transition modules take up too much space and weight on the orbital ISS, which is why a large carrier is needed to output large stations even now.
          Quote: Mentor
          So I see no reason to restore the production of the F-5, if you can buy ready-made engines from Russia.

          Why should Americans pay for the work of Russian citizens if this money can provide Americans with employment and profit for their own companies?
          1. 0
            April 4 2019 12: 33
            I can’t say anything about the completeness of nonsense, I didn’t measure it. The rest is pure economy ... How many orbital stations are now in near-Earth orbit? How many times a year do new modules need to be delivered to them? Is the game worth the candle? The costs of even restoring the F-5 are significant, but I still need to equip the MIC, the launch complex ... At the moment, I don’t see NASA any ambitious goal, which needs to spend billions to create a heavy carrier.
            1. -1
              April 4 2019 19: 54
              Quote: Mentor
              How many earth orbital stations are there now?

              Read the book by Academician Chertok, where he describes scientific forecasting from 60 to 90. last century - Americans described their prospects there. Even within these perspectives, the engine from Saturn 5 had to be maintained. But this did not happen, and now the Americans are practically from scratch engaged in the development of a new engine for long-distance flights. How shoud I understand this?
  33. +1
    28 March 2019 14: 38
    Quote: Tlauicol
    the main question is where is 400 !!! kg of soil ??? on Earth, incl. and Russian planetariums

    There was information on this resource, when they compared the American soil and the Soviet one delivered by Lunna 9, it turned out to be different in chemical composition
    1. +1
      28 March 2019 23: 22
      in only one sample of several thousand.
      and wondered, is this an anomaly or is the sample contaminated on the ground?
  34. +2
    28 March 2019 14: 55
    Quote: DimerVladimer
    My specialization is aircraft manufacturing technology, I have two orders of magnitude more idea of ​​the lunar programs of the USA and the USSR than any average person or what can be found on the Internet

    No one disputes your level of education. Just then explain to us syri and wretched only one point in the article: Why do our astronauts barely move after landing, and astronauts blossom and smell. Ready to send all the holes right away (I was always surprised at this, but could not find an explanation)
    1. +1
      28 March 2019 23: 18
      Everything was simple there - at the station they flew for long periods, and on the Lun- several days, and there was no significant atrophy.
      Sunrise-2 landed in the taiga, the astronauts were found only the next day, and after landing on skis they traveled several kilometers of the taiga to the helicopter.
      The Americans began their two-week flights much earlier than ours, the first in 1965, and knew very well what muscle atrophy could be.
      our first long flight, only in 1970 to Soyuz-9.
  35. -1
    28 March 2019 15: 30
    Yes, more than forty years have passed since the start of this epic lunar holivar, but according to polls from 6 to 20% of Americans, 25% of Britons and 28% of Russians surveyed believe that Americans did not fly to the moon, and mass media manage to maintain interest in this mega-health periodic throws of any sensational materials, such as an interview with Stanley Kubrick, from which the author began his story.
    True, this interview appeared sixteen years after the death of Kubrick, in 2015. He was placed on a world-wide informational wash by a YouTube director, a poorly known even in narrow circles, a certain Patrick Murray. The video was almost immediately recognized as a fake, but it fulfilled its function and refreshed interest in the topic.
    As for the start of the epic with the "Lunar Conspiracy", it happened back in 1976, when Bill Kaysing published his book We Never Went to the Moon: America's Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle (We never flew to the moon: American fraud in the thirty billion dollars).
    The man was enriched and provided a theme for seething for years to come.
    Regarding the participation of Kubrick in the hoax, you can write a whole article here, since he was accused of this for the first time back in 1980 by members of the "Flat Earth" society, and then this topic was constantly pedaled by lovers of sensations.
    Many well-known, little-known and completely unknown personalities of various professions, from scientists to politicians, spoke in the field of exposing the American scam.
    So our author - no-name is unlikely to introduce any new stream into this stream.
    Yes, for the information of the author. Soviet cosmonauts breathed the American atmosphere for a long time without harm to themselves. During the Soyuz-Apollo flight, a special airlock was constructed, which allowed cosmonauts and astronauts to transfer from ship to ship.
    For the costumes of the Soviet cosmonauts, it was even necessary to make a special fabric, "Lola", which was much better than the American one.
    1. -5
      28 March 2019 15: 55
      Here is an insidious author, minus quietly. Or are they anti-globalist hamsters?
    2. 0
      29 March 2019 10: 57
      “If you want to get to know a person better? Ask him about landing on the moon. His answer will allow you to immediately determine whether it is worth continuing to communicate with him, to hire or sign a long-term contract.

      The point here, in fact, is not in the Americans and their attitude towards them ... Although no, this is also the case. We admit that now in Russian society the attitude towards America is negative, many are not satisfied with their foreign policy, technological superiority, sanctions. But today's attitude of a person towards someone or something is in no way capable of influencing the events of the past. And here is the first characteristic of a person: is his subjective view and preferences capable of influencing an adequate perception of reality? Do you need a friend, partner or colleague who is building his own world in his imagination, where is he comfortable living? Yes, we all live in such worlds, but some still try not to break away from reality.

      Landing on the Moon is a complex technical operation, requiring the efforts of tens of thousands of highly skilled professionals. This is a huge innovation and risk. And all the details of this mission are detailed in millions of pages of published documents, scientific publications, photos and videos. To understand the details of a flight to the moon and return back, it is required not only and not so much the space engineering competence, but the desire to find out how it was. How did they sit and take off? Where is the lunar soil now and who is studying it? What traces on the moon remained and how to see them? Can cosmic radiation harm people in flight? .. All questions have answers. But if a person continues to ask them, waiting for or demanding answers from you, then this is also his characteristic: he is not ready to seek new knowledge, incapable or lazy in finding answers to questions that interest him, and he is quite satisfied with the first version of the answer that came up, if he just likes or matches his beliefs. When the space engineer asks such questions, then this is simply a recognition of his unsuitability for business, and, unfortunately, such people are now working at Roscosmos enterprises. Fortunately their units

      The lunar conspiracy is a big lie, a big fear and a big venality. It will take thousands of people involved in forging various stages of the mission. After all, it is not enough to make a movie, you still need to hide a hundred-meter rocket somewhere after the launch, assemble a dummy of the landing ship, dig up, and then tear down kilometers of the "lunar" surface without a trace. Well, okay, these are Americans, everyone knows how they can make films, love money and are able to tell tales about Saddam's weapons of mass destruction or the nobility of Syrian terrorists. But the lunar conspiracy requires the involvement of a much larger circle of people from other countries. How about the specialists who supported the flights of the Vostoks, Voskhod and Soyuz, built the H1 superrocket, and ruled the Lunokhod on the Moon? They did not doubt the reliability of the landing, and tell how they closely followed the American lunar program. Are they liars or? Were they able to be deceived by a Hollywood hand-made article, which is now being exposed by schoolchildren with photoshop, or for some reason they were included in the biggest lie in the history of mankind? What about European, Soviet and Russian, Japanese and Indian scientists who studied the lunar soil, launched satellites to the Moon and did not see any signs of a fake? Did they sell out or were they intimidated into agreeing to lie and sacrifice all their scientific authority?
      Or could it be easier: there was a real landing, our specialists congratulated the competitors on a worthy victory, and cosmonauts, astronauts and scientists from all over the world continued to study space and the moon together? And only a believer in a conspiracy is ready to admit that the most worthy representatives of humanity are corrupt and / or cowardly liars. What, then, does he think of those around him in everyday life, including you?

      Flight to the moon is the most outstanding achievement of mankind. Unattainable peak of science and technology of the entire civilization of the Earth. Without Mendeleev, fuel would not have flared up; without Kepler, an orbit would not have passed; without Pythagoras, a drawing of a ship and a rocket would not have appeared. This is our victory. Although the Americans left traces in the dust, without the flights of Gagarin and Leonov there would have been no steps of Armstrong and Cernan. It was a race, and it is impossible if someone runs alone. This is an achievement of those that is possible only through bold decisions, a high concentration of strength and will, faith in the person’s ability to create the impossible and make dreams come true. Denial or even doubt of landing on the moon is a voluntary rejection of all these qualities. Ask the doubters of the lunar program what they think about the construction of the pyramids. I guarantee with a 95% probability that these people will tell you about aliens or the Atlantean civilization or anything else, instead of recognizing that a simple Egyptian in a reed bandage with a copper kyle in his hands was capable of such an incredible construction. This is not a matter of technology, it is a matter of attitude, because each of us looks at others through the prism of himself. Am I capable of great accomplishments? So others are the same: the peasant of the Old Kingdom, and the US engineer. So with whom would you like to be friends and work, with someone who does not believe in himself and others, or with someone who is ready for great things? ”
      1. +2
        29 March 2019 12: 40
        Quote: nik49
        The point here, in fact, is not in the Americans and their attitude towards them ... Although no, this is also the case. We admit that now in Russian society the attitude towards America is negative, many are not satisfied with their foreign policy, technological superiority, sanctions.

        What does it have to do if the Americans themselves, a couple of years after the lunar missions, accused NASA of falsifying the landing. For example, I first saw a television film where the landing was exposed back in the eighties in Germany, when in the USSR there was an unwritten taboo on everything related to lunar expeditions. We didn’t get this information twenty years later than the first talk about it in the USA - what negative attitude to NASA can you talk about then? Read better what the Americans themselves write about this organization, now the books of many authors have been translated into Russian:
        "All government agencies sometimes lie, but HACA is the only
        of all the agencies I know that do it regularly. "
        George E. Kivoort, Presidential Counselor, Reygan,
        Director of Politics Development in the field of science and technology,
        from the witness testimony in Kongress, March 14, 1985
  36. -1
    28 March 2019 16: 10
    Pelevin is a strong writer .... Orwell did not write about the Soviet Union .... I suspect that the riot police are closer to American reality ....
  37. +3
    28 March 2019 16: 25
    The difference between normal atmospheric pressure (1 atmosphere) and vacuum implies a load on the inner walls of the capsule equal to 144 atmospheres, so a relatively heavy and durable

    Those. With a pressure difference of 1 atmosphere, in the wheel of my car (2 atm) and actually atm. 144 bar presses on the inside?
    Who cares?

    Perhaps selling a car. I’ll ride the tram. fellow
    1. +1
      29 March 2019 22: 20
      Yes, the trams have heavy and strong wheels, just what you need.
  38. +1
    28 March 2019 20: 55
    You can argue ad infinitum.
    But this is what is alarming. Six moon landings, and not a single accident. At the same time, of the seven Landings of the Surveyors, two were emergency. Servayr-2 crashed, and communication with Servayr-4 was lost during the landing.
    1. +1
      28 March 2019 23: 05
      But what about Apollo 13?
      And on Surveyors, the technology was developed.
      1. +1
        29 March 2019 12: 46
        Quote: Avior
        And on Surveyors, the technology was developed.

        Compare Surveyors with Gemini - sorry, but these are completely different devices in terms of technical solutions.
    2. -4
      29 March 2019 11: 56
      Probably because the automation of that time was far from the best level, but now after 50 years it fails. The lunar epic from the landing of a man on the moon, historically, technically established fact, recognized by all countries, including the USSR. Everything else is informational garbage.
      1. +2
        29 March 2019 12: 01
        there were no pin-ups on the Moon. Why did the USSR not dispute their deception? Yes, all the Anglo-Saxons instead of our silence gave us the latest technology (oil and gas exploration and exploration, etc.). We built the AvtoVAZ plant, the latest in those times, and passed us the latest automobile technology etc
    3. +1
      29 March 2019 12: 43
      Quote: Trouble
      But this is what is alarming. Six moon landings, and not a single accident.

      This alerted everyone, especially considering that such a successful carrier suddenly turned out to be unnecessary by the United States and they took up a very dubious shuttle project, where, by the way, two ships were lost.
  39. 0
    29 March 2019 12: 01
    there were no pin-ups on the Moon. Why did the USSR not dispute their deception? Yes, all the Anglo-Saxons instead of our silence gave us the latest technology (oil and gas exploration and exploration, etc.). We built the AvtoVAZ plant, the latest in those times, and passed us the latest automobile technology etc
  40. +1
    29 March 2019 12: 21
    Doubted about the flight when he learned about the results of the Saturn test.

    Given the technology, it is possible to send an unmanned aerial vehicle to the moon much cheaper with a record of the landing and negotiations with the center. A kind of robot satellite with a video recorder (in fact, just a more advanced version of the Soviet tweeter in 1958). The radio air is quite full of "business chatter", you can look at ships through telescopes. To plant a "flag for posterity" using an automatic station sent before or after the official landing. After all, no one from the public is watching all the missile launches from the ground.
  41. +2
    29 March 2019 12: 30
    Quote: vnord
    There was information on this resource, when they compared the American soil and the Soviet one delivered by Lunna 9, it turned out to be different in chemical composition

    The information didn’t look quite right. It was about the fact that our soil studies were much more accurate and more extensive than American ones, which suffered very vague characteristics for such studies. This led to the idea that we are working with soil delivered from the moon, and the Americans with samples of lunar meteorites falling to Earth.
  42. +4
    29 March 2019 13: 19
    Quote: Waddimm
    Quote: Kuroneko
    A political deal could well have taken place.

    Maybe. You can assume anything.
    In my attitude to the theory of the "lunar conspiracy", I proceed from the following messages, which I have accepted as axioms:
    1. It was impossible to deceive real experts.
    2. In the conditions of rivalry between the two systems, the deal and the "cover" of the USSR "lunar swindle" by the United States is practically impossible.

    What could the United States offer the USSR in return?
    In my opinion, a reasonable, and most importantly, a conclusive answer has not yet been given. Therefore, the rest of the arguments in defense of the "lunar conspiracy" can be ignored.

    1. To deceive real experts is really impossible. But to make sure that they keep their mouth shut - easily !!! And even this is optional. Well, let’s say, engineer Ivanov realized that the Americans are scamming ... Well, where would he go with this knowledge in the USSR if the American scam was the result of bilateral agreements at the highest level? Ivanov will not go anywhere. He will share his innermost with his neighbor, who also guessed everything and that’s all over.
    2. "... In conditions of rivalry between the two systems, the deal and" cover "of the USSR" lunar scam "by the US is practically impossible ..." Oh really ??? And in my deep conviction, the question is only in price.
    3. "... In my opinion, a reasonable, and most importantly, a conclusive answer has not yet been given ..."
    I agree. The Americans did not give a reasonable answer to the sea of ​​inconsistencies. And the question of whether it is possible to take into account the arguments in defense of the "lunar conspiracy" is possible and deploy in the return: prove that you have landed on the moon.
    Just don't use the argument "Leonov said ..."
  43. +2
    29 March 2019 13: 42
    Quote: Waddimm
    I am sure that any scam would be revealed by them, so I decided for myself that it was impossible to deceive our experts!

    that is exactly what happened. It’s impossible to deceive. And practically the majority of our SPECIALISTS deeply doubted such capabilities of the Americans. This is akin to drawing drawings of a fundamentally new aircraft, immediately launching it in a series and sending test flights with passengers on board without test flights. As they say - no comment.
    Politics is another matter. They can still consider the trampoline as an effective means of delivering astronauts to the ISS. Or kick yourself in the chest for launching the Federation next year.
    The Americans have their own swindlers, too. And given the task of the great breakthrough over the Soviet Union, on the moon in a couple of days they could dig their Black Sea with shovels ... well, or the second lake of Michigan.
  44. +1
    29 March 2019 13: 49
    If this is a scam, then it was prepared in advance. To do this, the Americans needed to first take control of the authority through which the USSR passed an expert assessment of what they were doing in space.
    1. 0
      29 March 2019 22: 10
      Since 1967, the KGB has been led by a SIS protege, which made possible what we raped here ...
      There were no revelations from the USSR.
  45. +4
    29 March 2019 16: 55
    S.G. Pokrovsky
    LLC Scientific-Production Enterprise Project-D, Moscow


    In [1], [2] it was shown that NASA film and photo documents relating to the moment of separation of the first stage from the Saturn-5 launch vehicle indicate that the speed of the launch vehicle was much lower (by 1150-1200 m / s [2]) than this follows from the descriptions of flight modes. In the optimization calculations for the expedition to the Moon, each meter per second of characteristic speed ensured the delivery of 15 kg of cargo to the Moon.
    Thus, in the approximation of these optimization calculations, up to 18 tons of the mass from the declared 46 tons could not be brought to the Moon, while the own weight of the Apollo ship in this program was considered 28 tons. This means that the Americans could not carry out return expeditions to the moon. You can only build assumptions, and what happened in their place. Fly around the moon with an empty ship, fly around the moon on a lightweight ship, drop a non-returnable light vehicle with a laser reflector onto the moon?
    From measurements of speed it automatically follows that all the evidence of the expedition is the result of a large-scale hoax. So large-scale that internally doubting the flights people convince themselves with other words: "It was easier to fly than to start such a massive hoax."
    This statement, perhaps, would be true if there were no other scenario. A full-blown program started, but in the process of its implementation, unexpectedly unexpected obstacles arose. But too much money has already been thrown at stake. The failure of the program jeopardizes too much (the political system of the state). And hoax becomes the last and only way out.
    Is it possible. Now we should find the thin link that has broken. We well know that the most powerful rocket and the most powerful F-1 rocket engine of the first stage were abandoned into oblivion. Ceased to exist for the American astronautics. Apparently, here we must look for a thin link.
    Moreover, we know about the second-stage engine that it is operational - it accurately launched decent cargo into orbit as part of the Saturn-1B rocket. Actually, Apollo is a working ship, on board of which our cosmonauts visited in the joint flight Soyuz - Apollo. The greatest suspicion is caused by the unused after the lunar epic and the launch of Skylab into orbit the F-1 engine of the company "Rocketdine."

    Engine F-1 and Inconel X-750.
    The F-1 engine was built according to the traditional scheme of that time with a cooled combustion chamber from tubes welded together. This solution - it was like a simple scaling of a fairly well-developed scheme.
    But not everything in it allowed for simple scaling. The increase in the size of the combustion chamber in a first approximation is proportional to the cube of linear dimensions, leads to the same increase in the volume of hot emitting gases. The surface area that receives radiation - grows as a square of linear dimensions. Thus, the specific flux of radiant energy to the surface of the chamber wall increases with size.
    In small engines, the tubes of the cooled wall were made of pure nickel. In F-1, the nickel heat resistance was already not enough. The material of the tubes had to be changed. A fairly new material was used nickel alloy Inconel X-750.
    The alloy is 73% nickel and contains 5 more metal components, including aluminum and titanium. Intermetallic compound of Ni3 (Al, Ti) composition, precipitated from the alloy during the so-called. precipitation hardening is the very factor that provides an increase in the heat resistance of the alloy. This phase is called the γ`-phase (gamma-prime phase), and the basic composition is simply the γ-phase.
    The new γ 'phase has the same face-centered cubic lattice as the original phase, but only differs from it in the lattice parameter. Her grill is slightly denser - by tenths of a percent.

    With the use of Inconel as part of the F-1 rocket engine, technological problems arose. Here is how they are described in the technological history of the program:

    In the production of less powerful liquid-rocket tubular-walled thrust chambers, usually of pure nickel, manufacturing engineers depended on manual torch brazing with alloys of a silver-based type. With the F- 1's thrust levels up to 10 times those of prior engines, investigators knew that the old procedures needed some rethinking if the big new engine was going to hold together during a launch. For the tubes themselves, the nickel-alloy Inconel X-750 provided the high strength-to-weight ratio that was needed, but it imposed certain restraints in the brazing process. After experimentation, designers realized that technical reasons prohibited the conventional technique of torch brazing, and dictated a furnace brazing process. Then a secondary set of problems cropped up. Inconel X-750 included enough aluminum and titanium to form refractory oxides under brazing temperatures, so that "the surface of the Inconel is [121] not readily wet by most hazing alloys at elevated temperatures." Thus the brazing procedures had to begin by electrolytically depositing a thin layer of pure nickel on the tubes to eliminate the refractory oxides on the brazing surface. Despite this minor drawback in the operation, furnace brazing promised several distinct advantages over the torch method by minimizing differences in thermal stresses, combining age-hardening of the tubes with the brazing operation, and eliminating the variables of hand methods.

    Problems arose in their rightful place - at the junction of a silver solder and an inconel thin-walled tube. Indeed, at normal temperatures, the linear expansion coefficient of nickel and nickel heat-resistant alloys (NLC) is one and a half times less than that of silver. At high temperatures, both coefficients increase, the ratio decreases to 1.25, but the absolute difference remains very noticeable. The materials found in the contact cool together. And at the same time, stresses arise that are comparable to the scale of the strength of these materials. In the technological history, an explanation is offered that there was a rupture of the adhesive compound itself — the joint. This trouble was overcome by the use of a thin-walled (0.3 mm) tube on top of an inconel tube — a layer of galvanic nickel. Which did not allow the oxides of aluminum and titanium to stand out on the surface.

    The explanation is quite plausible. But there is a very doubtful moment in it. Oxides of aluminum and titanium - reflect radiation well. However, this is also mentioned in the quoted phrase.
    And nickel is actually quite dark. The coating of galvanic nickel eliminates the emission of oxides not only during soldering, but also during normal operation. And increases the overall absorption capacity of the surface. The energy intensity of the wall increases. These are quite serious quantities. We can talk about differences in absorption capacity in 1.15-1.3 times. It so happened that the author of this work is a laser who, for his current laboratory practice, had to practically evaluate the absorption capacity of metals at a wavelength of 1 μm, approximately corresponding to the spectral maximum of the radiation of gases from the F-1 combustion chamber. The eye instantly clings to such seemingly insignificant questions that actually translate into big problems. A significant increase in surface absorption means that the cooling system needs to remove heat an appropriate amount of times. If this is not done, then the final temperature of the coolant and the wall is greater - a good hundred degrees. And this is an exit to the limits of the calculated heat resistance of the walls.
    Or a complete redesign of the cooling system is required with an increase in the flow of the coolant, a change in the bore of the tubes. This, obviously, was not done. But the galvanic coating of the tubes with nickel simply required either an increase in heat removal, or ... a decrease in the radiant flux to the wall.

    Problems of nickel heat-resistant alloys.

    Actually, the very use of a heat-resistant nickel alloy in a responsible energy-stressed design and even in the form of mechanically weak thin-walled tubes in the years of the creation of the F-1 engine looks quite adventurous.
    The physics of heat resistance of nickel alloys is being developed to this day. At the moment, ideas about the heat resistance of nickel alloys look like this. Dislocations (linear lattice defects) of the main γ-phase do not have the ability to penetrate into the atomically ordered structure of precipitates of the γ`-phase. And flow around it. But the interaction of the interface with dislocations slows down the movement of dislocations and prevents creep and, accordingly, the rapid failure of a part from a heat-resistant alloy. The main γ-phase itself is practically devoid of dislocations, the γ-phase creates, as it were, channels for dislocation movement. The heat-resistant properties of the alloy are ensured by phase stability. An increase in temperature promotes the dissolution of the retarding dislocation of the γ 'phase. And thus, the permissible voltages in
  46. +2
    29 March 2019 16: 55
    material. Diffusion withdrawal of alloying elements from precipitates - gives rise to new precipitates that worsen the heat-resistant properties of the alloy.
    Pretty complicated scheme. So, during the creation of F-1, even the very concept of dislocations was new. It was a mathematical nonsense that experimenters did not trust. But there was no experimental evidence of the validity of dislocation notions of strength and ductility.
    The issue was decided by the enthusiasm of single scientists. In 1960, the work on the kinetics of dislocations was launched by the Soviet metal physicist-theoretician and the enthusiast of the dislocation theory, Alexei Nikolayevich Orlov.
    In 1962–63, articles appeared that demonstrated the reality of the ideas of theorists [4,5]. In the last work, the possibility of the existence of the so-called Frank-Reed source, which was predicted by theorists as a mechanism for the propagation of dislocations under stresses. Dislocation theory has proven its viability.
    But the problems of strength and ductility in it were posed only in their embryonic, most general forms. A doctoral dissertation on the kinetics of dislocations, defended by Orlov in 1967, was essentially the first attempt to create a consistent microscopic theory of plasticity based on ideas about the dislocation nature of strength and plasticity. Prior to this, more or less deep considerations on the problem were reported at conferences of 1965–66. Actually from this moment, metallophysics gained theoretical vision. She began to imagine what was moving in the gratings of materials, and what was slowed down and by what means.
    Until that time, everything that was done could be done only on the basis of practically unreasonable enumeration of options or some vague intuitive guesses. In particular, as the Soviet and Russian metal physicist VIAM Director, developer and researcher of heat resistance physics acad. E.N. Kablov, heat-resistant alloys of the first generation were not optimal in composition, contained elements that stood out during various changes, worsened the effect of heat resistance, nullified it, created the prerequisites for the formation of microcracks and premature destruction of the alloys.
    The result of improved understanding by metal physicists of the nature of what is happening in alloys was not slow to show itself. Dislocation concepts immediately raised the question of the density of formations inhibiting creep. And in 1969, at a conference in Zurich on May 5-6, a report was made, in which the heat-resistant properties of nickel heat-resistant alloys were presented as a functional dependence on the volumetric content of the γ`-phase (Fig. 1) [6]. Only after that, in 1970, a new name for nickel heat-resistant alloys - superalloys - was adopted in American literature.
    And the heat-resistant alloy Inconel X-750, used in F-1 and the existence of which was recorded by the Soviet reference book on heat-resistant materials, in the specified reference book has the characteristics of heat resistance, not connected in any way with the phase composition. Simple: for such a temperature and a 100-hour long heat resistance, such an indicator. The data is clearly American. The space material is the Rocketdine know-how. Which at the time of the start of flights to the Moon does not represent that the material, depending on the temperature and duration of the dispersion hardening (determining the phase composition), can have heat-resistant properties that differ by several times (see Fig. 1). What could happen with such an understanding of the properties and technology of the material that fell into the hands of the manufacturers of F-1?

    Fig. 1. The influence of the volume fraction of the γ`-phase on the heat resistance of the LHS at different temperatures (given by the numbers above the graphs). [6]

    Let us note right away that the very fact of using Inconel in the form of rolled products - thin-walled tubes - implies its rather low characteristics. When the content of the γ`-phase is more than 50% (where the heat-resistant properties are better), the material becomes so hard that it becomes impossible to process it by hot deformation methods - only precision casting.

    New surprises in the physics of high-temperature nickel alloys.
    But heat-resistant nickel alloys have one more unexpected property, which began to emerge relatively recently. At the XVII St. Petersburg Readings on the problems of strength and ductility, a report was presented on the results of a study of two broken turbine blades made of two different nickel alloys with significantly different initial contents of the γ`-phase (40% and 12%). An increase in the hardness of the leading edge of the feather as compared to the trailing edge was noted, and the feather itself became harder compared to the lock. At the same time, an increase in the volumetric content of the γ 'phase and its coagulation into larger precipitates were observed. Of course, all this created the preconditions for destruction.
    It is clear that the material of the turbine blade is created not for 100 hours, but for many years of operation. The stresses in the blade are much lower than the limits for operating temperatures. And do not go beyond the elastic. However, they did cause plastic deformation and an increase in the volume of the hardening phase due to the initial phase, degradation of the material, and a predisposition to fracture.

    And what did we have in F-1?
    Plastic deformation during rolling.
    Stresses of the scale of tensile strengths arising during cooling of an inconel adhesive bonded to a solder having a significantly higher thermal coefficient of linear expansion. This voltage acted on the tube for years - from the moment of production to the moment of use at the start or test run on the stand. We have two reasons at once, which can seriously affect the phase composition of the alloy and its predisposition to destruction - which worked even before the start or start of the engine.

    And at startup? And when launched, the scale of radiant fluxes to the surface instantly increases to the level of 104-105 W / cm2. These are typical scales of laser exposure. At 106 W / cm2, we are already talking about the melting and evaporation of metal from the surface. The heat sink inside the material is not enough. And with such "moderate" pulsed loads, the material exposed to radiation looks something like this (photo 1) [8]

    Photo 1. The surface of a sample of X20H20 alloy after treatment with a millisecond laser pulse of 1.06 μm wavelength. The power density in a pulse of a scale of 104 W / cm2 is close to the power density in the F-1 engine

    In the center, a rounded grain of a new solid phase is visible. The period between the slip planes adjacent to the grain is about 0.5 μm.
  47. +2
    29 March 2019 16: 56
    In the material in a single millisecond pulse with a power density of the same scale as the irradiation of the wall in the combustion chamber, shock waves arise, under the action of which a phase modification of the material occurs. Practically on the same principle as in nickel heat-resistant materials. Namely: the new phase has the same fcc structure as the starting material. And the lattice period of 0.3592 nm is 0.1% less than the period of the initial phase 0.3595 nm. The classic condition is heat-resistant modification. And the material, indeed, acquires heat-resistant properties. The new phase does not want to be annealed at 5000 ° C and slowly annealed at 6500 ° C. Actually, the used material - an iron-chromium-nickel alloy - is a fairly close relative of the Inconels, nimonics, and nichromes. Just not optimal for the tasks of heat resistance composition.
    And his behavior under laser pulses - qualitatively demonstrates what can, but in fact - MUST - occur in the inconel with a starting pulsed radiant tube lesion. Shock waves shovel the phase structure of the alloy beyond recognition.
    And this happens in one direction. The hardening phase accumulates, coagulates into large formations, deformations, microcracks, and prerequisites for fracture arise. The nature of the microhardness curve is absolutely typical of many other cases of phase modification: an increase in microhardness, the passage of a maximum, and degradation of the material.

    Fig. 2. The nature of the surface hardening curve:
    a) above - with ionic phase modification [9]
    b) below - with laser modification.
    Both curves have a typical appearance. Changes accumulate, go through a maximum, then the graph drops to a state in which measurements become meaningless - the surface is destroyed. In the laser case, the points refer to both single pulses and series of 10 and 30 pulses. The effect of the accumulation of changes.

    In our case of laser modification, a study was conducted of changes in the depth of the material. A change in the shape of the X-ray line was recorded, in the modified case consisting of the sum of the initial pair of reflections (on two closely spaced lines - the doublet of the radiation of the X-ray tube) and a pair of reflections of a new phase.

    Fig. 3. Changing the shape of X-ray reflections (311) and (200) of the fcc alloy X20H20 after processing with laser pulses along the depth of the material. Measurements after layer-by-layer electrochemical etching. The dotted line shows the initial state of the lines.

    The depth of major changes is small. About 100 microns. But for the wall material of the F-1 engine, this is a third of the thickness of the material. A third of the calculated strength of the inconel on the side facing the combustion chamber is destroyed when the engine is turned on. The hardening phase, due to its desire for growth under the influence of stresses, itself becomes a grave digger. If the material were thicker - it would be okay. But 0.3 mm is nothing at all. There is nothing to resist. And more is also impossible. Thermal conductivity temperature difference on the thickness - will lead the inconel tube beyond the limits of heat resistance. Trap!

    American designers still can not know anything about this. Before our laser experiment, more than 20 years since the landing of lunar expeditions.
    They could evaluate thermal shock stresses at startup. And prepare the material with the expectation of these additional loads
    But they could not know about the growth of the hardening phase, right down to softening. And about the fact that this process under the influence of a shock wave is instantaneous. Everything can be accomplished in a thousandth of a second.

    The engine is doomed.

    Or? Or, as we remember, there is an option - to lower the temperature in the combustion chamber. All the same, one cannot do without it - after the tubes are coated with nickel. At the same time, you can get rid of capricious material. And put heat resistant steel. In which heat resistance is provided not by precipitates such as the gamma-barcode phase tending to grow, but by other means.

    The tube replacement hypothesis.

    Nickel coating, which forces a decrease in the temperature of the combustion chamber, simultaneously creates the conditions for masking the substitution of the material of the combustion chamber. A nickel-coated tube made of heat-resistant steel is externally indistinguishable from an inconel tube.

    We estimated the required reduction in the radiant flux to the wall at 15-30%. Nevertheless, let the difference in absorption capacity not be so striking. Take it at the lower limit of 15%.

    The law of radiation of the main gases of the kerosene engine CO2 and H2O is the proportionality of radiation to temperatures in degrees 3 (for water vapor) and 3.5 (for carbon dioxide) [10]. The emissivity of water vapor is much greater than the emissivity of CO2. With a decrease in absolute temperature by 5%, the cube of temperature decreases in the first approximation by 15%. But then the coefficient of thermal radiation of water vapor (over an accessible interval of almost linear change near 2000 degrees) increases from 0.3 to 0.33-0.34, i.e. more than 10%. [ibid.]. The flow is reduced slightly. With a 10% decrease in temperature, the emissivity increases to 0.37, i.e., increases by 25%. And only when the temperature is reduced by 15%, a decrease in the radiant flux by 15% is achieved.

    We get that it is necessary to reduce the temperature in the combustion chamber by 15%.
    This is achieved, for example, by damping part of the fuel and oxygen channels at the factory. Simply in such and such positions tubes with blocked passage sections are installed. - For instance…

    At the same density of the substance in the combustion chamber, the pressure and volumetric flow rate will decrease by the same 15%. And the speed of sound will decrease in proportion to T1 / 2 - by 7.5%
    Together with the speed of sound and in proportion to it, the speed of outflow from the nozzle decreases, associated with the specific impulse I
    Thus, the thrust reduction will be approximately 15 + 7.5 = 22.5%
  48. +2
    29 March 2019 16: 57
    To maintain the thrust-to-weight ratio on the launch pad, the launch mass of the rocket should decrease by the same 22.5% and amount to 0.775x2900 = 2248 tons.

    The specific impulse F-1 during the flight increased from 263 to 304 s. Average 283.5 s. With 7.5% reduction, I = 262.2 s.

    Suppose that all the other contractors worked correctly. Those. above the first stage with reduced refueling, there are full-fledged 800 tons of other parts of the rocket and plus 100 tons - its own mass made by Boeing for a full-fledged first-stage engine.

    Then the speed at the end of the first stage operation (taking into account the data on gravitational and aerodynamic losses for the first stage) is estimated:
    V ~ I ∙ g ∙ ln {m1 / m2} - Vgrav. - Vaer = 2352-1220-46 = 1086 m / s

    Our hypothesis of a forced decrease in the temperature in the combustion chamber due to problems with the wall material - brings us to a speed close to that which we estimated in [1,2].

    It is interesting that an iterative calculation, taking into account the perfectly working second stage, can be obtained and the mass of “Skylab”. She is 58 tons. Accounting for a discarded fairing weighing 10–11 tons leads to the conclusion that a station weighing 47–48 tons was operating in orbit. According to NASA - more than 71 tons.

    But after lifting the orbit and orienting the station, the third visiting expedition announced a ballistic coefficient of 207 kg / m2. Meanwhile, measurements of the even decrease in the station during the period February – August 1974 showed that this decrease corresponds to a ballistic coefficient of 140 [12]. This indirectly indicates the mass of the apparatus, which amounted to 2/3 of the declared NASA.
    And it turns out the same 47-48 tons, which are derived from guesses about motor problems. And correlated with estimates of speed during flight A-11.

    These coincidences are too serious. And they indicate, apparently, the guesswork justice.

    The assumption made at the beginning of this work about possible problems when creating the F-1 mid-flight engine of the first stage of the Saturn-5 launch vehicle was confirmed in the following points

    1) There were problems with the wall material of the engine combustion chamber.
    2) The proposed version of solving these problems is not satisfactory due to serious differences in the optical properties of the designed surface of the combustion chamber and the one obtained according to NASA
    3) The used combustion chamber wall material Inconel X-750 was not a product of conscious control of properties by the time the engine was created. For this, scientific baggage has not yet been developed. Therefore, the material in the form used in the engine could simply have an unacceptable spread of heat-resistant characteristics, associated with the technologists' ignorance of the means of monitoring these characteristics and managing them.
    4) The material may have been seriously degraded as a result of machining procedures and as a result of soldering - due to the tendency of the phase responsible for the heat resistance to grow under stress. This pattern was not known in the 1960s. And it is little known now, although it is confirmed by practice.
    5) The small wall thickness of the cooling tubes, chosen from the conditions for optimizing the then still insufficiently high-quality material in terms of its heat resistance, should have been the Achilles' heel of the design. The reason was also the property of instantaneous deep phase modification under the action of shock waves, unknown at the time of the creation of the engine. The radiation flux density of the switched on F-1 engine on the wall turned out to be comparable with the scale of the impact of laser pulses. For which, on a similar material, a phase modification of the material to a depth of up to 100 μm was demonstrated, provoking a serious weakening of its mechanical properties. With a thin wall, this doomed the cooling tubes to destruction.
    6) The hypothesis of a decrease in the characteristics of the engine, which correlates with the estimate of the change in the absorption of radiation on the wall, led to an estimate of the final speed of the first stage, which coincides with the previously measured one.
    7) Evaluation development at Skylab launch showed agreement with documented discrepancies in theoretical and actual BC values.

    We can now say with a fair degree of certainty: the Apollo program, which was evaluated as a confirmation of the superiority of the American way of managing large scientific and technical projects, in reality demonstrated the deep depravity of this system. The system turned out to be categorically incapable of responding adequately to serious problems. And it is suitable only for managing petty, risk-free developments.


    1. S.G. Pokrovsky. Americans could not get to the moon // Actual problems of modern science. 2007. No. 5, pp. 152-166.
    2. S.G. Pokrovsky. An updated estimate of the speed of "Saturn-5"
    3. Roger E. Bilstein. Stages to Saturn. A Technological History of the Apollo/Saturn Launch Vehicle
    4. Sadovsky V.D. Observation of the dislocation structure in the KhN77TYUR alloy// MiTOM. 1962, No. 9, p.2-5
    5. Sadovsky V.D. On the method of revealing the dislocation structure in the heat-resistant glory KhN77TYuR / / FMM.1963. T.16. Issue. 1. P.140-144
    6. Decker, RF: In: Die Verfeestigung von Stahl. Symposium, Zürich, 5 and 6 Mai 1969. Veranst. von der Climax Molybdenum Company. Greenwich/Conn. 1970.S 147/70 - Op. in metallurgy. Steel. Ref. ed. in 2 volumes: Per. with him. T.2. Application. In 2 books. Book. 1. Ed. S.B. Maslenkova.- M.: Metallurgy, 1995, - 447 p.
    7. Romanov E.N., Vinogradova N.I., Kochetkova T.N., Stepanova N.N. Performance evaluation of heat-resistant nickel alloys for turbine blades during long-term operation // XVII Petersburg readings on strength problems. St. Petersburg, April 10-12, 2007: collection of materials. Part II. - St. Petersburg, 2007. - p. 41.
    8. Pokrovsky S.G. Formation of a hardened layer in Kh20N20 steel during processing by laser pulses. // Technology of metals. 2000, No. 9, p. 8-14
    9. Khmelevskaya V.S. et al.// Questions of atomic science and technology. Ser.: Physics of radiation damage. 1985. No. 2, p. 22-25
    10. Heat transfer: Textbook for universities / V.P. Isachenko, V.A. Osipova, A.S. Sukomel - 4th ed. perrab. And extra. – M.: Energoizdat, 1981, - 416 p. from ill.
    11. I.I. Shuneiko. Manned flights to the Moon, design and characteristics of SATURN V APOLLO// Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Ser. Rocket science. M. 1973.
    12. PFDreher, RPLittle, G. Wittenstein. Skylab Orbital Lifetime Prediction and Decay Analysis. // NASA Technical Memorandum 78308. NASA.-1980
    1. +3
      29 March 2019 20: 05
      Quote: YURIY326
      The assumption made at the beginning of this work about possible problems when creating the F-1 mid-flight engine of the first stage of the Saturn-5 launch vehicle was confirmed in the following points

      Everything is smartly and competently planned, and people with a technical education will understand what the author writes about, even if they are not specialists in the field of rocket science and do not understand some of the subtleties and calculations.
      But our apologists for "honest Americans" trust the words of cosmonaut Leonov more - this is a paradox even for Soviet education.
    2. +1
      29 March 2019 20: 56
      The question arises, is there any objective need to continue the discussion on the topic of manned missions of Americans to the moon? Clearly, they (the Americans) have never been there.
    3. +1
      29 March 2019 22: 47
      Thank you for such a detailed comment. I learned a lot. The case when koment is worthy of the title of full-fledged articles.
  49. +1
    29 March 2019 19: 57
    . Until now, there are no convincing arguments for multi-day space flights in thin-walled American capsules, far from oxygen pressure chambers, to the Moon and vice versa. (End of quote)

    Quintessence. There is nothing more to add. We are waiting for our landed on the moon exactly to the place where they landed and are surprised to see ... the absence of anything at the landing site.
    1. -1
      April 27 2021 21: 10
      "We are waiting for ours to land"

      yours will never land anywhere.
  50. +1
    30 March 2019 10: 09
    "VV Bondarenko Died: March 23, 1961"
    You who noodles about Americans mold on ears?
    And Saturn-5 after flights to the moon was used as "Skylab".
    experts, damn you!
    1. +1
      30 March 2019 14: 17
      Quote: pafegosoff
      And Saturn-5 after flights to the moon was used as "Skylab".

      By the way, where is that "Skylab" not tell? Why could the Americans not be able to create the ISS without us, since they are such professionals in orbital stations? And the pictures of the astronauts in the station itself raised bewildered questions.
      But this is not the point, but the fact that the flight to the Moon, the landing of astronauts, the reverse start, the docking in the lunar orbit and the return to Earth in terms of complexity is one hundred times greater than the launch of the Skylab station by the carrier Saturn-5 into Earth's orbit. Any competent specialist in the field of space technology will confirm this to you.
      1. +1
        30 March 2019 17: 01
        Hollywood defeated the USSR ...
      2. -1
        April 27 2021 21: 09
        "Why the Americans could not create the ISS without us"
        you might be very surprised by looking at the ISS assembly schedule. Its total weight is 410 tons, Russian modules are about 45
  51. +1
    30 March 2019 16: 59
    Many people discussing here are happy with their youth. And they evaluate it from today's positions. But I already lived in those years. So, the rule of the CPSU brought the country almost to the point of malnutrition, black bread and porridge. There are hours-long queues for a white loaf and this is Karaganda with special provisions. Actually a crisis. You won't get enough of space and rockets. And suddenly there is plenty of white bread, not only in the store, but also sold from cars! A bunch of plants and factories appeared. VAZ and KamMAZ, petrochemicals. This was the industrial revolution. When I was young, the media instilled in me the favorable leadership role of the party. But today it is clear that the US is paying for its silence. This also includes permission to sell oil overseas and obtain large-diameter pipes. Withdrawal of US troops from Vietnam and treaties. Million-dollar gifts to Brezhnev for nothing. And much more that you can’t say right off the bat.
    1. 0
      31 March 2019 12: 15
      Quote: shamil
      Many people discussing here are happy with their youth. And they evaluate it from today's positions. But I already lived in those years. So, the rule of the CPSU brought the country almost to the point of malnutrition, black bread and porridge. There are hours-long queues for a white loaf and this is Karaganda with special provisions. Actually a crisis. You won't get enough of space and rockets. And suddenly there is plenty of white bread, not only in the store, but also sold from cars! A bunch of plants and factories appeared. VAZ and KamMAZ, petrochemicals. This was the industrial revolution. When I was young, the media instilled in me the favorable leadership role of the party. But today it is clear that the US is paying for its silence. This also includes permission to sell oil overseas and obtain large-diameter pipes. Withdrawal of US troops from Vietnam and treaties. Million-dollar gifts to Brezhnev for nothing. And much more that you can’t say right off the bat.

      wassat WHAT are you doing!? wassat
      You've got it all figured out!
      I almost believed it laughing
  52. +1
    30 March 2019 18: 27
    Correct analysis of the lunar (and not only lunar) scam. We are waiting for the continuation.
  53. +1
    30 March 2019 23: 22
    I'm tired of it already. They flew - they didn’t fly. It's a shame the Queen isn't here. If it weren't for him, the Americans would never have known that the Moon was solid...
  54. +2
    31 March 2019 00: 45
    Quote: Cowbra
    You can ONLY refute it if you have 100% proof of their absence on the Moon. And this is from the category - prove that you are not a camel....

    Controversial statement. Very controversial. The amount of indirect evidence that the Americans did not land on the Moon is so great that their quantity has turned into quality. No reasonable explanations for the inconsistencies on many issues have been received from the Americans. Documentary evidence of their triumph is “lost.” Technologies are “lost”. The ends meet so much that suspicions inevitably creep in. But, one has only to accept the version that there was no landing on the Moon, and immediately everything falls into place and the inconsistencies receive their reasonable explanation.
    And how you can get 100% proof of the absence of any event is personally unclear to me. Events leave traces and their presence is evidence that the event occurred. No event, no trace. Of course, the absence of traces is also a kind of proof, but we can’t talk about 100%.
  55. -1
    31 March 2019 12: 13
    Our cosmonauts-contemporaries of the first and subsequent flights of the Americans to the Moon unanimously say that there was no falsification.
    and yes, there are many questions... for us, ordinary people, who are curious and interested in the topic.
    but not professionals: people directly involved with manned flights don’t even ask such questions because they understand that there were flights
    1. 0
      31 March 2019 21: 45
      Yes, there were flights, but there were no Americans on the Moon.
  56. +3
    31 March 2019 21: 45
    Quote: SASHA OLD
    Our cosmonauts-contemporaries of the first and subsequent flights of the Americans to the Moon unanimously say that there was no falsification.
    and yes, there are many questions... for us, ordinary people, who are curious and interested in the topic.
    but not professionals: people directly involved with manned flights don’t even ask such questions because they understand that there were flights

    No one disputes the professionalism of our cosmonauts - they are highly qualified specialists. But they don’t even know what’s going on here in full (they only know what’s supposed to be and a little more than what’s supposed to be). How do they know what's going on overseas? And to what extent? And to the extent that they WILL BE BROUGHT TO THEM. And nothing more.
    1. +2
      April 1 2019 19: 25
      Moon rock from Apollo 11 turned out to be fake.
      A fragment of lunar soil, stored in the Dutch Rijksmuseum museum, turned out to be a piece of petrified wood. The opening is reported by BBC News.
      The exhibit was presented to the Prime Minister of Holland by the US Ambassador to that country. The ambassador, in turn, received the stone from the Apollo 11 astronauts shortly after their return from the Moon in 1969. After the death of the Prime Minister, the stone went to the museum. It was insured for $500 thousand.
      Experts doubted the authenticity of the stone back in 2006. This suspicion was finally confirmed by an analysis of the exhibit conducted by specialists from the Free University of Amsterdam, reports the Associated Press. The American government has not commented on the situation.
  57. 0
    April 2 2019 01: 26
    Quote: ccsr
    Do you know anything about the radio game during World War II, and how the Allies misled one of the best radio intelligence in the world?

    I know that this has nothing to do with objects moving in space. Eh, you should just play spies and radio games...
    I clearly wrote to you above: the content of the broadcast from the spacecraft is not important, it is important WHERE the broadcast came from.
    Do you even understand the difference between radio games on the Earth's surface (where for HF only the azimuth can be determined) and direction finding of a spacecraft receding/approaching the Earth with determining the Doppler shift and comparing it with the calculated speed on the Hohmann or hyperbolic trajectory?
  58. 0
    April 2 2019 04: 28
    It looks like the following is emerging:
    After Stalin's death, power in the USSR was seized by the revisionists led by Khrushchev. Their crazy reforms lead to times of famine, the execution of outraged workers in Novocherkassk, and the undermining of the socialist camp. The situation in the country is heating up. Khrushchev and his gang fear that the people will rise up, sweep away the partyocracy and restore Soviet power. And here is such a gift to Khrushch from the United States - a lunar scam. The deal was very profitable for both Western moneylenders and red partycrats. The CPSU maintained its power thanks to handouts from the Americans. The West avoided the collapse of its reputation and, accordingly, global power, and also contributed to the disintegration of the USSR under the rule of strengthened degenerates.
    While the US Army was fighting communism in Vietnam and other countries in Southeast Asia, the US was selling megatons of grain to the Soviet Union at ultra-low prices. The embargo on the supply of Soviet oil to Western Europe was lifted, their gas market was opened, where oligarchs continue to send raw materials to this day. An agreement was concluded on the supply of American grain to the USSR at prices below the world average, which negatively affected the well-being of the Americans themselves.
    The auto giant KamAZ and much more were built with active American participation.
    Khrushchev’s amazing “compliance” also lies in the fact that the Americans could blackmail with information available to the United States about how exactly Stalin died. He did not die a natural death, but was killed.
    Since that time, the number of parasites in the USSR has increased sharply every decade; by 1985, only a gnawed skeleton remained of the Soviet regime.
    These points well explain the total silence in the USSR about the lunar scam and Trump’s order to urgently land on the Moon. The Chinese, using stolen Soviet space technologies, by this time had the opportunity to blackmail the United States by revealing the truth. The 2nd series of the lunar race has begun. Between the Americans and the Chinese. Russia, poisoned by freebies and deception, lies on the sidelines....
    1. 0
      28 August 2021 03: 36
      The United States sold megatons of grain to the Soviet Union at an ultra-low price.

      I understand that 2 and a half years have passed, but I cannot remain silent.
      Here several wise men are immediately screaming that we have been blessed with cheap grain. Did you know that the price of grain varies greatly depending on the variety? So, the population's needs for bread were always covered in the USSR by its own harvest! What was missing was fodder grain used to feed livestock (we have been raising livestock for many years, and the needs grew), which was of the lowest grade, and therefore inexpensive.
      And this, by the way, is a fundamental difference from the current situation, when we proudly shout that we are the world leaders in the sale of grain. Traders send the highest grades, the most expensive ones, abroad, but here the bakery monopolists sell bread made from low-grade grain. Previously, flour and flour products with a protein content of at least 15% were considered the highest grade, but now 10% is considered the highest grade.
  59. The comment was deleted.
  60. 0
    April 2 2019 09: 16
    Personally, I am more alarmed by the simple fact that the Americans cannot repeat their own technology from the 60s. And here’s an anecdote: for their heavy-class missiles they buy our engines created then for our lunar program, whose technologies developed by the USSR live on and They are still happy today in Russia. Hence the real question is, was there a boy?
    1. 0
      April 5 2019 02: 02
      So ours also cannot replicate autonomous spacecraft of the Luna type. Since 2005 they have wanted to, but they can’t!
      1. 0
        April 6 2019 00: 38
        They can. They don’t want to, and they don’t give money. Other priorities are killing them. The moon, by and large, is a bigger object of prestige. Still, they focus on the commercial component.
        1. 0
          April 9 2019 02: 30
          So they would honestly announce: there will be no “Luna-Glob” (Luna-25) - there won’t be, since we are focusing on the commercial component, international cooperation, spiritual bonds, weapons program... something else.
          No, they continue to broadcast that Luna-Glob will fly soon (in another year, well, two or three!), the developers are constantly consuming money: - news from February this year! "Earlier, Roscosmos General Director Dmitry Rogozin said that the Academy of Sciences considers 2021 the optimal time to implement the project. He wrote about this on his page on the social network Facebook in September 2018."
          At this rate, these developers will go into circulation and get a long-deserved retirement, but young people don’t go there (and there will be no one to teach them if suddenly the young people go) and then, without any jokes, Russia will not be able to launch any automatic station to the Moon at all.
          But there will be a heap of all sorts of crazy projects, like about monkeys on Mars: - with the flag of the Russian Federation.
  61. -2
    April 3 2019 15: 26
    By the way, do you remember the shuttle that burned down along with the amers?? All are alive today except one. There's even a photo. In general, under the launch pad at Cape Canaveral there is a room where the actors go down after their climb into the shuttles and other luminous boxes is shown by the magazine sluts, but the rest is Hollywood Forever. America still has a lot of cockpits.
  62. 0
    April 5 2019 02: 01
    Quote: ccsr
    but the fact is that the Saturn-5 carrier is still needed now, for example, for launching orbital stations.

    Maybe it is needed now (although due to inflation it is too expensive, Falcon Heavy is much cheaper), precisely for the launch of orbital stations. Definitely needed in the 70s and 80s. But they cut the program thanks to that same Nixon.
    So what?
    In exactly the same way, H1 and “Energy” were lost... The same “cost optimization”. Let's also remember the cruisers cut by Khrushchev or Yeltsin... There are a lot of such stories in the world with the abandonment of established technologies. The reasons are banal. As an eerie example, I can give a little-known example of the loss by the Americans of the technology for producing space suits, right before the launch of the first Shuttle. Search the Internet, find photos, what did the first Shuttle crew wear when they went into orbit, what helmets did they wear? If he finds it, you will be shocked by the carelessness of the Americans. Without any conspiracy theories: just American “maybe” in action.
    As I understand it, you are one of the die-hard Saturn 5 deniers? One of those that even the launch (and fall on Australia) of Skylab is not recognized?
    1. 0
      April 5 2019 12: 29
      Quote: PavelT
      Maybe it is needed now (although due to inflation it is too expensive, Falcon Heavy is much cheaper), precisely for the launch of orbital stations. Definitely needed in the 70s and 80s. But they cut the program thanks to that same Nixon.
      So what?

      And the fact that the Saturn 5 engine is needed now and in the future, and this is obvious, judging by the American projects to fly further than the Moon.
      Quote: PavelT
      In exactly the same way, H1 and “Energy” were lost... The same “cost optimization”.

      Our country collapsed; this was not observed in the USA, i.e. comparison is inappropriate.
      Quote: PavelT
      Let's also remember the cruisers cut by Khrushchev or Yeltsin...

      What is this for? Khrushchev cut battleships, not cruisers, and no one cut tanks; they rotted in storage bases after the collapse of the country. There was a lack of funds in the country - this is obvious. By the way, Khrushchev acted quite pragmatically - funds appeared for the development of the Strategic Missile Forces.
      Quote: PavelT
      As I understand it, you are one of the die-hard Saturn 5 deniers?

      I do not believe that American astronauts landed on the moon, and as indirect evidence of this, the impossibility of reproducing the Saturn V engine fifty years later.
      Quote: PavelT
      One of those that even the launch (and fall on Australia) of Skylab is not recognized?

      This is from another song - from low-Earth orbit. By the way, why didn’t the Americans take Skylab as a basis for the ISS? Will they be able to argue their views without any strain?
  63. 0
    April 5 2019 02: 04
    Quote: ccsr
    and where is that Skylab?

    And where is he? Also, in your alternative reality there was no such orbital station?
    1. 0
      April 5 2019 12: 38
      Quote: PavelT
      And where is he? Also, in your alternative reality there was no such orbital station?

      There was, there was, but there wasn’t even a space toilet on it, the staffers got badly screwed up, as evil tongues say. So they abandoned it - that’s how the crap of the astronauts ruined a great project.
      Skylab was visited only by American astronauts; not a single foreign astronaut saw it in orbit - neither from the outside, nor even less from the inside.
  64. 0
    April 9 2019 02: 15
    Quote: ccsr
    There was, there was, but there wasn’t even a space toilet on it, the staffers got badly screwed up, as evil tongues say. So they abandoned it - that’s how the crap of the astronauts ruined a great project.

    uh... how should I say... so that it’s more polite.

    On the one hand, it is very commendable that you do not deny the very fact of the presence in orbit in 1973-79 of a huge Skylab station weighing 77 tons (launched, by the way, by the same Saturn 5, which supposedly could not fly in your alternative history) . I have met idiots on the Internet who generally denied the existence of such a station... they have a “logical” alternative history: since we deny the success of the Saturn-5 rocket, then we must also deny the existence of Skylab in orbit! Very consistent.

    But on the other hand: what can you even talk about with a person who seriously thinks that Americans are so stupid that they launched a huge station without a toilet and visited it three times for 28 - 84 days... again, without a toilet??? Well, yes, as if there are propaganda comedies - about stupid Germans and Americans, well, people watch them and laugh (this is normal). But if a person really thinks that his opponents/competitors are so stupid, in reality they are, then something has already happened to the person himself (probably irreversible).
    Those. I can, of course, start a discussion here about why Skylab broke down, what the mistake was... etc. and so on.
    But why throw pearls before swine?
    If a person is so lazy and dense that he doesn’t even bother to look: what was the matter, what kind of toilet was there, what was broken there? but with aplomb he cites some nonsense from the source “as evil tongues say,” then there is nothing to talk about.
  65. 0
    April 9 2019 02: 17
    Quote: ccsr
    Our country collapsed; this was not observed in the USA, i.e. comparison is inappropriate.

    It's a bummer with your dates and history. When our N1 program was closed, no collapse of the country had yet been observed. From the word in general. Those. Your argument is completely inappropriate.
  66. 0
    29 November 2019 22: 23
    Oh my god, why waste a lot of words and words there?))) Here the guys prove that photos from the LPO serve as proof of flights, but as for me, they completely crap themselves with the Apalon program with these same photos))) Photos from the LPO - on the right, 30 meters away, there is a crater with a diameter of 30 meters (+ a couple of meters) photo of the same place from the cockpit of the pepelats - a flat surface, well, they forgot to dig it up, it happens (((And it’s quite natural that the smartphone has a 100 megapixel camera, and the “high-tech "satellite 10, you have to save on something. I don’t understand anything about engines, flight tracking, party and government politics, so I skip all the high spheres, and prefer to believe my eyes)) About the difference in the angles of incidence of shadows from one and the same same subject, it’s even boring to talk about the photographs of the “sun” with a light bulb in the middle, even more boring. About the fact that they didn’t see the stars, even Dunno is crying in the corner) About the engine nozzles with brand new paint, well, that’s American paint , it does not burn in fire and does not sink in water. I could write for another 10 hours, but it’s boring and sad to tell people who don’t want to believe that the sky is blue and the grass is green, just because they were told so on TV))) and you don’t need any doctoral degrees or dissertations for that to understand - if a rose smells like crap, then it is made of crap)))
  67. The comment was deleted.