Super-maneuverability of fighters and its advantages
History issue
The concept of super-maneuverability of the fighter began to take shape in the seventies of the last century. Existing fighters of the time had certain restrictions on maneuvering, which could interfere with effective air combat. A maneuver with access to critical angles of attack (20-25 ° depending on the type of aircraft) led to a dramatic change in the nature of the flow, stalling and stalling into a spin. At the same time, the increase in flight speeds and the improvement of armaments led to the need to further improve the maneuverability of fighters.
In our country and abroad, numerous studies were conducted on the topic of increasing maneuverability, and they gave an interesting result. It turned out that some promising designs of gliders make it possible to bring the angle of attack almost to 180 ° and the sliding angle to 90 °. However, such a flight made special demands on control systems. In particular, with increasing angles of attack, the effectiveness of aerodynamic control surfaces fell, and control over the machine became more complicated. Nevertheless, the principal possibility of piloting in supercritical regimes was determined and confirmed.
In the future, new knowledge and experience could be used in real projects, but opinions on the prospects of super-maneuverability were divided. Soviet scientists and military personnel considered that the increase in maneuverability made sense: with its help, it was possible to sharply increase the effectiveness of a fighter in close combat using rocket and cannon armament. American experts considered long-range missile combat more important, in which super-maneuverability did not provide any advantages. These opinions determined the course of development of fighter aircraft for some time. aviation.
Later the situation changed a bit. In determining the appearance of the promising fifth-generation fighter in the United States decided to introduce elements of super-maneuverability. Then similar developments appeared in other countries. As a result, all promising aircraft of recent years are created with the use of certain solutions aimed at improving maneuverability and providing controllability on supercritical flight modes.
Concept benefits
Super-maneuverability is useful, first of all, in close combat. The angular velocity of a passing target may be high, which places special demands on the maneuverability of an attacking aircraft. He must have time to turn on the target to perform a successful attack. Similarly, the situation is with the defense: a more maneuverable aircraft will be able to "twist" the enemy and get out of the blow, including the transition to a counterattack.
In long-range missile combat, super-maneuverability can be used to increase the effectiveness of an anti-missile maneuver. In addition, in various conditions, some typical aerobatic maneuvers can be used to counter enemy radar systems. In particular, the figures "cobra" and "bell", providing for a sharp drop in speed, can interfere with the operation of Doppler radar.
Thus, careful study and proper use of the capabilities of the aircraft should have a positive impact on its fighting qualities. In some situations, a fighter with super-maneuverability will have advantages over the machine without such capabilities, although the real effect of it depends on a number of factors.
Aerodynamic issues
Even at the early stages of research, it was found that to obtain super-maneuverability, special airframe structures and controls are required. In fact, the aircraft should be able to easily and quickly exit to supercritical flight modes and not show a tendency to its exclusion. There may also appear specific requirements for aerodynamic controls.

Su-30 maneuvers with the formation of vortices. Photo of PJSC "Sukhoi" /
Soviet and Russian industry has created several super-maneuverable fighters belonging to the Su-27 and MiG-29 families. These machines have several features in common. So, they are built on an integrated circuit, and the glider is made statically unstable at subsonic speeds. Thanks to these solutions, aircraft are able to carry out vigorous maneuvering, and their aerodynamics do not interfere with reaching the supercritical attack angles necessary for obtaining super-maneuverability.
However, a special glider with characteristic capabilities demanded the creation of special controls. So, all the planes of the Su-27 family are equipped with an electric-wire control system that transmits commands from the pilot to the actuators. The EDSU receives signals from the controls, and also processes data from the mass of the sensors and, taking into account all the incoming information, forms commands for the steering actuators. It is EDSU on the main operating modes that ensures stable behavior of the unstable aircraft, radically simplifying the work of the pilot.

Vigorous maneuvering. You can consider the complex teamwork steering. Photo of PJSC "Sukhoi" /
When the normal angles of attack are exceeded, the efficiency of the control planes of the aircraft is sharply reduced. This is due to the formation of vortices and rudders falling into the aerodynamic shadow of the wing. Such a problem has several basic solutions. The first is the use of a large area of steering surfaces and special control algorithms that allow you to maintain sufficient efficiency in all modes. The second offers the use of “duck” or “longitudinal triplane” schemes. The forward horizontal tail is subject to reduced efficiency due to a drop in speed and the formation of vortexes, but by definition it cannot be obscured by a wing. It can be used alone or in combination with “traditional” stabilizers.
The approach with all-round stabilizers and a special control system is widely used in domestic aircraft construction and is used in a number of foreign projects. PGO is also used in different projects of several countries. In this context, we can recall the American experimental plane Rockwell-MBB X-31, in which the forward tail was used in combination with another promising method of ensuring super-maneuverability - thrust vector control. A number of Russian serial fighters have both PGO and UHT, which has a positive effect on maneuverability.
Engines and nozzles
Another way to compensate for the drop in efficiency of aerodynamic control surfaces is to use engine thrust vector control systems. In this case, it is not just the restoration of controllability at the same level, but also the acquisition of new opportunities. In the past, various countries carried out various experiments with thrust vector control, and now they are actively implementing such concepts in practice. UHT can also be used to improve the takeoff and landing characteristics of the aircraft.
Currently used several basic principles of shock wave therapy. In our country, turbojets with so-called axisymmetric deviation of the vector. Due to the movable nozzle flaps, the thrust vector is deflected in the required direction. Domestic engines with UHT can move a vector in two planes. There are both engines with integrated UHT systems and modular nozzles that are compatible with existing RD-33 and AL-31F motors.
In foreign practice, other variants of UHT have been studied and used. Thus, the experimental X-31 aircraft received a General Electric F404-GE-400 turbojet engine, behind the nozzle of which three controllable flaps were placed. Their deflection changed the direction of the outflow of reactive gases and moved the thrust vector. On the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor fighters, another UHT system went into production. Its Pratt & Whitney F119-PW-100 engines are equipped with flat nozzles formed by a casing with two movable flaps. This nozzle design allows the thrust vector to be deflected only in the vertical plane.
Engines with UHT, depending on their design, provide control over all channels. Deviation in the vertical plane complements the elevators, in the horizontal - rudders. In the presence of two engines, due to the differential operation of the nozzles, it is possible to monitor roll. Such systems use redirection of thrust, but not aerodynamic forces, due to which they have advantages over the rudders. First of all, this is an increase in the angular velocity during maneuvering, which has a positive effect on the vigor of the latter.
In the context of super-maneuverability, it is necessary to consider not only thrust vector control, but also the main parameters of the engine. Exit to supercritical modes when performing some aerobatic maneuvers can lead to a sharp loss of speed. In order not to be at a disadvantage, the aircraft must be able to quickly pick up speed after exiting the figure. To do this, it requires a power plant of sufficient power. Research and practice show that this task requires thrust-to-weight ratio of at least 1. The growth of this parameter has a positive effect on all major flight performance, although obtaining such results is associated with known difficulties at the engine development stage.
Super-maneuverability in practice
The level of technology development, primarily in the field of control systems, made it possible to start mastering super-maneuverability only a few decades ago. To date, aviation science has come a long way and has created many of the necessary technologies and products that can significantly improve the maneuverability of fighters. All these developments are used in modern and future projects of different countries.
Now in service are the Russian aircraft of the Su-27 and MiG-29 families, as well as American F / A-18E / F and F-22. In addition, there were several experimental samples, and a number of machines had not yet reached service in the army. In the design of all these aircraft, various solutions are used to obtain super-maneuverability. Ways to achieve such results in different countries and firms are different, but the goal is the same - to provide increased maneuverability to gain advantage in air combat.
It is worth noting that, in addition to increased flight technical and combat characteristics, super-maneuverability gives another characteristic advantage. Demonstrative flights using special aerobatics, available only to super-maneuverable aircraft, look very impressive. It is quite possible that even such a demonstration of the capabilities of technology - long before it enters a real battle - can become a good deterrent affecting the decisions of a potential adversary.
Based on:
Zhelnin Yu. Flight “tail forward” and super-maneuverability // Science and Life, 2008 №11.