This is Sparta! Part II

In the first part of our article, we already said that Lacedaemon became “Sparta” as a result of two Messianic wars, which led to the transformation of the state of Spartians into a “military camp”.

During the First Messenian War in Sparta, a strange category of non-full-fledged citizens appeared - “children of virgins” (Parthenia). Efor Kimsky (a historian from Asia Minor Aeolia, a contemporary of Aristotle) ​​argues that Spartan women began to complain that even those who still have husbands live for many years as widows - because men have vowed not to return home until victory. As a result, they allegedly sent a group of young soldiers to Sparta, who were supposed to “share a bed” with abandoned wives and girls who had reached the age of marriage. However, children born to them were not recognized as legitimate. Why? Perhaps these young warriors, in fact, no one gave permission to "share the bed" with other people's wives and, especially, the virgins of Sparta? According to another, less romantic version, parfenii were children from mixed marriages. No matter who the “children of the virgins” were, they did not receive land plots with helots attached to them, and therefore could not be considered full citizens. The uprising of the parfenia demanding justice was crushed, but the problem remained. Therefore, it was decided to send the "children of the virgins" to the south of Italy, where they founded the city of Tarent. A large settlement of the Ipigov tribe, which was located on the place that liked the parthenias, was destroyed, its inhabitants were exterminated, which was confirmed by the discovery of a large necropolis - a mass grave site belonging to that era.

Tarent on the map

The resentment of the “children of the virgins” on the country that had virtually expelled them was so great that for a long time they practically ceased all ties with Lacedemon. The lack of carriers of the tradition led to the fact that the development of the colony took the path opposite to the Spartan one. And, called upon by the Tarentians for the war with Rome, Pierre was unpleasantly surprised to see that the descendants of the Spartians "voluntarily were not inclined either to defend themselves or to defend anyone, but they wanted to send him into battle to stay at home and not leave the baths and feasts ”(Polybius).

Coin of the city of Tarent, IV century BC

During the II Messenian War, the famous phalanx appeared in the Spartan army, and the Spartan youths began to patrol the night roads, hunting for the helots (crypt) who were running into the mountains or into Messenia.

After the final victory over Messenia (668 BC), a long period of Sparta domination in Hellas began.

While other states “dumped” the “surplus” population in the colony, actively populating the shores of the Mediterranean and even the Black Sea, the ever-increasing Sparta with its brilliantly learned army became the undisputed hegemon in Greece, for a long time neither individual policies nor their unions. But, as Aristotle noted, “it is pointless to create a culture based solely on military prowess, because there is such a thing as the world, and we have to deal with it periodically”. At times it seemed that until the creation of a unified Greek state with Sparta, only a step remained at the head - but this, the last, step was not taken by Lacedemon. Sparta was too unlike other policies, there was too much difference between its elite and the elites of other states, the ideals were too different. In addition, the Sparties traditionally were indifferent to the affairs of the rest of Greece. As long as nothing threatened the safety and well-being of Lacedaemon and the Peloponnese, Sparta was calm, and this calm sometimes bordered on egoism. All this did not allow for the creation of a common aristocracy who would be interested in the existence of a single Hellas. Centrifugal forces all the time tore Greece to its original parts.

We have already said in the first part that from 7 to 20 years, Spartan boys were brought up in agels — original boarding houses whose task was to educate the ideal citizens of the city who refused to build walls. In addition, there they were taught to state their thoughts briefly, clearly and clearly - that is, to express themselves succinctly. And it was very surprising to the Greeks of other policies, in whose schools, on the contrary, they were taught to hide meaning behind beautiful long phrases (“eloquence”, that is, demagogy and eloquence). In addition to the sons of the citizens of Sparta, there were two other categories of students in the agelis. The first of them - children from aristocratic families of other Greek states - the Spartan system of training and education was highly valued in Hellas. But it was not enough of a noble origin: to define the son in agelu, the father needed to have some merits to Lacedemon. Next to the children of the Spartiates and noble foreigners, the children of Periek also studied in Agela, who later became adjutants of the Spartan warriors, and, if necessary, could replace the dead or wounded hoplites of the phalanx. It was difficult to use helots and ordinary, not having undergone military training, perichek as hoplites - a poorly trained fighter in the composition of the phalanx, which, like a well-established mechanism, was not a companion, but rather a burden. It was the heavily armed hoplites (from the word "hoplon" - "shield") that formed the basis of the Spartan army.

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Marble statue of the hoplite. V century BC Archaeological Museum of Sparta, Greece

And the word "shield" in the name of these soldiers is not at all accidental. The fact is that with a shield, standing in the ranks of the hoplites, he covered not only himself, but also his comrades:

“After all, every warrior, fearing for his unprotected side, tries as much as possible to hide behind the shield of his comrade from the right, and thinks that the tighter the ranks are, the safer his position”

On shields, the Spartans carried the dead and wounded after the battle. Therefore, the traditional parting words of the Spartiat, going on a campaign, were the words: "With a shield, or on a shield." The loss of a shield was a terrible crime, which could even be followed by deprivation of citizenship.

Jean-Jacques Le Barbier, Spartan presents a shield to his son

The young periki, not trained in agels, in the Spartan army were used as auxiliary light infantry. In addition, the Spartiats were accompanied by the Helots in the campaigns - sometimes their number reached seven people per Spartan. They did not take part in hostilities, were used as servants - they performed the duties of porters, cooks, orderlies. But in other policies, porters, carpenters, potters, gardeners and cooks were given weapon and put into operation the hoplites: it is not surprising that in Sparta they were contemptuous of such armies - both enemy and allied.

But sometimes the Spartans had to include slugs in the auxiliary infantry units. During the Peloponessian War, the number of freed helots in the Spartan army reached 2-3 thousand people. Some of them were even then trained in phalanx actions and became hoplites.

In the march, the Spartan army was accompanied by flutists, who played their marches during the battle:

“This is not their practice according to religious practice, but in order to march in step with the music and not to break the battle formation”

Spartan warriors, going to battle, and flutist drawing from a Corinthian vase, VII century. BC.

Clothing, Spartans, going to the campaign, traditionally was red - so that it was not visible blood. Before the battles, the king offered the first sacrifice to the Muses, "so that the story about us would be worthy of our exploits" (Eudamid). If there was an Olympic champion in the Spartan army, he was given the right to be near the king during the battle. The service in the cavalry in Sparta was not considered prestigious, for a long time cavalrymen recruited those who could not serve as a hoplite. The first mention of the Spartan cavalry refers only to 424 BC, then 400 horsemen were recruited, which were used mainly to protect the phalanx. In 394 BC The number of cavalrymen in the Spartan army increased to 600.

Victory in Greece was determined by the arrival of a messenger from the party who had acknowledged defeat, who conveyed a request for an armistice to collect the corpses of the soldiers. Curious story occurred under the Fire in 544 BC. Then, by agreement of the Spartans and Argostsy, 300 soldiers entered the battle: the disputed area was to be left to the winners. By the end of the day, the 2 of the Argoss and the 1 Spartan survived. Argos, considering themselves the victors, left the battlefield and set off Argos to please the fellow citizens with the news of victory. But the Spartan warrior remained in place, and his compatriots regarded the withdrawal of opponents from the battlefield as flight. Of course, the Argos did not agree with this, and the next day the battle of the main forces of Argos and Sparta, which the Spartans won, took place. Herodot argues that from this time the Spartiats began to wear long hair (they had cut it shortly before), and the Argossians, on the contrary, decided to cut their hair shortly until they could win Theria.

At the turn of the VI-V century. BC. Argos was the main rival of Lacedaemon in the Peloponnese. Tsar Cleomenes I finally defeated him. When, after one of the battles, the retreating Argossians tried to hide in the sacred grove and the main temple of the country located in it, he without hesitation ordered his escorts to burn the grove. Later, Cleomenes interfered in the affairs of Athens, expelling the tyrant Hippius (510 BC) from there, and in 506 BC. captured Eleusis and even planned to take Athens to include Attica in the Peloponessian Union, but was not supported by his rival, the king-Eurifontide Demarat. Cleomenes didn’t forgive Kleomen: later, in order to declare him an illegitimate, he forged a Delphic oracle. Having achieved the removal of Demarata, Cleomenes with the new king Leotihid conquered the island of Aegina. Demarat fled from Sparta to Persia. But all these exploits did not save Cleomenes when the deception revealed with a fake Delphic oracle. This was followed by the events described in the first part: the flight to Arcadia, the inglorious death after returning to Sparta - we will not repeat. Once again, I returned to these events to report that Leonid, who was destined to become famous in Thermopylae, became the successor of Cleomenes.

But back a bit.

After the conquest of Messenia, Sparta took the next and very important step towards hegemony in Hellas: around 560 BC. she defeated Tegea, but did not turn her citizens into helots, but convinced them to become allies. Thus, the first step was taken in the creation of the Peloponessian Union - a powerful unification of the Greek states, headed by Sparta. The next ally of Lacedaemon was Elida. Unlike the Athenians, the Spartians did not take anything from their allies, demanding from them only auxiliary troops during the war.

In 500 BC rebelled under the rule of Persian king Darius I, the Greek cities of Ionia, in the next year (499) they turned to Athens and Sparta for help. It was impossible to quickly deliver a sufficiently large military contingent to Asia Minor. And, therefore, it was impossible to provide real assistance to the rebels. Therefore, the Spartan king Cleomenes I wisely refused to participate in this adventure. Athens sent 20 their ships to the aid of the Ionians (another 5 was sent by the Eberea city of Eberea). This decision had tragic consequences and caused the famous Greek-Persian wars, which brought Hellas citizens a lot of grief, but glorified several Greek commanders, the Athenian messenger Philippides, who ran a marathon distance (according to Herodotus, he also ran to Sparta in 24 hours 1240 Stadiums - over 238 km) and whole 300 Spartans. In 498 BC the rebels burned the capital of the Lydian satrapy - Sardis, but then suffered a defeat at the island of Lada (495), and in 494 BC. the Persians took Miletus. The uprising in Ionia was brutally crushed, and the gaze of the Persian king turned to Hellas, who dared to challenge his empire.

This is Sparta! Part II

Darius I

In 492 BC the hull of the Persian commander Mardonius conquers Macedonia, but the Persian fleet dies during a storm at Cape Athos, a campaign against Hellas fails.

In 490 BC the army of king Darius landed at Marathon. The Spartans, who celebrated the Dorian holiday in honor of Apollo, were late to the beginning of the battle, but this time the Athenians managed without them, having won one of the most famous victories in world history. But these events were only the prologue of a great war. In 480 BC The new Persian king Xerxes moved a huge army to Greece.

[center] Persian Warriors

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Relief image of the head and shoulders of a Persian archer during the reign of Xerxes I

The military adviser to the Persian king got a rival of Clehomen's Achaean - Evripontid Demarat. Fortunately for Greece, the Xerxes, confident in the strength of his troops, did not listen too much to the advice of the tsar-renegade. It must be said that, in contrast to the Agiads, who traditionally led the anti-Persian party in Sparta, the Euripontids treated Persia more favorably. And it is difficult to say how the history of Hellas would have happened if Demarth had won in Sparta, not Cleomenes.

Xerxes I

The army of Xerxes was enormous, but it had significant drawbacks - it was made up of disparate parts and it was dominated by lightly armed units that could not fight on an equal footing, with those who had learned to keep a good system, disciplined Greek hoplites. In addition, the Persians had to go through the Fermopilsky passage (between Thessaly and Middle Greece), the width of which in the narrowest point did not exceed 20 meters.

In the 7 book of his "Stories" ("Polyhymnia"), Herodot writes:

“So, at the village of Alpena, behind Thermopylae, there is a passing road for only one carriage ... In the West, from Thermopyla, an inaccessible, steep and high mountain rises, stretching to Eta. In the east, the passage goes directly to the sea and the marsh. In this gorge, a wall was built, and there used to be a gate in it ... The Hellenes now decided to restore this wall and thus block the barbarian's way to Hellas. ”

It was a great chance that the Greeks did not take full advantage of. The Spartan Dorians at this time celebrated a holiday in honor of their main god, Apollo, whose cult they once brought to Laconia. Not even a part of his army was sent to Athens. To Thermopylae went the king-hagiad (Aheyan) Leonid with whom they released all 300 soldiers. Probably, it was Leonid's personal squad: the hippies were bodyguards, relying on every king of Sparta. Perhaps they were descendants of the Achaeans, for whom Apollo was a strange god. Also about a thousand lightly-armed peireks marched. They were joined by several thousand soldiers from different cities of Greece.

Herodotus says:

“The Hellenic forces consisted of 300 Spartan hoplites, 1000 Tegeans and Mantinians (500 of those and others), 120 people from Orchomen in Arcadia, and 1000 from the rest of Arcadia, then from Corinth 400, from 200 Fliunt and 80 from Mic. These people came from the Peloponnese. From Boeotia was0 700 Thespians and 400 Thebans. In addition, the Hellenes summoned the help of the Opunta Locrians, with all their militia and 1000 Foks. ”

The total number of Leonid's army as a result was from 7 to 10 thousand people. The rest is well known: the hoplites, who had taken refuge behind a wall made of large stones, very successfully restrained the attacks of the Persian troops, occasionally turning into a counterattack — until the news came that the Greek detachment was bypassing some kind of goat path. The man, thanks to whose betrayal the Persians bypassed Leonid's detachment, was called Ephialtes (this word in Greece then began to mean “Nightmare”). Without waiting for the award, he fled from the Persian camp, was later outlawed and killed in the mountains. Blocking this path was even easier than the Thermopil Pass, but the Allies of the Spartans were in a panic. They said that Leonid let them go so as not to share a glorious death with anyone, but, more likely, they left, not wanting to die. The Spartans did not leave, because the shame was afraid of more death. In addition, over Leonid predicted that in the upcoming war or the Persian king conquer Sparta, or the Spartan king perish. And then the predictions were taken more than seriously. Sending Leonid with such small forces to Thermopylae, geronts and Efors, in effect, secretly ordered him to die in battle. Judging by the orders that Leonid gave to his wife, going on a campaign (to find a good husband and give birth to sons), he understood everything correctly and already then made his choice, sacrificing himself to save Sparta.

Monument in Thermopylae

Unfortunately, the Laceqemona and the Thespians, who remained with the Spartiates and were also killed in an unequal battle, are almost forgotten now. Diodorus reports that the Persians threw the last Hellenic warriors with spears and arrows. Archaeologists found a small hill in Thermopylae, literally strewn with Persian arrows - apparently it was the last position of Leonid's detachment.

Memorial sign in Thermopylae

Total Greeks in Thermopylae lost about 4000 people. But the Spartans did not die 300, but 299: a warrior named Aristodemus fell ill on the way and was left in the Alpenes. When he returned to Sparta, they stopped talking to him, the neighbors did not share water and food with him, since then he was known by the nickname “Aristodem the Coward.” He died a year later at the battle of Plataeus - and he himself sought death in battle. The loss of Persians, Herodotus estimates in 20 000 people.

In 480 BC the famous naval battle of Salamis took place. For some reason, the entire glory of this victory is attributed to the Athenian Themistocles, however united fleet Greece in this battle was commanded by the Spartan Euribiad. The linguistic self-PR man Themistocles (future traitor and defector) under the laconic and business Eurybias played the role of Furmanov under Chapaev. After the defeat, Xerxes with most of his army left Hellas. In Greece, the corps of his relative Mardonius, numbering about 30, remained. Soon his army was replenished with fresh units, so that at the time of the Battle of Plataea (a city in Boeotia) he had about 000 soldiers. The base of the Greek army was about 50 soldiers from Athens and 000 Spartiates. In addition, the Spartans went on to attract helots into their army, who were promised release in case of victory. Pausanias became the commander of the Greek army - not the king, but the regent of Sparta.

Pausanias, bust

In this battle, the Spartan phalanx literally ground the army of the Persians.

Mardonius died, but the war continued. The fear of the invasion of a new, no less strong, army of the Persians was so great that a general Greek alliance was created in Hellas, led by Pausanias, the hero of the battle of Plathias. However, the interests of Sparta and Athens were too different. In 477, after Pausanius’s disgraceful death, which the Ephors suspected of striving for tyranny, Sparta went out of the war: Peloponnesus and Greece were freed from the Persian forces, and the Spartists no longer wanted to fight outside Hellas. Athens and the Delian (Maritime) Union headed by them, which included the cities of Northern Greece, the Aegean islands and the coast of Asia Minor, continued to fight the Persians until 449 BC, when Kalliw peace was concluded. The most prominent commander of the Delianian Union was the Athenian strategist Kimon. Sparta also stood at the head of the Peloponnesian Union - the confederation of policies of southern Greece.

Peloponessian and Delian unions

The tragic events of 465 BC contributed to the cooling of Sparta’s relations with Athens, when Sparta was almost completely destroyed after the terrible earthquake, many of its citizens died. Chaos, at the time of the reign of Lacedaemon, caused an uprising in Messenia, during which more 300 Spartists were killed. The revolt of the ilot was suppressed only after 10 years, the scale of the hostilities was such that it was even called the III Messenian War. Lacedaemon was forced to seek help from Athens, and Sparta’s great friend Kimon persuaded his fellow citizens to provide assistance. However, the authorities of Sparta suspected the arriving Athenian troops were sympathetic to the rebels, and therefore refused to help. In Athens, this was considered an insult, the enemies of Lacedemon came to power there, and Kimon was expelled from Athens.

In 459 BC there was the first military clash between Sparta and Athens - the so-called Small Peloponessian War began, which consisted of periodic clashes in disputed territories. Meanwhile, in Athens, Perikles came to power, who, having finally taken over the treasury of the Union of Delos, used these funds to build the Long Walls - from Piraeus to Athens, and this could not but disturb Sparta and its allies.

Pericles, son of Xanthippus, an Athenian, Roman marble copy from a Greek original

Reigning at sea, the Athenians launched a trade war against Corinth and organized a trade boycott of daring to support the Corinthians Megara. Protecting their allies, Sparta demanded that the naval blockade be lifted. Athens in response put forward a mocking demand for independence for the cities of Periek. As a result of the invasion of Spartans in Attica 446, the First Peloponessian War began, which ended with a truce concluded on the initiative of Athens - that is, the victory of Sparta. Despite the defeat, the Athenians pursued an active expansionist policy, expanding their influence and disturbing the city of the Peloponessian Union. The leaders of Sparta understood how difficult it was to fight Athens without having a strong fleet of their own, and in every way delayed the war. However, yielding to the demands of its allies, in 431 BC The Spartiats again sent their army to Athens, intending, as usual, in open combat, to crush the army of the Delian Alliance - and they did not find the enemy's army. By order of Pericles, more than 100 000 people from the vicinity of Athens were taken away behind the walls, which the Spartans could not storm. The discouraged partisans returned home, but the following year they were helped by the plague, which killed up to a third of the population of Athens, including Pericles. The quivering Athenians offered peace, which the Spartans haughtily refused. As a result, the war took a protracted and extremely tedious character: 6 years of victory on one side were replaced by its defeats, the treasury of the opponents was exhausted, reserves melted, and no one could prevail. In 425, a storm brought the Athenian ships to the unprotected Messenian port of Pylos, which they captured. The Spartans who came in, in turn, occupied the small island of Sfakteriya, opposite Pylos - and were blocked by other ships that came to rescue from Athens. The hunger-bearing garrison of Sfakteriya surrendered to the Athenians, and this not-too-significant incident made a great impression on all of Hellas - because, among others, 120 partisans were captured. Until that day, no one - neither enemies, nor friends, believed that a whole detachment of Sparta warriors could lay down their arms. This capitulation, it seemed, broke the spirit of proud Sparta, which was forced to conclude a peace treaty - beneficial to Athens and humiliating for itself (Nikiyev World). This treaty caused displeasure among the powerful allies of Sparta — Boeotia, Megara, and Corinth. In addition, Alcibiades, who came to power in Athens, was able to conclude an alliance treaty with Arqueos, a long-time rival of Lacedaemon in Peloponnese.

Alcibiades, bust

This was already too much, and 418 BC. hostilities were resumed, and again, as in the days of the II Messenic War, Sparta was on the verge of death, and only victory in the battle of Mantiney rescued Lacedemon. About this battle Thucydides wrote that the Spartans in him "brilliantly proved their ability to win with courage." The Mantinean allies of Argos fled the left wing of the Spartan army, where the Skyrians stood - the mountain men Perieks (Thucydides writes that they were "in that place to which only one of the Lacedaemonians are entitled") and the warriors under the command of the good general Brasid, the initiative of which the army was introduced lightweight armor. But on the right flank and in the center, “where did King Agis stand with 300 bodyguards, called hippies” (remember 300 of King Leonid’s Spartans?) Was won by the Spartians. The Athenian troops of the left flank, already almost surrounded, escaped defeat only because Agis "ordered the whole army to go to the aid of the defeated units" (Thucydides).

And the events in the Peloponessian war suddenly followed a completely unimaginable phantasmagoric scenario. In 415 BC Alcibiades persuaded the citizens of Athens to organize a costly expedition to Sicily - against the Allied Sparta of Syracuse. But in Athens suddenly all the statues of Hermes were defiled, and for some reason Alcibiades was accused of this blasphemy. For what reason, and why, had to deal with such things, dreaming about the military glory of Alcibiades on the eve of the grand maritime voyage organized by him with such difficulty, it is completely incomprehensible. But Athenian democracy was often cruel, merciless, and irrational. Insulted Alcibiades fled to Lacedaemon and obtained help there besieged Syracuse. The Spartan commander Gilipp, who led the entire 4 ship to Syracuse, led the defense of the city. Under his leadership, the Sicilians destroyed the Athenian fleet of 200 ships and an invasion army numbering about 40 thousands. Next, Alcibiades advises the Spartans to take the Decalea - the area north of Athens. 20 000 belonging to the rich Athenian slaves go to the side of Sparta and the Delian Union begins to disintegrate. But while the Spartan king Agis II is fighting in Attica, Alcibiades seduces his wife Timaeus (no love at all, nothing personal: I just wanted his son to be the king of Sparta). Fearing the wrath of a jealous husband, he flees to Persian Asia Minor. Sparta needs a fleet for the final victory in the war, but there is no money for its construction, and the Spartiats turn to Persia for help. However, Alcibiades convinces the ruler of Asia Minor Tissafern that it would be beneficial for Persia to allow the Greeks to exhaust themselves in endless wars. The Spartans still collect the necessary amount, build their fleet - and Alkibiades returns to Athens to regain the post of commander-in-chief. In Lacedaemon, the star of the great Spartan commander Lysander, who in 407 BC, rises at this time. practically destroys the Athenian fleet in the battle at Cape Notiy.


Alcibiades was absent and the Athenian fleet was commanded by the navigator of his ship, who entered the battle without permission - but Alcibiades was again driven out of Athens. Through 2 of the year, Lysander captured almost all the Athenian ships in the Battle of EGOSPOTA (only 9 managed to escape with trire, the Athenian strategist Konon fled to Persia, where he was assigned to oversee the construction of the fleet). In 404 BC Lysander entered Athens. So ended the 27-year Peloponessian War. Athens with its "sovereign democracy" so got everyone in Hellas, that Corinth and Thebes demanded to level the city hated by the Greeks with the land, and to convert the population of Attica into slavery. But the Spartans only ordered the Long Walls that connected Athens to Piraeus to be demolished, and left all the 12 ships defeated. In Lacedaemon, they were already afraid of strengthening Thebes, and therefore the Spartiates spared Athens by trying to make them members of their union. Nothing good came of it, as early as 403 BC. the rebellious Athenians overthrew the pro-partly government, which went down in history as 30 tyrants. And Thebes, in fact, sharply intensified, and concluding an alliance with Corinth and Argos, in the end, crushed the power of Sparta. The last great commander of Sparta, King Agesilaus II, still successfully fought in Asia Minor, defeating the Persians near the city of Sardis (the Greek mercenaries Cyrus the Younger, as well as their commander Xenophon, fought in his army). However, the Corinthian War (against Athens, Thebes, Corinth and the policies of the Aegean Sea, supported by Persia - 396-387 BC), forced Agesilaus to leave Asia Minor. At the beginning of this war, his former mentor died, and now his rival Lysander. Athenian Konon and tyrant of Salamis (city in Cyprus) Evagor defeated the Spartan fleet at Knid (394 BC). After this, Konon returned to Athens and restored the famous Long Walls. The Athenian strategist Iphicrates, who developed the ideas of Brasid (added light swords and spears to the light armor, as well as darts: a new kind of military force came out - pelttes), defeated the Spartans at Corinth in 390 BC.

But Agesilaus on land and Antikalid at sea were able to achieve an acceptable result in this unsuccessfully begun war. In 386 BC Royal Peace was concluded in Susa, which proclaimed the complete independence of all Greek policies, which meant unconditional hegemony in Hellas of Sparta.

However, the war with the Boeotian alliance, whose troops were commanded by Epaminondas and Pelopid, ended in disaster for Sparta. In the battle of Levktrach (371 BC), the previously invincible Spartan phalanx was defeated by a new tactic (slanting military formation), invented by the great Theban commander Epaminondas. Until then, all the battles of the Greeks were of a "duel" character: the strong right flank of the opposing armies pressed on the weak left wing of the enemy. The one who first overturned the left flank of the enemy army won. Epaminondas strengthened his left flank, incorporating a select Holy Squad of Thebes into it, and a weakened right flank pulled back. At the site of the main attack, the Theban phalanx in 50 ranks broke through the formation of the Spartan phalanx, which traditionally consisted of 12 ranks, King Cleombrot died along with a thousand hoplites, 400 of whom were Spartiates. It was so unexpected that the Spartans subsequently justified their defeat by the fact that Epaminond "fought not by the rules." The result of this defeat was the loss of Sparta Messenia, which immediately undermined the resource base of Lacedaemon and, in fact, led him out of the great powers of Hellas. After this defeat, the enemy army laid siege to Sparta for the first time. He headed the remnants of his troops and civilian militia Agesilaus managed to defend the city. The Spartans were forced to make an alliance with Athens, the war with Thebes continued for many years. The son of Agesilaus, Archidamus, defeated the forces of the Argassians and the Arkadyans in a battle that was called “useless” by the Spartans, because not a single spartiat died in it. In response, Epaminondas, taking advantage of the fact that Agesilaus and his troops went to Arcadia, made another attempt to seize Sparta. He managed to break into the city, but was knocked out by detachments of Arkhidam and Agelessaya. Thebans moved to Arcadia, where in 362 BC the city of Mantinea hosted the decisive battle of this war. Epaminondas tried to repeat his famous maneuver, focusing on the impact of the built in a dense and powerful “echelon” of the left flank. But this time the Spartans stood to the death and did not retreat. Epaminond, who personally led this attack, was mortally wounded when he heard that all his closest comrades were also killed, he ordered to retreat and make peace.

Pierre Jean David d'Ange, Death of Epaminondas, relief

This battle was the last that Agesilaus gave on the territory of Greece. He very successfully took part in the wars of applicants for the Egyptian throne and died of old age, on the way home. At the time of his death, Agesilaus was already 85 years old.

Hellas was exhausted and ravaged by constant wars, and born around 380 BC The Greek historian Theopompus wrote a perfectly fair pamphlet "The Three-headed." In all the misfortunes that hit Hellas, he blamed the "three heads" - Athens, Sparta, Thebes. Exhausted by endless wars, Greece became easy prey for Macedonia. The troops of Philip II defeated the combined army of Athens and Thebes in the battle of Heronei in 338 BC. The Macedonian king successfully used the invention of Epaminondas: the retreat of the right flank and the decisive attack of the left, ending with the flanking blow of the phalanx and the cavalry of Tsarevich Alexander. In this battle, was defeated and the famous "Sacred squad of Thebes", which, according to Plutarch, consisted of 150 homosexual couples. The great homosexual legend says that the Thebans lovers fought the Macedonians to the end so as not to survive the death of their “husbands” (or “wives”) and all, as one, fell on the battlefield. But in a mass grave found in Heronei, the remains of only 254 people were found. The fate of the remaining 46 is unknown: it is possible that they retreated, perhaps they surrendered. This is not surprising. The word “homosexual” and the phrase “a person who is forever in love with his partner and remains faithful to him throughout his life” are not synonymous. Even if some romantic feelings at first took place in these couples, some of the soldiers of this detachment, of course, already had a relationship with their “lover” appointed by the city authorities (“divorce” and the formation of a new couple in this combat unit was hardly possible) . And, given the more than the tolerant attitude of the Boeotians to gays, it is quite possible that they already had other partners "on the side". Nevertheless, the battle on this site was indeed extremely fierce, Plutarch reports that Philip II, seeing the bodies of the dead Thebans of the “Sacred Squad” and finding out what principle he had formed, said: “Let the one who suspects that they did something wrong. " Philip clearly doubted something. Maybe he doubted the unconventional orientation of these brave Thebans - after all, the king was not Hellenic, but Macedonian, while the barbarians, according to a number of Greek historians, did not approve of homosexual relations and condemn. But perhaps he did not believe that the courage of the warriors was associated precisely with their sexual preferences, and not with love for their homeland.

In 7 years, the turn of Sparta came: in 331 BC. Macedonian commander Antipater defeated her army in the battle of Megaloprol. In this battle, about a quarter of all full-fledged Spartiates and King Agis III died. And it was not the same Sparta that before. At the beginning of the 5th century BC Sparta could set 8 to 10 to thousands of hoplites. In the battle of Plateia against the Persians, 5 of thousands of Spartians rose. During the war with the Boeotians' council, Sparta could mobilize a little more than 2000 soldiers from among full citizens. Aristotle also wrote, wrote that in his time Sparta could not expose thousands of hoplites.

In 272, Sparta had to endure the siege of Pyrrus returning from Italy: he was brought to Lacedaemon by the youngest son of the former king, Cleonim, who contested the power of his nephew. Spartiats did not bother to build solid walls by that time, but women, old people and even children dug a ditch and built an earthen wall fortified with carriages (the men did not participate in the construction of these fortifications to save forces for battle). For three days, Pierre stormed the city, but failed to take it, and, having received an advantageous (as it seemed to him) offer from Argos, he moved north to meet his death.

Pierre, bust from Palazzo Pitti, Florence

Inspired by the victory over Pyrrhus himself, the Spartiates followed him. In the rearguard battle killed the son of the king of Epirus, Ptolemy. On the further events, Pausanias tells the following: “Having already heard about the death of his son and shocked by grief, Pyrrhus (led by Molossian cavalry) was the first to rush into the ranks of the Spartans, seeking to kill with greed for revenge, and although in battle he always seemed scary and invincible, but this once with his audacity and strength he eclipsed everything that happened in previous battles ... Jumping off the saddle, in a foot battle, he laid down his entire selective squad beside Evalk. After the end of the war, excessive ambition of its rulers led Sparta to such senseless losses. ”

More about this in the article. Shadow of the great Alexander (Ryzhov V.A.).

In the III century BC. Hellas was torn to pieces by three rival forces. The first was Macedonia, which claimed power in Greece from the time of its conquest by Alexander the Great. The second is the Achaean Union of the Peloponessian policies (which embodied the practice of dual citizenship - the policy and the all-union), supported by the Egyptian Ptolemaic dynasty. The third is the Aetolian Union: Central Greece, part of Thessaly and some of the Peloponnese policies.

Macedonia, Aetolia and Achaean Unions

The clash with the Achaean alliance became fatal for the losing power of Sparta. The defeats of the king-reformer army of Cleomen III in the Battle of Selascia in 222 до н.э. and the troops of tyrant Nabis in 195 до н.э. finally finished off the Lacedaemon. A desperate attempt by Nabis to seek help from the Aetolians ended with his killing by "allies" in 192. до н.э. Weakened Sparta could not afford to be completely independent, and was forced to join the Achaean Union (in 192-191). BC) - along with Messenia and Elis. And in the II. до н.э. a new, young and strong predator came to the fields of old battles - Rome. In the war against Macedonia (started in 200 BC) it was first supported by the Aetolian Union (199), then by the Achaeans (198). Having overcome Macedonia (197 BC), the Romans solemnly declared all the Greek cities free during the Isthmian Games. As a result of this “release,” already in 189. до н.э. Aetolians were forced to submit to Rome. In 168 was до н.э. Rome finally defeated Macedonia, and it was precisely the victory over the king of this country, Perseus near the city of Pydna, Polybius called "the beginning of the world domination of the Romans" (after all, Carthage still stood). After 20 years (in 148 BC) Macedonia became a province of Rome. The Achaean alliance lasted the longest, but it was destroyed by “imperial” ambitions and injustice towards its neighbors. Sparta entered the Achaean Union forcedly and against her will, but retained the right to disobey the Achaean court and the right to independently send embassies to Rome. In 149 was до н.э. Achaeans, confident of Rome’s gratitude for helping to suppress the Macedonian uprising led by an impostor who pretended to be the son of the last king Perseus, abolished the privileges of Sparta. In the ensuing short war, their army defeated a small army of Lacedemona (the Spartiates lost 1000 people). But Rome no longer needed a rather strong unification of the polis in Greece, and taking advantage of the excuse, he hurried to weaken his recent allies: he demanded the exclusion from the Achaean alliance of “cities unrelated to the blood of Achaeans” - Sparta, Argos, Orhomen and Corinth. This decision provoked a violent protest in the union, the beatings of the Spartans and the “friends of Rome” began in different cities, the ambassadors of Rome were greeted with ridicule and insult. The Achaeans could not have done anything more stupid, but “whom the gods want to destroy, they deprive the mind of those”. In the Corinthian (or Achaean) War, the Achaean Alliance suffered a crushing defeat - 146 до н.э. Taking advantage of the occasion, the Romans destroyed Corinth, whose merchants still dared to compete with the Romans. In the same year, by the way, Carthage was destroyed. After that, the province of Achaia was formed in Greece. Together with the rest of the cities of the Achaean Union, lost its independence and Lacedaemon, for which the Romans “stood up”. Sparta has become a little remarkable provincial city of the Roman Empire. In the future, Sparta in turn captured the Goths, Heruli and Visigoths. Finally, the ancient Sparta fell into decay after the IV Crusade: it was not interesting to the new owners, they built nearby their city - Mystra (in 1249).

Mystra, Church of Mitropoli

After the conquest of the Ottomans, the last remaining Greeks were driven into the foothills of Tayget. Nowadays the existing city of Sparta was founded in 1834 - it was built on the ruins of the ancient city according to the design of the German architect Jokhmus. Currently, a little more than 16 thousand people live in it.

Modern Sparta

Modern Sparta, archaeological museum

Modern Sparta, Hall of the Archaeological Museum
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  1. +14
    9 February 2019 06: 39
    Thank. 300 Spartians remember well. Helping them is often forgotten.

    “Whom the rumor will exalt
    He will remember that after everyone ”(c).
    1. +1
      9 February 2019 21: 15
      So their rumor exalted not because they fought in the power saws, but because they covered up the withdrawal of the others.
  2. +4
    9 February 2019 07: 11
    Interestingly, in detail.
    Although that's all, as always: either together with Athens against a common enemy, then wars among themselves ....
  3. +4
    9 February 2019 07: 43
    I see much instructive in this story of SPARTA for our time ... oh, if modern politicians knew it well, many stupid things could be avoided.
    Thanks to the author for a fascinating article. hi
  4. +4
    9 February 2019 08: 58
    "So the end has come to our freedom: we will no longer be able to fight and make peace whenever we want." crying - Greeks, after the arrival of the Romans
    and Pausanias, by the way, was also a traitor, cleaner than the femistocles
    1. -12
      9 February 2019 09: 06
      ... Rome was founded by 2 brothers: Yuri Dolgoruky and John Kalita - Vsevolodovichi .. Tales all ..
      1. +2
        9 February 2019 10: 24
        Quote: ver_
        ... Rome was founded by 2 brothers: Yuri Dolgoruky and John Kalita - Vsevolodovichi .. Tales all ..

        They founded it directly together ??? At the same time or did they alternate? wassat
        And what does the word "kalita" mean in Latin?
        1. -14
          9 February 2019 10: 35
          ..the first campaign they carried out together Yuri and John .. The second campaign Yaroslav with his son Alexander (Nevsky-Makedonsky) .. Yuri Dolgoruky received a mortal wound on the river Vozha in * self-destructive * with neighbors ..
        2. -15
          9 February 2019 10: 51
          ... Yaroslav had many names - Presbyter John (pop-tsar), Khan Batuy (father), (tsar holy father), Yaroslav Vsevolodovich .., John Kalita (caliph) All men had 2 names - one received at birth , another at baptism ...
          1. +1
            9 February 2019 10: 56
            What baptism before baptism? fool
            It’s only known that one of them was Agiad wassat
            1. +9
              9 February 2019 13: 00
              He could not be an agiad, they could not stand the Persians. And Nevsky, nicknamed Monomakh at baptism, who received the name Peter 1 in the world, known as Prince Svyatoslav was a propersid ruler and therefore defeated the rivals of Persia, the Khazar Khaganate and the Byzantine empire laughing . Hronolazhet etit all brains for themselves, now surrounding others are loaded with their natronism.
              1. +3
                10 February 2019 07: 42
                Hronolazh etit all the brains themselves for
                If they had only their brains ... So those around them
          2. +9
            9 February 2019 14: 15
            Quote: ver_

            ... Yaroslav had many names - Presbyter John (pop-tsar), Khan Batuy (father),

            to read Fomenko and they will not hang out is very harmful for Pihiki ... it’s better to see the Simson cartoon, it’ll be more useful or smoke ... but not Fomenko !!!
            1. -14
              9 February 2019 14: 18
              ... much more harmful - do not read Fomenko - you will become Mitrofanushka ..
              1. +2
                9 February 2019 14: 22
                Quote: ver_
                not to read Fomenko - you will become Mitrofanushka

                yes i already he
              2. 0
                11 February 2019 07: 14
                And Fomenko A.T. can be considered as one of the options of our history
          3. +8
            9 February 2019 17: 55
            Yaroslav had many names - Presbyter John

            And the city of Beijing, also founded by the Slavs - bakers, so Beijing is a Russian city.
            1. -4
              10 February 2019 02: 55
              ..when Beijing was called Bel Kan .. (white khan) ..
              1. 0
                12 February 2019 16: 57
                Beijing because there were baked with each other
            2. +5
              10 February 2019 07: 45
              And the city of Beijing, also founded by the Slavs - bakers, so Beijing is a Russian city.
              And the city of Hanoi - because there came khan to someone.
              1. +2
                12 February 2019 16: 56
                And Tokyo - because there someone killed an electric shock.
            3. 0
              11 February 2019 05: 11
              Well, not quite bakers. In the east of Siberia, there used to be a Pegaya horde .. Here and the city was called Pegin-Beijing. Then it was converted to the European Lad-Bajin. By the way, something is wrong with the Japanese too ... Well, did this piebald horde not only hands but also something else in the formation of the Japanese elite
        3. -7
          9 February 2019 10: 53
          ... caliph - judge - teacher ..
        4. -5
          9 February 2019 15: 45
          ... yes, dear, in the fifth grade of the school you need ...
          1. +4
            9 February 2019 16: 27
            Sir, thank you very much, have fun!
          2. +4
            10 February 2019 19: 54
            This is where in the fifth grade educate about the Russian-speaking founders of Rome? Not Plutarch accidentally ...... !!!? If there was even a small fraction of the probability that there was a Slavic or Russian trace in the foundation of ancient Rome, and even by Ivan Danilovich Kalita, then to this day it would have reached Ivan the City, or, in the worst case, Vankograd! And so Rome is Rome, and Romulus, alas, is not Ivan, and not even Vanka-wallet!
            R.s. The author is a fat plus !!!
  5. The comment was deleted.
  6. +3
    9 February 2019 13: 09
    I liked the second part more. "The linguistic self-PR man Themistocles (future traitor and deserter)" - but the author's inclination towards simplifications and loud statements is depressing.
    1. +2
      10 February 2019 00: 49
      Vyacheslav Olegovich. Can you write an article, or better a cycle, about very ancient Greece? The time of Hercules? Or earlier? Yes, myths in the internet are easy to find. But this is just "Another great myth"
      1. 0
        10 February 2019 09: 41
        Now there is a cycle in 40 of materials about knights and knighthood. In parallel, but very slowly - a cycle about an ancient civilization. It was 2 material. There is a cycle about a bronze age. About the inhabitants of ancient North America (4 material, will soon be the last and it is finished). What will happen next ... I can not say. But you can think about your proposal.
  7. -9
    9 February 2019 13: 15
    History has been written and rewritten many times, and right now there is simply no way to know the truth. The fact that Alexander the Great was a Slav already says that the Greeks fought there and the Slavs and other peoples, and most of them are Slavs. All for power, and therefore strife among themselves or against one large empire such as Tartaria. Alexander of Macedon, although he was a Slav, but from childhood he was set up and raised against the Slavs, which speaks of a war with the Slavs or for independence from them.
    1. +2
      9 February 2019 16: 31
      At the time of Makedonskov Sanka there were no Slavs ... He was a shelter, and then the Slavs appeared from them, after the victory over the Hunno-fascist troops
      1. +1
        10 February 2019 01: 36
        I remembered "They fought for the Motherland"
    2. +4
      9 February 2019 18: 16
      The story is written and rewritten many times and there is simply no way to know the truth right now
      If you have a void in your head, this does not mean that truth is not possible. Information is lost over time, but some can be recovered from graves, inscriptions, and shards, which archaeologists did. Excavated tribes, cultures, settlements are dated and compiled in a table and this is the most accurate infa. From this we must build on. You can invent infinitely, so you need to minimize versions by comparing with archeology.
      1. -2
        9 February 2019 21: 19
        Quote: nickname7
        Excavated tribes, cultures, settlements are dated and compiled in a table and this is the most accurate infa.

        Well, if so. But I don’t believe it (like Baba Yaga against).
        Remember these phrases: - "The main thing is not how they choose, but who counts." So it is in our incomprehensible history. Who made the dating tables? Have they been revised according to modern finds and methods of determining the time? What about those finds that do not fit into history, both in terms of dating and in terms of the idea of ​​life and everyday life? Where to get the primary sources of ancient manuscripts, which for the most part burned down (by accident), and copies of allegedly from these originals are stored (with dubious information), but what about those artifacts that have not been destroyed in the storerooms, but change the course of human history until they are recognizable, but what to do with those scientists-historians of antiquity who defended their dissertations on false copies and sit in honorable places in science and try to prove to everyone that history is true because it is true and all-powerful?
        How can we believe historians who say that Cyril and Methodius brought religion to the Russians (and religion, too, greetings) when there was a written language and a chronicle for a long time. Why Peter-I canceled the ancient Slavic calendar and introduced the European one, although in many Asian countries there is also their ancient calendar and chronology. Why do all countries and peoples that have little self-respecting self have a rich history (we will consider the true one), and the Slavs, well, as ordered by 1-2 thousand years (and that is incomprehensible) and do not dare to dig further than gu-gu and taboo (taboo and ban). And that the most interesting majority of the Slavs for some reason believed that they were savages and barbarians without a clan or tribe.
        And you, too, are saying that we have the poorest and most rotten history. You humiliate yourself by speaking of such a history of the Slavs and not only the Slavs, but also many other peoples with a globally rewritten history.
        Why EVERYTHING is silent about the maps on which the TARTARIA empire was printed even in English books, but we were not even told about it at school. From where is a map of Antarctica with the outlines of the mainland without ice cover that can be done only from the air. Great Chinese why the loopholes turned to China. The Etruscans are who they are and why their writing is deciphered precisely from Old Slavic, and not pan-European. From where ancient Sanskrit came with written language to India and right now it’s forgotten, but the closest to it is Russian (or Slavic).
        A lot of questions, but historians are stupidly silent and pretend that they do not notice such huge inconsistencies referring to the official interpretation (who imposes the question on it) and it is for the most part that everything related for some reason to the history of the Slavs, that is, us and you, is silent.
        We need to wake up, and the Slavs. what
        1. +4
          9 February 2019 22: 07
          You have written many questions, but you are breaking into an open door. You are simply not an expert and do not know where to get what. Of course, no one will let you into the archive of the Ancient Acts. But for a start, start reading the following magazines: Rodina, Voprosy istorii, History of the Russian State and Law, Archeology of Russia. If this is not enough for you, I will give you the addresses of authoritative international scientific publications, where you cannot get to "from the street" at all. There are publications in Russian as well. Look, read. Not immediately, but gradually, you will learn a lot and the "foolishness of ignorance" will gradually pass. One can at once understand everything only in the books of Fomenko. But as you read them, remember that even if you put nine pregnant women together, the baby will still not be born in a month.
          1. -3
            9 February 2019 23: 25
            Quote: kalibr
            You will learn a lot and the "nonsense of ignorance" will gradually pass.

            Here you are right, but this is attributed to the majority of deceived and to yourself, too.
            I will give you the addresses of reputable international scientific publications, which cannot be reached "from the street"

            I do not need these authorities because it is to them that I really don’t believe because everything works for one thing and against us.
            And not only Fomenko and Nosovsky, but also many other alternative experts are asked different questions and how modern scholars-historians just as logically and consistently explain another story, but do not sit on grants and salaries and therefore are not biased.

            If you can create such a film (even on RenTV, but look to the end - it is absolutely incredible, but there are no official explanations) and, taking into account the facts and artifacts, try to explain everything logically and beautifully, then why can not another beautiful (official) story be just as beautiful and smoothly explain? That's right, you can, as you did. But our planet’s history at the global level was beautifully described and protected from attacks by various alternative specialists (some are no worse than the official historians in the subject) and are paid so that, God forbid, the idea of ​​the world change. Not only that, even the last century they are already trying to rewrite the history of the Second World War, the course of events, who won, who is the main and who attacked whom, and what can we say about the times 100 or 1000 years or more ago where there are no living witnesses at all.
            You probably well understand that if there are any true facts and stories, then on the basis of them you can put forward several versions by building events on the links that make up the chain. At the same time, interpreting each link in the chain, the next link in this chain can already be interpreted differently, but clearly relying on the reliability of this link, and as a result, the result will be a completely different story. Here's the official one and that is the story that we were treated as it should, and not as it was true, although many events took place, but from a different angle of view or understanding, or even referred to time in other eras.
            You probably know how a lie is made. The truth is taken, somewhere a little silent, mixed on the silent changed (very little) and the output is a completely different product. All. In a barrel of honey, a drop of tar. Yummy.
            This is the problem that if you start going beyond the official, then guardian wars appear and begin to lure into the official framework.
            1. +2
              10 February 2019 09: 36
              I can only say one thing. All this is treated by the consistent accumulation of knowledge from different sources. I myself love to go beyond the official, and I succeeded. But it was always based on facts and documents, and not a spectacular play of imagination. I gave you a list of magazines? At least read them a year ... And do not about grants. About this you do not know anything at all.
            2. +1
              10 February 2019 09: 57
              Quote: Irokez
              I do not need these authorities because it is to them that I really don’t believe because everything works for one thing and against us.

              Not read, but condemn. Everything is clear about you!
              1. +4
                10 February 2019 20: 00
                Vyacheslav Olegovich good evening! "You are fighting a mustache" - I respect without irony !!!
                "Fat and Fat Blochast" is back !!! So, what else will we fight!
  8. +2
    9 February 2019 14: 36
    "In the future, Sparta was seized by the Goths, Heruls and Visigoths in turn" - the last of the Sotava invaders were the Slavs-Antes, who formed their state of Morea (present-day Greek region of Morea) on the territory of former Sparta.
    1. +4
      10 February 2019 20: 03
      Amazing ....? Previously, such a sensible comment would not remain "empty". Andrey is a plus for you!
  9. +1
    9 February 2019 14: 52
    Speaking modernly, Sparta is a great example of what arrogance and show-offs bring to.
  10. +2
    9 February 2019 16: 22
    Quote: Irokez
    Alexander the Great, though he was a Slav, but from childhood was set up and brought up against the Slavs, which speaks of a war with the Slavs or for independence from them.

    And Plato was also a Slav?
    1. +3
      9 February 2019 16: 36
      It seems that then all the Slavs were. Even the Aztecs laughing
    2. -6
      9 February 2019 17: 36
      Quote: kalibr
      And Plato was also a Slav?

      And what does Plato have to do with it, if Alexander’s teacher was Aristotle, but Aristotle himself is a student of Plato (this is in case you want to trace Plato’s connection with Alexander, but they did not intersect each other).
      And please do not forget about the Slavs. In those days, there were many slaves in Greece, and the best were considered from the northern territories - the Slavs, and therefore for many years of exploitation, and there, mixing in life between people, Slavs by gender appeared as well as those who came or migrated from the northern countries (the same The Etruscans in the Roman Empire are descendants of the Slavs with a rich culture).
      Sparta and Athens are like two types of states in the likeness of harsh socialism and measured democracy.
      1. +5
        9 February 2019 19: 08
        One should also not forget about the proto-Greek tribes of the Iroquois and the Hurons related to them, who crossed the ocean in the third millennium BC and, taking the name of the Pelasgas, settled in the Balkans. Their influence on the subsequent Greek population was so great that, according to British scholars, the combs on ancient Greek helmets have as their prototype the famous Iroquois hairstyles.
        1. -2
          9 February 2019 20: 22
          Quote: alebor
          ancient Greek helmets have prototypes of the famous Iroquois hairstyles

          By the way, an interesting thought. If we consider that Columbus did not discover America, then everything can be because Atlantis was also inhabited by Indians from America and some representatives of such could get into ancient Greece. One should try to defend the candidate’s defense on this subject, and it will work out because the main idea is to develop, and it doesn’t matter whether it is right or not. good
        2. +1
          10 February 2019 09: 24
          Quote: alebor
          One should also not forget about the proto-Greek tribes of the Iroquois and the Hurons related to them, who crossed the ocean in the third millennium BC and, taking the name of the Pelasgas, settled in the Balkans. Their influence on the subsequent Greek population was so great that, according to British scholars, the combs on ancient Greek helmets have as their prototype the famous Iroquois hairstyles.

          laughing laughing laughing
  11. +4
    9 February 2019 17: 15
    An article like a panegyric on Lacedaemon that has never been. The assertion that young Spartiats of the type carried out patrols at night, and the helots themselves are to blame for being slaughtered by the evil one. Every year the Ephors "declared war" on the helots, with understandable consequences for the latter.
    The assertion that the free Spartiat "would not have tolerated that its contribution to the sessions would suffer, Ephor's delirium with the kings did not stand on ceremony, and here the security of the State. After all, the number of helots significantly outnumbered the Lacedaemonians themselves. And the further, the greater the gap. so that in Sparta the massacre of helots was a state affair - they killed potential leaders, dissatisfied, simply strong. And a teenager, the son of a helot killed in the night, could also follow the ox's ass. And the young Spartan blockheads were not ready for battle. only physically, but also morally, they have already become accustomed to killing.Even not particularly sentimental Greeks were surprised at the fanaticism of the Sparta towards the helots.
    Pausanias was not the type of an innocent victim — he was caught sitting on a sack of gold and fled to the sanctuary, walled up, and his old mother took part in this. Pausanias did not win the battle of the Plateaus, this battle consisted of several separate battles, which began after the retreat of the allied Greek army and the role of the Athenians in the final victory was no less than that of the Spartans. Moreover, Pausanius, if he led, only his Spartans. And only the accidental death of Mardonius gave the victory to the Greeks, in connection with the complete loss, of the Persians and their allies of centralized administration. The Ephors stopped sending their commanders to the war with Persia, because they didn’t want to go back, well, they liked living in luxury farther from their barracks.
    Yes, and the author bypasses the question - it’s not the Spartans who refused to command, but the other Greeks drove the Spartans and transferred the command to the Athenians — well, they didn’t like that water, firewood, etc. they could take only after the Lacedaemonians, and punishment with sticks for disobedience to this order. Lysander at the Goat River caught the Athenian Navy off-guard and captured ships almost without commands. And before that, there was a wholly beaten at the Arginus islands. And Sparta built its fleet on subsidies from the Persians.
    So, the state-barracks of Sparta was clearly not better than other Greek policies, it was just different, and not better than others, as the author is trying to teach.
    1. VLR
      10 February 2019 08: 54
      According to your post, I can only agree on one thing: the article is sharply pointed out, but this was done deliberately - to break through the wall of stereotypes.
      According to the "war with ilots" - black PR of the enemies of Sparta, does not hold water. Ilotov in Sparta was in 2 times less than the slaves in Athens, however, it never occurred to anyone in Athens to kill the "extra" slaves. The position of the hellot of Lacedaemon was two times better than that of the slaves of Attica (due to the fact that the Spartis had no sense to exploit them brutally, but the Athenians had a meaning to tear the three skins from the slaves - I already wrote about this). Slaves are scattered, deprived of weapons, intimidated. To bring them to the uprising, we need special circumstances - a very intolerable situation, or a natural disaster that put the masters in a desperate situation. The ilot was unbearable. The earthquake was 1 times - 1 times there was a major uprising of the helots. Announcement of war to the helots is a tradition This did not mean at all that the Spartians immediately after the announcement of the “war” went insanely and went on a massive scale to kill their helots. Britain and France also declared war on Germany in 1939, so what? Has the war started on the Western Front? Efory with the kings did not stand on ceremony - this is true. I wrote about it. And with ordinary citizens tried not to quarrel - because they were selected for a year, and then reported on their activities, and reports were held in a very tough form. And the owner of those killed for nothing about what the helots and his relatives would not be silent during these reports. Eforom would in this situation, no one would envy. Young partisans were not blockheads - in any case. These were the best and most educated children of Hellas. The only objective review about them belongs to Diogenes: "I have not seen good people anywhere, I have seen good children in Sparta."
      Pausanias was the commander-in-chief of the Greek army at the battle of Plataeus — this is not discussed. The Greeks always gave command of the Spartans. It never occurred to anyone to challenge this right when the roasted rooster was at ... pecking. And then, when this rooster stepped aside, of course, they began: oh, the Spartans are the first to take water and firewood! Until the next cock.
      About the victory because Mardonius died: during the battle of Kosovo, Milos Obilic killed Sultan Murad 1 - no one in the fighting Turkish troops found out about this. Central command directly during the battles before the advent of radio communications, by the way, is generally a myth. But during the Anabasis, the Persians invited the commanders of the Greeks to negotiate and murdered treacherously and the Greeks, of course, found out about it - and what? Feet folded? Calmly went on.
      The Athenians were slovens "by the goat river" - aren't you funny yourself? It is not recommended to be guilty at all, and especially in war. Nakosyachili - received. There, by the way, Lysander, knowing that the Athenians and military discipline are not very compatible things, deliberately imitated several days of preparation for battle - and each time did not start the battle. So the Athenians relaxed. And, as there in the joke: "do not relax."
      1. 0
        10 February 2019 10: 51
        Good morning.
        I want to remind you that only the land belonged to an ordinary Spartiate (inseparable for some time), and the helot was a STATE serf or a slave? They were obliged to provide the owner of the land allotment with 6000 liters (82 medimas) of barley and some wine and oil, and as I understand it, homespun cloth for the entire Spartiate family, they did not go naked.
        So, the right to life and death of Helot belonged to the state, and not to the owner.
        And what kind of "black PR" against Sparta could the Roman subject Plutarch carry out? And for what?
        When was Lacedaemon himself a story?
        I want to remind you, in Sparta, even kings did not have a diploma. Lissander, by the way, also could not read.
        The Lycurgian laws were unwritten. A type enshrined in tradition.
        And I want to remind you that you bypass the party — how many Spartan commanders were convicted of money-grubbing and treason? The silverless Lissander, by the way he was not a king, was essentially an exception to the rule.
        You recall how a year after the victory over Athens, Sparta was pumped out by its allies in the war, in particular Thebes, who took the Athenian exiles to themselves? Rudeness and arrogance towards the allies, Sparta themselves emasculated their victory.
        Maybe I forgot, the country of the Lacedaemon barracks gave its Aristotle, Euripides, Sophocles or Pythagoras. That’s why I wrote that, in addition to limited truncheons, the level of Tyson, Sparta simply could not raise.
        1. +4
          10 February 2019 20: 10
          Dear Oleg, for all Plutarch's bias towards Sparta, this did not prevent in his "comparative descriptions" from erecting descendants from this one of the peoples of the ancestors of the Romans themselves! So in the eyes of Plutarch - Sprt is cool!
  12. +3
    9 February 2019 22: 09
    Quote: Irokez
    Her Etruscans in the Roman Empire - the descendants of the Slavs with a rich culture)

    Here were my articles about the Etruscans ... Read ... And do not tell people "descendants of the Slavs with a rich culture" ... oh ...
  13. +3
    9 February 2019 22: 14
    Quote: Irokez
    On this subject, you should try to defend the candidate’s candidacy and it will work out, because the main idea is to develop, but whether it’s right or not doesn’t matter

    Will not quit until at least pass. And you will not give it to him 100%!
    Quote: alebor

    One should also not forget about the proto-Greek tribes of the Iroquois and the Hurons related to them, who crossed the ocean in the third millennium BC and, taking the name of the Pelasgas, settled in the Balkans. Their influence on the subsequent Greek population was so great that, according to British scholars, the combs on ancient Greek helmets have as their prototype the famous Iroquois hairstyles.

    And where does this come from? Where is this written? And by whom ...
    1. 0
      10 February 2019 09: 15
      Quote: kalibr
      And where did this come from? Where is it written about? And by whom.

      Well, this is a taunt in my direction, dearest, and you accepted it as a scientific thought. Oh, how your theories are numb. You are the hunter warrior. You are ours.
      1. +2
        10 February 2019 09: 28
        It is hard to tell where the humor ends, and where something else begins. For example, it is difficult for me. Sorry if you do not understand!
    2. +1
      10 February 2019 09: 30
      Quote: kalibr
      Quote: Irokez
      On this subject, you should try to defend the candidate’s candidacy and it will work out, because the main idea is to develop, but whether it’s right or not doesn’t matter

      Will not quit until at least pass. And you will not give it to him 100%!
      Quote: alebor

      One should also not forget about the proto-Greek tribes of the Iroquois and the Hurons related to them, who crossed the ocean in the third millennium BC and, taking the name of the Pelasgas, settled in the Balkans. Their influence on the subsequent Greek population was so great that, according to British scholars, the combs on ancient Greek helmets have as their prototype the famous Iroquois hairstyles.

      And where does this come from? Where is this written? And by whom ...

      This is subtle trolling ...
  14. +2
    9 February 2019 22: 22
    famous Iroquois hairstyles. [/ quote]
    Three articles about the ancient history of North America have been published here. When there were Iroquois, there were no other gregs, they missed each other in time, and when there were other Greeks ... those who lived in America were not up to them.
  15. +4
    9 February 2019 22: 23
    I recalled what I read in childhood, about the inscription on the stone in the Thermopilus passage:
    The traveler! Take the message
    To the citizens of Lacedaemon,
    Honestly fulfilling your duty,
    Here we are, in the grave.
  16. +1
    10 February 2019 13: 52
    About "fighting homosexuals" smiled laughing
    1. +5
      10 February 2019 20: 15
      You should read about the Thessalians! Better yet, about the rituals and beliefs of Ancient Hellas - do not believe the "tearing patterns". All the same, even our Soviet upbringing was built on the basis of Christian values!
      1. +1
        11 February 2019 13: 03
        I will take note
        1. 0
          11 February 2019 14: 28
          Quote: 40guns
          I will take note

          Many ancient Greek statues made of marble or granite smell like homosexual. Such a culture was known and very widespread - democracy is the same.
          1. +2
            11 February 2019 17: 17
            Quote: Irokez
            Quote: 40guns
            I will take note

            Many ancient Greek statues made of marble or granite smell like homosexual. Such a culture was known and very widespread - democracy is the same.

            Question to the respected Iroquois? And here is democracy? !!! I think to interfere with non-interfering and share non-divisible - this is the lot of PR specialists from the Falkhistory company, and extras from history suffer from this!
            And now seriously the variability of the theses “culture” and “democracy” we are considering is so vast and multifaceted that I will not even give examples of history. I will say more simply the identity of the relationship "democrat" and "homosexual" is absurd and stupid. Read Aristotle or Herodotus, you can Roman authors!
  17. -1
    13 February 2019 10: 25
    It’s somehow strange. Well, until the 6th century BC the Greeks didn’t know the phalanx at all, stupidly arranged a bunch-mala on the battlefield? And then the Spartans came, so smart, and said that the crowd against the crowd is no longer fashionable, let's build a war? This is to say that, in theory, the Persians should have met more than once with the phalanx in Asia Minor and more than once successfully clotted it. Only this can explain the confidence of the Persian commanders that they are quite capable of coping with mainland Greece.
  18. 0
    13 February 2019 14: 58
    "after all, the king (Philip) was not a Hellenic, but a Macedonian, and the barbarians, according to a number of Greek historians"

    And here is what the Greek historian Herodotus writes about this (History, Book 5 of Terpsichore, paragraph 22):
    “And the fact that these Macedonian kings, the descendants of Perdiccas, are real Hellenes, not only they themselves, but I am convinced of this. In addition, the judges of the Olympic competitions recognized this. When Alexander (Ι) wished to take part in the competition for this came to Olympia, then the Greeks, the participants in the competition, demanded his expulsion. These competitions, they said, for the Hellenes, and not for the barbarians. Alexander proved that he was an Argos, and the judges recognized his Hellenic origin. "
    And this is written by another Greek historian Arrian (Anabasis of Alexander Book Ι, paragraph 16):
    "And he buried the Persian commanders; he also buried the Hellenic mercenaries who fell, fighting along with his enemies. Those whom he took prisoner, he shackled and sent to Macedonia to work, for they, the Greeks, went against the general the decision of the Hellenes and fought for the barbarians against Greece. In Athens, he sent 300 sets of Persian military equipment as a gift to Pallas Athena. The inscription he ordered to do this: "Alexander, son of Philip, and all the Greeks, except the Lacedaemonians, took from the barbarians living in Asia." ...
    If the author means Demosthenes, an orator and a politician who in his speeches called the Macedonians barbarians, pursuing their political goals, then we must mention his political opponents, Athenian speakers and philosophers, Isokrates (Isocrates) and Aeschine, cat. on the contrary, they called on the Athenians to unite with Philip and begin a holy war against the Persians.
    Politicians, even now, insult each other, if necessary, humiliate them, and doused with lies.
  19. 0
    13 February 2019 15: 04
    [/ quote] "after all, the king (Philip) was not a Hellenic, but a Macedonian, the barbarians, according to a number of Greek historians" [quote]

    And here is what the Greek historian Herodotus writes about this (History, Book 5 of Terpsichore, paragraph 22):
    “And the fact that these Macedonian kings, the descendants of Perdiccas, are real Hellenes, not only they themselves, but I am convinced of this. In addition, the judges of the Olympic competitions recognized this. When Alexander (Ι) wished to take part in the competition for this came to Olympia, then the Greeks, the participants in the competition, demanded his expulsion. These competitions, they said, for the Hellenes, and not for the barbarians. Alexander proved that he was an Argos, and the judges recognized his Hellenic origin. "
    And this is written by another Greek historian Arrian (Anabasis of Alexander Book Ι, paragraph 16):
    "And he buried the Persian commanders; he also buried the Hellenic mercenaries who fell, fighting along with his enemies. Those whom he took prisoner, he shackled and sent to Macedonia to work, for they, the Greeks, went against the general the decision of the Hellenes and fought for the barbarians against Greece. In Athens, he sent 300 sets of Persian military equipment as a gift to Pallas Athena. The inscription he ordered to do this: "Alexander, son of Philip, and all the Greeks, except the Lacedaemonians, took from the barbarians living in Asia." ...
    If the author means Demosthenes, an orator and a politician who in his speeches called the Macedonians barbarians, pursuing their political goals, then we must mention his political opponents, Athenian speakers and philosophers, Isokrates (Isocrates) and Aeschine, cat. on the contrary, they called on the Athenians to unite with Philip and begin a holy war against the Persians.
    Politicians, even now, insult each other, if necessary, humiliate them, and doused with lies.
    1. VLR
      13 February 2019 15: 31
      Alexander considered himself to be Hellen on the grounds that his mother was an epic. And his father, Philip, and his father’s associates, did not consider themselves to be Hellenes. Kallisfen, by the way, suffered including the fact that when he was provoked to make a speech against the Macedonians at the feast, he accused Alexander of not destroying the Hellenic city of Thebes, not being Hellenes.
      1. 0
        13 February 2019 15: 44
        What language did the Macedonians speak - Hellenic?
        1. -1
          14 February 2019 16: 28
          Titus Livy, Ancient Roman Historian, History of Rome from the Foundation of the City, Book XXXI, Ch. 29, 15 paragraph:
          “The Aetolians, Acarnans, Macedonians all speak the same language, today they quarreled and diverged, tomorrow they reunited, but with strangers, with barbarians every Greek was and will be in an eternal war, for it’s not something changeable and temporary, but an immutable law nature makes them harbor mutual animosity. ”
          The Athenian playwright Euripides (480-406) lived and wrote in recent years in Macedonia under King Archelaus. His plays "Archelaus" and "The Bacchae" were performed, as well as other Greek plays, on stage in Dion. There is no mention of the language barrier and the need for a translator anywhere.
          Greek inscriptions were found in Macedonia (Greece), but not a single inscription in the Greek language was found until the Roman conquest.
          Visit the ancient capital of Macedonia Pella and Eges (Vergina) and see for yourself. On the grave stones, near the tomb of Philip II, dating from the 2nd half of the 4th century AD, the names of 75 ordinary Macedonians, men and women, are all Greek.
          As for the ancient Macedonian language, it is a kind of Doric (north-western dialect of Greek), and different from other forms of Doric, which indicates a local dialect, and not come from another region (See Pella katadesmos- a spell on a lead plate dated 4 or 3 centuries BC)
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. 0
        14 February 2019 16: 38
        Please tell the source, author name, book, paragraph.
  20. 0
    14 February 2019 16: 34
    Quote: G.Petrovich
    Aetolians, Acarnans, Macedonians all speak the same language

    Thank you
  21. -1
    16 February 2019 01: 43
    Hosting !!! So big, and we believe in fairy tales ..
  22. 0
    19 February 2019 00: 00
    As I understand it, one of the reasons for the defeat of the warring parties in those days was the fact that the army did not come to the war, because houses walk and praise some kind of god.

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