Open conspiracy

Open conspiracyPoet Sergey Alikhanov published a rather unexpected book. A thick, almost 700 of pages, the book under the meager name “Judicial Report” contains the transcript of the 1938 trial of the year on the Bukharin-Trotsky block.

History This edition is a bit like a detective. The Bukharin process was open, including to the Western press; Part of his materials were printed in ours. But the matter is so voluminous and complex (the 21 people accused of it), that until now it is a white spot for the general public. Although the hypothesis that the process was fabricated was the most popular, and the Yakovlev commission all those convicted on it, with the exception of Berry, were justified in 1989 year. But on the basis of what - nobody recognized that again.

And in 38, after the trial was completed, the verdict of the 18-central “coprocessors” was shot, his transcript was reproduced and sent to the NKVD offices of the country for review. However, then our secretaries published a circular: to return all numbered copies to the center, and to destroy them at remote points.

But there was a brave man who kept his copy - and already in old age he told his grandson about his act. Saying, foreseeing that our crossover story would eventually oblige, he decided to preserve the whole truth for posterity. And he bequeathed: if there is a chance, to publish this extremely frank document of the epoch, which our grandson did already in our time. But trusting Alikhanov to this edition, the cost of which he assumed, he asked to keep quiet about the print run about him. As a result of all these precautions, the book came out under such a name that does not say too much - in order not to light up in advance where it is not necessary.

Now about her. Even its bulkiness and shorthand accuracy, which has preserved even the manner of speech of the participants in the process, give the reader the opportunity to feel its true atmosphere. And, comparing the masses of testimony, arguments, try, taking the place of an impartial judge, to decide what is true and what is not.

The process is presided over by the chairman of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR, the army warrior Ulrich. State prosecutor - USSR Prosecutor Vyshinsky. Among the defendants are top state and party leaders: Bukharin, Rykov, Yagoda, Krestinsky, Ikramov and others. They are accused of “forming a conspiratorial group, a“ right-Trotsky bloc, ”whose goal was to spy, sabotage, sabotage, undermine the military power of the USSR and detach Ukraine, Belarus, Central Asian republics, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and overthrow the existing state system ... That is, almost literally what happened 55 years later - and this, of course, causes the book a lively interest.

In addition, doctors Levin, Kazakov and others tied to the block through Yagoda are charged with bringing Menzhinsky, Kuibyshev, Gorky and his son Maxim Peshkov to death. In addition, the head of the OGPU-NKVD Yagoda is an attempt to poison his successor Yezhov with mercury vapor and organize the murder of Kirov.

Although the process is ultimately headed by Ulrich, in fact the entire judicial investigation is conducted, and very thoroughly, by Vyshinsky alone. A man of colossal pressure, brutal memory, not missing a single detail from the darkness of the details of each of the accused, an outstanding polemicist. The latter is best seen from his constant clashes with his main and, perhaps, the only opponent trying to fight back - Bukharin.

“VYSHINSKY: I am not asking at all about the conversation, but about this conversation. BUKHARIN: In Hegel’s Logic the word “this” is considered the most difficult ... VYSHINSKY: I ask the court to explain to the accused Bukharin that he is not a philosopher here, but a criminal, and it is useful for him to refrain from Hegelian philosophy to say, it would be better for Hegel’s philosophy ...

BUKHARIN: He said “should,” but the meaning of these words is not “golden,” but “myussen.” VYSHINSKY: You leave your philosophy. Must in Russian - it means should. BUKHARIN: "Must" has two meanings in Russian. VYSHINSKY: And we want to have one value here. BUKHARIN: You like it, and I have the right to disagree ... VYSHINSKY: You are used to negotiating with the Germans in their language, and here we speak Russian ... "

And Vyshinsky with his “proletarian directness”, although not by simplicity, in these duels, sometimes for whole pages, every now and then prevails, not allowing the enemy to translate the game into the field of his favorite sophistry. The former comrade-in-arms of Bukharin Yakovlev, a witness according to the plan of Lenin’s arrest in 1918, draws this style well: “He spoke about it in passing, enveloping it with a number of confusing and unnecessary theoretical arguments, as he likes to do it; like a cocoon, he wrapped this thought in the sum of lengthy arguments. ”

Of course, behind Vyshinsky's back is the full power of the punitive vehicle. But Bukharin does not enter the duel with her, realizing that "I may not be alive and even almost sure of that." His whole line on the court, in some places ascending to the most dramatic pathos, has one surprising goal: to morally justify himself for “such things” recognized by him for which “you can shoot ten times.” This duality of position - yes, sinful is terrible, but let me show the whole height of the errors that have thrown into the criminal pool - and does not give him victory over the destructive interpretation of his personality by Vyshinsky:

“Bukharin sabotage, sabotage, espionage organizes, and he looks humble, quiet, almost holy, and it seems that the humble words of Vasily Ivanovich Shuisky“ Holy cause, brothers! ” from the mouth of Nikolai Ivanovich. This is the height of monstrous hypocrisy, treachery, Jesuitism and inhuman meanness. ”

There are no words, the cruel ferment of time here, as in the other catch phrase of Vyshinsky, born on the same process: “Crush the damned bastard!” - shows a lot. But the picture of the crime, which for ten days from a lot of confessions, denials and cross-examination interrogates the iron prosecutor into the world, is terrible.

“BUKHARIN: I answer as one of the leaders, not the switchman of the counter-revolutionary organization. VYSHINSKY: What goals did this organization pursue? BUKHARIN: It pursued the main goal of restoring capitalist relations in the USSR. VYSHINSKY: With the help of? BUKHARIN: In particular, with the help of the war, which stood prognostically in perspective. VYSHINSKY: On terms? BUKHARIN: If you put all the dots above the "i", on the terms of the dismemberment of the USSR ".

The ideological origins of the conspiracy to overthrow the Stalinist elite, Bukharin explains:

"In 1928, I myself gave a formula regarding the military-feudal exploitation of the peasantry ... We began with a shrug of shoulders, with irony, and then with bitterness to look at our huge, gigantically growing factories, like some voracious monsters that take away the means of consumption from the masses ... "

And already at the beginning of the 30's, a “contact block” was formed, controlled by Bukharin, Pyatakov, Radek, Rykov and Tomsky, and from Troitsky - from abroad. The coup was first conceived in the wake of mass protests inside the country. But when the hope for them did not come true, the emphasis shifted to “opening the borders” for foreign interventionists who would put the bloc leaders on power in the Kremlin for helping them. Trotsky and Karakhan, a Soviet diplomat, conspirator, negotiated on this matter with Nazi Germany:

“BUKHARIN: In the summer of 1934, Radek told me that Trotsky had promised the Germans a number of territorial concessions, including Ukraine. If I remember correctly, there were also territorial concessions to Japan ... "

The Tukhachevsky military group was supposed to open the front:

“KRESTINSKY: In one of the conversations he (Tukhachevsky. - A. R.) named several people on whom he relies: Yakir, Uborevich, Kork, Eideman. Then he raised the question of speeding up the coup ... The coup was timed to coincide with the German attack on the Soviet Union ... ”

But since the conspirators saw an increase in patriotic sentiment in the country, they also prepared such a Jesuit move. Transfer the blame for the intervention on the current government and “bring to justice the perpetrators of the defeat at the front. This will give us the opportunity to carry along the masses by playing with patriotic slogans. ”

However, the intervention that was expected by the Bukharinites in the thirty-seventh did not happen, and then the last bet remained - on the “palace coup”:

“BUKHARIN: The strength of the conspiracy is Yenukidze plus Yagoda's forces, their organization in the Kremlin and the NKVD, and Yenukidze managed to recruit the former Kremlin commandant Peterson ... ROSENGOLTZ: Tukhachevsky indicated the time limit, assuming that until May 15 (1937, Mr .. - A.R. .) he will manage to carry out this coup ... One of the options is the opportunity for a group of military to gather in his apartment, penetrate the Kremlin, seize the Kremlin telephone exchange and kill the leaders ... "

In pursuance of the main task of seizing power, the bloc conducted extensive work both within the USSR and abroad. Relations were established with the intelligence services of Germany, France, Japan, Poland, which provided money for the foreign, Trotskyist part of the bloc:

“KRESTINSKY (diplomat, then Deputy Commissar for Foreign Affairs - A. R.): Trotsky suggested that I should offer the Sect (the Reichswehr general - A. R.) to provide Trotsky with a systematic cash subsidy ... If the Sect asks for his services areas of espionage, then this should and can be done. I put the question before the Sect, called the amount 250 of thousands of marks in gold a year. The sect agreed ... "

But besides that, Trotsky still had a fair amount of feed from the USSR:

“ROSENGOLTZ: I was Commissar of Foreign Trade, and with my sanction 15 thousand pounds were transferred to Trotsky, then 10 thousand pounds were transferred ... According to Exportles from 1933, 300 thousand dollars ... GRINKO (Narkomfin - A. R.): I helped Krestinsky to use currency funds that accumulated on exchange rate differences abroad and which he needed to finance the Trotskyists ... The Bukharin formula was given to hit the Soviet government with the Soviet ruble. The work tended to undermine financial discipline and the possibility of using public funds for the purposes of conspiracy ... Zelensky (chairman of the Central European Union. —A.R.), By directives of the “right-Trotsky bloc”, imported a large mass of goods to non-fertile areas, and sent less goods to productive areas which created a glut in some areas and a commodity need for others. ”

In the same actions to arouse discontent of the masses and in preparation for separation from the USSR, the secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus Sharangovich, the leaders of Uzbekistan Ikramov and Khodjaev abundantly admit. The vocabulary of the latter is quite remarkable:

“KHODJAEV: Although it seemed to me that I had outlived nationalism, this was not enough ... VYSHINSKY: So, maneuvered? KHODJAEV: He was in a frantic mood, he exploded ... After that, we filed a statement that we were wrong, we did wrong, that we agreed to pursue the party line. VYSHINSKY: Maneuvered the second time? KHODJAEV: For the second time he ousted ... "

Then the organizer of political assassinations Yagoda is ominously attached to this ominously - the exact opposite of the ideological leader Bukharin. It is felt that Bukharin, in the inferno of betrayal, pushed political ambitions more than anything: to prove to the dead Lenin and the living Stalin that his, Bukharin, line of development of the country is more faithful and fruitful. Hence his concern not only with the seizure of power, but with all the following:

“GRINKO: He pointed out that since the policy prevails in this case, sabotage should be allowed; on the other hand, the establishment of broad economic ties with the capitalist world will provide an opportunity to make up for the losses that will be. "

But on the way to an ambitious goal, as Bukharin completely capitulated in his last word, "the bare logic of the struggle was accompanied by a rebirth of ideas, a rebirth of ourselves, which led us to a camp very close in its attitudes to kulak Praetorian fascism."

Quite a different thing was Yagoda. Although he says “not to soften his guilt, but only in the interest of establishing the truth that some accused’s attempts to present me as a professional terrorist are wrong” and “that none of these (terrorist — AR) acts I committed without the directive of the "center-right bloc", "it is difficult to believe. The very first murder imputed to him - Gorky's son Max in the 1934 year - generally had a purely personal motive, as he confessed elsewhere. Namely: love affair with the murdered wife.

Further. He then organized the murder of his chief Menzhinsky in order to head the OGPU after him, allegedly ordered him to Enukidze, by the time of the trial he was already deceased. But none of the "coprocessors" confirms this. Rather, it seems that to ruin the boss, who was already breathing incense from the disease, Yagoda was pushed by a purely selfish interest: to seize the chair promised to him until the whirlpool of events gave birth to another applicant.

In the murder of Kirov in the same 34, Berry recognizes himself only as an accomplice:

“Yenukidze insisted that I did not put obstacles in the way ... Zaporozhets (Leningrad Chekist - A. R.) informed me that Nikolayev was detained by the NKVD and had a revolver and Kirov’s route, Nikolayev was (by order of Yagoda - A. R.) released. After that Kirov was killed by this Nikolayev. ”

The motives for this murder from the process are unclear, but Gorky says a lot and in detail. The Bukharinites feared that the world prestige of Gorky, who stood a mountain behind Stalin, would prevent them, after the "palace coup", to put on the toes of the deliverers of the fatherland. The old man will begin to trumpet the whole world for what is it - and spoil this with their victorious mass.

With the motive according to Ezhov, it is also clear. In 36, he oversaw the Kirov investigation from the Central Committee, was close to the truth, and then took Yagoda’s post at all. And he, freeing the office, ordered his secretary Bulanov to spray mercury there:

“BULANOV: I prepared large bottles of this solution and handed them over to Savolainen. Sprayed one of the spray. I remember it was a big metal bottle with a big pear. He was in Berry's lavatory, an overseas sprinkler. ”

Pictures, equal in strength to Shakespeare's Macbeth, come from descriptions of how Yagoda pulled doctors into his mind:

"VYSHINSKY: Berry puts forward a cunning thought: to achieve death, as he says, from a disease ... To slip a weakened organism into an infection ... to help not the patient, but the infection, and thus bring the patient to the grave."

And now, playing devils skillfully and diversely on foul human strings, Yagoda turns the Kremlin's Kremlin into a kind of detachment of "murderers with a guarantee of non-exposure":

“LEVIN: He gave me a very valuable gift: he gave me a dacha near Moscow ... He let me know at customs that I could be let in from abroad without inspection. I brought things to my wife, to the wives of my sons ... He told me: Max is not only a worthless person, but also has a harmful effect on his father. He further said: do you know which institution’s head speaks to you? I am responsible for the life and work of Alexei Maksimovich, and therefore, since you need to eliminate his son, you should not stop at this sacrifice ... You cannot tell anyone about this. Nobody will believe you. Not you, but they will believe me. ”

And at first smeared with insidious gifts, and then intimidated to death, Dr. Levin attaches his hand to the death of Max and Menzhinsky. But after that, his soul does not let go to repentance, and even deeper, as he says, “into satanic dance”:

"LEVIN: Yagoda said:" Well, now you have committed these crimes, you are completely in my hands and must go to a much more serious and important (Gorky’s murder. - A. R.) ... And you will reap the benefits when the new government comes ... "

Both Dr. Levin and Pletnev, under the guise of Gorky Kryuchkov’s secretary, prescribe the classics of deliberately perverse treatment, which takes him to the grave. Another luminary, Dr. Kazakov, rests on self-esteem, which does not leave him in court:

“KAZAKOV: I still have to say that they didn’t even give the concluding word at congresses ... I’m not given the final word, for the first time in the history of medicine! .. You ask why I didn’t report it (help Levin in the murder Menzhinsky - A. R.) Soviet organs? I have to say - motives of vile fear. And the second point: in the medical unit were most of the doctors - my scientific opponents. I thought maybe the moment would come when Yagoda would be able to stop them. VYSHINSKY: As a reward for your crime? KAZAKOV: Yes ... VYSHINSKY: Did the Soviet state give you an institute? KAZAKOV: But typing my works ... VYSHINSKY: The government cannot order your works. And I ask you, was the institute given? COSSACKS: Was. VYSHINSKY: The best in the Union? COSSACKS: The best ... "

Kryuchkovu, who knows about each animal, Berry chooses such a key:

“KRYUCHKOV: I was wasting Gorky's money, using his full confidence. And this made me addicted to Yagoda ... Yagoda said that Alexey Maksimovich could die soon, the son of Max will remain the manager of the literary heritage. You are accustomed, Yagoda said, to live well, but you will remain in the house in the role of a sitter. ”

And Kryuchkov, not holding out against the insidious pressure, at first helps to send Max to the next world, then his father. At the same time, the extraordinary magnitude of evil does promise him an extraordinary dividend:

“KRYUCHKOV: I will remain a man to whom Gorky’s great literary heritage can pass, which will in the future give me the means and independent position ...”

It seems that by these killings Yagoda wanted, plus everything, to obtain for himself some special capital and weight among the conspirators, aiming in the future for the main post in the country:

“BULANOV: He was fond of Hitler, said that his book“ My Struggle ”was really worthwhile ... He emphasized that Hitler had gotten out of such non-commissioned officers into such people ... He said that Bukharin would be as good as Goebbels for him ... He, the chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, was such a secretary like Goebbels, and with a completely obedient Central Committee, will govern as he pleases. ”

In any case, one, it seems, Yagoda managed to achieve real. The conspirators indicate now and then that went abroad, where they contacted with agents of foreign intelligence services, for treatment. Although our medicine, with a lot of glorious names since pre-revolutionary times, was no worse than Western. But one feels that knowing about the tricks of the present owner of the Kremlin Sanupra, the patients assigned to him simply were in panic afraid to go there.

The same caution caused the conspirators and their second security official - Tukhachevsky:

“BUKHARIN: Since we are talking about a military coup, the specific weight of the military group will be unusually large, and from here a peculiar Bonapartist danger may arise. But the Bonapartists, I, in particular, had in mind Tukhachevsky, first of all dealt with their allies ... I always in conversations called Tukhachevsky "a potential Napoleon," and it is known how Napoleon dealt with the so-called ideologues. "

Now, finally, the main thing: how much can you trust the confessions of the participants in the process? For there is a version that they were simply tortured in dungeons to indiscriminate self-incrimination. But the transcript hardly leaves the likelihood that two dozen people, most thoroughly interrogated by Vyshinsky, took upon themselves the slander written by someone.

First, in order to compose and link such darkness of factual, psychological, lexical details, a whole brigade of shakespeare dedicated to all the details of geopolitics would be needed. The preliminary investigation was conducted by Sheinin, later known for his “Notes of the Investigator”. But in those of his “Notes” devoted to every kind of everyday life, it didn’t spend the night even a tenth of the depth and drama of collisions that surfaced on the court, which, most likely, life itself could create.

But even if we allow a play written by someone’s hand, it should have been brilliantly played out in front of Western viewers by those whose reward for success was quite clear from the fate of Tukhachevsky’s convicted group a little earlier. And the conspirators are revolutionaries hardened by royal prisons, whose break is not just a spit. Yes, and because of their activity, the struggle for each fact in court, the lengthy reasoning that goes into whole lectures for Bukharin, it is not visible that they should be ironed until they are completely forgotten.

“BUKHARIN: By chance, Feuchtwanger's book came to me from the prison library ... It made a great impression on me ... PLETNEV: I received more than 20 books from my library in four languages. I managed to write a monograph in prison ... "

So Pletnev in his last word wants to show that he has already begun to atone for his guilt by serving his native science. But both comments are touches to how the coprocessors were kept in captivity. And why did they recognize many things, although by no means everything they were accused of, one of them explained as follows:

“BULANOV: ... Do not hesitate here, in the dock, to drown your accomplice, to sell with giblets and legs in order to wriggle out for one thousandth of a second yourself ...”

And, of course, it is difficult not to correlate the recognition of the Bukharinites in their preparation for “opening the front” to what actually happened in the forty-first, when the Germans, the main allies and the recipients of the secret information of the traitors, broke free in the USSR.

It is hard not to draw a parallel with the recent history, when the collapse of the USSR took place exactly as Bukharin and Trotsky thought. But at the end of 30, an attempt to dismember the country was brutally suppressed. At the end of the 80-x and the beginning of the 90-x that state cruelty did not even smell close. Nevertheless, all the terrible cruelty, as it were, is inscrutable, contrary to all the slogans, one more humane than the other, poured out. Only in the first place on those for whom everything was allegedly committed: for millions of refugees, hungry, homeless, killed in ethnic fights and so on.

That is Stalin's cruelty, frankly, under the slogan “Crush the bastard!” - or the cruelty of a liberal hypocritical - but the cruelty in the end is all the same.

And still involuntarily arising after reading the whole effect. Already after the fact, knowing how many millions of lives the treacherous “opening of the front” cost, I want, against everything that had been committed, to mentally throw a reproach to Stalin not in exaggeration in the fight against adversaries ready for everything, but in undefeated!

This impression, apparently, made this era of democracy and publicity even more closed this officially not declassified process to this day. But how, without having understood authentically in the past, it is possible to build authentically the future?
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  1. +10
    11 June 2012 07: 49
    Reading not easy for perception and quite colorfully depicting the struggle of "spiders in a jar". But in principle, what happened was natural - as one of the ideologists of the French Revolution Marat said (I cannot vouch for the authenticity of the authorship and the accuracy of the quote), when he himself was led to the scaffold, “The revolution, like Hydra, begins to devour its children.”
    I liked the article, revealing the unsightly side of our history, as an edification to ensure that this does not happen again.
    1. +5
      11 June 2012 09: 41
      Greetings Valery! Glad to see you again on the site! I also liked the article + Well, the story has the property to repeat itself! And the effect involuntarily arising after reading the whole thing. Already knowing after the fact how many millions of lives the treacherous “opening of the front” has cost, I want, against everything that has been hardened, to rebuke Stalin mentally not in excess in the fight against adversaries who are ready for everything for power, but in infiniteness! I liked the conclusion of the author !!!
      1. +3
        11 June 2012 10: 04

        Seryozha, I greet you, buddy! For me, the identity of Vissarionovich is in many respects controversial, but I agree with your thoughts. Plus, buddy.
      2. +6
        11 June 2012 10: 32
        Quote: sergo0000
        Well, history has the property of repeating itself! And

        “History repeats itself twice: once in the form of tragedy, the second in the form of farce” as old Hegel used to say. In 1938 there was a tragedy like Nikruti (execution sentences), now it's a "white tape" farce against the background of increasing monetary fines.
        1. +1
          11 June 2012 11: 02
          Well, maybe this is enough for a start !? winked
    2. -3
      11 June 2012 09: 52
      Authorities are easier to blame for the betrayal of subordinates than to admit their mistakes in command.
      Everyone knows the interrogation methods that are used in our time so that who of this gang is a traitor and who is innocently accused, we will no longer recognize
      1. +2
        11 June 2012 14: 05
        Quote: andrey586

        Those who get confused about the spelling "-sat" and "-tsa" burn in hell twice as long)))

        Quote: andrey586
        Everyone knows the interrogation methods that are used in our time.

        Nowadays, everyone knows the methods (tactics) of interrogation that are distinguished by legal science (forensic tactics): admitting a legend, calling, suddenness, consistency, distraction, showing the investigator's awareness, forced interrogation rate, slow interrogation rate, inertia, using personal the properties of the interrogated, the creation of emotional stress, the repetition of interrogation. So what exactly did you mean?

        Quote: andrey586
        which of this gang

        A gang is a robber squad, a gang. And we are talking about the top leadership of the country ...
        1. -1
          11 June 2012 15: 57
          Are you a guy, only yesterday you hatched from an egg, don’t you know how to confess recognition in the organs?
          I’ll open my eyes to you — the country's top leadership before the revolution, was engaged in the robbery of post offices and ships.
          Do you want to be a fanatic, be, but not with foam at the mouth
          1. 0
            11 June 2012 20: 35
            I, in principle, do not mind switching to "you", but I will ask without familiarities. As for the top management, that was BEFORE the revolution. And it was called exportation, they plundered the loot, which corresponded to the spirit of social justice in a Marxist way. I am not a fanatic, but I am not inclined to defame people who, in their own way, albeit with controversial methods, did a great job - they created a great country ...
            1. -1
              11 June 2012 23: 14
              created a great country, and the Russian Empire was not a great country? For example, the level of industrialization, R.I. took 1st place among European countries, in terms of salaries, too, was the leader ...
              So they first drove the country into the "stone age", and then they already created a great country without reaching its former greatness
              1. -1
                12 June 2012 05: 53
                Hmm, comrade, I see you grew up in the mid-90s. The last argument is quite in the spirit of the eternal TV programs of the Razumovskys, Svanidze, Mlechins and other journalists. Now you will tell me that by 1913 RI had a colossal economy, peace and order reigned in it, and every worker had oranges and trout on his desk. All this is nonsense, comrade. There was absolutely, ABSOLUTELY no infrastructure, the railways were nothing at all, it cost a lot in the Crimean and Japanese wars, there was corruption (not in such volumes as now, of course, but much greater than under the Soviets), there was colossal illiteracy , clear class division. Understand, comrade, no Lenin with German money and Trotsky with English money could not crush RI if everything was as wonderful as they like to say now. And the people that followed them are not one or two people, comrade. Do not forget the old Russian proverb - "horses do not prowl from feed" ...
                1. -1
                  12 June 2012 10: 53
                  You see badly! Of course, there were no oranges (there is also a shortage in the USSR), but our people are trusting, they were promised golden mountains, a bright future, land for peasants, factories for workers, etc. they went.
                  There were no railways? And you wanted something at the click of a finger, a developed railway network enveloped the country? Take into account the size of the country and what construction equipment was.
                  To get the goods, the seller needs to give it on his paw, or by acquaintance, the official to give it on his paw to make a decision - corruption in the USSR was enormous, current corrupt officials live by the same principles from the USSR.
                  Class division has always been and always will be, such a human being, in the USSR it was also there, it was just less evident, comrade.
          2. Kaa
            11 June 2012 21: 51
            Not by robbery, but by "exs" with the transfer of money to Axelrod, Lenin and Co. to Europe. Cool gesheft. Some are underground and underground fighters in Russia, while others are freeloaders-theorists in Switzerland. As for the confessions: the OPEN process was attended by representatives of foreign ministers, and, given the severity of the deed and the alleged sentence, at least one of the "pofessional gevolyutsionegs" would have turned to the world community. In our suburbs, in such cases, people and bruises themselves photoshopped, and they send malice to accomplices from the European Parliament, and those at 37 - no gu-gu. Maybe there was nothing to cover, the evidence base and all that?
    3. +3
      11 June 2012 09: 54
      Dear esaul colleague, Marat stabbed in the bathroom either the maid or his mistress. Well, otherwise you are right.
      1. +3
        11 June 2012 09: 57
        Charlotte Cordier - the great French patriot who sacrificed her life soaked the Trotsky French Revolution and was not a lover, much less confused.
        In the notes of the executioner Sanson, Charlotte went to death without fear. One of the executioner's assistants, showing the severed head to onlookers, slapped her in the face. Charlotte's face turned red and took on an expression of indignation, the crowd nearly tore this Muudak for such an inappropriate attitude towards a brave man.
        In general, the phrase about "Saturn devouring his children" appeared in the French press, and playwrights put in the mouths of the guillotined.
        1. +3
          11 June 2012 10: 02
          I welcome you guys and thank you for clarifying. For the first time I came across these words 30 years ago, and therefore I forgot some facts. Sorry gentlemen drinks
          1. +3
            11 June 2012 10: 19
            Dear Esaul, Charlotte was generally a virgin, which speaks of a posthumous autopsy, and her left carpenter, and not the hangman’s assistant, hit her, sorry for the desa.
            1. +3
              11 June 2012 10: 52

              Thank you again for the interesting details. Plus to you, colleague Hrych!
              1. +5
                11 June 2012 10: 55
                With a lot, thank you, Your Stvo !!!
          2. FiremanRS
            11 June 2012 10: 22
            Actually, it’s not so important now who is there and what is there blurted out. The phrase itself is not bad. Well, clarifications on its origin are interesting for general development and no more. ;)
            Article +, although it raises quite reasonable doubts about its authenticity. Not because I do not believe a priori, but rather the habit of casting doubt on the authenticity of the facts so unexpectedly in time that they are born. As a result, the article is good and more than interesting, but not confirmed by facts.
          3. +7
            11 June 2012 10: 37
            There is also ours, dear comrade Mercader, so to speak, was also ready for self-sacrifice, with the elimination of the reptile.
    4. pheophano
      11 June 2012 16: 33
      And how reliable is the information in the article?
      Wikipedia writes this:
      in the case of the Trotskyite-Zinovievsky terrorist center, in the case of the anti-Soviet Trotskyist center, in the case of the anti-Soviet “right-Trotskyist bloc”. Almost all the defendants in these cases were subsequently rehabilitated posthumously for lack of corpus delicti in their actions (G. Ya. Sokolnikov, G.L. Pyatakov, K. B. Radek, A. I. Rykov, G. E. Zinoviev, N. I. Bukharin and others). It was found that the investigation in these cases relied on falsified evidence - self-incrimination of the accused obtained under psychological and physical influence (torture).
    5. Kaa
      11 June 2012 20: 11
      Why do you, esaul, consider this side of OUR history unsightly? This is not a fight of spiders in the bank, but retribution to the destroyers and robbers of RUSSIA, whose natural successor the USSR became - the same EMPIRE in a different guise. It would be quite nice to hear about similar actions of our era - the newly minted knight of the Order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called Dear (for the West and some local) Michal Sergeich to honor the Order of Judah established by Peter the Great (we will not be bloodthirsty, it will happen from him, if he tells EVERYTHING without hiding , how, for whom and with whom once again ruined the ONE and the INDIVIDUAL)
  2. +6
    11 June 2012 08: 00
    Again, the Judeo-Masons under fussed. They do not sleep today.
  3. Yarbay
    11 June 2012 08: 15
    At the beginning of perestroika, the first thing they began to morally rehabilitate was precisely these!
    It’s becoming increasingly clear why !!
    1. +6
      11 June 2012 10: 47
      Quote: Yarbay
      At the beginning of perestroika, the first thing they began to morally rehabilitate was precisely these!
      It’s becoming increasingly clear why !!

      Myths about Stalin
  4. +10
    11 June 2012 08: 30
    So the role of the generals, headed by Pavlov, becomes clear with the defeat of the Red Army, in the first days of the Second World War. The script was written in advance with an attempt to sweep away the Stalin regime, accusing it of betrayal and inability, using the patriotic sentiments of the people. So the toast "To the Russian people", Stalin, begins to bear a completely different meaning. Many thanks to the author, I look forward to continuing. And we need to buy more ice axes, there is a lot of work to do.
  5. Shuriken
    11 June 2012 08: 43
    esaul, as a warning to ensure that this does not happen again .- Hello, Valery! What do you mean? The processes or the actions that they led to? The second one has already been repeated, and recently. And here I am for and the first was repeated. And so would those who had destroyed the USSR and wished for the collapse of Russia to have answered the prosecutor!
    1. +1
      11 June 2012 15: 21

      Alexander, welcome. Meant that it is impossible to allow collapse of the country and sliding into some kind of bright revolution there. Any revolution is destruction, the death of thousands of people and fratricide. This cannot be allowed in any way.
  6. high school student
    11 June 2012 08: 49
    The article is interesting, but the conclusions are far-fetched. What is the conspiracy of the high command of the Red Army (together with Tukhachevsky were shot the commander of the Ukrainian military district of the Red Army, General Yakir, the commander of the Belarusian military district, General Uborevich, the head of the Military Academy, General Cork and the generals: Putna, Eideman, Feldman and Primakov. Gamarnik and deputy people's commissar the head of the Political Directorate of the Red Army reportedly committed suicide (of these top military leaders who were suddenly accused of espionage in favor of Hitler and the Gestapo, three - Gamarnik, Yakir and Feldman - were Jews). It was correctly noted above, it was a struggle of "spiders in the bank", they were ready to admit anything, sign anything, just to survive
    1. Perseus
      11 June 2012 09: 19
      Do you know who Yakir is ?? know about the atrocities of his mercenary Chinese battalion? about how he exercised his power ?? if not, do not write him down as an "innocent victim"
    2. Kaa
      11 June 2012 20: 26
      Well, actually the rest of the surnames (not all true) are also, to put it mildly ..... And if you read the archives, then history is generally indecent. But it's not that. It would be nice for you, a high school student, to ask about the collaboration between the Nazis German and Zionist years in 1934 (there are even commemorative medals with a swastika on the obverse and a star of David on the reverse). Read also about Jewish soldiers and officers in the 3rd Reich and on the Eastern Front. Therefore, the conspiracy of the innocent murdered and illegally rehabilitated by the German generals you mentioned above is not something out of the ordinary, but the regularity of nationalist movements, each of which pursued its own goals, alien to the peoples of the USSR
  7. Indigo
    11 June 2012 08: 54
    Herodian starter for all the turmoil in the world. Wherever the kagal gathers, wait for the trouble for the people of the country of their shelters. and let them not be offended, the presence of anti-Semitism in all the nations of the world is talking about something .. and even with Russian surnames their nose sticks out anyway ...
    1. Neighbor
      11 June 2012 09: 19
      Quote: Indigo
      the presence of anti-Semitism in all the nations of the world speaks for something

      And at all times, moreover. In Russia - starting with Catherine. The ban on any activities of theirs. I don’t remember the accuracy - but it was forbidden to trade, speculate, open their stores, pawnshops and other ways to cash in on ordinary people. am
      And more than that - they didn’t know anything and cannot do it! Buy-sell, deceive, boil only. Yes
      Like in the Brother movie - Mi Russians wassat - do not deceive each other! Remember - he bought a used car. laughing
  8. +3
    11 June 2012 09: 01
    Thanks to the author, we insist on continuing, more transcripts of interrogations.
  9. +7
    11 June 2012 09: 03
    Trotsky’s works have recently caught my eye .. Chikatilo is white and fluffy, goes to the kindergarten .... I respect Stalin, including the fact that I was able to remove this infection ...
  10. +4
    11 June 2012 09: 03
    The Tukhachevsky military group was supposed to open the front:
    In one of the conversations he (Tukhachevsky. - A. R.) named several people on whom he relies: Yakir, Uborevich, Cork, Eideman.

    Damn the plot alone Jews.
    The coup was first thought in the wake of mass protests in the country.
    according to the directives of the “right-wing Trotskyist bloc”, he imported a large mass of goods into non-native regions, and sent less goods to the harvested areas, which created overstock in some areas and commodity needs in others. ”

    Painfully familiar plan for the collapse of the USSR from 1985-1992.
    That is Stalin's cruelty, frankly, under the slogan “Crush the bastard!” - or the cruelty of a liberal hypocritical - but the cruelty in the end is all the same.
    ... I want, against everything hardened, to mentally rebuke Stalin not in excess in the fight against adversaries who are ready for everything for power, but in inflexibility!

    Not only you, Comrade Stalin, crushed the reptiles. It was necessary to push up to the seventh generation.

    Great article. In the nineties, these events, then still beginning liberal newspapers, expressed a completely different point of view. But history is not implacable; it will always put everything in its place. And against the background of the past thirty years, from the beginning of the collapse of the USSR, it becomes clear where the truth is and where the falsification.
    The article is a big plus.
    1. Perseus
      11 June 2012 09: 27
      In the party apparatus before Stalin, there were only Jews in general
      1. -3
        11 June 2012 10: 41
        Well, this is not true ..



        1. Chairman - Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin) (26.10.1917 - 21.01.1924) - Great Russian

        2. People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs:
        Alexey Ivanovich Rykov (26.10. - 4.11.1917) - Great Russian

        3. People's Commissariat of Agriculture
        Vladimir Pavlovich Milyutin (October 26.10 - November 4.11.1917, XNUMX) - Great Russian

        4. The People's Commissariat of Labor
        Alexander Gavrilovich Shlyapnikov (26.10.1917 - 8.10.1918) - Great Russian

        5. Committee on Naval Affairs (26.10. - 8.11.1917)
        Vladimir Alexandrovich Antonov-Ovseenko - maloros
        Pavel Efimovich Dybenko - Little Russian
        Nikolay Vasilievich Krylenko - Great Russian

        6. People's Commissariat of Trade and Industry
        Victor Pavlovich Nogin (26.10. - 4.11.1917) - Great Russian

        7. People's Commissar of Education
        Anatoly Vasilievich Lunacharsky (family member for the present father - Antonov) (26.10.1917/12.09.1929/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian

        8. People's Commissariat of Finance
        Ivan Ivanovich Skvortsov-Stepanov (26.10.1917 - 20.01.1918) - Great Russian

        9. People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs:
        Lev Davidovich Trotsky (Bronstein) (26.10.1917 - 8.04.1918) - Jew

        10. People's Commissariat of Justice
        Georgy Ippolitovich Lomov-Oppokov (26.10 - 9.12.1917) - Great Russian

        11. People's Commissariat of Food
        Ivan Adolfovich Teodorovich (26.10 - 4.11.1917) - Pole

        12. The People's Commissar of Posts and Telegraphs
        Nikolai Pavlovich Glebov (Avilov) (26.10 - 9.12.1917) - Great Russian

        13. People’s Commissariat for Nationalities (People’s Commissariat) of the RSFSR (1917-1923)
        Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (Stalin) - Ossetian

        14. The People’s Commissariat for Railway Affairs (26.10.1917 - 24.02.1918)
        Mark Timofeevich Elizarov (8.11.1917/7.01.1918/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Russian

        15. The People’s Commissariat of State Charity (8.11.1917/20.03.1918/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX)
        Alexandra Mikhailovna Kollontai (30.10.1917 - 17.03.1918) - Malorosska

        16. The Supreme Council of the National Economy (VSNH)
        Valerian Valerianovich Osinsky (Obolensky) (December 1.12.1917, 22.03.1918 - March XNUMX, XNUMX) - Great Russian

        Result: Russians - 15 (83%), 1 Jew, 1 Pole, 1 Ossetian.

        You can read it all
        1. +5
          11 June 2012 10: 53
          Well, if all the Great Russians, like Lenin, then it’s clear.
          1. -1
            11 June 2012 10: 57
            Why not? Tell the Russian kings and queens who were they?
            1. +5
              11 June 2012 11: 34
              The ancient clans of the princesses of Zerba, Hesse, Darmstadt - the Romanov brides - are forcibly Germanized, impoverished clans of the Serbian princes, descendants of the first kings of Europe - the Merovingians.
              Catherine II the Great (Catherine Alekseevna; at the birth of Sophia Frederick Augustus AnhaltTserbskaya
              Those. Serbian - Luzhchans, or White Serbs, the Germanized indigenous population of Germany. And, you thought that an ethnic German would become such a patriot of the Russian-Slavic idea that in history there is no one to compare. Her nests are chicks: Rumyantsev, Potemkin, Ushakov, Suvorov, Sinyavin, etc.
              1. 0
                11 June 2012 11: 53
                Do not need verbal husks the last king of RI Nikolai 2. almost purebred German by blood. But everyone calls him the Russian Tsar.
                So why is Ulyanov-Lenin who has a blood relation to the Russian nation much more than Romanov. refused to be called a Great Russian?
                1. +4
                  11 June 2012 12: 00
                  You see, the Germans, unlike the Jews, nevertheless lend themselves to assimilation ... so plus ... for the correct formulation of the question ...
                  1. -1
                    11 June 2012 12: 19
                    Well, you can start with the fact that Lenin's "Jewishness" is not proven by anything.
                    there is not a single document confirming this.
                    But we can say with 100% certainty that Lenin’s father is Russian.
                    So he is a great Russian. and by blood and by education and training!
                    1. Kaa
                      11 June 2012 20: 48
                      One well-known and, sincerely writing, a nationality respected by me personally, nationality is considered just not on the paternal, but on the maternal side, so "Great Russian Lenin" - don't be ridiculous, pistons, my slippers. But my mother's grandfather - well, here "no comments". So you don't have to start.
                      1. +1
                        11 June 2012 22: 55
                        Well? According to this, Lenin’s mother is not Jewish, is she?
                      2. Kaa
                        12 June 2012 00: 51
                        Dear pistons, you know the proverb .... baptized, that the thief is forgiven, that the horse is treated? Or the term "Michelinge" in 3 Reich? Do you have any concerns about this? The Holy Scripture says "By their fruits you will know them." Who ended up at the trough as a result of the action of the "Great Russian" Lenin? The ancient Roman principle "Qui prodest" in my opinion gives a clear answer in our short discussion in absentia. And the Orthodox Caucasian Dzhugashvili gradually excommunicated them from this feeding trough, which is why certain fellow tribesmen composed the legend about Stalin's "Great Terror" in 37, missing such "insignificant" moments as the decossacking of Bronstein (how many millions are there?), The sabotage of Kosior, Chubar, Balitsky, who led to famine in Ukraine (of course, the Great Russians decided to starve the Ukrainians to death, along the way, the Volzhans, Kazakhs and whoever came to hand). Wonderful "Great Russian" surnames. If you are so hooked about moms, rummage in the archives, they sow reasonable, kind, eternal.
                      3. 0
                        12 June 2012 09: 30
                        Nicaragua of Jewishness. to Lenin. Trotsky, etc. I do not feel ..
                        But .. when people like you start to write nonsense. then sorry I can not resist.
                        Look for Jews where they were not. Look for the Jewish roots in Lenin when they are not.
                        Below you have given the composition of the Lenin government of 17 Jews and 1 Russian. what is misinformation (by the way why are you doing this?)
                        Blame the Jews? Want to belittle the guilt of the Russians. Ukrainians, etc.?
                        What for?

                        By the way Kosior. Chubar and Balitsky are they Jews too?
                      4. Kaa
                        12 June 2012 01: 11
                        What about this one?

                        Jews made up only 6,5% of the population of Ukraine in 1926. But the figures, based on painstaking research in the archives of the Security Service of Ukraine, indicate that 1929% of Jews were in leadership positions in the GPU of the Ukrainian SSR in 1931-38, and Jews accounted for 1932% of all during the Holodomor of 1933-66,6 heads of punitive bodies of the republic. When in 1936 new titles were assigned to the state security department, then among the top of the NKVD of the Ukrainian SSR, out of 79 Jews, there were exactly 60 (the same 66,6%). Zolotaryov cites an archival document - an order of the NKVD of the USSR of January 8, 1936, which refers to the assignment of special ranks of captains of the GB (corresponding to the combined-arms colonel) to the employees of the NKVD of Ukraine. Among 34 officers - 25 Jews.

                        In addition, some of the Chekists hid their Jewish origins under pseudonyms. For example, Alexander Rozanov - head of the NKVD department in the Odessa region in 1935-1937, later confessed during interrogation: "I am Abram Rosenbrandt, a Jew. I wrote down my name and nationality differently out of shame."
                        Read in full:
                2. +4
                  11 June 2012 13: 03
                  The order of royal marriages is most likely established by Catherine II. And also, Alexander II, wanted to marry with Princess Dolgoruky (koi descendants of the Rurikovich) and put on the throne the heir who had the blood of the Rurikovich and Romanovs, thereby leveling the illegal usurpation of the Russian throne by the Romanovs, which was reflected in the church schism, the uprisings of Pugachev, Razin, Bolotnikov. But he was killed.

                  Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov was born in 1870 in Simbirsk (now Ulyanovsk), in the family of the inspector of public schools of the Simbirsk province Ilya Nikolayevich Ulyanov (1831-1886), the son of a former serf peasant in the Androsovo village of the Sergach district of the Nizhny Novgorod province Ulyanov Ulyanov (spelling name: married to Anna Smirnova - the daughter of an Astrakhan tradesman (according to the Soviet writer M. S. Shaginyan, who came from a family of baptized Kalmyks [3]). Mother - Maria Aleksandrovna Ulyanova (nee Blank, 1835-1916), of Swedish-German descent by mother and Jewish - by father. Vladimir’s maternal grandfather was a Jew who converted to Orthodoxy, Alexander Dmitrievich Blank [4
                  1. 0
                    11 June 2012 13: 20
                    Well, why did you circumcise?

                    (According to other sources, he came from a family of German colonists invited to Russia by Catherine II) [6]. I.N. Ulyanov rose to the rank of full state adviser, which in the Table of Ranks corresponded to the military rank of Major General, and gave the right to hereditary nobility.

                    and one more thing.

                    According to Shaginyan M.S., Alexander Dmitrievich Blank was Ukrainian by nationality. [6]

                    According to another version, A. D. Blank was a baptized Jew, before that he was named Israel (Srul) Moishevich Blank [7] [8], born in the family of the Zhytomyr tradesman-trader Moishe Itskovich Blank, who had already converted to Orthodoxy [9] [10] [eleven]. Having accepted the Orthodox baptism in 11, he took the name Alexander and the patronymic Dmitrievich (by the name of his godfather Dmitry Barinov). Transition to Orthodoxy gave him the opportunity to enter the Imperial Medical and Surgical Academy in St. Petersburg, to become a military doctor and to advance public service in the medical field - he served in the Smolensk, Perm and Kazan provinces and rose to the rank of state adviser. Already having retired in 1820, A.D. Blank, already as a nobleman acquired a small estate Kokushkino, in which Vladimir Ulyanov later repeatedly and for a long time stayed, who, according to available documents, never showed his knowledge of the Jewish origin of his maternal grandfather [eleven]. Professor G.M.Deich pointed to a find in the archives - "a report by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Lev Perovsky to Emperor Nicholas I outlining the draft maternal great-grandfather (!) Lenin on measures for the forced baptism of Jews" [1847].) Central Committee of the RCP (b) He ordered that the data on Lenin's Jewish origin be kept strictly secret - until the fall of communism in Russia in 11, only the fact that he was a doctor was reported about the father of Lenin’s mother [12].

                    Another version from Olga Dmitrievna Ulyanova: A. D. Blank came from an Orthodox merchant family and was one of those people who “the conditions of the 13th century made it possible to quickly advance through the ranks and leave their children the right to be considered nobles” [14]. Also, according to M. Bychkova, A. D. Blank was a Russian from the Moscow merchant family [XNUMX].

                    So there are more than enough versions here.
                    1. +4
                      11 June 2012 13: 38
                      I cut it off because Brit is sweet (a joke), and to be honest in the pedigree of this member of the AUCPB, it’s muddy, and this is the main sign that it’s not clean. In my magazine class, everyone was Russian, but for some reason some ended up in Israel.
                      1. 0
                        11 June 2012 15: 57
                        Well, let's proceed from the known facts. Lenin’s father is Russian. then Lenin is Russian.
                      2. 0
                        11 June 2012 16: 53
                        Should you consider a giur?
                      3. Kaa
                        11 June 2012 21: 17
                        The funny thing is that THERE they are called Russians. HERE it is called mimicry, and THERE is a bad guy. From this, the term "Russian revolution" came from throughout the "civilized" world.
          2. high school student
            11 June 2012 13: 11
            I want to add that, even without touching on the “Russian origin” of Lenin, he did not like Russia, called it a prison of peoples, and advocated the defeat of Russia in the war, which was reflected in his works: “On the National Pride of the Great Russians” and others.
            1. +1
              11 June 2012 13: 45
              Yes, nothing of this should be given.
              Is that a manifestation of not love?

              Are we, Great Russian conscious proletarians, alien to a sense of national pride? Of course not! We love our language and our homeland, we are working most of all to raise its working masses (i.e. 9/10 of its population) to the conscious life of democrats and socialists. We are most painful to see and feel what kind of violence, oppression and bullying our beautiful homeland is subjected to the royal executioners, nobles and capitalists. We are proud that these violence were repulsed from our midst, among the Great Russians, that this midst put forward Radishchev, the Decembrists, revolutionaries of the 70s, that the Great Russian working class created in 1905 a powerful revolutionary party of the masses, that the Great Russian peasant began at the same time becoming a democrat, he began to overthrow the priest and the landowner.

              We remember how half a century ago the Great Russian democrat Chernyshevsky, giving his life to the cause of the revolution, said: “a miserable nation, a nation of slaves, from top to bottom - all slaves” 2. Outspoken and hidden Great Russian slaves (slaves to the tsarist monarchy) do not like to remember these words. And, in our opinion, these were words of true love for the motherland, love longing due to the lack of revolution among the masses of the Great Russian population. Then she was gone. Now it is not enough, but it already exists. We are full of feelings of national pride, for the Great Russian nation also created a revolutionary class, also proved that it is able to give humanity great examples of the struggle for freedom and socialism, and not just great pogroms, rows of gallows, dungeons, great hunger strikes and great servility to priests, kings, landowners and capitalists.

              We are full of feelings of national pride, and that is why we especially hate our slave past (when the landowners nobles led men to war to strangle the freedom of Hungary, Poland, Persia, China) and our slave present, when the same landowners, hastened by the capitalists, lead us to war ”to strangle Poland and Ukraine, to crush the democratic movement in Persia and China, to strengthen the gang of the Romanovs, Bobrinsky, Purishkevichs, which dishonors our Great Russian national dignity. No one is guilty if he was born a slave; but a slave who not only eschews the pursuit of his freedom, but justifies and embellishes his slavery (for example, calls the strangulation of Poland, Ukraine, etc. “protection of the fatherland” of the Great Russians), such a slave is a lawful feeling of indignation, contempt and loathing and boor.

              "A nation that oppresses other nations cannot be free. ”3

              And this is the main idea of ​​the article.
              1. high school student
                11 June 2012 15: 39
                Quote: pistons
                A nation that oppresses other nations cannot be free. ”3A This is the main idea of ​​the article.

                Well, what kind of people was most oppressed by the Russians, a nation of oppressors, not a "chosen by God".
                The main meaning of this article is that the Great Russian Social Democrats, among whom Lenin included himself, are not alien to the feeling of national pride, but it is limited to the participation of some Great Russians in the revolutionary struggle; everything else is unworthy of pride, a shameful spot on Russia. With a view to such a struggle, Lenin advocated the defeat of the tsarist government in the war against Germany and its allies, i.e., the defeat of the Russian army. According to Lenin's conclusion, it turned out that calls for the defeat of the Russian army, for turning the imperialist war into a civil war, are the best expression of love for Russia and the Great Russians
        2. high school student
          11 June 2012 13: 19
          And these figures from what party apparatus?
        3. +2
          11 June 2012 13: 25
          By your link, I liked Srul Moishevich Blank most of all.
        4. Kaa
          11 June 2012 20: 40
          For pistons. And now is the eighteenth year.
          National composition of the Council of People's Commissars of 1918
          Council of People's Commissars (Council of People's Commissars, SNK) 1918 g .:

          Lenin - chairman, Chicherin - foreign affairs, Russian; Lunacharsky - enlightenment, Jew; Dzhugashvili (Stalin) - nationalities, Georgians; Protian - agriculture, Armenian; Larin (Lurie) - Economic Council, Jew; Schlichter - supply, Jew; Trotsky (Bronstein) - army and navy, Jew; Lander - state control, Jew; Kaufman - state property, Jew; V. Schmidt - work, Jew; Lilina (Knigissen) - public health, Jewish woman; Svalbard - cults, Jew; Zinoviev (Apfelbaum) - internal affairs, Jew; Anvelt - hygiene, Jew; Isidor Gukovsky - finance, Jew; Volodarsky - seal, Jew; Uritsky — elections, Jew; I. Steinberg - justice, Jew; Fengstein - refugees, Jew.
          In total, out of 20 people's commissars - one Russian, one Georgian, one Armenian and 17 Jews. Http:// index.php? PHPSESSID = 760e9fec275947d521b15bbdd273081c & topic = 5286.0 Impressive, right? About l / s OGPU-NKVD to Beria continue?
          1. +1
            11 June 2012 23: 01
            And I yay, why grind nonsense here they are all ... people's commissars


            1. Chairman - Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin) (26.10.1917 - 21.01.1924) - Great Russian

            2. People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs:
            Alexey Ivanovich Rykov (26.10. - 4.11.1917) - Great Russian
            Grigory Ivanovich Petrovsky (17.11.1917/25.03.1919/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Little Russia
            Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky (30.03.1919 - 6.07.1923) - Pole
            Alexander Georgievich Beloborodov (7.07.1923/13.01.1928/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russia

            3. People's Commissariat of Agriculture
            Vladimir Pavlovich Milyutin (October 26.10 - November 4.11.1917, XNUMX) - Great Russian
            Alexander G. Schlichter (13.11. - 24.11.1917) - Russified German (father: 1/2 German, 1/2 Cossack; mother comes from Ukrainian noblemen)
            Andrey Lukich Kolegaev (25.11.1917/16.03.1918/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian
            Semen Pafnutievich Sereda (3.04.1918/10.02.1921/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Little Russia
            Valerian Valerianovich Obolensky (Osinsky) (v. 24.03.1921 - 18.01.1922) - Great Russian
            Vasily Grigorievich Yakovenko (18.01.1922/7.07.1923/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian
            Alexander Petrovich Smirnov (7.07.1923/19.12.1928/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian

            4. The People's Commissariat of Labor
            Alexander Gavrilovich Shlyapnikov (26.10.1917 - 8.10.1918) - Great Russian
            Vasily Vladimirovich Schmidt (8.10.1918 - 29.11.1928) - Russified German

            5. a) Committee on Naval Affairs (26.10. - 8.11.1917), Council of Military Commissars (8.11. - 26.11.1917):
            Vladimir Alexandrovich Antonov-Ovseenko - maloros
            Pavel Efimovich Dybenko - Little Russian
            Nikolay Vasilievich Krylenko - Great Russian
            b) People's Commissariat for Military and Naval Affairs (26.11.1917 - 20.06.1934)
            Nikolai Ilyich Podvoisky (27.11.1917/14.03.1918/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Little Russia
            Lev Davidovich Trotsky (Bronstein) (14.03.1918 - 26.01.1925) - Jew
            c) People's Commissariat for Maritime Affairs (22.02 - 17.12. 1918)
            Pavel Efimovich Dybenko (22.02. - 15.03.1918) - Little Russia
            Lev Davidovich Trotsky (Bronstein) (6.04. - 17.12.1918) - Jew

            6. a) People's Commissariat of Trade and Industry
            Victor Pavlovich Nogin (26.10. - 4.11.1917) - Great Russian
            Alexander Gavrilovich Shlyapnikov (acting 4.11.1917 - 26.03.1918) - Great Russian
            Vasily Mikhailovich Smirnov (acting 2 - 22.04.1918/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian
            Mechislav Genrikovich Bronsky (acting April 22.04. - May 9.05.1918, XNUMX) - Pole
            Leonid Borisovich Krasin (14.05.1918/12.06.1920/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian
            12.06.1920/XNUMX/XNUMX transformed into the People's Commissariat of Foreign Trade
            b) People's Commissariat of Foreign Trade (1920 - 91)
            Leonid Borisovich Krasin (12.06.1920/18.11.1925/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian
            c) The Commission on Internal Trade at the Service Station (24.12.1922/9.05.1924/9.05.1924 - 18.11.1925/XNUMX/XNUMX), People's Commissariat of Internal Trade of the USSR (XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX)
            Andrey Matveevich Lezhava (24.12.1922/9.05.1924/9.05 - 17.12.1924/XNUMX/XNUMX) (XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Georgian
            Aron Lvovich Sheinman (17.12.1924/18.11.1925/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Jew

            7. People's Commissar of Education
            Anatoly Vasilievich Lunacharsky (family member for the present father - Antonov) (26.10.1917/12.09.1929/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian

            8. People's Commissariat of Finance
            Ivan Ivanovich Skvortsov-Stepanov (26.10.1917 - 20.01.1918) - Great Russian
            Vyacheslav Rudolfovich Menzhinsky (January 20.01 - March 28.03.1918, XNUMX) - Pole
            Isidor Emanuilovich Gukovsky (2.04. - 16.08.1918) - Jew (?)
            Nikolai Nikolaevich Krestinsky (16.08.1918 - 10.10.1922) - Little Russia
            Grigory Yakovlevich Sokolnikov (Diamond) (10.10.1922/16.01.1926/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Jew

            9. People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs:
            Lev Davidovich Trotsky (Bronstein) (26.10.1917 - 8.04.1918) - Jew
            Georgy Vasilyevich Chicherin (9.04.1918/25.07.1930/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian (mother from a clan of German noblemen)

            10. People's Commissariat of Justice
            Georgy Ippolitovich Lomov-Oppokov (26.10 - 9.12.1917) - Great Russian
            Isaac Zakharovich Steinberg (9.12.1917/16.03.1918/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Jew
            Petr Ivanovich Stuchka (18.03/22.08.1918 - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Russified Latvian
            Dmitry Ivanovich Kursky (22.08.1918/18.02.1928/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian

            11. People's Commissariat of Food
            Ivan Adolfovich Teodorovich (26.10 - 4.11.1917) - Pole
            Alexander Grigorievich Schlichter (18.12.1917/24.02.1918/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Russified German
            Alexander Dmitrievich Tsyurupa (25.02.1918 - 12.12.1921) - Little Russia
            Nikolai Pavlovich Bryukhanov (12.12.1921 - 9.05.1924) - Great Russian

            12. The People's Commissar of Posts and Telegraphs
            Nikolai Pavlovich Glebov (Avilov) (26.10 - 9.12.1917) - Great Russian
            Prosh Perchevich Proshyan (9.12.1917/16.03.1918/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Armenian
            Vadim Nikolaevich Podbelsky (11.04.1918/25.02.1920/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian
            Artemy Moiseevich Lyubovich (24.03.1920 - 26.05.1921) (12.11.1927 - 14.01.1928) - Jew
            Valerian Savelievich Dovgalevsky (26.05.1921 - 6.07.1923) - Russian
            Ivan Nikitich Smirnov (6.07.1923/6.10.1927/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian

            13. The People’s Commissariat for Nationalities (People’s Commissariat) of the RSFSR (1917–23).
            Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (Stalin) - Ossetian

            14. a) People's Commissariat for Railway Affairs (26.10.1917 - 24.02.1918)
            Mark Timofeevich Elizarov (8.11.1917/7.01.1918/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Russian
            b) People's Commissariat of Railways (24.02.1918 - 15.03.1946)
            Alexey Gavrilovich Rogov (24.02. - 9.05.1918) - Great Russian
            Petr Alekseevich Kobozev (9.05. - 24.06.1918) - Great Russian
            Vladimir Ivanovich Nevsky (Krivobokov) (25.07.1918 - 15.03.1919) - Great Russian
            Leonid Borisovich Krasin (30.03.1919/20.03.1920/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian
            Lev Davidovich Trotsky (Bronstein) (acting 20.03. - 10.12.1920) - Jew
            Alexander Ivanovich Emshanov (10.12.1920/14.04.1921/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian
            Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky (14.04.1921 - 2.02.1924) - Pole
            Jan Ernestovich Rudzutak (2.02.1924/11.06.1930/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Latvian

            15. a) People’s Commissariat of State Charity (8.11.1917/20.03.1918/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX)
            Alexandra Mikhailovna Kollontai (30.10.1917/17.03.1918/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Malorosska (father, mother - Finnish)
            b) People's Commissariat of Social Security (1918 - 1991)
            Alexander Nikolaevich Vinokurov (20.03.1918/30.06.1921/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russia
            Nikolai Alexandrovich Milyutin (acting 14.04.1921/29.12.1924/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian
            Vasily Grigorievich Yakovenko (29.12.1924/2.10.1926/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian

            16. People's Commissariat of State Property of the RSFSR
            Vladimir Alexandrovich Karelin 9.12.1917/16.03.1918/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian
            Petr Petrovich Malinovsky (acting 18.03. - 7.04.1918) - Russian

            17. People's Commissariat of Local Government of the RSFSR
            Vladimir Efimovich Trutovsky (19.12.1917/12.06.1918/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Russian

            18. a) People's Commissariat of State Control of the RSFSR
            Karl Ivanovich Lander (9.05.1918/25.03.1919/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) -? (Baltic German or Jew)
            Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (Dzhugashvili) (30.03.1919/7.02.1920/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Ossetian
            b) People’s Commissariat of the Workers and Peasants Inspection (Rabkrin) of the RSFSR (7.02.1920/34/XNUMX - XNUMX)
            Since July 6.07.1923, XNUMX, an association with the Center. control Commission of the CPSU (b)
            to the apparatus of the Central Control Commission-RCT.
            Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (Dzhugashvili) (24.02.1920/25.04.1922/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Ossetian
            Alexander Dmitrievich Tsyurupa (25.04.1922 - 6.07.1923) - Little Russia
            Valerian Vladimirovich Kuibyshev (6.07.1923/5.11.1926/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russia

            19. People's Commissariat of Health
            Alexander Nikolaevich Vinokurov (previous Board of Medical Colleges 21.01/27.06.1918/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian
            Nikolai Aleksandrovich Semashko (11.07.1918/25.01.1930/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian
            1. Kaa
              12 June 2012 01: 06
              Link to the studio!

              What about this one?
              Ukrainian historian Vadim Zolotarev - the author of five books and dozens of articles on the history of the state security of Ukraine, prepared for publication a comprehensive study on the Jews in the organs of the GPU-NKVD of 1920-1941. The brief conclusions were published by Zolotarev together with Dr. Yuri Shapoval in the yearbook "From the archives of the VChK-GPU-NKVD-KGB" (2010). More detailed information and his own observations on the topic of his research, which will be published this year, Vadim Zolotarev told the IzRus portal

              Jews made up only 6,5% of the population of Ukraine in 1926. But the figures based on painstaking research in the archives of the Security Service of Ukraine indicate that in the leading positions in the GPU of the Ukrainian SSR in 1929-1931 there were 38% of Jews, and during the Holodomor of 1932-1933 Jews accounted for 66,6% of all heads of the republic's punitive bodies. When in 1936 new ranks were awarded in the department of state security, among the top of the NKVD of the Ukrainian SSR there were exactly 79 Jews out of 60 (the same 66,6%). Zolotarev cites an archival document - an order of the NKVD of the USSR dated January 8, 1936, which refers to the assignment of special titles of captains of the State Security Service (corresponding to a combined-arms colonel) to employees of the NKVD of Ukraine. Among 34 officers, 25 were Jews. In addition, some of the Chekists hid their Jewish origins under pseudonyms. For example, Alexander Rozanov - head of the NKVD department in the Odessa region in 1935-1937, later confessed during interrogation: "I am Abram Rosenbrandt, a Jew. I wrote down my name and nationality in a different way out of shame." played by Israel Leplevsky - People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the Ukrainian SSR from June 1937 to January 1938. In the same period, the "shooting" of the previous generation of Jewish Chekists began, which reduced their share in the NKVD leadership to 46,5% in six months. Then, when in 1938-1939 the next People's Commissar, the poorly concealed anti-Semite Alexander Uspensky, would "cleanse" Leplevsky's people, almost all Jews who had previously held high positions in the punitive system would be destroyed. It was Uspensky who gave instructions on the arrests of Jewish Chekists on ethnic grounds, motivating this by the disclosure of the “Zionist underground in the organs.” In 1937-1938. Many Jewish specialists were arrested in the "case of the Ukrainian Physics and Technology Institute" - Alexander Weisberg, Konrad Weiselberg, Fritz Houtermans, Moisey Korets and Lev Landau, who managed to leave for Moscow. Weisselberg was shot. Weisberg and Houtermans were transferred from the dungeons of the NKVD to the hands of the Gestapo (1940). An interesting detail: not some "secret anti-Semites" were smashing the institute, but the investigators Kogan, Reznikov, Shalit, Vaisband and Drescher under the leadership of Lev Reichman. It was a farcical horror of that era: Jews-KGBists tortured Jewish scientists to confess their ties with the Jew Trotsky.

              In many regional departments of the NKVD, 3-4 staff members were replaced in two years, and sometimes the executed Jewish investigators and heads of departments were replaced by their Jewish deputies, who were also put up against the wall six months or a year later. In the same Kharkov, the almighty head of the regional NKVD, Solomon Mazo, shot himself on July 4, 1937 in his office, leaving a note: "Comrades, where does this line lead to mass arrests?" Kharkiv UNKVD was headed by Major of State Security Lev Reikhman. A little later, he was also shot - as well as the former head of the Kharkov GPU Iosif Blat, deputy head of the Kharkov UNKVD Yakov Kaminsky, head of the secret-political department of the regional NKVD Abram Simkhovich. Why did you even take up this acute topic?
              I am not dealing with the notorious "Jewish question", I am dealing with the history of the Soviet state security organs. And here, inevitably, one has to deal mainly with Jewish Chekists. When I wrote 27 essays about the leaders of the Cheka-GPU-NKVD of the Kharkiv region, 11 were Jews. When I wrote essays about the heads of the Secret-Political Department of the GPU of the Ukrainian SSR, 3 out of 4 were Jews. Jews in the GB cannot be considered separately from Jews in the party apparatus, for example. I think that their percentage in party bodies in Ukraine was comparable to the percentage in state security.http: //
              1. +1
                12 June 2012 08: 52
                Let's fly so separately. cutlets separately. That’s what you’re doing now is a truly Jewish habit of transferring conversation to other areas. I do not intend to discuss the topic of the Ukrainian Holodomor here.

                We discussed the composition of the Lenin government and I gave you a list of people's commissars. You have nothing to cover. You can break through any of the given names
                and you will see that I am right. and there was no close mythical Jewish dominance in the Leninist government.
  11. +6
    11 June 2012 09: 15
    It is a pity that Nikolai did not destroy all this Jewish evil spirits and the revolutionary rot that joined this evil spirits. But he could and was right, but at the same time the state would have saved and stopped the fratricidal massacre.
    In a word, what kind Nikolay did not do, Comrade Stalin did it for which THANKS!
    1. 0
      11 June 2012 15: 50
      From the people .. God forbid. Well, at least learn the story of Malekho.
      All this Jewish evil spirits to overthrow the political system of the Republic of Ingushetia has nothing to do.
      Neither Trotsky nor Bukharin. at the time of the overthrow, Nicolas 2 simply was not in the country.
      Kamenev. trample zone
      And for Lenin, the February Revolution was a complete surprise.

      Study. study and study again ..
      1. +5
        11 June 2012 17: 48
        You are absolutely right, the gang led by the commander-in-chief, freemason Alekseev, carried out the overthrow of the tsar’s father, General Ruzsky arrested the tzar (Budyonny, by the way, the monarchist, personally hacked him), slipping the people’s abdication on the teletype with a pencil (translation) signature of the monarch. According to the rules, such paper is written by hand in person. The family of Nicholas was arrested by Drisni Karnilov. And the first was supported by the coup Admiral Kolchak. The overthrow of the tsar was accomplished by a clique, which subsequently led the White Army, as well as supporting the intervention (foreign occupation). And the hero Kolchak, when choosing an army or gold, chose gold and was shot like a dog. And, here is the murder of the royal family, this is a Kabbalistic ritual, you yourself know whom.
        1. Kaa
          11 June 2012 21: 02
          I agree with you almost completely. I just want to add that the managers of the February putsch were our little brothers, who were rational, and the customers were the houses of the Rockefellers, Rothschids, Wartburgs and others like them. Hence the Kabbalah. Let us recall the steamboats with the revolutionaries from the USA who sailed through small Britain between February and October — a change of script and performers. Gentlemen, the generals realized in 1918 that they had been divorced as you know whom, but it was too late. The Russian revolt is scary, meaningless and merciless.
        2. 0
          11 June 2012 23: 12
          A garbage is not tired of city? What the fuck is a Kabbalistic ritual? Shot in the basement and all. . I feel sorry for the family. Romanova is not very
          1. pheophano
            11 June 2012 23: 52
            This version is very convincing.
            You can read about the author here.
            Link, apparently, will not work. This is a link to the Tradition portal
          2. +2
            12 June 2012 08: 51
            Yes, and crucified Christ, crucified and all. Any execution is already a ritual, especially when the heads are delivered, it is not known where, for what it is unknown. Yes, and traces of the use of knives are recorded in hot pursuit, and inscriptions from the Torah have a place to be. I understand that some people do not want to be responsible for this. What can we prove when on TV every day we see the same hari curves, and nat. the composition of the oligarchs says a lot, and they are children of the last revolution, which so far have not devoured them, but are already licking their lips. Unfortunately, ordinary people will be responsible for the deeds of the elite, but such is the sociological law.
            1. +1
              12 June 2012 09: 48
              Listen, where did you get that from? Well, executed, well, swept over the tracks, and so what, and what is some mysticism here?
              And about the Torah is generally interesting. Do you know what it is? No ? so I will enlighten this is nothing more than the Pentateuch (Tanach) basis of the Old Testament. If you have a Bible at home, you can familiarize yourself with the Torah (Genesis, for example, or Exodus)
              1. +2
                12 June 2012 10: 08
                First, calm down, you, an intelligent person. Secondly, what the Torah is, I know very well that I have read all this nonsense. Thirdly, the organizers of the execution of the August Family - Yurovsky Yakov Mikhailovich - direct executor (real name Yankel Khaimovich) and Goloshchekin Philip Isaevich (real name Isai Isaakovich). The nationality of these freaks, I hope you will not refute?
                1. 0
                  12 June 2012 10: 48
                  I won’t. For me, their nationality is not important.
                  involved in the execution of the royal family and Jews and Russians and Latvians, etc. Why is the emphasis on the Jews?

                  I will say so. when a Russian gives a bribe and another Russian takes it ... are the Jews to blame? When a Russian by thieves arranges his relatives for work .. Jews are guilty? When Russian Fedor Pupkin offers a kickback to Russian Zakhar Tyutkin and he agrees .. Jews are again to blame?
                  1. +2
                    12 June 2012 11: 23
                    You see, when Louis was beheaded 16, the verdict was executed by the hereditary executioner Sanson, but the order was given and decided by Robespierre, Marat, Saint Just, etc., who are true killers, and the vile Latvians who took part in this are stupid performers and Yurovsky, although he personally killed the Tsar, the organizer of this murder. 100 years ago in the Republic of Ingushetia, the majority of Jews were low-skilled workers, shoemakers, junk workers, tailors, 90% of prostitutes, etc. After the October Revolution, they occupied (not touching the NKVD and the government, so as not to argue) for the most part such posts as doctors, teachers, engineers. Those. a certain ethnic group has dramatically changed its social status. Well, the revolution of 91-93 allowed this ethnic group to take possession of factories, mines, TV, and, above all, their beloved banking system. In the 20th century, we are witnessing the progress of this group with the seizure of property in the end. And since capitalist society implies the power of the capitalists, i.e. owners, then, respectively, and power. All would be nothing, but all this happened against the backdrop of massive bloodshed of the 20th century. Naturally, Caucasians, of whom billions, sooner or later will figure out what kind of parasitic elite is rustling here, and the holocaust umbrella, every year, becomes more and more full of holes. What are the soc. polls not in frenzied Russia, but in tolerant Europe. With regards to Russia, the facts mentioned above say that all revolutions were made in the interests of one ethnic group. Well, the future will show how this will end. And can nat. the minority will retain power over the 140 million people, and if it does not hold, what will happen to this minority.
  12. +2
    11 June 2012 09: 20
    The revolution raised a lot of rubbish from the bottom to the top, so why be surprised.
    But Stalin could not build a system not based on the strength of the leader, and after him no one in the Union could, so the enemies of the weak leader waited.
    1. Kaa
      11 June 2012 21: 27
      I could not, but did not have time. I am sure that they have already read about the role of anticoagulants (provoking a stroke). About the assumptions, who specifically added them to the mineral water, apparently, too. And now compare with HIS plans for updating the Central Committee and the Politburo. Who knows who was planned for the successor (or even a return to the principle of collective leadership), but this is more likely for an alternative history site. But even here there is a certain national darling .....
  13. +3
    11 June 2012 09: 29
    The article is useful - such things need to be remembered. I just want to note that the described book was published 15 years ago, and is widely available on the net. So everyone can read the protocols in detail.
    1. +1
      11 June 2012 09: 58
      So everyone can read the protocols in detail.
      Not everyone will read this book.
      Today we need widespread and affordable kortrpropaganda to Western values.
      Including the conclusion that Stalin did the right thing without letting the Union collapse.
  14. 0
    11 June 2012 10: 20
    Many thanks to the author for the article! I will not argue, like many here, puffing out my cheeks, since for this it is necessary, at a minimum, to have all the information on the subject under discussion. And the fact that starting with Khrushchev, we all fooled our heads, pouring mud on Stalin - this is incomprehensible only to a fool!
  15. +1
    11 June 2012 10: 26
    Very interesting article. Especially against the background of Khrushchev's memorable reasoning about the "Cult of the Personality". I agree that the vile ideas came true with the collapse of the USSR. This must be published without fail in history textbooks.
  16. +6
    11 June 2012 10: 37
    Greetings to all Colleagues!
    The article is very interesting.
    Speech in general about two things.
    1. The collapse of the USSR, then it did not work out, it is now. And the mechanism is exactly that. By the way, it seems that they want to launch the same mechanism for the third time in order to break up the Russian Federation. All actions are similar. I hope our Government will adopt the methods of struggle that worked in 37 (and not which did NOT work in the early 90's).
    2. In all troubles and base actions against our country, at all times, whether we like it or not, the Jewish trace is traced.
    Maybe it's time to talk about it openly?
    And to explain to society who the real enemy of Russia is (after all, the USA is only a tool, so to speak, the country chosen to be the executioner of Russia).
    As they say warned, then armed.
    1. +1
      11 June 2012 11: 17
      At the expense of paragraph 2 - I agree 100% !!!
      It has long come to this conclusion.
    2. rate 60
      11 June 2012 22: 16
      volkan In all the troubles and vile actions against our country, at all times, whether we like it or not, a Jewish trace is traced. am Most Russian Jews will vote for Vladimir Putin in the presidential election. Chief Rabbi of Russia Berl Lazar stated this in an interview with the Israeli newspaper Ha'Aretz. "Perhaps, if there were a greater choice of candidates, they would vote for someone else. But I personally do not know a single Jew who would vote for Prokhorov, for example," Lazar said.
  17. +2
    11 June 2012 14: 08
    The biggest misfortune of mankind is that winners write HISTORY. It was thanks to this that 1991 after 1917 became possible. We are always drawn into the revolution (damn it). And the more I get into the historical jungle concerning my country, the more questions about the role of the Jews ... I do not call for a new Holocaust, but many things need to stop hiding.
    1. -1
      11 June 2012 19: 42
      what a holocaust at 2 a.m. this concept as well as phishism - these uyuludki intentionally introduced, that would dust everyone’s brains !!! if I thought of a Jew as a Jew in the 19th century, no one paid any attention to this, they say, personal scores! And after forty-five - I’m already a Nazi! HA complete !!! GOOD DECEPE THE LORD AND COMRADE! ISRAEL SHOULD BE ERASED FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH! and WHAT FASTER THAN BETTER!
  18. +2
    11 June 2012 14: 21
    Quote: UAZ Patriot
    At the expense of paragraph 2 - I agree 100% !!!
    It has long come to this conclusion.

    I agree:
  19. Nechai
    11 June 2012 14: 32
    Quote: cc-20
    So the role of the generals, led by Pavlov, becomes clear with the defeat of the Red Army, in the early days of the Second World War. The script was written in advance with an attempt to sweep away the regime of Stalin, accusing him of betrayal and inability, using the patriotic mood of the people.

    The head of the GRU's illegal residency in Belgium, Kent (Anatoly Markovich Gurevich), in the spring of 1940 drew attention to an order placed by the Wehrmacht for the production of a huge number of low-quality spoons from production waste. It must be clarified that in the Third Reich, prisoner of war camps it was the diocese of responsibility of the territorial military districts. But Hitler then gave the order to start developing a plan of aggression only 21.07.1940/XNUMX/XNUMX! In the still aging plan of aggression, the stake was clearly made on the capture of the maximum possible number of prisoners of war. At the start of the war, prisoner of war camps were liberated from Polish military servicemen. The Bauers were prepared to have slaves from the Untermansh, they were ordered to buy weapons for constant wear by each member of the family. Prices for pistols and guns in the Reich jumped up. Accordingly, it was required to equip places for the maintenance of the labor force and the location of their protection. The villagers were intensely driven into the consciousness that the Ostarbaitars were not people. "And they need to be destroyed as soon as it seems to you that they are malicious." Price lists for workforce were issued to local authorities in advance, accurate to pfennig.
    And one more amazing fact. Used in the initial period of the war by the Germans, leaflets and agitation. posters clearly divided into two groups. In the first - (making up the majority at that time) it consisted of compilations of anti-Soviet jokes, sayings and ditties that were circulated in the USSR in the mid 1s. They included “heroes” and objects of ridicule — Stalin, collective farms and innovations of the Soviet way of life, the USSR as a multinational state. There were no attacks on communists, commissars, and Jews. A significant part was in Ukrainian and Belarusian. These materials were published mainly in Germany in 30-1935. There was a production of printing houses and other states. The 1936nd group consisted of sloppy-sounding slogans in Russian, etc. Obviously giving out that for their creators the Russian language is not native, that they do not know the realities of oral folk art. There was already anti-communism, anti-Semitism, and the commissars were not forgotten, in addition to the topics from the first group. Similar "works" were published as early as 2-1.
    Already in the middle of the day - at 13.00:22.06.41 on 1941/19.06/1.07. Tymoshenko and Zhukov are trying to "legitimize the total" panic that supposedly swept our troops, in the view of Stalin. What for? What would the collapse of the army take place on "legal" grounds? Her reinforced by this drap from the enemy? In post-war private conversations, Tymoshenko once confessed to Rokossovsky that he was ready to retreat all the way to Vladivostok and Alaska. In the light of this recognition, the pogrom set up in the spring of 5.07.1941 is already logical. NCO-NGSH Air Force Command of the Red Army, and sent after 22.06. order of the NGO “On camouflage of the Air Force” with a deadline for sowing grass, painting, etc. to 270-16 But on the eve they passed the directive on bringing to B.G. "Complete." This is how the mess was created. One of the IAPs, stationed in the Bialystok ledge, by the end of the day 1941/XNUMX ended up in Orsha, the entire flight crew on fighters, without entering into battle with the enemy! BAO was left to its own devices, as were the stockpiled material. Could it be that the People’s Commissar and the National High School have sought such “heroes”? In the initial period of the war, a flood of desperate complaints from the Red Army soldiers poured into the name of Stalin about the absurdity of the actions of command of all levels, leading to the mass death of military personnel and loss of position. An unheard of phenomenon when troops openly complain about commanders during the war. And the more days of the war passed, the more often hints were sounded, and sometimes even direct statements in the betrayal of command. That is why, Stalin’s Order No. XNUMX of August XNUMX, XNUMX provided everyone with the right to DEMAND from the higher authorities to fight surrounded until the last opportunity. Commanders and fighters who prefer to surrender - to destroy by all means, both ground and air.
    1. +2
      11 June 2012 16: 58
      Very informative, thanks.
  20. +4
    11 June 2012 16: 06
    But it seems to me that not everything in this matter is still known.
    Indeed, in addition to the Trotskyist-Bukharin conspiracy, there was also a part associated with the so-called. "repression".
    In particular in Ukraine, here is one interesting point that preceded these events.
    There is such a surname Lyubchenko, Panas Petrovich - if someone suddenly wants to trace the details of his biography, he will discover a bunch of interesting moments and a whole spy novel.
    Starting with the fact that Lyubchenko was Petlyurovts and a photograph is known where he, Petlyura, Grushevsky and others were shot together.
    He was in the counter-revolutionary council ... but ...
    when the Red Army entered Kiev, he suddenly ended up in prison - such as a victim - the usual way of introducing agents and spies of that time.
    Then he was a member of the so-called party. "Borotbistov" are like Ukrainian nationalists with a communist bias (but nationalism comes first).
    These former borotbists held interesting positions - for example, Grinko Grigory Fedorovich - in 1929 the deputy chairman of the USSR State Planning Commission and then deputy people's commissar of agriculture of the USSR - was responsible for developing the plan for the first five-year plan in the field of agriculture - thanks to which there was famine in Ukraine and other
    Well, our Lyubchenko, like a real spy, having received a mysterious call, immediately rushed home from the 37m congress, shot his wife (who knew a lot) and shot himself.
    A picture emerges that a whole Petliura network operated in the USSR - former Borotbists and other Ukrainian nationalists who organized sabotage (in particular, famine in Ukraine and the USSR), and at 37m they were exposed.
    And at the Bukhara process there were confessions about this (sabotage).
    The dismemberment of the USSR, I think - this implied the separation of Ukraine from the USSR.
    I would like to receive the materials of these cases ... although it is possible that Stalin could not allow rumors that the spies and saboteurs penetrated into such high echelons of power and all materials on this issue were destroyed.
    Although they may now lie somewhere under the heading "Top secret, no statute of limitations"
    1. +3
      11 June 2012 17: 03
      During the civil war, there were many groups and gangs that migrated to the government of the USSR, which is confirmed by your material. And the fact that Khrushchev is a Trotskyist and was able to break through to the authorities also says a lot.
  21. dmb
    11 June 2012 21: 44
    Well, now in order. I happened to read this shorthand report personally in 1971 as a schoolboy. True, he only took about 300 sheets. (Who added another 400, I find it difficult to say, whether he published it himself, or a mysterious grandson). To my deep regret, my youth and lack of experience did not give me the opportunity for a deep analysis of this document. But I can firmly affirm that the quotes given in the article are from it. The trouble lies elsewhere. They are not convincing then or now. (Take my word for it, I understand something in the tactics of interrogation and analysis of evidence). But it is extremely easy to confirm the confessions of Rosengolts and Grinko. Currency movement is easily verified. In fact, Vyshinsky himself answers the questions posed by him. However, all of the above does not mean that there was no conspiracy. Here are just nonsense like: "and that a big Jewish conspiracy cut off the Russian ends" - there is no need to weave it here. These gentlemen, like Stalin, longed for power and first roles, but he turned out to be more cunning and luckier. Is it bad for the country or good, I don’t know? On the one hand, the hackneyed phrase about the plow and the bomb really speaks of the pros. On the other hand, a consequence of the notorious personality cult was, in my opinion, the fact that "Tagged" was able to destroy the Union, because there were no decisive people in the country. The presence of a Trotskyist conspiracy, in my opinion, is confirmed by the figure of Khodzhaev. For if everyone else was spinning in the Kremlin and were real rivals, and Khodzhaev was clearly not drawn to the role of leadership of the USSR. He is not even a member of the CPSU (b). And about two years ago on RTR there was a film by Zdanovich about the organization "Prometheus". This is where there is real evidence of the conspiracy, confirming that for the sake of power, they were ready to separate both Uzbekistan and Georgia and Ukraine.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"