Results of the week. Dead mother of Kuzma

Sect grateful Chubais

Indeed, it is completely incomprehensible why you and I - the Russian people - are so ungrateful for successful businessmen. Yes, the business must bow to the belt, Anatoly Borisovich should kiss for a kiss. The whole problem is in us, in the people. That we failed to properly dispose of an amazing gift of privatization - a voucher. Today everyone would have a “candle factory”, and nobody would have thought about any retirement age.

But stupidly missed their opportunity to turn a rectangular piece of paper into a cherished dream, and now, you know, Chubais is to blame. So he wanted the best. And now - wants.

Ehh, ashamed of us. You-s-yd-naa-aaaa.

But already today before the board of Rosnano, we must beat our foreheads on the snow-covered asphalt, demonstrating our gratitude by the accomplishments that Anatoly Borisovich and his associates have mined for us: Anatoly, dear father, thank you!

In connection with the need to atone for the people's guilt, a draft resolution is proposed in the “Results of the week” format. In factories, schools, libraries, hospitals, mines, and military units, draw in the corners "Thanks to Chubais." On these corners to display all the vigorous activity of 90's business, which led us to prosperity. Every day, in 12: 00 local time, spend a two-hour thank-you with songs, dances and live broadcast on YouTube. In the evening talk shows on the federal channels in the intervals of discussion of the topic of how bad things are in Ukraine, to celebrate especially distinguished ones and present them to the promotion in the form of a photo of Anatoly Borisovich in A0 format.

Chubais: For 25 for years, society in the Russian Federation did not even say business "thank you".

Comments from our readers:

You Vlad
Chubais, Chubais and hell at him, he came out of nowhere and goes nowhere! He is a simple performer, but who is behind him, this is much more interesting!

And we have not yet said our THANKS to a large oligarchy for the privatization of raw materials (constitutional robbery of the people), we did not say THANKS for the privatization of energy, chemical, metallurgical and other, spinal for the country (gangster robbery of people), we don’t want ( yes and not for that !!) to say "thank you" to the liberals for the infrastructural toll archaism ...

Thank you for hunger, death, devastation, war, theft, robbery of the people!

Andrey Yuryevich
“According to Chubais, the Russian society is“ deeply infantile ”,
That's right, the dog is right. "Havat our people." "Terpily" - our name. Very much we tolerate for a long time.

Space Hole Studies

Considering the conclusions of previous commissions regarding incidents with spacecraft, let's say, incidents, we can say with confidence that if a hole appeared in the Soyuz, then there are two options: a) the storekeeper is guilty, b) the technical is to blame. There is no third. After all, if you set the guilt of someone with a slightly higher rank, you will have to touch on a whole range of problems - up to the system of training modern "techies" and the responsibility of the management team of state enterprises when fulfilling an order.

You can, of course, be attributed to the sleepwalking of American astronauts who at the stage of REM sleep wanted to exit. But in this case, the United States will require evidence. Well, on their part, it is possible and “Highly Likely”, and for all others - strict international law, which the rest must strictly observe.

And by and large, the work of Russian astronauts "overboard" aroused real admiration. Seven hours of the hardest work in the literal sense of the word inhuman conditions. This means that some ladies and gentlemen just now wondered, why do modern cosmonauts give the title of Heroes - “tea, not Gagarin and not Leonov”. Yes - tea, not Gagarins, - you can't argue. But if such work is not heroism, then what? ..

The astronauts received a piece of plating "Union" with a hole from drilling
The media announced the results of the preliminary inspection of the hole in the casing of the "Union"

Comments from our readers:

I do not understand who needs this investigation? Now "highly likely" taxis! It was necessary for the mattress crew, first to Matrosskaya Tishina, as they confess - right to the madhouse and treat 8 years, to vegetables!

It is very simple: if they drilled in space, there will be traces on other layers of the ship, but if they lazhanuli at the factory (that piece of iron was drilled not there, and not to get stuck in the worker who drilled the wrong hole), then there will be no drill marks on other layers ... The holes are usually drilled on blanks, parts separately, now everything will become clear ...

For some reason I immediately introduced Rogozin, holding a piece of skin in front of the cameras, at the next press conference.

It is clear that this hole has a first and last name, I hope that now it gnaws his last nails with fear, I hope very much

President of the World - countdown

The other day, Mr. Oberdeputat Mosiychuk threatened to destroy the Crimean bridge. Also during the week, a retired under-generalissimus from the SBU stated that "in the event of a meeting, he is ready to liquidate the Russian president." In those same days, Petro Lekseich Poroshenko announced that, they say, Mr. Putin, this is a war ... In general, it seemed that the Ukrainian army was about to move tank columns in the direction of at least Belgorod and Voronezh, as a maximum - Khabarovsk and Neryungri. It seemed that the Ukrainian armored mosquito was about to begin an invincible tread in the waters of two seas at once ... An-no. Again did not wait. And how to wait ... Not for that martial law was introduced in Ukraine ...

Peter Leksich himself, realizing that he was talking too much, played back briskly, stating that the war was already going on, and that the Ukrainian troops were already valiantly holding back the aggressor in order for the sun of freedom and democracy to shine over Europe. However, again he could not resist and at the end of the explanatory he asked for a little grief from the Europeans who were illuminated by the sun.

Hiccupping, the Europeans began to fumble in their pockets in search of trivia for the oligarch-actorish beggar. Fumbled ... Peter Lekseichu showed - in the hands, but not yet poured ...

And at that time is not the car. Before December 27, it’s already less than two weeks — martial law is about to expire, and the Ukrainian ataman himself understands that something needs to be done, because the coming year may turn out to be a year of emergency emigration for him. The countdown is already underway.

In Ukraine, Poroshenko advised or fight, or remove camouflage
Column with Russian military equipment spotted on Krymsky bridge
Poroshenko: Mr. Putin, this is war

Comments from our readers:

Previously, the Americans even bothered to cover up their actions literate legend, at the moment things seem to be completely nowhere? The satellites ’orientation, their bestial essence, are no longer concealed. It’s ridiculous to say that“ new democratic states ”are built even according to some laws!

Dirty Harry
The previous incarnation of Petit, with the difference of only one letter (hetman Peter Doroshenko) in 1669, put Ukraine under the sultan, and he himself became "Belay of the vilaita of Ukraine". Groshey is also not mute - so the tribute was paid in kind (the girls - in harems, the couple - in the Janissaries). So what has changed now? In European brothels, there is a demand for live goods, and in Afghanistan, the USA will prefer not to send their GIs, but “cannon fodder” from Nezalezhnoy!

Americans need a conflict, preferably hot, in which Russia will definitely be appointed guilty. But commercial interest is here. First, it will be easier for the allies. weapon your vtyuhivat And secondly, the abolition of the JV-2 for the United States is also relevant.

Halado Romane
I remember that the Georgians were also desperately advised by the Americans ... And then our specialists blew up their boats in Poti! Yes, and another weapon was destroyed by the mass and exported something ... I, you know, what is interesting, and where are our friends and brothers from the former Soviet republics? Well, Ukraine is overwhelmed with a wonder-tupit, but brothers Belarusians, Kazakhs, Armenians, for example, would shame them! What, they say, barking to Russia? Forgotten, if anyone ponastroil plants for you, who subsidized you, Lenin, finally, forgot your founder's father ?!

Strategic know-how: made in China

Currency wars, wars with rifles and guns, wars of spies - all this, it turns out, is outdated. Canada and China, in collaboration, claim strategic know-how: the war of arrests.

Of course, only the rich get under arrest.

The prelude to the war was the detention of Ms. Meng Wanzhou, the financial director of the Huaveya, at the Vancouver airport. The Americans asked their partners to take her into custody. However, the money was received by enterprising Canadians who released Madame Man on bail of 10 million dollars (Canadian). However, a lady can be taken to the USA, and there, somewhere in Washington, she will be given another pledge, millions in 15 or 30 USD. They can do it there. While she "planted" in the house of her husband in Vancouver.

An example of enterprising Canadians and Americans were immediately copied by the enterprising Chinese.

In the People's Republic of China, Canadian senior adviser on Northeast Asia Michael Kovrig was detained.

The State Department immediately expressed "concern," but Beijing did not hesitate to respond to that.

In China, a Canadian businessman Michael Spor was detained. The media even wrote that he was "lost", and the Foreign Ministry of Canada, they say, unsuccessfully trying to "get in touch with him." It sounds like it was launched into orbit.

From the Chinese authorities, however, it is known that a criminal case was seized against this businessman: they say that this enterprising mister did something that threatened the national security of the PRC.

Actually, Michael Kovrig is accused of the same thing now. Apparently, OPG.

For such and such charges 10 million Canadian dollars will not be enough! Agree, here it is not a prison sentence or house arrest that smacks, but staged against the wall.

Secrets of Madame Man. In the trade war with China, the Americans turned to the individual

According to the expert from the Lower School of Economics (NSHE) Ivan Golozadov-Besshtanny, a new financial war has begun between the West and the East. So far, the 1: 2 score is in favor of the People's Republic of China, but in general there will be no winners in this war, as in currency wars. At first it will seem that the most greedy wins, but in the end everyone will lose.

“Where is the world going?” - asks Professor NSE. - Financial directors, businessmen and even advisers are arrested. The day is approaching when Trump is arrested, or even Xi Jinping. They will be seized at some summit, handcuffed and thrown into the dungeon! It is difficult to even imagine what a ransom, for example, the Chinese may demand for the American president! After all, isn't Trump the first enemy of Chinese national security? ”

Comments from our readers:

In his memoirs, Peng De Hui quotes his counterpart: "I am the first general in stories The United States, which concluded a peace agreement with the enemy, did not win. "This is 1953 year. But some consider from the well-aimed Chinese shot that struck John Birch in 1945 and stopped embarking upon US intervention in China in the bud.

Gray brother
The Chinese are great, not that our "we are not."

We look forward to making a deposit for this diplomat. The Chinese money contributed for Mrs. Maine should be just enough.

That's right, there are financial interests. There should have been a fight!
A boom to see, and there, and there the financial resource and other others are not weak, commensurate!
Top figures hooked, so it is either only the beginning, or ... yes FIG know her how it goes!

Caribbean Crisis 2

As long as the American strategists think about how to attack Venezuela from a democratic fraternal Brazil, Russian strategists on the Tu-160 White Swan and An-124 Ruslan aircraft delivered something to Venezuela. What was on board, nobody knows, not even the CIA.

Tu-160, by the way, is the real “strategist”, that is, a strategic bomber, a missile carrier. According to the calculations of the Pentagon, Russian aircraft capable of carrying nuclear weapons, flew to Venezuela as many as two pieces. Just enough to incinerate Washington and the entire Washington region.

Pentagon officials are closely watching the flights of Russian “strategists” through glasses, binoculars and telescopes. This is not a joke: in their opinion, the Tu-160 can "strike at US territory with cruise missiles." At least, that's exactly what the Pentagon thinks, and there after all the generals and majors do not wipe their pants.

The Pentagon is concerned about the flight of Russian strategists Tu-160 to Venezuela
The Venezuelan President has announced his readiness to announce an ultimatum to the United States

As for the president of Venezuela, he was in Moscow. Returning to his sunny homeland, he declared that Caracas would now present an ultimatum to the United States in writing. What is written in that ultimatum is not told to anyone.

This is not surprising: the Russians do not say that on the sides of the Tu-160 and An-124, the Venezuelans do not say what they will write in a piece of paper.

And only about Americans everything is known: they are preparing an attack from the south on peaceful Venezuela.

In modern military strategy, this behavior of the attacking side, when it gives out its plans to the enemy, is called full transparency.

We will wait: probably the Pentagon, the State Department and the White House will soon tell something else. Through his advisers, colonels, or simply on Twitter, via the Share button.

Comments from our readers:

A clever answer to the United States, but only there it is necessary to place them on an ongoing basis ...

Let's wait when the United States comes out of the INF Treaty, something seems to me that the appearance of our medium-range missiles can occur there, well, so that life for the United States does not seem honey.

Aristarkh Lyudvigovich
Russia will provide Venezuela $ 5 billion and 600 thousand tons of grain. In addition to the oil industry, another $ 1 billion is planned to be invested in gold production. This was announced by President Nicolas Maduro on his Twitter page.

Yes, sorry Chavez lived a little: he would have answered Trump!

Tu-160 flew with regular weapons, but what brought An-124 - a question.

Dead mother of Kuzma

In the opinion of the superexpert and hyperanalytic Vduya Solntsedara from the magazine “The National Protest”, the use of top-secret ruthless Russian weapons have two options: immediately and later.

The mentioned weapon is the weapon of the “Doomsday”: the “Perimeter” system, otherwise the “Dead Hand”.

Colonel Solntsedar believes that while the United States will deploy its medium-range missiles in Europe, the Russians will finally and irrevocably accept the doctrine of "inhuman" nuclear strike.

NI: Moscow is ready to uncover the "Dead Hand"
Return of the "Dead Hand"

It is worth noting that Mr. Solntsedar confused two definitions: inhuman and robotic.

As it turned out, Americans in uniform are not afraid of military Russians at all - people, oddly enough, are quite peaceful and constantly using the word “defense”, which in America, too, seems to be misinterpreted.

American colonels and Russian generals are afraid robots. Those who did not act in films about the "terminator", because they are top-secret.

And it’s not for nothing that The National Protest’s number tells about terrible armaments: cruise missiles “with a nuclear power plant”, “robotic submarines with warheads of one hundred megatons” and even “Rogozin’s“ Batut-M ”satellites that“ fly above the Earth ” in American orbit. "

Mr. Solntsedar, who is prone to premature panic, admits that Moscow is even “ready to uncover” the “Perimeter” (“Dead Hand”) system right today, so as not to delay the holy cause of defense on the back burner.

Further, the superanalysis makes a logical conclusion: the United States should slowly withdraw from the Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles so that the Russian “dead mother of Kuzma” is not in a hurry to strike back.

Let's live some more, huh?

This sentence ends his article, Colonel Solntsedar.

Comments from our readers:

In general, the concept of a reciprocal YAU is somehow flawed.

What kind of victory can we talk about? We do not even produce antibiotics of our own, children's dry mixes, too, other drugs as well.
Industry, except tanks, does nothing. What is cheap in the form of power tools with a label "Made in the Russian Federation" is done in the PRC, our only box (at best).
Do you think China will sign up in case of what? Horseradish! Europe and the United States are its main economic partners.
Myths about the fact that NATO countries are militarily weak, utter nonsense. Remember Iraq, Serbia, Libya, Israel’s conflicts with its neighbors (they have Western military thought on one side and ours on the other).
It is enough for us to turn off the Internet, limit cellular and wired communication, disconnect us from the banking system, and everything, war is not needed. Stone Age. The economy will rise.
The only war in which we can not win, but at least revenge for the dead comrades, is a fifth-generation war. Those. thermonuclear However, even in this case, we will adequately respond if we start first, otherwise our strike will not be fatal.
I think no one wants that.
PS Besides 6,5 and 7 chambers.

In the disconnection of communication, you can play together! We still have underground cable telecommunications. Without communication, we will not stay. Plus, the military has its own channels. Bank payment is duplicated, where the data center is located - a state secret. And we can cut intercontinental communication cables for them. Knock satellites out of orbit. We can disable radio communication in Europe, neither cellular, nor relay, nor satellite will be left! Excuse me, but we have not forgotten how to shower with hats. Just long harness ...

Misha Honest
The Chinese will eat the winner. If they survive, of course ...

Uncle lee
Recently, only heard about the "Perimeter". Either they scare our "partners", or this is just the last chance to take revenge on the adversaries.

The flight time of medium-range missiles from NATO bases is calculated in minutes, so yes, it is quite likely that there will already be no one to send a team in retaliation ...
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  1. +7
    16 December 2018 06: 34
    Thank you, Alexey, Oleg! You can’t stop by the week, and then read in the review what happened here for a week !!! hi
  2. +5
    16 December 2018 06: 40
    in vain, in vain they did not illuminate aphthofecalia and tomosyatina among the nebrats wassat
    1. +6
      16 December 2018 07: 58
      Quote: iza top
      in vain, in vain they did not illuminate aphthofecalia and tomosyatina among the nebrats wassat

      And what to cover it with, this photo speaks for itself ..

      What a pop, such a coming ..
      1. +3
        16 December 2018 11: 29
        Quote: Spine
        What a pop, such a coming ..

        What is there to say? Well, Petya sat at the head of the table, well, they accepted the "new church." And then .... now they are shouting "peremoga" (victory) in half a year they will scream "zrada" (betrayal) it was and will be so In Ukraine, there is no other way. The only thing that worries is that monks who have not betrayed can suffer very much.
        1. +2
          16 December 2018 12: 42
          Quote: Egoza
          The only thing that worries is that non-betrayed monks can suffer very much.

          Well, the demons of the Orthodox faith are always tested for strength .. God bless Russia! This is our core and the world is looking at us with hope under the yoke of the West.
          We are Russian internationalists to our liking .. For this they hate us!
          1. +5
            16 December 2018 16: 05
            It's time to get rid of internationalism. It's time to finally love the people of our nation, the Russian, then everyone will love us. We have no greater enemy than ourselves. Therefore, our government is wiping its feet about us. No pride, no self-esteem. It is evident that loving your own is the most difficult ((
  3. +4
    16 December 2018 07: 35
    Thanks to Chubais - just according to Talkov.
    Everyone will choose something heavier.
    They lied, they lie, they will lie non-senseless.
    After all, the character of "elites" is finer than that of animals.
  4. +4
    16 December 2018 07: 42
    Myths about the fact that NATO states are militarily weak, sheer stupidity. Remember Iraq, Serbia, Libya, Israeli conflicts with its neighbors (in them, on the one hand, Western military thought, on the other - ours)

    Nonsense: WHERE was Russia on the side there .... Iraq? Libya? Serbia? belay

    It is enough for us to turn off the Internet, limit cellular and wired communication, disconnect us from the banking system, and everything, war is not needed. Stone Age. The economy will rise.

    We will survive, but Western people will not find a toilet in an apartment without JiPS.
    Suffice it to recall that the catastrophe happened when in New York the lights were turned off for only a couple of hours, and what kind of stone age and wild West is happening until now in New Orleans after the flood ....

    No need to incinerate the city, etc.: just a couple of e-stations are damaged, and they will die in the mud, lice and starvation, turning into animals that devour each other.
    1. +2
      16 December 2018 08: 30
      Quote: Olgovich
      Nonsense: WHERE was Russia on the side there .... Iraq? Libya? Serbia?

      I don’t recognize. Plus from me. hi

      Quote: Olgovich
      No need to incinerate the city, etc.:

      That's right. I will add. Modern warhead delivery vehicles make it possible to destroy a military structure to any depth of any state. The war in Georgia showed how this is done. Strikes were made at headquarters and airfields. The troops were left without control, which led them to defeat.
  5. +2
    16 December 2018 08: 18
    The official’s activity is increasingly slipping into statistics. How much is drunk, how much is eaten. There is a simulation
    activity. Holes and tampons in space appear as a result of random people in this industry. If we do not return to the tolerance regime of earlier times, then such miracles will happen.
    It’s time to make clear to our future adversary that we also have a weapon of retaliation.
    depends on the orders of the command. Are we too keen on finding something new. Because we can lose time. Enough to count the ducks, we must take measures.
    1. 0
      17 December 2018 09: 00
      Quote: nikvic46
      Holes and tampons in space appear as a result of random people in this industry. If we do not return to the tolerance regime of earlier times, then such miracles will happen.
      remind me what level of tolerance did All - when Marshal Nedelin remained in the form of a dark trace on concrete?
      Also random people made / launched a rocket?
      1. 0
        17 December 2018 09: 57
        Sergey.People who sacrificed their lives so that future flights were safe were
        pioneers in this industry. By the way, the bailout of astronauts was created at that time.
        the bed area for specialists, Korolev reduced the number of temporary workers by several times, while creating the most favorable living conditions.
        1. 0
          17 December 2018 10: 17
          At the time of Korolev, it was possible to drive a construction battalion (absolutely random people without any tolerances !!!!) and build a cosmodrome with practically no cost for salaries.
          7 soldier -8 sergeant does not count.
          Now the situation is a little different - space is already a very expensive toy, and you can reduce temporary workers in one single way - rabid s / n. And to live with the devil on pies for an ordinary salary
          And even then - youth does not want to work HANDS
  6. +11
    16 December 2018 08: 20
    I am sorry that in "Itogi" on VO it becomes the order of things to discuss events, the spelling of which is fraught with difficulties in spelling, and the words used in the texts are difficult to pronounce. And the soul is eager for news and results on the topic: "Joined the troops", "Conducted a command-and-control command", "They were involved in maneuvers", "Launched", "Undergoing sea trials", "Confirmed technical characteristics in battle", "They are afraid of presence S-400 "," Again ahead of the rest of the planet "," Here it is - Russian space ", etc.
    Most likely, it just so happened, and there is no reason to doubt that on the Russian VO the topic of Ukraine is exposed as a kind of obligatory ritual. You know, maybe there, in the European part, this is a hot topic - I went to Kutuzovsky Prospect - BA! Here's Poroshenko, here's Tymoshenko, here's Zelensky and Kovtun. It is even more "interesting" to find out what kind of face Trump made when he was informed that the Russians are demanding more sanctions ... But in Siberia, these moments are not so relevant. Therefore, thanks for that. hi
    1. +2
      16 December 2018 09: 45
      Quote: ROSS 42
      I'm sorry that in "Results" on VO

      Quote: ROSS 42
      By this - thanks and on this.

      According to this - please hi

      In turn, the authors of "Results of the Week" on "VO" are very sorry that even after six or seven years from the moment of the first publication of the materials of this section, some readers continue to identify it with something serious. If there is a desire to get acquainted on "VO" exclusively with serious content, then for this there are other sections and headings, including "News", "Armament", etc.

      If, while reading the material, the reader has seen a pairing with a spelling or other error, then it is worth recalling: from time immemorial on the site there is an indication of how to report the error to the corrector.
  7. The comment was deleted.
    1. +2
      16 December 2018 09: 59
      Dear Boris55, the Military Review website has a function for adding articles. If you have prepared the material, then this function will definitely suit you.
      According to your comment: apparently, during the week you did not closely follow the publications on "VO" (which in no way do I blame you :)), and among these materials there were many topics and from the fact that you were not too lazy to issue such extensive commentary. Well, perhaps our authors "missed", of course, an important meeting with Verbitskaya and a gala concert in St. Petersburg ...
      1. +2
        16 December 2018 10: 53
        the authors "missed", of course, an important meeting with Verbitskaya and a gala concert in St. Petersburg ...
        Fine. From the heart and ironically. +
      2. -1
        16 December 2018 12: 15
        Quote: Volodin
        Dear Boris55, the Military Review website has a function for adding articles. If you have prepared the material, then this function will definitely suit you.
        According to your comment: apparently, during the week you did not closely follow the publications on "VO" (which in no way do I blame you :)), and among these materials there were many topics and from the fact that you were not too lazy to issue such extensive commentary. Well, perhaps our authors "missed", of course, an important meeting with Verbitskaya and a gala concert in St. Petersburg ...

        I'm just sorry that the foreign presidents in the week attention is paid, and to our president - 0as if he had beaten the bucks all week. sad
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. +2
          16 December 2018 12: 36
          And why, "give" ..... some and so, on his "bright face" in the morning, already, pray ....... winked Just now, a sick boy was being rolled over St. Petersburg on a helicopter, by order of "himself"! -then the "great" called and asked how this boy liked the flight .... How much does an hour of helicopter time cost? How much drugs can be purchased with this money for free distribution to such children? But this is not the main thing, the main thing is that the people should be moved by the deeds of the "great" ...
          1. 0
            16 December 2018 12: 42
            Quote: Snail N9
            some and so, on his "bright face" in the morning

            That is because "there is nothing to surprise", some have a false idea of ​​the president as a loafer, sutra until evening thinking how to put some nasty stuff on the people, because the media, besides nasty, are not interested in anything else ...

            Quote: Snail N9
            then the "great" called and asked .... How much is there, an hour of helicopter time is it? How much medicine can you buy with this money,

            Have you heard a thread about feedbacks? Shouldn't a normal leader be interested in how things really are? Or do you think he should focus solely on reports from subordinates?
            1. The comment was deleted.
            2. 0
              16 December 2018 15: 50
              No, he works in a sweat, like a slave in galleys! Meet 2019 and you (like me) will feel his tireless labors hi
        3. +3
          16 December 2018 16: 52
          Do you know what and whom he beat? For example, I know that he wore flowers, laid, mourned, who does not need, and that’s all. And VO in the week erupted in a series of articles about the President, which were immediately overlaid with evil comments. He’s such a PR - albeit bad, but so that he is heard. And so as not to think that he was afraid of the anger of the people, but he is not afraid. In fact, he does not care about us, he has the Russian Guard ((
  8. 0
    16 December 2018 10: 09
    The "Perimeter" system exists and is being modernized, it pleases .. We will not just take the Russians!
    Well, for Russia! Russians will never surrender .. soldier
    Homeland is not just a word for us .. It’s a soul and as if it weren’t picked out from our souls with dirty fingers .. We love it and will always defend it!

    These are the things gentlemen in Russian souls ..
    1. +2
      16 December 2018 15: 53
      Well written, inspiring and patriotic soldier good feel
    2. +1
      17 December 2018 09: 02
      I recognize Mikhan by BIG letters and bright slogans ..... the smoking-room is alive ...
  9. +4
    16 December 2018 15: 57
    Very good review, thank you very much! love
  10. +1
    16 December 2018 21: 41
    good drinks - well written, I say ...
  11. 0
    16 December 2018 22: 51
    [quote = depressant And so as not to think that he was afraid of the wrath of the people, but he is not afraid. In fact, he does not care about us, he has the Russian Guard (([/ quote]

    And Chechens in personal guard. request
  12. -1
    17 December 2018 00: 47
    Is it Chubais's fault that Russia takes 101st place in the world in terms of living standards?
    Under Chubais, Russia ranked 60th
    How the standard of living of the population declined in Russia:
    2000 - 60th place
    2011 ...... 59
    2013 ..... 61
    2014 ..... 68
    2016 ...... 95
    2017 ..... 101
    2018 will be published in the first quarter of 2019.
    1. 0
      17 December 2018 09: 07
      Do you seriously believe in the ratings ????
      According to the ratings on corruption, the level of corruption in Ukraine is less than ours ... But this is not the most anecdote, there is ahead of us to the top of the rating - the gender of Africa and Afghanistan.... just there the word bribe and corruption do not know, therefore, corruption is lower ....
      "Barbukhai baksheesh control !!!!" - and the whole thing is short ... and there is no bribe ...
      1. 0
        17 December 2018 16: 05
        1. Why are you surprised that corruption in Ukraine is less than in Russia?
        2. Do you disagree with the rating that Russia ranks 101st in the world in terms of living standards?
        According to official figures, today 22 million of the 146 million Russians are considered poor.
        1. 0
          17 December 2018 20: 38
          Quote: alta
          1. Why are you surprised that corruption in Ukraine is less than in Russia?
          -because Ahead Ukraine - Africa. Because FENCE still not completed Yatsenyukovsky. Because ALL almost foreigners fled from the government of Ukraine.
          And yes - I crossed slightly with Ukraine ....
          Quote: alta
          According to official figures, today 22 million of 146 million Russians considered the poor.
          - here the statistics are extremely crafty. These poor people include M. Baghdasaryan, who is nowhere working and has no income whatsoever, and my neighbor with his Kamaz, and shift workers traveling to Moscow, bombing taxi drivers, and real unemployed