Sino-Japanese War of the 20 century. On the peculiarities of combat operations and the tactics of the parties. H. 1

In 20-40's 20 Century between China and Japan was a protracted military conflict, the apogee of which was the Japan-China war 1937 - 1945.

We would like to tell about some of its features.

Sino-Japanese War of the 20 century. On the peculiarities of combat operations and the tactics of the parties. H. 1

1. Japanese troops in the vicinity of Danian. December 1937

First of all, it is necessary to take into account the difference in the state of the armed forces of Japan and China. For several years, the Japanese army was preparing for a major war, and in its organization and armament was approaching the armies of European countries (in particular, it was saturated with a relatively significant amount of equipment, having in its composition tank and motorized parts, a large number of aircraft, etc.).

On the other hand, the Chinese army for a long time did not constitute a serious force, and was very far from the modern European models. Each province had its own troops, not subordinate to the central government. The organization and armament of the army were very diverse. The technical equipment of the army was unsatisfactory. Characteristic of the training of the Chinese army was the fact that both the central government and the governor-generals of the provinces invited foreign military instructors - Germans, Japanese, Italians, Swedes, etc. It is known that the army of the Nanking government trained for several years German General Sect with a group of German officers. All this determined the heterogeneity in the preparation of various parts of the Chinese army.

Above and below are the types of Chinese soldiers. 1920-30

Only in 1934 - 1935. The central Chinese government set about reorganizing the army and uniting it with a single command. Despite the resistance of the governor-generals, who saw usurping their rights in this event, despite the subversive work of the Japanese group in the Guomindang, the central government of China, relying on the democratic forces of the country, managed to implement a number of serious events. 18-ti divisions (the so-called "Nanking"), on their organization and training approaching the divisions of the European armies. Abroad were purchased in fairly large quantities. weapons, initiated the creation of its own military-industrial base.

But by the beginning of the war, that is, by mid-1937, the Chinese army was significantly inferior to the Japanese - especially in terms of tank troops. Possessed by Japan and a strong naval fleet.

It should take into account a number of specific features of the theater.

China occupied vast territories, which made it possible for the Chinese government to conduct a war of the widest scope, designed for defensive maneuver and forcing the enemy deep into the territory, while the latter was exhausted during the hostilities - for the subsequent transition to a general counterattack in order to completely defeat the presumptuous aggressor. Large reserves of valuable minerals, and above all the necessary strategic raw materials, were located not only in the eastern part of China, but also in its deepest provinces - in particular, in the provinces of Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan.

The huge population provided the Chinese national government with virtually unlimited mobilization opportunities. Japan has no such resource. Attempts by the Japanese government to rely (in a mobilization respect) on their colonies - Formosa, Korea and Manchuria - did not bring any significant results.

Being very extensive, the territory of China was characterized by a significant variety of relief. If the eastern provinces of China are mostly characterized by soft flat terrain, in the western and northwestern parts of China, the relief is mainly mountainous, making it difficult to effectively use certain types of military equipment - tank forces, heavy artillery, etc. And poor technical equipment Chinese retreated into the background.

A characteristic feature of the Chinese theater was the poverty of the railways and good dirt roads. This gave the war in question the character of actions along railways and improved dirt roads. The main groups of Japanese troops operated mainly along these highways. In addition, the limitations of railways led to a fierce struggle for the possession of separate railway lines. So, fierce battles were going to seize the Lunkhai railway and the Hankow-Canton line.

Conducting operations only along individual directions determined the enormous length of the battle front, reaching about 3500 km. Difficulties in carrying out large-scale maneuvers using railway lines, in using heavy means of suppressing the enemy and in organizing the delivery of supplies left a serious imprint on the operations. An important characteristic of the Chinese theater of operations was the presence of large navigable rivers connecting the ocean coast with the internal territories (the Yellow River, Yangtze, Xi Jiang). This allowed the Japanese invaders to make wide use of their navy, giving them an advantage over the Chinese army.

But the shipping part of the Yangtze ended in the Hankow region; R. The Yellow River was navigable for large vessels only up to the Baotou area (above — navigable only for small steamers and Chinese junks with a carrying capacity of 6 - 7 tons), and p. Xi for the major military ships was navigable only in its delta.

The Japanese attempt to apply the concept of "total war" in China failed. The Japanese military used terrorist methods of warfare - associated with the massacres of civilians and prisoners of war. Intimidation is an important element of such actions. Actions were key aviation against the peaceful defenseless cities, villages and ports of China. The regular barbaric raids of Japanese aviation were accompanied by hundreds of killed and wounded civilians, with a significant percentage of these victims being women and children. Japanese ground troops acted in the occupied territory with no less cruelty - villages were destroyed and burned, dozens and hundreds of innocent civilians were shot and Chinese women were raped.

8. Nanking Massacre. The Chinese are victims of the Japanese military.

But the methods of “total war” only dragged new broad strata of civilians into the armed struggle against the perpetrators, broadened the base for the development of the people's partisan war. Extremely characteristic is the letter of one officer of the Japanese detachment operating in China. This officer wrote: “In the mountains, troops of the Hong-Jiang-Hui (Red Rifles) often roam. It is necessary to pay attention even to children and women. A few days ago, one sixty-year-old woman threw a grenade into our unit. Several people were injured and killed. ”

The figure of this sixty-year-old woman with a grenade in her hand actually symbolized the scope and universality of the popular anti-Japanese movement.

The guerrilla movement in China took on an absolutely unprecedented scale and turned into a genuine popular war. According to far from complete calculations of foreign observers and the Japanese General Staff, in China at the end of the 30s. acted about 1 million partisans. The PLA 8 Army in the northern and northwestern parts of China and the PLA 4 Army in the Shanghai - Nanking region actively cooperated with the partisans. A huge number of various armed detachments from peasants, workers, students (“Red peaks”, “Great swords”, “Red rifles”, detachments of peasant self-defense, etc.) attacked the Japanese. Moreover, the detachments often acted not separately, but according to operational plans with the troops. To carry out responsible tasks, detachments of several thousand people were sometimes set up in the rear of the Japanese army — and the Japanese were forced to use entire divisions to combat these detachments, but as a rule without success. So, in 1939, during the operation against the mountainous Utayshan region, the Japanese command used 50000 people, reinforced by appropriate technology. But the Chinese, skillfully using the terrain, using their tactical techniques gained in practice (which we will discuss in more detail later), defeated many Japanese troops, inflicted significant losses on them (about 7000 people) - and the Japanese command was forced to stop the operation.

9. The peaceful Chinese are victims of Japanese executioners.

Some numbers. Only for the period from September 1937 to May 1938. The 8 Army inflicted the following losses on the Japanese: killed and wounded - 35000 people, captured by 2000 people; repulsed - about 7000 rifles, 500 machine guns of various systems, 80 field guns, about 2000 horses, and as many pack animals; destroyed more than 200 aircraft, 20 tanks and 1000 vehicles.

Over the three autumn months of 1938, according to Japanese data, in Xinjiang province alone, an 321 fighting took place; The total number of partisans participating in these battles is more than 20000 people.

In the southern part of Jeho, three large partisan detachments with a total number of up to 7000 were operated - 8000 people. The detachments established operational communications with the Chinese troops fighting in the northern part of Hibei Province. The entire population of Inner Mongolia has risen against the Japanese invaders.

10. One of the victims of the Nanking massacre. Execution by the Japanese of a Chinese soldier. After the capture of Nanking in December 1937, the Japanese exterminated all Chinese prisoners of war captured during the Nanking operation - 57500 people.

The 4 Army PLA, which in April 1938 numbered 12000 people, grew in 1939 g. To 60000 people. Partisan operations developed to the west - along the r. Yangtze.

Thanks to the interaction of partisans and troops, the pace of development of the Japanese offensive from Nanking to Hankow has slowed down. A vivid example of the brilliant interaction of the Chinese army with the partisan detachments was demonstrated by the fighting in the Canton area.

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11. Chinese military personnel
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  1. +1
    12 December 2018 05: 54
    Japanese armored vehicles, I did not hear about any serious use of it except the Khalkhin.
    1. +9
      12 December 2018 07: 48
      Also, like you have not heard much and do not know.
      And with interest I look forward to continuing!
    2. +1
      12 December 2018 22: 09
      And do not hear. In this war, Japan did not use a large number of tanks. As far as I can tell, they used 80 tanks in the battle for Taierzhuang, and were defeated. There is a Chinese film in which photos of the wrecked tanks captured by the Chinese are given.
      1. +6
        13 December 2018 13: 01
        But they were applied ...
        Just mainly for supporting infantry
        I don’t want to read about the application itself much, but about its tactics
      2. 0
        14 December 2018 21: 18
        You compare the balance of power of opponents in the battles for Taierzhuang.
        China - 100-000 in 400 divisions.
        Japan - 40-000 in 70 divisions (000th division, 3th division, 10th division)
        80 tanks, 11 armored cars, 8 armored fighting vehicles.
        10 divisions versus 3.
        The great victory of the Kuomintang army ...
        1. +5
          15 December 2018 20: 51
          First: source link?
          Secondly, 300 thousand without technology versus 70 thousand with technology - yes, victory.
          But we read about the real balance of power in the most important operations today - in the 2nd part of the cycle
          1. 0
            15 December 2018 22: 37
            In reality, Imperial Japan decided to bite and swallow a piece of MORE of its capabilities! The territory of China, like the territory of the USSR, spread the armies of invaders in these spaces, and the population who did not want to tolerate the invaders created problems in the occupied regions! What affected the supply of troops leading the battles and diverting part of the forces to guard the rear logistics!
            And the fact that the Japanese threw all resources to the fleet and aviation, leaving artillery with minimal funding (development of guns, ammunition, training of artillery officers), the development of tanks and infantry anti-tank weapons - THESE ARE THEIR PROBLEMS!
            Nobody made them fight ...
          2. 0
            22 December 2018 21: 00
            Real numerical superiority in manpower in land units has always been on the side of China! But only numerical. Despite the help, the Chinese army until 1945 had little that could oppose the Japanese, except for its own strength!
            If they talk about the defeats of the Red Army, citing the myth "About three rifles for ten soldiers," then in the Chinese army they used detachments of swordsmen (DADAO sword in hand and in attack)!
            Dadao was in service with both the Kuomintang army and the People's Liberation Army from around the mid-20s until the end of World War II. Moreover, if the PLA included dadao as additional weapons, were made in any forge, and their shape and size varied quite widely, then in the Kuomintang there were special dadao dui detachments (“Great Blade Units”), which had sabers as the main weapon and waiting for them ordered in large quantities and standard samples. So, for the 29th army, 40 thousand (!) Dadao were purchased - two sabers for each soldier (one combat, the other training). For these fighters, the master of the Piguaquan style, Ma Feng Tu, developed a combat system of "eight blows with a blade to crush the front line of defense" (most likely it was a simplified technique from the Piguaquan itself, since there are just eight methods of attack in it: thrust, chopping, chopping, knocking out, knocking out, lifting, ripping, pressing) - there is another translation of the name "according to feng ba dao" (the sword of dao smashing the edge (of swords) from eight (sides) ".

            Dadao Museum and the Fight against the Invaders
            This was a terrible weapon in close combat, but the enemy still had to be run under the fire of rifles and machine guns!
            They were very lucky that the Japanese machine guns were not like the MG-42.
            And artillery was far from the quantities that were used in the USSR!
            Otherwise, all Chinese infantry would have been buried in huge mass graves!
        2. 0
          22 December 2018 19: 55
          The main weapons of the Chinese soldiers defending the city itself were wide swords and hand grenades. So the point is not the number of troops: 10 Japanese with a machine gun against 100 Chinese with swords. Yes, the Chinese won with huge losses. But these were not in vain losses, like the losses of the Red Army in 1941 - they became the basis for the future defeats of their opponents.
          1. 0
            22 December 2018 21: 02
            Glory to the fighters and their sabers brought the defense of Peak of Happiness (Xi Feng Kou) in 1933. Despite the numerical and technical superiority of the Japanese, for a long time they could not master this key passage. Moreover, on March 9, 1933, 500 fighters of the 29th Army attacked a Japanese camp in two groups and, due to their suddenness, destroyed several hundred military personnel, captured 10 machine guns and destroyed about 10 vehicles with ammunition. This selfless raid cost the life of almost the entire squad. No more than 30 people survived. The next day, the Japanese, after a three-hour shelling, tried to take revenge, but after letting the enemy closer, the Chinese counterattacked. In hand-to-hand combat, about 700 Japanese were hacked. The losses of the 29th army amounted to 400 people.

            If the Japanese had small arms comparable to those used in Europe, Chinese troops would have suffered even greater losses!
            I would have looked at the attack of the swords unit against MG machine guns or a company of machine gunners with PPSh. Wouldn’t have reached a grenade throw distance!
    3. +2
      12 December 2018 22: 32

      Japanese soldiers help drive the Type-89 medium tank along the Shanghai-Nanjing railroad track.
      Japanese tanks in China were used only to support infantry.
      If the tanks broke through the enemy defenses, they turned back and returned to their infantry.
    4. 0
      13 December 2018 11: 49
      Well, during the war, the Japanese Empire did not develop its tank forces too intensively, unlike the fleet and aviation. The Japanese used tanks mainly to support the infantry. There is a film called "Flowers of War" about the Nanking Massacre. It is there that it is shown how the Kuomintang army, in the absence of "bloody Stalinist industrialization", is fighting a pitiful Japanese tankette, which would have had enough ATDD bullets at once, sending a platoon of suicide bombers running one after another on this tankette to blow it up.
    5. 0
      13 December 2018 22: 39
      Japanese tanks of World War II
      Author: Fedoseev Semen Leonidovich
      Series: War and Us. Tank collection
    6. +1
      14 December 2018 15: 37
      about some serious use of it, except for the Khalkhin, I have not heard the goal.
      - so what could be a serious use if there was no serious armored equipment, by the way, the remains of Japanese tanks still stand on Shumshu Island

      Americans transport captured Japanese tank
  2. +10
    12 December 2018 06: 54
    Very rare and interesting material, an analysis of the Sino-Japanese War of 1937-45.
    And the topic is now very popular. The Chinese have already shot - the 2018 film Da hong zha (bombing), Bondarchuk is only about to
    1. +8
      12 December 2018 08: 20
      Da hong zha

      clearly as japas constantly bomb civilians, hunt for cars and wagons
      Terry Terrorist Terrorism
      correctly they then poured on the first number
      1. +3
        12 December 2018 16: 55
        Quote: Black Joe
        Da hong zha

        clearly as japas constantly bomb civilians, hunt for cars and wagons
        Terry Terrorist Terrorism
        correctly they then poured on the first number

        I agree with you, and here some whine about the bombing of Japanese cities by Americans.
  3. +17
    12 December 2018 07: 20
    The war of 1937 - 1945 is a large-scale and epoch-making event, but in our country, oddly enough, it is little-known. Only certain episodes are known - the defense of Shanghai, the Nanjing massacre. But few people know that the Nanking massacre was preceded by a very serious military operation.
    Truly - a nation-wide war of the Chinese people with Japanese militarism, in which
    The figure of a sixty-year-old woman with a grenade in her hand actually symbolized the scope and universality of the anti-Japanese movement.
    Aptly said
    The author opens the veil over the actual fighting of this war.
    Thanks for the start of an interesting cycle, we are waiting for the continuation!
  4. +3
    12 December 2018 07: 45
    And what about the events of 1931 on the Marco Polo Bridge?
    1. +4
      12 December 2018 08: 30
      I will correct you: the events on the Marco Polo Bridge - 1937, a formal occasion for the outbreak of the war of 1937-1945.
      Then, in 1931, the Mukden incident occurred on the site of the South Ural Railway, which became the reason for the Japanese invasion of Manchuria with its subsequent capture.
      1. +1
        12 December 2018 09: 56
        thanks for clarification!
  5. +9
    12 December 2018 07: 48
    Informatively, a lot of facts and figures
    1. +7
      12 December 2018 08: 21
      I also like trends good
  6. +4
    12 December 2018 08: 29
    Very interesting. I read it with great pleasure. Thank.
  7. +3
    12 December 2018 08: 38
    Thank you, tired of notes about reserved seats and the like ...
  8. +3
    12 December 2018 10: 10
    10. One of the victims of the Nanking massacre. Execution by the Japanese of a Chinese soldier. After the capture of Nanking in December 1937, the Japanese exterminated all Chinese prisoners of war captured during the Nanking operation - 57500 people.

    -in the photo-future Toyota-san and is now more alive than all living
  9. +10
    12 December 2018 12: 03
    Some historians who are far from Eurocentrism date the beginning of the Second World War to the very beginning of the Sino-Japanese war of 1937-1945. I think that this point of view has the right to exist.
  10. +9
    12 December 2018 13: 07
    Yes, compared to yuppies, even the Nazis are white and fluffy.
    Mortality in concentration camps for prisoners of war:
    Reich - 4% of Anglo-American prisoners, 60% of Soviet prisoners,
    Japan - 33% of Anglo-Americans, 99,999% of Chinese prisoners (less than a hundred out of several million survived)
    1. Alf
      12 December 2018 18: 32
      Quote: Dirty Harry
      Mortality in concentration camps for prisoners of war:
      Reich - 4% of Anglo-American prisoners, 60% of Soviet prisoners,
      Japan - 33% of Anglo-Americans, 99,999% of Chinese prisoners (less than a hundred out of several million survived)

      Especially if we recall about units 731 and 100.
      1. 0
        13 December 2018 11: 17
        Quote: Alf
        if we recall about units 731 and 100.

        Exactly. There are diseases that are safe for Europeans and fatal for Asians - the same measles, for example. Therefore, in Detachment 731, experiments were conducted on representatives all races and peoples - not just the Chinese, the Yapps were going to kill!
        1. Alf
          13 December 2018 17: 04
          Quote: Dirty Harry
          Quote: Alf
          if we recall about units 731 and 100.

          Exactly. There are diseases that are safe for Europeans and fatal for Asians - the same measles, for example. Therefore, in Detachment 731, experiments were conducted on representatives all races and peoples - not just the Chinese, the Yapps were going to kill!

          Actually, I'm talking about the fact that someone who got outside the gates of a wood factory did not have a chance to get out.
          1. +1
            13 December 2018 23: 03
            You forgot to quote it -
            "wood factory"

            But you are absolutely right - the Japanese from these detachments who fell into their "paws" called them "WOOD" or "LOGO" ...
            Citizens from the USSR also got to them.
            With various provocations or actions of sabotage groups.
            Recently on TV they said that until the 40s, ticks did not spread Encephalitis ...
            But after the work of Japanese "entomologists" - ticks carrying this nasty disease began to spread in the USSR!
            And now these ticks have already spread to the Black Earth region !!!
  11. +7
    12 December 2018 15: 00
    I observed an interesting trend - at first, films and series with "good reds" and "bad Chiang Kai-shek" were shown on Chinese television.
    2008-2010, the policy has changed - in the PRC began to make TV shows that both of them fought with the Japanese.
    The military theme of 1937-1945 and the Third Revolutionary War (Civil War) are very popular in China.
    The huge sacrifices of the Chinese people in the war against the Japanese invaders echo the struggle of the Soviet people against the German invaders.
  12. +3
    12 December 2018 22: 14
    The advantage of the Japanese was based on a more developed military industry, capable of making more cartridges and shells. The Chinese in this matter depended on supplies from abroad.
  13. +2
    12 December 2018 22: 21
    Photo 10 shows the execution of a Chinese soldier. The Japanese seriously deny allegations of war crimes and, in particular, the Nanking Massacre. I wonder how they will respond to this photo.
  14. +2
    12 December 2018 22: 26

    Japanese Army personnel towed a wrecked Chinese Vickers Armstrong 6-ton tank from the battlefield to its territory. The operation is supervised by an officer standing on the frontal armor plate. China, Shanghai, 1937.
  15. +2
    12 December 2018 22: 39

    Vickers A4E12 tanks of the Kuomintang Army tank battalion, 1930s
    These amphibious tanks, purchased from Britain in the amount of 29 pieces, were equipped with the first tank unit in the history of China, a separate tank battalion of the Kuomintang government army.
    These machines can be called tanks with a stretch. According to all primary sexual characteristics (weight, weapons, armoring), they are pure wedges. Nevertheless, in the battles with the Japanese, in 1937-38, they participated.

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