How Enver Pasha tried to create a world Turkic empire

The most famous leaders of the Basmachi in Central Asia were Junaid Khan and Enver Pasha. Junaid Khan all his life sought to become the owner of the Karakum. Enver Pasha, the former military leader of the Ottoman Empire and the greatest war criminal who, by the will, massacred millions of people, cherished the dream of creating a new world-wide Turkic empire - Turan.

Junaid Khan

A typical representative of Basmachism was Junaid Khan (Mohammed-Kurban Serdar). It was a professional gangster who, at the beginning of 1912, led a detachment of robbers who robbed caravans in the Karakum Desert. His detachment from the Turkmen raided the neighboring tribes, robbing Uzbeks and Karakalpaks. He valued power above money and all his life sought to become the master of the Karakum. In 1915 - 1916, having united several Turkmen tribes, he tried to seize power in the Khiva khanate, but was defeated and fled into the desert, then to Persia. In 1917, he returned to Khiva with a large detachment and became one of the most influential people in the Khanate. In January, 1918, the ruler of Khiva, Asfandiyar-Khan, appoints Mohammed-Kurban, the commander of the armed forces of the Khanate. He trashes his rivals - other Turkmen leaders. Eliminates Asfandiyar-Khan, elevates the young brother of the murdered Said Abdulla Tyure to the throne. So, Mohammed-Kurban actually becomes the sole ruler of the Khiva khanate - it then occupied part of the territory of modern Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.

At the end of 1918, Junaid Khan attacked the Turkestan Soviet Republic. The Turkestan region, attached to Russia in 1867, included five regions - the Trans-Caspian, Samarkand, Semirechinsky, Syrdarya, Fergana, and Amudarya department (located on the right bank of the Amudarya River. Basmachi seized and ransacked Novurgench, unsuccessfully besieged Petroiltend. 1919, Mohammed-Kurban, after that failure undermined his position within the khanate, signed a peace treaty with the Republic of Turkestan, but Juna Khan did not intend to stop the war with Soviet Turkestan. In June, 1919 he provided military assistance to the Urals Cossacks and Karakalpaks, who launched an anti-Soviet uprising in the Amudarya department. The ataman of the Zaire Cossacks Filchev, whose hundreds supported the Basmachis, took the entire northern part of the Amudarya department, created a government that was immediately recognized by Khiva. In September 1919, the Junaid Khan establishes a direct connection with the government of Kolchak. Khan begins to prepare a joint campaign with the Emir of Bukhara and Filchevym in order to completely seize the Amudarya department. In October 1919, the military mission of Kolchak under the command of Colonel Khudyakov arrived in Khiva. 130 Cossacks and 8 officers, who brought with them 1500 trilinear rifles, one rapid-fire cannon, 500 shells, 9 machine guns, over 1 million cartridges, come to the aid of Junaid Khan.

By November 1919, Junaid Khan manages to assemble at least 15 thousand horsemen, to which detachments of ataman Filchev and Kurbashi Khan-Maxum were to join. In November 1919, the units of Filchev and Khan-Maxum, with the support of the Khivans, launched an offensive. However, the Red forces launched a counter-offensive in December. The southern detachment of the Amu Darya group of forces, forcing under the fire of the Amu Darya, occupied Novourigench. After two days of fighting, Junaid Khan’s troops, having failed to recapture the city and suffered heavy losses, retreated. At the same time, the Northern squad launched a successful offensive in the area of ​​Nukus. The uprising of a part of Turkmen clans against Junaid Khan contributed to the success of the Reds. In January 1920, Junaid Khan is defeated. 1 February 1920, Said-Abdullah Khan abdicated the throne and surrendered Khiva in red. The final defeat of Junaid Khan suffered 29 in February in the battle of Batyr-Kent, when his detachment was partially destroyed, partially scattered, the Khan himself fled to the Karakum. Khiva Khanate was transformed into the Khorezm people's Soviet Republic. She became one of the strongholds of Soviet power in Central Asia.

In September, 1920, Junaid Khan, having assembled a detachment of more than 1 thousand people, invades the territory of the Khorezm people's Soviet Republic. quickly capturing Kungrad and besieging Nukus. In November 1921, Junaid Khan concluded a “unity agreement agreement” with the government of the Khorezm NDS. Already in April 1922, he again begins the war, capturing the city of Porsu. But soon, among the Basmachis of Junaid Khan, fermentation begins. A portion of basmachi folds weapon. With the remnants of the detachment Junaid Khan flees to Iran. In December, 1923, Junaid Khan again invades the territory of the Khorezm NDS. In January, 1924, his detachment, one by one, captures the cities of Tashauz, Mangit, Shavat, Gazavat, Khanka and Khazarasp, after which it begins the siege of Khiva and Novurgench. In Khiva, there were 290 Red Army soldiers who staunchly repelled the attacks of the enemy. The garrison was strengthened by party, Komsomol, professional organizations (about 500 people) and the Russian population, who in case of the fall of the city was threatened with a total death. Khiva resisted. Having suffered defeat, in April Junaid Khan returns to Persia.

In the following years, Dzunaid Khan regularly attacked Soviet territory. In 1925, the Soviet government forgave Mohammed-Kurban and allowed to live in his native village. However, how many wolves do not feed, he still looks into the forest. Soon the leader of the Basmachi fled abroad and resumed the struggle against Soviet power. In September, 1927, Junaid Khan again invaded the USSR, having managed to capture a number of areas near Tashauz, in November the Mohammed-Kurban detachment was defeated and retreated to Persia. In 1931, he makes one last attempt to overthrow the Soviet power in Turkmenistan. First, the Basmachi, led by the son of Junaid Khan, invade the territory of the Turkmen SSR from Afghanistan. Then Dzhunaid Khan himself, at the head of several Basmachi detachments, invades the territory of the Krasnovodsk region. It was the last large-scale invasion of Basmachs in the Turkmen SSR. At the same time, in the area of ​​the Kizil-Kata well, the Basmachi uprising begins. By the end of June, 14 detachments with a total number of more than 2 thousand Basmachs operate on the territory of Turkmenistan. Assessing the threat, 28 August The Revolutionary Military Council of the Central Asian Military District decides to conduct a large-scale military operation to eliminate Basmachi in the Turkmen SSR and the Khorezm region of the Uzbek SSR. In operation it was decided to use 4 cavalry regiment (82-th, 83-th, 84-th and Uzbek), Turkmen cavalry brigade, division OGPU troops 2, 2 squadron, Squadron 2, 3 trucking companies, school students of troops OGPU them. Lenin, 2 armored trains, 1 armored vehicles, 10 armored vehicles and 5 tankettes. Basmachi were crushed and their remnants fled abroad.

After the failure of a large-scale invasion, Junaid Khan, until his death in 1938, continued to lead Basmachites from Persia and Afghanistan. Mohammed-Kurban was able to avoid fair punishment for his crimes. He organized the transfer of gangs and caravans with weapons across the border, sent his agents to Turkmenistan. In 1933 - 1934 The Red Army again fought hard with the Basmachis. They ended only with the liquidation of all field commanders (Kurbash) who opposed the Soviet regime.

How Enver Pasha tried to create a world Turkic empire

Mutiny of Enver Pasha

Another famous leader of the Basquism was Enver-Pasha. The famous Turkish politician, he dragged Turkey into the war on the side of Germany and was one of the three leaders of the Ottoman Empire during the years of the world war. Also famous as one of the greatest war criminals, organizers of the genocide of national and religious minorities of Turkey (Armenians, Greeks, Kurds, etc.). After the defeat of Turkey and the signing of the Mudros truce in 1918, Enver, along with Talaat Pasha and Jemal Pasha, fled to Germany. The post-war tribunal in Istanbul tried Enver and sentenced him in absentia to death. There was no turning back. Then Enver decided on an adventure - to offer his services to Moscow in the cause of liberating the peoples of the East from the yoke of the Western colonialists. Among Muslims, he enjoyed great prestige, had extensive contacts, so the Bolsheviks decided to accept his services. Enver declared himself a supporter of the ideas of the Comintern, and in 1920 published a number of articles in which he called for a struggle against the colonialists. The main strategic goal was to oppose the British in the Caucasus and Turkestan.

Enver was based in Moscow for about one and a half years, working in the Society for the Unity of the Revolution with Islam. Soon the Turkish adventurer realized that it would not be possible to make a new political career in Soviet Russia. There was an idea to return to Turkey: at that time there was a struggle between supporters of the Sultan and the future Turkish dictator Mustafa Kemal. However, entry into Turkey was forbidden to him: he deprived the real power of the sultan, and Mustafa Kemal himself planned to take the place of the country's leader. In addition, Mustafa Kemal advocated a secular state, and Enver was a supporter of the rule of Islam in society. On the other hand, Moscow chose Mustafa Kemal in the struggle for power in Turkey.

Enver pasha

After the plans to return to Turkey failed, Enver apparently conceived a new adventure - to create a new Pan-Turkic empire (Turan) in the territory of Turkestan, Afghanistan, the Muslim lands of China and Siberia. In October 1921, Enver came to Bukhara, where he pursued a complex policy, representing Moscow’s interests in negotiations with members of the government of the Bukhara People’s Soviet Republic (BNSR, formerly the Bukhara Khanate), while making contacts with the emir and basmachs. Enver offered himself as an adviser to the Red Army on the formation of national units in its composition and interaction with the Basmachis against the Emir. After consulting with the local authorities of Bukhara and the BNSR government, he wrote a letter to Moscow demanding respect for the independence of the BNSR and the withdrawal of the Red Army from Bukhara.

At the end of October 1921, having in his hands information about the composition, strength and deployment of the Red Army units on the territory of the Bukhara NDS, he decided to resist the Bolsheviks and raise the pan-Islamic movement for the liberation of Turkestan from the Bolsheviks, for which he assumed the mission of uniting basmachi troops in the fight with the Soviet government, and headed Basmach in this region. This was facilitated by the underground anti-Soviet Committee of the National Association, created even earlier on his initiative, headed by the Supreme Mufti of Tashkent Sadretdin-Khoja Sharifhodzhaev.

Enver with a group of Turkish officers moved to Eastern Bukhara (eastern part of the Bukhara Emirate), to negotiate with the commanders of the Basmachi detachments. One of the Basmachis leaders, Ibrahim Bey, reacted to him with great suspicion, disarmed his entourage and kept him under arrest for three months. In addition to distrust, there was also personal dislike for a possible rival. Ibrahim was in the service of the Emir of Bukhara and achieved notable success in uniting the scattered Basmarian detachments. In Enver, he rightly saw a strong contender seeking to take his place. And this was not the only enemy of Enver Pasha, many in Bukhara did not want to maintain his alliance with the Emir, few wanted to return to the old order. Also, the feudal lords were annoyed by Enver’s attempts to combine Pan-Turkism, Islamism and socialism.

In the meantime, the emir supported Enver, ordered him to be freed from imprisonment, and recognized Bukhara and the commander-in-chief of all the Basmachi detachments of Bukhara and Khiva and parts of Turkestan as the “Grand Vizier”. In February, 1922, the Basmachi under his command, Enver-Pasha, took Dushanbe by assault, inflicting a savage massacre on its population. Then they organized a trip to Bukhara. In a short time, the former Minister of War of the Ottoman Empire was able to occupy almost the entire territory of Eastern Bukhara and a significant part of the west of the emirate. Soviet representatives repeatedly offered him peace and recognition of his authority in Eastern Bukhara, but Enver Pasha took an uncompromising position and demanded the complete withdrawal of Russian troops from all of Turkestan. It is difficult to say whether he himself believed in the possibility of victory and the realization of ambitious plans to create a new great empire. But Enver's modesty was clearly no different. He used the title of "Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Islam and the Governor of the Amir of Bukhara." On Enver Pasha’s personal seal there was an engraved inscription: “The Supreme Commander of the Islamic forces, Khalif’s son-in-law and the governor of Mahomet.”

In May 1922, the Red Army launched a counter-offensive, using the Amu Darya, Panj and Vakhsh rivers to deploy troops. Ibrahim Bey betrayed the “commander-in-chief of the troops of Islam” and did not come to his aid. Enver Pasha suffered several heavy defeats, left Dushanbe. After that, Envar attacked Ibrahim, trying to finish off his opponent. Enver Pasha fled to the neighborhood of Baldzhuana, where he was tracked down by the Red Army and took the last battle. According to the memoirs of one of the participants of the battle, V.I. Uranov: “In July, 1922, our 5 rifle and 2 cavalry regiments overtook Enver, who defended the village of Kofrun (Tajikistan). Our reconnaissance cavalry patrol was the first to see a green banner with a golden crescent on the outskirts of the kishlak in a large garden. At the banner were sentries in red turbans. This was Enver Pasha's bid. Nearby was a squad of select thugs - Enver's “personal guard”. In front of the Kofrun kishlak trenches were dug in several rows, which were occupied by foot basmachis. The divisions of our rifle and cavalry units with a sudden night attack knocked out the Basmachis from the trenches, promptly rushed into the village, then into the garden and to the house where Enver was located. Enver's “personal guard” was almost completely slaughtered. However, he himself managed to slip out of our hands, but how and in what form? The captured Basmachis told us that Enver was sure that he was under reliable protection and protection of his troops. Hearing the first shots, he did not even get out of bed, but when he felt his critical situation, he did not wait for him to put on his dressing gown and shoes, jumped on his horse and rode in his underwear, barefoot, leaving to the mercy of fate the remnants of his troops. Having seized the house, our fighters headed by the commander found Enver's robe embroidered in gold and the boots of this “commander” on the floor.

Enver Pasha was killed on August 4 1922 of the year in battle with the red cavalry in the village of Chagan in the area of ​​Baldzhuana. Security officer Georgy Agabekov in his memoirs quotes the report of the commander of the equestrian division, who attacked Enver-Pasha's headquarters: “The headquarters of the Basmachis, headed by Enver-pasha, rushed into the mountains, but stumbled upon a squadron sent around, took the fight. As a result, the enemy headquarters was destroyed. Only three managed to escape. 28 corpses remained at the scene of the battle. Enver Pasha is identified among them. Blow checkers he demolished the head and part of the torso. The Koran was found next to him. ” The dead man was found letters that confirmed his relationship with Istanbul and London.

Enver's rival - Ibrahim, also did not pass a fair punishment. He fled to Afghanistan and organized several raids into Soviet territory from his territory. In April, 1931, Ibrahim-bek's troops last invaded Soviet Tajikistan, but were soon forced to retreat. Experiencing more and more problems inside Afghanistan, where his opponent Mohammed Nadir Shah had fought with the Pashtuns and the emir, he was forced to leave Afghan territory. 23 June 1931, Ibrahim Bey was captured by a special OGPU detachment under the command of Mukum Sultanov in the Kafirnigan River valley. Under escort, he was taken to Tashkent, where he appeared before the court and was immediately executed after the trial.

Thus, the life of the great Turkish adventurer, who tried to create a world Turkic empire - Turan, ended disgracefully. After this, the uprising was quickly suppressed, although Basmachism existed in Tajikistan before the 1930s. The rebellion of Enver Pasha became the largest in stories Basmachis He represented a serious threat to all Soviet power in Central Asia. The suppression of this rebellion gradually led to the complete elimination of Basmachist and in fact ended the civil war in Turkestan.
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  1. +7
    15 November 2018 08: 30
    Pan-Turkism is a terrible thing, one of the key elements of the ideology of the Young Turks.
    The Young Turks began to widely propagate the chauvinistic theory that the Turks belonged to the "purebred", "higher" race. Already in 1908 - 1913 Russian Central Asia was flooded with pan-Turkic agents trying to establish ties with anti-Russian forces and prepare them to serve the ideas of pan-Turkism and pan-Islam.
    On the eve of the First World War, the Young Turks put forward a slogan about the subjugation of all the Turkic-speaking peoples of Turkey and the capture of the Caucasus. Based on this concept, huge territories in the Caucasus, Central Asia and Iran were supposed to be annexed to the Ottoman Empire. The Young Turks dreamed of reaching Altai, arguing that the power of Turkey should extend to the birthplace of the ancestor of the Turks, Ertogrul.
    In 1911, the Pan-Turkic congress in Thessaloniki decided to turn Turkey into an exclusively Islamic country, ottomanize all Turkish citizens, deprive other peoples living in Turkey of the right to create any organizations, to use their native language, having universally introduced the Turkish language.
    Pan-Turkic theorists proposed the formation of the "Great Turan" with "fire and sword." To achieve this objective, a “minimum program” and a “maximum program” were developed. At the first stage, the Turks were to conquer the "Small or New Turan" (within the borders from Baikal to Constantinople and from Mongolia to Kazan), at the second stage - to form the "Great Turan" (from Japanese waters to the Scandinavian mountains and from the Arctic Ocean to the Tibetan plateau )
    Modern Turkey (Kemalist child) is a pan-Turkic state with active elements of pan-Islamism.
    And our country has always been and will be an active fighter against pan-Turkism and pan-Islamism.
    1. +1
      16 November 2018 03: 54
      Quote: Adjutant
      In 1911, the Pan-Turkic congress in Thessaloniki decided to turn Turkey into an exclusively Islamic country, ottomanize all Turkish citizens, deprive other peoples living in Turkey of the right to create any organizations, to use their native language, having universally introduced the Turkish language.

      Not quite so - it was not about Islamization, but about Turkishization of the entire population of the Ottoman Empire, at least in Asia Minor. Those. the Young Turks were racial nationalists, not religious extremists.

      And the Turks proper were often dissatisfied with their policies (I communicated with one ethnic Turk from a very ancient pedigree, whose ancestor suffered because of this) - with the same language that they had - the new Turkish, based on Latin (then under Ottoman wrote in Arabic).

      Quote: Adjutant
      Pan-Turkic theorists suggested that the “Great Turan” be formed with “fire and sword”. To accomplish this task, a “minimum program” and a “maximum program” were developed. At the first stage, the Turks were to conquer "Small or New Turan" (in the borders from Baikal to Constantinople and from Mongolia to Kazan),
      Not quite like that again. Initially - the complete Turkization of Asia Minor, as well as adjacent regions (such as Syria, Armenia, etc.), this is "Small Turan". Then "Big Turan" - as a whole, re-creating the empire of the Seljukids - from Asia Minor to the Baikal region, with military capabilities, and then - some hypothetical "Great Turan" - within the borders of the Turkic Kaganate - from Altai through Central Asia to the Volga region - and up to the Polovtsian Steppe, i.e. to Ukraine and Hungary.
  2. BAI
    15 November 2018 10: 30
    1. The first photo is the negotiations with the Basmachi in 1921. There is a photo (without a signature) but not a word about the negotiations themselves and the fact of their event.
    2. The priority of the Basmachi leaders is strange. Probably, according to the principle - who caught my eye, or what was enough space in the article.
    First: the leaders of the armed resistance of the Soviet regime were local khans:
    1. BAI
      15 November 2018 10: 32
      And Khiva Khan
      1. BAI
        15 November 2018 10: 38

        Secondly, of the field commanders, Madamin Bek should be noted. Detachment 30 sabers, subsequently switched to the side of Soviet power
      2. 0
        15 November 2018 21: 48
        Oh, the khans are nonsense, although their robes are luxurious ... But the brilliant master photographer and inventor Prokudin-Gorsky was able to make such a color photograph at that time (before the revolution) in one of his expeditions. And at that time nobody could shoot like that in color!
    2. +3
      15 November 2018 12: 26
      and the son was smarter than dad
  3. 0
    15 November 2018 12: 59
    Another famous leader of Basmachism was Enver Pasha. A famous Turkish politician, he pulled Turkey into the war on the side of Germany and was one of the three leaders of the Ottoman Empire during the years of World War II. He also became famous as one of the greatest war criminals, the organizers of the genocide of Turkish national and religious minorities (Armenians, Greeks, Kurds, etc.). After the defeat of Turkey and the signing of the Mudros Armistice in 1918, Enver fled to Germany with Talaat Pasha and Jemal Pasha. The post-war tribunal in Istanbul tried Enver and sentenced him to death in absentia.

    The Jews learned how to hunt the former Nazis from the Armenians, who, after WWI, organized Operation Nemesis: Talaat Pasha was sewn in Berlin, Dzhemal Pasha in Tiflis. Enver had to chase a little longer ...
    Enver was based in Moscow for about a year and a half, working in the Unity Society of the Revolution with Islam. (...) Moscow in the struggle for power in Turkey chose Mustafa Kemal.

    But just in case (in order to have an instrument for influencing Kemal), Lenin ordered Enver to be taken only alive. But Lenin had his own plans, and the Armenians had their own ...
    Chekist Georgy Agabekov in his memoirs quotes the report of the commander of the equestrian division attacking the headquarters of Enver Pasha: “The Basmache headquarters, headed by Enver Pasha, rushed into the mountains, but stumbled on a squadron, sent bypass, accepted the battle. As a result of the battle, the enemy headquarters was destroyed. Only three managed to escape. 28 corpses remained at the scene of the battle. Enver Pasha was identified among them. The blow of the checkers demolished his head and part of the body. The Quran was found next to him. "

    The real name of this Agabekov is Arutyunov. And the division commander he mentioned is Hakob Melkumyan.
    Here is an excerpt from Melkumyan’s memoirs:
    "The legendary Gaspar Karapetovich Voskanov in those days commanded the troops of the Turkestan front, replacing Semyon Budyonny in this post. He also sent a telegram, which was laconic:" I need a dead Enver. Read it. Think. Burn immediately. "Thank you, Gaspar Karapetovich, this order is to my liking ... (...) In a bloody hand-to-hand fight, they finished off the whole gang of" true "murderers. Enver personally hacked to death. By the right of the winner, he left his personal seal for himself: huge, silver, with the inscription - “The Supreme Commander of all the armies of Islam, the son-in-law of the Caliph and the governor of Mohammed.” But Enver sent his personal Koran and gilded robe to Moscow ... Enver survived Jemal's bloody brother for only ten days. Yes, I killed Enver in the summer of 1922 on the outskirts of Chagan village, not far from the mosque. The verdict of the Turkish Military Tribunal was carried out in Berlin, Tiflis, in the Chagan village! Retribution is inevitable! "
    1. -1
      16 November 2018 14: 15
      As follows from the archival materials of the Institute of Military History of the USSR, Enver Pasha, with the remnants of his troops, was overtaken by cavalrymen of the 16 regiment in the village of Chagan, 25 km from the city of Baljuana (Tajikistan). Enver was killed in a shootout. He had secret letters discovered.
      The body of the Turkish general, as well as the documents, were at the disposal of the special department of the Bukhara group of forces. Among the papers were documents in Turkish, Farsi, Uzbek, codes, letters, including from a woman named Najie, as well as letters from children to their father in German from Grunwald. "
      Enver Pasha’s personal belongings — a gilded bathrobe, English boot boots, the Koran, letters, and a seal ring — fell into the hands of the Red Army. The list of personal items and the items themselves are currently stored in Moscow, in the Museum of the Armed Forces.
      See RGVA, f.110, op.3, d.1104, l.61.
      Thus, according to historical documents and materials of that period, Enver Pasha was killed in August 1922 in a shootout, and not hacked by Agabekov-Arutyunov in June. This is evidenced by the testimony of military doctors who studied the body of the pasha.
      According to the official Soviet version, the merit in the destruction of Enver Pasha belonged to the third squadron of the 16 regiment of the 8 Bashkir cavalry brigade, the right column under the command of M. Nikitin.
  4. -1
    15 November 2018 14: 00
    Enver Pasha is undoubtedly a great adventurer and dreamer divorced from reality. The original national ideas of peoples in the 19th century were transformed into supranational romantic ideas of unity. These are pan-Germanism, pan-Slavism and pan-Turkism. And undoubtedly pan-Turkism was born, later, looking at pan-Germanism and pan-Slavism.

    And none of these supranational ideas, by default, could have any success. For millennia, the nuclei of the Slavs, Germans, and Turks dispersed in time and space, forming peoples. And the differences in these peoples by the 19th century have diverged so much that it was impossible to turn back the clock and merge again into one. Yes, and that they could know, and want simple Danes, Germans, Austrians, ordinary Russians, Croats, Slovaks, ordinary Turks, Uzbeks, Kyrgyz. These PANs all nested only in the heads of aristocracy and intelligentsia. And the Belarusian peasant vigilantly watched that the boundary with the Russian peasant was in place - which is in FIG PAN.

    And Enver-Pasha, no ideologist of Pan-Turkism, he is an adventurer who used PAN. The Young Turk government fell as a result of a defeat at 1 World. Enver ran to his former allies in Germany. There, in the 1919 year, he somehow met with the Communist Radek, a member of the Central Committee of the RCP (B.). Somehow, somehow, the Turk was able to fake the Jewish head. Radek drags Enver to Moscow and is determined to work in the propaganda of the Bolsheviks - the Society for the Unity of the Revolution and Islam. Wow, not one humorist and cartoonist, even by the order of Marx or Allah, will not be able to compose such an abracadabra.
    "Having dealt with" the Jew, Enver took the brains of the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the RSFSR and USSR to Chicherin. He sends Enver to Central Asia to strengthen the Soviet power on the ground. But for an adventurer, in any chair, over time, an awl appears. Enver plunges into Basmachism, powdering all the heads of the kurbash, with pan-Turkism. For water in the irrigation ditch, an Uzbek farmer can slaughter a Turkman’s farmer and vice versa, and both are Pan-Turkism, something unknown.

    Enver is certainly a noble adventurer. He is on the same shelf with Cagliostro, Casanovo and False Dmitry.
    1. +1
      16 November 2018 03: 59
      Quote: Tarkhan
      And Enver-Pasha, no ideologist of Pan-Turkism, he is an adventurer who used PAN. The Young Turk government fell as a result of a defeat at 1 World. Enver ran to his former allies in Germany. There, in the 1919 year, he somehow met with the Communist Radek, a member of the Central Committee of the RCP (B.). Somehow, somehow, the Turk was able to fake the Jewish head. Radek drags Enver to Moscow and is determined to work in the propaganda of the Bolsheviks - the Society for the Unity of the Revolution and Islam. Wow, not one humorist and cartoonist, even by the order of Marx or Allah, will not be able to compose such an abracadabra.

      Of course, I was also pleased with this "Society for the Unity of the Revolution and Islam." Really funny. If it had not been so sad - the international camarilla, which then seized power in the Kremlin, was exorcised as best it could - and not only over the Russian regions, who believed its populist slogans, but also over the Central Asian regions, the majority of whose dekhan believed the propaganda in the same way ...
  5. +1
    15 November 2018 16: 05
    I read the article, comments and understood only one thing, East - a very delicate matter.
    1. +2
      15 November 2018 19: 10
      Quote: NordUral
      I read the article, comments and understood only one thing, East - a very delicate matter.

      But the Bolsheviks found a key to it. And the Karakalpaks, Turkmens, Uebeks, along with other peoples of the Union, contributed to the defense of the USSR from the Nazis.
  6. -1
    15 November 2018 20: 57
    The article is interesting. Annoying trifle -
    Soviet authorities forgave Muhammad-Kurban and allowed to live in their native aule

    In Central Asia, villages are called villages, it is not the Caucasus
  7. +1
    16 November 2018 04: 09
    Quote: Samsonov Alexander
    The feudal lords were irritated by Enver’s attempts to combine Pan-Turkism, Islamism and socialism.
    Yeah, the mixture is as explosive as СХNUMX! Until now, in Syria, he is auditioning - let us remember the same Turkomans who shot our pilot.

    Quote: Samsonov Alexander
    On Enver Pasha’s personal seal there was an engraved inscription: “The Supreme Commander of the Islamic forces, Khalif’s son-in-law and the governor of Mahomet.”
    I would like to see the seal itself or the Arabic version of the inscription, since the full curvature of the translation is felt, for there were simply no such terms.
  8. 0
    16 November 2018 16: 21
    “The headmaster’s headquarters, led by Enver Pasha, rushed into the mountains, but stumbled upon a squadron, sent bypass, took the fight. As a result of the battle, the enemy headquarters was destroyed. Only three managed to escape. 28 corpses remained at the scene of the battle. Enver Pasha was identified among them. With a blow of a checker, his head and part of the body are demolished

    antivirus 2 Today, 08:52 New
    father studied at Yves Energy Inst and "lived, 3 students in an apartment in 52-55 years, on the Worker Village", it is nearby. "The owner of the house was Konnik-Chapaevite, came with Furmanov, Ivanovo weavers"
    There were 2 rooms in the house, in one of the owners (I remember by association that Gorky’s grandfather and grandmother are small. Puny (?) As it should be for a jockey rider — it’s easier for a horse, a grandmother is a large, tall, high-born), 2 sons grew up and lived separately already, their room was rented out. in 55 g, dormitories were built on the Paris Commune, and resettled there.
    I didn’t write it down and, after several years, I forgot the names of the owners of the square.
    "He said," they did everything right. so now we live like that. "I understand how --- I was pleased with my life in the 50s and my life.

    father showed

    !!! fist from chest level vertically down, like a saber from a saddle on foot !!!

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"