Great Scythia and Indian civilization

Great Scythia and Indian civilization

A very interesting topic is the connection between the inhabitants of Great Scythia and the Aryans, whose invasion at the end of the second millennium BC. er on the plain between the great rivers of the Indus and the Ganges led to the formation of Indian civilization. This problem is important not only for India, but also for Russia, stories all peoples of the Indo-European language family. India is interesting because there the Aryans (Indo-Europeans) were able to preserve a significant part of the common European heritage, traditions, and ancient faith. Thanks to this, we can better understand the faith and traditions of the ancient Slavs, the ancient Rus.

It is not surprising that the problem of the Aryans caused and causes great interest. Often try to speculate on this topic. A typical example is the attempt of German scientists, politicians and ideologists of the second half of 19 - the first half of 20 for centuries to ascribe to themselves the honor of being direct descendants of the “Indo-Germans”.

Regarding the origin of the "Indo-Aryans", scientists were able to find out one truth: they arrived in the Indus Valley from the southern Russian steppes, at the turn of II - I thousand BC. er After that, scientists encounter a certain barrier associated with politics. It is necessary to answer the question - with which specific peoples of the southern Russian steppes, known in the historical epoch, should the Aryans, who have gone to the south, be associated? What did the Aryans have to do with the historical Cimmerians and Scythians, which were recorded in the sources over several centuries? As already noted in the articles of HE Great Scythia and superethnos Rus. Part of 1 и Great Scythia and superethnos Rus. H. 2The data of archeology and anthropology clearly show that the culture and population of Scythia of the Iron Age are completely consistent with the earlier - Aryan and Proto-Aryan periods. But despite this, many still vehemently deny the direct connection between Aryans and Scythians. In principle, this is not surprising if we recall the direct connection between Great Scythia and Rus. History is written by winners. We see how before our eyes the history of the USSR and our Victory in the Great Patriotic War are being rewritten, and we cannot even speak of earlier eras. Falsifiers of world history are trying to create as many “gaps” in the historical fabric as possible. Like, the Aryans lived and left, other nations came - Cimmerians and Scythians, then they disappeared, they were replaced by Sarmatians, and after their departure Alans, Goths and Slavs. Then on the place of the Great Scythia (Sarmatia) Russia was formed. Moreover, the current historians from politics (in the interests of the West and the East) have already thought of the fact that the current Russians have almost nothing to do with the Russians, the Russians. The Russians, in their opinion, are supposedly a mixture of Finno-Ugric peoples with Asians (Mongoloids) with a slight admixture of Slavic blood. So from the history of the Russian civilization cut off a huge historical era. And a conclusion is made under this constant shift of “different” nations — the Russians will also live and “disappear” from the expanses of Northern Eurasia.

Archeological data show that the direct ancestors of the Cimmerians and Scythians are carriers of the Andronovo culture (it covered the territories of Western Siberia, a significant part of Central Asia and the Southern Urals in the 17th-9th centuries BC) and the Srubna culture (it’s in the 18th-12th centuries) BC occupied the steppe and forest-steppe belt of Eastern Europe between the Dnieper and the Urals, noted in Western Siberia and the North Caucasus), occupied precisely those lands that can be called the ancestral home of the Aryans of India. It is clear that only a part of the population of these vast territories has gone to the south in search of new lands for living and development. In fact, this Aryan resettlement (it was not simultaneous, but stretched out for a very significant period) can be considered from the point of view of expanding the sphere of influence of Great Scythia to the south.

It should be noted that the concept of “arya” has been preserved in almost all the peoples of the Indo-European language family. For example, Greek - “aristocrat”, Irish - “aire” - “leader, nobility”, Scandinavian - “arjoster” - “noblest”, Russian “boyar” - “big ardent”, “ratai, oratai” - plowman, farmer , the Hittite - “ara” - “free”, etc. It is clear that this concept meant a social group of free community members who were at the same time warriors. According to the researcher of the ancient history of Rus and Rus, Yu. D. Petukhov, “arias” are an epithet-self-name of the Rus that does not require translation. “Arias” (“aryas”) are “ardent”, vitally active, energetic, viable (passionaries according to L. Gumilev). Therefore, often “arias-ardent ones”, falling to the south and being in the minority among the foreign population, created elite castes of rulers, administrations, and priests.

This concept was also used as an ethnonym, the self-name of the people. It gave the name to a number of countries that populated the Aryans - Ireland, Iran, Bharat (one of the names of India, from the Aryan tribe - Bharata). The concept of “arya” is connected with the origin of the name “Alans” - alternating lr, “aria - Arian - Alan” (V.I. Abaev. Ossetian language and folklore). And Alans-Roksolans were part of Sarmatia, which was the direct heir of Scythia.

The ancestral home of the Aryans of Iran and India was located in the southern Russian steppes. Archeological data suggests that both representatives of the Andronovo and Srubna cultures moved south. In addition, linguistic studies indicate that the Northern Black Sea region and the Azov Sea were the starting point of the movement of a significant part of the Indo-Aryans. In this region, and especially in the Kuban, the Don, the Crimea, many toponyms have been discovered that are identical to Old Indian (Sanskrit). It was not in vain that the inhabitants of the eastern Azov region in ancient times were called Sinds, but one of the Don names sounded like Sinu. Toponymy Azov Sindiki almost completely transferred to Bharat. It should be noted that a little later, researchers noticed the similarity of the toponymy of India with the names in the Russian North. N. R. Guseva, the largest specialist in Indian culture and Indian religions, and her follower, a researcher of the Russian North, historian S. V. Zharnikova, found interesting coincidences confirming the correctness of the northern origin of the “Aryans”. One of the most sacred and largest rivers of India is the Ganges, but there was the river Ganga in the Arkhangelsk province, as well as Lake Gango, Gangrek and Gangozero (Olonets province). The other sacred river of India is the Indus. Zharnikova found many “relatives” of this river in the Russian North: Indoga, Indomanka, Indega, Indiga. In ancient times, the entire Arctic Ocean and the White Sea were called Gandvik. Several interesting studies are devoted to this topic.

The origin of the Indian and Iranian (Persian) civilizations from modern Russian territories is indisputable. At the same time, there were serious differences between these civilizations. Iran and India were seriously different before the Islamization and Arabization of Persia. Indo-Slavic ties are much clearer and closer than Slavic-Iranian ones. This is another fact that speaks against the old myth about the Iranian-speaking Scythians. Researchers have found a significant amount of correspondences, not only in the toponymy of India and Russia, but also the faith of the ancient Slavs and the religion of the Vedas, Slavic languages ​​and Sanskrit, rituals and traditions. The closest Slavic-Indian ties have always been a problem for the development of the theory of Iranian-speaking Scythians. How did the Slavs establish a direct connection with India, bypassing the "Iranian-speaking" Scythia? At the same time, if we assume that the Scythians were chipped (the ancestors of the Slavs) were direct descendants of the “Aryans” (some of whom went to India), then everything falls into place. Russian civilization and Indian civilization have one root - Great Scythia. True, the Russians (Superethnos of the Rus) are the descendants of those who stayed in their native land (ancestral homeland), and the “white Indians” are the descendants of the immigrants.

What is the reason for the serious differences between the Iranian and Indian cultures? Earlier it was argued that the Indo-Aryan community is much older than Iranian, becoming an earlier impetus to the impact of the steppe civilization to the south (for example, the Scythians who remained in the steppes of Eurasia could be declared "Iranian-speaking"). But modern research suggests that this statement is a mistake. First, the proto-Iranian community has developed on the periphery of the Aryan steppe world - in Central Asia. Secondly, this event was earlier than the Indo-Aryan community - 6-4 thousand BC. er (in the Neolithic era). In the Bronze Age - 3 thousand. BC. e., began the movement of this community to the south-west, to Iran. This can be traced to the spread of culture t. "Gray pottery", which has continuity with the Iranian tradition of the historically famous period. The Proto-Indian community formed alongside the Proto-Indian, but received strong infusions from the north, and the Aryans penetrated into India much later - at the turn of 2-1 in thousand BC. er

For a long time, it was believed that the “Aryan invasion” became the cause of the death of the local Harappan civilization (it developed in the valley of the Indus River in the XXIII — XIX centuries BC). But then the facts were revealed that completely refuted this hypothesis. There is a gap of several centuries between the arrival of the Aryans and the fall of the cities of the Harappan civilization. The immigrants from Great Scythia brought iron smelting technology, developed religion, mythology, writing, urban culture, the state-community system, etc. to the south. In fact, they restored Indian civilization. In addition, there is an opinion and some evidence that the Harappan civilization of the Bronze Age was also created under the influence of the oldest Aryan civilization. The Bronze Age Indian civilization appeared so suddenly and perished so that it is difficult to talk about its local origin. Harappan's hieroglyphic writing has some similarities with the writing systems of various regions of Eurasia — it could not have arisen in isolation. In addition, the petroglyphs of northern India have analogues in Central Asia and southern Siberia (Altai). Siberia and Central Asia then belonged to the population of the Aryan civilization. It is clear that it could have a certain impact on North India. This explains the cause of the Harappan civilization and the cause of its death. Having lost the “nourishment” from the north, the Indian urban culture of the Bronze Age “sank” when the concentration of carriers of the appropriating farming method exceeded the permissible limit (“there are more workers who sell”).

The arrival of the Aryans in the era of the Iron Age restored the connection of the region with Great Scythia, and Indian civilization was restored. It must be said that contacts between the north and the south continued into more recent eras. In the period of the highest flourishing of Great Scythia (7-6 centuries BC), when the Middle East and China were in the sphere of influence of northern civilization, India also received new “infusions”. K 6-5 vv. BC er Saki (Central Asian Scythians) advanced into Eastern Afghanistan and North-Western India. Saki-Scythians had a significant impact on the socio-political situation, the religion and culture of India. Suffice it to say that the famous Buddha (Prince Siddhartha Gautama) was from a noble family of Saka origin - Shakya Muni. A little later - 3-1 centuries. BC er the Indo-Scythian kingdoms were created. This was the result of expansion to the south during the rule of the Sarmatians. In 2 century BC. er there were Kushans, people of Aryan origin. The heyday of the Kushan Empire fell on I - III century BC. e., then it included in its composition the territory of modern Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan and North India. According to N. I. Vasilyeva, in this period there is a restoration of vague traditions: there is "the creation of highly organized political structures of the imperial, state-communal type, re-equipment on a new technological basis (" knightly "cavalry), strengthening the" solar "religion." In fact, at the turn of the new era, India experienced a “second coming of the Aryans”, who restored the orders and traditions of a society of the “Vedic” type. India in this period - 2 c. BC er - 5 c. n er reached its highest peak - political, cultural, economic. This period was called the “golden age” (“classical”) of India. It was at this time that the Indian culture was created, which had a huge impact on the surrounding regions and all of humanity. Buddhism and Buddhist art alone influenced Ceylon, Indonesia, Central and Central Asia, Southeast Asia, China, Tibet, and Japan.

The Kushan empire covered mainly North India, but the Scythians advanced far to the south, based in the north-west of the Deccan Peninsula (Maharashtra). In the 2 century, they created the state of Kshatrap. It is possible that the strong Scythia of this region led to the formation there of a special ethnos Marathas. In the 5-7 of the century, India received several more “impulses” from the north. As a result, a new ethnic-class ruling group of Rajputs was formed. The Rajputs ruled India for several centuries, at which time civilization was experiencing a new cultural advance. Subsequently, the pressure of the Arabs and Islam limited the influence of the Rajput aristocracy, but could not completely supplant it. True, in general, almost all 2 th. er for Indian civilization was not the most successful period of history. Direct ties with Great Scythia (its successor - Rus - Russia) were interrupted. All forces were aimed at survival. But the Indian civilization, despite the enormous pressure of the Islamic world, and then of Western civilization, was able to survive and preserve its core.

In the 20 century, the USSR and India fruitfully cooperated. At present, Russia and India have every opportunity to create a sustainable strategic alliance. True, both civilizations must end the influence of the Anglo-Saxons on their policies, culture and elite.

Vasilyeva N. I., Petukhov Yu. D. Russian Scythia. M, 2006.
N. Guseva. The Russian North - the ancestral home of the Indians M., 2003.
Guseva N. R. Slavs and Arya. The path of gods and words. ” M., 2001.
Zharnikova S.V. Archaic Roots of the Traditional Culture of the Russian North. 2003.
Kuzmina E.E. Where did the Indo-Aryans come from? The material culture of the tribes of the Andronovo community and the origin of Indo-Iranians. - M., 1994 /
Petukhov Yu. D. Roads of the Gods. M., 1990.
Petukhov Yu. D. History of the Rus. The earliest era. M., 2001.
Smirnov KF, Kuzmina E.E. The origin of Indo-Iranians in the light of the latest archaeological discoveries. M., 1977.
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  1. Svistoplyaskov
    1 June 2012 09: 42
    1. Volkhov
      1 June 2012 12: 16
      The physical symbol of rotation - initially it has nothing to do with politics.
    2. late
      1 June 2012 13: 15
      Yes, the Slavs have such a symbol, its name is KOLO, aka Kolovorot, a swastika with smoothly curved rays, symbolizing the sun, as well as the Kolotov seasons, human life (birth, growing up, aging ..). Linguistically means everything repeats and succeeds each other. And this symbol was so covered by the brown plague that in Soviet times they hid linen towels from the Arkhangelsk region embroidered with a swastika in the storerooms of museums.
      1. Shuhrat turani
        1 June 2012 15: 02
        1. AER_69
          2 June 2012 13: 55
          I think everyone. Find after all. In the form of decorations, patterns, drawings ...
  2. Shuhrat turani
    1 June 2012 10: 21
    It is not surprising that the problem of the Aryans caused and causes great interest. Often try to speculate on this topic. A typical example is the attempt of German scientists, politicians and ideologists of the second half of 19 - the first half of 20 for centuries to ascribe to themselves the honor of being direct descendants of the “Indo-Germans”.

    Now the baton was taken over by Russian pseudo-historians.

    A very interesting topic is the relationship between the inhabitants of Great Scythia and the Aryans, whose invasion at the end of II millennium BC. e. on the plain between the great rivers Indus and Ganges led to the formation of Indian civilization.

    More precisely, the transfer of an older Dravidian culture to newcomers "come in large numbers" nomads

    A very interesting topic is the relationship between the inhabitants of Great Scythia and the Aryans, whose invasion at the end of II millennium BC. e. on the plain between the great rivers Indus and Ganges led to the formation of Indian civilization.

    More precisely, the transfer of an older Dravidian culture to newcomers "come in large numbers" nomads

    A very interesting topic is the relationship between the inhabitants of Great Scythia and the Aryans, whose invasion at the end of II millennium BC. e. on the plain between the great rivers Indus and Ganges led to the formation of Indian civilization.

    More precisely, the transfer of an older Dravidian culture to newcomers "come in large numbers" nomads

    A very interesting topic is the relationship between the inhabitants of Great Scythia and the Aryans, whose invasion at the end of II millennium BC. e. on the plain between the great rivers Indus and Ganges led to the formation of Indian civilization.

    More precisely, the transfer of an older Dravidian culture to newcomers "come in large numbers" nomads

    Like, the Arians lived and left, other peoples came - the Cimmerians and Scythians, then they disappeared, they were replaced by the Sarmatians, and after their departure the Alans, Goths and Slavs. Then, on the site of Great Scythia (Sarmatia), Russia was formed.

    Almost ... Nowadays it is called the South Russian steppe (the real names are DESHT-I-KYPCHAK, or TURAN). Goths slovenians in these territories are newcomers ...
    1. +9
      1 June 2012 10: 39
      )))) Don't be angry "They say vitamins disappear from anger" - do you remember this phrase from Cipollino?
    2. +13
      1 June 2012 12: 05
      Only Shuhrat has not yet been asked if you are such a civilizer, why didn’t you invent the great civilizer why you stopped developing the atomic bomb and didn’t launch a rocket into space, like a sheep grazing and rooting. You did not like the Goths, but the fact that they overwhelmed the great Roman Empire, such as in their underdevelopment.
      1. Churchill
        1 June 2012 12: 59
        Just listen attentively to the sound of the word "Turan! - Doesn't it remind you of anything? .. All the whites came from the north, or rather, they didn't walk on their own, but the cold snap drove them to the south! All the dark complexion, darkening is a consequence of the love for the chocolate exoticism of new habitats, that's why the Tibetans became slanted!
      2. Shuhrat turani
        1 June 2012 15: 07
        Quote: cc-20
        why your development stopped and you didn’t invent the great civilizer and didn’t launch a rocket into space,

        Are you fucked up ???? Not degraded from alcohol and neta? Is it something you yourself are newcomer? Judging by the comments, an ordinary goblin ...
      3. speedy
        1 June 2012 21: 57
        The Roman Empire was not destroyed by the Goths, they were only allies in the army of the VENDORS (Vandals) - this is how the Western Slavs were called (and they are called) in Europe. The Slavic tsar Mirovei Vendelik took Rome and placed his children and relatives on all the thrones of Europe - this is how the Miroving dynasty arose. The aristocrats of all Europe, being Slavs, spoke their own language, and the Gauls who did not understand them called their language the language of birds (in the sense - the language of angels). The descendant of Miroveus - Clovis the Great was baptized and baptized France after the sermon of Saint Genevieve, when a miracle happened when he was baptized - the heavens opened and a dove flew from the sky, bringing in a beak with ointment for anointing. This world was then anointed for the kingdom of all French kings (under Mirovings they were called tsars). France is the state of the Franks, the Franks are the Slavic warriors of Mirowey (the franc is an alien warrior, as well as an equestrian warrior in heavy armor - a cataphractary). As our great Slavophile N.P. Aksakov said, Europe is a cemetery of peoples who have now forgotten their language. According to a number of French scientists of the 19th - early 20th centuries. , before the Roman conquest, the Gauls spoke a language very close to Slavic, but Latin was imposed on them and by the arrival of the Franks they no longer understood Slavic speech. By the way, the Gospel, in which the French kings took the oath, ascending the throne, was written in Slavic, the French could not read it, believing that it was written in the language of angels, and only Peter the First, to their surprise, calmly read it, saying that it was our letter. The self-name of the ancient state of Moravia is Merovia, so the name of the conqueror of proud Rome - Mirovei Vendelik, means - A SLAVE FROM MORAVIA. And the hordes of the Goths marched across Europe pondering robbery and "selling their swords" as a mercenary army, the Gothic nobility entered the Empire of Mirove as a service class. Much later, there was a conspiracy of the Latins and Germans against their sovereigns and since then there have been no kings in Europe, for power was seized by usurpers, who did not have the right to a title, and who were simply called kings (descendants of the usurper Charles - the Son of Pepin the Short). Rome was built by the Russians (Etruscans) and the dynasty of Russian tsars ruled it for 375 years, until Rome rebelled. Rome was taken by the Slavs (in the army, however, there were also Germans). Europe used to speak the same language (before the Romano-Germanic intervention), and the ethnic composition of modern Germanic states is 50 -90% Slavic-Russian, even the titles of their monarchs speak about this (king .... Prince of Gothic and Vendian). It's just that Europe is our home, without any claim to exclusivity, and history is already history.
        1. gor
          6 June 2012 11: 13
          in fact, this is for general development))))))) Vandals (lat. Vandili [1], Wandali [2], Uuandali [3], Greek.) - The ancient Germanic people, close to the Goths, in the era of the Great Migration of Nations.

          In the late Middle Ages, vandals began to be associated with the ancestors of the Baltic Slavs (Vendians), who settled at the end of the XNUMXth century in the land where German vandals lived before the era of the migration of peoples.
          by the way about the language. they imposed Latin in that kind too. if it were like you dear, here you are telling there would be traces of one or another language. Thracian conquest by Rome was about 2 thousand years ago, but who knows the Moldavian language understands most of the colloquial Italian's speech is not strange. By the way, traces remained in Slavic. In Moldovan (Romanian) languages. As you explain that there are no such traces in the territory of Western Europe. Yes and by the way. Czechs, Slovaks, Serbs and other Slavic peoples of Europe are much closer in language among themselves. Russian language f it was already formed separately when merging with other peoples and traces remained. So there was little left of the Aryans in any case. In addition, the only descendants of the Scythians are Ossetians. and this is a fact
    3. Churchill
      1 June 2012 12: 52
      Shuhrat turani,
      If the northerners had not moved to Hindustan, he would have remained black and as primitive as Africa! A favorable climate and plenty of food do not contribute to brain development!
      1. +12
        1 June 2012 14: 12
        Quote: Churchill

        If the northerners had not moved to Hindustan, he would have remained black and as primitive as Africa! A favorable climate and plenty of food do not contribute to brain development!

        Not only did they move, but they really brought advanced civilization to the Dravids worshiping the bloody goddess Kali. And notice, at about the same time, blue-eyed and fair-haired civilizers come to China (Huang Di), who also indulges in bloody sacrifices! And immediately there begins a golden age, which the Chinese still remember.
        To this we must add the legends of the Atzecs, at about the same time that they were visited, again, by the white bearded civilizers, the famous Ketsalkoatl. And again, a strange bloody cult of locals began to heal.
        Three times there are no coincidences. And all the locals remember the famous vimanas and other super technologies of these civilizers. And in India, they even wrote that they found Wimana.
        The picture is actually much wider ..
        1. recitatorus
          1 June 2012 15: 17
          And also the pyramids, which are located at the same latitude! And this means that the secret of their origin should come from one point. The only equidistant point is - the north!
          1. AER_69
            2 June 2012 14: 12
            Soon they will write that the Slavs are descendants of the Aryans. That all the great buildings on earth were built by the ancestors of the Slavs.
            The grandest that the Slavs could build was of wood. What pyramids are we talking about ??? The Slavs are no better prepared. The Goths for some reason show signs of civilization brighter than the Slavs. Why invite Italian architects if we can build pyramids?
            Logic and common sense bypassed the superpatriots ...
            It would be better if they kept their culture and raised children normally! Half of the country swear like prisoners, drink, smoke and lead a pig lifestyle ... fool It would be better to have a good family. 3-5 children would give birth. They would bring them up and grow up healthy. Learn to look to the future and plan it. And then look back at the distant past and look for incomprehensibly what. And without Scythians with Arians, we have something to be proud of! Our story is richer and more interesting than the history of any country! Be proud of what we have and do not look for pride in the past!
            1. gor
              6 June 2012 11: 32
              Well, yes, and the ark was built of wood. Consequently, it was also a Slav. Or evremm. But the main thing is that of wood, and this speaks of the kinship of the Slavs and Jews. Since Noah most likely took the Slavs' relatives to the ark. I just can’t understand one. if it is so to judge. then we are all Jews. but there are also breakaway Jews. such as Germans, Slavs, Anglo-Saxons, etc.
              Well, here's something I wrote in the style of the article))))))))))))))))))))))
      2. Shuhrat turani
        1 June 2012 15: 10
        Europe is now distinguished only by 500 years of pumping out the resources of its colonies ... Yes, now it is strong, but the laws of ethnogenesis take their toll ... Not a single ethnos exists forever ...
      3. alex21411
        1 June 2012 19: 31
        Golden words ...
      4. +5
        1 June 2012 20: 53
        With you, Sir Winston, you can’t argue.
    4. speedy
      1 June 2012 20: 30
      Dear, the ancient name of the Goths - ASY, lived east of the Caspian and had the capital city of Askhabad (now the capital of Turkmenistan), left there during the great migration of peoples, pressed from the east by the "Scythians"). Now a little in order. In the 25th century BC the Dardans of the Flood occurred - this is when the waters of the Mediterranean Sea broke through the straits of the same name and formed the present Black Sea, flooding the country of the Slavs. One branch of refugees settled in Crete, founding Crete - the Mycenaean civilization, the other went far to the east, founding the legendary "Aristan" (as this country was called by the Hindus, speaking of the homeland of the Aryans who came from the north). This fossil country is now called Arkaim in the scientific world by the name of the local village, which means "White Stone". Here was the birthplace of Zarathushtra (Zoroaster at the Persians) - in Russian it was something of the type of Stargazer (Jews even in the Middle Ages called our pagan ancestors - worshipers of stars and planets). Here in the Southern Urals a harmonious state was created with a developed system of irrigated agriculture, non-ferrous metallurgy and the cult of the sun. It was a country of wise men and workers not at all aggressive - there were no other nations around them, they lived in self-isolation, having left after a flood in a deserted land by a small community of the righteous. At 17 in. до н.э. the climate changed, it got colder and in the winter the cattle could not get their own food from under the snow, so they left their country (which they have now unearthed) and went to Semirechye - the area of ​​Lake Balkhash, which is now called that. For three centuries they lived in a new place, having founded a state with the same system of irrigated agriculture, but a terrible earthquake occurred, perceived as the wrath of God and the question arose of a new relocation. A prophet came from afar and said that God tells us to go to a country flowing with honey and milk, but opinions were divided, and at a general meeting it was decided to split: the older clans of Arius and brother Kisek were led south to conquer the Indian kingdom, and the younger clans were led by the sons of Arius to the land indicated by the prophet. "And Kiy walked with his Rus, Horeb with his Croats and Shchek with his Czechs." By the way, the name Kiy means club, club, scepter - a symbol of power. This was the beginning of the great migration of peoples, much later they will be called Scythians. By the way, the Aryans means plowmen, not warriors, they became warriors later, by virtue of circumstances, A boyar is a great warrior (ardent - warlike), Kiev is a very ancient city - the small city of Kimery was taken by Russians (Scythians) in the 9th at. до н.э. But the Germans - Goths - Ases, by no means the Aryans, are they either exiles, or freedmen from the vicinity of Troy (even before its destruction), they left because of the harmful character of their leader Thor. While walking through the lands of primitive peoples, they looked at them as gods, and these proud people called themselves GOTH, which means "gods." But their self-name was aces, and Askhabad became the capital city. Therefore, the Türks are the descendants of the Aryans, albeit with a Chinese admixture, but the Germans are not - another branch. And their pride from the day of resettlement from Troy so with them and abides.
  3. Volkhov
    1 June 2012 10: 27
    In the first picture, they are not quite Scythians - from the proportions it is clearly visible that this is Ur 5 meters tall, so 4 horses are carrying it, like a cannon. On the front of the chariot the symbolism of "Hyperborea" - only there the land was divided by 4 channels, on the passenger's head the symbolism of a comet (snakes). The smaller driver is just a tall Scythian, judging by the cap. In the second picture, there is a tutorial on linear discharge.
    Mythology ... someone is wild - either they, or we.
  4. Shuhrat turani
    1 June 2012 10: 34
    In addition, the petroglyphs of northern India have analogues in Central Asia and southern Siberia (Altai). Siberia and Central Asia then belonged to the population of the Aryan civilization.

    This explains the cause of the Harappan civilization and the reason for its death. Having lost the “recharge” from the north, the Indian urban culture of the Bronze Age “drowned” when the concentration of the carriers of the appropriating method of farming exceeded the permissible limit (“there are more working people who trade”).


    In the 2nd century BC e. Kushans appeared, people of Aryan descent.


    The origin of the name “Alans” is also connected with the concept of “arya” —through alternating l, “Aria - Arian - Alan” (V. I. Abaev. Ossetian language and folklore). And the Aloxian-Roksolans were part of Sarmatia, which was a direct descendant of Scythia.

    I read Abaev ... Bullshit, the theory is far-fetched. In general, a find for pro-Aryan pseudo-historians .... Many inscriptions are better read with knowledge of the Turkic language is a fact !!!!
    1. +8
      1 June 2012 10: 41
      Native there are certain facts against which you cannot argue ... once again, genetics and data from archiolic excavations, there is also data from the genetic analysis of the burials of the Scythians and the genetic analysis of the "Altai Princess" facts, facts ... a stubborn thing .... http: // ossnet .info / scythian-gold-alani1.html By the way, Ossetians are a mystery ... do you know why?
      1. Shuhrat turani
        1 June 2012 11: 11
        facts ... that’s just the point ... archaeological sites are mainly burials, crypts ... Judging by the found artifacts and based on the analysis of burials, only one conclusion is made - people were buried according to the tradition of Tengrinism ... All Andronovo culture- Tengrinian culture-Eurasian culture (read-Turan)). Altai princess is still a link in this chain.

        Quote: viruskvartirus
        here by the way Ossetians mystery ... you know why?

        a mystery why a completely sedentary people consider themselves the descendants of nomads? Why do they call themselves "ironi" and their neighbors - Alans?

        Because Eurocentrists, Fomenkovites and other pseudo-historians are disgusted by the idea of ​​antiquity of a non-“Indo-European people”, that's the point ... It's about pride, no more ...
        1. +8
          1 June 2012 11: 36
          There is no conclusion as you say more than one .... look at the geography of these as you say ... crypts ... and the Ossetian mystery ... in genetics ... At first it was hypothesized that R1b is indigenous to Western Europe, since it is there that it prevails. Subsequently, it was proved that the R1b haplotypes show a greater variety of small side branches in Anatolia and the Caucasus than in Europe. However, it is known that the ancient Greeks practically identified the population of the Caucasus (Iberia) and modern Spain (Iberia (Iberian Peninsula)). Also, European subclades are younger in comparison with the Middle East or Central Asian. The main Western European branch R-P312 / S116 dates back to only 3500 or 3000 BC. e., therefore, the oldest common ancestor of this line lived at least 5000 - 5500 years ago in the valley of the lower Danube or in the Black Sea. Anyway, these time frames are too small for the Paleolithic origin or Neolithic advent of R1b. The discovery of subclades of the haplogroup R1b in Central Asia, Pakistan, and India finally refuted its Paleolithic origin in Western Europe and confirmed its connection with the Indo-Europeans.
          By the way am Found in the Caucasus among Ossetians - 43 % (where? Ossetians have this haplogroup or all the same G &) and Armenians - 32,4%. In the mountainous regions of Armenia (in Syunik and Artsakh), which were least affected by foreign invaders, the percentage of representatives of the haplogroup R1b is higher - exceeds 40%.

          In Turkey it reaches 16%, in Iraq - 11,3% and in other countries of West Asia. In Turkey, the Turks - 31 %.
          In Central Asia, found, in particular, among the Turkmens - 37 %, Uzbeks - 9,8%, Tatars - 8,7%, Kazakhs - 5,6%, Uyghurs - from 8,2% to 19,4%

          That is, the question is, how is the haplogroup called the Celtic ... a group for example 80% of the Basques and 70% of the British ... and if you also attach the riddle of the Basque language here ... it turned out to be 40% of Ossetians and 37% of Turkmenistan ... and moreover, based on the number mutations Ossetians and Turkmen, it is ancient ... and this is reminiscent of R1 am love
          1. Shuhrat turani
            1 June 2012 15: 23
            But you don’t take into account that peoples do not live permanently in one place ... There is a constant genetic drift ... Due to conquests and other processes ... It is impossible to preserve the population for an infinitely long period. Hard-to-reach Exceptions ...
            As for Iberia ... This is quite logical considering that about 3 thousand years ago the Mediterranean, the Caucasus and adjacent territories were inhabited by representatives of the Caucasian-Mediterranean race (second-order race in the structure of the white race)
            Quote: viruskvartirus
            therefore, the oldest common ancestor of this line lived at least 5000 - 5500 years ago in the valley of the lower Danube or in the Black Sea region.

            or in some other place ... where does zoning come from? grounds?
            1. +6
              1 June 2012 19: 42
              From you stubborn, understand genetics is a science that operates for millennia and for it 5000 years is not a period ... and so that in a certain territory the dominance of the haplotype, for example, like the Basques, must not just come, but also live there for a very long time ... "or some other place ... where is this zoning? ... these data were obtained based on the analysis of unique deviations-mutations of this haplotype with reference to the territory, and their number depends on the time ... it is believed that it happens for about 500 years ... that's how it was calculated ...
          2. +3
            1 June 2012 17: 52
            Your calculations are in good agreement with the conclusions made in the book "System languages ​​of the brain" by linguist NN Vashkevich. And from this book it follows that pracivilization originated and spread across the planet from the territory of modern Syria, and the proto-languages ​​are Arabic and Russian.
            1. +4
              1 June 2012 19: 24
              These are not my calculations and they are very well consistent with the spread of Aryans from the Black Sea steppes ....
    2. +10
      1 June 2012 12: 13
      So the arias are light and blue-eyed, and you are pretty blackish and hairy. Your homeland is the Arabian Peninsula, look for your roots there, you can do DNA analysis. But do not stick to Turan, this is Scythia. You know about its existence according to Shahnamen - a late Iranian poetic retelling, which has nothing to do with you.
      1. Shuhrat turani
        1 June 2012 15: 30
        Shahname - rewritten with its own additions and distortions ...
        Hair color and blue-eyed is not a sign exclusively of the Aryans ... Leaf through ... you will not find links to a different kind of islanders ... blue-eyed blacks, fair-haired Mongoloids, and light blacks ....

        Scythia Turan is for sure ... only non-Iranian-speaking ... non-Indo-European ... Iranian-speaking Turan is a politicized hypothesis invented to please politicians and an arrogant street cattle ... Then it was crystallized in its universities ...
        1. +5
          1 June 2012 19: 54
          Shuhrat Turani you know that a guy like Tutankhamun has a haplogroup R1b))) now you are arguing, but it is very likely that you have a haplogroup R, since "most of the varieties of haplogroup R are found among the population of Central Asia, Siberia and the Indian sub-continent. One isolated a subgroup belonging to R is found among the indigenous population of northern Cameroon in western central Africa and is believed to have arisen as a result of the prehistoric migration of the ancient Eurasian population back to Africa. "
          "Haplogroup R of the human Y chromosome is marked by a mutation in the SNP marker M207 and is a descendant of haplogroup P.
          The most common R1 subgroup is marked with the M173 mutation. Its two main subclades, R1a (M17) and R1b (M343) (other variants are extremely rare) are the most common throughout Europe and western Eurasia. This is due to the resettlement after the last glacial maximum. "And understand nothing, this does not mean anything and does not make someone smarter or better ... so purely just interesting ...
        2. +6
          1 June 2012 20: 17
          Conspiracy theory, some kind against the Uzbeks.
  5. Shuhrat turani
    1 June 2012 10: 51
    Great Scythia and superethnos of the Rus.

    RAVE!!!! RUS - The Scandinavian clan, which gained power over some Baltic Slavic tribes and extended it to the Ugric and Turkic population of Eurasia.
    Between these events, the difference is 1000 years.

    the translation of the names of the Scythians and Sarmatians, the names of some tribes speaks of their Türkic-speaking, as well as the skulls of people of the Turanian race in the steppe territories from Hungary to Mongolia. You are pulling the wrong blanket ...

    In general, the article is designed for people who are absolutely not versed in historical processes and processes of ethnogenesis. Who wrote it? For the article either paid well or is it a political order ... Maybe both ...
    1. -13
      1 June 2012 11: 07
      Yes, it's time to get used to it already. This has already become a special role of Alexander Samsonov on this site. Another fantastic story ... Which can amuse only lovers of myths about the great ancient civilizations, esotericism and other nonsense. Among other things, it is already beginning to look very much like what the Nazis were doing in an attempt to derive a theory of their superiority. Question: Why is all this here? will remain unanswered again and hang in the air. The Russians have nothing more to be proud of, except to collect stories about their descent from some great civilizations?
    2. +12
      1 June 2012 12: 27
      There is a genetic map of the peoples, it was compiled not in the Russian Federation, but in the USA and everything is arranged in places and shelves, the Indians of the highest caste and Novgorodians have one blood, but Shukhrat did not fit in and the snowstorm came here to grind, having read Wahhabi waste paper.
      1. Shuhrat turani
        1 June 2012 15: 33
        What does Wahhabism have to do with it ...

        you yourself have chosen a fairy tale and believe in it ... And who are the amers? According to the culture, the Anglo-Saxons are fighting for complete dominance in the world and creating for themselves an appropriate ideological platform ...
    3. Churchill
      1 June 2012 13: 22
      Shuhrat turani,
      The article gives the names of rivers in tune with the Indus in the Russian north, but to this list you can also add the Indigark, Igarka, as well as Anadyr, in which, if we discard the Chukchi reading, you can clearly hear something like Indar or Indra! How's that? .. And there’s Kalyma! Or maybe Coloma ?! Kola is the sun. Hence the Kola Peninsula!
      The question is very ancient. And all these migrations and neoplasms of the tribes originate somewhere in the ice age. Who knows, maybe the glacier destroyed civilization, compared to which we are all savages who share the inheritance of perished ancestors? ..
      The main brake that hinders the painstaking and objective study of history is that at the slightest disclosure of the past, the Slavs appear immediately, in all variations, and what is especially unbearable for the same Europeans is the emergence from the abyss of Russian times! .. As soon as you hear "Russian" ", instantly all hypotheses are declared nonsense!
      Russophobia has already become a branch of the global economy!
      A lot of people are already ready to recognize themselves as descendants of aliens, even reptilians, if only not Slavs, and even more so Praros!
      1. Shuhrat turani
        1 June 2012 15: 44
        consonance of words ... maybe we’ll guess at something ...
        Yes, there were no Slavs-Russians ... There were Slavic-Slavs who began to rule the clan of the Russians ... And the Earth became more gradually called Novgorod Russia ... Do you know how Latvians call Swedes? Ruotsi, i.e. Russia ... moreover, in the formation of Kievan Rus, the percentage was constantly added to new peoples and tribes of non-Slavic origin ... The share of the Slavs fell ... The Slavic language became established due to Orthodoxy (faith of the Byzantines, formerly Jewish sect), because the service was in Slavic ... Today, for the most part, Russians have Finno-Ugric, less often Turanian roots ... But it became obscured in time, then it became simply not profitable for political reasons ... In general, the story is complicated ... If you want, believe in their tales ... I personally do not care ...
    4. +9
      1 June 2012 16: 08
      Shuhrat Turani Today, 10: 51
      skulls of people of the Turanian race in the steppe territories from Hungary to Mongolia. ...

      I will tell you one little secret .. There is no Turanian race and never existed. You can easily check this if you become familiar with at least the basics of racology.
      I fully understand the desire of any peoples, including those who first received statehood from their fate, to have a great past. But you need to know the measure and not pull, in your own words, onto someone else's blanket.
      And before ignorantly attacking the author of the article, first study the sources on which he relied. These are not Wahhabi propaganda brochures, but scientific works based on the latest archaeological research that you can trust.
      Honestly: I have doubts - are you familiar with history at least for a high school course, or read only materials from the Internet?
      And finally, yours:
      In general, the article is designed for people who are absolutely not versed in historical processes and processes of ethnogenesis. Who wrote it? For the article either paid well or is it a political order ... Maybe both ...
      if you replace the "article" with "your posts" - you get an objective description of these very posts of yours.
      Before blaming others, first look at yourself in the mirror.
      1. Shuhrat turani
        1 June 2012 16: 39
        I regularly see myself in the mirror and I like myself ...
        Turanian race (Turanides) - a race of the second level, a transitional race, combines the features of the Mongoloid and Caucasoid races. Different researchers refer to different races, some to the Mongoloids, others to the Caucasians ...
        Knowledge of history is good (fortunately, I graduated from the Faculty of History), with official historical science, but here's the catch, historical science is based on a political order, the main task is the ideological substantiation of the colonial policy of Europeans, to create a basis for the exploitation of the rest of humanity in the interests of the ruling ethnic groups. And in this sense, nothing has changed since the 19th century ... The main doctrines created at that time crystallized and exist in the form of dogmas, and are further strengthened, allegedly based on the "correct interpretation of archaeological monuments" ...
        The history taught in schools is false, it is a hostage to politics ...
        1. Jaromir
          1 June 2012 20: 17
          Quote: Shuhrat Turani
          (benefit graduated from the Faculty of History)

          This is your trouble! You have been deceived in large part - history is not science, history is life! Over time, discovering new information, real science is changing, growing, and with it scientists, physicists, chemists, everything ... But not historians! Where did you see the historian who would disown his previous works, no matter what heresy they were ?! How much will be, so much will bend its line, or rather the conjuncture. And if the distribution of degrees, ranks and money also depends on it, then be calm, he will grow such a fighting gopa of his followers that until she dies out, there is nobody to prove succeed!
          Your fierce categorization does not speak about your race, but about your state of mind! You are not a Turan, you are an intelligent liberal! With which I am sorry.
        2. +5
          1 June 2012 20: 35
          If he graduated from history, such nonsense would not have written, and spelling gives out self-taught. Describing Turandots you described ugrofinns, Koi is a mixture of Mongoloids with Caucasians. If we take the Central Asians, then the racial type was formed in the Middle Ages by mixing the pressure of the Arab caliphate with the local population under the rule of the Mughals, who, as it turned out, were just Europeans plus the proximity of the Chinese, who gave you Mongoloidity, but not as conquerors, but as a commercial and cultural penetration. The Arab caliphate with its polygamy and despotic slavery brought you the Arabian-African genes. That is why, outwardly, you are very similar to Arabs, but just with Mongoloid features that they do not have. Bro, and the fact that Aryan roots remained in your genes is unambiguous, because The Aryan invasion from Scythia went to India through you, you cannot fool the DNA map.
        3. recitatorus
          1 June 2012 20: 47
          Mongoloids are generally not local, not Eurasian! The narrow-eyed came from North America, there is their homeland! Therefore, the rivers in the northeast have Indo-European names, and reindeer herders live on them, read the Eskimos.
          Speaking of China, I recently read that according to some linguist, the Chinese language is very young, and it is no more than 400 years old! And if it’s true? .. The whole coordinate system built in the usual education flies to hell! Then there will be a squeal, who wants to relearn!
        4. speedy
          2 June 2012 14: 21
          Young man, the history of the Turks as an integral part and service class of the Russian superethnos is described on the tombstone of the steppe king Kue Tegin in the valley of the kings in Khakassia. Take the trouble to search, so as not to look stupid, and you will find out that "the Turks from the Russian clan, from the redheads such strength, the double root of a reliable essence, the descendants of a hero and a trot" that trotters came from the Mediterranean, settled on the border with China, there was a cross-breeding on the border of the area. The Turks are a military class in the state of the Rus - ravs (children of the sun - Mithraism).
  6. +3
    1 June 2012 11: 08
    The comrade simply denies, but he has no serious arguments.
  7. dmb
    1 June 2012 11: 24
    The whole trouble, in my opinion. therein. that most of these historical and pseudo-historical studies are carried out not at all for the sake of a thirst for knowledge, but in order to put his foot down and throw up his chin proudly declare: "I am Chetlanin" (although not washed). Yes, I am proud that I am Russian, and that Alexander Nevsky and Dmitry Donskoy and Lev Tolstoy are also Russian. But it doesn't bother me at all. that each of them more than likely had both Turks and Finno-Ugric and Slavs in their family. And my recognition of my Russianness does not prevent me from considering Ulugbek and Hayam as geniuses, Confucius as a sage, and Yeltsin as a filth.
    1. +4
      1 June 2012 12: 22
      All is correctly said. Of course, the thirst for knowledge has nothing to do with it.

      I am proud to be Russian. Russian culture and the Russian people have given the world so much that I can do it completely calmly, without deriving (and in fact, simply pulling by the ears) any crazy theories about the origin of Russians from some ancient civilizations, but in fact, "the seventh water is jelly ". This is done only by those who suffer from an inferiority complex.
    2. late
      1 June 2012 13: 19
      Approve, colleague!
  8. Svistoplyaskov
    1 June 2012 11: 28
    All srach here from this sign:

    Milky Way
    1. +11
      1 June 2012 12: 20
      According to the latest data from computer processing, the Milky Way (our galaxy) has a spiral shape with four protruding arms. As our ancestors knew about it and had a sign, i.e. the swastika is not clear. More precisely, it is not clear for official history, where we were equated with Shukhrat, they say we lived in caves and ate raw meat.
      1. Shuhrat turani
        1 June 2012 15: 47
        ate ... at least admit it ...

        The princesses do not poop ... Russian saints ... continue the logical thread, comrades chauvinists ...
        1. +8
          1 June 2012 20: 07
          Here, you are the real chauvinist, but there is nothing to present to you, other than the unfounded fabrications of just politicians. Your books about the Turks are printed in Qatar and Saud. Arabia with a single-anti-Russian goal. Unfortunately, the Scythian-Aryan origin of the Rus is confirmed:
          1. Archeology,
          2. A DNA card,
          3. Linguistics,
          4. Anthropology,
          5.Antique historians,
          The most powerful and final is DNA.
          And your desires for the overthrow of the white race into oblivion, unrealizable, due to the fact that Europeans are more numerous than Arabs and Turks combined, the level of science and technology, which is constantly growing and constantly tearing itself away from you, there will no longer be a war between Slovens, Germans and Anglo-Saxons due to integration and due to the separation of spheres of influence, conditionally Slavs land, Anglo-Saxons ocean. With the exception of China, europioids have a monopoly on space and nuclear weapons. America will soon deal with China, because challenged in the ocean. And the Arab world with oil is firmly weak. With regards to your Central Asia, how you want to take over the world, I can’t imagine well, sorry. At least some industry is needed to capture the world, you don’t have any mention of it. How can cottonbuckers conquer the world and overthrow Caucasians? Bro, I don’t want to offend you with anything, but throw this nonsense off your head, live peacefully and happily with the Caucasians and learn from them.
  9. +12
    1 June 2012 12: 37
    Here, the Russian will speak about his great culture and history, so Alla Gerber and the other Padva will come running and let us knock about fascism and the Holocaust. And some minority such as Shuhrat will begin to grind unsubstantiated nonsense, tolerance will say well. Russian acts on the face, here are spaceships, here are submarines, here are nuclear power plants, medicine, etc.
    1. Shuhrat turani
      1 June 2012 15: 48
      everywhere you are obsessed ... do not talk ...
      1. +3
        1 June 2012 19: 42
        And even the oppressed Russians consider you Uzbeks, a guest-worker torn, by the way, this is not my opinion, I know and admire the Temirids, the Samoland and Kakanda, and especially appreciate Ulugbek. Although they are newcomers conquerors.
  10. +11
    1 June 2012 12: 59
    Very correct article.
    It's time for the Russians to explore and learn their true culture.
    And then: either wild Varangians brought culture to the country of cities, then cunning Greeks opened our eyes to writing, then the Mongols taught us statehood.
    And the Russians (laponniks, idlers, slaves and drunkards) here generally do not know from which region.
    And it is not clear for what reason it turned out that the Russians (according to official history - without having centuries-old civilization behind them)
    - created the largest state on the planet in the most severe climate,
    - regularly smashed all the conquerors from Hitler and further into the depths of history,
    -created the greatest culture (with "The Lay of Igor's Regiment", with Sergius of Radonezh, Dostoevsky, Tchaikovsky ...),
    - science (Lmonosov, Mendeleev, Korolev, Kurchatov ...), launched the first artificial satellite and man into space, built the first nuclear power station and icebreakers ...
    - finally - they helped to free half the world from colonial slavery and equip it (Aswan, Bhilai ...) ...
    ... although what am I writing? Modern advanced intellectuals, including those from the Turks and Mongols, do not know about this and do not want to know, because before birth they know that it was their zhuzes and clans that brought civilization to the dense Russians.
    1. candy bar140105
      3 June 2012 12: 12
      Do not attribute the achievements of the Union (icebreakers, satellites, etc.) only to Russians. And the article is indeed Mr., like the two before it. There is something to be proud of for a Russian man, and for this one does not need to ascribe to himself a relationship with some kind of super-civilizations, ancient Rome, Egypt, etc. People on the site DO NOT TAKE ANYWHERE !!!!
      Quote: Shuhrat Turani
      a mystery why a completely sedentary people consider themselves the descendants of nomads? Why do they call themselves "ironi" and their neighbors - Alans?
      . Ossetians never called Balkar Alans, bullshit ...
    2. gor
      6 June 2012 22: 08
      oh well helped get rid of the colonial yoke. why is such love in most former republics of the ussr. as soon as the opportunity appeared, everyone fled to the noise. Were there be saints there would be so much love
      1. 0
        6 June 2012 22: 13
        gor (6)

        Nashol your pet that Abram attributed impenetrability.
  11. Volkh
    1 June 2012 13: 27
    how can you see what a galaxy looks like if no one left its borders?
    1. Sitev
      21 June 2012 16: 47
      This is the answer ... smile
  12. vladimir64ss
    1 June 2012 14: 16
    Very helpful article. Look at how the Eurocivilizates crashed. Suddenly it turns out that it is their need to civilize.
  13. Pinochet000
    1 June 2012 14: 25
    The basics of Russian history.

    Looking at the development (rather degradation) of modern civilization, I wondered where humanity is stupid and where to look for answers? In the era of information wars (total lies), you cannot trust anyone and anything except yourself and probably close relatives, you can certainly ask a competent person, but each person must make a conclusion and a decision himself, rather intuitively. For me, for example, it’s quite obvious that the modern official history of Russia is a mixture of real historical events (those that the people’s memory simply cannot forget) possibly distorted and some bullshit written not by Russian people, just so that we never have our own true history found out. Our ancestors took care of this by creating us the Great and Mighty Russian language.

    Az (a). God living on earth created. But there are other deep images: primordially, the source, the one, the only, the man. The images, it seems, are different, but they have one essence. The image could change if another image, narrating, had a different structural meaning. And for these two images to interact, they had to be coordinated with each other. Therefore, there were images of the vowel, and between them the images are consistent. Now we have just vowels and consonants. But when vowels say, the modern person does not have a question - what do they say? If the letters are consonants, then consonants with what? Coordinations are different, so there are more consonants. And each of them also has its own image. But as in runes, each subsequent image affects the previous one, so the runic word was read in one direction, and the image of its structural meaning was read in the opposite order. So here, the images seem to be different, but the essence is the same. Initially, the source - this also means movement, direction specifically to this image. The point from which the rays went, rays containing deep images. Initially, the source, the one have, as it were, a homogeneous structure, a single form: "that which was above all." Therefore, the numerical value of Az - 1.

    Just think, what does an ace pilot mean or else they say he flies like a god, or an ace of his own business? And why is the continent of Eurasia divided into two parts along the Ural ridge, is Europe and is Asia? And why is Asia and what does it mean? And this is just the image of the first initial letter of our language.
  14. Volkh
    1 June 2012 14: 30
    Quote: Pinochet000

    Pinochet000 Today, 14:25 PM new


    The basics of Russian history. Looking at the development (rather degradation) of modern civilization, I wondered where humanity is stupid and where to look for answers? In the era of information wars (total lies), you cannot trust anyone and anything except yourself and probably close relatives, you can certainly ask a competent person, but each person must make a conclusion and a decision himself, rather intuitively. For me, for example, it’s quite obvious that the modern official history of Russia is a mixture of real historical events (those that the people’s memory simply cannot forget) possibly distorted and some bullshit written not by Russian people, just so that we never have our own true history found out. Our ancestors took care of this by creating the Great and Mighty Russian language for us. Az (a). God living on earth created. But there are other deep images: primordially, the source, the one, the only, the man. The images, it seems, are different, but they have one essence. The image could change if another image, narrating, had a different structural meaning. And for these two images to interact, they had to be coordinated with each other. Therefore, there were images of the vowel, and between them the images are consistent. Now we have just vowels and consonants. But when vowels say, the modern person does not have a question - what do they say? If the letters are consonants, then consonants with what? Coordinations are different, so there are more consonants. And each of them also has its own image. But as in runes, each subsequent image affects the previous one, so the runic word was read in one direction, and the image of its structural meaning was read in the opposite order. So here, the images seem to be different, but the essence is the same. Initially, the source - this also means movement, direction specifically to this image. The point from which the rays went, rays containing deep images. Initially, the source, the one have, as it were, a homogeneous structure, a single form: "that which was above all." Therefore, the numerical value of Az is 1. Just think about what the pilot-ace means, or else they say it flies like a god, or the ace of one’s business? And why is the continent of Eurasia divided into two parts along the Ural ridge, is Europe and is Asia? And why is Asia and what does it mean? And this is just the image of the first initial letter of our language.

    Mankind has retreated for a long time, upon leaving the natural-natural exchange, for commodity-money exchange.
    All evil is in material values.
  15. sol
    1 June 2012 14: 48
    The history of Scythia is rather complicated; different peoples and tribes lived in different periods of time on the great steppes of Eurasia. In fact, all the peoples that have survived to the present and live in these territories have the right to claim their piece of the pie from the heritage of the great civilizations of antiquity. Which, in principle, Samsonov is trying to do in his articles.
    1. recitatorus
      1 June 2012 15: 11
      And why should we share it? At least we need to know, to understand how he looked!
    2. Volkhov
      1 June 2012 15: 55
      Legacy of the Ancients - knowledge, just need to join pieces and use together. The collapse occurred due to the separation of information and its classification with good motives. No matter what happens ... the result is illiteracy, which is more harmful than weapons.
  16. +2
    2 June 2012 12: 02
    And for me, the opening of the "log" culture is still a shock. Just imagine, they cut down their houses (huts) 3,5 thousand years ago in the same way as my father and grandfather cut them down.
  17. Miha_Skif
    2 June 2012 22: 38
    Bravo, Alexander, an excellent series of articles turned out good

    If we add the data on the genetic analysis of DNA of all peoples - the heirs of the Scythians and Aryans, the picture will take on a finished look feel
  18. +2
    2 June 2012 23: 31
    Yes, from this I realized that the Scythians are my ancestors, and the peoples living nearby are my brothers, including India and Iran. drinks
  19. Sitev
    21 June 2012 13: 54
    "A very interesting topic is the connection between the inhabitants of Great Scythia and the Aryans, whose invasion at the end of the II millennium BC. On the plain between the great rivers Indus and Ganges led to the formation of Indian civilization. This problem is important not only for India, but also for Russia, the history of all peoples of the Indo-European language family.India is interesting because there the Aryans (Indo-Europeans) were able to preserve a significant part of theНpre-European heritage, traditions, ancient faith. Thanks to this, we can better understand the faith and traditions of the Proto-Slavs, the ancient Rus. "The letter was missed!